[Goanet] STT: Letting death take away someone just like that?

2009-10-23 Thread JoeGoaUk
STT: Letting death take away someone just like that?
The funeral I attended recently, disturbed my peace of mind.

Why him? Why so young?
Was it avoidable?
Didn’t get right medical help at right time?
Did we take things for granted?
Over worked or over stretched?
Our parents  are also to busy to look after their children?
Friends, family, neigbours etc did not bother just because they 
or the deceased was well to do?
Take this for example, the young tiatrist.
Who performed in his tiatr just 5 days before his death
Performed on 11, 12 & 13th Oct – then 14,15,16 & 17 spent in hospital 
(died on 17th Oct evening).
Death was neither by road accident nor by drowning nor it a suicide or a murder.
Nor it was by any modern killer diseases like Cancer, HIV, H1N1  etc
Did not get or seek right medical help at right time (?)
Seen in this clip 4 times at 0.09, 1.41, 3.16 & 6.50

Hope we learn something from this particularly those living all by themselves
e.g. away from their family (outside Goa/Abroad)
Please take care of yourselves 

Don’t let Death take you or someone just like that


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[Goanet] Hi!

2009-10-23 Thread lian desousa

Can anyone who knows, please tell me if there is any Mexican Restaurant here
in North Goa?




2009-10-23 Thread manuel tavares
The short poem by Dadaji gives me an idea. I hear that the Gattis are poluting 
the fields with their blatent ignorance of basic sanitary procedures. Graham 
Green the famous author had travelled  through India and had landed in Goa and 
of course observed first hand the sanitary and recycling methods that were in 
use in Goa, namely our pig cleaned toilets. He was so impressed with the 
sanitation in Goa which, though primitive and to a certain extent disgusting, 
still ranked as the foremost in cleanliness in the whole of India. He suggested 
in his book that India would do well to emulate the example of the Goan 
sanatiry system. I wish the Gattis would learn something from this and not turn 
our sanitary Goa into one big toilet as they have turned Bombay (Mumbai) into. 
In fact we could ask them to leave Goa and institute this system in areas where 
they came from. It would beneift them in two ways. They will have a sanitary 
system and the pigs will then provide them with meat and perhaps they can also 
learn to prepare and sell Goinche Cherisam.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares

[Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

2009-10-23 Thread Sandeep Heble
Gabe Menezes writes:
"RESPONSE: I have read Sabdeep Heble's article, I believe both of you have
misread the article.

Sandeep is crying out loud that the BJP are no longer a credible
oppositionnot that he is against the BJP."

My Response:


Different people may have interpreted my post differently(Check out
another response from elsewhere appended below) but you are way off
the track.

I have no love or sympathy for any of our Political Parties in the
present set-up.

I have clearly attacked the policies of the BJP, particularly their
model of “Hindutva”, holding it responsible for riots, violence,
assaults on our ‘Freedom of Expression’ and for taking India

After their recent electoral defeats, the top BJP leaders will
probably converge at their own “Chintan Baithaks”, where they will
introspect and frame fresh policies for the future.  Going by past
experiences, there are two alternate roads which they could chart, one
of them being pursuing “Hindutva” even more vigorously.  Now if the
party aggressively pursues their skewed interpretation of Hindutva,
such a road can only be disastrous to the Nation.

I have suggested the other alternative: that the Party must re-invent
itself on modern secular liberal principles if it wishes to exist in
the realities of today's world. A reformed strong opposition Party on
such principles will most certainly be in India's interests. Else, as
Vivian has aptly observed, India could move back towards the Emergency



Why the BJP Lotus is sinking!..by anonymous

Does the Indian Youth really have an imagination? Whether in art,
music, cinema, literature, philosophy; the average Indian 'university
educated' youth comes as a cropper. Education is not for education's
sake but a job. (Pay) package is the most common word at the tip of
job hungry youngsters. They are content with being software coolies
and all nite BPOs.

