[Goanet] GBA celebrates its FIRST ANNIVERSARY

2007-12-03 Thread Miguel Braganza

turned ONE YEAR on 03 December, 2007. Started on Sunday, 03 Dec. 2006,
at a meeting of the people of Goa in Don Bosco Oratary hall,
Panaji-Goa, to discuss what was happening in Goa in the name of
DEVELOPMENT of the state, the GBA has come a long way. The Core Group,
persons who have met  often to discuss, debate, strategise and lead
the people's action from the front, met at Panaji to recall and
evaluate the events of the year and to plan for the future.

The primary activity of the GBA has been to compel the authorities to
revoke the REGIONAL PLAN
2011 and to replace it with a new Regional Plan drawn up with the
People's participation. The Goa Government amended the law to enable
it to fulfill this demand and revoked the Regional Plan 2011 with
retrospective effect from the date it was notified. The GBA kept up
the pressure till all licences, sanads and permissions issued under
the Regional Plan 2011 were cancelled. Some projects which are
apparently illegal, but approved under Regional Plan 2001 which is in
force by default, are being challenged by various groups and NGOs. The
GBA has associated itself with the legal scrutiny by the Panaji Bench
of the Bombay High Court of the controversial ALDEIA DE GOA project
between Goa Medical College, Goa University and Bambolim beach. The
battles are being won, but the war against the rape of Goa's landscape
is far from over.

The success of the GBA movement lies in the fact that the people of
Goa have accepted it as their own movement. It is on the strength of
the popular support that so much has been achieved. The Core Group
re-dedicated itself to remain with the people and for the people. It
is , after all, a movement of the people of Goa. The GBA is not an
NGO, it is a movement of the people.

Success is not about money. The Core Group has endorsed my view that
no one should raise funds for or on behlf of the GBA. When we need
money, we will ask the people . We need the people's particiapation.
Time is the most difficult to give in our busy lives. The GBA asks you
for your time. Look around you, find out if it has been permitted. If
it is not, file a complaint with the appropriate authority. Inform
others. Follow up, use RTI Act if needed. Take collective action
within the framework of the law. It takes time and effort. Do it. YOU
are the GBA, the strength on which it succeeds.

The progress of the re-formulation of the new Regional Plan 2021 was
reviewed. The Goa Government has formed a Task Force headed by the
Chief Minister to consider the methodology to be adopted for planning
development of Goa. The GBA is formally a part of the Task Force. Most
NGOs whose members are associated with the GBA have made presentations
before the Task Force. A fresh set of presentations will be held this

The draft Outline Development Plan 2011 have been put in the public
domain for suggestions and objections. The GBA has created an
awareness about them through an exhibition at Kala Academy. The ODP of
Panaji was later discussed in detail at  Club Vasco da Gama while the
ODP of Mapusa will be discussed at an exhibition at MMC hall Mapusa on
05 December, 2007. People are invited to participate in their own area
development as per the laws in force. If the laws need to be changed,
this has to be considered. The democratic governments are of the
people , by the people and for the people. It can be permitted to be
no other way. The people of Goa live in a democratic country since 19
December, 1961 and on 26 January each year we celebrate with all
Indians the rule of law as governed by the Constitution of India, as
amended from time to time.

The GBA is against the setting up of Special Economic Zones [SEZs] in
a small state like Goa. It supports ALL movements that are against
SEZ. However, as per its stated apolitical policy in a political
situation it seeks to correct, it will not share a common platform
with members of political parties, specially present and past
legislators still active in politics. The GBA is with the people in
their movement against SEZ.

A DVD recording of the first GBA public rally held on 18 December,
2006, at Azad Maidan , Panaji, to launch the protest against the
Regional Plan 2011 was viewed by the members. It is always good to
remember where and how one began and to evaluate the progress using
such a reference point. The members of GBA and all the people of Goa
who have made it what it is, have a reason to smile at the end of one
eventful year. Battles have been won. The people will continue to win.

Says the ancient wisdom "Evil prevails because the good people remain
silent spectators and do nothing."  This will not be said of the state
of Goa anymore. The good people of Goa have stopped being silent
spectators. Evil will not prevail! As the two words in the national
emblem remind us SATYAMEVA JAYATE. Truth prevails.

Mog asundi.


This is NOT an official p

Re: [Goanet] We wept when Goa was being invaded:

2007-12-03 Thread Paulo Colaco Dias
Dear RKN, I find it most amusing that you decided to pick up on only one of
my statements to base your response. It is not a surprise that you picked
the least important one. 

Can we then assume that you do not have a response to the rest of the
content from my post? Or are you in agreement?

Perhaps then it may be that it disturbs you as much as it does to me. 


> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:goanet-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Radhakrishnan Nair
> Sent: 03 December 2007 11:49
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] We wept when Goa was being invaded:
> < who remain stubborn and claim they have been liberated.>>
> Finally that's what counts, isn't it, Paulo? We don't need
> endorsements/pronouncements from Goans or anyone else in Europe or
> North America to decide whether Goa was liberated or enslaved, do we?
> Cheers,


2007-12-03 Thread cosmos ferns
09.12.07  .SO ALSO IN KUWAIT 
  sorry for the inconvience

 Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

Re: [Goanet] happy that we are liberated ?----

2007-12-03 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 03/12/2007, Albert Desouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Friends
> Are we really liberated? Is Goa progressing? I think we are going in backward 
> directions.
.Today your own wife, your own daughter stabs
you. Today your own brothers stabs you. 

RESPONSE: The truth has been outed; I offer you my sympathies.
Does/did you wife also beat you up ? When your daughter stabs you
don't you say: et tu filia?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] One-third of developed population ignorant of HIV/AIDS

2007-12-03 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Hello Gabe
  Thanks for the reminder, I did read it somewhere but as you say, it was 
probably not on Goanet.  I have not subscribed to another forum so its possible 
to came to my inbox via a different method.  Dont know how though.  I have 
looked through the archives just now, taking over an hour trying to find it.
  Cant understand how I could have replied to the original & it ended up on 
Goanet if the poster had put it on Goanet forum.  Maybe I messed up and replied 
to another poster via a private email to my inbox which then ended up on this 
forum by mistake.
  I ought to check the addresses properly (did something similar when replying 
to JoeGoaUK & found I had publicly replied to JoeGoaUK, being able to be read 
by 5,000 people, then to 50,000 apparently).
  Must get my eyes checked or take more time to look at the addresses of the 
emails that come to me.
  I remember I did read this, and replied to it, twice.  Seems it could have 
gone to another Goan website in error & ended up on Goanet.
  No wonder you are a bit peeved with me, apologies for this, but I had 
commented in good faitht & maybe not read the responses as well, it just came 
across as to me as "being told off" when in fact it was probably nothing of the 
  I will try to find the original piece (eventually) and post it on Goanet, to 
bring this to a conclusion.  However, the subject material is important enough 
that it ought to be reiterated every now and again.  I dont mean every week or 
even every month, but when a newbie brings the subject up, some posters who are 
experienced could comment...
  I see you are in London, Gabe, which borough?  We used to live in NOTTING 
HILL (1989-1995), then we moved to HOUSLOW WEST (1995-2000) before moving to 
Berkshire (not Slough!) in 2000 where we are still.
  John Monteiro (UK)

Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote On 01/12/2007, JOHN MONTEIRO wrote: Nice 
to see this subject brought up again, thank you Mr Lopes. I had read on this 
forum about a young boy who had been infected by AIDS (as opposed to the HIV 
virus) by eating pineapple from a vendor in Goa who was discovered to have AIDS.
COMMENT: John, Nobody rebuked you, just merely informing you of what
had taken place. Furthermore, Santosh pointedly stated, that this did
not appear to have been posted on Goanet - this post, about which your
wrote, that you claim was posted on Goanet cannot be traced. Please give us the 
URL to this post so that we can all have a look at it - or inform us who sent 
it to you ? Thank you in advance, respectfully, DEV BOREM KORUM. Gabe Menezes, 
London, England

[Goanet] Can doctors on forum comment on cough syrups?

2007-12-03 Thread edward desilva
  I'm no doctor, but I know one thing.
  When I first arrived in UK I WANTED to volunteer for the common cold 
experiment clinic.
  They subsequently gave the experiment up saying that there are 30,000 cold 
  That means we will have to have 30k remedies in our cabinet.
  Which one did your daughter have?
  One remedy cures all - antibiotics. ( one a year only).
  Cough syrups are useless, doctors still give them to keep us happy n make 
some money.

 Support the World Aids Awareness campaign this month with Yahoo! for Good

Re: [Goanet] Sati tradition or greed ?

2007-12-03 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Sachin Phadte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am surprised that the moderators have allowed this
> message of John Monteiro through.The whole thing is
> conjecture and conjecture.Yes, there has been sati -
> no one will deny it.However, if we have to talk
> about sati in terms of Hinduism, then there should
> be no objection to talk about the buring of the
> witches in terms of Christianity.I reject both.

Moderators did nothing wrong in allowing the post. It
is perfectly okay to discuss any issue in this forum
irrespective of whether it is conjecture or not, and
irrespective of whether it has to do with somebody's
religious beliefs or not. No belief system, school of
thought or ideology should receive immunity from
criticism or special treatment in this open public



[Goanet] A case for 'liberation.'

2007-12-03 Thread eric pinto
It is my contention that the case was made when a substantial majority voted 
for the MGP in the very first election to the Assembly, soon after the 
territory was acquired. A similar claim extends to the police actions that saw 
Hyderabad and Junagadh acquired from the local Nawabs.
   I will not make the same the same arguement for Nepal's Dorjeling province, 
the Tibetan kingdoms of Ladakh, Sikkim and Bhutan, Burma's Khmer fringe - Naga, 
Mizo, and the grand prize of them all, over one half of 'Afghan country': that 
term saw the the invading East India Compay deny the Kingdom even existed. 
Peshwar-Rawalpindi was the king's summer capital until Durand got his way, and 
created the North West Frontier Province which is now lorded over by Punjabi 
muslims. Kabul had also fallen to Britain, until a counterattack in which all 
two hundred Company officers and all twenty thousand Sikh sepoys perished.
   'British' India would never have seen the light of day without the eager 
helping hand of very anti-muslim and, yes, anti-hindu, raja of Patiala.
   Britain 'liberated' Tibet in 1855 and occupied Lhasa for a year.  The 
occupying force was defeated and evicted a year later.eric.

