[Goanet] Dezembrache Ekonisver.

2010-12-10 Thread Peter Fernandes
*Ami Fottoule?*

Pem-pem pemprem pem vazoil'li ami Turturi
Kum-kum kunkrum kum vazoil'lem ami Rebeku
Dama-dumu dumu dam dam dum vazoil'lo Dol Tomoru
Mann'dde dulpod ghaunu
Jai Hind Bharat mata jai! oxe nare gazounu
Uddon-uddon nachonu
Dezembrache ekonisver
Manoil'lo ami suatontr dis
Purtugez pakleank danvdailo
Goyank sutt'ka mell'lolo.

Portugezantlea chopkeantle suttoun
Goyem az sugur urlam?
Vazontoram vazzounu
Kiteak ami hul-hulponan nachle?
Fottouta re ami foutoule,
Amcheach Goykaram kodsun
Fottouta re ami fottoule
Dongramche dongor khonnon
Grestkai tuji vikun khaun
Mhojea-tujea dolleank pana bandun
Apunuch grest zata ani grest zale.

Hai mhojea Goa!
Sobit dorea Vello tujeo
Porkeank viktat ani vikleo
Ghavantle dongor foddun
Kaiborim tujim xetam puroun
Bongle-imaroti toyar kortat ani keleo
Goyam baile lok Goyant rigon
 Bhoim, Goyche Goykar urrot mhonn vatter.
Oh mhojea mankulea
Tujea pottan mhaka samballun
Zolmak hadtolea Goa!

Goa mhoje Maim
Veng marun ghott tuka dhorun
Gopan ravon tujea
Suskartam ullas soddun rodtam.
Xiklam, ponn sirvis na ge mhaka
Magtat ge te, ponn
Lakamche lakh diunk ghodona
Amich niuddun hadlolea Montreank.
Tum xidkaitali ami aikonk na
Purtugezank ami daundaile
Ponn az amcheach bhavamche
Ami ghulam zaun urle
Mai ami fottoule.

Goa mhoje mai!
Kitem cholta ani kitem chol'lam?
Roste sudrona aksident vadta
Kitlinch tujim bhurgim morta
Udorgotichea nhavan brostochar
Tech porim Chorio ani Bolatkar
Niai nit na
Mai, na ami swatantr na
Mai, ami azun gulamponan assat
Gulamponan, Goyant raj kotolea
Alibaba ani challis choramche

Peter Fernandes
Penha de Franca (UAE)

Re: [Goanet] Boycott Goa Liberation Celebrations

2010-12-10 Thread floriano

Dear Bosco,

You say:
"I have also come to abhor being constantly reminded of 1961. Everything
that happened then is for academic purposes and will make no difference
to the present. I believe many Goans understand that as they continue to
work hard wherever they are and make a success of their lives.

Perhaps I am wearing my cynicism on my sleeve today.

Floriano says:  You should wear your criticizm as a head-band and not on 
your sleeve.
Arwin must understand that Goa is a democratic state where people vote for 
what they want. If we cannot change things through our votes, then it is not 
the democracy that has failed but we GOANS have failed. And one can do 
nothing about it. And crying hoarse, beating our chests  and drumming our 
feet will get us nowhere. If you remember, I have been saying this for the 
past more than 10 years and things have gotten worse.

- Original Message - 
From: "Bosco D" 

Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Boycott Goa Liberation Celebrations

-Original Message-
From: Arwin Mesquita

>  I request Goans to do a little research and find out the facts of
>  what actually happened in 1961. Was Goa liberated or invaded or a
>  conquest?

RESPONSE: And what is this soul-searching discovery going to lead to?? Is 
going to pay the bills of Goans?? Get food on the table?? Get them jobs? 
Keep the lights on in Quepem 24x7? Keep the streets of Margao clean? What 
net benefit does this have for today's Goan??

>  Why were promises made to preserve Goa's Identity? And
>  worse still, why were these promises not honoured to date?

RESPONSE: Who made the promises?? A politician? How many politicians do 
you know that have kept their umpteem promises?? What has transpired of 
the promise a current minister gave you personally a few months ago?

>  Were we not fooled and brainwashed into believing that we were were
>  liberated, and today like "ignorants", we celebrate "Goa's
>  Liberation Day" ?

RESPONSE: A straw poll of Goans around us will disabuse us of the notion 
that Goans actually celebrate 'Liberation Day' unless you count the school 
children who march in State Government organized parades in Panaji and 
Margao or the ones in Goa that attend a Liberation Ball. Mind you the 
parades are cute. The last one I attended had Manohar Parrikar being 
driven around Campal Grounds in a jeep.

>  Does the Supreme Court not acknowledge that Goa was a
>  conquest/invaded?

RESPONSE: The Court's pronouncements are for academia. The courts at 
various levels have passed judgements on civic, environmental and other 
matters. A straw poll of Goans around us will disabuse us of the notion 
that Goans are even aware of these judgements and if they are, a majority 
are unlikely to be motivated to have these judgements enforced. Case in 
point the Public Interest Litigation (PIL), Rajan Parrikar vs Corporation 
of the City of Panaji (CCP). Goans would be better off forcing the CCP to 
carryout the judgement of the High Court to keep the City of Panaji clean 
instead of being referred to the Supreme Court acknowledgement that Goa 
was conquered. The latter is not going to make a difference to the life 
for the average Goan in Panaji.

>  Why are our Freedom Fighters not demanding safeguards today via
>  Special Status and other means to preserve Goa's Identity.

RESPONSE: Freedom Fighters?? Burp!!

>  Goans, it is high time we address all the brain washing that has
>  been happening for all these years. We must boycott the "farce
>  liberation celebrations" and immediately DEMAND what is rightfully
>  ours i.e. Measures to protect our land, environment, demographics,
>  language, culture & identity.

RESPONSE: Good luck with that!! The last time Goans were mobilised in 
numbers to DEMAND something/anything was around the Goa Bachao Abhiyan 
(GBA) in Dec 2006. In four years and hundreds of meetings at Gram Sabhas, 
Panchayats, arrests, protests, threats, deadlines, etc.how much have 
things changed in the last four years for the average Goan?

>  Else the only Liberation that is going to come true, is the
>  Liberation of Goa from the Goans!!

RESPONSE: Now will we have to wait for the Supreme Court's pronouncement 
on whether this would be a Liberation or a takeover??

Arwin, your efforts for Goa and Goans is appreciated very much. However, 
it appears you have learnt very quickly in the past few months, much to 
your frustration, that you can achieve close to nothing when you deal with 
our politicians unless there is something in it for them.

I have also come to abhor being constantly reminded of 1961. Everything 
that happened then is for academic purposes and will make no difference to 
the present. I believe many Goans understand that as they continue to work 
hard wherever they are and make a success of their lives.

Perhaps I am wearing my cynicism on my sleeve today.

- B 

[Goanet] Furious and Funny in Goa

2010-12-10 Thread Vasant Baliga
Furious and funny in Goa
Reflected in Water: Writings on Goa
Editor: Jerry Pinto
Publisher: Penguin India
Pages: 295
Format: Paperback
Price: Rs 395

An anthology can be like a clumsy herd of beasts. It can totter in circles, 
loping and swaying, covering much ground but getting nowhere. Reflected in 
Water, though, holds out the promise of a graceful progress, if not a 
journey. And perhaps Goa is best understood in this manner for it seems to 
belong, variously, to the Catholic convert, the Hindu majority settler, the 
Indo-Portuguese descendant, the smitten tourist, the Indian government and the 
wistful expatriate. This anthology reflects the various perspectives, even the 
sense of ownership all these people have of Goa.

Essays, stories, poems, polemical tracts and even the occasional cartoon and 
lyrics of a song make up the selection of this book. At times full of whimsy, 
times dead serious, this anthology covers a wide range. And that gives the book 
the freedom to spin out and loop back in: a discussion on Goan gastronomy by 
Antoine Lewis enlarges into a larger vision of intercontinental cultural 
exchange, a description of the fertile land by Richard Lannoy connects with the 
transfer of the caste system into the Christian community.

That Hindu Goans should revere a saint that invited the Inquisition home, that 
the Konkani tiatr (theatre) should have made its debut on Easter Sunday in 
Bombay, these are some of the small ironies that are a staple of the Goan 
experience. The informative pieces seem to revel in the nuances and celebrate 
the in congruities of the Goan experience. After nearly five centuries of 
colonial rule, Goa had seen irreversible changes. While the rest of India moved 
into independence, the ‘liberation’ from Portugal resulted in mixed feelings 

As a classic exercise in hegemony, the colonisers inter-married with the 
of Goa, building a social structure that could not be toppled like the statutes 
of Albuquerque and Vasco da Gama.
William Dalrymple highlights this in his piece through the words of Donna 
Georgina, an Indo-Portuguese woman, who speaks scornfully of the union with 
India, exclaiming that the “Indian invasion” brought an end to a happy way of 
life. Just as intense is the quite opposite line taken by essayist Prabhakar S. 
Angle, who writes about his disgust for the colonial heritage.

And here is where it gets interesting, for each narrative shines light on a new 
facet of Goan identity. Manohar Malgonkar traces the migratory Mangeshi temple 
that travelled as much as its followers did, to retain its religious integrity 
in the face of tremendous religious persecution. Naresh Fernandes follows the 
fractured corporeal remains of the saint Francis Xavier: the right arm in Rome, 
the elbow in Macau and the body in Goa. What remains constant is the sense of 
migration and flux as changes in Portuguese policy, over the 450 years that 
ruled Goa, divided the Goan populace.Donna Georgina equates the Indian 
government’s arrival with the hippy invasion in terms of destructiveness. But 
Angle, inMisunderstanding Goa, resents the “distortions of our history and 
culture” and exposes the communal lines asking, “Will even half a dozen Goan 
Hindu families claim that their culture is Indo-Portuguese?”

The process of highlighting Goan cultural energy through articles about art, 
dance, theatre, classical singing and folk ballads also reveals the awkwardness 
of a colonial inheritance. Cultural, societal and gastronomic influences have 
been incorporated. Is the Goan bread vendor that Laxmanrao Sardessai celebrates 
in his piece a traitor or a local hero? He sells the Portuguese-introduced 
but aids freedom fighters by shoving the letters of political prisoners deep 
into his bag of bread and distributing them outside the jail. Sardessai calls 
him “a true son of the soil” notwithstanding his business with the foreigner’s 

While the essays draw the outlines of a changing Goa, the stories and poems 
them in with an intuitive appreciation of various social processes. Of 
particular note are the stories, Outkast D’Souza by Sonia Faleiro and Three 
Lives by Nisha da Cunha. The potential of The Old Crone Says set of illustrated 
death stories by Jerry Pinto, Agni and Kumar, however, is largely unrealised. 
The symbols are visually gripping and create an atmosphere for the telling of 
Konkani folk tales but with only a few panels for each story, they lead nowhere.

Every anthology has its strong leaders and its stragglers. Not every piece in 
this compilation is a winner. Adil Jussawalla’s delicious diary entry is at 
with the dispassionate, somewhat boring account of Noronha’s hypnotist-priest. 
Jerry Pinto’s selection seems to have concentrated on a mix of voices. 
appears to be the editor’s solution to the problem of fair representation of 
multiple perspectives that make up Goa.

