[Goanet] Lion Roars

2009-10-04 Thread Lionel Messias

Privy purse 
*Third dimensional*

At least someone wrote in to say she was in agreement with what I said last
week … that a good many anti-building activists raising a ruckus are those
who own small plots of land but with their homes already built. The lady
from Orlim however wrote in adding a third dimension. She says ‘many
activists are ex-Mumbaites who have benefited from the builders lobby by
selling their small flats for exorbitant prices and are now returning to
their motherland to make trouble for their humbler cousins who have been
busy toiling to keep their homes going.’ My, my, this truly enhances the
quality of the street level activist. Talk of double standards. She goes on
to say: ‘In our village too activists only tried to sabotage the regional
plan committees’ work and gained popularity with endless articles in the
press which was ever obliging and never bothered with facts.” Amen to that.

*What’s it going to take?*

What will it take for us drivers to get the Ribandar stretch of the road to
Panjim, repaired? The islanders of Divar have put up with the pathetic state
of the roads on the island for years. While the island’s arterial roads were
tarred some months ago, the stretch from Bainginium got from bad to worse.
And at Ribandar the less said about the state of the road, the better. At
nights, a herd of cattle parked opposite the Sao Pedro chapel confront
drivers with an altogether different nightmare. So, what’s it going to take?
Bigger vehicle maintenance bills, or some biker killing himself by colliding
with the cattle?

*Privy purse?*

It’s got to be that or, they are the ‘chosen ones’. ‘Ye are a chosen
generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people’ (Exodus
19:5-6). What more can one say of our montris. The week before last I wrote
that Rs 18,13,926 of your, by now very expendable, tax money was spent
renovating the official residence of Digambar Kamat between June 8, 2007 and
now. To do up the official residence of the Home Minister, Ravi Naik, Rs
5,25,185 was spent. It went like this: Rs 4,17,843 went to paint the
bungalow; add some repair costs to that. Installing an FRP (fibre reinforced
plastic) cabin cost Rs 1,07,342. Now, why on earth do you think he would
need that? As a swine flu shelter, you think? Rs 2,49,202 was spent to paint
the bungalow (F-0-1) of the Health Minister, Vishwajeet Rane. Chosen ones?
Indeed. In actual fact, Naik ordered the bungalow to be painted internally
and externally but then shifted residence on October 21, 2007 to the
bungalow called ‘Herambh’.

*The Color of Money*

That was the motion picture about a young pool hustler learning the tricks
of the trade from an old pro, based on the novel by Walter Tevis. Paul
Newman earned an Academy Award for his performance as the aging pool shark
Eddie in this film, which was released in 1986. Where’s the connection?
That’s not hard to figure out, but for the moment let’s say this is how you
get hustled out of your tax money. Rs 1,03,779 was spent to paint
(externally only) and to carry out ‘urgent repairs’ to F-0-2, the official
bungalow of the Public Works Department Minister, Churchill Alemao. Rs
9,36,450 was incurred to carry out ‘various repairs’. Replacing a chandelier
and a wall fitting in the hall cost Rs 24,817. A horizontal (!) water heater
cost Rs 19,690. Rs 30,650 was spent to fit an air conditioner in a
‘separately constructed room’ in the (his) chamber at the Government
Secretariat at Porvorim. That amounts to a whopping Rs 1,11,5,386.

*Gory details*

Now, this is the really, really frustrating part. Rs 4,97,292 of your tax
bucks was spent to buy precisely 82 items for the official bungalow of
Digambar Kamat. But what boggles the mind, are items like the two TVs (Rs
19,000+Rs 90,000) a refrigerator, folding ladder, and several wall clocks.
So, who took away the earlier ones then? What happened to the original
curtains also, because new curtains were bought for Rs 1,32,231. And, for
crying out loud, why buy four wall paintings for Rs 76,000. I can understand
our montris not wanting to use their predecessor’s towels and linen, but it
does seem strange when you have to replace every single conceivable
kitchenware, cookware, crockery and cutlery or, do they want to start with a
clean slate, so to speak. Because, when you need a rice strainer (Rs 360),
it does prove they start from the beginning. All one can is when someone
else is being suckered, our montris become fastidious!
All this reminds me of the furore in Dilli over External Affairs Minister S
M Krishna and his deputy Shashi Tharoor staying in five-star hotels for the
last three months. They both defended themselves saying they were picking up
the tab. But even if one overlooks Shashi Tharoor (he did declare assets of
nearly Rs 30 crores as a candidate from Thiruvanathapuram) and chalk it down
to his earnings from his career as a diplomat with the UN and from his


2009-10-04 Thread Bonefacio Lopes

Industrialists , Miners, Goenkars and every individual of the state, when a 
human being is attacked we retaliate , in the same way when we play against 
nature they too hit back .Let's continue to maintain and preserve nature and 
not mess around with  the rivers and seas ,lakes ,deforestation , etc otherwise 
this will have an adverse effect on our human lives which we may not realise 
until it has hit us.

A rupee from every goan -non -goan , expat, should go to a fund , operated by 
some religious and honest group for the benefit of the affected in the recent 
floods. Express level and hope of generosity as today it is Canacona tommorrow 
it could be Panjim and so forth.

Aiz maka falem tuka.

Deve borem korum.

Re: [Goanet] Why blame Charles Darwin?

2009-10-04 Thread floriano

I don't know how to describe Patrick Ferdinand or take a guess at his 
'qualifications' but what I will say is 'Hail to you Patrick Ferdinand, 
Sir',  for this paragraph alone:
To try to explain everything by quoting God is ignorance and mental
lethargy, dressed up in spirituality. Finally, as regards Evolution
and morality, organized Religion is an insult to human morality. With
or without it, you have good people doing good things and evil people
doing evil things, but for good people to do evil things, it takes
religion. Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they
do it from religious conviction.

'for good people to do evil things, it takes religion'
'men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from 
religious conviction'
  like  crucifying Jesus Christ. massacres thro' Crusades and 
inquisitions  of yore  demolition of Babri Masjid the Godhra carnage 
 Kandamal burnings 


- Original Message - 
From: "Sandeep Heble" 
Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2009 12:11 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Why blame Charles Darwin?

On 13th September, the Herald in its 'Mirror' segment carried an
Opinion Piece by Bernard Simoes titled "Did Charles Darwin mislead
us?'. The same is available for viewing at http://tinyurl.com/npzrus

In the said Opinion piece, the author pins the blame for all the evils
that have afflicted mankind - terrorism, wars, racism, etc - on
Charles Darwin and his Evolution theory, calling it the bane of

Today's Herald Mirror carries a rejoinder by Patrick Ferdinand. The
same is appended below.

Why blame Charles Darwin?
By Patrick Ferdinand

Mr. Bernard Simoes had written a diatribe against Charles Darwin and
his monumental work 'The Origin of Species', three weeks ago on this
very page of the Sunday herald Mirror(13 September), accusing him of
being the cause of all the ills that have afflicted mankind since its
publication, 150 years ago..

[Goanet] The Challenge of Saving Goa: The case of Canaguinim

2009-10-04 Thread Arwin Mesquita

The Challenge of Saving Goa: The case of Canaguinim

By Percy Ferrao

It has now become a norm in Goa, wherever open land is visible (land already
a scarce commodity), that the draconian law of acquisition is carried out
with impunity by allegedly corrupt politicians in league with rapacious
builders and unscrupulous public servants, for the construction of mega
housing colonies and other destructive development, with the barest respect
to maintaining setbacks, sewerage and proper roads. Huge tracts of land are
acquired for a pittance or compensation never paid to poor farmers and
backward communities who are unaware of their rights.

The land thus acquired is surplus to what is required for the projects so
the excess is reported to be sold on to greedy builders to build shopping
and housing complexes. Land records have been distorted and even the thumb
impressions of the dead have been fudged and forged, and there have been
instances where landlords have become tenants, and vice-versa, overnight.

I had the opportunity of meeting Fr Henry, the parish priest of St.
Sebastian Church, Canaguinim, for the past three years, at the GOA festival
in London, A devout person, Fr Henry sees the villages of Canaguinim, Nuem
and Cabo de Rama as scenic, serene, unpolluted and peaceful. But with no
schools or even a primary health centre, and an erratic power and water
supply, their inhabitants have migrated to cities for better education
facilities for their children and those living in the village have their
children travelling more than 20 km everyday to school and colleges.

When the villagers of Betul-Naqueri passed resolutions in the Gram Sabha
recently to altogether scrap the Food Park project, in spite of fierce
resistance from the authorities, they are stumped as to why the land
acquired using the urgency clause (the clause is designed to be used only in
case of earthquake or natural disaster) for the food park’s auxillary
service has not been returned to its rightful owners.

