[Goanet-News] Not a sin city: Skewed media coverage of a few crimes involving foreigners has sullied Goa's image (Devika Sequeira, Deccan Herald)

2010-01-17 Thread Goanet Reader
Skewed media coverage of a few crimes involving foreigners
has sullied Goa's image

Not a sin city
Devika Sequeira

'Of all the places I have
worked, lived and travelled in
India, none is safer for women
than Goa, despite the recent
ugly convulsions in crime, the
laid-back and inefficient
police and the corrupt

Some warped media coverage has dogged Goa after a few highly
publicised cases of rape and deaths involving foreigners.
After the February 2008 death of British teen Scarlett
Keeling, Goa has been in the media glare for all the wrong

Keeling, just 15, was found dead on the beach in Anjuna.
Circumstantial evidence pointed to rape, and forensics
confirmed she had been fed a cocktail of alcohol and drugs.

The questionable process of investigations and her mother
Fiona MacKeown's fight to expose the Goa police are now
clearly etched in public memory, thanks to the persistent
overplay of the case by the media.

Just a few months after the Scarlett case, a German woman
living in Goa approached the police with a shocking
complaint. Her daughter, barely 14 and in school, had been
sexually used by Education Minister Babush Monserrate's son.

The minister's son was eventually arrested after the
intervention of the High Court. Last month a Russian tour
representative went to the police after she was allegedly
raped by a Goa businessman.

After a month on the run, John Fernandes, a man with
political connections, turned himself in. The case
reverberated in Parliament after Goa MP Shantaram Naik made
matters worse by suggesting that women who socialised till
the late hours with strangers were putting themselves at

  There were three other suspicious deaths involving
  young Russian tourists that have not been
  sufficiently and professionally investigated by the
  police. But they were completely ignored by an
  otherwise hawkish English media. The parents of two
  of the victims had no funds even to travel to Goa
  from Russia to pursue the cases.

In a bid to airbrush Goa's sullied image and attract better
tourists, Goa Tourism Minister Micky Pacheco said recently he
was banning advertisements with bikini clad women from
tourism promotional material. The announcement has provoked
caustic comment from across the world. Here's one reaction:
Goa's image problem has nothing to do with 'bad tourists' vs
'good tourists,' whatever that means. It comes from the wave
of rapes and molestations, committed mostly by residents that
local officials have been unable to stop.

  How true is this? Are we really the sin city of
  India? And are those of us who live here, have
  teenaged daughters who go to the beach and party at
  night spots in danger of being senselessly
  attacked, molested, raped and dumped by the local
  police? I think not. Of all the places I have
  worked, lived and travelled in India, none is safer
  for women than Goa, despite the recent ugly
  convulsions in crime, the laid-back and inefficient
  police and the corrupt politicians.

A report earlier this month in the mainstream UK paper The
Telegraph spoke of Goa's decline from hippie haven to a
gangster's paradise. Conveniently ignoring the recession, it
said the number of Britons to Goa had slumped by a third
after a series of murders and rapes of foreign tourists.

The rape and murder of Scarlett Keeling and the murder of
another Briton Stephen Bennett had damaged the state's
reputation, it said. Bennett was, however, found strung to a
mango tree 300 km from Goa in Malasai village in the Raigad
district of Maharashtra. Four villagers were booked for
clubbing the drug-habituated Briton to death on December 11,
2006. Some news reports said Stephen Bennett's mother
Maureen, who visited Malasai was so struck by the poverty
that she left a note of Rs 500 in one of the huts.

Hard truths

Media distortions cannot, however, disguise some hard facts.
The 2009 annual British Behaviour Abroad report released by
the UK Foreign Office said Britons are continuing to get
into trouble abroad, with key concerns including drink and
drug related cases.

The report said 2,290 Britons were arrested in Spain, 1,534
in the USA, 294 in the United Arab Emirates, 202 in Thailand
and 40 in India. Arrests for drugs offences formed a
significant percentage of these arrests, contributing to a
quarter of the total arrests in Thailand, the report said.

It also lists 22 cases of Britons raped in Spain, 28 in
Greece, one in Italy, 3 in Portugal, 8 in Turkey, 10 in
Cyprus, 6 in Egypt and 1 in India, among others.

  These statistics are not an argument to absolve Goa
  of its abysmal level of policing, crime detection
  and corruption, but it helps put things in the
  perspective of global tourism. One of Goa's biggest
  problems is not the police, 

Re: [Goanet] Remote Control

2010-01-17 Thread soter
Dear Clinton,
I definitely do not need expert comments from Clinton Vaz about my household 
waste disposal. My grandmother was an expert at sustainable waste disposal 
probably even before Clinton was born. I do not belong to the tribe of the 
elite activists that are now in circulation in the green market. Please do not 
give us crap about migrant contribution. Proto is defintely doing a very good 
job and manages it in his property not by hijacking public footpaths on which 
every citizen has a right to walk. We are not opposed to ragpickers or scrap 
dealers but we are definitely opposed to unregulated  and uncontrolled public 
menace by these elements. If the gaddas near national theatre were illegal 
squatters then what are these scrap dealers who control these pavements from 
morning to night. The gadda wallas conduct matka and deserved to be removed 
then who are those scrap dealers and ragpickers who I have personally caught on 
two occassions breaking into peoples houses in my neighbourhood, productive 


[Goanet] The Staff of Life… or the Stuff of De ath? | Natural Health

2010-01-17 Thread Con Menezes
New? thinking on grains?
 Keep reading.


Re: [Goanet] Being Goan

2010-01-17 Thread floriano
And Dayanand Bandodkar and his Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party  fortified 
this North-South divide, call it the Berlin wall, the iron curtain or the 
communal fortress.

All the more reason for sensible Goans to  join the PPS Brigade


PS: Fight Dirty Politics and Dirty Politicians. Join the PPS Brigade. Adorn
your 2/4-wheeler with the PPS sticker. Show solidarity with the movement
with conviction that  'We Shall Overcome'

PPS: PEOPLE for POLITICAL SANITY  Goa's Need of the Hour

- Original Message - 
From: Antonio Menezes ac.mene...@gmail.com

To: goanet goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:59 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Being Goan

In an article under the above caption on The Times of India dated Jan 16,
Alexandre Moniz Barbosa  quotes an interesting observation  made by a
Marathi writer Ramakant Naik  as follows:
' There was a gap of almost two centuries between Portugal conquering
the talukas of Ilhas, Bardez and Salcete in the 16th century ( Velhas
Conquistas)  and the rest of the talukas which came under foreign
( Portuguese ) rule in the 18th century ( Novas Conquistas). There is a
Berlin Wall ( or Iron Curtain) between the old and new conquests and
that wall has to be broken.Then only will there be a complete Goan

Re: [Goanet] Remote Control

2010-01-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
Clinton Vaz klint...@gmail.com wrote:

Dear Soter, ...The street scrap dealers no doubt, do
business on public space, but in turn they do a lot of service to the



On a personal level, I am convinced with the above argument. The
premise, I believe, appears to be  as follows: If you provide a
service, you are are welcome to break the law; and in this case,
interfere with the free flow of pedestrian traffic.

Here are some other arguments which are equally convincing:

1: Jon, no doubt, robs people with money, but in turn he wines and
dines at the best restaurants - thus providing employment for young
chaps who would otherwise be robbing many more people with money.

2: The babu, no doubt, takes bakshish, but in turn he moves papers
from point A to point B - thus preventing them from collecting dust
and causing allergies to other hard-lee working  'babus'.

3: Jani, no doubt, is a pimp who mistreats the young women in his
clutches, but in turn he provides them with access to hotel rooms
inhabited by hungry men who would otherwise be raping other young
ladies in the countryside

4: Janardhan, no doubt, dumps waste from mines on to rice fields, but
in turn he pays taxes which could be used for building roads and
cinema theatres which could host film festivals etc etc.

Arre Soter baba...Wot is this Lawz Boz? Tuka Lawz na re? You don't
know that Laws are only for the books, and not for the footpaths?.


[Goanet] Loss of innocence, total sell out at own peril

2010-01-17 Thread Wendell Rodricks

Loss of innocence, total sell out at own peril
Wendell Rodricks

'Are there not more rape cases in Delhi? Are there less murders in 
Shillong? Are there not corrupt ministers in Uttaranchal?'

There was a time when Goa was India’s virgin territory. In the minds of 
many, that status of inviolate purity has never left the subconscious. 
Indians still want to see Goa as it was, as they remember it when the 
beaches were still pristine, the rivers pure, the hills laden with 
fruit, the land in all its virginal glory.

Sorry folks. That is a dream that got busted as far back as the 
eighties. The Goa that people mourn was the Goa they found when the 
Portuguese left in 1961. The adventurous few took a steamer from Bombay 
and chugged into Panjim port or a train on a narrow gauge track that 
went under the spray of the Dudhsagar falls. On beaches, non-Goans were 
amazed to see a Goa that resembled their own native villages and 
cities.. a century earlier.

Goans, for their part, have weathered the storm. We saw the coloniser 
leave. We hoped for a better life in free India. We got our state to 
statehood and our language among the 22 official languages of India. In 
the process our politicians learnt corruption. We learnt consumption. 
Land that was worthless suddenly became a rich asset.

In the early sixties Goa was still a virgin girl. By the 1990s the rape 
had begun. People who had a farm home in Haryana now wanted the “Goa 
home”. Indians flush with cash coveted the Goa house as a badge of new 

Goans sold their homes and lands to eager, well-heeled buyers. By 2000, 
the end of innocence was there for all to see. The hillsides have 
changed. The waters are now murky. The beaches have been trampled with 
millions of footfalls. The villages clamour with a babble of voices 
instead of the lyrical Konkani. It was bound to happen. Progress comes 
at a cost.

If Goa changed in fifty years since the Portuguese were booted out, 
Mumbai and Delhi became pure living hell at the same time. But no one 
deplores that. The nation instead deplores the state of Goa. Unjust. 
Unfair, Uncalled for!

What is remarkable is how the Goan people adapted to the change. They 
did moan the “outsider”. But the fault is theirs alone since they sold out.

Who doesn’t bemoan

They do regret the loss of the days gone by with a depressing “saudades” 
or melancholic longing. Who doesn’t get wistful in today’s world? 
Parisians bemoan the Paris of today. Londoners find their city filthy. 
Old world Bombaikars find Mumbai traffic hell. Calcutta aficionados 
drown their sorrow at the Calcutta Club about what Kolkatta has become.

