[Goanet] Daily Grook #785

2010-08-16 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

clip swallowing
is a metal riot,
if ur following
a staple diet!

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[Goanet] August, 16th – monday muse (16Aug ’10)

2010-08-16 Thread Pravin Sabnis

MONDAY MUSE (16 August 2010)

AUGUST, 16th!

In India, the Independence Day is celebrated on 15 August by wearing patriotism 
on our sleeves. Our clothes, our facebook status, our group SMS and everything 
possible, proudly declares our pride in being an Indian. Almost all such 
publicly stated sentiments of patriotic pride are genuine and sincere. 

However, it is pertinent to notice the same sentiment in the same people on the 
subsequent day – 16 August!  Some years back, on the day after Independence 
Day, ace lensman Rajtilak Naik captured a plastic tricolour flag lying amidst 
similarly discarded garbage irresponsibly thrown along the sides of a road.  
Surely, on Independence Day that same flag must have been held firmly by a 
patriotically charged person. 

The best of words and the grandest of posturing mean nothing. Plastic 
patriotism is nothing but a superficial mask that is worn on convenient 
occasions. In fact, posturing through only superficial symbols pushes us away 
from the earnestness of our real sentiments. Real patriotism is not about 
feeling proud, rather it is about doing our country proud through responsible 
and responsive deeds.

What we do or say on Independence Day is an occasional emotion. What we do or 
say on 16 August, and the other days, is of greater importance. If we want to 
be better at real patriotism, let’s be better at saying and doing whatever it 
takes for everyone to equally reap the benefits of real freedom, dignity and 

Plastic patriotism is nothing, but just an occasional emotion…
Let’s BE BETTER at backing intention with consistent action!

- Pravin 

[Goanet] The Slap

2010-08-16 Thread Antonio Menezes
Let us start in the 16th century, when missionaries accompanied  Portuguese
sailors on their
voyages to the South and South East Asia.  Whereas sailors were on lookout
for spices ,
the missionaries concentrated on souls for Christ.  It so happened that
wherever they went
and were successful  in converting some people to Christianity, they
invariable renamed
them by bestowing
 names or rather Iberian surnames.  Thus we have Fonsekas, Silvas ,
Mendes etc.  in Shri Lanka whose forefathers may have been
''brief''Christians before
reverting to Buddhism.  One thing this kind of people all over S. and SE
Asia did was ,
that they clungto their new surnames as a means to distinguish or identify
from all others. I have come across Cruz and Correas in Kerala who are today
East Indians from Bombay and surrounding areas and Mangaloreans have Iberian

surnames but is does not necessarily mean that they are of Goan  origin.
Must we always associate other people with Iberian surnames  with Goa ?
There could be in future a great political  leader  in China called Zhao
Xinbiao Colaco,
probable a descendent of a Chinese converted to Christianity by St. Francis

[Goanet] Some Pictorial Konkani proverbs/riddles - corrected

2010-08-16 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Freaking chotli's. Fest korta ganv ani Prijzdenti-chem nanv (This is how I
heard this). : )

Here is another that dovetails with yours JoeGoaUK.
Borl'li podkoii (maguir) uddta choddkoii.
Mhunjem---Baand (pott) borlem tor maguir nunulo ubho zata. Mhunta attan
maca kheloi.

Dhaktulo nunulo--to bazaran ghelolo
To piipit magtaalo--to khauu magtaalo
To dakutulo nunulo
To (montryachem nanv) murre amcho

venantius j pinto

Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 21:50:20 + (GMT)
 From: JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk
 Subject: [Goanet] Some Pictorial Konkani proverbs/riddles - corrected

 Fest Korta ganv ani Pirjenti nanv
 (It does imply that way, at least there was no need?
 for ?that big inscription)


 It's public money and credit to Ministers?

[Goanet] Visru nako mala_Do not forget me

2010-08-16 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Sharing some of my images on FB (not a swear word).
venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Caste and Creed

2010-08-16 Thread Vasant Baliga
Dear Nascy,
I have gone through all your posts on Goanet.Your posts, responses and 
your continuing ad hominem attacks on Hinduism and your attempt to  defame all 
Hindus and tar all of them with the same brush is evident and sadly  
reprehensible and betrays a very prejudiced,hateful and closed mindset.It is  
apparent that you do not want to engage in a debate based on rationale but 
continue your onesided demagoguery.

Hinduism is one of the oldest and most humane religions-like other religions,it 
has it's faultlines,caste being one of them and like other religions,it has 
extremist loonies who discredit the religion.The vast majority of Hindus are 
peaceloving,compassionate and very considerate to all.That will never change- 
inspite of your statements to the contrary.India's polity testifies to that.
I have repeatedly said that Caste has no place in our lives-I do not claim any 
caste and it is irrelevant to me-Caste is an accident of  birth and is 
abominable.Our family consider ourselves Global Citizens with an open mind and 
Caste,Creed  and Religion is of no consequence to us-good and decent human 
beings who respect  one another are.

All religions have faultlines and none are flawless,as you may  suggest.One 
Goanetter proudly claimed recently that the Goa Archdiocese created  a single 
Bamonn homogeneous strain unlike Hinduism where there were many shades of 
Bamonns!!.Isn't that great?
Cornel, you may not agree with me, but I think we should pay tribute to the 
colonial Catholic Church of Goa for making Catholic bamons of Goa a rather 
homogeneous group.  Unlike Goan Hindu brahmins  who claim themselves to be Gaud 
Saraswats, Prabhus, Daivadnyas, Karhades, Deshasthas, Chitpavans, etc. Goan 
catholic bamons are simply bamons, period;  though a few may claim themselves 
be of Gaud Saraswat denomination.(vide Gazetteer of India - Goa, Daman  Diu )  
When *I say*  colonial Catholic Church, it does not necessarily mean  the 
Portuguese Patriarch, but his no: 2  in the Goa diocese  namely '' A sua 
santidade bramanica ''the Vicar General, who was inevitably a Goan bamon.
-Antonio Menezes
India is today run by a duo-Italian Catholic and Sikh-it speaks volumes of the 
innate humanity of it's people,the majority of whom are Hindus.When Rahul 
was recently asked about his identity-he said-my mother  is Italian Catholic 
my Grandfather was Parsi-but,I am a proud Indian.Jai Hind to  that.
I hope you do some soul searching and one day you see the light and  renounce 
your hatred for Hindus,which seems to have consumed you.It does you no credit 
except scoring some brownie points  on Goanet.There is no confusion or 
obfuscation at all -it is now pretty clear where you are coming from.
No hard feelings at all from my side, Nascy Baab-everyone is entitled to his or 
her  views and prejudices!!The Jesuits taught me in my childhood and in 
a long time ago, to meet bigotry and hatred with  love and compassion-and so in 
that spirit, I send you my very best.

Lets move on.

Dev Boren Korum 
Best Regards
Vasant Baliga


[Goanet] As India Celebrates-Six Deadly Sins That Plague India+ the seventh sin

2010-08-16 Thread Vasant Baliga

The seventh sin was the invasion of Goa by bharat. For decades Goa has faced  
moribund governance by the new rulers of neo colonial Goa.  BC
Actually,Nehru in 1961 was atoning for his sin of not integrating Goa into 
sooner in 1947/48 like the police action in Hyderabad from the Nizam!He was 
atoning for trying to reason with the Tinpot,Crackpot Dictator and 
Megalomaniac,Salazar(hero to some)  into having a negotiated settlement.
On a recent visit to Portugal,we were surprised that Salazar was forgotten and 
no one wanted to talk about him anymore.Even the Pont de Salazar was renamed to 
Pont 25 de Abril!
Finally Portugal got freedom and democracy only in 1974 and was rid of it's 

[Goanet] Indian visa, PIO and OCI

2010-08-16 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
I went to the Indian Consulate General in Chicago last week, and felt that I 
back in India.
The service was terrible.  Stand in one line(for half an hour) at the 
receptionist for a number, then wait till yournumber is called at the service 
counter.  2 hours later, my number was called.  After following all the 
instructions given on the Embassy website to the T for my PIO application, I 
was dismissed by the official at the single counter saying that I was not 
eligible for a  PIO card.
And there is no recourse or appeal.  The Babu at the counter apparently has the 
last word.
I saw others shouting at the lone official(referring to the detailed 
instructions on the Consulate's web page) to no avail.  Makes me feel that I am 
right back in India where the concept of service is apparently non existent, 
and the Civil servants who man the
counters are far from civil, and definitely do not consider themselves public 
servants but rather
public bosses.  Want a Visa ?  The Consulate now refers you to a private 
contractor.  So 

getting a PIO card or OCI card or a Visa are not so easy. With all the fees 
they charge,
why can the Consulate not have more than one counter to serve the more than 
hundred people waiting to be served ?



2010-08-16 Thread George Pinto
Aires, won't a few speed bumps do the trick? Inexpensive solution which can be 
done by the locals (Lions, Rotary Clubs)?  George

--- On Sun, 8/15/10, Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com wrote:

 The reckless speeding and overtaking by buses on this road
 especially on the Ribandar – Panaji causeway is a matter of great
 concern. While buses race, precious lives are being lost.
 Overtaking is officially prohibited on this stretch of the road,
 yet the transport and traffic authorities continue to
 turn a blind eye.

Re: [Goanet] Can José Pereira be anti-Hindu?

2010-08-16 Thread Ivo

From: Goanet News news.goa...@gmail.com
VIDEO: José Pereira vs. Sanatan Saunstha



Below is a statement
from Dr Delio Mendonca
of the Alto Porvorim-
based Xavier Centre of
Historical Research
following the controversy
over an exhibition of
paintings there.

The XCHR regrets to announce the temporary withdrawal of
three paintings from its latest art exhibition, 'Epiphanies
of the Hindu Gods' by the eminent Sanskrit scholar and
wide-ranging intellectual giant, Dr. Jose Pereira.

...from the Hindu Janjagruti Samiti and its members, ...have filed a police

 complaint against Dr. Pereira's paintings, and
 indulged in a non-stop campaign of telephone
 threats and warnings to the point of disrupting
 normal communications for the XCHR. The anonymous
 telephone calls have included many threats of
 violence, including a threat of decapitation of the
 80-yr-old artist, who incidentally suffers from
 Parkinson's disease.

Dr. Pereira's 'Epiphanies of the Hindu Gods' are based
entirely on original Sanskrit scriptures, and their imagery
is derived entirely from the most characteristic iconography
of ancient India.

He has compiled a small encyclopedia of references to
classical Indian sculpture and painting that back up every
aspect of every painting in this exhibition, which have been
rendered in the same artistic spirit in which Dr. Pereira
paints nude images of Christ (also on display in the same
gallery). Contrary to the claim that these images are against
Indian culture, they actually embody the highest cultural
ideals of our great civilization.

...it strongly condemns the threats and disrespect shown to this great
Goan scholar.

...a systemic failure in its capacity to honour, appreciate and stand by its

artists and intellectuals.

SANATAN website coverage on the issue:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

***I have been admiring Dr.Prof.José Pereira from my childhood, when I saw
him in a library working from morning to the evening. We children were
running to see him going on a cycle, simple, modest, humble, saying: Vaghak
pollevunk ayleat-xe distat
Yes, he is really a genius: artist, painter, indologist, theologian, sholar, 

literate, man of culture, expert in sanskrit and hindu scriptures. He can
repeat the verses in sanskrit. He can repeat the Latin texts of Francisco
Suarez (1548-1617). How can he be anti-Hindu, when he wrote about Hindu
Theology? He knows the poet Jayadeva and his poem Gita Govinda thoroughly
well. There is a scene of bathing and stealing of clothes of girls. It is a 
beautiful scene: drama of love.
It is poem, therefore it has its poetic license. We have something similar 
in the biblical book of Song of Songs.