A large part of this land is agricultural, the owners being mostly from the
backward class communities who have toiled hard for generations to undertake
the cultivation of coconut and other fruit trees, and who have been
miserably compensated. The information accessed under RTI indicates that the
auxiliary services for the Food
Park project are related to real estate development.
According to information obtained, the company wishes to set up club houses,
apartments, villas, resorts, malls, BPO and IT/BTS plots.

There is hardly any mention of any food processing units! The development,
with the attendant huge influx of migrants, will have an adverse effect on
the social, cultural and environmental situation, putting more stress on the
already overburdened infrastructure like power, transport, sewerage system
and garbage which is already a monstrous issue in other parts of Goa. The
prime land acquired by the GIDC must be given back to its rightful owners.
Any major project, if it is to enjoy local consent, needs first to undergo a
thorough preliminary study, to be presented to the local panchayat or
government for evaluation. Where, though, is the feasibility study that
shows, at the very least, that there really are all those unemployed Goan
youth who are trained, qualified and prepared for such projects?

Despite huge cash offers running in lakhs to dissuade Fr Henry from
spearheading the opposition, he and the villagers of Canaguinim stand
resolute in their campaign to see such disastrous projects scrapped. Fr
Henry is a Manglorean, yet has Goa in his heart. He says that if the
government is serious about developing the village and its inhabitants it
should first build schools and other educational institutions, primary
health centres, hospitals and other, non-polluting cottage industries which
will employ the local people.

He cites, as an example of what is going wrong, the ONGC (Offshore Natural
Gas Company), which has acquired 22 acres of prime, sea-facing land in
Canaguinim, where locals are yet to find employment even after more than 15
years. The central government has been serious in razing down illegal
structures within the CRZ zone, and yet the state government is bent on
constructions in the Betul/Canaguinim coastal areas.

The residents of Betul, Naqueri and Canaguinim have already been having
problems in finding land to build dwellings for themselves as a result of
expanding families, and in such a situation our politicians are acquiring
the already scarce land for destructive development.

Electricity and water are commodities that have been already stretched to
the limit and an overload will most certainly will cause a total collapse of
the infrastructure.
Twenty years ago, our state politicians kept junketing off to Singapore for
ideas and inspirations to make Goa another Singapore, a model state in
India. But today we are witnesses to lop-sided development, degradation to
our environment, increase in crime, huge unem

[Goanet] Daily Grook #534

2009-10-04 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

i saw her in lisbon
capture guys whole,
how did it happen?
twas poacher'girl!


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[Goanet] Who rules Bombay-Mumbai??

2009-10-04 Thread Bonefacio Lopes

Ha Ha Ha , the recent tamasha by Raj Thackrey and Karan Johar is very strange 
and funny. Who rules Bombay , do we have a democratically elected Govt in 
Bombay, or the Govt. runs with the help of goons and muscle power of Raj.

NDTV which claims to be a very constructive media source , instead of creating 
an awareness of what Raj did was wrong , on the contrary were trying to glorify 
him and his actions , most of the damage in the world and minds of people is 
created by the negative hype from media houses be it paper or T.V. channels.

Do we have a law in India  whereby an individual like Raj can influence a 
citizen to change his acts or words, if Raj had a problem  why couldn't he take 
the legal stand ??

Indian Citizens watch out???

[Goanet] Evaporated Meanings

2009-10-04 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Hi all,
Working on loose ends --
Evaporated Meanings, Drawings (abstracted emotive realities) &
prints/Japanese woodblock.
Hirji Gallery at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai. Oct 7-12.

Letting chance take over. Details later today.

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Re. Indian Colonolism

2009-10-04 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Arwin : Pls see my response below.

Goans HAVE BEEN the final authority regarding whom they elect to run Goa for
several years now.I'm not sure what more you want, other than, perhaps, to
be made Maharajah of Goa:-))  I think I would vote for Floriano to be the
Maharajah:-))It seems you know about as much about a "representative
democracy" form of government as you know about your mythical Goan
identity.  In a "representative democracy" which is what India is, the
authority of the citizens is exercised when they elect their
representatives.  In between formal elections they are not required to be
formally consulted.
Arwin: Its New Delhi who was the Final Authority by imposing a constitution
which Goans where not party to

Mario responds:I visit Goa once a year and own a home there.  I'm not even
going to mention in this discussion that you don't even live in Goa:-))As a
Catholic growing up in India, I have always been a minority.  I have no
problem being a minority.  Even in Goa Catholics were a minority even when
some of them were Portuguese bootlickers.If all Goans are being reduced to a
because other Indians are relocating there there is nothing you can do about
it since India has long been a part of India.
Arwin : Mario only once a year??.. I am in Goa min 6 times a year. !!! Why
did you bring in being a catholic here.. Its about being Goan overall !!

Mario responds:I have exactly as many facts as you do:-))
Arwin responds: Yes then if you think my views are irrelevant; then yours
are as well

Mario responds:
Goa is not going anywhere. If Goa becomes more like Maharashtra or
Karnataka, so be it. You may be right but there is nothing you can do about
it because I don't see anyone making you Maharajah of Goa:-))
Arwin:Maybe Goa is not going anyway, I was refering to Goa going away from
Goans. BTW so your original point to me to be thankful for Goa being
political entitity will not be relevant right; if Goa becomes more like
Maharashtra or Karnataka?

Mario responds:Sorry, Arwin.  After liberating Goa from the Europeans who
had forcibly invaded it and occupied it for 450 years, India graciously gave
Goa back to the Goans to run as a state without dividing it.  That case is
Arwin: Yes Mario  Migrate to the US and declare that the case is closed.
Who are the Goans that India Gave back Goa to Mario; if you think Goan
Identity is Mythical? i.e. if Goan Identity as you claim is Mythical than
from your sentence above how do you define a GOAN?

Whatever problems you perceive, whether real or imagined, have to be
addressed by electing honest politicians and then seeing if you can convince
them to run Goa the way you want, withing the constitution of Goa and of
Arwin: Maybe you also can try to convince them

Mario responds:
Each Goan will decide for themselves what they want to do for themselves and
their families, just as they have always done and just as you have done by
choosing to work in the Gulf.
Arwin: Yes you got a point, but then if Goans decide to turn their back on
Goa, permanently migrate and do nothing for Goa; then they should stop
criticising Goans who are still citizens of India and want to preserve one
of India's unique identity. BTW good you know that I working in the Gulf and
not "permanently migrated to anywhere"

What I care about - in Goa and the rest of India - is the bribery and
corruption, electing and re-electing dishonest politicians, the abysmal lack
of civic sense and consideration for fellow citizens that no one in a
leadership position seems to be addressing.
Arwin: Why dont you start doing something about it?

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

[Goanet] lion roars

2009-10-04 Thread Lionel Messias

Sound and fury
*Finger pointing*

If you have been reading the Herald, you would have read of the allegations,
finger pointing etcetera etcetera leveled by Sheila Gracias and Dr. Marconi
Correia at the Cansaulim-Arrosim-Cuelim-Village Panchayat Gram Sabha meeting
on August 16, and at a few more gatherings before this meeting. Is there a
connection here and a happening trend? It’s possible, because people have
been telling me that a good percentage of villagers who are raising a hue
and cry are those who do not own properties (apart from their small homes)
and also, sadly bhatkars. Foot loose and fancy free now and very rich too
having sold huge properties, they hang out with villagers pretending to be
activists. And please, there is absolutely no inference here to anyone in
these three villages. But it’s happening, and the Varca taxi drivers would
be my ‘Exhibit A’ submission in a debate on this.

*The other side*

And as a coin has two sides, this one does too. And this is the version of
Blanche Pereira, the Sarpanch, who says that at an extraordinary meeting of
the Gram Sabha on April 11, to discuss the Regional Plan (RP) 2021, attended
by 81 members; she asked them if they wanted to reserve parts of the land as
open spaces for the village of Cansaulim. According to her, none voiced
their opinion and two resolutions to this effect were passed (no. 13 and
14). According to her, Mathany Saldanha and Marconi Correia were present.
In fact according to Blanche Pereira, this meeting was specifically held
because at an earlier Gram Sabha on March 29, 2009, Sheila Gracias had
alleged that the meeting was futile since in the kit, the 2001 map
concerning the RP was not provided. According to the Sarpanch, kits were
officially provided to the VP as early as December 2008 and were available
for public scrutiny.
In addition, she says, coloured maps were printed and distributed to the
ward committee members. Also, the Town and Country Planning (TCP) department
had invited a list of architects on a voluntary basis and the VP body chose
Nilesh Salkar of Vasco da Gama, who suggested that the ward committees make
their plans and submit them to the TCP in Panjim. According to Blanche,
Sheila Gracias had, on the contrary, suggested the name of another
architect, Carlos Gracias. He with the other ward committee members went to
the wards (according to Blanche Pereira, not all the wards) and identified
only the sand dunes, ponds, and lakes. They did not survey the Cansaulim and
Arossim beach roads, the existing village roads, and the main district road
to the village, the Cansaulim railway station, government schools, and
hospitals, which as a result were omitted in the ward plans.

