An OT thread about the forums

2020-04-12 Thread SquarePenguin

Hello all.

This is an OT thread, so turn back all ye who enter for on-topic 

So, what's all this about?

BLUF: Dinky's decided to bow out of the forums completely. This has 
forced me to start taking notice of forum things for the first time in a 
long time, so I'm seeking your input as to what to do with them.

Some background...

Moderating the forums and their upkeep is a PITA frankly (clunky old 
software and customisations). I've stepped back from moderating most 
things for years and Dinky was doing all that - usually clonking users 
with the ban hammer for violating the extensive forum rules.

Well we're back to my original rules now and Dinky has removed all bans 
they imposed, as well as opened up closed or deleted threads.

So the future...

Some of the things I'm thinking about doing are:

1) Take the forums offline.

I like this as it's easy and lazy and free. I don't like it as it 
removes a big resource for the community.

2) I close the forums to new threads/posts but keep it online.

This is great for keeping the resource accessible to the community, it's 
a PITA for maintenance and ongoing costs (it ain't free to host the 

3) Getting some moderators in and limping along until the inevitable BBC 
changes can get_iplayer altogether or the maintainer stops working on it 
etc etc. Same drawbacks as number 2 but keeps up access for the less 
techincally minded to post somewhere about their issues.


I guess this message is to guage how much people would care/not care if 
I just closed the forums. I don't particularly mind figuring out a way 
to close them but keep online for google searches etc. Nor do I mind if 
some mods want to come in to keep the lights on for a while.

I made the forum in the first place so get_iplayer could reach a 
different audience than found here. So maybe this isn't the best place 
to ask :-) But figured you folks had had your hats in the ring for so 
long your opinions/ideas should be heard.

Happy Easter to you all!


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Disagreement Over Stream Claimed and Result.

2018-07-06 Thread SquarePenguin

On 06/07/2018 09:01, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

Am I misunderstanding, or is get_player misleading when stating the

Double check the output.

It seems you have swapped hvfxsd1 with hvfxhigh1. Using the command you 

hvfxsd1 reports:

audio_bitrate: 320
bitrate:   2040
expires:   2019-07-05T23:35:00Z
ext:   mp4
kind:  video
priority:  30
streamer:  hls
type:  gip_hvf_2040  hls h264   960x540 25fps 1604kbps 320kbps 
video_bitrate: 1604

hvfxhigh1 reports:

audio_bitrate: 320
bitrate:   1216
expires:   2019-07-05T23:35:00Z
ext:   mp4
kind:  video
priority:  30
streamer:  hls
type:  gip_hvf_1216  hls h264   704x396 25fps  827kbps 320kbps 
video_bitrate: 827

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: no more hslv format ?

2018-05-20 Thread SquarePenguin

On 20/05/2018 23:23, Budge wrote:

Either ffmpeg or Handbrake will do, whichever works!

There is a post on the forum where someone explains how they use 
Handbrake to do it:

There is also this, using ffmpeg, (but it's a little simplistic):

Which leads here (which shows more options):

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: v3.13 released

2018-03-27 Thread SquarePenguin
On Tue, 2018-03-27 at 21:19 +0100, Clive wrote: 
> Episodes 1 & 2 are found by the term: get_iplayer hitch. I can get the 
> third episode from the pid. Can anyone offer any guidance please?

Unless my installation is broken too I'm surprised you can see anything with
`get_iplayer hitch`. 

Those episodes are radio so I'd expect to have to use get_iplayer --type=radio
hitch` to see those episodes. 

Perhaps a typo (or some other option preference saved), but nonetheless I'm also
surprised you get episodes 1 and 2 but not 3. Being the oldest episode I'd have
guessed at episode 1 not being available simply by dint of not updating the
cache over the last 30 days. 

Try forcing a cache update `get_iplayer --type=all --refresh`

After the above, could you post the output of `get_iplayer --type=radio hitch` ?

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: v3.13 released

2018-03-27 Thread SquarePenguin
On Tue, 2018-03-27 at 21:42 +0100, Roger Bell_West wrote:
> OK, that's not a "pure" 3.13, and maybe that's your problem.

Unlikely. That's just the Ubuntu PPA which basically installs the exact same
files as if you do it manually. 

I'm using it and see episodes 2 and 3 just fine. (I don't see 1 because I
haven't refreshed my cache in a while).

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Off-Topic forum error

2017-12-04 Thread SquarePenguin
On Sun, 2017-12-03 at 14:32 +, RS wrote:
> When I click any of the links in Any Other Business I get
> 400 Bad Request
> Request Header Or Cookie Too Large
> Is it something I've done wrong, or is there a problem in the forum?

There are a few teething troubles at the moment. The forum has just moved to an
upgraded server with new OS and webserver stack. 

It's also moved domain name as the keen eyed among you will have no doubt

There are a few kinks to iron out as myBB (the forum software) and some of the
plugins don't play well with the new software. 

I like open source things and want to try and emulate that with the forum, so
right now I've got an Ansible playbook that'll spin up a complete server
environment, a git repo with the forum site and software (minus the sensitive
bits with credentials in), a repo with the style/templates and a repo with the
main 'non-forum' www section of the site up on GitLab. 

Soon, probably in the new year, it'll be opened up as public repos so people can
get a bit more of an insight into the backend of the forums and fork it or make
their own or keep things going if I pack it all in (not that I intend to). 

Hopefully more people can then contribute to things like updating guides and
what not. The site has been up on GitHub for ages[0] but I didn't really
publicise that, so hopefully the new stuff up on GitLab will be of more interest
as a whole collection.

As I mentioned in another email here - this is all a bit of an experiment
really, so things might change or not happen, but I'd like to open up what I can
to the community. 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Off-Topic forum error

2017-12-04 Thread SquarePenguin
On Mon, 2017-12-04 at 00:02 +, Owen Smith wrote:
> Now that's insane. A thread in the off-topic section being closed for asking
> about problems with download speeds?

That thread wasn't started in the AOB forum IIRC, it was a normal thread and was
a breach of the forum rules if memory serves correctly. 

Rules are not immutable of course, so I'll perhaps look at changing the rule to
have threads of this topic simply moved over and left open.

All of this is a bit of an experiment really. 

The forums aren't setup as a discussion forum, they're focused very tightly on
specific support requests (partly because this mailing list exists and people
can have the wider discussion here so there's not a huge push for it from folks
over there) so I'll just have to keep testing and adjusting. 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC Clifton API JSON data (attn: Martin Powell)

2017-12-01 Thread SquarePenguin
On Fri, 2017-12-01 at 11:24 +0100, Mike Ralphson wrote:
> As we got shown the door at the forum, I hope it's not too off-topic to post
> this here.

Yes sorry about that. That thread did draw Dinky's ire.

Normally off-topic stuff is just moved to the 'Any other business' sub-forum[0]
in the Off-Topic parent forum (it's down the bottom of the forum homepage).

I know there is a bit of a cross over with these topics sometimes so feel free
to post this sort of thread there. It is welcome, and that group of Off-topic
forums is ignored by Dinky.

Unfortunately it's also ignored by almost everyone else so I would say you're
much more likely to get feedback here on the list with this type of topic :-)

The folks here are great and the forums site has quite a different focus as
really it's aimed at a lot of the 'drive by' support stuff rather than in depth
technical detail or discussion (unless it's s reproducible bug). 

The Off-Topic section is a move to give some of the regular visitors over in the
forums a place to expand the discussion, but it's not really a focus of that
place at all. So I guess my message is - no harm in posting to both places if
you wish in the future but here's probably your best bet.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Is BBC blocking a permanent thing?

