[Goanet] Endangered Languages

2009-03-23 Thread Sebastian Borges

This is in response to "Endangered Languages" by Tomazinho Cardozo.  (Mess #5, 
GD #293, Mar. 22)
At the outset I must thank Tomazinho for having posted this article on the 
internet thus providing an opportunity for refutation which the newspapers 
where his prevaricating columns (including the present article) appear do not 
generally afford.  I also request him to continue posting in this manner.
As has been proved time and again, Tomazinho has few peers in the art of 
twisting facts and drawing illogical inferences therefrom.  The present article 
also exemplifies this.
For Tomazinho the Devanagari script has become a bugbear; think of any ill 
(real or imaginary) that besets this State or country, he immediately jumps to 
the conclusion that this demon is the culprit!   It does not matter to him that 
although the OLA confers the official status on Devanagari script for the 
Konkani language, the Act itself has not at all been implemented to date, for 
over 20 years; and he himself is no less responsible for this.  What does 
matter to him is that it pays, and has paid him handsomely, to flog that 
The article is about Endangered Languages, and about the dreaded prospect of 
Konkani entering that list.  Any sane person knows, and can judge from the 
statements in the article itself, that an endangered language is a language 
which is at risk of falling out of use owing to few surviving SPEAKERS, and 
becomes extinct when it loses its last speaker.  Most endangered languages are 
only spoken; many have rich oral cultures with stories, songs etc. passed on to 
younger generations, but they have no written forms.  How many of the languages 
he has mentioned (192 in highly literate USA alone!) have a single word written 
in them?  Yet they survived for thousands of years.
Thousands of languages in the world have become extinct in history; but not a 
single one of them suffered this calamity because it was written in a 
particular script.  In fact, at least some languages could be rescued from the 
brink of extinction only because they also happened to be written, and at least 
one of them has been restored to become a vibrant modern language.   Yet, 
Tomazinho illogically infers that Devanagari script shall be responsible for 
the demise of Konkani language, which he anticipates.   But he is not a duffer. 
 He is only preparing a ready ground to bury his own sins.
If it is the number of SPEAKERS that decides whether a language survives or 
dies,  how does a script come into the picture at all?  DOES ONE SPEAK A 
SCRIPT?  But then, no stupidity is beyond those who claim to SPEAK "Romi 
Konknni"  whilst their enemies speak "Devnagri Konknni."  Imagine someone who 
translates "Sant Juanv Bautist ani Dexi riti-rivaz" as "St. John the Baptist 
level mannered ritual" being ASKED TO REVIEW not one but two books written in 
"priestly Konkani."  (Cf. Herald Mirror, 22/03, pg 12).  Could someone cite 
anything as pathetic with regard to any other language? 
Once a language is no longer the language of the home – literally, the mother's 
tongue – then the language is pretty well doomed to become extinct, unless 
extraordinary things happen to save it.  And it is a fact that a section of 
Goans, whom Tomazinho claims to represent, desist from speaking in Konkani, 
even at home.  But their opposition to Devanagari script is certainly not the 
reason for this.  Take tiatrists for instance.  Konkani is not only the 
language of expression of their art but also a means of livelihood.  Yet, they 
resort to English the moment they step out of the spotlight.  I have observed 
that two tiatrist  couples (Cardozo and Mazarello – prominent leaders of the 
anti-Devanagari lobby)  invariably intercommunicate in English whether on the 
road, in a hall or in the church.  One need not guess their language at home.  
Is Devanagari  responsible for this too?   And they are exhorting others to 
speak in Konkani!  One is reminded of
 an adage in Konkani which says, "the priest’s sermon is not for his 
Tomazinho's grouse is against the particular script used in school books.  Does 
one need a script in order to continue SPEAKING in a language.  Therefore, 
school books cannot be the reason why a particular section of people do not 
speak a language.   Obviously the real reasons are elsewhere and Cardozo, being 
one of those, is certainly aware of them.  One may remember that, among the 
Speakers of our Legislative Assembly,  Tomazinho is perhaps the only one  who 
used English exclusively in the House; even his predecessors on that Chair, 
owing allegiance to the M. G. Party, used Konkani in addition to Marathi and 
English even though they believed that Konkani is a dialect of Marathi.  Did he 
desist from using Konkani because of the script?  Or was it because he, a 
tiatrist, considered it OK for the tiatr but infra dig for the Chair he 
He also makes a preposterous claim that "the use of a particu

[Goanet] US now a country of nightmares?

2009-03-23 Thread Bernado Colaco

The US of A touts itself as being a country of dreams. But lately things are 
not looking so shapely. Pity the new incumbent President Obama trying his best 
to prop up the disaster left by his predecessor. Now this country once that 
landed man on moon is seen learning to forage for food in its parks and country 
Many of its number one citizens have now lost their homes and are now seen 
living in substandard conditions like tents without the comfy sofas and 54 inch 
lcd's. Lessons are given on how not to spend on items such as down loading 
music or even buying pets. Free handouts are now a common event. Q's are a 
sight once seen in commie dwellings or in Goa where one collects ration from 
the posro. The big question is where is Karl Marx? 

[Goanet] Days of the bullock cart in Goa

2009-03-23 Thread Antonio Menezes
Soon after World War 11 in 1946  when my father came  to Goa on long leave
from E. Africa,
he took me along to Bardez  with a few belongings of a friend of his who had
died during the
war,  to be delivered to his family members  in Parra. Our gracious hosts
arranged for a boilam
gaddi complete with enclosure and seats inside  to take us to his another
friend's family house.
I am not sure whether it was in Arpora or Calangute.

It was for the first and the last time I had a boilam gaddi ride.

Bardezcars were first to emigrate and they were also first Goans to be
exposed to English
language.  In all other respects too they were a generation or two ahead of
Sashtikars. In Salcete
too we had boilam gaddi but they were used to carry goods but not as
passenger carriers.
Sashtikars were used to caminhao/carrieras, horse tongas and railway trains.



2009-03-23 Thread Freddy Fernandes
In response to:

Message: 9
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 22:46:43 -0400
From: "Tony Fernandes" http://f5mail.rediff.com/bn/compose.cgi?login=freddyagnelo&session_id=5L23PK1KT

Wonderful article Tony,


Brought back those wonderful memories, though we may have had one or two in our
area during my young days, there were plenty in Margao, we would mostly hitch a
ride from Loyola, down to our football ground near the railways gate at Comba,
during my days at the Loyola boarding, I can still sense the big wheels
squeaking down the slope and the ring of the bells tied round the necks of the
bulls and the rickety rocking ride down the slope, it was just for fun, that we
hopped on to the "gaddo", though we would reach faster running down the slope.  


I know a person from Margao police quarters who worked in Abu Dhabi, rode on a
well decorated "gaddo" right upto the Grace Church in Margao, for his nuptials
along with his very reluctant bestman, it was the weirdest thing I had ever
seen, his bride to be and the in-laws were shocked and speechless, he did not
tell anyone, his plans to use the "gaddo" instead of a car. This was somewhere
in the mid 90, the moment he entered the Church compound there was a pin drop
silence for a moment and then roar of laughter, it was fun. I still do admire
his guts for the class act and it's all on his wedding tape, hope he has
preserved it for his future generations !!


For a good number of years I haven't seen one in Margao or our village.


BTW Ignatius, I don't think they used cashew seed sap, because the smell of sap
is very distinct most probably it was grease that was used.  


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Goa - na

2009-03-23 Thread Antonio Menezes
On Herald dated  March 24, ( page 16 ) , St. Peter  demands proof  from
Einstein, Picasso and
Bush respectively before they are allowed to cross the pearly gates.
However, St. Peter is in
trouble when a Goan requests that he be admitted  too. So the Saint calls
his old friend Jose
who asks a simple question:'' bamon re tum ?

[Goanet] 'Prez bypassed on Cidade ordinance'

2009-03-23 Thread Goanet News Service
'Prez bypassed on Cidade ordinance'

24 Mar 2009, 0314 hrs IST, TNN

PANAJI: A cloud has settled over the controversial ordinance promulgated by the 
government to amend the Land Acquisition Act and bring relief to

Cidade de Goa hotel, whose partial demolition was ordered by the Supreme Court.

Even as the Land Acquisition (Goa Amendment) Bill 2009 was introduced in the 
assembly on Monday evening, a significant legal aspect specifying that the 
required presidential assent before its promulgation has come to the fore. 
Sonak, addressing a Goa Bachao Abhiyan meet on Monday, said that documents 
issued by 
the special secretary (law) and the advocate general to the chief minister in 
February state that presidential assent was necessary.

Advocate general Subodh Kantak's note to the CM, dated February 12, 2009, 
"It is permissible for the state government to bring the amendment in land 
acquisition, provided it is not inconsistent with any other provision of the 
Act, in 
which case it will require presidential assent under Article 254."

The AG further asked the CM to get the issue examined by the law department. On 
February 16, 2009, special secretary (law) P V Kadnekar in a note to the CM 
"Certain provisions for the proposed ordinance are inconsistent with provisions 
the Act. Before promulgation of ordinance by the governor of Goa, in terms of 
Article 213, a prior approval of the President is required."

However, legislature secretary R Kothandaraman said that presidential assent 
was not 
required. "Any subject in the concurrent list can be enacted by parliament and 
state," he said.


[Goanet] Ex-guv opposes Cidade ordinance

2009-03-23 Thread Goanet News Service
Ex-guv opposes Cidade ordinance


Former Governor Mohammed Fazal stamped his disapproval on the controversial 
de Goa ordinance at a public meeting called by Goa Bachao Abhiyan on Monday, 
casting a big question mark on whether the promulgation of the ordinance by the 
present governor was ethical or illegal.

Fazal said he had come to the meeting after giving it a long thought and on the 
dictates of his conscience finally decided to attend. The ordinance served no 
interest and on the contrary would open floodgates of corruption, he observed.

The former governor concluded that the ordinance was issued with undue haste to 
favour an individual and called upon the legislative members to refrain from 
the bill into an Act in the current session of the assembly. Even dictators in 
history never came out with such ordinances, he added.

Goa Foundation's Claude Alvares, the man who fought an 18-year battle to prove 
Cidade had broken all laws, appealed to the people not to rest until the 
Court's orders were followed and every brick of the illegal portion was removed.

Alvares said, he couldn't disclose much at a public meeting like this, but 
informed he had filed a challenge in the apex court which would come up this 
Permissions granted to the hotel are all illegal from the start and the 
promulgation doesn't make any difference, he observed.

He accused Cidade of tampering with survey numbers by colluding with the 
and mentioned what would surface before the people in the end will be a big 

Alvares said Goa Foundation had never gone to the court for demolition of the 
illegal portion but to restore access to the beach for which, it was learnt, 
hotel had made a silent pact with the neighbouring Machado's Cove to make the 
access their domain.

GBS convenor Sabina Martins said the government's intention on the ordinance 
malafide and informed they had written letters to the chief justice of India,  
president, the prime minister and the Nationalist Congress Party president 
to their notice the fraud perpetrated on the State.

Martins warned that if need be the GBA would come on to the streets to 
the government to do away with the controversial ordinance.