Re: [Goanet] "Tolerance isn't good enough" - Rajiv Malhotra

2010-12-10 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Fri, 12/10/10, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:
> Response:
>I went through the above article. I did not find any criticism of >Hinduism as 
>claimed by Santosh. In fact the article is merely a reporting >of the violence 
>against christians in Kandhamal,Orissa in 2008 by
>hindutva forces.

I went through the article again. I did not find any mention of "Hindutva" or 
even "forces" in it. I counted 19 references to Hindu and 4 references to 

Please read the article below and see for yourself:


The article calls the Hindus to whom it refers Hindu extremists, which is the 
correct thing to do, because they resorted to violence in the name of their 
religion in these communal riots.



--- On Fri, 12/10/10, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:
> Response:
>I went through the above article. I did not find any criticism of >Hinduism as 
>claimed by Santosh. In fact the article is merely a reporting >of the violence 
>against christians in Kandhamal,Orissa in 2008 by
>hindutva forces.
> IMHO hindutva is an ideology of comparative recent origin,
> early 20th
> century (propounded by Savarkar, Hegdewar & others)
> whereas Hinduism is a
> religion of over 2000 years old. The two are quite
> different and should not
> be considered synonymous although adherents, sympathisers
> and apologists of
> hindutva would like all others to believe so in order to
> gain acceptance and
> respectability.
> Regards,
> Marshall


Re: [Goanet] I Am Questioned By The Dreaded Agente Monteiro

2010-12-10 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
Dear Paulo,
    I do not know how much you really know about India pre-1961, or about 
conditions in Goa during that period. I was born in Goa in 1925, and grew up in 
Goa, leaving for Goa in mid-1939. Goa was not the paradise some people claim it 
was. I was a student at Mater Dei at the time and I remember that one young 
a friend of my brother's, foolishly shouted "Viva Goa" in Mapusa. For that he 
was arrested, beaten, and had his head shaved. Punished for shouting Viva Goa 
Goa itself?
    I lived in Bombay from 1939 to mid-1956 and never felt that India was not a 
democracy. For several of those years I was with the newspapers, holding key 
positions with what became the Indian Express, and the Times of India, and the 
Illustrated Weekly, and never once felt that I had to be careful about what I 
wrote. We were not censored in India, but the press was certainly pre-censored 
in Goa.
    So when you feel like sneering at people who claim that India got democracy 
much before Goa, and that it was good, think twice before you say, "Yeah. 
All in paper, of course." India tasted democracy before Portugal did, and 
Portugal tasted democracy much after Goa did. That's a historical fact.
    Very best regards,

From: Paulo Colaco Dias 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Thu, December 9, 2010 9:20:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] I Am Questioned By The Dreaded Agente Monteiro

Thank you Gabriel, those are excellent points for discussion. It would be 
nice if we could get the entire episodes regarding Roldao and the difficulties 
of the Goans in Bombay who were even forced to change their names to succeed in 
life and to erase their similarities with Portuguese names.
It shows what kind of Democratic country the Indian Union was in the post 1947 
1970 years...

And then some of us claim that India got democracy much before Goa, that it was 
good, that there was freedom of speech, etc, etc. Yeah. Right! All in paper, of 

There is no full freedom of speech in India even today. 
There are publications and books that are still banned in India today and you 
can get arrested if caught with a banned book.
There are politicians in Goa being arrested and people prevented from 
their rights to do public demonstrations, etc.

That is the democracy in India today. And it is much better today. In the first 
few years after 1961, it was exactly the same as during Portuguese times, or 
worse. Goa even had a one entire year of Martial Law post 1961. 

What an excellent way of welcoming Goa into the motherland.

Best regards

-Original Message-
From: goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org [mailto:goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org] 
On Behalf Of Gabriel de Figueiredo
Sent: 09 December 2010 07:03
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] I Am Questioned By The Dreaded Agente Monteiro

I hope you can also give a blow-by-blow account of how Roldao was beaten up by 
the Bombay police and the method of his escape from Bombay to Goa, with his 

Perhaps you could also read about how Goans in Bombay, who resisted the Indian 
moves to change their attitude towards the Portuguese, were treated, e.g. 
editors of some prominent Goan publications.

Re: [Goanet] "Tolerance isn't good enough" - Rajiv Malhotra in HuffPo

2010-12-10 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Fri, 12/10/10, Carvalho  wrote:
> You are as protective about Hinduism as I am about Christianity. I have >no 
> problem with that, it is what any member belonging to a certain >community 
> would do. I have a problem only when you try to convince us of
> your neutrality.
> You can have the last word Santosh. There are so many to
> choose from: lies, 
> innuendo, boorishness, communal, distortion, scientific
> illiteracy and so on and 
> so forth.

I have no idea why Selma has decided to attack me personally with innuendo, 
instead of focusing on the argument. Is she angry that she cannot have the 
freedom to generalize on Goanet according to her own fancy without being 
corrected or questioned?

It should be clear to anybody that pointing out an error about reporting on two 
religions, namely Hinduism and Islam in her post does not constitute being 
protective of one religion, namely Hinduism. One would ask why she does not 
mention that I am also protective of Islam. As usual, the logic here is not 
easy to grasp.

It appears that one also has to have her special skills of perception to see 
lack of neutrality in merely informing people that the Western outlets are 
equal opportunity critics of all major religions. Another mystery is that she 
thinks Islamophobia and criticism of Hindus are somehow less egregious than 
criticism of the tenets of a religion.

In any case, it is a piece cake to provide reams of material criticizing the 
tenets of Hinduism and Islam in respected Western outlets. I am not sure though 
how many such reports and articles would satisfy her. But here are a few about 
criticizing the Hindu caste system in New York Times, Wall Street Journal and 
History News Network.




Here are others about criticizing the Islamic Sharia law in U. S. News and 
World Report, Wall Street Journal and Christian Science Monitor:




I would request Selma to let me know exactly how many more articles she needs 
to meet the standards that she usually applies to generalize about the 
expressed beliefs and biases of individuals and communities in the West and the 
East. She could also have the freedom to move the goal posts as far as she 



P.S. BTW, I welcome criticism of all religions and non-religions in Western and 
Eastern outlets. That is what freedom of expression is all about.

--- On Fri, 12/10/10, Carvalho  wrote:
> Response:
> I read the two articles that were appended as proof that
> there is a "lot of 
> criticism of Hinduism and Islam".
> One wasn't about Hinduism, it was about atrocities carried
> out by Hindus on 
> Christians. 
> The second article was defending Muslims against critism.
> So please do forward an article from a "reputed" news
> outlet in the West saying 
> that the very tenets of Hinduism or Islam constitute
> intolerance and lack of 
> respect for other religions.
> That is what Malhotra says in his article on the Huffington
> post that the very 
> tenets of Christianity espouse lack of respect for other
> religions. It is sadly 
> a rant against Abrahamic religions or for Malhotra - Islam
> and Christianity, 
> ironically the two communities under attack in India in
> various forms, even 
> benign forms such as forwarding such articles to propagate
> a certain point of 
> view.
> You are as protective about Hinduism as I am about
> Christianity. I have no 
> problem with that, it is what any member belonging to a
> certain community would 
> do. I have a problem only when you try to convince us of
> your neutrality.
> You can have the last word Santosh. There are so many to
> choose from: lies, 
> innuendo, boorishness, communal, distortion, scientific
> illiteracy and so on and 
> so forth.
> Best,
> Selma

[Goanet] "Tolerance isn't good enough" - Rajiv Malhotra in HuffPo

2010-12-10 Thread U. G. Barad
I read the article, and the author calls for equal respect for all
religions.  I am very surprised at the reaction (angry?) of Selam Carvalho.

However, having read her posts in the past, I would appreciate if she could
tell us what exactly does she object in the article.

Best regards,

U G Barad

[Goanet] Resolution 1514 - UN a bogus organisation

2010-12-10 Thread Bernado Colaco
They say that Portugal did not comply with 1514. In December 1961 the neo 
colonial ruler also never complied with the resolution. For 50 years Goans have 
been fooled with the term liberation.
1514 (XV). Declaration on the granting ot
independence to colonial countries and
peoplesThe General Assembly,
of the world in the Charter of the United Nations
to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the
dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal
rights of men and women and of nations large and small
and to promote social progress and better standards of
life in larger freedom,of the determination proclaimed by the peoplesConscious 
of stability and well-being and peaceful and friendly
relations based on respect for the principles of equal
rights and self-determination of all peoples, and of
universal respect for, and observance of, human rights
and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction
as to race, sex, language or religion,of the need for the creation of 

all dependent peoples and the decisive role of such 
in the attainment of their independence,the passionate yearning for freedom 

denial of or impediments in the way of the freedom of
such peoples, which constitute a serious threat to world
peace,of the increasing conflicts resulting from theConsidering 
in assisting the movement for independence in Trust
and Non-Self-Governing Territories,the important role of the United 

desire the end of colonialism in all its manifestations,that the peoples of the 
world ardentlyConvinced 

prevents the development of international economic cooperation,
impedes the social, cultural and economic
development of dependent peoples and militates against
the United Nations ideal of universal peace,that the continued existence of 

dispose of their riatural wealth and resources without
prejudice to any obligations arising out of international
economic co-operation, based upon tbe principle of
mutual benefit, and international law, that peoples may, for their own ends, 

and irreversible and that, in order to avoia serious
an end must 
segregation and discrimination associated therewith,that the process of 
liberation is irresistiblebe put to colonialism and all practices ofWelcoming 

and recognizing the increasingly powerful
trends towards freedom in such territories which have
not vet attained independence,the emergence in recent years of a largeof 
dependent territories into freedom and independence,

