Re: Image attached

2000-12-28 Thread Adam D. Moss

Michael wrote:
 Theoretically this
 would resemble the layer without mask

That's if you assume that the masking is additive -- actually
it's multiplicative.

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pupus pipeline: what Adam has been doing, etc. etc.

2000-12-21 Thread Adam D. Moss
rming to the
usual API, they just happen to be one of a small set of black boxes
the step-manager knows how to utilize for its own nefarious gain.

So, in this example, pipeline-stress is coming from expose events?
The cache-boxes would move to nestle right up under your canvas-box,
so the fully-rendered final image would be one pipeline-step away.

Now, this can be taken too far.  I'm actually a bit uneasy about
leaving everything in pipeline-form from image-open through to
image-save -- but hey, it's up to you as the higher-level app
programmers.  I can build the bomb, you can drop it.

How would the "pupus" functionality be directly exposed to users?  The
answer is that it most assuredly WOULD NOT.  I do not advocate, in fact
I ABHOR the idea that the user should end up drawing a little tree
of boxes connected with wires.  That's your view as a programmer
(and even then there are likely to be a few utility layers of API
between you and the raw pupus pipeline constructor when I've had
my way), but your responsibility as an application designer is to
map a more user-friendly concept (good old layers, images, layer
masks, brushes et al) to this back-end.

A note on interactive pipeline stages such as brush-painting,
smearing etc: There are lots of ways to do this and I'd really
like to experiment with them all before commenting.  =)

Going forward, I have, as usual, very minimal spare time so this
message is a (not terribly) compressed view of several months both
in the past and future.  When I can begin to demonstrate a small
GIMP-like app built upon the pupus pipeline I will issue a
code-drop.  If I can't do that then it's worthless and I give up!

For those who have an upcoming holiday, have a good one!  See you
in January.

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-11-01 Thread Adam D. Moss

Austin Donnelly wrote:
 On Tuesday, 31 Oct 2000, Manish Singh wrote:
  GIMP 1.1.29 is out there. This is a release candidate for 1.2. So scream
  if you see any major brokenness.
 Uh, well, there's at least:

Hmm, I'd be really reluctant to concede that these constitute
anything resembling 'major brokenness' (though I too have my
personal favourite bugs lately such as enormous help-system
omissions and the stickiness-bug when moving layers with a
wacom stylus -- these are annoyances rather than showstoppers).

Realistically the truly-critical bug list is pretty well-tamed
currently but the impetus to fix things has been faltering to
match.  The tree is in reasonably good shape and a release would
hopefully revitalize the development team -- after the first year
or so the 1.1.x cycle started to feel more like purgatory than
software development!

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: strange message on cvs ci

2000-10-23 Thread Adam D. Moss

Austin Donnelly wrote

 Previously, I was using ( as my CVS
 server.  Now I've moved to ( and that one

Bah!  I've been sitting here thinking that redhat
screwed the CVS server for weeks.  (I suppose that's
not inaccurate, if the darn DNS entry can't be

Hooray, I finally have a fresh GIMP CVS tree...


Re: IScissors patch.

2000-09-25 Thread Adam D. Moss

Laramie Leavitt wrote:
 2.  Allocate a task to compute values in the background so that the
 mouse can still be moved while the computation takes place.
 #2 is the hard part.  I can do #1 with the current tile system.
 Are there any capabilities in the gimp to allow #2?  If not, then
 iscissors probably won't get much better than this patch.

You can set up a GTK idle task -- no problem (as long as you're
aware of the implications, mainly interactions of any 'unfinished
business' with actions of the user which may invalidate that work
entirely).  Various parts of GIMP, such as the main compositing
loop, run as idle-tasks.  Is that what you meant?

Personally I'm afraid I don't have time to look at this patch
any time soon, and I think that this is likely the case for
most of the core developers although we'd be interested enough
in hearing feedback from this specific patch.

This is also a really, really bad time to be proposing an
IScissors overhaul -- when 1.3.x is underway I think you'll
get a better response.  If you consider IScissors to be
fundamentally broken (I haven't seen a problem lately but I
don't use it much!) then that's another problem altogether,
though if it quick'n'dirty fixes won't suffice then I think
that at this point IScissors would have to be ditched
completely until 1.3.x (I don't think it has to come to that
-- do you have any specific complaints with IScissors as they

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Shut up, Donkey.  Talking animals have no place in comic strips."

Re: 16 bit Gimp and 1.2 codebase

2000-09-25 Thread Adam D. Moss

Mathew Yeates wrote:
 I'm currently using the experimental  Film Gimp with deep image support.
 It is based on Gimp 1.0.4.  What would it take to add the same deep image
 support to the 1.2 codebase? Yosh?

Since no-one else has replied I think I'd just have to say
"ain't gonna happen".  The 1.1.x codebase has drifted from the
HOLLYWOOD GIMP to an unreconcilable degree -- 16-bit support
will be part of GIMP 2.0 (ETA summer 2009) or would have to be
reimplimented from scratch or otherwise hacked up for 1.3 (unlikely).

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Shut up, Donkey.  Talking animals have no place in comic strips."

Re: gimp swapfiles

2000-09-25 Thread Adam D. Moss

Fethi BELGHAOUTI wrote:
 i'm using gimp in network and in --no-interface and
 --batchmode !
 i never exit gimp, and it generate me too many
 swapfiles !
 how can i do to purge ths files without exiting Gimp ?