Former GBA convenor Dr Oscar Rebello said people's patience has a limit and 
cautioned the government of a revolution into which it would be sucked. "Goa is 
in a 
crisis and this government has lost our trust. The law should be uniform to 
and the big wigs and the industry should play to the rules," he asserted.

General Secretary of Council for Social Justice and Peace Fr Maverick Fernandes 
observed that there was a need for a politically-mature electorate. "We may be 
socially aware but vigilance is required at all times," he highlighted.

He ridiculed the government on the 16 and 16A amendments to the Town and 
Planning Act and the amendment to the Panchayati Raj Act. He derided the powers 
be in shunning away from devolving powers to the grassroots bodies under the 
and 74th amendments.

Jason Keith Fernandes said it was the need of the hour to get to the root of 
present lawlessness and called for a legal framework under which government 
were made.

Dr Francisco Colaco in strong words called, "I am disillusioned and nauseated 
the ordinance. Down with Cidade Ordinance, shame, shame. ."

Writer Venita Coelho said they were at the meeting because laws had been broken 
the people would stand against illegalities.

Professor Prajal Sakhardande said the SC order would be hanged in the Goa 
legislative assembly today, a day on which freedom fighter Bhagat Singh faced 
noose while fighting for the country's freedom.

Colomb villager Antao Montes narrated police harassment meted out to him for 
opposing mining in his village by Timblo's which runs the Fomento company.


[Goanet] Goa gets HOT this March

2009-03-23 Thread Ethel Dacosta
Goa gets HOT this March

Radio Mirchi organizes WORLD FORESTRY DAY PHOTO EXHIBITION,  March 23-26

Panjim, March 23: In an overwhelming display of enthusiasm, amateur 
from all over Goa participated at the recent WORLD FORESTRY PHOTOGRAPHY 
organized by Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM in an effort to sensitize young Goans towards 
environment and forestry conservation.

The competition was organized in two categories, namely 1. Landscapes  2. 
with focus on submission of original photographs in 8"x10" size and shot 
entirely in 
Goa and on Goa as entry criteria. 100 entries were received from all over Goa. 
Photographers Assavari Kulkarni and Gasper de Souza judged the winning 

Following entries were declared as winners in the Landscape Category: First 
Manchit Deshpande from Margao. Second place, Parag Rangnekar from Panjim and 
Borkar from Panjim.

Following entries were declared as winners in the Wildlife Category: First 
place, Dr 
Luis Dias from Panjim, Second place, Rahul Shetye from Ponda and Third place, 
Sharafat Khan from Taleigao.

Consolation prizes in Wildlife category were also won  by Jess Louis from 
Borim-Ponda and Amit Bandekar from Vasco. And Chryselle D'Silva Dias from 
Panjim and 
Satish Gaonkar from Ponda in the Landscape category.

The exhibition organized at the Radio Mirchi office,Vivienda de Hassan Bldg, 
floor, D B Marg, Miramar, Panjim will remain open till March 26.

The competition was organized in association with Wildernest Nature Resorts.

Radio Mirchi 98.3FM Celebrates Women  this March

Celebrating Women in a holistic combine of infotainment, Radio Mirchi 98.3FM 
highlighted the contemporary Goan woman's economic, social and health issues in 
seven day interactive LIVE `meet and greet' with RJ Suchi and members of the 
State  Commission for Women (GSCW).

Panjim, March 16: Radio Mirchi, 98.3 FM.India's hottest Radio Station 
Women's Week from March 7th to March 14th. During the week, Radio Mirchi 
prominent women and other professionals to discuss relevant issues pertaining 
women. The topics included women empowerment, women's health, women and gender 
ratio, women and HIV/AIDS, sexual harassment at workplace, domestic violence 

Dr Pramod Salgaocar, Chairperson, Goa State Commission for Women spoke about 
various types of cases that the Women's Commission deals with on a daily basis. 
said that "Women need space and this space has to be safe and secure so that 
can exercise their rights. The Women's Commission is working towards making men 
women co-exist as equals in a healthy society. We look forward to working with 
as our partners in this process," she concluded, adding "We want men to join us 
recognizing and giving women their rightful place in the family and community."

Dr Radhika Nayak, lecturer, Carmel College of Arts & Sciences for Women and 
councilor of the Ponda Municipal Council spoke about political empowerment of 
She said, "There is a big role of women in local governance. Women should 
that women and politics are not opposite and they definitely go together. Women 
should learn to handle power and they should political empower themselves with 

Advocate Caroline Colaco highlighted the various areas of domestic violence and 
suggested various methods and acts to empower women against domestic violence. 
Eugene D'Silva, practicing gynaecologist from Panjim spoke about women and 
in particular breast and cervical cancer and it early detection and awareness.

Other guest speakers included lecturer Anita Haladi who explained about the 
right of 
the girl child and also the concerns of Goa's declining sex ratio. Psychologist 
Prachi Khandeparkar,  also associated with the Goa State Commission for Women 
as a 
counselor, spoke about sexual harassment at workplace and the various measures 
have to be in place to have a safe working environment for women.

Last, but not the least, a concern of global proportion, HIV/AIDS and the 
vulnerability of women increasing at an alarming rate, which was highlighted by 
Pradeep Padwal, Director, Goa State AIDS Control Society in a heart to heart 
with RJ Suchi on Radio Mirchi 98.3FM It's Hot.

The shows were hosted by RJ Suchi and was organized in association with Goa 
Commission for Women and Karma Foods

Team Mirchi Goa on the roll :-)


[Goanet] The Accidental Activist - And Justice for All

2009-03-23 Thread Venita Coelho
The Accidental Activist - And Justice for All

By Venita Coelho

Why did they all come? Why did they leave children who were studying for exams, 
excuses at work, catch buses and make time and come? Why did they come from 
Nachinola and Columb and Keri and across Goa? Why did they make the time and 
to be at the GBA rally? Because they believed in something. A simple thing 

When I was young I learnt that the Supreme Court of the Land was the final 
court of 
appeal. I wrote it in my exams. I watched on TV as Prime Ministers and 
and legislators took oaths to protect the Supreme Law of the land in letter and 
Spirit. And I believed that there was a thing called justice.

Everyone was supposed to have access to it. There weren't separate laws for the 
and poor. And always - the final court of appeal was the Supreme Court.

Now we have a case decided after eighteen years with a clear Supreme Court 
saying 'Demolish'. And we have an Ordinance that subverts a judgement by the 
court of appeal in the land.

What a mockery this ordinance makes of the sanctity of the law! It makes orders 
the Supreme Court and High Courts redundant. It moves to save the rich. It 
gives far 
reaching powers to the Government to change any agreement and the usage of any 
that it acquires. It opens the door for all kinds of land grab and manipulation.

And what is the last thing this ordinance does? It says that if any of this 
happens - no one can take the matter to a court of law. With one stroke the 
government is removing itself from the purview of any court of law. They can do 
they please and you and I who believe in justice cannot go anywhere to get it. 
to any court of law in this land.

Suddenly instead of the rule of the law we have Ordinance Raj. Is it possible 
for us 
to have a government that stands outside the purview of justice? Especially 
when it 
has demonstrated to us time and again what its own idea of justice is. When it 
repeatedly manipulated the law to serve the advantaged few. Look at all the 
that we have been forced to come out onto the streets to fight - the first 
Plan, the proposed SEZ, amendment 16 and 16/A to the TCP Act. the list is 
And in each case government functioned as a tool in the hands of those with 
money to 
grab land and land use from us. In each case the government has worked not for 
aam admi, but rather to snatch what the common man is trying so hard to protect 
hand it over to those who have power on their sides.

For all of these reasons concerned citizens gave a call to people to come to a 
rally. To speak up and be heard. Because this was a matter that affected each 
every one of us.

And how did the big money react? With a series of articles seeking to slander 
trivialize what the activists were doing. Sujay Gupta went to press on the 
of the rally to call activism 'blackmail' and accuse activists of 'misplaced 
hysteria' displaying 'lack of commonsense and pragmatism'. He then went on to 
the 'tactics' that we 'blackmailing activists' use. The first was 'reputation 
attacks' - this from someone who has been nailed for trying to call a bonafide 
activist a naxalite and has himself filed a case against Seby Rodrigues for 500 
crores. 'Intimdation and indirect threats to executives' - all this while 
activists were being picked up in Columb by police to intimidate people into 
going for the rally. Lastly 'internet based attacks leading to misinformed 
reactions' - this on a day when with mysterious co-ordination pro Ordinance 
appeared in every leading paper. Uday Bhembre assured us that all was well with 
Ordinance and the government had done a wonderful thing and that in no way did 
over rule the ruling. Would the illegal structure still stand? Yes of course, 
that was because the Government understood better than the courts what the best 
interest of the public was. And passing an ordinance - that emergency measure 
to be 
used sparingly and with judicious thought? Ah that was nothing. All in a days 
We were merely making a fuss because we didn't understand the matter 
thoroughly. His 
article was helpfully titled 'Empty Vessels make the Most Noise'.

Well there were a whole lot of mischief makers and blackmailers in the hall 
day. It was clear who the people believed. It was clear that they understood 
was at stake.

I stood in the hall and heard the crowd roar. They were loud and they were 
angry. I 
heard their roar carry across the Mandovi.

The people in that Hall believed in justice. And so they came from across Goa. 
time for you to join them. If you want to still have the Supreme Court stand 
inviolate. If you want The Rule of Law and not Ordinance Raj. If you still 
in simple things like justice - you cannot allow this ordinance to stand.   

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (24Mar09)

2009-03-23 Thread alexyz fernandes
Black Day? NO
Death Day of the
Supreme Court of
India...If the Goa Govt
Passes the Land Acquisition Ordinance...
In Favour of Cidade de Goa

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Goa news for March 24, 2009

2009-03-23 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa government bans Sri Rama Sene - Sify

*** 3 foreign nationals attack Goa cops, held - The Statesman

*** Panaji: German National fears for His Life in Goa -
ear-old Polish Adam Pyotor Mancic was arrested from the coastal
village of Chopdem in Goas northernmost Pernem taluka last week,
while he was staying with German national Kalenborn Heinz Willi.
Willi, who acted as an important link for the ...

*** BJP gets a headstart in Goa, Congress yet to announce
candidates - Times of India

*** Goa Assembly congratulates Slumdog Millionaire\'s team -

*** Goa to phase out 14 mining leases near Selaulim dam -

*** Goa assembly session reduced to two days - Times of India
010, while the bill on the controversial Land Acquisition (Goa
Amendment) Ordinance 2009 will also be introduced in the
assembly. ...

*** Poor cashew crop in Konkan, Goa - Times of India

*** 24 x 7 data centre to combat terror to be set up - Times of
gency Co-ordination Centre ...

*** Indian police crack down on unauthorized Goa beach party -
RIA Novosti
Four people were arrested on Mondayin the Indian resort of Goa
on charges of assaulting police who tried to break up an
unauthorized beach party, a police spokesman told RIA Novosti.
While patrolling Ozran Beach, ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Roman Catholic Vs Hindu ...?