But look at the other side. Progress got us Goans tarred roads, the 
telephone and recently the internet. When I look at my village today, I 
see a wealthier Goa for sure... in terms of restored homes, new homes 
and better street lighting. This is far better than we ever had. When 
people mourn the loss of the Goa of yesteryears, I am compelled to look 
at the fact that Goans today are far better off than under the 
Portuguese. Wealth is one of the factors. Wealth in some areas. The rot 
of progress in others.

Since the last decade, Goa has been under the media glare for rape, 
murder and corrupt ministers. Accepted. As a Goan I agree that Scarlett 
Keeling did happen, that few ministers are not the best representation 
of most Goans and that Goa has lost its innocence. What I do not agree 
with is the shrill media noise that paints the new Goa as an unsafe place.

In every city in India and the world, there is an underside. A dark 
belly where crime is prevalent. Go to Paris and you have the choice to 
stay in the safe tourist zones or go under in the dark sides of Saint 
Lazare station. See Mumbai with children or see Mumbai by neonlight in 
the darker areas of crime. It’s a choice tourists and people make in 
every city. Are there not more rape cases in Delhi? Are there less 
murders in Shillong? Are there not corrupt ministers in Uttaranchal?

But when it comes to Goa, the entire nation wants the virgin Goa they 
knew. Indians just cannot accept that there are the occasional, very 
occasional murder, rape and theft in Goa. It’s all sweetly idealistic 
that the nation wants Goa to stay in that pure state of mind. But there 
lies the problem.

The non-acceptance that there is a minimum crime level in Goa. The 
non-acceptance that it “should not” happen in “our” Goa. By “our” I mean 
the Goa of every Indian who wants to claim Goa as a part of their own 

The grand total

Sorry guys. That Goa disappeared. We are in 2010. In defense of my 
beloved Goa, all I can truly say is that this is the best state in India 
to live in. No matter the public and media perception, this is a 
peaceful, wonderful land. The beaches may be dirtier than before. But go 
a few kilometers into our neighbouring states and see the filth. And the 
rot. And the corrupt ministers. And the rapes. And the 

[Goanet] OBITUARY: Dolly Fonseca

2010-01-17 Thread Goanet Obits

Dolly Fonseca

14 Jan: Brampton, Canada. DOLLY FONSECA. (ex-Kuwait). Passed away 
peacefully in Mississauga Hospital. Wife of late Sonny Fonseca (Ex-KOC). 
Loving mother of Susan, Sandra (Delves), Daphne (Aubrey) and Debbie 
(Tuan). Cherished Grandmother of Daniella and Tanya.

Family and friends will be received at the Ward Funeral Home Brampton 
Chapel, 52 Main Street South (Hwy 10), Brampton on Tuesday, Jan. 19. 
from 9:30 am followed by Mass at 11:00 am at St. Mary's Roman Catholic 
Church, 66A Main Street South, Brampton. Interment to follow at 
Assumption Cemetery.

Condolences to: sajfons...@yahoo.com or dsilvapinto8...@rogers.com [Info 
from Antonio Mascarenhas]

SOURCE: The Goan Voice - www.goanvoice.org.uk

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

2010-01-17 Thread Tony de Sa
Exmo Sr. (Exma Sra?) I Nunes,

I am not sure whether I am adressing a gent or a lady as neither the name I
Nunes nor the email id reveal your sex, Not that I am sexist, but it would
be polite to address you with the appropriate salutation and your name with
the informality of email.
But I digress.
With reference to the point raised by you:

I. Nunes questions:
After having in effect ceded control of North Goa to white foreigners who
actively and overtly discriminate against native Goans and Indians as
publicized, what does that say of the status quo in Goa,? Mr. D'Sa?

Do you still maintain?First Class status, albeit a subjugated status?in your
own land?
Further, and importantly, how do you reconcile the pervasive and corrosive
caste system with your ideals of equality and opportunity for all Goans??

What is under discussion in my post to which you have given this reply is
whether western countries as we call them are biased against Indians and
thereby goans and whether Indians/ Goans are second class citizens or not.
Please answer to the point and don't draw red herrings. The prevailing
status in Goa is not under question but you may start a separate thread and
I will answer your arguement appropriately.

Tony de Sa
  M   : +91 9975 162 897
 Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


[Goanet] Indian media ignores Goan's murder in Britain

2010-01-17 Thread Samir Kelekar
Eddie writes:
We do realise that you are in a foreign bashing mode but take care:

It is not so much about foreign bashing. To me, it is not even
about comparing foreign and India. To me, what motherland means
is best explained by these lines by Savarkar (leave Savarkar's
later communal stance, but that does not even slighly belittle
these lines from him from the poem Ne majsi ne parat matrubhumila
translated it means --- Take me to my motherland, he asks of the sea, when under
solitary imprisonment)

nabhi nakshatre bahut ek pari pyara
maj bharatbhumicha taara||
praasad ithe bhavya pari maj bhari
aaichi jhopadi pyari||

Translated this means:
Among all stars, my most favourite is the star of India.
Compared to the big palaces and houses, give me my mother's
hut any time.

I feel sorry for the NRGs who cannot appreciate the above and
are comparing foreign lands to their motherland as if comparing
apples and oranges.

Can mother be compared with anything at all, I ask.



[Goanet] Rahul Gandhi to visit Goa

2010-01-17 Thread Mauricio Pereira

Rahul Gandhi to visit Goa on Tuesday

Text Size:




PANAJI: Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi, who begins a two-day visit to 
Goa on Tuesday, will be urged to back the case of the Youth Congress 



members who were brutally assaulted in December 2008 by a mob led by Atanasio 
Monserrate, who is now Goa's education minister, state president of the youth 
wing Sankalp Amonkar said on Sunday. 

Asked about the issues the Youth Congress will take up with the Gandhi scion, 
he said the completion of the Rajiv Gandhi IT Habitat and the brutal assault on 
party members would top the priority list. 

We were attacked by Atanasio Monserrate (then a legislator) but there is no 
action against him despite repeated requests to the chief minister and the Goa 
congress president for an impartial police probe, Amonkar said. 

We were staging a protest demanding that work on the Rajiv Gandhi IT Habitat 
be carried on unhindered when we were attacked by a mob led by Monserrate. 
(Congress president) Sonia Gandhi had conceived the project, which would have 
given a lot of jobs to the Goan youth, Amonkar said. 

According to a complaint filed at the Panaji police station, Monserrate, who 
was opposing the Rajiv Gandhi IT Habitat, had led a mob which attacked Youth 
Congress members in December 2008 while they were demanding that the IT project 
be completed. 

Amonkar said Rahul Gandhi will also interact with the students of Goa 

He will also address members of the Pradesh Congress committee and Youth 
Congress representatives during his visit, he said. 

Keep your friends updated—even when you’re not signed in.

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-17 Thread Mario Goveia
Gabriel wrote:

I have bought and sold property in London, Gold Coast and Melbourne. So
have other Goans, Malyasians, Chinese and Vietnamese and other non-white
people, resident or non-resident, citizens or non-citizens. There are no
WASP-only localities -the first time I have heard it mentioned, was by you.  
Blah blah. 

Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 23:02:31 +0530
From: Tony de Sa tonyde...@gmail.com

Halleluja, I am saved. I am convinced. The pro-west chest thumpers have
finally made me see the light of the day.

*There is no racial prejudice in the West or Australia*

Also read the posts of Mario G in similar vein.

Mario observes:


Your halleluja may be premature.  You haven't been saved from anything yet as 
we continue to inform you about things you see mis-informed about.

For example, your latest poppycock is a gross misrepresentation of what Gabriel 
and I have written and taken totally out of context.  

Gabriel and I were responding to your previous poppycock about foreign 
immigrants being unable to live and buy property anywhere in Australia or the 
US.  Both Gabriel and I explained that we could buy properties wherever we 
could afford them without having to worry about being foreign immigrants.

I don't recall anyone talking about no racial prejudice in the West and 

There are stupid and prejudiced people in all countries, including Goa.

Tony wrote:

But then can someone explain to me why so many Indian students in Australia
are being abused and killed, or so many Indian students being killed in good 
ole U S of A? or the 'dots' group that killed Indians because they wore bindis? 
Or Canadian children of Goan origin who call their parents PAKIs (I have 
actually witnessed this) Why is the term PAKI derogatory? Why if you are dark 
skinned and spout Spanish you are likely to be called a 'SPIC? A lot of Goans 
could be classified as spics.

Mario observes:

People are being killed by common criminals everywhere.  No one is focusing on 
Indians who may be victims from time to time.

Paki is a short form for Pakistani.  The kids of your Canadian friends are 
simply disrespectful spoiled brats.  Blacks were called niggers and whites 
are called honkies.  Calling someone of a different background or race names 
is no different than Goans calling non-Goans bhaile and ghantis, etc.  

Like I said above there are a few stupid and prejudiced people everywhere, 
including Goa.  You and Samir are obviously prejudiced against NRGs.

This has nothing to do with were we can live or buy property, which was your 
original false charge.

I wonder what you will try to use next.

In the meantime, unlike the developed countries that Tony is obsessed about, 
Goa is going to the proverbial dogs, while a couple of RGs are busy attacking 

Re: [Goanet] Remote Control

2010-01-17 Thread soter
Dear JC bab,
Deu borem korum dotor! Heam atamchea poram mukhar ami soglle adle xetkamti FIL 
nal kiteak ami itle xikhunk na baba. 

Some more examples that justify crime in Goa:

- Sangtekar rapes the earth for mineral but helps social activists with their 
programs. So many youth benefit from these leadership camps and exposure 
visits. They even helped Dr. jack Sequeira during the opinion poll.
- Jerao penetrates the villages with huge concrete buildings and awards green 
activists with 'Man of the Year Awards' 


Re: [Goanet] Remote Control

2010-01-17 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Clinton Vaz wrote: 
 Dear Soter,
 It appears from your post reproduced below that you are learning to spew 
 venom like 
 Mr. Parrikar does on this forum. The nasty way of writing may be 
 characteristic to Mr 
 Parrikar, and however proud he may be of that, It also is a reflection of his 
 mentality and self upbringing. It would be unoriginal as well as image 
 lowering to follow 
 his writing style.


Hi Clinton.
I have the exact same thoughts as you do.

There used to be a time when Soter had his own voice, which was factual. 
His writing er, style (and content) has now moved closer to that of Rajan 
I need not mention that Rajan Parrikar is the most abusive and has uses the 
language on Goanet.

Note that this post is aptly titled, 'remote control.'


