Re: [Goanet] Banking services

2006-08-07 Thread Fausto Dias
I have an account with Canara Bank, Panaji  for several years which is a
continuation of an A/C I started with CG, Bangalore over 50 years ago! I
have no reason to complain. I have over the past few years also dealt with
some of the new private sector  banks. I no longer do!!
Fausto Dias. Velha Goa

- Original Message -
From: "Albert Desouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 10:22 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Banking services

> Friends
> The banking services of the nationalised banks is very poor. Sometimes one
> has to stand in long ques to withdraw, or deposit or update their pass
> The careadam attitude of the staff needs to be probed. The staff have no
> right to go on strike if they cannot give the customers a good and
> service until then let private banks rule Goa
> Albert
> _
> Spice up your IM conversations. New, colorful and animated emoticons. Get
> chatting!
> ___
> Goanet mailing list

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Exposure of ....... re Godfearing & evil/response to Mario

2006-08-07 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:
Your disdain for fellow posters knows no bounds.
Mario clarifies:
Actually, I have no disdain for you or most fellow
posters, though I will make an exception for those who
deliberately twist the truth.  In this thread I'm
simply trying to understand how the world can be
turned on it's head by verbal gymnastics.
Elisabeth writes:
> First off is your assertion, that evil has nothing
> to do with God. Actually incorrect. The concept of
> evil as a separate entity came into common ideology 
> with the Abrahamic religions, 
Mario writes:
So, let me see.  There is no such thing as good and
bad (evil) among non-Abrahamic peoples?  Isn't this
either incredibly patronising or self serving?  Didn't
the Hindus believe in good and evil way before
But, to the point, did you or didn't you say in effect
that you atheists and agnostics could not be evil
because you had never agreed to be good in the first
Elisabeth writes:
> Secondly, enough with the compound sentences that
> manage to obscure the meaning of every post. My
> premise is simply that all that we define as evil,
> is redefined when more information comes to light.
Mario observes:
I just call 'em as I see 'em.  I wouldn't know a
compound sentence from a straight one:-))  Perhaps
compound for some is simple for others.  But, this is
precisely what I have been saying about your ilk.  You
can turn everything upside down by just redefining it.
 It all falls under Cornel's Law, which holds that all
truth is like silly-putty.
Elisabeth writes:
> My father once told me only "immoral girls smoked
> cigarettes". Growing up, I was a terrible asthmatic.
> He should have told me the truth. That smoking would
> kill me. Luckily, I found that out for myself. In
> the world he grew up in, his version WAS the truth.
Mario responds:
I don't know what a bad and harmful habit has to do
with "evil".  REAL evil is when you deliberately set
out to harm others, not yourself.
Elisabeth writes:
> At one time homosexuality was considered "evil".
> Then psychologists labeled homosexuality as a sexual
> aberration. Much money and time was spent in
> "cleansing" this evil from oneself. Fortunately, we
> know more about homosexuality to be accepting of it
> without labeling it.
Mario responds:
Based on my belief that REAL evil is when you
deliberately set out to harm others, not yourself, I
don't know what homosexuality has to do with "evil". 
At worst there are people who believe it goes against
nature.  I don't think anyone believes that the people
themselves are "evil", unless they project their
private behavior on others in some way.
Elisabeth writes:
> Many "thought disorders" such as paranoia,
> schizophrenia, bi-polar, were considered to be
> manifestations of the "devil" in people, and they
> were said to be possessed. Today, we rightfully 
> treat this dysfunction.
Mario responds:
In my opinion, this example is far too obsolete to be
used today.
Elisabeth writes:
> Other dysfunctions such as kleptomania are now
> treated by therapy rather than punishment. As our 
> knowledge grows even pedophilia is being treated as 
> a disease and addressed through measures such as 
> chemical castration.
Mario responds:
I wouldn't test your kleptomania theory if I were you.
 Shoplifters usually find themselves in jail not in
psychiatry at taxpayer expense.  I haven't heard of
any pedophiles being chemically castrated, at least in
the US.  One or two rapists, perhaps, who asked for
this to be done to them.
Elisabeth writes:
> Far from absolving people of their "evil", I place
> the entire onus of their dysfunction on themselves. 
> They are either the victims of mental dysfunction or
> cultural conditioning (such as bigotry) that leads
> to mental dysfunction of sorts.
Mario responds:
How can you place the onus on them, i.e. blame them, 
if they are mentally dysfunctional?  If the onus is on
them, this suggests they are fully aware of and in
control of their actions and are therefore morally
reprehensible, which evil essentially is.  Mentally
dysfunctional suggests psychological forces beyond
one's control, and so the person cannot be innately
evil, like all those I listed before.
Elisabeth writes:
> The original purpose of prisons is lost on our 
> modern societies. It was to remove the 
> dysfunctional person from society, hence offering 
> society protection from him, and secondly to
> provide the person an opportunity to meditate on his
> crime.
Mario observes:
Didn't the original function of a prison get lost
because of political liberals, who seem to have more
sympathy for the perpetrator than the victim, and
think they can rehabilitate all such people?

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Exposure of misconceptions with examples

2006-08-07 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Mogall Elisabeth ani Cornel,

Goanet is  good place for some basic amateur discussions. At some point, anyone 
seeking detailed answers, should go to experts rather than make "Gabru, Pedru, 
Prabhu ani Milagrin, Ethelvin, Pravin" an expert.  Similarly, Goanet IMHO is 
not a forum for "petoita murree".:=))  Because this leads to more "petoita 
murree" which one may or may not like. 

Now can you explain why several goaneters, including yourselves, use rare, 
exceptional, uncommon situations to make statements applying to the vast 
majority of normal events / situations? Do you honestly think Andrea Yates is 
the key to understanding Good and Evil. And what atheists and theists believe 
about Evil?  Can you have one explanation of Evil for believers and another for 
non-believers?  This is not an exception!

Does Pol Pot's actions reflect on Buddhism and millions of its followers?  Does 
the actions of Bush reflect the religion of Protestantism? Is Hitler the 
poster-child for one billion Catholics?  Is Stalin the face of  Orthodox 
Christianity?  Does Osama Bin Laden represent Muslim religion? Does Taliban 
regime represent Muslim society or the two billion in traditional Asian 
societies?  Can you help make sense of what we read from otherwise 
"progressive" Goans?  

Let me simplify it!  For someone taking a walk through nature, a diseased tree 
or sick animal does not describe / characterize the behavior of the genus or 
species.  If a mango tree does not bear fruit, does that mean mango trees do 
not bear mangoes?  If a treatment does not work in 10% of cases, does that mean 
the doctor is bad, the treatment is a failure or the disease is incurable?  
Have I given you both and other readers enough "misconceptions with examples"?  
So using your question below, "When are WE going to figure out this simple 

There are always exceptions to the RULE. The exceptions DO NOT make the rule / 
norm. Except perhaps on Goanet.

Rautam tujea borea respostak. 
Aum tujo goenkar bhau, 
Regards, GL

PS: If you still do not have answers to the questions, perhaps dakto xapai 
Bosteaum (SSC appeared) from gaunswadi may help.:=))

--- cornel wrote: 

Hi Mario,  You sure waste many people's time and to no avail. Your's is a voice 
in the wilderness with no credibility at all on virtually everything you have 
ever said on Goanet. When are you going to figure out this simple fact?
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Brutality of invaders against women.

2006-08-07 Thread lenny dsouza
  Dont get me wrong, Just that you touched a tender part.
  I have seen it all its just not worth going thru all the nightmare again, 
even today if crackers burst it run chill thru me and may all those who were 
there with me, as we we the unlucky who got left out.
  Thats why i am against war, it does not bring any peace.

cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi Lenny
I was not trying to prove anything for starters when I raised a point with 
A. Veronica Fernandes. As he had indicated rape in Goa in 1961 and in Kuwait 
in 1990, it seemed absolutely reasonable to seek some hard evidence in terms 
of figures etc from him (or indeed from anyone else) if he had it as he was 
close to the scenes.
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Prepare Ambot Tik

2006-08-07 Thread kenneth fernandes
Prepare Ambot Tik
  Ingredients :

= kg fish preferably skate, shark or catfish
 10 dry red chillies
 < tsp cumin seeds
 4 peppercorns
 < inch piece turmeric
 4 flakes garlic
 = inch piece ginger
 a small (marble size) tamarind
 1 onion (sliced fine)
 2 tbsp oil 

  Preparation :

 Clean and wash the fish. Cut into desired pieces, apply salt and keep aside. 
In the meantime grind the above ingredients in a little water.
 Fry the onion in oil till it turns brown. Add the masala and fry a bit. Add a 
cup of water, allow to boil and then add the fish pieces. Cook till tender on 
slow fire. Add salt and vinegar if necessary. 

Click to join Kevins_World
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Goa's traditional occupations: The Kumbar, The Chamar, The Mahar, etc. fading away !

