[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (1Jun10)

2010-06-01 Thread alexyz fernandes

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*  Art of Living Guru Shot: UnHurt  *

Idiot! Nincompoop! Trying to Kill a Man who has mastered the Art of 

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Re: [Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam

2010-06-01 Thread floriano


Here is one fella  who campaigned in  Taleigao and Aldona Constituencies (in 
that order in 2005  2007) with the same Kiswahili message. Kula hapa na 
Kura huko'

However, sad to say that in Goa, no body understands Kiswahili. And those 
few that do, have long forgotten it.



- Original Message - 
From: manuel tavares duk...@bell.net

To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 3:05 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam

If Soter is right, then we Goans are really Ignorant  passive ' Shinkon 
Brutt' (pardon my Kokni) and do deserve the type of Government that we have. 
I was in Kenya for many years and even the illiterate among the Africans 
knew that their vote counted. They had a common saying in Kiswahili   'Kula 
hapa na Kura huko' Literal translation ' Eat whatever your given here but 
vote there' in other words, consume the Feni and Chicken that Churchill is 
offering but vote for change. A change that will usher in a new responsive 
and representative Government more receptive to the needs and aspirations of 
Goa and Goans. Wake up you Goans and smell the Feni. It surely stinks if it 
comes from one of the current Politicians.Let us vote in a new era in the 
history of this tiny place we call Goa which has produced from its Children 
from Nuclear Scientists, Doctors, Engineers, Professors, Teachers, Tailors, 
Mechanics, Musicians, Football players etc etc etc. Now can we not produce a 
Government which is truly   Of The People By the People and for the People 

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares. 

[Goanet] Panjim Promenade - 4

2010-06-01 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -




[Goanet] Tourism Minister Mickky Pacheco mourns

2010-06-01 Thread JoeGoaUk
Tourism Minister Mickky Pacheco mourns 
The sad demise of Nadia Torrado in an obituary ad
Nadia died 14 days after consuming the deadly Ratol (Rats Poison)
May her soul rest in peace


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[Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam

2010-06-01 Thread MD
What you wrote below means differently than what you actually intended
it to mean:

No one denies that Tarvottis and gulfies did not improve their own
living conditions and educate their children  (you should have
omitted 'not')

Now on the subjects of Tarvots, they worked in different capacities,
as marine engineers, technicians, deck hands, chefs, waiters and so on
on cargo ships, oil tankers and importantly passanger liners. They may
have had some adventures off shore (where thry were allowed to off
borar to visit the port cities), but may had little or very little
interaction with native Konkni speakers, so no wonder when they
returned home on leave, they had their own stories, some times with
little spice added to the story, and probably due to this the phrase
'tarvoteanchim bandalam' ..meaning entertaining, but not entirely

But as many women working as domestic helpers in the bombay, middle
east households, tharvoti men were the main bread winners and mostly
took good care of their families, built houses, educated their
children. (However, the Sasu liked her tarvoti zavoin - vhor, vhor
mujrm lonchem!)


Message: 10
Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 07:45:32 +0530
From: soter so...@bsnl.in
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam
Message-ID: 000801cb0067$2be572c0$1901a...@user77948b9580
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=iso-8859-1

Very interesting to read some of the remarks over my reference to
'Tarvotteachim bondollam' used in my open questions to Churchill
Alemao. I am definitely not the first one to use the phrase but people
tell me that there is a konkani song with this theme. In my childhood
the phrase was used very often. But what is of little surprise is that
instead of debating upon the primary contents we Goans choose are
experts at diverting the focus and clinging to the irrelevant.
No one denies that Tarvottis and gulfies did not improve their own
living conditions and educate their children. But besides improving
their economic status and personal social status, what has been their
meaningful contribution to the over all political, social and cultural
development of this State? They brought in the money and hoarded it in
the banks? Did they not start off the rat race with other less
fortunate Goans trying to imitate them and resorting to beg, borrow or
steal to also improve their economic status? Did this lifestyle not
trigger off a mistaken notion of economic and social empowerment in
Goa? Who is it that danced with the politicians to get benefits as
sailors and NRIs from the politicians? Did all this not trigger off a
feeling among Goans that migrating abroad  gives benefits of special
government status for the dollars they bring in, while those who stay
on and serve their own State and country get nothing?
These are the issues that need to be discussed.

-Soter D'Souza

[Goanet] Is the nation in a coma?

2010-06-01 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Business Line, Business Daily from THE HINDU group of publications, dated
Monday, May 31, 2010 brings up an interesting article on corruption in


Is the nation in a coma? 

Europeans believe that Indian leaders are too blinded by new wealth and
deceit to comprehend that the day will come when the have-nots will hit the

Mohan Murti

A few days ago I was in a panel discussion on mergers and acquisitions in
Frankfurt, Germany, organised by Euroforum and The Handelsblatt, one of the
most prestigious newspapers in German-speaking Europe.

The other panellists were senior officials of two of the largest carmakers
and two top insurance companies - all German multinationals operating in

The panel discussion was moderated by a professor from the esteemed European
Business School. The hall had an audience that exceeded a hundred well-known
European CEOs. I was the only Indian.
After the panel discussion, the floor was open for questions. That was when
my moment of truth turned into an hour of shame, embarrassment - when the
participants fired questions and made remarks on their experiences with the
evil of corruption in India.

The awkwardness and humiliation I went through reminded of The Moment of
Truth, the popular Anglo-American game. The more questions I answered
truthfully, the more the questions get tougher. Tougher here means more

European disquiet
Questions ranged from Is your nation in a coma?, the corruption in
judiciary, the possible impeachment of a judge, the 2G scam and to the money
parked illegally in tax havens.

It is a fact that the problem of corruption in India has assumed enormous
and embarrassing proportions in recent years, although it has been with us
for decades. The questions and the debate that followed in the panel
discussion was indicative of the European disquiet. At the end of the QA
session, I surmised Europeans perceive India to be at one of those junctures
where tripping over the precipice cannot be ruled out.

Let me substantiate this further with what the European media has to say in
recent days.

In a popular prime-time television discussion in Germany, the panellist, a
member of the German Parliament quoting a blog said: If all the scams of
the last five years are added up, they are likely to rival and exceed the
British colonial loot of India of about a trillion dollars.

Banana Republic
One German business daily which wrote an editorial on India said: India is
becoming a Banana Republic instead of being an economic superpower. To get
the cut motion designated out, assurances are made to political allays.
Special treatment is promised at the expense of the people. So, Ms Mayawati
who is Chief Minister of the most densely inhabited state, is calmed when an
intelligence agency probe is scrapped. The multi-million dollars fodder scam
by another former chief minister wielding enormous power is put in cold
storage. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh chairs over this kind of unparalleled

An article in a French newspaper titled Playing the Game, Indian Style
wrote: Investigations into the shadowy financial deals of the Indian
cricket league have revealed a web of transactions across tax havens like
Switzerland, the Virgin Islands, Mauritius and Cyprus. In the same article,
the name of one Hassan Ali of Pune is mentioned as operating with his wife a
one-billion-dollar illegal Swiss account with sanction of the Indian

A third story narrated in the damaging article is that of the former chief
minister of Jharkhand, Madhu Koda, who was reported to have funds in various
tax havens that were partly used to buy mines in Liberia. Unfortunately,
the Indian public do not know the status of that enquiry, the article

In the nastiest business scam in Indian records (Satyam) the government
adroitly covered up the political aspects of the swindle - predominantly
involving real estate, wrote an Austrian newspaper. If the Indian Prime
Minister knows nothing about these scandals, he is ignorant of ground
realities and does not deserve to be Prime Minister. If he does, is he a
collaborator in crime?

The Telegraph of the UK reported the 2G scam saying: Naturally, India's
elephantine legal system will ensure culpability, is delayed.

Blinded by wealth
This seems true. In the European mind, caricature of a typical Indian
encompasses qualities of falsification, telling lies, being fraudulent,
dishonest, corrupt, arrogant, boastful, speaking loudly and bothering others
in public places or, while travelling, swindling when the slightest of
opportunity arises and spreading rumours about others. The list is truly

My father, who is 81 years old, is utterly frustrated, shocked and
disgruntled with whatever is happening and said in a recent discussion that
our country's motto should truly be Asatyameva Jayete.

Europeans believe that Indian leaders in politics 

[Goanet] Where Is Our Dignity Of Labour ?

2010-06-01 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Where Is Our Dignity Of Labour ?


Economics teaches us about the relativity of our wants, commerce teaches us
about the balancing of facts and figures, whereas social science teaches about
the dignity of labour. In Goa at the moment, our human resources are at a low,
our rich fertile fields are laid waste, all the old labour force has somehow
disappeared in to oblivion and we have been forced to hire migrant labour which
at most times lacks skills but have to do with it, as there are no viable


I have witnessed that most of us Goan folks, feel shy to do their own work and
for the least or the smallest of chores we seek hired help, my dad always told
me, son, never feel shy or degraded, to do your own cores, infact one must hold
his head high and do ones own work since then I have never shied away from
doing my own work, it keeps me busy and healthy and I don't have to waste my
time begging every Tom, Dick and Harry to do my chores, that I can do myself.
Sometimes the weight of money goes to our head, that we don't even bend to pick
up our things and ask others to pick them up for us, is this what life is all
about ? 