2009-03-23 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
Reading the posts, in particular on religion, I get the impression that
there are few Muslims as members of Goanet. How many Muslims have commented
in the last few months ...? As I'm new to this list I feel strange reading
the posts and sometimes get the impression the world is divided into Roman
Catholics vs Hindus. Watching the show from where I live in Japan, a
Buddhist country, makes it even stranger reading ... While I'm not blaming
the Roman Catholics or Hindus,I wish people of different religious and
cultural backgrounds would also send in their views. I cannot help but
wonder why it is so ... Please enlighten me. It is, after all, a big world
we are living in which is full of a wide range of opinions - and, that's
what makes the internet interesting, right?

[Goanet] STT: I am a Goan too. Infact, I am from Taleigao

2009-03-23 Thread JoeGoaUk

STT: I am a Goan too.  Infact, I am from Taleigao

Look, I have my election card


I am Goan if I have a election card.
I am a Ghantti if I don't have one.


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goenkars causing problems in the afterlife

2009-03-23 Thread Mario Goveia

The angel Gabriel came to the Lord and said "We need to talk. We have some 
Goenkars up here they are causing problems. They're swinging on the pearly 
gates, my horn is missing, they are wearing kashtis and saris instead of their 
white robes, the ones who come from California are driving Mercedes and BMW's 
instead of the chariots, and they're selling their halos at discount prices. 

They refuse to keep the stairway to Heaven clear - they stop midway to eat Fish 
and Sausages and leave a mess.  They pee wherever they want to. Some of them 
are even walking around without their wings!" 

The Lord said, "Goans are Goans. Heaven is home to all my children. If you want 
to know about real problems, give Satan a call." 

Satan answered the phone, "Hello? Damn, hold on a minute.." Satan returned to 
the phone, "OK I'm back. What can I do for you?" 

Gabriel replied, "I just wanted to know what kind of problems you're having 
down there."

Satan says, "Hold on again. I need to check on something." 

After about 5 minutes Satan returns to the phone and said, "I'm back. Now what 
was the question?" 

Gabriel said, "What kind of problems are you having down there?" 

Satan says, "Man I don't believe thisHold on again." 

This time Satan was gone at least 15 minutes. He returned and said, "I'm sorry 
Gabriel, I can't talk right now. These damn Goenkars down here have put out the 
fire and are trying to install air conditioning!!! 

[Goanet] Konkani, computing....

2009-03-23 Thread Frederick Noronha [फ़रेदरिक नोरोनया]
Anyone interested in volunteering to translate Konkani for computers?
Just register and check this place:
FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490 http://twitter.com/fn
On Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/people/Frederick-Noronha/502514643

"Success in life means not becoming like your parents." - Louise Bowie

Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-23 Thread Mario Goveia

> Mario responds:
> To see why Jason Keith came in for opprobrium in graphic
> detail see the following post 
> http://lists.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet-goanet.org/2009-March/175458.html
> which you seem to have missed or failed to understand.
> Since you apparently know Jason Keith so well, instead of
> making snide comments, why don't you defend his column and
> the "smackdown" by his critic, if you dare?

Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 13:55:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho 

This is the most bizarre conversation ever on Goanet. Jason Keith wrote a 
column about caste in Goa. Rajan Parrikar in his usual style thought it fit to 
rip into Jason. And now you, who have for years on Goanet hailed yourself as 
the champion of casteist indignity, "smackdown" on Jason?

I can't follow the logic but I leave you to your own devices.

Mario responds:


To follow the logic of a verbal exchange it helps to understand the underlying 

It's not that hard if you put aside your pet peeves and pre-conceived emotions 
and focus on the current debate, not some past discussion you may have had with 
an individual.

For example, you were in such haste to denigrate Dr. Barad that you completely 
missed the contents of the article he posted on the abuse of Catholic Nuns, as 
well as who was alleging the abuse - it was Catholics, not Barad.

You chose to "smackdown" Dr. Barad based on your pre-conceived notion that he 
is anti-Christian - and ended up with egg all over yourself.

Here, see if you can follow this.  

1. The column by Jason Keith in the Gomantak Times and his "smackdown" by Rajan 
Parrikar is in the archives for all to see.


My only involvement in this as Goanet's only voice of reason, truth and peace, 
was to observe Rajan's pawky technique of using another unregulated forum to 
use fiery language on Goanet that would not pass muster here.

2. Regarding caste, I am not a champion of casteist indignity - I am exactly 
the opposite - I am an opponent of any delusion by Christians that they belong 
to some mythical caste.

3. What you are describing as a "smackdown" of Jason by me was a mild pat on 
the rear end asking why someone like Jason, Marshall or Padre Ivo, all of whom 
must have seen the report on the abuse of nuns in the Times of India were not 
outraged enough to post it on Goanet, condemn the findings, excoriate the 
Cardinal for keeping quiet all these years, and demand that the errant priests 
be brought to justice and expelled from the Church.

We have still not heard from Jason Keith on this, whom you apparently know 
better than most, or from Padre Ivo, still busy trying to jigger the English 
language to make up look like down and black look like white and mystical 
feelings look like science in the Beauregard experiments.

We did see a feeble attempt by Marshall to excuse himself by diverting 
attention to Hindutva and stepping on himself by suggesting that 
"intra-religious" issues be best left to the religion's adherents, leaving me 
to wonder if he was a Christian or not.

No clarification yet from Marshall as to a) whether he is a Christian, and if 
so, b) why he avoided this Christian issue after relegating it to only 
Christians to handle.

Re: [Goanet] Obsession with other people's religion

2009-03-23 Thread Santosh Helekar

Marshall Mendonza had offered me a fake conditional apology a few days ago 
because of the abusive behavior he was engaged in. True to form he has now had 
a relapse of that condition. 

The reason for this latest bout of abuse against me is because I exposed the 
fact that he gratuitously initiated a thread to malign the young Indian 
American community, as a whole, by propagating the falsehoods disseminated by a 
Marxist activist named Vijay Prashad on a fringe political website. Here is the 
bogus defamatory quote that he tried to sell you:

"young Indian Americans suffer from cultural bigotry, and that this experience 
sends them in search of an identity fix – either to benign or not so benign 
organisations. The VHPA and its "Yankee Hindutva" parivar know this fully well."
..Selected by Marshall Mendonza

Here is his explanation that by "young Indian Americans" he was referring to 
the youth of the Hindu community:

"It is but obvious, that reference would be made to the Hindu community as the 
VHP would be unlikely to attract Indians from other communities."
.Marshall Mendonza

I would like to caution Goanetters that Marshall Mendonza is trying to sell you 
lies about young Indian Americans. These young folk do not suffer from cultural 
bigotry. They do not in general join any benign or not so benign organization 
in search of an identity fix, whatever the heck that means. I say this from my 
personal experience of having taught and interacted with scores of young Indian 
Americans. Two of them are my own children. Mario Goveia, who has been in the 
U.S. much longer than I have, has separately attested to what I am saying here.

Please do not trust Marshall Mendonza, and the garbage he posts in this forum.



--- On Mon, 3/23/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:

> Response:
> One must grant Santosh the credit for maliciously and
> mischievously twisting
> and interpreting a sentence taken out of context and giving
> it a communal
> colour. Nothing new, standard hindutva tactics, if one may
> say so.
> In response to the following statement of Santosh-
> "The post appended below reveals an obsession with
> one-sided political
> activism centered around other people's religion."
> I had posed the following queries:
> Does Santosh believe and want us to believe that Hindutva
> (ideology) and
> Hinduism (religion) are synonymous?
> Does Santosh suggest the Hindutva  represents hindus
> and hindu religion?
> Does Santosh expect us to keep off hindutva activities
> which affect our
> common well being and safety if we do not happen to be
> hindus?
> Till date Santosh has studiously avoided answering them. I
> will not be
> surprised if Santosh does a Barad. I can well understand
> his predicament.

[Goanet] Antidote for Amnesia

2009-03-23 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 10:43:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gilbert Lawrence 


An example of amnesia is the 'minor detail' that Edward Liddy was appointed CEO 
of AIG in September '08. President Obama was elected President of USA on 
November 4, 2008.  In the eagerness to demagogue everything, the 'talking 
heads' get their basic facts wrong.

Mario responds:

A "minor detail" can become a "major misrepresentation" when used out of 

Once again we see far left wing propaganda and the typical half-truths citing 
far left wing blogs and disreputable politicians.  The antidote for amnesia are 
facts in proper context, not propaganda repeated endlessly.

In Gilbert's favorite source of misinformation above, we see Rep. Barney Frank 
one of the main architects of the current financial crisis trying desperately 
to point fingers away from him.  He says, "In recent weeks, my friends across 
the aisle have expended a lot of breath proclaiming that the Democrats caused 
the present financial crisis by failing to pass legislation to regulate 
financial services companies in the years 1995 through 2006."

This is a classic Barney Frank deception because he stops at 2006, hoping no 
one will remember that HE was the Chairman of the House Financial Services 
Committee in 2007 and 2008, and as the following video will show defended and 
protected the lowered lending standards for low income home owners, as he had 
done under the previous administration of Bill Clinton.

Barney Frank has already been exposed by his own words and actions in several 
news reports by reputable media, like this one:


and in this video report:


Anyone who does their own independent research, instead of relying on far left 
wing propaganda blogs like the Huffington Post, will find that Edward Liddy was 
hand picked to run AIG by President Obama and his teleprompter's current 
Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, who was directly and intimately in charge of 
the bailout of AIG last year when he was Chairman of the New York Federal 
Reserve Bank.

Senator Obama and his teleprompter did not object to the appointment of Edward 
Liddy last year as he could have as a Senator.

Liddy was retained after Obama and his teleprompter became president and 
Geithner is still in charge of the AIG bailout, so he's their man now, 
notwithstanding the spirited attempt by the far left wingers pretending that he 
is still an appointee of the previous administration.

Re: [Goanet] Attn: Mr Tomazinho Cardoz - Re: Endangered Languages

2009-03-23 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Try TSKK, dear Lady...that's indeed the ticket..


Most appropriate for your esteemable needs: & Maestro Tomazinho, 

Fr. Pratap Naik, the late Fr. Almeida...not to forget...young enterprising 

Miguel B. have most comradely cohorted for the considerable recent

past to hold the reins of the Konkani juggernaut well in hand and not 

spill over into Morathi...Kanadi...and allNagri...


You could hardly entrust your good Guy's edification into our mai-bhas in 

more capable hands & hearts...


Alfred...Chachaaa from Stockholm

> From: nbds...@email.uky.edu
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 11:23:13 -0400
> Subject: [Goanet] Attn: Mr Tomazinho Cardoz - Re: Endangered Languages
> Hi Mr. Cardoz,
> My husband is a linguist, and he is keen on learning more about Konkani. 
> Although I am a native speaker of Konkani, I am not able to tell him much. 
> Please direct me to appropriate contacts, so that he can learn more about 
> Konkani as an endangered language.
> Best regards,
> Nympha D'Souza El-Guindy, PhD, MPH
> Asst. Prof. Medicine & Nutrition
> 1101 VA Drive, C-304
> Lexington, KY 40505
> 859-233-4511 x 4285

Show them the way! Add maps and directions to your party invites. 

