[Goanet] condolences

2011-01-17 Thread Joseph Gonsalves

United Goans’ Center Kuwait, deeply mourns the sudden and untimely demise of
our dearest and nearest friend Mr. Rosary Fernandes.  On our silver jubilee
celebration, he wrote and directed “SUKH KHUIM ASSA” tiatr at Funaitees
I.A.C Kuwait on 15th January 2002.

May God grant him eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon him.  At
this trying times, we pray to Almighty to give courage and fortitude to his
beloved wife Cassilda, children Cullen  Cynan and his entire family to bear
this irreplaceable loss.

With deepest sympathy
President Pascoal Alfonso, Vice President Brigidio Fernandes  executive
committee members

United Goans' Center

[Goanet] Daily Grook #881

2011-01-17 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

to get pregnant fast
oft fails expectation,
since reality's just
a missed conception!

*GREAT ALL-OCCASION GIFT* http://www.KonkaniSongBook.com

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
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[Goanet] Song for the day!

2011-01-17 Thread Gabe Menezes
Shaddap You Face - Joe Dolce



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Death: Augusta Cordeiro from Mollembhat, Saligao

2011-01-17 Thread Frederick Noronha
Condolences to Saligaonetter Cordeiro Salvador
salvador.corde...@me.weatherford.com Dubai, United Arab Emirates whose mum
passed away:

DEATH: Mrs. Augusta Cordeiro from Mollembhat, wife of late Manual
Anthony Cordeiro, mother of Salvador Cordeiro, mother-in-law of
Elizabeth Cordeiro and Grandmother of Svetlana  Evan Cordeiro passed
away peacefully last morning at Mother Mary Haven Home for the Aged in
Calangute.  Funeral from the residence in Mollembhat for funeral at
Mae de Deus Church, Saligao, today  at 4 p.m.

Re: [Goanet] misfired price blame

2011-01-17 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Very pertinent point JC about memory and loss, and perhaps one of the best
posts I remember seeing on GN. I do not believe we as a people are inclined
towards memory, nor self-reflection. However we do know how to memorize, the
methodologies involved including via rote towards knowledge absorption and
certainly regurgitation, But the corridors for such applications are narrow,
and I digress. Memory is not about holding nor withholding, but about
allowing oneself to evolve as I can see you certainly know -- to evolve, by
carrying things that can be carried within oneself amidst changes that one
cannot always stem, yet fighting for those like space, monuments, etc;
standing ones ground on ways of living, sharing, cultural ways, language --
its wanton dilution etc. To never let certain things be taken away without a
parallel anguish, nor torn apart and away from our mental horizons.

As always it is easy for say me to talk from outside, BUT it is easier for
those in Goa to change a few things. Ex: There is nothing that should
prevent a minister, or a councillor and accordingly down the chain to walk
the streets with broom, invite people walking around, hand them a broom and
say -- at least join me today -- I intend to follow this up on and off;
serve some tea from small restaurants close by. If not Goans in the
beginning on account of our much celebrated tumidity's, trust me the
outsiders including the well-heeled ones will participate.

In my personal work, I look at religion, sexuality and consciousness. To a
large degree it is about memory -- many personal ones and others as I learn
them over time; your reference gives me the opportunity to say this. It is
on account of certain memories -- many of them irate, and others that
conjoin with them that I am in the process of making changes in my time and
how I see its furtherance and sustenance. A visit to
http://venantiusjpinto.blogspot.com will bring some of it out.

Thanks JC. Thanks all.

venantius j pinto

Message: 1
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 11:00:58 -0500
From: J. Colaco   jc cola...@gmail.com
To: soter so...@bsnl.in,  Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] misfired price blame

Leal notes quite pertinently:
?If a nation loses its memory, it loses everything. Countries and
peoples who have forgotten their past no longer exist, or they have
become an amalgam of things and are no longer nations.?

Finally, I suggest that to actually gauge which systems are the best
achievable ones, it might be worth ascertaining which countries have
the happiest people. We may find that these are countries which are
not in the extremes of either Greed or Suppression.


Re: [Goanet] misfired price blame

2011-01-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 16 January 2011 21:19, soter so...@bsnl.in wrote:
I very much agree that no system is perfect because man himself is
imperfect. We need to take what is positive. As regards citing the
example of Cuba, it was just the point to refute the argument whether
one can survive by growing potatoes and tomatoes,.I may not agree
with the political system in place. But food sufficiency is as vital
to any economy as any other industry.  Having to depend on others for
food and water offers scope for arm twisting. That is exactly what is
going to happen to Goa that heavily depends on 90% of its agriculture
produce from Maharashtra and Karnataka. Recently the vegetable
transporters had a strike because horticulture department of Goa was
procuring vegetables and selling it at cheaper rates. Tomorrow it will
be over some political issue that vegetables and milk supply gets
stopped. To me, this dependency is the single greatest threat for
Goa's survival.


You make a very valid point.

If one depends to a greater than reasonable degree on another for
food, electricity and other basics, one has automatically subjected
oneself to the possibility of economic blackmail.

The investors have come to Goa, swiped the best spots (along with
the victors), are using the water, fish etc resources, have promised a
million jobs for Goans (which, hopefully, no sensible person believed)
and will leave only when the place is sucked drylike hyenas and
other predators do.

What I do not see on the horizon  is relief. Courtesy the
politicians and their vote-banks, I honestly cannot imagine how the
status quo can be changed except in the realm of wishful thinking.

As a chap said to me during my most recent trip to Goa: Get used to
it, Goa has been liberated. Nobody can un-liberate it again.

I have gotten used to it.