No doubt we have to enjoy our lives with what we have, that does not mean we
have make others do what we could do ourselves. There is such a hue and cry over
the mass influx of migrant labour, there is no doubt that it is indeed bad for
Goa but who is responsible for this influx ? It is the indignity of Goans along
with the greed and self-centeredness of our politicians, that's responsible for
this quandary, were we not self-sufficient in the supply of labour till the last
decade ? In my younger days I remember our village people use to all go and work
in each others fields in turns and avoid hiring labour ? Can we do that now ?
No, we are educated who wants to work in the field, we have enough money, Indian
rupees as well as foreign exchange coming into our accounts, so it's easier to
buy rice than work in our fields, in villages people use to plant their own
vegetables, today if there is a Belgaum band one has to buy vegetables at the
price of fish which sometimes competes with gold.


In Goa with the riches that we have attained, we have forgotten our roots and
look for people to do all our manual work, our youngsters at the moment, have
just one thing on their mind, finish twelfth standard and go on the ship or
finish graduation or the specialized services and go overseas. Skilled labour is
almost non existent and hence we have invited the influx of migrant labour and
our government helping them to government jobs for financial benefits and vote
bank politics has not helped us either. Our Government has to adhere to the
requirements of our younger generation and create an environment that will
tap-in their talents by providing a suitable infrastructure in HRD to stop the
brain drain that's prevailing, youngsters should be in a way enticed to go on
for further studies, by providing better jobs that will overwhelm their
ambitions if not sustain them, only then will our youth believe in a future in


Our Government has given all help possible to people who want to go overseas,
for studies or for employment, but has our government taken any steps to improve
the situation back home and create opportunities that would pull those overseas
back to homeland ?  The prevailing circumstances created by our corrupt
politicians is infact driving away more and more of our Goans out of Goa, and
the cynicism just keeps on increasing and spreading like the bush fires in


A week back I came across an article which is an example for each one of us
Goans, it gives us a ray of hope but we have to lay aside our pompous pride and
place the attributes of dignity of labour to the fore and do something for
ourselves and for Goa. This article is about a Goan, who is a qualified
Mechanical Engineer, he started a small farm with just a few goats, but today he
is the proud owner of a farm, which he has now diversified into rearing rabbits,
ducks, turkeys, pigs, quails and exotic birds, as the exotic pigeons and fancy
pets like fan tail pigeons, Jacobines, fancy fowls are increasingly being sought
as pets, doing very well for himself at his farm at Chandor, at first people
just laughed at him, calling him all sorts of names but today he is become the
envy of all.


The success of this farm, sends out a very strong message for every Goan, a
conservative thought the process might be but it allows us to believe farming
and education can co-exist, dignity intact. If we really believe in dignity of
labour, success is there for the making.


If only our government could educate our people especially in rural Goa, about
all such possibilities and render help in starting such escapades, as the scope
for such ventures in rural Goa is enormous and with guidance and expertise from
the government, Goans would be much better off, instead of being asked to become
watchmen and 

[Goanet] Tarvotties and Gulfies

2010-06-01 Thread Antonio Menezes
Soter D'souza (May 31) states:  ''We have not  washed firangi(meaning
whites) or Arab toilets to
develop our (i.e. his family's) economic conditions.

Let us think a wee bit deep  and we  will arrive at a conclusion that we
have been for centuries
using such a derrogatory language against our adversaries more out of envy
than anything else.

Our whole Indic civilization has been revolving round and round human
faeces.Purity was
measured in terms of distance away from it. But can any human being say that
he has
nothing to do with it at all ? No matter how ''high'' he is from pollution
point of view , he has
to clean with his own fingers his anus at least once a day. And besides did
he not spend his first nine months of his
life in the womb of his mother near her large intestinses ?
his first nine months of his life  in the womb of

[Goanet] Daily Grook #712

2010-06-01 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

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im wary of a hoax,
'besides the cold
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[Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam - In defence of Tarvotis

2010-06-01 Thread Camillo Fernandes




It is strange that some people are picking on Tarvotis for working on ships,  
flashing their wealth and  calling them Tarvotteanchim bondolam.  I may be 
wrong but I get the feeling that is is the result of jealousy.  These people 
should understand that there are bad apples in every profession be it tarvotis, 
Gulfies, medical field, lawyers, office goers or people settled in Europe, USA 
or Canada.  


To  give their families a better living Tarvotis have sacrificed their family 
lives and slogged on cargo ships/passenger ships to earn better wages and give 
their families a higher standand of living.  If they spent their hard earned 
money on constructing beautiful houses it is their wish.  Just because a few 
Tarvotis,  Gulfies and some people settled abroad  flash their money does not 
mean all of them waste their hard earned money.   I condemn anyone flashing his 
wealth and feel that is  only ignorance and foolishness that they do this.



One must remember that often Tarvotis are jobless for months and this also 
applies to Gulfies whose jobs are often unsecure and work in inhuman 
conditions.  Most realize that they have to save for the future.  We should 
bear in mind that it is not easy to earn the money what with them often   
working 10 to 12 hours a day and Tarvotis most often  have only the sky and sea 
for company.  Sealife is not easy with so many dangerous situations that they 
encounter with rough weather, stormy seas and storms only for a living.  Many 
years ago I lost a good friend of mine who was on a maiden voyage as Radio 
Officer on Chandragupta which sank in Atlantic ocean.  I have many friends as 
well as family members who work on ships.   If there is one ex. crooked 
Tarvoti,  Churchill Alemao there are thousands decent Tarvotis.  It would be 
better to attack Politicians who carry on day light robbery, amass wealth and 
are destroying Goa.  They go scot free and flourishing.  In fact sadly when 
elections come, it is we the people who reelect these corrrupt and crooked 
politicians to continue their loot.


Best wishes


Camilo Fernandes


South Cinema This Decade

[Goanet] PULTODCHO, Tarvottea, aunties, f****g overseas Goans, Husko Konknnicho, Romi and devanagri

2010-06-01 Thread seby cardozo
Of-late Goanet is heavily splashed with all such topics. These are
entertainments. For some these help to achieve “I also can write” or
“publicity” objectives. For politicians these help to achieve “Divert public
attention” from their misdeeds.

Goa is being raped by Land sharks, mining mafias and politicians. Goans are
dying under minig trucks. Our fields are destroyed by Ghati builders.
Churchill, to create vote bank like Digu motidongor, is bringing 2800 ghatis
to Carmona where 500 goans now stay. You will neither have Konknni nor Romi
in Goa some years from now. Every year 40,000 ghati construction laborers,
mining truck drivers, Moti-dongor maids, security guards, mining laborers
come to Goa and 5000 Goan engineers, doctors and educated migrate to

Tarvottea, aunties, overseas Goans had to go abroad because our politicians
did not create adequate opportunities in Goa. They are our own nij-goenkars.
They have been sending dollars which helped Goa to sustain partially. They
funded whatever they could our crucial “opinion poll” as well as “Konknni
movement”. So let us not run them down.

I can talk fluent konknni but I cant write in theoretical Romi. I may write
pultodcho as even pailtadacho (as pronounced in Vengurla catholics)or
peltadcho (as pronounced by Mangaloren). I love konknni, because it is the
first language I started talking in. I did not learn it; it came from my
inner core. But our konknni will disappear once non-konkanis in Goa are more
than konkannis and that is not far.

So let us be rational. Let us postpone entertainment for good days or have
less of it and more of things that are trying to destroy Goa and Goans.
Media is purchased by MINING, the politicians friends. Goanet is still our
hope. So show concern on Goanet. Politicians will try to divert u on other
issues because it helps them. Some politician agent will start such topics
and we will get lost in them forgetting our main issues. Don’t fall prey to
games of politicians.


Re: [Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam

2010-06-01 Thread Bernice Pereira

No denying that The Goans who slogged in the Gulf, Africa and the tarvottis 
have indeed contributed a lot towards building nice homes in Goa and also 
helped thereby to the economic upliftmentment of the state.  

Speaking about  panchayats officers, there was a time in the 70s and 80s when 
many an unscrupulous panchayat person fraudulently put someone else's name on 
the Form I  XIV as tenant (for a monetary consideration of course) and 
therefore there are piles of tenancy cases pending in the courts of Goa.  I can 
say this from my own personal experience.


Re: [Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam

2010-06-01 Thread Edward Verdes
In another thread I had pointed out to soter the mistake that he made by 
refering to Goan
Tarvottis as BondollistSoter replies to me in pvt. Now that he has seen 
that he has some support
he has come out with this new thread Tarvotteanchim Bondollam and also 
included gulfies.
I suggest he send his post to Herald also, and surely his will be a STAR 
letter, he may even have

some tarvottis garland him.

