Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In defense ofAdminNoronha

2010-07-07 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 6 July 2010 21:37, floriano wrote:

 Crapola is not even one millionth of the 'CRAP' which is going to be
 splashing on Dr. Anil-bab's
 Just wait and watch
 Maybe he will have to use a lot of saffron to get it out of the way.

 I am waiting for his 'clinical' answer.

 9890470896  for 25 mins of expanded presentation of the Party on
 the HP

 My dear Florianobab,

 I personally (albeit virtually) saw Anil give you an envelope containing

 Anil told me that he had given you Rs 20, 000 which Micky Mouse had
 given me to hand over to Anil. (Gabe had given Micky Mouse 500 pounds
 to give to me to FWD to Anil). All this ghuspott was done upon the
 advice of the accountants who advised the anti-Gaspar chaps from
 Raitura. Something to do with Tax 'invasion'. I have come to

 Ha Ha Ha what crapola (or as Floriano would call it ..Crap)


 RESPONSE: On a more serious matter - I have bent over backwards to help our
Goan Association (U.K.) I have given more than £500 to the Association. More
than that I have given guarantees and an unsecured loan of £25,000 and even
more than that I have put in many hours of dedicated work to keep the Club
House open. After My Board resigned the Club was hardly ever kept open and
it died a natural death. It went up in flames and  one remarked that it was
an 'Act of God' or words to that effect.

It is for the record that an honoured and distiguished Solicitor, Clarence
Mascarenhas, senior member and past President of the G.O.A. (U.K.) Ltd had
to resign his membership under duress (he then died shortly after that) - he
had complained to me, as well as other members,  of shabby treatment meeted
out to him;  followed by my resignation (also a senior founder member and
past President) and then by my good friend Ben Da Costa, also a senior
Member and stalwart supporter. This was all done under the watch of one
Flavio Gracias, brother of the Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay.

To make matters more amiable, having resigned,  I received a letter
informing me that I was declared 'personna non grata' at their you know the inside workings of the G.O.A. ( U.K.) Ltd!

Now you ask what's up, man?


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Fw: The Church at the Service of the Nation (3)

2010-07-07 Thread Ivo


3.3: In his inaugural manifesto, Jesus announced his mission of evangelizing 
the poor (cf.Lk 4:16-21). The “year of grace” was prefigured by the Jubilee 
Year of Old Testament legislation, when debts were to be remitted, ancestral 
property returned, and slaves set free (Lev 25:8-17.25-28). His mission was 
not political, but “religious” as a constitutive element of the totality of 
our human-existential experiences. The “vertical” dimension is the basic 
element from which all other “horizontal” elements flow: social, economic, 
political, artistic (GS 42).  The Church can, rather should contribute to 
make the “family  of  man  and its history more human” (GS  40).

3.4: The Third Synod of Bishops  unhesitatingly declares:  Action on behalf 
of justice and participation in  the transformation of the world fully 
appear to us as a  constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel, 
or, in other words,  of the Church's mission for the redemption of the human 
race and its liberation  from  every oppressive situation.

3.5:  Paul VI  and  John Paul  II  have  stressed the secular dimension  of 
the  Church's mission. Paul VI wrote: But evangelization would  not  be 
complete if it did not take account of the unceasing interplay of the Gospel 
and of man's concrete life, both personal and  social. This is why 
evangelization involves an explicit message,  adapted to the different 
situations constantly being realized, about  the rights and duties of every 
human being, about  family life  without  which  personal growth and 
development is  hardly  possible, about  life in society, about 
international life, peace,  justice and  development--a  message  especially 
energetic  today  about liberation (EN, no.29).

Soon after he became Pope, John Paul II took up the same theme in an address 
to the General Assembly of Latin American  bishops. Throughout his 
pontificate John Paul II  has  taught that the Church is concerned with the 
temporal life of Man and it has a servant role in the world (see RM, 1990, 
n.58, also his  Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, 1987, nn.47, 48): The Church  and 
her missionaries also promote development through schools, hospitals, 
printing presses, universities and experimental farms.  But a  people's 
development does not derive  primarily  from  money, material assistance or 
technological means, but from the formation of consciences and the gradual 
maturing of ways of  thinking and  patterns of behaviour. Man is the 
principal agent of  development, not money or technology. The Church forms 
consciences  by revealing  to peoples the God whom they seek and do not  yet 
know, the grandeur of man created in God's image  and loved by him, the 
equality of all men and women as God's sons and daughters,  the  mastery of 
man over nature created  by  God  and placed at man's service, and the 
obligation to work for the development of the whole person and of all 

3.6: The mission of the Church is to reconcile humanity with God  (cf.2  Cor 
5:18-20; Eph 2:13-15). Being the agent of peace  and reconciliation, it has 
to heal the wounds, lead people  to unity and peace. At the international 
level there is threat  of nuclear war. Man has to live in harmony and 
communion with nature because of interconnectedness of the world. It has to 
meet the  deepest longings  of the human heart, which is never fully 
satisfied  by what  this world has to offer (see GS 41). It has to mediate a 
genuine experience of communion with God (see LG  1). It is primarily 
through the life of love that  the Church  reveals  God's presence in our 
day (see  GS  21).

3.7: People of India do appreciate the contribution  of  the Church  in the 
field of education, health services and  charitable works. But throughout we 
have to be a credible  sign of God's presence in the world and  mediate  to 
our people  a  genuine experience of  God.  The  transforming power  of  God 
at work in us is revealed in the  quality  of  our life and love. Otherwise, 
we shall not succeed in being true witnesses of God in our country today. At 
times we have projected the image of the Church as the defender of the 
Establishment, of the status quo… We have shown the face of bigotry, 
fanaticism and  intolerance, not of a living God, who liberates, lets his 
sun shine on the good and the evil, gives life and happiness.

3.8:  We have to appreciate the religious and cultural  traditions of India. 
The Church needs institutions and material resources to fulfill her mission, 
but the interest of the  institutions can militate against the values of 
the  Gospel the Church is called to live by.

Vatican II gives us a green signal: “Since God the Father is the origin and 
purpose of all  men, we  are  all called to be brothers. Therefore, if  we 
have  been summoned to the same destiny, which is both human and divine,  we 
can  and we should work together 

[Goanet] India the hype

2010-07-07 Thread Bernado Colaco
Sr. Preidente since you responded I decided to recount a story of a elite 
educator who was servicing in Macau. It was this bright evening on an island 
where various communities were invited for a dinner party. Among the invitees 
was a another indian, a chap (north indian) from the aviation industry  who 
decided not to sit on the same table as the educator (south indian). 

Various dishes were served, the educator using his fingers to get to the food, 
everything peaceful, when suddenly a loud roar was heard from the educator. The 
loudest denkor was ever heard in Macau. It is believed that even the stars from 
the milky way dropped into oblivion, the chicken on the plates of the partying 
guests flew away and even the bingo mc while conducting the game disclaming 
the denkor was the right answer:)))
It was then known as to why the north indian aviation would not sit on the 
alongside the south denkoring educator. 

Ich bin ein Goan!
Amche Goem amka Zai. 
What I said was that it was people like Nascy who bring shame to India. Like 
Jose, I did not know that Bernado considered himself an Indian. I thought that 
he was either a Portuguese or a Chinese. So now I must include Bernado among 
those Indians who give India a bad name.



[Goanet] Fw: What's your REAL age?

2010-07-07 Thread Con Menezes

Subject: What's your REAL age?

  Hello Goanetters...

  Wouldn't it be great to know exactly how old (or young) you really are?

  Just because you are 40 doesn't mean you feel 40 -- you could feel, and 
look, much better...more like a 30 year old...OR, you could suffer from chronic 
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  Dr,  Mehment Oz has put together a very simple test that will show you 
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  Simply take the RealAge Test to find out what's making you older or 
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  UltraWellness LLC | 1121C Military Cutoff Road, #359 | Wilmington | NC | 
  If you no longer wish to receive these email messages, please remove 
yourself from this list.

[Goanet] C K Prahalad and Dr R A Mashelkar on Innovation in India

2010-07-07 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
While browsing I came across an interesting article. The theme of that
article is Indian pioneers have figured out how to do more with fewer
resources - for more people.
I thought members in this forum would find this article interesting. To read
more on this, click the link provided:

Best regards,
Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Fwd: Re: Discovery in Bambolim

2010-07-07 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
suo moto' expression of interest and declaration,
To avoid any future 'conflict of interest', and to fall in line with the
global colour of the activism season, in consultation of my good old friend
Durgadasbab of GAKUVED , I am considering to send a research proposal
through Canadian funded Indian NGO 'Vikas adhyayan Kendra'  to Canadian
Council of Churches (CCC). I don't think poor Australian prehistory
researchers like Dr. Bedenarick would help financially. Once I get a
Canadian agenda with Canadian sponsorship, Durgadasbab would get Canadian
quality research. If there are any objections for  licking Canadian shoes
for Canadian currency, please be liberal in sending them right now before
the proposal is finalized.

'mining agent' and traitor scientist

-- Forwarded message --
From: durgadas gaonkar
Date: Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Discovery in Bambolim

Hello! Dr. Kamat,

On behalf of the GAKUVED communities I express our sincere thanks for
bringing in light the glorious past of the Gawda community : The historical
findings at Bambolim Plateau. I also wish to bring to your kind notice one
more fact that - At the plateau of Curca Bambolim near the military camp
there is a open space near the temple. The said place was used by our
ancestral to conduct the General Body Meeting called VARG of all the
members of the Gawda community from all over Goa.
Some research about that place also to be conducted.

I am very much thankful for your valuable research work by which more light
can be put on the existence of the Gawda Commuities.

Durgadas Gaonkar

On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 01:56:17 +0530 wrote

Someone needs to inform Al Gore and Rajendra Pachauri that the sea levels in
Goa are moving in the wrong direction from their predictions.

--- On *Sat, 7/3/10, Santosh Helekar *wrote:

From: Santosh Helekar
Subject: Discovery in Bambolim
To: Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
.Date: Saturday, July 3, 2010, 6:40 PM


A couple of questions.

First, are you preparing to send these findings for publication in a
peer-reviewed archeological journal? That would be the appropriate
thing to do to validate your findings.

Second, I had read that the land of Goa was under the sea until about
1 B.C.E. How does your claim of humans having entered Goa 80,000
years ago conform with this fact?



--- On Sat, 7/3/10, Dr.Nandkumar Kamat 

 On June 25 th I made an important
 discovery on Bambolim plateau which pushes
 back the history of human colonization of Tiswadi island to
 1 BCE
 (humans entered Goa 60-8 years BCE)
 It was the discovery of five groups of linear stone
 cupules...vestiges of
 prehistoric rock art, which I have dated to
 mesolithic-early neolithic
 period. these site was known to have a microlithic
 I have already sent the pictures and details to IFRAO
 chairman Australian
 rock art researcher Dr. Robert Brednarick and awaiting his
 The first set of images of these rare finds are uploaded
 for public viewing and appreciation along with my
 collection of microliths (
 5000 years old) from ancient trails on the plateau..
 Feature stories on the discovery would be published in
 English By Sunday
 Panorama of The Navhind Times of July 4 th, 2010 and by Goa
 edition of
 Lokamat Marathi on the same day.
 The creators of these cultural heritage were undoubtedly
 the austric
 settlers whom we know today as the coastal settlers of ST
 Gavada community
 occupying a continuous belt of southern Tiswadi from
 Aivao-Taleigao to Palem
 Siridao. They feel threatened due to urbanization and march
 of concrete
 The tribal heritage is almost gone and a few of us are
 trying to survey and
 document what remains of the ancestors of tribal
 A more detailed monograph on this subject is due...
 I thank the mother earth for having revealed this heritage
 to me like a
 I am still attempting to read the message behind it...
 For sake of conserving the location I can't reveal it until
 measures are put in place.
 Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 12:59 AM, Santosh Helekar 
 One of the misfortunes of India is Indians like Nascy who have never had
 any attachment to their 

[Goanet] Goa centric tourism policy

2010-07-07 Thread pinheiro
For many communities and countries throughout the world tourism is the 
most valuable industry. East Asia, Caribbean and the Pacific Rim are 
experiencing unprecedented growth in tourism industry. As per the World 
Tourism Organisation – Tourism 2020 Vision forecast international 
arrivals are expected to reach nearly 1.6 billion by year 2020. 
International arrivals forecast for India expected to reach nearly 10 to 
10.5 million by year 2020. With economic policy perspective, tourism for 
local communities is a vital economic development tool producing income, 
creating jobs, spawning new businesses, spurring economic development, 
promoting economic diversification, developing new products, and 
contributing to economic integration.
The successive Goa Governments has failed to formulate a clear Goa 
centric tourisms policy. Though Goa managed to create itself brand ‘GOA’ 
thanks to Hippies in 1970 and Bollywood in 1990’s the State Governments 
could not envisaged right tourism policy.  With constant change in 
Government due to political instability (Seventh Assembly 1990 –94 had 
world record 7 Chief Ministers) just as all other development plan, 
tourism too suffered badly.  People at the helm got busy changing goal 
post east-west-north-south rather than have fixed goal to achieve 
success in tourism.   The Twelve Players in Goa Government (unlike 
eleven in football team) instead of focusing how to achieve tourism 
success goal they like to change goal post position as per individual 
whims and fancies.

