[Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-31 Thread Mario Goveia
TO: George Pinto 
You say:
I think Mario missed taking his medication today -
again!  He quotes me below when I did not write
the excerpt below (Mervyn did).  He refers to Merwyn
as Indian when he was born and raised in Africa and
lives in Canada and is of Goan ancestry.

Facts, after all, should never get in the way of a
neocon argument.

To George:
Thanks for pointing out that I mistook you for Mervyn.
 Maybe it was because you guys think alike.

I'm not sure how I was supposed to know that Mervyn is
African-Canadian.  I should probably stop thinking of
Goans as synonymous with Indians.  However, don't you
think an African-Canadian of Goan ancestry would  know
that Pakistani jihadis, assisted by Al Qaeda, have
killed tens of thousands of innocent Indian Kashmiris
since 1947, which is the point I was making?

And George, please don't assume everyone is on meds
just because you are.  And since you are a stickler
for meaningless details, please note that I am a
conservative, not a neo-con.  Do you even know the
difference?  Also, please find below my corrected post
as per your comments:

Mervyn writes:
Last week, I was reading a book review in a Mexican
paper. The book was written by a ex-CIA agent, giving
her views on the failure of the CIA to catch bin

Mario replies:
Mervyn, don't you have anything better to do than to
gleefully criticize the country that protects your
sorry backsides in Canada, which is incapable of
protecting itself any more?

What positive suggestions do you and your country have
to offer?

How any African-Canadian of Goan ancestry can support
the Islamic jihadi mentality that has killed over
50,000 Kashmiris since independence is beyond me.

Surely you know that Bin Laden has not been caught
because he is a) hiding in a hole in the ground
somewhere while exhorting others to die for the cause,
and b) being protected by tribesmen in Waziristan. 
Most of his compatriots have been captured or killed,
and it is only a matter of time before he will meet
with the same fate.  I must remember to offer you
condolences when that happens.

[Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-30 Thread George Pinto

I think Mario missed taking his medication today - again!  He quotes me below 
when I did not write
the excerpt below (Mervyn did).  He refers to Merwyn as Indian when he was born 
and raised in
Africa and lives in Canada and is of Goan ancestry.

Facts, after all, should never get in the way of a neocon argument.


--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 George writes:
 Last week, I was reading a book review in a Mexican
 paper. The book was written by a ex-CIA agent, giving
 her views on the failure of the CIA to catch bin
 Mario replies:
 George, don't you have anything better to do than to
 gleefully criticize the country that protects your
 sorry backsides in Canada, which is incapable of
 protecting itself any more?
 What positive suggestions do you and your country have
 to offer?
 How any Indian can support the Islamic jihadi

Re: [Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-30 Thread Mario Goveia

George writes:
Last week, I was reading a book review in a Mexican
paper. The book was written by a ex-CIA agent, giving
her views on the failure of the CIA to catch bin

Mario replies:
George, don't you have anything better to do than to
gleefully criticize the country that protects your
sorry backsides in Canada, which is incapable of
protecting itself any more?

What positive suggestions do you and your country have
to offer?

How any Indian can support the Islamic jihadi
mentality that has killed over 50,000 Kashmiris since
independence is beyond me.

Surely you know that Bin Laden has not been caught
because he is a) hiding in a hole in the ground
somewhere while exhorting others to die for the cause,
and b) being protected by tribesmen in Waziristan. 
Most of his compatriots have been captured or killed,
and it is only a matter of time before he will meet
with the same fate.  I must remember to offer you
condolences when that happens.

[Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-29 Thread Mario Goveia

George Pinto writes to Goanetters:
You must be as tired as I am of having to educate
Mario on this forum.  He is now bombarding me with
private emails even though I requested him to stop. 
It is unfortunate that besides his
inaccurate knowledge of most matters and his
mispresentation of some of my views, he continues to
SPAM this list.  The Delete button is getting tired. 
Please wish him a new hobby in the New Year.

Mario replies:
George, before you can presume to educate me you could
use some education yourself.  Generalized attacks on
me are like pouring water on a duck's back, especially
from people who are blissfully displaying their
ignorance or bias while trying to malign me, as you
are above.  I'm sure most Goanetters can tell the

I sent you a private email because I was embarrassed
with your peculiar claims that a major investigative
report by a duly constituted commission of the US
Government was not credible because the members of the
commission were white people, without any regard to
who they were as individuals or the contents of their
report.  I am not the only one on Goanet who has
noticed your blatantly racist comment, so for you to
hide behind the generalities above is a continuation
of your intellectually challenged rhetoric.