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[Goanet] Another man attacked, Aussie cops admit racism

2010-01-17 Thread Samir Kelekar

Our resident NRGs of course will now fall in line, that their masters have 
admitted racism.



Re: [Goanet] Aussies killed in India

2010-01-17 Thread Eddie Fernandes
From: Salus Correia
.there is always a proper and impartial investigation carried out.  The same
does not apply to foreigners being killed in India.  Today I just saw a news
article in the local paper and would like to share it with you all.  


The link provided did not include the text box on the same page which listed
some of the Australians murdered in India. The info is at
ge-11/ One of the tragedies listed there:

John Kallie, 65, died in Goa in October 2008, 10 hours after being attacked
by three people at a bar.

If memory serves me right, Kallie got into an argument with restaurant staff
about the method of serving beer.  He was beaten up by three of the staff
and succumbed to his injuries. The three were arrested.  Some days later a
witness came forward claiming that Kallie had attacked the waiters with a
knife.  Miraculously the knife was then found on the floor of the restaurant
- it has escaped detection previously despite the floor having been washed
clean of the bloodstains days earlier.

For links to some text and video reports check the John Kelly Murder
section at http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/newsletter/2008/Oct/issue3/

It would appear that authorities continually suppress information about
murders because of the fear of spoiling Goa's image but in doing so they are
ruining Goa's reputation.

Eddie Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Let us avoid recriminations (Letter in the oHERALDo)

2010-01-17 Thread floriano

All the more reason for sensible Goans to  join the PPS Brigade


PS: Fight Dirty Politics and Dirty Politicians. Join the PPS Brigade. Adorn
your 2/4-wheeler with the PPS sticker. Show solidarity with the movement
with conviction that  'We Shall Overcome'

PPS: PEOPLE for POLITICAL SANITY  Goa's Need of the Hour

- Original Message - 
From: Arwin Mesquita arwinmesqu...@gmail.com

To: Goanet goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 11:47 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Let us avoid recriminations (Letter in the oHERALDo)

Let us avoid recriminations
Jose Maria Miranda, Margao


The politicians and the destroyers of Goa will be only too happy to watch
the dissensions amongst us, as their aim is to divide us. Let us not fall
prey to their evil designs.
All Goans, and the many non-Goans who love Goa as much as we do, must unite
under one banner and drive away all those who are trying to make a quick0
buck at the cost of our land and our people.

[Goanet] Selma Carvalho: Who the Bleep cares about literature, art, mirrors and us?

2010-01-17 Thread Eddie Fernandes

Title: Who the Bleep cares about literature, art, mirrors and us?
By: Selma Carvalho
Source: Goan Voice UK Daily Newsletter, 18 Jan. 2010 at

Francisco Joao Da Costa died at the young age of 41, probably
broken-hearted, derided as he was by Goans of his time. To me, he is
probably the greatest writer Goa has ever produced. Ismael Gracias, that
doyen of Goan intelligentsia compared him to Mark Twain; his sardonic pen
spilling onto paper, to create a genre which unfortunately died with him and
has never again been taken up with the same type of incisiveness and skill.
Francisco came into the limelight in 1890s, writing a column Notas a lapis,
for O Ultramar, a newspaper floated by Bernardo Francisco Da Costa, in
Margao. On the face of it, it was a humorous sketch of life in a fictional
Goan town called Breda but between the lines Francisco's sterling pen
sketched a scathing, unrelenting dissection of our Goan society at the turn
of the century; their superficial obsession with all things Portuguese,
their caste pretensions which none could assign to either the good grace of
education nor  the veracity of lineage, the vacuity of their thought, the
brittleness of their lives, fragile and insulated from anything that was
real or which mattered. 

One of the characters Francisco crafted in his seminal book, Jacob e Dulce,
was that of a priest, Father Antonio Dantas, the pa-tio of the house who
looks after the administrative affairs and assumes his role as the patriarch
of the household. Antonio Dantas, an avaricious man devoid of any principle,
whose only delight in life was material acquisition, causing distress to
others and having a somewhat unexplained relationship with the spinsterly
Dona Dorotea, is an unforgettable character, whose villainous ways though
caricatured are easily recognizable amongst our clergy. It was rumoured at
the time that Francisco drew his characters from real-life families in
Margao .He denied doing so, claiming instead: I simply described the
ridiculous customs that prevail in the Indo-Portuguese society, and to do so
I had to create certain characters with the vices and customs most in
evidence amongst our families, characters found all over Goa and amongst all

As expected, Francisco was pilloried by Goan society, although many accepted
the ugly truth of his depictions. The rejection deeply wounded him, leaving
him to remark: I should have been lauded. I was not. Instead, I was
subjected to a torrent of invectives. Francisco today is all the more
relevant to Goans than he might have been in the 1890s, for more than a 100
years later, we Goans are as wary as ever of holding up mirrors and being
naked in front of ourselves. We are so afraid of criticism; we want to live
in a make-believe world of singing mandos, eating sorpotel and hanging on to
the last vestiges of an adopted culture. But culture is a dynamic, living
organism, which cannot and should not become stultified. It must be in
constant motion, in a state of evolution. Cultures are the outpouring of
collective soul-searching. 

Our society cannot be held hostage to the self-appointed custodians of
culture and religion. Our lives cannot come to a standstill if a Calvert
Gonsalves makes a CD allegedly about the shenanigans of the local parish
priest or if Subodh Kerkar has a liberal interpretation of Ganesha.

Imagine for a moment if, in 1896, the literary work of Francisco Joao Da
Costa had been destroyed, burnt in the municipal gardens of Margao in
protest. Goa would have lost the voice of one of her most profound social
commentators and that much more impoverished intellectually. Every time, we
protest against freedom of expression we are in fact starving ourselves of
the very thought that nourishes our society, we are driving ourselves
backwards and all because we don't like what we see in the mirror when we
are naked.

On a related note, I am trying to gather as much information about the
writer Francisco Joao Da Costa, author of the column Notas a lapis and the
novel Jacob e Dulce as the life of this controversial writer is of immense
importance to Goan society. If anyone has information about his descendants,
please do put me in touch.
Do leave your feedback at carvalho_...@yahoo.com

[Goanet] HCN News of Sunday 17th. January, 2010 - Noteworthy Exposing Criminality of Goa Ministers and Ex-Ministers

2010-01-17 Thread floriano

Cheers to the HCN cable TV Channel for telecasting the criminality of Goa's 
Ministers and Ex-Ministers with video footage of happenings.

Those exposed are:
Dayanand Narvekar in the Ticket-gate scam,
Ravi Naik in Drug trade in collusion with his son, Roy Naik,
Babush Monserrate, in many a cases including  the attack on Panjim Police 
headquarters and illegally cutting of teak trees.
Mickky Pacheco for  assaulting  Jr. Engineer Elec. Dept., burning of shacks 

Vishwajeet Rane in Aires Rodrigues intimidation case,
Mauvin Godinho in Power scam,
Victoria Fernandes for abetting Rudolf's criminality and for being involved 
in at least 2 murders.

Churchill Alemao, MPLAD scam, smugling.

It was indeed a treat for the ears and eyes of Goan public. Looks like the 
thunder is going to strike these ministers and/or players for trying to rock 
Digu-bab's boat.

This coming on the heels of the 'Goa's Political Turmoil', the debate as 
aired at 11.30 this morning  with Juino D'Souza as anchor with participants 
being Adv. Amrut Kansar, Comrade Christopher Fonseca, Matanhy Saldanha and 
yours sincerely as Gen. Sec of the Goa Su-Raj Party.

Probably the two things that yours sincerely said on the camera i.e. (1) 
that the group of 7 is a group of blackmailers and (2) that Home Minister 
should say that there are no drugs when umpteen arrests have been made, 
thanks to Bosco George (SP North)  might have something to do to prompt the 
HCN ourburst on our criminal Goa's ministers.

Hopefully Joegoauk will put these two clips on the U-Tube for the benefit of 
our Goan Expats who are hungry for news of Goa and Goans.


PS: Fight Dirty Politics and Dirty Politicians. Join the PPS Brigade. Adorn
your 2/4-wheeler with the PPS sticker. Show solidarity with the movement
with conviction that  'We Shall Overcome'

PPS: PEOPLE for POLITICAL SANITY  Goa's Need of the Hour 

Re: [Goanet] Citizenship issue...

2010-01-17 Thread Tony de Sa
I. Nunes comments:
NRG's? remittances account (conservatively) for upwards of 6% of Goa's GDP.
Which is why RGs are encouraged to seek outside employment

Tony de Sa:
Enterprising chaps these NRGs. I am no economist I confess, but I suspect
that this money was primarily sent to alleviate the lot of their families
and not specifically to improve the economy of the State. That is a side
effect. They were only helping themselves. If in turn the economy was
helped, they deserve my appreciation and approbation,
Haven't I been shouting from the rooftops that NRGs who translate their love
for Goa into action and not merely give bad free advice are the salt of the
But you guys have turned this debate into a game of lastwordism and
Let us not clutter cyberspace with keyboard-diahorrea.
Tony de Sa
   M   : +91 9975 162 897
 Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


[Goanet] The genesis of a thread on Goanet

2010-01-17 Thread Tony de Sa
There has been feverish activity on Goanet starting with the thread who is a
Goan which was turned into citizen issues. Then came a sarcastic post from
JC the open letter to NRGs. Tony de Sa countered it with  a letter to RGs.
Now the threads seem to have coalesced and there is a remarkable amount of
cross posting across threads.
Ultimately the debate has become an issue between NRGs and RGs with a few
posters for NRGs and a few posters for RGs. Somewhere down the line
intertwined in these threads is a considerable amount of Samir bashing from
NRGs and of late Tony bashing.

These threads have become so confused so much so that we now have a
situation which is something like NRG v/s RG.

It is being tinged with acrimony, personal attacks and stunts like one
upmanship and last wordism.

It takes two to tango and in one post if you try to score a point, then I
can always retaliate in the next. This provides extremely entertaining
reading and one can hone ones skills in the art of sarcasm, cutting remarks,
and ripostes.

I enjoy the game and very often, my personal belief may not coincide with
what I am writing. My good friend and co villager Professor Augusto Pinto
explains this by saying that we have an internet persona and a true persona
and the two may be at a variance with one another.

But let us stop to ponder: Is this constructive? Is this in the best
interest of Goa which this forum is all about?

Let this post not be misconstrued, This not to say I am retracting from the
positions that I have held hitherto. I am ever ready to engage in a wordy
duel provided the argument is logical and to the point and not meandering
into lanes and bye lanes (a specialization of some posters).

Shall we entertain or shall we build?

