Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jean Louis
* Jacob Bachmeyer  [2021-03-17 05:09]:
> Jean Louis wrote:
> > * Jacob Bachmeyer  [2021-03-16 10:30]:
> > >3.  Web apps stored on "the cloud" are bad because they often do not
> > > respect the user's freedoms, as even if the software is under Free license
> > > terms, technical issues can make running a modified version difficult or
> > > impossible.
> > 
> > Just because there is possibility of abuse one shall reject the
> > technological opportunity?!
> That is ridiculous, but we should still take steps to mitigate possibilities
> for abuses.  After all, we have the GPL to mitigate the abuse of "walking
> off" with a copy of a Free program and making a proprietary derivative, and
> GPL3 was introduced to mitigate the abuse of Tivoisation.

Exactly. We can mitigate it:

- plugins for safety of work with Webassembly for now do not
  exist. There is this Webassembly detector:
  and there is possibility to disable it completely.

  In my opinion we shall have a plugin that asks user if to run it or
  not and start making list of safe websites with Webassembly.

> >  Or maybe you wanted to define "GNU operating
> > system" as only those software packages developed by GNU, but not
> > those software packages delivered with the GNU operating systems like
> > Parabola in my case?
> The original request that started this discussion was a suggestion to port
> all of the software developed by GNU to WebAssembly to run in browsers.
> There are some packages, such as coreutils, for which that is obviously
> nonsensical.  This does not mean that we could not support WebAssembly as a
> general compilation target, or that we could not build effectively a
> browser-based HURD port, (and HURD's architecture fits such an environment
> fairly well, treating the browser itself as a Mach-analogue) but generally
> relying on browsers is dangerously close to SaaSS.

In one of the referenced hyperlinks I have shown that somebody has
already started with GCC, binutils in Webassembly. I do not see why
coreutils do not make sense. Why you think so? How to handle all the
scripts when compiling software?

Maybe review the fact that Webassembly need not run in browser, it can
run standalone, that makes such programs cross platform, thus
useful. Coreutils are then easily deployed on various systems.

Binutils, GDB is already there:

> but generally relying on browsers is dangerously close to SaaSS.

It is generalization. If you know a bug, why not report specific bug?

Web browser with Webassembly is not anymore a web browser only, just
as Emacs is not just editor.

> The original request was for GNU packages to be offered as SaaSS.

Making GNU packages run in Webassembly does not make it automatically
hosted or served by third party. There is difference between SaaSS and
software alone.

As software it is useful to have possibility to run GNU, various other
free software, including Emacs in Webassembly, or complete OS-es.

If some company or party will run any software as SaaSS that is their
choice. Serving it or selling it in that way is separate issue of
having software for Webassembly.

Having software means: user can run it from their own computer after
downloading and making informed decision as Alfred said. Users can
host it on local area network. But need not. Users can host it on
their websites, LAN or similar. But need not to, they can execute it
even from USB. Thus usefulness of having software that runs on every
OS is separate from SaaSS.


Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jean Louis
* Alfred M. Szmidt  [2021-03-16 21:12]:
>Webassembly runs in the browser, I click on the URL and
>application is in the browser, 
> And thats the problem.  How do you check that the program you just ran
> (pretense) is free software?

In that particular example I have been checking programs that are free
software as they are hosted on Github with free software licenses. I
gave you hyperlinks as references, you could verify it yourself.

Level of verification is never perfect, regardless of the type of
software. How do I know that software delivered in Guix or Parabola
GNU OS is free software? I do not know, I can just assume as
developers claim to be so, and OS-es are endorsed by FSF.

On the next level of verification one will find that proprietary
pieces may be found in such OS-es and those issues are handled by bug

But I still cannot verify if software is really free software, I would
need to verify each upstream and compare it with the one that I got.

Then again, how do I know that binary is really free software? I would
need to do it on the next higher level of verification.

Maybe I would need to re-compile myself and get reproducible build
that I become more sure that it is free software, and also not
tampered or malicious one.

There is practically no difference between Webassembly and packages
delivered with GNU OS.

> When you download something, you have not executed the program yet,
> and can make an informed decision if you wish to run it or not,
> e.g.,

There are various gradients of informed decision as I have
demonstrated above. Teenagers will be informed enough if the software
they downloaded can run on their computer. They may not go into any
verifications. Majority of people will not verify anything.

Once I was verifying all software and there were still proprietary
issues. That is why we are safer with FSF endorsed GNU OS and other
endorsed OS distributions.

We rely on trust to FSF or our basic knowledge about the distribution
mostly. Majority of people will not go into extensive verifications of
each single package.

Thus making adequately informed decision is difficult task for any

For Webassembly, I have been following the list of examples and found
the SSH in browser, it is free software and I find it very handy. I
can finally use mutt/ssh and handle my stuff on servers through a

My way of making informed decision is looking for useful pieces of
software that is free and then using it.

> if it is free software or not by looking at whatever tar-ball it came
> with, examining the license, etc.

You can do that with Webassembly in the same way.

> That is not normally the case with Javascript or Webassembly -- when
> you access the program, you're already executing it

It should be by consent of the user -- that is open task to do, to
make some plugins to help user consent to each website
specifically. LibreJS is good plugin for Javascript, but I think it
will not handle Webassembly.