Re: [Goanet] Who is Soter Barreto

2010-12-10 Thread Sebastian Borges
Dear FN, Please excuse my bluntness.  But I do feel that you barked up the 
wrong tree and proceeded to commit the same crime which you falsely accuse me 
I wish to assert that every sentence of mine is a verifiable fact. Which part 
of my post can even remotely be construed as "bringing Devanagari-versus-Romi 
politics into the debate"? In fact, there was no debate here until you 
intervened, since Augusto had accepted my observations in the spirit that I had 
made them. So, who is bringing in politics and polemics? Augusto did not say he 
developed any complex as a result of my observations; but I do feel that you 
should do something about yours. Are you embarrassed of being a Goan Catholic? 
If not, what makes you say that Augusto is? But I sure am glad that you did not 
label my observation as "ethnic insult." (;-))
Where is the "excluding, labelling and stereotyping"?
 Where did I say that Konkani should not be promoted in all its forms, dialects 
and scripts?
Where did I say that we need to cut at the roots of English usage in Goa?
Do you know for sure that I have sent my children to English medium schools? If 
not, why direct the question to me? Why don't you take it up with the right 
Did I ever say that we do not need translations?
What relevance do our beards and their colours bear to any debate? If they 
don't matter, why bring them up at all?  Is it necessary that I should have 
something against you in order to justify an honest difference of opinion? Is 
it not possible for two nice persons (and both of us are indeed nice!) to hold 
divergent, even contrary, views about a matter even in spite of strong personal 
It is obvious that you have entirely misunderstood my post. Therefore, let me 
explain. I read Augusto's post first on GRN. When I saw Soter Barreto's name in 
the subject column of my Inbox I was surprised. I could not understand why  
anyone should be searching on the Internet for the Soter Barreto I know 
because, far from being a netizen, he is not even computer-savvy; for this, he 
relies on his daughters and nieces. So I presumed that it must be someone else. 
But when I read the post and the poem, I was convinced that it was my friend 
that Augusto was looking for. Hence I decided to respond. 
I already knew that Augusto has published translations from Konkani in 
Devanagari; so, obviously, he reads the language in that script. But two things 
told me that he does not read Roman Konkani: (1) his orthography and (2) he 
missed the poem when it appeared in Romi. This was surprising because (a) he is 
a Catholic Goan (GC), (b) self-styled "protagonists of Konkani in Roman script" 
(PKR) shout from the housetops that this is the "language" of GCs (pl. see the 
last two issues of Vavraddeancho Ixtt), (c) some time back, in a Review, 
Augusto had castigated (if I may say so) Damodar Mauzo for using the 'Antruzi' 
dialect in his novel "Sunami Saimon" (Tsunami Simon), a dialect which is 
anathema to PKR. I have always debunked the above-quoted claim of PKR, since I 
know that a large number of GCs do not read Konkani in any script. But, in my 
opinion until then, this did not apply to the likes of Augusto who do read 
Devanagari Konkani (besides subscribing to
 one of the contentions of PKR). Hence my surprise and "complex-giving" 
 I trust that this clears the cobwebs.
Mog asum.
Sebastian Borges

On Thu, 9 Dec 2010, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
On 9 December 2010 05:22, Sebastian Borges  wrote:

> Dear friends,
> Augusto's post makes it obvious that, despite belonging to the Goan
> Catholic community, he does not read Konkani in the Roman script; and he is
> certainly not an exception!

Also, why give Augusto a complex about "belonging to the Goan Catholic
community [and]... not read[ing] Konkani in the Roman script"?

We are great at excluding people, labelling them and even stereotyping.

I would see this as a half-full glass kind of issue and instead say:

"Augusto's post makes it obvious that he is trying to appreciate writings in
Konkani, is immensely skilled at translations, and that such individuals
have great roles to play as bridge-builders."

My only complaint against Augusto is that he doesn't do enough translations,
and wastes a lot of his talent :-) He will one day have to answer to his
maker for this :-)

As far as Prof Borges goes, I have nothing personal against him, appreciate
his work on the language issue, but feel that we all need to see this all as
more than a zero-sum game, not just a you-lose-if-I-win scenario. I've met
Prof Borges in real-life, and he's a fine, softspoken gentleman (with a long
white beard) with whom it is difficult to disagree or fight. At least that's
my experience... FN

On Wed, 08 Dec 2010, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

Dear Prof Borges, I think you're bringing Devanagari-versus-Romi
politics into the debate. To my mind, the issue is that Konkani
deserves to be promoted. In all its forms, dialects and scri

[Goanet] Centenary Celebrations of Sacred Heart of Jesus High School, Anjuna

2010-12-10 Thread Domnic Fernandes
The Sacred Heart of Jesus High School, Anjuna, celebrates its First 
Centenary at its Annual Day today, December 11, 2010.

Mr. Luizinho Faleiro, Congress Working Committee Permanent Invitee and 
General Secretary, North Eastern States, has kindly consented to be the 
Chief Guest, and, Padmashree Awardee, Rev. Fr. Romualdo D'Souza, S.J., 
former founder and Director of Goa Institute of Management has 
graciously accepted to be the Guest of Honor.

An English-medium school was set up by Jacob Conceicão D'Souza, a 
retired Postmaster, in his house in Gaumvaddi, Anjuna, Goa (presently 
'Bougainvillea Hotel - Grandpa's Inn') around 1910 or earlier. It taught 
only four classes, from the 1st to the 4th Standard.

To learn more about this School, please read my 3-Part series "The 
Sacred Heart of Jesus High Schools and their Founders," which was posted 
on Goanet last October and which is also available on Google.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Heartiest congratulations on this great achievement to the management of 
the School, past and present students and Anjunkars.


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna, Goa
Mob: 9420979201


2010-12-10 Thread Aires Rodrigues
It has now been revealed that Goa’s Raj Bhavan has been declining to furnish
any information under the Right to Information Act.

I had by an application dated 29th November sought from Raj Bhavan under the
Right to Information Act details of action taken on the complaints made by
me to the Governor of Goa against Advocate General of Goa Mr. Subodh Kantak.
I had also sought copies of noting sheets and correspondence pertaining to
the processing of my complaints against the Advocate General.

By a letter to me dated 30th November, Special Secretary to Governor, Dr.
N.Radhakrishnan declined to furnish the information, stating that
information under RTI could not be furnished as the Governor of Goa is not a
Public Authority and that an affidavit to this effect has been filed before
the Bombay High Court at Goa.

This explanation given by the Raj Bhavan to avoid the RTI Act is not
acceptable. I will take immediate legal steps to ensure that the Goa Raj
Bhavan immediately complies with the Right to Information Act It is
deplorable that the Governor of Goa as head of the State was himself
scuttling an Act which was enacted to ensure transparency and accountability
in the functioning of the administration.

I am also surprised that the current Governor Dr. S.S.Sidhu who is a retired
bureaucrat and not a politician has allowed the Raj Bhavan to breach the
constitutional obligation of complying with the Right to Information Act. With
the exception of Goa all other Raj Bhavans are complying with the Right to
Information Act. Instead of strengthening the RTI, the Goa Governor has
allowed it to be weakened.

The Governor’s petition before the High Court is pertaining to a particular
information sought by Leader of the Opposition Mr. Manohar Parrikar and it
is  no license or grounds for a blanket refusal by the Governor to comply
with the RTI Act.

The State Information Commission by an order dated 30th July 2008 had
directed the Raj Bhavan to furnish information sought by Mr. Manohar
Parrikar on the reports sent by Governor to the Union Home Ministry on the
political situation in Goa during the period from 24th July 2007 to
14thAugust 2007.

Within a week on 4th August 2008 the Raj Bhavan challenged the State
Information Commission’s order before the High Court and on 5th August 2008
obtained an ex- parte stay order from having to furnish that information to
Mr. Parrikar. Though the High Court had directed that the matter be
expeditiously heard it has not come up for hearing for the last two years.

Incidentally the current Goa Governor Dr. S.S. Sidhu took over as Governor
on 21st July 2008 and within a forthnight the Raj Bhavan took a decision not
to furnish any information under the Right to Information Act.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Bombay's Arthur Bunder Road in the International Herald Tribune

2010-12-10 Thread Roland Francis
Eric Pinto will especially remember this 

[Goanet] "Tolerance isn't good enough" - Rajiv Malhotra

2010-12-10 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Santosh Helekar:

This is not true at all. There is a lot of criticism of Hinduism and Islam
published by respectable outlets in western democracies. Islamophobia is
quite rampant in the U.S. in particular. Here is an article criticizing
Hindus in the New York Times:


I went through the above article. I did not find any criticism of Hinduism
as claimed by Santosh. In fact the article is merely a reporting of the
violence against christians in Kandhamal,Orissa in 2008 by hindutva forces.

IMHO hindutva is an ideology of comparative recent origin, early 20th
century (propounded by Savarkar, Hegdewar & others) whereas Hinduism is a
religion of over 2000 years old. The two are quite different and should not
be considered synonymous although adherents, sympathisers and apologists of
hindutva would like all others to believe so in order to gain acceptance and



Re: [Goanet] Boycott Goa Liberation Celebrations

2010-12-10 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Bosco D' Mello (BD) debated thus with Arwin Mesquita (AM); I have a
few comments (JC):

AM 1:  what actually happened in 1961. Was Goa liberated or
invaded or a conquest?
BD 1:  what is this soul-searching discovery going to lead to?? Is
going to pay the bills of Goans?? Get food on the table?? Get them
jobs? Keep the lights on in Quepem 24x7? Keep the streets of Margao
clean? What net benefit does this have for today's Goan??

JC 1: It might have a net benefit for those who have time to waste on
less-than-fruitful activity


AM 2: Why were promises made to preserve Goa's Identity? And worse
still, why were these promises not honoured to date?
BD 2:  Who made the promises?? A politician? How many politicians do
you know that have kept their umpteem promises?? What has transpired
of the promise a current minister gave you personally a few months

JC 2: The response to Bosco point is "ditto"!; The answer to Arwin's
questions is "because"!


AM 3:  Does the Supreme Court not acknowledge that Goa was a conquest/invaded?
BD 3: The Court's pronouncements are for academia.

JC 3: Arwin just might benefit from reading the entire Supreme Court
judgment. Then, I am almost, nearly 23% sure that he will join me in
saying (to his own question) So?


AM 4: Why are our Freedom Fighters not demanding safeguards today via
Special Status and other means to preserve Goa's Identity.
BD 4:  Freedom Fighters?? Burp!!

JC 4: Being an occasionally polite guy, I will not burp in public. I
will just say the following: Freedom Fighters?! Those jokers? Ha Ha Ha


BD 5:  I believe many Goans understand that as they continue to work
hard wherever they are and make a success of their lives.Perhaps I
am wearing my cynicism on my sleeve today.

JC 5: Ditto!

ps: It is possible that one of these days, Arwin will accept the truth
and migrate (say) to Sri Lanka or Canada or Savantwadi.


[Goanet] Outside an infotech park, dreams

2010-12-10 Thread U. G. Barad
I thought members on this list would be interested in this item.

Outside an infotech park, dreams
Author: Ajay Khape
Publication: Indian Express
Date: December 5, 2010

[Goanet] Meet Dr. Bicaji Ganecar

2010-12-10 Thread JoeGoaUk

Meet Dr. Bicaji Ganecar
A physician, poet, satirist etc
Young and jolly looking fellow

I am one of his great fans
Sadly, he is not available on facebook
(He did talk about  a lot of internet age though)

This clip was captured today while he was 
keeping the audience entertained at 44th Mando Festival

'Tumchi Bholaki tumchea hatant'
(Your health is in your hand)
You take care.
Long live Dr. Bicaji
Note: Some one pl pass on this post to him


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goa news for December 11, 2010

2010-12-10 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** 1112 In its 25th year, guv gifts GU a committee for
introspection - Times of India
moratorium on mining to be extended further

*** Man jailed for raping girl in India - BBC News
C NewsHe admitted three rapes and 18 related charges in Goa
between 2005 and 2007. Judge Marie Catterson said McCloud's
crimes were "abhorrent". ...

*** Churchill in the dock for Karwar merger remark - Times of

*** Goan handicrafts target international markets - Sify
fyPanaji, Dec 10 (IANS) 'Hammocks to Switzerland, pottery to
Greece' is the new mantra the Goa Handicrafts Rural and Small
Scale Industries Development ...