2017-06-09 Thread SquarePenguin
On 09/06/17 10:37, Stephen Lord wrote:
> Would love to but it only runs on Windows and I don’t use Windows. 

No. I think you're confused about which software you're using.
get_iplayer works fine on Mac.

>> On 9 June 2017 at 10:18, Stephen Lord  wrote:
>>> I’m using the Mac version, 1.8.7.

Sounds like you're using get_iplayer automator, which is not get_iplayer.

The place you probably want to go for help is here:

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GIP 3.00 openSUSE 42.2

2017-05-03 Thread SquarePenguin
>From your log I can't really see anything obvious aside from

Cannot load
[h264_cuvid @ 0x9cfc20] Failed loading nvcuvid.
[mpegts @ 0x9c9f60] Failed to open codec in avformat_find_stream_info
Cannot load
[h264_cuvid @ 0x9cfc20] Failed loading nvcuvid.


[mpegts @ 0x9c9f60] Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Audio:
aac ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 0 channels, 289 kb/s): unspecified sample rate
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize'
[mpegts @ 0x9c9f60] Could not find codec parameters for stream 1 (Video:
h264 (Main), 1 reference frame ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B),
nv12(progressive)): unspecified size
Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize'
Input #0, mpegts, from
  Duration: 00:21:40.00, start: 10.00, bitrate: 1987 kb/s
  Program 16727
Stream #0:0[0x22](eng): Audio: aac ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 0
channels, 289 kb/s
Stream #0:1[0x21]: Video: h264 (Main), 1 reference frame
([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), nv12(progressive), 25 tbr, 90k tbn, 90k tbc
[mp4 @ 0x9d0bc0] dimensions not set
Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters
?): Invalid argument
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:1 -> #0:0 (copy)
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:1 (copy)
Last message repeated 1 times
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
WARNING: Conversion failed - retaining video file:

I also saw this:


I can't tell you why you're facing the error but my suspicion would be
that disabling the h264 decoder is somehow affecting how gip is handling
the remuxing. Perhaps it needs to decode the first frame of the stream
or something? I can't say.

I guess the simplest thing to do would be to simply install a 'known
good' static ffmpeg binary and tell gip to use that instead. It wouldn't
affect your system ffmpeg install, it would just be a stand alone binary
for gip to use.

There is a very clear guide to do this in the wiki. It's usually used
for old distros but it simply installs a separate ffmpeg binary for gip
to use that's known to work so would hopefully work for you to.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GIP 3.00 openSUSE 42.2

2017-05-03 Thread SquarePenguin
On 03/05/17 08:02, michael norman wrote:
> That command does not work.

This message does not help me to help you.

If you wish me to guess, I might ask if after executing the command
nothing appeared to happen? No error was given?

That would be because the output was redirected to the log file. Are you
saying there is no log file in you home folder?

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GIP 3.00 openSUSE 42.2

2017-05-02 Thread SquarePenguin
On 02/05/17 12:01, michael norman wrote:
> I'll try that later.  Thanks for help so far, got other things to do for
> a while.

OK. When you come back can you attempt the download again but with the
following command to capture a log as a text file:

get_iplayer --get 6647 --verbose > "$HOME/log.txt" 2>&1

The log.txt file will be saved to your $HOME directory. Then attach the
log in a reply here (you may have to CC me directly to send the
attachment if this list rejects it).

It would be interesting to see which ffmpeg get_iplayer is using and
it's configuration which should be included in the log.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GIP 3.00 openSUSE 42.2

2017-05-02 Thread SquarePenguin
On 02/05/17 11:31, michael norman wrote:
> Does this help ?


What's the output of `vainfo` please?

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GIP 3.00 openSUSE 42.2

2017-05-02 Thread SquarePenguin
On 02/05/17 10:48, michael norman wrote:
> No I have Intel on board graphic chip

And what is the output of lspci -v | grep VGA please, just for certainty?

And when you simply run `ffmpeg` in the terminal, what is the full
output, can you post it here please?

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Recording failure

2017-05-02 Thread SquarePenguin
On 02/05/17 10:44, Don Grunbaum wrote:
> INFO: Downloading subtitles to: V:\BBC iPlayer Recordings\HIGNFY/Have I Got a 
> Bit More News for You Series 53 - 2. Episode 2 -
> XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
> error : xmlXPathCompiledEval: evaluation failed at C:\Program Files 
> (x86)\get_iplayer\ line 7429.

This is a known issue:

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GIP 3.00 openSUSE 42.2

2017-05-02 Thread SquarePenguin
On 02/05/17 09:58, michael norman wrote:
> Cannot load
> [h264_cuvid @ 0xa02c20] Failed loading nvcuvid.
> Cannot load
> [h264_cuvid @ 0xa02c20] Failed loading nvcuvid.

ffmpeg is working/being accessed (I think). It's just apparently
attempting to access a CUDA library for GPU accelerated video conversion
and can't find it.

Do you have an Nvidia GPU? Use `lspci -v | grep VGA` to check if you're
not sure.

Are you sure that the library is installed correctly?

Use a linux utility like find to locate whether is
installed on your system and where.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Error with ffmpeg with V3.00

2017-05-01 Thread SquarePenguin
On 01/05/17 09:33, Dave Widgery wrote:
> I am currently using a 32bit Windows XP machine

I can't tell you how to fix it but I can tell you get_iplayer no longer
supports Windows XP or Vista so I would imagine that it might take
patching the script to restore functionality for you.

Sorry that's not much help.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer v3.00 released

2017-05-01 Thread SquarePenguin
On 30/04/17 22:09, Charles Holding wrote:
> Sequential indexing worked. Will obviously have to update to Jessie.

You could try this:

No idea if it would work for you.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: gip stops on starting or after command line

2017-05-01 Thread SquarePenguin
On 01/05/17 07:28, cc wrote:
> I am using xp pro

Your Windows version isn't supported so that's likely why the error is
happening. As for fixing it I can't help I'm afraid.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: gip stops on starting or after command line

2017-05-01 Thread SquarePenguin
On 01/05/17 07:01, cc wrote:
> Any way to get rid of it?

What version of Windows are you using?

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer v3.00 released

2017-05-01 Thread SquarePenguin
On 01/05/17 03:31, Jeremy Bartle wrote:
> Many thanks for all your hard work to restore get_iPlayer so quickly.

Not my work, dinkypumpkin is the one to thank. I just cross posted the
announcement from the forums.

get_iplayer mailing list

Fwd: Re: [ANN] get_iplayer v3.00 released

2017-04-30 Thread SquarePenguin

Reply to list not me please.

Check your version of Mojolicious, i can't imagine Wheezy having 4.63 which 
is what this new concurrent cache update functionality was tested against.

You can revert to sequential indexing (bypassing Mojolicious) by reading 
the release notes.

--- Forwarded message ---
From: Charles Holding <>
Date: 30 April 2017 9:38:39 pm
Subject: Re: [ANN] get_iplayer v3.00 released
To: SquarePenguin <>

Struggling to get this to work. See error at the bottom.

Running raspbian (wheezy), all prerequisites are newest versions  in the
repository. Perl version below, not sure how to check libraries.

raspberrypi ~/getiplayer3 $ perl -v

This is perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 (v5.14.2) built for
(with 89 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

Copyright 1987-2011, Larry Wall

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.
Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found
onthis system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at, the Perl Home Page.

raspberrypi ~/getiplayer3 $ ./get_iplayer --cache-init
get_iplayer v3.00, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions; use --conditions for details.