2006-08-07 Thread Goa's Pride
The Khumbar:   The age of usage of baked pottery gave importance to the work 
of potters. Whole villages of potters were usually assembled around the source 
of clay. 
  The clay was shaped and moulded on the wheel which was spun manually, the 
clay product, wet but finished was dried and then baked in a kiln of firewood. 
Popular among these clay products were "Kunni" - round, wide mouth 
vessels, "Bhutkule" - pots, Mattulam - small, flat or deep bowls, "Koddem" - 
deep wide round vessels, also a lot of decorative and useful items were also 
made and graced every home. 
  The Chamar
  Wooden clogs gradually made way for the lighter and longer lasting leather 
footwear. the cobbler sole craftsman of his trade with a sharp blade needle, 
greases and slabs of leather fashioned footwear, made moulds and designed 
simple but wearable patterns for feet that had a lot of walking to do. 
  The chamar used to go house to house repairing and taking measurement for 
new footwear or could be found a little distance away from the tinto plying 
his trade. 
  The Mahar
  Using material like bamboo and cane and using only his hands the mahar, made 
a variety of products. 
  Baskets, cages, "Konde" - covered high baskets for storage of grain and 
onion. Wider spaced baskets were woven to cover roosting hens and chicks. 
Small square, flat baskets to carry flowers were made and used mostly in hindu 
  A triangular open ended "Sup" was used for dusting the husk form rice. These 
were among the few, everyday items made and sold in bulk. 
  The Barber
  The busiest trader, the barber usually sat under a tree or a makeshift 
shelter. Homemade oils for a relaxing massage, a sharp and shiny blade, a 
wooden or tortoise shell comb, a scissor and a small mirror which was usually 
held by the customer whilst the barber snipped and shaved away. 
  He also went over to the houses to perform the task and this usually was at 
the more affuent homes. 
  Other traditional Goan artisans include Shetty (goldsmith), Zo (idol makers 
who sculpt statues of wood and ivory). Chari (blacksmith), Chittari (Lacquer 
work artisan), Kansar who makes brass lamps and copper vessels.
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Traditional rivals to clash: J.P. D'Mello Trophy KIFF League Final in Kuwait

2006-08-07 Thread gaspers World
Traditional rivals to clash: J.P. D'Mello Trophy KIFF League Final in Kuwait 

Kuwait: The Kuwait Indian Football Federation (KIFF) League, the only 
competition of its kind among expatriate Indians in the Middle East promises a 
spectacular finale when two of the established teams and traditional rivals -- 
last year's runners-up Navelim Youth Centre and the formidable G.O.A Maroons 
clash on 11th August 2006 at Kuwait's famous Soor Grounds for the coveted 
J.P.D'Mello Memorial Rolling Trophy.

M/s Abdul Adi Al-Mailem Group of Companies are one of the co-sponsors of the 
2005-06 League. 

The League which commenced in September last included 16 teams. The teams were 
divided into two groups of 8 each initially, played in a round robin League.

The matches are played every Friday and are officiated by Indian Football 
Referees Association (IFRA).

Navelim Youth Centre - 1 v/s Santos Football Club - 0
GOA Maroons 4 (1) v/s Kuwait Goans Association 3 (1)

In the semifinals played in soaring temperatures of near to 45°C, Navelim 
Youth Centre (NYC) scored a solitary goal victory over spirited Santos 
Football Club. Midfielder Duarte Ferrao scored the all important goal to deny 
Santos a place in what could have been their first League final. 

Kuwait Goans Association (KGA) has been one of the best teams this season and 
was favorite to win the semis. However, the experienced Maroons beat them 5-4 
(1-1) in the tie-breaker. KGA failed to hold on to a first half lead taken by 
striker Ashton Fernandes as Maroons' defender Ian D' Souza drew level in the 
second session. 

Both the finalists are traditional arch-rivals in Kuwait and matches between 
the two sides are always exciting and classic. Presidents of both Navelim and 
Goa Maroons, Agnello Fernandes and Raymond D'Sa still recall the dramatic 
finals of XIth NYC Trophy in 2002-03 in which Navelim YC came from behind 
after trailing 1-3 to beat GOA Maroons 4-3. 

The League Final this time too is expected to be hot and challenging as NYC 
President, currently on holidays in USA, expectantly put it in his good wishes 
to his team, "People have a short memory... By next year no one will remember 
who were in finals, however, the Champions are always remembered... "
Meanwhile KGA scored an easy 5-1 victory over Santos in a match played last 
Friday for the third and fourth place respectively.
AVC Overseas Association, last year's League Winners are already declared KIFF 
Season Champions having won major trophies this  season. A  prestigious Fair 
Play Trophy (based on points) and a Top Scorer of the season will also be 
awarded according to an official note by KIFF President Mr. Manuel D'Costa.  

Hipolito Fernandes (Cavelossim-Goa) would be felicitated at the finals for 
yeomen services over the years towards football at Soor Grounds - Kuwait. 

Probable line-up of Finalists:
Navelim Youth Centre: Britto Pereira / Avelino Dias, Alfred Pires, Inacio 
Fernandes, Wilson Pires, Christi, Simao Gaunkar, Savio Furtado, Duarte Ferrao, 
Gasper Crasto, Americo Fernandes, Ivo Rodrigues, Cheema Pires, Ignatius 
Coach: Manuel Dias (Ex-Signals Goa player)
Team Manager: Johny Louis

GOA Maroons: Roman Anthony, Augustine Sequiera, Ian D'Souza, Jerry Mello, 
Terence Carvalho, Y. Kumar, Joseph Correia, Sudha Swamy, Jose Pereira, James 
Rebello, Regi Rodrigues, Seby Dias, Julio Cardoso, Jason Pereira, Caetano 
Miranda, Kunal, Vincent Fernandes, Manuel Dourado.
Coach: Gajendra Pillai
Team Manager: Assumption D'Sa

The myth of football here among Indian expatriates in Kuwait holds that the 
spectators are the clubs and it's their collective memory which remains 
constant as players, officials and clubs come and go.
One may not certainly see huge crowds and players changing shirts with 
opposition teams after each match as seen on TV but the euphoria created 
during some games is nothing less than a 'World Cup' match. 

Football activities for Indians in Kuwait were started by the expatriate 
community way back in 1975. As years went by, these activities gained momentum 
and slowly flourished as more football clubs were formed and the sport became 
very popular.  

The Kuwait Indian Football Federation (K.I.F.F.) established in 1984 controls 
all Expatriates Indians Football activities in Kuwait. Apart from the League, 
Four(4) Regular; 7-A-Side and 9-A-Side Non-Regular tournaments are organized 
by clubs affiliated to KIFF. 

KIFF Committee Members

Hon. President - Manuel D'Costa
Hon. Vice President - Vinay Kumar
Hon.General Secretary - Jack Fernandes
Hon.Registrar - Sydney Rodrigues
Hon.Sports Secretary - Jerry D'Mello
Hon. Asst. Sports Secretary - Clifford Pinto
Hon.P.R.O - Anthony Viegas
Hon.Treasurer - Jacinto Crasto
Hon. Reliever - B. M. Viegas 

The J.P. Memorial Rolling Trophy - KIFF League is named after late Jerome 
Pascoal D'Mello (popularly known in India and Kuwait as J.P). 

Ex-FIFA referee and Member of Asian Football Confederation Re

[Goanet] Happy Birthday: St Britto's

2006-08-07 Thread AF
"Happy Birthday: St Britto's, which is 60 years old. Celebrations at St
Jerome's Church Mapusa 11 am on July 30, 2006. Football match Loyola's
vs. Britto's 11 am on July 31, 2006 at the school grounds"

Hi..I have been waiting for the score of this particular game ever since I
read it in your column. although this notice appears in you reports even to
date, I have not read the results of the game as played on July 31.. Hey,


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goan authors..............

2006-08-07 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
Vivian D'Souza  wrote:

One book, that I have yet to get my hands on is Tivolem by Victor Rangel 
When I acquire it, after reading it. it will proudly reside on my shelf in 
Goa, along with the books by other Goan authors.

I sincerely hope that more Goans will buy books by our own Goan authors, not 
only to 
encourage them, but also to learn about our Goan history. It is even more 
amazing and depressing that despite a very large Goan population in the 
greater Toronto, Canada area where both Silvano and Ben are based, there is 
such lack-lustre support for our own authors.
  Dear Vivian,
   Tivolem should be readily available at the Other India Bookshop ion 
Mapusa, and in the following bookshops in Panaji: Broadway, Trade Fair (at the 
Mandovi Hotel), and the Reading Habit. Please do let me know if you have any 
trouble finding copies at any of these stores.
   I greatly appreciate your interst in my work. And I heartily endorse 
your call for our people to support Goan authors by buying their books. May I 
point out, however, that an "obligation to buy" does not really exist: 
Certainly one should buy books if one can afford to buy them, and I have in 
the past made it a practice to buy books even when I could not afford them; 
however, while I would encourage everybody to buy a book that is truly 
worthwhile, not all books are created equal. Hundreds of thousands of books 
are published annually around the world, and probably half of them are not 
worth owning.
   So I would recommend that anybody who is interested should visit the 
local bookstore, and ask to see books by Goan authors.  Spend a few minutes 
leafing through the pages of each; pick the ones you like, and leave the 
others behind. In literature, as in nature, the fittest will then survive.
   Regards to all,
   Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Overseas ......