Tony de Sa
   M   : +91 9975 162 897
   Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


Re: [Goanet] Remote Control

2010-01-17 Thread Frederick Noronha
There are tens of thousands Goans breaking the law every which way.
It's just that you choose to target a few based on ethnicity! Just
like the Muslim illegal places of workship were targeted highly
selectively in the past, leading to the violence against that
community in a Curchorem!

This to me is not activism. It is bringing in all kinds of (dubious)
agendas, while pretending to be very concerned about the state of
affairs. As such, I find it unacceptable.

JC's examples below are meant to skew opinion in one direction, by
choosing very inapt comparisons. FN

2010/1/17 J. Colaco  jc cola...@gmail.com

 Clinton Vaz klint...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dear Soter, ...The street scrap dealers no doubt, do
 business on public space, but in turn they do a lot of service to the



 Here are some other arguments which are equally convincing:

 1: Jon, no doubt, robs people with money, but in turn he wines and
 dines at the best restaurants - thus providing employment for young
 chaps who would otherwise be robbing many more people with money

Frederick Noronha
Landline :: +91-832-2409490
Mobile :: +91-9822122436

[Goanet] Bahamas a country to avoid

2010-01-17 Thread Samir Kelekar

If you want to read more about wide spread criminality, corrupt
officials, injustice, a legal profession with anti-foreign attitudes,
racism, drug trafficking as well as bad service with high prices write
us a email.

Read about corruption in Bahamas. Jose why dont you fix the corruption in 
before you talk about corruption in Goa? Charity begins at home!!!



Re: [Goanet] Group of Seven

2010-01-17 Thread floriano

Dear Mauricio,

Babush will say this today and Babush will say that tomorrow.
It is only a game of political chess and political check-mate.

All the more reason for you to  join the PPS Brigade


PS: Fight Dirty Politics and Dirty Politicians. Join the PPS Brigade. Adorn
your 2/4-wheeler with the PPS sticker. Show solidarity with the movement
with conviction that  'We Shall Overcome'

PPS: PEOPLE for POLITICAL SANITY  Goa's Need of the Hour

- Original Message - 
From: Mauricio Pereira mpqa...@hotmail.com

To: goa@ goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 3:10 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Group of Seven

Babush  Co denies truck with Congress rebels, stands by Kamat

Re: [Goanet] Crime in the Bahamas

2010-01-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
Samir Kelekar samir_kele...@yahoo.com: And we are complaining about
crime in Goa! Incidently, three separate groups of tourists were
robbed in Nassau, where our Jose Colaco stays! ;-)


Dear Samir,

I believe that You are indeed 'in a foreign bashing mode', as Eddie
Fernandes correctly noted.

Even so, I'd say that you have every right to open mouth and speak.

However, I'd like to suggest that it does help to be current.

You are indeed correct that there were a spate of robbery incidents
involving tourists just before the start of the Christmas season. To
the best of my knowledge, no tourist was seriously hurt, raped or
killed in the incidents.but could have been.

I also know that the Bahamas police acted very swiftly to prevent
further incidents. They now have a strong and disciplined police
presence in the normal tourist areas. As a result, even the world
largest cruise-liner The Oasis of the Seas comes to Nassau several
times a month - and helps The Bahamas generate significant income
without using any of the resources eg Water, Electricity etc.

Here is a picture http://im.rediff.com/money/2009/nov/04slid1.jpg

Now, I do not expect the Bahamas police to prevent all crime -
especially crimes involving, as you would call it girl-friends, but
they certainly are doing a fine job - and are being kept on their toes
by the very aggressively open UK/US-style Talk radio, newspapers and
blogs. Even Portugal which suffered so much suppression of free-speech
(under Salazar), has opened up so much like the really free countries
of Europe and the US.

If you want to know the true meaning of liberation, please access
the US, UK, Ireland and Portugal on line transmissions of their radio
(and possibly TV)(many are free)

Now I am sure, you will advise us what the situation is in Goa.
What are the police doing? What is the CCP doing? and How free is
speech in Goa? (Your brush and future brushes with Damocles, having
been noted).

How liberated are you (personally) compared to the IT techs in the
countries mentioned?

BTW: It is inappropriate use of the English language to state that a
person stays in a particular city/country when that person lives
in that city/country.

One stays in hotels or motels .not in countries and places.

If you are unaware if the person is in a particular place for a short
or long duration, you may wish to use the word resides.

I took the opportunity to advise you - just in case you wanted to
expand your English vocabulary beyond the phrase boot-licker.

yours very sincerely


[Goanet] GOA SUDHAROP: Annual Awards Report

2010-01-17 Thread George Pinto
The Annual Awards presentation ceremony by Goa Sudharop Community Development 
Inc., a USA-based non-profit, volunteer NGO working for the betterment of Goa 
and Goans worldwide, was held at Hotel Mandovi, Panjim, on 14 January, 2010. 
Ms. Shilla Almeida, Youth Ambassador from the USA was also present for the 
function which was ably compered by GS volunteer, Mrs. Carmen Martins. The 
program also featured excellent cultural performances by the students of Fr. 
Agnel College, Pilar.

In accordance with the Goa Sudharop theme for the year 2009 (Year of Youth), 
and as a mark of support and encouragement of their efforts and achievements, 
Goa Sudharop chose to give cash and other awards to youth and those working 
with youth, including students, institutions, social activists and others.

The Chief Guest for the function was Mr. Rajendra Kerkar, a well-known activist 
committed to preserving the rich bio-diversity of Goa’s environment. In his 
address, Mr. Kerkar spoke on the scenario in the Goa of today, about the work 
being done by committed activists and of the dire need to preserve our natural 
resources and environment.

Goan Youth Achiever Awards were presented to Mr. Swapnil Asnodkar for his 
outstanding performance in cricket, to Mr. Motes Antao for his sustained 
struggle and proactive role in the solidarity movement against destructive 
mining in Goa, to Adv. Jessica Fernandes for organizing the Goan farmers and 
spearheading the movement for protecting agricultural land in Goa, and to Ms. 
Sonia Sirsat for her exceptional efforts in furthering an interest in Goan 
music both in the country and abroad, through her soulful renditions.

Special Recognition Awards of cash and a citation each were presented to Mr. 
Frankie Monteiro for unearthing the SEZ problem in Goa through effective use of 
the RTI Act and for his proactive role in the people’s movement against SEZ, 
and to Mr. Sebastian Rodrigues for his diligent, painstaking and untiring 
efforts in organizing solidarity amongst the mining affected villages in Goa 
and in creating through blogging and other means, an awareness of Goa’s 
environmental concerns.

Financial assistance was also provided to two battered women with growing 
children, through a donation by Raissa de May.

Goa Sudharop Scholarship Awards were presented to 14 talented, meritorious and 
deserving students of Class X and XII.  Donations towards helping deserving and 
needy students were presented by GS Youth Ambassador Shilla Almeida to 4 
colleges around Goa through a donation by Goa Sudharop’s Joe and Acaria 
Almeida. A donation in public interest was earlier made to the SEZ Virodhi 
Manch towards administrative expenses of the campaign against SEZ’s in Goa.

Mr. Pravin Sabnis who was the main facilitator and resource person for several 
Youth Leadership Workshops conducted by Goa Sudharop throughout the year at 
various institutions in Goa, spoke briefly on the need for such workshops which 
not only help the youth develop leadership qualities but also make them aware 
of current important issues in Goa. Fr. Frederick Rodrigues, Principal, Fr. 
Agnel College, Pilar also shared a few of his observations and experiences with 
respect to the youth programs that had been conducted during the year by Goa 
Sudharop in association with Fr. Agnel College, Pilar. Adv. Jessica Fernandes 
spoke about how, coming from an agricultural background, she was not only 
honoured to have been selected for the GS award for her role in the movement to 
protect agricultural land in Goa, but that the award was also an encouragement 
to her and to others to continue their efforts in this regard. Mr. Motes Antao 
also elucidated on his
experiences whilst working alongside other committed activists, against illegal 
and destructive mining in Goa. Youth Ambassador Ms. Shilla Almeida who has 
spent a major part of her recent visit to Goa in various GS related activities 
also briefly addressed the gathering.

A report of the many activities conducted through the year 2009 was then 
presented by Mr. Ibonio D’Souza, the local representative of Goa Sudharop. 
Amongst other activities, Goa Sudharop also organized in association with the 
Centre for Panchayati Raj a workshop for women to enlighten them on the working 
of the Panchayati Raj system. Six Youth Leadership workshops were held at 
various colleges in the state, where the topics covered included proactive 
citizenship, environmental concerns, drug addiction, stress management, 
leadership and other subjects relevant to youth empowerment. 

Mr. D’Souza also informed the gathering that Goa Sudharop will shortly be 
holding an All Goa Youth meet on 23 Jan 2010 in association with the Chinmaya 
Yuva Kendra, Margao. The highlight of this meet will be a discourse on the 
topic “Discover the Jewel in You” by world renowned scholar and exponent H.H. 
Swami Tejomayanandaji, Head of the Chinmaya Mission, Worldwide.

Mr. D’Souza  concluded the report 

Re: [Goanet] Crime in the Bahamas

2010-01-17 Thread Alfred de Tavares

My worthy nabobs of Goanet!

For all that is sacrossant, I fail to comprehend, in toto, how this post 
the one it seeks to answere, can have anything to do with Goa or things

Otherwise, I have known, the moderators/monitors/regulators of Goanet 
promptly pounce upon any digressor in such particular matters.

Will one, or several, of these worthies, please, kindly, elucidate  oblige?