NOTE: A UK TV licence is required to legally access BBC iPlayer TV content

INFO: Getting tv Index Feeds (this may take a few minutes)
INFO: Using concurrent indexing
Can't locate object method "name" via package "Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor"
at ./get_iplayer line 6728.

On Sun, 30 Apr 2017, 8:07 p.m. SquarePenguin, <> wrote:

Release notes:

Windows installer:

get_iplayer mailing list


Charles Holding

get_iplayer mailing list

[ANN] get_iplayer v3.00 released

2017-04-30 Thread SquarePenguin
Release notes:

Windows installer:

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Only AD version available

2017-04-29 Thread SquarePenguin
On 28/04/17 16:24, Vangelis forthnet wrote:
> This list post refers to the following support forum thread:
> so it is mainly meant for @SquarePenguin, who wrote in #2:
>> Yes, the BBC haven't made the non audio described version available,
>> so the only one available is an audio described version

What I had meant to say was that it was most likely that the 'original'
version had expired and AD was all that was left. I failed spectacularly
at saying that because I was pissed off at the rest of the comment I was
responding to, and most likely it wasn't strictly true at the moment of
posting anyway, based on your earlier analysis.

A poor performance by me!

> Other that the above, I totally agree with the rest of #2; 

I'm glad I'm not alone.

> sometimes only finds the SL/AD versions of programmes is that he wasn't
> prompt enough to fetch the "original" versions before they expired;
> SL/AD versions, and this is my own observation, are broadcast slightly
> after the  "original" aired, hence they expire later;

I've also seen this, for what it's worth.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: No .xml - what is work-around?

2017-04-28 Thread SquarePenguin
On 28/04/17 15:13, artisticforge . wrote:
> the simple answer is that something is different this time around.

And I already gave you the answer 20 minutes before you sent this email.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: No .xml - what is work-around?

2017-04-28 Thread SquarePenguin
On 28/04/17 14:43, artisticforge . wrote:
> WARNING: No programmes are available for this PID with version(s):
> default (available versions: original)

^ It's telling you what's wrong.


get_iplayer mailing list

The XML feeds are dead.

2017-04-26 Thread SquarePenguin
So long, and thanks for all the fish!

get_iplayer mailing list

get_iplayer data sources restored

2017-03-15 Thread SquarePenguin
Seems the schedule feeds are back up.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Workaround for "aactomp3"

2017-03-14 Thread SquarePenguin
On 14/03/17 14:38, Chris Marriott wrote:
> For downloading radio programs I
> relied on the "aactomp3" option to automatically generate MP3 files, but
> this has been removed from v2.99.

There is a wiki article dedicated to addressing this issue:

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC Licensing Expose

2017-02-27 Thread SquarePenguin
On 27/02/17 09:04, Colin Law wrote:
> A bonus of £15000 for catching 28 evaders at £145.50 (total £4074)
> doesn't sound very likely.

28 per week.

So 28 * 52 = 1456 'evaders' per year

1456 * cost of license fee (£145.50) = £211,848 per year

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Audio file format using giPlayer 0.51 with get_iplayer 2.99-ppa28 (Linux Mint 18.1)

2017-02-23 Thread SquarePenguin
On 23/02/17 14:39, Paul Convery wrote:
> Is there a solution?

Go to this link:

There you will see two options under the heading "Always convert every
radio programme to MP3 format at best variable bit rate (VBR) and
automatically delete M4A file by setting --command-radio in preferences:"

You need to simply copy the correct command for your operating system
(Windows/macOS/Linux) and then open the command line version of
get_iplayer and paste that command in. Hitting 'enter' to run it.

That will save a preference to always change all downloaded files to mp3
format and automatically remove the m4a file after conversion.

The preference will be saved into get_iplayer itself and will work when
you use the giPlayer GUI front end you are using.

You will see other example commands on that page so if the exact command
I linked to is not to your liking there are a couple others to try
(constant bitrate for example).

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer-2.99 search is different

2017-02-15 Thread SquarePenguin
On 15/02/17 16:22, artisticforge . wrote:
> current .get_player/pvr/Celebration contains
> type radio
> search0 Celebration

I created a PVR search for 'Celebration' and contents are:

type radio
search0 Celebration

Running get_iplayer --pvr returns:

Running PVR Searches:
13647:  Celebration - 29/01/2017, BBC Radio Wales, b08byv5j
13648:  Celebration - 05/02/2017, BBC Radio Wales, b08dm58b
13649:  Celebration - 12/02/2017, BBC Radio Wales, b08f06kl

INFO: 3 Matching Programmes

So I don't think I an replicate the behaviour you're seeing.

> equally odd, the PVR for the radio programme 'Falco'
> returned "10126|radio|5 live NFL - Super Bowl LI|b08dxcd8" because in
> the description is
> the word "Falcons" .

I definitely can't replicate that, I actually don't get any matches for

What's in your preferences ( --show-prefs )?

Have you tried nuking your cache file (or at least temporarily moving
it) and forcing a refresh?

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: where do i go wrong?

2017-02-13 Thread SquarePenguin
It is giving you the error:

INFO: No specified modes (hlshd,hlsvhigh,hlsstd,hlsxstd) available for
this prog
ramme with version 'original'

You are using mode 'hlsbest', probably as a result of yesterdays now
erroneous advice (the wiki was inaccurate).

The best thing to do is not use --hlsbest but return to --tvmode=best.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer 2.99

2017-02-12 Thread SquarePenguin
On 12/02/17 18:11, Shevek wrote:
> So yes, the wiki was wrong
> It is now correct.

That clears that bit up then, now just to see what the programme Chris
was having trouble with was to check if it's an edge case regarding the
25/50fps availability or something more banal.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer 2.99

2017-02-12 Thread SquarePenguin
On 12/02/17 12:23, cc wrote:
> hi
> what command line do i have to use to get 1280*720 picture definition with
> 2.99
> with  get_iplayer --prefs-add --tvmode=best,  I only get 960*540 definition

Seeing this thread:

...and the wiki now being updated, you should in fact have been able to
get the 1280*720 streams by using just '--tvmode=best'.

It was the wiki that was in fact inaccurate.

So, if you could make sure that is set in your preferences and perhaps
share the full command you were using when you saw the 960*540
resolution, others here can check the specific programme you were
downloading and see if it was because no HD stream was available.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer 2.99

2017-02-12 Thread SquarePenguin
On 12/02/17 17:55, Shevek wrote:
> My testing with 2.99 disagrees with this

With what specifically? That the wiki is right of the wiki is wrong?

I surmise the wiki was wrong and that hlshd was being included in
'tvbest' based on what you have tested there.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Tag option "--prefs-add --tag-fulltitle"

2017-02-11 Thread SquarePenguin
On 11/02/17 11:11, Simon Morgan wrote:
> In v2.97 and earlier, I used  "--prefs-add --tag-fulltitle” to create an
> “option” entry that tagged my downloads with their full title. This no
> longer seems to work in v2.98 so can someone help me with the equivalent
> syntax. 

That should still work, the wiki suggests that that is the correct thing
to do[0].

A possible workaround if it is failing...

The wiki would also suggest that episodes are tagged with the
 as title by default[1], which is simply the episode name
minus the episode number.

You can change the title using the --tag-format-title detailed in the
tagging options and choose the field to apply from the substitution
parameters[2]. From that substitution parameter list you should be able
to construct a suitable result, chaining parameters together if you wish.

So you could try:


That would seemingly achieve the same thing --tag-fulltitle would but
via a different route.




get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Preparing for latest update - modes questions.