2006-08-07 Thread percy ferrao
Dear Fred/Goanetters !
  PIO v/s OCI Card. What's most suitable ?
  Percy Ferrao
  Ealing Road.
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Romi Lipi action Front is in Action

2006-08-07 Thread pratapananda naik
B.B. Borkar road
Alto Porvorim, Goa - 403 521, INDIA
Convenor: Mr. Wilson Mazarello
Mobile: 9822121474
Spokesman: Fr. Pratap Naik, S.J.
Mobile: 9850658565

At an impressive meet at Our Lady of Grace Church Hall this evening 7th 
August, 2006 at 4.30 p.m. under the auspices of the "ROMI LIPI"
ACTION FRONT, Prince Jacob made it clear that --- " our demands are for "Romi 
Lipi" by just making an amendment to section 2(c) by inserting therein "/Roman 
script" the Goa Daman and Diu Official language Act
1987 and there was no other demand whatsoever. Referring to the decision of 
the Congress Legislative Party decision of 31st July, 2006 Prince Jacob re-
iterated that the decision on Roman script was
welcomed and therefore, it would be wrong to draw other conclusions.
Prince Jacob also stated that during an interaction held with Mr A R Antulay 
the Union Minister handling the Minorities portfolio, Mr Antulay assured them 
that he had already made it very clear at the felicitation function of ex 
Union Minister Mr Ramakant D Khalap on
his 60th birthday, at the Kala Academy on 5th July 2006 that Konknni in Roman 
script would be made the official language and that Konknni alone is the 
mother tongue of Goa.
Prince Jacob warned the lovers of Roman script, which included a sizeable 
number of tiatrists some veterans, and others that there was a lot of mis-
representation of facts and distortion of news.  
This was bound to happen since it is for the first time that those for Konknni 
ONLY in Devanagari script were shocked by the ground swell support, the 
movement has received from all sections of the Goan society even after 19 
years of injustice.
Further Prince Jacob reiterated that the seven martyrs would not rest in peace 
for "Goans shed their blood sweat and tears for Konknni and not for Konknni in 
Devanagari script -- we were cheated by the likes of
Uday L Bhembre who now constitute the think tank of the Congress. He warned 
that all tiatrists would contest the 40 assembly seats if the government does 
not go ahead with grant of official language status to
Roman script, before the forthcoming polls;  at least he would file his 
nomination against all those who oppose this amendment in the forthcoming 
Earlier in his opening address Mr Wilson Mazarello veteran tiatrist 
illustrated the various steps taken beginning from the movement launched by 
the Dalgado Konknni Akademi since December 2004 before the CLP decision was 
arrived at. He demanded that there should be an ordinance before 31 August 
2006 and later if it does not come about the agitation will start.
As Convenor of the "Romi Lipi" Action Front, with office at TSKK B B Borkar 
Rd, Alto Porvorim, Goa, email id -- [EMAIL PROTECTED], tel No: +91 832 
2415857, 241 5864 Mobile 9850658565  Mr Mazarello
cautioned the public NOT to be misguided by the Press, which often indulged in 
half-truths to wean away the forces supporting the language script.
Fr Pratap Naik, S.J. now appointed as the sole official spokesperson for the 
Romi Lipi Action Front since 31st July 2006, informed the public that contrary 
to what was reported, the beginnings of Konknni in Devanagari was initiated 
immediately after the Liberation of Goa, when a few Konknni only in Devanagari 
script protagonists felt in 1964 that Konknni in Devanagari script too should 
be taught in schools.  They cleverly introduced their dialect under the guise 
of Devanagari script in Catholic schools. 
Later a ten member Advisory board of the Sahitya Akademi in which except for 
late Fr Antonio Pereira, S.J. who was a staunch Romi lipi supporter, all 
others were pro- Konknni ONLY in Devanagari script passed the resolution on 
21.11.1981 unanimously adopting a resolution to make Devanagari the script for 
Konknni. This needs to be undone, as it was not done in consultation with the 
people of Goa and other Konknnis.
He said that this was the beginning of the damage done to our mother tongue.  
He too reiterated that even as a priest he felt it his moral duty and more so 
by his vocation to stand by the will of the people and not be cowed down by 
those who tend to create rifts.  Fr Naik stated that most of the Press 
resorted to distortion of news and provoked confusion.
Mr Radharao Gracias ex MLA claimed that his family belonged to freedom 
fighters they were nationalists as can be seen from the fact that they all 
have Indian names give to members of his family.  Mr Gracias
stated that it was common for these pro-Konknni only in Devanagari script 
protagonists to brand others as antinationalist.  " If they were nationalists 
why should they be wearing pant and shirt instead of
dhoties or pudvims?" "Why should the women folk now wear salwar kameez instead 
of sarees?  Why eat p�o and bhaji (made of potatoes, tomatoes and 
which were the contribution of Portuguese to Goa

[Goanet] Goa news for August 8, 2006

2006-08-07 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Yahoo! News and

Visit for the full stories.

*** Parsvnath wins Goa land bid (NDTV Profit)

Parsvnath Developers Limited has been awarded prime land in
Panjim, Goa by the state government owned Economic Development
Corporate Ltd. Parsvnath bid Rs 45,100 per sq mt for the entire
12,290 sq mt piece of land. The total amount to be paid is
estimated to be over Rs 55.4 crore.

*** Goa celebrates annual harvest festival (New Kerala)

Raia (Goa) : Celebrations for the annual harvest festival of
˜Konsachem kicked off in Goa with a priest symbolically
cutting a bunch of paddy on Saturday.

*** Goa may get heavy rain: Met (The Times of India)

The coastal belt of Konkan and Goa, Mumbai, and neighbouring
Gujarat state are in for extremely heavy rainfall over the next
48 hours.

*** Goa's Fisheries Minister has instructed to execute joint
action (New Kerala)

Panaji, Aug 6: Goa's Fisheries Minister Joaquim Alemao has
instructed the senior officers to execute joint action against
the motorised canoes (boats) fishing with the banned perse
seine nets in the sea.

*** Goa police ask Parish to employ volunteers (New Kerala)

Panaji, Aug 7: Following a series of burglaries in churches and
chapels in Goa, police have asked the Parish to maintain their
own security by employing volunteers to protect church

*** BJP to bring Goa minister's advertisement to Supreme
Court's notice (New Kerala)

Panaji, Aug 7: Opposition BJP in Goa has decided to bring to
the notice of the Supreme Court an advertisement released by a
minister in the state cabinet, listing his achievements in the
last one year.

*** Gods unsung craftsmen (Navhind Times)

THE Hindu month of Shravan heralds the beginning of the festive
season for Hindu families. Ganesh Chaturthi, which is celebrated
on the fourth day of the next Lunar month, is the first major
festival celebrated by the people of Goa and the surrounding

*** GCCI seeks tax incentives for industry (Navhind Times)

Panaji, Aug 7: The Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry has
sought tax incentives, similar to which have been granted to
states like Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Uttaranchal, for the
state of Goa, in order to arrest flight of investments from the

*** GPCC favours maintaining status quo on language issue
(Navhind Times)

Panaji, Aug 7: The large majority of Goa Pradesh Congress
Committee which met here today favoured that party should
maintain status quo on the language issue even as its
president, Mr Ravi Naik told reporters that his party would
resolve the issue to the satisfaction of the people of the
state ahead of forthcoming general elections to the state

*** Goa's spirits high with Konsan Feast (Yahoo! India News)

Fields in Goa are green & ready for harvest. The season starts
with a unique festival called "Konsan Feast".

Compiled by Goanet News Service
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] London Goenkars, please note!!

2006-08-07 Thread Mario Goveia
--- velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim Fernandes,
> If considered in pure economic terms, your post is
> right on the button. You really would have to be an 
> idiot, if you were a foreign national(of non-Goan 
> descent) buying property in Goa for purely
> investment purposes in the long term.
Mario asks:
I know several "foreign nationals of non-Goan descent"
who purchased property in Goa a few years ago, and the
property has more than quadrupled in value and the
value continues to increase.
So, can Jim or Sunith please explain how these people
are "idiots"???
And, while you are at it, can you please explain how
property values, which are based on supply and demand,
vary depending on whether the investor is a Goan or

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] AICHEA DISAKA CHINTOP - Julhaiachi 8vi, 2006!

2006-08-07 Thread domnic fernandes
Man vo borem nanv soten maglear mellonam; to/tem zoddunk zai.

(One cannot demand respect or credit; it has to be earned.)

