Re: OpenPGP key verification + legal framework

2018-11-05 Thread NdK
On 05/11/18 17:56, Viktor wrote:

> If my counterparty had signed some contract or document, he/she should
> not be able to delete his/her public key certificate and data used for
> its verification.
IMVHO You're just (badly) reinventing X509.

> This is exactly the part that is difficult to ensure, especially given
> the new European legislation (GDPR). We needed to develop a
> justification for this. We had registered by U.K. Information
> Commissioner's Office ( , hired certified Data
> Protection Officer etc.
Then, again IMVHO, you should have registered in a country that's
supposed to *remain* in the EU...

> For now we have connected notaries only in Tel Aviv and Kyiv.
CACert does have quite a lot of notaries, but they're still not enough
for an average user: I made a 600km trip just to meet one. It's simply
not good at the economic level: I can buy a smartcard with an already
legally recognized and binding signature for 3y at 50€ (IIRC).
Moreover, if you just verify the mail address you're not identifying the
user, just "someone that currently controls that address". The same can
of worms faced by LetsEncrypt with DV certs.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Hard to find alternate source of checksums

2018-06-17 Thread NdK
Il 16/06/2018 19:48, Jeff Martin ha scritto:

> I'm not on Linux. I'm on macOS, which does not come with any built-in
> GPG. I must build GPG from source files. The only way to verify the
> source files in this situation (I think) is by checksum.
You can just fire up a VM booting with an "old enough" distro that you
can assume has not been tampered with. Maybe one from an old CD.
Once you've bootstrapped the system, it all becomes easy :)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Hard to find alternate source of checksums

2018-06-11 Thread NdK
Il 09/06/2018 19:08, Jeff Martin ha scritto:
> For a fresh install of GnuPG, I was following the integrity check
> directions. I have no prior version for GnuPG.
Why not fetch some (unrelated) live distributions, possibly some older
ones and some newer ones?

GPG is usually included and you can use it to check the signatures.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: [NIIBE Yutaka] STM32F103 flash ROM read-out service

2018-06-07 Thread NdK
Il 07/06/2018 02:01, Leo Gaspard via Gnupg-users ha scritto:

>> The only secure (even against decapping attacks) device I know of is a
>> very old parallel-port "key" a friend described me ~25y ago.
>> It was made of 3 silicon layers: the outer ones only contained interface
>> circuits and 'randomness' while the keys and the logic were in the
>> central layer. Trying to remove the outer layers destroyed the random
>> patterns that were used as 'internal master key', rendering the rest
>> completely useless.
> Some people do reverse-engineering based on photons emitted by
> transistors switching. These would get through this shielding.
> Unfortunately, I can't find again the link to the conference talk where
> I heard people explaining they did that… sorry.
I think I've seen it. But IIRC it does not work with such a big slice
(whole depth of the silicon slice, ~200micron IIRC).
But now that you made me think about it, I remember I've seen another
article where the attack was carried out from "behind" the chip.

> Another kind of attack would be EM pulses / lasers for error-ing a
> crypto computation, that would get through this shielding too.
Fault-injection. But for cheap chips it's probably way easier to "just"
use FIB (or a laser) to change the state of the protection fluses
(usually just normal flash cells) then read the whole contents.

> There are defenses against these attacks (well, for the
> transistors-emitting-photons attack I'm not really sure), that are
> deployed in secure elements. Attacks like this are tested by CC/EAL
> evaluation laboratories.
Hope so :)
But I stay cautious when trusting certification. See the ROCA
vulnerability in Infineon "secure" (smartcard) chips.

> All that to say: hardware security, to me, is a way to increase the cost
> of the attacker to perform an attack. All devices are eventually
> vulnerable, given the right price, the point is to make attack more
> costly than the benefit from breaking the card and/or than finding a way
> around the card. (I'm not going to extend this point to software
> security, but I'd think it most likely holds there too)
Then, instead of "this chip is secure" they should just say "this chip
can be cracked spending X in equipement (una tantum) and Y for every
chip"... Marketing would never allow that :)

> Oh, and also to say: choosing between a non-secure-element open-source
> token and a secure-element NDA-ed-and-thus-non-open-source token is not
> an obvious choice.
As always it depends on the attack scenario.
GnuK IIUC targets all those users who think a targeted attack is quite
improbable or that rubber-hose cryptanalysis is end of game.
If I know that extracting my key from the token costs $500, then I can
choose what to do. But with a non-secure and open chip it's easier to
estimate that cost (being easier and cheaper, it's more probable it gets
used in universities by security students for their first attacks,
usually the most fantasious ones). Quite surely it will be lower than
the cost of attacking a secure chip, but probably by not that much.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: A Solution for Sending Messages Safely from EFAIL-safe Senders to EFAIL-unsafe Receivers

2018-05-23 Thread NdK
Il 23/05/2018 04:35, Craig P Hicks ha scritto:

> When decrypted by the user in its raw form the total message will be
> human readable but a little ugly because it contains the obfuscation
> string *o*, but it will be safe from EFAIL.
While that could be OK for human-readable files, it silently alters
every other content.
Say *m* is a binary file (say a tar.gz)  that needs automatic processing
and voilà -- you broke a perfectly good use case.
Say *m* is not decrypted "immediately" but archived for later use
together with other (pre-patch) files. That corruption could go
unnoticed for a very long time, and when it gets noticed it could have
damaged a lot of archived files...
IMVHO that's really bad. And all that just because a bug isn't fixed
where it belongs?
A security-conscious user must upgrade the programs he uses anyway. So
why apply dirty workarounds?
Efail is not a GPG bug, so why should it be fixed in GPG? Sure, GPG can
be more picky and throw an error instead of a warning, but please do not
corrupt files that will be around much longer than any buggy mail client!


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: AW: AW: AW: Users GnuPG aims for? (Re: Breaking MIME concatenation)

2018-05-18 Thread NdK
Il 18/05/2018 07:31, Fiedler Roman ha scritto:

> I thought about that also, but shouldn't 99%+ of systems perform no pinning 
> whatsoever of packages to repositories? In that case, the "wrong" repository 
> could publish just a slightly increased package version number of a package 
> from another repository. Unattended updates will apply it anyway and also for 
> users it would be hard noticing it: at least my "apt-get" version does not 
> show any information about the repository a package would be downloaded from 
> before confirming the installation. Thus the user would have to check each 
> single package manually by invoking "apt-cache policy [pkg-name]" or use 
> "apt-get download [packagelist]", check the logs and install packages with 
> "dpkg".
Well, assume that who can publish to a repo you trust *is root* on your
machine. Even if you could pin the package, what prevents him from
adding a suid exe ?

> Unless my system is misconfigured or other assumptions do not hold true, that 
> would imply, that the only security benefit from key pinning is only about 
> maintenance, making detection/pruning of stale keys easier.
That's exactly what ther're for.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: OpenPGP card && exporting secret keys

2018-02-06 Thread NdK
Il 06/02/2018 06:47, Matthias Apitz ha scritto:

> Is there any way to export the secret keys from the OpenPGP card to use
> them directly (with a passphrase) and without the OpenPGP card?
Not possible by design.

What you can do is generate the key on the machine, then copy (not move)
it to the card. But if you already generated it on-card you're toast.
A possible workaround could be encrypting the password store to multiple
"recipients" instead on only one (the GPGcard). Those multiple recipents
can be everything you want: GPGcards, keys on disk, other people...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: 1024 key with large sub key

2017-10-03 Thread NdK
Il 03/10/2017 12:40, Werner Koch ha scritto:

> scrutinized the Intel ME, fixed all bugs in gpg, live in tempest
At least they should have shared the bugfixes! :)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: [Feature Request] Multiple level subkey

2017-09-12 Thread NdK
Il 12/09/2017 19:39, lesto fante ha scritto:

> i think my user-case if one of the most common, especially if we want
> to create something like a state-provided identity (on you
> smartacard-document), that want want to make easily usable on everyday
> services (remeber, all services is really "pointing" to the master
> identity, so any subkey can be reissued without having to re-register
> in the system.
Such a thing already exists, at least here in Italy: CIE/CNS. X509-based
certs. It's got its own set of weaknesses, but since you're thinking
about a trusted third party (the State), X509 is a better fit. Possibly
extended by another applet that handles service-tokens (actually wrapped
private keys + metadata). Anyway that's something that IMVHO does not
fit well with GPG.

Just my €.02 ...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: A Quick Supplement

2017-07-18 Thread NdK
Il 18/07/2017 14:23, Daniel Villarreal ha scritto:

> Have you ever asked Werner about what he thinks about "ease" of
> backing up?"
Security = confidentiality + integrity + availability

If you're not considering availability, you only can have partial security.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing PINs of German bank card

2017-07-12 Thread NdK
Il 12/07/2017 12:01, Binarus ha scritto:

> Not sure about that. Similar to serious websites which don't store your
> password in clear text, but do store the password's hash instead, I
> would expect that banks don't store your PIN in clear text as well.
Even with 6-digits PIN it would take *seconds* to an attacker to brute
force hashed PINs once he gets the hashed database. Salted hashes would
multiply the needed time by the number of PINs (approx).
So keeping such a database would be a really stupid thing to do --
unless it's kept in a HSM.

Passwords have way larger key space (from 10^N for N digits of the PIN
to 64^N or more for the passwords -- considering uppercase, lowercase,
digits and symbols), hence salted hashes are quite secure.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing PINs of German bank card

2017-07-11 Thread NdK
Il 11/07/2017 12:32, Binarus ha scritto:

>> If you routinely use your card twice a day, they can make two or four
>> guesses each day: every correct PIN you insert resets the counter.
> I am not completely sure if I got you right. Wouldn't that mean that I
> have to lose my card, the bad person then makes two guesses, then I get
> back my card and enter my correct pin, then I lose my card again, and
> the same bad person finds it again and makes another two guesses, then I
> get my card back again and so on?
Say that's your wife/son that takes the card when you're at home...
Low prob, but possible :)

>> Usually there are other, non-technical ways. For example they just go to
>> the bank with a death certificate.
> I already have seen cases where it was not that easy in Germany.
> Usually, presenting a death certificate to the bank is not enough. I
> have seen that the bank had to make sure that the people presenting the
> death certificate actually were the legal heirs. That meant that those
> people had to acquire all sorts of documents from all sorts of
> authorities which has been very expensive (several hundreds of EUR), but
> more important, was very unpleasant and time consuming, especially in
> the situation they were.
Been there...
Another reason to give the password before going with the documents
might be "a bit" illegal: just transfer the money to avoid paying taxes.

> But now, being a German citizen, try the same thing with eBay, Facebook,
> LinkedIn, PayPal and so on ... no thanks.
Why should heirs have access to social accounts? Paypal, otoh, is a bank
that have to follow the same rules of other banks...

> Nice ideas :-) My own security needs are not that high, though (hoping
> that life won't punish me for that optimism).
My concern with a singl "cleartext" pass would be a burglar that steals
it together with other valuables...

> To add to it, if you mistrust your relatives, you could put the password
> on paper into some sort of lock box and carry the key to that lock box
> with you. But then what would happen if you lost that key?
Given that mechanical keys are often easier to open whithout the key
than with it...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Changing PINs of German bank card

2017-07-11 Thread NdK
Il 11/07/2017 09:44, Binarus ha scritto:

> - If somebody tries to brute force the pin (or online banking password),
> the access will be permanently denied if there are more than 3 failures
> (the exact number may vary). That means that the length of the pin /
> password is not as important as one might think, because it is
> practically impossible to brute force a 4 digit pin with only 3 tries.
If you routinely use your card twice a day, they can make two or four
guesses each day: every correct PIN you insert resets the counter.
The probability to guess the correct code during the 5-years life of the
card is definitely non-negligible.

> And there is one more very important thing most people don't think of:
> What happens if you have an accident or if you die? Your heirs will have
> all sorts of troubles if something happens to you and they can't access
> your electronic accounts because they don't have the passwords.
Usually there are other, non-technical ways. For example they just go to
the bank with a death certificate.

> So I tend to write down at least my master password on a sheet of paper,
> put that in a sealed envelope and give it to a relative who I highly
> trust. In case I die, they open the envelope, have the master password
> for my password safe and can use that to open the access to all my
> accounts. Alternatively, you could have some relative you trust memorize
> your master password. But since he won't use it regularly (hopefully),
> he probably will forget it after short time ...
Better use shamir's secret sharing, or just use LCD-segments characters
printed on two acetate sheets that need to be combined to be read.
Obviously the two sheets are to be given to two different people, in
sealed envelopes...