2017-02-06 Thread SquarePenguin
On 06/02/17 16:57, RS wrote:
> I don't see how that is possible with some of the HVF changes.

Yep, you're right, I was wrong you won't get the same underlying
stream/bitrate etc for all the re-mappings.

I checked a random couple of those re-mappings by comparing the previous
wiki commits and whilst some are the same (unfortunately I checked ones
that were the same - always bad to not check everything, my fault), some
aren't as you've pointed out.

This reorg must have changed these values/mappings to meet the new approach:

>> get_iplayer now uses a stream hierarchy organised by video size
rather than bit rate.

If anyone does want to compare what was to what is, you can do so by
bringing up the pre-revision wiki page using this link:

...and compare it to the current page:

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Preparing for latest update - modes questions.

2017-02-05 Thread SquarePenguin
On 05/02/17 18:35, Budge wrote:
> Having read the Release Notes for 2.98 my understanding is that this is
> the default tv mode and it will use dash dvf as first choice and hls if
> dash not available and so forth degrading according to availability, so
> no tvmode setting is needed to achieve my objectives.

Release notes says:

For each video size, hvf streams are used in preference to dvf streams
for the present, but dvf will likely become the preferred format in a
future release, so it is in your interest to test it (use --tvmode=dvf).

So it won't use dvf (MPEG-DASH) as first pick, it'll use the hvf (HLS
(Apple HTTP Live Streaming)) by default.

There are other considerations to enabling dvf so read that section of
the release notes again to be sure you're happy:

> If this is correct please could somebody confirm and I shall remove all
> reference to tvmode from my prefs.

The above not withstanding, yes you are correct and can just use the
default without specifying to achieve the result you want.

> For radio downloads I want the best resolution available for music and
> opera and believe the radio 3 default of 320kbps would be the right choice.

I'm unsure what you mean exactly by the 'radio 3 default' part but the
default radio mode cascades down through:


and dafhigh = 320kbps AAC so you should get that as default and then
lower if that's not available.

> For spoken word such as book readings and drama, however, I do not need
> this resolution and believe 96kbps would be more than sufficient.
> Most of my radio downloads are done by pvr as a nightly cron job.   What
> I am thinking therefore is that I should set my default radio mode in my
> prefs and then qualify it (degrade it,) when for a spoken word programme
> by including an appropriate  --radiomode in each relevant pvr job.

This sounds like a good way to go if the bulk of what you want is
non-spoken, that way you'll have to do the minimum amount of specifying
lower quality modes for the spoken stuff.

> Modesref gives me --radiomode
> default=dafhigh,hafhigh,dafstd,hafstd,hlsaacstd,dafmed,hafmed,daflow,haflow,hlsaaclow).
> I understand this to mean that if the pvr job is type=radio and I do not
> specify a radiomode I get the default as above.  What should I put if I
> wish to downgrade the radio in the pvr job to 96kbps but not have
> download fail if that mode is not available.  Sorry to be so dumb and
> grateful for all guidance given.

Correct and you can actually use the 'radiogood' shortcut to cascade
down through:


and dafmed/hafmed = 96kbps so you can specify '--radiomode=radiogood'
for those spoken word downloads get_iplayer will do the rest.

Hope that helps!

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Preparing for latest update - modes questions.

2017-02-05 Thread SquarePenguin
On 05/02/17 21:19, RS wrote:
> I would discourage anyone from using the best, better ... mode names,
> because their meaning has been changed between versions. This is not
> something you are proposing to do, but a number of contributors to this
> listserver seem to have been confused by it

Those 'modes' are not modes, they're shortcuts and by design it is
expected to change which specific modes these shortcuts triage. These
shortcuts respond to the changing quality/size streams iPlayer delivers
and changes are announced in the release notes so this is expected

> Now it seems in v2.98 DASH modes have become DAF.

The reasons for this are outlined in the release notes for v2.98.
Essentially it's because there is now MPEG-DASH available for TV which
necessitated a name change for 'dash' to 'daf' (DASH Audio Factory) for
radio and to the new 'dvf' (DASH Video Factory) for TV. It simply
introduces a distinction between the TV and radio modes.

Remember again that even these daf/dvf 'modes' (and indeed all modes)
themselves are also shortcuts to specific stream types (as outlined in
the Stream Types table) and video sizes/audio bit rates (outlined fully
in the respective TV/Radio modes tables).

So, whilst the 'dash' shortcut has now changed to 'daf' for radio, the
same underlying stream type and bit rate is being used.

Indeed, if you try to use the old names, they'll simply be remapped to
the new ones and a warning displayed which should bring this new
behaviour to light, but you'll get the same file you would have before.

> HLS radio modes changed to HAF modes between v2.95 and
> 2.97.

And the reason why are outlined in the 2.96 release notes, but it's
basically the same as above.

It may be you're just voicing your displeasure at these changes and not
seeking answers as to why they occurred, so apologies if I've misread
your intent/question.

> As for tv modes you can't even change them reliably at the moment
> because there are contradictions in the Wiki.
> It seems some DVF modes have been introduced, but they do not appear in
> the TV Modes table with the detailed descriptions of the modes.

Check the Wiki again, the details are now there, though the Stream
Format is stated as HLS, when I would have thought it should be
MPEG-DASH. Maybe a typo.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Linux PVR Broken?

2016-10-25 Thread SquarePenguin

On 25/10/16 23:24, Budge wrote:

I have no idea where to go to sort it out.  Should I re-install GiP or

Check your preferences file: --prefs-show

Looks like you saved a search in there, possibly by thumbing --prefs-add 
instead of --pvr-add

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: So what does this really mean

2016-09-14 Thread SquarePenguin
On 14/09/2016 07:04, The Kernel wrote:
> Don’t forget, you still need a TV Licence to watch or record programmes
> on any channel as they are being shown on TV or live on an online TV
> service
> ? On any channel - really? Do they mean any BBC or ANY...

They mean any. That's been the law for decades.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
get_iplayer mailing list

Re: get_iplayer downloads .ts files

2016-07-19 Thread SquarePenguin
On 18/07/2016 23:00, Jon Davies wrote:
>> On 18 July 2016 at 12:26, John Rose  wrote:
>> I've just installed get_iplayer v2.95-ppa25~trusty emanating from your ppa.

Possibly a duplicate of the following? Can't tell without more info.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Disabling television mode

2016-07-12 Thread SquarePenguin
On 12/07/2016 08:27, Roger Bell_West wrote:
> So I want to ensure that it will be unable to download TV programmes,
> even by accident, while still remaining available for radio. Any
> suggestions?

You have a response to this feature request here:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
get_iplayer mailing list

Re: how to set lowest tv mode for all programms and add it as a pref?

2016-06-12 Thread SquarePenguin

On 12/06/2016 10:19, Majid Hussain wrote:

hi there,
as the subject states?
how would I go about setting the lowest tv mode for all downloads and
adding it permonantly to my options file?

This is explained in the TV guide here:

There is a lot of other information on in that guide and in the 
others/wiki too.

I'd also be interested to hear if that site is accessible to you via a 
screen reader or whatever method you use. I've tried to make it so but I 
haven't had anyone test it so I'd be willing to make improvements if 
they're reommended.



get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Offtopic noise: Re: BBC iPlayer viewers now need a...

2016-05-18 Thread SquarePenguin

On 18/05/2016 12:36, C E Macfarlane wrote:

I am merely pointing out that the requirements of this list might be better
served by a newsgroup rather than a web-forum.

Why don't you set one up and publicise it?

Better to just do it rather than pontificate about it.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Is this list redundant?