In desktop OS, when I access the system like any computer, I am
already executing software. Unless I am informed that it is GNU/Linux
or other free system, I am already executing it. Majority of users are
in this situation, they are not root or administrators or aware users.

Majority of GNU/Linux users are in  the same situation as you
described it, there are many distributions and they are not fully free
-- so users will not necessarily know differences.

Thus Javascript or Webassembly shall simply by sorted by GNU into same
lists, or packages that we are distributed in FSF endorsed
distributions. It is the same process of selection of software just as
how developers do it now.

How do we choose software? By accessing and downloading the indexed
and curated list of software that is assumed to be free software
because of developers who have set their set of principles.

How can we choose Webassembly as free software? By having lists of
websites that provide useful Webassembly programs. If such list is not
curated by free software enthusiast then one may find some proprietary
software inside just as it happened to me with that PDF kit.

Firefox is free browser, so GNU OS may ship derivative with
Webassembly disabled or with a plugin that may ask if to run software
or not.

about:config and one can disable javascript.options.wasm not to run
it. Easy.

To mitigate risks not to run Webassembly or Javascript automatically
one can use plugins (if such exists).

We could create plugin that white lists the free software websites
running Webassembly, where users can report the website to be free
software for further review, and otherwise to keep Webassembly


Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jacob Bachmeyer

Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:
   2.  Browsers do not offer POSIX API to JS/WebAssembly for very good 

The other issue is that it wouldn't really be an operating system, if
it runs in a web browser.  Which kinda is the whol point of the GNU
project. :-)

The GNU project also provides some application software.  Octave or 
Emacs, to name two examples, could usefully be offered as "run this in 
your browser" in addition to the regular native ports, but general lower 
performance and Web security policies are likely to make browser ports 
of packages like R and libGMP useful only as demonstrations.

-- Jacob

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jacob Bachmeyer

Jean Louis wrote:

* Jacob Bachmeyer  [2021-03-16 10:30]:

   3.  Web apps stored on "the cloud" are bad because they often do not
respect the user's freedoms, as even if the software is under Free license
terms, technical issues can make running a modified version difficult or

Just because there is possibility of abuse one shall reject the
technological opportunity?!

That is ridiculous, but we should still take steps to mitigate 
possibilities for abuses.  After all, we have the GPL to mitigate the 
abuse of "walking off" with a copy of a Free program and making a 
proprietary derivative, and GPL3 was introduced to mitigate the abuse of 

 Or maybe you wanted to define "GNU operating
system" as only those software packages developed by GNU, but not
those software packages delivered with the GNU operating systems like
Parabola in my case?

The original request that started this discussion was a suggestion to 
port all of the software developed by GNU to WebAssembly to run in 
browsers.  There are some packages, such as coreutils, for which that is 
obviously nonsensical.  This does not mean that we could not support 
WebAssembly as a general compilation target, or that we could not build 
effectively a browser-based HURD port, (and HURD's architecture fits 
such an environment fairly well, treating the browser itself as a 
Mach-analogue) but generally relying on browsers is dangerously close to 

I am sure that my Hyperscope system can be modified to run in any
browser. It will become possible to develop Dynamical Knowledge
Repositories as envisioned by Engelbart and request documents of any
kinds and see/view them without modifying the OS. Open up DJVU
document on any computer, use Emacs from any worldwide Internet cafe
or point, play your favorite game without installing anything on a
host computer.

Those are great.  That is something that *fits* the Web platform model.

For me, Webassembly does not dictate necessarily "external network
resources". Why not speak of the concept of running software in
Webassembly without using external network resources, such as it is
GNU Health, that could eventually in future, run inside of Firefox or
modified Firefox browser in local area network. That is useful. There
would be no need to install clients on every computer, it would be
just enough to run the computer even from the USB stick, fire up
browser, and one could manage the hospital. Software could be
downloaded for execution from local area network. GNU Health is part
of GNU system and GNU package, GNU software, routine operation of
hospital management is to run GNU Health to manage patients and their
health improvements.

GNU Health is another good example of a package that could usefully be 
ported to a Web-ish runtime, and SaaSS is not a problem if the servers 
are running Free software under your own control on your own LAN, as 
would be expected in a hospital installation.

I believe that "Who Does That Server Really Serve?" better applies
to these issues than "The JavaScript Trap" does: the former warns
against relying on systems outside of the user's control, even if
those systems are also running Free software, while the latter
applies to a widespread means of "sneaking" non-free software into
otherwise-Free environments under the user's proverbial nose.

Sure I understand that viewpoint. I just don't think of proprietary
viewpoint. There is plethora of free software already written for

You can install applications yourself, you can install them on your
computer or your local area server or your own server.

The original request was for GNU packages to be offered as SaaSS.

As platform for development of free software Webassembly is great
tool. Let us think of free software.

I agree with this point.

Or Vim editor ported to Webassembly: why we don't have Emacs running?

Probably because Emacs is a full Lisp runtime and vim is much simpler.  
I had to learn to use vim for a while when I had just gotten a new AMD64 
system and Emacs had not yet been ported to x86-64.  (Nor had X yet been 
adapted to support building both 32-bit and 64-bit libraries; Emacs 
gained x86-64 support before I had X multilibs.)

