Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-15 Thread Alex Pascoal Silveira

An excellent performance, I would say !
Aum valour ditam amcheam niz Goenkrank !!
Viva Goa !!!

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 3:31 AM, Frederick Noronha wrote:

Aum saiba... via Toronto.  [Jacinta Luix is daughter of Jerry/Eva Luis
of Toronto, ex Candolim/Dar. Eva is ex Zanzibar.]

Read all Goanet messages at:

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-14 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Error Alert: Thanks T,
Avez vous du fromage?

Now imagine what we do to Konkani., Fair enough.


On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Venantius J Pinto <> wrote:

> Error Alert:
> Thanks JoeGoaUK.
> Not avec (with), but Avez.
> Avez vous le/les fromage? (Do you have cheese/s?)
> venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Aum Saiba.... via Toronto !

2010-06-14 Thread Fausto Da Costa
A good try with the whites and according to me there is no harm in 
Variations-ache votin sangchem hi dekhnni Goykar, Mongllurkar ani hindi 
sinemamni veg-veglle pod'dotin gaitat ani utramni legit bodol asta.
Atam uchchara (pronounciation) vixim sangchem zalear aiz kal amchea 
Goyantuch tor ami kitle pavtti 'anglicized' uchchar aikotat. Igorjent vachop 
kortat tim ani Mando gaitat ten'na oxe uchchar kanar poddttat. Ani  tatun 
magir ami obhimanui bhogtat, zalear Goyant naslolea Goykarache uchcharam 
voir itlo boball kiteak korum-ia? Atam hi dekhnni East Indian-ui gaitat 
matxe veglle toren. Char vorsam fattim amche firgojent ami hi dekhnni 
Goykar-Mongllurkar-Malyali-Madrasi katolkam gheun sador kel'li ten'na 
survatek yesayek romint utram dil'lim tache vorvim amchea kanar jinsavar 
uchchar yeunk lagle, uprant tim utram ap-aple bhaxent ani lipint  tannim 
uchara pormonnem boroun kaddun soglleamni eksarke uchchar kaddle.
Uchchara vixim uloitana anik ek ulekh korin so dista. Mumboichea Daybreakers 
hea benddant Parsi 'crooner' Carol Mande gaitana uchcharant amchea lovkik 
gavpeank pasun fattim kaddtta. Anik il'lem sangtam: Mumboint GRAF Konknni 
lok-nach sador kortana amkam Konknni nachpi mellonant zaun ami Gujrateank 
bhorxitat ani amchim Konknni nachpim xevott meren gitachim utram patth 
korinant ten'na hi Gujratim mat tisre-choute yesayek aplim utram patth korun 
yetat, ten'na kitem mhonnpachem?
Mhaka dista ami fokot git, songit ani kola Goykaranchea rogtantuch asa 
mhonnpakuch urleat, punn aiz amchem rogot ani tache vangdda her sogle gunn 
vhanvon geleat.
Kaluch Vagator Kuddant Sant Antonichea festa nimitan dobazo aslo taka hajir 
zalom. Daybreakers he Goykaranchem bendd aslem. Punn tatun trompett vazovpi 
ek East Indian. Eka kallar trompett, saxphone, clarinet vazovpi songitkar 
Mumboint soddttale - vetek dha mellttale! Punn aiz Mumboint hatachea 
bottancher mezunk zatat title legit nant. Hi poristhiti pois korunk 
vavrum-ia, tornne pillgek fuddem kaddum-ia ani tankam ut'tejon dium-ia. Hem 
soglem korpak poile svater amchi bhas - Konknni gorjechi!


George wrote:
Are we trying to encourage Goans? or discourage them?
Are we trying to build them up? Or bring them down?


A great effort but sadly the accent is not Goan at  all and the emphasis is
on the wrong syllables - of course, you can take my comment with a table
spoonful of salt as I am no great shakes at music but this is my honest

Frederick wrote:
Tony, let's say it's an expat Goan accent. Born in Tanzania probably,
raised in Canada. And what's wrong with that? Weren't you a toto in
Arusha too? Didn't your knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of Konkani
get laughed at when you first came down?

A pathetic..."I, & only I, am the best" syndrome...

What a colossal load of sour grapes must be menacingly tantalizing this
poor creepmakes me quite shudder coming across such punctured egos!

Poor chapcan't help commiserating with the guy, either...