BTW the method you use is the same that was used for our mainframe's
master password. :)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How to use a PKCS#15 with GnuPG?

2017-06-17 Thread NdK
Il 17/06/2017 10:35, Werner Koch ha scritto:

> gpg expects an OpenPGP card.  For pkcs#15 you need to use gpgsm.  As a
> starter do
>  gpgsm --learn-card
> which imports the certificates from such cards.  There is no --card-edit
> etc, because in general PKCS#15 cards are distributed personalized.
> Having done --learn-card once you can use the keys from the card for
> X.509 or CMS (aks S/MIME) stuff.
Then I don't understand the reason for gpgsm (the "niche" it fills)...
opensc already supports many cards, and can even edit some. And (via
PKCS#11) Firefox and Thunderbird (and many other programs, but only one
at a time) can use the cards for auth (and signing).

> But note, that PKCS#15 does not specifiy everything and card vendors
> oftne implement proprietary extensions/modifications.
As usual. But even openpgp RFCs are often implemented with proprietary

> See gnupg/scd/app-p15.c for some hints.
I'll have a look.


Gnupg-users mailing list

How to use a PKCS#15 with GnuPG?

2017-06-15 Thread NdK
Hello all.

I'm trying to use an ePass2003 token (and possibly some Aventra MyID
cards) to have my keys around when I need 'em (especially for
authentication and signing). Both ePass2003 and MyID implement PKCS#15,
so IIUC they should be usable.
Too bad I can't find the needed infos...

I generated some test keys on the token (ssh one is imported, for
another test):
$ pkcs15-tool -D
Using reader with a card: Feitian ePass2003 00 00
PKCS#15 Card [NdK-test]:
Version: 0
Serial number  : 0843420916091101
Manufacturer ID: EnterSafe
Last update: 20170615092227Z
Flags  : EID compliant

PIN [User PIN]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
ID : 01
Flags  : [0x32], local, initialized, needs-padding
Length : min_len:4, max_len:16, stored_len:16
Pad char   : 0x00
Reference  : 1 (0x01)
Type   : ascii-numeric
Path   : 3f005015

Private RSA Key [SSH key]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
Usage  : [0x4], sign
Access Flags   : [0xD], sensitive, alwaysSensitive, neverExtract
ModLength  : 1024
Key ref: 0 (0x0)
Native : yes
Path   : 3f0050152900
Auth ID: 01
ID : f3dcf75d07c02fd15ae7b7a335f84d46eda6049d
MD:guid: {323ba8f2-2b93-1900-fa3b-e1b4d2024011}
  :cmap flags  : 0x0
  :sign: 0
  :key-exchange: 0

Private RSA Key [Signature key]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
Usage  : [0xC], sign, signRecover
Access Flags   : [0x1D], sensitive, alwaysSensitive, neverExtract, local
ModLength  : 2048
Key ref: 1 (0x1)
Native : yes
Path   : 3f0050152901
Auth ID: 01
ID : 9e67a012e0e45f3ae9b1398b912bbf2ba1aef2d4
MD:guid: {6c1033ed-c1df-5baa-4e87-5be41c0a8b03}
  :cmap flags  : 0x0
  :sign: 0
  :key-exchange: 0

Private RSA Key [Decryption key]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
Usage  : [0x22], decrypt, unwrap
Access Flags   : [0x1D], sensitive, alwaysSensitive, neverExtract, local
ModLength  : 2048
Key ref: 2 (0x2)
Native : yes
Path   : 3f0050152902
Auth ID: 01
ID : 7db41d5b2c07355dd361e0bffd543c0cfc51953b
MD:guid: {08884d6f-15a7-1ade-7183-04d4a4e6bc6f}
  :cmap flags  : 0x0
  :sign: 0
  :key-exchange: 0

Public RSA Key [SSH key]
Object Flags   : [0x2], modifiable
Usage  : [0x40], verify
Access Flags   : [0x0]
ModLength  : 1024
Key ref: 0 (0x0)
Native : no
Path   : 3f0050153000
ID : f3dcf75d07c02fd15ae7b7a335f84d46eda6049d

Public RSA Key [Signature key]
Object Flags   : [0x2], modifiable
Usage  : [0xC0], verify, verifyRecover
Access Flags   : [0x0]
ModLength  : 2048
Key ref: 0 (0x0)
Native : no
Path   : 3f0050153001
ID : 9e67a012e0e45f3ae9b1398b912bbf2ba1aef2d4

Public RSA Key [Decryption key]
Object Flags   : [0x2], modifiable
Usage  : [0x11], encrypt, wrap
Access Flags   : [0x0]
ModLength  : 2048
Key ref: 0 (0x0)
Native : no
Path   : 3f0050153002
ID : 7db41d5b2c07355dd361e0bffd543c0cfc51953b

$ gpg2 --version
gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.11
libgcrypt 1.6.5
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Home: ~/.gnupg
Supported algorithms:
Hash: SHA1, RIPEMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224
Compression: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB, BZIP2

$ gpg2 --card-edit

gpg: OpenPGP card not available: Not supported


Well, actually it's not completely unexpected, but then I don't
understand why scdaemon is now locking my token, if it doesn't know how
to handle it:
$ pkcs15-tool -D
Using reader with a card: Feitian ePass2003 00 00
Failed to connect to card: Reader in use by another application

What am I missing?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Key management for archives

2017-06-09 Thread NdK
Il 09/06/2017 08:24, Werner Koch ha scritto:

>  ( gpg --status-fd 1 --show-session-key --max-output 1 \
>   -o /dev/null 2>/dev/null FILE || true ) \
>| awk '$1=="[GNUPG:]" && $2=="SESSION_KEY" {print $3}'
> The output can then be used with --override-session-key
Tks! That's exactly what I was looking for.

I'll probably put that in a script that immediately re-encrypts the
session key with the public key of the newly authorized user.
Then he'll decode the session key and use it to decrypt the archive.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Key management for archives

2017-06-06 Thread NdK
Il 06/06/2017 22:40, Konstantin Gribov ha scritto:

> In first scheme DEK is never stored in plain text. It used while
> encrypting archive and encrypted with gpg (or any other cryptographic
> means) and plain text version is removed right after that.
There's a big misunderstanding here: the encryption must be automatic,
not done by an user. So, IIUC, the scheme you're suggesting given this
limitation is what GPG already does when encrypting to a recipient's pk:
generate a symmetric key, use it to encrypt the file, encrypt that key
with recipient's pk. And it (hopefully) does every step in the safest
possible way -- surely much safer than anything I could do from a script.
What I'd need is some way to "extract" that temporary key (using the
recipient's secret key, obv) and then immediately reencrypt it with
another recipient's pk. Or (that's equivalent) add another recipient to
the already encrypted file, w/o reencrypting the whole file.

> Then you can reecrypt archive on one of the servers with new DEK
> dedicated for that user. Or just let it be so. If user gained an access
> to archive he could always decrypt same archive again. 
As I said, that's not a problem: once he's had access to a file, that's
"forever" (I cannot avoid he saves the file in plaintext). But he must
not be able to decrypt other files from the archive.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Key management for archives

2017-06-06 Thread NdK
Il 06/06/2017 20:13, Konstantin Gribov ha scritto:

> I can think of more simpler approach:
> - generate secure random for symmetrical data encryption key (DEK);
> - encrypt that key for authorized users on their public keys;
> - encrypt data itself with something like ChaCha20 or AES in appropriate
> mode.
Problem: the symmetric key (DEK) must remain in plaintext on the server.
It's a relatively secure setup, but I prefer *not* to risk. Even if that
means a slightly more involved process. If the server gets compromised,
the attacker can only access new datasets, at most, not the historic
Moreover, with your proposal, once I give an user access to one file,
he'll be able to decrypt *any* other file too.
If I keep track of who can access every dataset and some day I find some
datasets are being used "illegally", I can restrict the suspects.

> Of course, such way doesn't allow you to revoke access to DEK since each
> user could just decrypt his own copy. 
Since encrypting to a public key generates a random session key, the
session key gives access only to that single file. Obviously that access
can not be easily revoked (the user could have saved a plaintext copy
anyway, so that's not a big issue).

> A bit more complicated approach is to use two level system:
> - generate data encryption key (DEK);
> - generate key encryption key (KEK) for each authorized user;
> - encrypt each user's KEK on each user's public key;
> - create a table (tsv/csv or any other format) with some user id and DEK
> encrypted with corresponding KEK and store it with data;
> - encrypt data with DEK.
That's the same of encrypting the DEK with multiple public keys.
The problem is that I don't know in advance the users that will need access.
IIRC there was some method to retrieve the session key and replace the
public key part with another recipient...

> Both methods are naive and gives end user DEK, so it's better to
> reencrypt archive after that to rotate DEK.
That would be a big problem: archives must remain static (to avoid
troubles with offsite replication).

> Also, a lot depends on your threat model. Since I don't know what risks
> are you planning to avoid with original scheme I just assumed that
> primary risk is 3rdparty archive storage compromise.
Well, I handle the storage (currently 100TB, going to grow to 150TB
soon). I want to avoid that an attacker could gain access to the whole
archive if he succeeds in compromising the server. Clients are out of my
perimeter (= not my problem).


Gnupg-users mailing list

Key management for archives

2017-06-06 Thread NdK
Hello all.

I'd need to handle an archive with many big files (~200GB each). The
system receives "plain" files in a "dropbox" folder, then encrypts 'em
to a (set of) public key(s) (no corresponding private keys on this
system) and deletes source files.
Up to this point it should be OK (a cronnable script with a lot of
checks is mostly ready).

But my big doubt is how to handle archive reading in an efficient way.
The naive way would be to let an authorized user decode the file and
reencode it for the requester, but that would mean that this authorized
user should have quite a lot of space available (twice the dataset size,
at least).
Is it possible to "extract" the used session key, so that the requester
just ignores the asymmetric crypto and just uses the symmetric key to
decode the file? Drawbacks? Other ideas?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Documentation about --list-secret-keys output

2017-04-07 Thread NdK
Il 07/04/2017 11:51, mogliii ha scritto:
> +offline (for example, a primary key can be taken offline by exported
Shouldn't it be "exporting" instead of "exported"?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How U2F works

2017-03-06 Thread NdK
Il 06/03/2017 16:10, Werner Koch ha scritto:

> An old argument against user certificates was the need to purchase a
> device or a certificates.  Now U2F requires that you purchase a device
> anyway, thus this would void that argument.
IIRC one of the selling points of U2F is that it should have been
"anonymous": an attacker that compromises multiple servers shouldn't be
able to determine if two users (on the two servers) are actually the
same person (or even if two users of the same site share a single token).

The only link would be the attestation certificate, but that should only
be checked during enrollment and not stored anywhere (once the user is
enrolled, the attestation cert is useless since only the site-specific
pubkey is needed).

With X509 (or GPG) certs the user's identity gets linked, for the joy of
nosy orgs.

@NIIBE : the sites don't send "proprietary JS" to the browser to access
the token (needed code is public) but the browser must support U2F API.
That's native in Chrome, but Firefox requires a plugin (and I don't know
what's the status of other browsers).

PS: it's not clear what happens when the attestation cert expires: does
the token become useless for enrollment?

PPS: the "attestation CA" could even be the GPG 'C' or 'S' key, that the
server could check via WoT. That does not require 'C' or 'S' key to be
on the token: the attestation certificate can be generated on an offline


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Announcing to backup keys as QR codes on paper

2017-02-23 Thread NdK
Il 23/02/2017 11:00, Gerd v. Egidy ha scritto:

> If we are talking centuries, I'd worry about the availability of gnupg as 
> much 
> as qrcodes. Both are publicly available standards, but I don't know if they 
> are still available and understandable by then. I'd recommend going to 
> plaintext on glass etched microfiche if you really want to cover that 
> timespan.
Well, when considering such a timespan there could be other (bigger)
issues... How long a today 'secure' key will remain secure? When will
quantum computers be widely available?
The only "guaranteed" crypto is information-theoretic one (neural
networks mutual learning, distant noisy sources, etc), where adversary's
probability of success is a function of the system parameters. But it's
quite impractical and AFAIK covers only interactive key agreement.

PS: in 100 years surely I won't (be here to) care if someone will be
able to read my mails or not :)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: ? Comments re key servers? re gpg-encrypted mail? re key servers carry many phony keys?