There has to be holistic approach in formulating Goa centric tourisms 
policy. It must have clear vision and mission with objectives and goals 
set for next 25 years.   Tourism is much more dynamic then what it was 
25 years ago and so it is very important to explore the various types of 
tourism concept and select Goa centric concept.  The various types of 
tourism concepts can be classified By Product: Mass Tourism Package tour 
- Alternative Tourism Ecotourism. By purpose: Pleasure, Culture, 
heritage, Nature-based (eco-) tourism, and rural tourism. By nature of 
the activity: (Active) Adventure tourism, Ecotourism, (Passive) 
Sightseeing Beach holiday Cruise. Location preference: Coastal, Rural, 
City, Mountains. By age/socio-economic group. By domestic /international 

The infrastructure is a key to any development but this cannot be at 
cost of environmental degradation. Does Goa have the required 
infrastructure to achieve its tourism successes?  If there is a need, 
than what is financial cost involved.  What could be the returns on 
investment made on the tourism related project? The damage to 
environment will have far reaching consequences if the check and balance 
in not maintained.  There are clear evidences of beach pollutions at 
Colva, Miramar, Calangute and Baga. The rampant construction of hotels 
on Goa's coastline without proper sanitation and sewage treatment as 
result hotel injecting sewage in the ground causing underground water 
contamination. The Golden Beaches of Goa fast turning Coal Beaches and 
if corrective measures are not taken we will turn Goa beaches like Juhu 
in Mumbai.

Government of Goa claims total 2.12 million domestic  .37 international 
tourists arrived in Goa during the year 2009.  But what is the barometer 
to gauge the success of our tourism industry? Big numbers by itself will 
not translate into good season. It is also important to know spending 
habits of the tourist.  Bringing hordes of (poor) tourist who just eat 
fish  curry will not bring in economic benefits to the State. Fly by 
domestic tourist coming to gamble at casinos by night and return back to 
Mumbai at day-break cannot be counted as tourist.   Goa is now more 
famous for drugs, gambling and rapes than its beaches.  It is not in the 
interest of Goa to maintain this notoriety for the long term success of 
Tourism Industry.

In India and Goa in particular economic changes taking place (Globally 
almost 3 billion people, half the world's population) and will have 
major impacts on Social-cultural changes tomorrow. In this context the 
Government of Goa must develop and be committed to broad based tourism 
policies based on economic, environmental, and social benefits to the 
people of Goa. Tourism Policy and Planning has to have key ingredients: 
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. These key ingredients must give 
direction to positive tourism policies and planning that will lead this 
generation and the next toward a greater quality of life resulting from 
tourism growth.

Agnelo Pinheiro


Follow me on!/group.php?gid=108515795850884

Please click the links below for the poster on mining in Goa:

There is also reference to maps in this poster. The following are online 

1. Goa Mining Belt

[Goanet] Sad Shocking Demise of Ashok [Yeshu] Sankwalkar - Condolences to the bereaved family.

2010-07-07 Thread floriano

It was shocking to open the obit pages of the newspapers of 5th. July, 2010
to see the smiling face of  Chicalim's most profound Social Activist Ashok

When I  actually first met him at the office of the Convener of the Mapusa
Nagrikancho Ekvott as part of the delegation from Chicalim to discuss the
Vasco OPD  jointly when the MNE was discussing the Mapusa OPD, I was taken
up by his zeal to work for GOA's betterment. I had brushed with him here and
there, earlier,  at various meetings, but had not known him much.

The last I met him was at the passport office, Panjim, a couple of months
ago when he was being made to run from pillar to post due to some wrong
insertion in his passport or something.

A forcible speaker and knowledgeable at that, he did stand out among others
when he chose to speak on issues concerning the villagers  of Goa and
especially wider issues concerning his dear  Chicalim.

I had otherwise gone by his name. But it was not to be.

I would have made it for his funeral, despite the heavy rains, to place a
handful of mud over his coffin, if it was not for my bad back.

Goa shall miss an accomplished, refined and vibrant social leader of caliber 
in Ashok Sankwalkar.

May his good soul rest in eternal peace.

Cheers to you Ashok, Cheers to your dear Chicalim  GOA.
We, the minority, who slog on for the betterment of Goa and Goans will
dearly miss you.

Floriano lobo
General Secretary,
Goa Environmental Action Group  Goa Su-Raj Party
9890470896  for a 25 minutes expanded Party Presentation on the HP.

It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST citizens  contest elections.
It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST  citizen voters elect good, honest
Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be good, honest n disciplined,
or to QUIT.

Only through PPS can such 'good, honest n disciplined system of governance'
be identified and accepted.

for a date in 2012

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness

It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST citizens  contest elections.
It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST  citizen voters elect good, honest
Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be good, honest n disciplined,
or to QUIT.

Only through PPS can such 'good, honest n disciplined system of governance'
be identified and accepted.

for a date in 2012

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness

Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In defenseofAdminNoronha

2010-07-07 Thread floriano

Is our dear Gabe, by any chance, insinuating that I, floriano of Goa Su-Raj 
am shitting in the hands that gave??

Clarification please

9890470896   for a 25 minute expandes Party Presentation on the HP

- Original Message - 
From: Gabe Menezes

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 4:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In 

On 6 July 2010 21:37, floriano wrote:

Crapola is not even one millionth of the 'CRAP' which is going to be
splashing on Dr. Anil-bab's

To make matters more amiable, having resigned,  I received a letter
informing me that I was declared 'personna non grata' at their you know the inside workings of the G.O.A. ( U.K.) Ltd!

Now you ask what's up, man?


Gabe Menezes. 

[Goanet] New construction next to Candolim church

2010-07-07 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Another compelling setting is about to be ruined.  The visual of
the Candolim church (Our Lady of Good Hope) from the bridge
across the Nerul river has been among the most luscious,
especially in the monsoons when the hill in the background 
is carpeted in lush green.  But now we see concrete jutting 
out of the foliage to the right of the church (or to the left from
the vantage point of the bridge), part of a new construction
project.  Surely it won't be long before Mr Raheja sets up
shop on the hill.



Re: [Goanet] Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In defense of Admin Noronha

2010-07-07 Thread soter

Dr. Anil Desai wrote:

This is absolute secular slander!  All this time, everyone was made to 
believe that Soter D'Souza, the former BJP Minority Morcha secretary who 
resigned from the party on 21st April 2002,  secretly continued to be in 
league with Manoharbab and his supporters and was not to be trusted.  Admin 
Noronha has been quick to pull out an interview from the archives and 
circulate it from to time to keep the lie floating. Hope this mail from Dr. 
Anil desai will also get circulated from time to time by the non-baised, 
ethical entrepreneur journalist, Admin Noronha.
It is said that 'Politics makes strange bedfellows' but this secular style 
politics is simply a stupendously fantastically fantabulous performance.
The best thing about 'Truth' is that it makes you vomit enough for you to 
drown in it and then reveals its true self. This is the beauty of saffron's 
medicinal value that works in its own time to eliminate the toxins. Is it 
'Suva Raj' or 'Sewer Raj' now?

Hope this is just the tip of the iceberg.
The duplicity of many more secular social entrepreneurs will automatically 
manifest in time to come. God is great!


Re: [Goanet] chauvanism versus patriotism

2010-07-07 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Tue, 7/6/10, radharao gracias wrote:
 I must compliment Santosh Helekar, at the outset, for
 proving me right. He has taken over the leadership of the chauvanists.
 I feel vindicated by the response that has come from fellow
 Indians settled abroad.

Vindicated? How convenient it is to move the goal post when caught in a blatant 
falsehood! Here is what Adv. Gracias said self-assuredly in his Herald article:

Our contribution to civilization, (and it cannot be disputed) is zero. No 
pun intended.
.Adv. Radharao Gracias

And now he says this:

Santosh Helekar has in his several comments pointed out the names of 
Srinivasan Ramanujan, S.N.Bose, P.C.Mahanabolis and C.V.Raman to buttress his 
point about the greatness of India. In doing so, he has completely backed my 
argument. It is not my case that India per se is bad but, our “way of life” has 
made it so. Each of the four individuals mentioned above were born in the 
nineteenth century and lived most of their productive lives in British India.
.Adv. Radharao Gracias

So which side of Adv. Gracias' mouth should we believe? The one which says we 
Indians have made zero contribution to civilization, no pun intended. Or the 
one which claims that we made our contributions only when the British were 
ruling over us.

What's worse is he will have to move the goal post again, or this time speak 
from his nose or something, because the truth is Indians have continued to make 
original scientific contributions in the post-independence era. The reason Adv. 
Gracias does not know this is because he has not bothered to find out. 

Yes, no Indian working in independent India has yet won the Nobel Prize in 
scientific subjects, but that has more to do with the high cost and advanced 
state of scientific research today than anything else. As the famous Physics 
Nobel Laureate Paul Dirac once remarked, referring to the late 19th and early 
20th centuries (coincident with Adv. Gracias' British times), contrasting it 
with modern times, and I paraphrase, it was a glorious time when a second rate 
physicist could do first rate work. Whereas, now it is very difficult for a 
first rate physicist to do second rate work. 

But independent India has continued to produce outstanding indigenous 
scientists of high international standing. There have been at least 20 Fellows 
of the Royal Society among those who made their original discoveries after 
independence. Our own Raghunath Mashelkar, FRS is one of them. The present day 
genius of the caliber of S. N. Bose is Ashoke Sen, FRS, a world-renowned 
theoretical physicist at the Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahbad, who 
is one of the pioneers of advanced string theory. There have been a few were 
unlucky not to win the Nobel Prize, such as G. N. Ramachandran who discovered 
the structure of collagen, and contributed to the theory behind the CAT scan. 
There are several national institutes such as Indian Statistical Institute, 
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, The Inter-University Centre for 
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Indian Institute of Science, The National Centre 
for Biological Sciences, etc, that are making steady
 original contributions to expand the frontiers of science. Of course, the 
unsung heroes behind these discoveries would not easily make it on the evening 
news. They would also not register on Adv. Gracias' politically tuned radar 
because RSS and other Hindu extremists do not care much about non-Vedic 
science, and for his Maoist saviors, this is capitalist, western, corporate 

Furthermore, if we follow his revised logic and Nobel yardstick to compare 
India with Turkey, his exemplar of an ideally developed nation, then despite 
having all the advantages of proximity with advanced European countries, Turkey 
has had no Nobel prize winner in science, economics, or peace, and just one in 
literature. Portugal has had one science prize, and Spain two, one of which was 
for work done in the U.S. Indeed, the vast majority of science Nobel prizes 
credited to any country in the world have been awarded for work done in the 
U.S. In other words, what you are hearing from Adv. Gracias in this regard is 
pure nonsense.

However, I will close by answering his questions.

If India is so great why do our people have to go abroad to reach
 intellectual fulfillment? 

Rather than cast India in jingoistic terms, I would prefer to simply oppose 
Indians who denigrate their own country and countrymen out of ignorance, or for 
political, ideological or religious reasons. As I have shown above, 
intellectual fulfillment can be attained in India. But it is often difficult to 
do so because of lack of facilities, resources and specific expertise, which 
are heavily dependent on availability of funds for academic research.

If India is great why would these people achieve greatness only after 
forsaking the country and living in the West?

As I mentioned earlier, 

Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In defenseofAdminNoronha

2010-07-07 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 7 July 2010 08:20, floriano wrote:

 Is our dear Gabe, by any chance, insinuating that I, floriano of Goa Su-Raj
 am shitting in the hands that gave??

 Clarification please

 9890470896   for a 25 minute expandes Party Presentation on the HP

RESPONSE: I am not insinuating anything - I have no interest in getting
embroiled in something I have not the faintest idea of. Good luck in your


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In defense of AdminNoronha

2010-07-07 Thread floriano

The now transparent SECULARs who are flying their (his) flag from the 
highest post has been a recruited RSS-BJP and who was licking their arses 
for a  ticket for the Aldona Constituency not long ago. Having been denied 
this ticket, the sweet nectar of the RSS-BJP has turned into venom so much 
so that it has made him give it in writing to a rank  outsider, a bhailo, 
that he will not contest elections. Is that not true???  Go hang yourself 
from the highest tree on the Porvorim plateau, Mr. Soter.

A Goan who is talking so strongly of Goa getting his nuts cut-off by a 
marauding bhailo???

Who is this joker telling things??

Goa Su-Raj Party under my leadership has gone on record, not once, but many 
a times, to say that if it is necessary, repeat, if it is necessary,   this 
Party will enlist the support of the GOA BJP to dislodge each and every MLA 
of the Congress in Goa. Anyone can go and check the archives.