Alfred de Tavares, 2010-01-17

 Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 11:36:24 -0500
 From: cola...@gmail.com
 To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Crime in the Bahamas
 Samir Kelekar samir_kele...@yahoo.com: And we are complaining about
 crime in Goa! Incidently, three separate groups of tourists were
 robbed in Nassau, where our Jose Colaco stays! ;-)
 Dear Samir,
 I believe that You are indeed 'in a foreign bashing mode', as Eddie
 Fernandes correctly noted.
 Even so, I'd say that you have every right to open mouth and speak.
 However, I'd like to suggest that it does help to be current.
 You are indeed correct that there were a spate of robbery incidents
 involving tourists just before the start of the Christmas season. To
 the best of my knowledge, no tourist was seriously hurt, raped or
 killed in the incidents.but could have been.
 I also know that the Bahamas police acted very swiftly to prevent
 further incidents. They now have a strong and disciplined police
 presence in the normal tourist areas. As a result, even the world
 largest cruise-liner The Oasis of the Seas comes to Nassau several
 times a month - and helps The Bahamas generate significant income
 without using any of the resources eg Water, Electricity etc.
 Here is a picture http://im.rediff.com/money/2009/nov/04slid1.jpg
 Now, I do not expect the Bahamas police to prevent all crime -
 especially crimes involving, as you would call it girl-friends, but
 they certainly are doing a fine job - and are being kept on their toes
 by the very aggressively open UK/US-style Talk radio, newspapers and
 blogs. Even Portugal which suffered so much suppression of free-speech
 (under Salazar), has opened up so much like the really free countries
 of Europe and the US.
 If you want to know the true meaning of liberation, please access
 the US, UK, Ireland and Portugal on line transmissions of their radio
 (and possibly TV)(many are free)
 Now I am sure, you will advise us what the situation is in Goa.
 What are the police doing? What is the CCP doing? and How free is
 speech in Goa? (Your brush and future brushes with Damocles, having
 been noted).
 How liberated are you (personally) compared to the IT techs in the
 countries mentioned?
 BTW: It is inappropriate use of the English language to state that a
 person stays in a particular city/country when that person lives
 in that city/country.
 One stays in hotels or motels .not in countries and places.
 If you are unaware if the person is in a particular place for a short
 or long duration, you may wish to use the word resides.
 I took the opportunity to advise you - just in case you wanted to
 expand your English vocabulary beyond the phrase boot-licker.
 yours very sincerely
Windows Live: Friends get your Flickr, Yelp, and Digg updates when they e-mail 

[Goanet] Three Indians denied entry into Australian bar

2010-01-17 Thread Samir Kelekar
I guess they didnt bleach themselves or acted whiter than the whites!
Goans of course would be allowed as they know to do you know what!!!


PS: If you want to only highlight the negatives that NRGs do of Goa, it is not 
difficult to highlight the negatives of the West!


[Goanet] FW: Mumbai's Wellingdon Catholic Colony Sold-out

2010-01-17 Thread Ashley.D'silva

From: The CSF [mailto:trinitygr...@mtnl.net.in]
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 2:38 AM
To: Ashley Dsilva
Subject: Mumbai's Wellingdon Catholic Colony Sold-out

Dear Friend in Christ,

For those not from Mumbai or Catholic, feel free to ignore this email.

Here is a request to those who are not Mumbai-centric Catholics, as this 
issue is nearer to them. But is an eye-opener for any Christian, even as 
property scams  scandals by Christians are taking center stage. We are 
degenerating into Christians in name, without in Spirit being 
Christians. How else would one account for deals, in which the needy are 
deprived of justice  their rights, even as a few Christians remain 
unanswerable for their nefarious deeds?

This is a case where a few Catholics have set a bad example, rather than 
be the light to the world or salt of the earth. We not only need to be 
alert about the forces outside, but also the Enemy within. Please pray 
for those who are being used by the Evil One and also those fighting 
against injustice, for when Hundreds Crores of Rupees are involved, the 
danger for those fighting against such forces is high.

In HIM - Joe Dias


The Catholic Secular Forum (The CSF), led hundreds of parishners, 
begining with a prayer by Fr. Conrad Saldanha of Sacred Heart Church in 
Santacruz West, after the 8 am religious service. The protest march from 
the church went into the Wellingdon Catholic Colony to express 
solidarity with the inmates - many of who are senior citizens and home 
bound. This was necessitated because the Bombay Catholic Co-op Society, 
which manages the 5.5 acre prime property on SV Road, had sold out to 
one, Sumer Associates to develop the colony. Sad but true, some of our 
very own are involved in the scam. The CSF team's finding are presented 

Background: Over 34 acres of property acquired around 1917 to be 
developed as community land by our ancestors – complete with a church, 
school, convent, gymkhana, residences, etc. Now, around 6 acres, valued 
at over Rs. 600 crores is sold for a song (Rs. 70 crores) by the 
Society, destroying not just the heritage value, but putting hundreds of 
senior citizens on the streets to fend for themselves.

Who is Responsible: The office-bearers of the Society, most of who do 
not live there in the Catholic Colony and who have been in Court with 
the tenants, living on the property for years have in an illegal, not 
transparent move entered into a deal with one, Sumer Associates, who 
have overnight turned the colony into a jail. Apart from being illegal, 
the rush and amount of pressurizing the Society went into, makes it very 
suspect. All the stakeholders, did not know anything until they received 
a notice for a special general meeting on 6th December, 2009. It was a 
hurried meeting, conducted by Frederick Noronha which voted for Sumer 
Associates, in so hushed a manner, that even the Registrar’s 
representative, was asked to keep out. His report is worth reading 
highlights the nefarious going-ons.

To highlight just 2 important observations of The CSF Investigations, 
arrived at after talking to a number of residents and going through 
hundreds of documents:

•   The deal with Sumer Associates is highly suspicious because 
of the way it was done. For instance, even before the Society members 
voted, the Society adjudicated the deal on 5th December, which means 
they were in touch to pay the stamp duty much before the special general 
meeting. On 7th December, inspite of around 50 members objecting, they 
signed the conveyance  on 8th December, they registered it. Further, 
the Society even indemnified Sumer Associates of many lapses. Not to 
mention the fact that one, hitherto unknown Robin Homes was brought into 
picture, inspite of the Society being in litigation with another 
builder. Only about 200 of the around 800 member attended the meeting.

•   About 100 armed men and notorious looking characters were 
seen in the colony. They were checking every visitor and even threatened 
parents of the St. Teresa’s Convent students, one of whom, we were given 
to understand, even complained to the police. We ourselves were 
subjected to searches and did not object because we were mortally 
afraid, looking at the characters around. Sumer Associates has illegally 
started unauthorized construction and put building material in the 
colony to inconvenience the residents.

Preserving Catholic Identity: The vision of our forefathers, when they 
developed the Wellingdon properties was that the prayer of Jesus - 
Father that all might be one - which is the need of the hour. Over a 
hundred years later - greed, selfishness  return on investment 
dominates, to the detriment of our lesser fortunate brethren. Even the 

Re: [Goanet] Indian media ignores Goan's murder in Britain

2010-01-17 Thread Eddie Fernandes
From: Samir Kelekar
Can mother be compared with anything at all, I ask.

Yes, your motives!

Best wishes,

[Goanet] Goa: Not A Sin City. By Devika Sequeira

2010-01-17 Thread Eddie Fernandes
17 Jan: Deccan Herald. Some warped media coverage has dogged Goa after a few
highly publicised cases of rape and deaths involving foreigners. After the
February 2008 death of British teen Scarlett Keeling, Goa has been in the
media glare for all the wrong reasons. One of Goa's biggest problems is not
the police, but the pathetic level of its politicians. Goa's excessive
tolerance and laissez faire manner has to some extent been its undoing. 1049
words. http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/gvuk_files/Not_a_sin_city..pdf

[Goanet] Not a sin city: Skewed media coverage of a few crimes involving foreigners has sullied Goa's image (Devika Sequeira, Deccan Herald)

2010-01-17 Thread Goanet Reader
Skewed media coverage of a few crimes involving foreigners
has sullied Goa's image

Not a sin city
Devika Sequeira

'Of all the places I have
worked, lived and travelled in
India, none is safer for women
than Goa, despite the recent
ugly convulsions in crime, the
laid-back and inefficient
police and the corrupt

Some warped media coverage has dogged Goa after a few highly
publicised cases of rape and deaths involving foreigners.
After the February 2008 death of British teen Scarlett
Keeling, Goa has been in the media glare for all the wrong

Keeling, just 15, was found dead on the beach in Anjuna.
Circumstantial evidence pointed to rape, and forensics
confirmed she had been fed a cocktail of alcohol and drugs.

The questionable process of investigations and her mother
Fiona MacKeown's fight to expose the Goa police are now
clearly etched in public memory, thanks to the persistent
overplay of the case by the media.

Just a few months after the Scarlett case, a German woman
living in Goa approached the police with a shocking
complaint. Her daughter, barely 14 and in school, had been
sexually used by Education Minister Babush Monserrate's son.

The minister's son was eventually arrested after the
intervention of the High Court. Last month a Russian tour
representative went to the police after she was allegedly
raped by a Goa businessman.

After a month on the run, John Fernandes, a man with
political connections, turned himself in. The case
reverberated in Parliament after Goa MP Shantaram Naik made
matters worse by suggesting that women who socialised till
the late hours with strangers were putting themselves at

  There were three other suspicious deaths involving
  young Russian tourists that have not been
  sufficiently and professionally investigated by the
  police. But they were completely ignored by an
  otherwise hawkish English media. The parents of two
  of the victims had no funds even to travel to Goa
  from Russia to pursue the cases.

In a bid to airbrush Goa's sullied image and attract better
tourists, Goa Tourism Minister Micky Pacheco said recently he
was banning advertisements with bikini clad women from
tourism promotional material. The announcement has provoked
caustic comment from across the world. Here's one reaction:
Goa's image problem has nothing to do with 'bad tourists' vs
'good tourists,' whatever that means. It comes from the wave
of rapes and molestations, committed mostly by residents that
local officials have been unable to stop.

  How true is this? Are we really the sin city of
  India? And are those of us who live here, have
  teenaged daughters who go to the beach and party at
  night spots in danger of being senselessly
  attacked, molested, raped and dumped by the local
  police? I think not. Of all the places I have
  worked, lived and travelled in India, none is safer
  for women than Goa, despite the recent ugly
  convulsions in crime, the laid-back and inefficient
  police and the corrupt politicians.

A report earlier this month in the mainstream UK paper The
Telegraph spoke of Goa's decline from hippie haven to a
gangster's paradise. Conveniently ignoring the recession, it
said the number of Britons to Goa had slumped by a third
after a series of murders and rapes of foreign tourists.

The rape and murder of Scarlett Keeling and the murder of
another Briton Stephen Bennett had damaged the state's
reputation, it said. Bennett was, however, found strung to a
mango tree 300 km from Goa in Malasai village in the Raigad
district of Maharashtra. Four villagers were booked for
clubbing the drug-habituated Briton to death on December 11,
2006. Some news reports said Stephen Bennett's mother
Maureen, who visited Malasai was so struck by the poverty
that she left a note of Rs 500 in one of the huts.

Hard truths

Media distortions cannot, however, disguise some hard facts.
The 2009 annual British Behaviour Abroad report released by
the UK Foreign Office said Britons are continuing to get
into trouble abroad, with key concerns including drink and
drug related cases.

