Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-18 Thread Tony de Sa
It appears that Boeing, Airbus Industrie and other aircraft manufacturers
are installing a secret gadget with a very powerful influence. It
brainwashes deshis who cross the oceans and empowers them with superior
knowledge and wisdom when they migrate. (The Brahmins of old feared crossing
the ocean because of the corrupting influence. Must be some truth in the

They become NRGs with superior powers of preaching to RGs. They can tell us
the State is going to the dogs and a few bitches too and blah, blah, blah

Where the rub comes is that they are not prepared to come and show us by
example. They say get rid of the 40 rotters I say how? Come and show us or
forever hold your peace. If Mario or Gabriel or Bernardo can do it they can
be the next political leaders. Else they can forever be videshi boot

Jai Goa, Jai Hind.

= \\-00 Tony de Sa
  C   u
   \ ~/   M   : +91 9975 162 897
 --||   Ph. : +91 832 2470 148
 = /  |

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-18 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 13:51:54 +0530
From: Tony de Sa

They become NRGs with superior powers of preaching to RGs. They can tell us
the State is going to the dogs and a few bitches too and blah, blah, blah

Mario asks:

NRGs have to tell you this?  Don't you live in Goa?  Can't you see for 
yourself?  Don't you hear the barking?  No wonder Goa is going to the canines.

Tony writes:

Where the rub comes is that they are not prepared to come and show us by
example. They say get rid of the 40 rotters I say how? 

Mario responds:

Rajan, Carmen, Arwin, Anil are all trying to show you, but you need to put down 
that bottomless glass of feni first, and realize that Goa is now under the 
control of the canines.

Get rid of at least a few rotters the same way you stopped the worst of the 
CRZ's - by getting up from your siesta, organizing the people, and electing 
honest politicians.  Nothing much is going to happen unless you can rock the 

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

2010-01-17 Thread Tony de Sa
Exmo Sr. (Exma Sra?) I Nunes,

I am not sure whether I am adressing a gent or a lady as neither the name I
Nunes nor the email id reveal your sex, Not that I am sexist, but it would
be polite to address you with the appropriate salutation and your name with
the informality of email.
But I digress.
With reference to the point raised by you:

I. Nunes questions:
After having in effect ceded control of North Goa to white foreigners who
actively and overtly discriminate against native Goans and Indians as
publicized, what does that say of the status quo in Goa,? Mr. D'Sa?

Do you still maintain?First Class status, albeit a subjugated status?in your
own land?
Further, and importantly, how do you reconcile the pervasive and corrosive
caste system with your ideals of equality and opportunity for all Goans??

What is under discussion in my post to which you have given this reply is
whether western countries as we call them are biased against Indians and
thereby goans and whether Indians/ Goans are second class citizens or not.
Please answer to the point and don't draw red herrings. The prevailing
status in Goa is not under question but you may start a separate thread and
I will answer your arguement appropriately.

Tony de Sa
  M   : +91 9975 162 897
 Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-17 Thread Mario Goveia
Gabriel wrote:

I have bought and sold property in London, Gold Coast and Melbourne. So
have other Goans, Malyasians, Chinese and Vietnamese and other non-white
people, resident or non-resident, citizens or non-citizens. There are no
WASP-only localities -the first time I have heard it mentioned, was by you.  
Blah blah. 

Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 23:02:31 +0530
From: Tony de Sa

Halleluja, I am saved. I am convinced. The pro-west chest thumpers have
finally made me see the light of the day.

*There is no racial prejudice in the West or Australia*

Also read the posts of Mario G in similar vein.

Mario observes:


Your halleluja may be premature.  You haven't been saved from anything yet as 
we continue to inform you about things you see mis-informed about.

For example, your latest poppycock is a gross misrepresentation of what Gabriel 
and I have written and taken totally out of context.  

Gabriel and I were responding to your previous poppycock about foreign 
immigrants being unable to live and buy property anywhere in Australia or the 
US.  Both Gabriel and I explained that we could buy properties wherever we 
could afford them without having to worry about being foreign immigrants.