*What orchard zone?*

On the day of the special Gram Sabha on April 11, she says, the committee
members submitted their ward-wise plans duly signed to the VP in the
presence of a town planner from Vasco. “There was no discussion on the plans
that were submitted. However, Sheila Gracias stood up and said that the
beach area should be declared an orchard zone. In reality, the notion of an
orchard zone is against the land use laws as recommended by the Centre for
land between the 200 m and 500 m High Tide Line. A panch, Ferwin Saldanha
then asked everyone present if they wanted to keep their properties as open
spaces under the orchard zone which meant no development would be allowed.
No one responded. ”
Blanche says that after incorporating the ward level plans into the main
plan she invited Carlos Gracias to quote the resolution that said there must
be an orchard zone. He could not, and refused to sign the maps. “The
resolution of the meeting was approved by all the members present and
therefore, accusing me now of not reserving an orchard zone, is baseless.
All the plans can be obtained from the TCP under the RTI, if anybody wants
to verify what I have said.” She says also that during scrutiny of the
combined map by Carlos Gracias, villagers, including all the panchas, gave
in writing their objections to the orchard zone.

*(Feedback 6658606, 9763718501 lionroars@gmail.com) *

[Goanet] Goa's liberation

2009-10-04 Thread Bernado Colaco

With reference to the statement below, Alemao now says that Goa is finished. 
These remarks were uttered to someone who landed in Goa recently. It is 
believed that Alemao was behind the approval of building the Concan railway 
which passes through Goa. This has infrastructure has been and is a continuous 
calamity for Goa.
It was at the Adarsh Hall, in Margao, some years ago, when I spoke at 
Churchill Alemao's meet ( Mopa Airport -  when he left the Congress  to 
subsequently for SGF) that I had openly said that Goa was not liberated but 
conquered by India and that none other than  the Supreme Court of India has 
handed out the judgment.
Most dignitaries on the dais did not like what I said  and that includes 
perhaps even Churchill Alemao.


Re: [Goanet] Why blame Charles Darwin?

2009-10-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Thanks for this one, Sandeep.

There used to be a time when I could save one of every twenty posts on Goanet.
Then it turned to the point where I could only save one in a hundred.

Nowadays, I get to read only one or two good posts a month.

This one from Patrick Ferdinand is a gem. A real Gem!

Once again, thanks for forwarding it here.


Why blame Charles Darwin?
By Patrick Ferdinand

Mr. Bernard Simoes had written a diatribe against Charles Darwin and
his monumental work ‘The Origin of Species’, three weeks ago on this
very page of the Sunday herald Mirror(13 September), accusing him of
being the cause of all the ills that have afflicted mankind since its
publication, 150 years ago.

I have some answers to the doubts raised by Mr. Simoes, a
‘Creationist’ along with his tribe of Fundamentalist Christians, who
believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible. That the species
of all creation were created separate and have existed in their
separate forms, since the beginning of time till this date. He terms
‘Evolution’, a hoax and merely a theory, not a fact of science.

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Re: [Goanet] Discourse on Homosexuality

2009-10-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Bennet Paes of Assolna wrote:
> However, if, in the light of Delhi’s H.C’s dubious de-criminalisation verdict 
> on homosexuality, 
> gays and lesbians also claim the right to be married, and if their human 
> rights need to be 
> recognized under the law, there could still be a way out by calling that 
> union  by another name, 
> like “HOMORRIAGE”, for example. How about that! After all, a rose by any 
> other name would 
> smell as sweet - even to  anti-establishment elements.

Bennet Paes,
This is the same concept as having two wells in a village. Separate but equal 
wells. One well
for everyone to drink from and the other for the 'untouchables.'

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[Goanet] Why blame Charles Darwin?

2009-10-04 Thread Cajetan Alvares

Why blame him? For all the ills in this world?
For a start Muslims say Adam and Eve were Muslims, and Darwin's monkey
theory is BS.
Darwin kept silent for 20 years and had kept his book with his daughter for
safe keeping in case he died. Yet, after 20 years they called him and us
'monkey's uncle', we blame him for AIDS and Swine flue too.
(And now, homosexuality in Goa - what next?)
The monkey theory was invented by his contemporaries who did not understand
what he actually wrote, and the tabloid cartooned him monkey face to
ridicule him.
In the Origin of Species, page 424 he clearly wrote that every thing
originated from a single cell.
After 20 years he published his book purely because he said, "what his
contemporaries were saying to day was declared by him ages ago".
Why did he hide his book? because, after he had explained his theory to his
ships Captain (who was a dedicated Bible puncher), committed suicide.
If people want to know more about Darwin they can log on to BBC iPlayer, at
the moment there is a repeat of his series.
-Why blame Charles Darwin?By Patrick FerdinandMr. Bernard Simoes had written
a diatribe against Charles Darwin andhis monumental work ‘The Origin of
Species’, three weeks ago on thisvery page of the Sunday herald Mirror(13
September), accusing him ofbeing the cause of all the ills that have
afflicted mankind since itspublication, 150 years ago.

[Goanet] An irony

2009-10-04 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

On the front page of The Times of India (Oct 2, 2009) Mumbai edition, one of
the top stories says: "Center's job plan falls prey to corruption - 40% of
funds siphoned off".  This is about the National Rural Employment Guarantee
Scheme.  A box in the story says: "NREGA may now be named after Gandhi".

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

Re: [Goanet] Mario Goveia, about Jubbulpore

2009-10-04 Thread joelds

Hi Fred,
I don't know Arthur Francis, but his daughter's family is there in Calangute
(Pousada Tauma)/Assagao (Virginia Woods). I happened to come across the two
little books Meurin had written, and subsequently picked them up from
Calangute for Norma's bookstore.

On 10/5/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
> Mario, do you happen to know the author of this book or his family? A
> Santos, who was also at Jabalpore at some stage in past decades... FN
> Folk Tales of Goa Meurin BombayPp 61. Rs 2 (n.d.)
> Stories like that of Kolo-Koli (the foxy couple), Kolo-Manghem,
> Attulem Bittulem, Siumami, and two Goan devil stories. Arthur Francis
> `Meurin' Santos collected folk-tales as he travelled through life as a
> migrant Goan in Igatpuri, Jubbulpore and Bombay.

[Goanet] Muslim cleric to take Kumbh dip to wash away religious differences

2009-10-04 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

2 October 2009, Indian Muslim, By IANS

Lucknow: A dip in the sacred river during the Maha Kumbh Mela is said to
wash away all sins. A senior Muslim cleric who will perform the Hindu rite
hopes it will also wash away differences between the two religions.

Kalbe Sadiq, a noted Shia cleric and senior vice-president of the All India
Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB), will take the "holy dip" in the upcoming
Maha Kumbh Mela to be held in Haridwar in 2010.

"For the sake of cementing the bond between Hindus and Muslims, I have
decided to perform the ritual (holy dip) in the Ganga River, which is
considered sacred and revered, particularly by Hindus," Sadiq told IANS.

"In fact, not only the holy dip, I am ready to perform every such act that
will help promote amicable atmosphere between the two communities and
contribute towards the progress of the nation," he added.

Maha Kumbh Mela, one of the largest religious gatherings in the world, will
be held in 2010 in the holy city Haridwar in Uttarakhand, from Jan
14 to April 28, and is expected to see an influx of 15 million pilgrims --
many of whom will come from distant lands.

"Though I have not planned the exact date for carrying out the holy ritual,
very soon I will make it (date) public," Sadiq said.

The Muslim cleric has also intimated his plans to the seers in Haridwar.

"I have informed them so that they can assist me in performing the holy
ritual smoothly. For this purpose, I have already held talks with Yogi
Yateendra Nath Giri, who is the national convener of the Akhil Bhartiya
Sadhu Parishad," he said.

Asked about important issues that cropped up in his talks with the seer,
Sadiq said: "Primarily, it remained focussed on chalking out a plan to
further cement the bond between Hindus and Muslims."

The controversial issue of Babri Masjid/Ram Mandir too cropped up during the

"Yes, we discussed it and both of us agreed that the matter should be left
to the court and members of both the communities should respect the court's
order," he added.

Maha Kumbh Mela occurs four times every 12 years and rotates among four
locations: Allahabad (in Uttar Pradesh) at the confluence of the Ganga and
Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati River; Haridwar (in Uttarakhand) along the
Ganga, Ujjain (in Madhya Pradesh) along the Kshipra river and Nashik
(Maharashtra) along the Godavari river.