[Goanet] Oil Gas Conservation Fortnight

2011-01-17 Thread soter
Extremely noble cause but contradictions galore. While the Oil  Gas 
conservation forthnight is declared the government of India does little towards 
realising this dream. Billboards and posters will offer some decoration while a 
few may also get some gainful employment for a few days. 
Cars continue to roll onto the road and everyone is driven to burn fossil fuel 
because the public transport system is in shambles. In fact it works out 
cheaper owning a private vehicle than using public transport in Goa. Then we 
have wonderful traffic jams and speed breakers every few metres which compels 
changing of gears and acceleration. Frequent power supply interruptions 
requires generators run on fossil fuel. And then we have those who care the 
least and are not ready to walk even for 100 metres. They just need a vehicle 
to substitute their limbs.
So one more week will pass. Another program will be held to utilise the 
budgetary provisions and thereafter it will be Good bye until next year'.


Re: [Goanet] misfired price blame

2011-01-17 Thread rajendra kakodkar
This thread started with Rahul blaming (veiled) Pawar for the prolonged and 
excessive price rise in food items. Manmohan, Sonia, Pawar, Montek were blamed.
But now I feel that they are less to be blamed. Because when they meet to 
discuss the issue, they probably de-tour Cuba, Gandhi, Birla, NAM, North Korea, 
Real Estate enjoying the intellectual mast**bation. Only after they come out of 
the meeting and reporters question them, that they remember food inflation!,

[Goanet] Witness to Katla

2011-01-17 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -




[Goanet] Talking Photos: Merces Musical Show

2011-01-17 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: Merces Musical Show

With Sonia

 Musician etc


Fr. Marverick Fernandes etc
Merces Church

Christ the King in front of the Church
Some of the show clips
With Sonia Shirsat, Livia, Joshua, Aniceto, Sonia, Socoro de Sta. Cruz
Com Cyril and Com. Caitan. Musicians Luis Cota and his band
Also Jack Sequeira's daughter Lilly and Fr. Marverick Fernandes


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] misfired price blame

2011-01-17 Thread soter

The high cost of organic produce may not be a problem for an elitist
like Soter, but I suspect it would be a problem for those who do not engage
dodgy real estate transactions or who do not have the benefit of a rich

Really feel great on being given the tag of an elite. This aptly depicts an
urban view of Goa. Everything and everyone is shinning.


[Goanet] Regional ring tones...

2011-01-17 Thread Frederick Noronha
Dear all: I just read a list of the top regional caller ring tones offered
by Idea -- in the Bengali, Bhojpuri, Gujarati, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi,
Tamil and Telugu languages.

Question: does such a list exist for Konkani? Are ring-tones in this
language easy to load? If not can someone like radiogoa.net or
angelav.comundertake such an intiative, please? FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490
Some books from Goa,1556 http://bit.ly/euv3g8

Re: [Goanet] UK: Wife 'beaten' by Indian diplomat immune from prosecution goes into hiding

2011-01-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 16 January 2011 13:21, Eddie Fernandes eddie.fernan...@gmail.com wrote:

Following the incident, the Deputy High Commissioner, Rajesh Prasad,
visited the Vermas at their home on two occasions - on December 13 and
on January 3. On the second occasion he BERATED Paromita for letting
the incident go beyond the family. He told her, We have decided you
WILL GO to India on forced leave ... and if she was stubborn then
there had been incidents where a car comes and picks up families and
simply puts them on a flight against their will...



It is still premature to adequately discuss the actions of Mr. Verma -
as his side will have to be heard too; his 'diplomatic immunity'
having been noted.

However, while that goes on, I hope we will NOT forget to take note of
the above (allegedly) from Mr. Prasad.

a: ANY comment from Baillancho Saad or any other Indian Women's groups?

b: No I do not believe that Sati is making a serious come back in
India. But, do you doubt, that 'THEY' decided that Sati WILL Go and
Jump in the fire ...OR a bail-gaadi would come and she be transported
there against her will? .until the Portuguese (later, of the
Inquisition-fame) and the British (later, of the Jallianwalla Bagh
firing) banned it by decree?

c: How many million widows, mothers, sisters, daughters, grand-mothers
do we estimate were eliminated by this route of religious immunity?
And what do we believe happened to the land?

c: Yes, I do not believe that Indian Men, in general, are fair to
Indian Women. Never mind the India Chak Chak.


[Goanet] Fwd: Brutality And Apathy Of Goa Police

2011-01-17 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Brutality And Apathy Of Goa Police

Do the police and security services not know, that death in custody
would bring about a lot of repercussions ? Yes they know, they know
the Law inside out, but they fall prey to their own arrogance and
high-handedness. To show the accused or the guilty who the master
guardian is and how powerful he can be.

A custodial death at once brings the onus on police brutality. The
accused as well as the guilty and each and every one of us is equally
protected by international laws called human right laws, even though
criminals do not give a shit about their victims human rights. In
truth, a lot of criminals today hide behind the human rights placard
to save them selves from retribution.

Goa has been having a fare share of increase in lawlessness for the
past few years, even as news about the police-criminals-politician
nexus is being unearthed, even more are exposed by the day and the
apathy of the authorities is highlighted as no corrective action or
remedial processes are put in place.

Last one month or so the police have been running in circles to clean
up their degraded image but to no success as more allegations of the
police involvement in crime pop up, now to top it all, Goa has been
shaken by police brutality leading to the death of Cipriano Fernandes
in police custody. What was the dreadful crime that he had committed,
that he had to be mercilessly beaten to death ?