I would have more confidence in your education and
knowledge if you had cited some of the Commission's
findings, and rebutted them with facts and opinions of
your own.  They were not investigating capitalism,
control of mid-east oil or the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, all subjects you apparently think should
have been in the report.  Frankly, I don't think you
have even read a summary of the report.

Every conclusion that the 9/11 Commission reached was
thoroughly researched and documented.  Several brown
skinned middle-east experts were interviewed and
their opinions are part of the report.  The complete
report is available at www.senate.gov.  Before
continuing his rant against white Americans in
general, George should read it.  Maybe he will learn
something.  I am not holding my breath.  Here are 5
examples of George's educated mentality and/or
knowledge of this subject: 

1. It ( the 9/11 Commission report) is written by
mostly white males in the USA who understand little
about the Middle East.

2. Instead, the more popular explanation - Islamic
terrorism is used for a Christian audience.  Islamic
terrorism is code (or politically correct in certain
circles) for being anti-Muslim.  No mention of any
Israeli terrorism is made: neither the terrorism that
radical Israeli settlers practice or the
state-sponsored Israeli genocide on innocent

3. The Middle East situation today is yesterday's
colonization which has become today's
neocoloninzation.  It is based on white superiority,
among other issues.

4. And yes, the 9-11 would have greater credibility if
it had dark-skinned people on the panel - like a few
people from the Middle East who are scholars there and
can offer a better perspective and some former
Governor or Senator from the USA.

5. Bush had to be chaperoned by Cheney. Combined, they
testified for A WHOLE HOUR with pre-screened

The 9/11 Commission was equally comprised of Democrats
and Republicans appointed by their respective parties.
 There were several opponents of the Bush
administration on the Commission, as anyone who
followed its proceedings would know.  There were
several middle-east scholars who were interviewed and
their views documented as part of the report, as
anyone who followed its proceedings would know.

The commission had one task, which was to investigate
everything they could about 9/11.  They were tasked
with only reporting what they could verify through
testimony and documentation, without any political
subjectivity and rhetoric.  They used the term
Islamist terrorism not Islamic terrorism because
all 19 of the suicide attack team were renegade Muslim
heretics who had cited the peaceful religion of Islam
as part of their rationale for their heinous attack on
mostly innocent civilians, which is prohibited by the
religion of Islam.  They were called terrorists
because they attacked mostly innocent civilian
targets, without regard to the skin color of their
victims.  Several brown skinned people, including
hundreds of Indians, were killed.

George knows little or nothing of what I have outlined
above.  The proof?  In point 2 above he says that the
commission should have referred to Israelis as
terrorists.  The only Israelis and Palestinians
involved in 9/11 were innocent civilians, so how could
the commission refer to Israelis terrorists, or
Israeli settlers or even genocide on innocent
Palestinians?  Regarding point 5, Bush and Cheney
testified with no pre-screened questions and no time
limit.  Commission members said that Bush answered 90%
of the questions asked.  George tries to insult
President Bush by saying he was chaperoned by
Cheney, which says more 

Re: [Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-29 Thread cornel
I receive endless material via Goanet which I  read selectively. 
Consequently, a lot is unread and discarded at the touch of a button under 
MY control i.e. not under somebody else's control.

Thus,  I would never support the view, implicit in your post,  that some 
material normally received on Goanet should face a form of censorship even 
if the discussion seems endless at times. Clearly, one person's meat is 
another person's poison, but such is life and the silence from 7000 odd 
Goanetters not responding to your specifiic view is surely an answer in 
itself! Therefore, please let us have inclusionary persuasion  among 
Goanetters, and not  exclusionary practice under any pretext even if this 
were possible.

One fear I have, but whether warranted or not, I do not know,  is that the 
'confining agenda' for Goanet you seem to propose, could kill off Goanet's 

However, I entirely accept that your suggestions for more specifiic Goan 
newsworthy type of items are right, and hopefully, further suggestions will 
be added to your list.

Re: [Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-29 Thread rene barreto

I was surprised that NOT ONE of all the 7000 plus
supported my call for the end of this on going
unproductive discussions about a month ago. 

We have no one else but ourselves to be blamed ,
by participating in these discussions ..we have
encouraged and  prolonged of these discussions. 

Ignore them and these discussions will die a natural

I believe that it is time for the 7000 plus Goans
world wide have their say , that is if they feel that
such irrelevant discussions should be stopped. Or may
be that they would like to see these discussions to
continue : - ) 

Its time that the Cyber Goans on Goa net agree to
some sort of * aims and objectives * for this Cyber
Goan Community.

My suggestions.

Use the Goan Forums to discuss matter relating
Goan related issues , support GOOD Goan projects. 
Work on Goanlinks , encourage and support Goan Local 
Voluntary projects ie Primary Health Centers ,
encourage Schools in Goa TWINING with schools abroad.

I am sure many of you will have your own thoughts
, please do add them if your TIME permits.

I am sure some one would be in a better position
to put these thoughts in a more understandable format

just my simple thoughts..for the coming 2005 !


--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You must be as tired as I am of having to educate
 Mario on this forum.  He is now bombarding me
 with private emails even though I requested him to
 stop.  It is unfortunate that besides his
 inaccurate knowledge of most matters and his
 mispresentation of some of my views, he continues to
 SPAM this list.  The Delete button is getting tired.
  Please wish him a new hobby in the New Year.
 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is blatant reverse racism pure and simple.
 You do not understand reverse racism if you equate
 what I say with it.
 etc., etc.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-29 Thread George Pinto

You must be as tired as I am of having to educate Mario on this forum.  He is 
now bombarding me
with private emails even though I requested him to stop.  It is unfortunate 
that besides his
inaccurate knowledge of most matters and his mispresentation of some of my 
views, he continues to
SPAM this list.  The Delete button is getting tired.  Please wish him a new 
hobby in the New Year.


--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is blatant reverse racism pure and simple.

You do not understand reverse racism if you equate what I say with it.

etc., etc.

[Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-28 Thread Mario Goveia

In response to Halur Rasho and Philip Thomas you have
continued your reprehensible comments about the US
Senate's 9/11 Commission not being credible simply
because they were white, without any regard to their
individual credentials and political philosophies. 
This is blatant reverse racism pure and simple.

Your own posts on this subject are ample proof that
brown people can be just as biased, irrational and
delusional as any white person.

You have obviously not even read the 9/11 report,
available on www.senate.gov, so how do you come up
with your paranoid generalizations?  Have you been
talking to Michael Moore?

While 99.9% of Muslims are not suicidal terrorists,
every one of the nineteen 9/11 jihadis were Muslims. 
In spite of this there are no anti-Muslim or anti-Arab
views in the 9/11 report. Every assertion was
thoroughly researched and documented and the sources
of information are all part of the report.  Any honest
brown person would have come to the same conclusions
they did.

Regarding the poll you cited you need to know that the
US constitution is not responsive to polls, which are
a snapshot of the people polled.  No more, no less. 
No country is more protective of the rights of
minorities than the US, and brown skinned people
dominate much of the US economy.  For example, Indian
Americans have been the top ethnic group by family
income since 1980.  Filipinos are No. 2.  The list 
includes the whites you are so afraid of.  The top two
executives in US foreign policy are black skinned, and
two cabinet ministers are black as well.  The next
Attorney General is brown skinned.  The top US General
in Iraq is an Arab-American.

You need to check out how they are treating Muslims in
Germany, France and the Netherlands, without the
impetus of a 9/11 attack.  I have Arab friends in the
US who are concerned when Arab strangers show up in
their midst.  They know the difference between most
Muslims and terrorists who happen to be Muslims.  Why
don't you?

Re: [Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-27 Thread Mario Goveia
TO: halur rasho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not only do I second your objection to the obvious and
gratuitous reverse-racism you were responding to, but
I wonder what understanding of the middle-east was
being displayed by these dark-skinned males when Al
Qaeda declared war on America at the height of Bill
Clinton's appeasement-oriented foreign policy,
declared America a weak horse and Al Qaeda the
strong horse and, in an escalating series, attacked
American civil and military interests in NY, Kenya,
Tanzania, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and back to NY
on 9/11, raising the ante each time?