Re: [Goanet] Re. Indian Colonoliasm

2009-10-04 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 22:20:18 +0200
From: Alfred de Tavares 

Treaties not 'passed' by citizens, Mario?

Mario responds:

That's right, Uncle Alfred.  In a "representative democracy", treaties are 
generally not subject to referendums.

Has it occurred to you Portuguese sympathisers that the Portuguese did not hold 
a referendum in the early 1500s to see what Goans thought before invading and 
occupying Goa for 450 years?

In Portuguese occupied Goa, there was certainly no reason to ask the 
"permission" of the "occupied" before ejecting the "occupiers", who, by the 
way, had been politely asked to follow the example of the much more powerful 
Brits and the French for over a dozen years, but insisted on promulgating the 
farce of an "overseas province".

Besides, what did you want to ask the Goans at the time, i.e between 1961 and 
1974, when it was a Union Territory and before the Portuguese finally saw the 
error of their ways and formally signed the treaty of 1974 which so many Goans 
were unaware of until informed by the lone voice on Goanet of reason, truth and 
peace:-))  But seriously, what did you want to know?

Besides, without any referendum, India later graciously gave Goa back to the 
Goans as a full fledged state.  Most of the mess in Goa has taken place since 
then, has it not?

Ashburn & Leron Pereira wrote in O'Heraldo:

> According to the landmark judgments delivered by the Supreme Court of 
> India - Delhi, Goa was "CONQUERED" by India and was not liberated on 
> 19/12/61 from the Portuguese" also according to the U.N. resolution 1514 
> (XV) Goa is stated as "INVADED". We've now undergone 47 yrs of corrupt 
> "Bharoti" colonial rule over our Goa.
> On the other hand one could take the instance that Bangladesh was 
> liberated by "Bharot" and given to their people who now have the honour 
> of being the proud citizens of Bangladesh, whereas Goa wasn't, instead 
> it was conquered and forcefully annexed to the Indian Union, just as how 
> Saddam had invaded Kuwait on 2/8/90. In other words, Goa was "ROBBED" 
> from Goans by Nehru's "Bharot".

Mario responds:

Aye, aye, aye!  Are these two individuals serious - or seriously delusional?

Someone needs to enlighten these Portuguese apologists that it was their 
beloved Portuguese who had forcibly INVADED and CONQUERED and OCCUPIED Goa and 
ROBBED it of its natural resources for 450 years, and in 1974 finally gave up 
their long held farce that it was an "overseas province" and formally accepted 
India's sovereignty over Goa.

Many Goan Catholics, some of whom still fantasize about being "brown Europeans" 
- the community that benefited the most before 1961 - seem surprised to learn 
of the treaty of 1974.  We see them these days writing bogus revisionist 
columns in O'Heraldo or on Goanet insisting that a referendum should have been 
held before Goa was liberated from its prior forced occupation by the European 

Some of these folks do not seem aware that India graciously gave Goa back to 
the Goans as a full fledged state in 1987, and most of the corruption and ugly 
and inappropriate development has taken place since then.

Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2009 10:45:28 +0530
From: "floriano" 

Otherwise, they would have told Barot that after freeing Goa of the Portuguese, 
Goa's management and affairs should be handed over to the Goans - in an 
exclusive autonomy.

Mario responds:

What am I missing here?  Didn't this happen in 1987?

Floriano wrote:

Goa Su-Raj Party has gone on record to say that when it comes to power, it will 
either want to dissolve the Goa Freedom Fighter's Association  for good or it 
has to cull the fakes from its list if they want their self-respect restored 
back again.

Mario asks:

Are any of these Indian patriots left?  My relative who drove the Portuguese 
nuts by broadcasting anti-Portuguese messaages into Goa on All India Radio died 
years ago.

Floriano wrote:

Ideally, the Portuguese should have given autonomy to Goa and left.

Mario observes:

Floriano, the Portuguese were greedy colonialists who refused to acknowledge 
that the era of colonialism was over, even though the more powerful Brits and 
French had already accepted this as a fact.

They had FOURTEEN years to do this and were politely requested to do so over 
and over again, but encouraged mostly by the "brown European" Goan Catholics 
and some Goan Hindus who benefited from their presence and patronage, continued 
their farce of an "overseas province".

All India did was to bring Goa's medieval infrastructure into the 20th Century 
between 1961 and 1987 as a Union Territory.  Goans seem to take this for 
granted today.  I clearly remember how backward and outdated Goa's 
infrastructure was before 1961.

After Goa was turned over to the the Goans in 1987 the Goans began to elect and 
re-elect corrupt politicians, so would anything have been different if the 
Portuguese had voluntarily handed Goa back to the Goans sometime before 1961?

[Goanet] Morning in Mauxi

2009-10-04 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -



Re: [Goanet] Congress slumber party with Dalits

2009-10-04 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Indeed not, Dr Barad.

They are indulging in a pathetic exercise in applied hypocrisy.

They must assume that all our mothers, in a collective tantrum,
dropped us, muling & puking, on our heads.

BTW, I wonder, if during the sleepovers, they hold pyjama orgies 
and pillow-fights

&, how much moolah does the erection & furnishings of the overnight 
de luxe tents as well as seccurity for the respective protagonists in 
these charades add up to!

For certainly, nothing less than de luxe accomodation, would do for 
these chronically pampered congress nabobs...

Alfred de Tavares,

> From: dr.udayba...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 10:17:58 +0530
> Subject: [Goanet] Congress slumber party with Dalits
> Re: "Rahul Gandhi's surprise sleepovers at Dalit houses have been adopted as
> party strategy to prove that the Congress stands for the poorest of the
> poor."
> The Congress party has been around since our independence, and has ruled the
> country at the centre for 47 of the first 50 years, and in most states also.
> If it really stood for the poorest of the poor, surely they would have
> something substantial for them, and there would really not be so many
> poorest of the poor that the members of the party would have an opportunity
> for a sleepover.
> Does the media really think that such tokenism is going to be enough to
> improve the well-being of the people?
> Best regards,
> Dr. U. G. Barad 
Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online.

Re: [Goanet] China - India war : a simplistic view

2009-10-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Antonio Menezes wrote:And what will the U.S. do ?
> They don't even have to enter in the fray to help their allies Japan and
> South Korea. They can do enormous damage to the Chinese economy by simply
> freezing Chinese assets of over 4 trillion  dollars now lying in the American 
> banks.



You are a honest person.
Your views really are simplistic.

The US has been at war with Afghanistan for longer than it was in WWII.

It is now fundamentally broke. It has no money to pay for the war other than to 
bonds and T-Bills to you and me and the Peoples Republic of China. 

If you are in a place where you can view Michael Moore's documentary, 
A Love Story, I would strongly suggest you go see the documentary. Anyone who
does, will understand why they should not hold the US currency i.e. apart from 
wild idea you are planting in peoples minds about the US Govt freezing the 
of foreigners.

If you are in a place where you cannot view the documentary, the following link 
give you a primer.


Lastly, a little question.
How long was the USSR in Afghanistan before they declared victory, pulled out 


Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! 


[Goanet] Re. Indian Colonoliasm

2009-10-04 Thread Mario Goveia

Mario wrote:

> Treaties are not passed by citizens.

Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 23:17:59 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita 

Are you based in a country run by a dictatorship or a democratic country to 
make such a illogical statement?? Citizens are the final authority on the 
future of thier land. So in the view of the same not being done, this treaty 
you so strongly support is Null & Void; in my opinion.

Mario responds:


Goans HAVE BEEN the final authority regarding whom they elect to run Goa for 
several years now.

I'm not sure what more you want, other than, perhaps, to be made Maharajah of 
Goa:-))  I think I would vote for Floriano to be the Maharajah:-))

It seems you know about as much about a "representative democracy" form of 
government as you know about your mythical Goan identity.  In a "representative 
democracy" which is what India is, the authority of the citizens is exercised 
when they elect their representatives.  In between formal elections they are 
not required to be formally consulted.

Mario previously wrote:

Asking the "permission" of Goans to liberate Goa from invaders who had
occupied it for 450 years would be like the police asking a kidnapped
family's permission to rescue them.

Arwin responded:

You mean liberate Goa for Goans Or Liberate Goa from the Goans:  I suggest you 
visit Goa and see for yourself how today Goans are being reduced to a minority.

Mario responds:

I visit Goa once a year and own a home there.  I'm not even going to mention in 
this discussion that you don't even live in Goa:-))

As a Catholic growing up in India, I have always been a minority.  I have no 
problem being a minority.  Even in Goa Catholics were a minority even when some 
of them were Portuguese bootlickers.

If all Goans are being reduced to a minority because other Indians are 
relocating there there is nothing you can do about it since India has long been 
a part of India.