2016-05-16 Thread SquarePenguin
On 16/05/2016 20:14, Jon Davies wrote:
> (There's spam on the forums as well... and for me I find it
> easier to filter out in email...)

Many apologies for that. It is annoying I know. I'm trying different
things to stop it but pretty much all are humans no doubt paid to post
crap so they can get through sometimes.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Offtopic noise: Re: BBC iPlayer viewers now need a...

2016-05-16 Thread SquarePenguin
On 16/05/2016 20:14, Dennis Smith wrote:
> Forum? What forum? Is that a web forum that doesn't email everything
> to me? No thanks.

We do actually have email subscription options for all threads on the
forum[0], but only receive, not reply.

I looked at implementing reply by email but it was a faff and this list
exists so figured it would satisfy those who like to do things by email.

The list and the forums satisfy very different sets of users, many who
might think the other is mad for using one option and not the other! :-)

As such I hope this list does stay as I mentioned in another reply.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature
get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Offtopic noise: Re: BBC iPlayer viewers now need a...

2016-05-16 Thread SquarePenguin
On 16/05/2016 19:32, David Woodhouse wrote:
> Is there still a benefit to having this list at all? Would we be better
> off shutting it down entirely?

I know that there are several people who can't/won't join/access the
forums and rely on this list for announcements/assistance.

No doubt those several represent many more silent lurkers so I would say
there is certainly a benefit to this list.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC iPlayer viewers now need a TV licence to watch to catch up with their favourite shows

2016-05-13 Thread SquarePenguin

Damn smart reply got me again...

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Re: BBC iPlayer viewers now need a TV licence to watch to catch
up with their favourite shows
Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 12:53:31 +0100
From: SquarePenguin <>
To: Majid Hussain <>

On 13/05/2016 12:36, Majid Hussain wrote:
> how will this effect get_iplayer?

No one can tell exactly, it hasn't happened yet. I'm sure there will be
speculation but this is the actual answer right now.

> will it stop working or will it be okay?

See above.

> do we have any more info?

You can read the entire White Paper here[0]. If you skip to page 105
you'll see the timeline and note that the info just released was just
the White Paper[1] and the Draft charter isn't due for a few months and
won't go into effect until 01/01/2017.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature
get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Temporary patch GIP

2016-01-15 Thread SquarePenguin
On 15/01/2016 12:27, CJB wrote:
> Is the 'fix' necessary?

This is the authoritative statement from dinkypumpkin:

There have always been issues with the xml URL's, you'll periodically
see warnings in the output that get_iplayer couldn't access them but
those can safely be ignored if the cache then continues to populate.

get_iplayer tries to access the URL's three times and reports errors
when it can't on the first or second but will then go on to operate
correctly if it access it on the 3rd attempt.

The next release will only indicate an error if all 3 attempts failed,
to help prevent confusion.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
get_iplayer mailing list

Schedule XML data available again

2016-01-14 Thread SquarePenguin
It appears the BBC has restored access to the schedule feeds and other
data needed by get_iplayer. Normal operation of get_iplayer should once
again be possible:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GiP is ignoring lots of radio progs

2015-11-07 Thread SquarePenguin
Hash: SHA1

On 07/11/15 20:14, CJB wrote:
> I have now checked at the iPlayer site and there are lots of
> Hancock episodes to download.

Are they web-only offerings? You can't search for web-only programmes
using get_iplayer (never have been able to).

Additionally, you can only search the last 7 days with radio, not 30
like TV.
Version: GnuPG v1


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Stripping out stuff in filenames.

2015-10-07 Thread SquarePenguin
On Thu, 8 Oct 2015 00:19:53 +0100
Stephen  wrote:

> Is there a way to strip out the 
> "_b06djgf4_default." part, either as a global thing or as part of the 
> command?

The guides have a section on renaming[1], it's for TV but the principle
is the same and the Wiki has a list of all the various substitution
parameters[2] you can use to create the file name of your choice. 

If you really want to get into it, check out the file prefix
configuration page in the wiki[3].




get_iplayer mailing list

Re: unable to download get-iplayer

2015-10-02 Thread SquarePenguin
On Fri, 2 Oct 2015 08:47:20 +0100
CJB  wrote:

> More to the point what was that file attached to your post?
> smime.7ps
> ? CJB

It's a cryptographic signature showing that the email has been
cryptographically signed by David's private key, which you can then
'test' using his public key to make sure that he (the owner of the
private key specifically) was the one that signed (and therefore likely
sent) that message.

At least, that's how it would work for the GPG version of this tech.

I think this particular implementation David is using might be a little
different to the way GPG does it but it does the same sort of thing. 

In short, it's nothing nefarious, it's actually used to make email more
trustworthy in that it lets you know he sent it and not someone
pretending to be him.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer change or...

2015-09-09 Thread SquarePenguin
On Wed, 09 Sep 2015 10:03:14 +0100
Jim Lesurf  wrote:

> In the last couple of days I've experienced some change in the
> behaviour of gip when fetching HDTV. I'm not sure why it is happening
> or what to do.

There are a couple of reports of this starting to trickle in over at
the forums today too [1]. Not sure what's going on yet. 

Who is your ISP?


get_iplayer mailing list

Level3 CDN issue affecting RTMP HD downloads

2015-09-09 Thread SquarePenguin
Currently there seems to be an issue with the Level3 CDN that supplies
RTMP HD downloads of iPlayer content.

This issue was identified by 'tvfan' over in the forums[1].

A resolution workaround has been identified by dinkypumpkin[2].

Hopefully this issue won't last too long and things will be back to
normal shortly. 



get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Extending beyond 7 days

2015-09-06 Thread SquarePenguin
On 06/09/2015 17:38, George Eycott wrote:
> I want to get
> the cache refresh to extend to a couple of weeks instead of 7 days. I
> understand the drawback of this is to make the refresh take longer, but I
> only want to do it for Radio 4 so presumably I can restrict the refresh to
> that one channel.

Please read the release notes found here:

...from Version 2.87 onwards:

Notes for 2.87 should give you the most important info (feed removal).

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Most of BBC Radio programmes to become downloadable...

2015-07-20 Thread SquarePenguin
On 20/07/2015 17:13, Vangelis forthnet wrote:
 Doesn't the app come with any indication at all for
 the audio bitrate being played back?

No, not that I can see. I downloaded an episode of Infinite Monkey Cage
and it was 70MB for 27 min and 51 seconds.

An uneducated guess is that the bit rate would therefore probably be
320kbps or thereabouts.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: PVR not finding web programmes

2015-07-18 Thread SquarePenguin
On 18/07/2015 12:50, Graham Cobb wrote:
 My question is, is there some option I can specify to get_iplayer to 
 search in the web-only programmes?  Or is this information no longer 
 available to get_iplayer?

Check the latest release notes:

Relevant text:

 Fewer TV programmes will be indexed. The TV schedule data does not
 contain old archive programmes lurking in the iPlayer site. It also
 does not contain programmes broadcast exclusively on red button
 streams, some of which formerly may have been available. It also does
 not include web-only programmes (“BBC iPlayer Exclusives”). Only
 programmes in the broadcast channel schedule listings will be

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Still No TV Cache Refresh - day 2

2015-07-10 Thread SquarePenguin
On 10/07/2015 16:45, CJB wrote:
 I don't think that output of TV lists was suppressed with 2.93/4.
 Everything was working fine until a few days ago - I was getting
 listings of both TV and Radio.

You are correct, the text I was thinking of[1] from the latest release
notes[2] seems to apply to the next version of get_iplayer, so I'm not
sure what the trouble is your end.