It is love, symbolizing God's love for his people.
The lady who was the spokeswoman of  Hindu Janjagruti Samiti was polite and
sincere, when she said: I am not learned...but I have read the scriptures.
How much does she know about Hindu Scriptures? Does she know better than
Professor José Pereira? Our Catholic indologists who have dedicated their
lives to the study of Hindu Scriptures and Hindu gods and goddesses, will
certainly know much better. In the poems of Vijayadeva there are several 

I am writing now because I was shocked to read about the turmoil caused by
Hindu fundamentalists. I do not think that my Friend José Pereira will be 
able to
recover from such a shock of deserving decapitation after a life of devoted 
study of Hindu Scriptures.

Let better sense prevail.

Re: [Goanet] CM: Nehru would have given special status

2010-08-16 Thread floriano

Mind what you write.
You will be setting a dangerous precedent.

- Original Message - 
From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com

To:  estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] CM: Nehru would have given special status

Does GoaSuraj Party believe that Goan Indians should not celebrate Indian 
Independence day? Is this part of its platform?



Re: [Goanet] FW: Disht

2010-08-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Eddie Fernandes wrote:
Subject: Disht
My name is  and I am born in the UK to Goan Indian parents living in

Would you be able to put me in touch with someone from the Goan
community living in the UK (preferably London) who is able to perform the
Goan ritual of Disht in order to remove evil eye from my family.
Thank you for your assistance

Please get in touch with me if you know anyone who may be able to help.

I can help.
Send this person my email address and I will get rid of his/her fear of
superstition. Warning: This is not a free service.

PS. For the longest time, my current wife believed that I was the unluckiest
traveller ever. While she was courting me, she noticed that every-time we met 
in the US before flying to some vacation resort, I would tell her detailed 
stories of how my bag, and my bag only, got set aside at the luggage collection 
carousal.  When I went to retrieve it, custom agents would  take me aside, 
make me open the bag and they would inspect every inch of the bag, looking 
for drugs. After we got married, she noticed that I would always put some dog 
biscuits in the side pockets of my luggage. Hey, I have a four to six 
hour stopover in a boring airport and I have to keep myself occupied...

[Goanet] GOA SUDHAROP: Youth Picnic, Sept 5, Sunday, 11am onwards

2010-08-16 Thread George Pinto
Hi everyone

Please support our Goan youth by attending the Goa Sudharop Youth Picnic on 
Sept 5. Please RSVP to Shilla Almeida (shilla.alme...@gmail.com) with the 
number in your group.

On behalf of the Goa Sudharop Youth group, Shilla Almeida and Aditya Ambe 
cordially invite you to the Goa Sudharop Picnic in the Park on Sept 5. All 
invited (Goan and non-Goan family/friends). This event is being organized by 
the Goa Sudharop Youth group for ALL ages. A family friendly event in 
connection with Goa Sudharop's 2010 theme Year of the Goan Volunteer Spirit. 
Please come and support our Youth.

See flyer http://goasudharop.org/GSPicnicFlyer.pdf

Time: Sunday, Sept 5, 2010, from 11:00 am onwards

Location: Pleasant Hill Recreation Park, 147 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, 
Northern California.

Cost: $0.

Fun: Yes, lots of games/activities for all ages!!

What to bring: Please bring your picnic food, drinks/beverages/water, 
cutlery/cups/napkins, picnic mats/chairs. Goa Sudharop will provide tea, 
cookies, and fruits.

Additional (OPTIONAL) to donate to Goa:
1. Optional - please bring any new or used books for ages 13 and under which 
you want to donate to Goa. We will send to Goa. Organized by Samantha 
Mascarenhas. Please email Samantha and let her know if you are donating any new 
or used books at smasky...@hotmail.com
2. Optional - please bring any small new or used toys (non-battery operated and 
in working condition) for ages 13 and under to donate to Goa. Please do not 
bring large toys or stuffed animals. We will send to Goa. Please email Samantha 
and let her know if you are donating any new or used toys at 
smasky...@hotmail.com. The Educational Toy and Book drive is being organized by 
Samantha Mascarenhas.
3. Kiran Shastri will provide an update on the FLIP FLOP project. For more 
information email kshastr...@gmail.com

Please note all donations made above will be sent to Goa and distributed by 
volunteers. Recipients in Goa will be determined by Goa Sudharop and publicly 

For Seniors: Seniors who attend will be treated to baked goods (TREAT ME 
SWEET) organized by Anjali Shastri. Seniors are requested to share some story 
about their past. 5 minutes each. We want to preserve your experiences through 
oral history and pass it on to youth. Any topic is fine. Please email Anjali 
and let her know if you can bring some baked goods for the seniors at 

Please pass this message on to your family and friends. Please email Shilla 
Almeida (shilla.alme...@gmail.com) or Aditya Ambe (dinkera...@gmail.com) if you 
have any questions.

See flyer at http://goasudharop.org/GSPicnicFlyer.pdf

We look forward to seeing you on Sept 5.

Thank you for supporting our Youth.

Goa Sudharop

[Goanet] Goan saint: Your help is urgently needed

2010-08-16 Thread George Pinto
Please sign the petition below to the Pope and help get a Goan canonized 
(saint). Please forward to your family and friends.

The 300th anniversary of the death of Blessed Joseph Vaz (born Goa, India) is 
fast approaching on January 16, 2011. Our Joseph Naik Vaz Institute has worked 
to publicize his life and Cause since 1980, when we incorporated in California 
as a 501(c)(3) in the State  of California.  We ask for your support of our new 
Petition to the Pope, His Holiness Benedict XVI, asking that Blessed Joseph Vaz 
be canonized for the 300th anniversary of his death.

In the year 2000, we organized a Petition to Pope John Paul II to have Blessed 
Joseph Vaz canonized as a Martyr without the final miracle during the Grand 
Jubilee of Christianity like hundreds of other Martyrs from Spain and China. 
Blessed Joseph Vaz merits the designation of Martyr for having lived and died 
under persecution.Cardinal Simon Pimenta of Mumbai personally  took our 
Petition to the Pope. Archbishop Henry D'Souza flew to Rome and met with the 
Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of the Saints to support this 

Canonizations are in part a result of an outpouring of support from ordinary 
people. The Pope can grant the exception to the miracle for the case of a 
Martyr if enough people show that we care. Your signature to this Petition will 
help to send the people's support to the Pope for Blessed Vaz' long delayed and 
just canonization. Together we can make this canonization happen.

Please sign the online petition which will be sent to Pope Benedict XVI: Make 
Blessed Joseph Vaz a Saint hosted on the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free 
online petition service, at:


300 years is a long wait for a Catholic Saint and Blessed Vaz could be on the 
verge of being canonized with your support. Please sign the petition and 
forward to your family and friends to sign. All welcome to sign (i.e. you do 
not have to be Catholic).



Filomena Saraswati Giese and George Pinto
Joseph Naik Vaz Institute

[Goanet] CM: Nehru would have given special status

2010-08-16 Thread Elvino Rodrigues
The Editor,
O Heraldo,
Panjim - Goa


 This is in reference to  Headline H. dtd 15-08-10. Our CM have expressed
that If we had to ask for a special status, Pandit Nehru would have given
special status for the State of Goa. Unfortunately,we by reading
his statement i felt like laughing and laughing.  Our CM is a seasonal
politician and he did not know that the then CM who also loved Goa very much
according to some Goan settlers, was very much busy merging Goa or better we
say offering Goa to Maharashtra? Any Goan will remember this very well and
look at Digambar how he is fooling the People of Goa saying ...
Unfortunately, we did not think  on those lines and that's why we are facing
lots of problem..At that time probably if Goans have had to put up certain
demands then, the prime minister would have agreed to it. But we failed to
put it up before him To whom he is fooling?, these very Politicians, not
only of MGP who are presently enjoying the saved Goa Status, but even the
very Congress who ruled Goa after the Traitor Bandodkar, despite his loss in
the bargain through Opinion Poll still garlanding this Traitor like god.  I
wish the CM have never opened his mouth in this regard.

After the Opinion Poll Goans fully supported Congress to rule over Goa and
what did Congress give to Goa and Goans? Goans had to shed blood and
sacrifice innocent lives to gain the Statehood and Konkani as its Offical
language. His Congress Government then and after did nothing good for
Goans. Look at the present state of Goa, Mr. CM if you have eyes and ears to
hear try to understand the Cry of Goans now!  What to they want, how do
goans want their Goa to be? It is right in front of your eyes and right in
your hand, simply do not invoke Nehru and blame somebody else of those
times. See what good you can do right now so that Goan will remember you
having saved Goa from going into disaster or you will be remembered like the
Traitor Bandodkar not of MGP but of Congress. Dear CM if there is any good
sense left in your brains think over this: If there is anything good I can
ever do let me do it now as I know not that I shall ever get such an
opportunity again. And who knows what might be tomorrow for us!!


Elvino Rodrigues

Re: [Goanet] A request to all active contributors to Goanet

2010-08-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Santosh Helekar wrote:
I am preparing to conclude an interesting sociological research study on Goanet 
and similar Goan mailing lists. I will tell you all the details about it as 

as it is completed. But in order to begin the next critical phase of the study 

need to ask all the active Goanet contributors for a favor. Could you please do 
the following for me from now on, i.e. as soon as you read this post on Goanet?

Whenever you forward or post something to Goanet, could you kindly cc it to me 
at the following email address?


Please do so each time even if you post the same thing multiple times. I would 
really appreciate your indulgence in this project of mine, which would 

give us a deeper insight into the Goan internet community.

I wish someone had come up with this idea earlier.

I have always felt that my best replies to Goanet were the ones that never made 
it to the forum as they were rejected by the Goanet administrators. 

As a bonus, I will introduce you to the Tanzanite Goan forum. It is completely 
unmoderated and, if ever, you may get just one nasty post in a year. That nasty 
post, 100% guaranteed, will be from a person who has never lived in Tanzania.

As for the sociological aspect of Goanet, people have been mining and will be
mining in the future all the posts that did make it through. Research, if not 
already completed, will be obtained from what is on the public domain. Mankind 
will use every little bit of info on its relentless study into the knowledge 
of human 

social activity.



Re: [Goanet] A request to all active contributors to Goanet

2010-08-16 Thread Seb dc
Good one Jeevan!! Its crab mentality at work here...

I say go ahead Santosh, even President Pandurang will be proud of you:-)


From: Jeevan R jeevan...@gmail.com

Why is it 'SAD' to extend ones skills from one discipline to another?

On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 6:28 AM, Jim Fernandes amigo...@att.net wrote:
 Well said Bosco.

 This guy is now expanding his skills from neurotix to socialogical
research. How sad !!!

 Jim F
 New York.

 --- On Sun, 8/15/10, Bosco D bos...@canada.com wrote:

[Goanet] gallerygitanj...@gmail.com ... Temenos(Film Study Circle)

2010-08-16 Thread Goanet Reformat
Thank you for inserting our events last week ,the following is the insert
for this week .

 *Temenos : The Film Study Circle @Gallery Gitanjali will be screening 2
Masterpieces *
*Following (Director of Inception, Christopher Nolan's debut film*,English
,69mins )

*Dekalog* (Dir.:Krzysztof Kieslowski, Polish, 58 mins)

on *Thursday August 19th 2010, 5:30 pm*.
For details call/email at 9823572035/gallerygitanj...@gmail.com

Details Below (also are attached are images of the film posters ) :

Following (1998, UK, English, 69 min)
Director: Christopher Nolan

This is Christopher Nolan's (director of Inception) directorial debut with a
feature-length film which has to it's credit 4 wins  4 nominations at
international festivals. A crime thriller about a young writer who follows
strangers for material and meets a thief who takes him under his wing.