Mario previously wrote:

What you and JC are ignoring is that representative democracies are not run
by referendum.  Even if one had been held, I believe the majority of Goans
would have opted for kicking out the Portuguese occupiers, though many Goan
Catholics may have continued to opt for Portuguese bootlicking.

Arwin responded:

How you are so sure of your irrelavabt belief, do you have any supporting info 

Mario responds:

I have exactly as many facts as you do:-))

Mario previously wrote:

Be thankful Goa was kept as one political entity, or Bardez may now be a
part of Maharashtra and Salcette a part of Karnataka.

Arwin responded:

Thankful for what?? The Way Goa is going away from Goans today.. In a Few Years 
Goa will anyway look like a part of Maharashtra or a part of Karnataka.

Mario responds:

Goa is not going anywhere. If Goa becomes more like Maharashtra or Karnataka, 
so be it. You may be right but there is nothing you can do about it because I 
don't see anyone making you Maharajah of Goa:-))

Mario previously wrote:

Case closed. Time to move on.

Arwin responded:

Sorry Mario, Only Majority Goans can decide if this case is closed
or not; and not individually you or me for that matter

Mario responds:

Sorry, Arwin.  After liberating Goa from the Europeans who had forcibly invaded 
it and occupied it for 450 years, India graciously gave Goa back to the Goans 
to run as a state without dividing it.  That case is closed.

Whatever problems you perceive, whether real or imagined, have to be addressed 
by electing honest politicians and then seeing if you can convince them to run 
Goa the way you want, withing the constitution of Goa and of India.

Arwin wrote:

Time to move to to what are you indicating here? Give up on Goa,
Migrate to USA/EUROPE etc.. do nothing for Goa,.. Let Goa Rot and Let Goa no 
longer belong to Goans? Are you giving such views to safeguard you immigrant 
status in te USA or do you actually care for the Future of Goa & Goans ??

Mario responds:

Each Goan will decide for themselves what they want to do for themselves and 
their families, just as they have always done and just as you have done by 
choosing to work in the Gulf.

What I care about - in Goa and the rest of India - is the bribery and 
corruption, electing and re-electing dishonest politicians, the abysmal lack of 
civic sense and consideration for fellow citizens that no one in a leadership 
position seems to be addressing.

[Goanet] [Goanet} Air India flight crew in mid-air brawl

2009-10-04 Thread Mario Goveia



The pilots and cabin crew of an Air India flight brawled at 30,000ft after a 
stewardess accused a co-pilot of sexual harassment.

The cockpit of the Airbus A320 was reportedly left unmanned during the scuffle 
and at one point a pilot allegedly threatened to land Flight IC-844, from the 
United Arab Emirates to Delhi, in Pakistan, which it was flying over. According 
to Indian media reports, crew members threw punches and hurled abuse at each 
other in full view of 106 passengers. 
[end of excerpt]

[Goanet] Mario Goveia, about Jubbulpore

2009-10-04 Thread Frederick Noronha

Mario, do you happen to know the author of this book or his family? A
Santos, who was also at Jabalpore at some stage in past decades... FN

Folk Tales of Goa Meurin BombayPp 61. Rs 2 (n.d.)

Stories like that of Kolo-Koli (the foxy couple), Kolo-Manghem,
Attulem Bittulem, Siumami, and two Goan devil stories. Arthur Francis
`Meurin' Santos collected folk-tales as he travelled through life as a
migrant Goan in Igatpuri, Jubbulpore and Bombay.

[Goanet] Sounds... from Goa

2009-10-04 Thread Frederick Noronha

Colin and team's Jazz and Latino sounds from Goa:

[Goanet] Goa... and urbanism

2009-10-04 Thread FN

*Goa... and urbanism *
What has Goa got to do
with urbanism? Wasn't this place just a colonial backwater 
decades ago? Not so, says Rahul Srivastava. Rahul Srivastava

lives in Goa where he writes and does research on urban
issues. He has studied anthropology at Mumbai, Delhi and
Cambridge (UK). He has written on cities, tribal histories
and popular culture and also writes fiction for young
readers.He has worked extensively with urban heritage
movements. As the co-director of PUKAR, Mumbai, he conceived
the Neighbourhood Project which worked with students and
civic groups to produce intimate portraits of the city based
on local histories, family narratives and biographies.


[Goanet] Goa news for October 5, 2009

2009-10-04 Thread Goanet News Service

Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa: Bus trapped in deep flood waters - NDTV.com
arnataka border in a place called Kudal, which is about 100 km
from Goa. ...

*** I-League: Sporting - Air India Match Postponed Due To Heavy
Showers - Goal.com
eague hasn't been the best so far for the state of Goa as rains
have played a spoilsport... For the second consecutive day, ...

*** Goa BJP wants govt to use IFFI funds for relief work -
Press Trust of India
IFFI funds to aid flood-hit people in Canacona: BJP

*** Sesa Goa - A long-term bet - Myiris.com

*** Goa's biggest offshore casino unfit, inferior: Ministry -
Times of India
biggest offshore casino unfit, inferior: Ministry

*** PREP FOOTBALL: Muir loses on late field goa, 9-6 - Pasadena
ewsBURBANK - Michael Solano kicked a 21-yard field goal with 9
seconds left to lift Burroughs High School to a 9-6 victory

*** A kiss of Goa across the border - Times of India
RM">and more »

*** Remo laments Goa's woes in latest video - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Rampant mining, beach erosion and over
zealous exploitation of land resources in Goa find 'top of the
chart' mention in noted musician and singer ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/news/city/goa/Remo-laments-Goas-woes-in-latest-video/articleshow/5086948.cms&usg=AFQjCNHc7YOiZgyRWRI7ji8c5jIQNMAXJQ

*** Goa changes stand on edu hub yet again - Times of India
oM">and more »

*** Goa denied calamity relief funds - Herald Publications
rald PublicationsGoa tops the list of five States that have
been released no money from the central Calamity Relief Fund
(CRF) as they did not submit the utilisation ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://oheraldo.in/pagedetails.asp?nid=28177&cid=2&usg=AFQjCNHgDnrJ4IR75_JFFrnX0OCXEaHnSw

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Some seasonal Roadside beauties

2009-10-04 Thread JoeGoaUk

Talking Photos: Some seasonal  Roadside beauties
Roadside beauties:



4 - Purple
4- Yellow


Beach side beauties


for Goa & NRI related info... 

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In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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[Goanet] Congress slumber party with Dalits

2009-10-04 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Re: "Rahul Gandhi's surprise sleepovers at Dalit houses have been adopted as
party strategy to prove that the Congress stands for the poorest of the

The Congress party has been around since our independence, and has ruled the
country at the centre for 47 of the first 50 years, and in most states also.
If it really stood for the poorest of the poor, surely they would have
something substantial for them, and there would really not be so many
poorest of the poor that the members of the party would have an opportunity
for a sleepover.

Does the media really think that such tokenism is going to be enough to
improve the well-being of the people?

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad 


2009-10-04 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

'md' brought to our notice the following:

At the beginning the article says: "In his new film, Michael Moore declares
that he wishes to eliminate capitalism and replace it with collective
ownership of the economy."

I wonder whether Moore himself has 'donated' his own wealth to the society
on the basis of what he wants to do.

Best regards.

Dr. U. G.Barad 

[Goanet] God and You

2009-10-04 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- People from Canacona and other similar places in the south and 
also Bicholim, Assonora and other similar places need your prayers and support. 
It is at this time that the so called called caritas should step in and bring 
Jesus into the homes of these lonely people. Its easy to estimate the loss 
because every village has a church and they have a parish priest. I know 
Poiginin is run by the MSFS fathers .It is their duty to send a call for help 
and we must help them for Jesus said when you do to the least of my breathens 
you do it to me. I hope Nicholas Da Costa is paying attention to this.

Begin your day with a strong dose of news, sports, entertainment and more on 
MSN India

Re: [Goanet] Cotigao sounds our own.

2009-10-04 Thread floriano

The Road Map for Goa  by the Goa Su-Raj Party:
Chapter II [General Policies: Pg. 26(7) - STANDARDIZATION OF NAMES OF 

Available for download at:


- Original Message - 
From: "Anthony M Barreto" 

To: ; 
Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2009 5:25 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Cotigao sounds our own.

The Goa govt officially uses Cotigao in all matters including website. The 
vernacular writers when they mention it in English writing generally spell 
it as Khotigao.
I personally find Khotigao a bit twisted sort of and somehow find it 
difficult to identify the word with the Cotigao we have known.

Tony Martin

Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 15:15:31 +0200
From: Alfred de Tavares 
To: GOANET Lists , Goa Net Organization

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cloud Burst at Khotigao, Canacona Goa
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I find the Portuguese spelling...pronouncing of the village as

Khotigao makes it signify as "land of lies".

