Re: [git-users] can't have a directory named bundle?

2013-01-09 Thread Konstantin Khomoutov
On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 at 06:34:24PM -0800, msoulier wrote:

 I happened to create a subdirectory in my working set called bundle, and 
 I noticed that git ignored it.
 Why is that? And what if I need such a directory?

I suppose essentially what you're seeing is Git not showing you an
*empty* directory, and this has nothing to do with its name:

% git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
% mkdir bundle
% git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
% touch bundle/whatever
% git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
#   (use git add file... to include in what will be committed)
#   bundle/
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use git add to track)

I think this behaviour is due to the fact Git does not explicitly track
directories and they ever exist in the commits it manages because those
commits contain files in those directories.  I mean, the only way to
make a directory get added to a commit, is to add a file in it.  This
also means Git does not support managing empty directories (a topic
provoked heated discussions on the main Git list several times).
Hence looks like tools like `git status` only ever pay attention to
those filesystem objects which are regular files or contain them.


[git-users] Re: git push

2013-01-09 Thread Jean-Noel Avila

I am seeing TRUNK- branches... are you using git with git svn? In this 
case, you should not try to sync with a svn repo and a git remote at the 
same time.

When you git svn dcommit to your svn repo, the commits being sent are 
locally rewritten to include some svn information. This is basically 
equivalent to rewriting your history, which is considered a bad thing when 
dealing with git remotes.

The only safe (and very constraintful) way to deal with the two types of 
repos is to set the rule to only push to git commits which have already 
been dcommitted to svn.

Hope this helps.

Le mardi 8 janvier 2013 08:47:10 UTC+1, k-joseph a écrit :

 Hi every one, am kindly requesting for your assistance, i successfully 
 push to a remote branch on my account for the first time( first push where 
 i use git push origin name of the branch) but when am pushing the second 
 or any other time except the first i normally get an error  
 $ git push
 Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/kaweesi joseph/.ssh/id_rsa':
 error: src refspec refs/heads/ javascript: does 
 not match any.
 error: failed to push some refs to 
 i have also tried using git push --all and i get
 $ git push --all
 Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/kaweesi joseph/.ssh/id_rsa':
 Counting objects: 249, done.
 Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
 Compressing objects: 100% (79/79), done.
 Writing objects: 100% (139/139), 24.36 KiB, done.
 Total 139 (delta 72), reused 99 (delta 45)
9b76cd3..9e4ba80  TRUNK-3814 - TRUNK-3814
  * [new branch]  TRUNK-2449 - TRUNK-2449
  * [new branch]  testing - testing
  ! [rejected]master - master (non-fast-forward)
 error: failed to push some refs to 
 hint: Updates were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behind its 
 hint: counterpart. Check out this branch and merge the remote changes
 hint: (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again.
 hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.

 So i have always been deleting the remote branch in order to succeed in 
 pushing my changes to a remote branch, i fill this is not the best way to 
 do this
 Please help me with a git command that i can use to push to a remote 
 branch the second, third or even more time without first deleting the 
 remote branch, thanks all


[git-users] Re: Management of a puppet tree and multiple developers

2013-01-09 Thread Ray Shaw
Thanks for your replies.  I agree that we'd like to use multiple branches, 
but we're running into problems doing that with our setup.  The issue here 
is that often, there isn't a way to know something isn't working until the 
changes are committed and the development puppet server has pulled them 
down, because only then can we see how the puppet client systems react.  
There are a few potential ways to go about this:

- Have a bunch of test clients (most of them would have to be VMs), two for 
each developer's workstation, and run puppet masters on each developer's 
workstation for test clients to point to.  I'm thinking there has to be an 
easier way than this.

- Have multiple development branches, each one being pulled down to the 
puppet development server in separate directories, then have those 
directories rsync'd into the main puppet tree (this avoids the problems 
that happen when you have unmanaged files in locations to which you're 
doing a git pull, which are magnified greatly when implementing multiple 
trees, as I discovered yesterday).