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] Second Sunday of Advent

2007-12-03 Thread Jude Botelho
Dear Friend,
At times we discover that our lives are a bundle of contradictions! There are 
times when we want things to happen fast, we find the pace of life too slow and 
we keep pushing ourselves and others to the limit. We want fast food, quick 
results; we want speed and become easily impatient. On the other hand we want 
to move at our own pace and don't want to be pushed. Especially when it comes 
to changing our behavior and bad habits we want to do it when we want. We 
resist change. We will act but not now! Perhaps God is calling us to change 
something in our lives right now before it is too late! Have a hopeful weekend 
looking forward to a change of heart!  Fr. Jude  
Sunday Reflections: Second Sunday of Advent  -Change of Heart
Readings: Isaiah 11: 1-10; Romans 15: 4-9;  
 Matthew 3: 1-12;
In the first reading from the prophet Isaiah we hear about the coming of the 
Messiah and the kind of justice and peace he would bring. Isaiah foretells that 
even though the family tree of Jesse has been reduced to a mere stump, 
nevertheless from that stump will spring - a true king filled with the Spirit 
and endowed with all the virtues of his ancestors. The new king, the Messiah 
will be a champion of the poor and will restore justice and peace for all. The 
prophet has a marvelous vision of the kingdom of God in which all violence will 
be overcome and people will live in unity and harmony with nature and with one 
Vision Of A New World
The astronauts were the first human beings to see the earth from outside. As 
they gazed down on the earth from space, they realized as never before, that we 
are one family, with spaceship Earth as our common home. One of them said 
later: "The first day in space, we all pointed to our own countries. The second 
day we pointed to our continents. By the third day we were all aware of only 
one Earth." -The prophets had the same kind of high and wide vision of how 
things could be. But how real is that vision? As for the wolf and lamb living 
together, often two neighbours, or even two members of the same family, have a 
fall out and refuse to talk to one another. Are our dreams a utopian fairy 
tale? We need to keep the vision before us then it will give us the energy to 
live it out. Instead of encouraging us to escape from real life a beautiful 
vision can summon us to get involved.
Flor McCarthy in 'New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies' 
The second reading from St. Paul's letter to the Romans reminds the readers 
that God is faithful to his promises. God does not forget his promises to 
Israel and he is merciful with regard to the pagans. Paul speaks of the 
importance of hope on our faith journey. Those who do not give up will 
experience God's help. Paul also asks his followers to support one another by 
being tolerant and friendly towards one another. The model for us is always the 
Lord Jesus -'Treat one another in the same way as Christ treated you.'
Hope In The Lord
There is a story of a smith of the Middle Age who was taken prisoner and 
confined in a dungeon. Because of the knowledge his craft had taught him he 
carefully examined the heavy links that bound him, expecting to find a flaw 
that would show him a weak place which could soon be made to yield. But 
presently he dropped his hands hopelessly. Certain marks told him that the 
chain was of his own making, and it had always been his boast that one of his 
workmanship could not be broken. There are truly no chains so hard to break as 
those of our own forging, but they are not hopeless. The worst possible habits 
will yield to human resolution and strength from above.
D. Williamson in 'Quotes and Anecdotes'
The message of John does not differ from that of Jesus Christ. In today's 
Gospel John is compared to the voice crying out in the wilderness: "Repent for 
the kingdom of God is close at hand. Prepare a way for the Lord and make his 
paths straight."  John calls everyone to change, from the Pharisees and 
Sadducees, leaders of religion to the common man in the street.  John calls the 
whole of Israel to change. If the people do not change, John says a catastrophe 
will destroy Israel. To repent would imply a change of heart, a change of 
attitude, a change of the way we live. John's life itself was a witness to his 
message. The people heard him and were drawn to him and were influenced by him. 
The gospel tells us that the crowds came to him, confessed their sins and were 
baptized by him. John was not satisfied with mere ritual actions. He confronted 
his listeners: "If you are repentant, produce the appropriate fruit, show with 
your lives your true
 repentance.. Any tree that fails to produce fruit will be cut down and 
thrown into the fire." He warns the Pharisees that it will avail them nothing 
to plead that Abraham is their father. To the Jew Abraham was un

[Goanet] Fw: Naked painting of Gods

2007-12-03 Thread cedrico dacosta
- Forwarded Message 
From: cedrico dacosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 8:45:03 PM
Subject: Naked painting of Gods

Naked Paintings of Gods
in my recent posts on how the BJP's double standards were exposed as regards to 
M F Hussain.
one Bhandare tried to attack me through the back door...he put a mail on my 
personal id asking me if i would like it if anyone painted a naked potrait of 
Jesus Christ...
To this bhandare who had no b to come out open on the net but to mail me 
Many have tried to descrate the church and its belongings...nothing has 
happened to it till date..
when BJP was ruling Goa we did see a number of cases like ransacking of the 
Bishops palace, burning of a mosque at soccoro and other attrocities committed 
against catholics...
Jesus christ would still forgive such people like he forgave his killers...
in recent human history the best example was...Pope John Paul forgiving his 
would-be assin and later even helping that poor soul to reconcile...
Bhandare i would say to you...broaden your mindset...
Cedric D

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[Goanet] One simple step to stay away from [sex-related] AIDS ?

2007-12-03 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 19:19:32 +0530
From: "Miguel Braganza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Just one simple step to stay away from sex related
Are you Married? If no..
Always carry good quality condom with you and when
need arises, make use of it without fail.
If yes..
Just stay loyal to your wife (or husband).
Mario adds:
Your advice to the unmarried carries no guarantees
that the person will "stay away from sex related
To begin with the condoms should be made from latex to
be of any use.  Secondly, all that using condoms does
is to significantly improve the odds of not picking up
this deadly virus, when compared to not using condoms.
Anyone, married or not, who does not have a monogamous
relationship with a person whom they know for sure
does not have the virus, is still playing with fire.

[Goanet] Ivana's welcome at Panaji bus stand Dec 2, 2007

2007-12-03 Thread shrikant barve

Photos at:


(Shrikant Vinayak Barve)
Secretary : Taleigao Chess Academy 2451143/9326132702 


2007-12-03 Thread CAJETAN DE


There will be a Requiem Mass for the soul of PIA MATILDA MENDES at Holy 
Family Cathedral, Kuwait, on Tuesday 04/12/2007 @ 7:00 p.m.
Offered by her sorrowful husband (Felix Mendes), children and family 

The body of Pia to be flown to Mumbai on Wednesday 05/12/2007.

Cajetan de Sanvordem

[Goanet] Goa news for December 4, 2007

2007-12-03 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Big B to miss The Last Lear premiere in Goa - Hindustan
[Dec 1, 2007]  One star who is unlikely to disappoint is the
evergreen Dev Anand, who will arrive in Goa today to present
Jewel Thief, which is being screened as part of a ...

*** Asia I-League Match Preview: Mohun Bagan - Sporting Club de
Goa - Goal.com
[Dec 2, 2007]  I-League Match Preview: MohunBagan - Sporting
Club de Goa The third round of I-League begins today and Mohun
Bagan find themselves in an unknown territory- ...

*** Chinese film bags top honour at IFFI in Goa - CNN-IBN
BN, India - 9 hours agoPanaji: Its Chinese film The Wall that
finally walked away with the top honour at the 38th
International Film Festival of India (IFFI) held in Goa. ...

*** Sadhna, Pooja say Goa an ideal venue for film fests - Hindu
[Dec 2, 2007]  "Goa is a lovely place as a whole. And with it
being made a permanent venue for IFFI adds more charm. It is one
of the best place and the film festival has ...

*** France\'s Sanofi inaugurates development center in Goa,
India - MarketWatch
[12 hours ago]  By marketwatch The investment in the Goa
development centre represents the group's single largest
investment in India to date and is testament to ...

*** Goa stirs colonial memories in Portuguese filmmaker -
[Dec 2, 2007]  By Tony Tharakan PANAJI, India (Reuters) -
Almost 50 years ago when the Portuguese colony of Goa was
integrated with India, Luis Galvao Teles, ...

*** Goa\'s complete online news edition - Monday, December 03,
2007 - Herald Publications
[19 hours ago]  Health Minister Vishwajeet Rane lighting the
traditional lamp at the World AIDSDay function held in the
Seminar Hall of Secretariat, Porvorim in the ...

*** India Churchill Boss Savage Goa Referees - Goal.com
[Dec 1, 2007]  Churchill Boss Savage Goa Referees Churchill
Brothers manager Macario Rodrigues has launched a scathing
attack on the quality of referees in Goa. ...

*** Prepaid E-commerce Solutions Company EPRS India Expands
Into ... - TMCnet
[9 hours ago]  The expansion will start in the Maharashtra and
Goa circle. EPRS India has been operatingin Pune for more than
two years and the expansion move will help ...

*** Old Bollywood posters for sale in Goa - Economic Times
[19 hours ago]  PANAJI: An Italian-Polish couple based in Goa
has been carefully collecting film posters from across India,
mainly of Bollywood, that take you back to ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Old Bollywood posters for sale in Goa

2007-12-03 Thread Goanet News

Old Bollywood posters for sale in Goa
3 Dec, 2007, 1000 hrs IST, IANS

PANAJI: An Italian-Polish couple based in Goa has been carefully
collecting film posters from across India, mainly of Bollywood, that
take you back to another time.

Called "Colonial Photo", the collection is about a bygone era when
Bollywood films had their own black-and-white tales to tell.

Italian Silvio Ciancia, based in Arpora village, has put together an
amazing collection of British-era and Bollywood photographs which he
also duplicates as collector's items and sells to tourists visiting

His Polish-English wife, Greta Wilkinson, who trained as a social
anthropologist and wanted to get into art herself, looks after the
Tabra Arts and adds value to this venture.

"This is only a fraction of my collection. There are lots more," he
said showing around his old-style Goan villa.

"I'm on the lookout for (posters of) strange movies. I'm not much
concerned about those films that are too famous. For 'Mother India' or
'Sholay', I don't care," Ciancia said. "I'm trying to get the kitsch
of Bollywood.

"People go crazy over lobby cards (showing photos of actors and
actresses). But the prices have gone up. What you could buy 10 years
ago for Rs 25 in Chor Bazaar (Mumbai) now costs $25," he said.

Ciancia found some good sources for old posters on eBay, the online
sell-anything website. He estimates he has over a thousand subjects
with him.

He scans the posters, makes a paper copy, and puts them through matt
lamination after painting the original.

"Some tourists, like the Russians, love that tarty lady," he points to
one poster.

"Bollywood has some beautiful old movies too. Now, Bollywood makes a
lot of films. Maybe, it could make less but of better quality," he

Calling his collection an outcome of a passion for art, he said: "It's
primarily not a business. I'm not here to become rich."

 The collection has made the couple celebrities in Goa. "We're
featured in an article on 'Goa's best kept secrets'," Ciancia said.

In his house one can find the posters of yesteryear stars like Helen,
Junior Mehmood, Fearless Nadia, and an Australian woman who married an
Indian producer in the 1940s and became prominent in Bollywood.

Ciancia has been collecting the film posters for long, working on
them, getting artistes from Milano and elsewhere to do them up, and
then sell copies to tourists visiting Goa who are keen to have a brush
with India.

What he offers for sale also includes old Indian photos, Japanese ones
and Bollywood pictures from the 1940s. There are originals too, while
others are printed on paper, canvas or big-size posters.

On his first trip to Rajasthan nearly a decade ago, he discovered
there were a huge number of old photographs still available in some

He toured all over India and started to buy. His dealer, based in that
legendary used-goods market with the suggestive name of 'Chor Bazaar'
in Mumbai, used to come to Goa once a month with offers.

"It's now getting difficult to find good photographs. But there are
interesting things from Bollywood. They've tried everything (in the
Indian film industry). From a remake of 'Jurassic Park' to old movies;
they've even tried Frankenstein and Robin Hood."

Sometimes, he said, there are "too many Kapoors and too many Kumars"
in the Indian film industry, making it a bit difficult for him to keep

"Over the years, the price of photos has become so high. Good classic
subjects sell for 10 to 20 times more over seven years."

Sometimes, the price asked for in Mumbai today is comparable to what
is being sought in prominent auction houses like Christie's in London,
he said.

Ciancia discovered that there is a "huge market" for copies of such
photographs and posters. He sells at the Saturday night markets held
in Goa, at Arpora village itself, during the tourist season.

Foreign tourists visiting Goa find the Bollywood posters a suitable
souvenir. "Colonial India" does have a 'desi' market too, with some
going in for the maharaja (king) pictures.

He also collects advertisements and photos of maharajas.

Ciancia pointed out that some of his black-and-white photographs have
been re-touched and coloured in the fashion of the 1930s. One of the
posters from Bollywood is of the film "Johar Mehmood in Goa".


Re: [Goanet] BOAS FESTAS

2007-12-03 Thread Aureo Mendes Da Piedade

Thank you Cajetan I too much remember of our Goencho Saib! Obrigado.

> Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 06:14:58 -0500
> Subject: [Goanet] BOAS FESTAS
> Wishing you'll a very happy Feast of our 
> Cajetan de Sanvordem
> Kuwait.

[Goanet] Moderators responsibilities

2007-12-03 Thread Bhandare
Dear Mervyn:

I am still unable to comprehend how you can say with
any amount of certainity that No ONE understands me on
I think you are getting confused between understanding
what I write and agreeing with what I write. I am sure
many people do not agree with what i post but I am
sure they understand what i write.

I submit that even you understand what i write, if
not, why would you respond to my posts?

Finally are you suggesting that I am using multiple
adresses here and communicating with myself? what
makes you think so? do you have any evidence of such
if yes please let us all know...

BTW mario goveia posted a message in response to
edward silvas posting. Edward silva has by his own
admission has perfectly understood what i write and
what my agenda is..so at least two other individuals
have understood what i write. Now do you mean to say
that mario Edward and myself are the same person?




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[Goanet] Moderators' responsiblities - to Mario

2007-12-03 Thread edward desilva
  As usual you say one thing and then contradict yourself in the next sentence.
  Let me give you an example:
  When I said money rules the world, you said:
  Your next sentence was, people should be judged by achievements and character.
  1. I ask - Does money get involved in achievements?
  2. Character? Are you saying Bamons have bad character?
  Now look at this: You say,
  Referring to Hitler must mean you are living in the
  20th century.  Comparing Hitler with the RSS means you
are also living in an alternative universe. 
  REPLY: Germans say to the British: Why do you show war movies which depict 
Germans in a bad light? Britain says: By reflecting on the past, is the way to 
move forward.
  Does this mean the British are living in an alternative universe.
  You pretend to know it all - in so doing YOU ARE CONFUSING YOURSELF AND 
  What I did not suggest was that a member of Goanet
should take another poster's words and twist them and
make them unrecognizable, as you have done with
Bhandare's comments by insisting that YOU know what he
MEANT, regardless of what he said.
  It does not need a brain surgeon to work that out.
  Bandhare says:
"1. Posts whose sole purpose is to ridicule others by
using witless slurs should be deleted..examples of
such witless slurs include but are not limited to 
insinuations that many people are posting under the
same id, calling other posters fakes as well purposely
confusing gender of fellow posters to elicit some
cheap laughs.
(yours truly is also guuilty on this account, but
only in response to others)" [end of excerpt by
  REPLY: Witless slurs?
  It is up to the moderators to decide what is witless and what is not. 
  Bandares politics is such that any one rubbishing RSS is witless.
  Mario says:
In the quote you referenced, Bhandare made no
reference to the RSS.  He made no mention of any
politics.  The subject Bhandare was addressing was
"Moderators' responsibilities".  However, your surreal
response was as follows:
  He may have not made references to RSS. 
  Similarly, his posting on Goanet contains Catholic paedophiles (published by 
catholics themselves for him to pick on) with no connection to the topic 
  Picking on Catholics and dipicting them as paedophiles every other day in his 
posting IS WITLESS, he should look in the mirror.
YOURSELF IN THE END, whereby you agree to my point.

 Sent from Yahoo! - the World's favourite mail.

Re: [Goanet] happy that we are liberated ?---- (Albert)

2007-12-03 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Albert DeSouza:

1: Are we really liberated? Is Goa progressing? I think we are going
in backward directions. Our outdated educational system, our poor
roads, flickering electricity etc etc the list is endless

2: The portuguese curtailed our freedom to some extent but we were
like kings. We had fresh fish, fresh vegetables.

3: Today .

jc's comment:

Dear Albert,

I suggest that we accept the reality and learn to live with it.

Nothing comes free. There is a price for everything and we should
always think seriously about what we ask for. We might actually get

In the late 1950s, Goans were asked to disrupt their way of life. They
did so and 1961 followed. Goans did not make any arrangements to fill
the vacuum which would be left behind by the departure of the

Then came the Military Administrator, the MGP, Congress and the BJP
with the odd circus clown in the middle.  Communidade land got swiped,
Mundcar Act was imposed, Dabolim went, Anjadiva went and IFFI came.
Vast amounts of agricultural land was converted from green to concrete
- and we Goans appear shocked NOW?

All this time - our governments, our politicians and our patracars
told us that Our Goa was becoming Bhangaranchem (Golden). Those who
disagreed with this distortion of the truth were castigated &
denigrated and their views suppressed or drowned out.

In 2007, Goans are again asked to disrupt the way of life and force
the Govt to step down. What do we have to fill as a replacement?

I say :  Beware of Snake Oil merchants.

It is too late in 2007 to try compare Goa's position with that of
Kashmir. The Kashmiris were smart when they negotiated Art 370 in
return for accession. As far as Goans are concerned, there are some
bright ones who do not even know in 2007 that the Liberation of Goa
from the Portuguese was accomplished by an Invasion of troops from
outside Goa. Those bright sparks probably believe that Goans took to
arms and defeated the 'four and a half'  Portuguese who were in Goa.

Get used to it. Study hard, work harder and compete on the global
market.ONLY  If you have time to waste, waste it on Morchas, Dharnas
and Fasts. Ultimately - the money-bags will prevail. The valiant will
be worn out and the present trend will continue.

The only place Goa (as we knew it ) will survive is in our hearts and
in cyberspace.

just my view


Re: [Goanet] Sati tradition or greed ....... be better informed, thanks to Venantius!

2007-12-03 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Yes Venatius, I was not thorough enough in my post. I was responding to another 
poster who had given his opinion on Sati.  I just wanted to comment on it.  I 
am however grateful to you for all the links you have kindly supplied, some of 
which I have printed off for my eldest daughter (17yrs next Feb), who was 
aghast that this even existed, possibly even practised, from her maternal side 
of the family all those years ago (but we doubt it as her maternal side has 
been in Mauritius for over 250 years but originated from Tamil Nadu.)
  I have "archived"  your post for a more detailed & indepth look. This has 
caught my attention because so much information is available on this, thanks to 
you bringing it to the forum. Its far too much for me to go through in one go 
today, I have some spare time here and there next week, so this will be 
invaluable to me & our family & friends!  I will be somewhat 'an authority' on 
the subject by the time I have gone through all the links, printed them and 
read them over again.  I have printed off the CHAPPAL, STICKS & BAGS (all 14 
pages of it, read it and passed it onto my daughter who will be showing her 
friends and discussing this issue).
  John Monteiro
  03.12.07..15.15hrs (UK)

Venantius Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
  Dear John,
There is a lot of analysis in your post, and you are thinking out
aloud here



  To conclude, I do feel that that issues such as these when presented
with evidence (depending on the thrust of the thoughts) give credence
to our public outragevenantius j pinto


Re: [Goanet] We wept when Goa was being invaded:

2007-12-03 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair

Finally that's what counts, isn't it, Paulo? We don't need
endorsements/pronouncements from Goans or anyone else in Europe or
North America to decide whether Goa was liberated or enslaved, do we?


[Goanet] Konkani Karaoke & lyrics for Doxim korum Nezo

2007-12-03 Thread Nelly Pereira

Dear All,

Can somebody please let me know if any Konkani Karaoke DVDs/chips are
available in the market especially the olden golden songs? If so, where
can I purchase these from? 

Secondly, can anybody post the lyrics of the popular song Doxim Korum
Nezo? I would highly appreciate your help on the above.


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[Goanet] Hinduism is NOt based on caste - a correction

2007-12-03 Thread basilio Monteiro
It was a wrong choise of words on my part in my previous post under the
above heading. I should say:
Passion for this issue (of caste) gets the most of Cornel, and he cannot
think like a scholar, a schloar that he is.

I am do not want and I am not accusing Cornel of being emotonal.
Thank you for your understanding.
Basilio Monteiro

Re: [Goanet] The moral void about casteism among Goan 'Catholic ' priests

2007-12-03 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Basilio
   Thank you for your evasion of my concluding point to you that, I would like 
to hear from among the many thousands, at least one Goan priest that, casteism 
among 'Catholic' Goans is as wrong as racism anywhere including in Downtown New 
York. When no Catholic Goan priest can say this, their authenticity as 
guardians of morality becomes highly dubious in my view particularly as 
casteist ideology and Catholic ideology are totally incompatible. This is an 
academic matter but even more so, one of morality. Clearly, such a moral stance 
is seriously not forthcoming from 'our' Goan Catholic priests, including the 
Bishop and no evasive recourse to all the literature on caste, available to all 
and sundry, can compensate for the moral void I have highlighted.
  Please do try to address the crux of my post to you, as summed up in the 
subject theme above, otherwise your waffle becomes rather obvious I'm afraid.  
Cornel DaCosta
basilio Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Goanetters:

I just read Cornel's "sermanv."

Just a question:

Did I in my post defend the origination/perpetuation of caste? or did I
imply for the need of a different approach to deal with the caste problem
given the historical evidence that caste has nothing to do with Hinduism as
a religion?



Re: [Goanet] Sati tradition or greed ?

2007-12-03 Thread Sachin Phadte

I am surprised that the moderators have allowed this message of John Monteiro 
through.The whole thing is conjecture and conjecture.Yes, there has been sati - 
no one will deny it.However, if we have to talk about sati in terms of 
Hinduism, then there should be no objection to talk about the buring of the 
witches in terms of Christianity.I reject both.
Sachin :Phadte
John's message:
Sati was originally brought about because there were no such things as a 
"wealthy widows" in ancient India.Once the man died (usually of old age), the 
widow was invariable expected to sit at the feet of her dead husband and burnt 
She was so dosed up with alcohol & other substances that she was mostly 
unconscious but the praise she was given also added to the haze & she welcomed 
her end, painfully & in some cases she was poisoned in such a way as to show 
she died with her husband through choice.
Yes it was, and still is a barbaric way to end a life of a human being, just so 
that her sons will inherit the wealth and not her, she was condemned to this 
death the moment she married, usually marrying a man much older, so this 
guaranteed her the gruesome end to her life.
It is against to law to "permit a woman to commit Sati"... thank heavens 
for education but of course in many outlying villages in India where sometimes 
this is carried out, hundreds if not thousands of people will gather to see 
this awful & gruesome spectacle.The Sati woman is then praised as a Goddess & 
she has her name forever on the lips of those who saw her rise to the 
Yes, what rubbish but it was not that long ago that I remember reading of a 
young widow who VOLUNTEERED to commit Sati because she loved her husband so 
much, he died in an accident so she was still in the throes of having fallen in 
love with him, that she did indeed sit at his feet and threw herself on top of 
the funeral pyre.
There may have been many other reasons, but I suspect she was coerced into it 
by relatives, who had much to lose if she remained alive after her husband's 
Its all about money, just because Sati was expected of widows, especially if 
they were from well-off families, also the poor but its more likely when there 
was some wealth in the family, such as a house, its furnishings, money and sons 
to inherit it all, the woman commited hersefl to this suicidal pact out of 
greed of others, they called it tradition, what bull !!
John Monteiro (UK) 
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2007-12-03 Thread cosme fernandes
  &   MR COSME FERNANDES (Director)

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[Goanet] TODAY -the 3rd of December 2007 sees the official launch of RADIO GOA in Dubai

2007-12-03 Thread renebarreto

DATE 3RD  December, 2007

-Benedict Lobo - Dubai

Dubai UAE Dec 3: We are happy to announce the launch
of RadioGoa.netKonkani Internet Radio  Broadcasting
Konkani hits  24hrs a day 7 days a Week.

Though RadioGoa started operations on the 7th  of November 
2007 ,it is being officially launched  Today, the 3rd of
December,2007 - as this is a very auspicious day for  
Goan   Hindus,  Muslims and Christian alike.