Dekalog (1989, Poland, Polish, 58 min)
Director: Krzysztof Kieslowski

The Decalogue is without doubt a monument of movie history. In this series
of ten films (of which we are screening one) loosely based on the ten
commandments. Kieslowski presents a cinematic view of morality that is about
as sophisticated as it gets. Director Stanley Kubrick described 'Dekalog' as
the only masterpiece he could name in his lifetime.

Thanks  Regards
Miriam Koshy
Gallery Gitanjali
E-212,31st January Road,

FOOTNOTE: Please do not crosspost to the other addresses when posting to Goanet.

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (16Aug10)

2010-08-16 Thread alexyz fernandes
Mr. Minister teacher was crying...when India be Free from Poverty  

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] God and You

2010-08-16 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- If only we had understood the meaning of God and His 
commandments, His power, His love we would not have our life like we do today. 
In today's life we find external drama but internally there is a vaccum because 
God does not live within us. Hatred has replaced love. The first commandment 
which orders us to serve only the true God has been replaced with false gods. 
Do we have peace within us ? No never without Christ. Just look at one another 
when you enter the church. Gloom has descended on us. We are totally strangers 
to one another. Even at the time of offering what is called peace we gracefully 
behave as enemies or totally strangers. We like to point a finger at others. 
Many times the ministers and MLAS are our target. We feel hurt because 
catholics are shown as drunkards. We cry heaven to earth when we see a cross 
broken but if one had to see that same cross before someone broke it one would 
see the cross looking shabby without any colour. No one has even time to honour 
that cross .Why do you cry from roof tops and from mountain cliffs because it 
is broken ? we see crosses solemnly erected along the road side which are gone 
black after the rains. No one honours those crosses nor light a candle. why 
make a big show ? Heart of heart we have no reverence to God. We pray to Mary 
mother of Jesus not out of love for her but what will neighbours feel I have 
joined the believers if I do not attend the novenas. For us novena of our lady 
is just another ritual. Pray the rosary with the lips keeping the heart else 
where. At home one finds people making a big show with the rosary. some will 
use it like a necklace while others will throw it all around the house. We do 
not know the value of the Bible. Many of us do not posses a bible and many of 
them have never opened a bible. Are you a christian then !I doubt. Christianity 
was never founded. It came down from heaven through christ. Roman Catholics 
cannot call themselves as Christians. Their mode of prayer, their mode of 
living, their mode of self is not that of Christ. Christ just preached one 
thing. Love God with your whole heart and above all things and love your 
neighbour as Jesus has loved us. Mary did the same. She did God's plan and she 
had concern for others. Those who shout Ave Maria from the roof tops are 
liars if they do not have concern for others. Take a blank page and write if 
your history and find out if you are follower of Christ or even follower of 

[Goanet] RSS alleges 'Islamisation' of Kashmir - India

2010-08-16 Thread U. G. Barad

Ruby Goes was kind enough to bring to our notice the following article:


From his comment, it seems that he is in strong disagreement with the
content of the article.

Perhaps he would like to comment on the enclosed article.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

PFI trying to make Kerala a 'Muslim country', says VS
Author: Manoj C G
Publication: The Indian Express
Date: July 25, 2010



Adopting a belligerent stand against Muslim extremism, Kerala Chief Minister
V S Achuthanandan on Saturday said the radical Popular Front of India (PFI),
which hit the headlines recently after its activists were accused of
chopping off the hand of a college lecturer, was aiming to convert Kerala
into a Muslim country in the next 20 years.

Using unusually harsh language, the Chief Minister said the PFI was pumping
money to lure youth into Islam and persuade them to marry Muslim women.
Their strategy is to make Muslims a majority community in Kerala... In 20
years, they want to make Kerala a Muslim majority state, he said. The
lecturer's hand was chopped off after he had prepared a question paper that
allegedly insulted the Prophet.

The CM's comments came a day after CPM general secretary Prakash Karat spoke
about the threat of Muslim terrorism in the context of the PFI activities.
The CPM had named the PFI while talking about increase in terrorist
activities in the country and pointed out that there was an interconnection
between communalism and the spawning of such terrorist activities.

The incident had become a political hot potato in Kerala. Recently, the
Congress echoing the PFI line had alleged that the Left Front government was
targeting the Muslim community. With elections to local bodies scheduled for
September and Assembly elections less than a year away, the Congress was
clearly eyeing the sizeable Muslim vote base.

Achuthanandan said terrorists were creating major problems in the state. 
The outfit, in its earlier avatar as NDF, had given training, money and
weapons to youngsters to eliminate opponents. Now they were trying to create
a clean image by organising freedom parades on the Independence Day. Several
district administrations had already banned the parade, he added.

With the Left Front government going hard at the PFI, there is a feeling
that the Left was playing the Hindu card, hoping that there would be a
strong Hindu backlash against the spurt in Islamic extremist activities in
the state.

Recently, the government intensified a crackdown by conducting state-wide
raids at PFI bases across the state, arresting one of its senior leaders,
suspected to be among the main conspirators behind the attack on college
lecturer T J Joseph.

[Goanet] Nehru would have given special status

2010-08-16 Thread Bernado Colaco

Why should Goans celebrate  Independence day of  bharat when Goa was not a part 
of Britain? Shouldn't we decry the 19th of December - the day when Goa was 


Does GoaSuraj Party believe that Goan Indians should not celebrate Indian 
Independence day? Is this part of its platform?



Re: [Goanet] Goanet] Why Goan News Channels like HCN and GOA 365, are not included in packages of DishTv , TATA SKY, Reliance TV etc.etc.

2010-08-16 Thread Stephen Fernandes
O that was my dream a very very long time i have written so many time on Goanet 
 gulf goans, who care us, Soina gandhi only need Congress in Power, we are Goa 
State for so many Years a state dont have  goa DD news in worldwide for Goans, 
thanks to demerg123 who updates always thanks to God also to Bab Joegoauk each 
and every happens in goa he too Update on goanet May God bless him with shower 
of Holy Blessing Good health to alive with Goans, hope request Parrikar to lift 
this point in Goa Legislative Assembly and delhi Please 

yours fellow Konkani 
lover  stephen fernandes 

- Original Message 
From: JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk
To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Mon, August 9, 2010 9:48:56 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goanet] Why Goan News Channels like HCN and GOA 365, are not 
included in packages of DishTv , TATA SKY, Reliance TV etc.etc.

[Goanet] Why Goan News Channels like HCN and GOA 365 
are not included in packages of DishTv , TATA SKY, Reliance TV etc.etc.
I guess it is an expensive affair to air such channels on Satellite or dish TV.
Currently only available on Cable TV.
And I tell you, once it starts airing on satellite/dish TV, 
Cable operator may have to close down their business in Goa.
But this is not likely to happen so soon (or may never happen)
We did not go in for Dish TV for the same reason.
We don’t have cable TV either.


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Chicago Consulate.

2010-08-16 Thread eric pinto
The folk at the New York outpost are very cordial.
I believe the PIO application is recieved online, only.  It is processed in 
Delhi.    eric.

From: Vivian A. DSouza socorrokar

I went to the Indian Consulate General in Chicago last week, and felt that I 

back in India.
The service was terrible.  Stand in one line(for half an hour) at the 
receptionist for a number, then wait till yournumber is called at the service 
counter.  2 hours later, my number was called.  After following all the 
instructions given on the Embassy website to the T for my PIO application, I 
was dismissed by the official at the single counter saying that I was not 
eligible for a  PIO card.

[Goanet] Mogall Goenkars!!!

2010-08-16 Thread Gina Fernandes
Wishing you all belated Happy Feast and Happy Independence day too.

NOTE: The above sentence is not COPY N PASTE and for your kind information all 
mails sent across to Goanet were mails sent to me by friends which I was only 
sharing on Goanet, certainly not a copy n paste job, I am not into PLAGRASIM. 
the taste of my mail was not for your taste bud sorry.

Anyways, coming back to the point of Mails to Goanet I would like to express 
my opinion that all the mail which we go through everyday is a repeated one why 
? The only mail which is commendable is from JoegoaUKas his video clips 
gives us nostaligic moments of our beautiful GOA, one relives and dream about 
Goa in those yonder days, an insight to most of the NRG's who have not visited 
Goa for years on end, and those of us who inquisitively await to open our mail 
just to have a peep at what JoegoaUk has for today...frankly speaking his mail 
is far the best.

Besides what do you all have to offer, NOTHING except sqabbling with one 
over undesired topics which makes no sense, while Goa is bleeding with 
irreversible damage and corruption by the present government machinery who no 
doubt have cast a blindfold on the Goenkars some of them who are in 
with the government progressing effectively to make Goa naked.Hey! Damn 
Plagarism and Damn Pacheco etc, I do respect your mighty pen, if only you could 
use it as a sword to save GOA!!!

To be in a warrior mode to give Independence to Goa from the present government 
which has destablized Goa. We should focus only on the future of Goa and be 
influenced to act responsibly and achieve success, not by debating on scruplous 
issues, but sincerely marching forward unitedly to expose the nefarious 
activities of the Goa government and strip them naked instead of allowing these 
wild boors to strip our Goa naked am I right!!!

There are some of us who wait until their backyard is ransacked, than only will 
they rise up to the occassionits not happening in my vaddo or my village 
in Morjim murre why take tension!!! nor do they have any will to curb or 
the menance of CORRUPTION which has escalated so high of recent that the govt 
has now stopped delivering

A few days back I sent a simple Joke about Morjim, cool it guys and gals it was 
not meant to hurt anyone's feelings it was just a passing joke, some of you got 
ruffled, Hey! cool it have a 7 UP it will keep you refreshed 24x7

So here I am not into Plagarism...its for you to see who is into 

Have a wonderful Day.

Gina Ferns

[Goanet] India attacks resistant superbug study

2010-08-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
India attacks resistant superbug study

By Amy Kazmin in New Delhi and Andrew Jack in London

Published: August 15 2010 18:20 | Last updated: August 15 2010 18:20

India’s medical establishment has strongly criticised a study published in a
leading UK medical journal that suggests Indian hospitals are the source of
a new drug-resistant
is spreading globally and that warns against travel to the
for medical treatments.

Health officials called the findings published in The Lancet “unscientific”
and “economically motivated”, taking particular umbrage at the naming of the
gene found to have made bacteria resistant to antibiotics as New Delhi
metallo-beta lactamese, or NDM-1.
Scientists sound alarm over
Editorial: Fighting
US probes corruption in big
Ranbaxy chief in unexpected

“Drug resistance is all around the world. To try to . . . make a web around
this whole story and say the consequence is that ‘people should not come to
India’ smacks of a larger interest somewhere,” said Dr Naresh Trehan,
chairman and managing director of Medanta, a 1,250-bed hospital outside New

Dr Raman Sardana, secretary of the National Hospital Infection Society of
India, asserted that the Lancet study’s design was faulty and did not prove
where the bug originated. “We feel this is economically motivated,” he said.

The study said the drug-resistant bacteria were found in patients in India,
Pakistan and Bangladesh and some UK residents who had been treated in Indian

The authors warned that India’s growing medical tourism
be a conduit for the superbug’s global spread.

“It is disturbing . . . to read calls in the popular press for UK patients
to opt for corrective surgery in India with the aim of saving the [National
Health Service] money,” the study said. “Such a proposal might ultimately
cost the NHS substantially more than the short-term saving.”

But the Indian health ministry said the inference that the superbug
originated in the country was “not supported by scientific data”. It accused
the researchers of conflicts of interest, citing funding from the European
Union, the Wellcome Trust and Wyeth. The researchers have said that they had
no conflict of interest.

Professor Tim Walsh from Cardiff University, the lead researcher on the
study, said he was “disappointed” by reports of intimidation against several
of his India-based co-authors. He stressed that the Wellcome Trust was a
charity and that just 2 per cent of support – a travel grant – came from
Wyeth, while a key antibiotic that could kill the superbug had long been off

India’s upmarket private hospital
including Apollo Hospitals, Fortis Healthcare and Medanta – have been
attracting a growing number of European and US patients seeking treatment at
a lower cost, or faster, than at home.