The report said 2,290 Britons were arrested in Spain, 1,534
in the USA, 294 in the United Arab Emirates, 202 in Thailand
and 40 in India. Arrests for drugs offences formed a
significant percentage of these arrests, contributing to a
quarter of the total arrests in Thailand, the report said.

It also lists 22 cases of Britons raped in Spain, 28 in
Greece, one in Italy, 3 in Portugal, 8 in Turkey, 10 in
Cyprus, 6 in Egypt and 1 in India, among others.

  These statistics are not an argument to absolve Goa
  of its abysmal level of policing, crime detection
  and corruption, but it helps put things in the
  perspective of global tourism. One of Goa's biggest
  problems is not the police, 

[Goanet] Butterflies, monkeys and downward-facing dogs: Yoga travel in magical Goa

2010-01-17 Thread Eddie Fernandes
17 Jan: Jerusalem Post. Assagao is 45 minutes from Dabolim Airport and 15
minutes from the fabled Arabian Sea. It is the perfect place for a yoga
retreat: peaceful and rustic enough to facilitate the quest for inner quiet,
but still stimulating to the senses...
1400 words.

[Goanet] Green tea beats depression « House Ca lls

2010-01-17 Thread Con Menezes
Encouraging info. for those who drink green tea  and for those should be.
More here..

[Goanet] Study raises concerns about outdoor second-hand smoke | Science Blog

2010-01-17 Thread Con Menezes
How dangerous is outdoor second-hand smoke.
Learn here.


[Goanet] Goa news for January 18, 2010

2010-01-17 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** I-League: Pune FC Continue Impressive Run With Win At
Salgaocar - Goal.com
eague, as they beat Salgaocar 3-1 in Goa. Edmar scored again
for Derrick ...

*** Goa crisis blown over as troubleshooting by Congress begins
- Daily News  Analysis
calls meet of Goa MLAs to discuss leadership issue

*** Rahul Gandhi to visit Goa on Tuesday - Times of India
ay visit to Goa on Tuesday, will be urged to back the case of
the Youth Congress members ...

*** Not interested in forming govt, says Goa BJP - Press Trust
of India
Parsenkar to head Goa BJP

*** Mumbai's bar girls making Goa police 'dance' - Times of
new home for displaced Mumbai bar girls

*** Patil may take charge by 'Tuesday or Wednesday' - Indian
homes in on Chandigarh

*** Travel postcard: 48 hours in Goa, India - Calgary Herald
of innocence, total sell out at own peril

*** Goan home stay - The Hindu
ld-restored-colonial house in Curtorim, a quiet hamlet in South
Goa, about seven kilometers from ...a class=

*** Goa Congress ask MLAs not to vent anger against party in
public - Daily News  Analysis
ily News  AnalysisPTI Panaji: Goa Pradesh Congress Committee
today resolved that its legislators should not vent out their
anger in public against the party leadership. ...a class=

*** Vedanta Group charts out $2-bn expansion plan - Economic
re producer Sesa Goa, the group is now also into mining ore in
Goa. The capacity of Sesa Goa is also slated to increase from
...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] CTV News | The Liberation Treatment: A whole new approach to MS

2010-01-17 Thread Con Menezes
Can abnormalities in your neck cause MS?

Keep reading.


Re: [Goanet] Remote Control

2010-01-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
Frederick Noronha wrote:

[1]There are tens of thousands Goans breaking the law every which way.
[2]JC's examples ... are meant to skew opinion in one direction,
by choosing very inapt comparisons.


So, in effect, Frederick Noronha says that he knows 'tens of thousands
Goans breaking the law every which way' BUT as a journalist ...has
either done something about it or just had a cup of tea and done
nothing about it.

Perhaps, my examples  were did not choose apt comparisons. Would Mr.
Noronha please give 'examples' with apt comparisons?


Re: [Goanet] Another man attacked, Aussie cops admit racism

2010-01-17 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
If you'd bothered to read the last paragraph:

But some Indians in Australia also believe that many of their fellow citizens 
lack civic consciousness and flaunt gold chains and rings making them easily 
identifiable targets for criminal elements..

Mate, you have a serious problem - you appear to be someone's slave, so assume 
every Goan abroad must also be a slave. Get out of it, man. 

Please also note,A number of passersby came to the aid of the taxi driver 
after he pleaded for assistance from passing cars. 
One of the accused was held until police arrived. The other ... was later 
arrested by police. indicates how much local Aussies are against violence  and 
come to the assistance of persons under attack. 
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/two-charged-with-bashing-indian-taxi-driver-in-geelong/story-e6frf7jo-1225820663424 .
Meanwhile in India, a policeman dies crying for help as politicians look on 
Now, can we stop tit-for-tat we-are-better-than-you spats on this subject and 
concentrate on getting corruption and the rot out of the Goan system? Thanks. 

- Original Message 
 From: Samir Kelekar samir_kele...@yahoo.com
 To: Goanet goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Sent: Sun, 17 January, 2010 8:24:05 PM
 Subject: [Goanet] Another man attacked, Aussie cops admit racism
 Our resident NRGs of course will now fall in line, that their masters have 
 admitted racism.

See what's on at the movies in your area. Find out now: 

Re: [Goanet] Bahamas a country to avoid

2010-01-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
2010/1/17 Samir Kelekar samir_kele...@yahoo.com


 If you want to read more about wide spread criminality, corrupt
officials, injustice, a legal profession with anti-foreign attitudes,
racism, drug trafficking as well as bad service with high prices write
us a email.

Read about corruption in Bahamas. Jose why dont you fix the corruption
in Bahamas  before you talk about corruption in Goa? Charity begins at


My dear Samirbab:

I agree with you on one point. Indians trying to smuggle their way to
the US (via Delhi, Moscow, Havana) should not enter the Bahamas.
They will find themselves in the detention centre.

I wonder what the lure of the US is for these chaps? Why do they not
follow Samir's advice and stay in India?

Samir may know that I do not have to fix any corruption which does not
affect me. I don't have to pay any bakshish to get a telephone line or
an electricity meter like Samir said he had to. I have never had
to ...nor will I ever do it. Samir may wish to tell us his story on
being an active participant in corruption in Bangaluru.

I do not have to pay bakshish to anyone to get any of my licences or approvals.

Oh yes  I also do not need any lawyering 

One thing is for sure: Those who wait their turn, stick to the rules
and do not engage in underhand deals - never get conned.

Another: I am happy that the chap/chappie who posted on that forum
signed his name in alphabets that Samir has previously recognised
- and chose NOT to write his name. IF indeed he was a genuine
traveler, I wonder why he chose to hide under a pseudonym.

The least an accuser can do - is print his email address (or name) so
that those who are accused -  can challenge him.


[Goanet] Dark Chocolate: The New Antianxiety Drug? - Healthy Living - Health.com

2010-01-17 Thread Con Menezes
Dark Chocolate: The new anti-anxiety drug??
Luck for the chocoholics!!

More here...


[Goanet] Fw: A Great Goan

2010-01-17 Thread Gina Fernandes

- Forwarded Message 
From: Jemma Fernandes
To: Gina Fernandes
Sent: Sun, 17 January, 2010 3:44:05 PM
Subject: FW: A Great Goan

 Some like to be away from the glare and the beaming arch lights,
 preferring to do their social work away from the media spotlight, one
 such unassuming person is Mauricio Pereira.
 The Sao Jose De Areal-born Goan has been helping many Goan in their
 hour of turmoil in a distant land called Qatar.
 Whether it the brush with the wrong side of law which some Goans has
 had been inevitably involved, he has reached out his hand to rescue
 them, through his contacts. No publicity, no fan fare. That is not the
 only thing. He gets calls at the most odd hours whenever such
 incidents happens and that means a lot of sacrifices on the family
 front and on the personal front, in terms of lack of sleep and
 spending money from his own pocket.
 Mauricio, a fluent Arabic speaker is modest enough to say: “Each one
 of us are messengers of god. A messenger comes in different ways to
 help the needy. As a true catholic we should set an example for our
 non-Catholics brothers, the spirit of giving, social service and
 forgiveness. I am just trying to follow what my religion has taught
 me. Give alms in a way which your right does not know what the left 
hand has

 No awards, no felicitations for him. He is not concerned about them,
 in this largely materialistic world. Mauricio is also associated with
 a number of Goa-related social, cultural and church organizations, one
 of them is Konkani Speaking Community of the Rosary Church of Qatar, a
 group which is trying o promote the language among the large Goan and
 Mangalorean communities and other Konkani speaking people from
 Karnataka and Maharashtra.Not only the above mentioned work this man 
is so well known for, he is an ardent admirer of Konkani dramas and a 
promoter of Goan Konkani dramas in Qatar since the last 10 years. We are 
proud of him and salute his great work.

Jemma Dsouza

[Goanet] Go Goa: Children's Cultural Festival

2010-01-17 Thread Sandeep Heble
On the occasion of the Republic Day, JCI St. Inez in association with
JCI Panjim will organize a Children’s Cultural festival in the
Children’s Park at Campal-Panaji. The Festival titled “Go Goa” will
primarily be on the theme of Goa, Nature and Environment. Inter school
and individual competitions for children up to Std X will be held
during the festival.

Children and schools from across Goa are invited to participate in a
series of events that will be organized during the Festival; namely:

Child Art Competition (Categories: Pre-Primary, Primary, Middle
School, Secondary and Differently Abled. Theme Scenery of Goa or any
Environment Issue), Poster Competition (Theme: Road Safety), Quiz
Competition, Debate Competition, Banner Competition and Essay

Prizes and trophies will be awarded to individual winners and top 3
schools of the Festival. In addition to the above, there will also be
a Science Magic Show by Somu Rao and loads of fun and excitement like
Clowns, Jumpies, Karaoke singing, etc to keep the children
entertained. Participants and Schools may submit their entries on
Spot. For more details, contact Sandeep Heble on 9326129171.

Full event details are available at: http://tinyurl.com/stinezjc

Yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Events co-ordinator
JCI St. Inez

[Goanet] Dinesh D'Souza

2010-01-17 Thread Mervyn Lobo
I picked up this article from The Goan Voice, UK.
It mentions stuff about the most embarrassing (to me) Goan in the USA.
Warning: This is not for the feint of heart. This is also a primer on how far a 
person can go in the good ol' USA when he is extreme right-wing.