2016-12-28 Thread NdK
Il 28/12/2016 13:28, Miroslav Rovis ha scritto:

>> The fact that Github, since this outgoing year, accept gpg signing only
>> if you post your public key to their servers.
I can't say for sure, but maybe that's so so they can have an
"attestation key" to use for verifying signatures, without expensive WoT
checks. By loading your key, you're certifying it's yours. But it won't
actually give any more assurance than "you is you" than your credentials
(against GitHub): if someone steals your credentials, he can replace
your pub key and sign new commits in your name. They're using GPG just
as a frontend for signatures using self-signed certificates.

BTW nothing prevents you from uploading your key to the keyservers and
participate in the WoT -- that's the only thing that could assure who
clones your repo that *you* signed those commits.
Sometimes just "key persistence" is important (i.o.w. that the key that
signed all the commits has always been the same, and in this case GitHub
loaded key can be enough), other times it could be important to link the
key used for signing a commit to (the reputation of) a real person, and
in this case the WoT is needed.

> Just some quick links in connection, for the less familiar.
> For users (like me):
Some reccomendations could be quite questionable (always use RSA 4096,
do not set an expiry on main key, no mention of generating a revocation


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: ? Comments re key servers? re gpg-encrypted mail? re key servers carry many phony keys?

2016-12-27 Thread NdK
Il 27/12/2016 22:09, Don Warner Saklad ha scritto:
> What do you kind folks out there make of comments at
>  >"I'm told that key servers carry many phony keys claiming to be
>mine. Here is info about which keys are really mine."
>  >"Of course, to be really sure which key is mine, you need to get my
>key fingerprint from me or follow a chain of signatures. If a phony
>key appears to be signed by someone you trust, you should see what's
>up with that person."
> and 4th sentence from the top at
>  >"If you want to send me GPG-encrypted mail, do not trust key servers!
>Some of them have phony keys under my name and email address, made by
>someone else as a trick. See gpg.html for my real key."
Why do you find it strange?
Keyservers are just public write-only repositories that do not attempt
to verify the keys.
You have to verify the keys via the WoT (web of trust: "follow a chain
of signatures"), or by other means ("see gpg.html for my real key"), and
that's what Stallman says. Better do both: check that the chain
identifies the key given in gpg.html (must be retrieved via https).


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Strange behaviour

2016-12-11 Thread NdK
Il 11/12/2016 11:56, Matthias Mansfeld ha scritto:

> Currently I have not the time to go much more in depth and can live 
> with the fact that in that moment much other stuff on this computer 
> tends to hang and the "easiest" way for now is to reboot... It is 
> possible that this behaviour came with one of the last MS 
> patchdays...
I think it could even be realated to some HW issue. Are fans clean? Are
capacitors OK? Electrolytic ones, the tall cylinders, often tend to
"explode": they usually have an 'X' on the top and that should be flat
and clean, else the capacitor is surely bad. Did you run a RAM test? And
a CPU test?

I know, it's just a remote possibility, but given the "randomness" it
could be worth checking.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Proof for a creation date

2016-12-07 Thread NdK
Il 07/12/2016 09:53, Andrew Gallagher ha scritto:

> No signature can possibly attest that something is valid *forever*.
Well, "till the heat death of the Universe" can be enough for any
practical purpose :)

> You're right that stapling is absolutely required in a data at rest
> use case, because a real time service only makes sense for ephemeral
> comms. But it's just a form statement by the authority which the
> sender appends to their signed data.
My aim is something that's still secure even if some big leaps happen.
Say QC becomes feasible: current pki methods (RSA and EC) are to be
considered insecure. Hence I included a PQ signature (maybe NewHope?).

> Trying to protect against future compromise of a signature algorithm is
> really hard. And once you open that door, all data at rest signatures
> are questionable.
Well, actually symmetric crypto could be used with a system like the one
used for one-time signatures: you sign both the (hash of the ) plaintext
and the hash of the cyphertext obtained encrypting that plaintext with a
(randomly generated, single use) secret key.
This system allows a single arbitration: you give the judge the secret
key used and he verifies that:
a) the hash on the plaintext matches the signed one (everyone ca do this)
b) the hash on the cyphertext matches the signed one (everyone ca do
this, too)
c) the hash of the plaintext encrypted under the given key matches b)

A timestamping service could easily generate such a key from a "really
secret key" (never disclosed) and the timestamp, maybe using a truncated
hash (to prevent a possible hash inversion attack to determine the
"really secret key") and remain able to disclose it to the judge without
compromising other signatures' security.

An attacker should be able to find another (meaningful!) messages that
hashes to the same value and whose cyphertext under an unknown key would
result in the other hash value.
H(Ek(p'))==H(Ek(p)) (for every k, since he does not know k)

> Merkle trees protect against this though, as not only do you have to
> forge the signature, but also recreate the entire subsequent merkle
> tree, which should be infeasible.
IIUC, merkle trees remain secure only if they continue to "evolve". If
an attacker does have enough (more than 50%) computing power, he can
control the tree's growth. And possibly rewrite the history (IIRC
something similar happened not long ago, when a single group of miners
had had for some hours the needed "quorum").

> If you embed the OCSP response in the tree with the signed data, then
> it enjoys the same protection. 
I have to think about this a bit more... I'm not completely sure.

To be at least partially in topic, it should be possible to do the
signing (and the encryption) even with the current GnuPG version...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Proof for a creation date

2016-12-06 Thread NdK
Il 07/12/2016 00:27, Andrew Gallagher ha scritto:

> I don't see any reason why it couldn't be done in principle - anyone who 
> wants could set up an "authority" that produces a regular, signed list of all 
> the certificates it currently trusts at each point in time. The trick is a) 
> making sure that revocations get submitted to the authority in a timely 
> fashion and b) working out whether to trust the authority in the first place. 
> But that's a problem in OCSP too. 
The "stapling" part is the hardest, since with OCSP usually you need to
verify that something is valid "now", while with a GPG signature you
should be able to attest that something will be valid "forever".
The only way to obtain that (I can think of, and assuming no online
verification: online services come & go...) is having at least three
different kind of keys (RSA, EC, PQ) sign at least three different hash
function results *each*, so that even if an algorithm or two gets
cracked the signature remains valid.

> In general, anything you can do in the X509 trust model you can do in PGP - 
> but with a little more effort and a lot fewer default assumptions. 
That's good: this way most "implicit assumptions" must be explicited and
their security impatc must be evaluated.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Proof for a creation date

2016-12-06 Thread NdK
Il 06/12/2016 23:14, Andrew Gallagher ha scritto:

>> That could actually reduce trust in any PGP signature, unless there's a
>> way to timestamp 'something' that says "as of 'now' this key have not
>> been revoked". Ideally that attestation should be included with the 
>> signature itself
> So, essentially OCSP?
That's the idea, but in GPG trust model... Is it possible?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Proof for a creation date

2016-12-06 Thread NdK
Il 06/12/2016 12:30, Roman Zeyde ha scritto:
> You can also use OpenTimestamps service as described here:

To remain on-topic, I'd like to take the "footnote 3":
An interesting nuance to this is someone who has stolen a PGP key could
also create a revocation, and they could backdate it to deny access to
previously created signatures; there’s a lot of interesting design
questions about how to deal with this with random beacons and the like
that are beyond the scope of this blog post

That could actually reduce trust in any PGP signature, unless there's a
way to timestamp 'something' that says "as of 'now' this key have not
been revoked". Ideally that attestation should be included with the
signature itself.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Specifying entropy source

2016-11-16 Thread NdK
Il 16/11/2016 15:55, Juergen Christoffel ha scritto:

> Then there are and
> as
> hardware random number generators. Both are worth their money IMO.
Why not GnuK, that incorporates a TRNG too?
There's even a version that only includes the TRNG, and it's completely


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: PCI DSS compliance

2016-11-10 Thread NdK
Il 10/11/2016 16:24, helices ha scritto:

> Our company must decrypt ~100 files 7x24 in near real time. How can 
> work - or any reasonable alternative - in such a production environment?
Wouldn't a smartcard solve (at least partially) the issue?
Insert it in a pinpad reader and have the PIN shared between two
administrators. Both are required at system boot to unlock the card. If
the card gets removed, no single admin can unlock it.
Sure, an admin could just use it while connected to the server to
decrypt files (or simply read stored files) but as others said there's
no way to prevent that if the attacker have physical access to the system.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: smartcard reader

2016-10-19 Thread NdK
Il 19/10/2016 13:06, Werner Koch ha scritto:

> There is no integrated card.  gnuk uses an SM32 MCU which implements the
> OpenPGP card and CCID interface specs.  This has the huge advantage that
> all software (firmware) is free software.  The drawback is that it is
> not tamper resistant - your safe with important woodware documents or
> your gpg key backup isn't tamper resistant either.  I prefer the free
> software solution given that the attack surface is smaller.
Well, actually the situation is a bit better: the keys at rest are
stored encrypted, even if kdf function uses less rounds not to slow down
unlocking too much... So even if an adversary manages to get the token
and retrieve the memory contents, he still have to find the passphrase
to decode the keys. Quite like the situation where he somehow accesses
your privring from a powered down computer.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Attacks on encrypted communicxatiopn rising in Europe

2016-08-24 Thread NdK
Il 24/08/2016 14:11, Francesco Ariis ha scritto:

> @Johan Wevers: you might or might not be aware, but what you describe
> is the "Four Horseman of the Infocalypse" [1].
Instead of stupid backdoors, couldn't legislators simply say that if
encryption is used to try to hide a crime (that still have to be proven
by *other* means!) then it's like having used a gun in a robbery?
That would simpli make something wrong even worst, but allow for
rightful use of crypto.
Sure, it's way easier to outlaw any non-approved crypto, but then
outlaws will use strong crypto nevertheless...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: several GPG smartcards connected at the same time

2016-08-09 Thread NdK
Il 09/08/2016 10:27, Justus Winter ha scritto:

>> If GnuPG supported PKCS#11 it would open a whole new world, like the
>> ability to use generic cards.
> We have such a module:
That's exactly the opposite: Scute allows a PKCS#11 app to access an
OpenPGP card (but isn't it redundant, since OpenPGP cards are
supported[1] by native opensc driver?).
If GnuPG/scd supported PKCS#11 you could tell it to use a key on any
non-openpgp card as a GnuPG native key (some configuration could be



Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: several GPG smartcards connected at the same time

2016-08-09 Thread NdK
Il 09/08/2016 02:39, NIIBE Yutaka ha scritto:

> Currently, this configuration is not supported by scdaemon.  I don't
> know any portable technical solution (supporting GNU/Linux, Windows,
> and MacOS X, etc.) to handle multiple card readers (and/or cards)
> simultaneously by a single application.
Isn't it what PKCS#11 is for?
If GnuPG supported PKCS#11 it would open a whole new world, like the
ability to use generic cards.
IMVHO "fixing" GnuPG to handle multiple cards and readers would actually
create something really similar to PKCS#11...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: How to sign a PDF using a DNIe

2016-06-28 Thread NdK
Il 28/06/2016 04:16, NIIBE Yutaka ha scritto:

> I think that it is opposite way what we should make it possible.  Let
> a government accept signature which is generated by our own
> smartcard/token with free software.  Or let a governor certify our own
> public key, where the private key is in our own smartcard/token.
That would be great, but I think it's an orthogonal issue.
When you get to use a smartcard, you are already giving up a lot of
control on your key, trusting something you can't control and hoping
certifiers did their work correctly and the units being sold are
completely like the tested ones.

The support for generic cards could be useful for other reasons. Say I
have a smartcard that could host 15 keys. I'd like to use one for web
auth, another for NFC auth, another for signing documents, another as my
primary GPG identity (certification), one for GPG auth, one for GPG
signing and the others for GPG decryption (just not to lose access to
older mails). Currently it's not possible, unless I use quite a lot of
different cards.

IMO the "ideal" solution would be a FIDO-like system, where keys are
kept, encrypted, on disk and uploaded as "blobs" to the card that
decrypts 'em and only then become useable. That would remove the limit
on the number of keys that could be kept on a card. But it's not
feasible with Java cards, I think (at least I couldn't make it work w/o
writing to the flash memory). That would be completely feasible with


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gnupg-pkcs11 status & future

2016-02-26 Thread NdK
Il 26/02/2016 16:02, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

>> Rotating does only make sense if you take the old key soon offline.
> Why is this the case? I must admit I'm fairly comfortable not rotating
> my keys (which are on OpenPGP smartcards). But I can think of lines of
> reasoning where it makes sense to rotate, but still keep the old
> decryption key available.
In my case: every year will have its own PIN, different from the one
used for signing, and *really* different from the one for certification.