[1] Given the potential size of 30-day caches, both the CLI and web PVR
will, if possible, be changed to only display search results if an
explicit search string is entered, i.e., no more display of the entire
TV data cache by default.


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Massive Failure of PVR List

2015-06-29 Thread SquarePenguin
On 29/06/2015 14:29, CJB wrote:
 Latest GiP on Win 7

 Apparently xml files not available ...


 WARNING: Could not download programme metadata from

 ERROR: Failed to get version pid metadata from iplayer site

That's not saying the files are unavailable, it's saying that it
couldn't download the relavent metadata from that file.

How many of the programmes you are trying to get are outside the 7 day

You can't use the PVR to download outside the 7 day window[1].

Also, see here[2] regarding the appearance of some programmes older than
7 days in the cache thanks to recent feed changed by the BBC



get_iplayer mailing list

Re: No categories in tv.cache file

2015-06-28 Thread SquarePenguin
On 28/06/2015 13:03, Ralph Corderoy wrote: gives
 it an A+ rating.  The only slight flaw with its configuration is
 including the anchor in its certificate chain.  

I keep meaning to sort that out, but the spec says self-signed
certificate that specifies the root certificate authority MAY be omitted
from the chain, so it's been a low priority :-)

 The site does use though, so you need
 a browser that supports it.  The need for SNI is quite common now.

Yep, that'll be causing this immediate error I think.

It's not a particularly helpful error code (several bug reports about
that fact already) but Firefox 2 introduced support for SNI and I can't
find anything to say it was in there earlier, so it's probably the cause.

SNI is essential for my setup as more than one SSL site is served from
the same IP.

Sorry for the trouble!


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Subscriptions disabled due to bounces.

2015-06-22 Thread SquarePenguin
On 22/06/2015 16:19, David Woodhouse wrote:
 probably also just ban all ZIP files anyway; there's no reason for them
 to be permitted

No objections here.

In the unlikely event zip files must absolutely be shared by someone
here then there are a plethora of free sharing otpions available out on
the net that can be linked to in an email.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: GiP v2.93 / 2.94- snafus

2015-06-04 Thread SquarePenguin
On 04/06/2015 21:40, M Clark wrote:
 But the CLI does auto refresh on start-up (now tv, used to be radio)
 and, at the risk of upsetting people, I believe this is a design
 flaw (or, probably more accurately, a techie being too helpful).

get_iplayer's cache expires by default after 4 hours. If the cache has
expired, get_iplayer will refresh it when next run. So if it's been more
than 4 hours since the last refresh when you run get_iplayer, it will
refresh the cache.

It has done this for as long as I've been using it (3 years).

You can change the expiry time using the following command (taken from
the Options Wiki)

--expiry, -e secs : Cache expiry in seconds (default 4hrs)

Perhaps you could set it to expire after 1 week and manually update the
cache as and when you choose?

There's also the command:

--refresh-abortonerror : Abort cache refresh for programme type if data
for any channel fails to download. Use --refresh-exclude to temporarily
skip failing channels.

Perhaps if used it would have the side effect of aborting a cache
refresh if you weren't connected to the internet? Haven't tried that so
only guessing.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Still no joy for me

2015-06-03 Thread SquarePenguin
On 04/06/2015 01:54, John Reay wrote:
 Any ideas?

You haven't really given a huge amount of detail here. What is your OS?
Where did you get the installer from? Did you do it manually?

There are many installation guides available - did you follow the
relevant one absolutely to the letter?

or github if you prefer:

You are the second person to mention the Perl module error so if you
have done everything correctly there may be something to it.

get_iplayer mailing list


2015-06-02 Thread SquarePenguin
On 02/06/2015 18:56, roadcone wrote:
 INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
 Not a SCALAR reference at /usr/bin/get_iplayer line 7099.

This thread has some info on that:

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Live TV not working

2015-06-02 Thread SquarePenguin
On 02/06/2015 20:46, tellyaddict wrote:
 Have they killed the HLS playlist feeds?

I don't know enough about get_iplayers inner workings to say for sure.
Need Vangelis to pop by and take a look!

get_iplayer mailing list


2015-06-02 Thread SquarePenguin

Please see this post by dinkypumpkin for more info:

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Live TV not working

2015-06-02 Thread SquarePenguin
On 02/06/2015 16:09, John Warburton wrote:
 I don't want to increase developers' pain and suffering, but live TV
 feeds seem to work no longer, also.

It's dead.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Bit rate from --aactomp3

2015-05-31 Thread SquarePenguin
On 31/05/2015 12:27, RS wrote:
 It is difficult to see what parameters get_iplayer passes to ffmpeg.

The ability get_iplayer has to convert from aac to mp3 is somewhat of an
anomoly. It's been generally stated in the past that using a more
specialist piece of software to perform the conversion would be

That said, there exists the ability to control the bitrate of the
conversion via the --mp3vbr command. Commands range from 0 to 9 (0 being
the 'best').

More info can be found in this forum thread:

...and in the Options Wiki (ctrl+f 'mp3vbr'):

If you can't view those pages for any reason, the relevant text relating
to mp3vbr from the Options Wiki is:


Set LAME VBR mode to N (0 to 9) for AAC transcoding. 0 = target bitrate
245 Kbit/s, 9 = target bitrate 65 Kbit/s (requires --aactomp3). Applied
only to radio programmes.

A full example command might look like:

get_iplayer --type=radio --get Late Junction --aactomp3 --mp3vbr=0

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: OT Live Streaming Radio 4 News

2015-05-28 Thread SquarePenguin
On 28 May 2015 23:59:33 BST, Vangelis forthnet 
On Thu May 28 23:14:02 BST 2015,

 And why did dinkypumpkin stop posting here?

You'd have to ask him yourself, as no reason was given here...

It could be because you're doing a sterling job Vangelis.  Your posts are 
thorough,  clear,  helpful and solve or provide workarounds for pretty much 
every issue that arises. 

They also provide lots of ancillary detail that is often Quite Interesting. 

Mine on the other hand are largely crap and so DP likely feels duty bound to 
clean up behind me. 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Betjeman - Won't download, can anyone explain?

2015-04-24 Thread SquarePenguin
On Fri, 24 Apr 2015 06:48:50 +0100
C E Macfarlane wrote:

 get_iplayer v2.91, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis

Probably update to 2.92 (the latest version) and try again.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Get iPlayer

2015-03-19 Thread SquarePenguin
On Thu, 19 Mar 2015 11:00:09 +
Roy South wrote:

 I believe that the address list of get iPlayer has been hacked. 

Why do you believe this? Because you received a spam email? So did I.

This is a public list, sending an email to it will cause that email to
be disseminated to all subscribers. If a spammer sends an email to the
list and that email evades the spam filters, it'll then get sent out to
all subscribers.

This does not constitute hacking, except in the more modern sense that
'someone did something that I don't fully understand to something that
I didn't realise could actually be used in that way in
order to cause an outcome that I wasn't expecting but that was, in fact,
entirely predictable'.

 I have been receiving some 'junk' mail all with attachments over the
 last few days, they are about a court action in the U.S.