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] The goanet atheism drive

2006-08-07 Thread Mario Goveia
--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The suggestion that if the Axis powers had won the
> war in 1945, many would be speaking German is a 
> possibility and you Japanese. So would the 
> Americans speak German as Hitler definitely 
> intended world domination which included America. 
> He was after all a "rock solid Christian."
Mario responds:
Regardless of what Hitler and Cornel may claim.,
Hitler did not live by any of the tenets of the rock
solid Christian moral code, and so it is patently
absurd to call him a rock solid Christian.
Cornel says that Stalin and the Mafioso are Christians
because they were born Christians.  But, in Cornel's
special world, the same logic apparently does not
apply to Cornel and Kevin who were also born 
Christians, or to Santosh and Vivek and Radha who were
apparently born Hindus.  This is consistent with
Cornel's Law, which holds that all truth is like
silly-putty, to be molded as convenient.
Cornel writes:
> ...I feel impelled to respond to one of Mario's 
> utterly absurd repetitions that, because Christians 
> supposedly follow a Christian moral code, it is 
> possible to anticipate how they will behave (as 
> per their code) while this cannot be said for 
> atheists until they are arrested for infringments 
> of the law and get arrested.
Mario responds:
What Cornel obviously feels compelled to do is to
misrepresent what I said, with absurd comments which
raise questions about his ability to comprehend simple
My position has been made crystal clear as any of my
posts on this subject in the archives will show to
anyone but Cornel.  My ONLY position on this issue is
that we are unable to make facile moral equivalencies
between the well-known moral codes of morally based
organizations and that of unorganized, individual
atheists and agnostics, who make up their own. 
In one case we know what the codes are, whereas in the
latter case we only know what moral code the
individual is following if they get arrested.  In
between, who knows, as we have nothing to compare them
I never said anything anywhere about being able to
anticipate anyone'e behavior based on the moral code
they subscribe to.
Cornel insists that all atheists are moral, which is
an aburd assumption.  In the meantime, Elisabeth has
demanded that atheists and agnostics not be called
evil because they never agreed to be good in the first
place.  Whatever people do can be defined and
re-defined as convenient, she says.  To the rest of us
this is simply moral relativism.
--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has it ever struck you that in the contemporary
> world, war is not a step to bring about peaceful 
> resolutions to conflict and that the way to bring 
> this about is primarily through diplomacy, however 
> hard this may appear to be? 
Mario responds:
Cornel should know that the only lasting peace in the
world followed the defeat of the Axis of Evil,
Germany, Japan and Italy, who were forced to
surrrender at the end of WW-II, and are now peaceful
and democratic countries.  There has never been any
lasting peace between implacable enemies without such
a defeat and surrender.  Kashmir, Palestine and Timor
are good examples of this.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Deep Vegetarianism

2006-08-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Lenny,

I've taken this opportunity to respond after reading your recent post on
GoaNet.  I too was of the same opinion until a few years ago when I tried
vegetarianism on a whim in an effort to curb an ever-expanding waistline. 
It was after a few months of realizing that I actually could survive
without meat that I started investigating the roots of cultural and
religious vegetarianism.  One of the first books on the subject that I read
was 'Diet for a Small Planet' written by Frances Moore Lappe (actually her
specialty was ecomomics!) over 30 years ago.  Many of the ideas in that
book hold true today and unfortunately not much has changed.  I would
encourage you and others who have the time and inclination to read this
book - it just might change your attitude towards meat eating.
Here's a review of the issue by someone you might trust:
Frances and her daughter, Anna, have made this their mission in life:

Several books later, I encountered an interesting book by Canadian Michael
A. Fox entitled 'Deep Vegetarianism' and it put many other aspects of meat
eating into perspective. 
Here are some of the online reviews to pique your 'appetite'  

Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.
ps. Approach vegetarianism with caution!  It just might change your
worldview /ks

Message: 8
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2006 01:29:10 -0400
From: lenny dsouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry
(attn. G.Pinto)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hello All,

Well I think there should not be any ban on cow slaughter, firstly there are
people like me who are good beef eaters and mutton nowdays is really costly.

Secondly, no one should support this ban, the reason is today there is ban
on cow slaughter and serving, the next will be on pigs slaughter and serving
them, please have a heart and dont start a new war, we already have enough
problems on hand in society today. These things must not be given any air.

i sincerely appeal to all to stop these topics, can only cause more harm
than good, beef is served, let it be served and the poor man eat one meal.


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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[Goanet] 'Last Bus to Vasco' goes to Frankfurt

2006-08-07 Thread brian mark mendonca

After being displayed in Toronto for the Viva Goa festival last week, Goan 
traveller-poet Brian Mendonca's debut volume of verse - 'Last Bus to Vasco: 
Poems from Goa' - now heads to Frankfurt for the Frankfurt Book Fair between 4-
8 October 2006.

The happy news was conveyed to Brian this morning by Sushama Sonak, Editor, 
National Book Trust, New Delhi. NBT which will showcase the India pavillion at 
the event sees 'Last Bus' as an apt representation of 'Today's India' which is 
the theme for this year where India is the Guest of Honour.

Come October the organisers are expecting 280,000 people to come to the book 
city. On 13 hall levels, around 7,000 exhibitors from 100 countries will 
introduce more than 350,000 books.

The guest of honour for 2007 is Catalonia. Brian is also working on linkages 
for translation of his work in Spanish and Portuguese at this mega event.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] My Christian Mother.

2006-08-07 Thread Nasci Caldeira

--- eric pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   I understand
>  Nasci's  baggage, perhaps he belongs to mother's  
>>Sangolda - Assagao bigot belt,  only,  i dont 
> think any of them had access to that mirror George
> and i discovered in the 
> West. Certainly,  my mother would have learnt that
> half the village could not 
> be compelled to squat on the church floor because of
> their origins !

That is exactly what I am complaining about: Why do
the Pintos not start doing something about this
discrimination. I have said that I want such a
movement to originate from the higher castes! Will
George and Eric start it??

I discovered the mirror in the West much before you
did! thats why I am shouting from the House Tops.
I am not a Bigot from Bardez! I am from Salcete, south
from the Benaulim Varca araea! I am not even a very
religious person, as such; What irks me is, when Caste
Hindus and others impose their socio religious culture
on peaceful Christians.
However, I was brought up in Bombay; and there and
later in my in earlier career, I was thrown in close
contact with hegemony from the caste hindus. After
migration I realised in practice, how much more and
true religious and cultural freedom there is in the
WEST then in India!
Kitea Mundta re??

Nasci Caldeira.

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G. Pinto-Final))

2006-08-07 Thread Nasci Caldeira

--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Nasci
> I have my doubts if you truly respect Hindus from
> your comments on this forum. You take the
> actions of a fanatical few Hindvata types (who are
> not real Hindus) to disparage Hindus in
> general.

NASCI responds:
Dear George,
I do respect Hindus as people, but cannot find enough
reasons/gut to support their beliefs re worship of
'animals'; as also their caste system and prejudices
that 'FOREVER' condemn people who so called low born.
These are the most idiotic and primitive philosophies
and actions ever practiced on Planet Earth! What's
worse is they do not keep this private, but are
actively 'imposing' these on non believers and
agnostics, thru actions like slaughter ban and street
saffron cow/ bull FASHION  Parades!???

How come you have not spoken out against these? Does
this mean that you are yourself 'caste prejudiced' and
so primitive in thought to find that animals are above
some human beings?
How come the majority Hindus, who you say are good,
are supporting this Hindutva nonsense; and how come
this 'GOOD? majority does not RISE AGAINST these
hedeous acts? Hmmm?

George Pinto states:
 Yes, of course the caste system is wrong,
> but that is your crutch to attack Hinduism.

Nasci explains:

This caste system is not something peripheral in its
effects on individuals and society; it is the very
essence of segregation and apartheid and the misery
that engulfs the unfortunate!
It's like saying that 'Apartheid in S. Africa should
not have been attacked and dismantled; that it was
just a 'Crutch' western and Eastern had against the
earstwhile regime! Oh George, how much more of this
'pro Hindu Atrocities Bias' are you hiding??

George Pinto states:
> you conveniently state it is not part of this
> thread, when Goan Catholic injustices are brought to
> your attention. If you had the spine, why don't you
> address women's equality and Goan Catholics or
> do you agree with my comments below.
Nasci responds:

Whenever you are talking of discrimination in Goan
Catholic Society against women; what you are really
talking up is 'MALE CHAUVINISM". This has existed
amidst MAN (not sexist here) since the time of Adam
and EVE! It continues today in all soieties and
religious groups a well as with the non religious
groups, eastern and western! What varies is the
'degree of male chauvinism', and its observance! 

As you would know, it is not peculiar to Goan
Catholics or any other group; but is universal. 
Most prevalent in Muslim society, less so amongst
Hindus and Christians and even the Jews have
This 'male chauvinism' "injustice" as you are prone to
call it, pales into insignificance when compared to
'everlasting' Casteism and animal worship, and the
trampling of Harijans under upper class feet!