Alfred de Tavares,
Stockholm, 2010-06-21

Any thoroughbred Goan will cringe at the vocals of the rendition.
1.  It is 'Aga mojea Taria Mama" but she sings as "Aga Taria Taria Mama"
2. It is 'Kolvontacho' " . She pronounces it as 'Kolvontachu'
3. There is a great massacre on the chorus  'Shuimtim Mogrim' ..

"Mr. Jose Fernandes - you have shown what being a Goan is all about.
Can you sing any better? If you are in Canada why don't you join hands with
the singer.

We need to applaud Jacinta for venturing to sing in Konkani and keeping our
language alive.  How were the accents of the song Claudia which was sung by
a non-Goan?

Can you do any better?  Jacinta grew up in Africa and Canada and I am sure
she is more multi-lingual than many of us.

We Goans can be pathetic in our commenting process.

Let us encourage everyone to keep our language - Konkani alive.

Cr. Oscar C. Lobo.

Lino Dourado's comments on Jacinta's version of 'Hanv saiba poltodde vetam' 
are unfortunate. Jacinta has sung the song. This is her version of it and if 
you think that there should only be one version, you are not appreciating 
the diverse character of Music. I think that considering the fact that we 
Goans seem to be very reluctant in speaking our mother tongue and promoting 
the wider use of the language specially in homes should encourage ventures 
like Jacinta's. Non use and promotion of the language is leading to the 
demise of the language among the youth especially in migrant Goan 
communities throughout the world. This is a shame and unless we make 
concerted efforts in ensuring the wider use of the language, in these 
migrant communities, Konkani will soon disappear from these communities. 
This is unfortunate but it is one of the attributes which makes us Goan and 
should be promoted at every opportunity.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.

[Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-13 Thread manuel tavares
Lino Dourado's comments on Jacinta's version of 'Hanv saiba poltodde vetam' are 
unfortunate. Jacinta has sung the song. This is her version of it and if you 
think that there should only be one version, you are not appreciating the 
diverse character of Music. I think that considering the fact that we Goans 
seem to be very reluctant in speaking our mother tongue and promoting the wider 
use of the language specially in homes should encourage ventures like 
Jacinta's. Non use and promotion of the language is leading to the demise of 
the language among the youth especially in migrant Goan communities throughout 
the world. This is a shame and unless we make concerted efforts in ensuring the 
wider use of the language, in these migrant communities, Konkani will soon 
disappear from these communities.  This is unfortunate but it is one of the 
attributes which makes us Goan and should be promoted at every opportunity.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-13 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Error Alert:
Thanks JoeGoaUK.

Not avec (with), but Avez.
Avez vous le/les fromage? (Do you have cheese/s?)
venantius j pinto

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Venantius J Pinto <> wrote:

> Translations
> 2. Avec vous le/les fromage? (Do you have cheese/s?)

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-13 Thread Venantius J Pinto
1. pour petit dejeuner je prends. (For breakfast I will have...)
2. Avec vous le/les fromage? (Do you have cheese/s?)
3. Vous etes une super nana" (You are a fabuslous babe)
4. Pardonnez-moi, mon Pere, car j'ai peche, (e-acute on the first e in Pere,
e-grave on the two e's in peche). PAR-donn-ay-MWAH, mohn PAIR, car shay
PAY-shay. (Forgive me Father, I have sinned)

Try these in Konkani. Mix and match too., It gets hilarious.
ex: For breakfast I will have + Nana.
Remember, I am only have a bit of fun (in my mind). No offense.

venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-13 Thread Venantius J Pinto
What is wrong with a stereotype? What?! They are often very helpful.
The French in the cites are exactly that--mostly in Paris, Lyons etc. It is
different if you are in Rousillion, Arles, Provence. Aix. They understood
my: pour petit dejeuner je prends. OR Ave vous les fromage?

But imagine is I said, "Vous etes une super nana" (You are a fabuslous babe"
(She may throw a Konkani "kitem" at me if she is putting on garam hawa).or
heaven forbid I went/vent to confession and said, Prdonnez-moi, mon Pere,
car j'ai peche, (e-acute on teh first e in Pere, e-grave on the two e's in
peche). PAR-donn-ay-MWAH, mohn PAIR, car shay PAY-shay.