Cirpiano was not a known goonda, nor a drug dealer, nor a rapist, nor
a murderer, nor a fraudster like some of our politicians, just because
he had an altercation with his girlfriend, he, certainly did not
deserve the treatment that was meted out to him by the police.
Criminals should be apprehended and tried, not butchered. We all know
that drug lords, criminals and fraudsters get the best of treatment
from the police and politicians alike but one time offenders like
Cipriano or even innocent guys get the worst from our Police. How many
innocent Goans have been beaten up by the police on the behest of
politicians, miners and builders ?

It’s a pity that the very people who are appointed as guardians of the
law become the perpetrators and the offenders. When they are inducted
into the civil services they take an oath to uphold the law of the
land and provide protection to the needy and the poor. How many of
them stay faithful to that divine oath ? We need to change our system
very badly. I am sure ever one is aware that entry into the civil
services costs lakhs of rupees, so how else will they get back that
money ? Hence they are forced to do the evil, for money they do
anything and everything, even bashing up people to death, selling
drugs and also let criminals disappear into thin air, if that is what
is being asked of them by their financers.

As Goa today is going gaga over the custodial death of Cipriano
Fernandes, I would like to remind Goans that Cipriano is not the first
victim of police brutality in Goa ? This incident only came to light
because the relatives and friends along with the Media have forced
this issue, and because of the involvement of the people and the
media, the authorities are forced to act, we are not sure if justice
will see day light, but it has opened the eyes of the public of what
the police are capable of doing. Let us realize that there are lot
more people who are victims of police brutality but somehow their
voices do not reach the people or the media for reasons best know.

Along with police brutality we have seen on a number of occasions how
deaths through murders, drugs and rapes are declared natural deaths,
how many people have gone missing and our police refuse to even
register cases because of the bigwigs involvement in those crimes or
the minuscule status of the victim. Our supreme constitution tells us
that we are all equal and that justice would be delivered irrespective
of status, wealth, religion, education, cast, creed or region.

Do we see such justice in Goa ? In Goa the rich and the powerful are
beyond the law, as we have witnessed on so many occasions. How many
times have politicians and their family members made a mockery of the
law with absurd manipulations and have got away with criminal acts ?

Today there is nothing we can do for Cipriano in person accept ask,
for justice and to punish the guilty, so that no one stays above the
law or take law into their own hands. Let us strive to seek for
justice not just for Cipriano but for all those who are deprived of
justice by our corrupt and criminal system headed by our police and
our politicians.

I hope the Media will continue to be bold enough to take up such
issues and expose the culprits who think they are above and beyond the
law. Let the power of the people of Goa be known to one and all who
thinks law and justice is a mere tool and a toy for them to play with.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

[Goanet] Let us salute the Opinion Poll - Zalach Paaije, 16th January.

2011-01-17 Thread Pandu Lampiao
True, old Jak's talk touched an emotional cord and Jan 16th should
indeed be Goan Identity Day (what ever is left of it).
The phrase Zalach paaije... still hounds ones visual memory, the
dirty orange lotus, forever the fleur de mal!

That said, the old chap Jak was was aloof and I doubt he cared much
for the people of Goa. He was  withdrawnvery likely, his caste,
his snootiness and his relative wealth made it so (who knows).
Therefore, not a great leader, just a simply at the right place, right
time with the right speech. He was the dictator, a guy who had the
right message but never in touch with the people.

There is the other doktor dude from Saligao, pretty much the same. He
will tell you stories of what he did for Goaall squat.
These guys never understood what it meant to be a leader, not had too
much of a vision. He simply had time on his hands, never embraced the
Goan people, never much cared for them, rather dictated to them from
their perches.

These are the presidents set by these folks resulted in the present
crop of gaaunti-leader (pardon the expression, there is no other
phrase to describe the robber-baron politicians of today).

Anyways, these are stories of the past and will soon be forgotten.

What one would like to throw stones and part-take is a big name-change
action (something like the Concani movement)..remove all names of
desi 'leaders' from Goan monuments. Imagine, which idiot named the
Vasco football ground after Tilok, Margao ground after Nuru, the dirty
GMC after his grand son? Why not call the Vasco ground after Goa's
greatest ever football club, Vasco (http://vascosportsclub.com)...the
Fatorda ground after commentator Benao and the GMC.be my guest, it
ain't matter.

[Goanet] Fw: G.O.A. Dismayed at Unfortunate Incident

2011-01-17 Thread renebarreto
Global Goenkars !!

 A post from Oscar Furtado  President of GOA Toronto - I share.

It saddens me - that such incidents should happen in our Global Goan Community. 


People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success
because they don't know when to quit. Most men succeed because
they are determined to. - George Allen

rene barreto

- Forwarded Message 
From: The Goan Overseas Association Toronto enewslet...@goatoronto.com
To: goan...@yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Mon, January 17, 2011 8:10:39 PM
Subject: G.O.A. Dismayed at Unfortunate Incident