*** Princess Indian Cuisine  The Coming of a Goan Age - Indo
American News

*** Goa, India: Destination Of The Day (PHOTOS) - Huffington

*** Goa lifeguards' strike upsets tourism industry - Sify
fyPanaji, Dec 10 (IANS) The tourism industry Friday urged the
Goa government to get lifeguards back on the state's beaches
ahead of Christmas and New Year ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFmRe1XXnBk9ayQCGyXy5ujZNMCaQ&url=http://sify.com/finance/goa-lifeguards-strike-upsets-tourism-industry-news-default-kmkvOsfjgce.html

*** Football set to taxi into foreign fan base - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe Goa Football Association are now looking at
making the best use of the taxi drivers' weakness for football
and, of course, their ability to lure the ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEzocruV9Zx11GgHiQsRqN8lYP9OA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Football-set-to-taxi-into-foreign-fan-base/articleshow/7080470.cms

*** 24-Hour Room Service: Alila Diwa, Goa, India - Independent

*** Chanda's 10-wicket haul spells doom for Goa - Times of India
un eighth wicket ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNE84mNWKRSJaJiCXiOU6ANyaxV-Tw&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/cricket/domestic-cricket/ranji-trophy/Chandas-10-wicket-haul-spells-doom-for-Goa/articleshow/7079362.cms

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Kuwait: EAS premises reverberate with chorus of angelic voices

2010-12-10 Thread Goa World

EAS premises reverberate with chorus of angelic voices

By Gasper Almeida, Kuwait

Photos:   http://bit.ly/gdOs4b

Kuwait December 9, 2010: A chorus of angelic voices, their voice 
absolutely innocent, the recitation simply magnificent! Such was the 
performance displayed by the students of grade I to IV hailing from the 
various participating schools in this year's Choral recitation competition.

Seven Indian schools participated in this competition. The Indian 
English Academy School (IEAS) premises were packed with parents, 
teachers and students gathered to watch their children/ students recite 
their masterpieces. Year after year, this competition gets tougher and 
tougher as schools now have caught up with the idea. No poems were 
repeated. All applauded the little children in their colorful costumes 
and acknowledged the hard work put in by the teachers, who took the 
trouble to train these little children.

The President of DBPPA, Mr. Venkatesh Ramaswamy commented, “This is a 
yearly event and schools look forward to this competition. The judges 
hail from various walks of life and nationalities. Staging such an event 
requires a lot of efforts by the organizers, school teachers and 
parents. Of course the lion's share of hard work is put in by the 
children who come and perform in front of a large audience”.

Mr. Stanley D’souza, General Secretary, DBPPA added, “We try to organize 
various activities for the school children here in Kuwait, as it reminds 
us of our childhood days back in India. So many interschool competitions 
were held then, and what a joy it was take part in them. We need such 
activities here for our children, as the world gets more and more 
competitive. Our trophies, imported from the USA add a final magical 
touch to the competition. I would like to sincerely thank our sponsor, 
Al Rashed International Shipping that has been supporting us from the 
very first Choral Recitation Competition.

Indeed, it was a competition worth watching. The faces of the little 
children said it all; their message one of unity and love.

The reputed judges for the event were:  Mrs. Michelle Gray, Mr. Faizel 
Haddad, Mr. Simon Crerie

Winners in the Juniors category: Gulf Indian School

Winners in the Sub Juniors category: Fahaheel Al Wataniya School

Over all Champions: Points tied by Gulf Indian School & Fahaheel Al 
Wataniya School (Joint winners for 2010)



"Indian Football Referee Association (IFRA) - Kuwait, would like to 
cordially and officially invite your clubs to participate in our 11 A 
Side 'Knock out' soccer tournament.

The competition is organized under the slogan "Football for Friendship 
and Coexistence" promoting soccer on the auspicious occasion of IFRA 
completing 30 years. Matches will be held from January 15, 2011 at the 
Baladiya Grounds - Salmiya in the evenings from 04:00 pm onwards. 
Entries open to all Asian soccer clubs.

Contact Sarto 99774635 or Sharma 99515340."

[Goanet] Real Estate Goans

2010-12-10 Thread Arwin Mesquita
  There are Goans too lazy to do anything constructive or think of good
business ventures which could take a little more effort, so they do the
easiest thing that is available to them i.e. get into Real Estate. My
question to each of them is: after you have sold our priceless land to
outsiders, made Goa Non-Goan, destroyed Goa's pristine & clean environment,
polluted land/air/water, converted fields illegally with the help of corrupt
politicians, destroyed hills/beaches, converted Goa from a paradise into a
living hell etc, what will be you next line of business; as surely you know
that Goa has limited land? Who/What will you sell next? Surely you do not
care about your future generations or the fate of Goans in the future with
respect to Health, Quality of Life, Identity etc so I will not bother
questioning you all on this particular point!!

Arwin Mesquita

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Firewood cuisine.

2010-12-10 Thread eric pinto
Make that 'live' flames, folk, and the smoke did wonders for the sausage that 
dried overhead: not much chance we will see a return of those simple 

 One pays premium prices for 'fruitwood' charcoal, in the West, our mango tree 
kindles were made for a much better 'match.'

Re: [Goanet] "Tolerance isn't good enough" - Rajiv Malhotra in HuffPo

2010-12-10 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Selma Carvalho writes:
>It is indeed reprehensible that such a repulsive article should find its way  
>into the Huffington post but it is not surprising that the self-hating far 
>should advocate such things without knowing the impact such opinions create 
>Christian communities not based in the USA.   

I congratulate Rajiv Malhotra, a leader in the United States in the area 
of interfaith dialogue & understanding, for a cogent and bold essay.
We are sorry to note that Selma Carvalho, of the "generation of Goans 
is brought up to hate Catholics" fame, and repairer of Goan democracy 
from behind a gated (or not - acc to Cornel) community, finds it 
I shall personally ask Hindoo Malhotra to try harder next time (to make
it even more reprehensible, that is).

>The fact that Rajan Parrikar and his ilk have become increasingly radicalized  
>over the years is a bad omen of things to come in India.  

Not just in India, but in the whole world.  We RSSwallahs have fanned out.  
This Hindoo has already infiltrated HuffPo and is spreading the Hindoo
gospel.  See -



Warm regards,


[Goanet] A-re Zalem re zalem re zalem re, Tumchem Goem piddar zalem...

2010-12-10 Thread JoeGoaUk
A-re  Zalem  re zalem re zalem re, Tumchem Goem piddar zalem...
Ani koxem re koxem re koxem re? ‘Builder’-ani  kobar kelam



for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] "Tolerance isn't good enough" - Rajiv Malhotra in HuffPo

2010-12-10 Thread Carvalho
Santosh Helekar writes:
This is not true at all. There is a lot of criticism of Hinduism and Islam 
published by respectable outlets in western democracies.
I read the two articles that were appended as proof that there is a "lot of 
criticism of Hinduism and Islam".
One wasn't about Hinduism, it was about atrocities carried out by Hindus on 

The second article was defending Muslims against critism.
So please do forward an article from a "reputed" news outlet in the West saying 
that the very tenets of Hinduism or Islam constitute intolerance and lack of 
respect for other religions.
That is what Malhotra says in his article on the Huffington post that the very 
tenets of Christianity espouse lack of respect for other religions. It is sadly 
a rant against Abrahamic religions or for Malhotra - Islam and Christianity, 
ironically the two communities under attack in India in various forms, even 
benign forms such as forwarding such articles to propagate a certain point of 
You are as protective about Hinduism as I am about Christianity. I have no 
problem with that, it is what any member belonging to a certain community would 
do. I have a problem only when you try to convince us of your neutrality.
You can have the last word Santosh. There are so many to choose from: lies, 
innuendo, boorishness, communal, distortion, scientific illiteracy and so on 
so forth.

[Goanet] will be in the UK next weekend

2010-12-10 Thread marlon menezes
We are making a 3 day trip to the UK. Arriving on the 18th and leaving on the 
21st. What is your phone #?

 Marlon Menezes
Austin, Tx.
Cell 512 968 4744

Re: [Goanet] Boycott Goa Liberation Celebrations

2010-12-10 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Arwin Mesquita

>  I request Goans to do a little research and find out the facts of
>  what actually happened in 1961. Was Goa liberated or invaded or a
>  conquest?

RESPONSE: And what is this soul-searching discovery going to lead to?? 
Is going to pay the bills of Goans?? Get food on the table?? Get them 
jobs? Keep the lights on in Quepem 24x7? Keep the streets of Margao 
clean? What net benefit does this have for today's Goan??

>  Why were promises made to preserve Goa's Identity? And
>  worse still, why were these promises not honoured to date?

RESPONSE: Who made the promises?? A politician? How many politicians do 
you know that have kept their umpteem promises?? What has transpired of 
the promise a current minister gave you personally a few months ago?

>  Were we not fooled and brainwashed into believing that we were were
>  liberated, and today like "ignorants", we celebrate "Goa's
>  Liberation Day" ?

RESPONSE: A straw poll of Goans around us will disabuse us of the notion 
that Goans actually celebrate 'Liberation Day' unless you count the 
school children who march in State Government organized parades in 
Panaji and Margao or the ones in Goa that attend a Liberation Ball. Mind 
you the parades are cute. The last one I attended had Manohar Parrikar 
being driven around Campal Grounds in a jeep.

>  Does the Supreme Court not acknowledge that Goa was a
>  conquest/invaded?

RESPONSE: The Court's pronouncements are for academia. The courts at 
various levels have passed judgements on civic, environmental and other 
matters. A straw poll of Goans around us will disabuse us of the notion 
that Goans are even aware of these judgements and if they are, a 
majority are unlikely to be motivated to have these judgements enforced. 
Case in point the Public Interest Litigation (PIL), Rajan Parrikar vs 
Corporation of the City of Panaji (CCP). Goans would be better off 
forcing the CCP to carryout the judgement of the High Court to keep the 
City of Panaji clean instead of being referred to the Supreme Court 
acknowledgement that Goa was conquered. The latter is not going to make 
a difference to the life for the average Goan in Panaji.

>  Why are our Freedom Fighters not demanding safeguards today via
>  Special Status and other means to preserve Goa's Identity.

RESPONSE: Freedom Fighters?? Burp!!

>  Goans, it is high time we address all the brain washing that has
>  been happening for all these years. We must boycott the "farce
>  liberation celebrations" and immediately DEMAND what is rightfully
>  ours i.e. Measures to protect our land, environment, demographics,
>  language, culture & identity.

RESPONSE: Good luck with that!! The last time Goans were mobilised in 
numbers to DEMAND something/anything was around the Goa Bachao Abhiyan 
(GBA) in Dec 2006. In four years and hundreds of meetings at Gram 
Sabhas, Panchayats, arrests, protests, threats, deadlines, etc.how 
much have things changed in the last four years for the average Goan?

>  Else the only Liberation that is going to come true, is the
>  Liberation of Goa from the Goans!!

RESPONSE: Now will we have to wait for the Supreme Court's pronouncement 
on whether this would be a Liberation or a takeover??

