Albert writes
Many of us do not know the meaning of Christianity. Many of us simply will 
make noise in the name of religion. There is no better religion than the 
religion of love which Christ taught, the Hinduism also contains the same, 
and the Islam also contains the same yet we find it so difficult to practice 
the religion of love. We have put barriers among ourselves and have divided 
ourselves unnecessaryily. First the christians should practice love. They 
should first love themselves. we drown ourselves with liquor at the bar 
ruining our health. No love between husband and wives. Today the children 
lack love and instead of embracing their sweet little children they run away 
from them. We want to practice our religion with family planning which is 
against God's plan. If you cannot bear children as God wants you to have 
please stop going to church or temple or place of worship. Children are 
God's gift to us how can you refuse them?

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