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here   

The Goan Overseas Association, Toronto, and I, as President, continue to be 
saddened at the incident that occurred in the parking lot outside the hall 
our New Year’s function was being held. I continue to hope for the speedy and 
full recovery of the injured.
I have been President for Goan Overseas Association for 12 years, and in this 
time the Association has hosted hundreds of events. In the past two years 
the Association has hosted almost 50 events. All these events were enjoyed by 
our membership and their guests with no incidents of injury requiring the 
intervention of local police, until this last New Years Eve celebration on 
December 31, 2010. During my time on the committee, there have been 4 events 
where the local police were called in at the tail end of an event. To dispel 
unsubstantiated comments with regard to incident rates, I am letting you know 
this, as I firmly believe that the recent altercation at the New Year’s dance 
was an isolated incident given the fact that there has not been one at our New 
Year functions for the past decade.
After the 4 altercations we had experienced, the Association made a decision 
that tighter security would be in place for events at which young adults were 
attending in large numbers. In these cases the security guards would 
individually check all guests with metal detectors and would do a physical 
To answer questions being asked of us about the New Year’s Eve event, the bar 
and security was provided, managed and the responsibility of the hall and this 
has been very successful for many years. The majority of the guests (members 
non members) attending the event were adults and youth. The young adults in 
attendance were minimal in comparison to total attendance. Based on the history 
of hosting New Year’s Eve events over the last decade, further enhanced 
was not considered necessary and we as an Association were not aware of, or for 
that matter notified, directly or indirectly, of any persons considered to be a 
threat to the safety of our guests.  Once we realized an escalation in threat 
towards the safety of our guests in the parking lot which was considered a 
public area and not under the jurisdiction of the security guards, the local 
police were called.
Soon after the altercation, the Association contacted the Peel Regional police 
department and was informed that on the night of the incident, there were no 
cooperative witnesses. The people handcuffed were released and the case was 
closed.  The Peel Regional police department will reopen the case if they have 
sufficient evidence and cause. Peel Police are appealing for witnesses to the 
incident and to the events leading to the assault. We recommend that anyone who 
has any information regarding this incident to contact the Peel Regional Police 
Department, 12 Division Criminal Investigation Bureau at (905)453-2121 
1233 and refer to Occurrence
no. PR1183.
Oscar Furtado
President, Goan Overseas Association, Toronto

Forward email

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[Goanet] Indian football team with Doha Goans Sports club officials

2011-01-17 Thread Doha Goans Sports Club
Monday, January 17, 2011
 Indian football team with Doha Goans Sports club officials

football team members Steven Dias and Clifford Miranda with Doha
Goans Sports Club officials. The Indian team is in Doha Qatar to take part
in the Asian Cup football tournament which is been contested by 16 top
nationsof Asia. India qualifed for the tournament for the first time in 27
years. They play their last match today January 18 against South Korea. They
lost the two earlier matches to australia (4-0) and Bahrain (5-2). The team
is lead by Goan climax Lawrence and includes two other Goans Clifford
Miranda and Mahesh Gawali.
On the coaching staff side former India international and Salgaocar mid
fielder Savio Madeira is the assitant coach to coach Bob Hougton, while
former MPT and Salgaocar coach Marcus Pacheho is the the goalkeeper coach of
the team.
The dinner get together for the team was organised by Indian Cultural Centre
and was attneded by prominent Indians owing allegiance to various community
and states, who were invited to be part of the function by ICC.

Re: [Goanet] misfired price blame

2011-01-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 16 January 2011 23:00, rajendra kakodkar rskakod...@yahoo.co.in wrote:

[1] This thread started with Rahul blaming (veiled) Pawar for the
prolonged and excessive price rise in food items.
[2] Manmohan, Sonia, Pawar, Montek were blamed.
[3] But now I feel that they are less to be blamed. Because when they
meet to discuss the issue, they probably de-tour Cuba, Gandhi, Birla,
NAM, North Korea, Real Estate enjoying the intellectual mast**bation.
Only after they come out of the meeting and reporters question them,
that they remember food inflation!,
[4] Jeers!


re #1: While revisionism is the forte of the extreme right and left,
I make no judgment call on this statement by Rajendra or the one he
(possibly) refers to (by Soter). Have you heard what Rahul Gandhi
stated? What was the meeting about? With whom was the meeting held?
Was it an open-door or a closed door meeting? Have you verified the

re# 2: By whom? Was the blame justifiable, if at all they were blamed?

re# 3: It is possible that the discussion moved to 'global discussion'
when some of the original posters realised that they may not have had
ALL the facts when they reacted. Soter, of all the folks, surely
realises how frightfully accurate our alleged-journos are. Does he

re# 4: Your Jeers having been noted, I end this post (after the PS)
with the best of wishes to those who agree and also to those who
disagree. Passionate party (or communal) loyalty should never blind us
from doing the right thing. As far as I am concerned, the BJP under
Manohar Parrikar should have been in charge of running the affairs of
Goa instead of the BJP outfit under Digu kaka (also known as

It is the kind of 'blind communal passion' displayed by Parrikar
supporters (even in cyberspace -facebook included) which have
prevented the better man from leading Goa.

One see's it in the statement attributed to Manohar Parrikar who (in
the Life size Jack Sequeira statue issue is quoted as saying (and I
paraphrase) I have not come here looking for votes.

Isn't it a shame that the better person to lead Goa is placed in this
sorry position because of some of his sorrier supporters who IMHO are
as blind as they are communal..I hope these sorry chaps stop and work
genuinely with Goans (perhaps of another communal background) to
effect a beneficial change - NOT only pre-election but also here on



re: IANS [ Jan 12, 2011 ] BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman said
Gandhi's statement shows his lack of knowledge. What has coalition
government to do with price control

COMMENT: I imagine some opposition politician (UK).(say) from the
BNP will say: The Conservatives have a lack of knowledge, What has
coalition government to do with closing only (say) 10% of NHS
hospitals instead of (say) 30%?

Re: [Goanet] Fw: G.O.A. Dismayed at Unfortunate Incident

2011-01-17 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 17 January 2011 14:59, renebarreto goan...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

 Global Goenkars !!

  A post from Oscar Furtado  President of GOA Toronto - I share.