Even to this day this option is open
PROVIDED Goa BJP denounces  'HINDUTVA' and its programmes.

You have anything to say to this Mr. Soter D'Souza??

A time will come when the words you are uttering  ( the name caling 
exercise) will gag you into inconsequence if it has not already done so. 
Mark my words. You don't know who you are dealing with. You want to say 
something of consequence then detach that miserable  unbilical chord of 
yours you have tied down to the bhailo in full view of Goans and who is 
taking Goans (including the sorry you) for a joly good ride in the name of 

Peaceful my bloody foot.

Come back to me if you have anything to say over this.

9890470896  for 25 minutes  expanded Presentation of the Party on the 

PS: Let Anil-bab answer the question I have put to him. And then we shall 
see whose pants will be knocked off to show the hollow saffronite.

- Original Message - 
From: soter

Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In defense of 

Dr. Anil Desai wrote:

This is absolute secular slander!  All this time, everyone was made to 
believe that Soter D'Souza, the former BJP Minority Morcha secretary who 
resigned from the party on 21st April 2002,  secretly continued to be in 
league with Manoharbab and his supporters and was not to be trusted. 
Admin Noronha has been quick to pull out an interview from the archives 
and circulate it from to time to keep the lie floating. Hope this mail 
from Dr. Anil desai will also get circulated from time to time by the 
non-baised, ethical entrepreneur journalist, Admin Noronha.
It is said that 'Politics makes strange bedfellows' but this secular style 
politics is simply a stupendously fantastically fantabulous performance.
The best thing about 'Truth' is that it makes you vomit enough for you to 
drown in it and then reveals its true self. This is the beauty of 
saffron's medicinal value that works in its own time to eliminate the 
toxins. Is it 'Suva Raj' or 'Sewer Raj' now?

Hope this is just the tip of the iceberg.
The duplicity of many more secular social entrepreneurs will automatically 
manifest in time to come. God is great!


[Goanet] GOA-Court rejects Pacheco's bail plea

2010-07-07 Thread Mauricio Pereira

 A local court today rejected the bail plea of former Goa Tourism Minister 
Fransisco Mickey Pacheco in connection with the death of his friend Nadia 

Additional Sessions judge Pramod Kamat denied bail to Pacheco, who surrendered 
before the court on Saturday last after his anticipatory bail petition was 
rejected by the Supreme Court. 

Pacheco is currently undergoing treatment for hypertension, jaundice and 
urinary tract infection at the Hospicio hospital in Margao. 

The court has ordered that the crime branch can take his custody once he is 
discharged from the hospital or is medically fit. 

The 46-year-old NCP legislator was booked by police on the charge of abetment 
to suicide and culpable homicide not amounting to murder. 

Pacheco's close friend Nadia, 28, had allegedly consumed poison on May 15 and 
subsequently was admitted to various private hospitals in Goa, Thane and 
Chennai. She died on May 30. 
Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.

Re: [Goanet] Goa in the gutter (addendum)

2010-07-07 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Dear Dr. Desai,

Deeply sorry to hear about the ten grand pissed down the Goa Susu-raj 
drainhole.  At least you didn't end up as My friend Anil next to My friend 
Sailor boy is now promising to throw another tantrum.  Ooooh scary scary.

Warm regards,


Dr. Anil Desai wrote:

Response:  What a magnificient article by a hugely succeful goan politician. I 
think it was Miguel who informed us that the last time Floriano Lobo contested 
assembly elections, he got around 217 votes. It is therefore not surprising, is 
it, that BJP will approach this megalomaniac to get back to power.  Now let me 
inform Goanetters about a few facts.  I , Anil Desai, am an admirer of Manohar 
Parrikar and wish to see him back as the chief minister of Goa. I have openly 
supported him in the past and will do so again in future. He is by no means a 
perfect man but I believe he is still the best all round politician that goa 

to offer.  I met Floriano Lobo over a cup of tea during December 2007 at the 
suggestion of a catholic friend of mine from Salcette. This friend has been 

me since we first met and studied together in 1973 in goa. Even after this 
meeting, I did not know that Floriano Lobo headed a political party. 
Subsequently, we had two very useful meetings at a catholic priest's residence/ 
workplace in Margao. The meetings were attended by two fine young catholic men 
with political aspirations, the catholic priest who was a proper God's man on 
earth, a BJP funtionary who was an observer, another BJP supporter, my friend 
and Floriano Lobo and me. At both the meetings Mr Lobo was quite complimentary 
about Manoharbab and was quite willing to work with the BJP. He did raise the 
issue of VCD but when I asked him directly whether during Parrikar regime, 

were any attacks on catholic religious places, all he could say was that the 
door of a church in Curchorem was probably vandalised.  After the second 

came a gentle request through my friend.  There was going to be a rally in 
Panjim under the auspices of the Mathany Saldanha and the same Manohar Parrikar 
that Florian finds so detestable. Our Mr Lobo was one of the main speakers 

and you might have guessed it - he wanted money to take his supporters to this 
meeting. I was not as lucky as Rajan Parrikar. I parted with Ten thousand 
rupees. Obviously you would expect a gentleman of Floriano's stature who,  

half a chance put both Advani and Manmohan Singh in jail, would give me a 

receipt on behalf of Goa Sewer-raj as his is the only decent, honest political 
outfit that exists in Goa. I was lucky though. The day after this meeting, Mr 
Lobo actually called me from Mumbai promising to work with us.  So, Mr Floriano 
Lobo, do one thing. Publish the accounts of your party for that year. Let 
Goanetters know how much money went into your begging bowl during that year and 
how much tax your party paid on these donations. Once you have done that, 

Parrikar to Goa police or CBI with all the data you have gathered. Let him face 
the music. Once you have done that, sit down and start abusing me.I am sure 
goanet moderators, if not all of them, then at least Mr Frederick Noronha, the 
resident joker of goanet will allow you to abuse us with your choicest words. I 
would allow you one word for every rupee I put in your begging bowl.  Anil 

[Goanet] On The Character of Goans (formerly Re: Swindon Goan Festival)

2010-07-07 Thread augusto pinto

Tony de Sa wrote  a little short story (given
below) in the post with the subject line (Re: [Goanet] Swindon Goan
Festival) directed towards Freddy Fernandes who, I quote, asked:

Is it a compulsion to invite Goan Politicians for any function by Goans around
the world ? I am sure the answer is no...yak yak yak ...
Tony wrote:

Dear Freddy,

I happened to be traveling to Panjim from Mapusa by cab. Since I was the
lone passenger, I struck up a conversation with the cabbie. Apparently, he
was a Goan (Catholic) from say village X. As happens, when Goans meet, the
conversation goes something like this;  Arre baba, you are from X do you
know Anton Pedru Ladrao? And do you know Shencor Saulo Sawkar? etc
During a lull in the conversation, the cabbie told me,  did you know Y is
our MLA? And the conversation went on like this. (I will omit quote marks
for simplicity)

Cabbie (C): Arre baba, to koslo re boro munis.

Tony T: Unhh (non-committal grunt)

C: To kitem re poixe vantta. Socalchi goddi tenger lokachi ani soggle teka
melltat poixe magpak

T: Annh, to poixe vantta? Goddi tor asa zalear zaite poixe zaizatele noi?

C: Konakuch rite hattan dhadina. Te dissa, ek gorib bail geli teka meupak.
Tichem ghor moddlelem. Tor tika tis hazar (30, 000) rupia dille
 Tor gorib lokanchi to modot korta. etc

Comment: This is a true story and not a figment of my imagination. So if
this is the pulse of the aam admi, does it mean that the aam admi wants the
MLA to dish out a hand out every time he/ she drops in at the MLA's durbar?
Is the aam admi naive not to realize to do this type of charity, the money
has to be coming in by some unlawful means? Or does (s)he feel that the MLA
is spending his personal fortune?

I have also heard of another prominent MLA from South Goa who never refuses
hospitality to anyone who visits his place? And that the cauldron of canji
is always on the boil.

So figure it out. The aam admi is indirectly inviting corruption and then
the same guy complains.



I agree with Tony. There is no doubt a chicken and egg situation
prevailing here. But I agree with Tony entirely. At least one reason
why the politician is in business is because he knows that he can make
money because the aam admi knows he cannot get his way legitimately,
and feels he has to get around our murderously tangled laws.

Let us take an example: Joao de Moira wants to build a house in the
little plot he owns, but according to the prevailing laws - about 1
sq. m. of setbacks cannot be provided by him. So no house for Joao.

What should Joao do? He cannot afford to buy a plot of land at the
current extortionist rates. Everyone sympathises with his plight and
agrees that he is not troubling anybody by not giving 1 sq. m. of
setbacks but laws are laws. Even when everyone knows that the law is
an ass.

In the end the problem was solved by Dada, his friendly panch, who
tells him to go ahead and construct and not even ask him for a bribe.
Of course in the next election, Joao's vote is assured.

But more importantly, when Kantilal the big builder decides to convert
all the remainig banana plantations of Moira into concrete jungles,
Dada is the conduit to get all the permissions.

Now who will object to what? Certainly not Joao who has got a personal
favour and would not like to sour relations with Dada.

So O dear Tony, you are absolutely right as usual. As you say, The
aam admi is indirectly inviting corruption and then the same guy
complains. Or even better does not complain at all.

To revert to Freddy Fernandes's stupid question, Is it a compulsion
to invite Goan Politicians for any function by Goans around the world
? my answer would be,  Why do you sit in foriegn lands and give
sermons to others? Why don't you come to Goa and live here and raise
your voice wherever you see injustice? Because the problem in Goa is
that there is not a critical mass of people  who are like you darling,
whose voices can count.

If such eloquent chaps like you could come to Goa to raise your voice
along with other very eloquent chaps like Jose Colaco, Santosh
Helekar, Mario Gouveia, Arwin Mesquita and so on and so forth, then
maybe we could all do something to change the state of affairs that
prevails over here.

Instead NRI worthies like you love giving sermaos even when you know
that it is your physical presence and not your words that is

No Cheers



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E or
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum) IndefenseofAdminNoronha

2010-07-07 Thread floriano

- Original Message - 
From: Gabe Menezes

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum)

On 7 July 2010 08:20, floriano wrote:

Is our dear Gabe, by any chance, insinuating that I, floriano of Goa
am shitting in the hands that gave??

Clarification please

9890470896   for a 25 minute expandes Party Presentation on the HP

RESPONSE: I am not insinuating anything - I have no interest in getting
embroiled in something I have not the faintest idea of. Good luck in your


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Goa in the gutter (addendum)

2010-07-07 Thread floriano

Nothing much constructive can be expected from this
run of the mill  arse licking  Manohar -nappy-changer. He might as well give 
us some good shots of the job being done.

:-)) ((:-

Perhaps this a***h*** has forgotten having been privately told  what the 
sailor-boy is capable of.

It will help to go back to the inbox and refresh you miserable memory.

As for Anil-bab, I am still waiting for him to answer my question.
if he remembers where he has pissed his ten grands, in which susu 

And it sure is taking him a long long time.

9890470896  for 25 minute expanded Party Presentation on the HP

- Original Message - 
From: Rajan P. Parrikar

Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa in the gutter (addendum)

To Goanet -

Dear Dr. Desai,

Deeply sorry to hear about the ten grand pissed down the Goa Susu-raj
drainhole.  At least you didn't end up as My friend Anil next to My 

Sailor boy is now promising to throw another tantrum.  Ooooh scary scary.

Warm regards,


Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum) IndefenseofAdminNoronha

2010-07-07 Thread floriano

Thanks for the clarification.
I thought it reeked of insinuation.


- Original Message - 
From: Gabe Menezes

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum) 

On 7 July 2010 08:20, floriano wrote:

Is our dear Gabe, by any chance, insinuating that I, floriano of Goa 

am shitting in the hands that gave??

Clarification please

RESPONSE: I am not insinuating anything - I have no interest in getting
embroiled in something I have not the faintest idea of. Good luck in your


Gabe Menezes. 

Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In defense ofAdminNoronha

2010-07-07 Thread J. Colaco jc
Dear Gabe,

I have heard previously of the UK Goa Dissociation. The other two
dissociations which are known to behave badly exist in Canada and in

It is not clear why Bishop Gracias was mentioned in your post. Do you
believe that Abel should bear the responsibility for Caine's actions?

Having noted that, it is my distinct view that personal financial
instruments should be kept separate from community financial
affairs.even if it is the only way to get things done.

Only the shabby treat others shabbily in person. All this (I have come
to believe) depends upon upbringing. It is one thing to make one's
point vociferously. It is another to behave in an uncouth fashion.

The declaration of a founder-member as 'persona non grata' and the
summary 'expulsion' of members who have worked hard for many years
. are signs of LOW classiness. Money and 3 piece suits do not buy

I am glad that you have treated it like water on a duck's back
.and just ignored it.