[Goanet] Days of the Goan Bullock Cart

2009-03-23 Thread JoeGoaUk

[Goanet] Days of the Goan Bullock Cart

When we try to jump on the cart, the bullock cart man used to beat us 
with the same 'chabuk' he used to beat bullocks. No one liked him.  
Yet there was another who never said anything to us. We named him 
'marana kopi ku ku ku'
I still remember bullock cart carrying haystack which was 3 times more than the 
height of bollock cart

Bullock carts still exist in Goa.
Only last year, we saw one when we were going to 
We came  across it on the road  it was carrying some mud

Else where in Goa, bullocks carts are now used to e
ntertain foreign tourists giving them a free ride thru 
the villages etc

Check here some of the pics of bullock carts


blue colour lanmp you see here was used/hanging/glowing under 
the bollock cart at night (there were no electricity that tinme)


video 1
kids running behind bullock cart 

Video 2
bullock cart ride for tourists

[Goanet] Days of the Goan Bullock Cart


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Vatican Stirs Up Another Controversy (Fr. Desmond de Sousa CSsR, SAR NEWS)

2009-03-23 Thread Goanet News
Vatican Stirs Up Another Controversy

By Fr. Desmond de Sousa CSsR, SAR NEWS

PANAJI, Goa (SAR NEWS) -- Did the Pope really have to stir up yet
another controversy? In the wake of the Linz disaster and the Richard
Williamson debacle, the Vatican had to backtrack somewhat and offer
explanations to ensure such “mistakes” (not usual in the Vatican
vocabulary) were not repeated.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger chose the name Benedict when he was elected
Pope, to unify the Church in Europe in the hope of re-christianising
the continent like St. Benedict had done centuries ago. But with one
gaffe after another, the Vatican and some national bishops’
conferences – like the French, German and Austrian – seem terribly out
of sync.

Now, a veritable hornets’ nest has been stirred in South America
(Brazil) and Africa (Cameroon) respectively. In Brazil, an illiterate
mother of a 9-year-old child, raped by her stepfather, was
excommunicated for signing the necessary abortion document on doctors’
advice and so were the doctors.

Pope Benedict XVI on his Cameroon trip has reopened another
controversy on combating the spread of AIDS in Africa with an attempt
to justify a policy widely consider unjustifiable, even by faith.

Contrary voices on the Brazilian abortion case?

A 9-year-old Brazilian girl, who was repeatedly raped by her
stepfather, was expecting twins. In early March, an abortion was
performed on the girl.

Archbishop José Cardoso Sobrinho of Olinda and Recife, where the
girl’s family lives, excommunicated the mother and all the members of
the medical team. The row was inflamed when Archbishop Sobrinho
allegedly said he had not excommunicated the stepfather because
abortion was a more serious sin than rape.

Archbishop Fisichella, president of the Vatican Pontifical Academy for
Life, lamented the image given by the Church in this case.  He stated
that Archbishop Sobrinho's "hasty" reaction has caused resentment and
has undermined the credibility of the Church's teaching, "which in the
eyes of many seems insensitive, incomprehensible and lacking in

Earlier, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, head of the Vatican
Congregation for Bishops, had backed the excommunications, saying the
Brazilian bishops were right to take the view that the abortion was a
sin. He said attacks on them were "unjustified."

Archbishop Geraldo Lyrio Rocha of Mariana, president of the Brazilian
bishops' conference, publicly lamented last week that "the most
repugnant aspect of this case was diluted,” given the controversy over
the excommunication. The "real problem is "the increase of cases of
abuse of minors in the country," a topic "on which the national
conscience must be awakened."

The AIDS controversy in Africa

The Pope courted further controversy on his first trip to Africa by
declaring, AIDS "is a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone,
and that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which
even aggravates the problems". He said the Catholic Church was leading
the fight against AIDS, but that sexual abstinence and fidelity within
marriage were the answer.

Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office,
was forced to clarify Pope Benedict’s words regarding the fight
against AIDS. “The Church's priority is education, research and human
and spiritual assistance, not condom distribution.”

The first step is "education in the responsibility of persons in the
use of sexuality and with the reaffirmation of the essential role of
marriage and the family”.

Second, the epidemic must be fought “with research and the
implementation of effective treatments for AIDS, making them available
to the greatest number of patients.”

Thirdly, the response must include "human and spiritual assistance to
AIDS patients, as well as to all those who suffer, who have always
been in the heart of the Church.”

Father Lombardi underlined the Church’s commitment to fight AIDS in
these ways, noting that “to seek essentially a greater diffusion of
condoms, is not in reality the best way, the broadest view or the most
effective way to address the scourge of AIDS and to safeguard human

Two years ago there was speculation that the Vatican might amend its
ban on condoms after Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, the former
Archbishop of Milan, said that in couples where one partner had
HIV/AIDS, the use of condoms was “a lesser evil”.

Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan of Mexico, the Vatican Health
Minister, also said condoms could sometimes be exceptionally condoned,
for example when a married woman was unable to refuse her HIV-positive
husband's sexual advances.

Will the Vatican and the national bishops’ conferences speak in one
voice or continue to speak in different voices on such burning issues
seriously affecting human life and faith?

[Goanet] CD shows Cong leader seeking votes in name of Islam

2009-03-23 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Please click on the link provided here below to know more on the above


QUOTE: I think during the next election, the issue of seeking votes in the
name of religion will come to the forefront!  The controversy regarding the
speech of Varun Gandhi, grandson of Indira Gandhi but now in the BJP, has
got a lot of attention for good or bad reasons only time will prove.  There
is now a refrence that the BJP has made about a speech by a Congress leader,
where he is alleged to have said: "I regret not being a mufti. Had I been
one, I would have issued just one fatwa that going with the BJP amounts to
committing kufr."

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Lumosity - Brain Games

2009-03-23 Thread Con Menezes

Try these brain grain you smart goanetters!

[Goanet] Many Happy Returns! - 90% tax rate

2009-03-23 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 17:18:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo 

Correct me if I am wrong but it looks like there is only one country in the 
world today that has a 90% tax on the bonuses paid to workers. That country, 
hold your breath, is the good ol' United Socialist States of America.

Abso-funny-lutely amazing!

Mario observes:

Imagine how misled this forum would be like with posts like the one above 
without any voice of reason, truth and peace to provide corrections, context 
and perspective?

The good news is that such misguided posts provide a teaching opportunity as to 
how the American system of checks and balances works, especially the co-equal 
power sharing that the US Constitution provides between the Executive, 
Legislature and the Judiciary. Very few people outside the USA understand this 

The politically motivated proposal to levy a 90% income tax on the small number 
of bonuses "above a certain amount" paid only by the small number of companies 
that "received more than a certain base amount of bailout funds" is currently 
wending its way through the American Legislative process.

Compare this with the assertion that the tax would apply to "the bonuses 
paid to workers" in the "...good ol' United Socialist States of America." 
without any qualification, context or perspective.

The House of Representatives has hastily passed one version of the bill, 
apparently to placate public outrage.  Now the Senate has to pass its version 
if it can get at least 60 Senators to agree.  If they cannot get at least 60 
Senators to vote in the affirmative, the bill dies and does not become law.  If 
the Senate does pass a version of the bill, then representatives of the House 
and Senate meet to arrive at a compromise with the House version.  Then the 
compromise version goes to President Obama and his teleprompter for his 

The President and his teleprompter can veto the bill in which case it goes back 
to the Senate, which can override the veto with at least 60 votes, in which 
case the bill becomes law.  However, in this case I do not expect a veto 
because it is the kind of confiscatory power grab - changing the rules in the 
middle of the game - that this President and his teleprompter and most of his 
party support.

The matter may or may not end with the President and his teleprompter's  
signature because someone may challenge the new law in the courts as 
"un-Constitutional".  This may happen in this case because the kind of 
legislation being proposed violates certain Constitutional restrictions against 
targeting a narrow section of citizens, that, too, retroactively.

The courts, which share equal power with the Legislature and the Office of the 
President, can reject the bill if they judge it to violate the Constitution.  
If the lower courts reject the bill, it can be appealed to higher courts, all 
the way to the Supreme Court.  If the Supremes reject the bill, the bill dies 
and it's back to square one.

This is the political "sausage factory" in which laws are made that Winston 
Churchill likened the democratic process to.  The Chinese do not have to go 
through this rigamarole.



How to impose those taxes without running afoul of the Constitution or the law 
is a dispute that has Republicans urging a go-slow approach.

Republicans say there are enough problems or unknowns about the bonus-limiting 
bills to merit a closer look. Imposing too high a tax rate, doing it 
retroactively and targeting a narrow group of people could violate several of 
the Constitution's prohibitions against government takings without due 

Then there's the question of the sanctity of contracts. 

If the government goes around canceling contracts like those calling for AIG 
bonuses, people might stop entering into contracts that call for using 
government bailout money designed to get credit flowing again to help spend the 
nation out of recession. 

Some firms could be scared away from the bailout program, said Scott Talbott, 
senior vice president of government affairs for the Financial Services 

"Ultimately it will undermine the recovery efforts," Talbott said. "It will 
have a chilling effect on ability to attract and retain employees," Talbott 
[end of excerpts]

Re: [Goanet] Always a class act

2009-03-23 Thread Roland Francis
Mario, what about:

Lying to his own people about the weapons of mass destruction, so as
to initiate a war that made the world an unsafe place and that
beggared the American people because of its cost.

Sleeping at the watch that resulted in one of the world's worst
economic disasters.

Actively fostering cronyism that caused his close circle to profit
enormously from his misadventures.

Completely destroying the concept of soverignity in order to give the
USA the sole right to invade any country it wished. Thereby
demolishing the very pillars that built the United Nations.

Caring nought about the poor in America.

Providing tax breaks to the very rich on the basis that it was these
people that created America's wealth.

Maintaining a strong bond with the pharmaceutical and health care
industry which ensured contribution to his elections and thereby
obtained free reign for itself of the ability to price drugs and
health-care out of reach of the average American.

Creating a record of being one of the most stupid of Presidents that
ever governed America and made that nation the laughing stock of the

Presiding over wars that called for the label "the world's worst
terrorist" to be applied to him. Spending billions of dollars and
expending vast resources that collectively could not capture the one
man who was responsibly for America's worst nighmare.

And one could go and and on.


On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Mario Goveia  wrote:

> Through it all, he kept his focus on his three top priorities, a) keeping the 
> country safe after 9/11, which he did, b) keeping taxes low to revive the 
> economy from the recession he inherited, which he did, c) improving the 
> public educational system by setting standards, which he did, and d) changing 
> the regimes in Iraq and Afghanistan to eliminate what he saw as threats to 
> the national and global security and to give the citizens in those countries 
> a chance to experience freedom and democracy, which he did as well.


2009-03-23 Thread Simon D'Silva
FOREFRONT: Left to Right.

Agnelo Mascarenhas, Savio Fernandes, Joaquim D'Souza, Agatha Jilugu,
Seby Pinto (Band Leader) and Melvin Rosario.

Music has a special place in the lives of Indians from the western
state of Goa and to keep the musically inclined in high spirits the
Goan Welfare Association (GWA), Qatar every year organise their May
Queen Ball.

The dinner dance which is into its ninth year has struck a special
chord with Goans in Qatar, for been the most colourful social annual
gathering and is also patronize by other nationals from different

This year's event on May 7 at the Diplomatic Club from 8.30 pm onwards
promises to be 'fun filled event', says GWA President Simon D'Silva.

With every passing year the May Ball event has been growing in
stature. This year the organizers have line up India's most celebrated
and Goa's number one band 'Forefront' for the event.