Arwin, your efforts for Goa and Goans is appreciated very much. However, 
it appears you have learnt very quickly in the past few months, much to 
your frustration, that you can achieve close to nothing when you deal 
with our politicians unless there is something in it for them.

I have also come to abhor being constantly reminded of 1961. Everything 
that happened then is for academic purposes and will make no difference 
to the present. I believe many Goans understand that as they continue to 
work hard wherever they are and make a success of their lives.

Perhaps I am wearing my cynicism on my sleeve today.

- B

[Goanet] 44th Mando Festival - Curtorechim Salkam bagged top awards

2010-12-10 Thread JoeGoaUk

44th Mando Festival - Curtorechim Salkam bagged top awards
in association with Dept. of Art & Culture and Kala Academy, Goa.
Held at Kala Academy on 9-10th Dec.2010, 5-9pm
Curtorim (Curtorechim Salkam) once again on the top
winning 4 top awards out of total 6
1st prize for Traditional Category
1st prize for Original Category
1st prize for Dance Category
Best Mando group award from GCSC
2nd Prize for best Lyrics
2nd prize for best Music
Other details of winning groups as follows:

Children Category  ( Total 3 groups)
1. Kuchelichim Salkam
2. Vell’lechim fultim Fulam
3 . St XavierHigh School,  Velim
Teenagers Category (3)
1. Xavier Collegicho Naad. Mapusa
2. Vell’lechim Salkam, Velim
3. St. Xavier High School, Velim
Traditional Category (5)
1. Curtorechim Salkam, Curtorim
2. Goenchim Noketram, Sarzora
3. Goenchim Kirnam, Pernem

Dance Category (4)
1. Curtorechim Salkam, Curtorim
2. Goenchim Kirnam, Pernem
3. St. Xavier Collegicho Naad, Mapusa
Original Category (4)
1. Curtorechim Salkam, Curtorim
2. Goechim Notekram, Sarzora (see pic)
3. St. Xavier Collegicho Naad, Mapusa
Senior Citizen (2)
1. Porvorechim Noketram, Porvorim (see pic)
2. Vell’lechim Salkam, Velim  (See Pic)
Best Music
1. Marialina Dias (Goemchim Neketram)
2.  Fr. A. D’Costa (Curtorechim Salkam)
3.  Fr. Olavo  Caiado (Goenchim Kirnam)
Best Lyrics:
1. Mrs. Marialina Dias (Goenchim Neketram)
2. Fr. A. D’Costa (Curtorecchim Salkam)
3. Fr. Luis Gomes (Vell’lechim Salkam)
Here are some of the pics on the second day.
Sorry, missed the first day and hence no winning groups pics.

Vell’lechim Salkam, Velim (Original Category)

Goenchim Noketram, Sarzora (OC)
Vell’lechim Salkam  (Dance Category)

Vell’lechim Salkam (my Category, i.e. Senior Citizens)

Porvorechim Noketram (SC)
The chief guest d/o PWD Minister, Valanka Almemao
Wtih GCSC president Francis Noronha (left) and Treasurer 
Isac Dias (right) and others

With Dr. Bicaji

Young  Dr. Bicaji

Bye-bye and goodnite
See you next year
Houseful Audience?
60% of about 225 you see  are  the participating groups 
and their families

- Hindi language too entered inot traditonal Mando, next could be Kan'nad
One dulpod goes like this..
JAHAN DHEKO, VAHAM DHEKO sogleak garbage puta..
- Why Minister Cherchill could not make it?
He is in Delhi on an urgent call by High Command so says the GCSC
- One blanned media for not giving enough coverage
However, H's photographer was seen today taking Pics of d/o the Minister
- 56 page Souvenir on sale Rs.50 each
- I thought entry is free but some one told me at the restaurant
that  he paid Rs.50 for a ticket
Could not verify this. But I don't remember paying last 1-2 years
May be we just walked in assuming it was free (2 hours after the start)


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goan Desh Premi Dummies

2010-12-10 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

On the sorry spectacle of Goan desh premi dummies protesting the long gone 
Portuguese -

Let us recognize it for what it is - the origin of their angst is entirely 
Their complaint is aimed at the 'Katlick' community who they believe adores
or long for the Portuguese (never mind that such people as exist represent
a sliver of the community).  But the desh premis are pansies, so they will not 
say it openly.  Instead we get these dogwhistles.

These great lovers of Goa have not said a peep about the spectacle of Goans
groveling and scraping before Delhi babus since 1961.  Things in Goa named 
after Rajiv Gandhi, the semi-literate dropout and rationalizer of Sikh murders, 
do not inspire their anger.  They have no qualms worshipping Nehru, the 
hypocrite who grabbed Goa and cast it among the wolves.  The same guy 
Nehru, who carved special protection for his own homeland of Kashmir to shield
it from the rest of Indians.  

The desh dummies have no issue with the desertification of Goa, the
concretization of Goa, the ghatification of Goa, and the 
Jharkhandfication etc of Goa.  Instead, it is the long gone Portuguese who 
to them represent a clear and present danger.  Ghatis shitting in their 
is fine, filthy fatcats from Delhi coming in and taking over Goan property is 
but it is some odd Goan 'Katlick' of their fantasies who is deserving of their 
scorn and public ire.

Meanwhile, in other news - looks like Jug Suraiya of Times of India has
just received 'breaking news' that Goa is being "overbuilt" and "overcrowded."
It must not have broken to him that it is guys like him who have contributed
to it and put Goa on the fast track to becoming more like his own 
hometown Gurgaon ("Googaon" as he called it).  He laments that fellows 
from Delhi are all coming to Goa.  But being the hypocrite that he is, Suraiya 
is on board the same flight.

If Suraiya loves Goa, I suggest he fold his tent in Goa and go back.  And 
take with him the rest of the Delhi parasites.  But we know he won't.  

Incidently, the prospect of Goa fast turning into a slum is looked upon with
relish in some quarters.  It means lifelong job security for some folks.  I 
am sure that Srivastava guy will soon be writing tracts and holding panel 
discussions about the great ecosystem that has evolved in the Chimbel slum.



Re: [Goanet] "Tolerance isn't good enough" - Rajiv Malhotra in HuffPo

2010-12-10 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Fri, 12/10/10, Carvalho  wrote:
> But the validity of the article can be easily tested thus: Try getting >an 
> article published in a respectable outlet which says Hinduism or Islam >is an 
> intolerant religion in the US or any Western democracy. There will 
> be an uproar. 

This is not true at all. There is a lot of criticism of Hinduism and Islam 
published by respectable outlets in western democracies. Islamophobia is quite 
rampant in the U.S. in particular. 

Here is an article criticizing Hindus in the New York Times:


Here is an article talking about the Islamophobia in the U.S. in the Guardian:


As far as the article in Huffington Post is concerned, I think the mutual 
respect that it advocates leads to a contradiction. One can ask people to 
respect each other as human beings, but how can one ask people to respect 
beliefs that they consider to be against their own religion?



--- On Fri, 12/10/10, Carvalho  wrote:
> But the validity of the article can be easily tested thus:
> Try getting an article published in a respectable outlet
> which says Hinduism or 
> Islam is an intolerant religion in the US or any Western
> democracy. There will 
> be an uproar. 
> It is indeed reprehensible that such
> a repulsive article should find its way 
> into the Huffington post but it is not surprising that the
> self-hating far left 
> should advocate such things without knowing the impact such
> opinions create for 
> Christian communities not based in the USA.
> But the validity of the article can be easily tested thus:
> Try getting an article published in a respectable outlet
> which says Hinduism or 
> Islam is an intolerant religion in the US or any Western
> democracy. There will 
> be an uproar. People will get fired (a la Ann Coulter).
> But its alright to beat Christianity into a pulp. One can
> get away with it. 
> Afterall, everyone knows Christians won't go around razing
> religious places to 
> the ground, blowing up towers, hijacking planes or holding
> others hostage.
> I think everyone has a fair idea of which religions tends
> to be tolerant with a 
> "mutual respect" for life and which don't.
> The fact that Rajan Parrikar and his ilk have become
> increasingly radicalized 
> over the years is a bad omen of things to come in India.
> Best,
> Selma

Re: [Goanet] Isn't it time for the Goanetters meet this year?

2010-12-10 Thread Frederick Noronha
Hi Tony,

We've been discussing this off-list, and the tentative plan is to have
it on Dec 27. By January, most visiting Goanetters have already left.

The only problem with accepting suggestions from everyone (a more
democratic form of functioning) is that you get suggestions from
everyone, with left to implement it :-) It becomes a
how-many-Goans-do-you-need-to-change-a-lightbulb kind of thingy!

If anyone is offering to do something specific to make the event
better, please make a specific offer. In keeping with the First Law of
Volunteering, whoever suggests something needs to implement it.

Also, at the end of the day, we need to take diverse interests into
account too. I know some would prefer a meeting over dinner and
drinks, but others from outside Panjim find it tough to make it at
this time.

Meanwhile, those visiting Goa this month, please share your contacts
if you'd like to network with others here. Mervyn Maciel (author of
B'wana Karani) was in Goa till early Dec. After a delayed flight back
home (London airports frozen), he was a bit unwell on return.

My contacts are below; best time to call is after 2 pm (bad phone
manners... email has a much better chance of getting a reply!) FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 9 December 2010 20:03, Tony de Sa  wrote:
> Hi Goanet,
> The year seems to have flown this year and isn't it time for the next
> Goanetters Annual Meet?
> This time let it be a more organized one even if it means shelling out for
> it. Last year, Vivian was the only one sporting  a cap which was specially
> made by him in the U. S. of A.
> Suggestion: Why can't some resident GNers be enrolled to assist in
> organizing it? There are many in and around Panjim which is the most central
> place who surely would want to organize it. We can do it say in January even
> if it means postponing the meet for a while.
> Let us establish our GNer identity by giving the member attending something
> to commemorate the day.

[Goanet] Avoi - Topless !

2010-12-10 Thread eric pinto
  Nasci - shirts went awol when cooking over a life flame on a ninety degree 
day: most of our women simply tossed them, when I was a little fellow.  The 
saree top did just fine for token modesty , and as a constant brow sweat mop.   

women will wear just two piece bikinis, everywhere.
That will surely put out of business the 'people ogling groups' organisres.
Taste of things to come!

Nascy Caldeira


[Goanet] Two held for possessing drugs

2010-12-10 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

Bicholim Police arrested two persons on charges of possessing drugs worth Rs
50,000 in separate incidents in Bicholim taluka.
According to Bicholim PI Harish Madkaikar, in the first case reported at
Sanquelim bus stand on Tuesday evening, police arrested one Nazir
Allahabaksha Ahmad (74) from Haveri-Karnataka on charges of possessing
Ganja, about 380 gms, worth Rs 5,000.
In yet another case, Bicholim Police on Wednesday arrested one Rameshuddhin
Rehman (26) from Assam at Bicholim bus stand on charges of carrying Charas,
about 4.62 gms, worth Rs 45,000.