> Think: "There's a non-zero chance that someone
> got my private key material, but at least they can only decrypt stuff
> encrypted in 2011, all other years use a different key".
Extreme case: a judge orders to hand over the key to a set of messages
('cause they won't trust your decryption). Rotating keys minimizes
exposure of other material.

> Note in this scenario it is nice if I can still easily access my
> 2011 material as well.

> I'm not saying this is a solid line of reasoning. I'm just curious why
> limiting access to the decryption key is the only thing that makes sense.
Well, everybody can have his own perfectly valid reasons... Why limit
keys on smartcards more than technically necessary? Years ago cards had
space only for 3 keys, but a 144K Javacard can handle many more!
And if PKCS#11 was useable, one could use as many keys as needed by his

Note that I really don't like PKCS#11, but it's the de-facto standard to
access nearly every crypto-capable device.


Gnupg-users mailing list

gnupg-pkcs11 status & future

2016-02-26 Thread NdK
Hello all.

Is gnupg-pkcs11 still maintained? Files on sourceforge are from 2011...

The idea of using a "standard" key container for GPG keys is appealing,
and it could solve my (very personal, I admit, but maybe others feel the
same) "problem" with having only 3 keypairs (for example I can't rotate
encryption key every year unless I'm prepared to have a different card
per year).
With nearly every card I could have a look at, I can keep at least a
dozen keypairs, so that would reduce to one smartcard every 10 years.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Use of --passphrase-file

2016-02-20 Thread NdK
Il 19/02/2016 15:17, Harman, Michael ha scritto:

> Thanks Brian. I think I tried this but I couldn’t figure out how to
> completely hide the passphrase so no one could get to it. Maybe I was
> using it incorrectly. Since this is an unattended operation that runs
> day and night, I wanted to secure the passphrase so gpg could get to it
> without human intervention, but not let anyone else see or know where it
> was stored.
What about using a smartcard? You supply the PIN only at boot, then it
stays unlocked ad long as the system is working. This way an attacker
couldn't steal the secret key even if successful at breaking in.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Key selection order

2016-01-14 Thread NdK
Il 14/01/2016 18:04, Andrew Gallagher ha scritto:

> ... which is why you should never use ToFU. There is no known method of
> secure communication that does not involve out of band verification.
I disagree.
TOFU is what many users do anyway: identity persistence is often more
important than "real" identity... And harder to fake by any opponent
(governments would have no problem creating "fake" identity cards,
passports or anything -- after all that's what they usually do for
"real" ones!). On the other hand, if you saw mails from a single address
signed by the same identity for years, chances are that it's the same
person, even if the name on the identity card is different.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Key selection order

2016-01-14 Thread NdK
Il 14/01/2016 21:06, Andrew Gallagher ha scritto:

> Tofu does not guarantee identity persistence. Just because your 
> correspondence hasn't been obviously tampered with (yet) does not mean that 
> someone hasn't been MITMing you all along and biding their time.
As usual, it depends on your attack scenario.
If I have 10-years-old mails from someone I've never met, and all use
the same key, I can assume that either 1) that identity belongs to the
same person or 2) that an attacker MITMed *all* my connections (from
every device I've had wherever I was and to every service I used).
Occam's razor and my "exposure profile" make me think it's 1) :)

In other words, *time* can be considered an 'out of band' channel.

For others, very "high profile", it could be possible that such an
attack might be performed, even if it's quite unlikely, unless there's
*a lot* of money involved.

What I learnt from OpenAlarm is that there's always to balance cost and
security: over a certain limit, costs grow exponentially for marginal
gains in security. So the different options have to be weighted
carefully: you'll have to make different choices if you have to protect
a bank instead of a garage.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Crowdfunding USB Security Key for Email- and Data-Encryption - Nitrokey Storage

2015-11-23 Thread NdK
Il 23/11/2015 08:56, Jan Suhr ha scritto:

>> I didn't look at the code (so this could be completely wrong and I'd be
>> happy!), but if the OTP key is decrypted using a key in the chip after
>> verifying that the card accepts the PIN, then it's even worse, since
>> that master key is in cleartext somewhere outside the smartcard. So,
>> with some efforts and a good lab the OTP keys can be extracted.
> The key is stored in the card.
Then, replacing the card replaces the OTP key. No?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Crowdfunding USB Security Key for Email- and Data-Encryption - Nitrokey Storage

2015-11-22 Thread NdK
Il 22/11/2015 12:55, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

> My guess is the OTP shared secret is stored in the non-volatile memory
> of the microcontroller (in plaintext). That memory is reasonably well
> protected against reading out (when properly configured). Sure, it's
> possible with a lab, but it's not cheap. If such adversaries are in your
> threat model, my guess (again) is that the OTP feature of this stick is
> not aimed at you.
The whole stick (and the current OpenPGP card spec) is not aimed at me,
since it lacks the "decryption key history" that I'd need :)

What I don't understand is why they did not use one of the private
objects in the card to store the master key: this way, if the card gets
swapped, the master key becomes inaccessible and the attacker can't use
the OTP secret since it's encrypted with an unavailable key. Sure, it's
not perfect (the master key gets loaded in RAM of the micro) but makes
any attack harder.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Crowdfunding USB Security Key for Email- and Data-Encryption - Nitrokey Storage

2015-11-21 Thread NdK
Il 21/11/2015 12:07, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

> Personally, I don't really see yet why the latter is so important;
> however, gaining the ability to issue OTP's by simply inserting my own
> OpenPGP card with my own PIN seems serious? Do I misunderstand it? Or is
> it not part of the threat model because the attacker is unable to
> extract the key used for OTP generation?
I didn't look at the code (so this could be completely wrong and I'd be
happy!), but if the OTP key is decrypted using a key in the chip after
verifying that the card accepts the PIN, then it's even worse, since
that master key is in cleartext somewhere outside the smartcard. So,
with some efforts and a good lab the OTP keys can be extracted.

> Anyway, thanks for all your work on the Nitrokey series! I think it's
> great you put so much effort into creating these nifty devices.
Nifty, indeed. Too bad PGP-card spec lacks decryption key archiving (so
that you can change your DEC key every year but keep using the same card
year after year).


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpg agent forwarding (via ssh) totally broken with 2.1 and NFS-mounted $HOME

2015-09-21 Thread NdK
Il 21/09/2015 15:06, Werner Koch ha scritto:

> You create a plain file ~/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent with this content:
Why isn't the hostname included in file name? This way shared
filesystems would have no problems..


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Multiple GPG public keys with one private keys

2015-08-27 Thread NdK
Il 27/08/2015 08:02, Divya Vyas ha scritto:

 I am looking at generating multiple public keys with one private keys.
 As I have multiple identities. I dont want to generate separate keypair.
You can have multiple identities associated with one keypair, eventually
using different subkeys for different purposes.
But this links all your identities together, that could be undesirable
in some situations.
The only alternative is to generate different keypairs to keep
identities unlinked, like if they belong to different people (good
luck having 'em signed by others!).


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: protecting pub-keys from unwanted signatures

2015-08-17 Thread NdK
Il 16/08/2015 18:04, Einar Ryeng ha scritto:

 Is there any other problem arising from someone signing your key without
The only problem I see is that you can easily get associated with the
wrong people. Like what happened here in Italy with Fidobust (about 25
years ago): some pirates' phone lines were being tapped, and since they
connected to Fidonet BBSs, those got tapped too... then their lines were
tapped and the other nodes they connected to became suspects and so
on. As a result, a lot of people have had their bedrooms (where they
kept the BBS PC) locked for the YEARS needed by justice to do its work.

That's why my skin crawls when Robert J Hansen says
 Except that 99% of people who see that signature will think you have
 an association with white supremacists.
 Should they?  No.
 Will they?  Yes.
Especially if one of those is a judge. When the average person have to
pay for a lawyer, (s)he has already lost.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Optimal setup for corporate keys

2015-07-20 Thread NdK
Il 20/07/2015 02:44, F Rafi ha scritto:

 We will have decryption processes on multiple servers. So if one server
 happens to get compromised, I want to avoid the disruption of reaching
 out to 40 partners to exchange keys again. We would only reach out to
 the affected partners with new keys.
If possible, I'd go for the HSM route (openpgp card or FST-01). This
way, if a server gets compromised remotely, the attacker can not get a
copy of the key (but he'll be able to use it as long as his activity on
the server is not detected!).
If the attacker obtains physical access to the server, you're toasted

Just my .02 ...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: gpg-2.1.6 scdaemon: cannot disable OpenPGP application

2015-07-11 Thread NdK
Il 09/07/2015 06:56, NIIBE Yutaka ha scritto:

 Currently, in the source code of GnuPG, we have support of following:
   DINSIG (DIN V 66291-1)
   German Geldkarte
   OpenPGP card
   pkcs#15 card
   Telesec NKS card
So I could use any pkcs#15-formatted card to keep GnuPG keys?
I searched a bit but saw no docs on what needs to be done...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: [Announce] GnuPG 2.1.5 released

2015-06-12 Thread NdK
Il 12/06/2015 02:34, NIIBE Yutaka ha scritto:
Really interesting!

Especially section 4.1.3: IIUC, that allows for out of band
authorization of the crypto ops.

I'll have to study better the code for GnuK and how to make that little
beast^H^H^H^H^H ARM handle inputs... :) Or maybe a display + buttons via
i2c (as the display capability is announced by b8 in sec .

Too bad it seems still limited to the standard set of keys. No way to
store old dec keys (to keep using a single card to read all the old
mails, even if generating a new key every year).
A possible workaround would be a parallel application on the card that
when called changes the active DEC key together with the card serial no,
corresponding fingerprint in C5 DO and gentime in CD DO).


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Hardware Keyring

2015-06-09 Thread NdK
Il 09/06/2015 10:19, Antoine Michard ha scritto:

 - FST-01 Can be entropy device
 (NeuG, can be
 upgraded (need ST-LINK/V2), Only one enclosure with no attach. And Open
 Source Too
That's the one I like most, given my security needs. Remember that it's
not as hardened as a smartcard if the attacker gains unsupervised
physical access to it for a long enough time. But it uses ommodity
hardware you can source where you prefer, so a backdoor is really *much*
less probable!

And the creator reads this list, too! :)

The only thing I really miss is that the trust db is not in the token,
but integrating it would require changes/extensions to the protocol.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Whishlist for next-gen card

2015-03-02 Thread NdK
Il 01/03/2015 21:54, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

 No, I'm talking about that as well. And I don't think the fingerprint of
 the host is part of the signed data or the signature. Why do you think the
 fingerprint of the host is part of that?
Because I didn't remember well the SSH protocol...

 By /host/ authentication I mean that you verify that the host your are
 connecting to is in fact the host you wanted to connect to; and /that/ is
 through the public key of the host, of which you can verify the fingerprint.
 Let's call this keypair A.
That gets verified during initial key setup.

 After you've verified the fingerprint, a copy of the hosts' public key, A, is
 stored in ~/.ssh/known_hosts on your client machine.
Ok, just something to help the user avoid a verification step every time.

 But when the host is authenticating that you are in fact the user you are
 claiming to be, you sign a challenge that only you could sign because you have
 the private key, let's call it B. That is /user/ authentication.

 The host checks that your public key B is in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the
 server machine; if so, you're authenticated.
But the signature contains the session identifier (called H in RFC4257
sec 8), that is derived from the initial key exchange (that should then
be partially handled by the card as well). Luckily there's no need to
recalculate it when keys are refreshed (RFC4257, sec 7.2), so it's
one-time penalty.

So the card should receive (and handle) the key exchange, prompting
the user to accept the public key the server sent and then allow the
auth key to just sign data where the session id is the one it
calculated. Might be non-banal to handle concurrent ssh sessions with
overlapping key exchanges (card generates a blob --might be
symmetrically encrypted with a key only known to the card-- that's
cached by ssh and passed back to the card when a new auth signature is
requested for an existing session id?).


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Whishlist for next-gen card

2015-02-27 Thread NdK
Il 27/02/2015 19:43, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

 I don't understand the practical difference between HOTP and the button
 to confirm an action.
That the HOTP doesn't need HW support so it can be implemented in
standard smartcards.

