Re: More on DirectFB

2001-04-10 Thread Justin Cormack

 yeah, rather than use DirectFB as a target why not port DirectFB to use
 ggi as the rendering engine. That seems to be more worthwhile. DirectGGI.
 Make sense?

er isnt the point that DirectFB does accels on fb, which is why you want
it as a target???


Re: evdev configuration

2001-04-01 Thread Justin Cormack

 Justin Cormack wrote:
  All the info should be in /dev/input/event. The mouse devices are in
  addition and just provide emulated ps/2 or similar interfaces. As far as
  I remember you should get X and Y events too (evtest at the beginning should
  list all the types of event that can be generated). Which model do you have?
 right, the formatting of the event log suggests that it detects positional event 
 But moving the stylus isn't logged. Hmm, may be I should debug GII a bit...

Is it being lost by gii or never being received? What does evtest


Re: Pomp for the page.

2000-06-19 Thread Justin Cormack

 I was just here sitting trying to work on the pages when it dawned on me
 that what we need is a really impressive show of what ggi can do right
 there on the front of the web site. 
 Some sort of plug-in would be cool. Is anyone working on a streaming media
 plug-in for netscape or any thing?
 Or is there anything we could put there?

Or a ggi on Java 2D/3D  target so you could run apps directly...


Re: on Mesa, glide, and GGI :)

2000-06-15 Thread Justin Cormack

winterlion wrote:
   PS: anyone know of any embedded hardware that includes a 3D accel? :)
  No. I guess you will have to build something. Does it have to be low
  power or just small or what?
 low power *sigh*.
 I'm working with umm palmtop-style stuff.  Need OpenGL :)
 and accelerated.
 None to concerned about chipset really but 3dfx has my favour due to
 openness (although I'm a little concerned about that giant fan :)
 Anyways, I could always go with one of those embedded pentium-III's or
 equivalent and do it all in software I guess.  I don't really need over TV
 resolution although 640x480 would be nice :)
 [#$^#$ displays are expensive! :]

Voodoo3 3000 doesnt have a fan. Eats quite a lot of power though. Utah-glx
has some 3D support for one of the ATI laptop chipsets, though they are not
very fast, might be good enough. Would need porting to fb of course... You
could try underclocking the Voodoo (one of the low end PCI ones perhaps),
at half the clock speed it might be low power and still have enough fill
for 640x480.

What are you building?


Re: someone mentioned a GL-target for GGI?

2000-06-15 Thread Justin Cormack

 winterlion [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Has this happened?
  It wouldn't be hard - not a big jump from glide-target anyways.
 It is impossible to write an OpenGL target, as you can't set modes
 or even open something to render on with the OpenGL API. You could
 write a GLX target, which would be completely pointless as you might
 just as well use X directly and loose the OpenGL overhead.
 So far everyone talking about an "OpenGL-target" seems to be
 confusing targets with something else.

Not so. OpenGL gives you full access to a framebuffer once it has been 
created (though obviously accelerated operations may be much faster than
direct pixel operations as you would expect). So once you have created an
OpenGL context, there is no reasons why you shouldnt run GGI into it using
OpenGL acceleration. Ok, you can't set modes without using glx or glide or
fb or whatever you have GL running on, but some framebuffers cant set modes
anyway, and you may be able to do it indirectly.

Nor is OpenGL an overhead, even under X, as it may be accelerated better
even for 2D operations. Clearly if you are running GGIMesa it could run very
fast by passing all operations straight down to the GL layer (though there
would be some issues of versions of GL etc).

More importantly when we get Mesa-glide running on Glide on the framebuffer,
there is the question of how to run GGI on this. GGI could either run over
Mesa, over glide or on the framebuffer. Or rather than use Mesa-glide we
could use a GGI on glide with a GGIMesa version accelerated for Glide
(basically a GGIMesa Mesa-Glide hybrid).

Or with GGI being generic, all of the above...


Re: on Mesa, glide, and GGI :)

2000-06-14 Thread Justin Cormack

 All right, bringing this up again :)
 I've got a working glide2x for 3dfx/banshee and 3dfx/3+ (afaik) under
 (patches available on official mailing list archive for glide-devel)
 I do -not- have a working OpenGL..  (any ideas?)
 Or, last I checked, a working GGI...  but that's another story.
 (I really should just recheckout the CVS :)
 Anyways, I'd like to get GGI+OpenGL+Glide+FB running.
 (I -really- need console accel :)
 ... I've been working under X lately and am none too fond of it...

I'll have a go next week, as I want this too. Or sooner.

 G'day, eh? :)
   - Teunis (or winterlion or whatever)
 PS: anyone know of any embedded hardware that includes a 3D accel? :)

No. I guess you will have to build something. Does it have to be low
power or just small or what?