- A better version of the above is something like this, but it would 
require a lot of restructuring, and unfortunately we're understaffed and 
have several large projects that take priority:

I think option 3 is the best long-term, but I'm looking for something we 
can implement quickly until we get a bit of breathing space.  I realize the 
way we're using Git is kind of weird, so maybe I'm thinking in the wrong 
direction altogether.


[git-users] Position of Development and Operations for Gerrit in Ericsson

2013-01-09 Thread Christian Lague

Ericsson is looking for DevOps candidates with very good experience to 
develop and support global services for Gerrit, Jenkins and other tools in 
the continuous integration domain. You can access the full description on 
LinkedIn at

or read it below. Note that each tool will be handled in it's own service 
so experience in all of them is not required however if you do have larger 
experience you'll be potentially able to get involved in multiple areas.

If interested please contact **. 

*Job description*

Ericsson is putting in place global services to support few main 
applications in the area of version control and continuous integration, 
more specifically Gerrit, Jenkins, Maven and Repository Management 

The services scope is to deliver a common platform: enterprise grade 
application infrastructure, user support, best practices, and communities. 
The RD projects then use that platform to define and perform own 

The responsibilities can cover any of the following aspects: development, 
deployment, administration, operations, troubleshooting and support. The 
candidate will be part of a team and may also coordinate technical 
activities, using Agile methods (Scrum, Kanban). 

The team is responsible of the *application* layer, the underlying IT 
infrastructure (e.g. OS, hardware, storage, network …) been supported by 
other IT services. The team will provide requirements to those services and 
be actively involved in reviewing their solutions. 

As such we need candidates that have solid experience in deploying, 
administering and supporting on a large scale the tools in scope or similar 
applications, have good experience with those tools are power users, solid 
knowledge of IT, good communication, coordination and planning skills. Java 
programming and debugging is also a strong asset.

*This position is located in Ericsson Montreal (Canada)*.

*Main responsibilities*

· Investigation, analysis, definition and implementation

· System administration (installations, upgrades, expansions, 
multi-siting e.g. Gerrit mirrors, virtualisation, etc)

· Development (live Java application debugging, scripts, plugins)

· Interfacing with solution providers, including Ericsson IT , or 
relevant open source communities

· Internal customer support (technical, usage)

· Participation to internal communities, drive and consolidate best 

· Planning and coordination of team activities



Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, or Computer Science. 

Pertinent Experience: Minimum 5 years in development and operations of the 
tools in scope or similar. 

*Competencies (not all required, the more the beter)*

· Very good knowledge of Git, Gerrit, Jenkins, Maven

· Very good experience in system / application administration

· Good knowledge of software CM (version control tools and build 
management in general)

· Good general IT knowledge. 

· Good software development experience, preferably with Java and 
with at least one of: Python, Groovy, Shell scripting. 

· Good database administration knowledge (MySQL, PostgreSQL). 

· Good customer handling skills.

· Ability to solve problems quickly and completely, and document 

· Ability to identify recurring tasks which require automation and 
automate them.

· Strong inter-personal and communication skills. Must enjoy being 
part of a team, and be a team player. 

· Good leadership, planning and coordination skills

· Fluent in english (written/spoken)


The following skills are considered assets: 

· Experience with managing multi-user applications on Linux. 

· Good Linux system administration skills.

· Good virtualization knowledge
· Knowledge of Agile methods (SCRUM, Kanban), capable to manage 
team planning (e.g. Scrum master)

*Company Description*
A connected world is just the beginning.

*Ericsson* is the world’s leading provider of technology and services to 
telecom operators. Ericsson is advancing its vision of being the “prime 
driver in an all-communicating world” through innovation, technology, and 
sustainable business solutions.

We now stand on the brink of fundamental innovation opportunities across 
industries, public services and in private life. We are moving from the 
information society to the Networked Society, where the primary concern is 
not having access to information, but what benefit you get out of it.