The Goa-based band is renowned for rendering exhilarating performances
over the last few years.

The band has blazed the music world with their sensational blend of
vocals, instruments, rhythm, visual technique in trend and
showmanship. The musical history of Forefront reveals amazing
performances in India and abroad with several award winning live
concerts that have virtually cornered them at the vertex of billboard
graphs. Forefront was featured on the ace popular MTV channel and they
also had the unique honour of being the fast group to perform

Forefront are the best for pop and equally dazzling to rock, rap,
reggae, bhangra, including Goa's ethnic, dekhnni, mandos and dulpods,
etc. Their first album titled "Always By Your Side" turned out to be a
super hit.

Forefront has rendered scintillating performances in the Gulf
countries, Europe including most of the States in India.

To keep the people in good spirits for the night are two comperes one
from Dubai and the other from Goa. Karishma Fernandez, a news producer
and presenter who worked for Bombay World Space Satellite and
currently with Arabian Radio Network Dubai will compere the show along
with seasoned Updesh Swar from Goa.

Every year the quality of the event has been rated high and improved
tremendously with the support of sponsors and participants. The Goan
Welfare Association endeavours to be on the forefront to organize
major events keeping in mind the traditional hospitality, cultural
heritage and music.

The highlight of the event will be Crowning of May Queen by the
renowned Bollywood Stars.

The May Ball has been successful in getting worldwide coverage for the
event and is one of the eagerly awaited event among the Indian
community in the State of Qatar. Like past years this year too the
event will cater all the nationalities and specially Indians in
general. Participants to the contest should contact the organizers as
early as possible. Tickets will be priced reasonable. More details can
be had by phoning on 5550491, 5218480, 5807019 and 5504801.

Top Goan band to perform at May Queen Ball
Web posted at: 3/20/2009 7:23:54

The Forefront band members (from left): Agnelo Mascarenhas, Savio
Fernandes, Joaquim D'Souza, Agatha Jilugu, Seby Pinto (band leader)
and Melvin Rosario.

DOHA: The ninth annual May Queen Ball organised by the Goan Welfare
Association (GWA) in Qatar will feature India's most celebrated and
Goa's premier band, Forefront.

To be held on May 7 at the Diplomatic Club, the dinner dance promises
to be a fun-filled event, said GWA President Simon D'Silva.

The band has blazed the music world with its sensational blend of
vocals, instruments, rhythm, visual techniques and showmanship. Their
musical history reveals amazing performances in India and abroad with
several award-winning live concerts that have virtually cornered them
at the vertex of billboard graphs. Forefront was featured on the
popular MTV channel and also had the honour of being the first group
to perform unplugged.

Forefront are the best for pop and equally dazzling in rock, rap,
reggae, bhangra, Goa's ethnic dekhnni, mandos and dulpods. Their first
album, titled 'Always By Your Side' turned out to be a super hit.

The highlight of the event will be the crowning of the May Queen by
renowned Bollywood stars, added D'Silva.

The May Ball has been successful in getting worldwide coverage and is
one of the eagerly awaited events among the Indian community here.

Participants in the contest may contact the organisers on 5550491,
5218480, 5807019 and 5504801.

Source: Gulf Times; 17/03/2009

Forefront for May Queen Ball again

Forefront members Agnelo Mascarenhas, Savio Joaquim D'Souza, Agatha
Jilugu, band leader Seby Pinto and Melvin Rosario

The Goan Welfare Association of Qatar (GWA) is organising the ninth
edition of the May Queen Ball on May 7 at the Diplomatic Club.
GWA president Simon D'Silva said that due to demand, Goa's Forefront
band will be flown in once again to perform. The highlight of the

Re: [Goanet] Marriage Transcription

2009-03-23 Thread Swastik

Dear All,

I have received the below email from a very kind unknown person in Portugal.
Hence I would like to share here for the benefit of all concerned.


Dear Shashi,

If you hve not yet received a satisfactory reply to your query, here goes 
(a) The CR Centrais no longer handles "Transcrissao de Casamentos".
 (b) There are "n" number of Conservatorias Civil all over Portugal, where
the TCs can be submitted
 (c) The Identification in the "Procurassao" of the holder of the
 Assento" must be done by ID. Bearing the fact that all Portuguese citizens
 or nationals  must at all times hold a valid BI.
 (d) There is no such thing as "Territorial Limit"  so one can submit/apply
 for Portuguese documentation at any Consulate and other relevant
Portuguese Offices.
 (e)  The "Procurassao" must expressly mention the "Conservatoria" or other
 post where the TC is being submitted. This implies that the "Conservadora"
 will first want to have a look at  photocopies of the
 and then fix the date to accept the originals.
 (f)   Applications submitted at the Consulates are not forwarded to the CR
 Centrais but to some Department of the Minister for Law which then sends
 "distributes"  them to any of the Conservatorias of Registo Civil
 don't have their hands full. (With the "Informatizassao" Big Brother does
 have control).
(e)  Once these Conservatorias register the marriage, they inform the
 Centrais, for endorsement in the birth registry of the interested party.
 The  Consulate also is   notified or receives a marriage certificate
 which is then sent to the Applicant.
 I know the  measure above is time consuming but it definitely avoids
 CORRUPTION as nobody knows which Conservatoria is doing the work. Besides
 this, the measure avoids work load on one Conservatoria while other
 Conservatorias in some places don't have much work.

 In one building alone  in Lisbon, at Rua Fontes Pereira de Melo there are
 Conservatorias de Registo Civil.
  The  validity of the ID is now only one year. EU has introduced "Cartao de
 Cidadao" or "Cartao Unico" which will be in full force as from 2011.
 Presently these cards are only issued in Portugal (a lot of delay because
 ID's are no longer renewed under normal circumstances) and any person who
 applies for it has one year to "pick" it up and only the person himself
 can  pick it up. No "procurassoes".
 I don't think the Consulates are able to do this yet, because the "Cartao
 de  Cidadao" will hold all the data such as, Health Card Number, Fiscal
 Number,  Elector Number, in short, this will avoid a person carrying a 
number of
 cards. (Mr. Chip will do the work).
 I hope the above information will be useful but you can visit the
 Government  Site and collect all the info required.

 As additional information I can inform you that with these new measures
 even the "Atribuissao" has become very easy, and one can handle it by
 himself/herself if major and the parents, specially the one with 
Portuguese  "Assento" if dealing with minors.
You may down load Mod 1C and get access  to  the Forms and instructions. The

only obstacle will be the  approach with
 the  Portuguese Consulate in Goa to have the application certified, etc., 
 being a Portuguese National one should make their rights work.(Once it
 enters the Lisbon Office, it takes less than 3 months.)

 Those living in the European Union or other countries where the Hague
 Apostille is in force need not even approch the Portuguese Consulates as
 long as the Lawyer declares "signed in the presence" and mentions the
 Hague Apostille.


Re: [Goanet] Days of the Goan Bullock Cart

2009-03-23 Thread mario rodrigues

There are tons and tons of fond memory days of Goa from 1980's and before,

One of them rightly brought to us by Tony Fernandes in "DAYS OF THE GOAN 


Thank you Tony...


I enjoyed and prefer the slow, susegad Goans lifestyle.it was 
unique and still remains unique if we realise the importance and LIVE LIFE 
FULLY attitude...


What use is a FASTCAR...which takes ones life ANYTIME and we regret we 
never lived it as it should be. 

What use is a MOTORBYKEwhich we kickstartand soon find we 
do not have legs to kickstart anymore.

what use is a MERCEDES/CRV's/COROLLAs(tinted glass)...which keeps our face 
& heart from anyone to see..and even if it can be seen when we step out or 
in.. our neighbours will know our face & heart is 'tainted'

what use is a TRUCK.which carries away 'MINE' wealth of Goa.From Goa to 
Japan,China etc..



-Mario Andrew Rodrigues




Drag n’ drop—Get easy photo sharing with Windows Live™ Photos.


[Goanet] Statement of GGRM's protest rally in Panjim today

2009-03-23 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes
*All Media *

*Date:   *23 March 2009

*Contact:   *Geraldine Fernandes 9822146420

Kim Miranda  9422443855

*GGRM holds protest rally in Panjim City parades effigy of principal actors
of Goa’s misrule. *

Accompanied by a cross section of villagers from various parts of Goa, the
Ganv Ghor Rakhon Manch (GGRM) today assembled outside the office of the
Directorate of Panchayats to protest the systematic actions of the
Government in undermining the rule of law.

The office bearers of GGRM were today accompanied by around 400 villagers
from various parts of  Goa, including Arpora, Candolim ,Calangute , Nuvem,
Nerul, Orlim,Varca ,Khandepar , Benaulim, Davondem, Navelim ,Taleigao,
Carmona, San Jose de Areal, Curtorim in their protest against the
Government’s disrespect for the rule of law and legal process. Speaking on
the occasion, the Convenor of GGRM pointed out that the Ordinance amending
the Land Acquisition Act and the Bill proposing an amendment to the
Panchayati Raj Act were just two of the many deliberate acts of the
Government to undermine the rule of law and the spirit of the Constitution.
She pointed out to the offensive Sections 16 and 16A that give the
Government powers to act outside the law, she also pointed out to the
Regional Plan process that has no legal framework but seems to rest entirely
on the word of the Chief Minister. “Amkam Goyant Sarke Kaide Zai”, Bair
Marat Ordinance Bair Marat, were some of the slogans that rent the air from
the people gathered outside the Directorate of Panchayati Raj in Panjim.

The protestors also brought with them an effigy representing the Chief
Minister Digambar Kamat, the Leader of the Opposition Manohar Parrikar, and
Panchayati Raj Minister Babu Azgaocar, that they beat with sticks and shoes.
The creator of the effigy Gajanan Naik from Nerul pointed out that the
effigy had no eyes, no ears and no mouth, because like the politicians of
Goa, it did not see, hear or speak about the cries of the people of Goa.

GGRM has pointed out that this was its last and final warning. GGRM
Convenor  pointed out that they had met with the Chief Minister ten days ago
and presented him with a third memorandum. It has vowed that this will be
its last memorandum and had given the Government an ultimatum of 10 days to
respond to it , which incidentally expired today . GGRM has promised to
initiate actions not only in the capital city of Panjim but all over the
State, drawing on the displeasure of the larger citizenry, who while angry
are unable to travel the large distances that a few representatives do. “We
have presented the Government with three memoranda” indicated the Secretary
of the GGRM Kim Miranda, “we have not once received a response from the
Government, but on the contrary, through its actions that undermine the
legal process and make exceptions to allow its operation outside of law, the
Government has given a clear response to the people. The patience of the
people is running out.”

s/d   s/d

Geraldine FernandesKim Miranda

(Convenor) (Secretary)

kindly see the website below for pictures


Read my thoughts at www.dervishnotes.blogspot.com

[Goanet] Skeeter Davis Doesn't Have the Answer - New release!

2009-03-23 Thread Cecil Pinto
I've been receiving quite a few polite e-mails from vigilant readers
pointing out to me that it was Englebert Humperdinck and not Jim
Reeves who sang the song "Release Me".

Now let's check.


- quote --

"Release Me" is a popular song by Eddie Miller, Robert Yount, and Dub
Williams, published in 1946.