The Confederation of Indian Industry has forecast that India's medical
tourism business could generate annual revenues of $2.4bn by 2012.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Goan saint: Your help is urgently needed

2010-08-16 Thread George Pinto
Extraordinary. In a few hours nearly a hundred signatures! But we need more. It 
would be nice to have 500 signatures to be presented to the Pope. Goans have to 
help themselves, we have to take the lead. Thanks to all who have signed so far.

Be a part of history. Don't miss this opportunity to help a Goan saint achieve 
his rightful honour after 300 long years. If Blessed Vaz is canonized a saint 
it will be due to people like you who helped his cause. 

Please sign your First AND Last name to the petition.

The 300th anniversary of the death of Blessed Joseph Vaz (born Goa, India) is 
fast approaching on January 16, 2011. Our Joseph Naik Vaz Institute has worked 
to publicize his life and Cause since 1980, when we incorporated in California 
as a 501(c)(3) in the State  of California.  We ask for your support of our new 
Petition to the Pope, His Holiness Benedict XVI, asking that Blessed Joseph Vaz 
be canonized for the 300th anniversary of his death.

Canonizations are in part a result of an outpouring of support from ordinary 
people. The Pope can grant the exception to the miracle for the case of a 
Martyr if enough people show that we care. Your signature to this Petition will 
help to send the people's support to the Pope for Blessed Vaz' long delayed and 
just canonization. Together we can make this canonization happen.

Please sign your First AND Last name to the petition.


300 years is a long wait for a Catholic Saint and Blessed Vaz could be on the 
verge of being canonized with your support. Please sign the petition and 
forward to your family and friends to sign. All welcome to sign (i.e. you do 
not have to be Catholic).

Please sign your First AND Last name to the petition.



Filomena Saraswati Giese and George Pinto
Joseph Naik Vaz Institute


2010-08-16 Thread goanint

GOA Vancouver




Dear Rene,

So sorry for the delay in responding to your many requests.

Congratulation on what you have achieved to date for Goans, the world over. 
We  all owe you a great deal for the tremendous amount of time and effort 
you have  put into this project, and your shoes will definitely be hard to 
fill.   I hope  there is someone who will take over from you.

On behalf of the Vancouver G.O.A., you have our approval to display our logo 
along with all the other Goan Associations.

Our World Goa Day was held July 12th 2010, along with our summer picnic.

Kind regards, and god bless,

Samson Correia
President GOA Vancouver 



Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/





2010-08-16 Thread goan...@yahoo.co.uk


From: Tara Kung t_kun...@hotmail.com 
To: Rene Baretto goan...@yahoo.co.uk  

WGD  message

Dear Rene, 

Club de Goa Brisbane, Australia is celebrating World Goa Day with XittCoddi, 
trivia, games and Konkani songs at Wellington Point on the 22nd August 2010 
from  11.30am onwards.

Kudos to Rene Barreto for keeping World Goa Day going!

Tara Kung
Club de Goa Brisbane
Postal address: P.O. Box 2183, Chermside, Brisbane, Queensland, 4032, AUSTRALIA
Email: cde...@hotmail.com l Website: http://www.clubdegoa-qld.org/


Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/



Re: [Goanet] Why controversy?

2010-08-16 Thread Ivo

From: Goanet News news.goa...@gmail.com

By Damodar Mauzo

The objection to the paintings of Dr. Jose Pereira raised by
the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is highly deplorable.

...A professor of theology, Dr. Jose Pereira is a

scholar, musicologist, researcher, polyglot besides a great
 He is a Sanskrit pundit who can speak chaste Sanskrit
endlessly thus putting many a Sanskrit scholars to shame. He
is a philosopher who has digested the essence of several
world religions.
 Dr. Pereira is an icon for us whose artistic genius
 is beyond question. An intellectual of his caliber
 can never portray any thing that will turn out to
 be condescending. His recent paintings, Epiphanies
 of the Hindu Gods, is an outcome of a creative
 mind that has resulted out of deep study of the
 Hindu Gods and faith.

It is a pity that the self styled leaders of the so-called
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti have no intellectual depth to assess
or evaluate the beautiful depiction of the deities by this
great son of the soil, Dr. Jose Pereira.

***Dear Damodar Mauzo,
I agree with you. I was shocked to hear about the sad incident. You have
already described Prof.Dr.José Pereira. I admire him and listened tohis 
talks on konkani, art, salvation teaching. It will be a shock of life for 

in this age and sickness. Why should be such a rebellion? Nudity has its
deeper meaning in art. In this poem, Gita Govinda describes the love 
movements of Krisna towards the cowherdesses.
We have something similar in the biblical book of Song of Songs: love 
symbolizes the covenant of God with humankind and the people of Israel.
Prof.Dr.José Pereira is a genius. Epiphanies of the Hindu Gods is his 
creation based on the poems of Vijayadeva, Gita Govinda. Religious languages 
is also symbolic language. It has to be interpreted. As music can be 
interpreted in several ways, it is open to several interpretations. But the 
text will set limits to any wrong interpretation. We cannot overlook the 
text. Hermeneutics will come to our rescue. I have been reading those poems 
and found out th epoetic beauty. I could revise my knowledge of Sanskrit, 
which I studied in my younger days as a part and parcel of my curriculum for 
Doctoral Thesis. We would translate Bhagavad Gita, which I read even now in 
sanskrit and in english. I shall give a summary.
People who do not know well Hinduism are bringing about all kinds of 
turmoil. Prof.José Pereira has more respect for,-- with thorough 
knowledge--, Hindu Scriptures than most of those who are protesting. He 
wrote about Hindu Theology. He dedicated his life to the study and teaching 
of sanskrit and comparative study of religions. He studied even greek in his 
old age. I do admire him. An apology is required. Such an artist, 
musicologist, theologian, indologist, polyglot does not deserve such an 


Re: [Goanet] Goan saint: Your help is urgently needed

2010-08-16 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hello George,

I have signed 'the petition' on line and also (voluntary of course) contibuted 
$10/- towards expenses.
I hope other Goans and well wishers do likewise.

 I do this even though I consider it not necessary to pray thru Saints; but 
directly to God and the Holy Spirit. Anyway, best wishes in F. Geise and 
yourself achieving the 'goal' U have set yourselves.

--- On Mon, 16/8/10, George Pinto georgejpi...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Please sign the petition below to the
 Pope and help get a Goan canonized (saint). Please forward
 to your family and friends.
 The 300th anniversary of the death of Blessed Joseph Vaz
 (born Goa, India) is fast approaching on January 16, 2011.
 Our Joseph Naik Vaz Institute has worked to publicize his
 life and Cause since 1980, when we incorporated in
 California as a 501(c)(3) in the State  of
 California.  We ask for your support of our new
 Petition to the Pope, His Holiness Benedict XVI, asking that
 Blessed Joseph Vaz be canonized for the 300th anniversary of
 his death.
 In the year 2000, we organized a Petition to Pope John Paul
 II to have Blessed Joseph Vaz canonized as a Martyr without
 the final miracle during the Grand Jubilee of Christianity
 like hundreds of other Martyrs from Spain and China. Blessed
 Joseph Vaz merits the designation of Martyr for having lived
 and died under persecution.Cardinal Simon Pimenta of Mumbai
 personally  took our Petition to the Pope. Archbishop
 Henry D'Souza flew to Rome and met with the Prefect of the
 Sacred Congregation for the Causes of the Saints to support
 this Petition.
 Canonizations are in part a result of an outpouring of
 support from ordinary people. The Pope can grant the
 exception to the miracle for the case of a Martyr if enough
 people show that we care. Your signature to this Petition
 will help to send the people's support to the Pope for
 Blessed Vaz' long delayed and just canonization. Together we
 can make this canonization happen.
 Please sign the online petition which will be sent to Pope
 Benedict XVI: Make Blessed Joseph Vaz a Saint hosted on
 the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free online petition
 service, at:
 Filomena Saraswati Giese and George Pinto
 Joseph Naik Vaz Institute

[Goanet] The Slap

2010-08-16 Thread Bernado Colaco
Our leaders in Goa have names such Xhentatodd Dorji's after the exit of the 
Iberians from Goa.


Must we always associate other people with Iberian surnames  with Goa ?
There could be in future a great political  leader  in China called Zhao
Xinbiao Colaco,
probable a descendent of a Chinese converted to Christianity by St. Francis



2010-08-16 Thread M D
The correct name for the Land Acquisition Act should be National Land Loot
Act of India. Politicians often use the land acquisition act to grab lands
of farmers/tribals and pass on the lands to the corporate – builder – mining
lobby ofcourse the politicians get hefty bribes in return.

There are no Secular or Communal politicians in India, there are only
corrupt, greedy, mawali  goonda politicians in India who play
caste/linguistic/religion/slum politics to remain in power. Commission /
Bribes / Kickbacks received by politicians, govt. servants, bureaucrats from
Defence deals, Mining contracts, Building Contracts, Road contracts,
Commonwealth games, etc will never be recovered.

The Intellectual supporters of the Maoists live in Cities  Towns of India.
Most of these intellectual supporters don’t want the
politicians-corporate-mining-builder lobby to exploit the forests and
tribals. The Maoists restrict their attacks only to politicians and security
forces and some civilians who are informers. But it is unlikely the Maoists
are going to win the war against the mighty Indian govt. controlled by
politicians who are hand in glove with the
corporates-builders-traders-contractors lobby.

The Hindutvawadis are Pro-Corporates this explains why the Hindutvawadis
never oppose land acquisition by the state governments. The Hindutvawadis
(rss, vhp, bajrangdal, etc) apart from being anti-minotrity are also
anti-maoists but since the Maoists are loaded with arms and ammunitions the
Hindutvawadis don’t dare to attack the Maoists.

The strength of the Hindutvawadis are IAS/IPS officers. Without the support
of the ias/ips officers the Hindutvawadis will find it extremely difficult
to function. The Hindutvawadis also have a large number of highly skilled
commentators on the Internet. These hindutvawadi commentators are experts in
distracting people from the real issues.

There are hundreds of training camps all across India where the
Hindutvawadis train their cadres in offensive and defensive techniques and
in recent years some of their cadres are also being trained in assembling
bombs. Since the Indian govt. is turning a blind eye to the activities of
the Hindutvawadis in the months  years to come the Hindutvawadis will
become more powerful like the Al-Qaeda  Taliban.

The Indian govt. has pumped in billions of tax payers money to fight the
Maoists but the Indian govt. does not show any seriousness in fighting the

During the last 50 years the population of Hindus  Muslims has tremendously
grown by birth whereas whatever minor increase in population of Christians
in India has happened is because of the conversions of some dalits and

The Christian Missionaries claim they are not indulging in allurement based
conversions but when they are Questioned as to why they are trying to
convert only the dalits  tribals and not the Brahmins  Upper/Middle caste
Hindus the Missionaries don’t give a proper Answer.

The Clergy are also doing their level best in trying to convert the dalits
and tribals especially tribals who posses a lot of land. The Clergy very
well knows some of the tribals will donate large tracts of land to Church.
The tribals may not know what the clergy will do with the lands but the
Christians living in cities  towns of India very well know the clergy will
sell away church properties and siphon off the money.

Majority of Christians in India are poor and those few christians who are
rich are like kanjus marwadis and it would be idiotic for anyone to believe
that missionaries are being funded by Indian Christians. The funds of
Christian missionaries in India comes from missionary organizations in USA,
Canada, Europe, Australia and other Western countries and all the funds are
utilized for converting the dalits and tribals. The Dalits  Tribals who
have converted to Christianity are now agitating to get reservation status.