Pls comment Tony Martin...

Cheers, Alfred...

[Goanet] Daily Grook #533

2009-10-04 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

italian barbers
lacked tweezers,
roman soldiers
used caesar's!


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[Goanet] Selma Carvalho: Who the bleep cares about loving couples?

2009-10-04 Thread Eddie Fernandes

Title: Who the bleep cares about loving couples?
By: Selma Carvalho
Source: Goan Voice Daily Newsletter of 5 Oct. 2009 at www.goanvoice.org.uk

Full text:

In all the time I've known them, I've never seen my parents kiss each other.
Nor peck each other playfully on the cheek or nuzzle each other's necks,
ruffle each other's hair or any of those tactile things couples are supposed
to engage in. Yet, I've always known that this was a couple deeply committed
to and in love with each other. There were just little clues left here and
there for us children to pick up on. Like my mother pacing in the verandah
of the house if my father was late coming home or the fact that my father
never took a single decision in the forty-eight odd years they've been
married without consulting my mother. 

This was a generation that never read any psychology books or even heard of
the self-help section at the local bookstore. My mother's only point of
reference for what constituted an ideal marriage must have been the Mills &
Boons she read so religiously. Yet, her reality was never coloured by
fantasy. She was so grounded in what actual relationships were, she would
have laughed her head off if Dad had suddenly presented her with a bouquet
of flowers let alone ripped off her bodice in a mad, passionate frenzy. They
had no idea of concepts like compatibility, theirs was a world that only
knew adaptability and adapt they did to each other. It was as if they knew
instinctively that a long-term relationship would require of them to learn
each other anew every day.

Again they were just little things but they went a long way in keeping their
relationship alive. Like the way my mum learnt to take an interest in
politics so that she could sit late in the night with Dad and watch the
World News, making some comment or the other which both of them found
amusing. My Dad always thought Yassar Arafat looked like a squirrel. He was
very much a product of his generation, pro-Israel without really knowing
why, save that they were a Jewish nation. Years later when I grew up and my
own politics was decidedly pro-Palestine, I never argued with him or tried
to set his politics "right". The man had after all inculcated a natural
inquiry of the world in me, for which I was eternally grateful. His politics
grew on my mother just as her love for the Church and Church activities grew
on him. In time, she got him involved in Church work which has kept him
involved with the community now that they are both retired.

Then there was us, the three children, the entire focus of their lives. They
never knew anything called "me-time" or a vacation away from the kids or
being overwhelmed by their responsibilities. Their lives were seamlessly
intertwined with our lives. They were not just our parents, they were the
creators of our dreams and the nourishers of our hope. Even when I showed no
aptitude for needle-point or piano or cooking or any of those niceties which
Goan girls are to become accomplished at if they are to find good husbands,
my mother never said anything. Even when I had betrayed all her ambitions
for me, she held her tongue and opened her purse strings to buy me books.
She had an innate understanding of who I was as a human being. On those
occasions when she simply failed to let go of me and tried to weigh me down
with the weight of her own expectations, my father stepped-in and severed
the umbilical cord of co-dependence and set me free.

I see so much pain now, broken homes, depression, dysfunction amongst
children coming from such homes. Looking back, at those quaint old notions
my parents generation hung on to of self-sacrifice, of responsibility of
persevering because of the kids, somehow they had got it right, somehow as
the Americans would say, they did good. 

Then again, perhaps my reality is coloured by fantasy and I see only what I
want to see with my rose-tinted glasses of yesteryear.
Do leave your feedback at carvalho_...@yahoo.com

[ED: If you want to see the video clip of Selma in an interview with
Frederick Noronha talking about her upcoming book, go to

[Goanet] Talkling Photos: Saw these creatures after long time

2009-10-04 Thread JoeGoaUk

Saw these creatures after long time
Both seen together
Previous correct link
Cabbhage & Cauliflower


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In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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[Goanet] Cotigao sounds our own.

2009-10-04 Thread Anthony M Barreto

The Goa govt officially uses Cotigao in all matters including website. The 
vernacular writers when they mention it in English writing generally spell it 
as Khotigao.  
I personally find Khotigao a bit twisted sort of and somehow find it difficult 
to identify the word with the Cotigao we have known.  
Tony Martin

Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 15:15:31 +0200
From: Alfred de Tavares 
To: GOANET Lists , Goa Net Organization
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cloud Burst at Khotigao, Canacona Goa
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I find the Portuguese spelling...pronouncing of the village as

Khotigao makes it signify as "land of lies".

Pls comment Tony Martin...

Cheers, Alfred...

  Try the new Yahoo! India Homepage. Click here. http://in.yahoo.com/trynew

[Goanet] Talking Photo: We call it Katt-Konngam

2009-10-04 Thread JoeGoaUk

Talking Photo: We call it Katt-Konngam

We call this Konngyo or Katt-Konngam
(I hope I am right).
Usually, it’s season in Dec/January
We used to buy at 3 kings Feast
It looks like potatoes but its not.
Inside of it is white and taste slightly saltless
Strangely, it was available for sale at Panjim. Rs.50/kg
What you see here is 1 kg.
She says, it has come from Canacona


Sale! Sale! Sale!
Cabbage and cauliflower


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

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2009-10-04 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com





Vidio kassetti vinkpi lojar, Eloy Films, hannim toyar kell'lem ek Konknni vidio 
MAHANAND, mhojea nodrek poddlem. Halinchea disamni, vidio filmam kaddpachi, ek 
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Thoddeanchim filming vo photography  matxe unchli aslear, kaichea-kai dorzo 
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kortat. Dekhunuch, adle toren sokoilea dorjechim poch-pochit pasun zalear, 
vidio fimam pollevnchi craze mhaka asli ti, atam pois zait veta. Goyam 
ghoddleli ek 
khori nixttur kanniecher bosoilolem MAHANAND vidio film zait mhunn, hanvem tem 
ghetlem. Ani dusre votten, fimamcho boroinar ani digdorspi Jack-E, hem nanv 
vidio sinema mollar dislolean, odikuch tem film pollevnchi, mhoji kurusidad 
(curiosity) vaddli. MAHANAND film kaddlolea producer-an, anik thoddocho vell 
ani cholchitr dondhean onnbhovlolea mon'xancho adhar ghetlolo zalear, hem vidio 
sinema borench unchlea dorjechem zata aslem. Tori astanam, digdorspean zaite 
keleat, hem vidio film pollevpa sarkelem korcheak.

MANANAND filmam vixim hanv zoborxem sangonk sodinam, punn; film digdorspea 
sangchelem mhollear, Mahanandu Naik-a oslea dharun mon'xan, ang xirxipa  
inosent ostoreanche kunn kortoleak, neaysobhen koslich govay (witness) mellunk 
naslolean, taka niopradhi mhunn (hea filman) soddun dita tem dakhoita. Va re va 
digdorspea! Goyche porjek tum zagrut korta. Ani khorench! Falleam oxench 
Anik ek onneaycho (injustice) nikal thartolo. Doya nastonam inosent 16 (?) 
ostoreanche kunn kell'lea rakshesh Mahanandu Naik-achi suttka zatoli. Kiteak? 
Bharoti neayvevostha (judicial system) broxttochar monis choloitat ani keast 
asloleank sojea mellona ani nit sodtoleank kourtichim daram dhamplolim melltat.

Tarvall-Shirodda, tacheach vaddeavoilem Darshan Tukaram Naik-acho, 1994 vorsant 
poilo kunn zalolo. Tea vellar pulisen, kholayen chovkoxi korun, Mahanandu-k; 
kourttileant koddok sojea diloli zalear, az kitlech inosent ostoreancho jiv 
vattovpacho mhunn, dhor ek Goykar hanga-thoim gombirtayen uloitolo aikunk yeta. 
Goyant, Scarlet Kneeling, ek European bhovnddekarn'nicho soglleam ujir Arjunna 
veller kunn zalolo. Ani tatunt, eka Montreachea putacho hat asa mhunn, desi 
videsi TV chenolam, potram gorom-gorom bhatmi ditalim. Nikall kitem? Az meren 
mell'lea? Zalear, MAHANAND vidio filman, Mahanandu Naika-chi govay nasun suttka 
zatoli mhunn film-digdorspi Jack-E, adinch parkita. Ani oxem ghoddlem zalear? 
Teddnam nidhil'lo Goykar zago zaun nit magtolo?

