Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Gary,
Yeah, I think Raceway is a game that can be updated from time to time 
with add ons. New tracks, network play, whatever. However, at the moment 
I need to stay focussed on how 1 will look before I look at what 2 will 
be like. 

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Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-05 Thread Gary Whittington
We are behind you Tom.

Raceway shuld be a game for add on and you have made some good point for it.

Raceway shuould get its chance to be the best it can be and bettr then other 
racing games.
IN the end who knows Raceway and the add ons could be your best seller.
The possible of a racing Simwith mullti players
The game could even get to a point to having subscribers like All in Play.
Yeah boy, instead of throwing down the chips we could be throwing down the 
Instead of Texas Hold'em we have Friday NIght Races to gain to the main 
event on Sunday.

Whoops, sorry had a day dream there.

I know your stand on net play, but one can still dream.  Smiles.
Even this dream to happen some time  in the distance future,  I am pulling 
for Raceway to to be as much as it can be
and be a game to rival other great accessible games.

Look, games that folks want to play and play againt others is a money 
machine.  Is there no wonder why All in Play is so quiet on there up coming 
Any more I just play in the tourneys with my subscription.  I like to 
support AIP with the few dollars a month and I would be happy to do the same 
if Raceway ended up having a server web site for net play.

I have changed my position on the matter of wining about gettng my two free 
copies of North's games.
For me now those investments were just bad investments and I will be hapy to 
support Tom Ward.
I join the list long time agon for just Raceway, and for me now, Raceway is 
Tom's USA game.
We lose money in the Markets and I feeling that is like what happen with 
North's company.  Just a bad investment to improving the
Accessible gaming World.
I can not count the number of new accessible games that came out during the 
Raceway development since its shading start, not enough digits on my toes 
can help.
So, I hope this encourages you to keep pushing on Tom and for those others 
hope you will feel the way I do and help Tom with the cost burden and supprt 
his cause.
Tom took a chance and believed in North's games to improve the accessible 
game community.
I have no ties with Tom Ward, but do see from his emails that he wants to do 
right for the community.
Being hoest in his email for not wanting to work hard on North games is 
Tom has done a great job responding to all emails for USA Games.

Lastly, I hope that those who got tooken by North will support Tom's efforts 
and let the past go and move head.
Otherwiseours dreams could be just that, dreams.

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

> Hi Daniel,
> Quote
> Will USARaceWay have multiplayer capabilities later on?
> End quote
> Way to soon to know that yet. I am just still trying to get the tracks
> and driving working let alone stuff like there will be network play etc.
> To be canded here I think version likely to be pretty bare bones.
> I'll see how sales go before I jump over backwards and do everything
> Rail Racer does, Topspeed,etc. I haven't recieved a dime for this
> project, and I have already lost $4000 on this game, because James North
> kept the initial capital for the game which was suppose to be for
> development. So gamers need to understand if they want more features
> they will have to buy units, and give me some operating capital or I
> will do the best I can and just get it out there to settle the $4000
> taken for pre-orders and get myself off the hook.
> over the passed few months i have come to hate the deal I made with
> James North, and it is for that reason I've been less interested in
> going all out on these two games. Sure I will do the best I can, but
> remember I won't be making breakthrough sales. I'm no longer certain I
> made the right choice in taking them over. I know I would be further
> ahead right now if I hadn't taken on this responcibility.
> ---
> Gamers mailing list __
> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
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Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-05 Thread Gary Whittington
Ok, right, for myself I brought up MIDI as a format type only.  For  a 
player that could play music that one could change on the fly was the idea I 
was looking for.
Besides have a certain type of format then droping ones own tunes the player 
director could case problem.
I do like the idea of a player during the times when I may not be in the 
hunt but just driving to gain my points at the end of the race.
Then it would sound like I was on a sunday afternoon drive.