Do you not think that'GOA SUDHAROP' under your
leadership should start with Sudharop of Brahmins and
Ksatriyas etc to this end, and the uplifting of the
people who are being trodden upon??  Do start with the
the Hindu top castes please. Such Sudharop will have a
'greater good impact' on Hindu and Catholic society.
Will you and Marlon take up this challenge? I ask
Marlon Menezes to donate at least a Million Dollars to
this cause, as also his time, talent and sacrifice!
Then let him self publish his donation!

That is the raeson I say these are matters not in
keeping with my original thread. So also your 'now and
then' comments on women Priests and cannonised
Indian/Goan Saints. Let me tell you that these come
under 'Church Reform' Where is your topic under this
thread? These do not impact on 'other' communities in
any way. Is it not so?

No hard feelings, George! just asking for
compassionate thinking and ACTION. With regards,

Nasci Caldeira.

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2006-08-07 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Some use caste SOLELY to look down on others in society! 

MOST (specially the "lower caste") use caste to protect and preserve their 
identity.  In India, the Hindus use caste to maintain their religious path 
(deity) and way of life.  In the USA, the caste (each immigrant group) 
maintained their identity for the same reasons for about two generations. Then 
they were confident in joining the main stream. But they still strive to 
maintain their identity through their ethnic religious and social rituals, 
socials and festivals THROUGHOUT THE YEAR.
It is by protecting their identity, many social groups in India and the world 
have survived in numbers rather than economic wealth.  Now these groups are 
using the same numbers to fight for a share of the political clout and economic 
This is something that Catholic Goans (the smart and intelligent) can learn 
from others. 
Kind Regards, GL 
 godfrey gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
The indelible mark of caste -- has been the hallmark of rise or fall in the 
Indian social ladder.  It is merit by birth and not ones worth that dictates 
your social status.
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Regarding Banking In Goa

2006-08-07 Thread Alan Dias
I fully agree with Albert. Service standards have been been spiraling down 
hill. I normally avoid banking transactions as much as I can. Queues often 
form in a bank not because of large customer volumes but because of slow, 
indifferent and incompetent and disgruntled employees.  A Cashier will not 
attend to another chore other than cash and a Fix Deposit clerk will only 
attend to Fix Deposits which means there are queues at the Savings counter 
even though a Fix Deposit or other clerks are free.
The staff are reluctant to accept soiled notes or coins but the  have no 
problem in handing out soiled notes. It would be nice to have a a staff 
attended to you with a smile ; but the minimum acceptance level should be 
professional service.
In Singapore where I work; banking is very efficient. With the exception of  
safe deposit lockers; there is one common queue for all transactions, cash, 
fix deposits, savings, foreign currency and other services. All counter clerks 
handle any of the banking tasks from pass book updates, deposit and withdrawal 
of cash, fix deposits and savings. Every clerk and customer is monitored with 
a surveillance camera. The KPI- Key Performance Indicator of the clerk is 
measured on Customer volume handled per hour; Complexity of task managed ; 
Innovative idea in dealing with a situation; customer feedback; aptitude and 
attitude to customers. Customer complaints are taken very very seriously - 
strong enough to get a warning letter or even loose the job.
Even so every bank has at least one ATM in a 100 meter radius which can handle 
withdrawals, deposits and payments of bills. And there is also Internet 
banking which allows you non-cash transactions from home. Unlike in Goa ; 
banking staff do not have the time to gossip, knit clothes; sleep on the 
desk ; go for tea breaks ; drop children to school and back or run shopping 
errands during office hours.
I once went to a bank in Panjim to open an NRI Fix Deposit only to be told 
that the Senior staff had gone for tea and could I wait for him?  Nonetheless 
they lost my deposit and even my account. Not all bank staff are bad there are 
many good ones too; I found a friendlier staff at SBI Panjim branch; perhaps I 
was lucky because I happened to know her. But I prefer to deal with banks that 
are small and in the village area as service is excellent . Once foreign banks 
come to Goa ; services standards will improve.
Goanet mailing list


2006-08-07 Thread George Pinto
Once "Romi Lipi" script is made an official script, what are the specific 
What specifically will change given equal status?

1. Will govt. funding for Romi script be mandated?
2. Will school curriculum change?
3. Will govt. correspondence change?
4. Will voting ballots have to include the script?
5. etc.

If anyone can reply, much appreciated. Please list all potential changes. 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] World Goa Day origins & some brief histor

2006-08-07 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha
Let's just call it Goans Fight Over Credit Day. That's typically us! FN
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] re five freedom fighters to attend function in New Delhi

2006-08-07 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha
Probably it's the same reason (minus the conspiracy theories) why one
Dr Jose "Joe" Colaco, whose heart bleeds for Goa, lives in the distant
Bahamas, doling out advice to all and sundry from, to quote myself
very immodestly,  half a globe away.

Or maybe the same reason why a Frederico "Frederick" Noronha, who
lives in Goa, doesn't wear his Goanity on his sleeve or doesn't seem
to care too much about the issues exercising the minds of expats all
across the globe.

Is this a suitable answer for a much-asked question? FN

On 07/08/06, Jose Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On a partially related topic, I still wonder why the good Dr. Pundalik
> Gaitonde left Goa a few years after 1961. Does not make sense when on
> considers that he was among the leading lights in the struggle to exit the
> Portuguese from Goa. Does anybody know?

Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
4000+ copylefted photos to share from Goa
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2006-08-07 Thread godfrey gonsalves
At an impressive meet at Our Lady of Grace Church Hall
this evening 7th August, 2006 at 4.30 p.m. (despite
sudden torrential rains which dampened the spirits of
"the Romi affecianados" desiring to attend the meet in
large numbers )under the auspices of  the "ROMI LIPI"
ACTION FRONT, Prince Jacob made it clear that --- "
our demands are for "Romi Lipi" by just making an
amendment to section 2(c) by inserting therein "/Roman
script" the Goa Daman and Diu Official language Act
1987 and there was no other demand whatsoever. 
Referring to the decision of the Congress Legislative
Party decision of 31st July, 2006 Prince Jacob
re-iterated that the decision on Roman script was
welcome and therefore, it would be wrong to draw other

Prince Jacob also stated that during an interaction
held with Mr A R Antulay the Union Minister handling
the Minorities portfolio, Mr Antulay assured them that
he had already made it very clear at the felicitation
function of ex Union Minister Mr Ramakant D Khalap on
his 60th birthday, at the Kala Academy on 5th July,
2006 that Konkani in Roman script would be made the
official language and that Konkani alone is the
mother-tongue of Goa.

Prince Jacob warned the lovers of Roman script which
included a sizeable number of teatrists some veterans,
and others that there was a lot of mis-representation
of facts and distortion of news.  

This was bound to happen since it is for the first
time that those for Konkani ONLY in Devanagari script
were shocked by the ground swell support, the movement
has recieved from all sections of the Goan society
even after 19 years of injustice.

Prince Jacob launched a strong diatribe against
veteran journalist Mr Lambert Mascarehnas a native of
Colva settled in Panaji (ex Editor of Goa Today )who
cast aspersions on the tiatrists at large and Prince
Jacob in particular.  "How could this gentleman who
admits in his opening remarks  in a small article on
the Heraldcaptioned "Is script greater than
language ? " that he is ---niether a writer nor reader
of Konkani " yet feels that Prince Jacob does not have
the intellectual ability to pursue this issue? 

It may be noted that Mr Mascarenhas now well over 90
years and publisher of the book "sorrowing lies my
land" was in full support of the priests Fr James
Couto, Saligao Seminary, Fr Mousinho de Ataide
Professor of Canon Law at Rachol Seminary, Fr Lino
Florindo,  Professor and Dean of Theology Pilar
Seminary,  Fr Moreno de Souza editor of "Konkani Roti"
who felt that   Konkani only in Devanagari script
should continue and the official language left

Further Prince Jacob reiterated that the seven martyrs
will not rest in peace for "Goans shed their blood
sweat and tears for Konkani and not for Konkani in
Devanagari script -- we were cheated by the likes of
Uday L Bhembre who now constitute the think tank of
the Congress. He warned that all tiatrists will
contest the 40 assembly seats if the government does
not go ahead with grant of official language status to
Roman script, before the forthcoming polls;  atleast
he would file his nomination against all those who
oppose this amendment in the forthcoming elections.

Earlier in his opening address Mr Wilson Mazarello
veteran tiatrist, illustrated the various steps taken
beginning from the movement launched by the Dalgado
Konkani Academy since December, 2004 before the CLP
decision was arrived at. He demanded that there should
be an ordinance before 20th August 2006 and later if
it does not come about the agitation will start.

As Convenor of the "Romi Lipi" Action Front, with
office at TSKK B B Borkar Rd, Alto Porvorim, Goa,
email id -- [EMAIL PROTECTED], tel No: +91 832
2415857, 241 5864 Mobile 9850658565  Mr Mazarello
cautioned the public NOT  to be misguided by the Press
which often indulged in half truths to wean away the
forces supporting the language script.