RadioGoa was started by Benedict Lobo  an NRI based in
Dubai and  will be run by a dedicated Advisory TEAM of 
Konkani Lovers - consisting of  Mr.Rene Barreto (UK), 
Dr.Cheryl Lobo (Goa) Mr.Bibbs D'souza (Dubai).

Today - RadioGoa is also starting a dedicated Christmas
channel which  will broadcast English  & Konkani
Carols  to  bring in the  Christmas  spirit.

The Mission of RadioGoa is to reach every Goan wherever
s/he may be , give them a sense of belonging  to their  
homeland and culture,  to  bring  in that nostalgia ,for 
Goans who have been away  from their motherland
for a long time and those in Goa too.

Our mission is also to promote Konkani artists 
especially new talent.  

 We at RadioGoa firmly believe that together 
we can make a  difference. 

RadioGoa can be reach at htttp://www.radiogoa.net



(Cabinet Minister Rank)


I am happy to know that Radio Goa will be launched 
from Dubai on  December 3, 2007.

I understand that Radio Goa will broadcast Konkani 
Music and Live shows  twenty four hours, seven days
a week. The Radio Station will promote  Konkani 
language and culture, so that the Konkani
community  can  tune in  to their mother tongue 
from anywhere in the world.

This is a commendable effort and I am convinced that
Radio Goa will achieve great success  in its noble
endeavour to reach Goans in the  Middle  East and 
elsewhere binding them together  in a bond of 
love and a sense  of belonging.

I congratulate Mr. Benedict Lobo and all those who
contribute to make this venture a reality and  I wish 
them  success in their activities. 


GOA - Panjim 



I wish you and www.radiogoa.net all the very best. May you
diffuse music to every Goan in every corner of the world. 

Padmashri Remo Fernandes,
India's RockStar

.  let us your feed back...

Thank you as always 

rene barreto



TODAY -3.12.2007 sees the launch of




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2007-12-03 Thread Herman D'Souza

London UK

December 3: St. Francis Xavier
This great missionary was born at Xavier Castle in
Spain in 1506. He went to the University of Pariswhen
he was eighteen. Here he met St. Ignatius Loyola, who
was about tostart the Society of Jesus. St. Ignatius
tried to get Francis to joinhim. At first the
happy-go-lucky young man would not think of it.
St.Ignatius repeated to him the words of Jesus in the
Gospel: 'What doesit profit a person to gain the whole
world and lose his own soul?' Atlast, Francis saw
clearly that his place in life was among the
Jesuits.When Francis was thirty-four, St. Ignatius
sent him as amissionary to the East Indies. The king
of Portugal wanted to give himpresents to take along
and a servant. Francis refused his kind offerand
explained: 'The best way to acquire true dignity is to
wash one'sown clothes and boil one's own pot.' During
the course of his amazingcareer in Goa, India, Japan
and other lands of the east, St. Francismade thousands
of converts. In fact, he baptized so many people that
hebecame too weak to raise his arms. He gathered the
little childrenaround him and taught them the Catholic
faith. Then he made little layapostles of them. He
invited them to spread the faith they had
learned.There was nothing St. Francis wouldn't do to
help people. Once he faceda fierce band of raiders,
alone, with no weapon but his crucifix. Theybacked up
and did not attack his Christian tribes. The saint
alsobrought many bad-living Christians to repentance.
His only 'tools' werehis gentle, polite ways and his
prayers. In the midst of his painfuljourneys and great
labors, the saint was full of a special joy comingfrom
God. St. Francis longed to get into China, into which
no foreignerwas permitted. At last, the arrangements
were made, but the greatmissionary became ill. He died
almost alone in 1552 on an island offthe Chinese
coast. He was just forty-six-years-old. Francis Xavier
wasproclaimed a saint by Pope Gregory XV in 1622. He
was in the best ofcompany at the canonization ceremony
in Rome. Ignatius of Loyola,Teresa of Avila, Philip
Neri and Isidore the Farmer were alsoproclaimed saints
that day. Reflection: Francis'love for Jesus was so
strong that he could not rest at the thought ofso many
people who had never heard the Gospel. What would
happen if Iwere able to share my faith with at least
one person in my life?
It is truly a matter of wonder that one man in the
short space of ten years (6 May, 1542 - 2 December,
1552) could have visited so many countries, traversed
so many seas, preached the Gospel to so many nations,
and converted so many infidels. The incomparable
apostolic zeal which animated him, and the stupendous
miracles which God wrought through him, explain this
marvel, which has no equal elsewhere. The list of the
principal miracles may be found in the Bull of
canonization. St. Francis Xavier is considered the
greatest missionary since the time of the Apostles,
and the zeal he displayed, the wonderful miracles he
performed, and the great number of souls he brought to
the light of true Faith, entitle him to this
distinction. He was canonized with St. Ignatius in
1622, although on account of the death of Gregory XV,
the Bull of canonization was not published until the
following year.
The body of the saint is still enshrined at Goa in the
church which formerly belonged to the Society. In 1614
by order of Claudius Acquaviva, General of the Society
of Jesus, the right arm was severed at the elbow and
conveyed to Rome, where the present altar was erected
to receive it in the church of the Gesu.





> Wishing you'll a very happy Feast of our 
> Cajetan de Sanvordem
> Kuwait.

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Re: [Goanet] BOAS FESTAS

2007-12-03 Thread Anna Rebello

Boas festa
Goencha Saiban tujer and tujea familycher besao


Be a better sports nut!  Let your teams follow you 
with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.  

Re: [Goanet] Hinduism and caste apropos Basilio Monteiro

2007-12-03 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Mario
   Thank you for your comment.
  I think I have now discovered exactly why casteism is so much within Roman 
Catholicism in Goa. The clue lay bang in front of me and I had missed it all 
along. It lay in the consistent reticence of our priests (except for those very 
few with the guts to do so) to say anything critical about this scourge. The 
reason for this is to be found right at the heart of  the Church in Goa itself. 
I have always believed that it was because of complicity by the Church 
hierarchy and I now hope to expand on the considerable depth of this complicity 
(and why)  when I can. However, I may well do this outside Goanet.

Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 17:00:32 + (GMT)
I wish to clarify to Basilio Monteiro, in particular,
why I was rather short with him, (via my response to
Mario), when he claimed that, "As much as caste is
abhorrent to any sensible person, the recent crusades
against it, for the most part, are based on
misinformed understanding of religion, particularly of
Mario adds:
While I would never suggest that you, or anyone else,
eschew expressing youself in this forum, may I suggest
that we may be giving this abomination far more
respect and attention than it deserves.

Re: [Goanet] We wept when Goa was being invaded: (SWASTIK)

2007-12-03 Thread Swastik


It is indeed a misfortunate for Goa to be liberated at the hands of country
like India. People and our grandparents never forget their ancient times and
typical golden days during the Portuguese era.
Although there wasn't any development in technology but more of sossegado,
the common man is merely interested to live a peaceful family life
accomplished with simplicity and stress free.
After the siege of goa, Daman and diu, there are several issues such as
corruption, illegal encroachments, etc and to make worst are the cunning
politicians of India who are selling this nation for their own greed and the
ever-most sufferer is the common man.
There is still a lot to come from these politicians who have sold themselves
to the capitalist of national and international level both.
Hence our ancestors are rightful in expressing their anguish when goa, Daman
and diu were invaded and forcibly taken by India.


[Goanet] Oppose the Chief Secretary's plans

2007-12-03 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

See -


My remarks:
Since when has this been part of the Chief Secretary's job description?  The 
CS's job is to ensure smooth functioning of the bureaucracy, and to 
implement the policies of the govt, not to make policy.  This smells like a 
ploy for the CS's Dilli buddies to make another pile at the Goans' expense.

Will the CS tell us how his underling in the TCP, Ahmed Morad, decided to 
regularize Aldeia de Goa's hill cutting?  Or about the missing files?

Goa - where every stinking Indian rat finds his pot of gold!

Warm regards,



2007-12-03 Thread CAJETAN DE
Wishing you'll a very happy Feast of our 



Cajetan de Sanvordem

[Goanet] Cross-Eyed Governance.

2007-12-03 Thread Averthan D'Souza
For favour of publication.



Averthanus L. D’Souza.


When a Cabinet Minister in a Government publicly threatens to
sue the very Government of which he is a Minister,  there is definitely
something seriously wrong with the way the Government is functioning.  The
Minister for Health, Vishwajeet Rane is reported in one of the local English
dailies (Gomantak Times, December 3, 2007)  to have “threatened that he
would file a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the court if the government
fails to stop illegal mining activities in some of the areas of Sattari and
Bicholim talukas.  Speaking to Gomantak Times, Vishwajeet alleged that
illegal mining activities were going on in Guleli village, Ambelim area of
Khotordem panchayat, Nagargao, near Housing Board colony at Sanquelim and at
Harvalem, a tourist spot.   He said that he had already brought this issue
to the notice of the Chief Minister Digambar Kamat, Chief Secretary J.P.
Singh and Director of Mines J.. Bhingui requesting them to immediately
withdraw the lease agreements in the larger interests of the people.”

There are several issues involved here.  One:  if the mining
activities are being carried out with the permission of the appropriate
departments of the Government, how can they be described as ‘illegal’?
Vishwajeet Rane himself  states that he has requested the Chief Minister,
the Chief Secretary and the Director of Mines to “immediately withdraw the
lease agreements”   Two:  if it is the view of the Health Minister,
Vishwajeet Rane that the mining activities are inappropriate because  some
of the parties “were prospecting even in a paddy field,  near the Harvalem
lake, a tourist spot and near the Poriem stream and feared that it would
pollute water” then the question arises:  How were mining leases granted for
prospecting in these areas?  What are the norms laid down by the Government
for granting mining leases?   Were the leases in question granted in
violation of these norms?   How did Vishwajeet Rane come to the conclusion
that these leases were ‘illegal?’

The matter gets curiouser.  The news item referred to, further
informs us that Vishwajeet Rane expressed his support for the setting up of
an industrial estate in the same area.   Several questions arise
immediately.  How can Vishwajeet Rane, who is the Minister for Health,
favour the setting up of an industrial estate in the area unless it is part
of the overall Regional Plan for Goa, 2021 which is still not in existence?
On what basis has he decided that an industrial estate would be preferable
to mining activities in the area?Is he being partisan on the issue?  And
what are the considerations?

The larger issue of governance which raises its head is of a
more fundamental nature.   Can a Cabinet Minister sue his own Government?
What is his own responsibility as a Cabinet Minister for the granting of
mining leases to parties?   Is it not the responsibility of the Cabinet to
formulate norms for the development of specific industries in Goa?   If the
Regional Plan, 2021 has not yet been formulated, how can the Health Minister
decide arbitrarily that an industrial estate is preferable to mining?   That
a Cabinet Minister has to “request” the Chief Minister, the Chief Secretary
and the Director of Mines to “immediately withdraw the lease agreements”
speaks volumes about the absence of  proper procedures in the functioning of
government.  It also highlights the undesirable position of a Cabinet
Minister who behaves like an aggrieved citizen who has to make requests of
the authorities to undo something which is considered to be undesirable.
What kind of a Cabinet do we have in Goa?   Is the Chief Minister really
running his government with the full knowledge and consent of his cabinet
colleagues?  Or is each Minister running wild, irrespective of the views of
his cabinet colleagues?