Anybody knows of a good Wheel and padels.  I am looking one that will 
vibrate and and have a cup holder.  Smiles.
If I can't drink andrace there be no pont.
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 7:38 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

> Hi everyone,
> In order to save posting 100 different emails individually here is my
> answers for as many emails as I can in this message.
> Quote
> The Backgroundmusik is bad I think.
> End quote
> The music you hear in the current trailer won't be the music in the
> final version. Probably not even in the first playable version. I have
> already started searching  for new music. I haven't decided on what kind
> of music I will use, but it probably will be something with allot of
> rock guitar, high energy, and really hard rock sounding.
> Quote
> the Sound of the Car is not what I expected from your describtion on the
> net.. I hope you can find better carsound and better background musik.
> End quote
> Well, the car sounds I have are professionally made sounds for Nascar
> games produced by a reputable sound designer company. I am not sure I
> can do any better than these, but Iwill look. Mind telling me what you
> found wrong with the ones I have?
> Quote
> Yeah, I think there should be some lycenced music. I remember that music
> you had
> in the trailer before this one and it was nice.
> End quote
> I still have it on my backup drive somewhere. I believe it was one of
> Robert nearies pieces. He plays really hard rocking metal, and if you
> liked it I know where to get lots more of his heavy rock pieces. His
> music tends to be very energetic with lots of wripping guitar.
> Quote
> If I could make a suggestion, I feel it might not hurt to allow
> players the option to put their own midis in along with the existing
> ones in order
> for a wider selection. Would something like that be too difficult to
> code? If not
> End quote
> Well, actually Raceway isn't playing the midi files directly. I
> converted the midi file to wav, dropped it in the sound directory, and
> it played it back in the trailer. However, based on end user input so
> far I am not certain any kind of midi is advisable no matter how well I
> can play them or not. I think people are looking for a real rock type
> sound rather than hearing midi sequenced versions of the songs they know
> and love.
> Quote
> After thinking about my phrasing, I mistyped.  Sort of hard to describe,
> though.  It doesn't have the rock sound I'm used to, no guitars, no 
> lyrics,
> and no drums.  It's, I guess, different.
> End quote
> I'm not sure what you mean by no drumbs, but there is certainly drumbs
> in the music I created for the trailer. In any case point well taken,
> and I will look for something more to the general opinion expressed on
> list for something more rocking and upbeat.
> Quote
> As far as the echo, I like how Jim Kitchen's racing game indicates a turn.
> Maybe you could do it that way, but eliminate the noise heard before the
> turn.  Maybe you could even eliminate the radio announcement that a turn 
> is
> coming up on higher skill levels if there are going to be difficulty 
> levels.
> End quote
> Well, as is stated on the web site there is only one difficulty level.
> So if you want the turn indicators disabled they will have to be
> disabled in the options menu. Does that sound agreeable?
> ---
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Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-04 Thread Claudio
Hello Thomas!
I tink if whe hear the trayler on the website whe can not say "ah, this game
is bat."
The game is not  a alpha and also not a beta.
If a beta is ready to play, whe can gife a real feetback to you.
Regards, Claudio.

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Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-04 Thread Reinhard Stebner

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 11:11 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

Hi Claudio,

If i accelerate in need for speed the sound of the car will get higher 
and higher
like "rail racer."
That's not so in your game.
End quote

As I mentioned in an earlier post on this very same subject this will be 
changing once I go to work on Raceway full time. I do not plan to leave 
the car as is. It isn't the car sounds at fault, but I simply have not 
put in place the rate/frequency shifts to simulate the car accelerating 
and decelerating as it will when this game is released for a public 
demo. There are reasons I haven't put the game out as a playable demo, 
and the reason is allot of the things people have been suggesting, 
bringing up, etc simply have not been introduced yet. I guess by 
releasing the trailer allot of people got the impression the game is 
further along in development than it really is. There are hundreds of 
miner and major things left to do before I even put it out as a demo.
I've learned one lesson from this experience is not to release a trailer 
on a half baked pre-Alpha. Far too many people drew the wrong 
conclusions about the game, and I only hope it won't hurt ssales, or 
scare end users off when the game is further along in development. 
Comparing an unfinished game like Raceway to say Need For Speed is a bit 
unfair in my opinion, because Need For Speed is complete and Raceway is 
barely playable. I don't plan to release a demo until next spring 
earliest and summer latest so there is allot of work from now until then 
that needs done.