It took 100 years to connect 1 billion places and 25 years to connect 5 
billion people. The next step is connecting things. Ericsson envisions 50 
billion connected devices as a starting point for new ways of innovating, 
collaborating, and socializing. The result will be simplified processes, 

Re: [git-users] Can Git do all of this?

2013-01-09 Thread Konstantin Khomoutov
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 15:51:18 -0800 (PST)
Greg wrote:

 1. A general architecture as follows:
  a. Distributed repository model where local branches are
 pemitted and all repositories are kept in sync with reasonable
 latency (I believe Git does this; please correct me if I'm wrong)

This sounds like some kind of marketing speak so it's not quite clear
what's being asked here.  If you ask about some sort of *automated*
synchronizing of developers' repos to a central (master, blessed,
reference or whatever else you'd like to call it) repo then no, Git
can't do it by itself.  If what's hidden behind this phrase is whether
developers are able to periodically push their work somewhere then
the answer is yes (obviously).  But such pushes are only done
voluntarily unless you deploy some sort of crazy scheme which would use
a scheduler and some custom code to automate such a task.  In general,
when working with Git, a policy regarding code organisation and
workflow is developed and agreed upon, then everyone follows it.

  b. Capable of synchronization with a secure repository in the
 cloud as redundant off-site storage (either free or subscription)

Another case of marketing speak: the word cloud is so tired everyone
has its own set of meanings for it.  To provide an off-site emergency
storage for your Git repo(s), you have several possibilities:
* Buy private hosting from a Git hosting provider (such as bitbucket,
  github etc) -- this is really a no-brainer setup.
* Buy a VPS or a dedicated server (running a Linux-based OS) and host
  your backup repos on it -- this is slighty harder to set up, but
  only slightly.
These two possibilities suffer from the same syndrome: they won't
protect your code from a prying eye and are unable to keep your trade
secret, if any, so there's another one:
* Buy/rent some storage (be it a server or a dropbox-like service)
  and periodically upload there encrypted backups of your repos
  made by the `git bundle` tool (which is an integral part of Git).
  This is not bandwidth-effective but should in exchange be reasonably
  safe security-wise.

 2. Provide a seamless developer SCM experience from within the
 following development environments:
  a. Microsoft Visual Studio (HTML/JavaScript/C# development for 
 PC/Windows and Windows Phone)

No native (i.e. made by Microsoft) tool, but Git Extensions [1] claims
to have support for the whole range of contemporary MS IDEs.
I have only used Git Extensions in the standalone mode, and it rocks.

  b. Eclipse (HTML/JavaScript/Java development for Android devices)

Yes, via its EGIT plugin [2].  I, again, have no personal experience
with it, but it's reported to work OK.

  c. Apple Xcode (HTML/JavaScript/Objective-C development for
 Mac/OS X, iPad, iPod, and iPhone)

XCode has built-in support for Git -- at least version 4.2 running on
Mac OS X 10.6.8 (I've had a chance to tinker with it just today).

 3. Provide full-featured user interfaces for the following 
 platforms (particularly where IDE integration in #1 above is not

Not sure what does full-featured really means here.

On all platforms Git is ported to (namely, everything POSIX, including
Mac OS X, and Windows), it comes with its full set of command-line
utilities and its two standard GUI tools (`git gui` for arranging
commits and working with remote repos and `gitk` which is a graphical
history browser).  Git's command line tools are able to work with a
wide set of diffing GUI software (such as vimdiff, meld, KDiff etc) and
could be set up for custom front-ends as well.

  a. PC with Microsoft Windows 7 (GUI and command shell,
 preferrably PowerShell)

Works OK in cmd.exe.  Works almost OK in the port of the GNU bash shell
(which is packaged with Git for Windows) -- no support for non-ASCII
characters.  Don't know for PowerShell but heard it works there OK as
Several technical issues exist:
* There's no 64-bit binaries of Git for Windows so you won't be able
  to handle files larger than some 2GiB.
* Pathnames longer than 260 or so characters are not supported
  (i.e. Git does not internally uses those hacks with \\.\ pathname
  prefixes and relies on more standard APIs).
* Certain obscure bugs persist (though you're unlikely to encounter

  b. Mac with OS X 

It's just a POSIX system, so nothing special about it.
There were certain issues with funky approach to handling Unicode in
HFS but they've been fixed in 1.8 or even earlier.

  c. Browser-based web interface for the secure repository in the
 cloud (for use on machines/devices where Git is not installed)

I hear this stupid word again...