Miller wrote the song in 1946 but could not get anyone to record it
for years, so he recorded it himself in 1953. Shortly afterward it was
covered by Jimmy Heap, and with even better success by Ray Price and
Kitty Wells. Subsequently a big seller was recorded by Little Esther
Phillips (#1 on the R&B and pop charts) and the song was also taken to
#4 on the pop charts (and #1 in the UK) by Engelbert Humperdinck.

- unquote ---

I do agree that Engelbert Humperdinck's (1967) version is by far the
most popular but please understand that neither was he the original
composer nor the first singer of "Release Me". That song has been sung
and recorded by a host of singers including Elvis Presley (1970), the
Everly Brothers (1963), Dolly Parton (1982) - and I thought, even Jim
Reeves. After all it does feature on all Jim Reeves lyric searches.

But on a detailed examination of his discography
(http://www.lpdiscography.com/r/Reeves/jim1.htm ) I now realise that
Jim Reeves didn't actually ever record "Release Me".

It seems to be some self-perpetuating myth. For example there's
someone who has released his interpretation (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m8TbKbrAJk ) of Jim Reeves cover of
"Release Me" - which itself does not exist!

I am much obliged to all those who brought this error to my attention
and as always am grateful for feedback for my columns.




2009-03-23 Thread godfrey gonsalves

In an interesting direction the Bombay High Court has ordered action against an 
Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate in Mumbai  who pronounced -two 
orders ON ONE AND THE SAME PETITION  ie  a)  one order handwritten 
---stating that  “ dispute in view appeared to be civil in nature and that  it 
was totally wrong for the complainant to approach  a criminal court” AND  b) in 
another order typed,  he stated that  it was “ necessary  to direct the police 
to investigate the matter  u/s 156(3) Criminal Procedure Code. 

There is a  similar instance of a case in the State of Goa involving 
unauthorized change of land use u/s 32  of Goa Land Revenue Code 1968   at 
Borda,  Margao, initiated on 28.4.1993, in the Court of  Sub Divisional 
Officer,  and Deputy Collector,  Sub Division Margao,  Mr.  Dharmendra, IAS  
between the  Mamlatdar of Salcete, Margao- Complainant  and two  Landowners one 
a foreign national of Indian origin residing in Ontario Canada and a Developer 
( a relative of an ex-CM and present  Minister in the coalition government )- 

The fact of the matter is that the Respondents had  carried out construction in 
the agricultural land at Borda in  settlement zone S-1(though  this declaration 
on oath by the Respondents that the construction commenced in 1990 was false as 
MMC had already granted them   Occupancy certificate for two buildings in 1990 
itself.  Hence construction was obviously carried out much earlier)  and 
applied for change of land use viz sanad of conversion only on 3.9.1992. Thi is 
a  violation of the Goa Land Revenue Code 1968 and rules therof.  

Disposing of the matter vide order dated  5.9.1996, the  then Sub Divisional 
Officer,  and Deputy Collector,  Sub Div Margao Mr. A X B Viegas had granted  
an option to the Respondents under rule 9 of the Code  to apply for 
regularization, if they desired to do so failing which the structures thereon 
would be demolished.  

Yet the Respondents did not pursue the order  to its logical conclusion.  

Instead, apparently in connivance with the dealing hands in the revenue 
Department Govt of Goa and Municipality  they simultaneously went ahead  with 
the illegal constructions and allegedly obtained  Occupancy certificates for 
another two buildings in 1992 and 1993 from the Margao Municipal Council while 
the case was in progress. The veracity of these Occupancy Certificates are 
being re- examined in March 2009  by the present Chief Officer Margao Municipal 
Council Mr. Y B Tavade as no notings to that effect appear to have been made on 
the file concerned. He also examining the other title documents Power of 
Attorney if any  produced by the Respondents to the Margao Municipality and 
also some other irregularities committed by his predecessor Mr N D Agarwal ex 
CO MMC (now the Director of Printing Press ) on December 2007. The legal advice 
tendered to the Municipality by the Municipal Representative Mr S D Padiyar 
(Adv)and Mr R Lotlikar (Adv) on the matter
 of amalgamation of plots when the same have not been amalgamated is being 
scrutinised, as well.

The Respondents as a matter of fact claimed to have learnt of the order from 
the Sub Divisional Officer,  and Deputy Collector,  Sub Div Margao only on 
13.12. 1997 almost a year and quarter later; which implies that dealing hand in 
the Collectorate did not serve the order to them, nor did they pursue the same 
within the fifteen days grace period granted to the Respondents by the order.

It also transpired that it was only on  30.09.1998 the  then Sub Divisional 
Officer,  and Deputy Collector,  Sub Div Margao,   Mr. H Rajesh Prasad 
realising that one of the two Respondents was not included,  ordered  an 
addendum dated 30.9.1998  to the order dated 5.9.1996  and by another notice 
dated 12.10.1998 directed the Respondents compliance of the order  within 15 
days or to face demolition of the unauthorised structures theron.

Since most of them were REPEATEDLY transferred it was only later that the then 
Sub Divisional Officer,  and Deputy Collector,  Sub Div Margao,   Mr. Gokuldas 
P Naik regularized only part of the illegal structures in partial compliance of 
the order dated 5.9.1996 and addendum 30.09.1998 but with several 
irregularities upon one of the  Respondents paying the conversion fees and a 
fine and issued the sanad of conversion on 22.3.1999.
When these irregularities were referred to the Department of Vigilance ( a body 
which is not independent and has to inadvertently toe the bureaucratic line) in 
July 1999  they  observed that there was nothing wrong from the " vigilance 
angle" and the bureaucrats  involved escaped scot free. 

However later on 24.01.2001 the then  Sub Divisional Officer,  and Deputy 
Collector,  Sub Div Margao, a promising and upright and known for his no 
nonsense attitude Mr. Sanjit Rodrigues realizing that there was only part 
compliance of  order dated  5.9.1996 and  addendum dated 30.9.1998 and oth

[Goanet] America - A Socialist Economy

2009-03-23 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 09:29:01 -0400
From: Roland Francis 

Canadian Goanet readers must be having the last laugh after hearing
Mario Goveia repeatedly call Canada a socialist economy.

Yesterday I read that:
AIG one of America's largest corporations is now 80% owned by the government.

That takes it to the level of an Indian nationalized bank.
There must be countless other US corporations that are in the same
predicament as AIG. After all, the US deficit this year is 1.8
trillion dollars.

Mario responds:


Surely you know better than most that certain Canadian Goanetters are among the 
most uninformed about the US than anyone else, and maybe laughing too soon - 
schadenfreude only goes so far.

To begin with, surely you couldn't have missed my opposition to the US being 
turned into a socialist-like economy by the election of President Obama and his 
teleprompter, aided and abetted by Democrat majorities in the Legislature as 
the American pendulum swung to the other side once again.

In the meantime, every basket case economy in the world is run on socialist 
principles and countries around the world are running away from extreme 
socialism as fast as they can.  Even France and Germany and Russia have scoffed 
at the massive bailout and government intervention plans of President Obama and 
his teleprompter.
Secondly, the number of US corporations that are being bailed out are 
relatively few in number relative to the US economy, restricted mostly to the 
financial services and automobile industries, and can be easily counted, not 
the "countless' number you allege.  Perhaps you are unaware that there are some 
8,000 banks in the US and a similar number of credit unions, the vast majority 
of which are not in any trouble and need no bailouts.  Also, that over 80% of 
US jobs are in small and medium sized companies that are not part of any 
bailout plan.  In fact, they are the target of the new president and his 
teleprompter's higer tax rate plans.

Finally, you have seemingly missed the backlash that has already begun in less 
than two months into this presidency, which means that the days of the new 
president and his teleprompter's socialist fantasy are already numbered.

Here are some credible sources from the liberal or centrist parts of the 
American political spectrum that may help you understand what is going on:




[Goanet] Just back from Goa after visiting Colamb, the mining

2009-03-23 Thread Venantius Pinto
Hi Samir,
Perhaps it was the dust, which for lack of a better word--felled you. We are
talking here of  as you saw open cast mining. BTW, that's one reason that
cruise ships do not show up.

I feel one would need qualitative data too. Although I believe that the
issue is beyond moot, I hear what you are asking for. At the end of the day,
even if one wants to do something, the other side asks for data—which is
probably what you are running into. One would think that the govt agencies
would have this OR is it just like all the dams, etc., that have been built
but practically no data maintained.

Other significant and dare I say ONLY indicators to look at would be to look
at the fields, health of the children, health of the population, emotional
well being (can be measured), silicosis, etc. If the people are being
affected then one has to move differently, meaning mine differently. There
are profits and there are profits. Alter profit margins. Or we are being
Malthusian to say the very very least. Of course any system should look at
everything, but if in the end one must put a premium on people.

Order the book from the Other India Bookstore. Perhaps others carry it too.
Believe its called Sweet Land of Mine.

Talk to Hartman de Souza too. I am sure you will get answers from Mand and
other people on the ground too.

All the best.


From: Samir Kelekar 
> Subject: [Goanet] Just back from Goa after visiting Colamb, the mining
> I am just back from Goa to bangalore. During my trip to Goa, I visited
> the mining village of Colamb and had an opportunity to see the mining
> devastation. It was probably the heat of the place (Goa is very very hot
> these days) which made me fall sick,
> and I had to come back to Bangalore without attending the anti-ordinance
> meeting which otherwise I would have liked to attend. I am grateful to Rama
> Velip and others who showed us around. Thanks to Seby for the contacts.
> Here are my brief observations:
> 1) Stopping mining is obviously going to be a long term struggle. We saw
> hundreds of trucks filled with Goan earth going by during our brief visit.
> 2) Is some data available on specifically the effects of mining on water
> table, increase in earth's temperature, contribution to global warming etc
> ? I am told Sanguem and Quepem provide more than 50% of water to Goa.
> How is mining effecting it ? Is there any quantitative data on it ?
> 3) I am told that there is something called legal mining. I can't imagine
> that cutting off the mountains and selling them off can be legal in this
> age and time. What are the enviromental laws that deal with this, and
> I am wondering how legal mining passes the environmental tests.
> I am told Claude has written a book on Goa's mining; if someone can
> send me the book, or pass me pointers, that will help.
> I will write more as time passes.
> regards,
> Samir

[Goanet] Attn: Mr Tomazinho Cardoz - Re: Endangered Languages

2009-03-23 Thread D'Souza, Nympha B
Hi Mr. Cardoz,

My husband is a linguist, and he is keen on learning more about Konkani. 
Although I am a native speaker of Konkani, I am not able to tell him much. 
Please direct me to appropriate contacts, so that he can learn more about 
Konkani as an endangered language.

Best regards,

Nympha D'Souza El-Guindy, PhD, MPH

Asst. Prof. Medicine & Nutrition

1101 VA Drive, C-304

Lexington, KY 40505

859-233-4511 x 4285

[Goanet] From Kandhamal to Karavali:A fact finding report of nine Human Rights Organisations

2009-03-23 Thread Marshall Mendonza

[Goanet] Obsession with other people's religion

2009-03-23 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Santosh Helekar:
Please note above the brazen admission that reference was indeed being made
to the Hindu community rather than the extremists.