With regard to the Rajiv Gandhi I.T. Habitat at Dona Paula,  the
former Minister for Town and Country Planning, who is now opposing the
entire project, is reported to have said that while he was the Minister he
had refused to change the existing norms at the request of Dayanand
Narvekar; but that the norms were changed after he demitted office.   If
this is correct, it raises the important question about the sanctity of
Cabinet decisions!  Was the decision a Cabinet decision or was it the
individual (and therefore arbitrary) decision of the Minister for Town and
Country Planning?   If Cabinet decisions can be changed arbitrarily without
solid reasons, it speaks very poorly indeed of the style of government which
the people of Goa have to put up with.   On the other hand, if  each
Minister can make his own decisions, without the knowledge and consent of
the entire Cabinet,  it simply means that such decisions are totally
unwarranted and are, in fact, illicit.   Why pretend that we have a Cabinet
form o

Re: [Goanet] Can doctors on forum comment on cough syrups?

2007-12-03 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
On 03/12/2007, Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Recently in the US, over-the-counter cough syrups have been
discontinued, for being (a) at times detrimental (b) actually quite
useless in curing colds.

When my daughter was sick in Goa with the common cold, albeit one that
had turned a bit nasty with green substances oozing from the nose, the
doctor had no qualms about prescribing two different cough syrups for
her, one to treat her cold and the other he said
was "anti-bacterial".

Should parents in Goa be cautious about cough syrups for very young
children or are they perfectly safe?


Dear Selma,

Do not know which 'cough syrup' is 'anti-bacterial'.

However - attached herewith - from the local media -  a dated article
- needs some revision.
good wishes

QUESTION:  My daughter is 4 years old and has been coughing for a few
days.  There is no fever, runny nose, or congestion, only the cough.
How do you know whether to give a cough suppressant or an expectorant?
 How long should I try the cough syrup before I take her to the


Ah! the cough. It exhausts the poor children, irritates the dads, and
worries mums no end. And yet, without the protection of cough, our
lungs and we'd be in big trouble.

In a child older  than one year of age, for a dry cough, I'd recommend
a home remedy like warm water with a little honey. Many coughs respond
to this simple mixture.

We would do well to bear in mind that often times, cough mixtures do
not stop the cough. On occasion, the cough worsens.

Mothers are   often   the best judges of when their child needs to see
a doctor. And while some mothers rush their children to the doctor at
the first sign of a cough, and others wait forever, most mothers make
fairly good calls. When their child is getting no better, and it's
already been a week, or at any time the child appears worse, the Mums
know that it is time to visit the doctor.

Having said that, here are a few pointers that we may wish to remember:

1. Cough is protective. It clears mucus secretions and gets rid of
infections which might affect our lungs. Coughs also alert us that
there is a problem in our airway, and that our body is trying to deal
with that problem.

2. Children cough for all kinds of reasons. Most coughs are caused by
viral infections. Other causes include asthma, allergies, croup,
sinusitis and some chest infections.

3. Our attention should primarily be directed towards treating the
cause of the cough and not at suppressing it.

Treatment of coughs

4.  Expectorant mixtures are advertised as being useful to help break
and bring up mucous.  How effective they really are, remains a subject
of much debate.

5. If the child is a known wheezer (asthmatic), it is best to try a
wheeze relieving medicine like Ventolin or Berotec at the onset of the

When is it time to visit the doctor?

6. Anytime the child looks very ill or short of breath.

7. If the child is coughing up green or yellow mucus, or   blood.

8. If there is persistent fever.

9. When two weeks have passed, the runny nose has stopped but the
troublesome cough persists. It is possible that the child has inhaled
a peanut, or the child has a 'walking pneumonia'. These are some
thoughts that surely will cross the doctor's mind.

In the mean time, we must all ensure that:

10. We do not expose the child to smoke and smokers, strong perfumes,
to dust, burning garbage and drafts of cold air.

Cough is a common and troublesome problem. A viral infection is the
most common cause. Children usually pick up these infections from
other children at school. No wonder they are so well during the
holidays, and start their coughing series when back at school. Many
times these infections are avoidable, sometimes not. Some parents have
no option but to carry their sick children to the school. Every other
child starts coughing soon thereafter. Sure, immunity to infection
develops by this method. But a lot of coughing and sleepless nights
occur in the mean time.

That is the enigma called cough. It protects  our lungs from infection
but keeps us awake at night.

The preceding article is for general information purposes only. This
information should not be considered a substitute for consultation
with your child's pediatrician.

José Colaço,MD

[Goanet] Goemcho Patron, Goemcho Saib (a song by Alfred Rose & SFX Expo. Video)

2007-12-03 Thread JoeGoaUk
Goemcho Patron, Goemcho Saib (a song by Alfred Rose)



Thanks to Eddie Verdes for this Song.
Just received on the Feast day.


3 pics are also shown, if u can't see it (e.g.plain text readers) pl click on
the links provided

Check this out.. Video
SFX Expo. (With 1964 Expo. original sound track/Hymn & subtitles)

  for Goa & NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

Sent from Yahoo! - the World's favourite mail http://uk.mail.yahoo.com

[Goanet] one year later... no respite for GBA

2007-12-03 Thread Pravin Sabnis
Today on the 3rd of December 2007
the Goa Bachao Abhiyan completes one year of formation...
My sentiments remain the same as the ones written on the 19th of Jan 2007:
The CM who refused to speak to any Tom, Dick and Harry
has had to bow to the rising people's sentiment (or election pangs)
and say that the deadly Regional Plan 2011 would be scrapped...
what about the mountains that have been razed?
what about the mangroves that have been buried?
what about the overt and covert land deals?
what about the diabolic SEZs that loom large in the plans of the politician?
what about the proposed quadraple increase in destructive mining areas?
Questions remain answered 
in Saleli, Sulcorna, Odxel, Keri, Sancoale, Verna, Chicalim, Loliem, Carmona, 
Siridao, Goa Velha, Baga & elsewhere...
... the people's answer shall continue...
SAVE GOA remains a priority to secure our future!
- a collective of peoples' movements against SEZs 
from Keri, Verna, Loutolim, Sancoale, Betul and elsewhere
is having a PUBLIC RALLY
on 14th December 2007 (Friday), 4 pm
at LOHIA MAIDAN, Margao...
It is time to raise voices, hands and our protest, once again!
in solidarity


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[Goanet] Ivana is coming home by train.

2007-12-03 Thread Venantius Pinto
Dear Miguel,
Jeevan and you are doing something very commendable in looking at ways
in which to support Ivana Ivana Maria Furtado's development, in
continuing to have a future in chess. My two bits here, actualy more
than that!
The benefactors and sponsors must have a forward thinking and
progressive perspective. Vijay Mallya is more in that modernist
league, and has airlines too. It is not much to have a sponsorship for
her and coach. Also from time to time its good that the family is
together. If Ivana Ivana Maria Furtado were to ever becomes
politically or ethically outspoken, her sponsorships must not hinder
her voice. Remember Dhanraj Pillai! I also hope that the media, avoid
diminutives such as little wonder, wonder girl, little (something),
etc. I feel this sort of "reinforcement" hurts one in the long run. In
this regard, it is peculiar when we read in India, things such as
"Eves strike bronze."

The part about travelling abroad by Gabe, I belive was said in the
right spirit, and is justified upon reading the following, "Mr V M
Prabhudesai, SAG's executive director told The Navhind Times, that
Chief Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat had approved the grants to be
released to Goa State Chess Association concerning the expenditure
incurred due to Ivana's participation at the previous championships
which was pending for some time. The file was moved by SAG afresh, it
was approved by sports secretary, Dr Modassir before the Chief
Minister gave the final approval as a special case."

I feel that Fundacoa has done well for and by Goa, and should have the
opportunity to share in Ivana's glory. With Europe connecting that way
it is, the Portuguese could be a good conduit. if they do not have tp
level coaches, then perhaps even Bulgaria or elsewhere. Indian has a
lot to learn in this regard of creating movement for its best, and of
course I do not mean the IITs, where movement just happens. We may
have people with stellar abilities but who seem to be be burdened by
not having the ability to do things as a matter of course, par for the
course; so a person doing well, should see it as normal to go to the
next level, without any anguish, and parental savings having to be
sacrificed. Period.

I had a horrible argument last year in Delhi, over the current womans
tennis player and how she was raising India's profile. I saw it
differently. How many sportspersons, other than her, a few of the
athletes from Kerala, and our pampered cricketers, have the system
work for them. A state, a system, a people have to come together if
the world matters to them. The world has its own rhythym and politics,
but we still want to show our best and often proclaim that we are a
5000 year civilization. So Gabe's point is a motivator; the talented
sportsperson should not have to leave the country, if the country
looks critically at its ambassadors. If not the country than other
motivators, includig those who have taken this thread so far.

It is infuriating: when a player is representing the nation, and the
GSA is owed money. What is wrong with these guys. Even if the
sportsperson is not winning, dues are dues and this is part of
governing. Are we selling carvandas. How do the parents who put out
tremendous effort (these feats are not a joke) feel and wellwishers
too in knowing this? In simple terms how can one expect to feel and
think that they very much belong in modernity (which has its oen
problems anyway) but give short shrift to process, allocation of funds
and just plain professionalism. But these goverment officials will be
up in arms when say a woman is bused on the cheek, upon receiving her
medal, and not to mention that this sportwoman made ever effort to
wipe of the ubiquitous kiss! I hope this nonsense does not continue
and at least a chumban NOT OK policy, foised upon them.

Keep up the good work. Miguel the numerous trajectories you engage in
make me proud to be a Goan. In a couple of days, I will send you the
names of a few chess books that I happened to see at a place here
yesterday, on my periodic forays into the languages section; the chess
table with some frightening [[ : ) ]] books. I do not play chess.
Perhaps, I can pick up a few after you show the names to Ivana Maria
Furtado's coaches. And, I would like them to stay with her as part of
her library.

Take care. Way past time to crash. This was uplifting.


Message: 6

Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 19:48:43 +0530
From: "Miguel Braganza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] re. Ivana is coming home by train.
To: "GoaNet fred" 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


Jeevan  and I have shared thoughts on how to deal with the funding of
Ivana Maria Furtado's fantastic exploits in Chess with Augusto Pinto
[ad hoc Secretary of Goa Chess], V.M. Prabhudesai [Exec Director of
Sports Authority of Goa],  Dr. M.Modasir, Secretary of Sports and
Assistant Secretary Navi

Re: [Goanet] Goans from Uganda in NY ?

2007-12-03 Thread eric pinto
Stella attended  the specially nice New York GOA social, yesterday. Mike has 
traded in his hockey stick for a walker, but the spirit is strong, and he has 
never stopped smiling.eric.

eric pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  New York City - Michael/Stella D'Sa. 


Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




Hi Bosco,

My brother-in-law Alfred Mascarenhas has finally landed in Indian Harbour 
Beach and got his papers. He talks of a number of his friends in North 
America. He is hesitant to give me their name because hefeels that I will 
spam them unecessarily. In particular he is telling me that his best friend 
is in NY (may be NYC or NY State) and has represented Uganda in hockey. Do 
you know any Goan who fits that profile ? Can you give me some names?

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz

Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. Make Yahoo! your homepage.

Get easy, one-click access to your favorites.  Make Yahoo! your homepage.

[Goanet] 'Cornel ' Crusade.

2007-12-03 Thread eric pinto
A pious Piety 'ACTION'  recipe:  Forget Margao, it no longer represents Goa. 
Visit dad's old hometown, Velim, instead. Spend an evening with the good folk 
at the new rehab joint, but dont mention the pub in Kent kunnbiwaddo. They are 
low on funds, so pass the hat between rounds, before leaving home. Do not 
overstay your welcome. Birth accident indignity extends beyond death, a local 
group will deny you access to it's special half of the Bishop's graveyard. 
p.s.  Velim is not home to Brahmins, Ed may volunteer details.

Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.

[Goanet] In the Name of God

2007-12-03 Thread Ana Maria de Souza-Goswami
Dear Michael,

Read your post in the Goanet.  Yes, I did see the first screening of the above 
film.  It was screened thrice. Wonderful film, v ery powerful and I wonder 
whether it will be released in India and the US.  I recommended it to many of 
my friends who were delegates and they all liked it very much.

Ana Maria de souza-Goswami

[Goanet] happy that we are liberated ?----

2007-12-03 Thread Albert Desouza

Dear Friends
Are we really liberated? Is Goa progressing? I think we are going in backward 
directions. Our outdated educational sytem, our poor roads, flickering 
electricity, slow or no law enforcement, rich becoming richer, poor becoming 
poorer, middle class on verge of extinct, youth have to leave the state for 
better jobs, laws for the poor only. Exploitation of the poor.Govt servants 
having own business- govt employees building rich bunglows which normally they 
cannot afford- etc etc the list is endless
If there was happiness then why the hell are we on the roads shouting slogans? 
Our fields and forests will be in future only in the dictionaries. 
The portuguese curtailed our freedom to some extent but we were like kings. We 
had fresh fish, fresh vegetables. The rain came in time and went in time. we 
could leave our doors open and go to America or australia. we could leave our 
daughters and wives with the neighbours safely. Today your own wife, your own 
daughter stabs you. Today your own brothers stabs you. Your children are not 
safe. You can't walk freely on the road. Today if you have power you can build 
a house in the middle of the road. While some hotels have closed the entrance 
to the beach we are watching with our toes in our mouth.Big investment 
companies like Lloyd Finnance, Alpic finnance (sister concern of mighty cipla) 
Manipal finnance came to Goa and robbed Goans and our government could do 
nothing. They opened mighty offices in the capital city of Goa and ran away 
with our money and the govt did nothing. They did not even arrest the culprits. 
Are we happy that we are liberated ? I have heard that the utorda beach has 
been encroached by Pepsi and the security does not allow you to enter even. 
Post free property ads on Yello Classifieds now! www.yello.in

[Goanet] SEZ is BJP baby Parented by Parrikar and Digamber

2007-12-03 Thread Miguel Braganza

Here is a posting by Jemima Dias with the content thereof being closer
to the truth than some would care to admit.

Look behind the mask and you will find that appearances are deceiving.

Mog asundi.


Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 02:00:34 +0800 (CST)
From: Jamima Dias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] SEZ is BJP baby Parented by Parikar and Digamber

SEZ is BJP baby Parented by Parikar and Digamber

I have been seeing in the media all sorts of denials resorted to by
the two top BJP politicians in Goa. One the impotent leader of
opposition and the other, the BJP/RSS/Sangh Parivar man in the
Congress, Digamber Kamat who heads the bankrupt Congress in Goa.

Today, our CM is so scared to take on Manohar Parrikar and expose the
BJP that he knows very well that if he holds Manohar Parrikars nose,
his mouth will open, the way the old konkani saying goes.

Goa is very unfortunate, some evil witch has cast its evil eye on this
beautiful land. The misfortune of Goa is that both the CM and the
leader of opposition are both pro-BJP men and have committed joint
sins while in the BJP days. Today both try to save each other's tails.

SEZ, IFFI and RP 2011 are the creations of land sharks and at one time
there was an unholy nexus between Manohar Parrikar, Digamber Kamat and
builders like Datta Naik. Digamber Kamat also has interests in real
estate through benami companies and hence he too benefits from the
Regional plan and the rampant selling of Goa.

Manohar Parrikar has been using frontmen like BJP men in the GBA and
Mathany Saldhana and Aires Rodriguese (both co-incidently catholics)
instead of him coming down in the battle field.

Goa's lone media warrior, If one has annalysed the situation,  the
Independent Goan Observer run by Rajan Narayan is also not very
independent anymore but is dependent on Digamber Kamat as he has
provided a ghanti with a roof over his head.

In the last issue of the GO, Rajan claimed that Shridhar Kamat, who
everyone knows to be a pro-RSS man and is always singing bhajans,
hymns and aartis in favour of Digamber Kamat, to be secular and
secular activists in the GBA to be pro-BJP fans. Shridhar Kamat is a
deadly chamcha of anything that buys him bread or say a bottle of

I am sure Rajan Narayan owes this much to Digamber Kamat and his great
home provider Datta Naik another unwanted thrash from Margao town.

Digamber Kamat is boasting of the President of being the chief guest
of the function at Lohia Maidan, let the people show in protest to the
President how Digamber Kamat is fooling the people of Goa.

I hope the GBA and anti-SEZ activists develop strong spines which
cannot be bent by the lure of power by the ruling Congress and the
leader of opposition.

Long live the spirit of Goa.

Jamima Dias

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Goanet] SEZ is BJP baby Parented by Parikar and Digamber

2007-12-03 Thread Floriano - Goa Suraj Party
Dear Jemina,
I commend you for this write-up and the full blown analysis of Goa and Goan
in power and on the periphery of power.
This, BTW, not because you have mentioned my name :-))
Do come in more often to give us, (those of us who consider ourselves as
fighters for Goa, not to keep or preserve it for ourselves and ours but for
the posterity) the much needed shot in the arms and some good fervent doze
of added adrenalin to face these punks who also fight to save Goa fpr God
only knows who.

with best regards


- Original Message -
From: Jamima Dias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 11:30 PM
Subject: [Goanet] SEZ is BJP baby Parented by Parikar and Digamber

> SEZ is BJP baby Parented by Parikar and Digamber
> I have been seeing in the media all sorts of denials resorted to by the
two top BJP politicians in Goa. One the impotent leader of opposition and
the other, the BJP/RSS/Sangh Paarivar man in the Congress, Digamber Kamat
who heads the bankrupt Congress in Goa.
> If the records are correctly quoted, Sardinha must have the guts to bring
out to the Goa's people that both Monahar Parriker and Digamber Kamat were
the prime creators of the SEZ controversy while they ruled Goa through the
communial Bharatiya Janata party, a sad era in Goa's history that saw
communial violence and dividing of Goa on lines of caste and religion.

[Goanet] Sati tradition or greed ?

2007-12-03 Thread Venantius Pinto
Dear John,
There is a lot of analysis in your post, and you are thinking out
aloud here. Since your concern is to make a correlation, as you see
it, between the tradition of sati and greed -- it would have benefited
from some examples. Furthermore, since you are pointing to sati in
ancient India, it would have been helpful to present references to its
regularity, the mindset of that time (even theoretical ones), and
perhaps scriptures. As a well documented instance in contemporary
India, look at Roop Kanwar; perhaps you have, in which case it would
have been good for Goans to hear that. Her immolation took place 20
years ago on Sept 4, 1987. I prefer not to say she immolated herself.
I arrived in in New York on the last day of that month, and her image
is still in my mind.

The correlation/s you set out to make is/are given in relative depth
immediately below at the Family Violence Prevention Fund (FVPF) site.
The piece is titled INDIA: Chappal, Sticks and Bags, by Meeta Rani

"The reaction in India was an unresolved mixture of shock, admiration,
outrage, reverence and embarrassment over the young girl's action.
Local police failed to stop the sati. The Indian press called the act
"a pagan sacrifice" and "a barbaric incident which blackened India's
image in the world." Women's groups demonstrated against the sati all
across India, prompting belated government action against Roop's
relatives. Yet private opinions, even of prominent politicians, were

Note that the politicians steered themselves out of giving any moral
voice. Perhaps our breed of politicians cannot summon up their voices?
Perhaps for fear of losing votes, moral lethargy, ethical nonchalance,
confusing ancient deities with creating newer goddesses. Fear of
losing votes! But are more comfortable hacking the Sikhs in the Delhi
riots. That time it was the Congress.

Commssion of Sati (Prevenion) Act, 1987 (No. 3of 1988) [note these years]:


This from the HindusimToday website (copyright, the Himalayan Academy)
The first historical mention of sati in India is in the Mahabharata,
composed around 300 B.C. There the wives of Lord Krishna-Rukumini,
Gandhari, Sahya, Haimavati and Jambavati-ascended the funeral pyre
upon his death. Sati is not mentioned in Hindu scriptures until the
1st century A.D. when the minor scripture Vishnusmriti commends it.
This scripture claims a sati will be freed from rebirth as a women.
Other commentators reject this logic. The hard life of a widow
contributed to the occurrence of sati among those who did not feel
they could live the required life of renunciation. Sati was formally
outlawed in India in 1829 as a result of numerous reports of coercion
on the part of relatives who sought to steal the widow's inheritance
or avoid supporting her.


You point out "greed," which incidentally has a lot to do with human
condition, and power structures meshing to create complex traditions.
But just because it is not said so, aloud in conversations, does not
mean that the people are not aware or do not have opinions. They are
tongue-tied or being strategic, as are those who will defend the
current war in Iraq even if suddenly the Pearly gates opened and it
was encounter time with St. Peter. Or will they really! That's asking.
Furthermore no matter what we think we are able to think, there are
people who do things that are mind boggling, like monks immolating
themselves, people blowing themselves up for various causes, and even
mothers who have starved themselves for their children who are now
outside India. This is not to make a direct correlation with sati, but
to say things happens. And are abhorrent. People are often set up, but
I doubt all of them were. As found out later, in some cases they take
potions that will numb them. Its a complex world, where no one should
be forced into anything, and certain traditions should simply die. I
am saying this as someone who prefers a different world, as are you.
Now consider if one was to hear (and imagine its all recoded) that a
woman gave a cool collected interview, noting her husbands illness,
about what he means to her, and that she has contemplate sati; and
then in a few days it happened (recorded again) -- she still looked
great and waved to the cameras -- what would anyone have to say,
except that her committing sati cannot be defended. But now that she
committed sati, for a whole other bunch of people (Rajputs in Kanwars
case who regard it as a "woman's choice" she become a Sati (a Sati
Mata). These are the one we cannot relate to.

Sati is a consternation of thought and concern that cause all kinds of
anguish, which must be regarded with com

Re: [Goanet] Can doctors on forum comment on cough syrups?

2007-12-03 Thread Carvalho

Recently in the US, over-the-counter cough syrups have
been discontinued, for being (a) at times detrimental
(b) actually quite useless in curing colds.

When my daughter was sick in Goa with the common cold,
albeit one that had turned a bit nasty with green
substances oozing from the nose, the doctor had no
qualms about prescribing two different cough syrups
for her, one to treat her cold and the other he said
was "anti-bacterial". 

Should parents in Goa be cautious about cough syrups
for very young children or are they perfectly safe?



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[Goanet] one year later... GBA has no respite

2007-12-03 Thread Pravin Sabnis
Today on the 3rd of December 2007 
the Goa Bachao Abhiyan completes one year of formation... 

My sentiments remain the same as the ones written on the 19th of Jan 2007: 

The CM who refused to speak to any Tom, Dick and Harry 
has had to bow to the rising people's sentiment (or election pangs) 
and say that the deadly Regional Plan 2011 would be scrapped... 
what about the mountains that have been razed? 
what about the mangroves that have been buried? 
what about the overt and covert land deals? 
what about the diabolic SEZs that loom large in the plans of the politician? 
what about the proposed quadraple increase in destructive mining areas? 

Questions remain answered 
in Saleli, Sulcorna, Odxel, Keri, Sancoale, Verna, Chicalim, Loliem, Carmona, 
Siridao, Goa Velha, Baga & elsewhere... 
... the people's answer shall continue... 
SAVE GOA remains a priority to secure our future! 