-- Jacob

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Alfred M. Szmidt
   [...] I click on the URL and application is in the browser ...

I think that sentence sums up the overall problem.

In Emacs, since you gave that as an example, when you install a
package, the list is curated.  Same with your GNU/Linux system.  When
you copy a snippet of Emacs lisp code, you will see the license text
and can decide what to do before running the program.

Had non-free software been irrelevant, web browsers executing random
code (if we can wish for a world where non-free software is
irrelevant, we can wish for software without security issues :), then
the Javascript trap wuldn't have been a trap.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Alfred M. Szmidt
   It is free software and specific use example. In those examples I
   cannot see anything bad.

You show one example, when the majority do not follow that example.
It is the overal practise of how "web applications" work that is the
problem, not unicorn instances that just happen to be OK.  Javascript
and Webassembly (or maybe more specifically, web browsers) facilitate
the issue but running unknown code so trivially from someone else.

I am sure we could find examples of where DRM can be put to good

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Alfred M. Szmidt
   Webassembly runs in the browser, I click on the URL and
   application is in the browser, 

And thats the problem.  How do you check that the program you just ran
(pretense) is free software?  

When you download something, you have not executed the program yet,
and can make an informed decision if you wish to run it or not, e.g.,
if it is free software or not by looking at whatever tar-ball it came
with, examining the license, etc.

That is not normally the case with Javascript or Webassembly -- when
you access the program, you're already executing it

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jean Louis
* Alfred M. Szmidt  [2021-03-16 19:11]:
> Nobody has argued that there are no other models where
> Javascrip/Webassembly could be used in an ethical fashion, but a
> discussion that talks about anything, and everything will end up in
> nothing.
> The way that Javascript, and Webassembly is intended to be use is the
> problem.

Generalization is not good. Then we can say this world is the problem
because there are some problems in the world.

Useful Webassembly application, SSH in browser:

It is free software. It runs on user's computer. That means I can host
it myself anywhere and access my servers through SSH without using my
personal computer. Then I can read and write emails, handle notes,
handle customers, make sales on the run.

That is very specific use case.

What I have been doing before is I have been downloading Putty.exe to
access my remote servers from Internet cafes' Windoze
computers. Sometimes it worked to run the Putty sometimes not,
permissions were not enough. This way it will work stable.

Many Webassembly applications can accept uploading of a file into your
own browser. So files and data need not necessarily go to remote

Or DICOM parser:

After making X-ray image in hospital, image is given to patient
sometimes on the DVD-ROM. DICOM viewer runs in the browser,
client-side, read the page. It can help doctors to review X-ray

It is free software and specific use example. In those examples I
cannot see anything bad.


Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jean Louis
* Alfred M. Szmidt  [2021-03-16 20:17]:
>I have downloaded so much software in last 24 hours as I was
>installing new OS (Parabola), so I have downloaded it from some server
>and I run it.
> How is that related the topic of Javascript / Webassembly and porting
> the GNU system to it?

You don't see similarity, that is why you got the
examples. Webassembly runs in the browser, I click on the URL and
application is in the browser, I can run it on my computer. Quick
check shows it is free software. I can move application to my own
server or inspect the source. Four freedoms granted. Then I can run it
any time from any computer, be it my computer or not. Isn't that nice?

The difference is that I run such application by one click, it is
easier than using package manager to download application and then run
the application from personal computer.

> How is this similar to how Javascript / Webassembly works when you
> access a URL in a web browser where it?

It is practically same thing with the difference that Webassembly
application will work on any OS that has browser that supports it. I
do not need to think of dependencies, it just works.

>>There are now many Javascript application such as notes, where all
>>users' data remain in the browser, nothing is stored on the remote
>>server. That is good development.
>> It is not, since such a program could just as well be run locally,
>> without the dependancy on someone else infrastructure.  If that server
>> goes away, you're shit out of luck.
>I am sure you are mistaken there. I said, there are now applications
>(at least I know about them now), that run quite everything on your
>computer, through browser. So there is no server dependency.
> But you wrote "remote server", which is it?  The whole disucssion is
> about _HOW_ technology is used, not _WHAT_ technology is used.

Remote server, yes. Application is loaded from remote server. But it
could be as well on your own computer. You can keep Webassembly
applications on your personal computer. Remote server need not be
third party's server. Important is that application is accessible and
that it can be run.

When I download packages of Parabola GNU/Linux-libre, several mirrors
are used, they are all remote servers, applications are loaded on
computer and I can run it.

Same with Webassembly. Difference is that Webassembly applications are
cross platform.

I don't think that I understood functionality of it wrong. I think you
are pushing in some direction where Webassembly does not belong, in my
opinion you have to study it better to understand what it is.


Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Alfred M. Szmidt
   I have downloaded so much software in last 24 hours as I was
   installing new OS (Parabola), so I have downloaded it from some server
   and I run it.

How is that related the topic of Javascript / Webassembly and porting
the GNU system to it?  How is this similar to how Javascript /
Webassembly works when you access a URL in a web browser where it?

