RE: [Goanet]Church over Temple

2004-03-25 Thread bantaogoa

  You are really brilliant we should send you to be a mediator
in the ayodhya problem to mediate the case !!!
 -- Brian

Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How about a complete take over such as, the take over of Hagia Sophia (St.
Sophia) in Istanbul which  then served as a Mosque for several centuries,
and is now ostensibly a museum:-

Click on the site


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RE: [Goanet]Who is the world's greatest footballer?

2004-03-25 Thread bantaogoa

None other the the current David Beckham !!!
-- Brian

Eustaquio Santimano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: rediff Sports unknown
To:Subject: Who is the world's greatest footballer?
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 10:40:01 GMT

Readers select their favourite footballers.

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Re: [Goanet]Researching Goa

2004-03-25 Thread bantaogoa

What Kind of Research on Goa thread is this attempt to
mirror Ayodhya controversy all over Goa and dig up churches
and temples and mosques etc... in Goa ... Marlon you really 
are a Bleeding heart liberal clown with no sensitivity
to political or communal ramifications ... you are sitting 
there perhaps like that Dinesh D'Sousa clown in that 
American Institute 'Merican Insitutute smoking weed
and blowing smoke out of your ass for the most part
of yout time ...

   -- Brian

Marlon Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


It looks to me like you are changing the rules on us.
Your original subject was Churches built on temples
- not whether it was the christians or the muslims who
destroyed the hindu temples. Based on your initial
boundary conditions, it is very clear that many
churches were built on top of temples.

With regards to the specifics of the Divar church, you
can view a photo of the remains of the hindu structure
in the book Window on Goa by Maurice Hall. It is
available at  With the money I have just
saved you from your proposed research trip to Goa, I
suggest you add one of those nice new color laser
printers to your amazon shopping cart.

My interest in the Divar church was not because of
some miraculous religious enlightenment :-) but rather
because I was surprised to see a picture of my aunt's
grave in a photograph in his book.


--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Lino, 
 Thanks for the original posting and for the

 That's why one needs more than one source or else
 one gets a 'Babri
 Masjid'. From Yours Skeptical, Gilbert.

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2004-03-25 Thread bantaogoa
Bosco - Goanet Volunteer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 04:38:49 EST, George de Sa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I recently visited Goa and it was an awful sight to see hoardings all over Goa.
Some action has to be taken.

Thank you for highlighting the awful situation.

George de Sa

  = It seems that these days there are ways for things to slip
through the system in many ways !!!
 -- Brian

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RE: [Goanet]Re: shacks on the beaches

2004-03-25 Thread bantaogoa
Bosco - Goanet Volunteer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 11:26:36 +0100, Architekturburo Huber ZT GmbH

Do you or the tourists  really need all these shacks along the beaches?

I am coming to Goa since 1958 (I have  been staying in Goa for some years as a

An I must say slowly I do not know were to go anymore without being enoyed by
the noice

and environment coming from these places. I really hope that the south of Goa
will not become

the same as the beaches from Calangut to Anjuna.

  This really is true that some of these beaches are too over 
  populated with a bit too many shacks that there is hardly any beach
  space left but just shacks and shack all over the place that
  what is much needed is some shack control like mosquito control
  to prevent these from in the manner of speaking spreading around
  and overtaking the pristine beaches

 -- Brian

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[Goanet]FYI -- Something about the healthy side

2004-03-24 Thread bantaogoa
Antioxidants and Free radicals

Antioxidants are intimately involved in the prevention of cellular damage -- the 
common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of diseases. The scientific community 
has begun to unveil some of the mysteries surrounding this topic, and the media has 
begun whetting our thirst for knowledge. Athletes have a keen interest because of 
health concerns and the prospect of enhanced performance and/or recovery from 
exercise. The purpose of this article is to serve as a beginners guide to what 
antioxidants are and to briefly review their role in exercise and general health. What 
follows is only the tip of the iceberg in this dynamic and interesting subject.

It's the radicals, man
Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons 
and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed these 
highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction, like dominoes. Their chief danger 
comes from the damage they can do when they react with important cellular components 
such as DNA, or the cell membrane. Cells may function poorly or die if this occurs. To 
prevent free radical damage the body has a defense system of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are molecules which can safely interact with free radicals and terminate 
the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged. Although there are several 
enzyme systems within the body that scavenge free radicals, the principle 
micronutrient (vitamin) antioxidants are vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. 
Additionally, selenium, a trace metal that is required for proper function of one of 
the body's antioxidant enzyme systems, is sometimes included in this category. The 
body cannot manufacture these micronutrients so they must be supplied in the diet.

Vitamin E : d-alpha tocopherol. A fat soluble vitamin present in nuts, seeds, 
vegetable and fish oils, whole grains (esp. wheat germ), fortified cereals, and 
apricots. Current recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 15 IU per day for men and 12 IU 
per day for women.

Vitamin C : Ascorbic acid is a water soluble vitamin present in citrus fruits and 
juices, green peppers, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, kale, cantaloupe, kiwi, and 
strawberries. The RDA is 60 mg per day. Intake above 2000 mg may be associated with 
adverse side effects in some individuals.

Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A (retinol) and is present in liver, egg yolk, 
milk, butter, spinach, carrots, squash, broccoli, yams, tomato, cantaloupe, peaches, 
and grains. Because beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A by the body there is no 
set requirement. Instead the RDA is expressed as retinol equivalents (RE), to clarify 
the relationship. (NOTE: Vitamin A has no antioxidant properties and can be quite 
toxic when taken in excess.)

Preventing cancer and heart disease -- do antioxidants help?
Epidemiologic observations show lower cancer rates in people whose diets are rich in 
fruits and vegetables. This has lead to the theory that these diets contain 
substances, possibly antioxidants, which protect against the development of cancer. 
There is currently intense scientific investigation into this topic. Thus far, none of 
the large, well designed studies have shown that dietary supplementation with extra 
antioxidants reduces the risk of developing cancer. In fact one study demonstrated an 
increased risk of lung cancer in male smokers who took antioxidants vs. male smoker 
who did not supplement. Whether this effect was from the antioxidants is unknown but 
it does raise the issue that antioxidants may be harmful under certain conditions.

Antioxidants are also thought to have a role in slowing the aging process and 
preventing heart disease and strokes, but the data is still inconclusive. Therefore 
from a public health perspective it is premature to make recommendations regarding 
antioxidant supplements and disease prevention. New data from ongoing studies will be 
available in the next few years and will shed more light on this constantly evolving 
area. Perhaps the best advice, which comes from several authorities in cancer 
prevention, is to eat 5 servings of fruit or vegetables per day.

Exercise and oxidative damage
Endurance exercise can increase oxygen utilization from 10 to 20 times over the 
resting state. This greatly increases the generation of free radicals, prompting 
concern about enhanced damage to muscles and other tissues. The question that arises 
is, how effectively can athletes defend against the increased free radicals resulting 
from exercise? Do athletes need to take extra antioxidants?

Because it is not possible to directly measure free radicals in the body, scientists 
have approached this question by measuring the by-products that result from free 
radical reactions. If the generation of free radicals exceeds the antioxidant defenses 
then one would expect to see more of these by-products. These measurements have been 

RE: [Goanet] Church overTemple (13)

2004-03-23 Thread bantaogoa
Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

RE: [Goanet] Church over Temple

Gilbert Lawrence:
But you also wrote very confidently and with certainity, that Goan men 
were raped en-mass by wine-drunk Bacchus and his many maidens when they 
invaded Goa from Greece. This was all pre-Alexander the Great. No such 
account exists of this account of your post/story.

 AND We thought that Goa's History was that it was a Portuguese
Colony, Now from where do we get these Greek drunken homosexual rapists ? or are we 
projecting some vivid imaginations here ???

   -- Brian

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RE: [Goanet]Young Goans mix genders while partying in London

2004-03-23 Thread bantaogoa

  Wonder if there is any connection with knowledge of knonkani got
to do with any thing about the young goan club, though, knowing
konkani adds to ones linguistic repetoire ...
   -- Brian

Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I know who the promoters are, unfortunately they have very little if any
knowledge of Konkani, worse than me!


Gabe Menezes.

- Original Message - 
From: Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:36 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Young Goans mix genders while partying in London

I came across this website that describes itself as
The only party website for young Goan clubbers around London

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RE: [Goanet]LEST WE FORGET Rise in suicide cases in Goa

2004-03-21 Thread bantaogoa

Just using this post as an excuse to make a general observation
that there is a general tendency for too much of
  negaholism or postings of a negative nature ... though this
 post is of informative news...

-- Brian

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RE: [Goanet]Goan political activity in Goa

2004-03-11 Thread bantaogoa
Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As far as curruption in Goa is concerned, only the
residents there can get rid of currupt politicians. It
amazes me that every time I go to (and especially
south) Goa, everyone shouts that the representatives
are criminals. Yet these very same people get VOTED
into office again and again. 

Maybe there is corruption in the election process, Know?

   -- Brian

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RE: [Goanet]indian political activity in the US

2004-03-11 Thread bantaogoa
Marlon Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Looking forward, the real issue is whether the so
called developed world can adapt to the challeges
they will face with the rise of nations such as China
and India. 

It does not seem that the developed world composed of
some countries such as the US and Australia are NOT quite
excited by the prospects of India and China emerging
from developing to developed status... on the contrast
their reactions to the prospects are quite on the
Xenophobic end of the spectrum ... of course what they
think does not alter the reality of the pace of developments.

If the US has brought about protectionist measures on off-shoring
of jobs... the many Indians who are wasting their energy complaining
about it should simply boycott the US in this sector and do business
with the rest of the wider-world!

To quote the title of one of Richard Feynman's non-technical
books, which is What Do You Care What Other People Think?

Now ... Richard Feynman ... is a Hero that I deeply admire ... 
who perhaps is one of the most well-rounded and balanced individuals
with a refreshing and original perspective on many an issue.


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RE: [Goanet]Goa to develop as an R R base for US warships ?

2004-03-11 Thread bantaogoa
Goa Desc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The ship's commanding officer, Captain Thomas Crowley told reporters
that the Goa stopover is just for recreation and that no naval exercises
are planned with the Indian navy. 

One has to be wary of this precedent ... as the US military stops for
 RR in many other places across the world, usually have left 
  trails of drunken brawls, sexual assaults etc... and many of
  them have been getting away with it in the manner of an
  arrogant-buffon proclaiming I'm an Aamerican ... well so what ?

Besides, the US in its military and foreign policy is so much in bed
 with Pakistan ... why not they stop over in Pakistan for RR with their
 lover country which they are so much deeply in love with.

In the current US budget, from George W. Bush, he has alloted USD 300 mil
 to Pakistan for development progroms ... and just USD 15 mil to India !
 When you consider the size and population ratio of India::Pakistan, one
 would expect a reverse allotment in the budget... that of course assuming
 that the US had a certain neutrality in its foreign policy, which 
 obviously is not. So with this skewed US foreign policy, such RR
 stops in India by the US military have to be put under the scan of
 a microscope to uncover hidden agendas.

  -- Brian

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RE: [Goanet]GOAN PRESS goes ga ga over CM in the making

2004-03-11 Thread bantaogoa
Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Brian Antao wrote:-

 Firstly ... there is the issue of the political independence
 of the press ... and one wonders if the press touting an
 individual to be the next CM of Goa is a form of media
 manipulation, particularly that this comes at the time when
 the code of conduct is enforced.

RESPONSE: I see nothing wrong in the Newspapers espousing the virtues of any
particular candidate. Perhaps, they have had enough of C.M. Parrikar. Here
in the U.K. we have our Newspapers supporting either the Labour Party
(Mirror, Guardian and sometimes Sun) or the Conservatives (Mail, Telegraph
and sometimes the Sun). All is fair in love and war.

   You may be right about newspapers espousing about any particular
 candidate under ordinary circumstances. BUT India at the present time
 which is in the process of undergoing elections for the Lok Sabha, there
 is an Electoral Code of Conduct that comes into effect untill the
 elections are over... so we are talking about this special situation
 with the Indian constitution and the Code of Conduct that comes into
 effect during elections.

 Then again this touting of this candidate as the next CM could perhaps
 also be seen as an attempted coup at taking up the CM's position.
 Though one must say the the current CM, Mr. Parrikar has been the more
 Effective CM Goa has had in quite a while. And contrary to what was 
  expressed in the view that he be moved up to the Rajya Sabha, His
  Intellect and capabilities are more needed right here in Goa, and it
  is these political vested interests that are looking at creating a
  hype and hyperbole at touting the next candidate for CM... when this
  candidate touted for being the next CM's, track record of
   being effective with the ministrial portfolio he has been entrusted
  with is not much to talk about and he is already eyeing the CM's
  chair ! Looks like the current chair he is holding, he has warmed it
  enough and has gotten too hot to handle, nad he thinks that the CM's
  chair is a bigger one that he can sit in and warm it for a longer time
  without it getting too hot to handle ???

  In addition the current CM Mr. Parrikar's tough stand on dealing with
  corruption, has made him unpopular with the thriving corrupt eco-system
  in Goa, who are perhaphs looking for a more kinder and gentler CM who
  would be more hand-in-arms with their enterprise!

 -- Brian

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Re: [Goanet]Goa's Airport Situation

2004-03-08 Thread bantaogoa
Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Goa's Airport Situation by Brian Antao
   Goa's only airport situated in Dabolim has drawn quite a bit of debate,
   as the Indian Navy owns it. Apparently the Navy now wants full control
   of the airport leaving Goa with no airport for civilian transportation.



  Interesting reading but  what do you mean by: Apparently the Navy now
wants full control  of the airport leaving Goa?

  I thought that they were in full control of the airport and have been so
since 1961.  Do you mean that they want it exclusively for their use?  If so
what is the basis of your claim?  I thought the Navy had gradually been
allowing greater civilian use.

= It is aparantly because of this claim, that the Indian Navy has 
intimated to the Goa government that it wants the Dabolim airport
exclusively for Navy use, that the Goa Government embarked on the
plan to construct a new civilian airport in Mopa... I don't have exact
references to this but perhaps Fred N. would be able to dig something up from the news 

  9 July 2002: Times of India. The Centre has approved a Rs 150 crore
expansion plan for Dabolim airport.  The Civil Aviation Ministry has
approved an ambitious project for the expansion of the Dabolim airport with
a new terminal building  would commence next month,

The Centre approved this Rs. 150 crore expansion plan dated 9 July 2002,  we are 
now in 2004, by now this expansion work should have been
COMPLETED !!! quite on the contrary it has not even begun !!!

  3 May 2003.  Navhind Times, A new terminal, to facilitate arrivals of
chartered flights is to be constructed at Dabolim airport at the cost of
Rs.60 crore.

  === Another pipe-dream which is yet to be materialized.

  1 Mar. 2004. Herald.  A positive signal seems to be emerging with the
setting up of the inter-ministerial committee of the Ministry of Civil
Aviation and the Ministry of Defence functionaries, with regard to the
acquisition of additional land for the proposed expansion of the Dabolim
International Airport.

  === Well the problem that maybe standing in the way of all these
   promised expansion projects at the Dabolim airport is due to the
   fact that it is controlled by the Indian Navy, which might me
   coming in the way of making these civillian expansions to the
   airport. In addition to this airport this same group of ministers,
   has approved the privatization of Goa's airport along with a 
   few others in the country... a report about this appeared in the
   National Press. These were apparantly the small-scale airports;
   While this Group of Ministers is still working on the mega new
   privatized new international airports at Mumbai and New Delhi. 
   On that front the latest developments have reached as far as 
   appointing ABN-AMRO as the main consultants.

  Also  for the last three years we have been receiving reports that the
airport is able to operate at nights.  But no flight is allowed to land at

   This has been a major contentuous issue with the different airline
operators to Goa, who have been forced to operate flights to Goa only in fixed time 
slots, as during the other times the airport is reserved for 
 Indian Navy use. There was an article in the O'Herald written by an
 Indian Navy officer citing statistics on the usage of the Dabolim
 airport, by the civilian service and the Indian Navy.

   -- Brian

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RE: [Goanet]Goa's Airport Situation

2004-03-08 Thread bantaogoa
Santana Afonso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In my last write-up, I have exposed the promises of the Central Government 
for allocating the Rs. 150 crore for infrastructural and modifying our 
Dabolim International Airport. Till so far nothing is done but only 

=== This seems to be the growing trend these days with the politicians
who seem to have resorted to this new ploy of making Empty promises and
hoping to keep the public happy ... like they say you can fool some of the
people for some of the time BUT not all of the people for all the time.
The central aviation ministry in addition has also listed Goa's Dabolim airport as one 
of the domestic airports in the country to be privatised.
Now when this tussle is still going on between the Indian Navy controlling the Dabolim 
Airport, how would the privatization of the airport be undertaken ? Or maybe its was 
the Civil Aviation Minister talking after
his fun-filled trip to Goa, the in-famous stay at Taj Exotica, whose
hotel bills were published in the Indian Express and included purchase of huge amounts 
of liquor ... maybe it was all the liquor he bought during that stay in Goa that was 
doing the talking :-)

There has also been a huge publicity binge that was launched about a large
sum of grants approved by the central government for developing the 
electricity infrastructure, making a transition to under-ground cabling. The initial 
approval was for Margao and Panjim, and apparantly when the Union Power minister was 
in Goa, he approved a similar transition for the
other three major towns of Vasco, Mapusa and Phonda. We are yet to see any work 
commence on this all-ready approved project as well.

One wonders what happens to all these so called approved projects; are
they for real or just political rhetoric and gimmicks ?

   -- Brian

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RE: [Goanet]Hippie paradise taken over by UK traffickers: The Observer 7 Mar.

2004-03-07 Thread bantaogoa
Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Headline: Hippie paradise taken over by UK traffickers.

By-line: Goa's innocent, fun-loving reputation has been blown away by a
spate of drugs deaths.

By:  Jason Burke.

First came hippies, drawn by peace and cannabis. Then came the ravers, with
their dance drugs, full-moon parties and henna tattoos. Now the darkest side
of drugs has come to the golden sands, beach-front bars and cheap hotels of
Goa - thanks to a massive new trade in illegal pharmaceuticals run by
British traffickers.

I ran across an American Guy at the Saturday-night market/party in the
Baga-Calangute area. This guy was trying to set up a Web-Site to sell
the cheaply and easily available pharmaceuticals in Goa/India to
across the world to whoever would place an order through his web site.
At that time he claimed to have put together a team to build his web-site
and was looking for pharmacists who would be able to obtain the
pharmaceuticals and handle the order processing/shipping etc.

I am not sure this is quite legal in the first place, as the sale
of pharmaceuticals is restricted across country-boundaries. Indian
made pharmaceuticals are limited for sale in India, and need rigid
export licenses to ship to other countries. So seting up a global
web-site and making cheap Indian pharmaceuticals to anyone across
the world to order them has a number of WTO based pharma-trade
law issues to be considered.

Now that's typical of the American mind-set to conquer the entire
market with one big-swoop !!!

   -- Brian

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[Goanet]Goa's Airport Situation

2004-03-07 Thread bantaogoa
Goa's Airport Situation
Brian Antao

Goa's only airport situated in Dabolim has drawn quite a bit of debate, 
as the Indian Navy owns it. Apparently the Navy now wants full control 
of the airport leaving Goa with no airport for civilian transportation. 
We thought India was a full-fledged democracy, and one does not 
expect the Indian armed forces to usurp much needed civilian facilities 
for its military use. What are we to expect next? A Military coup a.k.a 
Pakistan with one of India's top military generals positioning himself as 
the new president of the country. 

Goa is a thriving tourist, cultural and now a business hub. It is crucial 
for Goa to have a centrally located airport of international standards. 
And the current Dabolim airport is perhaps situated at the most 
optimal location in Goa, making it most accessible to Goans from all 
over the state. In addition there is a lot of surrounding land at the 
Dabolim airport that can be easily acquired to build on the core 
infrastructure and develop the airport into a full-fledged civilian 
international airport.

The alternate plans that the Goa government has been mulling on 
building a new airport at Mopa, is not the best strategic solution. 
Firstly Mopa is situated at northern tip of the state, which will 
inconvenience majority of Goans in terms of accessibility. Besides this 
new airport in Mopa, which began on paper quite a few years ago, is 
still a pipe dream, and would involve a lot of expenditure from the 
state government exchequer. Goa has been selected as the permanent 
venue for the IFFI, but the central government has not really allocated 
much of a budget to the Goa government for developing infrastructure 
for hosting the IFFI, (except for the convention center) and most of 
the expenditure is coming from the state government. The CM needs 
to ask the Central government to at the very least cost-share in the 
expenses involved in building the permanent infrastructure for IFFI.

In terms of the Goa airport situation, apparently the Goa government 
has acquired land at Mopa for building a new airport. Perhaps the best 
win-win situation would be for the Goa government to give the land 
acquired at Mopa to the Indian Navy and in exchange the Goa 
Government gets full control of the Dabolim airport and it is developed 
into a complete commercial airport. Whatever funds are earmarked for 
building a new airport at Mopa, can be better utilized at building a 
bigger international airport at Dabolim, as the core infrastructure 
already exists. Another incentive for the Navy to move its base to 
Mopa is that, the Dabolim location has already been in the public eye. 
At Mopa, the Indian Navy can build an ultra-modern facility that is 
secure and a top-secret one!

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[Goanet]From the Asian Age: On the lighter side

2004-03-07 Thread bantaogoa
From the Asian Age, March 6, 2004:

  Where America clashes with Britain
  - By Michael Johnson 

London: For an American, London can be deceptive. At first it seems similar to New 
York. But Americans are not the same as the British -- and we dont want to be. We 
must pretend, however, or risk being labelled American, with all that implies. I 
keep a running list of our cultural-clash zones. Visitors coming over this spring 
might like to keep some of them in mind. Danger areas include:

The war: Dont mention Iraq. Yes, they participated, but they arent proud of it.

British politics: Dont say nice things about the Labour Party. Prime Minister Tony 
Blair is in perpetual trouble. Dont favour the Conservative Party, either. Its 
leader, Michael Howard, is in even deeper yoghurt. The Queen is safe, for the moment.

Business talk at the club: Most gentlemens clubs still prohibit business talk at 
lunch. If you pull out papers for discussion, you will be stopped by a waiter and 
told, Its not done here, after which you will feel an inch tall and lose your 

Boundaries of conversations: Since this will take a lifetime to figure out, let them 
lead the way. In a lull, the weather is always a good way forward.

Worlds greatest country: Its not a contest. Drop it.

Shouting: Leave your oversized larynx at home. British wives do not shout Hey, Morty, 
come here! across a hotel lobby.

False bonhomie: Americans like their relationships a mile wide and  an inch deep. The 
Brits are the opposite. After 20 years here, Im beginning to think theyre on to 

First names of strangers: Dont use a persons first name until something personal 
has happened between you and him or her. This will probably be never.

Excessive dental care: Snaggle-toothed Brits are par for the course. They think 
Americans have an unhealthy obsession with straight teeth. Now Americans are even 
getting their teeth whitened before job interviews, and they find this insane.

Painful handshakes: About 50 years ago some American wrote a business book claiming 
that a firm handshake represents decisiveness. Each succeeding generation has 
tightened the grip a bit. This is fine if both parties are playing, otherwise there 
will be pain. In Britain, the wet fish is considered more polite.

Penetrating eye contact: That same book said steady eye contact means youre really 
interested and sincere. Not true. It means someone told you about the book. To the 
Brits, staring is indecent. Look away.

Too much money: The sordid subject of coin (probably a quote from Samuel Johnson) is 
generally taboo. Money does not translate into status here, family does. Dont 
mention your income or the value of your house. You probably shouldnt mention your 
family, either.

Casual manners: Too much casual behaviour equates to boorishness. Watch them and do 
what they do.

The American slouch: Standing, sitting or walking, pretend you have swallowed an 

Shoes: Black leather only, no browns, no buckles, no cowboy boots. Sneakers are for 

Fitness: To the great mass of Brits, fitness is an unknown concept. In the acres of 
beautiful parks in central London, you may see as many as four joggers. Three are 
likely to be Americans. How can you tell the difference? The Americans even jog in 
place at traffic lights.

Loud clothes: Men prefer dark colours. Dont bring your plaid trousers, your pink 
sports coat or your Donald Duck tie.

Meaning of words: In Britain, pants are underpants. Underpants are knickers. To be on 
the job means to fornicate. Never say what one American manager said to his English 
staff, boasting that he joined his company the same year Elizabeth was crowned Queen: 
The Queen and I have been on the job together for 50 years. When the raucous 
laughter died down about 20 minutes later, he said to me, I thought it was funny, but 
not that funny.

Dress up, not down: At any decent restaurant, wear a jacket. One American colleague 
was admitted to Simpsons on the Strand despite wearing a company-branded polo shirt 
and charcoal windbreaker. When he tried to take the jacket off at his table, the 
waiter was there in a trice. Thats not done here, he said. My colleague felt an 
inch tall and lost his appetite.

(Comparisons made by a merry-can living in England!)

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RE: [Goanet]Re: indian political activity in the US

2004-03-06 Thread bantaogoa
On Thu, 4 Mar 2004 10:08:29 + (GMT), CORNEL DACOSTA [EMAIL PROTECTED]

many respects, many do not think that Goa is any better either. If they did,
they would be returning in droves, minimally to make room for those dying to get
out to the West!


 === One has to travel the world over to acquire the wisdom of the many 
      ways of the world !

           -- Brian 

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RE: [Goanet]Nelly Furtado dreams of going to Goa: The Independent (UK)

2004-03-06 Thread bantaogoa
Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Answer: Going to the rainforest in Brazil. My partner and I also dream of
going to Goa - the combination of the Portugese and the Indian fascinates
me. My daughter is also a quarter Indian and Portugese, so Goa's the place
for her.

Full text at:

Nelly Furtado's affinity to Indian music and Indian musical instruments is
well known. But is the identity of her partner known?  Is he half-Indian?


Eddie Fernandes

From What I hear Nelly furtado is Portuguese-Canadian ... her partner
may be a similar hybrid with some Goan/Indian mix ??? Well Well we
are seing an interesting trend of Indians courting celebrities the
world over don't we ... probably a refreshing change from all the
Bollywood in-breeding :-)

 -- Brian

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[Goanet]Is IFFI in Goa on the right track?

2004-03-06 Thread bantaogoa
   Is IFFI in Goa on the right track?
  Brian Antao, Ph.D. 
  Date: March 6, 2004

We still hear a voice of discontent here and there if Goa being the 
permanent venue for IFFI the right choice? Well it is a little too late to 
raise that question, as things are developed to a point where there is 
no turning back. These voices of discontent were really sleeping way 
back when the decision was being contemplated, and should have 
voiced their concerns then. Now that Goa has been finalized as the 
permanent venue for the IFFI, and preparations are underway, its time 
for Goans to unite on this front and recognize that it is a boon for Goa. 
A Goose that will lay golden eggs, one has to properly nurture the 
goose till it is ready to lay the golden eggs, and don't expect the 
golden eggs to flow without proper feeding and taking care of the 
goose! All the discontent will only result in the goose flying away from 
the hands of Goa. Just recently a committee of visitors from the 
Central Government was here to review the preparations for the 
interim hosting of IFFI-2004, and apparently were not too satisfied 
with the way things are progressing.

As a general observation, Goa's Chief Minister Mr. Manohar Parrikar 
has been good at setting deadlines for completion of projects. But he 
seems to have a major shortcoming when it comes to the 
implementation of the projects expediently. In addition to setting the 
deadlines, he seems to be unable to get his underlings and 
government machinery to execute in a timely manner to achieve 
these deadlines. This is a much critical aspect that the CM needs to 
work on as far as IFFI is concerned, where he has promised to 
complete all preparations in time for hosting IFFI-2004, he really 
needs to change his strategy in terms of what his traditional modus-
operandi has been to ensure that things get really completed in time 
for hosting IFFI-2004 in Goa, and hopefully apply this new modus-
operandi to other development projects in Goa as well.

Many of the opponents of the IFFI in Goa have been basing their 
arguments that Goa does not have much of a Film production activity 
in-state. Even though Goa is a favorite location for shooting for many 
a Bollywood production. In this regard it would be useful to make the 
comparison to Cannes. Cannes is host to one of the world's premier 
film festivals and does not have any major Film production activity. 
In terms of development of the IFFI permanent venue in Goa, Cannes 
is really the appropriate role model to start with. Though, it would be 
best for Goa to establish its own unique identity and setting in terms 
of being a permanent IFFI venue and not be a Cannes copy-cat.

There are many positive benefits that Goans at large stand to gain 
from this development. Firstly the city of Panjim is getting a major 
face-lift, something that would never have happened if Goa would not 
have been chosen as the permanent IFFI venue. Take a look at 
Margao, there has been much talk coming and going on developing 
and beautifying the city, but it all seems to be political rhetoric, with 
nothing being done. At least the city of Panjim has been spared from 
such rhetoric and is fortunate to get a major face-lift on account of the 
IFFI, or one should say that Panjim is forced to get a transformation 
because of the IFFI! Let's hope the CM will be able to deliver on his 
promise to transform Panjim, his home electoral constituency into a 
modern metropolis with a European look and feel. Wonder when the 
elected representative from Margao, whose home electoral 
constituency it is; would work towards developing the commercial 
capital of Goa, towards a modern metropolis with the look and feel of 
an European commercial hub to complement the developments in 
Panjim. It seems that the Margao elected representatives, end up 
taking residence once elected in Panjim and assume Panjim to be their 
new home, and completely forget about working towards developing 
the home electoral constituency.

In terms of a lack of proper film infrastructure or film culture, much 
blame has to be placed on a certain monopoly that owns and operates 
the bug-infested theatre chain in Goa, in the manner of a sleazy 
underworld business. Thanks to the IFFI, one hopes to see an 
improvement in this aspect, as a number of incentives have been 
offered; as developing an infrastructure for the IFFI includes putting 
into place modern multiplexes. Let us hope that this development 
provides enough of an incentive to a new generation of entrepreneurs 
to enter the Goa movie-theatre business and develop modern 
multiplex theatre complexes across the state, with state-of-the-art 
facilities and break the dreaded old monopoly operating the bug-
infested chain of theatres! This monopoly is also responsible for 
bringing in a poor selection of movie releases that are not much of a 
motivation for many a 

RE: [Goanet]Re: indian political activity in the US

2004-03-05 Thread bantaogoa
Bosco D'Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here are some not so rosy facts --
 The USA has the largest number of Convicted Criminals in the 
 world !

RESPONSE: If the Indian courts could clear all their backlog cases, we may
overtake those lousy Merry-kans !! After all those thieving, corrupt, oggling at
women, bharatis. :-)

=== Consider this fact that the total overall population of America is 
 just about 1/4 the size of India, so imagine the density ratio
 of the convict in the US !

RESPONSE: Have you only noticed the American bleeding-hearts ?? Are Americans
the largest or close to largest visitors to India ?? I hope you are not
referring to Marlon . ;-)

  === Seems like Marlon tops the list :-) :-)
RESPONSE: You sound like you have seen a lot of Merry-car.besides getting
the fancy academic programs while you were there.
  === Yeah quite a bit of the REAL America much more than what many
   the merry-cans themselves have you might have say. Though I have
   not been to Disney-world or 6-Flags !!!

You're spouting so much anti-Merry-can lately that you may displace some of
those infamous names on the terrorist list;-) unless you're running for
office in Goa on an anti-Merry-can agenda !!

   === Well you should see all the India bashing that has been
going on in many a forum from these very same merry-cans
getting xenophobic about the off-shoring of jobs... All these
merry-cans would easily make it to an Indian terrorist watch
list... In this regard Brazil has the right attitude to deal
with many of the mad-merry-can policy ... when the merry-cans 
introduced the finger-printing and photographing of people 
entering the country, Brazil is the only country that turned 
around and introduced the same policy for all merry-cans. Its
time other countries the world over take a page from the 
Brazillian book and give these merry-cans a taste of their own
mad medicine !!

For me, Merry-ca is as the merry-cans would say:
  Been There Done That ... its off to many of the more
greener pastures the wider world around us has to offer !!!
Which also includes, GOA which by the way for may parts is a
much greener pasture :-)

  Cheers !
-- Brian

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[Goanet]From Asian Age: About education in the US

2004-03-04 Thread bantaogoa
From Asian Age, March 4, 2004

   American pie in the sky
 - By Walter Ellis 

New York: As British universities lurch from funding crisis to funding crisis, the 
jealous eyes of the academic establishment focus obsessively on the United States as 
the role model for future success. The assumption is that if UK universities charged 
realistic fees, they would recreate themselves as world class -- or, at any rate, 
superior -- institutions, like those in America.

But what is the truth about American universities? Are they really so much better than 
those in Britain? Are US students in general better educated? Does the US profit from 
the enormous sacrifice made each year by parents and students? 

Some -- perhaps 20 or 30 -- American universities are better than all but a tiny 
handful of their British equivalents. A few, such as Harvard, Princeton, Yale and 
Stanford, but also MIT, Chicago and Berkeley, make up the global crme de la crme 
of academia. Most US universities, however, are very ordinary places. The average US 
college degree is a lowly thing, requiring the standard once achieved by most Brits by 
the end of their first year. It is only at the post-graduate level that American 
excellence truly kicks in. This is also where the big bucks go.

Much of the cash lavished on colleges is spent on comfy rooms, Internet access and 
insanely competitive basketball and football teams. The high spending allows tenured 
professors to have a second car, a lakeside summer home and no-quibble health 
insurance. In no serious sense is it spent on education. That is why, as you drive 
past a typical US college, it will announce not that it is number 34, or whatever, in 
the national league of academic excellence, but that its womens basketball team 
took top honours in 1988 or 1992.

Some American professors (and everybody is a professor) are superb; most are not. 
Celebrity teachers, who are traded like baseball players, are the exception to the 
rule. They may make the headlines; they do not set the standards. Ditto Nobel Prize 
winners. It sounds impressive that most of the glittering prizes each year go to 
academics in American institutions, but many of the recipients are foreign-born and 
foreign-educated, and have little or no contact with undergraduates. 

Students, meanwhile, unlike their high-school counterparts in Garrison Keillors 
Lake Wobegon, are not all above average. Far from it. US graduates are often 
ill-educated know-nothings, for whom their four years (yes, four) at college are 
mainly devoted to having a good time and making connections. Think American Pie here. 
Maybe one in ten is truly gifted, and these are the ones who are force-fed through 
grad schools, so that they can go on to run the country.

America is huge. The population will soon reach 300 million -- larger than the 
combined populations of Germany, France, Italy and Britain. It would be surprising if 
this fact did not translate into a preponderance of achievement, including top 
graduates and Nobel Prize winners. If the comparison were to be between the US on the 
one hand and Europes Big Four on the other, plus, say, the Netherlands and Denmark, 
how would things look? Very different is the answer. No one disputes that the best 
universities in America are first-rate. But the best of Europe is not that far behind, 
and Europes standard in general is higher. Take a hundred American undergraduates 
at random and put them up against a core sample from Britain, France and Germany, and 
then say that the Americans are brighter and more accomplished. As they say in 
California: Hello! 

What is true is that the better American universities have more money available to 
develop products for government and industry. This is almost entirely the result of 
highly efficient corporate and alumni donations. More is spent on science facilities 
and information technology than is the case in Europe, and this has traditionally fed 
through to the US economy. 

But Americas open-door education is not nearly so open as the myth suggests. Many 
high-school graduates with real potential dont make it through the system for the 
simple reason that they cant afford it and come from the wrong background. Good 
intentions do not compensate for a lack of accumulated wealth and experience and, in 
spite of a generation of positive discrimination, blacks and Hispanics remain 
seriously under-represented. Foreign students, preponderantly Asian, take their 
places, usually studying science or mathematics, while white middle-class US 
applicants concentrate on law, media studies and business.

America, contrary to the myth, is a self-perpetuating elitist society, in which the 
favoured few are handsomely rewarded and the rest are left to fend for themselves. 
Those at the top, including politicians, scientists and leading journalists, but 
mainly business executives and lawyers, have a fine old time. But 

RE: [Goanet]Relevance of IFFI - Goans need to ask the questions now

2004-03-04 Thread bantaogoa
Goa Desc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web:

Relevance of IFFI

We need to ask about the relevance of the IFFI to Goans
and if so, where it could be fitted in the overall scheme of
Panaji and Goa's developmental plans.

Primarily local entertainment in state is through music and tiatr,
and practically no production base of feature films exists which
makes the proposal to permanently locate the IFFI in Goa very
much suspicious.

I have been a strong advocate for Goa being the permanent
venue for IFFI and the best arguments to support Goa
being the permanent venue for IFFI, can best be described
by making a comparison to Cannes !

All these issues, about lack of a film making industry etc.
are really irrelevant, when you consider that Cannes which is
one of the premier film festivals in the world, does not. have any
film making industry either !

The many greater benefits that the IFFI has brought to Goa are:
1. You see that the city of Panjim getting a complete face-lift,
  something that would never have been done if not for the IFFI !

2. Goa has been selected and awarded a large budget by the central
  government to build a world-class convention center in India, again
  this decision has come about from the fact that Goa is the permanent
  IFFI venue... a great opportunity for Goa to have a world-class
  amenity... that would make Goa a center for heightened business
  activity etc.

3. In terms of the film-culture of Goa, one sees the reverse effect,
   which is that the IFFI in Goa, will boost the film culture in Goa,
   raise the quality of the present bug-invested movie-theatre chain
   monopolized by the Zantyes with little regard to improve quality
   both of the theatres and realeases screened in Goa. If at-all there 
   is a lack of a film culture in Goa it is this monopoly to be blamed.

 -- Brian

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RE: [Goanet]Re: ] Ogling at women

2004-03-04 Thread bantaogoa
Miguel Braganza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has nobody seen the 'Navel' beauties in sarees outside a Navy Ball? Do
 Wendel and Savio Jon sell their creations exclusively to Goans? Which
 dance with Remo? Is Aiswarya Rai an expat Goan or did her ancestors flee
 inquisition? How about Sushmita Sen? Lara Dutta?
Viva Goa.

  The answer to that might be -- that it is all part of the hidden Hinduvta agenda 
... how many Indians of the so called
minority groups have been able to make it to the top of these
beauty paegants ... even though beauty in a women is not
dependent on her race or religion ! Just as beauty is in the
eye of the beholder, so also is the beholder blinded by a
veil of prejudice unable to see the real beauties !

   -- Brian

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RE: [Goanet]Let Goa also be shinning, presently it is smelling.

2004-03-04 Thread bantaogoa
The Goa Chief Minister has formed a Corporation called
something like Goa Sewage corporation which seems to be leading
a clandestine existance so far since its inception, 
What has this Goa Sewage corporation accomplished since
its formation ? What are its purpose and objectives ?

A similar question needs to be asked of the so called IT advisor
to the Goa Government to list the tangible contributions this
chap has made since assuming office, but insteads also is living
a clandestine existance drawing on a fat check and perks.

-- Brian

Goa Desc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web:
Garbage Disposal Plants
The collection and disposal of garbage in Goa is proving to be
a tough nut to crack. The question on the public mind now is;
whether or not the government is serious about the whole affair?

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RE: [Goanet]indian political activity in the US

2004-03-04 Thread bantaogoa
Marlon Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I really dont think you can compare the absence of
Indian political leaders in the US to the situation in
the UK.
The Indian population as a percentage of the total is
far smaller in the US than the UK and their physical
presence in the US has been much shorter for obvious
reasons. Specifically, the south asian population is
around 0.5% of the US population while it is about
2.5% in the UK. Furthermore, the south asian
population is very ghettoized in the UK thus
increasing their chances for political representation.

In that respect... the Hispanics have grown to be
the largest minority group in the US... how many Hispanic
Senators are there ?

Your arguments however make you seem to be part of the C.I.A.
propaganda/disinformation machine (kidding), maybe you could
make this American propaganda on some America-net for the
American zealots to wallow in their mire. You might
be better served to re-channel you zealousness to make the Goan
propaganda, instead of trying to marginalize Goa, while make
this American propaganda.

Here are some not so rosy facts --
The USA has the largest number of Convicted Criminals in the 
world !

In terms of Standards of living ranking of nations, the USA
ranks somewhere as low as 15th -- there are FOURTEEN other
countries in the world that offer you a better standard of living 
in the world ! With Norway being ranked at the Number ONE spot
as providing the best standard of living. Incidently my cousin has 
recently moved to Norway and can attest to that.

Here's an interesting article --

United Nations: Nordic Countries Best Place to Live in the World
The Nordic countries have the best standard of living in the world, as per the Human 
Development Report published by the United Nations

Best Standard of Living in the World

The Nordic countries are overall the best countries to live in the world, according to 
the Human Development Report which is published annually by the United Nations. 
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland figure among the top countries on the UN 
index because of their high levels of education, democracy, income and public health.

The Human Development Report (HDR) is an annual independent study commissioned by the 
United Nations Development Programme and published into more than a dozen languages. 
The HDR measures the wealth of nations by the standard of living of their population 
and considers several indexes related to life expectancy, education, economy and 

Economists, philosophers and political leaders have long emphasised human wellbeing as 
the sole purpose of economic development. A successful community is not that which has 
one wealthy member and nine living in poverty, but that one where all members of the 
community have succeeded in achieving a high standard of living. The HDR measures 
whether the national income of a nation is creating an environment for its people to 
enjoy a life with good health services, political freedoms, security against crime, 
greater access to education and a satisfying leisure time.

Norway tops the index for third consecutive year

The Nordic countries have always performed very well in the United Nations' HDR, all 
figuring within the top 15 countries on the index. Among the Scandinavians, Norway has 
become the best performing Nordic country in the report after ranking number one in 
2001, 2002 and 2003, heading the Development index for the third consecutive year.

In Norway, 99 percent of the population can read and write, there are 413 doctors per 
100,000 citizens, the average life expectancy is 78.4 years, and the Norwegians are 
even wealthier than ever before. The famous Nordic social welfare state remains 
efficient and provides the Norwegians with a first class health, education and 
benefits system, which is financed through their taxes.

Norway has also topped the lists for being among the most generous countries in the 
world in terms of foreign aid donations on a per capita basis, and for their green 
environmentally friendly policies.

However the Norwegian society is the most developed in the world, the average 
Norwegian is still known to complain nonetheless. The current discussion topics in 
Norway range among the waiting lists for medical care, the shortage of nursing homes 
and the cuts in police and school budgets.

Quality of Life, Income, Education and Life Expectancy

If we would only focus on per capita income statistics, we would perhaps be surprised 
to hear that the inhabitants of the small central European nation of Luxembourg are 
the wealthiest in the world, with an average salary of $53,780. The average salary in 
Norway is $45,000 but the Nordic countries are above all known for being an 
egalitarian society; of the seventeen richest countries in the world, Sweden ranks 
first as having the fewest people living in poverty and the fewest illiterate people, 
while other rich countries such us the 

RE: [Goanet]RE: Ogling at women

2004-03-04 Thread bantaogoa
Well, one thought that Bollywood provided enough
avenues for Ogling what with every Bollywood
flick with its mandatory song-and-dance interjections
showing enough flesh around the belly.

Probably the depravity comes about from the fact that Bollywood
only shows the flesh around the belly ... and these folks
would like to come to the Goan beaches where they can get a
full view of the flesh all over the body ! This cause of depravity 
the Indian movie censor-board might need to factor in that
sex-education is wholesome and informative, and depriving one
of seeing these in a wholesome way through the Bollywood media
through censorship, only results in venting out of the pent-up
feeling through other channels ... such as organized ogling as
Nasci put it !

But then again, India is probably a greater democracy providing
unfettered freedom to Oggle :-)

 -- Brian

Nasci Caldeira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear RK Nair,
I seem to have hit a 'raw nerve'.
Why then do have not just 'ogling' but organised ogling to a 'business 
level' on behalf of Indians in Goa?  Is this not the perversity in 
conservative Indian culture, that includes both muslim and hindutva 
depravity? Where else in the world do you see this kind of organised ogling? 
This type of activity brings a bad name to tourism in Goa and to the 'true 
culture' the liberal modern type, which the western tourist is lured into by 
advertising and more by word of mouth.
Dear Nair, the beauty and the lustful mentality is in the eyes of the 
beholder! When kids do not know that their sisters and mothers have legs, 
they become curios and lustful; Sure Indian women in bikinis one piece or 
two piece have legs and figures as good as, if not better than the foreighn 
women; but they are not seen 'cause of stupid and unevolving, unchanging and 
medieval hindutva and muslim cultures!
Its a pity that you are trying to uphold this depravity! Learn to respect 
the beauty and form of the woman and not to ogle and lust. My views are not 
bigoted and perverse! but your 'eyes and outlook' on life styles are! Think 
again and reform yourself. Be open minded and liberal. Modern Chinese and 
even other Asian cultures are better than these Indian types. You have to 
learn to differentiate between 'western and modern'.
See ya!.

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RE: [Goanet]Any Goans in Japan?

2004-03-04 Thread bantaogoa
  That is really the best attitude to have --
When in Rome do as the Romans do that way you get to fully
  experience the local culture, people etc... instead of trying to
  seek out other Goans... unless of course you are in hostile
  territory and very much in need to touch base with other Goans
  for assistance.

  I was reading an intersting Financial Times Business Book the
  other day, where the author makes an interesting distinction
  between the traveller personality and the passenger personality.
  In short a traveller truely enjoys the journey and experiences
  it to the fullest extent. A passenger is merely passing through !

 -- Brian

Nasci Caldeira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well written, Helga! Japan is truly a great and civilised country! More 
importantly their Culture shines and they are never anti western for the 
sake of it. And they are authentic Asian; what a contrast to majority Indian 
outlook on life.
I have myself travelled in Japan often! Did not come across any Goans. But 
when my wife and self did visit an Indian Restaurant in Yohohama, we found 
Goan Fish Curry and Rice on the menu! The only Indian Restaurant in the 
world I visited, is that we found and were pleasantly surprised. We tried it 
out, and though it was not authentic in taste etc, it came quite close. So 
there may be 'Goans ' in Yokohama, stranded after world war2!!!

No need for anyone to go looking for Goans, surely. Ther's lots to see and 
Bye,   Nasci.

Hi Venatius,
I should have written this earlier - you are probably  in Japan enjoying 
good food! I lived in Nagoya for 7 years and in Tokyo for nearly 10 months
but I do not remember meeting any Goans! Just as well ha?!!! But if you 
that the language or the lack of it bogs you down there are plenty of
foreigners from English speaking countries and many Indians especially in
Tokyo and in most big universities. There are also many centers where
foreigners can go for help and which are staffed by Japanese interpreters
speaking most of the major languages. Here you can pick up loads of books 
how to get by in Japan. In Tokyo you will find Japanese coming up to you 
asking you in English if you need any help - they are very hospitable and
very kind and what's more important you can get totally lost but you will
never be mugged, robbed or assaulted. At least I have never heard of anyone
who has been! Also many Japanese are looking for opportunities to practice
their English so dont hesitate to ask for help!
So enjoy the spectacular food and its artistry, the beautiful temples and
the great hospitality. Its truly a great country and dont go wasting your
time looking for Goans! If you do want to talk them they are all there
waiting for you on goanet ready to argue on anything from Beyonce to 
to quote the CNN guy.
Have a great time!!!

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RE: [Goanet]Ogling at women

2004-03-02 Thread bantaogoa

Well Hinduvta may not be so bad after all, as it
might restore Kama Sutra hey hey hey !! :-)


Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Nasci Caldeira [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote:
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 3:52 AM
Subject: RE: [Goanet] Ogling at women

 Hi all,
 Hindutva as well as Muslim cultures and extreme Indian conservatism are
 primary causes of 'The Ogling of Women' trend amongst a majority of

I have seen a documentary on India, about the situation before the British
arrived. The Victorians did all they could to stifle, the really sexy
Indians. There is a temple somewhere in South India depicting all the
various sex positions. Then of course there is the Kama Sutra. Indians have
to lay the blame on the puritanical British. Prior to that Indians were sex


Gabe Menezes

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RE: [Goanet]RE: Ogling at women

2004-03-02 Thread bantaogoa
Radhakrishnan Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What a wonderful theory, Nasci dear! Are we to believe that there is no 
ogling or teasing in cultures where children grow up seeing the bare limbs 
and midriffs of their mothers and sisters? 

Well Well ... children growing up to seeing the bare limbs and midriffs
of their mother and sisters might be incestuous to their health ! :-)

 -- Brian

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[Goanet]Goa Government on a Holiday ?

2004-03-02 Thread bantaogoa
Goa Government on a Holiday?

The Chief Minister has just announced the schedule for the Goa Government based on the 
code-of-conduct that has come into place with the Election Commission having set the 
plans for the Lok Sabha elections. But the plans that the CM has announced seem more 
like the Goa Government will be going on a long holiday away from work to undertake 
full-time electioneering. This is really questionable if it falls under the 
code-of-conduct, for the state government to put a halt to all its work. The elections 
are the Lok Sabha elections and not the state government elections. So does this mean 
that all projects and development in the state are now come to a grinding halt till 
the elections are over? 

Brian Antao

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Re: [Goanet]Re: moving back to Goa

2004-03-02 Thread bantaogoa

Geee ... hope I can live up to your expectations of
being a new Hero on the block and hope they are not
on the lines of the Bollywood Hero ... and who will
be my leading lady ??? perhaps the Goanet moderator
Viviana !!!, of whom we have not heard much of lately 
wonder why :-)

   -- Brian

Bernado Colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Goans are tired of being part of a third world
community. Maybe our new hero returned from the US may
turn the tables for Goa. 

Not the wrost place on earth before 61 I guess!!

B. Colaco

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RE: [Goanet]RE: RE: Mixed Marriages

2004-03-02 Thread bantaogoa
I noted the emphasis on those last three words and in a 
deliberate tone of sarcasm added in the entire gamut of
possibilities to the idea of mixed marriages why
leave anything out ... which includes the
kind of San Francisco Mixed Marriages :-)

Perhaps you missed out on the sarcasm in the post !!!
   -- Brian

Radhakrishnan Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

(Brian wrote: Well what about the kind of Mixed Marriages that have
recently been solemnized en-masse in San Francisco?)

Hi, Brian!

Please read my post carefully. I wrote: There is absolutely no bar on a 
Keralite marrying a Punjabi, Gujarati, Goan or anyother Indian, provided 
they belong to the opposite sexes!

The stress is on the last three words!

Cheers, RKN

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RE: [Goanet]Lopsided education in Goa

2004-03-01 Thread bantaogoa
This is a problem due to the fact that the university education
in Goa is rigidly structured across the individual affiliated
colleges, and the curriculum is also rigid with little freedom to
choose courses.

A change can be brought about by having a core-concentration in
the specialized area of study for example engineering and a
minor-concentration in any of the other areas. The problem is implementing
this flexibility, as for example the engineering colleges are rigidly
fixed to only impart courses in engineering. Perhaps a student may be
allowed the flexibility to attended classes/courses at any of the
other affiliated colleges for thier minor-concentration outside the
area of specialization.

One problem that exists at Goa University is that each of the affiliated
colleges are too seperated from each other, with little interaction
and/or collaboration between them. In a previous article Reasearch Does
Count I had mentioned that Goa University should move in the direction
of being more of a Research and Teaching University, and I'd like to add
that whatever references made in that article to Goa University applies
not only to just the central Goa University body BUT to both Goa University and all 
its affiliated colleges. 

By bringing about more collaboration between the affiliated colleges,
many inter-disciplinary research programmes can be undertaken. Research
also needs to be undertaken by each of the affiliated colleges and their
faculty, and not just at the main Goa University campus.

Interaction between the affiliated colleges would also offer students
greater flexibility of choosing and undertaking courses and subjects
at the different affiliated colleges.

  -- Brian Antao

jose lourenco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Education in Goa after SSC mostly splits into Science,
Commerce and Arts streams. In the 'specialised'
education that follows, which produces doctors,
engineers, bankers or teachers, there is a lopsided
focus. It is strange that our authorities feel that
philosophy or money management need not be taught to
Engineering students. The field of engineering in
which I graduated is a broad one. The ethics of
Socrates, Plato,Nietzsche,Russell et al as well as the
sublime teachings of eastern philosophy would
certainly have helped to shape the perspective of many
an engineer,architect or doctor. Likewise lectures on
stress management,money matters and motivation would
have saved many a budding 'science' graduate from

It is the need of the hour to establish a series of
'extra-curricular'(as the system may see it) lectures
that correct this yawning gap in our educational
system. Commerce students could learn how
mudhouses,colonial era homes and high-rise buildings
come together to affect people's spending power.Arts
students must see how globalisation and technology
will drastically alter the culture of the state.
Computer students must debate the ethics of androids
and anti-trust .

Only then will we produce wholesome young men and
women who see the larger picture clearly and
understand and work with each other to usher in the
Brave New World. 

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RE: [Goanet]Goa's Exam-centric system!

2004-03-01 Thread bantaogoa
Thanks for the clarification on the ever changing acronym SAT

Certainly, one has to be well prepared for the test! But preparing
for the SAT is a different form of a preparation, much like training
to take the driving test as indicated.

However the Exam-centric general education system, compromises on learining or the 
Exams that are conducted should be conducted in 
such a manner where the learining process is very much like training
to take the driving test and in the process you have acquired the
skill on how to drive an automobile ! Which is a life-time skill.
Like they say Once you have learned to ride a bicycle there's no
question of forgeting it ... and there are many such things in life
that one learns in the manner of riding the bicycle.

   -- Brian

domnic fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

SAT meant “Scholastic Aptitude Test” or “Scholastic Assessment Test” - not 
“Standardized Aptitude Test”.

An excerpt from The Princeton Review “Cracking the SAT” Foreword by Adam 
Robinson  John Katzman – 2003 Edition:

“In the past few years, the political landscape surrounding testing has 
changed.  As our society has become more test-savvy, the ETS test writers 
have responded in more sophisticated ways.  They have admitted that the SAT 
is not an intelligence test, and not really an assessment test, either.  
This is reflected in the recent name changes of this test.  The test writers 
first changed the name of the test from “Scholastic Aptitude Test” to 
“Scholastic Assessment Test.”  Later, they dropped the claim that it was an 
assessment test, and now it’s just called the SAT (which stands for nothing 
at all).  Further, the College Board now not only admits that preparation is 
advisable but even recommends it.  A College Board official recently 
remarked Just as you wouldn’t want to take a driver’s test cold, you don’t 
want to go cold into the SAT.

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

Brian Antao, Ph.D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

…..As a further recommendation, it would be also possible to eliminate the 
HSSC exam, and instead adopt the World recognized SAT (Standardized Aptitude 
Test) conducted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) of Princeton, USA, 
for the standard XII students.  Admissions for the various colleges in Goa 
would then be based on a weighted combination of a student’s performance on 
the SAT and their performance of their localized merit list in each of their 
individual Higher Secondary Schools. …..

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Re: [Goanet] Ogling at women

2004-03-01 Thread bantaogoa
When it comes to dating and personal relationships,
one cannot accuse someone of being a racist, as it is
a matter of personal choice and taste (Supposedly).

And you also have your share of wierdos who want a
taste of say women of a particular different race out
of kinkiness etc. When it comes to inter-racial relationships
and dating you really need to watch out for these wierdos
(included both men and women)... I encountered a white-american
woman who was looking for an Indian male specifically based
on her stereotypical perception of the Indian male being a 
docile homely type who she could easily hold on a leash!

On another instance I ran into a Hispanic guy in the US
who was complaining that he had set his eyes on a nice
Indian Girl, but she told him that she dated only other
Indians and Blacks !

   -- Brian

Bernado Colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, well, well - brings us back to the subject,
 Indians are a special
 breed and racists at the same time. Try asking
 blacks in Britain. I saw a
 programme just the other day in which the prize for
 Black men was to get an
 Indian babe! Seems quite unatainable.
 Gabe Menezes.


With your six pack Stella most of it is possible. Give
a try at Leicester square at weekends!:

B. Colaco

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Re: [Goanet]Re: moving back to Goa

2004-03-01 Thread bantaogoa
We have many problems, yes. But I still love being here. Being in Goa 
gives me a feeling that my work matters, and an ability to understand the 
context. FN

I forgot to mention this most critical aspect, that being here in Goa,
you get the greater satisfaction that You can make a difference ...
as opposed to say being in America, where for the most part considered foreign labor 
for hire without much of a say or impact !

At the same time we do need Goans to constantly critique the state of affairs in Goa 
in a constructive way ... and sometimes one does need
to resort to vitriolic to get the susegado Goan machinery to move
on things ! I would say that we need more watch-dog type activists
in Goa to keep prodding on for Continuous Improvement across the state
as things tend to be easily get lost in a file gathering dust in a corner.

For example, we hear about a lot of projects approved by the government,
but many of these approved projects are sitting in files gathering dust.
One much needed watch-dog group activity is needed to see that once these
projects are approved that work on them commences immediately. 

In Goa, the machinery has the attitude of doing things Tommorow but the
Tommorow never comes !

We also need a watch-dog group to see that projects are untertaken with high-quality 
standards. There is a lot of corruption in this regard, where for example, a project 
is approved for a certain amount, but the work is undertaken at a sub-standard level, 
and money is siphoned off, by compromising on the quality.

For example, It seems that the Margao Municipality has undertaken to paint
around the Municipal garden fencing... but a number of sections of the
fencing are fallen apart, pieces of the concrete sections coming off and
exposing the steel re-enforcing bars ... A good quality engineering work
would be to first fix and patch up all these broken pieces in the boundary all around, 
and then apply the new paint. Instead of just painting over the
broken pieces ... This is the kind of bad work that is much needed to be vocied out 
and critiqued !!!

   -- Brian

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RE: [Goanet]Mixed marriages

2004-03-01 Thread bantaogoa

Well what about the kind of Mixed Marriages that have
recently been solemnized en-masse in San Francisco ??

With India having such a cultural diversity the number
of permutations and combinations might exceed the
computational capacity of India's indigenously built
super-computer :-)

   -- Brian

Radhakrishnan Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

(The learned doctor Jose Colaco wants to know:  I ask...What are the 
chances of a Keralite man marrying a Punjabi woman? No discriminations 

Chances are pretty bright, dear Dr JC! Sitting in Nassau or some other 
godforsaken place, you're dreaming up delusionary stuff about India and its 
people. There is absolutely no bar on a Keralite marrying a Punjabi, 
Gujarati, Goan or anyother Indian, provided they belong to the opposite 

Have you heard of AIR newsreader Rini Simon, a Keralite? She's now Rini 
Khanna, married to a Punjabi. I've a couple of journalist friends in Delhi 
-- one a Christian and the other a Hindu -- both married to Punjabi girls. 
There are many more, but I don't want to discuss people's private lives on 
this forum.

As Miguel once rightly stated, having tended to ailing children all your 
life, you think this world is made up of kids alone. Grow up, my good doctor 
JC and, as Gabe would say, spill the coffee!

Your old friend, RKN

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RE: [Goanet] Ogling at women

2004-02-29 Thread bantaogoa

Well, Goans are Indians too and not a different
entity all together ... so the term Indian is
all-encompassing that includes Goans as well !
And Goa has its fair share of the cheats, corrupt
etc. and is no different in this regard from the
rest of India ! but not quite so bad as it is in the 
nearby Mumbai for example... A multinational
Hotel chain representative who was in Goa scouting for
new properties to expand to, asked the first question
if one has to deal with the underworld in order to obtain
a property for hotel expansion in Goa, as one has to do
to acquire properties in Mumbai!

As for the Ogling part, if you go to the many Goan beaches,
and many of the foreign tourists who are sun-bathing will
tell you that they are extremely annoyed by out-of-state non-goan
tourists who come from other states in India and go about the beaches
blatently standing by where they are resting and staring/ogling
at them that they have to shoo them away ...

-- Brian

halur rasho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why is it so diffcult to get the point across ? It is
not about ogling. It is about stereo-typing of
indians, by Goa-netters. About 50% percent of the
posts here are derogatory comments about indians,
being oglers, cheats, corrupt, backward, women covered
from head to toe etc.

Indians are like any other people. Some are
insufferable jerks, a few are saints and most are some
where in between. 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well ... Ogling is a past-time of the loosers
 who are unable to positively interact and build
 relationships with women ... if you have grown
 up with girls in your life as friends etc. You'd
 most likely find it quite distasteful...
 Aparantly the same goes for pornography ... those
 who have had the real thing or as the American
 colloquailism goes Are getting it ... don't feel 
 the need to watch others :-)
 halur rasho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A sense of humour helps sometimes, you know. Not
 having devoted as much time as you have to the
 of this subject, I cannot speak with authority.
 However, on any week day, spend some time on the
 Bombay or Delhi University campus. I assure you the
 head to toe covering is rare, indeed. Quite the
 opposite, actually. Or better still, go on a pub
 in Bangalore. As far as India is concerned, you are
 stuck in a weird time-wrap, but then again, who
 And what is this our women and your women, and
 their women nonsense. Get rid of this notion that
 women belong to men.
 --- Rui Collaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Am I mistaken?  I don't think so. Indians prefer
  ogle at Goan women and 
  foreign female tourists because there's something
  them to ogle at, in 
  other words, they show part of their bodies
  God, for beauty is to be 
  seen and praised!). I don't see why and how they
  should ogle at their own 
  women, dressed from head to toe as is the norm!
  You do not discriminate? Not quite so. Try
  to any African that has 
  lived in India. He will say it is one of the most
  racist societies in the 
  world. Not to speak of lower castes,harijans,
  tribes, etc. who endure all 
  sorts of indignities, especially their women.
  Rui Collaço

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RE: [Goanet]moving back to Goa

2004-02-29 Thread bantaogoa

I'm not the one to dismiss an entire culture in a stereotype,
as most often is the tendency with Americans to do. I have
had many positive and wonderful experiences, which many others
I am sure have had too... but it would be more beneficial for other
Goans to hear of the negatives so that they can be prepared better when they encounter 
similar situations... after all you don't want to paint a too rosy picture that all is 

Maybe I was a little spolit having been to graduate school at Vanderbilt
University, which is one of the nicer socio-cultural as well as, well
ranked American Universities, which has a higher quality of student population(the 
upper crust), than what the average American is like.

I have been to the silicon valley many times, and I'd say it is one
of the better places in America to live in, but is is an exception and
not the norm. I am also quite the explorer, and have travelled very widely
across and seen quite a bit of America, including many of the off the
beaten path areas and town-ships... and experienced the real Americana, and have 
met some real nice genuine Americans too... and can distinguish the Mississipi accent 
from the Alabama one, though many would simply say that it is the southern one, but 
franky there is a shade of a difference !

In general I would say that just the way that there is a wide gap between the rich and 
the poor in India, there is a similar gap between the good
and not-so good Americans!

Psychologists will tell you that when some one is put under a situation
of extreme stress or adversity, it brings out a person's true character.
September 11 was such an adversity that brought out the true character of
Americans and most of it was not quite so good ! 

America which once was a bastion of the humanitarian democracy has progressed more 
towards being a neo-fascist police state. America has many sophisticated suppresive 
controls in place. On the other hand Britain has been progressing towards being the 
more compassionate
democracy and the formation of the European Union is a development
towards more of unification as opposed to the more isolationist
path that America is heading to. For all the talk about America being such an open 
democracy ... how many Americans of Indian origin have been
able to rise to a high-ranking political position ? If you look at Britian, we have 
Keith Vaz, a British-Goan who is a Member of the 
British parliament, in addition to a couple of other Indian origin MPs, as well as a 
couple of Indian origin Lords ... members of the upper house of the Lords! Britian 
also has more stringent anti-racist laws !!

After all, where-ever you maybe it does take some amount of individual
effort to make it within whatever framework that exists, and this frame-work differs 
from place to place, and you have to navigate through the negatives and use the 
positives to your advantage !

  -- Brian

Marlon Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am sorry to hear that Brian had a series of negative
experiences in the US after leaving university. I do
agree that things have gotten a little less
comfortable after 9-11, but I believe this has much to
do with the policies of this present administration
than the public at large.

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RE: [Goanet] Ogling at women

2004-02-29 Thread bantaogoa
Well ... Ogling is a past-time of the loosers
who are unable to positively interact and build
relationships with women ... if you have grown
up with girls in your life as friends etc. You'd
most likely find it quite distasteful...

Aparantly the same goes for pornography ... those
who have had the real thing or as the American
colloquailism goes Are getting it ... don't feel 
the need to watch others :-)

halur rasho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A sense of humour helps sometimes, you know. Not
having devoted as much time as you have to the study
of this subject, I cannot speak with authority.
However, on any week day, spend some time on the
Bombay or Delhi University campus. I assure you the
head to toe covering is rare, indeed. Quite the
opposite, actually. Or better still, go on a pub crawl
in Bangalore. As far as India is concerned, you are
stuck in a weird time-wrap, but then again, who cares?

And what is this our women and your women, and
their women nonsense. Get rid of this notion that
women belong to men.

--- Rui Collaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am I mistaken?  I don't think so. Indians prefer to
 ogle at Goan women and 
 foreign female tourists because there's something in
 them to ogle at, in 
 other words, they show part of their bodies (thank
 God, for beauty is to be 
 seen and praised!). I don't see why and how they
 should ogle at their own 
 women, dressed from head to toe as is the norm!
 You do not discriminate? Not quite so. Try talking
 to any African that has 
 lived in India. He will say it is one of the most
 racist societies in the 
 world. Not to speak of lower castes,harijans,
 tribes, etc. who endure all 
 sorts of indignities, especially their women.
 Rui Collaço

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[Goanet]Much ado about nothing

2004-02-28 Thread bantaogoa
Much ado about nothing

This is in reference to the edit-page article Dont blame the
Foreigner by Colin Anders, Herald, February 28,2004, who presumably
from the email address given is an Australian National. The article
seems more like lamentations of a troubled race-conscious (xenophobic)
individual, over-sensitive to use of language that has no specific
implications. Idiomatically speaking the term tourist-infested by no
means blames any particular foreigner, but simply is an adjective to
describe a location that is overflowing with tourists. Incidentally,
tourist is not synonymous with the foreigner, but includes the Indian
tourist from outside the state. The writer also refers to an article by
a Goan writer and in the process takes a pot-shot at his pseudonym,
making it a point to racialize it by saying A Goan who has Anglicised
his name to Tony Martin. While the writer purports to espouse on the
cultural diversity in India, he aught to know that: Goans do not
deliberately anglicize their names, but rather Goan names
historically have much similarities to Anglical names. And
incidentally the name Tony Martin is quite common with other
naturally named Goans. In addition according to international patent
laws, no one can claim the rights to ownership of a name and a human
being is free to choose a name of his/her desire, which is part of the
universal human rights. As for tourism in Goa, the Goa government as
well as the various tourism development agencies has aggressive
programs underway to boost tourism, and there is much effort to boost
the right kind of tourism. Now, we wouldnt want Goa, in the guise of
being a tourism Mecca to be a hideout for the Australian criminal do
we? Tourism has come about to be a major industrial sector, if you
will, in Goa. As for the Hippie culture, it originated in the 60s as
part of the Vietnam anti-war protest, composed of what were then called
the flower-children many of who found the isolated beaches of Anjuna
a place to hang out. But the Hippie culture has long since died away.
However the term Hippie has stuck on and the locals loosely use it to
refer to the low-budget, backpacking tourist with no malice intended.
Besides Goans are well aware of their identity as being Goan and at the
same time being part of the nation of India and Indian as well, and
don't need a lesson on how to be nationalistic from a xenophobic
foreigner. The writer seems to be reading too much into nothing at-all
and in the process opens a window to his rather race-conscious soul. 

Brian Antao

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2004-02-28 Thread bantaogoa
Goas Blanket Ban on loud noise

Goa being a vibrant tourist and cultural state, the blanket ban on
Music after an early hour of just 10.00pm across the state is quite
self-defeating. Many of the developed countries also have
noise-ordinances, but it is not in the form of a blanket ban over the
entire region. For example a City has zones marked out as residential
zones, commercial zones and entertainment zones. The noise-ordinances
are applied differently to the different zones.

Similarly it is necessary in Goa, to demark residential, commercial and
entertainment zones. Particularly the beaches and beachfronts could
easily be designated as entertainment zones. The tighter restrictions
on playing loud music should be imposed on the residential zones. While
different levels of restrictions need to be defined and loosened across
the entertainment and commercial zones. Thus allowing and promoting
different cultural events to be held at these earmarked zones. This
step of zoning the noise-ordinance across Goa would also help in
promoting tourism. Late night concerts, and party events with live
music would be encouraged to be held in the entertainment zones, where
they dont cause disturbance to the residential population, at the same
time allow the party revelers to enjoy the events unfettered.

Brian Antao 

airesrod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The enforcement of the Madhya Pradesh Sound Act in Goa has become farcical.
Arrange a function, have a Minister if not the CM as your chief guest and
you can play music till dawn. However, when the sound system is operational
it would be a good idea to arrest the Minister for being a guest in his
official capacity witnessing and patronising amplified music at late hours,
against the law.

Enforcement of the Sound Act should be uniform and there should never be a
pick and choose of violators. On January 20th, this year Ribandar had a
centenary celebrations village dance which the police did not hesitate to
abruptly stop once we had crossed the permissible hour. Perhaps if we had
asked the Minister who was our Chief Guest to stay on till the end of the
show, we might have been able to dance on.

On a different note, so much is being said about the Uttar Pradesh leader
Mr. D.P Yadav who has been charged with extortion and murder and for having
been welcomed into the BJP only to be flushed out a couple of days later. A
Minister in the Goa Government who was recently admitted into the BJP has
also a whole pile of cases of extortion against him. So much for the party
with a difference that the BJP claims to be.

Aires Rodrigues

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Re: [Goanet]Prejudice and the habitual dissemination of UnadulteratedFalsehood

2004-02-28 Thread bantaogoa
Well since you seem to indulge in these personal discussions,
I figured I could send you a personal mating call over these
public waves :-) (naughty naughty!)

   -- Brian

Viviana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gee, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to post or take part in Goanet 
discussions, thanks for pointing that out, Brian.  I'll be sure to keep 
that in mind!  Do you want to inform Fred Noronha or should I??  ;-))



I'd like to intrude on this private tete-a-tete
which seems to allude the general Goanet audience 
and say:

That the moderator Dame Viviana is abusing her
access to the Goanet for personal conversations, much 
like the many Goa Government officials who abuse
the official machinery for their personal use ...
well it all seems like part of the Goan culture...
and who are the exceptions that complain about
Corruption in Goa ?

Cheerio !
   -- Brian

Viviana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


JC -

Arre Baba - tum keso aha? 

Ah, The Washington Post, that bastion of truth telling.  You have web 
sites/sources which list names, I have web sites which state there were 
no HCPs on the Task Force.  We can go on and on ad nauseum. 

However, I'm still asking you a question, which you have not answered 
plainly enough for me to understand, hanv bondo, remember?  Are you 
saying I'm mis-/uninformed or are you saying I'm a liar? 


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Re: [Goanet]Prejudice and the habitual dissemination of UnadulteratedFalsehood

2004-02-27 Thread bantaogoa
I'd like to intrude on this private tete-a-tete
which seems to allude the general Goanet audience 
and say:

That the moderator Dame Viviana is abusing her
access to the Goanet for personal conversations, much 
like the many Goa Government officials who abuse
the official machinery for their personal use ...
well it all seems like part of the Goan culture...
and who are the exceptions that complain about
Corruption in Goa ?

Cheerio !
   -- Brian

Viviana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JC -

Arre Baba - tum keso aha? 

Ah, The Washington Post, that bastion of truth telling.  You have web 
sites/sources which list names, I have web sites which state there were 
no HCPs on the Task Force.  We can go on and on ad nauseum. 

However, I'm still asking you a question, which you have not answered 
plainly enough for me to understand, hanv bondo, remember?  Are you 
saying I'm mis-/uninformed or are you saying I'm a liar? 


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[Goanet]re: Research does count

2004-02-26 Thread bantaogoa

This is certainly a great effort at developing the different
Centre's for research and development and would contribute
much to the educational and research infrastructure in Goa.

In all such endeavors, you would need to be more aggressive
to seek out the resources that you need. Get a personal meeting
with the Chief Minister... who I am sure is quite supportive
of such developments, and would intervene to accelerate the
process of getting the land approvals etc.

In addition you should also publish a prospectus about this
development in the major Goa newspapers. You could also
seek financial grants from the CSIR.

Goa also has the major industrial houses like Salgaocars, Dempos,
Sesa Goa, the Zuari-Birla industries, D-Link etc. that you need
to actively pursue to obtain funds for development and sponsorship.
In addition you could also approach the other major Indian Industrial
houses, such as Tata, Reliance, Mahindra, Godrej, Infosys, Wipro too.

You would need to do a lot more pro-active marketing to seek the
sponsors for these ventures. You would need to directly seek out
and contact sources of sponsors, don't expect sponsors to come to

Good Luck,
  -- Brian Antao

Wed, 11 Feb 2004 09:17:39 + (GMT) 

Dear Fred,

Hello. Research does count. At Goa institute of
Management, we are planning to establish research centres exclusively devoted to 
promote research culture in
Goa and to meet the information needs of the industry,
academicia and the government on different areas. We plan to start four
research centres namely,
Centre for Management of Education, Centre for Health
Care Management, Centre for Entrepreneurship Development and Centre for
Services Excellence. A 
major constraint is the limited funding for research.

Although the Institute has provided a sufficiently
good infrastructure, we
currently have a limitation on the physical space
available (permission to build in the vacant area is still due from 
the government, as the building is owned by
them, leased to GIM) and also need sufficient funds to
start them. We are looking for sources, and please let us know if any of
the organisations abroad or in India are willing to associate with us in this process.

Looking forward to an active response,


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Re: [Goanet]Remo - A satire on the State of the Art in Bollywood

2004-02-26 Thread bantaogoa
Bernado Colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Extracts from Frederich Noronha's article Remo rage
 against bankrupt Bharat
 Remo said in an interview published in Panaji:
 whole country, which was once the cradle of deep,
 high-thinking philosophy and art and literature,
 seems to have gone intellectually bankrupt, and
 Bollywood seems to be the beginning and end of life
 as we know it.

 State of the Art in  Bollywood!
  Brian Antao

Why is that India's movie industry, answer to Hollywood, Bollywood, 
which claims to make the most movies in a year, in financial dire straits, 
tottering on the brink of bankruptcy. Bollywood's claim to fame in its attempt
to compete with Hollywood is that it makes many more movies in a year than its
rival. Movies are an Artistic production, where the Quality matters and not 
the Quantity. In terms of Quality none of the hastily mass-produced Bollywood 
hits come anywhere near in comparison to a carefully crafted Hollywood hit. 
Bollywood is like a decrepit old automobile factory producing the same old 
single-model line of cars that are out-dated and no one wants to buy any more. 
Whereas a successful automobile company is one that keeps up with the times, 
continuously upgrading its models diversifies its product offerings and has a 
broad selection of models that cater to the individual tastes of different 
cross-sections of consumer groups. 

What ails Bollywood?
1.  The single one-dimensional song and dance interjected formula.
2.  Mediocre, melodramatic overacting.
3.  Lack of appreciation that motion pictures are Artistic creations.
4.  Lack of creativity and originality
5.  Lack of Business savvy by the Bollywood production companies.

  Use of a Single Formula
Bollywood productions have been patterned along the lines of a single model 
or formula, the song and dance-interjected one, originally based on the timeless 
Hollywood classic The Sound of Music. Dame Julie Andrew's sequence singing, 
The hills are alive with the sound of music in the picturesque mountainside has 
been replicated almost like a template in every other Bollywood production. These 
one-dimensional productions are no different, say for example if all Hollywood 
productions were Mickey Mouse animations. Is Bollywood really so lacking in 
originality and creativity? In many of the Bollywood productions the song and dance 
interjections keeping popping up like commercials do in TV programs. Maybe Bollywood 
could employ an ingenious strategy of associating product commercials with these pop-up
song and dance break-outs and in the process generate an added stream of revenue! 
At the same time these song and dance breakouts are as annoying and stick out like 
sore thumbs. When you watch a Bollywood movie on video or DVD, one has the ability 
of fast-forwarding through. It is probably fine, making two or three romantic musicals 
a year, based on this formula. But the so-called high action dramas end up being 
dissonant and schizophrenic when interjected with the same formula. Imagine the 
Hollywood hit Terminator, with Arnold Schwarzenegger breaking out in song and 
dance in the middle of the action!  This formula being so abused that it is, 
is the prime reason why Bollywood productions don't sell any more.

In Hollywood on the other hand, every production strives to be unique and original,
a complete opposite of the Bollywood philosophy. Anything that closely resembles 
something being done or made before, or any purveyors of a formula, lacking 
originality or creativity, is mercilessly chased out of Hollywood. Bollywood 
really needs to grow out of this single formula based system, and adopt a free 
form approach that promotes original and creative artistic ideas, 
promotes experimentation with concepts that are new. Not to mention that this 
single formula approach stifles creativity and originality. The biggest damage 
that this one-dimensional approach does is portray, India a nation of great diversity, 
as a single stereotype in the International cultural exchange. The Walt Disney 
which started out with making the Mickey Mouse animated features, has not limited 
itself to simply mass-producing Mickey Mouse animations. Disney has since broadly 
diversified, and in a year produces a wide range of distinct films that have only a 
common theme of being Family entertainment. While Bollywood's claim to fame it that 
it produces the maximum number of films [or flops] in a year. A close look at the 
fewer films that Hollywood makes, span a wide spectrum, are unique, original and most 
importantly are a great success financially. The range of movies released in a year 
by Hollywood, will at the most include one or two musicals, the rest range from a few 
animations, a few selections that address kids entertainment, a selection of Family 
entertainment, a few comedies, a few spy thrillers, a few action 

[Goanet]COMMENT: Goa's Exam-centric system

2004-02-26 Thread bantaogoa
Problems with Goa's exam-centric education system
Brian Antao, Ph.D.

Recently The Goa Education board announced that it would publish the answer 
papers of the top students from the SSC and HSSC exams. Apparently this idea is to 
provide other students with a model on how the answers to the exam questions 
should be. There are a number of issues that are being debated around this 
development, some which include the Intellectual Property rights that the students 
own to their answer papers and royalties due to them as these answer papers are 
not provided free of charge but are on sale. These issues are of a rather trivial 

The real problem is that such a move will take education reform in the state in a 
WRONG direction. As it is in Goa the education system at all levels from the high 
schools to the Universities is too exam-centric, with a major final exam used as the 
main criteria for academic advancement. Walk into a college campus and how many 
of the student groups are engaged in an intellectual discussion on a course or 
subject? The real problem with this exam-centric approach is that it promotes a 
cramming culture that produces students to be good parrots. Such rote 
memorization techniques were actually used in the early days in the computer 
research field of Artificial Intelligence and resulted in gross failure as the 
programs failed to behave intelligently. Cognitive Science is a growing field that 
deals with the many issues such as memory and learning mechanisms. Our Goan 
educators should avail themselves of the many leading edge developments in the 
fields of Cognitive Science and Cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology is not just 
dealing with children with learning disabilities, but there are other areas in this 
that have explored more efficient learning and teaching methods. Then we have the 
entire field of Pedagogy and pedagogical methods to effectively impart education. 

Goa's exam-centric education system fails to stimulate a student to truly learn a 
subject. The education system is also too punishment driven, instead of being 
motivation driven, where the teachers must strive to motivate a student to do better 
through positive re-enforcement ways, instead of resorting to punishment. The 
predominant culture of referring to past exam papers does not even exist in the 
educational system in the western countries. As the educational system enforces 
grass roots learning of the fundamentals. It is only in the case of standardized tests 
such as the SAT, GRE, GMAT that one refers to past question papers.

One has to has the profound question, Is Goa's education system really educating 
its students? the operative word being to educate. If one looks at the trend that 
students in Goa follow in their education, typically a student accumulates past 
question papers from the last four or five years with ready answers to these 
questions. Exam preparation takes the form of cramming this set of questions and 
answers. The exam-setters typically repeat questions from past exams and thus we 
have students scoring high percentages in the exams. What have the students learnt 
in the process? Other than being experts in cramming and passing exams. The 
problem lies with both the system of education as well as the students.

Goa's education system largely fails to motivate students to actually learn a 
or topic and master it and be an expert at it! There is a vast difference from 
a subject and cramming and passing an exam. We have for example engineering 
students from Goa colleges graduating with 80% in their final exams yet fail in job 
interviews and are unable to secure good quality jobs. What does it mean that a 
student who has secured 80% in his graduating class? One expects the 80% to 
indicate that the student has mastered at the very least 80% of the engineering 
curricula knowledge? But in the Goa's education system this 80% is more likely to 
indicate that the student's cramming index.

One of Goa's minister's recently indicated that the exam system needs serious 
reform, yet we see this development of selling exam paper solutions of the top 
performers. Goa's education minister in a recent statement made another faux pas 
by stating that the subject of History could be done away with. Oh! Wonderful what 
an agenda do we have for education reform in Goa a minimizing and limiting one, 
instead of one that broadens the intellect of the youth, that provides more options 
and freedom in course and subject selections. Developing well roundedness is key to 
success in the long run. Learning history teaches one NOT to make the mistakes that 
were made in the past. Learning history also teaches one about the cultures of the 
world, the civilizations of the past that is quite useful to pave the ways to the 
Learning history also teaches one not to go about re-inventing the wheel! 

Goa is a modest sized compact state, with a 

RE: [Goanet]moving back to Goa

2004-02-26 Thread bantaogoa

Well, I had not pre-planned to move back to Goa, But came down
on an extended break, happened to re-discover Goa and have continued living here and 
have decided not to return to the US. The quality of life for a foreigner in the USA 
from my personal experience went down-hill
drastically since September 11, though it was going down-hill from much before.  And 
you know with all the constant tension and Asians being put under the scan of 
suspicion was unsettling.

After I arrived in Goa, it was such a breath of fresh air ... the atmosphere is so 
calm and peaceful ... and it felt more like being at home.
I realized that in all the time I spent in the US I never quite got down to
getting that feeling of being home and never really felt like it was
a place I could call home

In addition I had a horrible experience ... an experience with the classic
American Bigot. A crazy woman based in Texas where I lived who never even saw me, but 
only had heard of me through one of her friends who happened to know me began making 
serious accusations that I was a terrorist. This woman was a classic case of the 
American Xenophobe who have a problem dealing with Intelligent foreigners. This 
woman was so twisted that she went to the extent of claiming to be an authority on 
India, and that there were No Catholics or Christians in India. And she went about 
accusing me of actually being a Muslim terrorist who had changed his name to a 
Christian name and lying about being a Catholic and all such really extremely demented 
stuff. It is so typical of Americans who have such
grossly WRONG and demented perceptions about the rest of the world
but will go about with such an arrogance to impose their WRONG beliefs.
I have too much of pride and self-esteem to put up with such ridiculous
bull-shit! This is the kind of shit that I won't tolerate or put up
with, even if offered a million dollars!

As for the USA, I really enjoyed the time when I was a student and in academia, but it 
was like night and day after that in the real world. I
always wondered what happened to all these American folks who are good
and nice when they are in the collegiate environment, but once they
get out in the real world go down-hill. Things have changed too a lot in 
the USA, and I think what once used to be called the American Dream has
become more of an American Nightmare... Now it is the European Dream !!

Besides after coming down to Goa, I have also realized how insular
the USA is. From Goa, I have access to more news and information about
the rest of the world, that what one has in the USA. Even the regional
Goan newspapers have better global news coverage than the American
media. I have also discovered the more exciting challenges that Europe
and England have to offer... my future plans are open and I am exploring
a number of options that include, staying on in Goa, if a business plan 
I'm working on comes through, to exploring opportunities in England or other parts of 
developed Europe.

If you see Goa for example, it is a popular tourist destination with 
Europeans, and the Europeans are definitely a much more cultured and 
classy lot. I have got a chance here to see and mingle with a lot of
the European tourists and they are a much nicer, cultured, mannered,
decent and pleasant lot. As compared to the American who seems
like such a rough-neck in comparison... The term Americanus Redneckus
is quite apropos !

A problem with the American psyche as such is that they tend to view the
world in terms of stereotypes... for example if an American knows one 
Indian who is a convenience store worker, he/she would most stupidly 
conclude that all Indians are convenience store workers. Which was quite
evident by the shocking public remark made by Hillary Clinton, who aspires
to be an American President -- She said Was'nt Mahatma Gandhi a gas station worker

In America, one has to be able to distinguish the American Xenophobe, from the racist. 
A lot of Americans are very Xenophobhic about Intelligent foreigners... Americans 
like to think that by default, simply because they are Americans they are smarter than 
the foreigner, and feel more comfortable with the less smart foreigner... as a result 
Americans are more a bunch of smart-asses and smart-alecs than Intelligent ... I 
read somewhere that Intelligent American is quite the oxymoron --
probably originated from the French who have quite a disdain of Americans,
but one which is quite justifiable.

Returning to Goa is really great ... if you have some capital saved up
and have a bit of an entrepreneural spirit it is perfect ... you can set yourself up 
in a nice independent business and relax and enjoy the great
Goan ambiance

Besides, Goa is growing and developing in all fronts ... there are ample of
recreational opportunities ... football is particularly a hot favorite...
there are a dozen of different leagues at different levels, and matches
played all over the place from the top Indian 

[Goanet]Re: COMMENT: Research does count (Brian Antao, PhD)

2004-02-26 Thread bantaogoa
The article was a general article emphasizing on various issues that 
should be factored in to improve the educational infrastructure in Goa,
with a strong emphasis to increase the focus on developing research
ability in students from an early stage. And yes as such there are
a number of issues that are not directly connected, but are relevant in 
the broader context of improvinig the educational infrastructure. The
article by the way appeared originally as an Op-Ed in the O'Herald.

As for the respondent's comments that such a frame-work does not exist 
even in the developed world is really not an issue of contention in terms
of improving education in Goa. Just because things don't exist elsewhere
in the world, does it mean that Goa cannot take the leadership and be a
first to implement its own path-breaking system ? He talks about the education system 
the world over not producing leaders but followers, and yet expects Goa to be a 
follower and not a leader. He boasts of having 7 years of teaching experience in a 
developed country but is not able to contribute any fresh new ideas that one would 
expect from someone with that much of real experience.

The system of education in the developed countries to a great extent is more 
open-ended allowing one the freedom to be what one wants to be. It is not so much 
production oriented, producing neither employees nor employers! Where as it is the 
system in India which is NOT open-ended and
more production oriented. 

To also point out, particularly to the many Non Resident Goans, who have left Goa and 
have settled in other countries and take this position of sitting on an almighty 
throne and looking back at Goa as being a backward under-developed village. Things are 
progressing mighty well in Goa. Many of whom were un-willing to accept that Goa was 
adjudged as India's Number One overall state. The basket-of-crabs mentality of 
destructive criticism prevails particularly among the Non Resident Goan community on 
their view of Goa. It's time many of them visited Goa and looked around and see for 
themselves the amazing developments that are taking place. 

Some feats to note: 
The Konkan railway based in Margao have developed the Sky-bus metropolitan transit 
system, a first of its kind in the world which has been granted a US patent, and many 
developed countries have expressed interest in the technology.

The National Institute of Oceanography(NIO) based in Goa, Dona Paula, has many Goan 
Scientists working who have made many notable discoveries and have been awarded 
international patents. The last Director of NIO, Dr. E. DeSa has just been appointed 
to a prestiguous post at the UNESCO based in France.

The other day a resident Goan, said to me, which was a great compliment, that I was 
very different from the many Non Resident Goans who come down to Goa on vacations etc. 
he said in Konkani (sp?) Eh dushre yetah te sogle beshteleh, feh, feh, feh kohn 
shapondah sangon woita, kai korepah yeanah

Another day, I was amused by a Goan youth who had returned after just a year's stay in 
the US, and was trying too hard to put on an American accent while speaking that he 
was totally incoherent more than being impressive on his newly acquired American 
accent :-)

PS: I studied and lived in the USA for over 15 years, and frankly had enough of it. 
After returning to Goa... I have discovered to great delight how nicely Goa has been 
developing and improving and growing and thriving. And I intend to contribute 
constructively to the growth and development...

Cheers !
  -- Brian

Wed, 11 Feb 2004 16:54:46 -0800 (PST) 

The author makes a number of good points in the article, though they are not 
necessarily connected
(example who is a lecturer, the lack of research, cramming, etc.).  However, after 7 
teaching at a University here in California, I can suggest two fundamental flaws with 
systems the world over (not just developing countries and Goa):

1. The system is geared to produce employees, not employers.  Followers, not leaders. 
Crowd-pleasers, not trail-blazers.  This is a malaise which also affects the Goan 
psyche and leads
to comfort as second-class citizens in various institutions (educational, religious, 

2. Learning without a sense of social and civic activism.  I do not consider an 
education complete
or even good without creating in the student a passion for justice and equality. If a 
student (or
for that matter any adult) does not pursue justice, they are not educated.  The world 
we live in,
full of injustices, demands no less. Science, engineering, math, etc. without the 
humanities and
ultimately a sense for justice (and truth) is incomplete.


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Re: [Goanet]Fatorda Sports Complex --

2004-02-25 Thread bantaogoa
Goa has certainly come a long way in the Sports arena.

The Football scene has particularly grown tremendously
and Goa is a major competitor almost near to over-taking
Calcutta... This year's National Football League has the 
the highest number of teams from Goa qualified, with Dempo
leading the pool table after the first leg.

The inter-high school sports have also been elevated greatly in
terms of standards. There are many local sporting competitions
organized on a regular basis by different regional bodies.
There's not just inter-high school but also inter-collegiate
competitions, and they have always been !!

The various official stats can be obtained from the various Goa sports
associations, Like the Goa Football Association, Goa Athletics
Association etc.

No offence intended, but you seem to be one of the typical Non Resident
Goans who have this impression that Goa is still living in the dark ages :-)

Cheers !
  -- Brian

Marlon Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Are there any major sporting competitions held in Goa?
In particular, are there any biking, running and
swimming as well as triathlon events in which a
non-professional athelete or even a general citizen
can compete in? Are there local clubs that organize
and participate in such events. What about schools and
colleges - do they have intra-college athletic

Even more questions: are there any official stats or
state records for various athletic events (e.g. 100m,


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fatorda Sports Complex
 Brian Antao
 The Fatorda sports complex is a good effort on the
 part of the Goa
 Government to develop a modern sports/fitness
 facility with a world-class
 football stadium in Goa that has brought
 international football to the
 reach of the many football fans in Goa. There are a
 few items that need
 to be further developed at the complex. One again
 sees the same lethargy
 in such projects, the initial development takes
 place, and not much
 attention is given to further development, expansion
 and continuous

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[Goanet]Fatorda Sports Complex --

2004-02-24 Thread bantaogoa
Fatorda Sports Complex
Brian Antao

The Fatorda sports complex is a good effort on the part of the Goa
Government to develop a modern sports/fitness facility with a world-class
football stadium in Goa that has brought international football to the
reach of the many football fans in Goa. There are a few items that need
to be further developed at the complex. One again sees the same lethargy
in such projects, the initial development takes place, and not much
attention is given to further development, expansion and continuous

One incomplete facet of the complex is the jogging/walking track, which
has been left un-surfaced and is filled with loose red mud, which is more
of a health-hazard. When one takes a round on the jogging track, leaves
one chocking and gagging on the red dust kicked up. The track really 
needs to be surfaced with an astro-turf, which is specially designed for
jogging/running and walking and is weather resistant during the monsoon.
Such a track is not too expensive or inconceivable. At the same time a poor quality 
surfacing also results in injuries such shin-stress etc.
In addition such an astro-turf also needs to be laid inside the stadium around the 
football playing field, which is marked for athletic events.
For the recent Afro-Asian games held for the first time in Hyderabad, 
the Andhra Pradesh government built a modern facility with international
standards. Surely the Goa Government can now look in terms of making 
additions and improvements to the core infrastructure built at the
Fatorda Sports Complex. 

The CM has announced a huge incentive package for Goan sports 
people who excell at the national and international level. But of
greater need is adequate training facilities! 

Another much needed addition at the Fatorda complex is a full-fledged
Gymnasium with all the modern exercise machinery for fitness training
etc. Such a gymnasium would go a long way to cater to the fitness needs
of not only the professionals sports community but should also be 
open to the general public to promote general fitness. 
A large enough Gymnasium would cater to the diverse needs, including
bodybuilding as well as aerobics etc. 

At the just concluded Carnival we saw many mega-sponsors pitching in the
floats parade etc. These mega-sponsors could be tapped in to
contribute to the further development and expansion at the Fatorda Sports Complex in 
exchange for permanent advertising space etc.   

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RE: [Goanet]Goa's Electricity Woes --

2004-02-23 Thread bantaogoa

That was certainly some good inside info on the workings of Goa's electricity 
department... I believe Corruption is certainly a big
problem that plagues the public sector in Goa, with the PWD being even
more notorious. It seems that the biggest hurdle in improving Goa's electricity 
infrastructure is the Corruption factor. 

And as you pointed out with all the defective equipment that has been
installed, this is a clear indicator that Goa's electric transmission and distribution 
infrastructure is a highly defective and faulty one, which includes defective and 
faulty meters etc. Part of the reason for the defective equipment is again 
attributable to corruption where the purchase officer cuts a deal with the supplier 
and takes a under the table cut in exchange for the defective equipment that the 
supplier provides. 

The government has announced plans for underground cabling at the two major cities in 
Panjim and Margao ... this is a good opportunity to make a start and while doing this 
underground cabling atleast in these two cities, the transmission and distribution 
system can be completely overhauled... and as the process slowly migrates to other 
parts of Goa, eventually the entire infrastructure can be overhauled in phases 
begining with the sanctioned projects in these two cities.

Another development is the Corporatization or privatization of the electricity 
department, which has been approved by the CM recently. Cities like Delhi have 
privatized their electricity utility services and has seen a great improvement in 
service. Perhaps we can hope for a similar improvement in Goa. If the Electricity 
service now operates as an efficient corporation and free from the bureaucracy!

Another question to be asked is who is paying ultimately for the power that is lost in 
the defective transmission system, including the pilferage ?

The voltage fluctuations are again a problem caused by a defective system.

It is a serious problem that eventually does need to be fully fixed we certainly 
can't expect to go on this way... as with the growth that occurs in the state, more 
residential and commercial consumers, the defective and faulty system will end up 
being a great catastrophe waiting to happen !

Revamping the system, while it being an ardous task is not something which is 
inconceivable. In the developed countries, which started out with the older generation 
of the electricity infrastructure, have been able to phase out the old and modernize 
the infrastructure to keep up with the times... so there is a lot of expertise 
available in terms of consultancy services in this sector on how to effectively phase 
out an antiquated electricity infrastructure and phase-in a modernized one.

For example, for the IFFI (Film Festival) infrastructure development, the government 
has retained the consultancy services of a Canadian Firm with Experience at Cannes and 
French film festivals. In the power sector there are many MNCs that could similarly 
retained to provide consultancy expertise on how to cost-effectively revamp Goa's 
electricity infrastructure ... one really good company is the Japanese corporation 

In terms of financial support, Goa could reach out to global resources such as the 
Asia development bank (ADB) ... some of the northeastern states in India have secured 
financing from ADB to develop their electricity infrastructure.

While the central government has launched huge electricity development projects 
elsewhere in India, the Goa government has not been able to adequetly impress upon 
the centre the dire needs required in Goa, but instead have been projecting this false 
image that Goa is trading in surplus power, and hence does not need assistance from 
the Center to revamp the infrastructure. So this claim about trading in surplus power 
has only come back to shoot Goa in the foot !

 -- Brian Antao

Nagesh Bhatcar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Revamping Goa's electricity network will indeed be a huge task to undertake.
Having worked for the Electricity Department in the early 80s, I know of 
of the problems that the Department had to endure.

There are a lot of hurdles that will have to be crossed to achieve what 
has envisaged for Goa. Many competent and talented Engineers are at the 
helm, but
the process of sanctioning and implementation is a rather arduous one. 
Months used
to go by in obtaining monetary sanctions from the Government. Almost every 
file had
to go right up to the Chief Minister's office!

I think the present Chief Electrical Engineer, T.H.Rao is a very competent 
and efficient person.
Then he used to be an Executive Engineer, having just returned from an 
overseas stint.

With respect to manpower and equipment, there are many things that are not
in order. I think that there are more clerical folks than technical!

Prior to Goa's becoming a State, DGSD used to be the agency that acquired
equipment for the Electricity 

[Goanet]Goa's Electricity Woes --

2004-02-19 Thread bantaogoa
   Goas Electricity Woes
  Brian Antao, Ph.D

Goa claims to be having a surplus in Electric power that it is selling
to other states at a good margin of profit. Yet people in the state
face poor quality of electric service, in the form of frequent power
outages, inadequate load handling capacity for even simple household
items such as the TV and the refrigerator. So while the residents of
the state are starved of good electric power supply, is it right and
justified to engage in trading electric power to other states? When the
so-called surplus could be better utilized to improve the quality of
electric power supply to residents within the state? What is being done
with all the profits generated through the surplus power trading? And
why is the profit not re-invested back into further upgrading Goas
electricity infrastructure? Electric power generation is only one part
of the equation, efficient transmission and distribution is a more
critical part. A lot of electric power gets dissipated and lost due to
a defective and faulty distribution and transmission system, of the
type that is in place in Goa.

A Chief Engineer of Goa Electricity Department has recently mentioned
that providing un-interruptible power supply in Goa is a formidable
task, involving large investment to improve the infrastructure. When
high-ranking officers and government officials in the Goa Electricity
department have such a defeatist attitude, one does not expect the
state-of-the affairs to improve much. One would hope instead for a more
Can-do and Will-do attitude. The proposed solution of sub-stations
fitted with three feeder lines etc. is not quite an elegant technology. 

A government official when commissioning a new power appendage in
Margao claimed that electric power was provided to the people at a low
cost of Re. 1 per unit and they should not expect un-interruptible
power supply at the low cost. This is really the kind of hubris that
prevails, where a sense of Civic-duty and Good Customer Service are thrown out of 
the back door and instead the customer is held at a ransom.
This is the same kind of ransom behavior that was prevalent in the then
only government owned telephone services that operated in the most
despotic manner providing substandard service; where phone connections
were a right of only the privileged and the common man had to wait for
5-10 years to get a new phone connection. And see how that despotic
phone regime has turned around. Fortunately with the government opening
the mobile phone sector to private sector, one sees the many fruits of
competitive markets:
  1.The government owned telecommunications services have been
forced to improve and be competitive and keep costs down.
  2.The people have the alternative to easily and as many as they
want mobile phone connections and services from a range of private
service providers.

What we also need to see in the near future is the entry of private
sector electricity service providers, where the people dont have to be
held hostage by the arrogant governmental electricity departments. Only
then perhaps the state owned electricity services, like their telephone
and communications counterparts will be forced to improve their
services and be more competitive and provide better Customer Service.
 And yes make it very possible to provide uninterruptible power at the
same rate of Re. 1 per unit!

The real problem facing Goas electricity infrastructure is that it is
an antiquated one, and whatever additions being slapped on in a
haphazard way are in the form of applying bandages. The solution to the
problem is Modernizing the infrastructure at a grass-roots level, and
yes indeed it will require some bit of investment, but the dividends of
this investment will be very high providing a quantum leap in the
quality of service as well as improve the longevity of the
infrastructure. Having a revamped and modernized infrastructure would
also have an added bonus of attracting more industrial development in
the state. Supposedly projects have already been approved to implement
a new under-ground transmission network in the cities of Panjim and
Margao, and it is important that this development be done in a manner
which improves the quality of service and is not just a mere
replacement of over-head wiring with under-ground cables. This is a
good and opportune time to put into place a modern transmission and
distribution system in these two cities coupling it with the
under-ground cabling projects and ensuring that the power distribution
is adequate and uninterrupted.

There are many Indian subsidiaries of Global leaders in the power
sector, Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) such as ABB, Toshiba,
Mitsubishi Heavy Electric, Alstom Power, Siemens Power etc. That have
the latest power transmission and distribution technology that utilizes
state-of-the-art computer controlled techniques. The Goa Electricity

[Goanet]Job Openings in the UK for Medical Sales specialists

2004-02-06 Thread bantaogoa
Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd UK. a leading European Pharma Company has the following new 
positions open, announced recently:

Vacancy details
Job title: HIV Specialists 
Job ref 000380 
Job description Due to recent head count approval we now have a vacancy for three HIV 
Sales Specialist within the territories listed below.

HIV is a fast moving dynamic disease area, and Viramune remains the market leader in 
the UK with sales in excess of 14 million.

We will be launching a new class of antiretroviral in 2004 which will strengthen our 
franchise in HIV. 
There are also further exciting compounds in development within the area of Virology 
that are expected to come to market over the next 5 years.

1  North West. This includes Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Wirral,  Cheshire. 
This territory includes the largest HIV Unit outside of London (North Manchester 
General). The territory currently has sales of Viramune of approximately 1 million.

2  M4 Corridor. This would stretch from Bristol in the West to London in the East. 
The territory may not go into central London, but certainly beyond M25. This territory 
currently has sales of Viramune of approximately 1 million.

3  M1/M40 Corridor into central London. This would Include Oxfordshire, 
Buckinghamshire, South Hertfordshire, and part of central London. This territory 
currently has sales of approximately 3 million, including the largest HIV Unit in 
the UK with sales in excess of 1 million.

There may be a degree of flexibility with the boundaries between territories 2 and 3, 
to allow for where candidates may live. 
Skills required -Degree level or equivalent

-Ideally have a Clean driving licence

-At least 1 - 2 years sales experience within the pharmaceutical industry or 
selling experience or directly related medical experience.

-Understanding of ABPI Code of Practice Adherence to the ABPI Code of Practice

-IT literate (MS Office  PowerPoint, Excel and Word)

-Acceptance of ABPI exam process(where not taken)

-Demonstrates understanding of the HSE Role.

-Have the following skills :
Excellent interpersonal skills
Team working
Ability to take on Technical knowledge
Town/city Across S  NW England 
Region National 
Country United Kingdom 
Job type Permanent 
Hours Full-Time 
Salary Recruiting Range up to 40,200 
Application deadline 06/05/04 
Start date ASAP

For further details see the web link at:

Good Luck !
 -- Brian Antao

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[Goanet]Information on the deSouza Trust Scholarship

2004-02-06 Thread bantaogoa

The De Souza Trust, Goa Scholarship 2004 has been announced which is a
scholarship for students of Goan origin to pursue a study program in the 
UK coming from the charitable trust funds of Mr. Diego Frank De Souza.

And are administered through the British Council offices. The contact person is [EMAIL 

More details on the scholarship see the Web link at:

Good Luck !
  Brian Antao

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[Goanet]The Language Issue In Goa

2004-02-04 Thread bantaogoa
  The Language Issue In Goa
 Brian Antao, Ph.D.

In the recent days there have been many sporadic attempts to ferment
communal tensions in the otherwise closely knit secular Goa. The latest
in these attempts is the furor raised on the unilateral demands that
Marathi be simply imposed as the official language over the entire populace of Goa. 
Undoubtedly these demands are made by the same cross section of the people living in 
Goa, (one would hesitate to call then true Goans) who voted for Goa to be merged with 
Maharashtra, prior to statehood. 

The demand for making Marathi as the official language of Goa is as
outlandish as the perhaps equally large cross section of the Portuguese
speaking populace demanding that Portuguese be made the official
language of Goa. The point is that both these languages are alien
languages to the native land of Goa, brought to the state by
cross-border migration and early colonization. With Marathi being the
official language of the neighboring state of Maharashtra. In addition one forgets 
that English is perhaps as popular in use as a business language across the state, 
particularly with Goa being a major tourism destination catering to a large section 
of foreign tourists, for whom an imposed local language would impose great barriers in 
communication. One often finds this problem with people who take a fanatic stand and 
fail to take into account the greater issues of pragmatism.

There really is no contest with the true indigenous language of Goa,
which is Konkani. Goa has a unique identity for itself, and this unique
identity can only be further strengthened by making Konkani, a unique
language in itself, as the official language of Goa.

These authoritarian demands for imposing Marathi as the official
language of Goa, could also be seen as the disgruntled faction living
in Goa that wanted the merger with Maharashtra, still harboring
delusions of the merger, by making these back-door replications and a
Marathawadi transformation of the unique identity of Goa. This radical
Marathi faction is always welcome to migrate back to Maharashtra where
perhaps they would feel more at home with an official language already
in place of their desire.

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