There are three sorts of web front-ends to browse Git's history:
* Proprietary web front-ends provided by the Git hosting providers.
* A de-facto standard free tool called gitweb -- it usually comes
  packaged with any sensible OS which has Git packaged, so if you're
  about to deploy/rent a server, you 

Re: [git-users] Can Git do all of this?

2013-01-09 Thread Greg
Thank you very, very much Konstantin for the detailed reply... you answered 
all of my questions and also included lots of great supplemental 
I concur with your comments about the marketing speak and the cloud, 
and I apologize for not phrasing my questions in a more clear and concise 
WRT 1.a:  Voluntary pushes by devs to synchronize repos based upon agreed 
policy is the model I was attempting to describe (obviously poorly, sorry).
WRT 1.b:  I am surprised by your comment that private Git repos purchased 
from Github are not secure... they purport to be authenticated and use SSL 
connections.  Other than the employees at Github, who's prying eyes would 
be able to peruse the code?
WRT 3.c:  By secure I meant a user/password protected, SSL connection to 
a web-based UI over a private and (hopefully :-) secure Git repo hosted by 
a Git hosting provider.
So, based upon your thorough reply, it appears that Git will do everything 
we need it to do (and more).  And we will review the options for off-site 
secure repository backup to determine where the best cost/benefit will be 
for our organization.
Thank you again for your counsel,

On Wednesday, January 9, 2013 9:09:28 AM UTC-8, Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:

 On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 15:51:18 -0800 (PST) 
 Greg javascript: wrote: 

  1. A general architecture as follows: 
   a. Distributed repository model where local branches are 
  permitted and all repositories are kept in sync with reasonable 
  latency (I believe Git does this; please correct me if I'm wrong) 

 This sounds like some kind of marketing speak so it's not quite clear 
 what's being asked here.  If you ask about some sort of *automated* 
 synchronizing of developers' repos to a central (master, blessed, 
 reference or whatever else you'd like to call it) repo then no, Git 
 can't do it by itself.  If what's hidden behind this phrase is whether 
 developers are able to periodically push their work somewhere then 
 the answer is yes (obviously).  But such pushes are only done 
 voluntarily unless you deploy some sort of crazy scheme which would use 
 a scheduler and some custom code to automate such a task.  In general, 
 when working with Git, a policy regarding code organisation and 
 workflow is developed and agreed upon, then everyone follows it. 

   b. Capable of synchronization with a secure repository in the 
  cloud as redundant off-site storage (either free or subscription) 

 Another case of marketing speak: the word cloud is so tired everyone 
 has its own set of meanings for it.  To provide an off-site emergency 
 storage for your Git repo(s), you have several possibilities: 
 * Buy private hosting from a Git hosting provider (such as bitbucket, 
   github etc) -- this is really a no-brainer setup. 
 * Buy a VPS or a dedicated server (running a Linux-based OS) and host 
   your backup repos on it -- this is slighty harder to set up, but 
   only slightly. 
 These two possibilities suffer from the same syndrome: they won't 
 protect your code from a prying eye and are unable to keep your trade 
 secret, if any, so there's another one: 
 * Buy/rent some storage (be it a server or a dropbox-like service) 
   and periodically upload there encrypted backups of your repos 
   made by the `git bundle` tool (which is an integral part of Git). 
   This is not bandwidth-effective but should in exchange be reasonably 
   safe security-wise. 