On 6 July 2010 19:27, Gabe Menezes wrote:

[1] On a more serious matter - I have bent over backwards to help our
Goan Association (U.K.) I have given more than £500 to the
Association. More than that I have given guarantees and an unsecured
loan of £25,000

[2]  It is for the record that ... Clarence Mascarenhas, senior member
and past President of the G.O.A. (U.K.) Ltd had complained ... of
shabby treatment meted out to him;

[3] This was all done under the watch of one Flavio Gracias, brother
of the Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay.

[4] To make matters more amiable, having resigned,  I received a
letter informing me that I was declared 'personna non grata' at their

[5] now you know the inside workings of the G.O.A. ( U.K.) Ltd!

Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In defense of Admin Noronha

2010-07-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 6 July 2010 17:47, anil desai wrote:

 What a magnificient article by a hugely succeful goan politician. I think it
 was Miguel who informed us that the last time Floriano Lobo contested
 assembly elections, he got around 217 votes. It is therefore not surprising,
 is it, that BJP will approach this megalomaniac to get back to power.

This raises a very important point! Let us not pretend that the
one-and-two votes don't add up and make a difference in an election
result. Because of the conservative, communally-divided nature of Goan
politics (this has been the case since 1963, and before, in other ways
since one-man-one-vote elections weren't around then). many
constituencies are marginal, and the difference in votes between
winner and runner-up could be a few hundred in number.

(In one election, somewhere in the late 1980s or early 1990s), there
were ten seats won on 800 votes or less, if I recall right.

The BJP's electoral strategy as of now seems to be: if you can't win,
make sure the Congress loses. Every small anti-Congress group can be
effectively utilised, specially in a marginal seat.

A strategically-supported Babush Monserrate can change the situation
in taking on a seemingly undefeatable Somnath Zuwarkar in Taleigao
(never mind that Babush proved worse than the illness, and was
subsequently conveniently disowned). A Mickky can upset the Alemao
applecart, and a John (now accused in the Russian rape case) can come
pretty close.

Likewise, a Matanhy -- who was struggling to win Cortalim on his own
for decades, despite his earlier good record -- can do wonders and
pull down a seemingly entrenched if controversial Mauvin Godinho. The
list can go on and on...

Francis D'Souza, despite have no apparent winnable base and jumping
the entire political spectrum in Mapusa (Goa Congress, Independent,
Congress, BJP) has shown how the right support base in Goa can make a
undistinguished candidate win and win and win!

At the end of the day, the BJP-versus-Congress dichotomy which some
are attempting to build up, on Goanet and elsewhere, is quite a fake.
What is the difference between these two parties, in ideology,
politics, approach towards communalism, and support base?

Whoever wins, the same set of dubious players are on the top. The Goan
voter has a choice in political terms -- any shade will do, as long as
it's black! Even Manohar Parrikar, the hero of some of a handful of
the most loquacious campaigners on Goanet, goes on to dub campaigners
against mining as Naxalites. So much for Goa's Opposition! About the
ruling party, we have at least long ceased to expect better.


Re: [Goanet] What a shame!!!

2010-07-07 Thread E DeSousa
1.Write something about Goa and your experiences about Goa (prefeably without 

2. This other cut and paste stuff can get you into shameful situation called 
p-l-a-g-i-a-r-i-s-m -if you try to pass someone else's writings as your own. 
 3. Relax. You belong here. You act like a real Goencar. 


From: Gina Fernandes
To: E DeSousa
Cc: estb. 1994! Goa's premiere mailing list
Sent: Tue, July 6, 2010 9:45:35 AM
Subject: What a shame!!!

Hi Desousa,

For your kind information SHARING KNOWLEDGE  with friends and family is just 

Have a nice day.

Gina Ferns

From: E DeSousa
To: Gina Fernandes
Sent: Tue, 6 July, 2010 4:34:54 PM
Subject: Re: Self Appraisal

we already have con menezes doing cut and paste..
of course you are in a different space.

From: Gina Fernandes
To: estb. 1994! Goa's premiere mailing list
Cc: EJ Dsousa
Sent: Tue, July 6, 2010 6:56:28 AM
Subject: Self Appraisal

 Self Appraisal
A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it 
over to the telephone.
 He climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone 
and proceeded to punch in seven digits (phone numbers).

The store-owner observed and listened to the conversation:
Boy: Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?
Woman: (at the other end of the phone line): I already have someone to cut my 
Boy: Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your 
lawn now.
Woman: I'm very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting my lawn.
Boy: (with more perseverance) : Lady, I'll even sweep your house and your 

so on Sunday you will have the prettiest lawn in all of Palm beach , Florida.
Woman: No, thank you.

With a smile on his face, the little boy replaced the receiver. 
The store-owner, who was listening to all this, walked over to the boy.
 Son... I like your attitude; I like that positive spirit and would like to 
offer you a job.
Boy: No thanks.

Store Owner: But you were really pleading for one.
No Sir, I was just checking my performance at the job I already have.
 I am the one who is working for that lady I was talking to!

Have a nice day
Gina Ferns

Re: [Goanet] Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In defense of AdminNoronha

2010-07-07 Thread soter

Floriano wrote
You have anything to say to this Mr. Soter D'Souza?

Just to say that hell has broken loose after the secular slander by Dr. Anil 
Desai. Nothing can be peaceful now.


[Goanet] Dhond Memorial Badminton at Panaji(July 15-18)

2010-07-07 Thread Sandeep Heble
Dear all,

The 2nd all Goa Major Ranking Badminton Tournament of the 2010-11
season which was scheduled to be held at Margao(sponsored by BPS Club)
has been postponed.

In its place, Goa Badminton Association shall organize the same
Tournament sponsored by Dhond Memorial from July 15-18 at Indoor
Stadium, Campal, Panaji.

Categories will be for both boys and girls in Under 10, Under 13,
Under 16 and Under 19.

Those interested in participating may submit their entries to the
badminton coaches at the following Indoor Stadiums: Roy Athaide
(Panaji/ Mapusa), Vinayak Kamat (Margao), and Rajiv Bhargava (Ponda),
latest by 12th July(5pm).

Entry forms are available with the coaches or at Oasis Petrol Pump,
near Don Bosco High School, Panaji.

Yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Goa Badminton Association

[Goanet] Bicholim woman sets herself ablaze

2010-07-07 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

A 30-year-old woman from Kudchirem-Bicholim committed suicide by
setting herself ablaze at her residence late Sunday night.
According to Bicholim police, one Nikita Naresh Gaonkar committed the
act as her husband would frequently abuse her.
On Sunday night, when her husband started abusing her, she allegedly
poured kerosene and set herself ablaze, as she could no longer bear
her husband’s abuses. Nikita died on the spot.
She was married four years ago and has a one-and-half-year old son.
Deputy Collector Narayan Gaad and PSI Harish Madkaikar conducted the

[Goanet] New Grand Hyatt in Goa (opening Winter 2010)

2010-07-07 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

See -

Right by the Bambolim beach.

Note that it is part of the Aldeia de Goa project (the one GBA
made a big hoo-ha about fighting).

This is merely the trailer.  Tens of new hotel projects are
in the pipeline in Goa.  Prepare for a new concrete deluge
(in addition to the new ghati deluge).  

Admin Noronha will blame all of it on my telephoto lens.



Re: [Goanet] New Grand Hyatt in Goa (opening Winter 2010)

2010-07-07 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

I queried my database and retrieved photos of the
Bambolim rally held by GBA on Dec 26, 2006.

What is presumably now the Grand Hyatt -

The blue-eyed footsie-dancer  publicity whore preening to 
reporters (the would-be Indian of the Year for - hold your breath - ushering 
in a Green Goa) -

And left in the dust, the women of our land -

Admin Noronha take note: all photos taken with my 70-200mm 
telephoto lens.



From: Rajan P. Parrikar
Sent: Wed, July 7, 2010 7:05:33 AM
Subject: New Grand Hyatt in Goa (opening Winter 2010)

To Goanet -

See -

Right by the Bambolim beach.

Note that it is part of the Aldeia de Goa project (the one GBA
made a big hoo-ha about fighting).

This is merely the trailer.  Tens of new hotel projects are
in the pipeline in Goa.  Prepare for a new concrete deluge
(in addition to the new ghati deluge).  

Admin Noronha will blame all of it on my telephoto lens.



[Goanet] A humble tribute :-On the occasion of 26 th death anniversary of Poet Balakrishna Bhagvant Borkar

2010-07-07 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
On the occasion of 26 th death anniversary of Poet Balakrishna Bhagvant
Borkar (B. 30 November 1910, Curchorem, Goa , death- 8 July 1984, Pune,

“Once upon a time, in a beautiful land called GOA, amche Goem

lived a poet  Bakibab Borkar” ( Our Grandchildren in AD. 2060)

“ and generations of Goans to come would not believe that such a poet was
born and literally lived poetry all his life in Goa” ( who said that?)

Short biography:-

1926:-First published poem in Marathi

1929:- Passes matriculate from Dharwad, then completed Portuguese education
in Goa

1930:-Teacher in Government school and marriage to Ms. Rukminibai Sardesai

1933:-Meets famous Marathi novelist V.S. Khandekar, Publishes first Marathi
poetry collection –“ Pratibha’ (genius)

1934:- Meets B.R.Tambe, the popular Marathi poet; Overwhelms the audience in
Baroda literary meet and wins the Gold Medal for poetry reading for “Tethe
Kar maze Julati’ ( Salute to the great ones…)

1946:-Participates in movement launched by Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia. Tenders
resignation from government job. Leaves for Bombay. Edits “porzecho avaz’ a
mouthpiece of freedom  struggle

1955-61:-Appointment on AIR Pune as spoken word producer

1961-70:- Appointment on AIR, Panaji as spoken word producer ( Marathi,
Konkani, English, Hindi and Portuguese), also in forefront in opposing Goa’s
merger with Maharashtra, vehemently champions Goa’s separate identity,
writes poems on the same, invites the wrath of his Marathi well wishers

1970:-Special issue of ‘Mandovi’ dedicated for completion of 60 years,
edited by late Shriram Kamat

1970-84:- Devoted to lecture tours, poetry recitation, writing, guiding
young generation of poets and writers, promoting library movement, arts and

July 8, 1984:- Death in Pune . A literary journey of 58 years comes to an

Literary contributions:-

Total published books (1930-1987):- 43, Marathi:-33, Konkani:-10

Total 11 poetry collections- about 1000 Marathi poems, Pratibha (1930),
Jivansangeet (1937), Dudhsagar(1947), Anandbhairavi (1950), Chitraveena
(1960), Gitar (1965), Chaitrapunav (1970), Kanchansandhya (1981), Anuragini
(1982), Chinmayee ( 1984), Lavanyarekha (unpublished)

Three edited anthologies-Borkaranchi Kavita (1960), Chandavel (1972),
Kaivalyche Zad (1987)

Besides- Essay collections (4), Novels (4), Short story collections (2),
Biographies (2), translations (6), Edited anthology
(1-Kusumagraja-Maharashtra’s celebrated poet laureate)

And 10 books in Konkani including the poetry collections “Paizana’ and

The trustee of Poet Borkar memorial committee, Pune  Ujwala Vasant Sardesai
has published two volumes (2005, 2008) of the entire Marathi poetry of
Bakibab under the caption “Borkaranchi Samagara Kavita’. These include 782
poems. This is an ivaluable resource for students and research scholars of
his poetry.

Goa Konkani academy is bringing out new editions of his Konkani poetry
–“Paizana’ and “Sasay” on July 8th.

There is no befitting memorial of Bakibab in Goa. There are legal problems
to take over and convert his residence at Bori ‘shantiniketan’ in a
memorial. A small street in Porvorim was named after him. Shri Sarswati
Mandir library in Panaji organizes an annual poetry competition in his
memory. So also Konkani Bhasha Mandal, Margao. The Goa government had
appointed a state level birth centenary committee last year which is
considering several suggestions.

The Chief Minister has recently announced a special chair in the name of
B.B.Borkar in Goa University for studies in comparative literature and

Most of his poetry has not been translated/transliterated in major world
languages. To the post Bakibab generation he is still unknown, a puzzle, a
riddle, an enigma.

It is sad to see that there is very little global awareness about Goa’s most
sung, most  loved, most romantic, most cultured, most spiritual genius

All his life he spoke for unity of mankind, understanding all religions,
promoting peace and social harmony…he spoke lovingly about Christianity and
the life of Jesus as well as the Maharashtrian saints-Dnayaneshwara and
Tukarama. He sang sufi songs and bowed his head before the noble thoughts in
Islamic spirituality. He idolized Gandhiji and Tagore. He sang glories of
Gibran and Pessoa.  He loved Neruda and Octavio Paz. He was a true global

I knew Bakibab as a school student. But I came in his contact only after
1980. I always enjoyed talking to him.

Tears flood my eyes so easily when I remember the words he had written to me
on a post card after he read my series of articles on history of Goa

“ You are born in a blessed land…don’t forget those who came before you”

Bakibab, You are in my heart!