There are many Tarvottis who are working hard and are also part of this 
agitation against
Churchill and the govt. Here itself we see how our Florian bab (ex tarvotti) 
is fighting, and there are many others who have done
a lot for Goa. .now Soter pls tell us all these are Tarvotteanchim 

Long before tourism was not an industry in Goa, there was no other income 
besides mining.
There were a few jobs available in Goa, so people used to work in the 
The only other income was from the tarvottis...the tarvottis spent all their 
earnings to look after their
families, educate their children, build their houses, and also helping 
others in villages.
Yes some of them who had no formal education did all the low jobs on ships 
only to see that their children would not have
to work as they did.  Todays generation of Tarvottis are Captains, 
Engineers, and Catering Managers.
Even to secure the lowest positions one has to go thru several courses and 
have 5 star hotel experience.
One should know that the Tarvottis work for 9 or 6 months and the rest 6 
months they are at home, sometimes

its more ...so who looks after them when they are not working?
My uncle worked on the PO ship, and when he came down he used to tell us the 
stories..as a kid that time
for me they were only stories...till i landed on the ship and saw the 
reality...the hard life working 12 hrs a day on water.
The same with the gulfies working in the gulf, the hard life they have to go 
thru the heat.

It is always easy to degrade others but when one is in that shoe they get to 
know how it is.

Regarding the song he refers.. that was the famous comic song of Minguel 
BONDOLLAM, the words of which are available on my blog and I have also 
uploaded the song on the net.

This song is loved by all Tarvottis.

Now I would also suggest a video, watch the first part which I have titled 

Panchayat Chorpacho Training center


Dev borem korum
Edward Verdes

- Original Message - 
From: soter

Very interesting to read some of the remarks over my reference to 
'Tarvotteachim bondollam' used in my open questions to Churchill Alemao. I 
am definitely not the first one to use the phrase but people tell me that 
there is a konkani song with this theme. In my childhood the phrase was used 
very often. But what is of little surprise is that instead of debating upon 
the primary contents we Goans choose are experts at diverting the focus and 
clinging to the irrelevant.
No one denies that Tarvottis and gulfies did not improve their own living 
conditions and educate their children. But besides improving their economic 
status and personal social status, what has been their meaningful 
contribution to the over all political, social and cultural development of 
this State? They brought in the money and hoarded it in the banks? Did they 
not start off the rat race with other less fortunate Goans trying to imitate 
them and resorting to beg, borrow or steal to also improve their economic 
status? Did this lifestyle not trigger off a mistaken notion of economic and 
social empowerment in Goa? Who is it that danced with the politicians to get 
benefits as sailors and NRIs from the politicians? Did all this not trigger 
off a feeling among Goans that migrating abroad  gives benefits of special 
government status for the dollars they bring in, while those who stay on and 
serve their own State and country get nothing?

These are the issues that need to be discussed.

-Soter D'Souza 

Re: [Goanet] Dwane Almeida among top @ JIS

2010-06-01 Thread rcabral
Regarding the CGPA, the Times of India (Goa edition) brings out a very 
startling fact about the system. A child getting less marks overall can get a 
higher CGPA than another who has scored higher marks in all. The CBSE will have 
to go back to the drawing board and check it up and put it right.
Richard cabral
 J. Colaco   jc cola...@gmail.com wrote: 
 Congratulations to Dwane for his wonderful achievement.
 Congratulations also to his parents Mr. and Mrs Gaspar Almeida of Kuwaut for
 their time-investment in their children and also on their 17th wedding
 Thank you Gaspar for all you have done and continue to do for the Goan
 Goanet News Service n...@goanet.org wrote:
 Jabriya Indian School (JIS), Kuwait have achieved 100 percent results in the
 Class 10 CBSE examination 2010-2011. The student's diligence and dedication
 have proved that the school has reached the pinnacle of success with cent
 percent results.
 The toppers of the school are Asheni Selika (French stream) with CGPA 9.8,
 followed by Jishbu Ramesh Kappadan and Musamath Mushiken with CGPA 9.6 each.
 Dwane John Almeida scored CGPA 9.4 coming in at third position.
 Congratulations Dwane Almeida!!

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 530

2010-06-01 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Dear Chief Minister Digambar Kamat,
What part about living, and letting be do you not understand?

On your watch, one is seeing, a grand plan to destroy the green belt of
Kalapur bandh and the convert the green watershed with many habitats of
mammals, reptiles, birds and thousands of wild trees teeming with wildlife
for new mega projects. The area is between102 years old  Bondval lake of
Calapur communidade and the Model status matchbox buildings mega project at
Nagali, Taleigao. (text as also images from a concerned Dr. Nandakumar
My ancestry is also Kamat, but so what--right?). Will such senselessness
not end. What do you learn on your trips abroad. To do this?

Dr. Kamat also points out: Bambolim plateau is a microlithic (5000 years
old) archaeological site. For thousands of years there existed an ancient
trail, a foot track from Calapur bandh to Bambolim plateau. There were some
rock cut steps too..all this is destroyed within a few days? Give that a
thought? Seriously, please. Bring the best minds in and make things works.
This is what other countries dream of. We tear it asunder!

Digambara! Digambara!

Seriously, when one is helpless in the face of the decency which one has
willingly subject oneself to--one may only scream in anguish. So, seriously
are you completely devoid of any morals, do you have no aesthetic side to
yourself, as well as lacking in any integrity to the land, to its people.
What exactly is a mega project? Of course, this is meant rhetorically. Who
came up with this term. Are concepts regarding development of any sort not
meant to dovetail with the people, their ways of living, and perhaps even
eschathology. Are the whole bunch of you messed up in the head, or had
someone screwed with your minds?

What happened bro?. I am sure that you are feeling smarmy that Goans are
overall a quiet bunch. You and the other blokes--easy to use words like word
Naxalite. Why? 'Cause it does not bite? Is abuse the Way, the Truth and the
Light? In all my years of having comprehended Santhan Dharma--yes, I
have; Earlier, I could not imagine that a Goan would be moved towards such
malevolence. Are you the new Kamsa, or would you prefer to choose between
Jarasandha, Sishupala or Dantavakra? You would now why Kamsa is included
here. Is there anything more to you? Is this all about reincarnation where
you come back in another hundred years, to clean the cesspool you are

Digambara! Digambara! What possibly could your fears be if you have any at

Venantius J Pinto, New York

[Goanet] Now BJP wants Mickky's ouster

2010-06-01 Thread Gabe Menezes

Now BJP wants Mickky's ouster

The gloves are off, they have had enough. Adding their voice to the clamour
of women's groups, the BJP have also called for the immediate sacking of the
Tourism Minister from the Cabinet. As it is there are too many tainted
ministers in the Cabinet and thanks to another young woman Lucky Farmhouse,
doubts have been cast on the Goa Cabinet with Ms. Farmhouse's allegations of
a Cabinet Minister's son being associated with narcotics dealers in Goa.

They have taken umbrage at the propensity of the Minister to be caught in
unsavoury situations. Just a while ago, he was caught in the middle of an
ugly domestic spat where his wife accused him of being in a bigamous
relationship with another woman. Now he is being linked with the attempted
suicide and death of a 28-year-old woman.

There are as yet unconfirmed reports that Nadia Torrato the deceased woman
took the extreme step of attempting suicide by consuming rat poison along
with anti-depressants, after she found that she was pregnant.

The women's groups headed by Savera's Tara Kerkar are taking a tougher
stance, holding the Minister responsible for the death of the young woman by
shunting her from one hospital to another. Tara Kerkar even used the word

Meanwhile the minister is reported to have told the media that Nadia was a
close friend of the family and that his entire family was in mourning over
her death.

COMMENT: Meanwhile there is a call for a fresh autopsy, they will have to
dig the body up; probably check if the dead woman was pregnant and get a DNA
sample to check against the Minister.


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam - In defence of Tarvotis

2010-06-01 Thread floriano


I happen to be ex-Jayanti shipping who had done my trainee-ship on  Devaraya 
Jayanti, the  sistership of Chandragupta Jayanti,  which was lost in the Sea 
of Japan  (not Atlantic Ocean) during her passage from West Coast USA to the 
gulf area. I too had picked up the SOS, but unfortunately we were 3 day's 
sailing away. Scores of ships and US Navy helicopters were searching for the 
survivors for days without results. All 28 or 30 perished without sign. All 
that was reported was flotsam. At that time I was sailing on a Greek super 
tanker doing the Saudi Arabia - Los Angeles run with crude oil..


PS. I was the main co-ordinator to relay information to the Jayanti's B'bay 
head office  and the rescue vessels.

- Original Message - 
From: Camillo Fernandes camillofernan...@hotmail.com

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Cc: elisabeth_...@yahoo.com; duk...@bell.net
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 12:31 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam - In defence of Tarvotis

Many years ago I lost a good friend of mine who was on a maiden voyage as 
Radio Officer on Chandragupta which sank in Atlantic ocean.  I have many 
friends as well as family members who work on ships.   If there is one ex. 
crooked Tarvoti,  Churchill Alemao there are thousands decent Tarvotis.  It 
would be better to attack Politicians who carry on day light robbery, amass 
wealth and are destroying Goa.  They go scot free and flourishing.  In fact 
sadly when elections come, it is we the people who reelect these corrrupt 
and crooked politicians to continue their loot.

Best wishes

Camilo Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Konkani Romi vo devanagri?

2010-06-01 Thread Edward Verdes

Mogall Jerry Bab,

Ojeap zaupachi goroz na, kiteak tuka sarko zabab meuchonam.
Ami sozmole tum kitem sangonk sodta poi tem.

