[gmx-users] Re: Steered MD

2013-10-14 Thread Thomas Schlesier

First of all, sorry for the late answer.

More generally it is said the the rupture force depends logarithmically 
on the loading rate (velocity times spring constant). - So the 
rup.force should also depend logarithmically on the spring constant (in 
the simple bell modell).
Think the reason, why most people vary the velocity is, it is easier. If 
you change the spring constant you also change the fluctuations in the 
force (higher constant - higher fluctuations) and it becomes way more 
difficult to determine a rupture force.

For the dependence of the spring constant comes one paper to my mind:

S. Izrailev, S. Stepaniants, M. Balsera, Y. Oono, and K. Schulten
Biophysical Journal Volume 72 April 1997 1568-1581
Molecular Dynamics Study of Unbinding of the Avidin-Biotin Complex

This might be a good starting point to find more recent publications on 
this topic.

Hope this helps you.


Am 09.10.2013 15:59, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear Gromacs Users,

I am trying to look for some references regarding the SMD. I found one
which tells about logarithmically dependency between the Rupture force
(maximum pulling force) obtained from SMD and the pulling rate. Just
wondering whether you are aware (or tested) the dependency between rupture
force and harmonic spring constant?


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[gmx-users] Re: Umbrella Sampling _ pulled ion

2013-07-25 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Think your .mdp-file looks reasonable.
If you are totaly unsure you could determine the PMF of two water 
molecules. As a reference one can use the radial distribution function 
g(r) and calculate the PMF as

V_pmf(r) = -kT LN(g(r))

One side note:
Since the force constant you are using is relative large you will need a 
relative small distance increment between the individual umbrella windows.


Am 25.07.2013 13:56, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

After running for 100 ps, I visualized the pullf_umbrella.xvg, in this plot I 
found the F value around 100 kJ/mol/ns. But force constant which I had set in 
md_US.mdp file was 4000 KJ/mol/ns. Does this difference show me that the US has 
not done properly?

;define??? ??? = -DPOSRES ???
integrator? = md??? ; leap-frog integrator
nsteps? =10 ; 1 * 10 = 100 ps
dt? = 0.001 ; 1 fs
nstcomm = 10
tinit?? = 0
; Output control
nstxout = 5000?? ; save coordinates every 100 ps
nstvout = 5000?? ; save velocities every 100 ps
nstenergy?? = 1000?? ; save energies every 2 ps
nstfout = 5000
nstxtcout?? = 5000??? ??? ??? ??? ; every 10 ps
continuation??? = yes??? ; first dynamics run
constraint_algorithm = lincs??? ; holonomic constraints
constraints = h-bonds ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds) constrained
lincs_iter? = 1 ; accuracy of LINCS
lincs_order = 4 ; also related to accuracy
; Neighborsearching
ns_type = grid? ; search neighboring grid cells
nstlist = 5 ; 10 fs
rlist?? = 1.2?? ; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in nm)
rlistlong?? = 1.4
rcoulomb??? = 1.2?? ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
rvdw??? = 1.2?? ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
vdwtype = switch
rvdw_switch = 1.0
; Electrostatics
coulombtype = PME?? ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range 
pme_order?? = 4 ; cubic interpolation
fourierspacing? = 0.12? ; grid spacing for FFT
fourier_nx? = 0
fourier_ny? = 0
fourier_nz? = 0
ewald_rtol? = 1e-5
optimize_fft??? = yes
; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl? = Nose-Hoover ; modified Berendsen thermostat
tc-grps = Protein_POPC Water_Ces_CL??? ??? ; two coupling groups - more 
tau_t?? = 0.5?? 0.5?? ??? ; time constant, in ps
ref_t?? = 310?? 310??? ; reference temperature, one for each group, in K
; Pressure coupling is on
pcoupl? = Parrinello-Rahman??? ; no pressure coupling in NVT
pcoupltype? = semiisotropic
tau_p?? = 4
ref_p?? = 1.01325 1.01325
compressibility = 4.5e-5 4.5e-5
; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc = xyz?? ; 3-D PBC
; Long-range dispersion correction
DispCorr??? = EnerPres
; Pull code
pull??? = umbrella
pull_geometry?? = position
pull_dim??? = N N Y
pull_start? = yes
pull_ngroups??? = 1
pull_group0 = POPC
pull_group1 = Ces_ion
pull_init1? = 0.0 0.0 0.0
pull_rate1? = 0.0 0.0 0.00
pull_vec1??? = 0 0 1
pull_k1 = 4000? ; kJ mol^-1  nm^-2
pull_nstxout??? = 1000? ; every 2 ps
pull_nstfout??? = 1000? ; every 2 ps
; Velocity generation
gen_vel = no?? ; assign velocities from Maxwell distribution
refcoord_scaling??? = com

Would you please let me know your suggestions ?

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[gmx-users] Re: snapshot

2013-07-15 Thread Thomas Schlesier

the following:

trjconv -s md.tpr -f md.trr -o beta.gro -dt 250 -sep

should work.
-dt 250 ; write output every 250 ps
-sep ; to write each frame (but the output frequency gets overwritten by 
'-dt 250')

the additional use of '-dump x' might be the problem, since with '-dump 
x' GMX writes only the frame at time x


Am 15.07.2013 15:03, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hi, The following command I used for the snapshots but I'm getting one
frame time 0 time 500. what are the changes I need to do in the command
to get snapshots in equal intervals of time for ex: 250ps. My production
MD trajectory was 15ns. g_trjconv -s md.tpr -f md.trr -o beta.gro -skip
1 -dt 0 -dump 0 -sep Thanks in Advance. Rama On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at
2:02 AM, Dr. Vitaly Chaban vvcha...@gmail.comwrote:

look for either -dt or -skip.

Dr. Vitaly V. Chaban

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 2:03 AM, Ramaramkishn...@gmail.com  wrote:

 How to get a snapshots in equal intervals of time (250ps) from production
 trajectory. I'm using -sep , -t0, -timestep but output came only one .gro

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[gmx-users] Re: Umbrella Sampling settings

2013-07-12 Thread Thomas Schlesier
But you need each of these lines for both cases (SMD and US). Probably 
one could skip two lines and use the default values, but it's better to 
set them manually. See below for comments (comments are under the 
related entry):

Thanks for your reply. But when I don't understand why these extra lines
are needed to set when are not advantageous practically! :-( Sincerely,
Shima - Original Message - From: Justin Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu
To: Shima Arasteh shima_arasteh2...@yahoo.com; Discussion list for
GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org Cc: Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013
1:37 AM Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Umbrella Sampling settings On 7/11/13
4:21 PM, Shima Arasteh wrote:


I want to run Umbrella Sampling on my system. In initial configurations, an 
ion is located in center of the window.
Some mdp file settings for running US, as I found in US tutorial are :
; Pull code
pull? ? ? ? ? ? = umbrella

how do you want to pull (umbrella / constant force / ...)

pull_geometry?  = distance

second part for 'how to pull' ; see the manual

pull_dim? ? ? ? = N N Y

in which direction do you want to pull

pull_start? ? ? = yes
should the initial distance of 'pull_group0' and 'pull_group1' be added 
to 'pull_init1'

pull_ngroups? ? = 1

number of pulled groups

pull_group0? ?  = Chain_B

referene group

pull_group1? ?  = Chain_A

pulled group

pull_init1? ? ? = 0

place where origin of the potential is place

pull_rate1? ? ? = 0.0
pulling veloity (default value could be 0, but if you want to pull with 
a zero-velocity it's safer to give this value manually

pull_k1? ? ? ?  = 4000? ? ? ; kJ mol^-1  nm^-2

force constant for umbrella / force for constant force

pull_nstxout? ? = 1000? ? ? ; every 2 ps

output coordinates

pull_nstfout? ? = 1000? ? ? ; every 2 ps

output forces

So, you see each line is sensible, there are no 'extra' lines.


But I'd like to know which lines are specifically for US? Because in this 
step, no group is supposed to be pulled but there are some lines written here 
related to pulling!

All of them are related to umbrella sampling.? Pulling (steered MD) and umbrella
sampling simply use common parts of the pull code in Gromacs because US
requires a restraint potential.? Whether or not that restraint potential induces
net displacement (steering, i.e. non-zero pull_rate) or not (zero pull rate,
restrain to a given set of conditions) is the only difference.? Both processes
require reference and pull groups, geometry information, etc.


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[gmx-users] Re: Umbrella Sampling settings

2013-07-12 Thread Thomas Schlesier

In GROMACS groups are called via the *.ndx file (default: index.ndx)
Be aware that 'pull_dim' determines in which diretions (x,y,z) the 
umbrella potential acts. So use N N Y , if you want that the ion can 
move freely (onsidering the pull) in the xy-plane and Y Y Y if you want 
to also restrit the movement in the xy-plane.

Am 12.07.2013 17:32, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

As I said earlier, my system is a lipid bilayer. A channel is inserted in it 
and I want to run US on this system.
An ion is considered in center of the each window, the reaction coordinate is 
set to z,? so the group which is pulled is an ion, and my ref group would be 
COM of the protein. But I don't know what statement is supposed to write in mdp 
settings exactly:
; Pull code
pull??? = umbrella
pull_geometry?? = position
pull_dim??? = N N Y
pull_start? = yes
pull_ngroups??? = 1
pull_group0 = COM of protein
pull_group1 = ion
pull_init1? = 0
pull_rate1? = 0.0
pull_k1 = 4000? ; kJ mol^-1  nm^-2
pull_nstxout??? = 1000? ; every 2 ps
pull_nstfout??? = 1000? ; every 2 ps

IN fact, to implement such settings, how I make the US understand to get the 
COM of protein as the ref group and the proposed ion as the pulled group?

Would you please give me any suggestions?

Thanks for all your time and consideration.


- Original Message -
From: Justin Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu
To: Discussion list for GROMACS usersgmx-users@gromacs.org
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Umbrella Sampling settings

On 7/11/13 5:10 PM, Shima Arasteh wrote:

Thanks for your reply.

But when I don't understand why these extra lines are needed to set when are 
not advantageous practically!:-(

There's nothing extra.? Everything here has a functional purpose.



- Original Message -
From: Justin Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu
To: Shima Arastehshima_arasteh2...@yahoo.com; Discussion list for GROMACS 
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 1:37 AM
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Umbrella Sampling settings

On 7/11/13 4:21 PM, Shima Arasteh wrote:


I want to run Umbrella Sampling on my system. In initial configurations, an 
ion is located in center of the window.
Some mdp file settings for running US, as I found in US tutorial are :
; Pull code
pull? ? ? ? ? ? = umbrella
pull_geometry?? = distance
pull_dim? ? ? ? = N N Y
pull_start? ? ? = yes
pull_ngroups? ? = 1
pull_group0? ?? = Chain_B
pull_group1? ?? = Chain_A
pull_init1? ? ? = 0
pull_rate1? ? ? = 0.0
pull_k1? ? ? ?? = 4000? ? ? ; kJ mol^-1  nm^-2
pull_nstxout? ? = 1000? ? ? ; every 2 ps
pull_nstfout? ? = 1000? ? ? ; every 2 ps

But I'd like to know which lines are specifically for US? Because in this 
step, no group is supposed to be pulled but there are some lines written here related 
to pulling!

All of them are related to umbrella sampling.? Pulling (steered MD) and 
sampling simply use common parts of the pull code in Gromacs because US
requires a restraint potential.? Whether or not that restraint potential 
net displacement (steering, i.e. non-zero pull_rate) or not (zero pull rate,
restrain to a given set of conditions) is the only difference.? Both processes
require reference and pull groups, geometry information, etc.


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[gmx-users] Re: Umbrella sampling- force vs time plots

2013-07-10 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Using a higher force constant and / or pulling velocity drives the 
system faster out of equilibrium, which results in higher rupture forces.
Varying the force constant has two effects. The softer the potential is, 
the larger are the fluctuations in the coordinates but the lower are the 
fluctuations in the force (see Paper: Biophysical Journal Volume 72 
April 1997 1568-1581). So a lower force constant gives 'nicer looking' 
force-extension curves.
Problem with a low force constant is that it's harder to detect 
intermediates in the system (especially if they have small energy 
barriers). I think the was a paper from Grubmüller which showed this in 
a picture. But i don't remember the title and only believe it was from 
Grubmüller. But one this effect also in the PMF obtained from 
Jarzynski's equality - here a too low force constant (lower than the 
curvature of the PMF) gives deviations from the exact result (G. Hummer, 
A. Szabo; PNAS 107 (50): 21441-21446, 2010).

Hello all,

I am trying to understand the force vs time plots using Gromacs' umbrella
sampling method. I am trying to pull a short polymer chain from the interior
of a micelle and see what the PMF looks like. I use the following parameters
to run the pulling simulation for 500ps to pull the polymer over a distance
of 5nm:

pull_vec1=1 0 0

After the simulation, pullf.xvg plot I obtained is a linearly increasing
plot with time and similar result when pull_rate1=0.001 nm per ps. I am not

The slope and the shape of the force-extension curve (extension = v*t) 
depends on the underlying potential surface. A linear increasing force 
corresponds (in first approximation) to an harmonic potential. In 
experiments where they use sometimes long linker molecules, one observes 
a force which increases steeper with increasing extension - this 
corresponds to a Worm-Like-Chain.

sure if this is right. My question is, on what basis do we select the
optimum pull_rate1 and pull_k1 for a particular system? Or is it just a
choice of parameters as long as the system does not deform? How does an
ideal force-time plot look like and does the choice of pull_k1 affect the
histogram?  It appears, the entire procedure depends on the choice of input
of these two variables. I would greatly appreciate if someone can explain
this concept.

Thanks a lot.

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[gmx-users] RE: Is non-linear data output/storage possible?

2013-07-02 Thread Thomas Schlesier

I see the same problem as Justin.
The real problem lies here:

mdrun -nt 4 -v -s 10step.tpr -c nonlinear.gro -e nonlinear.edr -x 
nonlinear.xtc -o nonlinear.trr -g nonlinear.log -cpi nonlinear.cpt -cpo 
nonlinear.cpt -rdd 2.5

Due to the '-cpi nonlinear.cpt' mdrun thinks the the time now the 
end-time of the longer simulation. But in the grompp step, you tell GMX 
thaat the time starts at 0 and should go till the shorter end-time.

You could use Justin's approach. Or skip the '-cpi nonlinear.cpt' in the 
mdrun step. Problem with the later is, that you'll end with many 
trajectories which all start at t=0.

One thing which is strange:
Why do you use in the second grompp/mdrun step, the *.tpr file of the 
previous run as input for the coordinates? Would think it will be better 
to use the final coordinates of the previous run and not the initial 
coordinates. (Being confused)


Am 02.07.2013 20:51, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:


So the commands are:

grompp -f 10step.mdp -p dppc_bilayer.top -o 10step.tpr -c dppc_bilayer.gro

mdrun -nt 4 -s 10step.tpr -c nonlinear.gro -e nonlinear.edr -x
-o nonlinear.trr -g nonlinear.log -cpo nonlinear.cpt -rdd 2.5

grompp -f 100step.mdp -c 10step.tpr -p dppc_bilayer.top -o 100step.tpr -t

mdrun -nt 4 -s 100step.tpr -c nonlinear.gro -e nonlinear.edr -x
nonlinear.xtc -o nonlinear.trr -g nonlinear.log -cpi nonlinear.cpt -cpo
nonlinear.cpt -rdd 2.5

Up till this point the output is what I would expect. However now I try to
use the 10step mdp again in order to save it every ten time steps -

  grompp -f 10step.mdp -c 100step.tpr -p dppc_bilayer.top -o 10step.tpr -t

mdrun -nt 4 -v -s 10step.tpr -c nonlinear.gro -e nonlinear.edr -x
nonlinear.xtc -o nonlinear.trr -g nonlinear.log -cpi nonlinear.cpt -cpo
nonlinear.cpt -rdd 2.5

And at this mdrun I get WARNING: This run will generate roughly
186617909559164928 Mb of data

starting mdrun 'DPPC BILAYER'
100 steps, infinite ps (continuing from step 1000, 20.0 ps).

This is the saving every 10 steps mdp file, the hundred step is identical
except steps is a 1000 and nstxout is 100.

title= Martini
cpp  = /usr/bin/cpp

integrator   = md
; start time and timestep in ps =
tinit= 0.0

This is your problem.  You're no longer at t = 0.  The checkpoint file
specifies some time in the future, so grompp thinks you're going backwards
in time and thinks you're going to generate infinite data by doing so.
Then mdrun gets confused, because it thinks you're trying to go backwards
as well, from step 1000 to step 100.  Proper use of tinit and init_step in
the .mdp file should alleviate this problem.


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[gmx-users] Re: Pulling

2013-06-30 Thread Thomas Schlesier
If you use periodic boundary conditions, there is no need that the 
protein stays at one side of the box.
For the pulling simulation: Read the chapters 6.4 (explains the 
pull-code) and 7.3.21 (explains the mdp-paramters).
Additional information you an also get from Justin Tutorial for Umbrella 


Am 30.06.2013 01:07, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear users,

I have a sytem including protein, lipids, and water. My protein is in
center of the box. Now i want it stays at one side of the box. Which tool
or command should i use to pull the protein to a any mong mu???n location ?

Thankful for any help !

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[gmx-users] Re: umbrella sampling for two polymer interaction

2013-06-03 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Sorry, my writing was not really excat.
If you use a reference group, the force / potential acting on the pulled 
group is always relative to the reference group.
If you use 'pull_geometry = distance' the origin potential is always in 
the distance 'pull_init1' along the vector from the reference group to 
the pulled group. (assuming the pulling velocity is zero, else there 
would be an additional contribution).

Imagine an MD step. Both molecules have moved.
1) Calculate new origin of the umbrella potential
2) Calculate the forces
3) Let only these forces act which are allowed from 'pull_dim = X Y Z'
Some cases:
Y Y Y - Move the pulled group to the origin of umbrella potential
Y N N - let the force act only along the X-axis
N N N - let no force act
4) do next MD step and start again at (1)

So if one component is N the pulled group can move freely along this 
axis (relative to the reference group).

Just imagine the step of the pull-code as a step which happens after a 
MD step and remember that both step are independed from each other (ok, 
both use the coordinates from the previous step, but they are n that 
sense independend from each other as two following MD steps in a normal 
This means, that in the MD step, both groups can move freely, as there 
is now umbrella potential. But in the pull-code step, we switch the 
potential on.

 Sorry confused. In AMBER I remember I did once methane-methane
 interaction,just distance based umbrella sampling. But there I did
 not provide any direction. So should it not be N N N in Gromacs if I
 want to allow them freely move in xyz.

With 'pull_gemoetry' you tell GROMACS how it should setup the pulling 
potential. With 'distance' it don't needs an explizit pull_vector, since 
GROMACS uses the vector connecting both groups.

Am 31.05.2013 21:04, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear Thomas,

Thanks a lot again for great reply. Please clarify this also,

If one uses only 'Y N N' B would only move along the x-axis due to the

pull, but could move freely in the yz-plane

You never want to use the pull-code and 'pull_dim = N N N'
This would mean that there is no force acting between your two groups.

Then one could have skipped using the pull-code...

So keeping Y N N will allow free movement in yz plane. So if I want A B to
move freely in xyz but just keep them separated by some distance with
spring const (just like two balloons tied to each other flying in air).
Sorry confused. In AMBER I remember I did once methane-methane interaction,
just distance based umbrella sampling. But there I did not provide any
direction. So should it not be N N N in Gromacs if I want to allow them
freely move in xyz.


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Thomas Schlesierschl...@uni-mainz.dewrote:

For comments to your questions see below.

More general: (somewhat longer than i wanted. Hope you find some answers

Imagine two interacting particles A and B which are alinged to the x-axis.
We take A as the reference group, B as pulled group and put the origin of
the umbrella potential on top of B (pull_start=yes).
Simulation starts - A and B moves.
Pull-code step: From A we calculate the new position of the umbrella
potential, this is unequal to B, since B moved and our reference point move.
Now we have a force acting on B, 'pull_dim' controls in which directions
the force acts. With 'Y Y Y' B is pulled towards the origin of the umbrella
potential (and with this to the position it should have relative to A).
If one uses only 'Y N N' B would only move along the x-axis due to the
pull, but could move freely in the yz-plane. In the end one would get a
structure where A and B have the right distance in the x-axis but are miles
away from each other in the yz-plane.

Now imagine we pull B away from A. Since MD simulations normally separete
the movement of the center of mass of the system, it would look like A and
B would move away from a middle point.

(Interchanging A and B should give the same results).

Think in your case (doing umbrella sampling) the mdp-file you suggested
would be most appropiate (with 'pull_start=yes' and 'pull_ngroups=1'). This
gives you a potential which fixes the distance between the two proteins.
One thing you should be aware is that if you restrain the distance in 3d,
you have to account for entropic effects (see also the GROMACS manual). If
you restrain the system only in one direction, these don't arise. Think
this is the reason why one sees some work with umbrella sampling were the
restraint works only in one direction.

Am 31.05.2013 17:20, schriebgmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

  Dear Thomas,

Thanks a lot for your time and nice explanation. I was not able to get
specially the pull_start flag but now its quite clear.

I feel sorry, that should be pull_dim = N N N in my case. Also I will be
much thankful if you please can help me to make understand following:

You never want to use the pull-code and 'pull_dim = N 

[gmx-users] Re: umbrella sampling for two polymer interaction

2013-05-31 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Look also into the manual. But the tutorial is a nice place to start.
For further comments see below:

Dear Lloyd,

I have read that but my system is different


On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 8:28 PM, lloyd riggslloyd.ri...@gmx.ch  wrote:

Dear Jiom,

Look at justines tutorial, there's example pull .mdp.

Stephan Watkins

I want to do Umbrella sampling between two different polymers (A and B)
interacting with each other with starting configuration separated by some
distance and I am trying to bring them closer.

I have some queries regarding pull inputs: (this is for to run a umbrella
sampling at some distance)

pull = umbrella
pull_geometry = distance
pull_dim = Y Y Y
pull_start = ???
pull_ngroups = 2?
pull_group0 = polymer_B
pull_group1 = polymer_A
pull_init1 = 0
pull_rate1 = 0.0

please suggest for following:

1) pull_dim I have set to Y Y Y: Is this correct I do not want to make
it interact with some directional vector

I don't really understand the question. If you use 'pull_dim = Y Y Y' 
the pulling potential acts in all 3 dimensions, if you use 'pull_dim = Y 
N N' the pulling potential acts only in the X direction and your two 
groups an move freely in the YZ-plane.

2) Which should be group0 or group1, in other words should I pull both
together or how I should decide which one should be reference and
which to be pulled as both are different polymers?
Depends on what you want to do. Easiest way would be define one polymer 
a group0/reference group and the other as group1/pulled group. System 
shouldn't care about which polymer is which group.
If you do a pulling simulation, there can be reason for chosing the 
groups (protein = reference , ligand = pulled group, since we want to 
pull it away)

3) And also what should be pull_ngroups because if there is no
reference group then it should be 2

Better use a reference group - pull_ngroups = 1
You don't want to pull in absolute coordinates, when your system can 

4) I am not able to understand pull_start option with pull_init1. In
this case if it is set to yes and 0.0 respectively then does that mean
this combination is equivalent to pull_start = No if I just assume
pull_init1 does not have any default value (which is 0.0); not

From the setup which you have written above:
polymer_B is the reference group. the origin of the pulling potential is 
at 'pull_init1' (a length) along the vector which goes from polymer_B to 
polymer_A (sine you use pull_geometry = distance).
If you set pull_init1=0 and pull_start=no, polymer_A will crash into 
polymer_B (since the origin of the umbrella potential is directly at the 
center of mass of polymer_B).
If you set pull_init1=0 and pull_start=yes, GROMACS adds the distance 
between polymer_B and A to pull_init1 (- so pull_init1 is now greater 
than 0.0). Now the origin of the umbrella potential is at the center of 
mass of polymer_A. - A is restrainted to a certian distance of B.

5) Also finally where are upper and lower bounds defined. pull_k1 =
1000 is harmonic applied to some equilibrium distance value. How this
distance is taken by the programme (or it is just the starting
distance taken between two groups) and what are the ± values
defined. (say in AMBER I define r1,r2,r3,r4; where r2=r3 which is
assumed equilibrium value and r1 is lower and r4 is upper value which
defines shape of potential)
The umbrella potential is a simple harmonic potential (so no fancy stuff 
as in AMBER) with

V = 1/2 k x^2
where x is the violation of the equilibrium distance.
For your setup
V = 1/2 (pull_init1 - distance(B-A))^2
where distance(B-A) means the distance between both polymers.

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[gmx-users] Re: umbrella sampling for two polymer interaction

2013-05-31 Thread Thomas Schlesier

For comments to your questions see below.

More general: (somewhat longer than i wanted. Hope you find some answers 

Imagine two interacting particles A and B which are alinged to the 
x-axis. We take A as the reference group, B as pulled group and put the 
origin of the umbrella potential on top of B (pull_start=yes).

Simulation starts - A and B moves.
Pull-code step: From A we calculate the new position of the umbrella 
potential, this is unequal to B, since B moved and our reference point move.
Now we have a force acting on B, 'pull_dim' controls in which directions 
the force acts. With 'Y Y Y' B is pulled towards the origin of the 
umbrella potential (and with this to the position it should have 
relative to A).
If one uses only 'Y N N' B would only move along the x-axis due to the 
pull, but could move freely in the yz-plane. In the end one would get a 
structure where A and B have the right distance in the x-axis but are 
miles away from each other in the yz-plane.

Now imagine we pull B away from A. Since MD simulations normally 
separete the movement of the center of mass of the system, it would look 
like A and B would move away from a middle point.

(Interchanging A and B should give the same results).

Think in your case (doing umbrella sampling) the mdp-file you suggested 
would be most appropiate (with 'pull_start=yes' and 'pull_ngroups=1'). 
This gives you a potential which fixes the distance between the two 
One thing you should be aware is that if you restrain the distance in 
3d, you have to account for entropic effects (see also the GROMACS 
manual). If you restrain the system only in one direction, these don't 
arise. Think this is the reason why one sees some work with umbrella 
sampling were the restraint works only in one direction.

Am 31.05.2013 17:20, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear Thomas,

Thanks a lot for your time and nice explanation. I was not able to get
specially the pull_start flag but now its quite clear.

I feel sorry, that should be pull_dim = N N N in my case. Also I will be
much thankful if you please can help me to make understand following:

You never want to use the pull-code and 'pull_dim = N N N'
This would mean that there is no force acting between your two groups. 
Then one could have skipped using the pull-code...


If you do a pulling simulation, there can be reason for chosing the

groups (protein = reference , ligand = pulled group, since we want to pull
it away)

This indeed is correct but I am not able to get depth of this. I mean to
say lets keep ligand as a reference and protein as pulled group then yes it
sounds stupid but I am not able to provide a reason myself why we can not
keep ligand as reference and pull protein rather !!

Think this setup should also work. For some simple systems i imagine it 
should give identical results.
For complex system i would also think so. But i can't comment on this 
with actual expirience. The dimer systems which i investigated were 


 3) And also what should be pull_ngroups because if there is no

 reference group then it should be 2

Better use a reference group - pull_ngroups = 1

You don't want to pull in absolute coordinates, when your system can

I am not able to understand this part. Can you please provide some example
so that it makes easier to understand this

Imagine only a single protein which you want to unfold. In an 
equilibrium simulation the protein can freely rotate in the box. If we 
use the N-terminus as the reference group and the C-terminus a the 
pulled group, the origin of the umbrella potential will always be 
updated and will account for movement of the N-terminus (reference group).
If one would pull in absolute coordinates, one would need to give the 
position of the umbrella potential in absolute space. The molecule can 
move, but the origin of the potential will always stay fixed at one 
place. Think in the end this would be equal to an position restraint of 
said group.
If one would want to restrain the distance of two groups in such a way, 
one would need two umbrella potentials. But since these would be equal 
to two position restraints, there would be no coupling between the two. 
I mean, if both groups move around but would have the same distance it 
should be ok since the distance is fine. But both umbrella potential 
would pull each group back to the initial position.

Much thanks again,


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 1:21 PM, Thomas Schlesierschl...@uni-mainz.dewrote:

Look also into the manual. But the tutorial is a nice place to start.
For further comments see below:

  Dear Lloyd,

I have read that but my system is different


On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 8:28 PM, lloyd riggslloyd.ri...@gmx.ch   wrote:

  Dear Jiom,

 Look at justines tutorial, there's example pull .mdp.
 Stephan Watkins


 I want to do Umbrella sampling between two different 

[gmx-users] Re: Running Pull Code

2013-05-17 Thread Thomas Schlesier
The three steps (EM, NVT and NPT) are to equilibrate the system. How 
much time these steps need depends on the system. But i would assume a 
ouple of nanosecounds are sufficient for most systems. You could look 
into the literature, how long other people equilibrate systems which are 
similar to ours.
If the system is equilibrated, you an start to perform the pulling 
simulation to obtain the individual structure for the later umbrella 


Am 17.05.2013 07:46, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:


I have a system composed of POPC/peptide/water/ions. I aim to study ion 
conduction through the peptide using umbrella sampling.
I built the system and ran EM, NVT, NPT successfully, but have not run md yet. 
I' d like to know if the system is required of passing a few nanoseconds md? Or 
I might be able to go to Umbrella Sampling straight after NPT?
As I studied in Justin's tutorial, running pull code is done after some typical 
steps of every simulation ( EM, NVT, NPT). But I dont know if is correct 
generally for other systems as well?

Would you please give me any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

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[gmx-users] Performance (GMX4.6.1): MPI vs Threads

2013-05-16 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Dear all,
if one performs a parallel calculation on a single node / computer with 
more than 1 core, is there a speed difference between MPI and Threads?

Problem is for gromacs 4.6.1 i'm facing problems to link it to OpenMpi. 
A serial version (without threads) worked, so i think i should be able 
to compile a version which supports threads.
Since we only run calculations on a single node on our cluster (no 
infini-band), i'm wondering if the programm with threads would be 
sufficient in our case.