Mhoji Tukam aarga

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

[Goanet] Ho ‘1077 - Flying Squad’ asa o u melo ghai?

2010-07-07 Thread JoeGoaUk
Ho ‘1077 - Flying Squad’ asa ou melo ghai?  
Yes, the  much talk about 24hrs free phone 1077 for Flying Squad is dead?
Govt. has recently introduced 1077 for reporting illegal hill cutting, 
land filling etc
And it was said the number will be operative round the clock
 i.e. 24 hours and that the flying squad will inspect the site with 24hours
Today, as we were heading to Keri via Corgao, we saw a stone quarry 
by the road side.
We immediately stopped  (No board to display) and ask the person 
Do you have a license?
He replied ‘Humara Parao (Bavan Goundde) janta hai, 
chahe to usko fon koro 9422395506’

There was a truck nearby waiting to fill up No. being GA-03 T6671 
Supervisor bike also seen GA03 J  9506 ? (see pic)
We immediately dialed 1077 but my reliance phone keep saying
 ‘please check your No’ despite trying both ways direct and with 
prefixing  0832
Then we borrowed our driver’s Idea phone it worked  directly i.e. 
1077 bell going and going but there was no response,  
we been trying since 4pm till 5.30pm but no luck.
Then we stopped at Panjim around 6.30pm and tried from landline, 
again bell was going but no one to pick up?
So, this 24hour flying squad 1077 'asa ou melo ghai?'
Pics of stone Quarry
The place is called ‘Petivado’ Corgao we were told.
More details to receive soon like Survey No etc
Earlier, we been to this place about 2 months ago, pics were also posted.
Quote from a newspaper:
When asked about the flying squad's own promptness in attending
 to complaints, Ferrao said that the flying squad ensures that it visits 
the complaint site within 24 hours of receipt of complaint. 
But the telephone helpline (1077) to receive complaints is open 24 hours

Please forward this to relevant authorities and NGOs

for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Workshop on Creative Writing in Konkani

2010-07-07 Thread Gulabmarg

Workshop on Creative Writing in Konkani

Fr. Freddy J. Da Costa Memorial Trust is organizing a workshop on Creative 
Writing in Konkani.  This workshop,  to mark the birth anniversary of Fr. 
Freddy , will be held in Margao on Sunday, July 20, 2010, between 3.30 p.m. 
and 5.15 p.m.  It  will be open to all writers in Konkani. Venue: Grace 
Church Hall (First floor), Margao

The participants  will be guided by:

Ms. Guadalupe Dias - Creative writing, and

Dr. Jayanti Naik - Short story writing.

The necessary materials (like paper, pen, file  etc.) will be supplied to 
the participants during the workshop.  No fee whatsoever is to be paid. 
But, due to constraints of space, the number of participants may need to be 
restricted.  Therefore, Writers desirous of participating in this workshop 
are requested to contact one of the following to register their names:

Fr. Manuel Gomes (President): 9764706080,

Prof. S M Borges (Secretary): 9860816598,

Fausto V. Da Costa (Member): 9821228684

At the same function, at 5.15 p.m. the following GULAB Awards 2009 will be 
presented: a) Man of the Year,  b) Best Writer, c) Best Singer (male), d) 
Best Singer (female) and e) Tiatrist of the Year. Prizes will be distributed 
to the Winners of the Literary Competitions conducted  by the Trust will 
also be distributed.

Commissioner for NRI Affairs Shri Eduardo Faleiro has kindly consented to be 
the chief guest and Carambolim parish priest Fr. Conceicao D'Silva and Kala 
Mogi, Kuwait, President Shri Domingo Araujo will be the guests of honour and 
give away the prizes.

(S. M. Borges)


[Goanet] chauvanism versus patriotism

2010-07-07 Thread radharao gracias
I fail to understand whether Santosh Helekar is deliberately misinterpreting
the contents of my article or he lacks knowledge of the English language. In
my article, I have stated: Our contribution to civilization, (and it cannot
be disputed) is zero. “No pun intended. I maintain, reiterate and
reconfirm it. It is well known and undisputed fact that India invented
“zero” and it cannot be disputed that it is our contribution to World
Civilisation and that is why I have put the word “zero” in inverted commas.
I have thereafter used the words “no pun intended” expecting someone like
Santosh Helekar, may get confused. But in vain. There is no need for me to
move any goal posts. It is our post independence hockey team, that may have
to do so ! We may then at least qualify for the next Olympics.

It has never been my case that Indians in India are not involved in
scientific research. But it is my case that nothing substantial has been
achieved by Indian research post independence. There are and always will be
intelligent people aiming to achieve some scientific break through as we
Indians certainly do not lack intellect. If it was not for our “way of
life”, we would have dozens of Nobel Prize winners. Why has Santosh Helekar
migrated to the USA if everything is hunky dory in India? Is he a hypocrite?
It is not unlikely that the great personalities which Santosh Helekar has
mentioned would have done much better if they had a more conducive

Again there is misinterpretation of my submissions by Santosh Helekar. I
have not at any time said that Turkey is an ideally developed nation. What I
pointed out is that at a critical juncture Turkey had in Kemal Attaturk a
leader who understood the reasons for the backwardness of his country and
pushed it on the path to modernity by discarding age old superstitions and
rotten traditions, the type which still prevail in our country.  It cannot
be disputed that Turkey alone of all the Islamic nations stands out as a
modern forward looking country with a secular law where a Muslim can have
only one wife at a time. I am not concerned with the number of Nobel prizes
that Spain or Portugal has won. I hold no brief for those countries.
However, I am certainly concerned that my own country with a billion and two
hundred million people, (fifteen times more than the combined population of
Spain and Portugal) has no Nobel prize to its credit post independence.

In the concluding part of his comments in answering the two queries raised
by me as to why Indians have to go abroad to achieve fulfillment, Santosh
Helekar has unwittingly backed my arguments by stating “As I mentioned
earlier, many of them have achieved it in India. But it is easier to do so
in the U.S. today because of the reasons stated above. To wrap up, I would
just like to say that my own criticism of present day India from the
standpoint of scientific advancement is its lumbering bureaucracy, poor
choice of priorities, lack of philanthropy and absence of serious financial
commitment to cutting edge research from the government and private sector”.

Precisely so, I would like my country to be what the US is today. And the
only way we can do it, is by discarding superstitions, jingoism, bigotry and
the ill founded belief in our greatness. Let us strive to be great.

Radharao F.Gracias

Vindicated? How convenient it is to move the goal post when caught in a
blatant falsehood! Here is what Adv. Gracias said self-assuredly in his
Herald article:Our contribution to civilization, (and it cannot be
disputed) is zero. No pun intended..Adv. Radharao Gracias And now he
says this:Santosh Helekar has in his several comments pointed out the names
of Srinivasan Ramanujan, S.N.Bose, P.C.Mahanabolis and C.V.Raman to buttress
his point about the greatness of India. In doing so, he has completely
backed my argument. It is not my case that India per se is bad but, our “way
of life” has made it so. Each of the four individuals mentioned above were
born in the nineteenth century and lived most of their productive lives in
British India..Adv. Radharao GraciasSo which side of Adv. Gracias'
mouth should we believe? The one which says we Indians have made zero
contribution to civilization, no pun intended. Or the one which claims that
we made our contributions only when the British were ruling over us.What's
worse is he will have to move the goal post again, or this time speak from
his nose or something, because the truth is Indians have continued to make
original scientific contributions in the post-independence era. The reason
Adv. Gracias does not know this is because he has not bothered to find out.
Yes, no Indian working in independent India has yet won the Nobel Prize in
scientific subjects, but that has more to do with the high cost and advanced
state of scientific research today than anything else. As the famous Physics
Nobel Laureate Paul Dirac once remarked, referring to the 


2010-07-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 7 July 2010 05:32, Aires Rodrigues wrote:
 The overall conduct of Benaulim MLA  Mr. Mickky Pacheco over the last decade
 leaves much to be desired. A legislator being a law maker should be the last
 person to mock the rule of law.

Come on Aires, do you really believe (and expect us to believe) that
legislators in today's Goa are judged on the basis of their abilities
to draft laws? Are they voted to power on that basis at all?

And do you sincerely believe that the occasional targetting one or two
politicians (from the entire pack) has anything remotely to do with a
desired clean-up in Goa?

 As a law maker Mickky Pacheco should realise that he cannot take the long
 arm of the law for a ride. He is accused of a very serious crime. The Court
 of law is the only place where he should prove his innocence. Hiring his
 supporters to assemble outside the court in solidarity serves no purpose as
 this in fact amounts to contempt of Court and interference with the
 administration of justice. Every good Judge goes by the merits of the case
 and cannot be influenced or manipulated by other considerations.  And good
 judges we have many.

Also, the kind of media hype that is repeatedly built-up (and then
suddenly dropped), does this not amount to contempt of Court and
interference with the administration of justice which you are
otherwise so concerned about? FN

[Goanet] Time mag apologizes for article on Indian-Americans

2010-07-07 Thread Eugene Correia
Time magazine apologises for article on Indian-Americans  

By Arun Kumar

Washington, July 7 (IANS) Time magazine has apologised to Indian Americans 
after some of them took umbrage at a humour piece, which they said has racist 
overtones, about the community in Edison, New Jersey, where every fifth 
resident is a native of India.

We sincerely regret that any of our readers were upset by Joel Stein's recent 
humour column My Own Private India. It was in no way intended to cause 
offence, the prestigious US magazine said as the community protest snowballed.

I truly feel stomach-sick that I hurt so many people, wrote columnist Stein, 
who had given his own take on he had seen Edison, where he had grown up, change 
over the years with the desi influx.

I was trying to explain how, as someone who believes that immigration has 
enriched American life and my hometown in particular, I was shocked that I 
could feel a tiny bit uncomfortable with my changing town when I went to visit 
it. If we could understand that reaction, we'd be better equipped to debate 
people on the other side of the immigration issue, he wrote.

The advocacy group South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) launched an 
online petition asking the editors of Time to organise a panel discussing the 
article's impact and to dedicate a special space in the magazine's upcoming 
edition to response from the Indian-American community.

Indian American actor Kal Penn, former associate director of the White House 
Office of Public Engagement, too weighed in on the issue with a column titled 
The Hilarious Xenophobia of Time's Joel Stein in Huffington Post.

I want to applaud Joel Stein for his hilarious account of Edison, New Jersey 
in his Time magazine article this week, 'My Own Private India'; it is unique 
and groundbreaking as Thomas Alva himself, he wrote.

Critics might call Mr. Stein's humour super-tired or as played out as the 
jokes about that cheap Jewish car that stopped on a dime to pick it up, or that 
African American kid who got marked absent at night school.

Although unlike Stein's Indian American piece, in 2010 those other jokes don't 
show up in mainstream media like Time magazine. I wonder why that is..., Penn 

Writing about the changes in his home town, Stein had written: Eventually, 
there were enough Indians in Edison to change the culture. At which point my 
townsfolk started calling the new Edisonians 'dot heads'. One kid I knew in 
high school drove down an Indian-dense street yelling for its residents to 'go 
home to India', Stein wrote.

Sometime after I left, the town became a maze of charmless Indian strip malls 
and housing developments. Whenever I go back, I feel what people in Arizona 
talk about: A sense of loss and anomie and disbelief that anyone can eat food 
that spicy.

I never knew how a bunch of people half a world away chose a random town in 
New Jersey to populate. Were they from some Indian state that got made fun of 
by all the other Indian states and didn't want to give up that feeling? Are the 
malls in India that bad? Did we accidentally keep numbering our parkway exits 
all the way to Mumbai? Stein wondered. 

Re: [Goanet] What a shame!!!

2010-07-07 Thread Gina Fernandes
Hi Desousa,

I was eagerly waiting for your kind reply, thank you very much for your kind 
advice, BUT somewhere between the lines I can detect MALE CHAUVANISM in you. As 
far as my experience of Goa is concerned, I can still visualise Goa as a 
paradise on earth which is mutulated by some fickle minded goans like you. If 
you cannot do anything for Goa than I suggest you mind your own business.

Have a nice day.

Gina Ferns

From: E DeSousa
To: Gina Fernandes
Cc: estb. 1994! Goa's premiere mailing list
Sent: Wed, 7 July, 2010 2:46:09 PM
Subject: Re: What a shame!!!

1.Write something about Goa and your experiences about Goa (prefeably without 

2. This other cut and paste stuff can get you into shameful situation called 
p-l-a-g-i-a-r-i-s-m -if you try to pass someone else's writings as your own. 
 3. Relax. You belong here. You act like a real Goencar. 


From: Gina Fernandes
To: E DeSousa
Cc: estb. 1994! Goa's premiere mailing list
Sent: Tue, July 6, 2010 9:45:35 AM
Subject: What a shame!!!

Hi Desousa,

For your kind information SHARING KNOWLEDGE  with friends and family is just 

Have a nice day.