   >There are now many Javascript application such as notes, where all
   >users' data remain in the browser, nothing is stored on the remote
   >server. That is good development.
   > It is not, since such a program could just as well be run locally,
   > without the dependancy on someone else infrastructure.  If that server
   > goes away, you're shit out of luck.

   I am sure you are mistaken there. I said, there are now applications
   (at least I know about them now), that run quite everything on your
   computer, through browser. So there is no server dependency.

But you wrote "remote server", which is it?  The whole disucssion is
about _HOW_ technology is used, not _WHAT_ technology is used.

   That is one good example. You can edit notes and save it, all locally,
   it works offline.

I don't think anyone claimed that one cannot find examples where
something still is ethically sound, running in a web browser, and in
Javascript or some other language.  The issue is that this is not the
intent, or how Javascript / Webassembly is mainly used.  So why bring
up such examples?  It is not the issue here, it is not the issue of
the Javascript trap either.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Alfred M. Szmidt
   2.  Browsers do not offer POSIX API to JS/WebAssembly for very good 

The other issue is that it wouldn't really be an operating system, if
it runs in a web browser.  Which kinda is the whol point of the GNU
project. :-)

   3.  Web apps stored on "the cloud" are bad because they often do not 
   respect the user's freedoms, as even if the software is under Free 
   license terms, technical issues can make running a modified version 
   difficult or impossible.


   Porting to "the Web" is simply not practical or appropriate for most 
   GNU software.  This does not exclude the possibility of writing useful 
   Free software for "the Web" but the GNU project is focused on the GNU 
   operating system.

   The GNU operating system is not supposed to depend on external network 
   resources for routine operation.  I believe that "Who Does That Server 
   Really Serve?" better applies to these issues than "The JavaScript Trap" 
   does:  the former warns against relying on systems outside of the user's 
   control, even if those systems are also running Free software, while the 
   latter applies to a widespread means of "sneaking" non-free software 
   into otherwise-Free environments under the user's proverbial nose.

Very good point, I forgot about that article.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Alfred M. Szmidt
Please use a kinder tone on this list, your language is simply not
acceptable here.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Alfred M. Szmidt
Nobody has argued that there are no other models where
Javascrip/Webassembly could be used in an ethical fashion, but a
discussion that talks about anything, and everything will end up in

The way that Javascript, and Webassembly is intended to be use is the

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jean Louis

>Or collaborative PDF annotation environment:

 This reference below is most probably not free software, I have assumed it to 
be so as I found reference on Github in the collection of various free software 
reference, mistake. I don't recommend this.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jean Louis
* Jacob Bachmeyer  [2021-03-16 10:30]:
>3.  Web apps stored on "the cloud" are bad because they often do not
> respect the user's freedoms, as even if the software is under Free license
> terms, technical issues can make running a modified version difficult or
> impossible.

Just because there is possibility of abuse one shall reject the
technological opportunity?!

Why then reject all software at all, as I could jokingly paraphrase
that as:

--- jokingly paraphrased --
   3.  Programs on the distk are bad because they often do not
respect the user's freedoms, as they are often proprietary, as even
if the software is under Free license terms, lack of user's skills
and technical issues can make running a modified version difficult
or impossible.

GNU/Linux has been abused by people since its inception, it is still
insecure, and we still use it. It is being used worlwide millions or
billions times to subjugate users who run software remotely on
GNU/Linux systems -- all that is not relevant.

Possibility of some abuse or evil conduct is not reason to say not to
create free software on a free software platform (Webassembly).

Is it useful to create software? If yes, why not.

> Therefore:
>Porting to "the Web" is simply not practical or appropriate for most GNU
> software.  This does not exclude the possibility of writing useful Free
> software for "the Web" but the GNU project is focused on the GNU operating
> system.

GNU Operating Systems are various, they may already contain
Webassembly if some of GNU systems include Firefox with it. For
example in Parabola GNU/Linux-libre, the system I use on this computer
there is package "wabt" with description "The WebAssembly Binary
Toolkit is a suite of tools for WebAssembly".

Thus GNU project already delivers tools for further development of
Webassembly. "GNU Operating System" is the one I am running here, and
I can install that package for Webassembly within seconds.

Logic fails there. Or maybe you wanted to define "GNU operating
system" as only those software packages developed by GNU, but not
those software packages delivered with the GNU operating systems like
Parabola in my case? 

Webassembly already has envisioned POSIX API. Please see: where it says: "POSIX
user-space environment, allowing porting of existing POSIX
applications" -- so why not?

Then read: "Developer tooling (editors, compilers, debuggers, …)." --
so that means one can in future, as how it is envisioned, develop new
programs for platforms X by using editors and compilers. For me that
means using GCC and Emacs or similar tools. Existing POSIX
applications will work in Webassembly.

> Therefore:
>Porting to "the Web" is simply not practical or appropriate for most GNU
> software.  This does not exclude the possibility of writing useful Free
> software for "the Web" but the GNU project is focused on the GNU operating
> system.