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Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-04 Thread Charles Rivard
For what it's worth, I appreciate every bit of effort you are making on 
these two games you took on.  I know this doesn't provide the beer, but I 
wanted to voice my opinion.  If there's anything I can do, let me know.  I 
wish I had some bucks to send, but I know you know how that is.
If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

> Hi Daniel,
> Quote
> Will USARaceWay have multiplayer capabilities later on?
> End quote
> Way to soon to know that yet. I am just still trying to get the tracks
> and driving working let alone stuff like there will be network play etc.
> To be canded here I think version likely to be pretty bare bones.
> I'll see how sales go before I jump over backwards and do everything
> Rail Racer does, Topspeed,etc. I haven't recieved a dime for this
> project, and I have already lost $4000 on this game, because James North
> kept the initial capital for the game which was suppose to be for
> development. So gamers need to understand if they want more features
> they will have to buy units, and give me some operating capital or I
> will do the best I can and just get it out there to settle the $4000
> taken for pre-orders and get myself off the hook.
> over the passed few months i have come to hate the deal I made with
> James North, and it is for that reason I've been less interested in
> going all out on these two games. Sure I will do the best I can, but
> remember I won't be making breakthrough sales. I'm no longer certain I
> made the right choice in taking them over. I know I would be further
> ahead right now if I hadn't taken on this responcibility.
> ---
> Gamers mailing list __
> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
> list,
> please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-04 Thread Charles Rivard
Only hundreds of changes??  As I see it, I've waited for a long time for 
this game to co me out, and waiting will not kill me, or even bother me. 
Because of the very nature of game development, I know it will take time, 
and I hope that most people realize that a trailer for a game never means 
that the game is nearing completion.  Making a comparison between any game 
under development and a finished product is totally unrealistic. 
Suggestions can be made as to features you like in a finished game being 
incorporated into the game in progress to boost sales and playability, 
though, and are probably welcomed by the developer who can possibly check 
out the finished game and see how the suggested features work.
If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

> Hi Claudio,
> Quote
> If i accelerate in need for speed the sound of the car will get higher
> and higher
> like "rail racer."
> That's not so in your game.
> End quote
> As I mentioned in an earlier post on this very same subject this will be
> changing once I go to work on Raceway full time. I do not plan to leave
> the car as is. It isn't the car sounds at fault, but I simply have not
> put in place the rate/frequency shifts to simulate the car accelerating
> and decelerating as it will when this game is released for a public
> demo. There are reasons I haven't put the game out as a playable demo,
> and the reason is allot of the things people have been suggesting,
> bringing up, etc simply have not been introduced yet. I guess by
> releasing the trailer allot of people got the impression the game is
> further along in development than it really is. There are hundreds of
> miner and major things left to do before I even put it out as a demo.
> I've learned one lesson from this experience is not to release a trailer
> on a half baked pre-Alpha. Far too many people drew the wrong
> conclusions about the game, and I only hope it won't hurt ssales, or
> scare end users off when the game is further along in development.
> Comparing an unfinished game like Raceway to say Need For Speed is a bit
> unfair in my opinion, because Need For Speed is complete and Raceway is
> barely playable. I don't plan to release a demo until next spring
> earliest and summer latest so there is allot of work from now until then
> that needs done.
> ---
> Gamers mailing list __
> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
> list,
> please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-04 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Daniel,
Will USARaceWay have multiplayer capabilities later on?
End quote