The Hindutvawadis don’t need any Blackberry or yahoo or gmail for any of
their anti-minorities mission this explains why the Hindutvawadis are not
bothered about the Indian govt. trying to monitor the Web. The Hindutvawadi
leaders openly in public meetings or through their newspapers/magazines
instigate their cadres to harass minorities and the local police 
administration turns a blind eye. This proves the local police and
administration are hand in glove with the Hindutvawadis.

Julia Robert’s CasteJulia Roberts childrens hindu names given by one
swami when Julia was in India are - Laxmi for Hazel, Ganesh for Phinnaeus
and Krishn Balram for Henry. Wonder why the swami did not give Julia a Hindu
name ? And what caste now Julia belongs to – is she a Brahmin hindu or
Kshatriya hindu or Vaisya hindu or Sudra Hindu or Mahar Hindu or Chambhar
Hindu or Dalit Hindu ? Has Julia any knowledge of the caste system in
Hinduism ? Does Julia know the origins of Hinduism ? Does Julia know who the
indo-aryans were ? Does Julia know that the hindu caste system was the first
form of 

Re: [Goanet] Caste and Creed

2010-08-16 Thread Nascy Caldeira
 Dear Vasant,

U remove the 'serious causes' that are making me point out the Bad things 
Indian, and I will have no reason to indulge in pointing them out. OK?

I have said that U and Sameer have mixed up deliberately, freedom of religion 
issues etc, with Caste and Casteism practices. Why do U want to confuse and 
mislead readers?
I am trying to be objective against these evils in Hindu society. U think I 
enjoy writing about these things? NO! I cry when I see such inhumane prejudices 
are being practiced in the Land of my birth.
U guys are impervious to this; as U are one of them. 

OR Renounce Casteism and Seperatism now. OK? and Redeem yourselves.

 Are U trying to defend the indefensible?
Why do U not answer my question: What is your choice?  a casteless society with 
no caste; or a society where everyone is a brahmin, or everyone is a sudhir.

 U have not even attenpted to answer the above.

Until such time that the whole of India is not a casteless society, I will 
campaign for it and take it to the world at large, to take action like the 
world did against South Africa against Racism and Apartheid. The Indian version 
is worse, as the same is entrenched for centuries by their own people. Indian 
against Indian.


--- On Mon, 16/8/10, Vasant Baliga vabal...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Dear Nascy,
 Hinduism is one of the oldest and most humane
 religions-like other religions,it 
 has it's faultlines,caste being one of them and like other
 religions,it has it's 
 extremist loonies who discredit the religion.The vast
 majority of Hindus are 
 peaceloving,compassionate and very considerate to all.That
 will never change- 
 inspite of your statements to the contrary.India's polity
 testifies to that.
 I have repeatedly said that Caste has no place in our
 lives-I do not claim any 
 caste and it is irrelevant to me-Caste is an accident
 of  birth and is 
 abominable.Our family consider ourselves Global Citizens
 with an open mind and 
 Caste,Creed  and Religion is of no consequence to
 us-good and decent human 
 beings who respect  one another are.
 Best Regards
 Vasant Baliga

[Goanet] WORLD GOA DAY - Leicester - 25-9-2010

2010-08-16 Thread goan...@yahoo.co.uk



Leicester Goan Association celebrates the Annual World Goa Day event on 
25thSeptember 2010, from 6.30pm to 11.30pm at Mother of God Church Hall, 
New  Parks Boulevard, Greencourt Road,  Leicester 

The Evening will start with prayers followed by the celebration of our Goan 
Culture with traditional food, music and folk dancing. All have been requested 
to preferably wear the traditional Goan outfits with all the loud colours, or 
come as they feel happy.  


All are welcome to join in our Annual celebrations but ticket bookings would 
only be confirmed with a deposit of £3.00 which would be refunded on the day.  
Final day for bookings is 10th September 2010.  You may call after this date to 
enquire for availability for tickets.  

For tickets please contact:

Ivonia0116 2201845
Doris0116 2899844

Claudine Pereira
Editor for LGA

Global Goans , puting back UNITY in to our Goan commUNITY !!
TOGETHER for Goa and Goans everywhere.  


Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/


[Goanet] Lorna is one of Goa's greatest stars and we are making this star known to the world,

2010-08-16 Thread goanint

Thanks to  Goan Voice pointer:

The Times of India - Goa

Goa ropes in famed Konkani singer to draw tourists 
IANS, Aug 16, 2010, 02.52pm 

lorna cordeiro  konkani singer 


After roping in Bollywood  actress Prachi Desai as the face of tourism in Goa, 
Lorna -- known as the  nightingale of the state -- will now play the pied piper 
to attract music-loving  tourists to the state, which has faced a couple of 
lean  tourism seasons on the  trot. 

After a lull of several years, Lorna (Lorna Cordeiro), a legend in Konkani 

world with more than 300 melodies to her credit, will sing in a live concert 
hosted by the Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) and a local NGO later 
this month. The concert is aimed at being a precursor to the Goa tourism season 
which begins in October. 

We are also looking at introducing Lorna in our Goa tourism campaign as she is 
a well-known name worldwide thanks to her amazing songs, GTDC managing 
director Nikhil Dessai told reporters in Panaji Monday. 

Born in Mumbai in the 1940s, Lorna has more than 300 songs to her credit and 

also sung Konkani duets with Bollywood legend Mohammad Rafi. 

The performance of Lorna will be an added feature in our tourism promotion 
brochure, Dessai  said, adding that the live concert was too good an 

to let go by. 

The concert is scheduled Aug 20, also recognised here as the World Goa Day, 
as  it coincides with the anniversary of the inclusion of the Konkani language 

the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution by parliament in 1992. 

Heritage Jazz Goa, an NGO which promotes Jazz music in Goa, is partnering the 
GTDC in promoting live concert. 

Lorna is one of Goa's greatest stars and we are making this star known to the 
world, Armando Gonsalves, promoter of the NGO, said. 

With complaints that Goan culture is being diluted by tourism based on 
this programme is designed to make tourists understand the music and culture of 
Goa, Gonsalves added. The liberally scatterred Goan expat families are being 
targetted to promote the event.

Read more: Goa ropes in famed Konkani singer to draw tourists - Goa - City - 
The  Times of  India


rene barreto

Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/



[Goanet] Goa barge owners pitch for maritime industrial park (ET)

2010-08-16 Thread Goanet News
Goa barge owners pitch for maritime industrial park
16 Aug 2010, 0533 hrs IST,ET Bureau

MUMBAI: Goa Barge Owners' Association (GBOA) has submitted a proposal
to the government to develop a maritime industrial estate in the
state, on the same lines of the one being developed in Dubai Maritime

If implemented by the state, which is a thriving iron ore exporter and
leisure capital of the country, it could claim to have the first
maritime industrial estate in India . For a country which is woefully
short of such facilities , it could prove to be a boon. Besides, it
could also be the best support that any state could offer to an
industry which has flourished on its own.

Goa has got a robust barging industry which includes more than 350
barges. The state exported 53 million tonnes of iron ore during
2009-10 . According to estimates , this figure is expected to rise
during the next few years. The entire cargo for exports was
transported by barges from the hinterland loading jetties along the
rivers Mandovi and Zuari to the ports of Mormugao and Panaji .

The barging industry is the lifeline of the iron ore exports of Goa.
In fact, it is its USP, said Praveen Agarwal, IRS, chairman of
Mormugoa Port.

It has virtually developed on its own without too much of government
interference or support, he said, adding, The credit goes entirely
to the operators for developing a very efficient barging industry .
All through the more than 50 years, they have been plagued by issues
like completely inadequate facilities for repairs, bunkering, safe
water, and parking.

According to Atul Jadhav, president of the association, there are 72
repair workshops catering to hull repairs above waterline but only 16
dry docks and slip ways to cater to below waterline repairs. These
repair workshops / drydocks are spread across various locations along
the rivers Mandovi and Zuari. Thus, he said, There is total paucity
of facilities for repairs and barges do not get ready in time at the
commencement of the export season. As a consequence, exporters do not
get barges in time and their ships are made to pay demurrages
resulting in heavy financial losses to the nation.

According to the association , it has suggested sites at Panchwadi -
Shiroda, Narvem, Bhoma Amona and Savoi Verem for the estate. Of these,
Bhoma is indicated to be the most suitable as the area would conform
to norms of Regional Plan 2021 of the state.


Re: [Goanet] Disht

2010-08-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 16 August 2010 16:42, Cecil Pinto cecilpi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Eddie Fernandes forwarded a message:

 Dear ,

 With a name like that you don't need disht, you need a Portuguese
 Passport. To get that you will have to clarify your proper name by
 inserting a small advert in the Gomantak Times. And seriously your
 address also needs a lot to be desired.

 You say your parents are Goan Indian. What exactly does that mean?
 Wouldn't just Goan have sufficed? In what way is a Goan Indian in UK
 different from a Goan in UK?.




COMMENT: Nice piece to read but if you are seriously expecting a response -
which I think not! Then let us just leave it at that.

In the meantime it appears that this was a serious request of someone,
thinking they (the family) are going bonkers!

When I was a young'un in Nairobi; the preferred people to undertake the most
powerful dixtt were shoemakers, a piece of leather was used with a few
halalas ( Coins of insignificant value); now I have revoked some
memories!. to remove dixtt!

The person recovered miraculously; as a youngster, I could not sleep after
the dixtt ceremony,  with all the banging going on ( Violent love) - it was
only later in life that I realised what it was all about. No it was not my
parentswe lived cheek by jowl in rooms, within a compound.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] WORLD GOA DAY - our TENTH anniversary 20.8 .2010 - Goa’s nightingale to sing in the rai n

2010-08-16 Thread goanint

Goa’s nightingale to sing in the rain

Published on: August 16, 2010 - 23:49 
More in:* iWATCH

Unforgettable Konkani melodies of Goan maestro, Chris Perry including ‘Pisso’, 
‘Bebdo’, ‘Red Rose’, ‘Tuzo mog’ and ‘Noxibak Rodta’ will reverberate in the 
heritage precincts at Campal during the evening of August 20, with the Goan 
nightingale, Lorna herself performing in the capital city after very long time.

As a part of the celebration of Goan essence, in commemoration of the World Goa 
Day, the unique event that will open with the award-winning tiatr, ‘Tthikaan’ 
Christopher will also include a fiesta of Goan crafts and a traditional, 
sumptuous Goan food display.

Jointly organised by Trancemedia/ Heritage Jazz, Goa Handicrafts Rural and 
Scale Industries Development Corporation and the Tiatr Academy of Goa the event 
will be open to the general public.

“We have taken care to provide a cover for the event anticipating rains,” said 
Mr Armando Gonsalves of Trancemedia/Heritage Jazz, adding that a unique feature 
of the event will be free distribution of specially designed ‘Indian Tricolour’ 
umbrellas to the first 100 people to arrive at the event. “We would also be 
auctioning some of such umbrellas autographed by celebrities. The funds thus 
collected will be used for the ‘privileged’ children,” he stated, pointing out 
that some of these children would be singing a couple of songs with Lorna.

“In addition, all along the Gonsalves Mansion, at the Campal heritage precinct, 
there will be exhibition of artworks, photographs, and crafts of Goa’s local 
artisans,” Mr Gonsalves noted. “As regards Lorna,” he said, “She will perform 
with a 7-member orchestra, including brass ensemble comprising of trumpet, 
trombone and saxophone, and a separate electronic instrument section.”
The MD of GHRSSIDC, Mr Nikhil Desai, speaking on the occasion said that the 
lovers of Goan music and tiatr would also get an opportunity to witness the 
crafts at the event.

The president of the TAG, Mr Tomazinho Cardozo expressed satisfaction that the 
tiatr is now being taken out of the theatres and finding a place along with 
popular musical events in the heritage precincts. “After all, tiatr is a part 
Goan heritage and this about a great fusion, with the possibility of such 
initiatives happening across Goa in the future,” he added.

The organisers maintained that August 20, 2010 marks the 10th anniversary of 
World Goa Day, and the worldwide community of Goans is supporting the event, 
which is evident from the interest being shown in it, across the globe via 

for more details of WORLD GOA DAY visit our BLOG :

 TOGETHER we putting UNITY into our Global Goan commUNITY !! 

rene barreto

Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/



2010-08-16 Thread Tony de Sa
George Pinto wrote: Aires, won't a few speed bumps do the trick? Inexpensive
solution which can be done by the locals (Lions, Rotary Clubs)?  George

Comment: Sorry George - that's a no no.

Requires a Collector's Order (which in turn requires a Panchayat resolution
and an inspection by Traffic Police and whoever else that can get into the
act ;-)  )otherwise it is illegal and stands a chance of being demolished


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com   M   : +91 9975 162 897  Ph. : +91
832 2470 148


[Goanet] Prachi Desai becomes the face of Goa Tourism (Times of India)

2010-08-16 Thread Goanet News
Prachi Desai becomes the face of Goa Tourism
Thursday, August 12, 2010, 11:08 [IST]
By: Kalyani Prasad Keshri

Starting her career from Ekta Kapoor's Television soap, actress Prachi
Desai with her cute looks and sweet smile, has captured the hearts of
millions of viewers. The best example is her most appreciated film
Once Upon A Time In Mumbai, which turned out to be a hit at Box

This young beauty has lot more to be happy about. Goa Tourism on
Wednesday announced her as their brand icon. Prachi, who looked
stunning in the outfit of Dimple Kapadia in her recent film Once Upon
A Time In Mumbai, will promote the exotic holiday destination of

Prachi Desai was present at the press conference of Goa Tourism which
was held in the capital city. Goa is the fastest growing tourism of
India, so with its growth the tourism has decided to bring few changes
to their marketing strategies. The Goa tourism secretary M M Modassir
confirmed that their main target is the youth and making Prachi Desai,
the icon of youthful Goa, is the part of the marketing strategy.

The actress who was overwhelmed by the honour, felt proud to become
the face of India's most popular tourist destination. She will be seen
in Goa Tourism commercial ads during the month of August and

[Goanet] NEWS: Architecture council under CBI scanner over affiliations (Times of India)

2010-08-16 Thread Goanet News
Architecture council under CBI scanner over affiliations
Rahul Tripathi, TNN, Aug 16, 2010, 01.40am IST

NEW DELHI: The CBI has tightened the noose around the Council of
Architecture (CoA) — an apex body of professional architects — which
has been accused of granting affiliations to institutions and courses
without any authority. On Friday, the agency conducted raids in Goa
and Delhi and seized documents related to unauthorized affiliations
granted to several courses and institutes in India.

The raid in Goa was carried out at Vidya Vardhan’s Institute of
Design, Environment and Architecture, whose director V S Sohoni is
also the president of CoA. Sohoni is alleged to have violated various
guidelines of the central government in running CoA, a national level
autonomous body recognized by the Union government. CBI had last year
received a letter from the HRD ministry, after which a preliminary
investigation was launched.

“COA is similar to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
where professionals need to register themselves. It has no right to
give recognition to courses or colleges. We have found several such
cases where CoA’s name was used to grant recognition. Sohoni’s college
in Goa is also one of the institutes where students were given false
representation,” said a CBI official.

“We are probing all such colleges and institutions which have been
given affiliation during the tenure of Sohoni, who has been the head
of COA since 2004.The documents seized have been sent for forensic
examination. The role of other officials of COA is also under scanner
and nationwide raids are being carried out to unearth the entire scam.
We’ve come to know during investigation that in many cases, the
council did not even seek approval of the ministry in
decision-making,” the official added.

When contacted by TOI, Sohoni refused to comment, saying that the
matter was sub-judice. The power to recognize a course or institute is
vested with the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the All India
Council for Technical Education (AICTE) only.

This is not first time that an apex institution has come under the
radar of CBI. Last year, it had arrested the top brass of AICTE for
allegedly demanding bribe to give recognition to institutes. More
recently, Medical Council of India (MCI) chiefKetan Desai was arrested
on similar charges by the CBI and an FIR was registered against him.


[Goanet] 1 booked for duping Irish bizman (Times of India)

2010-08-16 Thread Goanet News
1 booked for duping Irish bizman
Swati Deshpande, TNN, Aug 15, 2010, 11.59pm IST

MUMBAI: The Tardeo police have registered a criminal complaint against
Sunil, son of B C Chawla, former chairperson of National Safety
Council of India, for allegedly defrauding Irish national Paul Mcglade
of Rs 11 crore. He allegedly bought plots and penthouses with the
money in Goa and Alibaug.

The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) searched his houses in Mumbai and
Goa. His passport was confiscated earlier this month, prompting Sunil
(53), a Malabar Hill resident, to move court seeking anticipatory

The sessions court will hear Sunil's plea on Monday. Paul (55) who
lives in Dublin, Ireland and has a company called Infinity Financial,
thought his money would grow when he befriended Sunil in 2007. Sunil,
he told the EOW, painted a rosy picture of the real estate,
hospitality and tourism industry in India. Relying on the lucrative
proposal,'' Paul said he contributed capital in euros for shares in
two Indian companies, Nita Infrastructure and Prerak Investment
Services Pvt Ltd, started by Sunil and his mother Bina. However,
instead of allotting him shares after he remitted 9,24,963 euros into
the company account in 2008, Bina and Sunil immediately spent a major
chunk to apparently acquire properties in their company's and personal
names in Goa and Alibaug and for personal expenses, Paul alleged,
relying on bank details. Paul, who had been remitting euros since 2007
till mid 2009, did not get a penny back, his lawyerArchit Jaykar told
the police.

Sunil, who is denying having misappropriated'' any money that Paul
had sent in 2008, found an ingenuous way to placate Paul. He
registered a will in Ireland in 2008, in which he bequeathed two shops
and three apartments in Goa and three plots in Alibaug to my friend
Paul'' who had been very generous''.

Also denying any systematic fraud'' as alleged, Sunil said the two
were business partners in Spain and Paul had expressed a desire to
enter into a 50% partnership'' with him in India. As a foreigner can't
buy immovable properties in his own name, land in Alibaug was bought
with his knowledge by the Indian company, said Sunil in his plea. He
said Paul was given account of every penny spent'' and was still
making false allegations.


[Goanet] Goa news for August 17, 2010

2010-08-16 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Sesa Goa plummets on Vedanta's move - Hindu Business Line
ndia-sesa-goa-shares-slump-in-mumbai-2010-08-16Cairn India,
Sesa Goa shares slump in Mumbai

*** Bravery awards to be instituted by Goa Government - CM -
digITal Goa
Chief Minister Shri Digambar Kamat has announced that the Goa
Government will institute bravery awards to recognize the
bravery of those ...

*** Goa plans mega tourism circuits with Maharashtra, Karnataka
- Sify
ropes in famed Konkani singer to draw tourists

*** Karnad withdraws from Goa council - The Hindu
uits-goa-panel-over.htmlKarnad quits Goa panel over saffron

*** AMO charts out a new course for Brand Goa - Media Newsline
esai-as-brand-ambassador-of-goa/Prachi Desai as Brand
Ambassador of Goa

*** Asian Shares End Mixed; Tokyo Dragged By Weak 2Q GDP - Wall
Street Journal
ift-shanghai-as-weak-gdp-data-drags-tokyo-2010-08-16Banks lift
Shanghai as weak GDP data drags Tokyo

*** Nifty tests 5400; Cairn, Sesa Goa down on stake buy -
Economic Times
romoted Vedanta, which owns Sterlite Industries, will acquire

*** Goa barge owners pitch for maritime industrial park -
Economic Times
onomic TimesMUMBAI: Goa Barge Owners' Association (GBOA) has
submitted a proposal to the government to develop a maritime
industrial estate in the state, ...a class=

*** Vedanta-Cairn deal: Concerns for Sesa Goa - Moneycontrol.com
neycontrol.comNow, when the overall announcement has come and
Sesa Goa is going to take over and launch the open offer for
20%. Firstly, concerns regarding why Sesa Goa ...a class=

*** Indian shares drop 0.6 pct on weak global cues - Reuters
utersIndia's largest iron ore exporter Sesa Goa (SESA.BO) will
hold 20 percent in Cairn India [ID:nLDE67F074] All the
positives currently seem to be priced in. ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Goan Voice UK: Daily Newsletter: 16 Aug 2010. Highlights

2010-08-16 Thread Eddie Fernandes

Sonia Shirsat: Fado figure. Photo.
Goa ropes in Lorna to draw tourists. Photo.

Goan Journalists in the formative years of Independent Kenya. Photo.

USA: Aarti Sequeira wins 'Next Food Network Star'

Goa: Eat, Pray, Love Escapes

Goa to host international travel mart

Goa: Vigneshwara Developers got Official License in Real Estate

UK: Birmingham Restaurant Review: Lasan

UK: Swindon: Broadgreen Fun Day brings broad smiles

Goa: Draw of lots to decide shack allotment for this season

Goa: Recipe: Amboli: Fermented, yet tasty

Goa: Tiatr Review:`Tum Londonkar vo Goenkar'

Malaysia: Tony Fernandes: Destination India

For full details go to

[Goanet] COLUMN: Fado figure

2010-08-16 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

Fado figure
Goan singer Sonia Shirsat is finding notices in the world of Portuguese 

By Vivek Menezes

“A girl named with a Hindu name, who doesn’t even speak Portuguese 
properly, and she wants to sing our fado?” Sonia Shirsat was all smiles, 
recounting shocked faces and the incessantly rolling eyes she 
encountered when she started learning to perform the iconic moody, 
mournful singing style of Portugal.

It’s a reaction the attractive 30-year-old Goan singer quickly became 
accustomed to – each step of her journey as a professional fadista has 
required persuading accompanists and audiences to take her seriously in 
the first place. But first in Margao and Panjim, then in Macau and 
Lisbon, she’s steadily won over critics and the public alike. With the 
release of her first solo album, the excellent Saudades de Fado, 
Shirsat’s now demonstrating that she’s a fadista with global potential. 
Early reviews indicate that the young singer with an uncannily powerful 
voice just might become India’s first musical sensation in the 
Portuguese-speaking world.

Fado is a relatively new musical genre. It first appeared in the 
nineteenth century, built around soulful vocal laments and serenades, 
accompanied by one or two instrumentalists playing Portuguese or 
classical guitar. Historians often claim African slave antecedents for 
the fado, and there also seems to be an obvious Islamic influence 
derived from centuries of Moorish occupation of the Iberian Peninsula. 
But diverse origins notwithstanding, fado has become central to the 
Portuguese national identity. When Shirsat showed up to sing in Lisbon 
for the first time, she created consternation. Who was this Indian girl 
with the big smile? What was she doing here?

Shirsat was born into the kind of mixed family that is increasingly 
becoming the norm in India’s smallest state. Her father is a Hindu 
doctor who met her Catholic mother while studying medicine in Panjim. 
She grew up in rural Ponda, then studied commerce and law before taking 
up a job as lecturer in a law college. All along, she sang. “I started 
at home, singing along to the music we listened to in the family, 
matching my voice to Whitney Houston and Toni Braxton,” she said. 
Outsized talent always apparent, Shirsat won every major singing 
competition in Goa while still in her teens, led a band to the 
semi-finals of the Saregamapa Challenge on Zee TV in 2000, and even won 
a trip to France that year for topping the national French Nightingale 
competition sponsored by Alliance Française.