The degree of ignorance on political issues is equally shocking.
Consider the case of Sandeep Hebleji. He is tempted to identify with
someone like Rahul Gandhi, a 40 yr old 'young' leader of whom we knew
practically nothing until a couple of yrs back. Recall prior to the
elections his claim that he would "finish off terrorism in 15 days"
Rahul Gandhi like his mother [of whose background we know little
either] does not appear for TV or print interviews. But youth like
Sandeep Heble have identified in him the messiah of Indian politics,
all, I presume at 'face value' The new gen leaders are not self
created, they all have risen from the ashes of their political
heavyweight fathers. "Mere mare hue baap ke naam par mujhe vote do!"
has been their common refrain. And, Rahul Mahajan is NOT a BJP leader

BJP did not get its first state government until 1989 but riots in
India have been ubiquitous since the 14th century. The mind of the
dhimmi is actually not averse to violence, as long as his community is
the victim. People of all other races may have the divine sanction to
violence, but the Hindu must eschew from the same.

India today has the highest number of hungry people in the planet,
thanks to Heble's favourite party. It is a cruel joke that in a nation
where writing an Anti-Islamic article can land you in jail, we have
"Hindus" like Heble who defend the right to freedom of expression of a
perverted Muslim artist. In Goa itself, more than 500 temples have
been desecrated in the last ten years

At a time, when Hindu cultural practices are endangered by the
pernicious practices of the pseudosecular 'minority' appeasing state,
Heble's only concern is protection of the minority practices,
including such exalted practices like prostelytization,
radicalization, polygamy, overpopulation amongst others.

The BJP, is of course, second to none when it comes to backing caste
based quotas and this is where it lost all credibility to being a
party with a difference, especially when it backed OBC quota bill. The
insinuation that the BJP has some upper caste agenda is a propaganda
piece straight from the Congress headquarters. It is because of
Hindutva that India retains a semblance of Hinduness in the 21st
century. Or else, our fate would have been like the Goans who were
Portuguese slaves until they were liberated by the Indian state.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 1121

2009-10-23 Thread pcheryl
My Dear Mr. Mario Goveia,

I have been observing for the last few days that there are many of our fellow 
Christians who are in the habit shouting their lungs horse of the great 
virtues left to them as inheritance by the Portuguese   .  The so called self 
appointed guardians of Christian Virtues and Goan Culture are wolves in sheep's 
clothing who are hell-bent on destroying the great Goan Christian  Values of 
Tolerance . Goan's  have been noted to be a peace loving community as  a whole 
hence have been welcomed no matter where ever they may go.

Let us not degenerate  ourselves  , Lower our   values ( Virtues) to those of 
lowly self appointed guardians of  Goan  & Christian virtues. Let us be more 
like and not respond to their senseless allegations, but turn the other cheek 
Christ advised. . The hollow , senseless accusations / self proclaimed virtues 
the self appointed guardians / representative show how empty minds are the 
work shop. Full of hate, jealousy and malice and always ready to spread it.

They seem to have forgotten the ten commandments also ( Never take the name of 
Lord your God in wain. )
DEV BOREM KORUM. If they cannot respect God , then you cannot expect them to 
his creation too.( You).

Dear Moderator please ensure that this site is one that  gets goans together 
and not 
one which drives them apart .


2009-10-23 Thread Aires Rodrigues
At a time when Goa’s crime barometer is on a steep ascending mode it is even
more important to have an independent police force. But with political
interference in their selection, promotion and transfer, the Goa police are
obviously unable to deliver. We have a lot of good and smart police officers
but unfortunately their brains and investigative skills are in the custody
of the politicians whose line they have to tow. The Police lack the will to
investigate because of political pulls and pressures.

Law and order is the key to Goa’s prosperity and well-being.  If immediate
corrective steps are not taken, we may reach a point of no return. The
Government should also investigate the causes of crime.  Unless we have the
vision and spine to get to the root of the problem, any superficial steps
would be merely cosmetic.

The Police should be given a free hand to investigate but today Ministers
and MLAs virtually control and manipulate the police stations in their
constituencies leaving the police officers, with no role to play except to
dance to the tunes of those in power.

To curb the rising crime rate we need good police investigation followed by
an aggressive prosecution and deterrent sentencing but the sun seems to be
shining for the perpetrators of crime.
Aires Rodrigues

[Goanet] Land-holding Britons being harassed, says top British official

2009-10-23 Thread Eddie Fernandes
Would George Pinto care to comment?

Title: Land-holding Britons being harassed, says top British official
Source: Times of India 24 October 2009
By Alexandre Moniz Barbosa.  

Britons holding property in Goa are facing harassment said British deputy
high commissioner Vicki Treadell . 