 If that info is embedded in the signature packet, it could add something
 to the signature value (if the receiving party sees that signature is
 about a txt file and the presented object is a doc, there's something
 wrong and suspect).
 Are you proposing that the internal hash state after the hashing of the
 document is handed over to the smartcard, after which the smartcard
 computes the hash over the signature subpackets that you want protected
 this way? It's unclear to me how you see such a thing be implemented
 without passing all data to the smartcard.
Well, IIRC there are cards that require you to compute all but the last
round of the hash, then pass the last block of data and the current
state to let them compute the result (and maybe do the padding before
signing). Something similar could be used for this: the last block will
include the shown data just before the file len.

 I've had a quick look in RFC 4252, with public key user authentication
 for SSH2. I don't think there's anything that you can show on a display
 that would help the user decide if it were what they wanted to see.
 After a really quick glance in the RFC, I see just the username and the
 session identifier. The username is hardly unique (I usually use peter),
 and the session identifier is a unique number computed for the SSH
 session. It's the bit that prevents signature replay attacks but is not
 useful to show on a display, since the user can't tell whether it's good
 or not: it's just the output of a hash function.
For auth it should be the hash of the host's pub key, the same SSH shows
you the first time you connect to that host.

 All this is based on a really quick read of documentation I hadn't
 consulted before. It could be glaringly wrong. But when you said it is
 the fingerprint, I wondered if you misunderstood or that the
 fingerprint is actually part of the challenge. I don't think it is.
Since the challenge have to be encrypted to the host's pub key, you can
display its hash. I'll have another look at the RFC tomorrow morning...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Unattended signing

2015-02-24 Thread NdK
Il 25/02/2015 00:01, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:
 On 24/02/15 23:16, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:

 If you asked me to /destroy/ the key, I would look through my drawers for all
 backups I have and do a shred on them, and think really hard where any 
 copies might have ended up.
Use a smartcard and generate on-card a new key that replaces the expired
one. So an attacker could still abuse the key (it's not protected) but
can not extract it to keep copies around.
I really like SCs for signature and authentication[*] keys since often
even if those keys are lost it's not a big deal as long as they can't be

[*] for auth, only if there's a centralized repository for the public
key, else updating all instances of the pub key stored in devices could
be a major hassle.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Whishlist for next-gen card

2015-02-22 Thread NdK
Il 22/02/2015 01:46, Yuji -UG- Imai ha scritto:

 For token type card, how about appending one more usb port to connect
 keyboard? It's just for inputing PIN/passphrase or out-of-bound auth
 by hitting the Enter key. USB ten keys like V7 KP0N1-7N0P Numeric keypad
 looks suitable for this purpose. Micro USB plug may be prefarable
 for compact board design.
The problem with off-the-shelf keyboards is that they usually radiate a
pattern that's recognizeable from some distance.
The usual scan on a matrix keyboard activates one column at a time in
fixed order, then checks the rows (possibly one at a time). A safer scan
activates all columns at once, senses the rows, then changes columns to
inputs and rows to outputs activating only the one where the pressed key
is and finally determining the corresponding column. This doesn't
generate a recognizeable pattern.

 I don't like wireless features by two reasons.
Uh? Neither do I. I never understood the reasoning behind IR receiver
for FST-01.

 It may introduce complexity for middleware
 of the card. I like KISS. Another is break visibility to check HSM
 composition validness.
Yup. And it's easily snoopable.

 For FST-01 spesific request, I ask gniibe to consider about case
 design with physical hole
 to tightly bind a token with keyring. 
That's good. But I'd avoid plastic in favour of aluminium :)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Help need to use truecryt + openpgp applet.

2015-02-21 Thread NdK
Il 21/02/2015 12:26, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

 Or use a plain USB stick.
 Hehe :). I think what Diego means, is that a SIM card can still be protected 
 a PIN. You would need to enter the PIN before you had access to the SMS,
 similarly as the private DO's on the OpenPGP card.
Exactly. Moreover, it's often free since you don't have to buy a new
card just for that use, just recycle an unused one.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Whishlist for next-gen card

2015-02-21 Thread NdK
Il 21/02/2015 12:51, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

 1 - support for more keys (expired ENC keys, multiple signature keys)
 Yes! This would be a great feature to keep expired encryption keys on a card. 
 personally would have no use for more than 1 signature and 1 authentication 
 but I don't see a reason why you wouldn't just have a whole bunch of generic 
 slots and only indicate its intended usage on creation/upload so people can do
 that as well.[1]
Yup. But if those are too generic, then it could be way cheaper to just
use a generic PKCS#15 card (I've had some experiences with Aventra ones:
they've got space for many keys and 14 PINs... and are quite cheap!).

 If ECC were supported by the card, you'd need quite a lot less storage to keep
 all these keys.
Yup. But on a device like GnuK space is really not the limiting factor.

 2 - different PINs for different keys
 This would partly amount to resurrecting an old feature. IIRC, there were 2 
 PINs in the v1.1 spec, but the v2 spec pretty much retired the second PIN. 
 take my word for it, though, check the spec.
I remember seeing an unused PIN object.

 However, I think the primary key/subkey feature is already covered pretty well
 by simply having two smartcards (it's what I do).
Twice the cost, twice the risk of losing one, twice the management burden...

 3 - separate key for NFC auth (with its own optional PIN)
 Sounds like an interesting concept. I don't know how much work it would be to
 have the ISO 7816 parts needed by the OpenPGP card really working for NFC. Do
 you just exchange the lower few communication layers (physical, data, ...) and
 is everything above the same for the subset of ISO 7816 you need? I haven't
 looked at NFC yet.
I started implementing it on MyPGPid. From JavaCards it's quite easy to
differentiate between wired and wireless, since the applet receives the
protocol used to transmit the APDU.

 What I'm hinting at: NFC and cards with contacts are different enough that it
 might warrant handling NFC separately from the rest and hence doesn't need to 
 integrated into the process for determining the next cards-with-contacts
 standard and implementation.
There are dual-interface cards, and I think they're not so disjoint,
once you're using secure messaging.

 But NFC authentication through asymmetric crypto sounds interesting.
Way more than EM4100 tags or MIFARE cards.

 4 - HOTP PINs for signature/certification keys
 What generates the HOTP then? Do you type a PIN on the HOTP device to get the 
No need. Just an applet on the phone could do. At least if you aren't
using the same phone to do the crypto.

 What I'm guessing you might mean, is that the HOTP device might be more 
 than the pinpad of the card reader: the card reader is connected to the PC. 
 HOTP device is simply a standalone device; is air-gapped. So even if the PC is
 compromised, it will not be able to learn your PIN, which you entered on the
 HOTP device.
As I said, no need for a PIN on the HOTP device. The only important
thing is that it's a *different* device, better if air-gapped.

 Is this what you're getting at?
 I don't really see the use. Smartcards protect extraction of the private key;
 they're not equipped to prevent usage of the key material through a 
 PC. So what they can't learn your PIN; they'll just get you to enter it for
 them. I don' see this adding something beyond your point 6, which I'll treat 
You're authorizing a *single* operation. As you noticed, malaware could
be smart enough to fool the user for decryption (where using HOTP would
be foolish: you'd have to continuously generate new codes just to scan
the mail), but signature is another beast. HOTP could be seen as a
stronger 'alwaysauthenticate' flag.

 5 - possibility to export private keys to user-certified devices
 I'm not terribly interested in that. Firstly, you would still need a backup of
 the key the data is encrypted to; the chain has to start somewhere. Secondly,
 provided you can have a trusted system for the generation of the keys, you 
 simply generate them on that trusted system, encrypt them to the key you wish 
 encrypt it to, and then store the encrypted data as you see fit.
Unless you're doing something like SmartcardHSM, where each card gets
initialized with a device attestation key (generated on-card) and its
certificate, so you can choose to trust other cards as long as they're
certified. A more user-centric approach would require a temporary CA
(no need for long-term storage of its secret key) that the user uses to
certify keys generated on his own cards. Once the cards have been
certified, the CA key can be deleted. In the worst case, the user won't
be able to transfer his keys to other (newer) devices.

 On-card generation is putting a lot of trust in the on-card RNG as well; I put
 more trust in Linux's PRNG on a trusted system. As long as you're generating 
 keys on a 

Re: Whishlist for next-gen card

2015-02-21 Thread NdK
Il 21/02/2015 17:54, Daniel Kahn Gillmor ha scritto:

 If the malware is keeping the session keys around, it can just keep the
 session keys for everything you ever decrypt, and use them anyway to
 access your encrypted documents, independent of your button-presses.
Or just sniff the PIN.

 You're right in the abstract: the bandwidth of the canary button (one
 bit of LED output secret key action requested, one bit of input ok to
 use secret key) is too limited to protect against the sophisticated
 attack you describe, and increasing the bandwidth of the channel
 (e.g. on-device display screen, keypad) makes the UI/UX even more
 infeasibile.  At some point, you just have a second computer attached to
 your computer, and now there is room for that second computer to be
 compromised :/
Well, at least that one would be a dedicated computer, with very limited
connection to the outside world.

And if the idea of a display gets implemented, at least the kind of
operation can be confirmed.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Whishlist for next-gen card

2015-02-20 Thread NdK
Hello all.

What I'd like to see addressed in future card specifications:
1 - support for more keys (expired ENC keys, multiple signature keys)
2 - different PINs for different keys
3 - separate key for NFC auth (with its own optional PIN)
4 - HOTP PINs for signature/certification keys
5 - possibility to export private keys to user-certified devices
6 - support for out-of-band authorization (HW)
7 - support for more informative signing (requires a small display: HW)

3 to 6 should be under a policy object connected to the main key to
make it public and let relying parties evaluate how much trust to give.

Since smartcards have evolved (slowly...) and nowadays we have other
much-less-constrained alternatives (GnuK), I feel that many limitations
are just an heavy heritage that's becoming nonsensical.

The reasons behind my list, point by point:
1 - I'd like to roll the key used for reading mail every year, but
currently that would mean I'd have to use a new card every year or have
old keys on-disk, defeating the purpose of using a smartcard/token (from
my tests on actual smartcards, it's not hard to have room for 14 to 20
keys on an 80k smartcard, more than 30 on a 144k one, WAY more are
possible on GnuK)
2 - If I have to use my card to login on a possibly untrusted computer,
I don't want it to steal my PIN and sign/certify without me knowing it
3 - Since NFC readers often have no pinpad (or could have easily been
tampered with) I don't want to expose my main PIN nor the same key I use
for wired auth
4 - since HOTP changes at every use, it makes keyloggers nearly useless
and gives a third factor to the auth process (might be combined by
simple means -like digit-by-digit addition modulo 10- to the PIN)
5 - I know, it's debatable and many see it as dangerous... but is it
more dangerous than keeping an on-disk (or on-paper) copy of the key?
Key export should be protected by a certificate (policy object defines
an allowed KeyID for export and the private key is exported only
encrypted to that KeyID); might even set a fuse to mark the fact that
the key have been exported
6 - like in Yubikey NEO, a physical button to authorize some operations
can be useful (certification, signature, NFC PIN-less auth)
7 - malaware currently can replace the hash of the object being signed
and the user can't know it till it's late... a small display could be
used to report some metadata (file name type and size for signature,
keyID and owner data for certification, peer ID for auth...) to give the
user more feedback

What do you think? Complete BS or could something be considered for

PS: 1 is the main reason I'm not yet using GPG much, even if I started
using it since DOS  FIDO-BBSs era...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Whishlist for next-gen card

2015-02-20 Thread NdK
Il 20/02/2015 11:36, Jonathan Schleifer ha scritto:

 1 - support for more keys (expired ENC keys, multiple signature keys)
 And maybe for storing a certification key with a different PIN.
Wasn't it covered by
2 - different PINs for different keys
? :)

 5 - possibility to export private keys to user-certified devices
 That pretty much defeats the point of using a smart card in the first place.
That's not uncontrolled export, and in fact such a feature is
implemented in HSMs to avoid unsafe key generation (outside the HSM
itself) *and* the risk of key loss.
The idea is that *before* creating/importing the master key, you set the
policy, including the key ID (or IDs) that can ask for key export. Once
the master key gets created, you no longer can alter the policy. The
policy should be exported together with the key and override the
existing one while importing a key (so that you can't alter -actually
it's just really hard, but doing that should invalidate signatures on
your master key!- the policy by exporting from a device and importing on

 6 - like in Yubikey NEO, a physical button to authorize some operations
 can be useful (certification, signature, NFC PIN-less auth)
 That would be a pretty useful thing, but require you to trust the card
 reader. This, however, would really make sense on the Gnuk and I guess
 you could even do that without changing the spec.
Nope. it's possible to have (at least I've seen one: my father does have
it!) smartcards with small displays, keyboards (1-2 keys could be
enough, but a full 4x3 keypad would be awesome!) and even
batteries/solar panels! The form factor is not the real problem. The
problem is that it's quite a close and secretive market, heavily relying
on security by obscurity (when I asked Yubikey how to access the user
presence key from a Java appled, they answered I'd have had to contact
NXP and sign an NDA!
So no need to trust the card reader :)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Whishlist for next-gen card

2015-02-20 Thread NdK
Il 20/02/2015 16:07, Ville Määttä ha scritto:

 5 - possibility to export private keys to user-certified devices
 That pretty much defeats the point of using a smart card in the first 
 That's not uncontrolled export, and in fact…
 while importing a key (so that you can't alter -actually
 it's just really hard, but doing that should invalidate signatures on
 your master key!- the policy by exporting from a device and importing on
 There in lies the problem. It's really hard - it's doable.
Yes, by someone who controls the trusted export key. On the other hand,
current method to generate on a secure system and move to card makes
it easy to lose control of the key.