 It saddens me - that such incidents should happen in our Global Goan


 From: The Goan Overseas Association Toronto enewslet...@goatoronto.com
 To: goan...@yahoo.co.uk
 Sent: Mon, January 17, 2011 8:10:39 PM
 Subject: G.O.A. Dismayed at Unfortunate Incident

 Having trouble viewing this email? Click here

 The Goan Overseas Association, Toronto, and I, as President, continue to be
 saddened at the incident that occurred in the parking lot outside the hall
 our New Year’s function was being held. I continue to hope for the speedy
 full recovery of the injured.
 I have been President for Goan Overseas Association for 12 years, and in
 time the Association has hosted hundreds of events. In the past two years
 the Association has hosted almost 50 events. All these events were enjoyed
 our membership and their guests with no incidents of injury requiring the
 intervention of local police, until this last New Years Eve celebration on
 December 31, 2010. During my time on the committee, there have been 4
 where the local police were called in at the tail end of an event. To
 dispel any
 unsubstantiated comments with regard to incident rates, I am letting you
 this, as I firmly believe that the recent altercation at the New Year’s
 was an isolated incident given the fact that there has not been one at our
 Year functions for the past decade.
 After the 4 altercations we had experienced, the Association made a
 that tighter security would be in place for events at which young adults
 attending in large numbers. In these cases the security guards would
 individually check all guests with metal detectors and would do a physical
 To answer questions being asked of us about the New Year’s Eve event, the
 and security was provided, managed and the responsibility of the hall and
 has been very successful for many years. The majority of the guests
 (members and
 non members) attending the event were adults and youth. The young adults in
 attendance were minimal in comparison to total attendance. Based on the
 of hosting New Year’s Eve events over the last decade, further enhanced
 was not considered necessary and we as an Association were not aware of, or
 that matter notified, directly or indirectly, of any persons considered to
 be a
 threat to the safety of our guests.  Once we realized an escalation in
 towards the safety of our guests in the parking lot which was considered a
 public area and not under the jurisdiction of the security guards, the
 police were called.
 Soon after the altercation, the Association contacted the Peel Regional
 department and was informed that on the night of the incident, there were
 cooperative witnesses. The people handcuffed were released and the case was
 closed.  The Peel Regional police department will reopen the case if they
 sufficient evidence and cause. Peel Police are appealing for witnesses to
 incident and to the events leading to the assault. We recommend that anyone
 has any information regarding this incident to contact the Peel Regional
 Department, 12 Division Criminal Investigation Bureau at (905)453-2121
 1233 and refer to Occurrence
 no. PR1183.
 Oscar Furtado
 President, Goan Overseas Association, Toronto


COMMENT: 50 events in two years is remarkable indeed - equal to two events a
month. Clearly the G.O.A. Toronto is a vibrant living, Association.

I am not surprised that there are no witnesses forthcoming; this is the
mentality of our Goans World wide - nothing to do with us, or not our
business. Furthermore there would be any number of people and signatures
taken to support the contentious parties; as well to give/make statements to
the Courts - good character witnesses, whether they know the persons or not!
Enough said.

Gabe Menezes.


2011-01-17 Thread rajendra kakodkar
The high inflation in food items, prevailing in India, is largely due hoarders 
and traders of food items and speculators on the commodity exchanges. The lower 
ouput due to climatic vagaries is manageable, but the politicians are turning 
Nelson’s Eye. Banks are providing loans for speculating on the commodity 
exchanges, which is aiding high prices in the forward contracts and giving 
confidence to horders to buy more than the demand. They are not worried of 
absorbing loss of even 25% wastage in hoarded perishable food items because of 
high margins of over 50%.
A big part of Indian agro produce business is controlled by a few associations 
with a few hundred members. These trader associations are estimated to reap 
increased margins from Rs 2500 crores per month to Rs 30,000 crores per month 
during UPA-2 regime. This is potentially a mega scam of omissions category. A 
handful of powerful chiefs of assoiations are scheming with politicians, who 
get a large share. The media is silent for the obvious reasons.
UPA-2 is just in the second year. Elections are far. First three years is the 
time for politicos to make money. Next one year is to make people forget 
excesses of the previous three years. The last year is for distributing 
largesses to major electorates: NREGA to poor, 6th pay bounty to government 
servants, loan waivers-fertilizer subsidies to farmers etc. 
At the current rate of food inflation, the effective buying power of Rs 100 
paid per day under NREGA would reduce by half in five years. This will give the 
government an opportunity to double the daily wages just before elections and 
garner votes. Perfect cheating!
Rs 70,000 crore CWG scam and Rs 1.76 lac crore 2G scam are glimses of the 
magnitude of money each minister controls. The schemable amounts in the 
policy/decision making process of the central ministers have risen 10 fold in 
the last decade. 
The money, a central minister can now make in the first three years (of 5-year 
term) is mind boggling and a minister may not mind even dissolving his party or 
Take NCP. Pawar is growing old and has already given up aspirations for PM’s 
post. Daughter-nephew tussle is worrisome. Other power centres like Patel, RR 
are waiting for opportunity. In such a scenario, merging party with Congress 
could be boon in disguise, if madam assures a good slot for his daughter. 
With a revolution against corruption threatening to erupt and with the 
possibilities of Lok Ayukta, government losing control over CBI and Gram-sabhas 
getting more powers, this perhaps could be the last term for the politicians to 
resort to large scale excesses (of omissions) and yet go scot free by stashing 
Swiss and Lichestein banks.  
The plan: Let traders profit and give us the loot. Let aam admi howl over food 
prices. Let Congress blame Pawar. Near to the 2014 elections, dissolve NCP. 
Pawar retires. Daughter joins Congress. Madam makes her telecom minister or 
bigger. Let the middle class keep blaming NCP. Farmers, government servents and 
NREGA beneficieries burdened with largesses vote Congress back to power.
Why otherwise is the Finance Minister spear-heading the measures against food 
inlation? Finance ministry can take only peripheral measures like taxes, import 
duties, the effects of which percolate into the markets with a lag. The burning 
measures are under the ambit of the Agriculture Ministry since the causes of 
price rise are supervised by them.