Are you exaggerating? I'm not sure if the list archive is completely
comprehensive in its record of email traffic (I suspect it is) but it
shows only on such email sent minutes before your

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Help needed with BBC Collections Archive programmes

2015-02-11 Thread SquarePenguin
On 10 February 2015 21:10:33 GMT+00:00, M Clark wrote:
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 12:54 AM
 From: Vangelis forthnet
 Subject: Re: Help needed with BBC Collections Archive programmes

 On Sat Feb 7 15:20:59 GMT 2015, M Clark wrote:
  Finally, is this the correct place to report 'problems'?
  There are two more I'd like to bring to attention before they trap
  I have work-arounds so in no way are they critical but would be 
 Hello again...
 If you ask me, the best place to report problems
 would be the GitHub issue tracker @
 dinkypumpkin would definitely see it there;
 you'd have to register an account first...
 Then there's the Support Forum owned by
 Square Penguin (registration needed):
 which is aimed more at the average GiP user;
 dinkypumpkin is Keymaster there...
 The mailing list..., well you know that already!
 Dinkypumpkin DOES read it (as your latest
 issue proved), but recently he stays shy from
 posting here directly (in fact, his latest post
 was on Dec 29th 2014...)
 I am sorry I can't help you further with your issue;
 I am using custom filenames via the --file-prefix
 option, i.e. I do not rely on the auto-generated
 filenames for downloads.
 Have you explored using it too with the
 substitution parametres of your liking?
 Kind regards,

Thanks Vangelis for the documentation pointers.  For some reason I
thought the Options file only related to CLI.  Will have a play.

I feared your response suggestions :-) .  Post 3 times?  Hmmm.

I did have a problem with broken links on
when trying to find out how to use g-ip on Linux.  Found info
eventually but still using Windows...


get_iplayer mailing list

I'm sorry to hear you had trouble finding the info on the forum site.

Please let me know where the broken links are so that I can correct them.

Many thanks,


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: --force loads repeats for radio programmes

2014-12-03 Thread SquarePenguin
On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 01:55:19 +
Alan Milewczyk wrote:

 The pvr doesn't download the repeats first time around, but doing a 
 --force on the programme name does, irrespective of the fact that it's 
 the same PID.

Please provide an example of this behaviour (e.g. the exact full
commands you are using when seeing this behaviour) to see if it can be 
replicated and to assist in
working out precisely what the issues is. It may be expected behaviour,
it may not, but the way you are describing it is difficult to parse.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Slow radio downloads - a bit off topic

2014-11-18 Thread SquarePenguin
On Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:36:39 +
Marshall Cleave wrote:

 Three do the all-in-one 15 tariff on pay as you go. £15 gets unlimited
 internet for 30 days, I've tried to hit a cap but haven't found one
 yet :) 

A note on that, this is an Add-On (just in case you go looking for
the tarrif and cant find it). Three are pretty good in terms of total
amount of bandwidth but they will throttle you during peak hours if you
use more than X amount of bandwidth in X amount of time (with little to
indicate what X will be on any given day). 

I know they say that they don't but they do, so keep that in mind if
you are using large amounts at peak times.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-10 Thread SquarePenguin
On Mon, 10 Nov 2014 14:34:33 +
Charles Johnson wrote:

 On 10/11/14 11:23, David Woodhouse wrote:
   It's default smart reply is reply to list, and there is seemingly
   no option to change that.
 I don't quite know if there's such a thing as a 'smart reply' but
 when i click the Reply button in Thunderbird, up comes David
 Woodhouse (who sent this) as addressee. 

There is certainly such a thing as 'Smart Reply'. As you seem to be
using Debian or at least Icedove then it may function differently if
you're using the Stable branch and Debian doesn't backport IceDove
updates like it does Iceweasel. So if you're on a old version the
feature might not be present. 

In my reply to David I stated that behaviour relates to Thunderbird for
Mac. However, having just tested it in Xubuntu I see Thunderbird is
configured exactly the same way as Mac so it is likely this is a built
in feature of Thunderbird. 

The Smart Reply button is by default to the right of the reply button
and has a small dropdown arrow to the right of it. Check yours again to
see if it's present. 

The behaviour appears to operate as follows:

1) If the reply is sent by sender Bob directly to receiver Alice by
placing her in the 'To:' field, and other receivers like Mike and
James get Cc'd in the 'Cc:' filed, smart reply will default to 'Reply
All'. If the List is Cc'd too then the behaviour remains the same, Reply
All is the default.

2) If any 'To:' field contains the List address then the
behaviour of the Smart Reply button switches to offer 'Reply to List'
and you must select 'Reply All' from a dropdown, regardless if there
are other addresses in the 'To:' or 'Cc:' fields.

An illustration of this is the reply David sent to me, to which you are
replying. That was sent directly to me and Cc'd the list, so the Smart
Reply offers 'Reply All'. Your reply to David to which I am now replying
was to David AND the list, so the Smart Reply offers 'Reply List'.

Ordinarily I wouldn't want to add noise to what is a get_iplayer list
but if email clients are also 'hijacking' behaviours then it's little
wonder people get confused as to the expected bahaviour between how
lists are different lists are setup. 

Having read through the voluminous chatter about how this list is setup
I've now come down firmly in its favour and realise that in some part
my email clients have been obfuscating things. 

Claws Mail even seems to hijack the reply function to send to the list
when using the default 'reply to message' option, though thankfully you
can separate that out to 'reply to sender' and 'reply to list' in
separate buttons (which I've now done). If you want to 'fix'
Thunderbird, you can install the 'CompactHeaders' add on and that will
allow you to customise the message toolbar to explicitly add 'Reply
Add' to the available buttons.

Well, now I've thoroughly bored you and everyone else but I have
actually learnt a lot about how this stuff works and taken back control
of my email clients.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: iplayer audio to lpcm

2014-11-10 Thread SquarePenguin
On Mon, 10 Nov 2014 11:23:08 +
David Woodhouse wrote:
 As noted in my reply-to-list.html page, Evolution does the opposite.
 Its Group Reply is reply-to-all by default, and it'll even *warn*
 you if you hit the private 'reply' button and it looks like it's
 going to be hijacked by a bogus Reply-To: header.

This was useful info, thanks. I use Claws and Thunderbird and have been
able to dig into things and configure some more sane defaults to get
this behaviour now I know what's possible.

  I suppose some people don't consider those underlying 'problems'
  valid and so disagree with the setup here, but taking them as valid
  then there's no faulting the logic of the way things are setup here.
 The problems are all valid. All of the Fred, John, Mary, Claire and
 Karl examples represent classes of people who *do* indisputably
 exist, in significant numbers.

I agree. I took the time to read through the arguements properly and
I've fully come down on the side of how you do things. To me it's the
sane option in a sea of 'what-ifs'. I can feel the warm embrace of
stubbornness starting to flow through me on this matter :-)

Thankfully, having now learnt what the email clients are actually doing
I've now got it set so I can operate in pretty whatever environment a
list maintainer offers up so some personal good has come from all this.
 Both copies are useful, so I certainly don't have anything in place to
 eliminate either of them. Of course, if someone had different usage
 habits they *could* do such a thing. For someone who receives
 duplicates and doesn't want them, it's fairly trivial to arrange
 some kind of filtering. But if you don't receive the message at
 *all*, which happens in some cases when people reply only to the
 list, it's *impossible* to cope. There is absolutely nothing that you
 can do.

As I'm on just one list on this account, I haven't needed to scale any
particular scheme but knowing this (and the other unquoted) info has
been very helpful for other accounts. With your info for this
account I've managed to set things so that I need only remove a single
line from one filter and I can implement your scheme should I need it.
For now I just get a de-duplicated message go to the Mailing List

Many thanks.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: ePetition Covering Public Data From The Likes Of The BBC

2014-11-09 Thread SquarePenguin
On 4 November 2014 14:40:16 GMT+00:00, C E Macfarlane wrote:
Now available for signatories.  Please sign if you are a UK resident
feel remotely able to support it:

A little OT to get_iplayer but I thought you might be interested in the 
flowing, of you haven't seen it already...