 What is the use case that absolutely needs exportable master keys?
Safe key recovery in case sc gets damaged. With the current system you
have to always generate new keys on the secure system and store the
backup in a safe place that is *not* a smartcard.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Help need to use truecryt + openpgp applet.

2015-02-20 Thread NdK
Il 21/02/2015 03:01, Matthias-Christian Ott ha scritto:

 it finds PKCS #11 objects on the card). That said, I doubt using the
 private DOs for PKCS #11 objects and associated metadata will be
 generally accepted (other people could be storing other data in these
 data objects), so you would probably have to add a compile-time option
 or maintain a fork.
Then maybe, a simple (disabled) SIM card from an old phone contract (I
usually have about a dozen around) could be better suited for the job,
since there's no on-card crypto involved. Just store the secret in an
SMS, with the sender set to the ID of the protected storage :)

Ok, end of OT.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: SSH generic socket forwarding for gpg-agent

2015-02-15 Thread NdK
Il 13/02/2015 23:23, Daniel Kahn Gillmor ha scritto:

 The traditional argument against this sort of feature is that someone
 with control over your local socket would most likely have control over
 your graphical environment, and therefore could dismiss or hide any
 prompt that comes up (so the prompting is a false sense of security).
Who told, not so long ago, that if the attacker have control of the
machine you're using you've already lost?
The machine from where one is originating the ssh connection have to be
quite trusted. Else you need a smartcard with out-of-band authorization
for every operation.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Talking about Cryptodevices... which one?

2015-01-29 Thread NdK
Il 28/01/2015 02:46, NIIBE Yutaka ha scritto:

 specification (and with SHA256).  It's default s2kcount is 192 as the
 MCU is slow enough, but you can configure it at compile time (like
 65535 for host PC, or more).
Uh, I think this exposes a weakness: if the attacker somehow accesses
the EEPROM and reads encrypted key material, a low s2k count means he
can recover plain key material quite faster than with more iterations.
Luckily it's configurable. :) Power of open source!


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Crypto device where I need to confirm every operation?

2015-01-22 Thread NdK
Il 22/01/2015 21:08, Daniel Kahn Gillmor ha scritto:

 If anyone is considering adding this kind of feature to the FST-01, i'd
 be happy to test and debug it with them.
I proposed to add a button to FST-01 ages ago (IIRC it still was just a
project on Seeedstudio...), as user presence test, and am having a
look at implementing it. But I received the programmer too late and now
I have a more demanding (and really high priority!) project: my son! :)

But I'll try to implement it, even if really slowly.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Vanity Keys

2015-01-13 Thread NdK
Il 13/01/2015 16:34, David Shaw ha scritto:

 I like the idea of adding a proper fingerprint to signature packets.  I seem 
 to recall this was suggested once in the past, but I don't recall why it 
 wasn't pursued.
What I don't understand (surely because of my ignorance of GPG inner
working) is what that should add to the security... IOW, if the private
key have been generated by a third party to have a certain fingerprint,
what's the purpose of adding that fingerprint to the signature?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Randomized hashing

2014-11-28 Thread NdK

Il 27/11/2014 14:45, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

On 27/11/14 13:04, NdK wrote:

(note that r is not signed, as the rhash scheme suggests and the paper

In contrast to a previous proposal by the same authors, the salt r does not
  need to be included under the signature.

I read this quite differently. I read it as that 'r' is not included in the
signature, that is, what is signed is still just the hash. It seems profoundly
silly to not include it in the signed data, for the reasons you mention. Can you
give a quote that actually says 'r' is not included in the signed data?
When it says that 'r' have to be sent separately. It's 'included' only 
indirectly in the hash calculation.

At a first glance, it would be safer to have r *inside* the signature.

Oh, I agree, I already thought that might close any 'r'-swapping security
issues, if there would be any; just like you can include the hash
algorithm in the signature to prevent swapping it out for a weaker one. But when
swapping 'r''s does not actually create any security issues, it just makes
things needlessly complicated.

I don't understand you.
I said that if you have a short message (less than hash len) it's 
trivial for an attacker to fix a new M' and calculate a new r' value 
that satisfies r xor M == r' xor M' . It gets harder with longer messages.

To use your smartcard example: the smartcard only
accepts a specifically formatted message. If you change that message to now
include a new value, you would need a new smartcard. Furthermore, the size of
'r' might pose a problem; it's a significant addition to the data structure that
is signed.

Depends on how strict the checking is.
E.g., if the smartcard only uses the raw buffer you pass it (just adding 
the needed padding before signing) and is able to accept SHA-512, then 
you could just use SHA-256 and append 256bits of 'r' w/o having to 
change the smartcard: it sees 512bits and pads 'em like in SHA-512. 
That's one of the reasons I like the cards that do the last hash round more.

Maybe it's just a performance issue?

I suppose also simplicity, verifiability, implementation cost...


The rest seems unrelated to randomized hashing except for what I already
mentioned: that including 'r' in the signature would mean you can't use an
existing OpenPGP card. But I'll answer anyway.

I didn't study OpenPGP card protocol enough.

while the op is anyway 'RSA encrypt', the padding should be different if
you're signing an hash or exchanging a session key. Failing to let the card
do the padding could lead to exposure of the private key, IIRC.

I think you mean RSA decrypt, for signing you use the RSA decrypt primitive,
just as you use to decrypt a session key.
Yup. Terminology slip. The RSA op involving the private key, so 

But this is all already done in the OpenPGP card. It checks the data to be
signed conforms to PKCS#1; it is optional to check the DigestInfo, but the rest
of the data structure already differentiates it from an encrypted session key.
It will only let you sign with the Signing and Authentication keys.
Likewise, it checks that the output of decrypting with the Decryption key
conforms to the PKCS#1 format, so you can't fool it into a signing operation 



Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Randomized hashing

2014-11-27 Thread NdK
Il 27/11/2014 11:28, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

[Resending to list]

 Perhaps I should add that it takes real research and formal proof to show that
 this randomized hashing doesn't add attack vectors, and I have been glossing
 over that. But that is because at a glance it looks like such research has 
 done. That doesn't mean it's a fact that there are no significant attack
 vectors, but it does give the scheme credibility.
Well, I'm no expert, but it gives me the feeling of being potentially
dangerous, since once the attacker have your signature for a document
  s=E(Prk, H(RMX(M,r))) , r
(note that r is not signed, as the rhash scheme suggests and the paper
confirms!) he *might* be able to calculate r' so that RMX(M',r') ==
RMX(M,r) then 'recycle' your signature for M'. Remember that RMX is
proposed to be a simple block-xor! For very short (less than a single
hash block) messages it's trivial, if I'm not badly mislead by the
graphic description in the site:
RMX(0, 1) == RMX(1, 0)

Citing from the paper: RMX can be used with any hash-then-sign scheme
by replacing the digest H(m) in the original signature scheme with H(RM
X(r, m)). In this case, the salt r is generated for each signature by
the signer and transmitted to the verifier together with the message and
signature[1] and the footnote [1] is In contrast to a previous
proposal by the same authors, the salt r does not need to be included
under the signature. . I haven't yet found out why he changed his mind.
At a first glance, it would be safer to have r *inside* the signature.
This way the attacker couldn't change it. But maybe that exposes other

To me it appears that *any* encryption of the message before hashing
would lead to analogue security properties. Say you generate 'r' and use
it as 'session key' to block-encrypt M then sign the hash of encrypted M
(IMVHO it's better if the signature includes r too). Maybe it's just a
performance issue?

BTW, some smartcards want you to feed 'em the hash state and the last
block of data so they can calculate the last hashing step by themselves.
And IMVHO it's better if the padding is generated by the card, depending
on the operation being performed: while the op is anyway 'RSA encrypt',
the padding should be different if you're signing an hash or exchanging
a session key. Failing to let the card do the padding could lead to
exposure of the private key, IIRC.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Pros and cons of PGP/MIME for outgoing e-mail?

2014-11-26 Thread NdK
Il 26/11/2014 15:30, Bjarni Runar Einarsson ha scritto:

 And if we further factor in viruses and phishing and
 exploits and spam, then widely deployed PGP/MIME might make the real
 world less secure, not more. :-P
Maybe including a mandatory proof-of-work that includes addressee
identity might mitigate at least the spam?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: digest-algo SHA256, SHA-1 attacks

2014-11-26 Thread NdK
Il 26/11/2014 20:39, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:
 On 26/11/14 20:31, NdK wrote:
 Well, IIUC with rhash you're giving the attacker another mean to tamper
 with your message. Unless 'r' is chosen deterministically.
 'r' is randomly generated for each signature by the /signing/ party. So the
 attacker loses control over the input to the hashing algorithm, and they no
 longer can use collision attacks because they don't know the exact input to 
 hashing algorithm.
Sorry, I've been too concise.
I see two problems with randomizing crypto:
1) who guarantees that the 'r' seen by the receiving party is the same
generated by the signer? Since it's usually trivially combined with
source text, I feel it's a huge attack vector
2) it could be a side-channel for leakage (say a smartcard under some
control by some TLA that encrypts the used secret key and some really
random bytes and uses the result as 'r')


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Backup of encrypted private key on uncontrolled disks

2014-11-20 Thread NdK
Il 20/11/2014 18:33, Dave English ha scritto:

 Hint: do you always wear a hood over your head and the keyboard when entering 
 your passphrase?
Could simply use different passphrases for regular use and backups...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Encryption on Mailing lists sensless?

2014-11-18 Thread NdK
Il 18/11/2014 19:15, Mirimir ha scritto:

 What distinguishes a mail list from email with bcc? Software? Size?
That you're sending to a *single* address that hides the others.

 As long as messages were separately encrypted to each recipient, no
 third parties would be involved.
1) you should disclose the whole list of subscribed addresses (that's
really valuable metadata -- not to say a dream for spammers!)
2) you make mail headers and message size explode

Not good, IMVHO...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Why the software is crap

2014-11-14 Thread NdK

Il 14/11/2014 12:41, ha scritto:

I usually just lurk, but that's too much...

I even tried exporting my private and public key from the command line and then 
importing. The same error message as before. I have checked on the internet - 
most of the
suggestions are crap - the authors have never ever tried to do what they 
suggest others to
do. If they had done so then they would have known just how crappy their 
supposed expertise was.
I have even looked through  and found 
this to be a
useless pile of crap also.
Surely you're doing it wrong, overlooking some passage. So don't blame 
others for something *you* are doing wrong.

I am faced with two options:
(1) Create yet another set of keys
(2) Give up using gnupg after some 20 years
(3) Do it the right way as everyone else and admit you were doing 
something wrong.

I think I will unsubscribe from this list and give up on gnupg as a pile of 

And that will be better for the whole community.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Why the software is crap

2014-11-14 Thread NdK

Il 14/11/2014 13:24, ha scritto:

I have cooled. You can export your private key - you can export your public 
key. You can
import your private key you can import your public key. In 20 years I have 
always had the
same problem - the same error message and have each time created a new set of 
keys. I have
done this 4 times.
If all four times you did the same wrong thing, then it's obvious that 
you got the same wrong result.