- a collective of peoples' movements against SEZs 
from Keri, Verna, Loutolim, Sancoale, Betul and elsewhere 
is having a PUBLIC RALLY 
on 14th December 2007 (Friday), 4 pm 
at LOHIA MAIDAN, Margao... 
It is time to raise voices, hands and our protest, once again! 

in solidarity 

Pravin K. Sabnis 
visit: www.unlearningunlimited .blogspot.com 

  Now you can chat without downloading messenger. Go to 

[Goanet] Special Economic Zones - Not a Good Idea - NT Panorama - COMMENTS

2007-12-03 Thread Goa Suraj Party

Not  a  Good  Idea 

By:  Adv. Joseph Vaz

NT Panorama Sunday December 2, 2007



" "Blind opposition to SEZs would be disastrous. The country has to compete 
with the world economies. This can be achieved without the bulldozing and 
destruction of fertile farmlands by the pseudo promoters of SEZs. " "


Special Economic Zones, under the Act of 2005, are geographical areas of India, 
which are deemed to be foreign territory having economic and other laws  that 
are liberal, and are not in conformity with the laws prevailing in other parts 
of the country.


Though much noise is being made about the SEZ Act 2005, it is to be noted that 
SEZs existed in this country prior to the 2005 Act coming in force. Most of 
them were either under the control of the central government or state  
corporation. The following were the Economic Zones in the country prior to the 
Act of 2005.


Andhra Pradesh (1), Gujarat (4), Kerala (1), Madhya Pradesh (1), Maharashtra 
(1), Rajasthan (1), Tamil Nadu (5), UP (2), West Bengal (3).


The SEZs, prior to the Act of 2005, also enjoyed special tax exemption, but 
were subject to all the other laws of the respective states and the country. 
Under the SEZ, 2005 Act, they are zones having off shore banking units, special 
courts, 100 per cent tax holiday for 15 years, exemption from minimum alternate 
tax, no dividend distribution, exemption from capital gain tax, exemption from 
custom duty on goods/service tariff area, exemption of excise duty and 
exemptions galore. The SEZ 2005 Act has created islands within the country, 
dominated and controlled by the investor/promoter. As such the critics opine 
that security and sovereignty of the country is at stake. Not to be lightly 


The first SEZs came to be established in the People's Republic of China, in the 
Shenzhen Province in the 1980s, and are some of the most successful economic 
zones. Subsequently SEZs came to be developed in several countries - Brazil, 
India, Iran, Jordan, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Poland etc. The World Bank 
estimates that there are more than 3000 SEZ projects underway in 120 countries.


The idea of the prevailing SEZ 2005 originated after the then Union Minister 
for Industries, Mr. Murasoli Maran visited China. He was impressed by the SEZs 
in China and its booming economy. More than 45 per cent  of China's exports are 
from SEZs.


Undoubtedly the intention of creating SEZs was to boost the economy of the 
country and to prevent it from being isolated, in view of globalisation. It 
gave rise to the 2005 Act, which came in force on June 23, 2005.


India, since Independence, has been an agrarian economy. Billions were invested 
in agriculture and dairy farming. We had the White Revolution, and we have 
excess production of agricultural produce to export.


Then, where has the SEZs 2005 Act failed? Why is there opposition to the 
establishment of SEZs? We have failed to understand economic development 
keeping in mind India's perspective, not China. The democracy in this country 
is deeply rooted and people are conscious of their rights, respectfully, may be 
less of our obligations. But the biggest democracy in the world ought to have 
its own economic agenda and not copy a nation whose people do not enjoy 
democratic rights and have almost no human rights.


The violence at Nandigram, Singur District (Tata Motor's project) in West 
Bengal, Kalinganagus in Orissa, protests at Raigadh in Maharashtra and at 
Amritsar in Punjab, indicates that, SEZs 2005 Act and the manner in which the 
farmers were being divested of their land, a lot needs to be done in respect to 
SEZs Act 2005.


Goa with a geographical area of 3702 sq. kms has 18 SEZs in waiting. This 
single example indicates that the SEZs policy has ulterior motives or lacks 
total application of mind. A policy formulated in the national interest must be 
made for the betterment of the nation as a whole.


It should not create new slums and law and order problems in new localities. 
Such a policy can by no stretch of imagination be considered in the public or 
national interest.


The employment register of the State of Goa has approximately 90,000 unemployed 
in its roll. An estimate of the number of jobs that SEZs will provide is 
900,000 (as per the proponents of SEZs). Employment generated by SEZs is 
estimated to be 90 per cent highly skilled and specialized jobs, of these not 
more than 10,000 fall  in highly skilled and specialized jobs in the register 
of the State. Then for whom are these jobs?


What type of infrastructure has been put in place to accommodate these 
additional 9,00,000 population and their families, the State's present 
population is 13,43,998.


The administration should be gracious to the people of Goa for not complaining 
violently about the restricted supply of water for 2 hours a day and 
many-a-time not even that, the electricity that trips eve

[Goanet] AIDS - FAQs

2007-12-03 Thread JoeGoaUk
Thanks for your feedback.

Some of your questions answered here:

 Question: Nov. 9, on the Diwali night, my drunken state led me to have
unprotected sex. The girl is well known 'Pamprel'. I am very much worried now,
I want to see a doctor just to clear my doubts. When can I see you?
Ans: If you had carried a condom with you, it would have come very handy.. Now,
you and only yourself to blame for that one night stand. Come and see me (Dr.
JoeGoaUk) around 9th May 2008.

Question: Why wait  5 more month ? Are you very busy or going  to Mauritius
Ans: Ar-e baba, AIDS virus (if any) takes about 6 months to develop and there
are no devices like microscope to detect the virus at early stage. 

Question: Is kissing OK? 
Ans: It depends upon who & how you kiss. If you kissing your wife that's fine.
If others, kissing on cheeks is also fine but lips to lips or tongue to tongue
or French Kiss or snogging or smooching can be very dangerous if your partner
has weak gum (teeth) problem. Such kisses involve suction with pressure which
can cause bleeding of gums. 

Question: I am a bit of a shy in nature. When go the condom vendors, if feel
awkward to say 'condom' is there any other word I can use of? 
Ans: Are tum Goemkar mu-re: Just say 'Kapot' or 'Raincoat' or 'Mey' (Socks) and
they will understand that.  Or just say 'Nirodh'

Question: Why do you say use good quality condoms?
Ans: Cheap quality one may have puncture/s in it. Always insist on imported
Never trust those which come free (distributed by some heath centres). Always
check the label for it's expiry.

Question:Any advice to married people:
Ans: Always avoid third party sex (i mean sex outside wedlock)
If so desperate, you may make use of sex aids which are available for both men
and women.
(list available at our dispensary)





Imp: Dr. JoeGoaUk is unregistered medical practitioner.
Therefore, second opinion is strongly recommended.

Note: the abv phrase TBTH is stolen from Dr. Bicaji Gannekar

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[Goanet] Gym tales

2007-12-03 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

The Goa Marriott has emerged as a one-stop bazaar and watering hole for all 
matters pertaining to the sale of Goa. Every land dealer, land shark, land 
grabber, builder, broker & politician worth his name can be found lounging 
in its corridors.  The irony is not lost on me.  For long before the CRZ 
rules were flouted and the hotel erected, I spent many a golden evening of 
my youth at this very location, sitting on the rocks & watching the sun go 

It is in the lobby here that you can find our ministers striking land deals 
with Mumbaiwallahs, Dilliwallahs, Bangalorewallahs, and Barodawallahs. 
Business is now conducted in the open, not behind closed doors or in dingy, 
secluded bar rooms.  Complete transparency in corruption is the order of the 
day !

Some bhaile guests at the hotel are on a long term stay. Their full-time job 
is to drive around Goa every single day sniffing out old houses, properties 
and land to buy.  As I reported some days back, the bhaile are pawing Goan 
territory in areas as far and remote as Netravali.

But it is the gym at the Marriott that buzzes like a beehive, where the 
haute of Goan society gather, presumably to firm up their abs.  A few of our 
ministers are well known regulars when they are not on "study tours."  The 
captains of Goan industry are well represented.  A high-powered scion of a 
prominent Goan family is known to have bragged to fellow gym buddies about 
the excellent rate he has been getting from bhaile for the flats offered by 
his company.  Real estate, CRZ conversions & related topics dominate the 
chatter around the treadmill.

Some days back I discovered yet another curio in the gym - an operator 
planted by some real estate agency, ostensibly in here for his workouts. 
His real job, it appeared to me, was to smoke out the well-heeled among the 
hotel guests at the gym and dangle before them the juicy carrot of Goan real 
estate.  This fellow had skills typically found in used-car salesmen in 
America, for he quickly struck me off his target list when he heard me 
converse with the gym staff in Konkani.  His modus operandi was simple: make 
eye contact, initiate small talk, and then whip out his hook: "Well, you 
know that Goa has been ranked in the 10 topmost pleasant places to live in 
in India, don't you?"  By the time I left, he must have bagged quite a few 
interested scalps.

Warm regards,



2007-12-03 Thread Miguel Braganza
Xebas, Sebastiao-bab,

Tumi sarkench boroillem:

>He bhasabhaxent koslich malis na; soglem
 >ugtea monan cholta.  Kedna kedna bhas idli tikh zata,
 >hem khorem.  Punn tem-i ek vokhod mhunn somzopachem.
>  Zanchim monam bond korun dovorleant tankam kainch
> forok poddona.  Punn ugtea monan vachtat tanchi tori
> sotavixinchi zannvay vaddtta nhoi?  Tor hi bhasabhas
> sompounche bodlek chaluch dovorlear odik borem zatolem
> oxem disona tuka?

Ugtea monan cholta ti bhasabhas chaluch asundi. Aiko nam te berev zanv!

Mog asundi.