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[gmx-users] Re: umbrella sampling

2013-05-13 Thread Thomas Schlesier

it seems that you've only coupled your protein to the thermostat, but 
not the solvent, hence the error message.
Generally one would couple both domains of the protein to one thermostat 
and the solvent (inluding ions) to another thermostat.

Side note: If you want to use the WHAM method for constructing the PMF 
from the simulations, you need to use an harmonic potential instead of 
constraints. This method is named 'umbrella sampling'.
Using constraints and integrating the constraint force to obtain the PMF 
is called 'thermodynamic integration'.


Am 13.05.2013 10:33, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:


I would like to compute an umbrella sampling simulation for o protein
divided in two domain, with Center of mass pulling using as constraint
between the two domains. And the  constraint is applied instead of a
harmonic potential
I create a pull.mdp file with this option for the pull:

title   = Umbrella pulling simulation
; Run parameters
integrator  = md
dt  = 0.002
tinit   = 0
nsteps  = 25; 500 ps
nstcomm = 10
; Output parameters
nstxout = 5000  ; every 10 ps
nstvout = 5000
nstfout = 500
nstxtcout   = 500   ; every 1 ps
nstenergy   = 500
; Bond parameters
constraint_algorithm= lincs
constraints = all-bonds
continuation= yes   ; continuing from NPT
; Single-range cutoff scheme
nstlist = 5
ns_type = grid
rlist   = 1.4
rcoulomb= 1.4
rvdw= 1.4
; PME electrostatics parameters
coulombtype = PME
fourierspacing  = 0.12
fourier_nx  = 0
fourier_ny  = 0
fourier_nz  = 0
pme_order   = 4
ewald_rtol  = 1e-5
optimize_fft= yes
*; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in two groups
Tcoupl  = Nose-Hoover
tc_grps = domain_1 domain_2
tau_t   = 0.50.5
ref_t   = 310310*
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl  = Parrinello-Rahman
pcoupltype  = isotropic
tau_p   = 1.0
compressibility = 4.5e-5
ref_p   = 1.0
refcoord_scaling = com
; Generate velocities is off
gen_vel = no
; Periodic boundary conditions are on in all directions
pbc = xyz
; Long-range dispersion correction
DispCorr= EnerPres
*; Pull code
pull= constraint
pull_geometry   = distance  ; simple distance increase
pull_dim= Y Y Y
pull_start  = yes   ; define initial COM distance  0
pull_ngroups= 2
pull_group0 = domain_1
pull_group1 = domain_2
pull_rate1  = 0.01  ; 0.01 nm per ps = 10 nm per ns
pull_k1 = 1000  ; kJ mol^-1  nm^-2*

I don't know if I use the good option for compute this king of umbrella
When I run the grompp command: *grompp -f md_pull.mdp -c min1.gro -p
topol.top -n index.ndx -o pull.tpr* I optain this error:
Fatal error:
108147 atoms are not part of any of the T-Coupling groups*

I am little confuse with the mdp file option. I don't know which name I
should clarify for  T-Coupling groups ( in green) ??

If some one can help me .
THanks a lot.


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[gmx-users] Re: RDF - water and protein

2013-05-13 Thread Thomas Schlesier

the manual mentions that with the option '-surf' no normalization is 
done. So it's normal the RDF will inrease with larger distances, since 
the further you'll go away from the protein, the bigger the spherical 
shell is (from which the RDF for distance r is calculated) and the more 
water molecules will be in this shell.

Because of this using the '-nopbc' option shouldn't change anything.
One thing which i find rather strange, is that for really high distances 
the RDF goes down. Would have thought that with pbc the RDF should 
increase all the time.

But i have no idea to perform a sensible normalization afterwards.


Am 13.05.2013 17:24, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear Gmx Users,

I run long simulation of my protein with 50 small molecules in water.
I calculated the RDF (Protein - Water) using -surf mol and -rdf mol_com.
Please, take a look at my plot:


Could you please, explain me why the second peak is so high? Shall I use
option -nopbc ?
How can I obtain the density [kg/m3] versus the distance? I wish to compare
it with RDF of Protein-Ligands so wish to use some normalization for them
to be comparable - peaks will be visible.


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[gmx-users] Re: PMF calculation between protein and ligand

2013-05-02 Thread Thomas Schlesier
If you refer to Justin's tutorial, you can use it for every system, 
where the reaction coordinate is the distane between two parts of the 
system. You probably need to make some little adjustments, but in the 
end it doesn't matter if you pull two proteins apart, or protein+ligand, 
2 water molecules, or even streth a protein.


Am 02.05.2013 08:59, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:


I have query as to how to go ahead for potential mean force (PMF)
calculation between protein and ligand. As per the umbrella sampling
protocol you have provided us in gromacs tutotrial it says it is for
protein molecules...

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[gmx-users] Re: how is the pulling force measured

2013-04-30 Thread Thomas Schlesier
I never looked into the code, but i understanded it the following way 
(for pull_geometry = distane, direction, position).
For the pulling the reference group is held fixed and the force is 
applied to the pulled group. Since the reference group an move during 
the rest of the simulation (all steps not involving pulling), the 
pull-stuff is updated in every step (meaning if you use 'pull_geometry = 
position' you're pulling to a point relative to the reference group. If 
the referene group moves, the point to where you pull also moves - so 
pulling is always relative to the reference group, which leads to the 
fact the reference group is fixed for the pulling).
If you simulate with 'pbc' you should separate the movement of the 
center of mass (com) of the system. If you look into a video of the 
trajectory (vmd or similar program), it will look like that both groups 
will be pulled. But this is from the separation of the com-movement. If 
you want a 'nice' movie you can use 'g_trjconv' (i think) to define a 
group which is always in the enter of the box.

One important side note:
If you pull only in one dimension (x,y or z), there will be no 
pulling-force acting on the other two directions. In your case your 
pulled-group could move freely in the xz-plane. In my opinion it's safer 
to pull in all three dimensions.


Am 30.04.2013 09:37, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hi Alex,

I read the manual but I got confused with the details. My pull_geometry =
position with pulling direction along y. I am trying to dissociate two
interacting proteins. So I set the last amino acid of one protein as my
reference group and the last amino acid of the other protein as the pulled
group. Now, I don't know exactly how to interpret what reference group and
pulled group mean, and what is their difference; since in the manual it says
'there is no difference in treatment of the reference and pulled group
(except with the cylinder geometry).' Also, it says that measured force
output is the force of the pulled group.

So basically, I am trying to visualize how the system works. Using the
pull_geometry stated above, are the two groups (reference and pulled)
attached to two virtual springs? Will this statement be correct?

Force was applied by moving the clamped ends of the two springs (i = 1, 2)
in opposite directions with constant velocity v to positions Zi(t) = zi(0) +
vt, where zi(0) is the initial position of the end of the molecule. The
forces fi(t) at the two ends were measured at every time step using the
relationship fi(t) = k (zi(t) ??? Zi(t)).

I hope my questions make sense. Thank you.

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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 108, Issue 165

2013-04-26 Thread Thomas Schlesier

TL;DR version (longer version below):
Due to the stochastic nature of SMD (and pulling experiments in general) 
it is quite natural that the results for different simulations will not 
be excatly the same.

I would say you are fine. Thing is, if you do ligand unbinding SMD 
simulations the unbinding process is a stochastic process and the 
results differ somewhat, most importantly the rupture force (highest 
force before the rupture event) will differ between the simulations and 
you'll get a distributions of rupture forces.

In a simple two-state model, the slope of force vs time, should be the 
same for each simulation before and after the rupture event (but 
probably different slopes before and after the rupture), only the time 
when the rupture event happens will change.
If your system is more complex (say a couple of bonds must be broken 
before the ligand unbinds), the slope before the rupture may vary 
between some simulations (in some simulations some of the bonds break 
earlier than in other simulatons.

i looked into a system which can be described by a two-state model. The 
results from one typical trajectory are shown, but mostly i discuss the 
averaged results. If one compares the single trajectory and the 
averaged, one clearly sees that the trajectories varies around the 
rupture event, but at the start of the simulations the system behaves 
almost equal for each simulation.

Hope this helps.


Am 26.04.2013 12:00, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear Users,

I am running my puling simulations of ligand with constant velocity. First
I minimize and equilibrate my system:

grompp -f minim.mdp -c Solvions.gro -p topol.top -o em.tpr
mdrun -s em.tpr -deffnm em
grompp -f nvt298US.mdp -n index.ndx -c em.gro -p topol.top -o nvt298.tpr
mdrun -s nvt298.tpr -deffnm nvt298
grompp -f npt298US.mdp -n index.ndx -c nvt298.gro -t nvt298.cpt -p
topol.top -o npt298.tpr
mdrun -s npt298.tpr -deffnm npt298

Then I run 10 pulling simulations with the same mdp file:

grompp -f pull.mdp -c npt298.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -t npt298.cpt -o
mpiexec mdrun -s pull_1.tpr -deffnm pull_1


grompp -f pull.mdp -c npt298.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -t npt298.cpt -o
mpiexec mdrun -s pull_10.tpr -deffnm pull_10

I get 3 different (but similar) profiles (Force vs time) with 10
simulations as some of them produce exactly the same results... In another
system with the same methodology I get 10 similar but different profiles. I
am wondering why in this case only 3 types are possible... Shall I try
grompp without -t npt.cpt ?


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[gmx-users] Re: SMD - reproducibility

2013-04-26 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Think i now understand your question. Forget what i wrote before.
I could imagine the the 'grompp -t npt.cpt' part is a problem.
If the simulations would be numerical reproducible, one should get the 
same results. As they are not, the results will differ somewhat (would 
think the more, the longer you simulate). But two different simulations 
would be more equal to each other, than two simulations which start with 
different velocity distributions for the particles.

If you're interested in an stochastic analysis of your system (meaning 
simulations which are not equal - performing many pulling experiments in 
reality, one would also have many different starting points) you could 
do two things:
1) Run a look npt simulation, and use different frames to start the SMD 
simulations. From each frame the particles should have a different 
velocity distribution and the results of the SMD simulations should also 
differ. (Depending on how many SMD simulations you want to perform, this 
might get expensive, since the starting frame for SMD should be 
separated by more then a few ps.)
2) Dump the 'npt.cpt' file and randomly determine new velocities for 
each particle at the start of each SMD simulation. Since each simulation 
has a different velocity distribution, the SMD simulation wont be the 
same. This approach has only one weak point. Due to assigning new random 
velocities you destroy the thermal equilibrium of the system. But if the 
system was well equilibrated before, this distrubance should only be 
small and after the first 100-200 ps of the SMD simulaton the system is 
in thermal equilibrium. If the complete SMD simulation is much longer 
(couple of ns), the interesting stuff would happen longer after the 
inital simulation time with the destroyed equilibrium.

Hope this helps

Am 26.04.2013 12:00, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear Users,

I am running my puling simulations of ligand with constant velocity. First
I minimize and equilibrate my system:

grompp -f minim.mdp -c Solvions.gro -p topol.top -o em.tpr
mdrun -s em.tpr -deffnm em
grompp -f nvt298US.mdp -n index.ndx -c em.gro -p topol.top -o nvt298.tpr
mdrun -s nvt298.tpr -deffnm nvt298
grompp -f npt298US.mdp -n index.ndx -c nvt298.gro -t nvt298.cpt -p
topol.top -o npt298.tpr
mdrun -s npt298.tpr -deffnm npt298

Then I run 10 pulling simulations with the same mdp file:

grompp -f pull.mdp -c npt298.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -t npt298.cpt -o
mpiexec mdrun -s pull_1.tpr -deffnm pull_1


grompp -f pull.mdp -c npt298.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -t npt298.cpt -o
mpiexec mdrun -s pull_10.tpr -deffnm pull_10

I get 3 different (but similar) profiles (Force vs time) with 10
simulations as some of them produce exactly the same results... In another
system with the same methodology I get 10 similar but different profiles. I
am wondering why in this case only 3 types are possible... Shall I try
grompp without -t npt.cpt ?


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[gmx-users] Re: SMD - reproducibility

2013-04-26 Thread Thomas Schlesier
Don't know. One idea i have: Take a flexible and a relative rigid system 
and perform simulations with the same starting conditions (- using -t 
*.cpt). I would imagine that for the flexible system the trajectories 
start earlier to deviate, since more stuff could happen (system is more 
flexible - greater configurational space). For the rigid system the 
configurational space is smaller, so the probability is higher to always 
follow the same trajectory if one starts with a predefinded velocity and 
But don't know if this is true, but it's the first thing which comes to 
my mind.

Am 26.04.2013 14:01, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Thanks for this. I think option 2 is more reasonable. However, still do not
know why I get sometimes 3 types of profiels and sometimes 10 for 10 SMD

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Thomas Schlesierschl...@uni-mainz.dewrote:

Think i now understand your question. Forget what i wrote before.
I could imagine the the 'grompp -t npt.cpt' part is a problem.
If the simulations would be numerical reproducible, one should get the
same results. As they are not, the results will differ somewhat (would
think the more, the longer you simulate). But two different simulations
would be more equal to each other, than two simulations which start with
different velocity distributions for the particles.

If you're interested in an stochastic analysis of your system (meaning
simulations which are not equal - performing many pulling experiments in
reality, one would also have many different starting points) you could do
two things:
1) Run a look npt simulation, and use different frames to start the SMD
simulations. From each frame the particles should have a different velocity
distribution and the results of the SMD simulations should also differ.
(Depending on how many SMD simulations you want to perform, this might get
expensive, since the starting frame for SMD should be separated by more
then a few ps.)
2) Dump the 'npt.cpt' file and randomly determine new velocities for each
particle at the start of each SMD simulation. Since each simulation has a
different velocity distribution, the SMD simulation wont be the same. This
approach has only one weak point. Due to assigning new random velocities
you destroy the thermal equilibrium of the system. But if the system was
well equilibrated before, this distrubance should only be small and after
the first 100-200 ps of the SMD simulaton the system is in thermal
equilibrium. If the complete SMD simulation is much longer (couple of ns),
the interesting stuff would happen longer after the inital simulation time
with the destroyed equilibrium.

Hope this helps

Am 26.04.2013 12:00, schriebgmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear Users,

I am running my puling simulations of ligand with constant velocity. First
I minimize and equilibrate my system:

grompp -f minim.mdp -c Solvions.gro -p topol.top -o em.tpr
mdrun -s em.tpr -deffnm em
grompp -f nvt298US.mdp -n index.ndx -c em.gro -p topol.top -o nvt298.tpr
mdrun -s nvt298.tpr -deffnm nvt298
grompp -f npt298US.mdp -n index.ndx -c nvt298.gro -t nvt298.cpt -p
topol.top -o npt298.tpr
mdrun -s npt298.tpr -deffnm npt298

Then I run 10 pulling simulations with the same mdp file:

grompp -f pull.mdp -c npt298.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -t npt298.cpt
mpiexec mdrun -s pull_1.tpr -deffnm pull_1


grompp -f pull.mdp -c npt298.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -t npt298.cpt
mpiexec mdrun -s pull_10.tpr -deffnm pull_10

I get 3 different (but similar) profiles (Force vs time) with 10
simulations as some of them produce exactly the same results... In another
system with the same methodology I get 10 similar but different profiles.
am wondering why in this case only 3 types are possible... Shall I try
grompp without -t npt.cpt ?


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[gmx-users] Re: Is it possible to pull 2 different groups with respect to a third group as reference?

2013-04-12 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Yes, from 4.5.x manual:

pull_ngroups: (1)
The number of pull groups, not including the reference group. [...]

Just set 'pull_ngroups = 2' and then make entries for
pull_group1 - pull_vec1 ...
pull_group2 - pull_vec2 ...
and so on...


Am 12.04.2013 12:00, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

I have 3 groups on the system, and I want to pull 2 groups with respect to
the 3rd one. Is it possible in GROMACS?

Thanking you,

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[gmx-users] Re: fail to pull

2013-04-07 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Must get the bus, so only short answer.
You could try to use constraint pulling instead of an umbrella 
potential. Then the ligand should move 1nm in 1ns. And you could see is 
the setup is ok, or if it would be better to pull into another direction...


Am 07.04.2013 18:05, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hard to tell. Does your ligand have a suitable exit pathway exactly
along the x-axis? Have you tried increasing the pull rate? How long is the
simulation? I don't even see nsteps in the above .mdp file. How about
increasing the force constant? Is the vector connecting the COM of the
entire protein and the COM of the ligand suitable for describing the exit


Hello Justin:

  thanks a lot for kind rely.
  Yes, I adjust the conformation of whole protein/ligand so that it can
exist from X-axies.  I only show part of the .mdp file so some of then are
not shown.

; Run parameters
integrator  = md
dt  = 0.002
tinit   = 0
nsteps  = 50; 500 ps
nstcomm = 10
; Output parameters
nstxout = 5000  ; every 10 ps
nstvout = 5000
nstfout = 1000
nstxtcout   = 1000  ; every 1 ps
nstenergy   = 1000

probably I should consider use part of the protein such as residues around
binding pocket as COM for protein instead of whole protein? I applied for
1ns with rate pull_rate1= 0.001, so at then end of pulling, the distance
for COMprotein and COM ligand should be 10A. Probably this is too short for
whole protein as COM?

Let me clear one thing up first. 1 ns of pulling with a 0.001 nm/ps pull
rate will not necessarily cause the ligand to be displaced by 1 nm. The
particle pulling the virtual spring will be displaced by 1 nm, but the
ligand will only move as a function of this applied force and the restoring
forces (i.e. interactions between the ligand and protein).

Choosing a more suitable reference group and running the simulation for
longer will produce the desired result.


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[gmx-users] SMD : pulling both primes of DNA

2013-03-28 Thread Thomas Schlesier
The easiest solution would be using 'pull_geometry = distance' in all 
three dimensions. Then you can be sure that both groups are pulled 
together. Small remark: One group would be fixed for the pulling, and 
the second group gets pulled towards the first group. So if you want to 
have both groups really close, this setup would be the easiest solution.

If you really to pull both groups to a point in the middle between them, 
i think you would need 'pull_geometry = position':
Use some part of the DNA as the reference group and put the origin of 
the pulling  (via 'pull_init') to the middle point. Then make two 
pull-groups + 'pull_vec1' or 'pull_vec2', from each DNA part, which you 
want to pull to the middle point.
In principle this setup should work, but you can run into problems if 
the structure of the DNA changes and the middle point, to where you pull 
both groups, moves somewhat around.

hard to explain...

I would stick to the first approach...
What pull-mode did you use? You could use 'pull = constraint', measure 
the distance between both groups and then pull with a given pulling 
velocity so long till both groups should meet. Since you use a 
constraint instead of a restraining potential, the groups should be 
definitly pulled together (or some other parameters in the .mdp file are 


Am 27.03.2013 20:16, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hello All,

My simulation system is composed of DNA and want to pull both of the primes
at the same time towards each other.
I have tried every possible set of parameters in pull code...and i am not
able to pull them together.

it's like ...
the DNA molecule is aligned along Y-axis and if want to pull both ends at
the same time that means pulling in -Y and +Y direction at the same time.

if anyone successfully implemented such ...simulations... Please provide me
with some idea about this problem.

Thank you

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[gmx-users] Umbrella sampling with large pulling distance (larger than half of the box size)

2013-03-20 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Look for
pull_geometry = direction_periodic
This should solve the problem.


Am 20.03.2013 12:00, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear all,

I want to use Umbrella sampling method to calculate the potential of
mean force. Unfortunately, the distance of my two groups is very large
(about 10nm, larger than the half of simulation box size 16nm).
Without increasing the box size (too large!!), is there any ideas to
solve this problem?

In another way, is it possible to modify the pulling code (pull.c) to
force the umbrella sampling method only calculate the distance of the
groups in the box but not the periodic image?

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[gmx-users] Treating electrostatics and van der Waals interactions differently

2013-03-15 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Looking into the manual, i find under the 'energy monitor group':
'Mutual interactions between all energy monitor groups are compiled 
during the simulation. This is done separately for Lennard-Jones and 
Coulomb terms. In principle up to 256 groups could be defined, but that 
would lead to 256x256 items! Better use this concept sparingly. All 
non-bonded interactions between pairs of energy monitor groups can be 
excluded (see sec. 7.3). Pairs of particles from excluded pairs of 
energy monitor groups are not put into the pair list. This can result in 
a significant speedup for simulations where interactions within

or between parts of the system are not required.'

But i found nowhere an option to tell GROMACS to handle the exclusions 
for LJ and Coulomb interactions differently. Don't know if it's 
possible. For standard exclusions it seems that LJ and Coulomb 
interaction get treated equally - if one excludes one, one also 
excludes the other...

One idea: But only possible if one can define two bonds, between the 
same atoms. I don't know if this is possible.

One idea for a work-around would be the following (but it will slow the 
simulation). Exclude all 1-2 and 1-3 interactions. To get the Coulomb 
interacions back, construct table interactions for bonds.

GMX manual 4.5.3:
Look for '4.2.13 Tabulated interaction functions' and '6.7 Tabulated 
interaction functions'

It seems that one can construct tabulated interactions also for bonds.
Potential looks like:
V = k * f(r)
where f(r) is a cubic spline, think here one could use the values for 
the coulomb-interaction for the non-bonded table.
For k use the product of the two charges. In the topology, one would 
need to write both atoms and this force-constant (our product of 
charges), similar to normal bonds.

If two bonds between the same atoms are not possible, one could define 
tabulated interactions for the bonds + Coulomb interactions ... but this 
would be a lot of work. Probably it would be easier, to hack GMX, that 
it ignores Exclusions for Coulomb interactions.

Or another persons has hopefully a better idea.


Hi all,
I am attempting to simulate a system that has strong ionic character so I would 
like to treat the electrostatics and van der Waals interactions separately.  
For example I would like to include all pairs of atoms in the electrostatics 
calculation but I would like to exclude 1-2 and 1-3 neighbors in the van der 
Waals calculation.  Is this possible to do in GROMACS?  If so, how might this 
be accomplished?  Thanks in advance for your help.

Jeff Woodford
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Missouri Western State University

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[gmx-users] Re: Temperature coupling problem: reference T is, different to given T in mdp file

2013-01-22 Thread Thomas Schlesier

you use a relative high tau_t:
 tcoupl = v-rescale
 tc-grps = CO2 PARA PAR2
 tau_t = 1.0 1.0 1.0
 ref_t = 410 410 410
In my simulations i use a value of 0.1
don't know if this would help, but it was the only thing which catched 
my eye, as i read you .mdp parameters.


Am 22.01.2013 15:36, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

   Dear gmx-users,

1) I am running simulation of two paracetamol molecules dissolved in 
supercritical CO2 in NVT ensemble.  The problem is that the resulting temperature 
of the system is larger than the temperature specified in mdp file by ~ 20 K (i 
set ref_t = 410 K in mdp file).  Berendsen and v-rescale thermostats  behave 
similarly. The output from g_energy:

Statistics over 250001 steps [ 0. through 500. ps ], 1 data sets
All statistics are over 2501 points
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift
T-System 430.3421.1 14.1796 6.30923 (K)

2) When i run the same simulation but set 3 different subsystems (all CO2 
molecules, the first paracetamol molecule, the second paracetamol molecule)  
coupled to different bathes with the same temperature, the resulting temperatures 
do not match the specified temperature = 410 K. The output from g_energy:

This approach is unsound.  There are insufficient degrees of freedom in single
molecules to justify distinct thermostats.

Statistics over 250001 steps [ 0. through 500. ps ], 4 data sets
All statistics are over 2501 points
Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift
Temperature428.821.2 14.356 -3.39055 (K)
T-CO2  427.432  1.2 14.6848 -5.24 (K)
T-PARA452.434  3.7 91.2873 20.656 (K)
T-PAR2454.211  10  93.7436 37.8375 (K) 

I would appreciate very much if someone gives me a hint what could be wrong.

Considering all data points will include early frames that are not necessarily
anywhere close to being equilibrated.  You could try block averaging to see if
the results converge to the correct result over the latter part of the
simulation, or at least see if the system is approaching the target temperature.

Some information about system:
There are 200 CO2 molecules, cubic box: 4 x 4 x 4 nm3. I set coulombtype = 
Cut-off just for testing purposes, PME gives similar results.

It would be better to diagnose the system using PME.  Even if the results are
similar, rounding errors are compounded when using plain cutoffs, which render
the results inherently unreliable.


Some mdp control options (for the 2) case):

integrator = md
dt = 0.002
nsteps = 25
comm-mode = Linear
nstcomm = 1
nstlist = 10
ns_type = grid
pbc = xyz
rlist = 1.1
coulombtype = Cut-off
rcoulomb = 1.1
vdw_type = Shift
rvdw = 1.0
tcoupl = v-rescale
tc-grps = CO2 PARA PAR2
tau_t = 1.0 1.0 1.0
ref_t = 410 410 410
gen_vel = yes
gen_temp = 410
gen_seed = 473529
constraints = hbonds
constraint_algorithm = lincs
unconstrained_start = no
shake_tol = 0.1
lincs_order = 4
lincs_warnangle = 30
morse = no
lincs_iter = 2 

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[gmx-users] Re: MD Simulation of Calcium with protein

2013-01-15 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Am 15.01.2013 12:52, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On 1/15/13 5:49 AM, Devika N T wrote:


I would like to know the protocol to be followed for performing MD
for calcium with protein (Calmodulin)

Can I follow the same protocol which is followed for a protein?

Probably, as long as the force field you choose can deal with calcium (most
can).  The only special thing to do would be to couple the Ca2+ ions to the
protein for the purpose of temperature coupling, which requires a custom index


@Justin: Why would you couple the calcium ion with the protein and not 
with the water / solvent? Just being interested. Thought commonly one 
couples the ions with the solvent.

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[gmx-users] Re: MD Simulation of Calcium with protein

2013-01-15 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Am 15.01.2013 14:17, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On 1/15/13 8:12 AM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:

Am 15.01.2013 12:52, schriebgmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On 1/15/13 5:49 AM, Devika N T wrote:

 I would like to know the protocol to be followed for performing MD
 for calcium with protein (Calmodulin)
 Can I follow the same protocol which is followed for a protein?

Probably, as long as the force field you choose can deal with calcium (most
can).  The only special thing to do would be to couple the Ca2+ ions to the
protein for the purpose of temperature coupling, which requires a custom index


@Justin: Why would you couple the calcium ion with the protein and not with the
water / solvent? Just being interested. Thought commonly one couples the ions
with the solvent.

If the ion is structurally bound to the protein, I think it makes more sense to
couple it to the protein rather than the solvent since the dynamics of the two
species are more tightly linked.  It's not a free-floating ion like others that
might be in solution.


This makes sense. Thanks for the answer.
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[gmx-users] Question about 'mdrun -nosum'

2012-12-14 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Dear all,
i have a small question regarding the '-nosum' option of 'mdrun'.
The manual states:

For a global thermostat and/or barostat the temperature and/or pressure 
will also only be updated every nstlist steps. With this option the 
energy file will not contain averages and fluctuations over all 
integration steps.

Second sentence is clear to me. But the first sentence give me some 
I think this would introduce some errors, but what is about the 
magnitude of these?
I would expected that the errors are in the same order of the errors in 
the forces due to the neighborlist search (error due to the fact that 
one uses 'nstlist=5' instead of 'nstlist=1') and would be more or less 
negilegible, if one doesn't use a very larger 'nstlist'-value.

But to be on the save side i wanted to ask.

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[gmx-users] Re: Pulling ion - US

2012-12-11 Thread Thomas Schlesier

I would also use the same residue from the pulling for the US.
One thing you should be aware of is the pulling dimension:
Now you have the pull-code only ativated for the z-direction. If you use 
this still in the US the ion can move freely in the xy-plane (freely in 
the sense of what is possible from the surrounding).

One extreme example:
The ion bounds to the protein and somehow (don't ask, think this wont 
happen in reality) and diffses away (in the xy-plane) after a long time 
it's so far away from the protein that the are no interaction with the 
protein and the ion interacts only with the surrounding water. Now you 
don't measure with the US potential the interaction of the ion with the 
protein, but the free diffusion of the ion.
This case wont happen, since the probability that the ion unbounds 
itself from the protein goes down to the cellar. But i hope you get the 
idea what the gerneral problem is. If you the pull-dim in each direction 
this problem wouldn't occur, since the movement of the ion is also 
restrained in the xy-plane.

Am 10.12.2012 21:40, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Would you also specify in each US window specific residue instead of
the whole protein?


On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Steven Neumanns.neuman...@gmail.com  wrote:

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Justin Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu  wrote:

On 12/10/12 9:01 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

Dear Gmx Users,

I am pulling away cation from the protein glutamic acid residue with:

pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance  ; simple distance increase
pull_dim= N N Y
pull_start  = yes   ; define initial COM distance  0
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = Protein
pull_group1 = NA
pull_rate1  = 0.01
pull_k1 = 500  ; kJ mol^-1  nm^-2

I tried different pulling rates and simulation time to pull it 3 nm
away. I tried pull rate of 0.1; 0.01 and 0.001. The interaction is so
strong that the force reaches 600 kJ/mol/nm2 and they do not become
separated - with position restraints protein looses its secondary
structure and is draged by the ion - they do not become separated.

Would you suggest constant force pulling in this case? Then I will
extract initial coordinates for US windows. Can I use then US with
harmonic potential in windows then and WHAM?

You can generate coordinates in any way you wish.  I would think that,
regardless of the pull method, setting pull_group0 to the actual residue to
which the ion is coordinated would be significantly more effective than
pulling with respect to the entire protein, though it seems rather strange
that the dissociation of an ion would cause a protein to unfold.  A stronger
force constant in pull_k1 may also help.


Thank you Justin. That indeed helped.


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[gmx-users] help about opls-aa for thiophene

2012-12-06 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Have a look there:

virtualchemistry.org is a really nice site (from David van der Spoel, 
and others i think), which has many paramters for solvents for the GAFF 
and OPLS force field. And also Physical properties for these.


C4H4S. Thiophene is common compound . it seems oplss-aa does not have the
parameters for it (such
as dihedral angle).

Any expert of opls-aa forcefield can help with ff parameters for thiophene?
Thanks very much!


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[gmx-users] Re: help about opls-aa for thiophene

2012-12-06 Thread Thomas Schlesier

They have also the complete force field parameters under:

OPLS Auxiliary topologyoplsaaff.itp

if there are more paramters then in the oplsaa.ff directiory, then they 
have probably developed these parameters.

They give this paper as a reference for the calculations. Probably 
something is mentioned there?

Carl Caleman, Paul J. van Maaren, Minyan Hong, Jochen S. Hub, Luciano T. 
Costa and David van der Spoel Force Field Benchmark of Organic Liquids: 
Density, Enthalpy of Vaporization, Heat Capacities, Surface Tension, 
Isothermal Compressibility, Volumetric Expansion Coefficient, and 
Dielectric Constant, J. Chem. Theor. Comput., 8, 61-74 (2012).DOI


PS: If you reply with the whole digest, please delete all the stuff from 
the other questions. This makes it far easier to follow one question.

Am 06.12.2012 18:21, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear Tomas,

Thanks for your information!
I look at the website you mentioned:
The *top file is available and the atom opls-aa types are assigned on *top

But I can not find these parameters of dihedral angles from the default gmx
(VERSION 4.5.5)
directory of oplsaa.ff or  the opls-aa (2005). For example: the parameters
for dihedral of s-cw-cs-cs is missing

Do you know where i can find these parameters? what versioni of opls-aa
they are using?



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[gmx-users] Re: force vs time plot

2012-11-26 Thread Thomas Schlesier

This should be in the pullf.xvg (time and then the forces).

Am 24.11.2012 19:55, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hi to all gromacs users,

I am trying to run an umbrella sampling and i am getting the initial 
conformations by pulling simulations but i want to check the simulation through 
the force vs time plot to see if my complex did or did not separate, so how can 
i get this plot?

Thank you for your time


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[gmx-users] Re: Bonds - force constant for given Beads

2012-11-26 Thread Thomas Schlesier

A good start might be:
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 10437–10448
This paper is about hybrid-models (mixing CG and AA). But they discuss 
'boltzmann inversion' and 'force matching', which are both methods to 
obtain CG-potentials.
Since they use small molecules it focusses on nonbonded interactions, 
but one can probably transfer the methods to bonded interactions.


Am 26.11.2012 18:45, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

the distance distribution should be given by the Boltzmann factor of the
potential energy function between the beads, assigning V(r)=0 for the most
probable distance in your histogram. that's what you get when you take a
molecule in vacuum and for instance you compare the dihedral distribution
with the dihedral potential, the distribution is just exp[-U(theta)/RT],
except maybe for an additive constant.

you should be aware that the distribution may change appreciably depending
on the environment, so this approach may be tricky: you may include
implicit solvent effects on your bonded parameters and then you would end
up with a forcefield that counts twice the solvent effects on the internal
structure if you add explicit solvent in your model system.

I hope it helps.


On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Steven Neumanns.neuman...@gmail.comwrote:

Dear Gmx Users,

I am planning to build coarse grained model based on the all atom
simulation. I created (using VMD) beads representing 2-4 atoms of my
protein chain. I want to extract bonded parameters. The equilibrium
lenght for bonds (between specified beads) would be the average over
the equilibrium from all atom simulation using g_dist between Centre
of Mass of group of atoms belonging to given bead.

My question: How can I extract the force constant for the bonds from
all atom simulation between those beads?

Thank you,


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[gmx-users] Re: Strange form of RDF curve

2012-11-20 Thread Thomas Schlesier
The rdf should not depend on the choice 'which is group A and which is 
group B'! Not if the system is well equilibrated and not if you consider 
only a single snapshot (in that case the rdf looks like garbage if the 
system is not really huge, but the RDF(A-B) and RDF(B-A) must be the same).

I mean the the RDF is the radial distribution function. A distribution 
about distances, and in distances one has no information about 
direction, or from which point one goes to another.
In an A and B system one has N_A * N_B distances, no matter if A or B is 
the reference!

Going to the manual the given equation for the RDF is

g(r) = 1/rho_B 1/N_A sum_A sum_B delta(r_AB - r) / (4pi r^2)

Since after the sums it is clear that there is no difference between A 
and B one could argue that

1/rho_B 1/N_A is not equal to 1/rho_A 1/N_B

looking into the picture which defines rho one recognises that rho=N/V

- g_AB(r) = g_BA(r)

Am 20.11.2012 12:00, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

the opening statement from the statistical mechanical standpoint means a
thorough sampling has been attained, so I do agree that the reference group
choice would matter for an every day situation. Thoroughness is not
for most complex systems we might be interested in.

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 1:21 AM, Justin Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu  wrote:

On 11/19/12 10:04 PM, Andr? Farias de Moura wrote:

from the statistical thermodynamics standpoint, rdf must be the same for
both choices of reference group, i.e.,solute-solvent and solvent-solute
must yield exactly the same rdf, the only difference being expected for
cumulative numbers, which depend on the particles number density. The
reason why rdf's must be the same is the fact that rdf are connected to
pmf between the particles, and the pmf do not depend upon the choice of
reference group, just on the reaction coordinate connecting the groups.

Doesn't this explanation assume that the system is homogeneous, or at
least, that the solute (reference group) of interest exhaustively samples
configurations within the solvent?  It's not intuitive to me why one would
expect an Arg-water RDF to be the same as a Water-Arg RDF when the Arg
residue is only part of a 582-residue protein, which means a considerable
portion of the simulation unit cell contains neither the Arg of interest
nor water, a fact that significantly impacts the binning as shown in the
manual.  The actual g_rdf command is essential in this regard, as well,
depending on how the RDF is being calculated.  One can produce wildly
different results by changing only a a single element of the command.


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[gmx-users] Force vs distance plot in pulling simulation?

2012-11-18 Thread Thomas Schlesier
But be aware that the force depends on the pulling velocity. If you 
perform the simulation with two different pulling velocities you'll get 
two different forces for each distance.
The easiest way to get the force as a function of the distance (without 
the bias of the pulling velocity) would be thermodynamik intergration. 
This is similar to the umbrella sampling. You set up some windows with 
different distances. But instead of restraining the distance with an 
umbrella potential (as in umbrella sampling) you use a constraint to fix 
the distance and than can determine the constraint force.


Am 17.11.2012 16:44, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hi Erik and Justin

Thanks, writing such a script is easy.

The point of it all would be to be able to map the magnitude of the pulling
force to what I see happen in the pulling simulation. How else would you
get an understanding of what the pulling force means?


 The only solution is to write a simple script that parses out the

columns you want.


I don't see the point though. Except for checking implementation of the
pull code.

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[gmx-users] Re: Question about scaling

2012-11-13 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Am 13.11.2012 06:16, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear all,
i did some scaling tests for a cluster and i'm a little bit clueless about the 
So first the setup:

Saxonid 6100, Opteron 6272 16C 2.100GHz, Infiniband QDR
GROMACS version: 4.0.7 and 4.5.5
Compiler:   GCC 4.7.0
MPI: Intel MPI
FFT-library: ACML 5.1.0 fma4

895 spce water molecules

this is a somewhat small system I would say.

Simulation time: 750 ps (0.002 fs timestep)
Cut-off: 1.0 nm
but with long-range correction ( DispCorr = EnerPres ; PME (standard settings) 
- but in each case no extra CPU solely for PME)
V-rescale thermostat and Parrinello-Rahman barostat

I get the following timings (seconds), whereas is calculated as the time which 
would be needed for 1 CPU (so if a job on 2 CPUs took X s the time would be 2 * X 
These timings were taken from the *.log file, at the end of the
'real cycle and time accounting' - section.

gmx-version 1cpu2cpu4cpu
4.0.7   422333843540
4.5.5   378032552878

Do you mean CPUs or CPU cores? Are you using the IB network or are you running 

Meant number of cores and all cores are on the same node.

I'm a little bit clueless about the results. I always thought, that if i have 
a non-interacting system and double the amount of CPUs, i

You do use PME, which means a global interaction of all charges.

would get a simulation which takes only half the time (so the times as defined 
above would be equal). If the system does have interactions, i would lose some 
performance due to communication. Due to node imbalance there could be a further 
loss of performance.

Keeping this in mind, i can only explain the timings for version 4.0.7 2cpu - 
4cpu (2cpu a little bit faster, since going to 4cpu leads to more communication - 
loss of performance).

All the other timings, especially that 1cpu takes in each case longer than the 
other cases, i do not understand.
Probalby the system is too small and / or the simulation time is too short for 
a scaling test. But i would assume that the amount of time to setup the simulation 
would be equal for all three cases of one GROMACS-version.
Only other explaination, which comes to my mind, would be that something went 
wrong during the installation of the programs?

You might want to take a closer look at the timings in the md.log output files, 
this will
give you a clue where the bottleneck is, and also tell you about the 


Please, can somebody enlighten me?

Here are the timings from the log-file:

#cores: 1   2   4   (all cores are on the same node)

 Domain decomp. 41.747.8up
 DD comm. load  0.0 0.0 -
 Comm. coord.   17.830.5up
 Neighbor search614.1   355.4   323.7   down
 Force  2401.6  1968.7  1676.0  down
 Wait + Comm. F 15.131.4up
 PME mesh   596.3   710.4   639.1   -
 Write traj.1.2 0.8 0.6 down
 Update 49.744.037.6down
 Comm. energies 3.2 5.3 up
 Rest   38.327.125.4down

 Total  3780.5  3254.6  2877.5  down

 PME redist. X/F133.0   120.5   down
 PME spread/gather  511.3   465.7   396.8   down
 PME 3D-FFT 59.488.9102.2   up
 PME solve

The two calculations-parts for which the most time is saved for going 
parallel are:

1) Forces
2) Neighbor search (ok, going from 2cores to 4cores does not make a big 
differences, but from 1core to 2 or 4 saves much time)

Is there any good explains for this time saving?
I would have thought that the system has a set number of interaction and 
one has to calculate all these interactions. If i divide the set in 2 or 
4 smaller sets, the number of interactions shouldn't change and so the 
calculation time shouldn't change?

Or is something fancy in the algorithm, which reducces the time spent 
for calling up the arrays if the calculation is for a smaller set of 

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[gmx-users] Re: Question about scaling

2012-11-13 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Sorry for reposting, but forgot one comment and added it now below:

Am 13.11.2012 06:16, schrieb gmx-users-request at gromacs.org:
 Dear all,
 i did some scaling tests for a cluster and i'm a little bit 
clueless about the results.

 So first the setup:
 Saxonid 6100, Opteron 6272 16C 2.100GHz, Infiniband QDR
 GROMACS version: 4.0.7 and 4.5.5
 Compiler:  GCC 4.7.0
 MPI: Intel MPI
 FFT-library: ACML 5.1.0 fma4
 895 spce water molecules
 this is a somewhat small system I would say.

 Simulation time: 750 ps (0.002 fs timestep)
 Cut-off: 1.0 nm
 but with long-range correction ( DispCorr = EnerPres ; PME 
(standard settings) - but in each case no extra CPU solely for PME)

 V-rescale thermostat and Parrinello-Rahman barostat
 I get the following timings (seconds), whereas is calculated as the 
time which would be needed for 1 CPU (so if a job on 2 CPUs took X s the 
time would be 2 * X s).

 These timings were taken from the *.log file, at the end of the
 'real cycle and time accounting' - section.
 4.0.7  422333843540
 4.5.5  378032552878
 Do you mean CPUs or CPU cores? Are you using the IB network or are 
you running single-node?

Meant number of cores and all cores are on the same node.

 I'm a little bit clueless about the results. I always thought, that 
if i have a non-interacting system and double the amount of CPUs, i

 You do use PME, which means a global interaction of all charges.

 would get a simulation which takes only half the time (so the times 
as defined above would be equal). If the system does have interactions, 
i would lose some performance due to communication. Due to node 
imbalance there could be a further loss of performance.

 Keeping this in mind, i can only explain the timings for version 
4.0.7 2cpu - 4cpu (2cpu a little bit faster, since going to 4cpu leads 
to more communication - loss of performance).

 All the other timings, especially that 1cpu takes in each case 
longer than the other cases, i do not understand.
 Probalby the system is too small and / or the simulation time is 
too short for a scaling test. But i would assume that the amount of time 
to setup the simulation would be equal for all three cases of one 
 Only other explaination, which comes to my mind, would be that 
something went wrong during the installation of the programs?
 You might want to take a closer look at the timings in the md.log 
output files, this will
 give you a clue where the bottleneck is, and also tell you about the 



 Please, can somebody enlighten me?

Here are the timings from the log-file (for GMX 4.5.5):

#cores: 1   2   4   (all cores are on the same node)

  Domain decomp. 41.747.8up
  DD comm. load  0.0 0.0 -
  Comm. coord.   17.830.5up
  Neighbor search614.1   355.4   323.7   down
  Force  2401.6  1968.7  1676.0  down
  Wait + Comm. F 15.131.4up
  PME mesh   596.3   710.4   639.1   -
  Write traj.1.2 0.8 0.6 down
  Update 49.744.037.6down
  Comm. energies 3.2 5.3 up
  Rest   38.327.125.4down

  Total  3780.5  3254.6  2877.5  down

  PME redist. X/F133.0   120.5   down
  PME spread/gather  511.3   465.7   396.8   down
  PME 3D-FFT 59.488.9102.2   up
  PME solve

The two calculations-parts for which the most time is saved for going
parallel are:
1) Forces
2) Neighbor search (ok, going from 2cores to 4cores does not make a big
differences, but from 1core to 2 or 4 saves much time)

For GMX 4.0.7 ist looks similar, whereas the difference between 2 and 4 
cores is not so high as for GMX 4.5.5

Is there any good explains for this time saving?
I would have thought that the system has a set number of interaction and
one has to calculate all these interactions. If i divide the set in 2 or
4 smaller sets, the number of interactions shouldn't change and so the
calculation time shouldn't change?

Or is something fancy in the algorithm, which reducces the time spent
for calling up the arrays if the calculation is for a smaller set of
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[gmx-users] Question about scaling

2012-11-12 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Dear all,
i did some scaling tests for a cluster and i'm a little bit clueless 
about the results.

So first the setup:

Saxonid 6100, Opteron 6272 16C 2.100GHz, Infiniband QDR
GROMACS version: 4.0.7 and 4.5.5
Compiler:   GCC 4.7.0
MPI: Intel MPI
FFT-library: ACML 5.1.0 fma4

895 spce water molecules
Simulation time: 750 ps (0.002 fs timestep)
Cut-off: 1.0 nm
but with long-range correction ( DispCorr = EnerPres ; PME (standard 
settings) - but in each case no extra CPU solely for PME)

V-rescale thermostat and Parrinello-Rahman barostat

I get the following timings (seconds), whereas is calculated as the time 
which would be needed for 1 CPU (so if a job on 2 CPUs took X s the time 
would be 2 * X s).

These timings were taken from the *.log file, at the end of the
'real cycle and time accounting' - section.

gmx-version 1cpu2cpu4cpu
4.0.7   422333843540
4.5.5   378032552878

I'm a little bit clueless about the results. I always thought, that if i 
have a non-interacting system and double the amount of CPUs, i would get 
a simulation which takes only half the time (so the times as defined 
above would be equal). If the system does have interactions, i would 
lose some performance due to communication. Due to node imbalance there 
could be a further loss of performance.

Keeping this in mind, i can only explain the timings for version 4.0.7 
2cpu - 4cpu (2cpu a little bit faster, since going to 4cpu leads to 
more communication - loss of performance).

All the other timings, especially that 1cpu takes in each case longer 
than the other cases, i do not understand.
Probalby the system is too small and / or the simulation time is too 
short for a scaling test. But i would assume that the amount of time to 
setup the simulation would be equal for all three cases of one 
Only other explaination, which comes to my mind, would be that something 
went wrong during the installation of the programs...

Please, can somebody enlighten me?

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[gmx-users] GROMACS with different gcc and FFT versions but one unique *tpr file

2012-11-08 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Dear all,
i have access to a cluster on which GROMACS is compiled with a different 
version of GCC and a different FFT libary (compared to the local machine).
Will this affect simulationns if i prepare the *.tpr on the local 
machine and run the simulation on the cluster and the local machine?

Sorry if this is a dumb question. I could imagine that the two 
simulations will be not numerical identical due to the different FFT 
libaries, but how strong this effect is and what else could happen i 
have no idea...

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[gmx-users] pull=constraint gives zero forces

2012-10-11 Thread Thomas Schlesier

See the SHAKE algorithm in the manual.
Especially equation (3.98)
- G_i = \sum_k \lambda_k * (\partial \sigma_k)/(\partial r_i)
where G_i is the constraint force
\sigma_k are the equations for the constraints
and \lambda_k is the lagrange multiplier

'Understanding molecular simulation' (D. Frenkel, B. Smit)
gives these equations for bond-constraints as
\sigma = r_ij^2 - d_ij^2
where r_ij is the real distance, and d_ij to one to which one wants to 
constrain the bond length

from this \lambda_k would correspond to a force constant.


Am 10.10.2012 18:41, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

How can there be forces for holonomic constraints? Is this described by an 
equation in the manual?
Just because there are values in the pullf.xvg file does not mean that these 
values are forces.
If they are forces, what is the force constant and what is the equation that 
defines this force?

Thank you,

-- original message --

But for GMX 4.0.7 there are forces in the pullf.xvg. The forces which
arise rom the contraint the hold the two groups fixed. I use them for
thermodynamic integration...

I use the following mdp-parameters, probably this gives you an idea what
you might make different:
pull=  constraint
pull_geometry   =  distance
pull_dim=  Y Y Y
pull_start  =  yes
pull_nstfout=  10
pull_nstxout=  50
pull_ngroups=  1
pull_group0 =  REF
pull_group1 =  ZUG
pull_rate1  = 0.000
pull_init1  = 0.000
pull_constr_tol  = 1e-06

But as Chris said, better post the complete mdp-file (probably for both
GMX 4.0.7 and 4.5.x) so we can comment on them.


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[gmx-users] pull=constraint gives zero forces

2012-10-09 Thread Thomas Schlesier
But for GMX 4.0.7 there are forces in the pullf.xvg. The forces which 
arise rom the contraint the hold the two groups fixed. I use them for 
thermodynamic integration...

I use the following mdp-parameters, probably this gives you an idea what 
you might make different:

pull=  constraint
pull_geometry   =  distance
pull_dim=  Y Y Y
pull_start  =  yes
pull_nstfout=  10
pull_nstxout=  50
pull_ngroups=  1
pull_group0 =  REF
pull_group1 =  ZUG
pull_rate1  = 0.000
pull_init1  = 0.000
pull_constr_tol  = 1e-06

But as Chris said, better post the complete mdp-file (probably for both 
GMX 4.0.7 and 4.5.x) so we can comment on them.


Am 09.10.2012 04:00, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Please post your entire .mdp file and a snip of the output in your pullf and 
pullc files.
(Your initial post on this topic was also missing these, although the text 
reads as if you intended to include them).

I'll note that there are no forces when using constraints, so the fact that you 
get zero forces for a constrained run
is not really surprising. I guess the thing is that it doesn't work to keep 
atoms in place for you,
which we can help you with if you post more details.


-- original message --

Following up on this post. I've tried the same runs using version 4.0.7,
which gave immediate segmentation faults. Not sure if this is a clue or a
trivial consequence of switching versions, but there it is.

Any other ideas why the pullf output just contains zeros?


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[gmx-users] pull=constraint gives zero forces

2012-10-09 Thread Thomas Schlesier
For me it seems that the problem with the constraints iteration is only 
relevant if both groups are connected with contraints over the rest of 
the system.
It seems that your pull-code parameters are essentially the same like 
mine (apart from the fact that you have more groups).
In my case the system consisted of a dimer, and the pull-constraint 
acted between both monomers (which had internal constraints) and i had 
never any problems when the seperation between the two molecules was 

But nevertheless if the system breaks if you exchange the constraints to 
normal bonds, the is somewhere other a (probably additional) problem.

Is the system stable, when you do not use the pull-code?

Am 09.10.2012 14:26, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hi Erik,

Yes - I had a feeling I'd read that in the manual somewhere, which was
why I tried replacing such constraints with bonds. As I wrote above,
the LINCS warnings disappeared but the segfault remained.


2012/10/9 Erik Marklund [via GROMACS]ml-node+s5086n5001821...@n6.nabble.com:


Do you know there are issues with using pull=constraint on molecules that
have constrained bonds? It's mentioned in the manual somewhere.


9 okt 2012 kl. 11.39 skrev alex.bjorling:

Sorry - forgot to mention that before crashing, the run with all other
constraints removed produces a single line of pullf output:

0.  -812.401-4002.84482.04  1951.47 138.953 -1806.55
-601.0072644.79 447.018 1768.6  -214.64 -199.829-2746.97
1177.7  476.39  288.535 -559.274123.08  114.493 851.86  550.558

As Thomas Schlesier mentions here,

the pullf output apparently contains the forces necessary to enforce the

/ Alex

alex.bjorling wrote

Thanks guys,

Fixing the bug, recompiling and trying again results in a segfault
like with version 4.0.7. I interpret this as GROMACS working fine, and
suppose that there's something wrong with my input. Will continue this
thread here and would really appreciate any ideas on how to proceed.

Before the segfault, I get a bunch of LINCS warnings, all concerning
atoms that have other constraints in the topology. Manually replacing
these by stiff bonds in the itp gets rid of the LINCS warnings, but
still produces an immediate segfault.

The complete mdp follows. (Chris: previously posted via the web forum
- it seems then you have to click the nabble link to see it).


pull= constraint
pull_geometry   = position
pull_dim= Y Y Y
pull_start  = yes
pull_group0 = BB
pull_nstxout= 1000
pull_nstfout= 1000
pull_ngroups= 7
pull_constr_tol = 1e-6

pull_group1 = group1
pull_init1  = 0.0 0.0 0.0
pull_rate1  = 0.0 0.0 0.0

pull_group2 = group2
pull_init2  = 0.0 0.0 0.0
pull_rate2  = 0.0 0.0 0.0

pull_group3 = group3
pull_init3  = 0.0 0.0 0.0
pull_rate3  = 0.0 0.0 0.0

pull_group4 = group4
pull_init4  = 0.0 0.0 0.0
pull_rate4  = 0.0 0.0 0.0

pull_group5 = group5
pull_init5  = 0.0 0.0 0.0
pull_rate5  = 0.0 0.0 0.0

pull_group6 = group6
pull_init6  = 0.0 0.0 0.0
pull_rate6  = 0.0 0.0 0.0

pull_group7 = group7
pull_init7  = 0.0 0.0 0.0
pull_rate7  = 0.0 0.0 0.0


; Most simulations are numerically stable
; with dt=40 fs, some (especially rings) require 20-30 fs.
; Note that time steps of 40 fs and larger may create local heating or
; cooling in your system. Although the use of a heat bath will globally
; remove this effect, it is advised to check consistency of
; your results for somewhat smaller time steps in the range 20-30 fs.
; Time steps exceeding 40 fs should not be used; time steps smaller
; than 20 fs are also not required.

;define = -DPOSRES
integrator   = md
tinit= 0.0
dt   = 0.02
nsteps   = 250 ; 50 ns
nstcomm  = 1
comm-grps =

nstxout  = 0
nstvout  = 0
nstfout  = 0
nstlog   = 1000
nstenergy= 100
nstxtcout= 1000
xtc_precision= 100
xtc-grps =
energygrps   = Protein

; Due to the use of shifted potentials, the noise generated
; from particles leaving/entering the neighbour list is not so large,
; even when large time steps are being used. In practice, once every
; ten steps works fine with a neighborlist cutoff that is equal to the
; non-bonded cutoff (1.2 nm). However, to improve energy conservation
; or to avoid local heating/cooling, you may increase the update
; and/or enlarge the neighbourlist cut-off (to 1.4 nm). The latter option
; is computationally

[gmx-users] RE: Re: Binding Energy to Binding affinity (Kd)

2012-10-04 Thread Thomas Schlesier
You could use 'constraint' pull-mode instead of the 'umbrella' mode. 
Than the distance would change gradually and you won't observe the 
fluctuations in the distance.


Am 04.10.2012 16:58, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On 10/4/12 10:52 AM, jiang wrote:

Justin Lemkul wrote

On 10/2/12 4:39 AM, Du Jiangfeng (BIOCH) wrote:

Hi Justin,

I used ~20 windows to sample ~2 nm pulling. I notice that the distance
between the complex being increased during the pulling but not gradually.
At the distance of 0-1nm, there are 70 snapshots (the distance sometime
increased sometimes decreased). At the distance of 1-2nm, there are only
30 snapshots (the distance kept increasing always). At the distance more
than 3nm, the distance increased as 0.3nm of each snapshot, is it normal
and reliable?

I will assume you are using a harmonic potential (umbrella) to do the
In this case, your observations are totally normal.  When two species
strongly, it is harder to pull them apart, thus the spring extends further
induce a larger force before displacement occurs.  As the restoring forces
overcome, it is easier to move the pulled group through solution, so it
more steady progress as the molecules are separated.

Hi Justin, it is right I am using umbrella pulling. Now here is another
hurdle in front of me: How to select the snapshots for umbrella samples?
Since the distance between two groups went higher or lower at the beginning
of the pulling. For example, during the pulling simulation, the distance
changes like:
0.46 0.42 0.46 0.43 0.44 0.42 0.45 0.44 0.43 0.45 0.44 0.45 0.43 0.44 0.44
0.54 0.52 0.63 0.65 0.72 0.8 0.92 1.2 1.5 (nm) .
I suppose it doesn't matter which snapshots to be chosen, as long as the
snapshots can indicate a good spacing, the PMF result always should be same,

You need reasonable spacing and sufficient sampling in each window to allow for
proper overlap of the umbrella potentials.


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[gmx-users] what's the difference between gen_seed and ld_seed?

2012-08-24 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Am 23.08.2012 23:11, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

hello :

I am a little bit confused about the difference between gen_seed and
ld_seed. I checked the manual, it is said:

used to initialize random generator for random velocities, when gen_seed
is set to -1, the seed is calculated from the process ID number.
This is often used coupled with gen_vel which is Generate velocities in
grompp according to a Maxwell distribution at temperaturegen_temp [K],
with random seed gen_seed. This is only meaningful with integratormd.

As indicated in Jonhn E.Kerrigan's tutorial, gen_seed=-1 is always
turned on in NVT, NPT and MD production step. However, in Justin's
Lysozyme in Water tutorial, this option is only turned on in NVT and the
following NPT and MD production were turned off.

Yes because you undo your equilibration when you reassign initial
velocities using gen_seed in NPT and MD production (NPT) (md/md-vv

I am just wondering which option would be better for our simulations?

How about ld_seed? here is the statement from manual:

ld_seed: (1993) [integer]
used to initialize random generator for thermal noise for stochastic and
Brownian dynamics. When ld_seed is set to -1, the seed is calculated
from the process ID. When running BD or SD on multiple processors, each
processor uses a seed equal to ld_seed plus the processor number.

when should we turn this option on?

As stated, you use this option for use with the bd or sd integrators.

Also the 'v-rescale' thermostat uses the ld_seed.

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[gmx-users] deltaG from PMF

2012-08-24 Thread Thomas Schlesier
As a first step, i would shift all curves so, that the energy of the 
minium is for all plots at the same (aribarity) value. The minimum 
should be the point which has sampled the best. If you shift then all 
values, it should be easier to spot differences between the plots.

And probably make the analysis for every 10ns slices
10-20, 20-30, ...
then it's easier to see if you have a drift or fluctuations.

If you identify problematic regions you could do there additional 
umbrella simulations, probably with higher force constants, in order to 
sample that region better.

In theory the PMF should converge if you wait long enough, till the 
system equilibrates under the external restraints (how long this takes? 
nobody knows). On could probably wait a long time, big question here is 
what is the biggest error you would tolerate. On the other hand one 
can't simulate forever...
Look for what other people used for simulation-times for umbrella 
sampling (i have the impression that 50ns is rather long, but i could 
fool me here) and what they did to estimate if the calculations are 
converged. Then decide, what to do.
Think nobody here would / will tell you this or this error is ok ... but 
if you do something reasonable, which is in accord what others do / did 
it should be ok.

Am 24.08.2012 14:59, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

I did g_wham calculation as you suggested for: 10-30 ns 30-50 ns 10-50
ns In some cases of PMF curves the drift is 0.3 kcal/mol but in some
cases it is over 1.5 kcal/mol so huge drifts. In terms of huge drifts
what would you suggest ? Steven On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Justin
Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu wrote:

On 8/21/12 12:46 PM, Steven Neumann wrote:

Thanks Thomas.
Justin, could you please comment on this?

I agree with everything Thomas has said.  There's not really anything to



On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 5:37 PM, Thomas Schlesierschl...@uni-mainz.de

Am 21.08.2012 18:22, schriebgmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:49 PM, Thomas Schlesierschl...@uni-mainz.de

Since your simulations of the individual windows are about 50 ns, you
first dismiss the first 10 ns for equilibration, and then perform the
analysis for 10-30 ns and 30-50 ns. If everything is fine, you should
see no
If you want to have more data for the analysis you could also use 5ns
5-27.5ns and 27.5-50ns.

  From the PMF it seems that the equilibrium state should be around 0.6
nm. To
be sure, you can perform a normal simulation (without any restraints)
you initial starting window (~0.4nm) and a window near the minima
Then after the equilibration phase, look at the distribution of the
along the reaction coordinate. If in both cases the maximum is at
this should be the 'true' equilibrium state of the system (instead of
first window of the PMF calculation) and i would measure \Delta G from


Thanks Thomas for this but finally I realised that my first
configuration corresponds to 0.6 nm which is the minima so I take the
free energy difference based on this value and plateau.

I want also to calculate error bars. Would you do this:

Final PMF curve for 10-50 ns

Error bars from:
g_wham -b 3 -e 4

g_wham -b 5 -e 6

Think this approach would be good to see if you have any drifts.
But for error bars there is something implemented in 'g_wham'. But i
used it, since for my system umbrella sampling is not really applicable,
only TI. So i can't comment on it, if there is anything one should be
of, or similar. But 'g_wham -h' prints some info about how to use the


Am 21.08.2012 17:25,schriebgmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Justin Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu

On 8/21/12 11:18 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Justin

On 8/21/12 11:09 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Justin

On 8/21/12 10:42 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

Please see the example of the plot from US
simulations and


First grompp of frame 0 corresponds to 0.8
- this is what
was shown
by grompp at the end.

The mdp file:

; Run parameters
define  = -DPOSRES_T
integrator  = md; leap-frog
nsteps  = 2500 ; 100ns
dt  = 0.002 ; 2 fs
tinit   = 0
nstcomm = 10
; Output control
nstxout = 0   ; save coordinates
every 100 ps
nstvout = 0   ; save velocities
nstxtcout   = 5; every 10 ps
nstenergy   = 1000
; Bond parameters
continuation= no   ; first
dynamics run
constraint_algorithm = lincs; holonomic
constraints = all-bonds ; all bonds
(even heavy atom-H

[gmx-users] Re: deltaG from PMF

2012-08-21 Thread Thomas Schlesier
Since your simulations of the individual windows are about 50 ns, you 
could first dismiss the first 10 ns for equilibration, and then perform 
the WHAM analysis for 10-30 ns and 30-50 ns. If everything is fine, you 
should see no drift.
If you want to have more data for the analysis you could also use 5ns ; 
5-27.5ns and 27.5-50ns.

From the PMF it seems that the equilibrium state should be around 0.6 
nm. To be sure, you can perform a normal simulation (without any 
restraints) from you initial starting window (~0.4nm) and a window near 
the minima (~0.6nm). Then after the equilibration phase, look at the 
distribution of the distance along the reaction coordinate. If in both 
cases the maximum is at ~0.6nm, this should be the 'true' equilibrium 
state of the system (instead of the first window of the PMF calculation) 
and i would measure \Delta G from this point.


Am 21.08.2012 17:25, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Justin Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu wrote:

On 8/21/12 11:18 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Justin Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu  wrote:

On 8/21/12 11:09 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Justin Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu  wrote:

On 8/21/12 10:42 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

Please see the example of the plot from US simulations and WHAM:


First grompp of frame 0 corresponds to 0.8 nm - this is what was shown
by grompp at the end.

The mdp file:

; Run parameters
define  = -DPOSRES_T
integrator  = md; leap-frog integrator
nsteps  = 2500 ; 100ns
dt  = 0.002 ; 2 fs
tinit   = 0
nstcomm = 10
; Output control
nstxout = 0   ; save coordinates every 100 ps
nstvout = 0   ; save velocities every
nstxtcout   = 5; every 10 ps
nstenergy   = 1000
; Bond parameters
continuation= no   ; first dynamics run
constraint_algorithm = lincs; holonomic constraints
constraints = all-bonds ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds)
; Neighborsearching
ns_type = grid  ; search neighboring grid cells
nstlist = 5 ; 10 fs
vdwtype = Switch
rvdw-switch = 1.0
rlist   = 1.4   ; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in nm)
rcoulomb= 1.4   ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
rvdw= 1.2   ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
ewald_rtol  = 1e-5  ; relative strenght of the Ewald-shifted
potential rcoulomb
; Electrostatics
coulombtype = PME   ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range
pme_order   = 4 ; cubic interpolation
fourierspacing  = 0.12  ; grid spacing for FFT
fourier_nx  = 0
fourier_ny  = 0
fourier_nz  = 0
optimize_fft= yes
; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl  = V-rescale ; modified Berendsen
tc_grps = Protein LIG_Water_and_ions   ; two coupling groups -
tau_t   = 0.1   0.1 ; time constant, in ps
ref_t   = 318   318 ; reference temperature,
one for each group, in K
; Pressure coupling is on
pcoupl  = Parrinello-Rahman ; pressure coupling is on
pcoupltype  = isotropic ; uniform scaling of box
tau_p   = 2.0   ; time constant, in ps
ref_p   = 1.0   ; reference pressure, in
compressibility = 4.5e-5; isothermal
compressibility of water, bar^-1
; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc = xyz   ; 3-D PBC
; Dispersion correction
DispCorr= EnerPres  ; account for cut-off vdW scheme
; Velocity generation
gen_vel = yes   ; assign velocities from Maxwell distribution
gen_temp= 318   ; temperature for Maxwell distribution
gen_seed= -1; generate a random seed
; These options remove COM motion of the system
; Pull code
pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance
pull_dim= N N Y
pull_start  = yes
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = Protein
pull_group1 = LIG
pull_init1  = 0
pull_rate1  = 0.0
pull_k1 = 500  ; kJ mol^-1  nm^-2
pull_nstxout= 1000; every 2 ps
pull_nstfout= 1000  ; every 2 ps

Based on these settings you're allowing grompp to set the reference
to whatever it finds in the coordinate file.  It seems clear to me that
sampling indicates what I said before - you have an energy minimum
other than where you started with.  What that state corresponds to
relative to what you think is going on is for you to decide based on
nature of your system.  Whatever is occurring at 0.6 nm of COM
of particular interest, since the energy minimum is so distinct.

So based on this the deltaG will correspond to -5.22 as the initial
state was taken at 0.4 nm corresponding to 0 kcal/mol as the moment
corresponding to the 

[gmx-users] deltaG from PMF

2012-08-21 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Am 21.08.2012 18:22, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:49 PM, Thomas Schlesierschl...@uni-mainz.de  wrote:

Since your simulations of the individual windows are about 50 ns, you could
first dismiss the first 10 ns for equilibration, and then perform the WHAM
analysis for 10-30 ns and 30-50 ns. If everything is fine, you should see no
If you want to have more data for the analysis you could also use 5ns ;
5-27.5ns and 27.5-50ns.

 From the PMF it seems that the equilibrium state should be around 0.6 nm. To
be sure, you can perform a normal simulation (without any restraints) from
you initial starting window (~0.4nm) and a window near the minima (~0.6nm).
Then after the equilibration phase, look at the distribution of the distance
along the reaction coordinate. If in both cases the maximum is at ~0.6nm,
this should be the 'true' equilibrium state of the system (instead of the
first window of the PMF calculation) and i would measure \Delta G from this


Thanks Thomas for this but finally I realised that my first
configuration corresponds to 0.6 nm which is the minima so I take the
free energy difference based on this value and plateau.

I want also to calculate error bars. Would you do this:

Final PMF curve for 10-50 ns

Error bars from:
g_wham -b 3 -e 4

g_wham -b 5 -e 6

Think this approach would be good to see if you have any drifts.
But for error bars there is something implemented in 'g_wham'. But i 
never used it, since for my system umbrella sampling is not really 
applicable, only TI. So i can't comment on it, if there is anything one 
should be aware of, or similar. But 'g_wham -h' prints some info about 
how to use the error analysis



Am 21.08.2012 17:25, schriebgmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Justin Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu  wrote:

 On 8/21/12 11:18 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Justin Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu

 On 8/21/12 11:09 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Justin Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu

 On 8/21/12 10:42 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

 Please see the example of the plot from US simulations and
 First grompp of frame 0 corresponds to 0.8 nm - this is what
 was shown
 by grompp at the end.
 The mdp file:
 ; Run parameters
 define  = -DPOSRES_T
 integrator  = md; leap-frog integrator
 nsteps  = 2500 ; 100ns
 dt  = 0.002 ; 2 fs
 tinit   = 0
 nstcomm = 10
 ; Output control
 nstxout = 0   ; save coordinates every 100 ps
 nstvout = 0   ; save velocities every
 nstxtcout   = 5; every 10 ps
 nstenergy   = 1000
 ; Bond parameters
 continuation= no   ; first dynamics run
 constraint_algorithm = lincs; holonomic constraints
 constraints = all-bonds ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H
 ; Neighborsearching
 ns_type = grid  ; search neighboring grid cells
 nstlist = 5 ; 10 fs
 vdwtype = Switch
 rvdw-switch = 1.0
 rlist   = 1.4   ; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in
 rcoulomb= 1.4   ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in
 rvdw= 1.2   ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in
 ewald_rtol  = 1e-5  ; relative strenght of the
 potential rcoulomb
 ; Electrostatics
 coulombtype = PME   ; Particle Mesh Ewald for
 pme_order   = 4 ; cubic interpolation
 fourierspacing  = 0.12  ; grid spacing for FFT
 fourier_nx  = 0
 fourier_ny  = 0
 fourier_nz  = 0
 optimize_fft= yes
 ; Temperature coupling is on
 tcoupl  = V-rescale ; modified
 tc_grps = Protein LIG_Water_and_ions   ; two coupling
 groups -
 tau_t   = 0.1   0.1 ; time constant,
 in ps
 ref_t   = 318   318 ; reference
 one for each group, in K
 ; Pressure coupling is on
 pcoupl  = Parrinello-Rahman ; pressure
 coupling is on
 pcoupltype  = isotropic ; uniform scaling
 of box
 tau_p   = 2.0   ; time constant,
 in ps
 ref_p   = 1.0   ; reference
 pressure, in
 compressibility = 4.5e-5; isothermal
 compressibility of water, bar^-1
 ; Periodic boundary conditions
 pbc = xyz   ; 3-D PBC
 ; Dispersion correction
 DispCorr= EnerPres  ; account for cut-off vdW scheme
 ; Velocity generation
 gen_vel = yes   ; assign velocities from Maxwell
 gen_temp= 318   ; temperature for Maxwell distribution
 gen_seed= -1; generate a random seed
 ; These options remove COM motion of the system
 ; Pull code

[gmx-users] Re: angle constraints

2012-07-26 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Thanks for the clarification.
Forgot that virtual sites have no mass. With this info it is clear why a 
setup with 2 'normal' and one dummy atom would not work.

Am 26.07.2012 01:42, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On 26/07/2012 4:12 AM, Broadbent, Richard wrote:

Virtual sites are by definition have no mass.

If you simply ignore the mass of the carbon the molecule will be too light
and its translational momentum will therefore be too small meaning it will
move too quickly.

If you place half the mass of the carbon on each oxygen the moment of
inertia will be wrong and the molecule will spin too slowly.

All correct so far.

In practice you have to decide what you want to loose or if a balance
between the two is better.

Not true, as illustrated by the link I gave earlier in the thread, which
nobody seems to have read/understood.

One needs at least two massive particles to describe the available
degrees of freedom of a linear molecule, and using exactly two
side-steps the angle constraint issue. Each must have half the total
mass of CO2 and the distance between them is chosen to reproduce the
moment of inertia. These will not be in suitable positions to have
non-bonded interactions, of course. Then three (massless) virtual sites
are constructed from those two, and these are the only ones that have
the non-bonded interactions.


On 25/07/2012 14:44, Thomas Schlesierschl...@uni-mainz.de  wrote:

Ok, read the topic about the acetonitril. But i'm somewhat clueless:

Why is the following setup wrong:
Use 2 particles as normal atoms. Put the third as a dummy in between.
Give each particle its 'normal' mass?
I would assume that this system should have the right mass and moment of
inertia, due to the fact the all individual masses and the positions one
the particles would be correct.

The virtual site so constructed cannot have mass, so this cannot be an
accurate model.

Only idea i have, why this setup could be flawed, would be that the
third particle does only interact indirectly through the other two
particles (i mean, virtual site interacts normally with all othe
particles, but the force which would act on the dummy get redistributed
to the other particles)... and then it's mass does not come into play,
since it new position is determined only by the other two particles. so
the complete molecule would move with a reduced mass?!?

Still not an accurate model - you'd have a CO2 with three sites and mass
only at two of the sites, so either the mass or moment of intertia must
be wrong.


Can anyone comment on this?


On 25/07/2012 10:08 PM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:

What you have done there looks very strange...
easiest wy would be:
define the two oxygens as normal atoms (1,2), give them a bondlength
twotimes the C-O bond length
define the carbon as a dummy (3), while you construct it's position
from both oxygens with a=0.5
one thing i don't know is how to handle the mass:
1) give both oxygen half of the system mass
2) give all atoms their normal mass
would tend to (2)

One should want to get both the total mass and the moment of inertia



Am 25.07.2012 13:15, schrieb gmx-users-request at gromacs.org:

How to choose the positions of the dummy atoms while constraining the
angle for a linear triatomic molecule?
The topology for a such molecule ( af for example CO2 ) is as follows

[ moleculetype ]
; Namenrexcl
CO2  2

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge mass
typeBchargeB  massB
; residue 503 CO  rtp CO   q  0.0
1 D1503 CO D1  1  0 21.90158
 ; qtot 0
2 D2503 CO D2  2  0 21.90158
 ; qtot 0
3 CE503 CO CO  30.7 0.0
 ; qtot 0.7
4 OE503 COOC1  4  -0.35 0.0
 ; qtot 0.35
5 OE503 COOC2  5  -0.35 0.0
 ; qtot 0.35
[ constraints ]
;  ai  aj funct   b0
1 2 1   0.2000

[ dummies2 ]
;  aiajak   funct   a
   3 1 2   1   0.0170
   4 1 2   1   0.1000
   5 1 2   1   0.2170

[ exclusions ]
3 4 5
4 5 3
5 4 3

The .rtp file for CO2

[ CO ]
[ atoms ]
   D1 D1  0.   1
   D2 D2  0.   2
   COCE  0.70003
   OC1  OE -0.3500   4
   OC2  OE -0.35005
[ bonds ]
   CO  OC1
   CO  OC2

Can anyone please check above file parts whether I'm doing correct or
not ?

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* Only plain text messages are allowed!
* Please search the archive at 
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[gmx-users] Re: angle constraints

2012-07-25 Thread Thomas Schlesier

What you have done there looks very strange...
easiest wy would be:
define the two oxygens as normal atoms (1,2), give them a bondlength 
twotimes the C-O bond length
define the carbon as a dummy (3), while you construct it's position from 
both oxygens with a=0.5

one thing i don't know is how to handle the mass:
1) give both oxygen half of the system mass
2) give all atoms their normal mass
would tend to (2)


Am 25.07.2012 13:15, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

How to choose the positions of the dummy atoms while constraining the
angle for a linear triatomic molecule?
The topology for a such molecule ( af for example CO2 ) is as follows

[ moleculetype ]
; Namenrexcl
CO2  2

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass
typeBchargeB  massB
; residue 503 CO  rtp CO   q  0.0
  1 D1503 CO D1  1  0  21.90158
   ; qtot 0
  2 D2503 CO D2  2  0  21.90158
   ; qtot 0
  3 CE503 CO CO  30.7   0.0
   ; qtot 0.7
  4 OE503 COOC1  4  -0.35   0.0
   ; qtot 0.35
  5 OE503 COOC2  5  -0.35   0.0
   ; qtot 0.35
[ constraints ]
;  ai  aj funct   b0
1 2 1   0.2000

[ dummies2 ]
;  aiajak   funct   a
 3 1 2   1   0.0170
 4 1 2   1   0.1000
 5 1 2   1   0.2170

[ exclusions ]
3 4 5
4 5 3
5 4 3

The .rtp file for CO2

[ CO ]
  [ atoms ]
 D1 D1  0.   1
 D2 D2  0.   2
 COCE  0.7000   3   
 OC1  OE -0.35004   
 OC2  OE -0.35005   
  [ bonds ]
 CO   OC1
 CO   OC2

Can anyone please check above file parts whether I'm doing correct or not ?

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
* Only plain text messages are allowed!
* Please search the archive at 
http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
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[gmx-users] angle constraints

2012-07-25 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Ok, read the topic about the acetonitril. But i'm somewhat clueless:

Why is the following setup wrong:
Use 2 particles as normal atoms. Put the third as a dummy in between. 
Give each particle its 'normal' mass?
I would assume that this system should have the right mass and moment of 
inertia, due to the fact the all individual masses and the positions one 
the particles would be correct.

Only idea i have, why this setup could be flawed, would be that the 
third particle does only interact indirectly through the other two 
particles (i mean, virtual site interacts normally with all othe 
particles, but the force which would act on the dummy get redistributed 
to the other particles)... and then it's mass does not come into play, 
since it new position is determined only by the other two particles. so 
the complete molecule would move with a reduced mass?!?

Can anyone comment on this?


On 25/07/2012 10:08 PM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:
 What you have done there looks very strange...
 easiest wy would be:
 define the two oxygens as normal atoms (1,2), give them a bondlength
 twotimes the C-O bond length
 define the carbon as a dummy (3), while you construct it's position
 from both oxygens with a=0.5
 one thing i don't know is how to handle the mass:
 1) give both oxygen half of the system mass
 2) give all atoms their normal mass
 would tend to (2)

One should want to get both the total mass and the moment of inertia



 Am 25.07.2012 13:15, schrieb gmx-users-request at gromacs.org:
 How to choose the positions of the dummy atoms while constraining the
 angle for a linear triatomic molecule?
 The topology for a such molecule ( af for example CO2 ) is as follows

 [ moleculetype ]
 ; Namenrexcl
 CO2  2

 [ atoms ]
 ;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge mass
 typeBchargeB  massB
 ; residue 503 CO  rtp CO   q  0.0
   1 D1503 CO D1  1  0 21.90158
; qtot 0
   2 D2503 CO D2  2  0 21.90158
; qtot 0
   3 CE503 CO CO  30.7 0.0
; qtot 0.7
   4 OE503 COOC1  4  -0.35 0.0
; qtot 0.35
   5 OE503 COOC2  5  -0.35 0.0
; qtot 0.35
 [ constraints ]
 ;  ai  aj funct   b0
 1 2 1   0.2000

 [ dummies2 ]
 ;  aiajak   funct   a
  3 1 2   1   0.0170
  4 1 2   1   0.1000
  5 1 2   1   0.2170

 [ exclusions ]
 3 4 5
 4 5 3
 5 4 3

 The .rtp file for CO2

 [ CO ]
   [ atoms ]
  D1 D1  0.   1
  D2 D2  0.   2
  COCE  0.70003
  OC1  OE -0.3500   4
  OC2  OE -0.35005
   [ bonds ]
  CO  OC1
  CO  OC2

 Can anyone please check above file parts whether I'm doing correct or
 not ?

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[gmx-users] Re: angle constraints

2012-07-24 Thread Thomas Schlesier

As others said:
type 2 virtual site
check chapter 4.7 and 5.2.2 in the manual (version 4.5.x).


Am 24.07.2012 12:00, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Sorry I should mention it at the very beginning that I have a linear
molecule and the angle is to be constrained at 180 degree. So what is
the best way of  constraining the angle for the linear molecule ?

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Mark Abrahammark.abra...@anu.edu.au  wrote:

On 24/07/2012 6:07 PM, Broadbent, Richard wrote:

An Angle constraint amounts to fixing a triangle. To do this you need to
constrain the distances between all the atoms as you know the of the bonds
6064, 6063 and 6063, 6065 and the angle between the two bonds it is a
trivial geometry problem calculate the length of the third side of the
triangle (6064,6065). However, as you are attempting to hold these atoms
a straight line I would suggest that a type 2 virtual site might
on your system) be a better idea.

Indeed, a much better idea.



On 24/07/2012 07:21, tarak karmakartarak20...@gmail.com  wrote:

Oh ! Thnaks
I saw that table, the angle_restrain option is there but not constraints
Anyway if suppose, I fix the distance between the two terminal atoms
of the molecule, the angle will eventually be fixed at a particular
given value. Is that the logic ?
Actually I searched for this problem so many times but didn't get
proper clue; in one of those mails I saw someone has dealt with some
dummy atoms. I could not able to digest that logic.

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Mark Abrahammark.abra...@anu.edu.au

On 24/07/2012 3:21 PM, tarak karmakar wrote:

Dear All,

I am constraining one angle in my protein sample by incorporating  [
constraints ] block in topology file as

[ constraints ]
;  index1  index2  index3   funct angle
6064 6063 6065 1   180.0

while doing that its showing the following error

Program grompp, VERSION 4.5.5
Source code file: topdirs.c, line: 174

Fatal error:
Invalid constraints type 6065
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the
website athttp://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors

As you will see in table 5.6, this is not a valid option for
[constraints] -
you can only specify bonds. You will need to construct a triangle of


Then I rechecked the angle block, that specific angle is there in that
angle section, part of it as follows
6039  6057  6058 1
6039  6057  6059 1
6058  6057  6059 1
6064  6063  6065 1
6067  6066  6068 1
6067  6066  6069 1
6068  6066  6069 1
6071  6070  6072 1
6071  6070  6073 1
6072  6070  6073 1

[ constraints ]
;  index1  index2  index3   funct angle
6064 6063 6065 1   180.0

[ dihedrals ]
;  aiajakal functc0c1

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-- Tarak Karmakar Molecular Simulation Lab. Chemistry and Physics of
Materials Unit Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
Jakkur P. O. Bangalore - 560 064 Karnataka, INDIA Ph. (lab) :

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[gmx-users] Final state not reached in pulling simulation

2012-07-12 Thread Thomas Schlesier
It could be possible tht you do not pull into the 'right' direction. if 
there is another group between 'GTP' and 'Residue' you will get clashes 
and 'Residue' won't move further (could be a water molecule, or some 
other part of 'GTP').
If this happens you should observe an increase in the force due to the 
umbrella potential.
If the problems are due to waters molecules which block the 'pathway' 
you could just delete them.
If another group is in the way, you might want to change the pull-vector 
(and if lucky find the right one). But don't know what would be the best 
strategy in this case. Maybe you can look into what docking-people do, 
seems to me that your simulation is related to what they do (but myself 
has absolute no knowledge about docking simulations).


Am 12.07.2012 17:26, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hello all,

I m performing a pulling simulation on my Protein-Mg-GTP complex. I
have considered pulling between the GTP and a residue of protein.
The pull code in the .mdp file im using is as follows:

; Pull code
pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance  ; simple distance increase
pull_dim= N N Y
pull_start  = yes   ; define initial COM distance  0
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = GTP
pull_group1 = Residue
pull_rate1  = -0.5  ; 0.5 nm per ps = .05 nm per ns
pull_k1 = 1  ; kJ mol^-1  nm^-2

The initial distance between GTP and the residue was 7 A and the
desired one was 3A. After the completion of run (10ns), I could get a
trajectory where the final distance was still 4.25 A.

I tried to continue the simulation for another 10ns with the same
value for pull_k1 parameter and one by increasing the value to 100,000
also. In both of the case, the  trajectories showed the distance
stabilized near _4.25 A only.
Can anyone please tell me the reason behind it? What should I do, so
that I could get the desired distance ?

Any suggestion and help is welcome !!!


Neeru Sharma

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[gmx-users] specifying the direction of Pull in US

2012-07-09 Thread Thomas Schlesier
If you want to pull along a vector which connects to groups, the easiest 
way is to run 'g_dist' over your starting *.gro file.
this measures the distance and the vector connecting both groups. From 
GROMACS-4.0.x you don't need to normalise the vector. So you can 
directly use this vector.


Thanks for ur suggestion Justin,

I'm facing trouble in setting that vector, actually I cant figure out how
can i set up a vector. Is there any easier way with which i can set up a
vector. Thanks

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[gmx-users] Nucleic acid simulation

2012-07-04 Thread Thomas Schlesier
Heard that RNA/DNA system could be a little trickier than proteins due 
to the many negative charges.

I found somewhen a nice article about RNA simulations in general. 
Probably some questions you have / will have are answered there:

A short guide for molecular dynamics simulations of RNA systems
Yaser Hashem, Pascal Auffinger
Methods 47 (2009) 187–197


Am 04.07.2012 16:52, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On 7/4/12 6:45 AM, Ravi Raja Merugu wrote:

  Hello every one,

  Im interesting in performing a MD for Protein - RNA complex , Can any
  one suggest a good  tutorial.

Such systems do not differ significantly from simulations of simple proteins in
water, since pdb2gmx can produce topologies for both proteins and nucleic acids.
   The remaining workflow is basically the same.


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[gmx-users] Pulling ligand - Different Profiles (Force vs time)

2012-07-03 Thread Thomas Schlesier

As a side note:

The rupture process is a stochastic process, so a single rupture force 
is meaningless, since it is a distributed property. So you need to do 
many simulations to get the distribution / average rupture force.
It that same like equilibrium properties, one doesn't determine them 
from only a single frame from a trajectory.

Am 27.06.2012 15:52, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On 6/27/12 9:36 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

  On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Justin A. Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu  wrote:

  On 6/27/12 7:48 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

  Dear Gmx Users,

  I obtained a protein-ligand complex from 100ns simulation. Now I am
  pulling my ligand away from the protein after the energy minimzation
  in water and equilibration of 100ps (two coupling baths: Protein,
  Then I proceed my pulling :

  grompp -f pull.mdp -c npt.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -t npt.cpt -o

  mdrun -s pull.tpr -deffnm pull

  title   = Umbrella pulling simulation
  define  = -DPOSRES
  ; Run parameters
  integrator  = md
  dt  = 0.002
  tinit   = 0
  nsteps  = 50; 1 ns
  nstcomm = 10
  ; Output parameters
  nstxout = 0
  nstvout = 0
  nstfout = 500
  nstxtcout   = 1000   ; every 1 ps
  nstenergy   = 500
  ; Bond parameters
  constraint_algorithm= lincs
  constraints = all-bonds
  continuation= yes   ; continuing from NPT
  ; Single-range cutoff scheme
  nstlist = 5
  ns_type = grid
  rlist   = 1.4
  rcoulomb= 1.4
  rvdw= 1.2
  vdwtype = Switch
  rvdw-switch = 1.0
  ; PME electrostatics parameters
  coulombtype = PME
  fourierspacing  = 0.12
  fourier_nx  = 0
  fourier_ny  = 0
  fourier_nz  = 0
  pme_order   = 4
  ewald_rtol  = 1e-5
  optimize_fft= yes
  ; Temperature coupling is on
  tcoupl  = V-rescale  ; modified
  Berendsen thermostat
  tc_grps = Protein LIG_Water_and_ions   ; two coupling groups - more
  tau_t   = 0.1   0.1 ; time constant,
  in ps
  ref_t   = 298   298  ; reference
  temperature, one for each group, in K
  ; Pressure coupling is on
  Pcoupl  = Parrinello-Rahman
  pcoupltype  = isotropic
  tau_p   = 2.0
  compressibility = 4.5e-5
  ref_p   = 1.0
  ; Generate velocities is off
  gen_vel = no
  ; Periodic boundary conditions are on in all directions
  pbc = xyz
  ; Long-range dispersion correction
  DispCorr= EnerPres
  ; Pull code
  pull= umbrella
  pull_geometry   = distance  ; simple distance increase
  pull_dim= N N Y
  pull_start  = yes   ; define initial COM distance  0
  pull_ngroups= 1
  pull_group0 = Protein
  pull_group1 = LIG
  pull_rate1  = 0.004  ; 0.004 nm per ps = 4 nm per ns
  pull_k1 = 500  ; kJ mol^-1  nm^-2

  I run 3 pulling simulations with the same mdp  and I obtain 3
  different profiles (Force vs time). Then I used 2xlonger pulling with
  the same pulling distance and I run 3 simulations again. Each time I
  obtain different profile. Can anyone explain me this? I am using
  velocities from npt simulation as above (gen_vel = no and continuation
  = yes) so I presume the output should be similar. Please, advice.

  I assume you're passing a checkpoint file to grompp?  If you're relying on
  velocities from the .gro file, they are of insufficient precision to
  guarantee proper continuation.

  Thank you Justin. I am using according to your tutorial:

  grompp -f pull.mdp -c npt.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -t npt.cpt -o 
  mdrun -s pull.tpr -deffnm pull

  Would you suggest:

  grompp -f pull.mdp -c npt.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -t npt.cpt -o 
  mdrun -s pull.tpr -cpi npt.cpt -deffnm pull ??

No, I would not, especially if the NPT run uses position restraints, in which
case the two phases are different.  I missed the command line in the earlier
message.  What you are doing makes sense.

  Profiles do not vary slightly - the maximum pulling force (breaking
  point) varies from 290 to 500 kJ/mol nm2 which is really a lot.

Consult the points below and watch your trajectories.  If you're getting
different forces, your ligands are experiencing different interactions.  SMD is
a path-dependent, non-equilibrium process.  Good sampling and a justifiable path
are key.


  Small variations are inherent in any simulation set, and in the case of
  pulling, small changes (though intentional) are the basis for Jarzynski's
  method.  In any case, all MD simulations are chaotic and so it depends on
  what your definition of different is in the context of whether or not
  there are meaningful changes imparted through the course of each simulation.
 Also note that in the absence of the -reprod flag, the same .tpr file may
  result in a slightly 

[gmx-users] Force constant - units

2012-07-03 Thread Thomas Schlesier

You have 1mol of your system.

conversition factor for
kJ/(mol*nm) - pN   is approx   1.661

Am 29.06.2012 10:33, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Dear Gmx Users,

How to recalculate the force constant from the harmonic potential:  1
[pN/A] into [kJ/mol nm2]  ? Where is the [mol] here?



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[gmx-users] PMF trails off to infinity.

2012-07-03 Thread Thomas Schlesier
think you encounter the problem, that you construct your pmf from a 3d 
simulation and project it onto 1d, but do no correction.

For TI (if you constrain the distance in all three directions) the pmf 
is given by

V_pmf(r) = - \int [ F_c + 2/(beta*r) ] dr
with F_c the constraint force and \beta = 1/(k_B*T).

for umbrella sampling one should need the same factor
-2/beta \int 1/r dr
if one restraints the system in 3 directions.

Since 'g_wham' uses no *.tpr it can not know the value of 'pull_dim' one 
should introduce the factor afterwards.

There could also the problem that the dummy-atom interacts with the 
ligand, or other clashes, but i don't think so, because the force looks 
too fine. If the ligand would crash into something one should see a 
greatly increasing force. like around 1000-2500 in your force-profile, 
when the protein still helds the ligand in the binding pocket.

Additional comment:
'pull_geometry = distance'
is a really bad idea for pmf generation if one has an actual distance of 
0 and the system is not isotropic, since distance only knows distances 
and has no ideas about directrions:

place a reference particle at the origin of a box
put a second particle on top of it
pull along x
pull along -x
in both cases you get the distance r=|x|=|-x|
if the system is isotropic, everything is fine
if system is anisotropic you get problems

on the nice side, this problem should affect simulations where one pulls 
a ligand away from a binding pocket, only for the windows which is 
centered the nearest to 0.
for mapping an ion-channel with a reference group in the middle of the 
channel it's (/ it should be) far more worse, (if the system is not 
Somewhere in the archive is a longer explainition, i discussed the topic 
with 2-3 different people...

Am 03.07.2012 11:34, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Basically what I'm doing is pulling a ligand out of a protein towards a
dummy atom, which has a mass of 1 and no charge. I've attached the a
portion .mdp files for both the smd portion and the umbrella sampling. I
know that the ligand gets very close possibly crashing into the dummy
atom. So from what you're saying, I'm thinking this might be the source
of the problem. - Laura ## smd.mdp## ; Generate velocites is
on at 300 K. gen_vel = yes gen_temp = 300.0 gen_seed = 123456 ;COM
PULLING ; Pull type: no, umbrella, constraint or constant_force pull =
umbrella ; Pull geometry: distance, direction, cylinder or position
pull_geometry = distance ; Select components for the pull vector.
default: Y Y Y pull_dim = Y Y Y ; Cylinder radius for dynamic reaction
force groups (nm) pull_r1 = 1 ; Switch from r1 to r0 in case of dynamic
reaction force pull_r0 = 1.5 pull_constr_tol = 1e-06 pull_start = yes
pull_nstxout = 10 pull_nstfout = 1 ; Number of pull groups pull_ngroups
= 1 ; Group name, weight (default all 1), vector, init, rate (nm/ps),
kJ/(mol*nm^2) pull_group0 =JJJ pull_weights0 = pull_pbcatom0 = 0
pull_group1 = CPZ pull_weights1 = pull_pbcatom1 = 0 pull_vec1 =
pull_init1 = pull_rate1 = -0.0006 pull_k1 = 800 pull_kB1 = ###
um.mdp ## ;COM PULLING ; Pull type: no, umbrella, constraint
or constant_force pull = umbrella ; Pull geometry: distance, direction,
cylinder or position pull_geometry = distance ; Select components for
the pull vector. default: Y Y Y pull_dim = Y Y Y ; Cylinder radius for
dynamic reaction force groups (nm) pull_r1 = 1 ; Switch from r1 to r0 in
case of dynamic reaction force pull_r0 = 1.5 pull_constr_tol = 1e-06
pull_start = yes pull_nstxout = 100 pull_nstfout = 100 ; Number of pull
groups pull_ngroups = 1 ; Group name, weight (default all 1), vector,
init, rate (nm/ps), kJ/(mol*nm^2) pull_group0 =JJJ pull_weights0 =
pull_pbcatom0 = 0 pull_group1 = CPZ pull_weights1 = pull_pbcatom1 = 0
pull_vec1 = pull_init1 = 0 pull_rate1 = 0 pull_k1 = 1000 pull_kB1 = On
07/02/2012 04:38 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

  On 7/2/12 4:30 PM, Laura Kingsley wrote:

  Just for clarification, the PMF is read from right to left and the force 
  is read from left to right.

  The dramatic change in the magnitude and sign of the force, coupled with the
  steady increase in PMF, indicates to me that some elements of your system are
  crashing into one another.  In the absence of an accompanying explanation of
  what you're doing (description of system, procedure with .mdp parameters, 
  that's the best I can offer.


  On 07/02/2012 04:27 PM, Kingsley, Laura J wrote:

  Here is a link to both the PMF profile and the force profile:


  -Original Message-
  From:gmx-users-boun...@gromacs.org  [mailto:gmx-users-boun...@gromacs.org] 
  Behalf Of Justin A. Lemkul
  Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 3:56 PM
  To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
  Subject: Re: [gmx-users] PMF trails off to infinity.

  On 7/2/12 3:53 PM, Laura Kingsley 

[gmx-users] Umbrella - Force constant

2012-07-03 Thread Thomas Schlesier

It also depends in some cases strongly on the system.
I have a two-state system in which both states are rather narrow (doing 
a normal pulling simulation, the end-to-end-distance seems nearly 
constant). In these two regions one could use small force constants. but 
both state are seperated by a distance of more then 0.5 nm.
So if one would sample the transition state (between both states) 
accurately one would need really high force constants...
Was too lazy to determine the right force constant for every region, so 
used in the end TI (thermodynamic integration), which one could describe 
as umbrella sampling with constraints.

Am 03.07.2012 16:49, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Justin A. Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu  wrote:

  On 7/3/12 8:41 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

  Dear Gmx Users,

  Do you know or can you suggest some results based on the comparison of
  the force constant in Umbrell Sampling? Any literature?

  That would be lovely, but I've never seen such a thing.  One could probably
  write a book with all the test cases that would be required.  My gut tells
  me that you can't generalize too much in terms of pulling simulations - the
  approach depends on what is being pulled (small molecule, peptide, large
  protein), what the medium is (water, membrane, etc), and what the
  interacting partner is (protein surface, ion channel, binding pocket).

  As far as I understand when you use the same staring coordinates (from
  the same pulling simulation) for windows but you just change the force
  constant (e.g. from 500 to 2000 kJ/mol nm2) you should increase number
  of windows (for f=2000) as smaller force constant will cover wider
  neigboruring distances - that makes sense.
  I am curious whether the final result will be the same? I guess with
  stronger force it will converge faster but more windows are required.
  is it the only one difference?

  Without a systematic comparison, it's hard to say, but in theory if one
  samples sufficiently and has good overlap between neighboring windows, the
  results should converge to the same answer.

  If someone knows of some applicable literature that has done such
  comparisons, please post a reference.  I'd love to see it.  Most SMD and US
  methodology is written with hand-waving explanations as to what the authors
  did and why it worked, and I have a suspicion that most reviewers don't have
  a better idea so they can't refute such claims.


Thanks Justin. The only thing I found:

Beno?t Roux, The calculation of the potential of mean force using
computer simulations, Computer Physics Communications, Volume 91,
Issues 1?3, 2 September 1995, Pages 275-282, ISSN 0010-4655,

 Furthermore, the convergence properties of umbrella
sampling calculations may be exploited more
effectively using WHAM. Generating short umbrella
sampling simulations for a large number of narrow
windows is computationally more advantageous than
generating longer simulations with a smaller number
of wider windows (...) If Nw simulations are used to cover the
whole range L, the force constant K of the umbrella
sampling potential must be chosen to insure a proper
overlap between the adjacent windows, i.e., each
window should cover a range of dL = L/Nw and the
value of K should be on the order of kBT/dL^2  based
on the magnitude of the rms fluctuations. It follows
that the total simulation time Trot needed to generate
the Nw windows varies as ,~ L2/Nw. Thus, it is more
advantageous to run short umbrella sampling simulations
for a large number of narrow windows (the
simulation time required to prepare and equilibrate
the windows, which is also important, is ignored in
this simple analysis)

If anyone would find something, please post. that is an interesting
gap in free energy calculations.

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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 99, Issue 12

2012-07-03 Thread Thomas Schlesier

ok, had still the 4.0.x version in mind, there the .tpr-files were not used.
could be that the factor was introduced in 4.5.x, but i don't think so.

If there would be steric crashes, which would account for the strong 
increase in the PMF, one should see them in the force profile.

for more information on the factor in regard to TI:
E. Paci, G. Ciccotti, M. Ferrario; Chem. Phys. Letters 176, 6: 581-587, 1991

On 7/3/12 2:50 PM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:
 think you encounter the problem, that you construct your pmf from a 3d
 simulation and project it onto 1d, but do no correction.

 For TI (if you constrain the distance in all three directions) the 
pmf is given by

 V_pmf(r) = - \int [ F_c + 2/(beta*r) ] dr
 with F_c the constraint force and \beta = 1/(k_B*T).

 for umbrella sampling one should need the same factor
 -2/beta \int 1/r dr
 if one restraints the system in 3 directions.

 Since 'g_wham' uses no *.tpr it can not know the value of 'pull_dim' 
one should

 introduce the factor afterwards.

The input to g_wham (at least in modern Gromacs versions) is a list of .tpr
files (passed to the -it flag) and a list of pullx or pullf files (with 
-ix or

-if).  How is g_wham ignorant of these pull settings?

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[gmx-users] Residue 'DUM' not found in residue topology database

2012-06-20 Thread Thomas Schlesier
'pdb2gmx' is mainly a tool to get the topology for (bigger) molecules 
from a *.pdb file. 'pdbgmx' is expecting an entry in the *.rtp file for 
the dummy atoms. You could add one in that file... (see further below)

But if the dummys only interact via nonbonded interactions it would be 
more convient to write the topology by hand.

In the *.top file, you would need after the protein a new entry with
[ moleculetype ]
[ atoms ]
But you should also have this nonbonded interaction in the *nb.itp and 
file of your force field and the atom definition in the *.atp file.

If there are also bonded parameters the new *.rtp entry would be better.
For this look at the definition of an aminoacid, or a single molecule 
and write something similar for your dummy atoms.
Essential you would need the atoms definitions and charges, and then an 
entry for which atoms is bonded to which.

But you should also have these interactions (nonbonded and bonded) in 
the *nb.itp and *bon.itp files of your force field and the atom 
definition in the *.atp file.

The basic informations for both ways are in chapter 5 of the manual.

Hope this gives some hints.
Thomas Schlesier

Am 20.06.2012 16:18, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hi everybody,

I try to use GROMACS for my protein where I added a layer of dummy atoms
simulating the membrane around it.
But now when I want to call pdb2gmx I always get the error:
Fatal error:
Residue 'DUM' not found in residue topology database
I understand the error, that there is no entry for the dummy residue in
the .tpr file. But is there a possibility to add it there. Because the
file don't look like that I can just write DUM in it.

my pdb file looks like this:

ATOM   2597  CB  LEU A 313  12.816 -29.877 -23.547  1.00 55.31
ATOM   2598  CG  LEU A 313  14.261 -29.695 -23.059  1.00 54.06
ATOM   2599  CD1 LEU A 313  15.169 -30.640 -23.866  1.00 53.26
ATOM   2600  CD2 LEU A 313  14.757 -28.257 -23.179  1.00 54.46
HETATM 3076  DUM DUM A 314  -4.000 -49.000   6.000  1.00  1.70
HETATM 3077  DUM DUM A 314  -4.000 -49.000   7.000  1.00  1.70
HETATM 3078  DUM DUM A 314  -4.000 -48.000   6.000  1.00  1.70
HETATM 3079  DUM DUM A 314  -4.000 -48.000   7.000  1.00  1.70
HETATM 36213 O   HOH A 527  25.281 -35.299  13.147  1.00 37.03
HETATM 36214 O   HOH A 528  46.452 -27.955 -20.733  1.00 19.63
HETATM 36215 O   HOH A 530  32.439 -23.614 -26.720  1.00 27.12

Best regards,

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[gmx-users] Residue 'DUM' not found in residue topology database

2012-06-20 Thread Thomas Schlesier
Yes, meant that file (didn't know the name for GMX 4.5.x, i use mainly 

You can use:
editconf -f *.pdb -o *.gro
to convert the *.pdb file into a *.gro file. Since the *.gro file has 
only informations about:

atom names
residue name
while the *.pdb has also additional informations.
Only problem could be the atom and residue names. But if i'm not 
mistaken, the *.pdb file needs the 'right' atom-names and residue names 
(the same atom names, which are also used in the *.rtp file) in order 
that 'pdb2gmx' can do its work (- producing the *.top).

If you need the topology for the protein, you could delete all 
non-protein atoms and use 'pdb2gmx' to get it.

Then later write the data for the dummy atoms into the *.top.

But Justin hit an important point:
You need parameters for the
dummy - dummy
dummy - protein /  water
interactions, because GROMACS has none, and would give you the next error.
You can look into the literature if someone made parameters for this, 
probably you are lucky.
Else you need to determine the parameters yourself, which is not so 
easy. Again chapter 5 would be your friend for how force fields work. 
And looking into coarse-graining papers could be a good idea, since they 
do something similar.

Hope this helps
and wish you luck for finding / getting parameters.

Am 20.06.2012 18:13, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

With the *nb.itp file you ment the ffnonbonded.itp file, right?

But there is one thing:
Of course you are right, I can modify the .top file and add my Dummy atom
there. But because I got this error I mentioned, the pdb2gmx didn't
produce a .gro file.

Bests, Eva

  'pdb2gmx' is mainly a tool to get the topology for (bigger) molecules
  from a *.pdb file. 'pdbgmx' is expecting an entry in the *.rtp file for
  the dummy atoms. You could add one in that file... (see further below)

  But if the dummys only interact via nonbonded interactions it would be
  more convient to write the topology by hand.
  In the *.top file, you would need after the protein a new entry with
  [ moleculetype ]
  [ atoms ]
  But you should also have this nonbonded interaction in the *nb.itp and
  file of your force field and the atom definition in the *.atp file.

  If there are also bonded parameters the new *.rtp entry would be better.
  For this look at the definition of an aminoacid, or a single molecule
  and write something similar for your dummy atoms.
  Essential you would need the atoms definitions and charges, and then an
  entry for which atoms is bonded to which.

  But you should also have these interactions (nonbonded and bonded) in
  the *nb.itp and *bon.itp files of your force field and the atom
  definition in the *.atp file.

  The basic informations for both ways are in chapter 5 of the manual.

  Hope this gives some hints.
  Thomas Schlesier

  Am 20.06.2012 16:18, schriebgmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

  Hi everybody,

  I try to use GROMACS for my protein where I added a layer of dummy atoms
  simulating the membrane around it.
  But now when I want to call pdb2gmx I always get the error:
  Fatal error:
  Residue 'DUM' not found in residue topology database
  I understand the error, that there is no entry for the dummy residue in
  the .tpr file. But is there a possibility to add it there. Because the
  file don't look like that I can just write DUM in it.

  my pdb file looks like this:

  ATOM   2597  CB  LEU A 313  12.816 -29.877 -23.547  1.00 55.31
  ATOM   2598  CG  LEU A 313  14.261 -29.695 -23.059  1.00 54.06
  ATOM   2599  CD1 LEU A 313  15.169 -30.640 -23.866  1.00 53.26
  ATOM   2600  CD2 LEU A 313  14.757 -28.257 -23.179  1.00 54.46
  HETATM 3076  DUM DUM A 314  -4.000 -49.000   6.000  1.00  1.70
  HETATM 3077  DUM DUM A 314  -4.000 -49.000   7.000  1.00  1.70
  HETATM 3078  DUM DUM A 314  -4.000 -48.000   6.000  1.00  1.70
  HETATM 3079  DUM DUM A 314  -4.000 -48.000   7.000  1.00  1.70
  HETATM 36213 O   HOH A 527  25.281 -35.299  13.147  1.00 37.03
  HETATM 36214 O   HOH A 528  46.452 -27.955 -20.733  1.00 19.63
  HETATM 36215 O   HOH A 530  32.439 -23.614 -26.720  1.00 27.12

  Best regards,

  gmx-users mailing listgmx-us...@gromacs.org
  Please search the archive at
  http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search  before posting!
  Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the
  www interface or send it togmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.
  Can't post? Readhttp://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists

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[gmx-users] vsite as interaction site for COM of benzene

2012-06-08 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Hi all,

i have a more conceptional question, for using vsites as 
interaction-centers for coarse-grained particles:

First the simple case:
I want to simulate one benzene molecule (atomistic - aa) in 
coarse-grained (cg-) benzene (each benzene molecule as a single 
particle). For the cg-cg interaction of the benzene i have calculated a 
table potential.

But for the aa-cg interaction I'm a little bit clueless:
I want to use the COM of the aa-benzene as an interaction-site. But 
there is no vsite, which i could construct from 6 atoms.
Side-note: The vsite would not interact with the with the atoms, only 
with cg-benzenes

So there are two ideas:

1) Using one '3out'-vsite, which is construted from 3 non-neighbour 
atoms (if we had mesitylene instead of benzene, it would be the three 
C-atoms to which only hydrogens are bound). The the force from the aa-cg 
interaction would be distributed to these three atoms and i would hope 
that the bond-constraints would do 'the rest' (i.e. they would mimick 
that the whole aa-benzene molecule interacts with the cg-particles)

2) Using two '3out'-vsites. First viste the same as in (1), the second 
comes from the set of the other three C-atoms. These two vsites, should 
be at the same position (more or less, for a perfect energy-minimized 
benzene molecule it would be so; but i would assume the error is only 
minimal). Since the potential is pair-additive, i would use for this 
table potential only half of the potential, so that the potential of 
both particles would add up to the 'true' potential. The forces would be 
calculated from the 'half-potential'.

Big questions is now:
Are (1) and (2) equivalent?
(2) Seems like the 'right way' to do.
But (1) would be easier to implement :) But the big question is, if the 
bond-constraints would correct the approximation, that only 3 out of 6 
atoms have a direct interaction with the cg-particles.

Side note:
The real system is a little more complex. There are fracments of 
molecules where i could not really construct two vsites which would have 
more or less the same position. In this case, method (1) would really help.

Any ideas?
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[gmx-users] vsite as interaction site for COM of benzene

2012-06-08 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Dear Richard,

thanks for the idea, i will try this.

Relating to your side note:
I perform pulling simulations of a calixarene-catenane dimer (both together 600 
and i mesitylene as a solvent. To access longer time-scales I wanted to 
coarse-grain the
solvent only. My supervisor said that the mesitylene rotates on such a short 
that it would be ok, so coarse-grain it as one particle. But i also thought 3 
would be an option.
But since it is easier to coarse-grain the mesitylene as one particle, i 
started with that,
at this stage, my first interest to get a somewhat reasonable simulation, which 
runs, since
it is my first project involving coarse-graining and vsites.
If the results are not good enough, i still can make the system more complex :) 
but it is easier
to start with the simple case.
I'm now at the to construct the AA-CG interaction. For this is started with an 
atomistic mesitylene
in coarse-grained mesitylene (strictly speaking it's still an CG-CG 
interaction, but the single mesitylene
has an atomistic representation, as later the calixarene).

For the question here i used benzene instead of mesitylene, since it is smaller 
but the concept is the same.

Dear Thomas,

Whilst in principle a constraint should do what you are asking, you might be
better off using multiple vsites to solve the problem so that there is an
algebraic as apposed to numerical mapping of the forces. My immediate
thought is to use two type 3 (or if necessary type 3fd) virtual sites to
define two points near the centre of the benzene. You could then place your
tabulated potential on a type 2 virtual site between these two. I believe
that should algebraically link all the atomic sites together making the
process more stable and it should be quite easy to transfer it to other

On a separate note why if you are coarse graining the benzenes to a single
point particle are you then maintaining all the atoms? Could you go a stage
further and map the atoms onto 3 non interacting point masses? That would
maintain angular momentum etc. whilst reducing the computational overhead.
Although it becomes very complex to implement if your benzene's are in the
backbone of a polymer.

Hope that helps,


On 08/06/2012 18:18, Thomas Schlesierschlesi at uni-mainz.de  
http://lists.gromacs.org/mailman/listinfo/gmx-users  wrote:

/  Hi all,

//  i have a more conceptional question, for using vsites as
//  interaction-centers for coarse-grained particles:
//  First the simple case:
//  I want to simulate one benzene molecule (atomistic - aa) in
//  coarse-grained (cg-) benzene (each benzene molecule as a single
//  particle). For the cg-cg interaction of the benzene i have calculated a
//  table potential.
//  But for the aa-cg interaction I'm a little bit clueless:
//  I want to use the COM of the aa-benzene as an interaction-site. But
//  there is no vsite, which i could construct from 6 atoms.
//  Side-note: The vsite would not interact with the with the atoms, only
//  with cg-benzenes
//  So there are two ideas:
//  1) Using one '3out'-vsite, which is construted from 3 non-neighbour
//  atoms (if we had mesitylene instead of benzene, it would be the three
//  C-atoms to which only hydrogens are bound). The the force from the aa-cg
//  interaction would be distributed to these three atoms and i would hope
//  that the bond-constraints would do 'the rest' (i.e. they would mimick
//  that the whole aa-benzene molecule interacts with the cg-particles)
//  2) Using two '3out'-vsites. First viste the same as in (1), the second
//  comes from the set of the other three C-atoms. These two vsites, should
//  be at the same position (more or less, for a perfect energy-minimized
//  benzene molecule it would be so; but i would assume the error is only
//  minimal). Since the potential is pair-additive, i would use for this
//  table potential only half of the potential, so that the potential of
//  both particles would add up to the 'true' potential. The forces would be
//  calculated from the 'half-potential'.
//  Big questions is now:
//  Are (1) and (2) equivalent?
//  (2) Seems like the 'right way' to do.
//  But (1) would be easier to implement :) But the big question is, if the
//  bond-constraints would correct the approximation, that only 3 out of 6
//  atoms have a direct interaction with the cg-particles.
//  Side note:
//  The real system is a little more complex. There are fracments of
//  molecules where i could not really construct two vsites which would have
//  more or less the same position. In this case, method (1) would really help.
//  Any ideas?
//  Greetings
//  Thomas

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[gmx-users] Re: boundaries in PMF

2012-06-01 Thread Thomas Schlesier

One comment:
If the channel is horizontal orientated, and the COM of MOL lies in the 
middle, you have two directions to go out of the channel: two the left 
side (quasi negative distance) and to the right side (quasi positive 
What happens with 'pull_geometry=distance' is, that only the distance 
between MOL and Na matters. So you get the same (positive) distance if 
you go to the left or go to the right. The resulting PMF will be for 
only half of the channel (since the are no negative distances), but it 
will be evaluated from going into both directions (since the distances 
for left and right are the same).
To distingiush if you go left or right, you would need to use 
If you are 100% sure, that the system is symmetric and that the COM of 
MOL is in the middle of the channel, then your results are right. But if 
the COM of MOL is a little more to the right or left (relative to the 
middle of the channel) you would get problems. Since then the left and 
right direction are not equal.

One thing you could check is.
Make a analysis with g_wham on the windows which are on the left side of 
the center and one for the right side of the center. If everything is 
converged and the system is symmetric + COM of MOL is in the middle of 
the channel, both PMF should look the same. If they differ one or more 
of the above things are not correct.

Am 31.05.2012 22:03, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

however, just one point about your last comment:

  I suspect this is why g_wham is finding a range of values only equal to half 
  your expected reaction coordinate; it is considering only the positive
  displacement along the reaction coordinate.

It seems like all the channel is explored, not only one half. If g_wham was 
only considering the positive displacement I should see a profile for just one 
half of the channel, shouldn?t I? and I can see a profile typical for the 
entire channel.


  Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 15:42:06 -0400
  Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Re: boundaries in PMF

  On 5/31/12 3:37 PM, Rebeca Garc?a Fandi?o wrote:

the center of mass of my channel is at the middle of the ion channel, and 
it is
a symmetric system, so I suppose these results would be OK. Anyway, I 
will check
the options you propose.

  If you are sampling regions above and below the channel/membrane, then the
  distance geometry is not appropriate; you need either direction or 
  the most flexible option) position.  There are a number of useful 
  on such topics in the list archive and in my umbrella sampling tutorial for 
  to consider.  You can likely create a series of .tpr files from new .mdp 
  with correct options to run the analysis.

  I suspect this is why g_wham is finding a range of values only equal to half 
  your expected reaction coordinate; it is considering only the positive
  displacement along the reaction coordinate.


Thanks a lot for all your comments!!
Best wishes,
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 20:08:26 +0200
Subject: [gmx-users] Re: boundaries in PMF
Where is the center of mass of reference group (MOL) located?
It seems that the COM is near the middle of the ion channel. Since 
use 'pull_geometry=distance', g_wham will look only for the distance
between 'MOL' and 'Na' and that leads to problem.
If the com of 'MOL' sits in the center of the channel (which is 
5nm long), one has 2.5nm in both directions. Since g_wham uses only 
distance you get the PMF for half of the channel, but with the data 
both parts.
If the channel would be symmetric and the com of 'MOL' would lie 
in the middle of the channel, this could be ok. But if even one of 
assumptions is wrong, the results would be errorous.
A better approach would be to use 'pull_geometry=direction', since 
you define a vector along which the windows lie and do not have the
problem that the distance is in both directions (along positive and
negative vector) the same.
Only problem could be that g_wham supports 'pull_geometry=direction'
only from gromacs 4.5.x (don't know this, since instead of umbrella
smapling i use thermodynamik integration, where one uses constraints
(instead of restraints) and integrates the constraint-force; but the
conceptual problem with 'distance/direction' is the same).
Another approach (with 'pull_geometry=distance') would be to use a
reference group which is just outside of the channel (like going some
steps away from the channel, along the vector which goes through the
channel). If there is only 

[gmx-users] Re: boundaries in PMF

2012-05-31 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Where is the center of mass of reference group (MOL) located?

It seems that the COM is near the middle of the ion channel. Since you 
use 'pull_geometry=distance', g_wham will look only for the distance 
between 'MOL' and 'Na' and that leads to problem.
If the com of 'MOL' sits in the center of the channel (which is around 
5nm long), one has 2.5nm in both directions. Since g_wham uses only the 
distance you get the PMF for half of the channel, but with the data of 
both parts.
If the channel would be symmetric and the com of 'MOL' would lie exactly 
in the middle of the channel, this could be ok. But if even one of both 
assumptions is wrong, the results would be errorous.

A better approach would be to use 'pull_geometry=direction', since the 
you define a vector along which the windows lie and do not have the 
problem that the distance is in both directions (along positive and 
negative vector) the same.
Only problem could be that g_wham supports 'pull_geometry=direction' 
only from gromacs 4.5.x (don't know this, since instead of umbrella 
smapling i use thermodynamik integration, where one uses constraints 
(instead of restraints) and integrates the constraint-force; but the 
conceptual problem with 'distance/direction' is the same).

Another approach (with 'pull_geometry=distance') would be to use a 
reference group which is just outside of the channel (like going some 
steps away from the channel, along the vector which goes through the 
channel). If there is only water, it would be bad, because then the 
reference group would be move away.
But then on could use the entry and exit of the channel as a reference 
point for two simulations. In the case that the entry is the reference 
group, the PMF would be ill defined near the entry, but from the 
simulation with the exit as reference you would get the right PMF for 
the entry region and vice versa.


Am 31.05.2012 19:39, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Thanks a lot for your quick answer. The mdp file I have used is copied
below. What is strange is that when I look at the *gro files for the
different windows (100 windows in total), i. e: window 1: 8704Na Na56458
5.134 5.085 5.824 window 50: 8704Na Na56458 5.053 5.081 3.459 window
100: 8704Na Na56458 4.990 5.042 0.951 you can see that the z-coordinate
goes from 0.951 to 5.824 nm I should have a total distance in the x-axis
of about 5 nm, and however, the boundaries calculated by g_wham are
Determined boundaries to 0.35 to 2.603290  Can you see anything in
the mdp file which is causing this behaviour...? Thanks again for your
help! MDP FILE USED: title = Umbrella pulling simulation define =
-DPOSRES_B define = ; Run parameters integrator = md dt = 0.002 tinit =
0 nsteps = 50 ; 1 ns nstcomm = 10 ; Output parameters nstxout = 5000
; every 10 ps nstvout = 5000 nstfout = 5000 nstxtcout = 5000 ; every 10
ps nstenergy = 5000 ; Bond parameters constraint_algorithm = lincs
constraints = all-bonds continuation = yes ; Single-range cutoff scheme
nstlist = 5 ns_type = grid rlist = 1.4 rcoulomb = 1.4 rvdw = 1.4 ; PME
electrostatics parameters coulombtype = PME fourierspacing = 0.12
fourier_nx = 0 fourier_ny = 0 fourier_nz = 0 pme_order = 4 ewald_rtol =
1e-5 optimize_fft = yes ;Berendsen temperature coupling is on Tcoupl =
V-rescale tau_t = 0.1 0.1 0.1 tc-grps = MOL dop WAT_Cl_Na ref_t = 300
300 300 ; Pressure coupling Pcoupl = Parrinello-Rahman Pcoupltype =
Semiisotropic ; Time constant (ps), compressibility (1/bar) and
reference P (bar) tau-p = 1.0 1.0 compressibility = 4.6E-5 4.6E-5 ref-p
= 1.0 1.0 ; Generate velocities is off gen_vel = no ; Periodic boundary
conditions are on in all directions pbc = xyz ; Long-range dispersion
correction DispCorr = EnerPres ; Pull code pull = umbrella pull_geometry
= distance pull_dim = N N Y pull_start = yes pull_ngroups = 1
pull_group0 = MOL pull_group1 = Na pull_init1 = 0 pull_rate1 = 0.0
pull_k1 = 1000 ; kJ mol^-1 nm^-2 pull_nstxout = 1000 ; every 2 ps
pull_nstfout = 1000 ; every 2 ps

  Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 13:25:26 -0400
  Subject: Re: [gmx-users] boundaries in PMF

  On 5/31/12 1:20 PM, Rebeca Garc?a Fandi?o wrote:

I am trying to calculate a PMF for an ion along a channel. Everything 
went OK,
but when I used g_wham I got a profile with strange dimensions for the 
What are the boundaries g_wham is using for calculating the units of 

  The values are based on the restraint distances along the reaction 

I have used:
g_wham -it tpr-files.dat -if pullf-files.dat -o file_output.xvg -hist
file_histo_output.xvg -unit kCal -cycl yes
(version 4.0.7)
and the units I got in the x-axis are determined by the boundaries:
Determined boundaries to 0.35 to 2.603290
Which are these units? nm?


The z coordinate for my ion explores at least 5 nm!!
I am a bit confused about 

[gmx-users] Re: Justin umbrella sampling tutorial......

2012-05-25 Thread Thomas Schlesier
I think all the answers to your question are in the tutorial. Probably 
read first the  lysozyme tutorial and then the umbrella tutorial again.