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[Goanet] CCP fails to provide pedestrians with leveled, smooth pavements: Report

2010-01-17 Thread Goanet News Service

CCP fails to provide pedestrians with leveled, smooth pavements: Report
TNN, 17 January 2010, 10:30pm IST

PANAJI: City Corporation of Panaji (CCP) has failed to ensure that the 
width of pavements in the city is not abruptly reduced to suit the 
builders interest, thereby neglecting the pedestrians interest, reveals 
a field visit report submitted to the sub-committee on mobilization plan 
for Panaji city under Urban Infrastructure and Governance (UIG) schemes 
and other projects under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission.

The CCP and other relevant agencies have taken no role to ensure all 
the paralleled road like MG Road, 18th June Road have leveled and smooth 
pavements as the heights of the pavements differ with each building, 
thus making walking on pavement a mobility hazard.

Even the width of pavement have been abruptly reduced to suit the 
builders not keeping in mind the pedestrians interest, the report notes.

The report prepared by a team headed by Dr Joe D'Souza, who is also part 
of the sub-committee states that the footpath pavements and overhead 
bridges in the city were totally inadequate and often reduced in size 
and without proper alignment, thus making it difficult for the 
pedestrians, especially the physically challenged to cross roads. The 
field inspection was carried out on December 18, 2009.

This report was discussed in detail during the sub-committee meeting 
headed by leader of Opposition, Manohar Parrikar, in a meeting for 
appraisal of Detailed Projects Reports (DPR) on projects in the UIG on 
January 4, 2010, after which the sub-committee directed CCP to ensure 
that proposal for uniform footpaths, user friendly pathways or streets 
for senior citizen and specially disabled person should be included in 
the comprehensive mobility plan for the city.

The sub-committee has been entrusted with the task of preparing detailed 
project reports that would be submitted to get funds under the UIG 
schemes and JNNURM schemes to implement and finish the projects by 2030.

The minutes of the meeting also states that in Panaji there is a need 
for overhead bridges and underground subway near Custom house connecting 
the river front with the MG Road, as well as the Garcia de Orte Garden, 
besides installation of ramps for disabled people to cross over from 
pavement on to the road where height differs and which have gutters.

The report also notes on the need to have more overhead or underground 
bridges near Custom house connecting the river front with the MG Road, 
as well as the Garcia de Orte garden to facilitate senior citizen to 
move from the garden to the river front and also enter the shopping area 
on the MG Road and 18th June roads.


[Goanet] TAG's Directory of Tiatrists

2010-01-17 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa

Tiatr Academy Goa

Date: 18 / 01 / 10

Directory of Tiatr Artistes

Tiatr Academy Goa (TAG) has decided to publish a Directory of Tiatr 
artistes and the work of compilation of data of tiatr artistes is on. 
The time limit given to give personal details of the artistes on TAG’s 
prescribed form has experied. TAG has observed that many tiatr artistes 
have not yet submitted the required information.

Therefore TAG has extended the time limit of submitting the information 
on TAG’s prescribed form on or before 23rd January, 2010. All tiatr 
artistes including musicians and persons involved in back-stage works 
such as Stage setting, Background music, Light Eefects, Make-up, 
Costumes, etc who have not yet submitted their  details are requested to 
do so before 23rd Jsanuary 2010. The details may be sent to TAG’s 
Office, at S1/S4, 2nd Floor, A Block, Campal Trade Centre, Campal, 
Panjim, Goa.

Victor de Sa
Member Secretary - TAG

Re: [Goanet] Bombay Colony - The Truth.

2010-01-17 Thread Frederick Noronha
2010/1/8 eric pinto ericpin...@yahoo.com:
 Willingdon is NOT a Society, it is a Trust/Business.
 It was incorporated sixty years ago as a for-profit
 business, when scores of the local Catholic
 middle-class subscribed to the issue, and were
 promised a 8% return on the investment.

Eric, Just out of curiosity, since when is a Trust a business?
From what I understand, these two are as different as chalk and

Earnings of a Trust cannot be privatised, and have to be deployed back
into the entity, to support its (usually) educational or charity

Trusts in India are governed by the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, and are
quite similar to (with some differences) societies in their nature and
scope, not at all like businesses.

 Society secretary Frederick Noronha said, “There are
 764 members in the society and majority have agreed
 to sell the land. As far as the legal dispute is concerned,
 the matter is in court and I would not like to comment
 on it.”

And, just by the way, in case anyone was wondering, the above is an
amazing case of someone whom I'm not met (and, afaik, not related to
except through Adam) who shares both a name and surname with me :-)

Leave alone not being the secretary of that society, I've not even
been to the place where it is located!

But, from a wholly disinterested (and academic perspective), I think
Eric is mixing up the unfair rent-control we have had for decades in
India (doing away with them overnight would be equally unfair) with
the manner in which those controlling community property have been
rampantly privatising the same these days!

The coors/kudds of Bombay are another example! So are the
religion-controlled properties in Goa, which was why we saw the recent
debate raised by Eduardo Faleiro (and others).

Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

2010-01-17 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 12:24:28 -0800 (PST)
From: lyrawmn lyra...@yahoo.com

After having in effect ceded control of North Goa to white foreigners who 
actively and overtly discriminate against native Goans and Indians as 
publicized, what does that say of the status quo in Goa, Mr. D'Sa?

Mario observes:

Oh, I get it.  Those WASP-only areas where Indians are not allowed to buy homes 
are actually in Goa!

[Goanet] Remote Control

2010-01-17 Thread soter
Disgusting to read the skewed opinions of Frederick in response to jc colaco. 
Who says that Goans are not taking on other criminal activities? What is the 
fight against mining, mega projects, hiil cutting, pollution, drug, gambling, 
rape and other ills about? If not enforcing the law depending on one's 
religion, caste and region is justified then what is all the fuss of journalism 
ethics and shit being debated by Frederick? It is indeed depressing to see the 
skewed intelligensia of Goa that just cannot argue a point without labelling 
someone communal or regional. It all depends on jargon that is marketable for 
the western world or elite society. Now green is in fashion because of the 
dollars involved. Very very sad!


[Goanet] Josiah Stanford Super Chess Champs

2010-01-17 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
Josiah  Stanford Super Chess 
Josaih Rebello of Don Bosco high School, Panaji and Stanford Pereira 
Vidya Vihar, Cortalim won all 5 rounds to winPrimary Students Chess 
in III  IV Std and I  II Std respectively.
Somesh Takker from Dnyanprasarak Vidyalaya, Mapusa  Akhil Kushe, Mother 
of Merces Primary School, Vasco won 2nd  3rd Prizes respectively in III 
 IV Std .
Dhruv Chandavarkar from Sharada Mandir, Panaji  Anirudh Parsekar of St. 
Joseph's Institute, Vasco won 2nd  3rd Prizes respectively in I 
Nandini Sahai, Director, International Centre Goa and Dr. Peter 
Carvalho gave away the prizes to all the winners.
Shravan Barve was the Chief Arbiter of the tournament.  Next 
tournament will be held in Feb 2nd weekend for primary  secondary 
The Chess Tournament was organized by International 
Center Goa, Dona paula ( ICG ) and Chess Activity Centre at  ICG.Dona 
Paula on Friday Jan.  15, 2010
 Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] PPS

2010-01-17 Thread Mauricio Pereira

Dear Floriano

Iam totaly for PPS,Iam based in Doha -Qatar,anything I can do for you and PPS 
pls write to me,Any Konkani tiatr director will tell you about 
Windows Live Hotmail: Your friends can get your Facebook updates, right from 

[Goanet] Marathon – MondayMuse(18Jan2010)

2010-01-17 Thread Pravin Sabnis
MONDAY MUSE (18 January 2010)

Months of focussed zeal and marathon efforts bore fruit for Goan architect, 
Sunil Sardessai as he successfully completed the half marathon at Mumbai. The 
event put on display the inspiring spirit of the marathon reflected in the body 
language of the thousands of athletes, recreational runners, enthusiastic 
elders and the physically challenged who took up the test in various categories 
of the Mumbai marathon.

 The marathon celebrates the legend of Pheidippides, the Greek soldier, who ran 
non-stop to deliver a message from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens and 
then collapsed to his death. Ever since its launch in modern Olympics, the foot 
race has become popular. In the 800 marathons organised annually all over the 
globe, the bulk of the runners are recreational athletes like Sunil who run 
many lessons for us.

 It requires daring to choose a worthy challenge and perseverance to train and 
prepare for it. It involves disciplined practice sessions as well as 
significant lifestyle changes. The focus is to BE BETTER… to lay greater worth 
to the ability to improve personal performance with reference to a previous 
effort. Most do not run a marathon to win; they find success in completing it! 
Let’s embrace the lessons from the marathon: to dare, to persevere and to be 
better than the earlier effort!

 To BE BETTER is the lesson from the marathon…
Let’s persevere to complete the challenge song!
  - Pravin K. Sabnis 

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] Psygnus 2010

2010-01-17 Thread ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE COMMERCE -MAPUSA - GOA - INDIA - 403507 (0832-2262356-www.xavierscollege-goa.com)


‘The best within us is waiting to be explored’ said Dr. (Fr.) Walter de 
Sa, Principal of St. Xavier’s college of Arts, Science and Commerce at 
the inaugural function of PSYGNUS-2010, at which the chief guest was Mr. 
Chandrakant Barve, director of Doordarshan Kendra, Goa.

Psygnus 2010 (adapted from the word Cygnus that means Swan) was a state 
level inter-college psychology festival held at. St. Xavier’s College 
and was organized by its Abbe Faria Post Graduate Department of 
Psychology. It was a platform for any student of psychology to display 
his/her own inner grace, self esteem and beauty. A total of 8 teams from 
5 colleges - St. Xavier’s College, M.E.S College, Dhempe College, Smt. 
Parvatibai Chowgule College and Kandola College - across Goa participated.

BECOMING, the in-house psychology magazine, was brought out by the Abbe 
Faria Post Graduate Department. It was released at the hands of the 
chief guest, Mr. Chandrakant Barve. It contains various articles and 
experiences penned down by the faculty and students of the department.

In total there were 6 events, 4 on stage and 2 off stage. They were 
Psychodrama (a 4 minute play), Psychojive (a dance expressing Mental 
Health Awareness), Psychosphere (a quiz), Psygnotherapy (creating a new 
therapy), Psychoblots (t-shirt creation) and Psygnus Times (a newspaper 
showing the events of the day). Judges for each event were experts and 
experienced in the field of the event they judged.

The winners of Psygnus-2010 were M.E.S College, the 1st runners up being 
Chowgule College and the position of 2nd runners up was tied by Kandola 
College and St. Xavier’s College.

[Goanet] Another Indian taxi driver beaten, abused in Australia

2010-01-17 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 02:56:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Samir Kelekar samir_kele...@yahoo.com

Viva Australia!

Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 12:37:48 +1100
From: Salus Correia saluscorr...@gmail.com
[Goanet] Aussies killed in India

Today I just saw a news article in the local paper and
would like to share it with you all.  Click on this link to access the


Can anyone enlighten us as to what happened to the recent Scarlett murder
case? Or the older case where the Australian missionaries were torched while 
they were resting in their jeep?  Is there a justice system that works in 
India?  This is a national shame.

Mario observes:

I see Samir seems determined to illustrate the mess in India when his stones 
bounce back to his own glass house.

[Goanet] GCCI Cup: Talent Search Table Tennis Tournament in Panaji

2010-01-17 Thread Sandeep Heble
Panjim table Tennis Club will be organizing a Talent Search All Goa
Table Tennis Tournament from 28th to 31st January 2010(4 pm onwards),
in joint association with the Goa Chamber of Commerce and
Industry(GCCI) and Sports Authority of Goa.

The ‘GCCI Cup’ will primarily be sponsored by the GCCI which in recent
years has taken up a number of initiatives  for making a positive
environment in the State and  is now looking  at  supporting
different  sporting  talents  by  sponsoring  sporting  events.

The Tournament shall be held in the Indoor Stadium at Campal, Panaji
for the following categories: Under 10, Under 12 and Under 14 Singles
in boys and girls and Under 18 Boys; for non-ranking and non-seeded

Those interested in participating may submit their entries to Sunny
Sports, 18th June Road Panaji or to Wilber Fernandes ( 9881903443 ).

Yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Secretary, Panjim Table Tennis Club

[Goanet] Moira Church

2010-01-17 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -




[Goanet] Goa-na

2010-01-17 Thread Antonio Menezes
The scene : village market.
There is the usual hustle bustle and especially  in the section
where fish sold.  One hears the plebeian Konkani laced every
now and then with swear words.  I do not pay any attention as
I am in a hurry to make some purchases and rush home where
silence rule its surroundings.  However, i could not help noticing
two chaps in an animated conversation and as I passed them
I hear a new expression in Konkani .  One fellow was chiding
the other over something that may  have happened previously
'''*Arreh ! tum sarco bodams diogo, mureh!*

[Goanet] Dark Chocolate: The New Antianxiety Drug? - Healthy Living - Health.com

2010-01-17 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Hi Con,
The problem with most chocolate here is that there is still a lot of sugar
in it and it is mostly processed. It is also made at high temperature losing
most of the anti-oxidant proprieties are lost. That is the problem with even
what the top companies make. Unless one gets pure cocoa balls, or sticks
which one scrapes and mixes with water, etc. You can get it in the Caribbean
in places like Saint Martens, etc., and also in the US if one looks around.

Cecilia had attended the Essential Oils Convention in Utah last year where
EO had found a manufacture who took order to make chocolate at low
temperatures and pressure, but so far it was only a one time offer.


Message: 9
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 10:53:31 +1100
From: Con Menezes cmene...@tpg.com.au
To: Goanet goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Dark Chocolate: The New Antianxiety Drug? - Healthy
   Living  - Health.com

Dark Chocolate: The new anti-anxiety drug??
Luck for the chocoholics!!

More here...


[Goanet] Asia's greatest missionary: Bl. Joseph Vaz - HERALD(Goa), Jan 16, 2010

2010-01-17 Thread JoeGoaUk
[Goanet] Asia's greatest missionary: Bl. Joseph Vaz - HERALD(Goa), Jan 16, 2010
Thanks for the article.
The history of the Sancoale  Jose Vaz's Sanctuary read/heard for the first time.
In the print edition, the article had two of my pics  one on the 
Sanctuary  and the other on ancestral house of Bl. Joseph Vaz.  
But sadly no credit given to the photographer.

However, elsewhere in the issue also had a latest Sancoale 
feast pic  for which due credit was given to H’s photographer 
Rosario Estibeiro.
I did write to H more than 24hrs now but no reply yet..
One may check the two pics scanned here with the link to
The original pics/source.

WE being human beings, mistakes do happen or occur, 
somettimes more than once ..
some FREE but powerful magic words


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  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] Gold and you

2010-01-17 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Filomena Giese wrote:
 A Haitian friend in Berkeley who has been deeply involved in outreach to 
 Haiti for many, many years, 
 just told me that the most urgent thing needed is health and hospital 
 care.  He and others are devastated 
 at losing relatives and friends.
 He especially recommends Partners in Health.  If anyone of our Goan community 
 wishes to donate, 
 here are the 2 sites to contact.  Please inform your friends and pass the 
 word on. And make sure the 
 donations are marked for Haiti.


Filomena Saraswati,
One of nicest things of living in a socialist country is that people here are 
truly concerned
about the well being of their neighbours. And the term 'neighbours' is used 
loosely here, extending to both the 
person across the street as well as the person across across the ocean.

As some of you know, the Governor General of Canada was born in Haiti. She went 
on TV with a passionate 
appeal for help. Help for Haiti. The response? A very generous one from all 
Canadian residents. But that's not
all. Canadian businesses and the government itself have responded with what 
really counts.

On Friday, my employer announced that it would contribute a dollar for every 
dollar contributed by its employees
to alleviate the suffering in Haiti. The Govt of Canada responded with a 
similar contribution. 

As with all natural disasters, I usually sacrifice the cost of a crate of beer, 
deciding that at the very minimum,
that contribution would give me much more pleasure than usual. The response by 
Canadian business and
the Federal govt means that my $28 dollars is now being matched by my employer 
which doubles the
contribution to $56 and that $56 is being matched by the Federal Govt which ups 
the grand total to $112.00

One can provide a lot of medication with $112.00

PS. I hate to say this but when I spoke to my sister in the US today, she 
claimed that religious leaders there are
of the opinion that God send the earthquake to Haiti as a punishment. One of 
their leading religious figures said that
the earthquake was a result of the punishment that God sent to Haiti because of 
the pact Haiti made with the devil.
Yep, it did not make sense to me either. Here is the link to the American 
Broadcasting Company report, see if you 
can do  any better:


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Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-17 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 21:16:03 -0800 (PST)
From: lyrawmn lyra...@yahoo.com

Some well meaning NRGs in their eagerness to help are attempting to reinvent 
the environmental arena. RE: What are we waiting for posts?

Mario responds:

You are correct.  Because I believe their heart is in the right place, I have 
tried to gently re-orient such efforts towards the primary problem in Goa, 
the unholy alliance of corrupt politicians and corrupt business interests.  If 
that unholy alliance cannot be disrupted, then little else will be achieved.

lyrawmn wrote:

At present the many RG activists have been the foot soldiers at the forefront 
not least of all brave Goans villagers battling special interests in face of 
threats, intimidation, litigation costs, time, etc.
Nandkumar Kamat has been at his quest for over 20 years.

Mario responds:

Kudos to all RGs who are involved in such attempts.  Those RGs who are truly 
interested in turning things around in Goa welcome the NRGs who are interested 
in the same thing, rather that the couple who were seen throwing stones from 
their glass houses.

[Goanet] Daily Grook #609

2010-01-17 Thread Francis Rodrigues



by Francis Rodrigues

lenses feed
a disguise,
folks need
real eyes!

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[Goanet] Moira church

2010-01-17 Thread Bernado Colaco
The Moira church looks a bit slanted. I wonder if this is because the 
Moidecar's were trying to move the church to a more shadowy place? Just asking?

[Goanet] Green tea beats depression ? House Calls

2010-01-17 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Hi Con,
With green tea, one has to make sure that one is having quality tea. There
are a lot of issues with tea, one of which is which flush its is (at what
stage in its growth it was picked). Most of the tea one consumes in sachets
is of baseline quality. Green tea had to be kept airtight. I know a thing or
two since I got in Shodo (calligraphy) and Japanese culture.

I believe ff one is to move towards a holistic lifestyle it must be pretty
wholesome. Avoid intense concoctions like Badshahi chai whether at home or
at the adda, and other strong feel good potions. I have green tea (not
boiled) in alkaline water (high Ph). There are a lot of things that are good
for us, but in the end its everything else we do, all else we take on/in
that will affect body, mind and spirit.

This gave me a thought. If I can get my act together (not likely in the
context of business), or anyone for that matter --- one could attempt to
sell such products in India, either grown in India, Bhutan and even China,
Korea, and Japan.


venantius j pinto

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 10:08:58 +1100
From: Con Menezes cmene...@tpg.com.au
To: Goanet goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Green tea beats depression ? House Calls

Encouraging info. for those who drink green tea  and for those should be.
More here..

[Goanet] Indian media ignores Goan's murder in Britian

2010-01-17 Thread Samir Kelekar
Eddie writes:
Yes, your motives!

Can you elaborate what you are talking about?

My motive are clear, open and announced publicly on the net.
To me, your motherland cannot be compared to anything else.
It is your mother after all, however poor, famished she is.
You cant replace your mother by say USA.

We need to live with our mother, and improve things. The problem
with NRGs is that they have failed to take ownership for their
mother. Of course there are exceptions; Goa Sudharop is one.

Also, venting all one's ire on non-Goans who come to Goa to
barely make a living is not compassionate to say the least.
One needs to come up with better solutions than just clean up
the place and throw non-Goans out.

For instance, one solution that was proposed on this forum was
to make Konkani compulsory for govt. jobs. At least, this will
solve part of the problem.

Why isnt there a groundswell of support for the above?



[Goanet] Three Indians denied entry into Australian bar

2010-01-17 Thread Salus Correia
Samir Kelekar wrote:

Message: 5

Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 23:58:40 -0800 (PST)

From: Samir Kelekar samir_kele...@yahoo.com

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org

Subject: [Goanet] Three Indians denied entry into Australian bar

Message-ID: 446964.8624...@web34205.mail.mud.yahoo.com

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii



I guess they didnt bleach themselves or acted whiter than the whites!

Goans of course would be allowed as they know to do you know what!!!


PS: If you want to only highlight the negatives that NRGs do of Goa, it is
not difficult to highlight the negatives of the West!



Yes dear Samir: Goans would definitely be allowed because unlike those three
friends of yours, Goans are not stupid enough to go to venues drunk, under
the influence of alcohol or drugs.  Security guards have full powers to deny
entry to venues if they even suspect that the person is under the influence
of drugs or alcohol, and not even the police will involve in such matters.  


The security guards by the way, are trained and certified before they are
employed.  They have good experience at their job and they do it extremely
well.  Thanks to them, we can enjoy a quite drink in a bar or pub.


Salus Correia