On Dec 1, 2007 3:43 PM, Sebastian Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mogall Linobab,
> Mhojea hispan hem zhuz nhi;  na mhunn hem
> zhogddem-i nhi.  Chodduch zalear haka "friendly match"
> mhonnum-iet.  Hanv zalear haka bhasabhas vo "debate"
> mhonnon.  Kiteak hatuntlean amchea gineanar zaito
> uzvadd poddtta;  hea tontteant zaito ghorom' bhorun
> dovorla to zhaddunk adhar zata;  zaitea fottincher
> prokas poddtta;  fotting monis ubont poddttat.  Hanvem
> hea adim-i tanchea fottkirea sangnneache purave
> maglole;  te tancheamni diunk zalem na; atam-i zaina.
> Oxe porim zaiteo fotti  uktaddar yetat, ani sot-fott
> khoim asa tem ugddapem zata.  Mhunnttoch ami ekamekak,
> ani vachpeankui, sotakodde vhortat.  Dekhun sogleo
> fotti pusun uddoi poriant hi bhasabhas chaluch urtoli.
> Ek mat.  He bhasabhaxent koslich malis na; soglem
> ugtea monan cholta.  Kedna kedna bhas idli tikh zata,
> hem khorem.  Punn tem-i ek vokhod mhunn somzopachem.
> Tum zanna.  Tikh lagtokoch xink yeta ani xinke vangdda
> chondun urlolem suint (xembudd) forsan bhair poddtta;
> nak nitoll zata.  Toxench hanga-i zata.  Akorxok,
> bhulovpi ani sotuch dispi, kapsulant gutthlaun diloli
> fott futtun bhair poddtta, vachpeanche nodrek poddtta.
>  Zanchim monam bond korun dovorleant tankam kainch
> forok poddona.  Punn ugtea monan vachtat tanchi tori
> sotavixinchi zannvay vaddtta nhoi?  Tor hi bhasabhas
> sompounche bodlek chaluch dovorlear odik borem zatolem
> oxem disona tuka?  Tor tujem mot sang.
> Sotachench Zoit Zatolem.
> Mog asum.
> Sebastian Borges
> --- lino dourado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hem zhuz kednam somptelem?
> >
> >   Lino
> >
> > Miguel Braganza  wrote:
> >
> > Mogall Faust-bab,
> >
> > Tumchea kodden tumi ulekh kelea ti Cyril-babachi
> > kovita tacheach
> > nanvan uzvaddak ail'li asa tor tum sudov ..ani sudov
> > tumchem nanv.
> > Amen.
> >
> > Cyril-babachea upkaran and Cyril baban boroilla
> > intun ontor asa kai
> > nam tem Sompadpi sangonk xektolo oxem mhaka dista.
> > ;-)
> >
> > Vontt aple, dant aple, punn tonddam? Don, dona
> > dhonn ;-)
> >
> > Mog asundi. Konknnint fog tor soddanch asta.
> >
> > Miguel
> >
> > Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 11:55:50 +0500
> >
> > Cyrilachi hanvem ulekh kelea ti kovita tor tacheach
> > nanvan uzvaddak
> > ail'li mhojea kodden asa.
> > Fausto
> >
> > Miguelbab wrote:
> > Modganvcho "Konkani Ekvott" ...korta duspott?
> > Ami soglle dhon! Hoch amcho ekvott!!
> >
> >
> > "One state, One Government, but Secretariats?
> > ...TWO!!
> > One river, one road, but Bridges?  TWO!
> > One people, one language, but Tongues? TWO!!"
> > is the rough rendition of Cyril Fernandes' poem
> > recited at the Goa
> > Bachao Abhiyan-led rally on 18 December, 2006 at
> > Azad maidan, Panaji.
> >
> > As far as I know, this poem only served as an
> > INSPIRATION for the
> > other poem  NOT COMPOSED BY Cyril Fernandes as
> > has been
> > attributed to him in Fausto da Costa's above
> > posting. I think the
> > original publication makes this distinction.
> >
> > Mog asundi.
> >
> > Miguel
> >
> > --
> >
> > http://www.goa-world.com/goa/poems
> >
Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Hinduism is NOT based on caste

2007-12-03 Thread basilio Monteiro
Dear Goanetters:

I just read Cornel's "sermanv."

Just a question:

Did I in my post defend the origination/perpetuation of caste? or did I
imply for the need of a different approach to deal with the caste problem
given the historical evidence that caste has nothing to do with Hinduism as
a religion?

The brilliance of Cornel's post is that he managed to lump me together with
Gilbert. That is a hoot!

He is responding to something that I did not write or imply.

When I wrote the last piece on caste, I did not even think of Cornel. He
is too far from my mind. It was a general reference to caste "crusaders" out
there - not confined only to Goanet. Thankfully, there are many who are
crusading against caste in a thoughtful, measured way, without any fanfare
and without directing attention to themselves, and with much success.  In
fact, I was prompted to comment on a particular point raised  by a post from
Tomazinho Cardozo; the title for my post came out from one of the lines in
his writing.  I do not operate from the premise of " hanv teka borench

Poor Cornel! On the caste issue, while I wholeheartedly applaud his
Herculean efforts to "stamp it out," he is too emotional on this issue and
cannot think in a scholarly manner, a scholar that he is. Just by emptying
dictionary on a piece of paper/screen it does not construct into a
thoughtful and useful argument

In fact, Jose Colaco, a few days ago in his post, understood the point of my
post when he raised the question: a religion HIGHJACKED by caste or some
other nefarious socio-economic-political structures, is the same thing as a
religion being BASED on caste?

I have no plans or interest to quarrel with Cornel. Indeed, I have nothing
to quarrel about with him.

Basilio Monteiro

Re: [Goanet] Conversions (monday-muse)

2007-12-03 Thread Pravin Sabnis

MONDAY MUSE (3 Dec '07)


“101 converted Hindus to undergo purification rites at
Old Goa’ 
The newspaper item was baffling! Cleansing mechanisms,
purifying filters, et al are the norm for products,
systems… But how does one purify a human being? The
question arises that what is the “impurity” that is
being purified? Or is it just the change in the
labelling of the product? 

Hindus convert for many reasons, but surely, the most
important raison d'être is to “hopefully” escape the
discrimination based on caste! An oft stated Hindi
quote says that “jo kabhi nahi jaati, usiko jaat kehte
hai” (that which refuses to be cast off is called
caste). A Dalit sister had a fine retort, “Jaat nahi
jaati, toh main hi chali jaati hoon” (if the caste
can’t be cast off, it is better that I cast myself

My friend, Mohandas Lolyakar had a simple poser to be
asked… If the converted is reconverted to Hinduism,
what caste would he/she belong to? Would they become
Brahmins? Or would it be back to the earlier
discriminatory label that was the original motive to
get converted in the first place? 

Fraudsters posing as God men have their own regressive
agendas to continue the depraved segregation of one
human being from another. It is a shame that the
practices of discrimination continue in a land where
great reformers like Kabir, Tukaram, Vivekanand and so
many others have toiled to wipe out the blot of
bigotry from our society. Conversions and
reconversions have no meaning if the person is going
to be treated as a lesser human being.

Conversions are required, but these need to be in
terms of change in our own attitude towards fellow
human beings. Casteism is our own form of racism that
creates inequality and tramples upon the values of
humanism. We need to purify and clarify our own
prejudices. The dimensions of reform have to be first
developed in our own minds and be reflected in our
behaviour, too!

Let’s unlearn our prejudice and embrace the values of
May the spirit of universal brotherhood ‘develop new

3 Dec 2007, Goa.
A life coach with a passion to connect people to their
potential, Pravin Sabnis conducts unlearning unlimited
workshops for leading corporate and other groups. 
The Monday Muse series (since 2004) is dedicated to
the annual theme of JCI-India.

Pravin K. Sabnis 
  visit: www.unlearningunlimited.blogspot.com 

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Re: [Goanet] We wept when Goa was being invaded: Portuguesefilmmaker

2007-12-03 Thread Paulo Colaco Dias
Dear Cip,

The old story again...

The Supreme court of India itself says that Goa was conquered in 1961 by
That was why no choice was given to us. No instrument of accession to sign,
no plebiscite, - NO CHOICE.

Goans from Goa (not all but a very large number) are the only ones who
remain stubborn and claim they have been liberated. India's official stand
is that we (Goa) have been conquered by India. No questions asked. No
options given. That was it.

About the term "invasion", there are lots of prominent Indian personalities
and several politicians and Nehru's critics that have stated that it has
been an invasion and a negative episode in Nehru's reputation/life,
supposedly a man of peace. Militarily, there is no doubt that it has been an
invasion. So, what is your problem with the term "invasion??? Invasions
happen all the time like the one in Iraq at the moment... The British and
the Americans do not have a problem to say they have invaded Iraq, do they?
Because that is what really happened. And that is what really happened in
Goa in 1961. An invasion. An act of aggression against a sovereign neighbour
with whom India had recognised borders and established diplomatic relations
in the recent past.

The problem with our invasion in 1961 is that it was an invasion with the
goal to conquer, not with the goal to liberate!! The sooner we all
understand that, the better for the peace in Goa.

So, the term invasion does not trouble me at all as it should not trouble
you or anyone else.
What really troubles me (and should also trouble you as a Goan!) is the fact
that we have been conquered yet again. As a Goan, that is disturbing even
after 46 years.

I cannot see how one can be liberated and conquered at the same time.
If you can, it is your prerogative. 

Maybe you and the others will one day understand the meaning of true
liberation which happened when Kuwait was liberated from Iraq and returned
to the hands of the Kuwaitis! That is what true liberation is all about. I
cannot think of a better example. Did it happen to us, NO!

Ours was clearly not a liberation because Goans were not allowed to hold a
plebiscite to decide our future immediately after 1961. And when there is an
official determination from the Supreme Court of India stating that the old
Portuguese province has been conquered by India in 1961, don't you think it
is a bit naïve and ridiculous to continue calling it a liberation? So, you
liberate to conquer, is it? Does it make any sense? 

Need I say more to wake you up my dear friend?

Best wishes

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of C Fernandes
Sent: 02 December 2007 15:41
To: Goanet
Subject: Re: [Goanet] We wept when Goa was being invaded:

>Will so-called Portuguese Goans now admit that Goa was
>Liberated by India and NOT invaded?

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Re: [Goanet] Moderators responsibilities

2007-12-03 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Bhandare wrote:
> How do you know what the moderatos will do? 
The moderators here have made it quite clear to everyone what they will do. If 
you took time to read what they said, you would not have asked this question. 
The only other explanation I have is that you read what they said but have not 
understood them.
> this is not the first time you are speaking for others...if i
> remember correctly you had announced on goanet that no
> one understands what i write...

That is correct. 

> furthermore I submit to you that NO ONE including your
> good self can see the offensiveness, errors, arrogance
> or stupidity of their own posts..we all write what we
> think is fair and balanced...it is for others to
> politely point out the perceived deficiencies.

People will politely point out errors when the original post is polite. 
When the original post is not, you, surely, have some idea how they point out 
Lastly, when a poster is consistently offensive, unable to comprehend or in 
need of acceptance, s/he usually makes up phantom addresses and starts 
corresponding with her/himself. I have seen this happen plenty of times on this 
and other forums. 
The challenge was to add one letter to, or change one letter in, a disease or 
condition and define the result.
Ameningitis: Obsession with having the last word
Winsanity: a belief that one can win a debate on the net
Hypermension: Blabbing on and on about every little detail of your life
Osteopornosis: a degenerate disease

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Re: [Goanet] We wept when Goa was being invaded: Portuguese filmmaker ( and Cip)

2007-12-03 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
On 02/12/2007, C Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [  Will
so-called Portuguese Goans now admit that Goa was Liberated by India
and NOT invaded? ]


The views of the filmmaker, Luis Galvao having been noted

I don't know of any 'so-called Portuguese Goans'  just as I know not
of any 'so-called British Goans'. I do know Goans who have Portuguese,
British, US, Canadian, Australian and even Pakistani citizenship.
These folks are known as Portuguese Goans, British Goans, US Goans,
Canadian Goans, Australian Goans and Pakistani Goans respectively.

Most of the above are loyal to their country of citizenship,  and to
their homeland i.e. Goa. Many non-Goans may possibly never understand

I must  hasten to add  that there might be a few Goans who use their
Portuguese or UK/US etc status ONLY to facilitate their own job
placement. I do not know of any such individuals for sure - perhaps
you will advise us if you know of any.

Now: with regard to Liberation and NOT Invasion:  Please advise WHY it
is not possible to Liberate via Invasion.

While you are at that thought - Please advise How Goa could have been
Liberated from Portuguese control without the 1961 Invasion.

And please, let us not get into any recurrent  'Echo Chamber' talking points.


The question is: Are Goans  truly liberated? TGF says: NO!

Have Goans been liberated ?. The answer is definitely NOT.

Re: [Goanet] Hinduism and caste apropos Basilio Monteiro

2007-12-03 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
After "being beaten" by Mario, he pays me a great compliment by adopting my 
definition of casteism  as his own. (see below). :=))

He and others say it is "time for action", which I fully agree.  I suggest we 
end on Goanet (and in our lives) what one poster called "the tin horn 
one-up-man-ship". This was exemplified takig a cheap shot at someone else - 
like at Basilio's post on "Hinduism and Caste".   OK anti-casteists, let's 
practice what we preach. :=))

Kind Regards, GL

--- From: Mario Goveia 

Cornel,  I think we have "inflated our resumes" enough:-)) 

a "system" of institutional discrimination to prove something about yourself at 
the expense of someone else.  It is time for ACTION.