  2. Provide a seamless developer SCM experience from within the 
  following development environments: 
   a. Microsoft Visual Studio (HTML/JavaScript/C# development for 
  PC/Windows and Windows Phone) 

 No native (i.e. made by Microsoft) tool, but Git Extensions [1] claims 
 to have support for the whole range of contemporary MS IDEs. 
 I have only used Git Extensions in the standalone mode, and it rocks. 

   b. Eclipse (HTML/JavaScript/Java development for Android devices) 

 Yes, via its EGIT plugin [2].  I, again, have no personal experience 
 with it, but it's reported to work OK. 

   c. Apple Xcode (HTML/JavaScript/Objective-C development for 
  Mac/OS X, iPad, iPod, and iPhone) 

 XCode has built-in support for Git -- at least version 4.2 running on 
 Mac OS X 10.6.8 (I've had a chance to tinker with it just today). 

  3. Provide full-featured user interfaces for the following 
  platforms (particularly where IDE integration in #2 above is not 

 Not sure what does full-featured really means here. 

 On all platforms Git is ported to (namely, everything POSIX, including 
 Mac OS X, and Windows), it comes with its full set of command-line 
 utilities and its two standard GUI tools (`git gui` for arranging 
 commits and working with remote repos and `gitk` which is a graphical 
 history browser).  Git's command line tools are able to work with a 
 wide set of diffing GUI software (such as vimdiff, meld, KDiff etc) and 
 could be set up for custom 

[git-users] Git off-site security

2013-01-09 Thread John McKown
This may be a rather ignorant question. It is based on the thread: Can Git 
do all of this?. Konstantin indicated that Web suppliers such as GitHub 
are not secure. Why is this? Well, I guess maybe they could be hacked from 
the outside, or perhaps an employee could be subverted. I am wondering why 
there is not an git _option_ to mark a repository as insecure. When 
something is pushed to this insecure repository, the files being pushed 
would be encrypted as they are being transferred (read data, encrypt, then 
send). The reverse on a fetch or pull (receive, decrypt, write). This would 
leave the files unencrypted on the user's machine.

I don't know git internals, but is there some reason why the remote 
repository cannot have its files be encrypted on the user's machine before 
transferring to the insecure machine? I don't think anybody _in this 
case_ would directly use the files on the server. I am aware that 
encryption will increase their size. I don't know, but I guess this would 
inhibit some operations such as gc and maybe fsck. But are those operations 
truly necessary on a storage-only git repository? Again, my ignorance is 
showing.  I would think that the encryption used would require a properly 
signed digital certificate. How to distribute this cert to the appropriate 
people is left as an exercise for the reader.

Thanks for your thoughts.


[git-users] git-archive against a smart-http repo?

2013-01-09 Thread Bruce Lysik
A user reported that they can't git-archive against our smart-http based 
repos.  According to documentation, it should work.  I can reproduce it not 
working against my repos, as well as a random open git repo using 
smart-http on the internet.  

Has anyone gotten this to work?

$ git archive --verbose --format=zip 
fatal: Operation not supported by protocol.
Unexpected end of command stream


Re: [git-users] Git off-site security

2013-01-09 Thread Dale R. Worley
 From: John McKown
 This may be a rather ignorant question. It is based on the thread: Can Git 
 do all of this?. Konstantin indicated that Web suppliers such as GitHub 
 are not secure. Why is this? Well, I guess maybe they could be hacked from 
 the outside, or perhaps an employee could be subverted. I am wondering why 
 there is not an git _option_ to mark a repository as insecure. When 
 something is pushed to this insecure repository, the files being pushed 
 would be encrypted as they are being transferred (read data, encrypt, then 
 send). The reverse on a fetch or pull (receive, decrypt, write). This would 
 leave the files unencrypted on the user's machine.