Via Android K-9 Mail. Please excuse brevity.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Thank you - great work ....

2014-11-07 Thread SquarePenguin
On Fri, 07 Nov 2014 16:45:57 + (GMT)
Dave Liquorice wrote:

 I run get_iplayer on Raspberry-Pi and the bit rate shown during
 transcoding a HD download is normally around 2500kbits/sec which I
 have always taken to be the bitrate of the resultant stream. It also
 reports a fps which normally has value of around a couple of 100.
 If the bit rate was that of the conversion it would be an awful lot
 higher than 2.5 Mbps...

That explains it. I tested on a download before I commented and even saw the 
frame rate sit about 8000 (on a core i5) and should have made the leap that the 
bitrate was that of the stream and not the conversion. That's clarified it for 

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Broken windows installer link

2014-11-05 Thread SquarePenguin
On Wed, 5 Nov 2014 18:20:56 +
Claire Pollard wrote:

 The link for the windows installer

Please could you specify the URL of the page on which the installer link
is not working.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: The Register's coverage of the API changes

2014-11-03 Thread SquarePenguin

On 3 Nov 2014, at 13:15, Mark Rogers wrote:

worth investigating?

Probably not. It's a new installer and would therefore not be in most 
antivirus 'approved' signature databases and so gets flagged. This crops 
up almost every time a release is made.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer 2.89 released

2014-11-02 Thread SquarePenguin

On 2 Nov 2014, at 23:06, dinkypumpkin wrote:

get_iplayer 2.88 was withdrawn due to a bug found after it was 
released for Homebrew.  v2.89 is the successor to v2.87.

Release notes here:

Great work, thanks for your efforts.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: BBC messed up

2014-10-31 Thread SquarePenguin

On 31 October 2014 14:46:03 GMT+00:00, Charles Coyle 

Please could you tell me, are there any instructions on how to do this
aimed at a complete beginner as I'm new to the program?

See here:
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: [ANN] get_iplayer search and PVR functions no longer work - no fix available

2014-10-29 Thread SquarePenguin

On 29 October 2014 23:27:57 GMT+00:00, Lorenzo Martinelli wrote:
Can somebody write up a idiot* guide to download a program using PID or

URL on Windows?
Including how to find out the PID.

For instance, if I wanted to download Autumnwatch what do I do?

I wrote a very basic guide here:

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: How to download via PID

2014-10-29 Thread SquarePenguin

On 29 Oct 2014, at 23:53, Lorenzo Martinelli wrote:

And how do you do it on Windows?

The same way you'd do it on Linux or OS X. Please do go and read the 
guide, it will tell you how to do it:


get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Strugging to record Building Dream Homes

2014-10-27 Thread SquarePenguin

On 27 Oct 2014, at 15:30, Paul Phillips wrote:

WARNING: No programmes are available for this pid with version(s):
default (available versions: signed,audiodescribed)

That's the important bit of info. It's telling you that no 'default' 
versions of the programme are available, just signed and audio described 

If you still want to download these programmes you can use the 
--versions command. I wrote a small guide to downloading these versions 
in the guide section of the forums:

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: HandleInvoke, Sanity failed. no string method in invoke packet

2014-07-11 Thread SquarePenguin

Nick Payne wrote:

but if I run iotop in another terminal, I
can see that rtmpdump is running and is still downloading
something...but not to the specified output folder.

Are you certain it's actually downloading and not just simply still 
running? I don't have a linux install so see exactly how this works but 
are you certain that it's not only 'active' but also actively 
downloading content?

I think I remember reading that rtmpdump continues to try to connect 
after it's lost the stream so it's possible it still shows up.

If I press Ctrl+C to

terminate the download and force flashhd2 download by changing
--tvmode=best to --tvmode=flashhd2, then the download proceeds normally
and completes successfully without any errors indicated.

Is this not a continuation of the issue you previously posted about?

If, as previously, you have problems connecting to the CDN providing the 
flashhd1 stream then it stands to reason that sometimes it won't just go 
slowly but completely fail.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Fw: Confirming Membership of List

2014-07-01 Thread SquarePenguin

George DiceGeorge wrote:

its a serious problem if it emails your password
and youve used the same password elsewhere
for emails, banking etc. 

That would be unfortunate, but it would also be utterly incomprehensibly 
stupid to use the same passwords for this list and for your banking.

If someone has actually done that then they should get the digital 
equivalent of a Darwin Award.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Podcasts stopped transferring to iPad

2014-03-25 Thread SquarePenguin
On 2014-03-25 9:50 AM, Russell Baldwin wrote:
 get_iplayer --pvr --tag-podcast-radio --tag-fulltitle --aavtomp3

You have written the command incorrectly here in the email. If you have
done the same in the command you used in get_iplayer then correct it and
try again:

--aactomp3 and not --aaVtomp3

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Podcasts stopped transferring to iPad

2014-03-25 Thread SquarePenguin
On 2014-03-25 10:04 AM, Russell Baldwin wrote:
 Sorry SquarePenguin (ace name by the way), that was an email typo.

OK. The Podcast app is known to be incredibly flaky and has had a long
history of not working correctly or as expected.

If things are being tagged correctly and are showing in iTunes as
podcasts, it would suggest the you are a yet another victim of the
Podcast app's flaws.

I'm not sure what would have changed but if things are working in iTunes
itself you might find something helpful about the app in the zillions of
'Podcast App not working' type help pages littering the support forums.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Modes=best?

2014-03-22 Thread SquarePenguin
On 2014-03-22 9:30 AM, Arthur Dent wrote:
 Using modes=best I still only get the non-HD version.
 Have I missed a trick somewhere?

As far as I can see, the update to the modes functionality was centered
on the 'default' behaviour. --modes=best should have still been
downloading the 'best' quality regardless of the installation version.

You could re-run the command with --modes=flashhd to see if you can
manually download the HD version, just make sure that there is an HD
version of course!

If it doesn't, here could be lots of other things going on and maybe a
full uninstall/reinstall would be the simplest rather than bug chase,
and then go from there if there is still an issue.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Modes=best?

2014-03-22 Thread SquarePenguin
On 2014-03-22 1:47 PM, Arthur Dent wrote:
 INFO:   width 1280.00
 INFO:   height720.00

This bit would suggest to me that you got the HD version. Also, I think
you must have meant 1.1 GB not MB judging but the output you posted,
which would also tally with getting a HD download.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: End of download processing

2013-12-31 Thread SquarePenguin
On 2013-12-31 2:57 AM, Peter S Kirk wrote:
 How do I configure the web PVR to do nothing when stream ends?
 ie leave it as partial.mp4.flv

You can append the --raw command* to your download command. This will
prevent transcoding or any change to the downloaded stream and leave you
with the flv file.

* Just for reference, this info is available in the Options page of the
get_iplayer Wiki, which is mirrored here:

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Anyone Else Unable To Download?

2013-10-05 Thread SquarePenguin
On 05/10/2013 21:32, SleepsWithTheFishes wrote:
 I'm unable to download this evening, is it just me?
 ERROR: RTMP_Connect0, failed to connect socket. 10013 (Unknown error)
 INFO: Command exit code 3 (raw code = 768)
Are you using a VPN? I've seen this particular error in relation to VPN
use and some element of the connection getting blocked.

get_iplayer mailing list

Re: Recording radio highlight of Proms 2013

2013-09-12 Thread SquarePenguin
On 12/09/2013 02:31, general wrote:
 INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
This error code suggests the following link will provide you with the
information you require to fix the problem:

get_iplayer mailing list