There was a study that on students, and the conclusion was that they can
barely speak the own language and this was across the board. It embarrassed
the Sacre Bleu out of them. That study was throttled for something like
three years.

About Konkani depends whether one is going for Damu's loginn in Gauxim, or
Guilhermin's kazar at Byculla Bazar.
Time to go to bed.

venantius j pinto

> Message: 4
> Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 21:40:36 -0700 (PDT)
> From: lino dourado 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!
> PS: I think we Goans are like the French, who will hate you for
> speaking their language with a poor diction... not like the Germans,
> who would hug you if you even tried to speak a very short sentence in
> their lingo. Okay, maybe these are stereotypes...

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-13 Thread Tony de Sa
Dear Frederiick,
As I said in my disclaimer, I am no great shakes at music, but I did not
mean to pull down the singer. All I did was give my honest impressions.
Would you have preferred it if I didn't comment at all?
I have no wish nor energy to indulge in a wordy duel on Goanet, but for your
information, we were never taught Konkani when we my family members) were in
Africa but we learnt it in a rather strange manner. Our household was,
normally, an English speaking one but whenever my parents wanted to
communicate with each other privately, they would do so in Konkani. We
children often eavesdropped on them. so we were forced to learn the language
if we wanted to comprehend what they were saying. They soon caught on to us
though. My parents would have laughed at us outright if we had to make a
mistake with the accent or diction. Add to this the longish spell that my
mother and we siblings spent in Goa.
With regard to non-Goans speaking Konkani, I have a Keralite friend in Vasco
who speaks flawless Konkani with the Vasco accent and all the trimmings -
idioms, cuss words and all. Again I have former professional colleagues
whose children cannot speak Malayalam worth a cent, but speak Konkani so
perfectly that one cannot identify their origins based on their speech!
If the young singer has taken offense at my comment, my abject and sincere
I also have no wish to carry on this conversation further.

Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com   M   : +91 9975 162 897  Ph. : +91
832 2470 148


[Goanet] Aum Saiba via Toronto

2010-06-13 Thread Oscar Lobo
Hi Moderator, 

Kindly reproduce my input to the above.

"Mr. Jose Fernandes - you have shown what being a Goan is all about. 
Can you sing any better? If you are in Canada why don't you join hands with
the singer.

We need to applaud Jacinta for venturing to sing in Konkani and keeping our
language alive.  How were the accents of the song Claudia which was sung by
a non-Goan?  

Can you do any better?  Jacinta grew up in Africa and Canada and I am sure
she is more multi-lingual than many of us. 

We Goans can be pathetic in our commenting process.  

Let us encourage everyone to keep our language - Konkani alive.

Cr. Oscar C. Lobo. 

Message: 1
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 10:48:18 +0530
From: jose fernandes 
To:,  "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

The singer has murdered the beauty of the song and language too, coz of
improper diction and pronounciation of words.

 Salvador Fernandes

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 8:29 AM, philip pereira

> Quite interesting, to say the least!!  A Goan woman singing Konkani 
> but not with Goan musicians (the bass player and drummer) but with 
> whites although I have no doubt, there are tons of excellent Goan 
> musicians in Toronto!!  And, incidentally, since I am a drummer, the 
> white drummer seems quite amateurish.  Looks like Goans will always 
> pander to the whites.  That's why our beautiful land, Goa, has almost 
> been taken over by the whites!!!  I will be copying you a couple of 
> most interesting e-mails I have received showing how Goa has been
absolutely decimated by the white influx.
> Phil. P.
> --- On Thu, 6/10/10, Frederick Noronha wrote:
> Aum saiba... via Toronto.  [Jacinta Luix is daughter of Jerry/Eva Luis 
> of Toronto, ex Candolim/Dar. Eva is ex Zanzibar.] 
> Thanks to Ivy from NZ for the link.


Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-13 Thread floriano
I totally agree with Mervyn's critique  here on Jacinta Luiz's rendition of 
"aum saiba'

Let me say that I have had no opportunity to see this video since the time 
it was made available because of the download speed limitations here.
However, I did manage to be patient today, being Sunday, with a post FIFA 
hangover watching ENG Vs USA last night.

Any thoroughbred Goan will cringe at the vocals of the rendition.
1.  It is 'Aga mojea Taria Mama" but she sings as "Aga Taria Taria Mama"
2. It is 'Kolvontacho' " . She pronounces it as 'Kolvontachu'
3. There is a great massacre on the chorus  'Shuimtim Mogrim' ..