Aiz amche konknni bhaxent zaitinch moratti uttram assat ani maka dista
ani thodea vorsani konkani ani moratti modem ontor aschi na.

Tunvem sokall dil'lem kantar maka devnagri lipint meulem.
Hem kantar/bhajan sorgest Ulhas Buyao an sorgest M.Boyerachea 'Ekuch Rosto'
hea tiatran gail'lem. Tench kantar Ulhas babache CD ' Original Treasure' ant 
tachim utram anvem mojea blogar dil'lim assat. Anvem tem kantar aikon oxem 

Edward Verdes

(M.Boyer...Ekuch Rosto tiatr )

Deva Mojea Deva, tum soglleamcho adhar re.x2
Tuka chinta amchi soglleamchi, tum soglleak assa re...x2
Deva Mojea Deva, Tum soglleamcho adhar rex2

Sobit sokall, suknneache avazx2
Xitoll varo fullam follamchem vaas..x2
Hem sogllem jem, sobit sundor..x2
Hi tujich maya re

Deva Mojea Deva, Tum soglleamcho adhar re..x2

Konni Ram mhunnta, Konni Krishn mhunnta
Konni Jesu ani konni Allah mhunnta2
Rong rupam tujim oslim zaitinch re...2
Tunvem soglleank samballa re...2

Deva Mojea Deva, tum soglleamcho adhar re..2

Tuje lagim Deva ami magum kitem...2
Ami sogllim Tujim hem sogllem tujem...2
Dinvchench zalear di dennem amkam,
Tujea payam lagim ranvchem,

Deva Mojea Deva, tum soglleamcho adhar re...2
Tuka chinta amchi soglleamchi, tum sogleak assa re,
Deva Mojea Deva, tum soglleamcho adhar re...2
Tum soglleamcho adhar re...Tum soglleamcho adhar re.

Jerry Fernandes

Mogal goemkarano / Borges

Anv ojap zatam ki anvem ek sompem kam dillem Borges babak, tem taka 

nam munn.  Somzon, somzonaslolea porim kelam shem maka dista, kiteak taka
ani tea von sompe baxen somzaunk moje koddem goddo nam zalem.  Ek daktuli
With due apologies to Mr. Vijayanand V. Gaitonde. Vishvnand 

(A)In Roman Script

Devaa, majyaa devaa, Tuu saglyaacho aadhaar re,

Tukaa chintaa aamchii sagalyaanchii, Tuu saglyaat aasaa re…..

Devaa, majyaa devaa,

Tuu saglyaacho aadhaar re,

Sobit hii sakaal, sukanya che aawaaj,

Sheetal vaaro, phulaan paana che suvaas,

Hen sagalen je sobit sunder,

Hee tujeech maayaa re……

Devaa, majyaa devaa,

Tuu saglyaancho aadhaar re……….

Koni raam mhantaat, konii krashn mhantaat,

Konii jeeju ani konii Allah mhantaat,

Naavan roopan tujii jaytii aaslii tarii,

Tuven saglyaank sabhaallaa re…

Devaa, majyaa devaa,

Tuu saglyaancho aadhaar re……….

Tujyaa laagii devaa, aamii maangu kitden,

Aamii sagalii tujee, jag sagalen tujen,

Divchench jalyaar dee dene aamkaan,

Tuje payaan laagii ravchen….

Devaa, majyaa devaa,

Tuu saglyaancho aadhaar re…….

( ब)   देवनागरी लिपि

प्रार्थना  ( कोकणी )

देवा,   मज्या  देवा,
तू  सगळ्याचो  आधार  रे,
तुका  चिंता  आमची  सगळ्याची
तू  सगळ्यात आसा  रे…..
देवा,   मज्या  देवा,
तू  सगळ्याचो  आधार  रे……..I

सोबित  ही  सकाळ,   सुकण्या  चे  आवाज,
शीतळ  वारो,   फुलांपाना  चे  सुवास,
हें  सगळे जे  सोबित  सुंदर,
ही  तुजीच  माया  रे….……
देवा,   मज्या  देवा,
तू  सगळ्याचो  आधार  रे……..I

कोणी  राम  म्हणतात,   कोणी  कृष्ण  म्हणतात,
कोणी  जीजू  अणि  कोणी  अल्लाह  म्हणतात,
नावां  रूपां  तुजी  जायति   आसली  तरी,
तुवें सगळ्याक   सांभाळ्ळा  रे…
देवा,   मज्या  देवा,
तू  सगळ्याचो  आधार  रे……..I

तुज्या  लागी  देवा,   आमी  मांगू  कित्दें
आमी  सगली  तुजी,   जग  सगलें  तुजें,
दिवचेंच  जाल्यार  दी  देणे  आमकां,
तुजे  पायां  लागी  रावचें……
देवा,   मज्या  देवा,
तू  सगळ्याचो  आधार  रे……..I

   ” विश्व नंद ”

Re: [Goanet] PULTODCHO, Tarvottea, aunties, f****g overseas Goans, Husko Konknnicho, Romi and devanagri

2010-06-01 Thread floriano

I am with Seby 365 degrees, One hundred per cent.

Let us cry even better than babies do on goanet.
This will send all these bad politicians, mining barons, real estate czars, 
the drug pedlers, the prostitution kings and queens  what have you to 
run like lemmings right over the tallest cliffs and into the waiting Arabian 

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
And Hark Ye !
Let us not be diverted by  the ruses of politicians to divert us. We must 
apply ourselves to goanet at all cost.


- Original Message - 
From: seby cardozo sebycardozo12...@gmail.com

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 12:22 PM
Subject: [Goanet] PULTODCHO, Tarvottea, aunties, fg overseas Goans,Husko 
Konknnicho, Romi and devanagri

Of-late Goanet is heavily splashed with all such topics. These are
entertainments. For some these help to achieve “I also can write” or
“publicity” objectives. For politicians these help to achieve “Divert public
attention” from their misdeeds.

Goanet is still our
hope. So show concern on Goanet. Politicians will try to divert u on other
issues because it helps them.


[Goanet] Some NRGs NRG Organisations: Are they hypocrites hiding behind colourful facades

2010-06-01 Thread Anthony M Barreto
Personally speaking, I find Freddy Agnelo Fernandes and Arwin Misquita and 
lately one Manuel Tavares very irritating with their endless dictates on Goa 
and Goans. 
May be, beyond words, they have done many things truly meaningful for the 
sudarop of Goa and Goans. I would love if they would chose to write something 
on that count. 
Some organisations across the seas hold felicitations and 
programmes/celebrations that are little more than cheap gimmicks for publicity. 
May be I am wrong but if there is anything that ignorant me needs to know let 
them let me know. Let them show that they are not some self-seeking hypocrites 
hiding behind colourful facades. 
Without malice
Tony Martin Copy/Content Writing
Galgibaga, Canacona 

Re: [Goanet] Sampod'dlo ?

2010-06-01 Thread JoeGoaUk
Re: Sampod'dlo ?

Many of you must have got this unsolicited mail in your 
inbox giving or claiming to be some one's  personal details..

The same has been forwarded to me by  
4 people/recipients who really care..
Some people including some website owners etc think JoeGoaUk is 
their rival and such people are out there to finish JoeGoaUk because 
they know  once JoeGoaUk is 
caught that would be the end of JoeGoaUk (i said it).
If you really care, do me one a favour
If you get one or already got one, pl. reply/ ask the sender..
‘Did I ask you the info?’
And the sender will get the message loud and clear.
I am really fed up with all this dirty games that go behind 
my back

And who are players?
Goans themselves.
Is it a sin to be  JoeGoaUk?
It is against law to be JoeGoaUk?
Then what it is?


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Foreign aunties

2010-06-01 Thread Nascy Caldeira
U have failed Goans and even 'yourself' with this post.
How could you be so vile? You should be ashamed of yourself for writing thus. 
What a lot of crap!

Dr Jose has replied to your nonsense, appropriately, and I do support him and 
Selma completely on this one. 

R U one of those Feudal Gaonkari Landlords who has 'missed the Bus' and is now 
'envious' of those working hard to make themselves self sufficient?
It seems typical of you.

Nascy Caldeira

--- On Tue, 1/6/10, soter so...@bsnl.in wrote:
: [Goanet] Foreign aunties
 Selma can keep her one-eyed economics lessons to herself.
 It just reveals the level of ignorance. We have not washed
 firangi and arab toilets to develop our economic condition.
 We have stayed put in our land and are proud to have toiled
 and made a decent living and that too ethically. Our family
 has also served as Sarpanchas and panchas and we can walk
 with our head high in our village even to this day, a
 recognition I doubt Selma will get in her village.
 We are not exhausted with our work which Selma may never
 ever dream of experiencing in her life time. What work is
 more difficult and strenuous than agriculture?
 Great to know that our white British and U.S. aunties are
 available to roadside romeos to sponsor their drink. This
 itself speaks of the level of the foreign culture and values
 which our Selma bai is trying to preach to us in Goa.
 Tarvottis and gulfies have stocked money in our banks to
 lend it to migrant businessmen. By the way lending by banks
 in Goa is less than 30%.
 Amcho abru-mann ami rakhla bai. Videshi jivitak bhullon
 ogddaunk na.