Just to prove it's your error, I copied my .gnupg from one system 
(str957-142) to another (str957-004), with the most basic method I ould 
think of. I'm not an expert (probably I transferred more than what was 
needed!), but as you can see I succeeded at the first try!

diego@str957-142:~$ gpg --list-secret-keys

sec   2048R/F9B9D307 2014-11-14
uid  Diego
ssb   2048R/3A4AD1C0 2014-11-14

diego@str957-142:~$ tar cvfz GnuPG-backup.tar.gz --exclude random_seed 

diego@str957-142:~$ gpg --clearsign GnuPG-backup.tar.gz

È necessaria una passphrase per sbloccare la chiave segreta
dell'utente: Diego
2048-bit chiave RSA, ID F9B9D307, creata 2014-11-14

diego@str957-142:~$ ls GnuPG-backup.tar.gz*
GnuPG-backup.tar.gz  GnuPG-backup.tar.gz.asc
diego@str957-142:~$ scp GnuPG-backup.tar.gz diego@str957-004:/home/diego

Then on the other PC:

diego@str957-004:~$ tar xvfz GnuPG-backup.tar.gz
diego@str957-004:~$ gpg --clearsign GnuPG-backup.tar.gz

È necessaria una passphrase per sbloccare la chiave segreta
dell'utente: Diego
2048-bit chiave RSA, ID F9B9D307, creata 2014-11-14

diego@str957-004:~$ gpg --verify GnuPG-backup.tar.gz.asc
gpg: Firma eseguita in data ven 14 nov 2014 14:07:57 CET usando RSA, ID 
chiave F9B9D307

gpg: Firma valida da Diego

I notice that no one on this list - for all the talk of oh I've done it can 
offer no
practical information has to HOW. No one. No one. No one knows how to do this 
simple task.
In all my 20 years I have never found out how. Perhaps things are different 
under a Windows
O/S but on Linux there is NO SOLUTION.

Done just now in Ubuntu. So there's an error on your side.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Why the software is crap

2014-11-14 Thread NdK
Il 14/11/2014 18:24, ha scritto:

 I have a clean install of 64 bit LXD - all programmes are working 100 per 
 cent. My keys get
 imported perfectly - every programme including Enigmail knows they are there. 
 But when I try
 to sign or sign and encrypt I get the error referred too. No amount of 
 copying no amount of
 backups no amount of anything will change that fact.
Then do what we've already done to try to help you: open a terminal on
the source machine, type the commands and cutpaste to the list.
Unless you do that, showing *exactly* what you've done, I doubt anybody
can help you: all our crystal balls are broken...

And I'm *not* going to try to help you again unless I see that
cutpaste. Wasted time.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: OpenPGP card feature request: as many encryption-capable keys as technically possible

2014-08-15 Thread NdK
Il 15/08/2014 02:18, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

 The problem is expiring a encryption-capable subkey on an OpenPGP
 smartcard, replacing it with a new one.
 Currently, the OpenPGP smartcard only allows a single
 en-/decryption-capable key.
That's exactly why I started MyPGPid project. Too bad I've had no time
to develop it further :(
Hope I'll be able to return on it soon... Unless another (paid) project
steps in...

 Suppose after some time I decide an old key has seen it's useful
 lifetime. I'd like to create a new encryption-capable key. However, I
 definitely need to keep the old key, or I won't be able to see anything
 encrypted to me in the past.
Currently you have to generate your encryption key on the PC and copy it
to the card. So you have a copy to reuse.
Or just use multiple cards BEG

 The current OpenPGP smart card restricts me to a single key for
 encryption, a single key for signatures, and a single key for
 authentication. If it were possible to tell the card, on uploading the
 key, what that key's usage will be, I would be able to have a separate
 smartcard that decrypted the 3 OpenPGP subkeys I used for encryption
 previously. This instead of being forced to use 3 separate smartcards. I
 get the impression this is a relatively small change to the firmware of
 the smartcard, but a larger change to the software running on the PC.
On a 144K javacard, IIRC, I've been able to store 13 RSA-2048 encryption
keys. Plus master, signature and two auth keys (one reserved for
contactless auth).


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: OpenPGP card feature request: as many encryption-capable keys as technically possible

2014-08-15 Thread NdK
Il 15/08/2014 12:31, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

 So if you had a smartcard with a lot of storage, you could copy the key
 material of your old keys, taken from your secure backup, to the card
 and keep on using a card to work with the keys.
That's what I was doing with MyPGPid: a 144k Javacard can host the
applet and many keys.
The trick is that it accepts the standard OpenPGPCard commands, plus
some extended commands to handle extra keys (like selecting current
enc/dec key, or safely export keys only towards user-certified devices).
This way you only need the standard GnuPG plus an helper program (can be
a simple script using opensc) if/when you need the extra functions.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Key distribution via NFC

2014-07-06 Thread NdK
Il 04/07/2014 05:54, Robert J. Hansen ha scritto:

 If someone asks you for your certificate, you don't have to
 trade a SHA-1 fingerprint -- just put down your keychain and let the
 person wave a cell phone over it.
Just place in the tag the URL where to retrieve your key.

 Obviously there are risks associated with NFC, and I haven't done any
 real looking at the security model of NFC -- it's very likely there are
 big things I'm overlooking.  But the ability to store 400 bytes, to
 access it quickly and easily, and all in a tag that costs less than a
 dollar and can be read with almost any modern smartphone, is kind of cool.
Or, as suggested, use the whole phone as a smart tag, placing it in
device mode with a suitable applet that sends your whole key w/o the
limit of 400 bytes.

Too bad it's quite easy to reprogram the tags, IIUC, so the applet
method should be preferred. IMOP, such an applet should be able to use
bluetooth, too, to allow sending the key to non-nfc enabled phones (but
maybe a simple file manager could be enough for this? Maybe some file
managers already allow to send via NFC too)...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Why create offline main key without encryption capabilities

2014-06-01 Thread NdK
Il 01/06/2014 16:17, Hauke Laging ha scritto:

 There are certain risks using the same RSA key for encryption and 
 signing. If you make a blind signature over data someone supplied then 
 you unintentionally decrypt the data (and send it back).
Then you're using RSA the wrong way.
You should *never* apply RSA directly. Padding is important and *must*
be checked during process. Decryption and signature are the same RSA op,
but use a different padding so you can tell which op got applied.

 2) If a signature key has expired then you may delete the private part. 
 You should usually never throw away a decryption key, though, as it can 
 happen that you have to decrypt data long after the public part has 
And that poses a big problem for everyone that would like to use a
smartcard for decryption...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: what hardware entropy usb key equivalent Simtec entropy key take ?

2014-05-25 Thread NdK
Il 25/05/2014 20:57, ha scritto:

 As you know it is not more possible to buy a Simtec entropy usb key since 
 many years, so my question what hardware entropy usb key do you recommend now 
 to replace it (not too expensive) ?
 PS:  need to be compatible with GNU Linux / Debian
You could use gnuk (includes 'quite' secure openpgp card), or only its

Readily available on seeedstudio (pre-programmed with gnuk, if you only
want NeUg you need to flash it yourself).

Hope it helps.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Signature without policy meaningless? (was Re: UI terminology for calculated validities)

2014-05-04 Thread NdK
Il 03/05/2014 10:50, Nicholas Cole ha scritto:

 Well, if ownertrust answers that, it's what I need: a way to say I am
 sure this key belongs to X, but I don't want it to be used to introduce
 more keys in the WoT.
 But it doesn't work like that anyway.  Unless you are using Trust
 signatures (and few people do) then a signature on a key does not
 encourage a 3rd party to trust signatures made by that key.
Ah, OK. Now it makes more sense.

Tks for the clarification.

 Even if a key is recognised as authenticated/validated/certified for
 association with a particular email address, the signatures made by
 that key will not be trusted by anyone who has not made an active
 decision to make a particular key a trusted introducer.
IIUC, *unless* I tsig it.
But if I use tsig I'm doing both an identity signature and a trust
signature. I see no way I can publicly say I don't really know
real-world identity of this subject, but I trust him as an introducer
(yep, might sound strange [*], but often a pseudonym is more meaningful
than RL name, but pseudonyms aren't good in WoT): if I tsig his key,
I'm cerifying his pseudonym -- that I shouldn't do since it's not on any

[*] well, not too strange in many cases, when it's healtier that a
pseudonym is *not* easily correlated to a RL identity.

 In fact, this is a reason (though one of many) why the web of trust
 has never quite lived up to its promise.  No UI that I am aware of
 sets even marginal trust by default on newly imported keys.  Most
 users (I suspect) will only ever end up trusting keys that they
 themselves have signed.  That is the default position.
Understandable/safer, but harder to bootstrap :)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Managing Subkeys for Professional and Personal UIDs

2014-05-04 Thread NdK
Il 03/05/2014 05:01, Robert J. Hansen ha scritto:

 And regardless of whether it's a good practice or a bad one, I've worked
 in businesses that have done exactly this -- so it's a real-world
 example that demonstrates the occasional need for a third party to
 possess signing keys.
That practice is the same as asking you to sign blank sheets of paper so
they can later write on them what they like.
IMVHO it's an *illegal* practice, and actually I vaguely remember news
about a case where a female worker had to sign a blank sheet, that was
later used for her resignation when she asked for maternity leave.
IIRC she won the cause.

Signing cards, at least here in Italy, are bound to a person. If
multiple persons can sign the same kind of document (or if a vice is
needed), then there are more cards, each controlled by a different
person. That's why it's called qualified signature and it's (legally)
stronger than a plain one.

As already pointed out it could be different for encryption-only keys,
that could be escrowed under some circumstances.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Managing Subkeys for Professional and Personal UIDs

2014-05-04 Thread NdK
Il 04/05/2014 14:43, Robert J. Hansen ha scritto:

 Because the law says the document must bear the President's signature,
 not that of a functionary acting on the President's direction.
Just 'cause the law lays *way* behind technology: when it was created,
they couldn't think of autosign machines, figure digital signatures!

 Deception?  In politics?  Surely you jest.  That could /never/ happen...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Signature without policy meaningless? (was Re: UI terminology for calculated validities)

2014-05-03 Thread NdK
Il 03/05/2014 01:10, Daniel Kahn Gillmor ha scritto:

 Having such an assertion cryptographically bound to the OpenPGP
 certificate in parseable form implies in some sense that you think a
 mechanical process (e.g. WoT calculated validity) should be able to make
 use of it.  But how would that work?
Making WoT calculator avoid looking for keys signed by that user if
reached throught my certification.

  It sounds like you'd want to ask
 an OpenPGP to introduce an additional concept on top of the notions of
 validity and ownertrust (which are already confusing):
They work: I'm *really* confused. :)

 some sort of meta-ownertrust: instead of ownertrust's question of:
 how much am i willing to rely on NdK's identity assertions,
Well, if ownertrust answers that, it's what I need: a way to say I am
sure this key belongs to X, but I don't want it to be used to introduce
more keys in the WoT.

 meta-onwertrust would ask
 how much am i willing to believe NdK's assessments of certification
 practice quality?  Who is going to understand this question?  What kind
 of UI would you suggest for it?
No, it's not what I meant.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Signature without policy meaningless? (was Re: UI terminology for calculated validities)

2014-05-02 Thread NdK
Il 02/05/2014 17:12, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

 I don't quite understand. If I know someone, I can talk with them about how 
 verify ownership before they sign. Then I can judge whether I agree and assign
 ownertrust accordingly.
Too bad (IIUC) you can't say I certify that this person is *really* the
one given in this UID, but I absolutely don't trust his identity


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Subject: openpgp card and basiccard RNG

2014-02-13 Thread NdK
Il 13/02/2014 21:29, Peter Lebbing ha scritto:

 Although I think there's a trend towards more openness, and I learned a while
 ago that you can get crypto-capable JavaCards these days without requiring an 
I've been able to work on JavaCards w/o having to sign anything (except
the transactions to various online stores :) ).

I'd have been interested in developing for Yubikey, too, but that
required an NDA with NXP for their SDK, or I couldn't access the button
(and access to the button was the only reason I was interested in
Yubikey in the first place!).


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Subject: openpgp card and basiccard RNG

2014-02-13 Thread NdK
Il 13/02/2014 23:20, Werner Koch ha scritto:

 I am not interested in those small applications on the smartcard as long
 as I can't scrutinize the real code, i.e. the OS.  Whether those
 applications are written for a p-code system (JavaCard, BasicCard) or
 for the native CPU doesn't change anything in the equation.
Then where would you stop analyzing?
If you look at the OS code, there could be a backdoor in the CPU
microcode. Or in the chip firmware uploader (is there an HV programming
mode available? was it disabled or physically removed from the die?).