To implement this, you couldn't just encrypt the block of data sent to
the remote repository, because then the remote repository couldn't
organize proper shared data structures to represent all the commits.
You'd have to encrypt the contents of each file individually.  That
would require the operations of sending/receiving from the repository
to regenerate the directory-tree and commit objects based on the
different file contents in the two repositories.  That is a lot of
code to put into a system which is not strongly worried about

And if you want the remote Git to be able to see blocks of lines moved
from one file to another, you have to arrange that any given line is
encrypted the same way, regardless of where it appears in any file.
That's possible, I think, with a degree of security, but makes the
data cryptographically soft.  (Hash the line concatenated to the
secret key, use the hash to generate a keystream, XOR the keystream
with the contents of the line, ciphertext is the hash concatenated
with the XORed line contents.)

If you want to implement it simply, I'd suggest having a program that
synchronizes an unencrypted working copy directory with an encrypted
Git working copy directory:  make a change in the code, sync to the
encrypted file tree, Git check in, push to remote repository.
Otherwise, you have to change the plumbing deep down in Git.



Re: [git-users] Git off-site security

2013-01-09 Thread John McKown
Thanks for explaining. I guess the way to do a cloud backup would be
to do a git archive and then encrypt and scp the archive to the

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Dale R. Worley wrote:
 From: John McKown

 This may be a rather ignorant question. It is based on the thread: Can Git
 do all of this?. Konstantin indicated that Web suppliers such as GitHub
 are not secure. Why is this? Well, I guess maybe they could be hacked from
 the outside, or perhaps an employee could be subverted. I am wondering why
 there is not an git _option_ to mark a repository as insecure. When
 something is pushed to this insecure repository, the files being pushed
 would be encrypted as they are being transferred (read data, encrypt, then
 send). The reverse on a fetch or pull (receive, decrypt, write). This would
 leave the files unencrypted on the user's machine.

 To implement this, you couldn't just encrypt the block of data sent to
 the remote repository, because then the remote repository couldn't
 organize proper shared data structures to represent all the commits.
 You'd have to encrypt the contents of each file individually.  That
 would require the operations of sending/receiving from the repository
 to regenerate the directory-tree and commit objects based on the
 different file contents in the two repositories.  That is a lot of
 code to put into a system which is not strongly worried about

 And if you want the remote Git to be able to see blocks of lines moved
 from one file to another, you have to arrange that any given line is
 encrypted the same way, regardless of where it appears in any file.
 That's possible, I think, with a degree of security, but makes the
 data cryptographically soft.  (Hash the line concatenated to the
 secret key, use the hash to generate a keystream, XOR the keystream
 with the contents of the line, ciphertext is the hash concatenated
 with the XORed line contents.)

 If you want to implement it simply, I'd suggest having a program that
 synchronizes an unencrypted working copy directory with an encrypted
 Git working copy directory:  make a change in the code, sync to the
 encrypted file tree, Git check in, push to remote repository.
 Otherwise, you have to change the plumbing deep down in Git.



John McKown


Re: [git-users] Can Git do all of this?

2013-01-09 Thread Konstantin Khomoutov
On Wed, Jan 09, 2013 at 10:00:07AM -0800, Greg wrote:

 WRT 1.b:  I am surprised by your comment that private Git repos purchased 
 from Github are not secure... they purport to be authenticated and use SSL 
 connections.  Other than the employees at Github, who's prying eyes would 
 be able to peruse the code?

I did not say they are not secure, I told about different levels of
security of various methods to keep your data offsite.

I stated that the security of a private repository hosted by a
third-party is questionable.  This is because being private only keeps
your repository from being freely accessed by casual public.  But that's
all what it means.  The repository is physically maintained by that third
party (your hosting provider) whose staff has full access to it.
It's the same situation as with your webmail account: it's not only you
who has access to it but also the organisation who hosts its data.

So of course there's the question of which level of security you need.
It might be that the level of security just discussed is perfectly
acceptable for your needs.  But it might be not.  As you asked a rather
comprehensive question I decided to try to show the full picture so you
could make an educated decision.