[Goanet] Open Questions to Churchill Alemao

2010-06-01 Thread Richard Betsy Nunes
That certainly was not the intention! As we said in our contribution,  
we have been in Goa for the
two years only. Rest assured, we will certainly learn soon enough the  
difference!! Thank you for telling us.
Betsy and Richard.  You might have irked the other 'True Goans' whose  
homes are palatial
and also got their children educated. The only difference is that they  
chose to remain behind to serve

their 'masters' and got hugely rewarded in return.

[Goanet] PULTODCHO, Tarvottea, aunties, f****g overseas Goans, Husko Konknnicho, Romi and devanagri

2010-06-01 Thread seby cardozo
Dear Floriano and Camilo,

Chandragupta Jayanti was lost at Sea. For me, it is not important whether it
was lost in the Sea of Japan or Atlantic. What is regretful is that
Churchill was not on board that ship. Rather, if all 18 congress chors would
have been there, Goa would have been automatically saved.

By the way, I am thankful that Florian is 365 degrees, One hundred per cent
with me. I also appreciate his physical and philosophical efforts five-ten
years ago. But nowadays he is shooting paper missiles more than actual act
of running 40 goons from the tallest cliffs and into the Arabian Sea. Good
riddance to bad rubbish is possible by action and pen-work
(key-in-click-work now) is only a motivational force.

One day, Florian power will certainly drown Digus, if he does not get
disheartened by failures. I was taken aback by the helplessness he showed to
Manuel – I campaigned in Taleigao and Aldona with the same Kiswahili message
Kula hapa na Kura hako'. However, no body understood Kiswahili. And those
few that did, had long forgotten it. This was Florians response to Manuels
Kenya experience where Kenyan illiterates were more rational than shinkun
brutt Goekars when it came to voting. They followed Kiswahili saying - Eat
all you get here but vote there – Meaning eat Churchills Feni and Chicken
but vote for change.

Florianji, Be positive. Keep going. I am with u.

No Cheers for now; only Jitters!


PS: My earnest request again:

Of-late Goanet is heavily splashed with all such topics. These are
entertainments. For some these help to achieve I ALSO CAN WRITE or PUBLICITY
objectives. For politicians these help to achieve DIVERT PUBLIC ATTENTION
from their misdeeds.

Goa is being raped by Land sharks, mining mafias and politicians. Goans are
dying under minig trucks. Our fields are destroyed by Ghati builders.
Churchill, to create vote bank like Digu motidongor, is bringing 2800 ghatis
to Carmona where 500 goans now stay. You will neither have Konknni nor Romi
in Goa some years from now. Every year 40,000 ghati construction laborers,
mining truck drivers, Moti-dongor maids, security guards, mining laborers
come to Goa and 5000 Goan engineers, doctors and educated migrate to

Tarvottea, aunties, overseas Goans had to go abroad because our politicians
did not create adequate opportunities in Goa. They are our own nij-goenkars.
They have been sending dollars which helped Goa to sustain partially. They
funded whatever they could our crucial “opinion poll” as well as “Konknni
movement”. So let us not run them down.

I can talk fluent konknni but I cant write in theoretical Romi. I may write
pultodcho as even pailtadacho (as pronounced in Vengurla catholics)or
peltadcho (as pronounced by Mangaloren). I love konknni, because it is the
first language I started talking in. I did not learn it; it came from my
inner core. But our konknni will disappear once non-konkanis in Goa are more
than konkannis and that is not far.

So let us be rational. Let us postpone entertainment for good days or have
less of it and more of things that are trying to destroy Goa and Goans.
Media is purchased by MINING, the politicians friends. Goanet is still our
hope. So show concern on Goanet. Politicians will try to divert u on other
issues because it helps them. Some politician agent will start such topics
and we will get lost in them forgetting our main issues. Don’t fall prey to
games of politicians.


[Goanet] GOACAN calls on students to be cautious while pursuing further studies

2010-06-01 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.
GOACAN calls on students to be cautious
while pursuing further studies

GOACAN calls upon all SSC, HSSC  TY College students
who are planning to pursue further studies through various
educational institutions in Goa and other States of the country
to be cautious when applying for the various courses and
making payments for the same.

In view of the various complaints received, GOACAN alerts
all students and their families to take the maximum precautions
before taking a final decision on their further studies.

It maybe noted that every year students get cheated in various
ways such as being provided incomplete admission forms,
paying for courses not duly Recognised or Accredited,
Courses not having facilities as promised at the time of
admission and additional  fees being collected without

Many advertisements on the print  audio visual media and on
websites offering various short term educational courses need to
be carefully examined for false assurances made to enhance the
credibility of the course and to entice the student applicant.

GOACAN particularly appeals to students to cross check
course fee discounts, special offers and other promotional
schemes before making part or full payments and to verify
whether the receipts issued are by the authorised persons
of the Institution.

GOACAN requests students and parents to check the validity
or status of Degrees or Institutions, Accreditation status of
University or Colleges by logging on to the following websites:

Ministry of Human Resource Development
(www.education.nic.in) University Grants Commission
(www.ugc.ac.in) All India Council of Technical Education
(www.aicte.ernet.in) Association of Indian Universities
(www.aiuweb.org) National Assessment and Accreditation
Council (NAAC) ( www.naacindia.org ) Medical Council
of India (www.mciindia.org) Distance Education Council

Students are advised to file their complaints with the Department
of  Education, Department of Higher Education, Directorate of
Technical Education, Goa Board of Secondary and Higher
Secondary Education and Goa University as the case maybe
and send copies of the same to the GOACAN Complaints Cell,
Post Box 187 Margao 403 601 or email goa...@gmail.com
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail: goa...@gmail.com Visit: http://goacan.blogspot.com

[Goanet] World Cup sweepstake entries....

2010-06-01 Thread Gabe Menezes
Good luck and enjoy watching the games and rooting for your respective
teams. JP Morgan has said England will win playing Spain in the Finals - we
shall see. Bookies favourites are Brazil once again, anything is possible
and be ready for surprises and even an outsider to take it this time.

ALGERIA - Elora Lobo; Ria Almeida
ARGENTINA - Elora Lobo; Ria Almeida
AUSTRALIA -  Elora Lobo; Ria Almeida
BRAZIL - Elora Lobo; Olga  Philip D'Cunha
CAMEROON - Helga do Rosario Gomes; Joe Almeida
CHILE - Filomena Giese; Helga do rosario Gomes
COTE D'IVOIRE - Acaria Almeida; Egas De Souza
DENMARK - Thelma/Tony Barbosa; Walter D'Souza
ENGLAND - Elora Lobo; Robert Dias
FRANCE - Sheila Almeida; Surendra Naik
GERMANY - Elora Lobo; Milan Kojnok
GHANA - Joe Almeida; Kurt Almeida
GREECE - Filomena Giese; Helga do rosario Gomes
HONDURAS - Filomena Giese; Harriet Ferens
ITALY - Acaria Almeida; Blasco/Karin Almeida
JAPAN - Shilla Almeida; Soriya Meas
KOREA DPR - Elora Lobo; Robert Britto
KOREA REPUBLIC - Kurt Almeida; Liam Pinto
MEXICO - Roland Travas; Savio D'Silva
NETHERLANDS - Kurt Almeida; Maju/Glen Furtado
NEW ZEALAND - Joe Almeida; Helga do Rosario Gomes
NIGERIA - Filomena Giese; Gabe Menezes
PARAGUAY - Acaria Almeida; Aurelius Figueredo
PORTUGAL - Seby/Thomas Pereira; Shila Almeida
SERBIA - Elora Lobo; Ria Almeida
SLOVAKIA - Helga do Rosario Gomes; Jacob D'Souza
SLOVENIA - Maria (Jane)  Colaco; Marlon Menezes
SOUTH AFRICA - Joe Almeida; Helga do Rosario Gomes
SPAIN - Loreen/Oscar d'Silva; Kurt Almeida
SWITZERLAND - Acaria Almeida; Egas DeSouza
URUGUAY - Aidan Pinto; Acaria Almeida
USA - Stephen/Yaedemin Fernandes; Shilla Almeida


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Foreign aunties and Goan paos

2010-06-01 Thread Carvalho
Jose Colaco wrote:
Yes, it is the fault of the Gulfies and the Tarvottis because they
sacrificed and saved funds in Indian banks . They should (instead)
have invested those funds in the Panchayats!
Apparantely tarvottis and Gulfies should not have been depositing their money 
in the bank. Obviously they should have been giving it out as prasad to the 

I've compiled a list of people that Soter has consistently warned us against:
Oscar Rebello - exposed
Dean D'Cruz - exposed
Elite - corrupt
Foreigners - no moral values
Tarvottis - foreign toilet cleaners
Gulfies - Arab toilet cleaners
Muslim  and other allahmaos

The list grows longer everyday. I'm surprised there is a single person in Goa, 
who meets with Soter's specifications. Oh wait. Could it be, that Xettkar 
sitting on the ximm eating his congee with torrachem miskut, last spotted in 
1945, the only person Soter actually approves off. 