My take:
-Jacinta has not taken into confidence any full-baked Goan on the 
preparation of this rendition.
-If this was done, most of the flaws (not the accent flaws which is 
acceptable in this case) would have been eliminated.
-It is a great attempt to assimilate Goans & Canadian cultures since the 
Goan population in Toronto (it is believed) is beating the Goans in Goa 
population. This should be commended, I mean the 'inclusive thing' rather 
than the 'exlusive'
- Jacinta Luis must have heard this rendition given at some (many) Goan 
function/s and has liked it, or,  since she is of Goan origin, has plough 
her way to do the song her own  (half-baked) way.
-The drummer is out of place (though it can be said that I don't understand 
classical aka jaaz music)
-The classical rendition cannot invoke the same response as the normal beat 
(tom tom) music that goes with this song, like for instance Remo's 
-Last but not the least, my congratulations to Jacinta Luis for doing this 
"aum saiba' rendition in what I see as a public function.

BTW: I has asked for a review of this rendition from Goan guys I know in 
Toronto. Hopefully these will be encouraging rather than of outright 


PS:  Comes to mind the story of the Indian Navy vessel visiting Mosambique. 
It goes like this:

At a cultural show organized in honour of the visiting India Navy personnel 
by the locals, one Indian Naval officer goes on the stage to a great 
applause from both sides. He takes the microphone and speaks and speaks, 
laughs and jokes making the audience laugh too (what the audience thought 
was accelent command over the language). He gets standing ovation and calls 
for encorre too, which he obliges.

On return to the vessel:
Co-Officer:  B*D ! How come you talk fluent Portuguese?
Officer: Who said I was talking Portuguese???

Actually,  what the he spoke, neither sides understood but thought it was 
the language of the other (and India is known to have many languages) .But 
he spoke none.


- Original Message - 
From: "Mervyn Lobo" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2010 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

I took a look at the video link originally provided.
Unfortunately, that link does not do justice to the talents of Jacinta Luis.

Since Jacinta is a Cantangoan (Canadian, Tanzanian and Goan) like myself, I 
doubt she speaks or understands Konkani. Performing in Toronto also means 
that there probably are more people in the audience that do not understand 
than understand Konkani. As for the comment on the accent or emphasis on the 
syllables when singing, I too cringe whenever I hear a musician in Goa sing 
that great Konkani song, "Maliaka."


Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-12 Thread lino dourado

Like the Germans, Goans love to hear from any local/foreign born, 
landed or migrant Goan. Our purpose is not to criticize but to
make an effort that when any song sung in any language the proper
Tone, etc."
Lino Dourado

I think the choice is either to encourage more of this to happen (and
hope that things get only better along the way)... or the criticise at
an early stage itself, in a way that nobody ever things of doing it
again! We are champion critics. FN

PS: I think we Goans are like the French, who will hate you for
speaking their language with a poor diction... not like the Germans,
who would hug you if you even tried to speak a very short sentence in
their lingo. Okay, maybe these are stereotypes...

On 12 June 2010 12:59, lino dourado  wrote:

> Jose,
> I agree with your comments. The singer lost the originality of the song. Does 
> she honestly think she can sing 'Hanv saiba poltodde vetam'?
> Lino Dourado


Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-12 Thread Mervyn Lobo
I took a look at the video link originally provided. 
Unfortunately, that link does not do justice to the talents of Jacinta Luis. 

Jacinta is a professor of music at a Canadian university and is heavily 
influenced by jazz. Her interpretation of "Aum Saiba" reflects this 
influence. I guess traditionalist would have a difficult time listening to her 
interpretation, the first time around. However, anyone, but anyone, can be a 
copycat and play a song in the traditional way. The essence of a musician is 
her version/delivery of any song. For example, here is Jacinta's version of 

Since Jacinta is a Cantangoan (Canadian, Tanzanian and Goan) like myself, I 
doubt she speaks or understands Konkani. Performing in Toronto also means 
that there probably are more people in the audience that do not understand than 
understand Konkani. As for the comment on the accent or emphasis on the 
syllables when singing, I too cringe whenever I hear a musician in Goa sing 
that great Konkani song, "Maliaka." 


Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-12 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: philip pereira

> Quite interesting, to say the least!!  A Goan woman singing Konkani
> but not with Goan musicians (the bass player and drummer) but with
> whites although I have no doubt, there are tons of excellent Goan
> musicians in Toronto!!  And, incidentally, since I am a drummer,
> the white drummer seems quite amateurish.

RESPONSE: As is often stated...ignorance knows no bounds!!

It is very evident that Jacinta Luis is an accomplished pianist / musician.

> Looks like Goans will always pander to the whites.

RESPONSE: As a Goan, is that what you do in Canada?? Pander to the whites??

> That's why our beautiful land, Goa, has almost been taken over
> by the whites!!!

RESPONSE: I hope your next application for a visit visa to India is not 
denied so that you can go to Goa and save it from being "taken over by 
the whites".

> I will be copying you a couple of most interesting e-mails I have
> received showing how Goa has been absolutely decimated by the
> white influx.

RESPONSE: Several Goans have read your email and are appalled at the 
prejudice therein. Another quote..."Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo".

- B

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-12 Thread Alfred de Tavares

A pathetic..."I, & only I, am the best" syndrome...

What a colossal load of sour grapes must be menacingly tantalizing this
poor creepmakes me quite shudder coming across such punctured egos!

Poor chapcan't help commiserating with the guy, either...

Alfred de Tavares,
Stockholm, 2010-06-21

> Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 22:59:20 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!
> Quite interesting, to say the least!!  A Goan woman singing Konkani but 
> not with Goan musicians (the bass player and drummer) but with whites 
> although I have no doubt, there are tons of excellent Goan musicians in 
> Toronto!!  And, incidentally, since I am a drummer, the white drummer 
> seems quite amateurish.  Looks like Goans will always pander to the 
> whites.  That's why our beautiful land, Goa, has almost been taken over 
> by the whites!!!  I will be copying you a couple of most interesting 
> e-mails I have received showing how Goa has been absolutely decimated by 
> the white influx.
> Phil. P.
> --- On Thu, 6/10/10, Frederick Noronha wrote:
> Aum saiba... via Toronto.  [Jacinta Luix is daughter of Jerry/Eva Luis
> of Toronto, ex Candolim/Dar. Eva is ex Zanzibar.]
> Thanks to Ivy from NZ for the link.
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-12 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 12 June 2010 21:25, Tony de Sa  wrote:
> A great effort but sadly the accent is not Goan at  all and the emphasis is
> on the wrong syllables - of course, you can take my comment with a table
> spoonful of salt as I am no great shakes at music but this is my honest
> opinion.

Tony, let's say it's an expat Goan accent. Born in Tanzania probably,
raised in Canada. And what's wrong with that? Weren't you a toto in
Arusha too? Didn't your knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of Konkani
get laughed at when you first came down?

We're great for putting down each other. Language is a fantastic tool!

Didn't Bardezi speakers laugh at Xashti? Wasn't the "Konknno" and his
style of speaking depicted in crude stereotypes in the tiatr till the
other day (now that score is reserved for the Ghantin)? And didn't
Devanagari look down upon Romi? Or Antruzi select itself as the
fountainhead of all dialects, while also delegitimising the Pednem or
Kankonn dialects?

If we expect expat Goans to straightaway have flawless accents, forget
it! (My Malyalee, Telugu and other expat friends are also reporting
the loss of language, which Goans, being earlier migrants, had faced
earlier on in history.) Even in Goa "flawless" is a matter of

If we cease poking fun at others, there's a lot of scope for accents
to improve.  More so, with the Internet around, to learn from and
share ideas and examples. What's important is intention and affinity.
I think it's unfair to laugh at those making the effort. Feedback is
welcome, but why make it into a bitter pill? (I don't mean you...) FN

Frederick Noronha

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-12 Thread Tony de Sa
A great effort but sadly the accent is not Goan at  all and the emphasis is
on the wrong syllables - of course, you can take my comment with a table
spoonful of salt as I am no great shakes at music but this is my honest


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com   M   : +91 9975 162 897  Ph. : +91
832 2470 148


Re: [Goanet] Aum Saiba.... via Toronto !

2010-06-12 Thread George Pinto
Are we trying to encourage Goans? or discourage them?
Are we trying to build them up? Or bring them down?


Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-12 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 12 June 2010 12:59, lino dourado  wrote:
> Jose,
> I agree with your comments. The singer lost the originality of the song. Does 
> she honestly think she can sing 'Hanv saiba poltodde vetam'?
> Lino Dourado

I think the choice is either to encourage more of this to happen (and
hope that things get only better along the way)... or the criticise at
an early stage itself, in a way that nobody ever things of doing it
again! We are champion critics. FN

PS: I think we Goans are like the French, who will hate you for
speaking their language with a poor diction... not like the Germans,
who would hug you if you even tried to speak a very short sentence in
their lingo. Okay, maybe these are stereotypes...

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-12 Thread lino dourado
I agree with your comments. The singer lost the originality of the song. Does 
she honestly think she can sing 'Hanv saiba poltodde vetam'?
Lino Dourado

From: jose fernandes 
To:; "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 

Sent: Sat, June 12, 2010 8:18:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

The singer has murdered the beauty of the song and language too, coz of
improper diction and pronounciation of words.

Salvador Fernandes

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 8:29 AM, philip pereira wrote:

> Quite interesting, to say the least!!  A Goan woman singing Konkani but not
> with Goan musicians (the bass player and drummer) but with whites although I
> have no doubt, there are tons of excellent Goan musicians in Toronto!!  And,
> incidentally, since I am a drummer, the white drummer seems quite
> amateurish.  Looks like Goans will always pander to the whites.  That's why
> our beautiful land, Goa, has almost been taken over by the whites!!!  I will
> be copying you a couple of most interesting e-mails I have received showing
> how Goa has been absolutely decimated by the white influx.
> Phil. P.
> --- On Thu, 6/10/10, Frederick Noronha wrote:
> Aum saiba... via Toronto.  [Jacinta Luix is daughter of Jerry/Eva Luis
> of Toronto, ex Candolim/Dar. Eva is ex Zanzibar.]
> Thanks to Ivy from NZ for the link.

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-12 Thread jose fernandes
The singer has murdered the beauty of the song and language too, coz of
improper diction and pronounciation of words.

 Salvador Fernandes

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 8:29 AM, philip pereira wrote:

> Quite interesting, to say the least!!  A Goan woman singing Konkani but not
> with Goan musicians (the bass player and drummer) but with whites although I
> have no doubt, there are tons of excellent Goan musicians in Toronto!!  And,
> incidentally, since I am a drummer, the white drummer seems quite
> amateurish.  Looks like Goans will always pander to the whites.  That's why
> our beautiful land, Goa, has almost been taken over by the whites!!!  I will
> be copying you a couple of most interesting e-mails I have received showing
> how Goa has been absolutely decimated by the white influx.
> Phil. P.
> --- On Thu, 6/10/10, Frederick Noronha wrote:
> Aum saiba... via Toronto.  [Jacinta Luix is daughter of Jerry/Eva Luis
> of Toronto, ex Candolim/Dar. Eva is ex Zanzibar.]
> Thanks to Ivy from NZ for the link.

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-11 Thread philip pereira
Quite interesting, to say the least!!  A Goan woman singing Konkani but 
not with Goan musicians (the bass player and drummer) but with whites 
although I have no doubt, there are tons of excellent Goan musicians in 
Toronto!!  And, incidentally, since I am a drummer, the white drummer 
seems quite amateurish.  Looks like Goans will always pander to the 
whites.  That's why our beautiful land, Goa, has almost been taken over 
by the whites!!!  I will be copying you a couple of most interesting 
e-mails I have received showing how Goa has been absolutely decimated by 
the white influx.

Phil. P.

--- On Thu, 6/10/10, Frederick Noronha wrote:

Aum saiba... via Toronto.  [Jacinta Luix is daughter of Jerry/Eva Luis
of Toronto, ex Candolim/Dar. Eva is ex Zanzibar.]

Thanks to Ivy from NZ for the link.

Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-11 Thread Cleona Lira

loved it...:) thank you

[Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

2010-06-10 Thread Frederick Noronha
Aum saiba... via Toronto.  [Jacinta Luix is daughter of Jerry/Eva Luis
of Toronto, ex Candolim/Dar. Eva is ex Zanzibar.]

Thanks to Ivy from NZ for the link.

"Jacinta Luis - A versatile and dynamic vocalist, pianist and
entertainer, Jacinta brings her unique, powerful, flexible and warm
voice to a tasteful repertoire blending original songs with jazz
standards, funk, latin and modern pop." --