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] Third Sunday of the Year

2011-01-17 Thread Jude Botelho

Dear Friend,

Sometimes it takes a loss to realize the many gifts we are blessed with, which 
we take for granted in life. If we injure our feet and can’t walk we suddenly 
realize what a gift it is to be able to move about on our own feet. If the 
lights go off and we are plunged into darkness we realize how precious light 
which helps us to see and move about. We might curse the darkness but do we 
appreciate the gift of light?  More than light is the gift of enlightenment, 
faith, which helps us to see God’s hand in our life. Let’s thank God for being 
our Light! Have an enlightened weekend! Fr. Jude

Sunday Reflections: ‘Third Sunday of the Year – ‘Called to be and spread the 
Light’ 23-Jan-2011 

Isaiah 8: 23- 9: 3  I Corinthians 1: 10-13, 17  Matthew 4: 12-23

In the first reading the prophet Isaiah addresses the plight of the entire 
northern tribes of Israel, represented by Zebulun and Napthali. They had been 
conquered by the powerful Assyrian army and their entire territory was taken 
over. They gave up all hope. But the prophet gives them hope reminding them 
in former times the Lord brought contempt over them, but now He will make 
glorious the land beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations. “The people who 
walked in darkness have seen a great light..., the yoke on their shoulder has 
been removed, as on the day of Midian.”

Lead Kindly Light…..
A young man who later became a Cardinal was returning by sea from Italy to his 
native England. While the boat was detailed in Sicily, young Newman fell ill 
nearly died. During his convalescence, he wrote these words: “Lead kindly 
amid the encircling gloom,” because he believed that the prophecy of Isaiah had 
come true: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.” The 
death of a lifelong spouse, an unexpected rejection by a loved one, a smashed 
dream of business success or the loss of good health can throw us into a 
temporary darkness. But at such tragic moments, true believers have in the past 
seen the light of Christ, a light that illumines the shadows of our hearts with 
the radiance of his splendour, guiding us to travel safely over the tempestuous 
sea of this mortal life, steering the vessel of life through rough storms of 
trials and troubles, until we have made it to the harbour of peace and bliss.  

Vima Dasan in ‘His Word Lives’

In today’s gospel we read of Jesus withdrawing from Galilee after the arrest of 
John the Baptist and he goes to the region of Zebulun and Naphtali, fulfilling 
the prophecy of Isaiah, inaugurating his public ministry in that region and 
announcing that the kingdom of God is near at hand. No doubt he was affected by 
the arrest and subsequent murder of his cousin, John the Baptist, but his 
mission must go on. God’s word and the good news had to be proclaimed in the 
face of opposition and trial. “The people that lived in darkness have seen a 
great light.” This is how St. Matthew describes the impact of Jesus’ ministry. 
Because the northern kingdom of Israel bordered the pagan territory, it would 
associated with darkness. Isaiah predicted the liberation of that region and 
Matthew sees Jesus now fulfilling that prophecy as he begins his ministry 
inviting the people to repent and believe in the Gospel. He holds out hope and 
promise to them. Later Jesus would describe his mission in similar terms when 
said: “I am the Light of the World.” The teaching of Jesus was a source of 
for all those who followed him. In each of us there is the darkness of sin, but 
each of us can also be a source of light to others. We need the light of Christ 
to become the light to others. Jesus invited his first disciples as he walked 
the Sea of Galilee to come and follow him. “They left everything immediately 
then followed him.” Jesus is inviting us today not only to repent and believe 
the good news but to share in his mission: to receive the light of Christ, to 
the light, and to share the light. Are we ready?

The Arrival of the Light
Some Alpine valleys are so deep that the rays of the sun do not reach them for 
days or even weeks in the middle of winter. These days can be very depressing 
ones for the people who live in the valleys. It is almost as if life was one 
long night. A priest who ministered in one of those valleys tells the following 
story. One day in the depths of winter he was in the classroom chatting with 
children, who hadn’t seen the sun for nine days. Then all of a sudden a ray of 
sunshine shone into the classroom. On seeing it the children climbed on to 
desks and cheered for sheer joy. It shows that even though the sun may not 
the skin it can warm the soul. The little incident shows how light is a source 
of great joy. For sick people the night is the hardest of all times. How they 
welcome those first rays of light which signal the end of the night and the 
dawning of the day. The coming of 

[Goanet] Open letter to our political leaders: India Inc

2011-01-17 Thread Frederick Noronha
In the news here

India Inc’s open letter to political leaders

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490
-- next part --

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[Goanet] Neshwin Almeida wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn

2011-01-17 Thread Neshwin Almeida

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Neshwin Almeida

Neshwin Almeida
Media and Events Manager at Salgaocar Sports Club 
Marmagao Area, India

Confirm that you know Neshwin Almeida

(c) 2010, LinkedIn Corporation

[Goanet] Goa news for January 18, 2011

2011-01-17 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa home minister involved in drug trade: NCP - Sify
ocumentid=4812098Goa NCP demands state Home Minister Naik''s

*** Family refuses to accept Goa custodial death victim's body -
Daily News  Analysis
ily News  AnalysisPlace: Panaji 

*** Maharashtra asks Goa to provide employment to people hit by
Tillari irrigation ... - Daily News  Analysis
ily News  AnalysisPlace: Panaji 

*** Nilkanth asks Centre to relax visa rules for state - Times
of India
to be high on foreign arrivals but low on charters

*** Hyderabad BPO employee drowns in Goa - Times of India

*** Paper leak report kept a secret - Herald Publications
acie found to be involved in the third-year MBBS paper leakage
episode at ...