[Goanet] Foreign aunties

2010-06-01 Thread manuel tavares
Soter has again displayed his ignorance of the true facts of Economics. Calling 
Selma's lesson One Eyed. His perception of Economics is therefore Cock Eyed 
and that is what it is. If Soter is well off and his family has produced 
Sarpahchas and Panchas, then we are proud of them for that but that does not 
give him the right to demean those Tarvotis and  Gulfies who as he says have 
scrubbed Arab Toilets and maybe that is true, but they earned an honest living 
and have contributed to the economy of Goa what is unethical about that? By 
stacking their money at low interests Tarvotis and Gulfies have afforded People 
like Sotar chances of  avail themselves of Loans to start some worthwhile 
business. He says that Agriculture is exhausting work, this is true but if some 
Goan like Soter could await himself of a Loan to purchase machinery, this would 
make things easier and perhaps more profitable. That is precisely the reason 
that Susigade Goans like him are complaining that Hard working Ghantis are 
taking advantage of the money banked by Tarvotis and Gulfies. Why do they not 
take the risk themselves instead of complaining and show what they are capable 
of doing. As stated in my other posts, Goans have only themselves to blame for 
the Government they have. Susigade people like Soter have let Crooked and 
Dishonest Politicians walk all over them. Soter's criticism to those who have 
gone overseas and earned their money by hard work is very unbecoming as these 
people did not make these decisions lightly and only did so because they had 
exhausted all means of ever getting gainful employment in Goa and therefore had 
to move elsewhere. Perhaps Soter would not even have his current standard of 
living had these people not ventured abroad and sent the money that they earned 
overseas to keep the home fires burning.

Manuel ( Eddie) Tavares

[Goanet] Final assault on the last surviving green belt and wildlife habitat-Kalapur bandh-Nagali hill-the grand megaproject plan exposed

2010-06-01 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Dear Chief Minister Digambar Kamat,
What part about living and letting be, do you not understand?

On your watch, one is seeing, a grand plan to destroy the green belt of
Kalapur bandh and the convert the green watershed with many habitats of
mammals, reptiles, birds and thousands of wild trees teeming with wildlife
for new mega projects. The area is between102 years old  Bondval lake of
Calapur communidade and the Model status matchbox buildings mega project at
Nagali, Taleigao. (text as also images from a concerned Dr. Nandakumar
My ancestry is also Kamat, but so what--right?). Will such senselessness
not end. What do you learn on your trips abroad. To do this?

Dr. Kamat also points out: Bambolim plateau is a microlithic (5000 years
old) archaeological site. For thousands of years there existed an ancient
trail, a foot track from Calapur bandh to Bambolim plateau. There were some
rock cut steps too..all this is destroyed within a few days? Give that a
thought? Seriously, please. Bring the best minds in and make things works.
This is what other countries dream of. We tear it asunder!

Digambara! Digambara!

Seriously, when one is helpless in the face of the decency which one has
willingly subject oneself to--one may only scream in anguish. So, seriously
are you completely devoid of any morals, do you have no aesthetic side to
yourself, as well as lacking in any integrity to the land, to its people.
What exactly is a mega project? Of course, this is meant rhetorically. Who
came up with this term. Are concepts regarding development of any sort not
meant to dovetail with the people, their ways of living, and perhaps even
eschathology. Are the whole bunch of you messed up in the head, or has
someone screwed with your minds?

What happened bro?. I am sure that you are feeling smarmy that Goans are
overall a quiet bunch. You and the other blokes--easy to use words like word
Naxalite. Why? 'Cause it does not bite? Is abuse the Way, the Truth and the
Light? In all my years of having comprehended Santhan Dharma--yes, I
have; I could not imagine that a Goan would be moved towards such
malevolence. Are you the new Kamsa, or would you prefer to choose between
Jarasandha, Sishupala or Dantavakra? You would know why Kamsa is included
here. Is there anything more to you? Is this all about reincarnation where
you come back in another hundred years, to clean the cesspool you are

Digambara! Digambara! What possibly could your fears be if you have any at

Venantius J Pinto, New York

[Goanet] Are Goans back home chors and white auntie hunters for some NRIs ?

2010-06-01 Thread soter
Great to know that Tarvottis risked their lives on the seas while Gulfies 
slogged it out with job insecurity. All those who remain in Goa are nothing 
but chors and waiting for white aunties to sponsor a drink or con some NRI 
sponsors in the name of social work or fleece them in the Panchayats.

-What about thousands of Goan fishermen who continue to risk their lives on 
the seas that we may have fish on our plates? What about the labour back in 
Goa that climb several floors on scaffoldings to construct the offices, 
malls  and other luxuries that we enjoy? What about the coconut pluckers and 
others who climb heights to give us toddy for our feast sannahs and vinegar 
to cook our meat, tasty mangoes and the rest of delicious foods?  What about 
those health workers who work with communicable disease patients in Goan 
hospitals and other health care homes? What about the farmer who works in 
the pouring rain, biting cold and the scorching heat to grow our food? What 
about the newspaper boy and milk man who brave the weather to deliver our 
needs at the door step in the morning? What about the air crew that fly the 
airplanes to ship us? What about the bus drivers and train drivers who day 
after day and night after night drive up and down the same route to 
transport us? What about our electricity lines men who climb the poles and 
other heavy tension lines to ensure our power supply? What about those who 
work on our roads and other infrastructure? What about the thousands who 
work in our Goan industrial estates on meagre salaries? What about the 
coolie at the airports, rail and bus stations, who carry our baggage? What 
about hundreds of activists battling it out against corruption and 
illegalities without public contributions? What about the sincere and honest 
public servants and elected representatives in our government offices, 
panchayats and municipalities? What about so many little people that keep 
our Goa going and make our life comfortable?



[Goanet] Goa Sudharop: World Cup sweepstake entries....

2010-06-01 Thread George Pinto
Here is the random raffle drawing. Thanks to Gabe for organizing this and to 
all those who bought tickets. Proceeds to benefit Goan Chitra museum through 
Goa Sudharop. Good luck. George

--- On Tue, 6/1/10, Gabe Menezes gabe.mene...@gmail.com wrote:

Good luck and enjoy watching the games and rooting for your respective teams. 
JP Morgan has said England will win playing Spain in the Finals - we shall see. 
Bookies favourites are Brazil once again, anything is possible and be ready for 
surprises and even an outsider to take it this time.

ALGERIA - Elora Lobo; Ria Almeida
ARGENTINA -   Elora Lobo; Ria Almeida
AUSTRALIA -   Elora Lobo; Ria Almeida
BRAZIL -  Elora Lobo; Olga  Philip D'Cunha
CAMEROON -Helga do Rosario Gomes; Joe Almeida
CHILE -   Filomena Giese; Helga do rosario Gomes
COTE D'IVOIRE -   Acaria Almeida; Egas De Souza
DENMARK - Thelma/Tony Barbosa; Walter D'Souza
ENGLAND - Elora Lobo; Robert Dias
FRANCE -  Shilla Almeida; Surendra Naik
GERMANY - Elora Lobo; Milan Kojnok
GHANA -   Joe Almeida; Kurt Almeida
GREECE -  Filomena Giese; Helga do Rosario Gomes
HONDURAS -Filomena Giese; Harriet Ferens
ITALY -   Acaria Almeida; Blasco/Karin Almeida
JAPAN -   Shilla Almeida; Soriya Meas
KOREA DPR -   Elora Lobo; Robert Britto
KOREA REPUBLIC -  Kurt Almeida; Liam Pinto
MEXICO -  Roland Travas; Savio D'Silva
NETHERLANDS - Kurt Almeida; Maju/Glen Furtado
NEW ZEALAND - Joe Almeida; Helga do Rosario Gomes
NIGERIA - Filomena Giese; Gabe Menezes
PARAGUAY -Acaria Almeida; Aurelius Figueredo
PORTUGAL -Seby/Thomas Pereira; Shila Almeida
SERBIA -  Elora Lobo; Ria Almeida
SLOVAKIA -Helga do Rosario Gomes; Jacob D'Souza
SLOVENIA -Maria (Jane)  Colaco; Marlon Menezes
SOUTH AFRICA -Joe Almeida; Helga do Rosario Gomes
SPAIN -   Loreen/Oscar d'Silva; Kurt Almeida
SWITZERLAND - Acaria Almeida; Egas DeSouza
URUGUAY - Aidan Pinto; Acaria Almeida
USA - Stephen/Yaedemin Fernandes; Shilla Almeida


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Goa news for June 2, 2010

2010-06-01 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Uninor in Bengal - Calcutta Telegraph
a mobile that offers 24x7 'badalta' discount plan

*** Monsoon reaches Kerala, expected in Mumbai on June 10 -
Daily News  Analysis
ily News  AnalysisPune: The southwest monsoon hit Kerala
yesterday and is expected to hit parts of Karnataka and Goa
within the next 48 hours. The monsoon has covered the ...

*** Action against Goa Minister demanded after woman's death -
The Hindu
ased women's organisation demanding a probe and action ...

*** IVRCL Group Bags Rs.3100 Cr. NHAI Project - RTT News
7 section between Maharashtra-Goa border to Panaji-Goa-Karnataka
border from km ...