Kourttaleant ni-opradi mhunn nikall mellun Mahanandu apnnalea ganvant bhitor 
sortanam, ganvcho lok kirmidoracher tuktt'ttat, fator martat, gallio-vosti 
boball kortat tem, digdorspean bhes bore toren sojoilam. Ganvchea loka modim, 
repest-manan tigpa sarkem naslolean,  kornayok Mahanandu doryan jiv divnk veta. 
dorya porian pottant ghevnk, apnnalea korttubank vittela mhunn, to aplea 
sangta. Ani khaxea bapaikuch hea druxtt jogantlo mukht (free) korunk vinoyta. 
Khorench tacho bapui, taka sojea dita vo nam?

Goychea dhor ek motdarsonghan MAHANAND asat. Goyche dortorecho bholatkar ani 
kortat. Kalchem Goem az disonam ani irlexem urlam tenvuim khobar korpak 
Panchayitencho hok'k aplea muttint dovorleat. Mahanand Naik-ak ottok korpak 
15 vorsam laglim. Punn amche motdarsonghanle MAHANAND-ak nikllavpak 5 vorsam 
zait. Punn toxem ghoddonam. Eleisanvam vellar dhor ek motdarak 500 rupianchem 
divn survatekuch tanchea toddantle jibecho kunn korun ghetla. Mhonnchem, 
tanchim tonddam bond keleant. Ho khell ami kitlo khal meren pollevncho urla? 
vidio filman Mahanandu ganvant bhitor sortamna lok tacher fator, luti tuktt'tta 
toren 5 vorsamni amchea ganvant bhitor sortole amchea motdarsoghantlea 
MAHANAND-anacher fatrancho pavs ottoun vidio filmant dakhoilolea porim MAHANAND 
raksheshancho amcheach hatamni nash korunk zai. Fuddlea vechnnuke vellar oxem 
amche lagim zatolem? Vo 500 rupiachi nott keddna athar poddtoli, tachi vatt 
asat kay?

Lino B. Dourado



[Goanet] The Forgotten Tribe - MHAR - Part 6

2009-10-04 Thread Domnic Fernandes




Until the Fifties and the Sixties, most Goans in the villages lived in the 
Age'. I say so because I witnessed people starting a fire by rubbing two stones 
together. Keep in mind the first non-poisonous match was made available for 
use since January 28, 1911!

Similarly, paddy was husked at home in a "varn" (round hole in the floor - hand 
to husk paddy or corn) with the help of a "musoll" (life size pestle.)

The husking job was undertaken by two women. At every thrust of the musoll, 
woman would utter: Shov, shov - shov, shov - shov, show . Do you remember the 
following lines from one of the Dekhnnis?

Shov, shov Juana
Modlea varnant far poddonam
Shov, shov, shov kanddtta gho
Kannpinnincho mathro ghov!

(Shov, shov Juana
The stroke doesn't get into the middle of the varn
Shov, shov, shov - the husking goes on
It's the husker's old husband!)

Few villages had rice husking and flour mills by the mid of the last century. 
then, people ground all types of cereals at home on a "dantem" (millstone) and 
produced flour at home. Here are two lines of a dantem-related Dulpod:

Apttun-dhopttun gho, cheddvan dantem manddilem
Doilolem pitt sogllem, kombien xinvravn uddoilem

(With great difficulty, the girl set the grinding stone)
But all the ground flour was strewn around by the chicken.)

In the olden days, for every day breakfast people ate "gonvacheo bakreo" (hand 
wheat bread) and "nachneanchem tizan" (a sweet dish made from the millets.) For 
this, they needed "gonvanchem ani nachnneanchem pitt (wheat and millet flour,) 
they ground on a dantem.

In the days of yore, practically every household owned a set of dantem. They 
rice and cereals on it every day - it was a daily task.

At Christmas time, besides "churnancheo nevreo" (nevreo filled with grated 
ixed with jaggery,) people also made "chonneanchea pittacheo nevreo" (nevreo 
gram flour.)

Chonneanchi dal (gram lentils) was fried and ground on a dantem. Sugar was also 
mixed along with chonnenachi dal and ground together. When grinding was in 
children would visit the dantem or millstone every now and then, pick a handful 
sweet ground powder, place it in their mouth and walk away.

Although most villagers were uneducated, they were particular about hygiene. 
Whenever rice and other cereals were to be ground on a dantem, they would place 
on a "khanddiem" (a kind of flat, square mat with elevated sides approximately 

In order to avoid spill of ground flour on the khanddiem, a cloth was placed 
underneath the dantem. The khanddiem was to avoid surrounding dust particles 
getting into the flour. With the khanddiem in place, people walking about the 
could not step into it and the contents were protected from the dust.

The Mhar community manufactured this little protective item - the khanddiem!


There was no electricity supply in Goan villages until the early Seventies. In 
Anjuna, we received electricity supply in 1974. Today, every household has 
ceiling/pedestal fans and/or air conditioners. How do you think people cooled 
themselves and survived in those days?

People used "hatan kel'lo mancho ain'no" (hand-made bamboo fan.). Almost every 
had a couple of bamboo fans, which they used during their leisure time and in 
summer. They also used them while making the first fire in the morning.

people sat either on a "sopo" (a bench of stones) or an "umbro" (ridge outside 
door), conversed with each other and fanned themselves. People also carried 
ainn'nne to the Church, weddings and other functions.

These ainn'nne were sold at main feast fairs like St. Francis Xavier's feast at 
Goa, Milagres feast in Mapusa, Holy Cross feast at Santa Cruz, Our Lady of 
Assumption feast in Panaji, Holy Spirit feast in Margao, etc.

The ainn'nne were manufactured in attractive colors i.e., they used at least 
3-colored hevam (layers) - green/blue, red/violet, yellow.

Who do you think manufactured the ainn'nne? Of course, the Mhar community!

Some other fragrance smelling fans were also sold but they were more of a 
nature, whereas the ones made of bamboo lasted for a long time. People used 
carefully so as to last for at least a year - they would buy new ones at one of 
year's above-mentioned fairs.

During the Portuguese regime, shopkeepers imported fancy Japanese fans, which 
made of fine wood and cloth and had beautiful designs printed on them.

Whenever a wedding took place, common girls and women carried "manche ainn'nne" 
(fans made from bamboo), whereas the elite and well-to-do carried imported 

Once a dance was over, girls and ladies returned to their seats, opened their 
and fanned themselves. They then waited for the boys/men to approach

[Goanet] Discourse on Homosexuality

2009-10-04 Thread TABP

  By: Bennet Paes, Assolna
As long as people copulate, sodomite or masturbate in private, what does it 
matter whether it is legal or not? However, whether it is ethical or not, only 
their conscience can dictate. None others, whether courts of law or religious 
authorities can pass judgments, simply because they don’t know what has been 
going on behind closed doors or behind the camera’s eye.
True, homosexuality may have been in practice for centuries and  gone on 
merrily since then. Why then was there so much hype and dancing in the streets 
after the Delhi High Court’s verdict in its favour?  Earlier the gays had 
protested against harassment by the police and by decency-driven public. But 
now it looks like the revelers  have the green card to flaunt their hitherto 
suspect practices in public, under the protection of law. However, the revelers 
may still have to face that ‘hijra’ type contempt in a country where 
discrimination is so rampant, leave alone against colour or creed, unless they 
refrain from taking their new-found euphoria to the market place.
A priest  said on a tv channel that the Catholic church, by the very fact that 
it is called catholic, does recognize the freedom of every individual, and thus 
accepts the verdict of the Delhi H.C. allowing gays this freedom. So said a 
Muslim representative, too. However, what they both  vehemently rejected is the 
very act of a sexual relationship between two persons of  the  same sex, 
consenting or not. And by no means this implies that they mean to impose their 
views, as indeed of the views of millions of morality-conscious Indians, on 
these so-called  ‘sexually liberated’ bunch of men and women.
From time immemorial institutions and societies of whatever color or creed 
anywhere in the world have by instinct  acknowledged marriage as between a man 
and a woman, i.e. between two persons of opposite  sex. World dictionaries and 
encyclopedias  also define marriage as such.
However, if, in the light of Delhi’s H.C’s dubious de-criminalisation verdict 
on homosexuality, gays and lesbians also claim the right to be married, and if 
their human rights need to be recognized under the law, there could still be a 
way out by calling that union  by another name, like “HOMORRIAGE”, for example. 
How about that! After all, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet - even 
to  anti-establishment elements.

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[Goanet] Why blame Charles Darwin?

2009-10-04 Thread Sandeep Heble

On 13th September, the Herald in its ‘Mirror’ segment carried an
Opinion Piece by Bernard Simoes titled “Did Charles Darwin mislead
us?’. The same is available for viewing at http://tinyurl.com/npzrus

In the said Opinion piece, the author pins the blame for all the evils
that have afflicted mankind – terrorism, wars, racism, etc - on
Charles Darwin and his Evolution theory, calling it the bane of

Today’s Herald Mirror carries a rejoinder by Patrick Ferdinand. The
same is appended below.