*** Chowgule college wins Goa Yuva Mahotsav title - Times of
ased Smt Parvatibai Chowgule College's 'Tiger' group won the
16th Goa Yuva Mahotsav title on Sunday. Chowgule's Tigers
achieved success in ...a class=

*** Goa chief minister's criticism of cop flayed by BJP - Sify
olitician-drug ...a class=

*** Now, tomatoes squash pockets in Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaMeanwhile, the Goa State Horticultural Corporation
Limited (GSHCL), whose daily requirement of tomatoes is 12
tonnes, received six crates less on Monday. ...a class=

*** 4 South Goa talukas go dry on Monday - Times of India
mes of IndiaAccording to PWD figures, the pipeline supplies 190
MLD (million litres per day) of water every day to most parts of
South Goa. It may be noted that the ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] UK: Wife 'beaten' by Indian diplomat immune from prosecution goes into hiding

2011-01-17 Thread Eddie Fernandes
From: J. Colaco  jc
On 16 January 2011 13:21, Eddie Fernandes eddie.fernan...@gmail.com wrote:

 ANY comment from Baillancho Saad or any other Indian Women's groups?

Lots of comments from Indian Women's Groups in:
Video: India-UK diplomatic row: Justice vs. Immunity
17 Jan: NDTV.  47 min. 36 sec  

In the programme a possibility was raised of UK  applying to extradite the
husband after his return to India as he will no longer have diplomatic
status there.  I cannot believe it will wash. 

Some of the interesting developments today:
UK has once again requested waiving of diplomatic immunity which the India
Govt. has again refused.
The claim has been made that the wife is using the incident to claim asylum
in the UK.
The wife has retained prominent UK solicitors, Mishcon de Reya, who
represented Princess Diana during her divorce.

Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Leading citizens speak up on graft, lack of governance (ToI)

2011-01-17 Thread rajendra kakodkar
MUMBAI: A group of 14 prominent and well-regarded citizens has written an Open 
Letter To Our Leaders to express alarm at the governance deficit in 
government, business and institutions, and underline the urgent need to 
tackle the malaise of corruption, which is corroding the fabric of our 

It is a rare move and goes to show how quickly the mood of the nation appears 
to have shifted from a sense of satisfaction with political stability and high 
growth rates to one of grave concern over the recent spate of scandals and the 
sense of drift in government which, it is feared, could affect the growth 

The letter, which follows a meeting in Mumbai on Saturday, has been signed by 
businesspersons Azim Premji of Wipro, Keshub Mahindra of Mahindra  Mahindra, 
Jamshyd Godrej of the Godrej Group and Anu Aga of Thermax; HDFC chairman Deepak 
Parekh; ICICI chairman emeritus N Vaghul; former Hindustan Lever chairman and 
now Rajya Sabha MP Ashok Ganguly; former Reserve Bank of India governors Bimal 
Jalan (also an RS MP) and M Narasimham; Justices Sam Variava and B N 
Srikrishna, who heard the Harshad Mehta and Mumbai riots cases respectively; 
chartered accountant and architect of key Sebi and RBI regulations Yezdi 
Malegam; member of the PM's Economic Advisory Council Prof A Vaidyanathan and 
banker-turned-social worker Nachiket Mor. 

Many in this group have played crucial roles in the India Story, advising 
successive governments, and at critical junctures, playing conscience-keepers. 
Some of them are, in fact, said to be close to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. 
The group has said that among several urgent steps to tackle corruption, the 
most critical is to make the investigative agencies and law-enforcing bodies 
independent of the Executive... in order to ensure citizens that corruption 
will be most severely dealt with. 

In the last few months, the country has witnessed eruption of a number of 
egregious events, thanks to an active media eagerly tracking malfeasance. There 
are, at present, several loud and outraged voices, in the public domain, 
clamouring on these issues, which have deeply hurt the nation, the letter 

On the crisis of governance, the letter says, Widespread discretionary 
decision-making has been routinely subjected to extraneous influences... The 
judiciary is a source of some reassurance but creation of genuinely independent 
and constitutionally constituted regulatory bodies, manned by persons who are 
judicially trained in the concerned field, would be one of the first and 
important steps to restore public confidence. 

The group has called for the setting up of effective and fully empowered Lok 
Ayuktas in every state and early introduction of the Lok Pal Bill at the 
national level for the purpose of highlighting, pursuing and dealing with 
corruption issues and corrupt individuals. 

Without naming environment minister Jairam Ramesh, the group appears to tilt in 
favour of industry in the raging development vs conservation debate. It is 
widely acknowledged that the benefits of growth are not reaching the poor and 
marginalized sections adequately due to impediments to economic development. 
This is because of some critical issues like environmental concerns and 
differences in perspectives between central and state governments, the letter 

The group is also implicitly critical of the opposition for blocking almost the 
entire Parliament session gone by. It says elected representatives need to 
distinguish between dissent and disruption. 

The G14 has decided to meet again later this month and come up with suggestions 
on economic issues should there be a positive response from the political 
leadership to its offer, a member of the group told TOI. 