*** I-League U-19: Sporting Clube De Goa Crowned U-19 I-League
Champions - Goal.com
9 I League championship for I-League teams, with a hard fought
4-2 penalty shoot-out win ...

*** Environment clearance to Goa mining project scrapped - Sify
on environment nod to mining project in South Goa

*** Superstar Krishna in Goa - IndiaGlitz
diaGlitzSuperstar Krishna was in Goa along with his family to
celebrate his birthday. With Vijaya Nirmala and Naresh alongside
him, Krishna celebrated his birthday ...a class=

*** Central Excise officer caught taking bribe in Goa -
Hindustan Times
excise officer held for taking bribe in Goa

*** Monsoon may hit Goa in next 48 hours: Met - Times of India
arrested for impersonation

*** Selling pressure may continue in Sesa Goa: Seshadri
Bharathan - Economic Times

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Cops stop funeral of woman ‘linked to minister’

2010-06-01 Thread Gabe Menezes
Second autopsy ordered as family alleges political harassment Cops stop
funeral of woman ‘linked to minister’ Devika Sequeira Panaji, June 1, DHNS
*In a dramatic turn of events, the Goa police on Tuesday stopped the funeral
of a woman in South Goa, after the Margao sub-divisional magistrate (SDM)
ordered a second autopsy in the case.*
 [image: NCP minister Micky Pacheco (top) tries to brazen it out with this
condolence ad (right) which appeared in the local papers in Goa on Tuesday.]The
death of Nadia Torrado (27) has taken centre stage here with women’s groups
and political parties calling for a complete investigation into her links
with Goa’s controversial Tourism Minister Micky Pacheco. Commenting on the
case, Goa Chief Minister Digambar Kamat said he was waiting for the probe to
come to a conclusion, before he decides on a course of action.

Nadia died on Saturday, two weeks after she made a drastic bid to end her
life taking a dose of poison with anti-depressants. Her funeral which had
been scheduled for 10 am on Tuesday was stopped when the police turned up at
her family home in Loutolim to take possession of the body. Condemning the
police action, the woman’s family said they were lodging a complaint with
the Human Rights Commission.

“This is nothing but a case of ministers trying to settle scores,” their
lawyer Radharao Gracias said. Pacheco, whose reputation has been smeared by
a string of personal and political controversies, is separated from his wife
Sara who has filed several cases against him.


Gabe Menezes.


2010-06-01 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Goa’s Tourism Minister Mr. Micky Pacheco should be immediately sacked
pending a thorough impartial inquiry into the death of Loutolim based 28
year old Ms Nadia Torrado. The cause that led Nadia to suicide needs to be
probed along with her relationship with Micky Pacheco. The police need to
investigate all the mobile phone and SMS communication between Micky and

The circumstances that led Nadia Torrado to suicide and her death has left
many questions unanswered and Micky Pacheco cannot get away by merely
claiming that he was a family friend of Nadia. The bid to cover up the issue
by claiming that Nadia had accidentally used Ratol instead of toothpaste on
her tooth brush is ridiculous. The medical records show that Nadia had
consumed the entire tube of Ratol poison.

Goa’s Governor Dr. S.S. Sidhu needs to intervene on this serious issue as it
involves the unacceptable behavior of a cabinet Minister who has a past
record of repeatedly abusing, kicking and slapping Government officials. The
 Bombay High Court at Goa should also take suo motu cognizance and direct
the government of Goa to submit a detailed report into the death of Nadia

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Four-member team conducts 2nd autopsy

2010-06-01 Thread Goanet News Service

Four-member team conducts 2nd autopsy

In a day of hectic developments in the Loutolim woman’s death case, a 
second autopsy was conducted on the body of deceased Nadia Torrado after 
the Sub-divisional Magistrate, Margao issued an order just before the 
funeral was to take place at 10 am this morning.

In another development, SDM Agnelo Fernandes has also commenced 
investigations into the death of the 27-year old woman after it has come 
to light that Nadia’s death has come within seven years of her marriage.

Jeep loads of armed policemen descended at the residence of the deceased 
woman at around 9 am and took possession of Nadia’s mortal remains after 
the SDM issued an order for a second post mortem. The police took 
possession of the body an hour before the funeral was to take place at 
the schedule time at 10 am.

The body was later transported to the Hospicio mortuary where the SDM 
conducted an inquest panchanama. The SDM also ordered video filming and 
photography while conducting the inquest panchanama.

The SDM directed the Hospicio Medical Superintendent, Dr Ruando De Sa to 
constitute a panel of doctors to perform the second autopsy, which was 
later performed by a four-member team comprising of Dr Avinash Poojary, 
Dr Siano Fernandes, Dr Meenaxi and Dr Savita.

SDM Fernandes told Herald this morning that besides Tara Kerkar, 
Bailancho Ekvott Convenor Auda Viegas had moved an application for 
abetment to commit suicide on the allegation that the deceased woman had 
bruises all over the body, which she believed was due to assault before 
the deceased woman was administered the poison. “I recorded the 
statement of the husband and the brother. Since Nadia’s death has 
occurred within seven years of her marriage, I have ordered the autopsy 
and conducted inquest Panchanama,” SDM Fernandes added.

Meanwhile, the authorities handed over Nadia’s body to her relatives 
after performing the second post mortem examination this evening. The 
family has taken possession of the body and will announce the funeral 
date after going through the post mortem reports conducted at Chennai 
and at Margao.

According to sources, the second post mortem report has ruled out any 
foul play in the death of the deceased woman.


[Goanet] Sorry-Not a megaproject-road construction and tree slaughter was done by Goa University for completing boundary wall

2010-06-01 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
Not a megaproject-road construction and tree slaughter was done by Goa
University for completing boundary wall
This is a new and interesting development. After posting the previous
alert and appeal about the road construction and tree slaughter, I
visited the registrar, Goa University, Dr. Sangodkar,  in the
afternoon (June 1, 2010) and requested him to conduct an on the site
inspection. We inspected the university’s map, checked the boundaries
and then with University engineer Mr. Sawakar we proceeded to the site
of road construction. Both the registrar and the engineer were
surprised to discover the activity and damage. “this must have been
going on for many days’ , opined the registrar. He noted the imprints
in mud made by heavy earth moving machinery. I requested him to file a
FIR. The engineer pointed to a section of completed boundary wall
(after shifting to the present campus it has taken university 16 years
to undertake a compound wall construction along the large boundary as
there were no funds for the same ) and implied that the  road
construction and tree slaughter might have taken in the private
property without university’ s knowledge. But perhaps he would not
know that he would be changing his opinion in a few hours. We
concluded the inspection with the registrar assuring to seek an
explanation from the security guards in the boys’ hostels who could
have noticed the movement of machinery.
It so happened that, after returning from the inspection, considering
the tree slaughter and its’ impact on wildlife I contacted the CCF,
Goa forest dept. Dr. Shashikumar and asked him to send RFO, Panaji to
investigate the matter of tree felling. “How is it possible that
access for road construction and tree felling was given from
university property without anyone’s knowledge?”. He expressed his
doubts. But I insisted on an inquiry by RFO who is also the notified
tree officer. Dr. Shashikumar assured to send him.
In the meantime Times of India –Goa Journalist Mr. Paul Fernandes
contacted me. I asked him to visit the said site in the evening. Both
RFO Mr. Korgaonkar and Mr. Paul appeared at the same time, around 4
PM. Mr. Korgaonkar came with his full team. Then we proceeded to
inspect the road and tree felling. A little further we noticed another
wall on a slope and a large cleared area. The forest dept. team
noticed logs of a freshly cut large jackfruit tree. A woman was
collecting the branches. She said that a landlord has allowed her to
collect the wood. A few trees could be seen fallen to the ground with
the branches cleanly severed. ( I would post these images later) A
Kokum tree was in a state of collapse. Mr. Korgaonkar expressed his
doubts about involvement of a private party. Looking at the laterite
bricks he said that this could be university’s work. He sent his
forest guard to inspect. The anti climax came sooner than expected.
As I waited for the forest dept. team to complete the survey of the
damage, apparently the registrar had also set in motion his own
investigation. After some time, Mr. Korgaonkar approached me and said
that he would like to meet the registrar. He shocked me with these
words-“ this is the work done by your university”.
I phoned the registrar’s office and requested for an appointment with
RFO. Mr. Korgaonkar then spoke to the registrar. Within a few minutes
the full team of engineering section of Goa university led by the
registrar Dr. Sangodakar descended at the site with maps. They went
around and checked some boundary marks. Then the delegation assembled
in front of boys’s hostel and then the registrar admitted that the
conclusion drawn in the afternoon inspection was wrong. The road was
made by contractor engaged by the university to build the boundary
wall to transport machinery and materials to permit construction of a
section of the wall on the steep slope.
“ but this  damage is not acceptable” I said-“besides permission of
forest department was not obtained”. Besides, I said_-“why a six metre
wide road is required to transport machines?, What happened to the
trees and timber?.” Mr. Korgaonkar reiterated my statement. He
insisted that despite being a public body the university need to
obtain permission under tree preservation act. The registrar assured
that compensatory plantation would be done during the monsoon. I said
that it would be difficult in the rocky part now. “ We need to admit
that the work was not properly supervised and the impacts were not
assessed seriously”. The engineer said that traditional trail would be
maintained. RFO said that there would be mud flow in the village due
to loose soil.
I told RFO to follow the procedure as per the rules. He expressed the
inability to do house to house search and confiscate the wood and
Turning to the university engineer, I said-“ this is a slap on my
face. I have already informed the world that the damage is done by
some private interest for a megaproject. I am really ashamed that our
university has done 

[Goanet] Goa Sudharop: World Cup raffle - closed

2010-06-01 Thread George Pinto
The World Cup Raffle organized by Gabe (London) is now closed. All 64 tickets 
have been sold and no more additional tickets are available. Proceeds to 
benefit Goan Chitra museum through Goa Sudharop.