And these are just the most obvious. The best we can do is trust the
manufacturer and read the fine print on the datasheets. It will be more
secure than a sw only implementation that runs on a connected PC.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: MUA automatically signs keys?

2014-01-31 Thread NdK
Il 31/01/2014 10:24, Steve Jones ha scritto:

 Well the conventions of use, for example the key signing party
 protocol, requires photographic id. If I publicly sign a key it has to
 be in line with how I expect others to interpret it. Policies and
 notations on signatures go some way to alleviate that but only if the
 tools support it.
I tried looking around for some tutorials about notations, but could
only find minimal information (it's a string in 'tag@domain=value'

IIUC in *my* policy I could specify that when signing a key I use
ndk@mydomain=X notation and that X=0 means just checked the person
can access the given mailbox, X=1 means at least 2 other persons have
confirmed that the same user used that email address for the last year
and so on.

Is my understanding right? When I sign a key and use a notation, am I
actually signing *all* the identities associated with that key? Or just one?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Setting up shared access to gpg on a UNIX server

2014-01-31 Thread NdK
Il 31/01/2014 01:29, DUELL, BOB ha scritto:

 A couple folks (Diego and Johannes) mentioned using a smartcard or a
 token.  I think a smartcard refers to a piece of hardware, but I
 don't know what a token means.  Our server is in a datacenter and
 I'm sure I cannot attach any sort of hardware.
A token is a bundle of a smartcard and a reader, and usually looks like
an USB stick.
If you have a dedicated (non virtual) server, usually you can ask to
have a token plugged in. If you're using a virtual server, then it's
harder and there are other possible attacks against your key material,
as previously discussed on-list.

 I might be able to use a software only solution; I've heard something
 about agents, but don't really understand any details.  Can such an
 agent be used, one that I can start and load the key with passphrase
 at system startup?
I don't know if such an agent exists.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Setting up shared access to gpg on a UNIX server

2014-01-29 Thread NdK
Il 30/01/2014 02:14, DUELL, BOB ha scritto:

 I will appreciate any and all comments.  If there is a better way to do 
 this, I'd love to learn.
Every user in the group could leak the secret key. At least put it
into a smartcard/token connected to the server: they'll just be able to
*use* it.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: using an OpenPGP card with Java (keytool and jarsigner)

2014-01-07 Thread NdK
Il 07/01/2014 04:01, Hans-Christoph Steiner ha scritto:

 Does anyone know if there is any chance of using an OpenPGP smart card for
 Java?  I know that GnuPG doesn't support PKCS#11, but I was wondering if
 things work the otherway around: java using the OpenPGP card.  It would be
 super useful to be able to use the same smartcard for both Android APK signing
 and OpenPGP signing.
IIRC there is an OpenSC driver for OpenPGP cards, that makes 'em
accessible throught PKCS#11.

Seems it's quite old... Maybe if you want to take over developement...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: USB key form-factor smart-card readers with pinpads?

2014-01-06 Thread NdK
Il 06/01/2014 10:34, Werner Koch ha scritto:

 To make use of the decryption key the smartcard first requires that a
 VERIFY command is send to the card.  This is what asks for the PIN.
 After a successful verification of the PIN the card allows the use of
 the PSO Decrypt command until a power down or a reset operation.  Thus
 an attacking malware only needs to trick you info decrypt an arbitrary
 message and is then free to use the smartcard without having the reader
 ask you again for a PIN.
Is it just convenience or enforcing it (e.g. adding a forcedecauth
flag) would lead to usability issues (maybe because sometimes decryption
is called many times in sequence)? That would be the case for auth key,
I think: using it to auth against a web page would ask auth for every
sub-request of objects on the page.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: sign encrypted emails

2014-01-03 Thread NdK
Il 03/01/2014 11:28, Hauke Laging ha scritto:

 But I do not suggest to make my configuration the default. I just want 
 to be able to use it. Sometimes it's best to send a signed cleartext 
 message, sometimes to send an unsingned encrypted message, sometimes a 
 first signed then encrypted message and I want to stress that sometimes 
 it's best to send a first encrypted then signed (or signed-encrypted-
 signed) message.
I can't come up with a situation where sign, encrypt, sign again w/
*same* key used in the first signature gives more security than first
encrypt then sign. So two layers are enough.

I (partially) get your point: receiving an encrypted message could
mislead an uneducated user... But I doubt someone w/ access to top
secret material falls in that category :)


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: deleting secret key not implemented

2013-12-31 Thread NdK
Il 31/12/2013 14:49, Kristian Fiskerstrand ha scritto:

 But how do I go about deleting it if I can't do it through gpg2?
 Can I do it manually somehow?
 Get the keygrip as gpg2.1 --with-keygrip -K uid and delete the
 corresponding file(s) in $GPGHOME/private-keys-v1.d. The form should
 be keygrip.key.
Maybe I'm missing something... What happens if keys are kept on smartcard?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: ePGP extension for mobile

2013-12-31 Thread NdK
Il 31/12/2013 17:11, ha scritto:

 As phones are increasing in memory and processing power,
 maybe an app could be developed to use a smart card usb reader on a phone.
Since many phones already have NFC, why not use an RFID-capable Javacard
w/ openpgp applet? No extra reader to carry: just keep the card near the
rear of the phone while doing crypto ops.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Possible to combine smartcard PIN with key password?

2013-12-27 Thread NdK
Il 27/12/2013 01:42, adrelanos ha scritto:

 You're saying that he can lockpick your security door but can't break
 the glass of the window nearby...
 I don't understand how you get to that conclusion.
You're assuming that breaking into a smartcard is something easy, while
it's the most expensive of the cited actions (except breaking encrypted
keys on file). It requires great skills and devices that aren't exactly
cheap (see Anderson's page at and read
some of his papers about reliability of security systems). Hire someone
that plants a keylogger in your PC is probably cheaper than 2K$ (maybe
it's even free, if he can rob something while at it). You could even
find someone who does rubberhose analysis for fun... How much effort
is it, compared to breaking into a smartcard, that requires a
specialized lab?


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Possible to combine smartcard PIN with key password?

2013-12-23 Thread NdK
Il 23/12/2013 19:29, adrelanos ha scritto:

 This would be lucky, if one could enter the PIN using an external keypad
 (possible) AND a password using the keyboard (not possible).
I'd like it was possible, but for other reasons: that would mean you
could instantiate an object in card's RAM, havina actually a
limitless-memory card: you'd simply have to send the encrypted key blob,
the password and the PIN. Too bad in all cards I know key objects can
only be stored in EEPROM/Flash, that have a quite limited number of
writes :(
But, as Peter pointed, that wouldn't bring you more security.

 Checking the applet is difficult. Only few people are skilled to do.
Try reading code of an applet. You can learn the basis of SC devel in an
afternoon, and that would be enough to understand how a well-written app
works. Then throw away what you learnt and ask if some expert already
looked at that code :)

 I am a user of gnupg. I can't be auditor-like type of person for all
 projects I am using.
If you want to be paranoid enough, you need to. That, or pay a lot of
money -- and who guarantees you that the staff is not paid by a TLA
agency? ]:)

 And let's say the applet is fine as is. It will be
 much more difficult to find out if the smartcard really wipes the key as
 soon someone is trying to dismantle the card to directly read its
 memory. It is my understanding, that understanding such hardware design
 is even harder than understanding the applet. And knowing/searching for
 vulnerabilities in the hardware design is an art in itself.
Sure. Look at works by Ross Anderson, just for naming one expert in that
field. Maybe you want to hire him.

 You can do many checks yourself: there are various OpenPGP Java
 implementations around.
 Also the hardware design?
How much do you want to pay for that level of security?
Maybe, you should start reading the applicable certification procedures
(what does CC-EAL5 mean exactly?), to see what's already considered and
which level of examination each card mask have undergone. Then, if
that's not enough, you should contact a manufacturer and take steps to
have a custom-made mask examined by your enginering staff, then buy
enough cards. Or, simpler, ask the supplier to sign a contract where the
considered attacks are detailed.

 One could do it manually already. First encrypt a message using the
 smartcard and the encrypt the encrypted message again using a
 password-protected/encrypted key. And you could tell contacts, my
 signature is only valid if it is signed by both signing keys.
Naive and error-prone.

 Manually doing so just seems to inconvenient to get it right. Technical
 challenges should only be implementing that feature but not conceptual
Then you should use the (really heavy) shared RSA signature: to have a
valid signature, all N chunks from N parties are needed. Key generation
is a collaborative effort, too, so no single party can know the whole
secret key. That could be a good idea for a Ph. D thesis (probably a
hard one). I fear that current crypto support in JavaCards wouldn't be
entirely useable :(


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Possible to combine smartcard PIN with key password?

2013-12-23 Thread NdK
Il 24/12/2013 02:41, adrelanos ha scritto:

 Adversary capabilities:
 - Can physically steal the smartcard.
 - Capable of dismantling a smartcard to extract the key its holing.
 [Maybe not now, but maybe in a few years the tool required to so so will
 be available. Only making up the scenario here.]
 - Not capable of breaking gpg's key encryption/password protection.
 - Not capable of rubber-hose cryptanalysis.
 - Not capable of installing a miniature camera and/or hardware keylogger.
You're saying that he can lockpick your security door but can't break
the glass of the window nearby...

Just IMVHO...


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Possible to combine smartcard PIN with key password?

2013-12-22 Thread NdK
Il 22/12/2013 04:13, adrelanos ha scritto:

 Or in other words, is it possible to store an already encrypted
 (password protected) gpg private keys on a smartcard? So the smartcard
 never gets to see the plain key?
That would be really useless: smartcardneeds the key to *do* crypto ops!
It's not a limited USB stick!
Since the smartcard is a really controlled execution environment, we
can say it's a trusted environment.

 I've learned the hard way (by buying the equipment even with external
 PIN pad), that when keytocard has been used, that only the PIN has to
 be entered. No password. Unfortunately.
Luckily. Smartcards are used to avoid exposing key material to an
untrusted environment, like a PC.

 The smartcard has been bought by me to improve security. Not to
 substitute one security mechanism with another. I believe gpg's software
 encryption is more trustworthy than a card I got by snail mail. I
 haven't heard that any cards have been compromised yet, but how do I
 know if I really received an original (untampered) card in the first place.
You have to trust the supplier. If you ordered 'em in significant
quantities, you could ask to have 'em with special keys so that every
step can be checked.
Or. more easily, you can buy blank java cards from diffetent
manufacturers, then compile an upload your carefully checked applet.

 In my opinion both attempts, password protection and smartcards, on
 security are worthwhile. When using smartcards I am trusting hardware, a
 small group of card designers, producers, post office... And when using
 gpg's software key encryption, I am trusting the software producers and
 the programmers actually looking at the code.
You can do many checks yourself: there are various OpenPGP Java
implementations around.

 The idea was to take my chances. If smartcards work, that's great. The
 key can be abused when a malware infection happened, but at least the
 key can not be extracted. On the other hand, if I loose my smartcard and
 smartcards don't do what they promise (i.e. someone ever comes up with
 some exploit to extract the key), I fall back to gpg's software key
And how do you think the card could perform crypto ops on encrypted
keys? If you lose your card, it could be way easier to revoke the keys
on card. And that's why many people keep their master key offline, using
cards/tokens just to safely transport their keys.

 I am ignorant about the technical details. Maybe there is a technical
 reason why it's not worthwhile to combine these things? Or are
 smartcards just too limited at this stage of development to support that?
No. It's simply impossible to do what you're asking. Unless you replace
the secret key with a *masked* version, leaving the unmasking key on the
PC, encrypted by PGP. But that would prevent checking on-card various
possible attacks, actually weakening the whole system.


Gnupg-users mailing list

Re: Revocation certificate for sub key?

2013-12-14 Thread NdK
Il 13/12/2013 23:56, adrelanos ha scritto:

 Is it possible to create a revocation certificate just for sub keys and
 not the master key?
I can't see how it can be useful...

 This would be useful for offline master keys. Trusted persons could be
 given the revocation certificate for sub keys and send it to key servers
 when they suspect compromise. But should the sub key revocation
 certificate get into the wrong hands due to compromise, the damage would
 be limited.
Since you still have your secure offline main key, you can revoke
subkeys yourself... Or am I missing something?


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