The 9/11 Commission had equal representation by people
who had been for and against US policy, and their
findings have been so thoroughly researched and
documented as to be unshakeable by anyone but the most
cynical propagandists.  Honest critics should take the
time to read the original report and its source
information to avoid embarrassing themselves, at

--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Philip and all:
 The 9-11 commission report is best used as a
 paper-weight. It is written by mostly white males in
 the USA who understand little about the Middle East.
  It could have been about the most

The white male comment is gratious left wing racism ,
very annoying and as contemptible as the right wing
variety.  Would the 9-11 commission report be bettter
if it had been written by dark skinned people ? 
Why in the world is the skin colour of the document's
authors relevant while discussing it's contents?
This is as knee jerk, as another poster's reaction to
educated , informative posts because the author was
from a certain Indian state whose natives opinions on
Goa were suspect, anyways.

[Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem* (IFFI related extracts - I)

2004-12-26 Thread Philip Thomas
This is an attempt to cull out some quotes from the Seminar Issue on Goa to
see if we can get some useful background from it on the IFFI initiative of
the government.

FOUR decades after Liberation, Goa stands acclaimed as being among the best
developed states in the country. It has been described as one of India's ten
most global non-corporate brands, second only to the Indian film industry
and Bangalore's Silicon Valley .. Yet public perception across the European
world and in the imagination of many others has linked Goa in the last three
decades with Kathmandu, Bali and Ibiza. Goans battle environmental
pollution, drug traffic and paedophilia...The Goan experience of colonialism
and decolonization sets it apart, making problematic its harmonious
integration into national life .. In subsequent decades, tourism has also
contributed to mobility in ways that have not been matched in other parts of
the country. [The Problem, Maria Aurora Couto]

Soscgado, blissful ease, as a popular description of Goan character, appears
to contradict the competitive performance of the Goan economy. It does,
however, indicate that Goa's economic strengths derive from sources outside
narrow definitions. .. Credit, however, must be given to the professional
analysts for relying on criteria that gave greater regard to education,
health, governance and infrastructure. It is in this wider context that Goa
with an area of 3702 sq kms, the smallest state after Delhi, has attained
benchmarks of human development that have made its economy among the best
performing in the country...Though Goa entered the Union framework only in
the middle of the Third Five Year Plan (1962-1966), the situation was more
than made up by liberal funding and decisiveness of the Planning Commission
and the Central government...Another milestone was reached in 1983 when
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi held the Retreat of the Commonwealth Heads of
Government in Goa. Significant and productive investments were made for
roads, telecommunications, water supply, electricity transmission and
distribution, the international airport terminal, and by the private sector
for hotels and tourist attractions of Goa's unrivalled beaches of sun, sand,
fronting calm seas and fringed by sand dunes and coconut palms. It also
served as a demonstration of the joy of the Goan way of life - its cuisine,
song and music and social harmony - an object lesson to some of the
Commonwealth Heads uneasy about the military action of 1961...The financial
resources to meet the challenges of development need a fresh look. A
provision of central assistance on a formula based only on an increase in
population and poverty penalizes states for performance. For Goa the
reduction in central assistance from an average of 80% of the state plan
outlay during the union territory period to the current 15% has led to
increased borrowings, raising the dangers of a debt trap...Goa has much to
show in the management of its resources. Not only is the per capita income
the highest in the country but so also is the per capita realization of
state revenue mainly from sales tax, water and electricity charges. The
state budget estimates for 2004-2005 and the revised estimates for 2003-2004
provide for substantial funding for further initiatives in employment,
agriculture, infrastructure and social welfare. The revenue expenditure is
estimated at Rs 1584 crore and capital expenditure at Rs 597 crore, with a
plan outlay of Rs 915 crore. Both the revenue deficit of Rs 7.95 crore and
the fiscal deficit of Rs 506 crore are manageable. Evidently there is a case
for enlarged central assistance that rewards performance and efficient
management of the economy...In Goa, the foreign exchange earned from the
export of iron ore of 23.5 million tonnes, was Rs 1200 crore, an all time
high for fiscal 2002-2003; the foreign exchange from tourism in Goa is
estimated at Rs 1500 crore during an average year and is expected to go up
to Rs 2000 crore in 2004-2005. Only two percent of the royalty charges for
mining and nothing for the foreign exchange earned from exports of Goan ore
and tourism is received from the central government...There is need to
revise the interest rate on Central loans, especially since external
assistance on very low interest and other concessional terms is given by
international funding agencies and bilateral donor countries. Such
assistance is usually given for social sector projects like water supply,
sanitation and rural development. Even if the foreign exchange is not passed
on to the state governments, the rupee loan for such projects should be on
low interest and long repayment periods [The Goan Economy. Alban Couto]

There is much talk about Goa being one of the preferred tourist
destinations. I do not subscribe to this view for a very good reason.
Infrastructure is lacking. This is because neither the central nor state
governments have introduced a 'hands on' tourism policy in India, even 

[Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-25 Thread George Pinto
--- halur rasho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Philip and all:
  The 9-11 commission report is best used as a
  paper-weight. It is written by mostly white males in
  the USA who understand little about the Middle East.
   It could have been about the most
 The white male comment is gratious left wing racism ,
 very annoying and as contemptible as the right wing

No it is not.  It was a point I wanted to make in greater detail in my earlier 
post but did not.
Thank you for allowing me to do so now.  The Middle East situation today is 
colonization which has become today's neocoloninzation.  It is based on white 
superiority, among
other issues.  Race is not the only issue but a significant one. The other 
issues are economic
(oil), religion, etc.  ONE aspect of the 9-11 commission is to give legitimacy 
to the USA's
neocolonization ambitions in the Middle East and indirectly bless its 
anti-Arab, anti-Muslim
views. A recent poll in the USA suggested that American Muslim rights should be 
curtailed.  It is
race, religious bigotry, etc. all rolled into one big unjust mess.

And yes, the 9-11 would have greater credibility if it had dark-skinned people 
on the panel - like
a few people from the Middle East who are scholars there and can offer a better 
perspective and
some former Governor or Senator from the USA.


Re: [Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-24 Thread halur rasho

--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Philip and all:
 The 9-11 commission report is best used as a
 paper-weight. It is written by mostly white males in
 the USA who understand little about the Middle East.
  It could have been about the most

The white male comment is gratious left wing racism ,
very annoying and as contemptible as the right wing
Would the 9-11 commission report be bettter if it had
been written by dark skinned people ? 
Why in the world is the skin colour of the document's
authors relevant while discussing it's contents?
This is as knee jerk, as another poster's reaction to
educated , informative posts because the author was
from a certain indian state whose natives opinions on
Goa were suspect , anyways.

Do you Yahoo!? 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. 

[Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-24 Thread George Pinto
Philip and all:

The 9-11 commission report is best used as a paper-weight. It is written by 
mostly white males in
the USA who understand little about the Middle East.  It could have been about 
the most
significant problem confronting peace in the Middle East and reducing a 
significant source of
terrorism (the Israel-Palestine problem). Instead, the more popular explanation 
- Islamic
terrorism is used for a Christian audience.  Islamic terrorism is code (or 
politically correct in
certain circles) for being anti-Muslim.  No mention of any Israeli terrorism is 
made: neither the
terrorism that radical Israeli settlers practice or the state-sponsored Israeli 
genocide on
innocent Palestinians.

Imagine a report written by white European cardinals in the Vatican on Islam in 
the Middle East.
What credibility would it have if there was no experience of the real truth?  
The report would
serve as toilet paper - if it was soft enough.


--- Philip Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have recently obtained copies of the following books:
 1. The 9/11 Commission Report : The Final Report of the National Commission
 on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. (567 pages)

 if any goanetters are interested  pls post your msg and I will try to
 respond earliest. Looking forward to an exchange of stimulating ideas with
 goanetters -- on goanet.

[Goanet]Re: Seminar, Nov 2004 issue *Amchem Goem*

2004-12-24 Thread Philip Thomas
I have recently obtained copies of the following books:

1. The 9/11 Commission Report : The Final Report of the National Commission
on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. (567 pages)

2. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through
Profits (by Prof. CK Prahalad) (400 pages + 35 min. CD)

3. Indian in the Global Software Industry: Innovation, Firm Strategies and
Development by Anthony P. D'Costa  and E. Sridharan (eds). (292 pages)

There must be links to any or all these books on google, amazon.com etc. But
if any goanetters are interested  pls post your msg and I will try to
respond earliest. Looking forward to an exchange of stimulating ideas with
goanetters -- on goanet.