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Happy Feast to all Moddgonvkars

2010-12-10 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão


On Fri Dec 10
06:51:46 PST 2010 Domnic
Fernandes domvalden
at hotmail.com wrote: <>>


COMMENT : My dear Domnic, you are confusing
literacy with education. Education means Knowledge included, but mainly how to
behave, manners, dressing up, what not to do and courtesy in presence of 

Organizers of big Dances are business oriented.
Try to get inside a Medical Ball with informal clothes on. (i.e. I presume it is
not become commercial yet.)

And lastly, moving with the times actually
means improving on your education, or do you mean degeneration?

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


[Goanet] 2000 year old holy torn tree of Glastonbury, UK is cut down - Daily Mail 10/12/10

2010-12-10 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Were anti-Christians behind pilgrimage site attack? 2,000-year-old Holy Thorn 
Tree of Glastonbury is cut down

Vandals have destroyed one of the most celebrated Christian pilgrimage sites in 
Britain and chopped down a tree said to have sprouted from the staff of Joseph 
of Arimathea. The Holy Thorn Tree of Glastonbury, Somerset, is visited by 
thousands every year to pay homage and leave tokens of worship. Those visiting 
today were moved to tears on finding the tree cut to a stump.

[Goanet] Portuguese language Basic Course

2010-12-10 Thread Deliom
The Xavier Centre of Historical Research, (www.xchr.in)  Alto Porvorim, 
will organize a Portuguese Basic Course from January 3 to March 20, 
2011, from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. For further 
details contact office: tel. 2417772.

Thank you very much.

Maxilia Goves

[Goanet] Wildtrek Adventures trek to the base of the Vazra Sakla

2010-12-10 Thread Savio Fernandes

Wildtrek Adventures  will be organizing a trek to the base of the
Vazra Sakla at Virdi village in Maharashtra. This twin fall is admired
by everyone who climbs the Chorla Ghat. On Sunday 12th December 2010,
we shall through the forests of the western ghats walking through the
village, fields, streams, valleys and over mountains. To be part of
this trek call Dr. Prithvi 9822123458 / Savio 9822155805 for enquiries
and bookings. Pickup from Panaji and Mapusa


Also see:

Re: [Goanet] I Am Questioned By The Dreaded Agente Monteiro

2010-12-10 Thread Paulo Colaco Dias
I am not shifting anything Gilbert.

If at all, I was comparing the typical Portuguese oppression pre-1961 with
the Indian oppression pre-1961 in Bombay, Calcutta, etc, and post-1961 all
over India. Lots of similarities there, except that perhaps you refuse to
accept because you or your family/friends experienced the former and never
the latter whilst there are lots of other Goan families that experienced the
latter but not the former. The trick is to understand what really happened
on both sides with both countries and how that had a tremendous effect on
the Goan community. You, sadly, are unable to understand that because of
simple brainwashing and because Goans are traditionally unable to analyse
facts from a neutral point of view. You, my friend, are far from an

What is important to note is that Goans suffered in both countries (Portugal
and India). I am pleased because we are finally reaching that conclusion in
this forum. This is not about defending the Portuguese or defending the
Indians. It is about defending ourselves - GOANS -from this complete mess
that we are today.

Everyone knows who Agente Monteiro was.
We even had his own son contributing in this forum a few years ago.

He was used by the Portuguese to spread terror in Goa because he was half
Goan and could contribute a lot with inside information. No doubt.
There is also no doubt that PIDE used him in Portugal as well to continue
the terror. There are even rumours that he was involved in the murder of
Portuguese General Humberto Delgado on the 13 Feb 1965 in Olivença (a
Portuguese territory under Spanish occupation and in dispute for centuries
now). He was a mercenary and he was used as a mercenary by the Portuguese.
It was terrible. Completely unacceptable.

If you only knew half of what the Indian army did to the Portuguese army
post 1961 (3,000 men) in clear violation of Genebra convention, you would be

Best regards
Paulo Dias

-Original Message-
From: goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org
[mailto:goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org] On Behalf Of Gilbert Lawrence
Sent: 10 December 2010 04:42
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] I Am Questioned By The Dreaded Agente Monteiro

Great way to shift the topic of this thread away from Agente Monteiro and
who shielded him. 

Great strategy to ignore the victims of Agente Monetiro and the "indigenous"

ruling eltie in Goa in the last days of the Portuguese colonial regime.

Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] I Am Questioned By The Dreaded Agente Monteiro

2010-12-10 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
I don't know if you read Roland's first submission, wherein he had stated about 
two books that had come into his possession. One was about Agente Monteiro; the 
other by Roldao. 

As Roland wrote about one side of the story, it would be fair to ask him to 
write the other side of the divide.

I do happen to have a copy of Roldao's book, unhappily some 5000 kms away at 
this moment. I have read it, and most of it is in the style of Jose 
Colaco's "Bozo Singh Harder Talks".  However, there are instances in that book 
(and others) that relate to violence much greater than Agente Monteiro's at the 
hands of the Bombay Police. Beatings, seizure of monetary funds, closing down 
premises and the like. Another book which reflects these facts is "Nehru Seizes 
Goa" by Leo Lawrence, which is also banned in India.  

An aside: if India believes in "freedom of press", why ban these books?

- Original Message 
> From: Gilbert Lawrence 
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Sent: Fri, 10 December, 2010 10:11:47 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] I Am Questioned By The Dreaded Agente Monteiro
> Great way to shift the topic of this thread away from Agente Monteiro and 
> those 
> who shielded him. 
> Great strategy to ignore the victims of Agente Monetiro and the "indigenous" 
> ruling eltie in Goa in the last days of the Portuguese colonial regime.
> Regards, GL
>  Paulo Colaco Dias wrote:
> Thank you Gabriel, those are excellent points for discussion. It would be 
> nice if we could get the entire episodes regarding Roldao and the 
> difficulties 

> of the Goans in Bombay who were even forced to change their names to succeed 
> in 
> life and to erase their similarities with Portuguese names.
> --- Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote:
> I hope you can also give a blow-by-blow account of how Roldao was beaten up 
> by 

> the Bombay police and the method of his escape from Bombay to Goa, with his 
> family.  Perhaps you could also read about how Goans in Bombay, who resisted 
> Indian 
> moves to change their attitude towards the Portuguese, were treated, e.g. 
> editors of some prominent Goan publications. 

Re: [Goanet] Diaspora Links: At IC Colony

2010-12-10 Thread Alfred de Tavares

You, dear kiddos, must be talking about our venerable ubiquitous, most 
practical "POTI"...
that so well served our generations past to do all their sopping without 
causing the pestilential
plastic menace that has quite displaced it does!

Come on ClintonWendel...CecilDomnic: let's by all means begin a 
"reclaim our potii" 

Alfred...whom the poti made a celebrated po'tecar! I never departed home 
without one bulging 
my trouser pocketthat helped me help poor Muriel out of her distress 
carrying her ever tumbling 
books as well as bring back fish for my sister's kitchen had I but four annas 
left to buy it with...

> From: eddiever...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 14:10:49 +0300
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Diaspora Links: At IC Colony
> Fred, this type of a bag is mostly available in Goa,
> and hence Mumbaikars call it Goa Bag.  There are two types of goa bags, one 
> open n the other with the zip. Both come in handy as they are strong and can 
> hold lot of stuff like fresh fish, meats, vegges n can be washed after use. 
> Besides this bag, many mumbaikar also used to get the fish soap and payal 
> slippers :))
> Last year IC Parish initiated the Plastic Free drive, by distributing free 
> cloth bags, and it was followed
> for quite some time.
> Eddie
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Frederick Noronha" Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 9:01 AM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Diaspora Links: At IC Colony
> > Eddie, I've heard about the "Goa bag", but only from Bomboicars. If
> > I'm not mistaken, it's the black, plasticy bag that is available at
> > the Mapusa market, and probably at other places.
> >
> > Being in Goa myself, I've not thought of this as a "Goa bag" for
> > obvious reasons :-)
> >
> > Question: do you know how and when this name originated, or when it
> > was first used? Intrigued... FN
> >>
> >> where you find mostly Goans coming for their daily fresh fish with Goa 
> >> Bag > :)
> >
> > Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490 

[Goanet] Mining 'threat' in Sarvan

2010-12-10 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

SARVAN: Situated three kilometres from Bicholim town, Sarvan is known all
over Goa for the pleasing fragrance ofthe surangache valesar, a garland made
from the wild flowers of Ochrocarpus longifolius. These flowers, however,
could become history, say environmentalists, as allegedly illegal mining
activities have started in the village.

On Wednesday, Ramesh S Gauns, an environmental activist from
Pajwada-Bicholim, filed a complaint with the directorate of mines and
geology, urging officials to inspect and stop the alleged illegal mining
activities under way in the village.

Sources told TOI that two mining leases exist in Sarvan close to the state
highway passing from Bicholim to Sanquelim. While one has a lease area of
78.46ha, the other's lease area is 99.9756 ha. Both were manually operated
in the past and have been shut for over a quarter of a century.

At present, however, excavators and bulldozers are seen at the site of the
allegedly illegal mining activity.

Gauns said, "Inquiries in the village revealed that the mining activities
have been on for over a month. Hundreds of trucks carrying excavated iron
ore are seen travelling, especially at night and between Fridays and

Close to the illegal mining activities, incidentally, is a perennial water
tank and a horticultural plantation which will be severely threatened if
mining activities continue.

When contacted, director of mines and geology, Arvind Loliyekar, said, "We
have received complaints about illegal mining operations at Sarvan. We have
already taken note of the same."

Hector Fernandes, a senior geologist at the directorate, added, "Directives
have been given to the officials concerned to inspect the site of the
allegedly illegal mining operation. Necessary action will be taken only
after an inspection report is filed." (ToI)

Re: [Goanet] Why No Action Against Erring Miners ?

2010-12-10 Thread floriano

Freddy dear,

How does one kick the hand that is feeding them?


- Original Message - 
From: "Freddy Agnelo Fernandes" 

Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 12:02 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Why No Action Against Erring Miners ?

Why No Action Against Erring Miners ?

The nexus between the miners, police and our politicians is again
exposed as an innocent man lost his life under the wheels of a mining
truck. It’s shocking to know that the police instead of apprehending
the culprit were trying to get rid of the evidence of the gruesome act
in a hurry, a direct responsibility of the mine owner and to put it
under the carpet our Aam Aadmi Chief Minister promises 2 lakh
compensation for the deceased family and says nothing about action
against the perpetrator of this crime. If the Chief Minister cannot
give us justice he is not fit to remain in office, he should resign.
How many more lives will be lost before justice sees daylight ?

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes 

Re: [Goanet] Trousers

2010-12-10 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Don't tell us that you are already wearing the "cabai", When that happens, all 
the women will wear just two piece bikinis, everywhere.
 That will surely put out of business the 'people ogling groups' organisres.
Taste of things to come!

Nascy Caldeira

--- On Thu, 9/12/10, eric pinto  wrote:

> Hardly an appropriate garment for our
> climes.   eric.

[Goanet] I want to break free

2010-12-10 Thread JoeGoaUk
I want to break free
Not me nor Queen but Headlines



for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] A Deep Moral Crisis: India's Judiciary

2010-12-10 Thread Gabe Menezes
A Deep Moral Crisis: India's Judiciary

The moral crisis in India's Judiciary deepens. Have a look at this article
from The Times of India Newspaper.