But here is a more general answer:

Normally you have two types of simulations:
preperation (which is also equilibration)
and the need of restraints depends on what you want to achive.

So if you want to calculate some equilibrium property of a protein in 
water you do first a preperation simulation to equilibrate the system 
(NVE, NVT or NPT - depending for what ensemble you want the property).
Normally during this you put position restraints to the protein 
backbone, so that the protein structure does not gets disturbed during 
the part where you equilibrate the water. but if your protein is fairly 
stable / rigid, you don't need these restraints.
Then you do the production simulation. Normally without restraints, 
since you want to know the property for a protein in equilibrium. But 
you could also do this with the same position restraints, in the extrem 
case, when you freeze the protein, you would get the property for a 
special protein geometry (the one to which ou restrain the coordinates).

- So it really depends on what you want to do!!!

For the umbrella tutorial:
As far as i remember, Justin used the restrains for one of the chains 
(B), so to conserve the structure of said chain, because when one pull 
chain A away this would have an influence to the structure of chain B 
(they interact with each other).
BUT: one could also dismiss these restrains during the umbrella 
simulations, since it is expected the structure of chain B depends on 
the distance to chain A (since they interact).
You could also restrain only that part of chain B, which does not 
interact directly with chain A, to conserve a part of the structure of B 
(so you would be in the middle between the two extreme cases above).

In all three cases you get a different answer (like above for the 
equilibrium property). One could argue which is the better option, but i 
think all three have their right to exist, since the answer to this also 
depends on the initial question. Best would be to do all three cases, 
but mostly one does not have so much time. So one must stick to one.

Which leads to:
First think about your question.
Then think about how to answer it (think often there will be different 
possibilities / methods).

Then decide what to do...
Since the answer you get (may) depend on the method you use, you should 
justify your decission.

Hope this helps

Thank you Justin for these correct explanation
  Its really clear my lot of queries..

   For the tutorial, NPT is conducted with restraints on all protein heavy
   atoms.  The production runs are conducted by restraining only one chain 
   practical reasons.

   These is my question ;

  If we are doing NPT with restraints on all protein atom and production run by
  conducted by restraining only one chain for protein...

  means NPT and productin run mdp files should be different , Where these
  information in mdp files???
  It my request to you please tell me why these mdp files are almost same in
  parameter ..

  (Where you mentioned in mdp for npt to do restraints on all proteins heavy 
  and for production md restraining only
  one chain ..)

I don't understand what more I can say beyond what I already have.


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[gmx-users] Re: Wierd results from Umbrella sampling

2012-05-23 Thread Thomas Schlesier
The picture of pullx.xvg is not really helpful. The reason is that in 
pullx.xvg the second column (after the time) is the position of the 
reference group (which naturally moves; but it's not the thing in which 
wie are interested) and the third column is the distance from the 
reference group to the pulled group (this is the one which interestes you).
Another thing you could try is to pull in all 3 dimensions, if you pull 
only in the z-direction your pulled group can move freely in the x-y 
plane and wouldn't be affected by the umbrella potential. But i think 
for the histogram only the direction in which one pulls are accounted 
for, so the wide histograms are somewhat strange.
For the problems with the constraints i have absolute no idea, never had 
this error message. Even don't know if the problems you get from there 
follow you into the pull-mode simulation. Does the constraint simulation 
run without the pull-code, or do you get there the same problem?


I increased the potential to 2350 instead of 1000 in my md_umbrella.mdp (the 
other parameters kept unchanged), then the movement of my protein was less than 
the previous one, which we can see from pullx.xvg (attached). But it still not 
reach to the designed region. So I am going to increase the potential higher 

It still does not work if I switched on the LINCS. The error is that the number 
of constraint is more than the number of freedom.

I am running another trail with high potential (let's say 3000, ok?) and dt=2 
ft, which value is definitely not recommended by Martini developers.

With Regards,


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 18:53:54 +0200
From: Thomas Schlesierschl...@uni-mainz.de
Subject: [gmx-users] Re: Wierd results from Umbrella sampling,  (Justin
 A. Lemkul)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

I never worked with the MARTINI (or other coarse-grained) force field,
but this in the umbrella.mdp

title   = Umbrella pulling simulation
integrator  = md
dt  = 0.019

looks suspicious. The dt is about an order of magnitude greater than one
uses in normal (bond-)constrainted md-simulations. I know that in
coarse-grained simulations the potentials are smoother than in atomistic
force fields and one therefore could use a higher timestep, but i don't
know if you can go so high.
Anyway you should look for the umbrella potential. If the force constant
and the timestep are both too high you could get problems:
Assume a particle in a harmonic well. If the force constant is high and
the timestep too high, you wont sample the harmonic well, but 'jump'
each time from one side to the other (high force + great timestep -
long movement).
So i would test it first with a timestep of 0.002 (same as you used for
pulling sim).


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 19:15:41 +0200
From: Justin A. Lemkuljalem...@vt.edu
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Re: Wierd results from Umbrella sampling,
 (Justin A. Lemkul)
To: Discussion list for GROMACS usersgmx-users@gromacs.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

On 5/22/12 6:53 PM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:

I never worked with the MARTINI (or other coarse-grained) force field, but this
in the umbrella.mdp

title = Umbrella pulling simulation
integrator = md
dt = 0.019

looks suspicious. The dt is about an order of magnitude greater than one uses in
normal (bond-)constrainted md-simulations. I know that in coarse-grained
simulations the potentials are smoother than in atomistic force fields and one
therefore could use a higher timestep, but i don't know if you can go so high.
Anyway you should look for the umbrella potential. If the force constant and the
timestep are both too high you could get problems:
Assume a particle in a harmonic well. If the force constant is high and the
timestep too high, you wont sample the harmonic well, but 'jump' each time from
one side to the other (high force + great timestep -  long movement).
So i would test it first with a timestep of 0.002 (same as you used for pulling

Testing this would be good, though the MARTINI developers routinely report
timesteps of 20-40 fs as normal use.  I have never obtained stable
trajectories above 20 fs, but I also do not do much coarse graining.  It could
very well be that the pull code is not stable with such an integration step.


Am 22.05.2012 18:37, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Thank you for your reply, Thomas. Under your explanation, I am well understood
of the terms: pull_k and pull_rate.
Here I upload both md_umbrella.mdp and md_pulling.mdp.
I have to mention that it is coarse gained system with Martini force field.

At the same time, i am going to run a simulation without pull code but with
LINCS constraint, and also run another system with a huge pull_k but without

[gmx-users] Re: Wierd results from Umbrella, sampling (Justin A. Lemkul)

2012-05-22 Thread Thomas Schlesier
Think it would be best to show the .mdp file, else we can only guess 
what the parameters are.
From the histogram it looks like that the force constant of the 
restraining potential is too low, since the histograms are really wide, 
but pull_k1=1000 is a 'normal' value.
On thing which confueses me is you said that fluctuations from g_dist 
are about 0.4nm, but in the histogram i looks like the distance 
fluctuates about 1nm or even more. for this be sure, that you compare 
the right distances - if you pull only in z-direction, the only look 
into the z-direction from the output from g_dist. Since the x, and 
y-directions would be unaffected by the umbrella potential.

for the error message with the constraints:
what happens if you run the system with constraints but without the 

for pull_k10 and pull_rate1=0:
if you're pulling with an umbrella potential pull_k1 defines the force 
constant of the potential (hook'sches law). Let's assume you put a 
spring to your molecule
with pull_rate1=0, it means that the other end of the spring doesn't 
move, and the spring restrains the position of the molecule (molecule 
cn't diffuse away). in umbrella sampling you want to restrian of 
molecule (or part of it) relative to another one / part - so pull_rate1=0
with pull_rate10, it's like you pull the spring away for the molecule, 
spring gets strechted - wants to relax - molecule follows spring (like 
that what happens in afm pulling)

Am 22.05.2012 15:40, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hi Justin, As for the maximum of 0.4 nm fluctuation of my pulled
protein, I used g_dist to calculate the distance between my pulled
protein and stable part in a window, where the distance is treated as
the fluctuation of the protein along z-axis. Well, from pullx.xvg, the
position moved a lot (3nm for instance.) As for the windows simulation,
I didn't apply constraint but only the internal constraint in the itp
file. I still don't understand why it have to do constraint? why not
give a fully freedom to run the simulation? In the md_umbrella.mdp, I
set pull_k1=1000; pull_rate1= 0.0, but apparently, I am confused with
pull_k10 combined with pull_rate1=0. In my mdp, i set none to LINCS,
because if I use all-bonds, an error of 1099 constraints but degrees
of freedom is only1074 occurs. Actually, there is no any window with a
designed distance. Here I attach the histo.xvg, profile.xvg. Thank you
with regards, Jiangfeng. On 5/22/12 9:36 AM, Du Jiangfeng (BIOCH) wrote:

  Dear Justin,

  Based on your questions to my simulation, I posted here yesterday hopefully
  it was the correct way to reply in this forum.

You've still replied to the entire digest message (which I've cut out); please
make sure to keep replies free of superfluous posts in the future.  The archive
is already pretty hopeless, but let's not make it worse:)

  In this morning I got a list of new windows of umbrella sampling, the overlap
  is sufficient enough, but I saw another problem:  In the histogram figure,
  the base of peak covers the distance of 2 nm instead of 0.2 nm., that's
  horrible! However, when I checked back to the simulation results of each
  window, the fluctuation of my pulled protein is only 0.4nm in maximum. So the
  base of peak shouldn't cover such long distance, right?

If the peaks aren't corresponding to the desired restraint distances, then there
are several potential problems:

1. Your restraints aren't set up the way you think they are (check grompp output
and .tpr file contents to be sure)
2. Your restraints are ineffectual (in which case you may need to revisit the
force constant)

I can't determine from your description what's going on.  What do you mean by a
maximum of 0.4 nm fluctuation?  In what quantity?  What do the contents of
pullx.xvg show you for the problematic window, and for that matter, the others?
   Are any of them producing the desired restraint distances?

Again I will ask you to share an image of the histogram and PMF profile; these
would be very helpful to see.



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[gmx-users] Re: Wierd results from Umbrella sampling, (Justin A. Lemkul)

2012-05-22 Thread Thomas Schlesier
I never worked with the MARTINI (or other coarse-grained) force field, 
but this in the umbrella.mdp

title   = Umbrella pulling simulation
integrator  = md
dt  = 0.019

looks suspicious. The dt is about an order of magnitude greater than one 
uses in normal (bond-)constrainted md-simulations. I know that in 
coarse-grained simulations the potentials are smoother than in atomistic 
force fields and one therefore could use a higher timestep, but i don't 
know if you can go so high.
Anyway you should look for the umbrella potential. If the force constant 
and the timestep are both too high you could get problems:
Assume a particle in a harmonic well. If the force constant is high and 
the timestep too high, you wont sample the harmonic well, but 'jump' 
each time from one side to the other (high force + great timestep - 
long movement).
So i would test it first with a timestep of 0.002 (same as you used for 
pulling sim).

Am 22.05.2012 18:37, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Thank you for your reply, Thomas. Under your explanation, I am well understood 
of the terms: pull_k and pull_rate.
Here I upload both md_umbrella.mdp and md_pulling.mdp.
I have to mention that it is coarse gained system with Martini force field.

At the same time, i am going to run a simulation without pull code but with 
LINCS constraint, and also run another system with a huge pull_k but without 
LINCS. Hope I could get some interesting information.

With Regards,


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 16:36:47 +0200
From: Thomas Schlesierschl...@uni-mainz.de
Subject: [gmx-users] Re: Wierd results from Umbrella,   sampling (Justin
 A. Lemkul)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Think it would be best to show the .mdp file, else we can only guess
what the parameters are.
  From the histogram it looks like that the force constant of the
restraining potential is too low, since the histograms are really wide,
but pull_k1=1000 is a 'normal' value.
On thing which confueses me is you said that fluctuations from g_dist
are about 0.4nm, but in the histogram i looks like the distance
fluctuates about 1nm or even more. for this be sure, that you compare
the right distances -  if you pull only in z-direction, the only look
into the z-direction from the output from g_dist. Since the x, and
y-directions would be unaffected by the umbrella potential.

for the error message with the constraints:
what happens if you run the system with constraints but without the

for pull_k10 and pull_rate1=0:
if you're pulling with an umbrella potential pull_k1 defines the force
constant of the potential (hook'sches law). Let's assume you put a
spring to your molecule
with pull_rate1=0, it means that the other end of the spring doesn't
move, and the spring restrains the position of the molecule (molecule
cn't diffuse away). in umbrella sampling you want to restrian of
molecule (or part of it) relative to another one / part -  so pull_rate1=0
with pull_rate10, it's like you pull the spring away for the molecule,
spring gets strechted -  wants to relax -  molecule follows spring (like
that what happens in afm pulling)

Am 22.05.2012 15:40, schriebgmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

  Hi Justin, As for the maximum of 0.4 nm fluctuation of my pulled
  protein, I used g_dist to calculate the distance between my pulled
  protein and stable part in a window, where the distance is treated as
  the fluctuation of the protein along z-axis. Well, from pullx.xvg, the
  position moved a lot (3nm for instance.) As for the windows simulation,
  I didn't apply constraint but only the internal constraint in the itp
  file. I still don't understand why it have to do constraint? why not
  give a fully freedom to run the simulation? In the md_umbrella.mdp, I
  set pull_k1=1000; pull_rate1= 0.0, but apparently, I am confused with
  pull_k10 combined with pull_rate1=0. In my mdp, i set none to LINCS,
  because if I use all-bonds, an error of 1099 constraints but degrees
  of freedom is only1074 occurs. Actually, there is no any window with a
  designed distance. Here I attach the histo.xvg, profile.xvg. Thank you
  with regards, Jiangfeng. On 5/22/12 9:36 AM, Du Jiangfeng (BIOCH) wrote:

  Dear Justin,
  Based on your questions to my simulation, I posted here yesterday 
  it was the correct way to reply in this forum.

  You've still replied to the entire digest message (which I've cut out); 
  make sure to keep replies free of superfluous posts in the future.  The 
  is already pretty hopeless, but let's not make it worse:)

  In this morning I got a list of new windows of umbrella sampling, the 
  is sufficient enough, but I saw another problem:  In the histogram 
  the base of peak covers the distance of 2 nm instead of 0.2 nm., that's
  horrible! However, when I checked 

[gmx-users] Re: Proper 1-octanol box preparation

2012-05-03 Thread Thomas Schlesier


relating to the picture see:
It's just a matter of periodic boundary conditions, you don't have two, 
but just one cluster of octanol.

What i don't understand is, that your box doesn't collapse (becoming 
smaller) if you perfom the NPT simulation. Only thing is that i would 
search the value of compressibility of octanol, but this couldn't be the 
origin of the problem.


Am 03.05.2012 12:23, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hi GMX users!
I prepared a box of 125 1-octanol molecules using genconf -f
octanol_single_molecule.gro -nbox 5 5 5 and I tried to equilibrate
this system in NPT ensemble to get proper density and nice cube box,
similar to octanol configuration that one can download from
But I always got something completely different. Some cluster of the
molecules at the bottom of the simulation box, far away from dense
cube configuration. You can see picture here:
https://picasaweb.google.com/okroutil/Science#5738216101659210130. I
tried different thermo- and barostats, different coupling times,
compressibility, first NVT then NPT equil., but with no success. I
also tried more chaotic initial configuration generated with genbox
-ci ...gro - nmol 125 -box 5 5 5, no success.
So my question is: is there some simulation protocol or some setting
(higher pressure at the beginning of equilibration?), any trick
suitable for this type of solvent? Till now I worked only with water
and surfaces, so this is new area for me...

Thank you very much for any answer and have a nice day!

Ondrej Kroutil (Faculty of Health and Social Studies, South Bohemian
University, Czech Republic)

P.S.: I used gaff ff and topologies downloaded from
http://virtualchemistry.org/molecules/111-87-5/index.php  and this NPT
eq. input:

integrator   =  md
dt   =  0.002
nsteps   =  50
comm_mode=  linear
nstcomm  =  1000
nstxout  =  0
nstxtcout=  100
nstvout  =  0
nstfout  =  0
nstlog   =  500
nstlist  =  10
ns_type  =  grid
rlist=  1.4
coulombtype  =  PME
rcoulomb =  1.4
rvdw =  1.4
constraints  =  none
constraint_algorithm =  lincs
;shake_tol   =  0.1
lincs_iter   =  1
fourierspacing   =  0.1
pme_order   =  4
ewald_rtol  =  1e-5
ewald_geometry  =  3d
optimize_fft=  yes
; Nose-Hoover temperature coupling
Tcoupl =  berendsen
tau_t  =  1
tc_grps=  system
ref_t  =  298.
; No Pressure
Pcoupl  =  berendsen
pcoupltype  =  isotropic
tau_p   =  0.5
compressibility =  4.6e-5
ref_p   =  1.0
periodic_molecules  =  no
pbc =  xyz
gen_vel = yes
gen_temp= 298.15
gen_seed= -1--

Ond??ej Kroutil

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[gmx-users] Extract pullF from trajectory

2012-04-27 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Am 27.04.2012 15:31, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hi Gmx Users,

I run umbrella sampling simulation and for one window I lost my files:
pullf.xvg and pullx.xvg.
Is there any way to extract it based on the trajectory from this window?


Should be possible, but you will be limited to the output-rate of your 
You should be able to extract the position of the pulled (PULL) and 
reference (REF) group from the trajectory. From this you can recalculate 
the pullx.xvg (think it's position of REF, then vector connecting both 
From the position of REF and the input for the pulling, you can 
calculate the position of the origin of the umbrella potential. Then 
just calculate the distance of the PULL to this origin to get the 
'extension' - multiply by the force constant and you get the force.

If you had 'pull_geometry=distance' it's trivial:
(1) 'pull_init' is distance REF to origin
(2) 'g_dist' to get distance from REF to PULL
(1)-(2) gives distance of PULL to origin
* force constant - force

For the other options it's also straight forward:
in the end you want to know the distance of the umbrella origin - PULL
* from input you know the distance REF - origin
* 'g_dist' gives you the distance REF - PULL

Thing to note:
* Depending on the using of 'pull_start' you need to modify 'pull_init'
If you have 'pull_start=yes', just use 'g_dist' to get the initial 
distance of REF to PULL, add this to 'pull_init'
* If you pull only in one dimension, just only use this dimension and 
not just the whole vector

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[gmx-users] -com switch in g_rdf

2012-04-24 Thread Thomas Schlesier
Using the option '-com' results in a RDF were the reference group is the 
center of mass (COM) of the first group.
- In a system with pure benzene and using the whole system as a group, 
this reference point would be somewhere in the middle of the box. And 
choosing this group twice, would result in a RDF of the distances of 
every benzene atom to the reference point (somewhere in the middle of 
the box).

What you are looking is the option: -rdf:
-rdf enum   atomRDF type: atom, mol_com, mol_cog, res_com or
whereas 'atom' is the standard option (calculating RDF between every 
atom of both groups)
For calculating the benzene COM-COM RDF you would need the option '-rdf 
mol_com' and choosing the index-group which consists of all benzene 
atoms twice.

Hope this helps



If you have time, I have a somewhat embarrassing question to ask.  It is
embarrassing because I feel like I should be able to understand or search
for the answer, but I have not had success.  So I apologize if this is a
silly question (and it probably is).

On the mailing list, I have read this post from several years ago:


The poster asks if one can use the -com option in g_rdf to calculate the
(benzene center-of-mass)-(benzene center-of-mass) radial distribution
function.  Dr. van der Spoel responds and says that the -com option only
computes COM of the central group. What you want is not implemented.

My question is, what is the central group?

g_rdf asks the user to select two entries for computing the RDF.  Typically
I have been doing atom-atom RDFs.  This is straightforward; if I have a
system of water with atoms OW and HW, and I want to compute the OW-HW RDF, I
just need to make two index file entries: one with all of the OW atoms, and
one with all of the HW atoms.

But what happens if I have a system of benzene and I want to compute the
(benzene center-of-mass)-(benzene center-of-mass).  This is not possible in
the current implementation, I guess, because the index file does not know
about molecules (only about atoms).  My question is, what if I selected all
of the atoms in my pure benzene system, and used this selection for both
selections as prompted by g_rdf.  What would this compute if I used the -com
switch?  Since the index file does not know about molecules, it wouldn't
compute the center mass of each benzene molecule.  But my question is, of
what would it compute the center of mass?

Thank you!

Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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[gmx-users] extra factor in PMF

2012-04-20 Thread Thomas Schlesier
AFAIK this factor isn't included in g_wham. Think i tested this some 
years ago with an older GROMACS version.
If one looks into the 'gmx_wham.c' and searches for 'ln' one finds it 
only in the comments for the gaussian random numbers.


Hi all

According to some references

1) J. Chem. Phys, 128, 044106, (2008)

2) Comparison of Methods to Compute the Potential of Mean Force

Daniel Trzesniak, Anna-Pitschna E. Kunz, Wilfred F. van Gunsteren Prof.
Article first published online: 28 NOV 2006
DOI: 10.1002/cphc.200600527

There is an extra factor that has to be taken into account when
calculating the PMF. This extra factor (2kTln(r)) results from the
transformation from the 3N Cartesian coordinates to 3N internal
coordinates. In the case of a reaction coordinate defined by a distance
r between two species the Jacobian (r*2sin(theta)) of the transformation
for 3D to  1D leads to an extra term in the PMF.
Therefore the true PMF should be

PMF(true) = PMF(g_wham) + 2kTln(r)

This extra factor is only significant at lower values of the reaction
coordinate. My question is; Does g_wham take this into account ?



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[gmx-users] Re: g_wham problem with negative COM differences

2012-04-18 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Am 18.04.2012 12:00, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

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Today's Topics:

1. Re: g_wham problem with negative COM differences (Anni Kauko)
2. Error- Atom not found in residue seq nr while adding atom
   (aiswarya pawar)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 12:19:08 +0300
From: Anni Kaukoaka...@sbc.su.se
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] g_wham problem with negative COM differences
To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Anni Kauko wrote:

 Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 08:38:05 -0400
 From: Justin A. Lemkuljalem...@vt.edumailto:jalem...@vt.edu

 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] g_wham problem with negative COM


 To: Discussion list for GROMACS usersgmx-users@gromacs.org


 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 Anni Kauko wrote:
I try to perform pmf calculations for case where a peptide


through the membrane. My COM differences should vary from 2.3 to
My problem is that g_wham plots negative COM difference as they
 would be
positive.  In pullx-files the COM differences are treated


(look below). My peptide is not symmetric, so profile curves

are not

symmetric, so loosing the sign for COM difference screws my


curve completely.
I did not manage to find any pre-existing answers to this


First datalines from pullx files:
(sorry for strange file names...)
0.  6.26031 2.27369
0.  6.09702 0.0233141
0.  6.02097 -2.50088
g_wham command:
g_wham -b 5000 -it tpr_files.dat  -ix pullz_files.dat -o
profile_test.xvg -hist histo_test.xvg  -unit kCal
My pull code:
pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance
pull_dim= N N Y
pull_start  = yes
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = POPC_POPS ; reference group is bilayer
pull_group1 = C-alpha__r_92-94 ; group that is actually


pull_init1  = 0
pull_rate1  = 0.0
pull_k1 = 1000 ; kJ mol-1 nm-2

 Your problem stems from the use of distance geometry.  This


 assumes the
 sign along the reaction coordinate does not change, i.e. always
 positive or
 always negative.  If the sign changes, this simple method fails.
  You should be
 using something like position to allow for a vector to be
 specified.  Perhaps
 you can reconstruct the PMF by separately analyzing the positive
 distances and negative restraint distances (note here that
 distance really
 refers to a vector quantity, and thus it can have a sign), or
 otherwise create
 new .tpr files using position geometry, though I don't know if
 g_wham will
 accept them or not.



 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.eduhttp://vt.edu  | (540) 231-9080



I managed to solve my g_wham problem by doing two things:

1. New tpr-files with proper pull code for g_wham.
2. I also needed to modify signs of pullf values: If value for pullx
distance was negative, I reversed the sign of corresponding pullf


I did that by my own script.

The new pull code:

; Pull code

pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = direction
pull_vec1   = 0 0 1
pull_start  = yes
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = POPC_POPS ; reference group is bilayer
pull_group1 = C-alpha__r_92-94 ; group that is actually pulled
pull_init1  = 0
pull_rate1  = 0.0
pull_k1 = 1000 ; kJ mol-1 nm-2

I am little bit confuced, why I needed to 

[gmx-users] g_wham problem with negative COM differences

2012-04-13 Thread Thomas Schlesier

New try, think last time message didn't reached the list :(

Betreff: Re: g_wham problem with negative COM differences
Datum: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 14:55:15 +0200
Von: Thomas Schlesier schl...@uni-mainz.de
An: gmx-users@gromacs.org

Anni Kauko wrote:

 Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 08:38:05 -0400
 From: Justin A. Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu mailto:jalem...@vt.edu
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] g_wham problem with negative COM


 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Message-ID: 4f857b2d.3050...@vt.edu


 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 Anni Kauko wrote:
   I try to perform pmf calculations for case where a peptide


   through the membrane. My COM differences should vary from 2.3 to
   My problem is that g_wham plots negative COM difference as they
 would be
   positive.  In pullx-files the COM differences are treated


   (look below). My peptide is not symmetric, so profile curves

are not

   symmetric, so loosing the sign for COM difference screws my


   curve completely.
   I did not manage to find any pre-existing answers to this


   First datalines from pullx files:
   (sorry for strange file names...)
   0.  6.26031 2.27369
   0.  6.09702 0.0233141
   0.  6.02097 -2.50088
   g_wham command:
   g_wham -b 5000 -it tpr_files.dat  -ix pullz_files.dat -o
   profile_test.xvg -hist histo_test.xvg  -unit kCal
   My pull code:
   pull= umbrella
   pull_geometry   = distance
   pull_dim= N N Y
   pull_start  = yes
   pull_ngroups= 1
   pull_group0 = POPC_POPS ; reference group is bilayer
   pull_group1 = C-alpha__r_92-94 ; group that is actually


   pull_init1  = 0
   pull_rate1  = 0.0
   pull_k1 = 1000 ; kJ mol-1 nm-2

 Your problem stems from the use of distance geometry.  This


 assumes the
 sign along the reaction coordinate does not change, i.e. always
 positive or
 always negative.  If the sign changes, this simple method fails.
  You should be
 using something like position to allow for a vector to be
 specified.  Perhaps
 you can reconstruct the PMF by separately analyzing the positive
 distances and negative restraint distances (note here that
 distance really
 refers to a vector quantity, and thus it can have a sign), or
 otherwise create
 new .tpr files using position geometry, though I don't know if
 g_wham will
 accept them or not.



 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.edu http://vt.edu | (540) 231-9080



 I managed to solve my g_wham problem by doing two things:

 1. New tpr-files with proper pull code for g_wham.
 2. I also needed to modify signs of pullf values: If value for pullx
 distance was negative, I reversed the sign of corresponding pullf


 I did that by my own script.

 The new pull code:

 ; Pull code

 pull= umbrella
 pull_geometry   = direction
 pull_vec1   = 0 0 1
 pull_start  = yes
 pull_ngroups= 1
 pull_group0 = POPC_POPS ; reference group is bilayer
 pull_group1 = C-alpha__r_92-94 ; group that is actually pulled
 pull_init1  = 0
 pull_rate1  = 0.0
 pull_k1 = 1000 ; kJ mol-1 nm-2

 I am little bit confuced, why I needed to tweak signes of pullf


 But like that I got the curve that resembles two half curve made for
 positive and negative pullx distances separately. That curve also


 sense from biochemical point of view.

Such changes do not seem appropriate to me.  If you change the sign of
pulling force, you change the implication of what that value means.
happens if you run your simulations with the new (more appropriate)
.mdp file?
Do the forces have the same magnitude, but opposite sign?

I don't think that the problem is so easy fixed. I had with another
person about a month ago a lengthy discussion on the list.

The problem is the following:
If you use 'distance' as pull_geometry the position of the minimum of
the umbrella potential is determined by the vector connecting the ref-
and pulled group, but there is no information about

[gmx-users] Re: g_wham problem with negative COM differences

2012-04-13 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Anni Kauko wrote:
  Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 08:38:05 -0400
  From: Justin A. Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu mailto:jalem...@vt.edu
  Subject: Re: [gmx-users] g_wham problem with negative COM 

  To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
  Message-ID: 4f857b2d.3050...@vt.edu 

  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
  Anni Kauko wrote:
I try to perform pmf calculations for case where a peptide 

through the membrane. My COM differences should vary from 2.3 to
My problem is that g_wham plots negative COM difference as they
  would be
positive.  In pullx-files the COM differences are treated 
(look below). My peptide is not symmetric, so profile curves 
are not
symmetric, so loosing the sign for COM difference screws my 

curve completely.
I did not manage to find any pre-existing answers to this 

First datalines from pullx files:
(sorry for strange file names...)
0.  6.26031 2.27369
0.  6.09702 0.0233141
0.  6.02097 -2.50088
g_wham command:
g_wham -b 5000 -it tpr_files.dat  -ix pullz_files.dat -o
profile_test.xvg -hist histo_test.xvg  -unit kCal
My pull code:
pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance
pull_dim= N N Y
pull_start  = yes
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = POPC_POPS ; reference group is bilayer
pull_group1 = C-alpha__r_92-94 ; group that is actually 

pull_init1  = 0
pull_rate1  = 0.0
pull_k1 = 1000 ; kJ mol-1 nm-2
  Your problem stems from the use of distance geometry.  This 

  assumes the
  sign along the reaction coordinate does not change, i.e. always
  positive or
  always negative.  If the sign changes, this simple method fails.
   You should be
  using something like position to allow for a vector to be
  specified.  Perhaps
  you can reconstruct the PMF by separately analyzing the positive
  distances and negative restraint distances (note here that
  distance really
  refers to a vector quantity, and thus it can have a sign), or
  otherwise create
  new .tpr files using position geometry, though I don't know if
  g_wham will
  accept them or not.
  Justin A. Lemkul
  Ph.D. Candidate
  ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
  Department of Biochemistry
  Virginia Tech
  Blacksburg, VA
  jalemkul[at]vt.edu http://vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
  I managed to solve my g_wham problem by doing two things:
  1. New tpr-files with proper pull code for g_wham.
  2. I also needed to modify signs of pullf values: If value for pullx
  distance was negative, I reversed the sign of corresponding pullf 

  I did that by my own script.
  The new pull code:
  ; Pull code
  pull= umbrella
  pull_geometry   = direction
  pull_vec1   = 0 0 1
  pull_start  = yes
  pull_ngroups= 1
  pull_group0 = POPC_POPS ; reference group is bilayer
  pull_group1 = C-alpha__r_92-94 ; group that is actually pulled
  pull_init1  = 0
  pull_rate1  = 0.0
  pull_k1 = 1000 ; kJ mol-1 nm-2
  I am little bit confuced, why I needed to tweak signes of pullf 

  But like that I got the curve that resembles two half curve made for
  positive and negative pullx distances separately. That curve also 

  sense from biochemical point of view.
Such changes do not seem appropriate to me.  If you change the sign of 
pulling force, you change the implication of what that value means. 
happens if you run your simulations with the new (more appropriate) 
.mdp file?