As to the level of security for accessing your github private repos from
the outside, it's only as strong as your account's password -- this has
to be understood very well.  Even if you do use SSH auth which requires
using public keys (it's beleived to be quite a strong authentication),
to upload these keys on the server, you use regular login to the github
web interface, hence whoever succeeded at guessing your password (or
happened to just obtain it [1]) could upload their own key.  Well, and
since github also provides HTTPS transport they wouldn't even need to do
that as they could use your password right away to clone your repo.

 WRT 3.c:  By secure I meant a user/password protected, SSL connection to 
 a web-based UI over a private and (hopefully :-) secure Git repo hosted by 
 a Git hosting provider.

Ah, that's doable of course: any Git hosting provider offering private
repos does provide password-protected and SSL-encrypted access to the
web interface, and in the case of deploying your own hosting (say, on a
rented server or a VPS) you usually put gitweb behind a web server which
is set up to perform whichever sort of authentification/encryption is

 So, based upon your thorough reply, it appears that Git will do everything 
 we need it to do (and more).  And we will review the options for off-site 
 secure repository backup to determine where the best cost/benefit will be 
 for our organization.

Well, Subversion would also fulfill all your requirements.
It's just... uh... well, okay ;-)



Re: [git-users] Git off-site security

2013-01-09 Thread Konstantin Khomoutov
On Wed, Jan 09, 2013 at 02:51:57PM -0600, John McKown wrote:

 Thanks for explaining. I guess the way to do a cloud backup would be
 to do a git archive and then encrypt and scp the archive to the

That wouldn't preserve the history as `git archive` just extracts the tree
from the specified commit and makes a tarball out of it.

Hence `git bundle` is a more sensible soultion to the problem as it
basically creates a portable blob containing all the history it has been
told to process (or all).  As a possible bonus, `git bundle` is able to
wrap only what's changed since the specified commit so it could in
principle be used to set up incremental backups if bandwidth is an


[git-users] Free Git Book

2013-01-09 Thread Ryan Hodson
Hey Git Users!

I wrote a Git book awhile ago, and I've recently released the entire
thing for free at It
covers a lot of the basic concepts that beginners ask about on this
list, so I thought it would be a helpful future reference for

If Thomas, Konstantin, Dale, John, or any of the other regular posters
had some time to look at it, feedback would be greatly appreciated
(topics you would like to see added, custom configurations that you
use everyday, etc).

Hope you're all having a happy new year!


Re: [git-users] Can Git do all of this?

2013-01-09 Thread Greg
Thank you again Konstantin for the detailed clarifications!  We will 
carefully consider how secure our code needs to be and then review your 

On Wednesday, January 9, 2013 3:45:59 PM UTC-8, Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 09, 2013 at 10:00:07AM -0800, Greg wrote: 

  WRT 1.b:  I am surprised by your comment that private Git repos 
  from Github are not secure... they purport to be authenticated and use 
  connections.  Other than the employees at Github, who's prying eyes 
  be able to peruse the code? 

 I did not say they are not secure, I told about different levels of 
 security of various methods to keep your data offsite. 

 I stated that the security of a private repository hosted by a 
 third-party is questionable.  This is because being private only keeps 
 your repository from being freely accessed by casual public.  But that's 
 all what it means.  The repository is physically maintained by that third 
 party (your hosting provider) whose staff has full access to it. 
 It's the same situation as with your webmail account: it's not only you 
 who has access to it but also the organisation who hosts its data. 

 So of course there's the question of which level of security you need. 
 It might be that the level of security just discussed is perfectly 
 acceptable for your needs.  But it might be not.  As you asked a rather 
 comprehensive question I decided to try to show the full picture so you 
 could make an educated decision. 

 As to the level of security for accessing your github private repos from 
 the outside, it's only as strong as your account's password -- this has 
 to be understood very well.  Even if you do use SSH auth which requires 
 using public keys (it's beleived to be quite a strong authentication), 
 to upload these keys on the server, you use regular login to the github 
 web interface, hence whoever succeeded at guessing your password (or 
 happened to just obtain it [1]) could upload their own key.  Well, and 
 since github also provides HTTPS transport they wouldn't even need to do 
 that as they could use your password right away to clone your repo. 