The issue of Britons holding property in Goa and "losing their property and
investments" arose when rules were changed in Goa in 2007 . 

Slated for next month is a meeting of the CM and senior officials with
members of the British deputy high commission to discuss the issue. 

It is only in Goa that Britons face the problem. 

Full text, 519 words, at

See also:
20 Sep. 2009.  The Sunday Times (UK).  By Nicola Smith. Hundreds of Britons
may lose their holiday homes and life savings in Goa after falling foul of
changes in local laws and scams by builders and lawyers. 
Full text, 846 words at

Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

2009-10-23 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Selma Carvalho:
I think a definition of who exactly is an alarmist depends entirely on which
end of the stick one is on.

Selma, you have put it very aptly.
'He who wears the shoes knows where it pinches' I am reminded time and
again of the words of the Rev Martin Niemoller about the inactivity of
German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of
their chosen targets, group after group.

First they came for the Communists,
  and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
  and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
  and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
  and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

First it was the muslims, then the christians, now ordinary secular minded
hindus (Margao blasts). This is the ideology of the hindutva forces being
carried out to its logical conclusions. Yet there are still many amongst us
who cannot see the wood for the trees.




2009-10-23 Thread manuel tavares
Daniel F lays out a comprehensive and thoughtful system of representation and 
reform of the Indian Political system. It is indeed one which if adopted could 
lead to progress and prosperity in India. I would add that persons elected to 
any office should declare their wealth with proof of its origin  when the 
person is incumbant in office and should be required to declare his wealth on 
relinquishing the office with proof of any fluctuations in wealth. This will 
ensure that they are held accountable. I agree that Bombay should be declared 
Union Territory under the Central Government thus ensuring its independance 
from any state interferance and preserving its place as India's centre of 
commerce and industry.

Manuel ( Eddie) Tavares

Re: [Goanet] Motorbikes, two-wheelers...

2009-10-23 Thread marlon menezes
I'm not too sure how you can say that pubic transportation in Goa is bad. I can 
pretty much travel to any location in Goa without having to rely on personal 
transportation. If you want bad public transportation, come to America! On the 
other hand, public transportation may not necessarily be an effective model 
here given the sprawling nature of its cities and the availability of cheap 

- Original Message 
From: Frederick Noronha 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Mon, October 19, 2009 5:53:40 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Motorbikes, two-wheelers...

One in five people in Malaysia have a moped or motorbike. Greece also
has the second-highest proportion of two-wheeler ownership in the
world (Public Radio International, Oct 19, 2009).

Wonder how Goa would rate if judged on this scale? Higher than
Malaysia? Does this reflect in the high accident rates (what with
Goanetter Aires Rodrigues campaigning against helmets, etc)? Or is it
also a reflection of the abysmal public transportation here? Or both?

[Goanet] Goa news for October 24, 2009

2009-10-23 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Couple receives compensation for death of their baby - Baby
hospital pays NRG 1.60 lakh

*** Goa Police deny arresting serial killer, reproach media -
Hindustan Times
police nab two more, close to solving 'serial killer' mystery

*** India downplays fresh Israeli travel advisory - Times of
bureau warns of possible attacks on Israelis in India

*** Sanatan Saunstha responsible for Goa blast, says minister -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa Home Minister Ravi Naik said the
Sanatan Saunstha organisation was responsible for the low
intensity blast in Margao town on Friday night, ...

*** I-League Preview: Sporting Clube de Goa - Pune FC -
eague Diwali special, Sporting Clube de Goa take on Pune FC,
with both sides desperately needing a victory... Both Sporting
Clube de Goa and Pune ...

*** 2 held in Virar for Goa murders - Hindustan Times
serial killings: 2 Goans arrested from Mumbai

*** Goa offshore casino official arrested with prostitute -
casino vice-president held under Immoral Trafficking Act

*** Is the return of the Goa Panchayati Raj Bill, 2009 to the
government a victory ... - Times of India
onsideration of the legislature. ...

*** Anti-Gun ObamaCare Now Moves to the Senate Floor -
AmmoLand.com (press release)
TaJv3ybgyzjM">and more »

*** Central team visits N Goa - Times of India
ember central team for calamity damage assessment, arrived in
Goa on Thursday afternoon and along with representatives of
various state ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Central-team-visits-N-Goa/articleshow/5129662.cms&usg=AFQjCNGxqv5eza6Z2AP5oPnjBjOER870mg

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Religious make-up of Goa Was: BRITISH UNITED INDIA AND HINDUS.