Things are not practical when they are not implemented and not
integrated. Webassembly makes it practical as it provides
integration. It may not be the best method to run compatible
applications on multiple OS-es. But then who is to make it better?
There were various attempts to have toolkits that work well across
OS-es and they are still there, this attempt with Webassembly makes it
possible. It is of course there because Apple, Google and Microsoft
and Mozilla have envisioned how it will be useful for them, but there
is also the use for free software developers. It is new direction, new
platform, seem to be the most advanced in the under developed 21st
century. I have expected much more of computing in 2021, we are back
in the era of Netscape and Javascript introduction, just on a new

By the way, back in time, I remember that all kinds of plugins were
installable in browsers, so all kinds of programs could run anyway
inside of browsers. I have been running perl remotely executed on my
browser. Here are some traces of that technology: and I remember
using similar technology before 1999.

It is possible to modify browsers to run any kind of code. There is
nothing new to the concept. Webassembly is attempt to make it in a
safe environment. Those large companies are not known to keep the
things safe, I know, but still, that is so far one of advanced cross
platform environments.

Let us develop software for it.

I am sure that my Hyperscope system can be modified to run in any
browser. It will become possible to develop Dynamical Knowledge
Repositories as envisioned by Engelbart and request documents of any
kinds and see/view them without modifying the OS. Open up DJVU
document on any computer, use Emacs from any worldwide Internet cafe
or point, play your favorite game without installing anything on a
host computer.

> The GNU operating system is not supposed to depend on external network
> resources for routine operation.

I agree 

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jean Louis
* aviva  [2021-03-16 05:55]:
> On 3/15/21 6:26 PM, Jean Louis wrote:
> > That is one good example. You can edit notes and save it, all locally,
> > it works offline.
> And why is that good?  Are you lacking a shell?

At certain situations on travel I am lacking a computer and I use
browser to handle emails, notes, planning, documents and to print
it. If Nextcloud is good for that, then why not cloud-less technology?
I could place the final file with modified data any browser or any
computer to work equally. I believe TiddlyWiki could then equally well
run on my Android tablet, Motorola Lineage OS E + LTE, on GNU/Linux
computer and hostile Windoze computers in Internet points in East
Africa. I could print the notes from any computer where I arrive with
certainty they come out same as I expect it, without having my
personal computer with me. Storage could be on one of devices, on the
remote server or USB stick or similar. I would not need to pay for VPS
or dedicated server to run my application as application runs in the
browser and I can move NOTES.html to other devices. That is

Me and you we are on different places on the planet, and have
different education and experiences. For logic to be the same one
would need to start from same set of data. Logic depends on data. With
different data and context, logic is also different.

Sure I use shell and I can use shell to create notes. But assumption
that I should use shell to save notes does not conform majority of
people on this planet. They don't have it.

Would GNU software be the initiator of the WWW and first creator of a
browser, I do not think we would be discussing here how taking notes
in a browser is odd and how one should be using shell. As it is not
so, the set of data is different and logic is different.

Would GNU Emacs be very advanced to support 3D, to have video
capabilities, better image editing capabilities, it would be today
what Webassembly wants to become. By simple click one would invoke
programs and run them quicker and equally well on every operating
system. That is what Emacs wants to become.

Integration is what brings people to use technology. Not the
technology itself. Think of integration on Android, there are
contacts, one can click on phone number and phone call is activated,
or click on email to send email, or click on image to share image with
specific contact by using any kind of communication line. That is one
small example of integration, it helps people to connect and get
things faster.

Downloading software, unpacking it, building it from sources and
installing it is one good example of lack of integration for the end
user (although the underlying integration efforts could be great).

Clicking on software and clicking on it to install and run it is
little better integration. There is no need to think on how to build

In the next step one could just click and run the software. Or not
even click, just stumble upon the website.

Integration is what becomes useful for people.

Webassembly integrates things, it skips the OS problem and provides
equal experience on any OS where the browser can run. I also believe
that it is free software at least in the Firefox version.

Why would not GNU programs run in Webassembly? I see no reason.

GNU Health could then run on various operating systems without
installing it on each single computer, this lessens the cost of
installation in hospitals. Just click on the URL and manage customer's
information. This use case can be completely off the
Internet and can run in local area network.

Sales teams can have their CRM's running straight in browser,
Webassembly offers more than Javascript alone can offer. Click on URL
and manage databases.

Plethora of uses.


Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jean Louis
* shulie  [2021-03-16 11:22]:
> On 3/15/21 6:26 PM, Jean Louis wrote:
> > If I download software into Emacs, I run it in Emacs.
> And you need to be told that emacs is not compatable to web borwser ..
> but if EMACS was, it wouldl download random code from an unknown source
> and run an entire OS in it with full trottle access and network access. 
> And it would be JUST as stupid.

Emacs may not be equivalent to common web browser, but it does have
web browser built-in, eww that works within Emacs. Additionally there
is webkit based browsing within Emacs, depending of configuration at
build time.

To make Emacs run some code based on extension or some embeded script
(beyond Javascript) inside of HTML tag would be relatively easy.

The subject of security for Webassembly is built upon the experiences
with insecurity with browsers over period of time. There are also many
insecurities in operating systems and in just any kind of classes of
software that is out there.

How to Run a More Secure Browser

Further you need not consider your personal, with personal data backed
computer to be the only one to run WebAssembly. I can imagine plethora
of uses of Webassembly. That potentially the vendor/hoster can take
control over software is clear. It is clear that Microsoft, Google,
Apple all want to run Webassembly to gain more customers. That however
opens the door to free software as well, we may as well gain more
aware customers, it is upon developers as social group to build upon
it. Developers will work and create free software for it (it is
inevitable). Question is just how much.

Use cases and usefulness vouch for it. It allows computers to be
cheaper which would run Webassembly. Computers can run it that are
similar to those Chromebooks with low hardware power. It may bring
computing to masses, to developed countries, it may increase
education in the world due to low cost hardware requirements.

The subject of security of Webassembly may be solved by making sure
that browser executing binaries is well sandboxed and that OS is
separate from browser while making sure that software that is run is
free software. I do not know if integrity of the binary may be ensured
with some hash, for example, for user to know that the build is
reproducible and that it was made from free software version ACME

This is 21st century. Software is supposed to run on many operating
systems equally and Webassembly is one solution for it. If you have
something technical to add to security of Webassembly, I am sure that
developers would consider your bug reports.

Use cases:


Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Schanzenbach, Martin

> On 16. Mar 2021, at 06:07, Jacob Bachmeyer  wrote:
> Colby Russell wrote:
>> On 3/15/21 9:02 PM, Jacob Bachmeyer wrote:
> [...]
>> > One of the rationales presented to me (off-list) for this was that a
>> > WebAssembly port of GNU could be run as a web app and therefore be
>> > "always up-to-date"
>> Despite quoting the salient parts from The JavaScript Trap, you have
>> regressed to committing the same error of critiquing the computing model
>> of traditional web apps, which is, once again, totally irrelevant. It
>> is neither here nor there.  Here you do it again:
>> > Web apps stored on "the cloud" are bad [...] Porting to "the Web" is
>> > simply not practical or appropriate
>> Please, please stop using this kind of sleight of hand to redirect the
>> context to web apps and "the cloud".  "The cloud" and "the Web" are
>> _simply_not_relevant_ to the computing model described above, which
>> treats the browser as a runtime which can be targeted during compilation
>> and which you happen to get "for free" on upwards of 90% of personal
>> computing devices, *NOT* as a thin client that you all keep insisting
>> on.
> The original poster who started this discussion (and does not seem to have 
> actually replied to the list even once afterwards...) directly told me (and 
> possibly others) off-list that avoiding package management tasks (which "the 
> cloud" is well-known to promise to "magically" handle for you) was one of his 
> goals.
>>  It's as if there's a short-circuit in at least half of respondents'
>> brains that prevents them from engaging in any way without at some point
>> insisting that this *MUST* involve cloud architecture and SaaS-like web
>> apps being the central focus.  It is _absurd_ that it takes this much
>> energy to continually refute this over and over.  Ideally, it shouldn't
>> have to occur even a single time, but failing that, once should suffice.
>> At this point, I have to wonder how many times this has to be pointed
>> out?  Is there any number which would be sufficient?
> We are in violent agreement here, but the original poster clarified 
> (off-list) that SaaS-like services were exactly what he wanted.
> I am beginning to suspect that we have all been trolled, especially since 
> giving those extra details to only some participants would be likely to cause 
> violent discussion between those (including me) who were told (off-list) what 
> the original poster was actually requesting and those (presumably including 
> you) who are still thinking of the general case, where Free software *can* be 
> packaged using the "Web platform" as a portable runtime.  Mozilla's XULRunner 
> was a closely-related example, and I believe that there are similar current 
> "Web app on local storage as desktop app" runtimes currently maintained.
> If this was a troll, it has been quite successful -- just look at all the 
> vitriol and hot air in this thread.  We all seem to have been had.

Obviously the OP was a tongue-in-cheek kind of question. But this should not 
prevent us from
lucidly reflecting on the topic and find truth in the joke; to then find common 
However, from my (brief) experience here in this ML, this discussion is a 
It is not even a discussion. Some replies here a display of ignorance combined 
with superstition and outright
No effort is made to understand the issue and preconceived talking points are 
thrown out seemingly at random.
A magnificent display of what goes wrong when you religiously believe and are 
unable to actually apply your
values to developments in the world.
Which is why I stopped replying. It was a disappointing experience and I see no 
basis for discourse.

> On a side note, at what point does it become appropriate to forward replies 
> received off-list to the list when bad faith is suspected?
> -- Jacob

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread aviva
On 3/16/21 1:07 AM, Jacob Bachmeyer wrote:
> I am beginning to suspect that we have all been trolled

yah think?

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/15/21 4:26 PM, Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:
>  square Richard's call to action
>to replace non-free JS with free JS

BTW - in this case, Richard is talking about the little snippet garbage
that people use as large scale widgets for web bowsers.  THOSE things,
since you are running javascript anyway, can be freed build kits rather
than using unfree ones owned by google.  But they both suck because in
both cases, the user has no control.  And it doesn't sidestep the other
aspect of this he discusses, which is software as a service, which is
what ALL of this is and he wanted to ditch it in GPL3

Javascript is just a form of Software as a Service, instead of on a
remote server, you LET THEM take over your computer.  It is stupid.  It
is dangerous.  It strips the user of all computer ownership.   NO NO NO

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/15/21 6:26 PM, Jean Louis wrote:
> If I download software into Emacs, I run it in Emacs.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/15/21 4:26 PM, Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:
> Javascript isn't bad,

Yes - it is pretty bad which is why we need to do this WHOLE end run
around it to protect ourselves.  Turning the browser into apware,
frankly sucks,   It is used for tracking, fingerprinting, stealing, and
abusing users and there is no need for it at all.

Taking it OUT of the browser, I couldn't care less about it other than
it is a cluster of bad programming paradigns and produces vomit like
code that is impossible to maintain.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/14/21 11:04 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
> Since you insist on misinterpreting, let me clarify.

I am not misinterpreting anything. You do not install anything in a
browser that can run an OS.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/15/21 11:30 PM, Colby Russell wrote:
> It's as if there's a short-circuit in at least half of respondents'
> brains that prevents them from engaging in any way without at some point
> insisting that this *MUST* involve cloud architecture and SaaS-like web
> apps being the central focus.

Because YOUR browser doesn't get information from random physical
locations on the internet... you have a SPECIAL browser

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/15/21 6:26 PM, Jean Louis wrote:
> If I download software into Emacs, I run it in Emacs.

And you need to be told that emacs is not compatable to web borwser ..
but if EMACS was, it wouldl download random code from an unknown source
and run an entire OS in it with full trottle access and network access. 
And it would be JUST as stupid.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/15/21 6:15 AM, Jean Louis wrote:
> If not, let us not work with hypothetical illusions.

Software running in your broswer to take over your computer and creating
a security whole is NOT hypothetical, although it WAS when RMS first
addressed it.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/14/21 6:18 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
> The GNU project should promote Free Software in all the ways that the
> user can benefit from those freedoms,

Correct and that is why this is disqualified out of the gate.  This is
broken by design you know like APSX and Outlook and even Java.  The
nifty arm chair analysis of what it MIGHT do is irrelevant.  What it
does is strip the user of control of there own computer and enslave them
to someone elses manipulations without limit.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/14/21 11:04 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
> "technology is designed to be something".

Something in this case is software designed to enslave the user and
allow for hackers to take over your computer.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/14/21 11:08 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
> GCC has been used to write software that hacks into other people's

We are nt talking about GCC... We are talking about running a complete
OS in the broswer after loading it from an unsafe source.  NO NO NO. 
You DO understand that Browsers were created to allow for ANONYMOUS AND
SECURE information transport from one secure system to another.  It is
not supposed to be a security hole to run an entire OS our of.  We have
something to do that... X11

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/14/21 11:10 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
> It can and it does, and I showed you 

No sooner than we finally ditch flash and  javabeans and the same bad
idea lifts its ugly head AGAIN. 

It is a no.  Someone will likely seriously die because of this being
implimented.  Stuffing a VM and an OS in a broswer is bad.  It has
always been bad and it is still bad.

You already have a network ready OS - you don't NEED to stuff binaries
and running code into the browser.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/14/21 6:18 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
> This is a value judgement on the developer writing the software, not the
> technology of the software itself. 

No.  That value was made when they created the software.  It is the
intention of the software itself.  There is nothing nuetral about it. 
It is designed the screw the end user.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/15/21 6:08 AM, Jean Louis wrote:
> Question of losing control over software that runs on computer must
> involve the question "Is the software proprietary?" 

No.  Richard had been working on this since the new GPL and this issue
isn't is it proprietary.  The issue is software as a service that does
an end run around the entire licensing issue because new gives you the
software.  It just takes over your computer.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/14/21 11:05 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
> How so?

because you are loading unknow code from a proven hostile source and it
is running and entire OS ... in your browser.  We are talking a security
breach that makes outlook look like trusted entity.

Come now.  We are adults.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/15/21 11:30 PM, Colby Russell wrote:
> Of course not, and it doesn't matter; it wouldn't make sense to expect
> it to use those APIs even if they were available.  That would entail
> reliance on the local machine's resident system to perform essential
> services e.g. to manage the user's files and the files used by the
> system itself.

rite - files are magic things that exist in the alternate universe

quack quack?

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/14/21 7:57 AM, Schanzenbach, Martin wrote:
> No, it was not:
> "
> ince WebAssembly is now a reality, maybe you guys should get to making the 
> browser versions of LL your software?
> "

webassembly needs to be removed from any browser.  It is a security hole
if you can an OS in it without local supervision.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/14/21 8:36 AM, Schanzenbach, Martin wrote:
> But I think it is important to look at such technology without prejudice.

No, you need to have servere prejudice.  It is a bad idea from the
ground up, and it is not even an original idea.  And can there be a
WORST programming language than javascript?

No - we do not promote the intentional building of back doors in our
computers and do so without prejudice.  We are extremely prejudice.  I
would rather be dead than run something like that.  It is time to rip
javascript completely out of the browser.  It provides NOTHING but
security nightmares and user tracking.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread shulie
On 3/14/21 7:57 AM, Schanzenbach, Martin wrote:
> This issue is completely unrelated to the technology.

It is EXACTLY what the technology is designed to do, so by all means,
believe otherwise.

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jacob Bachmeyer

DJ Delorie wrote:

You are arguing that we should take away a technology from the user,
because some people use that technology in ways you disagree with.
However, other people use that same technology in other ways.  It is not
the technology that is evil, it's how it's used that may be evil.