Fr Pratap Naik now appointed as the sole official
spokesperson for the Romi Lipi Action Front since 31st
July 2006, informed the public that contrary to what
was reported, the beginnings of Konkani in Devanagari
was intiated immediately after the Liberation of Goa,
when a few Konkani only in devanagari script
protoganists felt in 1964 that if Marathi was adopted
as the medium of education then Konkani in devanagari
script too should be taught in schools.  Later a ten
member Advisory board of the Sahitya Akademy in which
except for late Fr Antonio Pereira who was a staunch
Romi lipi supporter, all others were pro- Konkani ONLY
in devanagari script passed the resolution on
21.11.1981 unanimously adopting a resolution to make
devanagari the script for Konkani. This needs to be
undone as it was not done in consulation with the
people of Goa.

He said that this was the beginning of the damage done
to our mother tongue.  He too reiterated that even as
a priest he felt it his moral duty and moreso by his
vocation to stand by the will of the people and not be
cowed down by those wh

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 1, World Sorpotel Day!

2006-08-07 Thread Fausto V. D'Costa

Yes, and why not call it a Sorpotel Day? bcoz in Mumbai for this World Goa
Day celebration (although last year we celebrated it as 'World Konkani Day')
what we have been achieving for the past 4 years is a very good sale of
soprotel & san'nas, more than spread Konkani or Goan ethos & culture.

George Pinto wrote:-
> Dear Dominic
> The issue is not naming the day. Now that Marathi is being proposed as an
official language of
> Goa, I can forsee someone suggesting the name as World Goa/Konkani
Day/Marathi Day or Goa Language
> Day.  Then non-vegetarians may want it named after their eating habits,
then the vegans, etc. The
> real issue is what should Goans DO to celebrate. I am afraid in this
respect, most Goans prefer
> words to action.
> Regards,
> George
> --- domnic fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mogall Goenkar bhav-bhoinnanim,
> >
> > August 20 is sixteen days away when we will be celebrating ?World Goa
> > This date also happens to be the 14th anniversary of the inclusion of
> > Konkani language in the VIII Schedule of the Indian Constitution.  This
> > exactly why Miguel Braganza has suggested that it also be celebrated as
> > ?World Konkani Day?.
> >
> > This message is to request Goans/Goan Associations all over the world to
> > patronize Konkani by using it in connection with the World Goa Day.
> > now on, I suggest that the subject line read as ?World Goa/Konkani Day?
> > (Sonvsari Goyem/Konknni Bhas Dis.)  The translation of the title will
> > only lend solidarity but will also announce to the world that we are
> > celebrating a Goan function.  I also suggest that ?World Goa/Konkani
> > functions end with the following slogan:
> >
> > ?Viva World Goa Day - Viva Konkani!
> >
> > Have a wonderful World Goa/Konkani Day 2006!
> >
> > Moi-mogan,
> > Domnic Fernandes
> > Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Albert writes

2006-08-07 Thread Albert Desouza
Albert writes
Many of us do not know the meaning of Christianity. Many of us simply will 
make noise in the name of religion. There is no better religion than the 
religion of love which Christ taught, the Hinduism also contains the same, 
and the Islam also contains the same yet we find it so difficult to practice 
the religion of love. We have put barriers among ourselves and have divided 
ourselves unnecessaryily. First the christians should practice love. They 
should first love themselves. we drown ourselves with liquor at the bar 
ruining our health. No love between husband and wives. Today the children 
lack love and instead of embracing their sweet little children they run away 
from them. We want to practice our religion with family planning which is 
against God's plan. If you cannot bear children as God wants you to have 
please stop going to church or temple or place of worship. Children are 
God's gift to us how can you refuse them?

Spice up your IM conversations. New, colorful and animated emoticons. Get 

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[Goanet] Some wild speculation

2006-08-07 Thread cornel
Despite being pressed for time, I feel impelled to respond to one of Mario's 
utterly absurd repetitions that, because Christians supposedly follow a 
Christian moral code, it is possible to anticipate how they will behave (as 
per their code) while this cannot be said for atheists until they are 
arrested for infringments of the law and get arrested.

Firstly, were it  possible to anticipate infringments of the law, by 
Christians or by atheists, there simply would not be a need to spend vast 
quantites of money regulating people through the legal process. Secondly, 
atheists, in say the USA, are an absolute and insignificant minority. The 
vast amount of crime in the USA is definitely committed by "rock solid 
Christians"--the bulk of the population. Of course, Mario would now be 
capable of saying that the criminal population were not Christian because 
they had transgressed Christian teaching. What a Charlie?

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Gilbert's Wisdom

2006-08-07 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair

Actually, I didn't want to respond to it and make myself a sucker, but
it's too tempting a revelation..:--)

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] re five freedom fighters to attend function in New Delhi

2006-08-07 Thread Jose Colaco

courtesy: [Goanet] Goa news for August 7, 2006

Goa govt names five freedom fighters to attend function
Panaji: Goa Government has named five freedom fighters to attend the `At 
Home' function to be hosted by the President of India on August 9 at 
Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi.

The freedom fighters are President of Goa Freedom Fighters Association, 
Vasant Molio, President of Goa Freedom Fighters Forum for Social Justice, 
Onifacio Dias, Pandurang Kunkoliencar, Ronaldo Coutinho and Prabhakar Yende.

jc's comment

The above news item courtesy GoaNet is a delight to read. I assume that 
there is a spelling error in the name of Bonifacio Dias. It would have been 
nice, would it not, to also have included Lambert Mascarenhas, Prabhakar 
Sinari, Gurunath Kelekar and Roque Santana Fernandes?

On a partially related topic, I still wonder why the good Dr. Pundalik 
Gaitonde left Goa a few years after 1961. Does not make sense when on 
considers that he was among the leading lights in the struggle to exit the 
Portuguese from Goa. Does anybody know?  Would anyone know if Goa has done 
anything to substantially honour Dr. Gaitonde?

BTW: Is it possible that some of our Goa Freedom Fighters eventually applied 
for, obtained and utilised the Bilhetes de Identidade Português to travel 
intra-Europe as EU (Portuguese) Nationals?

Is there any truth to the story that a certain Freedom Fighter's birth 
records in Goa were destroyed by a fire, and that another may have torn a 
page of his wife's birth records from the Registrar of Births and Deaths in 

Is it possible that also because of alleged incidents of this type that the 
records of births and deaths prior to 1961 are in the state that they are 
and, for some individuals, may be unobtainable from the records.

Personally, I found a visit to the Margao and Mapuca offices of the 
Registrar of Births and Deaths, quite an adventure.

Have a happy, productive and peaceful week everyone


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Re: [Goanet] Brutality of invaders against women (2)

2006-08-07 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As far as I know, there's no evidence of "rape
> rooms". I must admit that most of my knowledge 
> about Iraqi affairs is acquired through the
> media. There's evidence of "torture rooms", plenty
> of it, and they were used against political rivals.
> Saddam's sons, particularly the elder one Uday, were
> said to be extremely cruel. Uday allegedly took 
> saddistic pleasure in torturing whoever crossed his 
> path. But, according to eye-witnesses, he never
> actively participated in the process though he
> apparently enjoyed watching his preys getting 
> roasted by his minions.  He once shot a
> friend to death just because the latter refused to
> part with his sports car! He publically beat a 
> woman to death for "fixing" a keep for Saddam.
Mario observes:
Hmmmnn!  Uday once SHOT a "friend" to death but he
NEVER "actively participated in torturing whoever
crossed his path".  Ever hear of the Iraqi soccer team
who were beaten by Udai for losing a soccer match?
Some people will believe anything, and, in some cases,
nothing they don't want to.  Radha and Cornel fall
into the latter category.  These guys are amazing
apologists for the Islamo-fascists, even though they
are Indians, who were the original victims of
Islamo-fascist terrorists.  Tens of thousands of their
fellow-Indians have been killed for the same
ostensibly territorial reasons that they targeting and
are killing innocent Jews in the middle-east for.
Radha writes:
> "Rape rooms" seem to be a figment of the neocons'
> imagination.  For them, truth is what Dubya tells 
> them it is!
Mario responds:
a) Radha, by pretending to know the difference between
a neo-con and a conservative you are embarrassing
yourself once again.  You don't know the difference
based on your comment above.
b) How about an Iraqi refugee in the US who actually
had his wife and daughter raped in front of him and
then killed while he was spared so he could go tell
his tribe what awaited them if they continued to
oppose Saddam?  Sorry, I didn't ask him if he had a
DNA sample for Cornel's benefit.  In the meantime,
Cornel, while advocating for them on Goanet, refuses
to believe anything that Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran say
about wanting to destroy israel.  So much for
demanding evidence.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Exposure of misconceptions with examples

2006-08-07 Thread cornel
Hi Mario
You sure waste many people's time and to no avail. Your's is a voice in the 
wilderness with no credibility at all on virtually everything you have ever 
said on Goanet. When are you going to figure out this simple fact?