Gina Ferns

From: E DeSousa
To: Gina Fernandes
Sent: Tue, 6 July, 2010 4:34:54 PM
Subject: Re: Self Appraisal

we already have con menezes doing cut and paste..
of course you are in a different space.

From: Gina Fernandes
To: estb. 1994! Goa's premiere mailing list
Cc: EJ Dsousa
Sent: Tue, July 6, 2010 6:56:28 AM
Subject: Self Appraisal

 Self Appraisal
A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it 
over to the telephone.
 He climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone 
and proceeded to punch in seven digits (phone numbers).

The store-owner observed and listened to the conversation:
Boy: Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?
Woman: (at the other end of the phone line): I already have someone to cut my 
Boy: Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your 
lawn now.
Woman: I'm very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting my lawn.
Boy: (with more perseverance) : Lady, I'll even sweep your house and your 

so on Sunday you will have the prettiest lawn in all of Palm beach , Florida.
Woman: No, thank you.

With a smile on his face, the little boy replaced the receiver. 
The store-owner, who was listening to all this, walked over to the boy.
 Son... I like your attitude; I like that positive spirit and would like to 
offer you a job.
Boy: No thanks.

Store Owner: But you were really pleading for one.
No Sir, I was just checking my performance at the job I already have.
 I am the one who is working for that lady I was talking to!

Have a nice day
Gina Ferns

[Goanet] Swindon goan festival - character of Goans

2010-07-07 Thread Camillo Fernandes


Swindon Goan festival – Character of Goans
Augusto wrote to Freddy reg. character of Goans:
If such eloquent chaps like you could come to Goa to raise your voice
along with other very eloquent chaps like Jose Colaco, Santosh
Helekar, Mario Gouveia, Arwin Mesquita and so on and so forth, then
maybe we could all do something to change the state of affairs that
prevails over here.
Instead NRI worthies like you love giving sermaos even when you know
that it is your physical presence and not your words that is

Hi Augusto,
Are you suggesting that Goans who have gone abroad for bettering their lives 
and future are doing a crime if they voice their opinion on happenings in Goa?  
 Do we only have to be physically present in Goa to show our love for Goa while 
one who  is abroad  does not love Goa.  Maybe you have a point that  physical 
presence is important but that does not mean one cant have his opinion if 
working/living abroad.  After all Goa is our homeland and it is only out of 
compulsions for a better job/living  that  one is forced to look for better 
opportunities.  If we were very off, then maybe we would not be compelled to go 
abroad.  Just because a Goan is abroad does not make him less of a Goan than a 
Goan residing in Goa.  
Best wishes,
Camilo Fernandes  
The latest in fashion and style in MSN Lifestyle

[Goanet] Fw: Re: Goa urbanization

2010-07-07 Thread Bernice Pereira
The following letter is from a well-known photography expert and an office 
colleague of mine.  He was a great Goa lover and had close relatives in 
Margao.  His recent vists have sparked off such a dislike for it, as is 
expressed in the following letter:  

--- Tue, 6/7/10, kishore jothady wrote:

I have severed all emotional ties with Goa. Believe me, it was not
easy. But bitter memories of my last visit have compelled me to do it.
Uncouth, arrogant Goans, 'hate outside tourists' attitude have put me
off. Mention of Goa no more kindle fond memories as before. Recent
press reports of corrupt, shameless rapist politicos have only affirmed
by opinion about my birthplace. Sad.

K. B. Jothady  APSI

[Goanet] Gulf Goans Must Give Back to Goa

2010-07-07 Thread Arwin Mesquita
 Gulf Goans today face many difficulties i.e. declining living standards,
localisation, reduced savings etc. Many contemplate leaving the Gulf soon.
We must take strong interest on Goa’s Identity, mega-projects, corruption,
mining, destruction, alarming outsider land sales, uncontrolled migrant
influx etc. We must work with residents to save Goa for Goans; including
future generations. Gulf Goans can help Goa significantly; if only we wake
up immediately and think positively/constructively.

Have we lost hope/belief in ourselves/Goa? Our home is in region (including
China) where the economy is booming vs. others; education (all layers) 
medical are getting international respect. Rich nations are targeting our
region as the future; there is strong demand for Goa by outsiders and
strangely today, we have on a large scale “Entire Well off Gulf Goan
families” migrating; abandoning Goa; selling off properties!! Are we really
a short sighted community in general; lacking a real long term vision? How
much wealth is really enough? Is so much migration really relevant today and
does it not influence the erosion of Goa’s Identity? Are western societies
really better off as a whole? Think about identity/value/family issues that
our future generations will face; or is it just the materialistic things
that interest?

Let’s stop complaining  looking only at all the negatives of Goa, which are
just excuses for our reluctance to act or to justify today’s “debatable”
migration. Surely, Goa also has positives vs. other societies. We should
start from the positives, address the negatives and see how we can together
make Goa, the place we want it to be. I believe we can do it, if we just put
our heads together and look at what we can do and not, what we cannot do!!
After all, there is no place like home.

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. Rape of Goa :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. For the Love of Konkani:
6. Goa's Identity Movement website:
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. Rape of Goa :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. For the Love of Konkani:
6. Goa's Identity Movement website:
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

[Goanet] Talking photos: Civic Sense? What it is?

2010-07-07 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking photos: What is Civic Sense?
Bankrupt Electricity department? 
Several joints and no guard loops - Shameless
Parking sense
Snakes on the payments?
Welcome to Panjim KTC bus stand
Where one cannot enter the KTC complex without soaking his/her feet
Year after year, the problem remains same
Other water logging stories
A View though greenery
Reflections – opp Old GMC

Eemergency Gram Sabha meeting – 
No Goans just migrants.
I interrupted  and hence speaker looks at me angrily 

for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] K.I.F.F conducts a Memorable Finale: News Photos of J.P. D'Mello Memorial League

2010-07-07 Thread gaspersWorld ®

J.P. D'Mello KIFF League: Sponsored by Gulf Cable and Electrical Industries Co. 
K.I.F.F conducts a memorable finale

Gasper Crasto for 

Kuwait: In one of the best finals conducted by the Kuwait Indian Football 
Federation (K.I.F.F) for the J.P. D’Mello Memorial KIFF League Trophy sponsored 
by Gulf Cable and Electrical Co., neither hot weather nor the humidity 
prevented a dramatic finish to the grand finale.

United Friends Club (UFC) came from behind from a two-goal deficit to equalize 
(2-2) and clinch the title in the tie-breaker (4-2) against the young 
Curtorcares United.

Curtorcares United’s star players Zico and Roland Fernandes put their team 
forward early into the match but UFC equalized both the goals before the 
breather through Rosario and Godwin Fernandes. UFC won the tie-breaker after a 
grueling goalless extra-time. Cajetan Godinho, one of the iconic players of 
Kuwait playing since the inception of the league, was among the shooters spot 
on target for the winners.

The grand finale was played under floodlights on 2nd July 2010 at the Peace  
Friendship Kazma Stadium, Adeliya, Kuwait. Earlier, a group of young girls 
called Crazy Girls performed a dance to the beats of the World Cup theme. 
Later, the finalists were escorted on the ground by the school teams and 
children with balloons and the Special Guest His Excellency Shri Ajai Malhotra 
was introduced to the players by KIFF President Fidelis Fernandes.

His Excellency Shri Ajai Malhotra, Ambassador of India was the Special Guest at 
the event. Speaking on the occasion Shri Malhotra said it was indeed 
commendable to have a full-fledged league running throughout the year outside 
India and applauded the KIFF for their marvelous efforts in promoting Indian 

Shri Malhotra was presented with a bouquet of flowers by Mrs. Merlyn Fernandes. 
Later Shri. Malhotra released a colorful 44 page souvenir handed over by Ms 
Karen Nelsa Fernandes to mark the event.

Fidelis Fernandes, President of KIFF, in his speech was all praise for the 
tremendous support accorded by his KIFF colleagues while he thanked Gulf Cable 
and Electrical Company’s Bader Naser Al Kharafi, Chairman and Director, in a 
special way for fully sponsoring KIFF league finale and Asad Al Banwan Chairman 
of Kazma Sports club for providing the stadium which is one of the best in 

The final was officiated by FIFA Referee Franky Fernandes especially flown in 
for the finals by KIFF. He was assisted by Derick Gomindes, Jerry Mello and 
P.A. Tony.

Earlier, Delhi Public School (DPS), Fahaheel beat Indian Central School, 
Abbasiya 3-1 in the finals of the Schools Invitation Football tournament.

Crazy Girls dance group performing before the finals

The finalists enter the field led by children

Young escorts for the teams

A section of the Peace  Friendship stadium

Schools team Indian Central School, Abhasiya

KIFF President Fidelis Fernandes receiving a memento from H.E. Shri Ajai 

A commemorative plaque handed over to Mr. Edwin Tavares of Gulf Cable  
Electrical Co.

Mrs. Aretha Fernandes presenting a memento to KIFF Sports Secretary Bernard 

Icon player Cajetan Godinho receiving an award from Vice-President Tony Correia

NYC President Agnello A.S. Fernandes receiving an award from KIFF President

UFC captain Mauricio receiving the J.P. D'Mello Trophy from KIFF President Mr. 

The victorious UFC team

Curtorcares United captain Roland Fernandes receiving the Runners-Up Trophy

Edwin Tavares presenting a trophy to UFC player

Curtorcares star player Zico receiving a trophy

CRC Chinchinim President Bosco Leita receiving the Seasons Champions Trophy
(Photos by Simon Dias - Professional Photographer) 
For the complete Photo Album click: 
Prizes and Awards

It was a feast of prizes, awards and mementos, and quality ones at that, 
presented during the half-time and at the presentation ceremony. There were 
trophies, certificates, commemorative plaques, medals, etc. The event would 
surely remain memorable to many youngsters as the prestige of these awards 
holds value and status of the awarder - the Kuwait Indian Football Federation 

Past KIFF Presidents honored

“History is written by the victors,” is a famous quote by British Prime 
Minister Winston Churchill. It was nice to see the past presidents of KIFF 
being honored with commemorative plaques at the hands of H.E. Shri Ajai 
Malhotra. The historical presidents were V.K. Vohra (1984~1989  1992~1998), 
Agnelo Fernandes (1989~1990), Anselmo Furtado (1998~1999), A.E. D’Souza 
(1999~2000), Inacio Faleiro (2000~2001), Victor Mesquita (2001~2002), Lawry M. 
Pinto (2002~2003), Tony Correia (2003~2004), Tony Dias (2004~2005), Manuel 
D’Costa (2005~2006), B.M. Viegas (2006~2009) and Fidelis Fernandes (2009~2010)

Mementos to Club Presidents affiliated with KIFF

Presidents of the 10 clubs 

[Goanet] IFFI 2010

2010-07-07 Thread

Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday someone, somewhere learns a 

IFFI 2010

It was indeed interesting to note the suggestions of Dr. Nandakumar Kamat 
(through Gulf-Goans e-newsletter) regarding the 2010 International Film 
Festival of India (IFFI). Dr. Kamat suggests that this year's IFFI be organized 
on the theme “Colonialism and peoples’ struggles / movements across the world”. 
Arundhati Roy, suggests Dr. Kamat, should inaugurate the festival as well and 
deliver a speech on colonialism in the last 500 years. 

His suggestions are a refreshing change. In my opinion, the IFFI's organization 
over the years have done Goans and Goa little good. We have not been able to 
recognize the contributions done by Goan musicians to the Indian film industry 
(who were by the way discarded in the corner as mere arrangers) and neither 
have our unique culture been showcased to this country and the world. It is 
tragic that whatever opinions and perceptions that others have about Goa are 
entirely parroted from a tourism brochure which glorifies a hedonistic 
lifestyle, something entirely unknown to Goan culture. 

This year also marks the 500th anniversary of Portuguese conquest of Goa as 
well as the completion of 100 years since formal citizenship rights were 
extended and widely claimed by Goans. We (Goans) have expereinced colonialism 
differently than the rest of India hence it is imperative for us to understand 
our colonial experience and the struggles associated with it.

True, this is the INTERNATIONAL film festival of INDIA. So I suggest that the 
along with Dr. Kamat's theme mentioned above.

Sir, the people of Goa hope that this year's IFFI is a more meaningful event 
than the meaningless 'carnavals' organized in the past.

Dale Menezes,

[This letter is published in today's Gomantak Times in the Letters to the 
Editor column]


A Post-Colonial agenda for IFFI 2010: Pointing the significance and relevance 
of 2010 to a peoples' history

A couple of days ago, Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, from the Goa University, made a 
rather interesting suggestion via email to the Chief Minister of Goa. Rather 
than be an occasion to mindlessly spend huge amounts of state revenue, he has 
suggested that the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), now held 
annually in Goa, be themed for the year 2010 to commemorate “Colonialism and 
peoples' struggles / movements across the world”. To this already interesting 
proposition he adds one more laudable suggestion; rather than invite an actor 
or actress from Bombay, who as he says leave no ideas behind, why not invite 
Arundhati Roy to inaugurate the festival? Roy, he suggests, could also be asked 
to speak on “Colonialism down 500 years a topic which would be suitable 
considering the completion of 500 years of Goa's conquest by Afonso de 
Albuquerque, on 25th November 2010 and foundation of colonial rule in Asia.