2009-10-23 Thread Frederick Noronha
Okay, here goes... but knowing Mario, he would probably rake up some
other debate when faced with the figures!

António de Noronha, who incidentally was a Free Mason, writing in Os
Indús de Goa e a República Portuguesa (1922) says:

         Of its 500 thousand inhabitants (according to the
         census of 1910, the listed population rose to 540,551),
         more or less 250,000 are catholic christians and
         220,000 are hindus. [Page 1]

Quoted from the 2008 translation by Ave Cleto Afonso, under the title
'The Hindus of Goa and the Portuguese Republic'.

[This was in the early 20th century.]

This is just a matter of detail, and I do not subscribe that economic,
political and social clout come from numbers alone; or that people
share the same economic (and other) interests merely because they
share the same religion. FN

> 2009/10/21 Mario Goveia :
> > As far as I can tell, Christians never exceeded 50%
> > of the population in Goa.

> Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 21:44:04 +0530
> From: Frederick Noronha 
> I think you have your facts grossly wrong on this.

> Mario responds:
> You "think"???  Since when does your "thinking"
> make me grossly wrong?
> Why don't you check out my assertion that
> Christians in Goa never exceeded 50% of the
> population, and let us know?
Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism
Goa,1556: http://goa1556.goa-india.org


2009-10-23 Thread Mario Goveia
2009/10/21 Mario Goveia :

> As far as I can tell, Christians never exceeded 50% of the population in 
> Goa.

Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 21:44:04 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha 

I think you have your facts grossly wrong on this.

Mario responds:

You "think"???  Since when does your "thinking" make me grossly wrong?

Why don't you check out my assertion that Christians in Goa never exceeded 50% 
of the population, and let us know?

Fred wrote:

Though I don't believe that people share a common interest just
because of a shared religion, or that religious identities are the
only identities we have.

Mario responds:

Fred, if you had taken the time to read the post by Marcus D'Souza about 
Christian dominated areas, you would know he wasn't talking about "common 
interest just because of a shared religion".  He was talking about "Christian 
dominated areas" now being lost to "Hindu domination".

My response was that Goa only "seemed" like a Christian dominated area because 
of the Christian's who had invaded it and occupied it for 450 years.  We know 
for sure this benefited Goan Christians far more than Goan Hindus as a 

Fred wrote:

Likewise, numbers alone are not necessarily the only indicator of
influence ... (e.g. number of Indian-Americans in the US -- 1% of the
total population; Parsis in India about a hundred thousand or so, or
Saraswat Brahmins in Goa). 

Mario responds:

These communities hardly matter when it comes to electoral politics, though 
they make be able to buy some undue influence among certain politicians.

[Goanet] MARGAO-NEWS: Ban Sanatan Sanstha, citizens' panel tells govt (long)

2009-10-23 Thread Goanet News
Ban Sanatan Sanstha, citizens' panel tells govt
TNN 23 October 2009, 02:16am IST

MARGAO: `Citizens for secularism and communal harmony', at its meeting
held in Margao on Thursday, unanimously demanded that the government
impose a ban on the Sanatan Sanstha, and that its premises be sealed
and assets frozen.

"The antecedents and past activities of the Sanatan Sanstha should
also be scanned and their possible links with other extremist
organizations investigated. Their possible involvement in other
anti-social activities, particularly the spate of temple desecrations,
should also be checked," the resolution reads.

Social activist and former convenor of the Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA),
Oscar Rebelo, in a spirited eloquence, urged the people to overcome
the ideology of hate, as professed by Sanatan Sanstha, with the
intrinsic power of human values.

"I am convinced that the intrinsic power of wisdom, love and morality
contained in the Hindu religion, will defeat this ideology of hate. As
a born Catholic, I salute this religion (for its potential to overcome
such negative tendencies and harmful ideologies). A day will also come
when a Muslim will defeat the al-Qaida. This is the beauty of
humanity. The politics of hate should be killed at the family level
itself (by refraining from passing adverse comments on other religions
in our homes). We will be heading towards the end of the civilization,
if we do not get our act together," Rebelo warned.