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (18Jan11)

2011-01-17 Thread alexyz fernandes

***  A Scene we'd Like to See  ***

Since your greed for Money is insatiable...we've begun a Fund for 
you...with a Hope you will leave a Greenpatch for our Generation

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

Re: [Goanet] Leading citizens speak up on graft, lack of governance (ToI)

2011-01-17 Thread George Pinto
Too little too late?  Trying to close the barn door after the horses have 
bolted? Where were these leaders the last few decades? Corruption is not new in 

--- On Mon, 1/17/11, rajendra kakodkar rskakod...@yahoo.co.in wrote:

 MUMBAI: A group of 14 prominent and
 well-regarded citizens has written an Open Letter To Our
 Leaders to express alarm at the governance deficit in
 government, business and institutions, and underline the
 urgent need to tackle the malaise of corruption, which is
 corroding the fabric of our nation. 

[Goanet] WHICH SUJAY GUPTA (Herald Editor Weekend?)?

2011-01-17 Thread jason pereira
Is this Gupta same as the one who was spearheding campaign for CIDADE
ordinance and had fied 500 karod suit on mining activist Seby?
Yesterday Herald carried his interview with Digu?
Has his heart changed? Or has Herald changed?

[Goanet] Cheryl Braganza on Asia Major

2011-01-17 Thread Frederick Noronha

CHERYL BRAGANZA is a gifted artist and poet.  Of Goan origin, she was
born in Bombay and grew up in Lahore where her parents owned Braganza
Hotel (referenced in Freedom at Midnight Collins  Lapierre). After
studying languages and the arts in Rome and classical piano in London,
she moved to Montreal in 1966.Essentially self-taught, her
subjects vary from evocative landscapes, lush florals to vibrant
figures of Indian women.  She has exhibited regularly and established
herself as a Quebec artist with a style of her own, using brilliant
color and texture to express emotion.

To see a retrospective of her work, click on the following link:

Cheryl Braganza's Art Gallery online: www.picturetrail.com/cherylbraganza

Also showcased at the following site:

A word from the Artist: I want my art to play a role in lifting
people's spirits, in challenging their assumptions, in provoking
thought thus promoting dialogue between peoples towards peace. It
is my belief that women will be the dynamic force to inspire a more
caring, loving world
As a writer, she is presently working on her memoirs and has been
appointed the Regional Representative in Montreal for the IWWG
(International Women Writers Guild - www.iwwg.org). She is also a
member of the Quebec Writers Federation (www.QWF.org)as well as the
English Language Arts Network (www.quebec-elan.org)
You can read her collection of poems entitled Only Goodbyes here.

Read her article in the McGill University Newsletter on why she is
committed to helping Afghan women:
To contact herby email:cherylbraga...@videotron.ca

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490
Some books from Goa,1556 http://bit.ly/euv3g8

[Goanet] Goa home minister involved in drug trade: NCP

2011-01-17 Thread Gabe Menezes
  2011-01-17 22:30:00
 Forensic Accountant
Ads by 
Forensic Accountants Specialising In UK Crime And Proceeds Of Crime.

Panaji, Jan 17 (IANS) Leader of Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) in Goa
legislature Mickky Pacheco Monday said that Home Minister Ravi Naik was
providing protection to the drug trade in the state.

Mickky also blamed Chief Minister Digambar Kamat for rampant drug trade in
Goa, because 'the buck stopped with the chief minister'.

 Addressing a press conference late Monday after a meeting with the NCP
state executive, Mickky said that Naik should be sacked and a Central Bureau
of Investigation (CBI) probe should be initiated into the
police-politician-drug mafia nexus case.

 He said Naik was a part of the nexus.

 'The entire police department and the home ministry is involved in drug
trade. He should be sacked from the home ministry,' Pacheco said.

 'Despite the fact that police officers are being caught on camera selling
drugs, there is no action being taken against them because the home minister
is also involved,' said Pacheco.

 The NCP leader is a former tourism minister. He was part of the
Congress-led coalition government in the state. The NCP, along with another
regional party, is a coalition partner in the Kamat-led government.

 'The NCP has been demanding that the drug nexus issue should be handed over
to the CBI but the government is averse to doing so. Why are they so
worried? Let the truth come out,' said the controversial legislator, who has
a host of criminal cases ranging from extortion, bigamy and assault filed
against him.

 When asked why Kamat was not taking action against Naik, the NCP legislator
said: 'The drug issue means money. Money shuts mouths... that is why
everyone is quiet,' Pacheco said.

 *All About: * National,Goa
http://www.sify.com/topics/National,Goa.html, Nationalist
Congress Party 
Congress http://www.sify.com/topics/Congress.html, Central Bureau of

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Xavier's News and Features, E-Service (XNFES): PSYGNUS 2011

2011-01-17 Thread ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE COMMERCE -MAPUSA - GOA - INDIA - 403507 (0832-2262356-www.xavierscollege-goa.com)



The Abbe Faria Post Graduate Department of Psychology of St. Xavier's 
College Mapusa- Goa will be organizing 'PSYGNUS 2011' an 
intercollegiate annual psychology festival foe colleges across Goa on 
the 1st of February 2011. Only colleges offering a paper in 
psychology are eligible to participate in the event. The various 
competitions are Psychodrama, Psychotherapy, Psychoblots, 
Psychosphere, Psychojive and Psygnus Times. Every institution 
participating are permitted to have a team comprising of seven 
participants accompanied by one teacher. Confirmation of 
participation should reach the Abbe Faria Post Graduate Department of 
Psychology of St. Xavier's College Mapusa. No on the spot entries 
will be allowed. For further details kindly contact Ms. Tina D'Cunha- 
9423889408 or Ms. Suellan D'Cruz- 9764553970 or email on 
mailto:abbefariapgd...@gmail.comabbefariapgd...@gmail.com. Further 
details can also be obtained from the PYGNUS brochure or the college 
website xavierscoll...@bsnl.in