Thank you for your support.

Goa Sudharop

[Goanet] Police summon Mickky over Nadia’s dea th

2010-06-01 Thread Goanet News Service

Police summon Mickky over Nadia’s death

For the first time since Nadia Torrado died at Chennai on Saturday last, 
the police have summoned Tourism Minister Mickky Pacheco for 
investigations in connection with the death of the Loutolim woman.

In another development, police have registered a case of abetment to 
suicide under section 306 of the India Penal code against unknown persons.

It is learnt that the police have also served a letter on the Tourism 
Minister last night not to leave the state and make himself available 
for investigations in the case.

Investigating Officer, PI Raju Raut Desai on Tuesday dispatched a 
communiqué to Tourism Minister through the Colva police this evening, 
asking him to report to the Maina Curtorim police station without fail 
at 4 pm today for investigations into the death of the woman.

However, the summons letter reached the Betalbatim residence of the 
Tourism Minister only at around 4.20 pm. PSI Sudesh Velip, who was 
drafted by the Colva police to serve the summons on Pacheco, reached 
Pacheco’s residence only at around 4.20 pm when the Investigating 
officer asked the Minister to report at the police station at 4 pm.

When PSI Sudesh Velip reached Pacheco’s residence, he is believed to 
have met Seby, who informed the police that the minister was not at home.

When contacted, Lyndon Monteiro, the Officer on Special Duty to the 
Tourism Minister said the police did send a call letter to the minister, 
but the police reached Pacheco’s residence late with the letter. “How 
could the minister respond to the letter when it was served on him only 
at 4.20 pm when he was asked to report at the police station at 4 pm,” 
Monteiro asked and made it very clear that the tourism minister has no 
problem in reporting to the police station since he has nothing to do 
with the woman’s death.

Monteiro said the tourism minister has told the police officer concerned 
that he would report to the police station on Wednesday morning or any 
time asked by the police.

Meanwhile, the SP, South has ordered the investigating officer to 
register a case of abetment to commit suicide against unknown persons. 
Sources in the police department said Section 306 of the IPC would be 
added to the case already registered by the police in connection with 
the death of the Loutolim woman. “Right now, the police will register 
the offence of abetting Nadia’s suicide against unknown persons and 
proceed with the investigations,” a police officer said, adding that the 
police investigations into the case are moving in the right directions.

Meanwhile, Chief Minster Digambar Kamat on Tuesday said that he would 
not take any stand on the demand made in several quarters to drop 
Tourism Minister Mickky Pacheco from the ministry.

During an informal chat with newsmen, Kamat said, “There is no question 
of me taking any stand on the issue. I cannot directly interfere in the 
matter as investigating agencies are presently investigating into the 

Replying to a question, the chief minister said he would certainly 
“examine” if any complaint is handed to him in connection with the case.


[Goanet] Here's food for thought - could take off in Goa/India

2010-06-01 Thread Gabe Menezes
Cow manure powers computers down on the data farm
 Iain Dey

One of the world’s biggest technology companies is working on plans to power
its data centres using energy generated from cow manure.

Researchers at Hewlett-Packard (HP) want to build computer warehouses on
dairy farms where they would be hooked up to power plants fuelled by waste.

Just one cow produces enough waste every day to power the televisions in
three typical households. A large dairy farm, with about 10,000 cows,
produces enough to run one of the firm’s typical data centres and meet the
energy needs of the farmer, the HP scientists believe.

If it works, the scheme could potentially solve two of the world’s looming
environmental problems at a stroke.

Cow manure has long been seen as a threat because of the methane gas it
produces. Methane is about 20 times more damaging to the environment than
carbon dioxide. Global meat and dairy consumption is expected to soar in the
next 10 years as countries such as China and India move towards a more
western diet.

The amount of data stored online, meanwhile, is increasing and, to hold it,
technology firms are building vast computer complexes that consume large
quantities of power and generate heat. This heat can be piped away and used
as an energy source.

Tom Christian, principal research scientist at HP, said: “The idea of using
waste to generate energy has been around for centuries, with manure being
used every day in remote villages to generate heat for cooking. The new idea
that we are presenting in this research is to create a symbiotic
relationship between farms and the IT ecosystem that can benefit the farm,
the data centre and the environment.”

The HP plans were unveiled at a conference last week in Arizona. Initially,
the research is focused on America, which has the biggest demand in the
world for data centres as well as large-scale dairy farms.

HP believes a farmer who signed up to the scheme could earn as much as $2m
(£1.4m) a year by selling waste-derived power to a data centre.

The world’s big technology firms are all working on plans to cut the
environmental impact of their data centres.

Almost every item of data sent on the internet is stored in a server farm
somewhere in the world. Demand for these data centres seems almost infinite.

An increasing number of data centres are being powered by solar panels and
wind farms. The Icelandic government wants its tech firms to power their
data centres using geothermal power.

Atlantis Power, a small Scottish firm, is building a data centre on Stroma,
Orkney, that will be powered by tidal turbines generating electricity from
the turbulent waters of the Pentland Firth.



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam

2010-06-01 Thread MD

Depositing money in the bank is to earn interest. Not doing bank a
favour.  I think Cajetan should have a look at the bank profit and
loss account to know why exactly banks lend on a higher rate of
interest and pay lesser percentage in interest to depositors
(overheads, my friend).


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 13:49:08 +0100
From: Cajetan Alvares cajul...@gmail.com
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Selma said: The money that the tarvottis and Gulfies brought and hoarded
in their banks is absolutely essential to growth
Selma, I think Soter is correct and he is NOT jealous.

Goans investing in Bank deposit is not the answer
Who uses that money is more important
And, Goans are not clever in INVESTING

And, Goans who have opened shops in Panjim are not interested in
business/customers either.
Their policy is - I've got a shop, if you want to buy - buy - if not get
out Pig headedness
while the outsiders will bend backwards to get your money out of your

Bhaile have come to Goa to survive, they cannot afford to sit on their hands
like the Goans do, and go to their ancestral home.

People borrowing pay more to the bank than depositors for interest.
NEVER BORROW NEVER LEND - is ingrained in Goan peoples mind

[Goanet] KKL – Kes Keso Lok

2010-06-01 Thread JoeGoaUk
KKL – Kes Keso Lok

Kaise, Kaise Log
It this case, I would change it KKG – Kes Keso Goemkar
Just because I am JoeGoaUk, some people think I have no heart or feelings  and 
write anything...
Here is an example and I still can’t get over it.
Warning: Some strong language used  in the end.

Copy and pasted as it is.
I received one email on 15th May 2010.
Reproduced below with subsequent exchange of mails
On Sat, 15/5/10, steve  wrote:


( it aapear that he first wrote to me on 29th April but on wrong email ID – 
see proof but I only got his with reminder on 15th May)
To: joe...@yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Thu, 29 April, 2010 10:23:04 AM
Subject: VCD's
Hi Joe,
Pls. send me Dol Mojea Bai, Sorry Pai,  Thevoi VCD if u have on 
my e-mail id. 
= = = = =
My reply: 1
what u want me to send on your Id?

His Reply: 1
VCD of Dol Mojea Bai, Sorry Pai, Mevonk Na (by menino de benaulim) 
= = = 
My Reply 2
search flickr.com for joegoauk and the VCD title and you will get it
his reply 2
u still did not understand man. 
 i dont want photos of konkani vcd, i want to watch the films what 
i mentioned below.
 so if u have the films pls, forward me on my id. 
hope u understood now
= = = = = 
My reply. 3
You have to buy and watch it
only Rs.150
his reply 3.
if we have to buy and watch it, then why the hell you download it on net.
= = = =

My reply: 4
prove it - show me the download
His reply 4 – 2 worded
on youtube
= = = 

My reply 5
I said prove it.
give me a link from youtube where you saw a VCD is uploaded

His reply 5
i have many proofs idiot and other ppl tooo.
but i dont wanna argue with u 
now fuck off from here
= = = = 

My reply 6
I am sending your entire mails/replies to the group so that they 
know diff. types of Goans
His last reply 6.

Re: Fw: Fw: VCD's
Tuesday, 18 May, 2010 2:57 PM
steve Colaco colaco.st...@yahoo.co.in
JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk


( with his last reply abv, he also forwarded my own post  
back to me on ‘Shameless JoeGoaUk?’  which he must 
have found in google search, I wrote to him this and I did 
not get any reply after that)

is very near.


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