"In our judiciary, anybody can be bought, says Gujarat Chief Justice"


AHMEDABAD: Chief Justice S J Mukhopadhyay expressed concern over the future
of Gujarat judiciary when hearing the case of termination of ad hoc
fast-track court judges. The high court and the state government
discontinued services of 56 judges last November.

Discussing charges of corruption in cases of some of judicial officers on
Friday, Justice Mukhopadhaya said: "We are concerned about the future of
Gujarat judiciary, where money has become the main source and where you can
buy anybody with the power of money."

Justice Mukhopadhyay insisted on maintaining transparency in judiciary in
order to uphold its credibility among people. He asked the lawyers
representing the FCT judges how else the high court could have reacted to
allegations of corruption levelled against the judicial officers.

The FCT judges were relieved from service last year with a remark in their
termination letter that they were found 'unsuitable'.
The judge was of the opinion that issuance of a show-cause notice to the
judges concerned would have served no purpose. He also made it clear that he
was discussing the issue in the context of the judiciary across the nation,
and not strictly pertaining to Gujarat.


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Happy Feast to all Moddgonvkars

2010-12-10 Thread Domnic Fernandes
There used to be a dress code for occasions but it is dying out very 
fast.. These days, highly educated males wear casual dress even at big 
functions, including nuptial ceremonies, feast mass, Christmas, New 
Year, Easter, etc. and the least educated are seen with suits on! Does 
that make them more educated than the ones wearing casual wear?

Here is another example: People who are well read mostly fail to carry a 
pen with them but a person who can barely write his name never fails to 
carry a pen with him. Does that determine his level of education?

There was a time organizers of big dances in Goa emphasized on a dress 
code but these days they don't because they do not wish to limit the 
entry to 'formally dressed crowd only.'

During colonial times, almost every grown up male, however poor he was, 
had a suit, which he got made at his wedding. He wore that suit for all 
occasions, including funerals. Over the years it came to be known as 
"Sonsticho fato or suit" (suit of generations) because it would last 
from his wedding to his children's wedding(s) and finally he would be 
buried with it. That generation is long gone and ours will follow suit. 
We have to move with the times!


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna, Goa
Mob: 9420979201

> From: drferdina...@hotmail.com
> COMMENT : There is always a
> dress code for occasions. It display the level of your education. Do 
you not
> wear a suit in Church for the nuptial ceremony? Similarly for the 
Feast Mass
> one should be formally dressed just as for Christmas, Easter, etc. 
You are not

> obliged and not even advised to wear a suit for your < "festachi
> feri" (feast fair)>.

[Goanet] SAG State Badminton Championship at Panaji(Dec 16-19)

2010-12-10 Thread Sandeep Heble
The Sports Authority of Goa(SAG) State Badminton Championship
organized by Goa Badminton Association will be held from 16 to 19
December 2010, at the Indoor Stadium, Campal-Panaji.

The championship will be held in the following categories:  Boys and
Girls Singles in Under (10, 13, 16) , Boys Under 19 Singles/ Doubles;
and Singles/ Doubles in Mens, Ladies and Veterans(45 plus).

Those interested in participating may submit their entries latest by
14th December to Roy Athaide(Indoor Stadium, Panaji/Mapusa), Vinayak
Kamat(Indoor Stadium, Margao), Santosh Prabhudesai(Ponda- 9370694408),
Laxmikant Kenaudiker(Vasco- 9420197609) or at Oasis Petrol Pump, Near
Don Bosco High School, Panaji.

yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Member & Tournament coordinator,
Goa Badminton Association

[Goanet] YouTube - Celtic Woman-O Holy Night

2010-12-10 Thread Con Menezes
Happy, Holy and a Peaceful Christmas to all Goanetters.


Re: [Goanet] Diaspora Links: At IC Colony

2010-12-10 Thread Edward Verdes

Fred, this type of a bag is mostly available in Goa,
and hence Mumbaikars call it Goa Bag.  There are two types of goa bags, one 
open n the other with the zip. Both come in handy as they are strong and can 
hold lot of stuff like fresh fish, meats, vegges n can be washed after use. 
Besides this bag, many mumbaikar also used to get the fish soap and payal 
slippers :))

Last year IC Parish initiated the Plastic Free drive, by distributing free 
cloth bags, and it was followed

for quite some time.

- Original Message - 
From: "Frederick Noronha" Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 9:01 AM

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Diaspora Links: At IC Colony

Eddie, I've heard about the "Goa bag", but only from Bomboicars. If
I'm not mistaken, it's the black, plasticy bag that is available at
the Mapusa market, and probably at other places.

Being in Goa myself, I've not thought of this as a "Goa bag" for
obvious reasons :-)

Question: do you know how and when this name originated, or when it
was first used? Intrigued... FN

where you find mostly Goans coming for their daily fresh fish with Goa 
Bag > :)

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490 

[Goanet] "Tolerance isn't good enough" - Rajiv Malhotra in HuffPo

2010-12-10 Thread Carvalho
It is indeed reprehensible that such a repulsive article should find its way 
into the Huffington post but it is not surprising that the self-hating far left 
should advocate such things without knowing the impact such opinions create for 
Christian communities not based in the USA.
But the validity of the article can be easily tested thus:
Try getting an article published in a respectable outlet which says Hinduism or 
Islam is an intolerant religion in the US or any Western democracy. There will 
be an uproar. People will get fired (a la Ann Coulter).
But its alright to beat Christianity into a pulp. One can get away with it. 
Afterall, everyone knows Christians won't go around razing religious places to 
the ground, blowing up towers, hijacking planes or holding others hostage.
I think everyone has a fair idea of which religions tends to be tolerant with a 
"mutual respect" for life and which don't.
The fact that Rajan Parrikar and his ilk have become increasingly radicalized 
over the years is a bad omen of things to come in India.

[Goanet] BOycott Goa's liberation celebrations

2010-12-10 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Arwin Mesquita  wrote :
To: Goanet 
Subject: [Goanet] Boycott Goa Liberation Celebrations

> I request Goans to do a little research and find out the facts of what
> actually happened in 1961. Was Goa liberated or invaded or a conquest? Why
> were promises made to preserve Goa's Identity? And worse still, why were
> these promises not honoured to date? Were we not fooled and brainwashed into
> believing that we were were liberated, and today like "ignorants", we
> celebrate "Goa's Liberation Day" ? Does the Supreme Court not acknowledge
> that Goa was a conquest/invaded? Why are our Freedom Fighters not demanding
> safeguards today via Special Status and other means to preserve Goa's
> Identity. Goans, it is high time we address all the brain washing that has
> been happening for all these years. We must boycott the "farce liberation
> celebrations" and immediately DEMAND what is rightfully ours i.e. Measures
> to protect our land, environment, demographics, language, culture &
> identity. Else the only Liberation that is going to come true, is the
> Liberation of Goa from the Goans!!
Comments :  
I would like to endorse what Arwin has written as regards Goans  boycotting 
Goa's Liberation Day and am sure most Goans would also share the same.What 
exactly are we celebrating for?  Is this the Goa that Goans want?In fact I 
would say we should have protests asking for liberation from builders, property 
developers,  housing mega projects, corruption, garbage, politicians etc.  He 
is absolutely right when he says we should demand protection of our land & 
environment, culture etc.  We should highlight the destruction and rape of Goa 
that is taking place right now.   The so called freedom fighters and their 
supporters are silent about the destruction of Goa that is taking place  right 
under our noses and not interested in demanding safeguards to preserve Goa's 
identity but  have time and energy to protest against a recent friendly visit 
by a Portuguese ship protest against Portuguese road names, embassy etc.  
Gradually  Goans  are slowly but surely being outnumbered by migrants who 
settle here, have voting rights etc. and dont care about the Goans' unique 
culture.If this state of affairs continues, it wont be long when Goans will 
be outsiders in their own home and then Goa will be liberated from Goans.
Dev borem korum
Camilo Fernandes

[Goanet] Song for the day.

2010-12-10 Thread Gabe Menezes
Xavier Cugat - Perfidia.



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] German Oktoberfest and Bazar, Goa

2010-12-10 Thread IGSG Goa
*Come and join the cheer and "Prost"!*

*German Oktoberfest and Bazar Goa is coming up*

*12 December (Sunday) 8 pm *

*at Clube Vasco da Gama, opp. Municipal Garden, Panjim*

Dear reader,

we are close to the *Grand Finale* of our 3rd German Cultural Week Goa with
German Oktoberfest and Bazar.

We hope to see you there enjoying Indo-German-Goan buffet with Frikadellen
(meet balls), Gulasch and Kartoffelsalat (potatoe salad), German music,
German pastry, "Knackwurst" (franks) and watching screening of beautiful
German sceneries and landscapes.

Please find below the complete programme of the Cultural Week.

We have two more press articles about this week's events which might be of
interest. Please follow the links:



Best regards

IGSG – Indo-German Friendship Society, Goa


Liebe Leser,

am Sonntag ist das grosse Finale unserer 3. Deutschen Kulturwoche Goa, mit
Oktoberfest und Bazar. Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie kommen. Es wird ein Buffet
mit deutschen, goanischen und indischen Gerichten geben mit Frikadellen,
Gulasch und Kartoffelsalat, ausserdem deutsche Musik, deutsche Backwaren und
Knackwurst. Dazu werden auf einem Bildschirm deutsche Landschaften

Weiter unten schicken wir Ihnen nochmal das Gesamtprogramm der Woche.

In der Presse sind inzwischen u.a. zwei weitere Artikel erschienen, die wir
für Sie online gestellt haben unter:



Mit herzlichen Grüssen

Ihre IGSG – Indo-German Friendship Society, Goa


*3rd German Cultural Week, Goa*

*8th – 12th December, 2010*

*Organised by *

*IGSG - Indo German Friendship Society, Goa *



*08 December (Wednesday)*

* *

*Rally Panjim to Anjuna with a VW Bulli, one of the forerunners of the
modern cargo and passenger van,*

*celebrating 60 Years of VW Bulli – 40 Years of the first arrivals of Bullis
in Goa – The arrival in 2010 of a German Bulli by land from Germany to Goa*

*11:30 a.m.* *- The rally will start at Municipal Garden in Panjim at 11:30
am. It will be flagged off by Mr. Manoj Caculo, Director of Caculo
Automobiles, the Goa Agents of Volkswagen cars*

At 1 pm there will be a lunch in Anjuna and a presentation of slides of the
recent land tour from Germany to Goa in 2010 by the German Niels Meves and
his family. Anyone is free to join the rally with his car or motorbike.

*09 December (Thursday)*

* *

*Traditional German Home Pastry Class by German Ladies*

*9 a.m.* *- Clube Vasco da Gama, opp. **Municipal** Garden**, Panjim*

A morning class that allows you to learn how to make some of the famous
traditional German cakes, such as "Bienenstich" (Beesting) or the "Engadiner
Walnusskuchen" (Engadin Walnut Pie). Watch the German ladies prepare the
cakes at a high-end non-professional pastry class.