Way to soon to know that yet. I am just still trying to get the tracks 
and driving working let alone stuff like there will be network play etc.
To be canded here I think version likely to be pretty bare bones. 
I'll see how sales go before I jump over backwards and do everything 
Rail Racer does, Topspeed,etc. I haven't recieved a dime for this 
project, and I have already lost $4000 on this game, because James North 
kept the initial capital for the game which was suppose to be for 
development. So gamers need to understand if they want more features 
they will have to buy units, and give me some operating capital or I 
will do the best I can and just get it out there to settle the $4000 
taken for pre-orders and get myself off the hook.
over the passed few months i have come to hate the deal I made with 
James North, and it is for that reason I've been less interested in 
going all out on these two games. Sure I will do the best I can, but 
remember I won't be making breakthrough sales. I'm no longer certain I 
made the right choice in taking them over. I know I would be further 
ahead right now if I hadn't taken on this responcibility.

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Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-04 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Claudio,

If i accelerate in need for speed the sound of the car will get higher 
and higher
like "rail racer."
That's not so in your game.
End quote

As I mentioned in an earlier post on this very same subject this will be 
changing once I go to work on Raceway full time. I do not plan to leave 
the car as is. It isn't the car sounds at fault, but I simply have not 
put in place the rate/frequency shifts to simulate the car accelerating 
and decelerating as it will when this game is released for a public 
demo. There are reasons I haven't put the game out as a playable demo, 
and the reason is allot of the things people have been suggesting, 
bringing up, etc simply have not been introduced yet. I guess by 
releasing the trailer allot of people got the impression the game is 
further along in development than it really is. There are hundreds of 
miner and major things left to do before I even put it out as a demo.
I've learned one lesson from this experience is not to release a trailer 
on a half baked pre-Alpha. Far too many people drew the wrong 
conclusions about the game, and I only hope it won't hurt ssales, or 
scare end users off when the game is further along in development. 
Comparing an unfinished game like Raceway to say Need For Speed is a bit 
unfair in my opinion, because Need For Speed is complete and Raceway is 
barely playable. I don't plan to release a demo until next spring 
earliest and summer latest so there is allot of work from now until then 
that needs done.

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Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-04 Thread Claudio
Hello Thomas!
Well if i play an oter game like net for sped the sound of the car are
And an oter ting:
If i accelerate in net for spet the sound of the car will be higer and higer
like "rail racer."
That's not so in your game.
Regards, Claudio.

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Re: [Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-04 Thread blind guy
about the disabling the turns thing:
Yes; I think it's pretty agreeable; cuz there's only one difficulty
level. Will USARaceWay have multiplaer capibilities later on?

On 11/4/07, Thomas Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> In order to save posting 100 different emails individually here is my
> answers for as many emails as I can in this message.
> Quote
> The Backgroundmusik is bad I think.
> End quote
> The music you hear in the current trailer won't be the music in the
> final version. Probably not even in the first playable version. I have
> already started searching  for new music. I haven't decided on what kind
> of music I will use, but it probably will be something with allot of
> rock guitar, high energy, and really hard rock sounding.
> Quote
>  the Sound of the Car is not what I expected from your describtion on the
> net.. I hope you can find better carsound and better background musik.
> End quote
> Well, the car sounds I have are professionally made sounds for Nascar
> games produced by a reputable sound designer company. I am not sure I
> can do any better than these, but Iwill look. Mind telling me what you
> found wrong with the ones I have?
> Quote
> Yeah, I think there should be some lycenced music. I remember that music
> you had
> in the trailer before this one and it was nice.
> End quote
> I still have it on my backup drive somewhere. I believe it was one of
> Robert nearies pieces. He plays really hard rocking metal, and if you
> liked it I know where to get lots more of his heavy rock pieces. His
> music tends to be very energetic with lots of wripping guitar.
> Quote
>  If I could make a suggestion, I feel it might not hurt to allow
> players the option to put their own midis in along with the existing
> ones in order
> for a wider selection. Would something like that be too difficult to
> code? If not
> End quote
> Well, actually Raceway isn't playing the midi files directly. I
> converted the midi file to wav, dropped it in the sound directory, and
> it played it back in the trailer. However, based on end user input so
> far I am not certain any kind of midi is advisable no matter how well I
> can play them or not. I think people are looking for a real rock type
> sound rather than hearing midi sequenced versions of the songs they know
> and love.
> Quote
> After thinking about my phrasing, I mistyped.  Sort of hard to describe,
> though.  It doesn't have the rock sound I'm used to, no guitars, no lyrics,
> and no drums.  It's, I guess, different.
> End quote
> I'm not sure what you mean by no drumbs, but there is certainly drumbs
> in the music I created for the trailer. In any case point well taken,
> and I will look for something more to the general opinion expressed on
> list for something more rocking and upbeat.
> Quote
> As far as the echo, I like how Jim Kitchen's racing game indicates a turn.
> Maybe you could do it that way, but eliminate the noise heard before the
> turn.  Maybe you could even eliminate the radio announcement that a turn is
> coming up on higher skill levels if there are going to be difficulty levels.
> End quote
> Well, as is stated on the web site there is only one difficulty level.
> So if you want the turn indicators disabled they will have to be
> disabled in the options menu. Does that sound agreeable?
> ---
> Gamers mailing list __
> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
> please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