Has it ever struck you that in the contemporary world, war is not a step to 
bring about peaceful resolutions to conflict and that the way to bring this 
about is primarily through diplomacy, however hard this may appear to be? 
War can only be of absolutely last resort and your favourite case of Iraq 
was not one of these by any stretch of the imagination. What Iraq showed was 
the serious lack of political judgement in the manifestation of American 
foreign policy. Sadly, it was supported by our poodle-- Blair.

Has it ever struck you that the Arabs in the Middle East feel that they have 
been hard done by with the predominantly Western driven idea and reality of 
Israel? It is becoming increasingly clear that, they have no time for the UN 
creation of Israel even though I have been consistent about my wish to have 
a two state solution--Palestine and Israel. However, until now, Israel has 
never come clean, nor have you, about the return of all occupied territory 
as an article of faith to encourage negotiation.

The current war is not really about the incursion of Hizbullha to capture 
two Israeli soldiers. It is much more about the assertion that Israel should 
get out of substantial occupied lands that it is actively colonising. For 
the first time, Israel has not found it easy to take on the enemy. Hizbullha 
has managed to win admiration in the Arab world through its determination 
and tenacity to take on Israel. Its success, even if limited, has serious 
implications for those Arab states that have had a cosy relationship with 
America. The possibility of a Caliphate in the Middle East is now  greater 
than ever, thanks to contemporary American lack of understanding of the 
world outside its own horizon.

Finally, time and demography is on the side of the Palestinian Arabs. Israel 
had better wake up to this reality and start genuine and honest negotiation 
urgently. However, if it wants to live in a prison of its own making it is 
welcome to try. But if it is not careful, as the colonial power that it is, 
it may well be on its way out whether we like it or not.

PS Re your religious views, I think they are pretty dated and almost 
medieval. You do sound like consistently uttering the wisdom of Old 
Testament prophets! You are welcome to this but please stop trying to ram 
this into people who have moved on from your dinosaur's position where the 
grey cells appear to have become truly fossilised.
- Original Message - 
From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 6:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Exposure of misconceptions with examples 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Brutality of invaders against women.

2006-08-07 Thread cornel
Hi Lenny
I was not trying to prove anything for starters when I raised a point with 
A. Veronica Fernandes. As he had indicated rape in Goa in 1961 and in Kuwait 
in 1990, it seemed absolutely reasonable to seek some hard evidence in terms 
of figures etc from him (or indeed from anyone else) if he had it as he was 
close to the scenes.

All I have got from you is gratuitous spleen. Of course, we all know that 
rape takes place, sometimes extensively, in times of war. I know this and 
most others do and therefore do not need to be told this yet again by your 
good self! I was seeking some hard evidence of the actuality. You do not 
seem to be able to provide this hard evidence and your sermon to me was 
therefore vacuous.
- Original Message - 
From: "lenny dsouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 6:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]
>  What are you trying to say? that the others are not hungry? You must be
> leaving on the moon, last year, girls in delhi were picked up from the 
> streets
> and raped. Girl in mumbai was raped by police,  This has not happened in 
> the
> arab world.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Exposure of misconceptions with examples

2006-08-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
Are people who cannot write a single paragraph on
Goanet without abusing others god-fearing? Also, is
being god-fearing considered to be opposite of being
beneath contempt?


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Subject: Re: a bone to pick with Bosco:Goanet admin

2006-08-07 Thread Jen Lewis
Hello Bosco,
I'm quite surprised by your outburst. You're doing more than "pick a 
bone" with me. 
For starters, it would have been fair to you and me, if you had kindly 
posted your original message to Goanet and my response to you alongwith
your outburst below. I have neither your original message or my
response to you.
If I recollect correctly, you were enquiring who was the moderator of 
the WGD yahoogroup and what was the criteria to join that yahoogroup.
I responded suggesting you contact Rene Barretto.]
Jen: Thank you for the clarification of your block of & response to my
post on Goanet. It was indeed strange that you chose to personally
answer my query when it was directed at a larger resource on Goanet. a strong term. Did you really wish me to post the
original mail and your response to Goanet? You did direct me to Rene.

Regarding your points:
1) It appears you did not contact Rene Barretto. Because if you did, 
you would have learnt that Rene is/was a MODERATOR of the WGD
yahoogroup. George Pinto has indicated that he created and disabled the
yahoogroup. He is *the* 
OWNER. Your subject message to Goanet was certainly long before George 
'disabled' the WGD yahoogroup (I think)?

1.  I had assumed Rene was a moderator of WGD. But IF that were true, he
would have received the group membership approval mail from yahoo. But
since it was not approved in the time frame required and was rejected,
I was surprised and thus the query on Goanet. WGD, I believed, was for
all Goans and there should not have been any problem being a member of
the WGD. But there was no chance for anyone to respond to my query, as
it didn’t appear on Goanet. 
Regarding emailing Rene about the membership; IF he was the moderator
and had not responded to the mail he had received from yahoo, how could
I hope he had the time to respond to mine?
But that is another matter and not the ‘bone’ I wished to pick with

2) There are many messages that come to Goanet that are innocuous 
queries. People ask for addresses / phone nos / emails of institutions
and people in Goa. Some ask for music. We respond directly without
sending the message to Goanet. As a moderator I can only read the
content of the email and understand what is said. I cannot read the
intent of the poster unless you are one of the very few vocal
Goanetters who persist in generating and participating in flame-wars
and indulge in several attempts to embarrass fellow Goanetters. I 
considered your query an innocuous one and gave you the right
information at the time. I did not understand then or now what is the
significance of your query and why you think it deserved to be

2.  If my post was innocuous, why not let someone else on goanet answer
my question since it was obviously beyond your comprehension what/ why
I was querying? I didn’t think it deserved to be ‘censored’ or
‘answered’ by you privately: that was the cause of my puzzlement! 

3) Goanet would not like to act as a megaphone for needless dissent and

infighting among Goans who are all trying to reach fellow Goans thru 
their websites, mailing lists, etc. Goanet would instead like to
support them -you see several posts from fellow Goans publicising their
websites and mailing lists on Goanet. I would hope those individuals
would afford Goanet the same opportunity by publicising Goanet on their
websites, mailing lists, 

3.  Am I guilty of any of these? 

4) Email is an impersonal mode of communication and people can be 
easily misunderstood. But if we persevere in using it and communicate a
lot more with each other, we will not end-up building walls around
ourselves, from behind which to throw flame-darts at each other. Too
bad you bottled-up your frustrations and harboured these thoughts all
these months. An email to me would have cleared up the air rather than
foster these feelings of mistrust all this time.

4.  I tried to communicate with goanetters with that little post. I
believe it was you who disallowed it. Yes, too bad you didn’t realize
how a little action on your part has lead to a grave misunderstanding.
There was no mistrust from my side just astonishment.

B:I hope I have addressed your apprehensions. If you have any further 
public or private comments to make with regard to this issue, feel free
to air them.The less suspicious we are of each other, the better for
all of us - for our own sake and the Global Goan community.

Jen: I am not suspicious of anyone. You need to know me better before
you make statements like that. 

Again, I thank you very much for your kind deliberation on this ‘bone’
that I have picked with you. I wish that you would learn to trust
goanet posters more and not misunderstand their intent behind posts. I
do appreciate that you give a lot of time and effort to the Goanet

Best Wishes - Bosco
Goanet Admin

The bone stands picked. The matter is now closed.
Warm re

[Goanet] Anothe new VCD: Chovis Voram

2006-08-07 Thread JoeGoaUk
VCD No.90

CHOVIS VORAM by Simon Gonsalves(R&R)
With Felcy, Mini Mario, Willy Silveira, Jessica, Adrian, Jessie Dias, Sylvia, 
Pinto Caitani D’Costa etc.  Comedians- Ambe, Agostinho, Aurelio
Rs.150   Aug.2006
It’s a good quality print VCD/film of about  75 minutes duration.
Outdoor shooting with bollywood touch such as love song sequence (Willy& 
with up to 7 diiferent dresses changing up to 22 times in about four 
little bit of ‘Goondagiri’, ‘Dishum-dishum’, ‘Khun-karaba’ etc.
The film tells you the importance/value of ‘time’ hence the title ‘Chovis 
In other words, it is all about..
Congratulations to Simon Gonsalves and his entire team.

Konkani Test: 
 ‘Chovis Voram’ (24 hours) but..
 if you insert 's' after 'r' it becomes (24 years)
Replace V  (Voram) with T, it becomes (24 raw mangoes)
Replace V (Chovis) with R, it becomes (sausage)
There are various other combinations, can you ?

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

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of use." - PC Magazine
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-08-07 Thread Edward Verdes
Dear Mervyn,
What you have written is not true!

Secondly, pls note that one does not have to go
to the Church/Temple or Mosque to worship/pray.
God is everywhere. 