Why blame Charles Darwin?
By Patrick Ferdinand

Mr. Bernard Simoes had written a diatribe against Charles Darwin and
his monumental work ‘The Origin of Species’, three weeks ago on this
very page of the Sunday herald Mirror(13 September), accusing him of
being the cause of all the ills that have afflicted mankind since its
publication, 150 years ago.

I have some answers to the doubts raised by Mr. Simoes, a
‘Creationist’ along with his tribe of Fundamentalist Christians, who
believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible. That the species
of all creation were created separate and have existed in their
separate forms, since the beginning of time till this date. He terms
‘Evolution’, a hoax and merely a theory, not a fact of science.

It astonishes me to know that people like Mr. Simoes do exist in our
own India, where of the six systems of Philosophical thoughts, two are
atheistic, apart from Buddhism. That down the ages, religious
literature in India has the largest volume of agnostic, skeptical and
atheistic writing than anywhere in Europe. And this was long before
Darwin and his Origin of Species appeared. Atheism has existed in
Europe, since the time of the Greeks. So what is Bernard Simoes
whining about? So much for his myth that Darwin ushered in atheism, in
the last 150 years…

That Darwin gave people license to promote racism and slavery. If
Bernard Simoes has read his Bible critically and not lapped up every
word as the word of God, he will realize that far from being the word
of God, the two Testaments, Old and New, are chaotically cobbled
together anthology of disjointed documents, composed, revised,
translated, mistranslated, distorted and improved by hundreds of
anonymous authors, editors, copyists unknown to us and to each other
spanning centuries. That it is a hotchpotch of Babylonian, Persian and
Egyptian myths, pseudo-History, ptolemaic geography and plenty of
sheer sexual vulgarity and gore.

At the same time it cannot be denied that certain books of the Bible
do contain sublime passages of outstanding moral and literary merit.
And why not? All so called religious books contain some merit, because
they contain the accumulated wealth of mankind. Man, being man, is
capable of sounding the heights and debts of human conduct. Another
proof, if proof be needed that-the Bible is a work of man, not God.

Further, he will learn that the God of the Old Testament, the Father
of the God of the New Testament, is the most unpleasant character in
all fiction; jealous, proud, petty unjust, unforgiving, vindictive, a
bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser, a misogynist, a racist, a genocidal
megalomaniac, sado-masochistic and capriciously malevolent bully. I
would advise Bernard Simoes to read his Bible again and if he has any
difficulty discovering such a God, kindly contact me and I will
provide him Chapter and verse from the Bible, which will substantiate
every attribute of God that I have mentioned, not of God, but the God
of the Old Testament.

As regards Black Slavery, it has been in existence since Biblical
times and even earlier. In fact, it is only in the last 150 years that
slavery has been abolished, thanks to the compatriots of Charles

As regards Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, all were Christians, the
first two Catholics, the third, Russian Orthodox. Their misdeeds had
nothing to do with the theory of Evolution. They behaved as they did,
because their minds had not evolved since biblical times, just as
Bernard Simoes’ mind is still fossilised in the Bible.

True, Evolution is still a theory; that is because Science is an
eternal search for the truth that is the beauty of Science. And what
is the story of ‘Creation in Genesis’, if not a pious myth? It is
Evolution, the theory that we have evolved from lesser beings, that we
still carry within ourselves part animal and part human
characteristics, that man can be both good and evil, not because of
‘Original Sin’ and the Fall of Man.

Science being Science has to proceed step by faltering step to get to
the truth, but the Church knows everything above, the same Church that
did not know, whether the Earth revolved around the Sun or the Sun
revolved around the Earth, till the 17th Century. Something that
perceptive Indians knew in the 5th Century AD.

Yes, Nazism, Fascism and Communism were perpetuated by Catholic
societies and Catholic Governments, that in fact banned Darwin. And
what about all the misery and suff

[Goanet] China - India war : a simplistic view

2009-10-04 Thread Antonio Menezes

There are rumblings in the Indian media  that China is flexing its muscles
for a possible incursion in the Indian territory. They have their internal
problems in Tibet and Xinjiang.  India is no longer the same nation that was
so  weak militarily in 60's  so it is possible that China will make their
move carefully in conjunction with Pakistanis who are forever ready for such
an eventuality except they have their hands tied at the moment with the West
vs.Taliban war in Afghanistan.And since West looks likely to withdraw from
the Afghan  quagmire eventually, Pakistan seem to be looking forward for a
future combined China/Pakistan thrust in the Indian terrtory. Pakistan
should know that such an adventure could end up in a nuclear war.  Let
Pakistanis be happy to know that their nuclear warheads  might obliterate
500 million Indians as against Indian nuclear weapons  which might wipe off
150 million Pakistanis from the face ofthe earth.Furthermore Pakistan will
cease to exist as it will be blown to smitheneens  for thy kingdom to come.
India will, however, continue to exist  with the remaing 500 million people.

As for China , they too will have their enemies  join in the fray.  Vietnam
like Pakistan is also waiting for the opportunity to strike at China.Then
there is Taiwan, Japan and South Korea who feel uneasy today  and who might
take the opportunity  to strike whilst going is good. Russia has designs to
add Manchuria to its Siberian region., besides helping Xinjiang to attain
independence from Han colonialism.  And what will the U.S. do ?
They don't even have to enter in the fray to help their allies Japan and
South Korea. They can do enormous damage to the Chinese economy by simply
freezing Chinese assets of over 4 trillion  dollars now lying in the
American banks.

Re: [Goanet] Ram Rajya

2009-10-04 Thread floriano

The most appropriate person to give  us Goans Christ Raj is Fr. Conceicao 
Silva !


- Original Message - 
From: "Albert Desouza" 

To: "Major domo goanet" 
Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2009 10:24 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Ram Rajya

Albert writes"=I cannot understand why we catholics get so upset if some one 
uses the word Ram. This happens because we are really uneducated ourselves. 
Proper education brings enlightment. Today we hear catholics criticising 
Christians because we think our religion is founded on the blood of Christ 
and the protestants are people without soul. These are the same people who 
cry from roof tops when someone uses the word Ram. As for me the word Jesus 
Christ and the word Ganesha or Ram or Allah means the same thing. Kyea farak 
partha hai ? Are the followers of Christ pure in hearts than the followers 
of Ram ? Didn't we drive away the people who came to tell you about Jesus 
just because they do not enter your church ? Did'nt we stop buriel of some 
one who life long had been donating to the Roman catholic church and now 
became a born again christian just because your parish priest told you not 
to allow the buriel ? If Digamber Kamat says lets have Christ Raj will the 
governance be better ? I doubt.

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[Goanet] Gulf Times - Qatar's top-selling English daily newspaper - Qatar

2009-10-04 Thread Ruby Goes

Drum roll please!
Good on you GWA Qatar!
Best wishes,

[Goanet] Press note

2009-10-04 Thread clpicgoa icamoesgoa

Dear Sir,
I would be obliged if you would kindly publish the following press note in your 
esteemed newspaper as a news item:
CAPLE - Certification of Portuguese as a Foreign Language
Centro de Lingua Portuguesa-Instituto Camões, Goa, anounces the examinations of 
International Certification of Portuguese as a Foreign Language. Registration 
is opened till 16th October at its premises in Panaji., where exams of CAPLE 
(Centro de Avaliação de Português Língua Estrangeira) will take place at the 
end of November.
The Instituto Camões is responsible, under the tutelage of the Foreign Office, 
for the orientation, coordination and implementation of Portuguese external 
cultural policy, namely, the dissemination of Portuguese language and culture. 
The system of assessment and certification of Portuguese as a Foreign Language 
(PLE) was established in March 1999 by agreement signed by the Foreign Office 
(represented by Instituto Camões), the Ministry of Education and the University 
of Lisbon. This system is responsible for the development and administration of 
examinations and the recognition of five levels of competence in Portuguese as 
a Foreign Language (PLE). Each of them is recognized by a certificate/diploma 
to be issued by the University of Lisbon, currently through the Department of 
Portuguese Language and Culture (DLCP) of the Faculty of the Arts, a member of 
ALTE – the Association of Language Testers in Europe. 28 European institutions, 
representing 23 European languages, are currently members of ALTE.
For further information, please contact CLP/ IC-Goa, AGVA HOUSE, 9/32 Dr. Dada 
Vaidya Road, Panaji-403001GOA (Tel: 6647737) or access the following website: 
Yours Faithfully,
Delfim Correia da Silva

Delfim Correia da Silva
Centro de Língua Portuguesa/Instituto Camões
Agva House, 9/32 Dr.Dada Vaidya Road
832 664 7737 / 832 242 2237
Panaji 403001, GOA - INDIA

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