Then she found fado at a Portuguese guitar workshop organised in Panjim 
in 2003 by the Fundacao Oriente, an international NGO dedicated to 
preserving Latin cultural heritage in Asia. A singer was needed to 
accompany some of the pieces, and Shirsat was asked to learn a fado. It 
fit her voice perfectly. Upon his return to Portugal, the workshop 
facilitator, Antonio Chainho went on national television and announced 
that a potentially great fadista had been discovered in Goa. A few 
months later, Shirsat found herself in a “house of fado” in Lisbon’s 
Alfama, waiting for a turn in front of the audience. It was 
make-or-break time. Could she compete with the best on their own turf?

“You have to realise that fado isn’t just music to the Portuguese,” 
Shirsat told Time Out on a rainy, grey afternoon at Panjim’s Kala 
Academy cultural centre on the Mandovi riverfront. She was attending a 
workshop conducted by Patricia Rozario, the Mumbai-born opera singer who 
has established herself as one of the leading vocalists on the UK stage. 
Shirsat noted that the fado is “absolutely sacred” in Portugal, a 
cherished symbol of national identity like the flag and the anthem. It 
took her months of singing every night in Lisbon, across two separate 
trips, to understand, “to reach the deeper meanings and emotions beyond 
the lyrics and tune”.

On October 10, 2008, she held her debut concert in Lisbon, entitled 
Mundo Fado, built around the idea that the fado is a global genre, with 
songs in Hindi and Konkani interspersed with original Portuguese. The 
night before, tickets sold out. Shirsat was in all the newspapers the 
next day, and all the television channels trooped in to interview her. 
“I realised that it was a turning point in my life,” she said with 
another broad smile. “At that point in time, I really understood that I 
could do it, that I could make it in the world of fado.”

Many years ago, Patricia Rozario was a talented outsider trying to make 
it in an insular European musical genre. It took decades of tireless 
effort for her to break into the elite ranks of the classical music 
world of the UK. “Sonia shows all the signs of a truly great singer,” 
Rozario said. “Her sound comes from deep within her, an organic creation 
that’s absolutely riveting.” Rozario recalled the stir that ensued when 
she first walked onto a European concert hall dressed in a sari, and 
compared it to 


2010-08-16 Thread George Pinto
Tony, yes it must be legally done. However groups like the LIONS, ROTARY, can 
fund it (in exchange for having their name on some nearby Board advertising 
Road safety) and this way perhaps it can be done quicker. I have been on that 
road in Feb this year and was amazed there wasn't complete carnage with the 
buses and trucks the biggest culprits.


--- On Mon, 8/16/10, Tony de Sa tonyde...@gmail.com wrote:

 Comment: Sorry George - that's a no no.
 Requires a Collector's Order (which in turn requires a
 Panchayat resolution and an inspection by Traffic Police and whoever
 else that can get into the act ;-)  )otherwise it is illegal and stands
 a chance of being demolished

Re: [Goanet] Caste and Creed

2010-08-16 Thread Santosh Helekar

Can you please explain to Vasant and Sameer why you believe Indian cuisine, 
Indian cooking and Indian attire, such as poodvem, lungi, angostor, saadi and 
kaapod are primitive, lowly, uncivilized and unenlightened?



--- On Mon, 8/16/10, Nascy Caldeira nascy...@yahoo.com.au wrote:

  Dear Vasant,
 U remove the 'serious causes' that are making me point out
 the Bad things Indian, and I will have no reason to indulge
 in pointing them out. OK?
 I have said that U and Sameer have mixed up deliberately,
 freedom of religion issues etc, with Caste and Casteism
 practices. Why do U want to confuse and mislead readers?
 I am trying to be objective against these evils in Hindu
 society. U think I enjoy writing about these things? NO! I
 cry when I see such inhumane prejudices are being practiced
 in the Land of my birth.
 U guys are impervious to this; as U are one of them. 
 OR Renounce Casteism and Seperatism now. OK? and Redeem
  Are U trying to defend the indefensible?
 Why do U not answer my question: What is your choice? 
 a casteless society with no caste; or a society where
 everyone is a brahmin, or everyone is a sudhir.
  U have not even attenpted to answer the above.
 Until such time that the whole of India is not a casteless
 society, I will campaign for it and take it to the world at
 large, to take action like the world did against South
 Africa against Racism and Apartheid. The Indian version is
 worse, as the same is entrenched for centuries by their own
 people. Indian against Indian.
 --- On Mon, 16/8/10, Vasant Baliga vabal...@yahoo.com
  Dear Nascy,
  Hinduism is one of the oldest and most humane
  religions-like other religions,it 
  has it's faultlines,caste being one of them and like
  religions,it has it's 
  extremist loonies who discredit the religion.The vast
  majority of Hindus are 
  peaceloving,compassionate and very considerate to
  will never change- 
  inspite of your statements to the contrary.India's
  testifies to that.
  I have repeatedly said that Caste has no place in our
  lives-I do not claim any 
  caste and it is irrelevant to me-Caste is an accident
  of  birth and is 
  abominable.Our family consider ourselves Global
  with an open mind and 
  Caste,Creed  and Religion is of no consequence to
  us-good and decent human 
  beings who respect  one another are.
  Best Regards
  Vasant Baliga

Re: [Goanet] Indian visa, PIO and OCI

2010-08-16 Thread Alice Gouveia
On the thread of Vivian's D'Sousa's post, I would suggest that 
consulates or embassies should have an information counter with an 
educated civil servant to inform the applicants the exact documents 
needed.When they are at their post, they forget to be polite and give 
the right information; that means going more than once to the 
consulate/embassy. Besides, Mr Faleiro, were you informed that in Lisbon 
the people queue on the foothpath? These details are important to 
applicants as it is a torture to be treated like an inmate of 
Guantanamo, and over all, to face a clerk who is not in his best mood on 
that particular day.

I hope Mr Faleiro, you can take these complaints to the minister 
concerned, you needn't make another trip to confirm the fact.I've this 
grudge, because it happened to me in Bonn years ago, and more than once 
here in Portugal.

Please take these suggestions Mr Faleiro,and propose that the clerks be 
given a course in dealing with the public and we'll think you have done 
a wonderful job to the indians abroad.


Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 859

2010-08-16 Thread Anton Vaz

Dear Editor,

Would appreciate if you could publish this small reply to the artcle of 
Mr. Bruno Gomes.

Ref: CM, Ministers and MLA's are Anti Goans.

Many thanks,

Antonio Joao Vaz.

Appreciating Mr. Bruno, your article  CM, Ministers, and MLA's are Anti 
Goans , my eyes also opened, and forced me to write few lines. Request 
all my Goan brethren, better late than never to be more alert now 
onwards to protect our young generation, from the clutches of these devils.

These are proven and standing facts, Lucifer and his devils are ruling 
GOA. They do not have any other job, but very busy in selling our mother 
land by destroying greenery of our beautiful green land, even hills, 
mountains, and dense forests not spared by these corrupt and criminal 


No peace in GOA.
No good news on paper.
Every morning news you will find different crimes, rapes and murders, 
almost daily taking place in GOA, most of the politicians and their 
children too are involved in drugs scandal rapes etc.

Dear Goan brethren why we should tolerate this ? L et us all decide with 
one voice in the coming next election and wipe out all these devils and 
put a young generation in power to rule beautiful GOA.



Antonio Joao Vaz.

 CM, Ministers, and MLA's are Anti Goans 

These are proven and standing facts.

Lucifers and devils are rulling Goa, they are only busy in selling our 
mother land, and destry the beauty of our gren land.

Utt Goenkara ani lag tanchem fatik

Re: [Goanet] Indian visa, PIO and OCI

2010-08-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Vivian A. DSouza wrote:
I went to the Indian Consulate General in Chicago last week, and felt that I 

back in India.
The service was terrible.  Stand in one line(for half an hour) at the 
receptionist for a number, then wait till yournumber is called at the service 
counter.  2 hours later, my number was called. 

Bwana D'Souza,
It's the same story in Toronto.

You walk into the Visa Section and you are walking straight into a third world
govt office. People sitting on the floor and when the visa's are released, all 
at the same time for some unfathomable reason, everyone rushes to the 
cage and starts shouting his name.


[Goanet] When Raj Bhavan flies the tricolour and celebrates a Catholic feast (Times of India)

2010-08-16 Thread Goanet News
When Raj Bhavan flies the tricolour and celebrates a Catholic feast
TNN, Aug 16, 2010, 03.43am IST

Not many states in the country mark Independence Day the way Goa does.
Reason: August 15 is also the feast of the Assumption, the day
Catholics commemorate the assumption of Mary, the mother of Jesus,
into heaven body and soul.

As early morning mass timings clash with flag hoisting, Catholics try
and combine the two. This happens also at the Raj Bhavan where the
feast is celebrated with mass at chapel in the estate.

It is the day the Raj Bhavan comes alive as hundreds of people pour in
through the gates to attend mass in the almost 500-year-old chapel and
many others line the road in the estate selling candles and flowers,
as gun-totting policemen keep a watchful eye on all.

The chapel sits in the corner of the Raj Bhavan estate, and
attentively listening to the homily during the mass is Joel D'Silava,
34. I like the idea behind this grand feast, the crux of it is
liberation of two kinds'”India's and Mother Mary's, says D'Silava.

Taleigao parish priestFr Aquileo Gomes speaking to TOI also makes an
important connection between India's Independence and Mother Mary. He
said freedom does not mean we have the right to do everything but it's
about what we should do. We ought to be politically free and free
from sin, Gomes says. People come here all the way from Salcete, the
prayers are meant for the country and Mother Mary, he adds.

People flock in from different parts of Goa to the Raj Bhavan on this
day and it's not just for the feast. Sharmila Kankonkar hastily walks
through the crowd, tightly holding her 7-year-old son hand. I have
been coming here every year for the last eight years, the chapel opens
to a beautiful view, it feels perfect. A resident from Velsao, some
25km away from the Raj Bhavan, Kankonkar says the bus journey is the
most tiresome part of the day.

Students stroll in after the flag hoisting ceremony in their schools.
it's fun, we get pocket money to come here and buy whatever we want,
sweets, jewellery, bags. More than anything else we feel free on this
day, says one of the kids from among a group of children from the
neighbouring Our Lady of the Rosary High School.

Shalifa Periera, 14, has been coming with her family from as long as
she remembers, My dada says it opens only on this day every year and
that our prayers will be heard.

HistorianPercival Noronha clears the misconception that the chapel is
open for just one day of the year.  There was a governor some two
decades ago that kept the Raj Bhavan chapel open only once a year on
August 15. Now the chapel is open to the public on other days as

Not many turn up on other days, and many who celebrated the feast on
Sunday, will only return next year on August 15 for another


[Goanet] Karnad quits Goa panel over saffron attacks

2010-08-16 Thread Goanet News Service

Karnad quits Goa panel over saffron attacks
Panaji, Aug 16, DHNS:

Playwright Girish Karnad, an outspoken critic of fascist politics, has 
resigned from a prestigious high-powered committee appointed by the Goa 
government over the recent attacks by saffron groups against Sanskrit 
scholar and painter Jose Pereira.

In a letter addressed to Chief Minister Digambar Kamat, Karnad said: “I 
am deeply shocked to hear of the attacks by self-styled standard-bearers 
of Hindu culture on the works of Jose Pereira, a scholar and artist of 
eminence.  I am horrified that private vigilante groups should be 
permitted to take the law into their hands while the State stands mute 
and the police express inability to protect the exhibition of his work.” 

An exhibition of paintings by Pereira was forced to shutdown a fortnight 
ago after the Xavier Centre of Historical Research received threats from 
the right-wing fringe group Hindu Janajagruit Samiti which said it 
disapproved of  “a Christian” artist’s interpretation of Hindu deities.

Rather than offer the institute protection, the Goa police inspected the 
exhibition and advised the Xavier Centre to pull out some of the 
paintings.  Pereira who taught theology at Fordham University, New York, 
has 40 scholarly works to his credit.