Re: XGGI as a nested X server

2000-05-18 Thread Justin Cormack

 How is a nested X server established technically? Is the window for the
 the nested X server a normal X client as viewed by the hosting root X
 server? And what's the trick to enabling window managers within this=20
 virtual X root server?

Yes, the window is a normal X client. To run a window
manager, go to a terminal, set DISPLAY to :1 (if that is
where you started XGGI) and start the window manager.


embedded qt

2000-03-21 Thread Justin Cormack

Trolltech are producing a version of Qt that doesnt require
X, running directly on the Linux framebuffer. Anyone know
anything about it? It claims to offer acceleration.


Re: fb-dev, fbdev as display target for GGI, HOWTO ???

2000-03-13 Thread Justin Cormack

 Did that /dev/fb0 is "up". 
  Other than that LibGGI should autodetect fbdev and use it. Make sure of 
  course, that the user has rw- permissions on the fb device in question.
 Hmm. When I changed GGI_DISPLAY to 'fbdev', under X, the screen goes black
 and looks very rudely console-like. I guess this driver does not understand
 graphics-mode, so that it also cooperates with a mouse pointer.
 Is it there, where the KGI comes into play?? 
 Please, please more clarification!! 

er, no. Dont run the framebuffer under X. Run it on the console.


Re: OFFTOPIC: which 3D card to buy

2000-02-29 Thread Justin Cormack

 On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 09:26:27AM +0100, Erik Thiele wrote:
  which 3D card should i buy
 [.. everything boils down to GL or rather mesa ..]
 Well, you can't go wrong with 3dfx.  It's got the most stable highest
 performance drivers out there.

True if you want to run fullscreen, and you can live with the other
limitations ie 16 bit colour and Z buffer, and 256x256 textures maximum.
The Voodoo 4 and 5 overcome these limitations however, and I am just waiting
for them to come out...

Also there is no actual AGP support per se. They are however the only cards
you can get full acceleration without running as root.

  The g400 is just not that fast yet if you
 want a stable driver (pre-warp GLX)..

The current warp drivers are stable in my experience. There seem to be some
severe fill rate limitations (at least on the non Max versions of these
cards) which make them unusuable at high resolutions. AGP support works
on some chipsets (BX, not Athlons).

 The g400 has an advantage however in that I have yet to convinced this
 thing (Voodoo3) to run in a window.  When I tell it to run in a window it
 ends up full-screen anyway and it tries to use this LAME framebuffer copy
 hack which makes it not even worth it.  I just haven't managed to get good
 3D in a window with the voodoo3 with Mesa, at least not with X 3.3.6 and
 Mesa 3.1.  If someone can tell me how PLEASE DO!  =  Why would you want
 it?  Just wait till something crashes.  gdb and full-screen voodoo3 don't
 mix.  Trust me.  =

I think the framebuffer copy is all the hardware supports.  Try adding
another graphics card or debugging remotely. Mind you it often locks the
machine totally when it does crash...

 nVidia is supposed to have kickass drivers.  Eventually.  The only stable
 drivers you can get now are for 3.3.5 and older X servers and they're so
 slow you'll wonder if you're actually getting accelleration at all.
 nVidia has not earned a reputation for cooperation with the community

The new NVidia drivers are complete crap and lock within seconds. The old
ones were usuable, I dodnt find them that slow on TNT 2 Ultras. Nvidia
are paying for closed source drivers which are apparently very good; they
will be out with XFree86 4. The closed source nature causes problems for
some of us who need to change the code.

In summary the situation is a mess now. What we want is GGI3D support, and
Voodoo is likely to be the first target...


Re: OpenGL and GGI

2000-02-28 Thread Justin Cormack

 On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, James A Simmons wrote:
  On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, teunis wrote:
   Is it possible to do an accelerated 2D driver under OpenGL?
   Should be, I can't see why not.
  Yes you can. The 3D stuff would have to be software rendered ontop of the
  2D code. 
   There's enough 2D-style accels support in OpenGL that texture
 blitting, color ramps, clip planes/alpha/stencil masks etc could be used
 to good effect when accelerating X.
   It'd be cool to have an accelerated X that runs under OpenGL...
  Thats GLX.
   Not exactly.  I think he's asking for an "OpenGL target" for
 LibGGI, which would render everything in XGGI using GL primitives.  GLX
 only renders its GL contexts using GL, and does all of the rest of its
 (2D) accels its own way, correct?

Thats what I thought too. I think that the acceleration might prove quite
hard, and many cards do not actually have hardware accelerated stencils
anyway for 3D. If implemented well you could run cube3D with accelerated
sessions (or with more work run X sessions on the surface of a transparent

Unaccelerated of course is simple, just render into a texture using shared
memory and use glTexSubImage to update a texture (say filling the screen)
and then sort out the input.