This is perhaps one of the more incredible suggestions that have been made 
regarding the IFFI and perhaps in the intellectual and cultural life of the 
State. Subsequent to his email to the Chief Minister Dr. Kamat has requested 
public support for this suggestion and it is incumbent on all of us to support 
this suggestion and ensure that it gets converted from an idea to solid fact. 
This column today, seeks to be not just a public show of support for Dr. 
Kamat's stellar suggestion, but a request to all those who may read this column 
to send emails of support to the Chief Minister's email id and ensure that the 
proposal is converted to reality.

There are a number of reasons why this proposal must be supported 
wholeheartedly. The organization of recent IFFI has been disappointing to say 
the least. Rather than an occasion to reflect on the messages that film can and 
do generate, the focus seems to be on creating a hedonistic bubble where movie 
stars can be feted. Where a number of Goans believed that the arrival of IFFI 
would contribute to the intellectual and cultural life of ordinary Goans, we 
have been disappointed to see that rather that critical world cinema, it is 
Hindi potboilers that have been dished out to the Goan public as a part of the 
festival. To theme the IFFI in the manner Dr. Kamat suggests would perhaps 
reorient the Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG), the local organizers of the 
IFFI to ensure it contributes to an enhancing the referents for local cultural 

But Dr. Kamat's suggestion has value beyond the limited scope of a renewal of 
the possibilities of the IFFI. Some weeks ago a Coimbra based researcher 


2010-07-07 Thread J. Colaco jc
Aires Rodrigues  wrote: Mickky Pacheco ... is accused of a very
serious crime. The Court of law is the only place where he should

COMMENT:  Has the Inquisition returned to Goa, or is High-Risk law in situ?

Is India one of those countries in which an accused (of causing the
death of an individual) is expected to PROVE HIS INNOCENCE in court?

As an aside, I suppose it is OK that High Risk should hype up cases
and Try them by media. Better chance for an out of court
settlement and 'compensation .dropping the ones which can be
conveniently dropped suddenly.

How did Aires become High Risk? Ah turmeric! I know you have some
medicinal properties, BUT ..!


[Goanet] Poems to revere Bakibab Borkar: ‘Ga datha Tinsana’ at Black Box, Kala Academy(J uly 8, 4.30 pm)

2010-07-07 Thread Sandeep Heble
In memory of the Birth Centenary of Balakrishna Bhagwant Borkar, also
known as Bakibab Borkar, the B B Birth Centenary Committee has
organized a year long celebration. The year was inaugurated on
November 30, 2009 and will continue till November 30,  2010.

‘Gadatha Tinsana’, an event which will feature reading of Bakibab’s
poems is organized by the Department of Art and Culture and the B B
Borkar Centenary Committee in association with Institute of Menezes
Braganza and Kala Academy on his birth centenary, July 8, 2010 at 4.30
pm at Kala Academy.

“As the entire year is dedicated to Goa’s well known poet Bakibab
Borkar, ‘Gadad Tinsana’ will take place at the Black Box, Kala
Academy. The function will have participation from noted poets like
Pundalik Naik, Ramesh Veluskar, Dr Ajay Vaidya and Vishnu Surya Wagh
with each one reading Bakibab’s poems”, says Ashok Parab, Assistant
Director, Directorate of Art and Culture.

Bakibab Borkar was born in 1910. He was a renowned poet in Marathi and
Konkani and was honoured in 1967 by Government of India with Padmashri
to recognse his service in the field of Literature and Education. A
legendary poet from Goa, Bakibab Borkar started writing poems at an
early age and was also an important figure in the freedom struggle for
Goa. He also was a prose writer though his poems are more famous.

Courtesy: Herald Features, July 7, 2010

Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In defense of AdminNoronha

2010-07-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
This is a very interesting debate -- and definitely worth every bit of
it, even if tinged with some amount of allegation and innuendo. For
the first time, the backroom wheeling and dealing of the political
world is coming out into the open (and becoming part of the public
record, as it were).

Unlike what we would like to believe, these games happen at all
levels. The most interesting change-around in recent years is that the
once marginal campaigners are today setting the agenda in a big way.
Is this empowerment for them? Are they being made use of as someone
else's catspaw? Does it represent a genuine coming of age of
campaigners (whom Rane could once dismiss as seven people protesting
against tourism at the Pato bridge)? Or is the unaware populace
simply being taken for a ride, yet once more?

Indeed, there are a lot of issues behind the issues. So much
agenda-setting happens without the vast majority even having a hint.
Issues don't reach the forefront for nothing.

If you take a look at the newspapers (most of which have their
preferred politicians-with-feet-of-clay... and at least one of which
is an unofficial mouthpiece of a party) it becomes very clear who is
behind what issue, when it is going to be propped up, how this
coincides with electoral interests, why certain politicians are
targeted (and not others), and so on.

How does a Babush Monserrate become a hero who vanquished the dubious
Somnath Zuwarkar, to someone whose name gets tied to worse than
Jalgaon type sex scandals, to being someone on the right side of the
political fence again (no questions asked) and a dubious politician
who needs to be tracked all the way to places like Swindon once again?

I would not bother too much with the I-said, you-said nitty gritties
in the debates. Going beyond personalised insults too, I think what is
important is to focus on the more significant issues emerging here.

Clearly: Goa has a great deal more of backroom politics than meets the
eye. We'll see more of these as elections near, or as political
ambitions soar. FN

[Goanet] Goa Sudharop: World Cup sweepstake entries....Update

2010-07-07 Thread George Pinto
And then there were two one country will win the World Cup for the first 
time this Sunday.

Good luck and thanks to all who participated, including Gabe who organized the 
raffle. Kurt Almeida is guaranteed to win $150. First prize winners win $100 
each, runner-up wins $50 each.

NETHERLANDS -     Kurt Almeida; Maju/Glen Furtado
SPAIN -           Loreen/Oscar d'Silva; Kurt Almeida


[Goanet] Deadliest Sweetener

2010-07-07 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Deadliest sweetener hoodwinks and poisons millions of victims with the 
of the U.S. Federal Government.
Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] Time mag apologizes for article on Indian-Americans

2010-07-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
Eugene, Are you suggesting Goanet also apologises for the much scorn
we continually pour on the ghantis? FN

PS: The Edison piece hardly struck me as humour. It just sounded
like the new trend in a much globalised world -- everyone feels they
are being swamped in their own backyard. Including Goan expats to
the Western hemisphere who have the loudest voices on this (specially
when it comes to the home they have left, as Augusto points out).

In India itself, the situation would have been comical if its
consequences were not so tragic and the cause of so much bitterness
(as seen in the Nellie massacre, for instance) -- almost every second
state (if not every one) believes it is being swamped by The Other!

My Tamil friend was talking about labour from Bengal and Bihar
invading his State. Karnataka's capital of Bangalore believes (maybe
numerically) that it has been run over by Tamilians. Marathis are
battling Kannadigas in and around Belgaum, and parts of Hubli-Dharwad.
The Shiv Sena's paranoia in Mumbai is only too well known. Jharkhand
and Chhattisgarh were formed out of the feeling that they were being
colonised by non-tribals. Telangana is a similar case.

Delhi has its simmering suspicions, particularly about Punjabi
dominance and post-Partition migration. The entire North East has a
grouse over these issues. Tripura could be seen as being ruled by
Bengalis and the CPI(M) there has more to do with regionalism and
ethnicity rather than class. And the list continues

Frederick Noronha

On 7 July 2010 23:23, Eugene Correia wrote:
 Time magazine apologises for article on Indian-Americans
 By Arun Kumar
 Washington, July 7 (IANS) Time magazine has
 apologised to Indian Americans after some of
 them took umbrage at a humour piece, which
 they said has racist overtones, about the
 community in Edison, New Jersey, where
 every fifth resident is a native of India.

[Goanet] Meditations to Clear Your Mind and Body - iVillage

2010-07-07 Thread Con Menezes
Meditations to clear your Mind  Body

[Goanet] Goa news for July 8, 2010

2010-07-07 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Goa court rejects Pacheco's bail plea -
TV.comPTI, Updated: [July 07, 2010]   13:45 IST Panaji: A local
court on Wednesday rejected the bail plea of former Goa Tourism
Minister Fransisco Mickky Pacheco in ...

*** BioWare Mythic Takes Over Warhammer Online Publishing In
Europe - Gamasutra
o-play MMOs, has managed Warhammer Online in Europe since its
worldwide launch in September 2008. ...

*** Bandh near total success in Goa: BJP - Sify
eels-Bharat-bandh-heat/38536.htmlGoa feels Bharat bandh heat

*** Goa Politician Charged With Raping Russian - The Moscow
tar hotel, Indian media ...

*** Police free to arrest Pacheco - Hindustan Times

*** Probe links of Goa home minister's son to drug trade: BJP -
JP-demands-ministers-ouster/articleshow/6133110.cmsBJP demands
minister's ouster

*** Now Talk More With New Vodafone Campus Pack In Mumbai  Goa
- TelecomTalk
aunched its modified CAMPUS PACK for subscribers in Maharashtra
 Goa Circle. ...a class=

*** Goan handicrafts get an e-portal - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: From terracotta lampshades to necklaces made
from shells and beads, about 350 Goan handicrafts are now being
exhibited online with 100 on sale. ...a class=

*** SDM hauls up Goa police officer for staging raid - Sify
ivisional magistrate has hauled up a police inspector and asked
him to release 29 women who were 'rescued' last week from an
alleged prostitution ...a class=

*** Days after 3G launch, BSNL users protest snags in basic 2G
service - Times of India
yped entry of 3G mobile services to Goa has resulted in sheer
pain for BSNL subscribers, who are frustrated at having lost
even the basic ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Poems to revere Bakibab Borkar: 'Gadatha Tinsana' at Black Box, Kala Academy(July 8, 4.30 pm)

2010-07-07 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Hi Sandeep,
Does one know whether BBs works in both languages be published/available in
book form etc.


venantius j pinto

 Message: 5
 Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 02:35:44 +0530
 From: Sandeep Heble
 Subject: [Goanet] Poems to revere Bakibab Borkar: ?Gadatha Tinsana? at
Black Box, Kala Academy(July 8, 4.30 pm)


 Bakibab Borkar was born in 1910. He was a renowned poet in Marathi and
 Konkani and was honoured in 1967 by Government of India with Padmashri
 to recognse his service in the field of Literature and Education. A
 legendary poet from Goa, Bakibab Borkar started writing poems at an
 early age and was also an important figure in the freedom struggle for
 Goa. He also was a prose writer though his poems are more famous.

 Courtesy: Herald Features, July 7, 2010

 End of Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 699

Re: [Goanet] Discovery in Bambolim

2010-07-07 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Compliments to your discovery Dr. Kamat. Your topic interested me, because I am 
in the midst of reading an article entitled The Way We Were which discusses 
prehistoric art.   For what it is worth, and to be helpful, the dates in the 
article I am reading are as follows.

Anthropologists have found Homo sapiens sapiens - Cro-Magnon skeletons in South 
Africa dating to 50,000 ago and in North Africa dating to 40,000 BCE.  
Cro-Magnons made their first appearance in Europe 35,000 BCE. Prior to that, 
article reports humans outside Africa was Homo sapiens neanderthal.  I would 
appreciate if you could enlighten me on the name of the sub-species of humans 
entered Goa 60-80,000 years BCE.

As you well know, the 10,000-year Ice Age ended about 7,000 years ago.  Your 
Australian expert may be an authority on Rock Art. But the experts on Ice Age 
Art are scattered across Europe, specially in France (like the Museum of 
National Antiquities outside Paris).  You may like to exchange notes and 
pictures of the art (and details on the dwelling sites) with the European 
experts who have been working on Ice Age art.

Hope the information is useful.
Regards, GL

-- On Sat, 7/3/10, Dr.Nandkumar Kamat wrote:

On June 25 th I made an important discovery on Bambolim plateau which pushes 
back the history of human colonization of Tiswadi island to 1 BCE  (humans 
entered Goa 60-8 years BCE) It was the discovery of five groups of linear 
stone cupules...vestiges of
prehistoric rock art, which I have dated to mesolithic-early neolithic period. 
these site was known to have a microlithic industry.

I have already sent the pictures and details to IFRAO chairman Australian rock 
art researcher Dr. Robert Brednarick and awaiting his comments

Re: [Goanet] From CSF_Goa Graves Vandalized_Disturbing FIR conjecture

2010-07-07 Thread Venantius J Pinto
I recently took issue with CSF, concerning a post where links
of Facebook pages which presumably hurt sentiments as in F*** X, or Y or Z
(BVM, Jesus, Mohammad (PBUH), etc). My point was that there was no need to
list the urls. It also reminded me of pastors suggesting to people to take a
walk through red-light districts, or peek into sex stores. So they can
really be anointed by the proof in the pudding?! I personally believe it was
crass to first of all list the urls. Why? So already weak-minded and
weak-willed Christians have even more reason to feel shattered.