He further held the Sanatan Sanstha responsible for exerting adverse
influence on young radical minds by using vile language in its
periodicals, that eventually leads them to adopt ways of terror.

Uday Bhembre, speaking on the occasion, called upon the government to
ban the Sanstha as there was overwhelming evidence of its complicity
in the bomb blast case.

Mohandas Loliencar, in his speech, alleged that the Sanatan Sanstha
was "trying to make Goa a laboratory to foment communal discord in

Pradeep Kakodkar, expressing his views, said that all "acts of
fanaticism need to be condemned and not politicized." "Terrorism knows
no religion, and it's a mistake to brand any terrorist as belonging to
any particular religion," he added.

Francisco Colaco urged the people to oppose all divisive forces to
ensure that the communal harmony of the state was not disturbed.
"Every religion teaches to live in love and harmony, which has been
the hallmark of Goa for centuries. We need to preserve this identity
of Goa at all costs," he said.


* * *

'Delay led to loss of crucial evidence'
TNN 22 October 2009, 06:06am IST
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MARGAO: Even as the SIT probing the role of the Sanatan Sanstha in the
Margao blast is tightlipped, there is apprehension of crucial evidence
having been lost owing to the delay in conducting a through search of
the Sanstha's ashram in Ponda.

"Had we zeroed in on the ashram immediately after the blast, by this
time we could have got some important leads," said a source in the
police department. When pointed out that the police had conducted
search operations at the ashram within hours of the blast, sources
said that so far there have been neither any seizures, nor arrests.

The Sanatan Sanstha's ashram at Ponda has around 150 computers,
sources said, adding that it would be a gargantuan task for the
special investigation team probing the Margao blast to find details of
communication exchanged by the inmates over a period of time. The
computer hard disks were not sealed by the police, sources said. Till
now the police have the mobile phone recovered from the deceased and
some documents. They are, however, not revealing what other evidence
they have gathered.

Sources pointed out that the Sanstha has separate wings for members
undertaking specific tasks. "They (Sanstha) work in a different way
which is shrouded in secrecy," said the source.

"The Sanstha featured prominently in the aftermath of Malegaon blast
and we in Goa have a task in hand. It will be a long-drawn
investigation as the incident is different in nature," confided a
senior officer.

On Tuesday police had claimed they had never said the Sanstha was
linked to the blasts. The Sanstha, too, had denied any involvement.

Meanwhile, the South Goa police headquarters was a meeting point of
senior police officers on Wednesday. DIG R S Yadav monitoring the
overall operation and Mumbai anti terrorism squad DIG Sukhwinder Singh
along with SP (south) Allen de Sa and others had a closed door
meeting. Thereafter, sources said the senior officers left for the

The SIT also held inquiries with several sanstha members at the south
headquarters and recorded their statements.


* * *


[Goanet] Epsom Salt

2009-10-23 Thread Cajetan Alvares
PLEASE GOANS do not use it on children, Doctors in UK say - are you mad to
use it? there are other alternatives, fig syrup does a better job, Ayurveda
practice is to use enema.

Re: [Goanet] ...smell the coffee

2009-10-23 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Dear Anthony,
In your last line quote, U repeat exactly what I said. MM is the first one I 
heard and read, using the phrase on GT and then on Goanet. So I give credit to 
her, one of our own. Nothing wrong in that.

I liked this idiom/phrase so much that at the UNI where I was working, I made 
good use of it and titled an 'article' with that heading, for the UNI Staff 
mag. to alert the Bosses to what is actually going on under their very noses. I 
was then taken up seriously. 
See Ya!
Nascy Caldeira

--- On Fri, 23/10/09, Anthony M Barreto  wrote:

> So India, "wake up and smell the
> coffee'!! (borrowing the phrase from and credit to Margaret
> Mascarenhas.)
> Nascy Caldeira
> Melbourne, Down Under.
> Dear Nascy 
> Your credit is misplaced.
> 'Wake Up and Smell the Coffee' was the fifth album by 'The
> Cranberries'.
> 'wake up and smell the coffee' was a col. by MM appearing
> in the GT.
> Tony Martin   

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[Goanet] It takes a Moidekar

2009-10-23 Thread Cecil Pinto
to tell the truth about Goans who migrate and Goans who stay back!