Re: evstack, Results of multi-headed quake test, and input fun

2000-02-22 Thread Justin Cormack

  There is a GGI Glide target, but it's 2D.  What's wanted is accellerated
  hardware 3D..  Something that CAN render 3 screens of Quake at a decent
  FPS.  =
 I agree. So where do we start? First voodoo cards like many cards are
 triangle bases. Any triangle support? The next thing is how to program
 the libggi target to use things like textures, alpha blending and depth

What is the future of Glide in the 3dfx plan of things? Given that there
are (some) Glide programs that could run directly on a GGI Glide 3D target,
and there is a Mesa-glide target, this would perhaps be the easiest way
to go. It keeps the 3Dfx development rather apart from other Linux 3D
development, and while it provides a demonstration of principle for GGI 3D
it doesnt help support other cards, and now with full scpecs glide is not


Re: evstack, Results of multi-headed quake test, and input fun

2000-02-21 Thread Justin Cormack

  Sure, and you could simply draw two or three screens that way instead of
  drawing six.  In fact, if you ever get GL hardware support in GGI, it
  might be possible to have 3 screens rendered in HARDWARE..  That would
  just seriously kick ass!
   I back from my trip from San Jose. What you described below was one of
 this I discussed with 3Dfx about doing. It is quite possible to get GL
 support in GGI going. One of the topics I discussed with 3Dfx was GGI. I
 discovered they have someone that works for the company that does provide
 support for people that write their own things. The person to contact is
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] He is the current maintainer of the glide libraries at So this makes the next step. To create a GGI 3Dfx target.
 Their does exist a fbdev drivers for this card. The problem is I don't
 have such a card nor the money at this time to buy it (hint). I would
 enjoy creating something like Msrcus did for the matrox cards. Of course I 
 like to milk it for more than drawing boxes.  

I'll send you a card (Voodoo 3 3000) - just send your address.


file target problem

2000-01-04 Thread Justin Cormack

The file target in ggi-devel-000103 invariably segfaults
if you ask the file target to write a ppm file rather
than a raw file (can send more debugging info if you need
it). Works fine in 2.0b2.1. The file target code is the
same, so must be somewhere else.
LibGGI: Disposing "generic-stubs"
LibGGI: Closing handle: 0x80a3688
LibGGI: _ggiZapDL(0x808db50, 0x808edcc) called
LibGGI: Disposing "generic-color"
LibGGI: Closing handle: 0x80a3a38
LibGGI: _ggiZapDL(0x808db50, 0x808ee34) called
LibGGI: Disposing "file"
LibGGI: display-file: going down.
LibGGI: display-file: GGIresetmode(0x808db50)




1999-12-01 Thread Justin Cormack

Now that the Glide 3 sources are out, we would like a ggi-glide-mesa 3D
accelerated driver for Voodoo graphics cards, but unfortunately I dont
have time to write one. However I will send anyone who will write one
a Voodoo3 3000 card... might be able to arrange a G400 too.

(desperate to get rid of X windows...)


Re: Multiple users

1999-11-08 Thread Justin Cormack

 Hi !
  I've recently gotten a USB mouse and keyboard, and started looking
  at the Linux USB code. Yesterday I added support in LibGII for USB
  mice under Linux (use protocol "lnxusb"), and am now using my
  MouseMan Wheel with mhub. 
 Great !
  Works great with all four buttons and the wheel. As of kernel 2.3.25 the 
  USB mouse driver only supports one USB mouse, 
 ARGL ... will they make the same mistakes again over and over ?
  but if none of the USB people does it before me I intend to fix that.
 Good. TNX.
  As for keyboards it seems you can attach multiple USB keyboards,
  but everything will go into the normal (single-headed) console
  system via calls to handle_scancode(), so multiple keyboards are
  pretty useless. 
 Ouch ...

It has been discussed on the USB list actually, but the priority seems
to be getting things working. It came up a few weeks back in terms of
device naming, when several people revealed that they wished to put
large numbers of keyboards plus mice, or large numbers of modems onto
one box.


Re: ggimesa+multi problem

1999-10-15 Thread Justin Cormack

  I found the problem - ggiglut never calls ggiClose(), so there is no
  clean termination (leaves fb in odd state too). Fixed this by adding
  a close function to glut - there ought to be one anyway, I would
  count this as a glut bug.
 Is this with Mesa from CVS ? If it is I will fix it. I never had this
 problem but I will look into it.



Re: ggimesa+multi problem

1999-10-13 Thread Justin Cormack

 On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 10:30:30AM +0100, Justin Cormack wrote:
  I don't seem to be able to run ggiMesa on the multi target.
 Probably because the multi target doesn't provide a directbuffer.

Ah yes.

ok, I need to save some Mesa images to a file. As multi doesnt work,
I tried to use the tile target with one of the tiles being a file 
target. However it doesnt save the picture if I use a .ppm file
(the raw format seems to work however - can I convert this to ppm