Do the forces have the same magnitude, but opposite sign?

I don't think that the problem is so easy fixed. I had with another 
person about a month ago a lengthy discussion on the list.

The problem is the following:
If you use 'distance' as pull_geometry the position of the minimum of 
the umbrella potential is determined by the vector connecting the ref- 
and pulled group, but there is no information about the direction.

Assume this (1D):
reference particle at origin (0)
minimum of umbrella potential (1) - via pull_init1 = 1
pulled particle 

[gmx-users] pull-code

2012-02-17 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Hi Gavin,
if i remember correctly it was a system about pulling a ligand from a 
binding pocket?
To make the system simpler we have a big circle and in the middle a 
small circle. And we assume that the potential minimum for the 
interaction between both circles is when the small cirlce is in the 
middle of the large circle.
Now we do the Umbrella sampling. For a window which is centered at a 
distance which is sligthly greater then 0, we will get problems. Assume 
small circle is sligthly shifted to the right. And the other windows are 
also in this dircetion. (- reaction coordinate goes from zero to the 
right dircetion)
If the small circle moves between 0 and any value 0 everythig should be 
fine. But if the small circle moves to the left, we will also get a 
positive distance. Problem is from the above defined reaction coordinate 
it should be a negative distance. So we are counting the positive 
distances too much.
To check this, you could use *g_dist* to calculate the distance for both 
molecules for the problematic windows. Then project the resulting vector 
onto your reaction coordinate. Then you should see the crossings between 
the right and left side.

How do the two free energy curves compare for larger distances, where 
you can be sure, that you do not have this 'crossing problem'?



Hi all

I am returning to a query I had a few weeks ago regarding a discrepancy
between two free energy curves. One calculated using umbrella sampling,
the other calculated via the reversible work theorem from the RDF. There
is sufficient sampling of the dynamics in the RDF so this method is viable.
Anyway in the pull-code I use pull_geometry = dist and pull_dim=Y Y Y.
The free energy curve from the pull-code method does not give me a
minimum at the zero value of the order parameter whereas the RDF method
does. Someone said before about double counting of positive distances at
small values of the order parameter and therefore information is lost at
very small distances.

Is this correct?
I am slightly concerned that my curves are not giving me the correct
information involving a very important state in my reaction coordinate.

Also when this dist restraint (which cannot be negative) is implemented
are there issues with the normalisation of the histograms from g_wham?



gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at 
http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
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www interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

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[gmx-users] Umbrella Pulling

2012-02-17 Thread Thomas Schlesier
As far as i remember for PBC the distance between the reference and the 
pulled group are relevant, and not the distance between the reference 
group and the virtual spring (place where the pulling potential is zero).

Looking into the code of GROMACS-4.0.7 backs this.

If the distance between the reference group and spring would be 
relevant, one should see first an increasing force, then when pbc 
matters, the force should decrease, because we pull now in the other 

Looking into the code of GROMACS-4.5.4, it seems there is an error 
message for pbc violations:
gmx_fatal(FARGS,Distance of pull group %d (%f nm) is larger than 0.49 
times the box size (%f),g,sqrt(dr2),max_dist2);

pull.c; line 329

One thing is that the force constant for the pulling is quite small, so 
probably you need more force the move the ligand? (But i can't really 
comment on this, because i can't find your force vs time plot, so i 
don't know how large the force actually is).


 Steven Neumann wrote:

 Hello Justin,

 As you recommended I run longer pulling of my ligand. I pull the
 ligand which is on the top of my protein so the top of the
 protein is pulled so that the whole protein rotated app. 30
 degrees - the low part of the protein came out of the box due to
 the rotation. After app 600 ps the ligand does not move any more
 and the force applied increase linearly. As I saw the
 trajectory, ligand does not collide with a periodic image but it
 does not move. Please, see attacheg plot force vs time. Can you
 explain why the force increase linearly and ligand is not pulled
 any more? This is my mdp file for pulling:

 Is the pulled distance greater than half of the box vector in z?
  That's the only reason I can see things going haywire.  With simple
 distance geometry, there are some limitations like that.  Rotation
 itself is not a problem.  You're separating two objects; there's no
 clear orientation dependence in that case.


As you can see the pulling distance is 5 nm. The lenght of my box in Z
direction is 12 nm. Thus, it is not. Any other ideas?

No, it's not.  You're doing 1 ns of simulation (contrary to the comment, 50
* 0.002 = 1000 ps) and thus pulling at 10 nm per ns you are trying to pull 10 nm
in this simulation.  So once your molecule hits 6 nm (right at about 600 ps from
your plot and the expected pull rate), you're violating the criterion that I


 title   = Umbrella pulling simulation
 ; Run parameters
 integrator  = md
 dt  = 0.002
 tinit   = 0
 nsteps  = 50; 500 ps
 nstcomm = 10
 ; Output parameters
 nstxout = 5000  ; every 10 ps
 nstvout = 5000
 nstfout = 500
 nstxtcout   = 500   ; every 1 ps
 nstenergy   = 500
 ; Bond parameters
 constraint_algorithm= lincs
 constraints = all-bonds
 continuation= yes   ; continuing from NPT
 ; Single-range cutoff scheme
 nstlist = 5
 ns_type = grid
 rlist   = 0.9
 rcoulomb= 0.9
 rvdw= 0.9
 ; PME electrostatics parameters
 coulombtype = PME
 fourierspacing  = 0.12
 fourier_nx  = 0
 fourier_ny  = 0
 fourier_nz  = 0
 pme_order   = 4
 ewald_rtol  = 1e-5
 optimize_fft= yes
 ; Temperature coupling is on
 tcoupl  = V-rescale ; modified Berendsen
 tc_grps = Protein_LIG Water_and_ions   ; two coupling groups
 - more accurate
 tau_t   = 0.1   0.1 ; time constant, in ps
 ref_t   = 298   298 ; reference
 temperature, one for each group, in K
 ; Pressure coupling is on
 Pcoupl  = Parrinello-Rahman
 pcoupltype  = isotropic
 tau_p   = 1.0  compressibility = 4.5e-5
 ref_p   = 1.0
 ; Generate velocities is off
 gen_vel = no
 ; Periodic boundary conditions are on in all directions
 pbc = xyz
 ; Long-range dispersion correction
 DispCorr= EnerPres
 ; Pull code
 pull= umbrella
 pull_geometry   = distance  ; simple distance increase
 pull_dim= N N Y
 pull_start  = yes   ; define initial COM distance  0
 pull_ngroups= 1
 pull_group0 = Protein
 pull_group1 = LIG182
 pull_rate1  = 0.01  ; 0.01 nm per ps = 10 nm per ns
 pull_k1 = 200  ; kJ mol^-1 nm^-2

 Would you recommend position restrained of the 

[gmx-users] pull-code

2012-02-17 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Yes you are right, should be between 0 and 0.

Do you have a window for a distance equal 0?

This window should behave similar to the RDF-analysis. Because there are 
no directions.

Or to reformulate the problem.
We make an umbrella window for a distance of 1. If particle stays there 
everything is fine. If particle moves to 0, it should be also fine 
(particle sees a force of k*1). If paticle moves to -1, it should see a 
force of k*2, but instead, the distance is 0 - no force.
If you have the umbrella window centered at 0 this problem vansihes - 
if particle move it sees always a force.

But one thing gives me headaches. I don't have this problem in my 
pulling simulation, because the distance between my reference and pulled 
group can not become zero:
But concerning the reaction coordinate it will have a similar flaw like 
the RDF i think: It doesn't matter in wish direction the particle moves 
(left or right) due to the distance we would always say it moves along 
the reaction coordinate. In reality it moves sometimes in the negative 
direction of the reaction coordinate, but we always say it's a positve 
distance - so positive value on the reaction coordinate.
For an isotropic system this would not matter, but for system which we 
have a anisotrop reaction coordinate it should matter.


Am 17.02.2012 17:07, schrieb gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org:

Hi Thomas Many thanks for the reply again. At larger distances the two
curves match up quite well. The curve from the reversible work theorem
is better behaved and smoother but this could be solely due to
statistics. I am slightly confused about your statement If the small
circle moves between 0 and any value 0 everything should be fine. Do
you not mean 0 and any value 0 ? Cheers Gavin Thomas Schlesier wrote:

  Hi Gavin,
  if i remember correctly it was a system about pulling a ligand from a
  binding pocket?
  To make the system simpler we have a big circle and in the middle a
  small circle. And we assume that the potential minimum for the
  interaction between both circles is when the small cirlce is in the
  middle of the large circle.
  Now we do the Umbrella sampling. For a window which is centered at a
  distance which is sligthly greater then 0, we will get problems.
  Assume small circle is sligthly shifted to the right. And the other
  windows are also in this dircetion. (-  reaction coordinate goes from
  zero to the right dircetion)
  If the small circle moves between 0 and any value0 everythig should
  be fine. But if the small circle moves to the left, we will also get a
  positive distance. Problem is from the above defined reaction
  coordinate it should be a negative distance. So we are counting the
  positive distances too much.
  To check this, you could use*g_dist*  to calculate the distance for
  both molecules for the problematic windows. Then project the resulting
  vector onto your reaction coordinate. Then you should see the
  crossings between the right and left side.

  How do the two free energy curves compare for larger distances, where
  you can be sure, that you do not have this 'crossing problem'?



  Hi all

  I am returning to a query I had a few weeks ago regarding a discrepancy
  between two free energy curves. One calculated using umbrella sampling,
  the other calculated via the reversible work theorem from the RDF. There
  is sufficient sampling of the dynamics in the RDF so this method is
  Anyway in the pull-code I use pull_geometry = dist and pull_dim=Y Y Y.
  The free energy curve from the pull-code method does not give me a
  minimum at the zero value of the order parameter whereas the RDF method
  does. Someone said before about double counting of positive distances at
  small values of the order parameter and therefore information is lost at
  very small distances.

  Is this correct?
  I am slightly concerned that my curves are not giving me the correct
  information involving a very important state in my reaction coordinate.

  Also when this dist restraint (which cannot be negative) is implemented
  are there issues with the normalisation of the histograms from g_wham?



gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at 
http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
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[gmx-users] pull-code

2012-02-17 Thread Thomas Schlesier
Yes, the pulling is in all direction. But i tried to explain it in one 

Lol, send last mail only to Gavin.

The real problem (i think) is the following:
We have our pulled group  1nm right from the reference group, and the 
umbrella potential is also centered the (we used pull_start=yes, or 

The umbrella force is zero.

Now we move the particle 2nm to the left, to we have the same distance, 
but into the left direction. Since the distance is the same, the 
umbrella force is zero. On its way the umbrella force increases, maximum 
when the pulled group is on top of the reference group, and then 
decreases back to zero.
But we wanted a potential, where it doesn't matter if the particle moves 
to the left or right, force should always increase. But with 
pull_geometry=distance we can't get it.
If the distances between reference and pulled group are big enough we 
don't run into this problem.



I was following your argument but then doesnt pull_dim=Y Y Y mean it 
pulls in all directions at once?  I use pull_dim=N N Y , or just 1 pull 
direction and it works.  I might be wrong, but would be interesting if 
you got it to work like that for a small molecule.

Stephan Watkins

 Datum: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 16:34:22 +0100
 Von: Thomas Schlesier schlesi at uni-mainz.de
 An: gmx-users at gromacs.org
 Betreff: [gmx-users] pull-code

 Hi Gavin,
 if i remember correctly it was a system about pulling a ligand from a
 binding pocket?
 To make the system simpler we have a big circle and in the middle a
 small circle. And we assume that the potential minimum for the
 interaction between both circles is when the small cirlce is in the
 middle of the large circle.
 Now we do the Umbrella sampling. For a window which is centered at a
 distance which is sligthly greater then 0, we will get problems. Assume
 small circle is sligthly shifted to the right. And the other windows are
 also in this dircetion. (- reaction coordinate goes from zero to the
 right dircetion)
 If the small circle moves between 0 and any value 0 everythig should be
 fine. But if the small circle moves to the left, we will also get a
 positive distance. Problem is from the above defined reaction coordinate
 it should be a negative distance. So we are counting the positive
 distances too much.
 To check this, you could use *g_dist* to calculate the distance for both
 molecules for the problematic windows. Then project the resulting vector
 onto your reaction coordinate. Then you should see the crossings between
 the right and left side.

 How do the two free energy curves compare for larger distances, where
 you can be sure, that you do not have this 'crossing problem'?



 Hi all

 I am returning to a query I had a few weeks ago regarding a discrepancy
 between two free energy curves. One calculated using umbrella sampling,
 the other calculated via the reversible work theorem from the RDF. There
 is sufficient sampling of the dynamics in the RDF so this method is
 Anyway in the pull-code I use pull_geometry = dist and pull_dim=Y Y Y.
 The free energy curve from the pull-code method does not give me a
 minimum at the zero value of the order parameter whereas the RDF method
 does. Someone said before about double counting of positive distances at
 small values of the order parameter and therefore information is lost at
 very small distances.

 Is this correct?
 I am slightly concerned that my curves are not giving me the correct
 information involving a very important state in my reaction coordinate.

 Also when this dist restraint (which cannot be negative) is implemented
 are there issues with the normalisation of the histograms from g_wham?



 gmx-users mailing listgmx-users at gromacs.org
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 http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
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 www interface or send it to gmx-users-request at gromacs.org.
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gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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[gmx-users] Re: Npt equilibration of the membrane-mimicking CCl4 layer

2012-02-16 Thread Thomas Schlesier
AFAIK vdwradii.dat is only used for *genbox*. For the actual simulation 
the force field paramters of CCl4 will be used.
One thing which you could check is what is the compressibility of CCl4 
(the value you use reminds me as that of water) and try with this. I do 
not know if the is a protocol for what to do if you have an biphasic 
system with different compressibilities. But this is only an idea, do 
not if it would solve the problem.


Mark, I'm using exact all parameters wich I found in different 
experimental work. By the way reducing of integration step to 1fs 
provide me with better equilibration of the Ccl4 system ( I've being 
obtained stabile system during 3 ns) but I had a problems during ntp 
equilibration when I inserted test peptide into that pre-equilibrated 
Ccl4 system and made two surrounded layer of water. My system was 
quickly eqxanded on Z-dimension and slightly shrinked on X. I think that 
such problem could be due to some problems with the vdw radius value for 
CCl4. E.g I didnt find this value in the vdwradii.dat file.

James 2012/2/16 Mark Abraham mark.abra...@anu.edu.au
   On 16/02/2012 1:45 AM, James Starlight wrote:
  I've used that dimensions in accordance to some literature where 
the same

  membrane-mimicking simulation were performed.
  I've tried to rise cutoffs
  Don't, that breaks your model physics and makes it even more likely you
  will encounter problems with the system dimensions becoming too 
small for

  the cut-off!
   and dicrease integration step but my system have been stil crashed 

  I'm using
   pcoupl= Parrinello-Rahman
  wich I've found in the KALP tutorial because I have not found the 
same npt

  example file in the Biphastic tutorial :)
  So you're following some other work and not copying their equilibration
  protocol and/or model physics?
  Could you advise me another p_coup algorithm for my Ccl4 system?
  There's only two choices available. Manual 3.4.9 specifically warns
  against one of them for equilibration. What is there to say?
  You should be sure to construct a simple case and get the model physics
  validated. For the moment, forget about all the stuff where you were
  struggling to insert more CCl4 into a box with CCl4 (probably 
creating a
  far-from-equilibrium starting configuration). Don't try to learn to 
run on
  stilts while shaving. Learn to shave, then to walk on stilts, then 
to run,

  then start combining them.
 gmx-users Digest, Vol 94, Issue 95
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Mark Abraham mark.abra...@anu.edu.au
  Date: 2012/2/15
  Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Npt equilibration of the 
membrane-mimicking CCl4

  To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
   On 15/02/2012 4:45 PM, James Starlight wrote:
  due to hight density the volume of my system have been slightly 

  and during NPT phase I've obtained error
  Fatal error:
  One of the box vectors has become shorter than twice the cut-off 
length or

  box_yy-|box_zy| or box_zz has become smaller than the cut-off.
  I'm using 0.9 for electrostatic and 1.4 for vdw cutofs and the 

  of my box was 6.5 3 3 on the initial step and 6.6 3 3.3 before crush :)
  I want prevent such expansion of my system by increasing of 
pressure and/

  or compressibility but I have not found exact sollution yet.
   Your system is dangerously small for those cut-offs if your initial
  density is not correct for your model physics. Your y and z 
dimensions only

  just contain a full cut-off sphere. You should also make sure you are
  following the advice about choice of P-coupling algorithm in manual 
  and consider using a very small integration time step. I remain 
  by this thread that you have generated a starting configuration 
that does

  not have atomic clashes.
  2012/2/14 Mark Abraham mark.abra...@anu.edu.au
   On 14/02/2012 11:01 PM, James Starlight wrote:
  This also was solved by the some extra minimisation steps.
  I've forced with another problem :D
  During npt equilibration my system have slightly expanded so my 

  volume and density were perturbed.
  I've noticed the below options in npt wich could help me
  ref_p= 1 1
  compressibility = 4.5e-5
   i'm using this compressibility value   because I'm modelling the
  lipid-like environment so I think that I must increase pressure. 
 Could you
  remind me the dependence of pressure from density and volume for 
liquids ?

   Your forcefield, simulation cell contents and .mdp settings will
  determine the equilibrium density. Whether you need to do 
anything depends

  on whether you've made a statistically significant post-equilibration
  measurement of your average density. Haphazardly increasing the 

  pressure for the coupling will 

[gmx-users] Npt equilibration of the membrane-mimicking CCl4 layer

2012-02-14 Thread Thomas Schlesier

I assume that you energy minimisd the system, but still have atomic clashes?

One thing which helped me in a similar case, was a short simulation at 
low temperature with a really small timestep (about 3-5 magnitudes 
smaller than the normal timestep). With this the atoms which clashes 
move away from each other, but due to the very small timestep, they are 
not fast as rockets and shouldn't lead to an exploding system.
Then when most clashes are resolved you can continue with a normal 


It seems that I've fixed that problem by reduce vdv radii for Cl during
defining of my box

Eventually I've obtained box with the desired density
 than I've delete vdvradii.dat for my wor dir

by when I've launched equilibration I've oibtained

Fatal error:
Too many LINCS warnings (1598)
If you know what you are doing you can adjust the lincs warning threshold
in your mdp file

I've never seen this before

I'm using 1.o cutoff for pme and 1.4 for vdv
my LINKS parameters are

; Bond parameters
continuation= no; first dynamics run
constraint_algorithm = lincs; holonomic constraints
constraints= all-bonds; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds)
lincs_iter= 1; accuracy of LINCS
lincs_order= 4; also related to accuracy

How I could solve it?


2012/2/14 James Starlight jmsstarli...@gmail.com

  I've checked only density value
  with 500 molecules Ccl4 I have  density that is twisely less that I 
need (
  in accordance to the literature ). Also I've checked my box 
visually and
  found that the box is not properly tightly packed so I dont know 
why genbox

  didnt add some extra mollecules :(
  In other words I wounder to know if  there is any way to add some extra
  molecules to the pre defined box to make my system more tighly 
packed  ( to

  short distance between existing molecules and place new ones in the new
  space ) ?
  2012/2/14 Mark Abraham mark.abra...@anu.edu.au
  On 14/02/2012 4:57 PM, James Starlight wrote:
  Firstly I've created the box of desired size with only 500 
molecules ( I

  need 1000)
  Than I've tried to add extra 200 molecules by means of Genbox
  genbox -cp super_box.gro -ci Ccl4.gro -nmol 200 -o new_solv.gro
  but no molecules have been added
  Added 0 molecules (out of 200 requested) of Cl4
  ... then there are no gaps large enough to insert your molecules. 

  make gaps, or check out genbox -h for advice on defining the radii.
  also I've tried
  genbox -cp super_box.gro -cp Ccl4.gro -nmol 200 -o new_solv.gro
  Two -cp options is not what you want, and -nmol probably only 
works with

  but system were crashed with message
  Reading solute configuration
  God Rules Over Mankind, Animals, Cosmos and Such
  Containing 2500 atoms in 500 residues
  Initialising van der waals distances...
  WARNING: masses and atomic (Van der Waals) radii will be determined
  based on residue and atom names. These numbers can deviate
  from the correct mass and radius of the atom type.
  Reading solvent configuration
  God Rules Over Mankind, Animals, Cosmos and Such
  solvent configuration contains 5 atoms in 1 residues
  Is there any ways to add extra mollecules to the pre defined box ?
  Yes - but there has to be room for them.
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  Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/**

  Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www
  interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.
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[gmx-users] Npt equilibration of the membrane-mimicking, CCl4 layer

2012-02-10 Thread Thomas Schlesier

i second Justins seond idea (creating a small box of equilibrated CCl4 
and then fill the simulation box via the -cs option).
Depending if you have other molecules in your system, make the 
simulation box a little bit bigger, because you will get some holes. In 
the subsequent NPT simulation these holes will vanish and your box will 

The first way has the problem, that if you have holes between some CCl4 
molecules, no new molecule would fit there. Then you could make a short 
equilibration, so that the holes gather to bigger holes and fill them 
again with the -ci option. If you're lucky, you will reach after a very 
long time the required density.
(In my case i used mesitylene as a solvent and after day of the 
automated iteration (try to put molecules into the box, equilibrate, try 
to put more molecules into the box, ...) i dismissed this approach.)


James Starlight wrote:


2012/2/6 Justin A. Lemkuljalem...@vt.edumailto:jalem...@vt.edu

 Some simple calculations using the desired density and the box
 dimensions (to get the volume) will tell you exactly how many
 molecules you need.  If you only suppose you've got a reasonable
 number, there are better ways to be sure ;)

In accordance to my calculations I need in ~ 1000 CCl4 to obtain 1.600
g/cm^-3 density with my box dimensins

By the way way I try to define such system by

genbox -ci ccl4.gro -nmol 1000 -box 8.6 6.5 3 -o ccl4_box.gro

I've obtain memory error :(

Is there any other way to define such system with the desired size and 
n_mollecules with the less computation demands?

Two options:

1. Add them incrementally to the box (100 at a time or so, until the desired
value is reached)

2. Build a small box of solvent (a few hundred molecules), then use genbox -cs
instead of -ci to use the small solvent box to create the one of desired size.


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[gmx-users] Re: Is there a way to omit particles with q=0, from Coulomb-/PME-calculations?

2012-01-17 Thread Thomas Schlesier

On 17/01/2012 4:55 AM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:
  Dear all,
  Is there a way to omit particles with zero charge from calculations
  for Coulomb-interactions or PME?
  In my calculations i want to coarse-grain my solvent, but the solute
  should be still represented by atoms. In doing so the
  solvent-molecules have a zero charge. I noticed that for a simulation
  with only the CG-solvent significant time was spent for the PME-part
  of the simulation.
  If i would simulate the complete system (atomic solute +
  coarse-grained solvent), i would save only time for the reduced number
  of particles (compared to atomistic solvent). But if i could omit the
  zero-charge solvent from the Coulomb-/PME-part, it would save much
  additional time.
  Is there an easy way for the omission, or would one have to hack the
  code? If the latter is true, how hard would it be and where do i have
  to look?
  (First idea would be to create an index-file group with all
  non-zero-charged particles and then run in the loops needed for
  Coulomb/PME only over this subset of particles.)
  I have only experience with Fortran and not with C++.
  Only other solution which comes to my mind would be to use plain
  cut-offs for the Coulomb-part. This would save time required for doing
  PME but will in turn cost time for the calculations of zeros
  (Coulomb-interaction for the CG-solvent). But more importantly would
  introduce artifacts from the plain cut-off :(

Particles with zero charge are not included in neighbour lists used 
for calculating Coulomb interactions. The statistics in the M E G A - 
F L O P S   A C C O U N T I N G section of the .log file will show 
that there is significant use of loops that do not have Coul 
component. So already these have no effect on half of the PME 
calculation. I don't know whether the grid part is similarly 
optimized, but you can test this yourself by comparing timing of runs 
with and without charged solvent.


Ok, i will test this.
But here is the data i obtained for two simulations, one with plain 
cut-off and the other with PME. As one sees the simulation with plain 
cut-offs is much faster (by a factor of 6).

With PME:

M E G A - F L O P S   A C C O U N T I N G

   RF=Reaction-Field  FE=Free Energy  SCFE=Soft-Core/Free Energy
   T=TabulatedW3=SPC/TIP3pW4=TIP4p (single or pairs)
   NF=No Forces

 Computing: M-Number M-Flops  % Flops
 VdW(T)  1132.029152   61129.574 0.1
 Outer nonbonded loop1020.997718   10209.977 0.0
 Calc Weights   16725.001338  602100.048 0.6
 Spread Q Bspline  356800.028544  713600.057 0.7
 Gather F Bspline  356800.028544 4281600.343 4.4
 3D-FFT   9936400.79491279491206.35981.6
 Solve PME 18.0144001152.92211.8
 NS-Pairs2210.718786   46425.095 0.0
 Reset In Box1115.003345.000 0.0
 CG-CoM  1115.0004463345.001 0.0
 Virial  7825.000626  140850.011 0.1
 Ext.ens. Update 5575.000446  301050.024 0.3
 Stop-CM 5575.000446   55750.004 0.1
 Calc-Ekin   5575.000892  150525.024 0.2
 Total  97381137.440   100.0
D O M A I N   D E C O M P O S I T I O N   S T A T I S T I C S

 av. #atoms communicated per step for force:  2 x 94.1

 Average load imbalance: 10.7 %
 Part of the total run time spent waiting due to load imbalance: 0.1 %

 R E A L   C Y C L E   A N D   T I M E   A C C O U N T I N G

 Computing: Nodes Number G-CyclesSeconds %
 Domain decomp. 4250  903.835  308.1 1.8
 Comm. coord.   4   1251  321.930  109.7 0.6
 Neighbor search4251 1955.330  666.5 3.8
 Force  4   1251  696.668  237.5 1.4
 Wait + Comm. F 4   1251  384.107  130.9 0.7
 PME mesh   4   125143854.81814948.285.3
 Write traj.4   50011.4890.5 0.0
 Update 4   1251 1137.630  387.8 2.2
 Comm. energies 4   1251 1074.541  366.3 2.1
 Rest   41093.194  372.6 2.1

[gmx-users] Is there a way to omit particles with, q=0, from Coulomb-/PME-calculations?

2012-01-17 Thread Thomas Schlesier

But would there be a way to optimize it further?
In my real simulation i would have a charged solute and the uncharged 
solvent (both have nearly the same number of particles). If i could omit 
the uncharged solvent from the long-ranged coulomb-calculation (PME) it 
would save much time.
Or is there a reason that some of the PME stuff is also calculated for 
uncharged particles?
(Ok, i know that this is a rather specical system, in so far that in 
most md-simulations the number of uncharged particles is negligible.)

Would it be probably better to move the question to the developer-list?


On 17/01/2012 7:32 PM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:

On 17/01/2012 4:55 AM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:

Dear all,
Is there a way to omit particles with zero charge from calculations
for Coulomb-interactions or PME?
In my calculations i want to coarse-grain my solvent, but the solute
should be still represented by atoms. In doing so the
solvent-molecules have a zero charge. I noticed that for a simulation
with only the CG-solvent significant time was spent for the PME-part
of the simulation.
If i would simulate the complete system (atomic solute +
coarse-grained solvent), i would save only time for the reduced


of particles (compared to atomistic solvent). But if i could omit the
zero-charge solvent from the Coulomb-/PME-part, it would save much
additional time.

Is there an easy way for the omission, or would one have to hack the
code? If the latter is true, how hard would it be and where do i have
to look?
(First idea would be to create an index-file group with all
non-zero-charged particles and then run in the loops needed for
Coulomb/PME only over this subset of particles.)
I have only experience with Fortran and not with C++.

Only other solution which comes to my mind would be to use plain
cut-offs for the Coulomb-part. This would save time required for


PME but will in turn cost time for the calculations of zeros
(Coulomb-interaction for the CG-solvent). But more importantly would
introduce artifacts from the plain cut-off :(

Particles with zero charge are not included in neighbour lists used
for calculating Coulomb interactions. The statistics in the M E G A

-F L O P S   A C C O U N T I N G section of the .log file will show

that there is significant use of loops that do not have Coul
component. So already these have no effect on half of the PME
calculation. I don't know whether the grid part is similarly
optimized, but you can test this yourself by comparing timing of runs
with and without charged solvent.


Ok, i will test this.
But here is the data i obtained for two simulations, one with plain
cut-off and the other with PME. As one sees the simulation with plain
cut-offs is much faster (by a factor of 6).

Yes. I think I have seen this before for PME when (some grid cells) are
lacking (many) charged particles.

You will see that the nonbonded loops are always VdW(T) for tabulated
VdW - you have no charges at all in this system and GROMACS has already
optimized its choice of nonbonded loops accordingly. You would see
Coul(T) + VdW(T) if your solvent had charge.