On another note it is pathetic when someone puts you on a list without
asking, or for that matter designs an email that can only help people into
taking on a siege mentality. In any case I was not taken off the list and
the response I receive were not addressed in a round about way. That people
wanted this issue taken up with Facebook, and stuff like that.

Anyway, moving on-- beyond a point I can control only so many demons outside
of myself. But the following is something that caught my attention. See my
comments below, ans they have nothing to do with CSF.

*Goa Graves Vandalized*
Unidentified people have vandalized two graves in a Catholic cemetery at Goa
Velha, prompting the police to register a case of hurting religious
feelings. Father Raul Colaco, parish priest of St Andrew’s church at Goa
Velha, complained police that someone had dug up two graves in the cemetery
and that a cross had been removed. Police suspect that the incident happened
at night. A person working to clean the found the place intact when he left
in the evening, but found the graves dug up in the morning. The graves were
of people buried buried on June 27 and June 29. Police suspect thieves dug
them up thinking that the dead would be adorned with gold and jewellery. It
is a custom when bodies are taken for funeral rites, the gold worn by them
is not removed. “However, before burying, the ornaments are removed,” police
said. “We have filed an FIR for hurting religious sentiments. Investigations
are in progress,” a police official said.

The following FIR should not have been about hurting religious feelings.
PERIOD. Considering that people make pathetic correlations with any given
information, this FIR does not bode well emotionally. It will create hatred
on the part of Christians. Its is baseless to be emphatic, as in the first
part of what that the police official says.

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Now, is it Ravi's turn?

2010-07-07 Thread soter
For over a year now there have been clues of how the Digu gang has 
systematically embarked upon a path to eliminate any politician that is 
inconvenient to their undisputed plunder. Four to five politicians, Micky, 
Daya, Ravi, Babush and Churchill, have been singled out for deputation to the 
firing line and what is only required is an opportune moment to strike. One 
wrong  move and they had it. 
Could anyone imagine Daya being dropped like a hot potato. With Micky trapped 
in the rat trap, it now seems the turn of Ravi Naik to be administered a dose 
of psychotropic drugs. Just see the news about cops investigating journos on 
Roy's conncection in the drug scam. BJP has also started making the right 
noises against Ravi. I will not be surprised if in a couple of days Aires also 
joins in with his heroics. Ravi remains a thorn for the privileged class of 
politicians from Ponda. 
Needless to speak of the Goan janata, it is kept in an intoxicated state for 
365 days of the year. It has remained so for the last 49 years. Keeping aside 
the character and political dadagiri of the politicians lined up for 
elimination and looking at the larger picture, with all the heroics and noises 
of some forces it is not actually cleansing of politics that is taking place 
but a consolidation of power by a privileged class by eliminating the nuisance 
of the lower class political leaders. 


Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum)

2010-07-07 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Frederick Noronha wrote:
This is a very interesting debate -- and definitely worth every bit of it, 

if tinged with some amount of allegation and innuendo. 

What are you smoking?  There is no debate, only an account of the
hucksterism of Goa Susu-raj.

As regards allegation and innuendo, you should know since 
you are the expert in both these domains.  You are the prince
of slime.


[Goanet] Goa in the gutter (addendum) In defense of admin Noronha

2010-07-07 Thread anil desai
This interesting post from Floriano Lobo came to my inbox at 1.38 this
morning. As per my usual habit, I read  my e-mails just before leaving for
work at 8am. I have just got back from work and I read another post from
florian claiming that I am taking a long time to reply.

My reply  follows his post.

Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 23:28:55 +0530
From: floriano
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Goa in the gutter ( addendum) In defense of
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

Dear Anil-bab,

Greetings from this end.
Thank you for the treat. And you don't have to say  'you are welcome'. I

Now, let us cut the CRAP.
[the phraze cutting the crap is, I hope, not considered by your high society
as 'abusive']

Did you give me (hand over )  the Rs. 10,000/-???
Pls answer this question, sincerely.

In case you have not. Let me have a crystal clear 'apology' from you please.

We shall deal with rest of the 'crap' that I am reading, later.



Your kingdom is sewer-raj and therefore it does not surprise me that you see
c... everywhere. For your information, I am a colorectal surgeon with
twenty  five years' experience in this area. I can deal with it, believe you

You pose an interesting question. You have obviously mastered this technique
and therefore you know the answer to your question i.e. no, I did not hand
over the money to you personally.

The questions you should ask your self are these:

a. Do you wish to deny that you received Rs 1 from the intermediary who
made the request on your behalf and took the money to you?
b. If you keep your mobile phone bills, how about publishing your bill for
December 07. You should certainly look at it to see the phone calls you made
to my mobile number in goa to thank me for my 'help'.

This issue has certainly  touched a raw nerve. Let us see the accounts of
your great party since you claim you lead a virtuous party.

Incidentally, I really enjoyed Gabe's post of earlier today.

He quite rightly commented on JC's post with a marvellous line  that started
with On a serious note. I have never read a better put down to his baby
write ups.
Gabe then went on to explain how the money and time he spent on an
organisation was a waste. With the angry response that has come from
Floriano, I have a lot of sympathy for Gabe.
Gratitude does not come easy to some people. Look how this upright  leader
now reacts to the simple statement of facts.

Now, let us see what you have to say. Do not forget to include the word
'saffron' or special JC contribution to english language turmeric'. any
tinge of yellow or orange will do.

Anil Desai

[Goanet] Drugs: Goa minister, son exposed by Swedish model

2010-07-07 Thread Melvyn Ferrao

Thanks Goans for electing such people to rule Goa.

Re: [Goanet] Invitation

2010-07-07 Thread Ashley D'Silva
Hi Wency,
Just spoke to you. Cel 098210 70769 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wency Mendes
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 1:19 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: [Goanet] Invitation


We are having our engagement ceremony on the 4th of July in the evening.
This is in Gurgaon/ Delhi NCR.  If would be excellent if you could make it.

Simran Issar  Wency Mendes
DLF City Phase 3,
Gurgaon Haryana 122002
+91 9811424363

[Goanet] The Character of Goans (formerly Re: Swindon Goan Festival)

2010-07-07 Thread Freddy Fernandes
In response to:

Message: 10

Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 16:23:23 +0530

From: augusto pinto

To: goanet

Subject: [Goanet] On The Character of Goans (formerly Re: Swindon Goan Festival)


Dear Augusto,


My, my, my how dids't I upset up you oh prince of Moira ? Oh yes, my stupid
question, let me explain:


First and foremost, this stupid question was directed at the Diaspora Goans, now
here is another stupid question, isn't it stupid of Diaspora Goans to invite
corrupt, selfish politicians all the way from Goa ? Shouldn't we show our
solidarity with the Goan activists who are putting their very lives at stake in
their fight to save Goa ? Or is this too a stupid question ?  We, some times
have to counter stupid actions with stupid questions to drive home a point,
somzoloi mure Pinto bab ?


In this post and most of my others posts, since I have been active on the net, I
always blame us Goans or we Goans (me included) and not you Goans, because even
though I may be a NRG but I am still a citizen of India, I pay my taxes, I send
my remunerations to Goa and I have not surrendered my Indian passport, even if I
had the chance to settle overseas, I would not because of the simple reason, I
like being a Goan and more often then not, I have exercised my right to vote.
Just because I am working outside Goa, does not make me less Goan than thou. 


Going back to the stupid question, if you have read my previous articles, I have
explained and made it very clear as to why we the NRI worthies should not
entertain our corrupt politicians, it is not that we don't know why people keep
on electing the same corrupt people, in most of my post I have mentioned umpteen
times that we should not fall prey to our conniving corrupt politicians, corrupt
beget corruption. I have personally not gone and spread my hands before any
politicians in my entire life, for my own personal wellbeing, yes, for the sake
of the village and our community, I have approached politicians but never ever
entertained corruption, that's why I have never been scared to call a spade a
spade, without any fear of the consequences, be it Dilkush Dessai, Vasu Pai
Gaunkar, Churchill, or Kavlekar for that matter. I owe these pigs nothing. 


As for NRI worthies as you called us, talking the talk and not walking the
walk, you have jumped the gun or as it is said jumped to conclusions, though it
does not perturb me a bit as to what you think of the so called NRI worthies
like me or the others. I may have not done, what a NRI worthy like Dr. Anil
Dessai has done, but I know what I have contributed to my village and my
community, for your information there are two type of workers, those that work
to seek adulation, and those that do because they feel, that as a member of the
village and community it is their duty. Though I may be just a practicing
Catholic but I believe in the biblical policy of let not your left hand know
what your right hand is doing there are times when even my wife of more than
twenty five years does not know what, how or when I do my little for the village
and our community and I am sure there are other NRI worthies doing the same.


I do not like to parade my good deeds, but I will tell you about a very small
thing that we do and how it helps the activists in Goa, In our village one NRI
worthy has started a fund, to use for expenses, in our fight against miners and
for supporting other causes dear to Goa. Even though most of us NRI worthies
from our place are struggling to make ends meet, we have contributed generously.
It is not just that we have created a fund and left the responsibility to the
villagers, we the NRI worthies keep in constant touch with our parish priest
and our people, guiding, advising them and giving them moral support and we also
participate actively when ever we are home. At most of the rallies in south
central Goa, you will find minimum a bus load of our people supporting the
movement, if you want you can get this confirmed through Seby the Naxalite as
our corrupt politicians call him. When we are on holiday for a month, we hardly
get any time to enjoy those holidays because of the present situation, we have
to run from pillar to post to support our people and we do it with a smiling


Regarding Arwin Mesquita, I have known him for almost two years and that too,
through goanet and since then we meet very often to share our like minded
thoughts, he is one person who could get entry into any country of his choice
but has not done so because he loves Goa and one can see the  passion he has for
Goa in his writings, he just doesn't right, you can asks the village activists
in south Goa how active he is while in Goa and how he keeps in touch with all of
them and supports when he is out of Goa. I will not elaborate on his works as he
is like me, doing things not for glory.  


I have only disclosed this aspect, to bring to the notice of the NRI worthies
who think 

[Goanet] Ghatis laud development works in Panjim

2010-07-07 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Galactic Goa News Agency

Panjim, July 8:
The developmental works underway in Panjim have drawn effusive
praise from ghatis all over Goa.  Significant upgrades to Azad Maidan 
and Panjim Municipal Garden are in progress.  GGNA reporter and
former Miss Goa contestant Asmita Dularkar spoke to Ajmer Singh Lathi, 
President of the Federation of Goan Ghatis (FOGG).  Madam, 20 years 
ago when I first came to Panjim, I felt uncomfortable because it was so 
clean and quiet.  Now Panjim has become dirty, smelly, and noisy and 
I feel completely at home.  Now it reminds me a lot about my own home 
in Buttholepur, Bihar, and I don't feel homesick anymore.  Goans are 
very hospitable people and have given us total freedom, said Mr. Lathi.

Murli Manohar Banwari of Mootranagar, UP, was all praise for the new 
look Azad Maidan is acquiring.  Earlier, we had zero privacy.  2 years
ago, a Goan photographer with telephoto lens took a shot of me doing 
pee-pee on the Martyr's Memorial.  It was a complete violation of my 
right to pee in private.  Now with this new fence, I and my fellow ghatis 
can finally do regular abhishek on the Martyr's Memorial without any 
interference from Peeping Toms, Mr Banwari explained.  Madam, we are 
now the Peeing Toms, he added in his characteristic Mootranagar accent.

Panjim Municipal Garden is also receiving a major facelift.  For decades
the garden had been seamlessly integrated into the city without any
fence or barricade, but that is about to be cured by the CCP.  A new 
fence is being erected so that ghatis loitering inside can have an additional 
layer of privacy and quiet.

Ghati loiterer P.T. Qadir who hangs around the Municipal Garden and
uses it as his personal Bed  Breakfast, expressed delight at the 
new works which entail fencing off the garden and re-laying the lawn.  
Every morning I had to walk 100 metres to the river to do my thing,   
said Mr Qadir.  When this new project is complete, it will be like an
attached bath.  I can then take a satisfying crap right here on this lush 
lawn.  Just thinking about it now fills me with peace and gives me a 
bowel movement, said a joyous Mr Qadir.

But not everyone was pleased.  Ghati Rabdi Kumari Dhaulpuri and
her companions struck a discordant note. We want a separate
section for ladies in the garden.  How would Mayor Po feel if she 
had to pee next to the men? they complained.

Mayor Po dismissed the complaints and said that on India's
Independence Day she would personally demonstrate how ladies and 
men can co-pee in harmony.

GGNA News File Report