One must grant Santosh the credit for maliciously and mischievously twisting
and interpreting a sentence taken out of context and giving it a communal
colour. Nothing new, standard hindutva tactics, if one may say so.

In response to the following statement of Santosh-
"The post appended below reveals an obsession with one-sided political
activism centered around other people's religion."

I had posed the following queries:
Does Santosh believe and want us to believe that Hindutva (ideology) and
Hinduism (religion) are synonymous?
Does Santosh suggest the Hindutva  represents hindus and hindu religion?
Does Santosh expect us to keep off hindutva activities which affect our
common well being and safety if we do not happen to be hindus?

Till date Santosh has studiously avoided answering them. I will not be
surprised if Santosh does a Barad. I can well understand his predicament.



[Goanet] Taleigaon Panchyat Elections

2009-03-23 Thread Samir Kelekar

Sandeep Heble says that the will of the people counts, and it has spoken
in Taleigaon.

My sister who stays in Taleigaon tells me that her apt's watchman, a Nepali
person, took half day off the other day. When asked why, he said he had
to go to Babush's house to pick up his hero bicycle.

Obviously, his vote has been bought. Did Taleigaon Bacbhao Andolan take video 
evidence of things like this and bring it to the notice of the election
commission ?

Or in other words, what strategy does Babush's opposition have to counter
such doles from Babush?

Unless one thinks through and evolves a  strategy, such election results in my 
opinion are not surprising.



[Goanet] America - A Socialist Economy

2009-03-23 Thread Roland Francis
Canadian Goanet readers must be having the last laugh after hearing
Mario Goveia repeatedly call Canada a socialist economy.

Yesterday I read that:
AIG one of America's largest corporations is now 80% owned by the government.

That takes it to the level of an Indian nationalized bank.
There must be countless other US corporations that are in the same
predicament as AIG. After all, the US deficit this year is 1.8
trillion dollars.

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

[Goanet] Fw: Need help please - 0 negative blood

2009-03-23 Thread Dr.Joyce D'Souza Shamshudin
Need help please - 0 negative bloodDear Members & Friends,

Requested by the family, Mr. DeMello is at the Avenue hospital, Nairobi, Kenya 
and urgently need blood group O negative. Kindly assist if you can.
See message below from family


  From: Valerie de Mello [mailto:y17...@yahoo.ca]
  Sent: 19 March 2009 15:03
  To: y17...@yahoo.ca
  Subject: Need help please - 0 negative blood


  Need your help please.  My Dad needs blood (0 NEGATIVE).  He is at the AVENUE 
HOSPITAL (in Parklands) if you can donate immediately and/or please call my 
sister Louisa who is with him, on cell # 0735 229328.  Please could you pass on 
the word to all your friends and family

  Thank you,


Sharon Noronha
Origins Safaris
Tel:254 - (0)20 - 2042695/6/7 or 2710171/2/7
Fax:254 - (0)20 - 2042698 or 2710178
Mobiles - Celtel 0735990707 Safaricom 0724253861
Dropping Zone. Drop Box Number 140.
Mailing: P.O.Box 48019, Nairobi, Kenya, GPO 00100
Delivery: 5th Floor, Landmark Plaza, Argwings Khodek Road.
Email: ad...@originsafaris.info
web: http://www.originsafaris.info/
Think of the environment before printing this email!


2009-03-23 Thread Roland Francis
Tony, your detailed technical description of the bullock cart in Goa
was very impressive.

It must remain the standard and referenced reading whenever the Goan
bullock cart is revisited by anyone.

Ibid Tony Fernandes re bullock cart in Goa, ref Goanet and Goanet Reader
Library of Congress catalog 145325412 context Goa, India, bullock cart.


On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Tony Fernandes  wrote:
> by Tony Fernandes

> The 'gaddo' is a 2-wheeled carriage drawn by trained bullocks commonly used 
> in Goa
> till today. It is constructed fully from wood. Its fastest travelling speed 
> could be
> compared to the usual leisurely walk of a steer.

Re: [Goanet] Obsession with other people's religion

2009-03-23 Thread chimbelcho

--- On Sun, 3/22/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:
> I don't think anyone on Goanet, including the Hindus, has
> defended the excesses of Hindutva.  What they object to
> are suggestions Hindutva applies to all Hindus or when they
> believe your facts or interpretations are faulty.
> Marshall, with all due respect you are describing yourself,
> not to mention your single-minded obsession with Hindutva
> and little else.

I would like to thank Mario for clearly expressing what should have been 
obvious to most reasonably unbiased, impartial and neutral observers on Goanet. 

I give below recent examples of how the equation of an entire community with an 
extremist ideology (as well as demonization of detractors) is being carried out 
in this forum:

"It is but obvious, that reference would be made to the Hindu community as the 
VHP would be unlikely to attract Indians from other communities."
.Marshall Mendonza

Please note above the brazen admission that reference was indeed being made to 
the Hindu community rather than the extremists.

"Does Santosh believe and want us to believe that Hindutva (ideology) and
Hinduism (religion) are synonymous? Does Santosh suggest the Hindutva  
represents hindus and hindu religion? Does Santosh expect us to keep off 
hindutva activities which affect our common well being and safety if we do not 
happen to be hindus?"

Please note the political tactic of asking rhetorical questions to manufacture 
a guilt by association, spelled out in the following abusive reference to 

"I hope he does not do a Barad again."
.Marshall Mendonza



Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-23 Thread Roland Francis
Aires, to be fair to Fr Ivo, it is you who must quote or refer to the
"offending" passage of the Bible and then let him either put that
passage in context, or let him defend what I am sure you consider the

There are many interpretations of the Bible. Not everything seems to
be what one can discern from the first reading. There is a layman's
interpretion, a scholarly interpretation and a believer's
interpretation. There is no wrong and no right here, it is what you
want to understand.

I would be interested to join the discussion once you have pointed out
what seems to you the passages that demean women.

I sincerely hope you will confine yourself to the New Testatment. That
is more relevant to us, rather than the Old Testament which 1) Christ
came to improve upon and 2) which you have to understand in a much
deeper perspective than the later books of the New.

As for Fr Ivo saying the Bible can never be wrong, again I would put
the onus on you to tell us  which passages are "wrong".

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 6:56 AM, Aires Cabral  wrote:
> Many  priests are chauvinists. It is no surprise that they treat the nuns 
> like servants . After all there are several passages in the Bible which 
> demean women, and these  are used by these priests to treat women as third 
> class citiziens ( second class citiziens are lay men).Can Fr Ivo enlighten us 
> with his comments in the matter. After all he has said in one of his comments 
> that the Bible is newer wrong!

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

[Goanet] All India Children Chess Tournament on 2 & 3 May 2009.

2009-03-23 Thread Sanjay Barve
 23 March 2009

   *Press Note*
Sub : *All India Children Chess Tournament on 2 & 3 May 2009. *

Renewal of affiliation of Taleigao Chess Academy Sports Club(TCA) by Goa
State Chess Association(GSCA)


Taleigao Chess Academy Sports Club is organising All India Children Chess
Tournament on 2 & 3 May 2009 at Shri Yogeshwari Mandir, Bicholi in
association with others.

Tournament venue
Shri Yogeshwari Mandir,

Kulan, Sarvan, (Near Adhar Hospital)

Bicholi Goa.
Tournament will be in three category

1. Under 8 boys/girls child born or after 1st Jan.2001
2. Under 10 boys/girls child born or after 1st Jan.1999

3. Under 12 boys/girls child born or after 1st Jan.1997

Tournament will commence on 2nd May afternoon.

Each player will play minimum 6 round. Rounds will be preferably for 2

Tournament Swiss league system

Affiliation of Taleigao Chess Academy Sports Club(TCA) has been renewed by
Goa State Chess Association(GSCA)

For detail contact Sanjay Vinayak Barve, Secretary Taleigao Chess Academy
Sports Club on 2451143, mobile 9403176657.
With Regards,

(Sanjay Vinayak Barve) 9403176657

[Goanet] Just back from Goa after visiting Colamb, the mining village

2009-03-23 Thread Samir Kelekar

I am just back from Goa to bangalore. During my trip to Goa, I visited
the mining village of Colamb and had an opportunity to see the mining
devastation. It was probably the heat of the place (Goa is very very hot these 
days) which made me fall sick,
and I had to come back to Bangalore without attending the anti-ordinance
meeting which otherwise I would have liked to attend. I am grateful to Rama
Velip and others who showed us around. Thanks to Seby for the contacts.

Here are my brief observations:

1) Stopping mining is obviously going to be a long term struggle. We saw
hundreds of trucks filled with Goan earth going by during our brief visit.

2) Is some data available on specifically the effects of mining on water
table, increase in earth's temperature, contribution to global warming etc ? I 
am told Sanguem and Quepem provide more than 50% of water to Goa.
How is mining effecting it ? Is there any quantitative data on it ?

3) I am told that there is something called legal mining. I can't imagine
that cutting off the mountains and selling them off can be legal in this age 
and time. What are the enviromental laws that deal with this, and
I am wondering how legal mining passes the environmental tests.

I am told Claude has written a book on Goa's mining; if someone can
send me the book, or pass me pointers, that will help.

I will write more as time passes.



[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-03-23 Thread Aires Cabral
Many  priests are chauvinists. It is no surprise that they treat the nuns like 
servants . After all there are several passages in the Bible which demean 
women, and these  are used by these priests to treat women as third class 
citiziens ( second class citiziens are lay men).Can Fr Ivo enlighten us with 
his comments in the matter. After all he has said in one of his comments that 
the Bible is newer wrong!

[Goanet] Guess who's on Facebook?

2009-03-23 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha

FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490 http://twitter.com/fn
On Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/people/Frederick-Noronha/502514643

[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO:Participatory Finance:Peoples say in Village Panchayat & Municipal Budgets.

2009-03-23 Thread Goa Desc
Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO

 Dear Cybergaonkars on Goanet,

 We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 27th March from 4pm. to 6pm.
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa Goa.

TOPIC: From participatory planning to participatory finance:
 Peoples say in Village Panchayat & Municipal Budgets.
SPEAKER: Rahul Goswami - economist & journalist.

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the Friday Balcao event
but if you cannot attend, then please send your
views and action plan suggestions by post to
FRIDAY BALCAO Post Box 78, Mapusa 403 507
or by email to goad...@bsnl.in

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power,
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

[Goanet] Days of bullock cart in Goa

2009-03-23 Thread ignatius fernandes

Thank you Tony Fernandes for 
bringing in a flood of fond memories
about bullock carts in Goa.
One thing I wanted to ask was 
these well greased axle and wheels 
what sort of grease did they use?
I have a funny feeling it was the sap 
from caju seeds (the outer cover)
which was pounded and made into a 
sticky pulp.
I took a ride in one of the bullock cart
with other British tourist in 2004.
And all of us agreed it was fun.
Ignatius Fernandes.

All your Twitter and other social updates in one place 

[Goanet] Tony Fernandes... and the Goan bullock cart (Goanet highlights by Selma Carvalho)

2009-03-23 Thread Goanet News
_/  Goanet highlights by Selma Carvalho
_/  Feedback to se...@goanet.org
_/  Discuss these issues via goa...@goanet.org
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The star post this week comes from Tony Fernandes who reminisces about
the Goan bullock cart, in an essay titled “Days of the Bullock cart in

According to a UNESCO report, India tops the list of countries with
endangered languages. Tomazinho Cardozo shares his concerns about the
precarious position Konkani finds itself in.