Dear Fred

I have used the word ‘forced’ deliberately.   Of course I wasn’t
physically exiled.  I could have stayed in Goem and earned an honest
decent living.  I could have stayed back and earned an even better
dishonest living.  But sod tem.

It is the relative ease of accruing material well being that drives
and has always driven Goemcars abroad.  The really clever and
successful ones stay at home. The crème de la crème of Goemcar brains
and achievements stay back in nossa terra and make a living and
perhaps even a name for them.

Coming to the affluent west and earning ones’ roti, kapda and makhaan
is I believe far easier than back home.  I should know.  The
competition is easier and the opportunities more.

Those of my fellow ganvcars and Goemcars who have risen in their
respective fields in Goem deserve nothing but praise and gratitude
from those of us in Diaspora.  In my defense, as an excuse for
abandoning my motherland, I will only state that virtually every
Goemcar family has had somebody at sometime emigrate somewhere in the
search of material well being.

Our village of Moira is a case in point.  I do not think there are
very many catholic moidecars who can claim not to have some relative
of theirs either abroad now or in the past.

Yes it is a cop out.  We in the Diaspora have left because we could
not, literally, hack it and succeed in Goem.  In the process we have
abandoned our motherland and yes we have forfeited the right to
dictate how and what should and should not be done.

I try my best not to pontificate about how Goemcars in Goem run their
lives and our motherland.  Sometimes it is difficult.  So if I do slip
up and proffer advice it will not be the case of me teaching Goemcars
to suck eggs; it will just be an attempt at trying to be helpful.

What is the solution?  Is it too late?

I do not know.  I am sorry.  I wish I could have afforded not to have
left.  A mother of a good friend of mine once castigated me, “What do
you mean Goa has changed?  Your greed has taken you away, so don’t
complain now.”

Mea culpa.


Xanno Moidecar


Re: [Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

2009-10-23 Thread Carvalho

--- On Thu, 10/22/09, Santosh Helekar  wrote:
 Those who want to ignore this reality and continue
> with an alarmist political agenda or a sectarian campaign
> based on their own fantasy ought to be rejected as well.
> Cheers,
> Santosh

I think a definition of who exactly is an alarmist depends entirely on which 
end of the stick one is on.



Re: [Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

2009-10-23 Thread Gabe Menezes
2009/10/23 Carvalho 

> Dear Sandeep,
> I wouldn't break out the champagne bottle yet if I were you.
> 2009/10/23 Nascy Caldeira 
Well said and well written, Mr Heble! We need more people like U to talk
about the truth.

2009/10/23 floriano 
The very fact that I  reply to this post says that I agree with both,
Sandeep and Nasci.
And I have nothing more  to add,   for I have said it all in good time.

RESPONSE: I have read Sabdeep Heble's article, I believe both of you have
misread the article.

Sandeep is crying out loud that the BJP are no longer a credible
oppositionnot that he is against the BJP.

Santosh on the other hand has called it, as it is - the sooner we are done
and dusted with these communal forces the sooner we can move forward and
move on!

Re: [Goanet] Comrade's Migration Theory

2009-10-23 Thread Mario Goveia
Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:

> > Finally, the douchebag's ejaculate is always topped off 
> > by a squeaky bout of foul wind-breaking about Hindutva/BJP/RSS and 
> > Shiv Sena.? 

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:

> r,
> The language above is not that of a Goan.
> I don't know how you have sunk into this hellish place.

Mario observes:

This is not a post that caught my eye as being of interest until I saw Mervyn 
curiously trying to deny Parrikar his ethnicity and condemning him to some 
"hellish place".

1. The last time I checked using salty language does not disqualify one from 
one's ethnicity.

2. The language was deemed fit for posting by a Goanet moderator.  So, Mervyn's 
beef should be with them as well, but he doesn't mention them.

3. Is moderator-approved salty language, which the alleged d-bag is free to 
respond to with some mirchi masala of his own, more "hellish" and "un-Goan" 
than posting deliberate falsehoods and distortions about the USA and/or 
President Obama on Goanet?  Just asking.

[Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

2009-10-23 Thread Sandeep Heble
Santosh helekar wrote:
“Why should anybody care about the growth or re-invention of any
political party? An ideology that espouses extremism and intolerance
deserves to die. The good news is that the Indian people have now
rejected this ideology yet another time. Those who want to ignore this
reality and continue with an alarmist political agenda or a sectarian
campaign based on their own fantasy ought to be rejected as well.”