  WRT 3.c:  By secure I meant a user/password protected, SSL connection 
  a web-based UI over a private and (hopefully :-) secure Git repo hosted 
  a Git hosting provider. 

 Ah, that's doable of course: any Git hosting provider offering private 
 repos does provide password-protected and SSL-encrypted access to the 
 web interface, and in the case of deploying your own hosting (say, on a 
 rented server or a VPS) you usually put gitweb behind a web server which 
 is set up to perform whichever sort of authentification/encryption is 

  So, based upon your thorough reply, it appears that Git will do 
  we need it to do (and more).  And we will review the options for 
  secure repository backup to determine where the best cost/benefit will 
  for our organization. 

 Well, Subversion would also fulfill all your requirements. 
 It's just... uh... well, okay ;-) 



[git-users] Re: Free Git Book

2013-01-09 Thread Huu Da Tran
There is a mention of a ebook now being free of charge. Admitting total 
laziness, it would be great to have a link to the amazon store now free 
ebook... unless I misunderstood.



Re: [git-users] Free Git Book

2013-01-09 Thread Iñigo Medina
On Wed, Jan 09, 2013 at 06:03:40PM -0600, Ryan Hodson wrote:

 I wrote a Git book awhile ago, and I've recently released the entire
 thing for free at It
 covers a lot of the basic concepts that beginners ask about on this
 list, so I thought it would be a helpful future reference for

Thanks Ryan. The book is worth reading. :)


 If Thomas, Konstantin, Dale, John, or any of the other regular posters
 had some time to look at it, feedback would be greatly appreciated
 (topics you would like to see added, custom configurations that you
 use everyday, etc).
 Hope you're all having a happy new year!


Re: [git-users] Free Git Book

2013-01-09 Thread Ryan Hodson

 There is a mention of a ebook now being free of charge. Admitting total
 laziness, it would be great to have a link to the
 amazon store now free ebook... unless I misunderstood.

Sorry, I'm no longer maintaining the Kindle version, but the entire book is
available via the link in the original email.

Thanks Ryan. The book is worth reading. :)

Thanks Iñigo, I appreciate that :)



[git-users] Re: Free Git Book

2013-01-09 Thread Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen
On Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:03:40 AM UTC+1, Ryan Hodson wrote:

 Hey Git Users! 

 I wrote a Git book awhile ago, and I've recently released the entire 
 thing for free at It 
 covers a lot of the basic concepts that beginners ask about on this 
 list, so I thought it would be a helpful future reference for 

 If Thomas, Konstantin, Dale, John, or any of the other regular posters 
 had some time to look at it, feedback would be greatly appreciated 
 (topics you would like to see added, custom configurations that you 
 use everyday, etc). 

Wow, that looks amazing. Great layout, design, illustrations.. I haven't 
got the time right now to dig through the content, but it looks really 

I like the webdesign examples. Nice detail that you can download the 
example repo for each module.

Well done! I'll share it on twitter and google+. I hope you get some 
sponsors on the tutorial, cause it definitely deserves it.


[git-users] Re: Free Git Book

2013-01-09 Thread Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen
Oh, and an eBook format would be cool, as Huu Da Tran said.


[git-users] Re: Free Git Book

2013-01-09 Thread Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen
I've also suggested they add the book to the external resources list on


Re: [git-users] Re: Free Git Book

2013-01-09 Thread Ryan Hodson
Thanks Thomas. I actually already did that :). I'll see what I can do about
an ebook version.
On Jan 10, 2013 1:43 AM, Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen

 I've also suggested they add the book to the external resources list on



Re: [git-users] Re: Free Git Book

2013-01-09 Thread Ryan Hodson
Lol. Thanks for the thought though.
On Jan 10, 2013 1:45 AM, Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen

 Uh, never mind, I saw you beat me to it :)

 On Thursday, January 10, 2013 8:43:57 AM UTC+1, Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen

 I've also suggested they add the book to the external resources list on