OK, so what is a "not evil" use for Digital Restrictions Management?

-- Jacob

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jacob Bachmeyer

Colby Russell wrote:

Consider this passage from The JavaScript Trap:

If the program is self-contained [...] you can copy it to a file on
your machine, modify it, and visit that file with a browser to run
it.  But that is an unusual case.

In particular, consider the irony of it, in light of the way this
discussion has gone.  In this discussion, it has been you all who would
bear responsibility for this case remaining "unusual": by continually
invoking the web app canard and responding to imagined caricatures of
the arguments being sent your way, rather than the actual arguments

The original message that started this discussion was a request to port 
all GNU packages to WebAssembly targets.

As I understand, that is not currently technically feasible because 
WebAssembly does not offer the APIs that most GNU packages use.  I 
further suggest that making it feasible would be a bad idea because that 
would effectively remove the browser sandbox.

One of the rationales presented to me (off-list) for this was that a 
WebAssembly port of GNU could be run as a web app and therefore be 
"always up-to-date" and I answered that removing the option to continue 
using an old (possibly customized) version from the user, as that would 
do, is wrong.

In short:
   1.  Most GNU packages are written to POSIX API, possibly with GNU 
   2.  Browsers do not offer POSIX API to JS/WebAssembly for very good 
   3.  Web apps stored on "the cloud" are bad because they often do not 
respect the user's freedoms, as even if the software is under Free 
license terms, technical issues can make running a modified version 
difficult or impossible.

   Porting to "the Web" is simply not practical or appropriate for most 
GNU software.  This does not exclude the possibility of writing useful 
Free software for "the Web" but the GNU project is focused on the GNU 
operating system.

The GNU operating system is not supposed to depend on external network 
resources for routine operation.  I believe that "Who Does That Server 
Really Serve?" better applies to these issues than "The JavaScript Trap" 
does:  the former warns against relying on systems outside of the user's 
control, even if those systems are also running Free software, while the 
latter applies to a widespread means of "sneaking" non-free software 
into otherwise-Free environments under the user's proverbial nose.

-- Jacob

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jacob Bachmeyer

Colby Russell wrote:

On 3/15/21 9:02 PM, Jacob Bachmeyer wrote:


> One of the rationales presented to me (off-list) for this was that a
> WebAssembly port of GNU could be run as a web app and therefore be
> "always up-to-date"

Despite quoting the salient parts from The JavaScript Trap, you have
regressed to committing the same error of critiquing the computing model
of traditional web apps, which is, once again, totally irrelevant. It
is neither here nor there.  Here you do it again:

> Web apps stored on "the cloud" are bad [...] Porting to "the Web" is
> simply not practical or appropriate

Please, please stop using this kind of sleight of hand to redirect the
context to web apps and "the cloud".  "The cloud" and "the Web" are
_simply_not_relevant_ to the computing model described above, which
treats the browser as a runtime which can be targeted during compilation
and which you happen to get "for free" on upwards of 90% of personal
computing devices, *NOT* as a thin client that you all keep insisting

The original poster who started this discussion (and does not seem to 
have actually replied to the list even once afterwards...) directly told 
me (and possibly others) off-list that avoiding package management tasks 
(which "the cloud" is well-known to promise to "magically" handle for 
you) was one of his goals.

  It's as if there's a short-circuit in at least half of respondents'
brains that prevents them from engaging in any way without at some point
insisting that this *MUST* involve cloud architecture and SaaS-like web
apps being the central focus.  It is _absurd_ that it takes this much
energy to continually refute this over and over.  Ideally, it shouldn't
have to occur even a single time, but failing that, once should suffice.
At this point, I have to wonder how many times this has to be pointed
out?  Is there any number which would be sufficient?

We are in violent agreement here, but the original poster clarified 
(off-list) that SaaS-like services were exactly what he wanted.

I am beginning to suspect that we have all been trolled, especially 
since giving those extra details to only some participants would be 
likely to cause violent discussion between those (including me) who were 
told (off-list) what the original poster was actually requesting and 
those (presumably including you) who are still thinking of the general 
case, where Free software *can* be packaged using the "Web platform" as 
a portable runtime.  Mozilla's XULRunner was a closely-related example, 
and I believe that there are similar current "Web app on local storage 
as desktop app" runtimes currently maintained.

If this was a troll, it has been quite successful -- just look at all 
the vitriol and hot air in this thread.  We all seem to have been had.

On a side note, at what point does it become appropriate to forward 
replies received off-list to the list when bad faith is suspected?

-- Jacob

Re: Web versions

2021-03-16 Thread Jacob Bachmeyer

Jean Louis wrote:


Question is rather if software is free or if one need proprietary programs
to run it in WebAssembly.

If there is nothing proprietary, we shall encourage creation of software
as WebAssembly is there because some people find it useful, we encourage
creation of free software.

The original message that prompted this discussion was a request to port 
all existing GNU packages to a WebAssembly target.

As I understand, such ports would not be possible for many GNU utilities 
because they rely on facilities that are not available in browsers for 
good reason.  Making those APIs available in browsers would be a bad 
idea because it would effectively eliminate the browser sandbox, 
allowing common Web malware free reign on most user's systems.

-- Jacob