One does not become a pious Christian if u are in Rome 
or a pious Hindu if u are in Mathura or pious Muslim if you are Mecca..
.all that you need to have is a rock solid FAITH.

Dev borem korum
Edward Verdes - KSA

Re: [Goanet] Uncomfortable truths about modern competitive societies

2006-08-07 Thread cornel
Hi Mervyn
Am just curious to know how far in altitude Mario himself got to. After all, 
he must have believed and acted on his own advice to others.
- Original Message - 
From: "Mervyn Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 2:47 PM
Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Brutality of invaders against women/response Valmiki

2006-08-07 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair

I'm trying to figure out who would fancy being in a rape room with
Mario -- a la "hum tum ek kamre mein bandh ho...!"

Goanet mailing list


2006-08-07 Thread borg costa
A life spent making mistakes is not only more 
honorable, but more useful than a life spent 
doing nothing.

---George Bernard Shaw

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Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet]

2006-08-07 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza
Dear Rico
I am glad you have sent a reminder.  Goanet readers need to see and discuss
what is there in the blog as related to Goa and leave the other issues to
zionists and anti-semites. One relevant issue in that blog is about the
«subaltern classes of the Portuguese colonial empire». These were the
classes patronized by the empire but also marginalized in some way. They
acted as connecting thread of the dispersed treks of the colonial empire,
which Boxer once described as a «shoe-string empire»! Goan doctors, Azorean
prelates, Cabo Verdian administrative bureaucrats were some such «subalter
classes». Oxfored based Indian historians under the leadership of Ranajit
Guha (now retired in Australia) developed the well-knwon «Subalter Studies»
in 80s. Their reading departed from the original Gramscian concept of
subaltern classes, and concentrated on the lower ranks of subalternity as a
third force (popular masses) that were ignored by the imperial elites and
also the nationalist native elites that gained from the transfer of power at
the time of independence. The Subaltern Studies were provoked by the
Naxalbari movement in 70s. 
The analysis of the subaltern elites in the Portuguese empire would be
interesting, particularly to understand why there did not develop any
serious independence movements within the colonies, or without helps from
outside the colonies! My hunch is that the subaltern elites in the
Portuguese colonies had not reached a level of subalternity that could lead
those elites (as it happened in the rest of India or elsewhere in the other
colonial empires) to seek independence.
It is in this connection that I would appreciate any discussion in this
forum. The rest of  «reng-te-teng» of Goanet may continue to entertain the
habitués. Most discussions on Goanet seem to contain nothing that comes even
close to any original research, adding nothing to statement of  one's pet
opinions. There is nothing wrong in that too, except when it gets translated
into nasty wars of words, short of «gai-fosteo»!
Teotonio R. de Souza
From: "Frederick \"FN\" Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] (2)
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Guys, let's discuss ... preferably it's
view of Goan history, it's biases and perspectives, and related
Why do you'll guys fly off to Israel, the West Bank and other parts of
the globe at the slightest pretext? As you probably know, we humble
South Asian residents and 'desi' citizens have a lot of difficulties
in getting visas to visit different parts of the globe. (I almost got
refused a visa to Bangladesh recently! But that might have had
sometime to do with my disreputable profession.)
So let's stay in *Goa* while on GOAnet. Stay ONtopic, unless you have
a good pretext not to. Avoid abuses and name-calling, however you
dislike another Goanetter's point of view. This is what Goanet rules
requires us to do. --FN

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Freedom to Rock Goa soon

2006-08-07 Thread Cecil Pinto
Think Geek Media & Event Productions brings a four day rock-retro club 
concert series (Aug 11-14), a five day `Monsoon Art Festival' (Aug 21-22) 
and a five day celebrity radio chat show on Rainbow FM (Aug 11-15) to 
commemorate Independence Day in Goa.

Think big. Multiply it by three. The Richter scale is going to jump a fair 
amount beginning Aug 11 to 25 when Goa rocks to Seagram's Fuel Freedom Rock 
2006 in a unique three-event art, radio and club concert festivals spread 
over the entire month of August, in a commemorative celebration of 
Independence Day.

Setting a benchmark in 2004 with a unique 3-city, 3-day rock and art 
roadshow at Margao, Vasco and Panjim, subsequently following it with a 
roaring 3 day rock and retro festival in 2005, Seagram's Fuel Freedom Rock 
2006 sets new benchmarks this year with an innovative three event festival 
to commemorate the 59th Independence Day of India:

'Freedom Stroke' - The Monsoon Art Festival (Aug 21-25), Kala Academy
'Freedom Speak' - Dare to Belong show (Aug 11-15), Rainbow FM
'Freedom Rock 2006' - Rock & Retro Club Festival (Aug 11-14), La Calypso, 
Clue Blue, Baga.

Uniting the artistic talent of Goa's best known art personalities in a rare 
coming together of 25 artists, the five day art exhibition and lecture 
series titled `Freedom Stroke - The Monsoon Art Festival' held at the Kala 
Academy (Aug 21-25) features the `Who's Who' of the Goan art fraternity 
like Suhas Shilker, Antonio E Costa, Francis D'Souza, Santosh Morajkar, 
Pradeep Naik, Chaitali Morajkar, Yolanda De Souza, Apurva Kulkarni, Harsada 
Kerkar, Anand Mohan Naik, Alexyz, Rajendra Usapkar, Hitesh Pankar, Tanya 
Mendonsa and others, curated by artist DeviPrasad Rao.

Giving voice to the Right to Expression in a dose of lively free-wheeling 
interviews with Goan celebrities is Seagram's Fling `Dare to Belong Show,' 
on Rainbow FM (Aug 11-15) at 9.00pm to 9.30pm. Getting upclose with Wendell 
Rodricks, Savio Jon, Remo Fernandes, Manohar Parrikar, Hema Sardessai, 
Cecil Pinto, Malini Ramani, Ethel Da Costa, Dr Oscar Rebello, Bondo, Rahul 
Alvares and others, RJ Sachin will spice the airwaves with the best of 
Indian and international rock-retro-fusion music. Supported by Senior - The 
Shoe Store, the show also marks the radio release of `End of Innocence' a 
collaborative single album by rock-fusion band Kismet and Lethal Ethyl 
supported by Children's Rights of Goa (Aug 15).

Raring to go this year giving music a universal flavour of patriotism is 
the unique four day concert run-up to Independence Day, Seagram's Fuel 
'Freedom Rock 2006' (Aug 11 -14) at La Calypso, Baga. Beginning 10.30pm 
onwards, the concerts bring together the best high profile music maestros 
from Goa and Mumbai. Spinning the wheel will be Goa's own DJ Troy and Ajit 
along with Page 3 party circuit maestros DJ Hash, DJ Adi and DJ Clement 
from Mumbai to dynamic live sounds of rock-retro bands Tidal Wave, 2 Sharp 
2 B Flat and Soul Trip from Goa. The event also brings together beauty 
giants Kaya Skin Clinic and Snip-L'Oreal Professional for instant makeovers 
to a glamorous party run-up to Independence Day.

Supported by Kingfisher and La Calypso Hotels, Seagram's Fuel `Freedom Rock 
2006' is conceptualized and managed by Think Geek Media & Event 
Productions, Goa.


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] GFA kicks off Lusofonia Games camp

2006-08-07 Thread Gabe Menezes
Anyone out there know? What is the connotation of Lusofonia?
GFA kicks off Lusofonia Games camp

NT Sports Reporter

Panaji, Aug 6: The Goa Football Association (GFA) began preparations
for the first Lusofonia Games football championship to be held in
Macau from October 7-15 with the preliminary coaching camp getting
under way under the supervision of Portuguese coach Joao Pedro.

Goa will be fielding basically an under-21 team with 3 players being
an exception, on the pattern of Olympic football. The threesome in the
20-member squad have already been identified as Nicholas Rodrigues,
who is curently involved in a fierce dispute bewteen Sporting Clube de
Goa and Mahindra United, Louis Barretto and Philip Gomes, both of
Sporting Clube de Goa. The under-21 players have been drawn from
Dempo, Churchill Bros, Vasco, Sporting, Raia and Velsao Pale, stated
Mr Savio Messias, GFA secretary.

After the preliminary camp, players will be shortlisted for a 12-day
closed camp which will be followed by another camp before the team
leaves for Macau. The football event, however, will begin on October
4, while the inaugural will be held three days later.

Mr Messias disclosed that the Portuguese coach Rui was assessing the
strengths of 35 players selected for the screening camp with a view to
identify their positions. Once the players analysis is finalised, the
number is expected to be pruned and tactical training stressed on.
With the assistant coach Mauricio Afonso with the India team helping
India national coach Bob Houghton, Mr Henry Brito has been providing
the necessary support and looking after the managerial affairs.

With the draw not yet been announced, Mr Messias said he did not know
who the Goa's opponents will be and added that it will be a tough
competition since Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Macau
(China), Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome & Principe, East Timor - the
nations participating in the Games - will be at full strength and will
be fielding their full-fledged national teams.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England
Goanet mailing list