Previous registration required. Limited number of participants. Please

* *

*Germans in Goa, Goans in Germany: their percepcion of the environmental
problems in Goa. Roundtable.*

*Chief Guest: **Mr Aleixo Sequeira, Minister for Power and Environment.*

*5 p.m.* *– Clube Vasco da Gama, opp. **Municipal** Garden**, Panjim*

German residents in Goa and Goan residents in Germany have a special
perception of the environmental problems faced in Goa. Their opinion could
be relevant for an approach in solving some of the present problems in Goa.

Entry free

* *

* *

*10 December (Friday)*

*Presentation: "From the Arabian to the Baltic Sea - A Story of Indo-German

*The experience of a DAAD fellow in Germany. *

*10:30 a.m. - Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Agnel Technical
Education Complex, Verna*

Professor B. R. Srinivasan from the Department of Chemistry, Goa University,
visited Germany as a scientist under DST-DAAD (Department of Science and
Technology, Government of India – DAAD German Academic Exchange Service)
Indo-German exchange project.

Entry free

*"Dr. Elisabeth Dessai Prize in the Opportunity for Women and Promoting the
Environment" 2nd Edition. **The function will be presided by Mr. Digambar
Kamat, Chief Minister of Goa*

*5 p.m. - N. D. Naik Hall, Pajifond, Margao (next to IDBI Bank and BIG G
shopping ctr.)*

The Prize is funded by Dr. Venkatesh Dessai, an eminent Goan surgeon at the
Academic Hospital of the University of Düsseldorf, Germany, and husband of
late Dr. Elisabeth Dessai. Dr. Elisabeth Dessai, a German, was an eminent
social writer dealing especially with the problems faced by women in Germany
and in Goa and was actively raising her voice in environmental issues. The
prize is awarded every year and is administered by IGSG.

Entry free

* *

*German Film: Fontane Effie Briest (with English subtitles). Director:
Rainer Werner Fassbinder*

*6 p.m. -* *N. D. Naik Hall, Pajifond, Marga

[Goanet] Daily Grook # 865

2010-12-10 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

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of many kinds of tax,
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an apartment complex!

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[Goanet] Why No Action Against Erring Miners ?

2010-12-10 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Why No Action Against Erring Miners  ?

The nexus between the miners, police and our politicians is again
exposed as an innocent man lost his life under the wheels of a mining
truck. It’s shocking to know that the police instead of apprehending
the culprit were trying to get rid of the evidence of the gruesome act
in a hurry, a direct responsibility of the mine owner and to put it
under the carpet our Aam Aadmi Chief Minister promises 2 lakh
compensation for the deceased family and says nothing about action
against the perpetrator of this crime. If the Chief Minister cannot
give us justice he is not fit to remain in office, he should resign.
How many more lives will be lost before justice sees daylight ?

Our Chief Minister has valued a Goan life at two lakhs, is his and the
lives of other members of his family worth the same ? Kill a person
and pay two lakhs is the message our CM is sending out. Apart from
being the Chief Minister, he is also the minister for mines; he should
be the one to initiate action against the erring miners and their
subsidiaries. How long will the compensation sustain the bereaved
family ? Can money really replace life ? There is no doubt that
compensation helps the bereaved family but it should be a lot more, on
the other hand why should the tax payers money be used to compensate
for the negligence of the mining community ? The compensation should
come from the mining community itself and should be nothing less than
30 to 35 lakhs for fatality or permanent disabilities. The erring
miners and their subsidiaries should not be let off so easily for such
utter and deliberate negligence.

This is not the first incident that mining trucks have taken a life,
people in the mining belt have been agitating against the adverse
effects of mining, including rash driving, for a long time and every
time such an incident occurs, the police and our political Babus have
been siding with the miners and promising that such incidents will not
occur again, but like all their other promises, they are laid waste
and forgotten till the next such incident occurs, and the same old
story repeats itself.

As recorded in the Vidhan Sabha, most of Goa’s politicians benefit
from mining, legal or illegal, one way or the other and it’s amply
clear that our police and politicians do not want to take any action
against the mining fraternity for obvious reasons and to make it
worse, the people fighting against the atrocities in mining areas are
harassed, targeted and even labeled as naxallites.

How long will we Goans allow this to carry on ?   How long will it be
before we realize that the present government is not the government of
the Aam Aadmi ? How long will it be before we Goans wise-up to the
fact that we Goans are being taken for a jolly good ride by our
politicians ?

No doubt these incidents have forced us into creating a mood viciously
hostile towards the political and social administration. It is indeed
time to pause and focus our pent-up anger in the right direction. It
is imperative that we unite with all our recourses and wage a
full-scale war against the anti Goan administration and their flag
bearers. Goans have suffered for too long in silence it’s now time to
be more vocal and aggressive. It’s time we stood by, in solidarity
with our aggrieved Goan brothers and sisters.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

[Goanet] FW: Goa's Liberation Day & Xapotram of some.....

2010-12-10 Thread Oscar Lobo

Dear All,

I received the appended response today from one of our fellow Goans 
living in Goa as additional material to what I wrote this morning at 
8.58 am our time.

“Dear oscar
You forgot one more term. "Annexation”

Nehru had to use force immediately because some Goans and the Portuguese 
were already working out the possibility of an autonomy for Goa. I am 
told that this meeting took place in now Hotel Mandovi, 3 months before 
the troops marched in. This explains India's hurry. Even M. Gandhi was 
against taking Goa by force way back in 1947.
We do not require foreigners putting up boards 'Goans not allowed.' Our 
goans themselves do it. A local (gauntti) going to Souza Lobo's in 
Calangute  or any of the local run beach shacks will get the same 
treatment of discrimination. This will not happen with South Indians 
particularly. They will respect their own people.

”We goans are definitely a cursed race roaming in the desert of confusion”

Need I say more!

Mog sodanch assume

Cr. Oscar C. Lobo
Together we can make a difference.

From: Oscar Lobo
Sent: Tuesday, 7 December 2010 8:58 AM

(Without Prejudice)

Senhor Viegas,

Nineteenth December is around the corner and we will be completing 49 
years in the bosom of India.

We Goans need to have one thing clear – Goa is a part of India (after 
1947) and sooner or later Goa would have been a part and parcel of 
India.  The French left Pondicherry after British and so would the 

There are various terms used for the event of 19 December 1961; however 
the most commonly used words are:




The definition of each word depends on where a Goan has spent most of 
his/her time.  For example:

People living in Mumbai and other parts of India, for them it is a 
liberation – They had to go outside of Goa i.e. Mumbai to earn their 
living for reasons best known to them. They fought for
Goa to be “liberated” as they thought Goans were in bondage. Some of our 
Goans in Goa were not happy with the Portuguese regime and they joined 
the force. Even today many of our people including

some Hindu brothers and sisters are not happy and are migrating from.

People living in Africa, some of whom never lived in India, (however 
knew about India only through their parents), considers the date as a 

Due to scarcity of jobs in the offices many of our people decided to 
migrate to British India and Africa. Of course they would come for 
holidays in Goa with the necessary visas.

Many Goans consider the 19 December 1961 as Invasion – I will not go 
into the definition of Invasion as we all know it thoroughly well. 
Although Goa was taken over, India did not get the official handover 
until the U.N.
resolution of 1975/1976. Goa was in a limbo from 1961 to 1975 circa 14 

Goa had reached its peak; due to the dictatorial government we were 
backward in education, electricity and the essentials of life.  Goa 
could not go much further even the people in Portugal realised that and 
got rid of
their dictatorial regime.  In the circumstances, it was necessary for 
Portugal to leave Goa. Many would debate, then when would Portugal leave 
of their own accord like Britian and France? Well you tell us!

The million dollar question is – Did late Pandit Nehru had to use 
military force? And was there a need for him to ask Goans what they 
wanted, apart from the fact that he said “Goa ka logh ajeeb hai”.  If 
Mahatma Gandhi got rid of the
British without any violence in 1947 (when the birth of India took 
place), was there a need of military force to make Goa part of India? 
Yes, it was time for India to have total control, however, perhaps the 
way it was done was not the Gandhian way – It was Nehru’s way or the 
high way.

Like Falkland Island and East Timor, Goans should have been given the 
opportunity to run their territory/state having known the place for 451 
years.  Perhaps, Late Pandit Nehru saw too many Bollywood films and was 
influenced by the role of a Goan in those films. Pandit Nehru did not 
fully understand what being a Goan was all about! leave aside the fact 
that his name was plummeting after the India China war and he had to do 
something quickly to reinstate his name amongst our people.

The best thing that happened to Goans is the promise of “Portuguese 
identity” if we should want it.  This is the greatest thing they have 
done when we compare it with Britain and France who used and squeezed 
our country
taking away India’s jewels which are embedded in the crown of the Queen 
of England.

One thing that we all need to also remember is when the British ruled 
India some of the restaurants/pubs had a notice reading: “INDIANS AND 
DOGS NOT ALLOWED” this history is apparently now being repeated in Goa with

[Goanet] India is a recognized superpower...

2010-12-10 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
... in the field of bribery.  This chart says it all -



Re: [Goanet] News ... from Goans in Germany

2010-12-10 Thread VRANGELRIB

Dear Vito Oliveira,

I thank you for filing this report. But Germany is a large country; 
where in Germany was the Christmas get-together held?

Best regards,

In a message dated 12/9/2010 1:18:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
fredericknoron...@gmail.com writes:

Vito  of Calangute and Deutschland wrote in to
say:  "The Goan Association Germany E.V. had their  annual  Christmas
get together 2010  last Saturday (first  Advent).  Report and Photos
through  the  link below. Report compiled by Avelar Nunes (Pilerne)."

[Goanet] Isn't it time for the Goanetters meet this year?

2010-12-10 Thread Tony de Sa
Hi Goanet,

The year seems to have flown this year and isn't it time for the next
Goanetters Annual Meet?

This time let it be a more organized one even if it means shelling out for
it. Last year, Vivian was the only one sporting  a cap which was specially
made by him in the U. S. of A.

Suggestion: Why can't some resident GNers be enrolled to assist in
organizing it? There are many in and around Panjim which is the most central
place who surely would want to organize it. We can do it say in January even
if it means postponing the meet for a while.

Let us establish our GNer identity by giving the member attending something
to commemorate the day.

What about it FN? You are the resident Guru of GN.

Regards and hoping for some action,


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com


[Goanet] Hapa Nilipo - A Gospel Song

2010-12-10 Thread Roland Francis
A couple of short technical error-interruptions.
Beautiful song of worship sung by a Kenyan lady.  


[Goanet] 85 Govt jobs up for grabs by Dec. 19

2010-12-10 Thread JoeGoaUk
85 Govt jobs up for grabs by Dec. 19
Sorry, these jobs are reserved for the children of Freedom Fighters only.
85 Govt. Jobs to Children of Goa Freedom Fighters
98 applications received.
Applicants includes Doctors, Dentists, Architects etc


Once their children get Jobs, FFs pension should either be stopped 
or reduced to half.
FFs children should also be looking after their parents from the 
money  they  get from Govt. Jobs.
In the mean time, can some one give a call to the Goa's holy? FFs 
to purify Old Goa Church complex areas which are polluted recently?


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc