Re: [Goanet] Homeschooling in Goa

2006-03-27 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thanks for your feedback. From your response and
>that of others who e-mailed me off-list, the very
>idea of homeschooling in India seems quite different
>from what it is in the USA.

India is indeed fortunate not to have an ideologically
driven "home-schooling" movement of the type prevalent
in the U.S. It is a good thing that the Hindutva
zealots were defeated, and were not able to revise
high school textbooks to include bogus revisionist
history, and garbage such as vedic astrology, vedic
mathematics and vedic science.



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Re: [Goanet] Homeschooling in Goa

2006-03-11 Thread Lawrence Rodrigues

DNA Sunday
 Beyond books and syllabi
Saturday, March 11, 2006  19:41 IST

Several alternative schools offer innovative methods of education, and
 appraisal systems where the traditional exam is underplayed or

Tridha (Mumbai) is based on the principles of Waldorf Steiner, an
education system that balances academic, artistic and practical
activities. The emphasis is on overall development of the child, with
a flexible curriculum where art and music are considered as important
as reading, writing and arithmetic. Classes are currently conducted
from nursery and kindergarten to class VI.

Sloka (Hyderabad), affiliated to the ICSE board, was established by
the Education Renaissance Trust, a non-profit organisation, to provide
an alternative education programme. The school addresses the needs of
students who have difficulties with reading, writing and maths, and
those who suffer from lack of coordination or concentration. Textbooks
are not used to teach these students.

Rishi Valley (Andhra Pradesh), established by the J Krishnamurti
Foundation, it follows the philosophy of exploring alternative visions
of life while imparting a regular education. The curriculum of its
junior- and middle-level school is flexible, and it eschews
examinations. Students are involved in projects such as biodiversity
conservation and watershed management. Some of the other schools run
by the foundation are Rajghat Besant School (Varanasi), The School
(Chennai), The Valley School (Bangalore) and Sahyadri (Pune).

Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (Pondicherry) has
classes ranging from kindergarten to college level. The philosophy of
the school is to provide an integral education by encouraging the
development of mind, life, body, soul and spirit. The method of
teaching is a combination of instruction by the teacher and a "free
progress system" in which the student can pursue his own course of

— Compiled by Swati Pujari

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invitation to open a *Gmail* e-mail account. :-)

Re: [Goanet] Homeschooling in Goa

2006-03-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I don't want to waste your time with personal trivia,
>especially since your valuable work is subsidized by
>the American taxpayer.

Ah, the taxpayer card! Isn't it always better to waste
time on partisan political trivia rather than on
personal trivia generated by a dishonest excuse and a
self-inflicted embarrassment? But I am really glad
that you have suddenly discovered the value of
taxpayer-supported secular scientific research, which
is dependent on a proper understanding of evolutionary

>The "us" referred to everyone on this list who read
>your post and didn't want to make the same leap of
>logic that you did.

Are you sure they share your leap of logic and your
political agenda?

>Thanks for sharing the factual BASIS of your
>assumptions, but what are your assumptions?

The facts I provided are my assumptions. What are
yours, and those of the people you referred to as

>When you say "Indians", do you mean all, some, most,
>many, a minority,  majority...what?

What I mean is that in India anti-evolutionism,
creationism, opposition to Big Bang cosmology,
opposition to the established geological record and
opposition to Church-State separation have no popular
appeal, and no political and/or legal significance,



Re: [Goanet] Homeschooling in Goa

2006-03-06 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm afraid you've made a leap of logic here, so
>before we make any assumptions, please help us
>understand what you mean. 


First, some questions for you. 

Are you sure you have the time to engage in
discussions in Goan forums? Don't you have to study or

By the way, who are these "us" you are referring to?
How many of you homeschoolers are there on this list?

The assumptions I make are based on the following

1. The statistical fact that 72% of homeschooled
children in the U.S. are homeschooled for religious or
"moral" reasons.

2. The fact that one of the foremost organizations of
the homeschooling movement, the National Home
Education Research Institute, endorses the
recommendation that the homeschool curriculum be
evaluated from a "biblical Christian world view". 

For example, this is what it endorses needs to be
emphasized in the Science curriculum:

God created everything in six days about six thousand
years ago, and there was a catastrophic worldwide
flood in Noah's time. These facts guide our
understanding of what we see in nature. Our use of
science must also respect the sanctity of human life
and reflect good stewardship of God's gifts as well as
compassion toward His creatures."

You can see all their recommendations at:

>Also, share with us your knowledge of the homeschool
>movement--research data will be welcomed.

My knowledge about religious and ideological movements
is limited. You might want to ask others in your "us"
group. Ken Ham and other young earth creationists
might be able to do that better for you.



Re: [Goanet] Homeschooling in Goa

2006-03-05 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>...I'm keen to know if it is catching on in 
>Goa and other parts of India. Thanks in advance for
>your feedback...

Why would anyone want to home-school their children in
Goa or India? 

Indians have no issues with evolutionary biology,
genetics and reproductive biology, geology, the Big
Bang cosmology, secularism, the separation of Church
and State, and multi-religious and multi-cultural



[Goanet] Homeschooling in Goa

2006-03-04 Thread Peter D'Souza
A couple of years ago there was a discussion on homeschooling on this 
list. At the time I received a couple of off-list e-mails about it, 
including one from a lady who was considering homeschooling her kids in 
Goa. I was wondering about how much things have changed. The movement is 
growing rapidly in the USA, and I'm keen to know if it is catching on in 
Goa and other parts of India. Thanks in advance for your feedback.



Homeschooling grows quickly in United States

COLUMBIA, Maryland (Reuters) -- Elizabeth and Teddy Dean are learning 
about the Italian scientist Galileo, so they troop into the kitchen, 
where their mother Lisa starts by reviewing some facts about the 

Elizabeth, 11, and Teddy, 8, have never gone to school.

Their teachers are primarily their parents, which puts them into what is 
believed to be the fastest-growing sector of the U.S. education system 
-- the homeschool movement.

For their science lesson, Teddy and Elizabeth are joined by three other 
homeschooled children and their mother, who live down the street in 
their suburb midway between Baltimore and Washington, D.C.

Before the lesson starts, all five kids change into Renaissance costumes 
-- long dresses and bonnets for the girls, tunics and swords for the boys.

"We definitely have a lot more fun than kids who go to school," 
Elizabeth said.

Nobody is quite sure exactly how many American children are being taught 
at home. The National Center for Education Statistics, in a 2003 survey, 
put the number that year at 1.1 million. The Home School Legal Defense 
Association, which represents some 80,000 member families, says the 
figure now is quite a bit higher -- between 1.7 and 2.1 million.

But there is no disagreement about the explosive growth of the movement 
-- 29 percent from 1999 to 2003 according to the NCES study, or 7 to 15 
percent a year according to HSLDA.

This growth has spawned an estimated $750 million a year market 
supplying parents with teaching aids and lesson plans to fit every 
religious and political philosophy. Homeschooled children regularly show 
up in the finals of national spelling competitions, generating publicity 
for the movement.

Parents cite many reasons for deciding to opt out of formal education 
and teach their children at home. In the NCES study, 31 percent said 
they were concerned about drugs, safety or negative peer pressure in 
schools; 30 percent wanted to provide religious or moral instruction 
while 16 percent said they were dissatisfied with academic standards in 
their local schools.

"I wasn't sold on the idea of institutionalized education. It's a 
factory approach -- one size fits all," said Isabel Lyman, author of 
"The Homeschooling Revolution," who taught both of her now-grown sons at 

"The schools take all the joy out of learning. They don't take account 
of a particular child's interests, needs and development. The whole 
system is anti-child," she said.

Regulation, instruction vary

Different states take widely varying approaches to homeschooling. Some, 
like New York and Pennsylvania, require that the parents submit lesson 
plans four times a year and regularly test the children.

Others, like Texas, basically leave them alone. So there is little 
reliable data on how they are doing, said University of Colorado 
education professor Kevin Welner.

"There are popular myths that homeschooled children are socially inept, 
cloistered kids and that they are either illiterate or academic 
wunderkinds. Anecdotes aside, we simply don't have the data to make such 
generalizations," he said.

"Some children will get top-notch instruction. Others will get poor or 
minimal instruction. Obviously it will vary by parent," he said.

Even the cliche that the majority of homeschooled children are 
evangelical Christians is outdated, if it was ever true.

The movement remains overwhelmingly white and middle class but it is 
growing fast among black and Hispanic families and becoming more 
politically and religiously diverse as well.

Some parents follow an educational philosophy known as "unschooling," 
where the children are encouraged to follow their own interests rather 
than adhering to a fixed curriculum.

Laura Derrick, president of the National Home Education Network, has 
followed this philosophy with her 14-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter.

"My son learned to read before he was 3 and I realized then we were 
working better than any school program ever designed," she said. 
"Children are born wanting to learn."

Lisa Dean, who was a lawyer before she became a mother, said 
homeschooling her children was tremendously rewarding but also very 

"It's a long day with the kids. I look forward to when my husband comes 
home," she said.

She also has backup from a local group of 70 homeschooling families who 
organize group field trips and extracurricular activities. Her children 
both take lessons in