Claude Alvares illustrates an exercise undertaken by the village of
Parra with respect to the RP2021 and how they came up with viable

Venantius Pinto comments on a media report, titled “Nuns treated like
servants by priests.” Pinto says, nuns have always been treated
shabbily, this is no state secret.

Seby Rodrigues keeps us informed about Goa police activities in the
mining village of Colomb.

Cecil Pinto takes a humourous look at the Cidade the Goa ordinance, a
Goan medley of Jim Reeves songs.

Goanet Reader brought us Saibinn, a short story by Jose Lourenco.
Saibinn is the tradition of bring into your home the encased statuette
of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and venerating her with song and

An excellent article this week was by Jason Keith Fernandes commenting
on issues of caste which still plague Goan society to this day.

Selma Carvalho introduced us to a Goan General Manoel Antonia de Sousa
who was a force to be reckoned in with in Africa, during the late

Mervyn Lobo gave us more shocking historical details about the man.

Venita Coelha, the Accidental Activist, gives us the Common man’s
guide to the Ordinance.

JoeGoaUK brings us an unusual picture of Lord Ganesha riding a peacock.

Speaking from experiences of Goans in the Gulf, while Selma Carvalho
feels the achievement of Gulf Arabs have been unparallel in recent

Mario Goveia rebuts contending that Arabs are successful only when
“liberated” by America.

In a post titled, “Trinidad-Goa same same” Hartman de Sousa ponders on
whether Goa is going by way of Trinidad in terms of environmental

"The information is not the problem. The problem is with the design."
- Edward Tufte

[Goanet] Days of the Goan Bullock Cart

2009-03-23 Thread Mervyn & Elsie Maciel
I must say I enjoyed Tony Fernandes's reminisces of the Eco-friendlyGoan

   It took me back to the day, some 3 years ago, when I just couldn't resist
the temptation of hitching a ride on one of these carts from my ancestral
home to the local shop(posro), much to the amusement of my neighbours and
other lookers-on. Have a photo to prove this!

Mervyn Maciel


[Goanet] Not a Konkani Writer? Now speak your heart out

2009-03-23 Thread Benedict Lobo
Dear Friends,

This is to inform you that I will be launching a new Audio Recording service on 
RadioGoa and Goamag this week.I have dreamed about doing something like this 
for a long time,but technology of the day did not permit to do so.
Recording your comments ,music or any other form of audio right from your 
browser and posting them with a click of a button for listeners to hear them.
No need to have expensive recording and bit conversion software.Do this with a 
few clicks ,right from your browser.RadioGoa has teamed up with Vimas 
technologies to bring you this state of the art technology. 
These Comments or commentary will be published on http://www.GoaMag.net after 
moderation.I have just launched the demo and preview on RadioGoa.net. Do check 
it out.

If You have a Microphone on your PC.You are ready to broadcast !

Dont know to write in Konkani? No excuses now. Go ahead.Speak your mind 
out.Post voice comments in Konkani, no Devanagri or Roman script issue.Say it 
loud and say it clear.Your accent,your expressions,your language.Pour your 
emotions out.Speak out on issues you feel strongly about for the World to 
hear.The best selection will be broadcast on RadioGoa too, while all Audio 
comments will be available on Goamag.net


Create your own programmes and talk shows right from your browser.Or perhaps 
read daily news for RadioGoa and keep listeners updated on happenings in Goa 
and abroad.Jokes in Konkani are welcome.Got a knack for singing?Broadcast 
yourself via RadioGoa.

Audio Comments:An unique way to leave voice comments for listeners.Visitors to 
the site will be able to hear you shout,scream and cry your opinions.A few 
spoken sentences is worth a thousand written words.So what are you waiting for? 
Go ahead and try it for yourself.

All Audio postings will be moderated before they appear for public listening on 
GoaMag and RadioGoa.The Editor reserves the right to reject any Audio. Posting 
without giving any reason.
This full service will be launched on Easter Day.Till then,
Let me thank you for your support as always

Dev Borem Korunk

Keeping The Konkani Culture Alive ! Worldwide

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 

[Goanet] Fw: The Democratic Process.

2009-03-23 Thread Albert Da Cruz

- Original Message - 
From: Albert Da Cruz 
To: goanet-request 
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 1:33 PM
Subject: Fw: The Democratic Process.

Thought mingh be of interest.
Albert Da Cruz
Western Australia
- Original Message - 
From: Albert Da Cruz 
To: goafoundat...@gmail.com 
Cc: saligaonet 
Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 9:07 PM
Subject: The Democratic Process.

Dear Claude,

It was good to read your contribution to town planning issues which were well 
researched, and clearly explained. This should serve as a blueprint for all 
those who are engaged in this activity which appears to have the hall mark of 
democratic processes in action. 

It is quite clear that your scholarly treatment of the subject was the result 
of much consultation with qualified professionals and  informed village 
leaders. I have just returned from a short holiday in Saligao and was impressed 
with the zeal and interest the villagers showed in their environment. Alas 
there was a mismatch between the concern expressed and the state of the 
environment. Disposal of garbage is a major  issue of concern for all the 
villagers all around Goa. Your solution seems to be both practical and 

On my earlier visit to Goa I was very impressed with a Mangrove society display 
of ways and means of developing composting methods. In particular I was 
impressed with the worm farm on display. On enquiring the source of the worms I 
was told that they came from Saligao. However, I was a little surprised that no 
effort was made to generate compost by using simple worm farm techniques in the 

There is so much expertise and knowledge around but sadly it is not translated 
into useful environmental control activities. I felt the same about the 
brilliant work done by the Oceanic Institute in Donna Paula when I visited 
there some time ago, that there was no facilities to bring to the wider 
community news about their work and their research findings. Although we have 
very efficient garbage collection facilities in Perth, a number of households 
either collectively or individually use worm farms to compost vegetable and 
paper materials and help grow vegetables in the backyard, using trickle 
irrigation. At least we now feel that we can be assured that we have clean 
vegetables free of any chemical treatments and home grown. 

Your structured and well reasoned and research document will I hope inspire 
others to contribute in a like manner.

Best wishes
Albert Da Cruz
Western Australia.

[Goanet] DAILY GROOK #356

2009-03-23 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

if marooned u rot
'cos ur boat sank
sorry, u only got
yourself to yank!

puns & word-play of all kinds,
hey...read between the lines!
Reunite with the people closest to you, chat face to face with Messenger.

[Goanet] Taleigao Panchayat Elections

2009-03-23 Thread Sandeep Heble
Against all odds, the Panel backed by the Taleigao MLA Babush
Monserate swept the Taleigao Panchayat elections, winning 11 out of 11
seats. While the Panel was certainly expected to win by a comfortable
majority, nobody had expected it to register such a thumping victory.

Although the Taleigao Bachao Abhiyan preferred to remain apolitical
and did not get involved in the election process directly, the
sweeping victory is certainly a setback to them and to the various
issues they stood for like the Taleigao ODP, the Cidade de Goa
Ordinance, etc.

Through this victory, Mr. Monserate proved that he is the undisputed
king of Taleigao. In a democracy, the will of the people is supreme.
By electing the Panel of Mr. Monserate, the people of Taleigao have -
to use Jason Keith's own words - just kissed goodbye to the
conservation laws and have approved high rise structures in their
village. If that is what they want, that is what they will get.

Many were asking why Parrikar stayed away and refused to address a
single rally. Now we all know why. He was smart enough and read
clearly the writing on the wall. With the outcome known well in
advance, who would want to get in bad books with Monserate?

The victory Rally is doing the rounds in the city. For the next 5
years, the will of Mr. Monserate, the undisputed King of Taleigao,
will be supreme.

Jai Ho!


[Goanet] 2000 Nurses for Ministry of Health (MOH), Kuwait

2009-03-23 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com


2000 Nurses for MOH, Kuwait 
Ministry of Health, State of Kuwait is now receiving applications for Staff 
Nurses/ Male/Female who are holders of Bachelor of Nursing or 3 years diploma 
in Nursing after the Higher Secondary School with minimum experience of 3 years.
Applications are received personally from the concerned staff nurse at 
Department of Nursing Administration, near Chest Hospital, Sabah area, during 
working days from Sunday 29th March 2009 till 12th April 2009 at 8.00 am to 
12.00 noon.

Documents to be submitted
1. Curriculum Vitae 
2. Copy of Qualification in Nursing
3. Copy of Nursing Curricula with mark sheet, year-wise
4. Copy of Higher Secondary School Certificate
5. Copy of Nursing license from the country the staff nurse was working.
6. Photocopy of Registration Certificate, if available.
7. Copy of experience certificate.
8. Copy of Valid Passport and 2 photographs (6X4 size)
9. Not more than 35 years of age for female staff nurse and 45 years of age for 
male staff nurse.

a. The applicant should submit the application to the Ministry of Health in 
b. Candidate should pass the written examination
c. Candidate should pass the oral examination also
Successful candidates should undergo: 

Medical Examination,
Verification of qualification certificates (through Ministry of higher 
Any other legal formalities deemed necessary for the Ministry of Health.
(As published in Kuwait's English dailies)

  Goa World   Goa Mog     Goa SuRaj       Super Goa  (em Português)  TGF 
Writers' Sketchpad  www.colaco.net
 www.goa-world. .com/goa/ music/    - The Online Music Station for KONKANI 
Mahableshwar http://www.mahables hwar.com 
St. Mary's School - Mt Abu, Rajasthan India http://www.abusms. com  
GOA MAG ONLINE http://www.goamag.net http://mumbaihangout.org/radio/
Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of the pleasures  costs 
nothing and conveys much. It pleases him who gives and  him who receives, and 
thus, like mercy, it is twice blessed.  ~Erastus Wiman~


[Goanet] Tolleabandh Illegal Migrant Structures

2009-03-23 Thread Arwin Mesquita
It is appalling that vested interests are trying to communalise the
Tolleabandh demolition issue. Surely, these Anti-Goans are only interested
in migrant vote banks for manipulating democracy; so as to ensure their
continuance in power and realise their huge illegitimate profits, via the
destruction of Goa & its Identity. Migrant’s illegalities in Benaulim and
other parts of Goa should be razed down; Goans today can't find land for
themselves and worse, legitimate land owned by Goans, is being handed over
to non-goan migrants, to set up illegal structures.

While I full appreciate that Tolerance is the need of the hour to make the
world a better place, I want to put tolerance into a correct perspective for
Goa. Nobody today can dispute the enormous tolerance & hospitality exhibited
by Goans in Goa, simply with the fact that 40% of the population of Goa is
Non-Goan; I would like for the critics to compare this, with the
demographics of other states in India.

To drive home my point, say for instance in the homes that we live in, we
can be very tolerant & hospitable to our guests or any person for that
matter, but does this mean that we should give away our homes to the said
people? Surely nobody will agree to this, not even the anti-goan critics.

Arwin Mesquita (UAE)

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see related Blogs:
1) http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2) http://www.mandgoa.blogspot.com/

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see related Blogs:
1) http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2) http://www.mandgoa.blogspot.com/