This is a shortcoming in the GIMP swap management --
the size of the swapfile is every byte from the start
of the swapfile to the position of the end of the last
in-use tile in the swapfile.

The swapfiles are trimmed automatically where the last
span of the file is 'free' space, but only in this case
(no compaction is done when there are large unused
regions anywhere but the end of the file).

The resulting fragmentation causes some degree of swapfile
bloat and thrashing.  This fails to impress me but is not
going to change at this point (ie. GIMP's general mem/swap
handling has already improved greatly since 1.0.x and it
would be sort of neat to see 1.2 released before my
monitor-radiation-baked eyes fail with old age).

You could try looking into the memory access patterns of
your scripts themselves -- the order in which you create
and destroy resources can have direct bearing on the
swapfile usage.

You might also want to up your tile cache and/or add
more system swapspace so GIMP leans on that to a much
greater degree -- I expect that performance would probably
be a bit worse in high-mem-usage conditions, but your
OS is also probably better at keeping memory defragmented
and reclaimed than GIMP's hand-rolled swapsystem is (cop out).

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Shut up, Donkey.  Talking animals have no place in comic strips."

Re: minor terminology clarification

2000-09-25 Thread Adam D. Moss

"Michael J. Hammel" wrote:
 I've been under the assumption that the term "image window" was changed to
 "Canvas window" for 1.2. 

I think you mistakenly credit the GIMP developers with an
actual Master Plan. :)

 However, if the terms are to be considered interchangeable then there's no

I believe they're interchangable (with minor semantic differences
from a core-developer point of view).

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Shut up, Donkey.  Talking animals have no place in comic strips."

Re: minor inconsistancy in GIF animation options

2000-08-30 Thread Adam D. Moss

"Michael J. Hammel" wrote:
 I just noticed that the Animation Playback specifies a delay of 125 ms for
 unspecified frame timings, but the Save As GIF dialog defaults to 100 ms.
 Could the latter be changed to 125 ms so the playback will match the saved
 file if the defaults are used?

I hadn't noticed that -- I'm changing it now.  I'm changing the
former to 100ms since the latter only works with 100ms-
granularity.  I may yet reconsider and default both to 200ms.

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Hour by hour / Day by day / Love leaks out / And goes away

New bugs in mild profusion.

2000-06-26 Thread Adam D. Moss

Hi guys and gals,

I've noticed a few regressions and general screwups in
current CVS GIMP with just cursory testing.

Two immediately noticable ones are:

1) moving a layer with the move tool is broken, no longer
tracks pointer after first 'settle' of motion.

2) ctrl-q to quit brings up the 'something modified, really
quit?' dialog but the 'okay' button then makes the dialog
vanish but GIMP doesn't quit.  The 'quit' menu entry gets
greyed-out and, well, you can't quit.  Admittedly, no-one
should want to quit GIMP anyway.

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"And the dead audience applauded, and laughed, and their laughter
 was a strange sound."

Re: New bugs in mild profusion.

2000-06-26 Thread Adam D. Moss

 On 26 Jun, Adam D. Moss wrote:
  Two immediately noticable ones are:
  1) moving a layer with the move tool is broken, no longer
  tracks pointer after first 'settle' of motion.
  2) ctrl-q to quit brings up the 'something modified, really
  quit?' dialog but the 'okay' button then makes the dialog
  vanish but GIMP doesn't quit.  The 'quit' menu entry gets
  greyed-out and, well, you can't quit.  Admittedly, no-one
  should want to quit GIMP anyway.
  Huh? Both of them work just fine here...

Right, make that intermittant.

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"And the dead audience applauded, and laughed, and their laughter
 was a strange sound."

Re: XCF loader for gdk-pixbuf

2000-06-08 Thread Adam D. Moss

Sven Neumann wrote:
 Since I've touched app/xcf.[ch] too:
 I hereby give my permission for anyone to use the portions of xcf.c
 that I have written under the terms of the LGPL.

Oh yeah, same here.

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"... for a man who flies from his fear may find that he has only
 taken a short cut to meet it."

recent commit...

2000-03-08 Thread Adam D. Moss

  * app/cursorutil.c (gtkutil_compress_motion)
  * app/edit_selection.c (process_event_queue_keys): Guard against
  gdk_event_get returning NULL (which can happen at least on Win32).

I'd kinda like to see this reverted and fixed at the WIN32 GDK level
-- if gdk_event_get() fails straight after a gdk_events_pending()
succeeds in a single-threaded app then it's not just GIMP that's
going to have a problem...

...unless this is documented cross-platform behaviour, of
course!  Tell me if I missed something.

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Article on UI design in free software.

2000-01-24 Thread Adam D. Moss

Not bad.  Quite pertinent to GIMP.

Not that I think GIMP's UI is bad (lately) or that
we have a particular reason to actively innovate as
opposed to more of less cribbing, ahem, someone's UI.


New menus.

1999-12-14 Thread Adam D. Moss

Thanks to those who've been working on the new menu
structure -- mitch and sven.  The new layout is significantly
more intuitive and organised in both the user and developer

Adam D. Moss. ,,^^[EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-11-17 Thread Adam D. Moss

Just a quick note since I don't have the email which
I accidentally sent to Nick but meant to send to the
list here with me at work...

Since the patch to generate multiple thumbnails
went in, the load-image-generate-thumbnail cycle
occurs twice when you ask for a single thumbnail.
Needless to say, that makes thumbnail generation
half as fast.