It's not a meaningful test of the performance of PME vs cut-off, either,
because there are no charges.



With PME:

 M E G A - F L O P S   A C C O U N T I N G

RF=Reaction-Field  FE=Free Energy  SCFE=Soft-Core/Free Energy
T=TabulatedW3=SPC/TIP3pW4=TIP4p (single or pairs)
NF=No Forces

  Computing: M-Number M-Flops  % Flops
  VdW(T)  1132.029152   61129.574 0.1
  Outer nonbonded loop1020.997718   10209.977 0.0
  Calc Weights   16725.001338  602100.048 0.6
  Spread Q Bspline  356800.028544  713600.057 0.7
  Gather F Bspline  356800.028544 4281600.343 4.4
  3D-FFT   9936400.79491279491206.35981.6
  Solve PME 18.0144001152.92211.8
  NS-Pairs2210.718786   46425.095 0.0
  Reset In Box1115.003345.000 0.0
  CG-CoM  1115.0004463345.001 0.0
  Virial  7825.000626  140850.011 0.1
  Ext.ens. Update 5575.000446  301050.024 0.3
  Stop-CM 5575.000446   55750.004 0.1
  Calc-Ekin   5575.000892  150525.024 0.2
  Total  97381137.440   100.0
 D O M A I N   D E C O M P O S I T I O N   S T A T I S T I C S

  av. #atoms communicated per step

[gmx-users] Re: Is there a way to omit particles with, q=0, from, Coulomb-/PME-calculations?

2012-01-17 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Thanks Carsten. Now i see the problem.

Hi Thomas,

Am Jan 17, 2012 um 10:29 AM schrieb Thomas Schlesier:

But would there be a way to optimize it further?
In my real simulation i would have a charged solute and the uncharged solvent 
(both have nearly the same number of particles). If i could omit the uncharged 
solvent from the long-ranged coulomb-calculation (PME) it would save much time.
Or is there a reason that some of the PME stuff is also calculated for 
uncharged particles?

For PME you need the Fourier-transformed charge grid and you get back the 
grid from which you interpolate the forces on the charged atoms. The charges 
are spread
each on typically 4x4x4 (=PME order) grid points, and in this spreading only
charged atoms will take part. So the spreading part (and also the force 
interpolation part)
will become faster with less charges. However, the rest of PME (the Fourier 
and calculations in reciprocal space) are unaffected by the number of charges. 
this only the size of the whole PME grid matters. You could try to lower the 
number of
PME grid points (enlarge fourierspacing) and at the same time enhance the PME 
(to 6 for example) to keep a comparable force accuracy. You could also try to 
more load to real space, which will also lower the number of PME grid points 
can do that for you). But I am not shure that you can get large performance 
from that.


(Ok, i know that this is a rather specical system, in so far that in most 
md-simulations the number of uncharged particles is negligible.)
Would it be probably better to move the question to the developer-list?


On 17/01/2012 7:32 PM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:

On 17/01/2012 4:55 AM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:

Dear all,
Is there a way to omit particles with zero charge from calculations
for Coulomb-interactions or PME?
In my calculations i want to coarse-grain my solvent, but the solute
should be still represented by atoms. In doing so the
solvent-molecules have a zero charge. I noticed that for a simulation
with only the CG-solvent significant time was spent for the PME-part
of the simulation.
If i would simulate the complete system (atomic solute +
coarse-grained solvent), i would save only time for the reduced


of particles (compared to atomistic solvent). But if i could omit the
zero-charge solvent from the Coulomb-/PME-part, it would save much
additional time.

Is there an easy way for the omission, or would one have to hack the
code? If the latter is true, how hard would it be and where do i have
to look?
(First idea would be to create an index-file group with all
non-zero-charged particles and then run in the loops needed for
Coulomb/PME only over this subset of particles.)
I have only experience with Fortran and not with C++.

Only other solution which comes to my mind would be to use plain
cut-offs for the Coulomb-part. This would save time required for


PME but will in turn cost time for the calculations of zeros
(Coulomb-interaction for the CG-solvent). But more importantly would
introduce artifacts from the plain cut-off :(

Particles with zero charge are not included in neighbour lists used
for calculating Coulomb interactions. The statistics in the M E G A

-F L O P S   A C C O U N T I N G section of the .log file will show

that there is significant use of loops that do not have Coul
component. So already these have no effect on half of the PME
calculation. I don't know whether the grid part is similarly
optimized, but you can test this yourself by comparing timing of runs
with and without charged solvent.


Ok, i will test this.
But here is the data i obtained for two simulations, one with plain
cut-off and the other with PME. As one sees the simulation with plain
cut-offs is much faster (by a factor of 6).

Yes. I think I have seen this before for PME when (some grid cells) are
lacking (many) charged particles.

You will see that the nonbonded loops are always VdW(T) for tabulated
VdW - you have no charges at all in this system and GROMACS has already
optimized its choice of nonbonded loops accordingly. You would see
Coul(T) + VdW(T) if your solvent had charge.

It's not a meaningful test of the performance of PME vs cut-off, either,
because there are no charges.



With PME:

 M E G A - F L O P S   A C C O U N T I N G

RF=Reaction-Field  FE=Free Energy  SCFE=Soft-Core/Free Energy
T=TabulatedW3=SPC/TIP3pW4=TIP4p (single or pairs)
NF=No Forces

  Computing: M-Number M-Flops  % Flops
  VdW(T)  1132.029152   61129.574 0.1
  Outer nonbonded loop1020.997718   10209.977 0.0
  Calc Weights   16725.001338  602100.048

[gmx-users] table-potential, why table from r=0-r_c+1?

2012-01-16 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Dear all,
what is the reason, that the tabulated potential must go till r_c+1 (r_c 
= cut-off radius) and not only up to r_c?
I think we only calculate the interactions till r_c and truncate the 
rest. So everything behind r_c would be redundant information (due to 
the truncation it would be set to 0).
If this would be right, i could fill everything from r_c to r_c+1 with 
0's, but this sounds to easy.

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[gmx-users] Is there a way to omit particles with q=0 from Coulomb-/PME-calculations?

2012-01-16 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Dear all,
Is there a way to omit particles with zero charge from calculations for 
Coulomb-interactions or PME?
In my calculations i want to coarse-grain my solvent, but the solute 
should be still represented by atoms. In doing so the solvent-molecules 
have a zero charge. I noticed that for a simulation with only the 
CG-solvent significant time was spent for the PME-part of the simulation.
If i would simulate the complete system (atomic solute + coarse-grained 
solvent), i would save only time for the reduced number of particles 
(compared to atomistic solvent). But if i could omit the zero-charge 
solvent from the Coulomb-/PME-part, it would save much additional time.

Is there an easy way for the omission, or would one have to hack the 
code? If the latter is true, how hard would it be and where do i have to 
(First idea would be to create an index-file group with all 
non-zero-charged particles and then run in the loops needed for 
Coulomb/PME only over this subset of particles.)

I have only experience with Fortran and not with C++.

Only other solution which comes to my mind would be to use plain 
cut-offs for the Coulomb-part. This would save time required for doing 
PME but will in turn cost time for the calculations of zeros 
(Coulomb-interaction for the CG-solvent). But more importantly would 
introduce artifacts from the plain cut-off :(

Hope anyone could help.
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[gmx-users] Coarse-graining and cut-offs

2012-01-13 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Dear all,
first of all, sorry to this rather conceptional question, which is not 
totally to GROMOACS related. But probably anyone of you can help.

In my simulations I use mesitylene as a solvent. In future i want to 
coarse-grain the full atomic mesitylene to an effective one-particle. 
For this i did a NPT-simulation to obtain the RDF (with regard to the 
COM of the molecules) from which i want to calculate an effective 
interaction potential by iterative boltzmann. The full-atomistic 
simulations (slovate + solvent) employed a cut-off of 1.4 nm.
At this distance (1.4 nm) the RDF shows it second minimum (RDF=0.97) and 
after 1.8 nm the RDF is around 1.0 +/- 0.15 (I got the RDF only up to a 
distance of 2.3 nm).
Now my question is how long should be the table for the effective 
potential (i.e. maximum distance for an interaction)? If i would use 1.4 
nm, i would have a jump in the interaction potential (which is normal 
due to the truncation of the cut-off). But for coulomb-interaction one 
would have PME or other stuff which would correct the artifects to some 
Or would it be better to use a long interaction table (interactions at 
longer distances) and truncate the table at a distance after 1.4 nm 
where the RDF is equal to 1?

Hope anybody can give some insight.

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Re: [gmx-users] RDF(PMF) and Umbrella sampling

2012-01-10 Thread Thomas Schlesier
I think that for the histogram all contribution with a negative sign 
would be add to the contributions from positive distances. If your 
distribution is be a perfect gaussian with zero mean, you would end up 
with half a gaussian with double high (for positive distances) and zero 
for negative distances. For this case it would be easy to correct the 
histogram. But if the histogram isn't a perfect gaussian, you couldn't 
say anything.

Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 10:47:43 +
From: Gavin Melaughgmelaug...@qub.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] RDF(PMF) and Umbrella sampling
To: Discussion list for GROMACS usersgmx-users@gromacs.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Justin

Again, many thanks for the reply.
So when the COM distance changes sign, what effect does that have on the
distribution of the COM distance about the mean value for that window
i.e. If say my ref dist in 0 nm and the umbrella sampling allows the
distance to sample distances say at 0.02 nm to -0.02nm. What happens to
negative values? Obviously they are not counted as negative in the
distribution or else it would be centred at zero/



Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

Gavin Melaugh wrote:

Hi Justin

Thanks very much. One last question. What do you mean when you say COM
reference distance is changing signs? I thought  the COM distance was
the absolute distance between the two groups and therefore cannot be

The pull code deals in vectors.  Signs can change.  The use of
distance as a geometry is perhaps somewhat misleading.




Dariush Mohammadyani wrote:

Hi Gavin,

A question arose for me: why did you consider the (rate = 0)?


On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Gavin Melaughgmelaug...@qub.ac.uk
mailto:gmelaug...@qub.ac.uk  wrote:

 Hi Justin

 Just a quick clarification regarding my previous point. With
 geometry =
 distance, and pull_dim =Y Y Y . Is the pull_group sampling all
 dimensions equally (or without prejudice) about pull_init ?  And
 iN your
 first reply what did you mean about by straight pull ?



 Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
   Gavin Melaugh wrote:
   Hi Justin
   Thanks for the reply. I wanted my pulling to be free in all
   directions, that is in the liquid state with no defined reaction
   coordinate i.e not along a specific axis. This is why I used
 geometry =
   distance. Would you agree with this approach?
   I suppose there is an argument that can be made for a more free
   approach such as this one, but you're going to get the
artifact you
   observed the instant your pull group moves past a zero COM
   Whether or not this is a significant problem is something you'll
   to determine.
   By free I mean. The absolute distance between the COG of the
 ref group
   and that of the pull group.
   Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
   Gavin Melaugh wrote:
   Dear all
   I have a query regarding umbrella sampling simulations that I
   carried out to study a dynamical process of a guest inserting
 into a
   host. I always get get a wall tending off to infinity at or
   the zero distance between the
   two species.
   The process I describe, for one system in particular, happens
   and I have compared the PMF from a non constrained simulation
 (via the
   RDF and reversible work theorem) and the same PMF from a
set of
   umbrella sampling
   simulations. They agree quite well but in the non constrained
   I get a minimum practically at zero whereas for the umbrella
   the minimum is shifted and there is an infinite wall close to
   wall is not present from the reversible work theorem. Why the
   wall? Why does the black histogram not centre around zero. Is
 this an
   artefact of the umbrella technique? Please see attached the
   the umbrella sampling technique, and the corresponding
   What's happening is the COM reference distance is changing
 signs, so
   you get an artifact.  The distance geometry is relatively
   and is only suitable for straight pulls of continuously
 increasing or
   continuously decreasing COM distance.  You should try using the
   position geometry instead.  There are some notes that you
 may find
   useful in my tutorial:


   Here is an excerpt from one of the umbrella mdp files.
   pull= umbrella

Re: [gmx-users] RDF(PMF) and Umbrella sampling

2012-01-10 Thread Thomas Schlesier
The histograms are really crowded, it would be better to plot only the 
black one and probably the red one, to see the it better.

Two ideas which can probably solve the problem (ok, both assume, that
the host has a certain shape).

You said you investigate guest-insertion to a host. I would think that
the guest molecule can't bind from all directions to the host.
If the host is 'U' shaped then, the guest can come only from above.

Idea 1:
Take some atoms at the lower part from 'U' as the reference. So you do
not run into the problem with with a zero ref-distance.
Bad thing is, that you would start from all over again.

Idea 2: we make some tricks to get negative distances. I think the big 
problem is that from pull_geometry=distance, you get always positive 
(really, only a idea, WHAM could make problems, i don't really know how 
WHAM and the GROMACS implementation of it work):

Instead of using pull_geometry=distance, use pull_geometry=position.
Define a plane at zero ref-distance, which is roughly orthogonal to the
path which the guest can enter.
In my example 'U-'  -  would be the plane.
From the pullx.xvg you can calculate the pull-ref distance (which is
always positive). Then you can add a sign to the distances, depending if 
the guest is above or below the plane. (Probably it is better to take 
only the part of the pull-ref distance which is orthogonal to the plane. 
Then you should also modify the forces in the same way.)

From this distances you can also calculate pullf.xvg.
Now you must create a *.tpr for this windows with 
pull_geometry=distance, instead of use pull_geometry=position (WHAM 
doesn't like position, as far as i know).
Now start WHAM and pray that it will work. All we have done is, that we 
have now negative distances in pullx.xvg. I don't know if the fact that 
we now have negative numbers makes any problem for WHAM (from the *.tpr 
we would expect that we have only positive numbers).

Wish you luck.

Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 10:47:43 +
From: Gavin Melaughgmelaug...@qub.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] RDF(PMF) and Umbrella sampling
To: Discussion list for GROMACS usersgmx-users@gromacs.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Justin

Again, many thanks for the reply.
So when the COM distance changes sign, what effect does that have on the
distribution of the COM distance about the mean value for that window
i.e. If say my ref dist in 0 nm and the umbrella sampling allows the
distance to sample distances say at 0.02 nm to -0.02nm. What happens to
negative values? Obviously they are not counted as negative in the
distribution or else it would be centred at zero/



Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

Gavin Melaugh wrote:

Hi Justin

Thanks very much. One last question. What do you mean when you say COM
reference distance is changing signs? I thought  the COM distance was
the absolute distance between the two groups and therefore cannot be

The pull code deals in vectors.  Signs can change.  The use of
distance as a geometry is perhaps somewhat misleading.




Dariush Mohammadyani wrote:

Hi Gavin,

A question arose for me: why did you consider the (rate = 0)?


On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Gavin Melaughgmelaug...@qub.ac.uk
mailto:gmelaug...@qub.ac.uk  wrote:

 Hi Justin

 Just a quick clarification regarding my previous point. With
 geometry =
 distance, and pull_dim =Y Y Y . Is the pull_group sampling all
 dimensions equally (or without prejudice) about pull_init ?  And
 iN your
 first reply what did you mean about by straight pull ?



 Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
   Gavin Melaugh wrote:
   Hi Justin
   Thanks for the reply. I wanted my pulling to be free in all
   directions, that is in the liquid state with no defined reaction
   coordinate i.e not along a specific axis. This is why I used
 geometry =
   distance. Would you agree with this approach?
   I suppose there is an argument that can be made for a more free
   approach such as this one, but you're going to get the
artifact you
   observed the instant your pull group moves past a zero COM
   Whether or not this is a significant problem is something you'll
   to determine.
   By free I mean. The absolute distance between the COG of the
 ref group
   and that of the pull group.
   Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
   Gavin Melaugh wrote:
   Dear all
   I have a query regarding umbrella sampling simulations that I
   carried out to study a dynamical process of a guest inserting
 into a
   host. I always get get a wall tending off to infinity at or
   the zero distance between the
   two species.

[gmx-users] RDF: mol_com and atom at the same time

2011-12-23 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Dear all,
i would like to know if it is possible to get the rdf between the center 
of mass of a molecule and individual atoms of said molecule?
In my case i have mesitylene and i would like to calculate the RDF 
between the COM and the Methyl-carbon-atoms.
My problem is that i would need the options '-rdf mol_com' and '-rdf 
atom' at the same time. The only idea i have is to use '-yescom' and 
make the analysis for each molecule individually and then average 
overall the resulting RDFs.

But probably there is an easier solution?
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[gmx-users] How to list OPLS parameters

2011-11-09 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Hi all,
for a publication i want to list the used OPLS parameters for the 
investigated molecules. In GROMACS all atomtypes are uniquely defined by 
the atomtype `opls_xyz`. And from the atomtypes one can deduct the 
bonded parameters. So it is sufficient to list only the atomtypes and 
probably charges.
My question is now, is this definition common knowledge, or only 
GROMACS-intern? From the header of `ffoplsaa.atp` one sees that the 
first 65 atomtypes are for the OPLS-UA force field, and the names of the 
atomtypes are the same as in the paper which is mentioned.
Concerning the OPLS-AA force field, is there the GROMACS numbering 
scheme also common knowledge?

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[gmx-users] Re:umbrella sampling with pull=constraint

2011-11-07 Thread Thomas Schlesier
If you use constraints it would not be umbrella sampling, where you need 
to sample around a restraint structure to get the histograms for WHAM or 
another analysis-technic.
So if you want to do umbrella sampling either make to box bigger and/or 
make the restraints harder.

But you can also use constraints instead of restraints. But it would 
require another analysis-technic. Think it's called thermodynamic 
integration. In the end you also sample many different windows with 
varying distances, but instead of using WHAM you integrate the 
constraint force to obtain the PMF.


One important thing to note is, that you will need more windows compared 
to umbrella-sampling, since in each window you sample only on distance 
and not around one distance (restrains allow for a change of the distance).

Another thing to note is the pull_dim. For determining the PMF of an 
end-toend distance of similar i would turn all three dimensions to 'yes'.
Imagine to parallel sheets of paper, with z perpendicular to the papers. 
With your setup you would only fix the z-distance between both sheets, 
but they can move freely in the xy-plane.

Hope that helps.


I have done umbrella sampling with pull=umbrella and I found that the
pulling group has high fluctuations and sometimes moving out of the
periodic box. I think that the harmonic potential is not properly applied
and thus the pulling group is not retained with the specified COM distance
between the reference and pulling group. Can we use pull=constraint option
to retain the pulling group within the COM distance? my pulling code is as
bellow with restrain at 0.5nm distance from ref group. I just want to get
some idea about this pull code modification.

pull= constraint
pull_geometry= distance
pull_dim= N N Y
pull_start  = no
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = Chain_A
pull_group1 = Chain_B
pull_init1  = 0.50
pull_rate1  = 0.0
pull_k1 = 1000
pull_nstxout= 500
pull_nstfout= 500


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Re: [gmx-users] g_dist error

2011-09-13 Thread Thomas Schlesier

never used the -dist option, but i think you have here a missunderstanding:

 t: 275  20230 SOL 62618 OW  0.341434 (nm)

i think this means: at time=275 atom 62618 (which is a OW) from residue 
20230 (which is a SOL) is 0.341434nm away from your protein atom.

the x SOL y OW means not the distance between some SOl-atom and OW, but 
that the OW atom is from the residue x from the SOL group!!!

 And when am already specifying only one atom from protein ie say 
1322. why

 do i get this kind of output-
 t: 275  20230 SOL 62618 OW  0.341434 (nm)
 t: 275  22019 SOL 67985 OW  0.171584 (nm)
 t: 276  10768 SOL 34232 OW  0.303328 (nm)
 t: 276  20230 SOL 62618 OW  0.325176 (nm)

you get this output, because the programm assumes that you remember 
which was group 1 and so it does not need to write it in every line.

since i never used the -dist option, the stuff above could be false, so 
short thing you can do is and look if atom 62618 is in residue 20230, 
and then the above should be right.


Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 13:32:26 +0530
From: aiswarya pawaraiswarya.pa...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] g_dist error
To: Discussion list for GROMACS usersgmx-users@gromacs.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

g_dist -f md.xtc -s md.tpr -dist 0.5 -e 500 if the index name not given it
takes the default index file, so there isnt any wrong in selecting the

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 1:24 PM, Mark Abrahammark.abra...@anu.edu.auwrote:

  On 13/09/2011 4:14 PM, aiswarya pawar wrote:


the command line goes like this-

g_dist -f md.xtc -s md.tpr -dist 0.5 -e 500

This command line is not using an index file. The index groups defined for
the grompp that produced the .tpr are being used (which may be the default
ones, depending what you did). Please copy and show the interactive input
you made to g_dist after it showed the groups it knew about.

the index file has group1- a_1322 ( this is just a single atom from a
protein. its in sidechain)
   group2- a_OW ( this is water atoms)

Your output is listing the time of the frame, and the residue number,
residue name, atom number, and atom name of the matching atom. Apparently a
water molecule can sometimes be closer than 0.2nm, and sometimes not.


now as per the utility it should give me and output as-

t:1 1322 a 54119 OW 0.389

but am getting something different

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Mark Abrahammark.abra...@anu.edu.auwrote:

  On 13/09/2011 3:40 PM, aiswarya pawar wrote:

Hi Mark,

The -dist option says- print all the atoms in group 2 that are closer than
a certain distance to the center of mass of group 1.
That means it should give me the distance from OW to protein atom.

  If you choose correct groups that are correctly defined with respect to
your trajectory and use a large enough distance cutoff.

And when am already specifying only one atom from protein ie say 1322. why
do i get this kind of output-

  We can't tell. We don't know what your command line is, what's in your
simulation system, the contents of your index groups, or which groups you've
selected for which role. Clearly something is not working properly, and our
time constraints mean that we're going to assume you've done something
wrong, in the absence of evidence to the contrary.


t: 275  20230 SOL 62618 OW  0.341434 (nm)
t: 275  22019 SOL 67985 OW  0.171584 (nm)
t: 276  10768 SOL 34232 OW  0.303328 (nm)
t: 276  20230 SOL 62618 OW  0.325176 (nm)
t: 276  22019 SOL 67985 OW  0.187259 (nm)
t: 277  10768 SOL 34232 OW  0.306008 (nm)
t: 277  20230 SOL 62618 OW  0.326195 (nm)
t: 277  22019 SOL 67985 OW  0.181089 (nm)
t: 278  10768 SOL 34232 OW  0.274507 (nm)
t: 278  22019 SOL 67985 OW  0.292652 (nm)
t: 279  10618 SOL 33782 OW  0.319922 (nm)
t: 280  10618 SOL 33782 OW  0.330082 (nm)
t: 280  22019 SOL 67985 OW  0.330203 (nm)
t: 281  8273 SOL 26747 OW  0.278731 (nm)
t: 281  10618 SOL 33782 OW  0.325434 (nm)
t: 281  11535 SOL 36533 OW  0.200327 (nm)
t: 281  17036 SOL 53036 OW  0.343946 (nm)
t: 282  8273 SOL 26747 OW  0.256558 (nm)
t: 282  11535 SOL 36533 OW  0.327147 (nm)
t: 283  8273 SOL 26747 OW  0.165061 (nm)
t: 283  10618 SOL 33782 OW  0.306578 (nm)
t: 283  17191 SOL 53501 OW  0.333075 (nm)
t: 284  8273 SOL 26747 OW  0.19427 (nm)
t: 284  10618 SOL 33782 OW  0.321927 (nm)
t: 284  17191 SOL 53501 OW  0.30832 (nm)

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Mark Abrahammark.abra...@anu.edu.auwrote:

  On 13/09/2011 2:27 PM, aiswarya.pa...@gmail.com wrote:

Iam -dist option because I need the distance between two groups

  That is not what g_dist -dist does. Please read g_dist -h.

   excluding -dist gives me X,Y,Z output which I don't want.

  And other output which you do, but you have to use -o to get it. Read
g_dist -h.

   And am not specifying an -o.

  You need to specify -o to achieve your purpose. However, as I 

[gmx-users] mirroring a trajectorie

2011-05-17 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Hi all,
is it possible to mirror a trajectorie?

I have done pulling simulations, where i first pulled two molecules 
apart and later used the pulled them together (starting form the last 
frame of the pulling-(apart)-simulation).

Now want to calculate the rmsd of structures for the path. So i would 
like to compared first frame of pull-apart with last frame of 
pull-together ...

Only way i could think of, would be to write the .xtc into individual 
.gro-files, then order them and finally put them together to the 
mirrored .xtc

This should work, but probably there is an easier way of doing this?

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[gmx-users] Re: pull forces

2011-03-15 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Message: 5
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 07:17:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Brunsteinermbx0...@yahoo.com
Subject: [gmx-users] pull forces
To: gmx usersgmx-users@gromacs.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear all,
does anybody know what the forces that are saved
in the f*xvg files from the pull-code actually are? are these:

1) the (sum of the) forces due to the normal non-bonded interactions
 in the system acting on the ref and the the full groups.
2) only the forces from the harmonic restraint.
3) the sum of both?

if you mean the pullf.xvg it's 2. only the force from the harmonic 
restraint (if you're using 'pull=umbrella')

i just did a test writing out the forces from the trajectory
file, and looking at the relevant forces (the ones in the z-dimension
in my case, as i use pulldim N N Y and constrain the groups to stay
put in the x and y dimensions) it seems as if the forces on the
pull group are oscillating as expected, but the forces on the
reference group are close to, but not exactly(!) zero.
i am not sure how to interpret this ...


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[gmx-users] problems with randoms seeds

2011-02-22 Thread Thomas Schlesier

hi all,
i'm trying out GROMACS 4.5.3
i'm simulating (sd-integrator) a small rna hairpin in vacuum, without 
pbc for 100ps. System has about 380 atoms.
If i do the simulation a second time (grompp + mdrun) i get identical 
first i had only *gen_seed = -1* but latter i set also *ld_seed = -1*, 
but nothing changes.

one thing which really confuses me is the ld_seed:
output from grompp:
Setting the LD random seed to 1870
ld_seed  = 1993

position restraints are only applied to 3atoms.

has anyone an idea what happens?


here is the mdp-file:
OPLS Lysozyme NVT equilibration
define  = -DPOSRES  ; position restrain the protein
; Run parameters
integrator  = sd; leap-frog integrator
nsteps  = 5 ; 2 * 5 = 100 ps
dt  = 0.002 ; 2 fs
comm_mode   = angular
; Output control
nstxout = 100   ; save coordinates every 0.2 ps
nstvout = 100   ; save velocities every 0.2 ps
nstenergy   = 100   ; save energies every 0.2 ps
nstlog  = 100   ; update log file every 0.2 ps
; Bond parameters
continuation= no; first dynamics run
constraint_algorithm = lincs; holonomic constraints
constraints = all-bonds ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds) 

lincs_iter  = 1 ; accuracy of LINCS
lincs_order = 4 ; also related to accuracy
; Neighborsearching
ns_type = simple; search neighboring grid cells
nstlist = 0 ; 10 fs
rlist   = 0.0   ; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in nm)
rcoulomb= 0.0   ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
rvdw= 0.0   ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
; Electrostatics
coulombtype = cut-off   ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range 

; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl  = V-rescale ; modified Berendsen thermostat
tc-grps = System; two coupling groups - more accurate
tau_t   = 2.0   ; time constant, in ps
ref_t   = 300   ; reference temperature, one for each 
group, in K

; Pressure coupling is off
pcoupl  = no; no pressure coupling in NVT
; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc = no; 3-D PBC
; Velocity generation
gen_vel = yes   ; assign velocities from Maxwell 

gen_temp= 300   ; temperature for Maxwell distribution
gen_seed= -1; generate a random seed
ld_seed = -1
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[gmx-users] Re: problems with randoms seeds

2011-02-22 Thread Thomas Schlesier

ok, problem solved...
used same .tpr file all the time
should stop working for today :)

On 02/22/2011 08:49 PM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:

hi all,
i'm trying out GROMACS 4.5.3
i'm simulating (sd-integrator) a small rna hairpin in vacuum, without
pbc for 100ps. System has about 380 atoms.
If i do the simulation a second time (grompp + mdrun) i get identical
first i had only *gen_seed = -1* but latter i set also *ld_seed = -1*,
but nothing changes.

one thing which really confuses me is the ld_seed:
output from grompp:
Setting the LD random seed to 1870
ld_seed = 1993

position restraints are only applied to 3atoms.

has anyone an idea what happens?


here is the mdp-file:
OPLS Lysozyme NVT equilibration
define = -DPOSRES ; position restrain the protein
; Run parameters
integrator = sd ; leap-frog integrator
nsteps = 5 ; 2 * 5 = 100 ps
dt = 0.002 ; 2 fs
comm_mode = angular
; Output control
nstxout = 100 ; save coordinates every 0.2 ps
nstvout = 100 ; save velocities every 0.2 ps
nstenergy = 100 ; save energies every 0.2 ps
nstlog = 100 ; update log file every 0.2 ps
; Bond parameters
continuation = no ; first dynamics run
constraint_algorithm = lincs ; holonomic constraints
constraints = all-bonds ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds) constrained
lincs_iter = 1 ; accuracy of LINCS
lincs_order = 4 ; also related to accuracy
; Neighborsearching
ns_type = simple ; search neighboring grid cells
nstlist = 0 ; 10 fs
rlist = 0.0 ; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in nm)
rcoulomb = 0.0 ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
rvdw = 0.0 ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
; Electrostatics
coulombtype = cut-off ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range electrostatics
; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl = V-rescale ; modified Berendsen thermostat
tc-grps = System ; two coupling groups - more accurate
tau_t = 2.0 ; time constant, in ps
ref_t = 300 ; reference temperature, one for each group, in K
; Pressure coupling is off
pcoupl = no ; no pressure coupling in NVT
; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc = no ; 3-D PBC
; Velocity generation
gen_vel = yes ; assign velocities from Maxwell distribution
gen_temp = 300 ; temperature for Maxwell distribution
gen_seed = -1 ; generate a random seed
ld_seed = -1

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