aim: [comng soon]

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[Audyssey] Raceway answers was USA Raceway trailer.

2007-11-04 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi everyone,
In order to save posting 100 different emails individually here is my 
answers for as many emails as I can in this message.

The Backgroundmusik is bad I think.
End quote

The music you hear in the current trailer won't be the music in the 
final version. Probably not even in the first playable version. I have 
already started searching  for new music. I haven't decided on what kind 
of music I will use, but it probably will be something with allot of 
rock guitar, high energy, and really hard rock sounding.

 the Sound of the Car is not what I expected from your describtion on the
net.. I hope you can find better carsound and better background musik.
End quote

Well, the car sounds I have are professionally made sounds for Nascar 
games produced by a reputable sound designer company. I am not sure I 
can do any better than these, but Iwill look. Mind telling me what you  
found wrong with the ones I have?

Yeah, I think there should be some lycenced music. I remember that music 
you had
in the trailer before this one and it was nice.
End quote

I still have it on my backup drive somewhere. I believe it was one of 
Robert nearies pieces. He plays really hard rocking metal, and if you 
liked it I know where to get lots more of his heavy rock pieces. His 
music tends to be very energetic with lots of wripping guitar.

 If I could make a suggestion, I feel it might not hurt to allow
players the option to put their own midis in along with the existing 
ones in order
for a wider selection. Would something like that be too difficult to 
code? If not
End quote

Well, actually Raceway isn't playing the midi files directly. I 
converted the midi file to wav, dropped it in the sound directory, and 
it played it back in the trailer. However, based on end user input so 
far I am not certain any kind of midi is advisable no matter how well I 
can play them or not. I think people are looking for a real rock type 
sound rather than hearing midi sequenced versions of the songs they know 
and love.

After thinking about my phrasing, I mistyped.  Sort of hard to describe,
though.  It doesn't have the rock sound I'm used to, no guitars, no lyrics,
and no drums.  It's, I guess, different.
End quote

I'm not sure what you mean by no drumbs, but there is certainly drumbs 
in the music I created for the trailer. In any case point well taken, 
and I will look for something more to the general opinion expressed on 
list for something more rocking and upbeat.
As far as the echo, I like how Jim Kitchen's racing game indicates a turn.
Maybe you could do it that way, but eliminate the noise heard before the
turn.  Maybe you could even eliminate the radio announcement that a turn is
coming up on higher skill levels if there are going to be difficulty levels.
End quote

Well, as is stated on the web site there is only one difficulty level. 
So if you want the turn indicators disabled they will have to be 
disabled in the options menu. Does that sound agreeable?

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