The Goa government recently constituted the Golden Jubilee Development 
Council headed by R A Mashelkar to formulate a vision document for the 
state on the eve of the 50th anniversary of its liberation.

Karnad, who had been appointed a member of the high level committee said 
Kamat had been “kind enough” to invite him to serve on the panel, but 
“this was not the culture of Liberation” he had hoped to celebrate.


[Goanet] Daily Grook #786

2010-08-16 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

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[Goanet] GOA SUDHAROP: Celebrating Goa's biodiversity - Part 1

2010-08-16 Thread George Pinto
In this multi-part series Miguel Brazanga, who resides in Goa and is involved 
in a number of volunteer activities with various groups and organizations, 
shares some of his knowledge of Goa's little known biodiversity. The following 
is posted with his permission in connection with GOA SUDHAROP's YEAR OF THE 

1. Introduction:
Agricultural biodiversity includes the variety and variability of crop plants, 
non-crop plants, animals, fish, mollusks [snails, bivalves, etc] and 
micro-organisms [bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, yeasts, etc] used directly or 
indirectly for food and agriculture. It includes the cultivars, varieties and 
breeds of different species used for food, fodder, fiber, fuel, medicine, 
construction, furniture, etc. It also includes the diversity of non-harvested 
species that support production (e.g. soil micro-organisms, predators, 
parasites, pollinators ,etc ) and those in the wider environment whose role in 
the  agro-ecosystems (agricultural, pastoral, forest and aquatic) is not yet 
understood, as well as the diversity of the agro-ecosystems themselves.  It is 
in this context that we will examine the situation of agricultural biodiversity 
in Goa, the twenty-fifth state of the Indian Union and the hotspot of plant, 
animal and microbial [specially yeasts]
introduction by the monarchs of various kingdoms in India, the Arab spice 
traders as well as the administrators, priests [specially the Jesuits] and 
other visitors during the 451 years of Portuguese colonial rule [1510 to 1961 

Biodiversity has an impact on our food chain as well as the very existence of 
life on this planet due to possible climate change. Today, its importance 
cannot be overstated or exaggerated.

2. Definitions
Biodiversity found on Earth today consists of many millions of distinct 
biological species, the product of four billion years of evolution, but the 
word “Biodiversity” itself was coined as a contraction of biological 
diversity in 1985.
[Source: http://www.panda.org/about_our_earth/biodiversity/?gclid]

A broad definition of biodiversity is designed to include not only living 
organisms and their complex interactions, but also interactions with the 
non-living (abiotic) aspects of their environment. The term biodiversity is 
best defined as “the variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from genes to 
ecosystems, and the ecological and evolutionary processes that sustain it.” 
[Source:  http://cnx.org/content/m12151/latest/ ,  Gaston, K.J. (1996). “What 
is biodiversity?” In K.J. Gaston (Ed.), Biodiversity: a biology of numbers and 
difference. (pp. 1-9). Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell Science Ltd.]

The most widely accepted definition for biodiversity is contained within the 
Convention on Biological Diversity: ‘Biological diversity’ means the 
variability among living organisms from all sources including, among other 
things, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological 
complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, 
between species and of ecosystems.’

In simple words, Biodiversity consists of the bacteria in your stomach, the 
algae in a pond, the spiders in your house, the genes that are the code to 
create a human, a small patch of grassland, the mosaic of habitats on an 
island, the Amazon rain forest. In short, biodiversity is the variety of life 
on earth, at all levels, from genes, through to individual organisms to species 
to vast and expansive habitats and the links and interactions between all of 
these. [Source: 

Almost every country in the world in 2002 agreed to a significant reduction 
in the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010, but scientists say extinctions are 
gathering pace. In April, 2009, Environment ministers from major rich and 
developing nations sealed a deal to try to slow the rate of species loss around 
the world but failed to make a breakthrough in climate change negotiations. At 
the end of the meeting on the island of Sicily, the G-8 and developing nations 
signed a charter to extend the deal on biodiversity loss. Delegates said the 
Syracuse Charter indicated a link between climate change and species extinction 
and emphasized the economic value of biodiversity, particularly in developing 
countries. By some calculations, extinction rates are higher than their natural 
pace due to human influence. Three species disappear every hour, according to 
U.N. figures. [Source:

To be continued ...

[Goanet] Nice dialogue - cute, clever and practical - A pastor sent it to me , a copy n paste job.

2010-08-16 Thread Silviano Barbosa

cleverly done.This is in two parts, 

in blue type) 
red type 
is very, very good. 


Father Who Art In Heaven.
interrupt me. I'm praying.
-- you called ME!
I didn't call you..
Father who art in Heaven.
-- you did it again!
Father who art in Heaven
here I am..
on your mind?
I didn't mean anything by it. 
was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day.
always say the Lord's Prayer.
makes me feel good,
of like fulfilling a duty.
all right.
Hallowed be thy name . 
it right there.
do you mean by that?
Hallowed be thy name?
means, it means .. . good 
don't know what it means.
in the world should I know?
just a part of the prayer.
the way, what does it mean?
means honored, holy, wonderful.
that makes sense.. 
never thought about what 'hallowed' meant before.
Kingdom come,
will be done,
earth as it is in Heaven.
you really mean that?
why not?
are you doing about it?
Doing?  Why, nothing, I guess. 

just think it would be kind of neat if you got 

of everything down here like you have up 

We're kinda in a mess down here you 
I know;
have I got control of you?
I go to church..
isn't what I asked you.
about your bad temper?
really got a problem there, you know.
then there's the way you spend 

money -- all on yourself.
what about the kind of books you read 
hold on just a minute!
picking on me!
just as good as some of the rest 

those People at church! 

thought you were praying
my will to be done..
that is to happen,
will have to start with the ones
are praying for it.
you -- for example ..
all right. I guess I do have some hang-ups.
that you mention it,
could probably name some others.
could I.
haven't thought about it very much until now,
I really would like to cut out some of those 
would like to, you know, be really free.
we're getting somewhere. 

work together -- You and ME.
proud of You.
Lord, if you don't mind,
need to finish up here.
is taking a lot longer than it usually does.
us this day, our daily bread.
need to cut out the bread..
overweight as it is.
wait a minute! What is this?
I was doing my religious duty,
all of a sudden you break in
remind me of all my hang-ups.
is a dangerous thing.
just might get what you ask for.
you called ME -- and here I am.
too late to stop now.
praying.  ( 
pause .. . )
go on.
scared to.
Scared?  Of what?
know what you'll say.
us our sins, 

we forgive those who sin against us.
about Ann?
I knew it!
knew you would bring her up!
Lord, she's told lies about me, spread stories.
never paid back the money she owes me..
sworn to get even with her!
-- your prayer --
about your prayer?
didn't -- mean it..
at least you're honest.
it's quite a load carrying around all that 

and resentment isn't it?
but I'll feel better as soon as I get even with 
have I got some plans for her.
wish she had never been born.
you won't feel any better.
feel worse.
isn't sweet.
know how unhappy you are -- 
I can change that.
can? How?
I'll forgive you;
the hate and the sin,
be Ann's problem -- not yours.
will have settled the problem
far as you are concerned.
you know, you're right.
always are.
more than I want revenge,
want to be right with You . . (sigh).
right, all right . .
forgive her.
do you feel?
Well, not bad.
bad at all!
fact, I feel pretty great!
know, I don't think I'll go to bed uptight 
haven't been getting much rest, you know.
I know.
you're not through with your prayer, are you? 

all right.
lead us not into temptation,
deliver us from evil.
Good! I'll do that.
don't put yourself in a place
you can be tempted.
do you mean by that?
know what I mean.
I know..
ahead. Finish your prayer.
Thine is the kingdom,
the power,
the glory forever.
you know what would bring me glory?
would really make me happy?
but I'd like to know.
want to please you now...
really made a mess of things.
want to truly follow you
can see now how great that would be.
tell me . . .
do I make you happy?
YOU  just 

[Goanet] WWOOF: World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (aka Willing Workers on Organic Farms)

2010-08-16 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Could some one give more info on WWOOF India.



2010-08-16 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
Re speed bumps - have witnessed busses just driving over the speed humps 
slowing down near Verna Church ... 

It appears that all the speed humps do is to slow down motorbikes and 
lower-chassis vehicles like cars. The taller ones like 4WDs, busses and trucks 
couldn't care a damn, especially if the owners are rich enough to trade-in 
vehicles soon enough or the vehicles are not their own.

- Original Message 
 From: George Pinto georgejpi...@yahoo.com
 To: estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Sent: Mon, 16 August, 2010 2:29:45 PM
 Aires, won't a few speed bumps do the trick? Inexpensive solution which can 
done by the locals (Lions, Rotary Clubs)?  George
 --- On Sun, 8/15/10, Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com wrote:
  The reckless speeding and overtaking by buses on this road
  especially on the Ribandar – Panaji causeway is a matter of great
  concern. While buses race, precious lives are being lost.
  Overtaking is officially prohibited on this stretch of the road,
  yet the transport and traffic authorities continue to
  turn a blind eye.

[Goanet] 1 held for highlighting `garbage menace' issue (Times of India)

2010-08-16 Thread Goanet News
1 held for highlighting `garbage menace' issue
TNN, Aug 16, 2010, 03.55am IST

MARGAO: Margao police on Sunday morning detained one Anthony D'Silava
who was spreading the Freedom from garbage message by seating on the
benches of the Agakhan park, in front of the South Goa Collectorate
building, Margao, to mark the Independence day.

D'Silava was released after several NGOs from Salcete took out a
morcha to the police station. Margao town police inspectorSantosh
Desai claimed that Anthony D'Silava was detained to avoid any law
order problem.

D'Silava, who hails from Velim, had put up posters with several
slogans. One of the posters read 'God Gave Us Sunshine, God Gave Us
Rains, U Give Us Freedom From Garbage, Don't Watch Goa Going Down The
Drain'. Another poster appealed to the chief minister and public works
department minister `Digambara Digambara Garbegichem Kitem Tori Kara,
Churchill Churchill Ghal More Garbegiche Mill'.

Speaking to TOI after his release, D'Silava said It is taking away
the freedom of even watching the unfurling of the national flag. I was
seating with the message to officials who were supposed to attend the
function. It was for finding a solution for the plastic menace in Goa
and that solution has to come from the higher authorities.

We have plastic bins in villages to collect the garbage. Plastic and
tyres are burnt in the open. The solution has to come from higher
authorities, as money is required to install a garbage plant. If the
question was of a few thousand rupees people would not have asked the
government, they would have contributed to the same. Politicians are
cooking up stories. I am worried about thermocol and plastic garbage,
said D'Silava.

By detaining me, police has taken away my freedom. We are not
terrorists. I have used the discarded tyres with a message. We in
Velim, Assolna and Chinchinim have used the discarded tyres to put up
signboards which show the roadsigns, village roads etc, explained

I am not associated with anybody and not with any group. It is a
funny thing that police detains a person who wants to spread a message
for a right cause. India is a democratic country and I have the
freedom of expressing myself. So also the police had no right to
snatch away the Indian National Flag, which I was holding. The Indian
Flag act has given me the right. he said.


[Goanet] Cabinet orders probe into illegal mining (Reuters)

2010-08-16 Thread Goanet News
Cabinet orders probe into illegal mining

NEW DELHI | Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:06pm IST

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The cabinet on Monday has ordered a probe into
alleged illegal mining in the country, Mines Minister B.K. Handique
told reporters.

Several mineral-rich Indian states say several mining firms operate
without necessary licences and approvals. Karnataka, India's
second-largest iron ore producer, has banned export of the
steel-making raw material, citing illegal mining as a provocation.

Orissa in the east has been engaged in a year-long drive against
offenders closing several mines, while Goa has said it will clamp down
on exports of illegally mined iron ore.

(Reporting by Nigam Prusty; editing by Malini Menon)

(For more business news on Reuters India click in.reuters.com)