Hi Santosh,

If the agenda of any particular Political Party is fascist and
communal, then such an agenda is dangerous to the growth and the
stability of the Nation. Whether the said political party is in power
or out of it is immaterial.

We have seen how the riots in Mumbai or Curchorem or other instances
of vandalizing of Art galleries, assaults on Freedom of expression,
etc have all occurred when the BJP, the Shiv Sena and other like
minded Parties have been sitting in the opposition.  We therefore need
not only a secular liberal Government but we also need a secular
liberal opposition.

A paradigm shift from a communal agenda to a more liberal secular
agenda for any Political Party or a Cultural/ Religious Outfit will be
a step in the right direction.


[Goanet] Is the BJP losing the plot ?

2009-10-23 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
Me thinks this is wishful thinking.  The party may be in a deep funk right now, 
but there are
enough smart people within the organization to cut the deadwood and re-invent 
the party.
The party needs to get rid of some of its discredited ideological baggage 
For democracy in India to thrive, we need a strong and credible opposition.  
Else, we will see another episode of the Indira Gandhi era. I dont see another 
party with a National following on the horizon.  Just a bunch of regionals with 
their own narrow regional agendas.   Lets hope cooler minds and clear thinking  
prevails within the BJP and that the younger
leaders give up their sycophancy and think for themselves.

[Goanet] Security guard arrested for molesting boy

2009-10-23 Thread Tony de Sa
It is a matter of shame and regret that the security guard of quote a  T.V.
and film actress unquote, R. M. Sharma, enticed a young 13 year old boy by
giving him sweets and a kite and later had sexual intercourse with the boy.
The boy reportedly complained of a "pain" and investigations proved sexual

Local sources have complained that the guard worked for Celina Jaitley.

Way back, when I made a statement on Goanet that Moira was in no way
flattered by  Celina Jaitley buying a house in Pirazona, Moira, one M.
Gouvio was quick to defend her and say that she was the economic miracle
that Moira was waiting for.
and linked mail for the whole story as also today's O Herald. No doubt the
Gouvio will be quick to her defense.

So this was the miracle? Sexual assault of the most dastardly order on a
helpless thirteen year old?

  o  .
 . o
o_.__'  Cheers!
 \   /
   '-.-' Tony de Sa
 |M:   +91 9975 162 897
   _|_  Ph: +91 832 2470 148
  `"""`  tonyd...@gmail.com
W. Somerset Maugham: "I always find it more difficult to say the things I
mean than the things I don't."

Re: [Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

2009-10-23 Thread Carvalho
Dear Sandeep,
I wouldn't break out the champagne bottle yet if I were you.

The BJP will swing back because there is no other front in India that acts as 
an opposition and every party suffers from an incumbency factor after a while. 
Congress has had a good run at the electoral ballot but that too is largely an 
anti-incumbency factor against the BJP.How much of that has been a vote against 
communalism is hard to say.

Still, we can only hope that the BJP's communal hubris is somewhat curtailed by 
these elections.


--- On Thu, 10/22/09, Sandeep Heble  wrote:

> From: Sandeep Heble 
> Subject: [Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 11:38 AM
> The ‘Bhartiya Janata Party’, the
> Nation’s principal opposition Party,
> faced yet another setback after it suffered a miserable
> defeat in all
> the three States that had gone to the Assembly polls
> recently. 

Re: [Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

2009-10-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Thu, 10/22/09, Sandeep Heble  wrote:
> The choice before the Party is therefore pretty clear.  Either it can >grow 
> by re-inventing itself on modern secular liberal principles or it >must 
> perish. There is no third alternative!

Why should anybody care about the growth or re-invention of any political 
party? An ideology that espouses extremism and intolerance deserves to die. The 
good news is that the Indian people have now rejected this ideology yet another 
time. Those who want to ignore this reality and continue with an alarmist 
political agenda or a sectarian campaign based on their own fantasy ought to be 
rejected as well.



[Goanet] ...smell the coffee

2009-10-23 Thread Anthony M Barreto
So India, "wake up and smell the coffee'!! (borrowing the phrase from and 
credit to Margaret Mascarenhas.)
Nascy Caldeira
Melbourne, Down Under.

Dear Nascy 
Your credit is misplaced.
'Wake Up and Smell the Coffee' was the fifth album by 'The Cranberries'.
'wake up and smell the coffee' is an idiom which means "to pay attention and do 
something about a situation"  
'wake up and smell the coffee' was a col. by MM appearing in the GT.
Tony Martin   

  Yahoo! India has a new look. Take a sneak peek http://in.yahoo.com/trynew

[Goanet] Saligao: Back to School Nite

2009-10-23 Thread Frederick Noronha
A note from the Saligao Institute (SI):

Back to School Nite: Social evening at the S.I. (Saligao Institute) on
Saturday, October 31, 2009 from 7 pm onwards. Entrance free.
Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism
Goa,1556: http://goa1556.goa-india.org

[Goanet] Greatest Konkani Song Hits

2009-10-23 Thread Francis Rodrigues

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[Goanet] Subject: Is the BJP losing the Plot?

2009-10-23 Thread MD

Excellent Analysis of BJP; its leadership and Idology.
I am only awaiting for the "Obituaty"


Message: 9
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 22:08:54 +0530

From: Sandeep Heble 
To: goa...@goanet.org

Subject: [Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

"The BJP?s interpretation of ?Hindutva? too is skewed. For the party,
?Hindutva? is not about opening the temple doors to the backwards, it
is not about eliminating the caste divisions in the society, it is not
about giving the pride of place to the women in our society.
?Hindutva? to the BJP is all about banning Films and books, smashing
and vandalizing Art galleries, driving pioneer Artists like Hussain
into exile, banning supposed vulgar forms of music, opposing
minorities and their cultural practices, acting like the moral
policemen on anything and everything under the sun, the list will go

[Goanet] "Pig's Delight"

2009-10-23 Thread Francis Rodrigues

"Pig's Delight"

It's not just a rumour or idle talk,
That pigs re-cycle the sh*t into pork;
So where would be Goa's disposal rights
If the pigs did not have good appetites?

They gobble with relish and pray for more,
And patiently wait at the sh*t-house door;
So with Epsom salts and syrup of figs
Please do think kindly of Goanese pigs,
So sh*t well and truly and do what's right,
For what you don't want, is a pig's delight!

from Vol 2 no 1. "Full Moon" November 1975
Ready for a deal-of-a-lifetime? See fantastic offers on Windows 7, in one 
convenient place.

[Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

2009-10-23 Thread Cecil Pinto
Nascy Caldeira wrote:
So India, "wake up and smell the coffee'!! (borrowing the phrase from
and credit to Margaret Mascarenhas.)


The idiom has been around much longer than Margaret.




Re: [Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

2009-10-23 Thread floriano
The very fact that I  reply to this post says that I agree with both, 
Sandeep and Nasci.

And I have nothing more  to add,   for I have said it all in good time.

They say one must come out of fire to prove oneself.
The fire for the BJP is the Tihar Jail for Advani. Will this happen?

Sandeep has named one of the non-entities like Rahul Mahajan and missed out 
on the down-outer Varun Gandhi, the Muslim hate monger, perhaps the most 
important black hole through which the BJP will disappear in time.


- Original Message - 
From: "Nascy Caldeira" 

To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list" 
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 5:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

Well said and well written, Mr Heble! We need more people like U to talk 
about the truth.

This Party and their other unholy siblings Must Perish. They are dirty and 
Evil. I would not talk about M. Parrikar either; he is with the same 
principles and idealogy. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Nothing is good about 
this man either. He is a worse fascist and casteist. Yuck!

I do hope the Indian Masses will realise and soon that these fascists and 
casteists are only taking them for a cheap ride, and tthese inhuman perties 
will abandon the poor, the downtrodden, and all the good non fascit people 
as soon as they take control of the whole Ghaddi. Fascists are Fascits Pigs! 
has been said historically and this will remain so.

So India, "wake up and smell the coffee'!! (borrowing the phrase from and 
credit to Margaret Mascarenhas.)

Nascy Caldeira
Melbourne, Down Under.

--- On Fri, 23/10/09, Sandeep Heble  wrote:

Subject: [Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

The ‘Bhartiya Janata Party’, the
Nation’s principal opposition Party,
faced yet another setback after it suffered a miserable
defeat in all