I don't recall anyone talking about no racial prejudice in the West and 

There are stupid and prejudiced people in all countries, including Goa.

Tony wrote:

But then can someone explain to me why so many Indian students in Australia
are being abused and killed, or so many Indian students being killed in good 
ole U S of A? or the 'dots' group that killed Indians because they wore bindis? 
Or Canadian children of Goan origin who call their parents PAKIs (I have 
actually witnessed this) Why is the term PAKI derogatory? Why if you are dark 
skinned and spout Spanish you are likely to be called a 'SPIC? A lot of Goans 
could be classified as spics.

Mario observes:

People are being killed by common criminals everywhere.  No one is focusing on 
Indians who may be victims from time to time.

Paki is a short form for Pakistani.  The kids of your Canadian friends are 
simply disrespectful spoiled brats.  Blacks were called niggers and whites 
are called honkies.  Calling someone of a different background or race names 
is no different than Goans calling non-Goans bhaile and ghantis, etc.  

Like I said above there are a few stupid and prejudiced people everywhere, 
including Goa.  You and Samir are obviously prejudiced against NRGs.

This has nothing to do with were we can live or buy property, which was your 
original false charge.

I wonder what you will try to use next.

In the meantime, unlike the developed countries that Tony is obsessed about, 
Goa is going to the proverbial dogs, while a couple of RGs are busy attacking 

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

2010-01-17 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 12:24:28 -0800 (PST)
From: lyrawmn

After having in effect ceded control of North Goa to white foreigners who 
actively and overtly discriminate against native Goans and Indians as 
publicized, what does that say of the status quo in Goa, Mr. D'Sa?

Mario observes:

Oh, I get it.  Those WASP-only areas where Indians are not allowed to buy homes 
are actually in Goa!

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-17 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 21:16:03 -0800 (PST)
From: lyrawmn

Some well meaning NRGs in their eagerness to help are attempting to reinvent 
the environmental arena. RE: What are we waiting for posts?

Mario responds:

You are correct.  Because I believe their heart is in the right place, I have 
tried to gently re-orient such efforts towards the primary problem in Goa, 
the unholy alliance of corrupt politicians and corrupt business interests.  If 
that unholy alliance cannot be disrupted, then little else will be achieved.

lyrawmn wrote:

At present the many RG activists have been the foot soldiers at the forefront 
not least of all brave Goans villagers battling special interests in face of 
threats, intimidation, litigation costs, time, etc.
Nandkumar Kamat has been at his quest for over 20 years.

Mario responds:

Kudos to all RGs who are involved in such attempts.  Those RGs who are truly 
interested in turning things around in Goa welcome the NRGs who are interested 
in the same thing, rather that the couple who were seen throwing stones from 
their glass houses.

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-16 Thread Tony de Sa
Halleluja, I am saved. I am convinced. The pro-west chest thumpers have
finally made me see the light of the day.

*There is no racial prejudice in the West or Australia*

I am convinced..

I have bought and sold property in London, Gold Coast and Melbourne. So
have other Goans, Malyasians, Chinese and Vietnamese and other non-white
people, resident or non-resident, citizens or non-citizens. There are no
WASP-only localities -?the first time I have heard it?mentioned, was by you.
Blah blah. [GABRIEL De F]

Also read the posts of Mario G in similar vein.

But then can someone explain to me why so many Indian students in Australia
are being abused and killed, or so many Indian students being killed in good
ole U S of A? or the 'dots' group that killed Indians because they wore
bindis? Or Canadian children of Goan origin who call their parents PAKIs (I
have actually witnessed this) Why is the term PAKI derogatory? Why if you
are dark skinned and spout Spanish you are likely to be called a 'SPIC? A
lot of Goans could be classified as spics. I could go on and on.

But then there is no, repeat, there is no racial discrimination in the west,
is there (according to the chest thumpers)? Only aberrations.

Have a nice day bashing the next coolie.


 Tony de Sa
 M   : +91 9975 162 897
  Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-16 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
Dear Samir,

Perhaps if you'd read that article properly, you would have noticed it said:
The hype in the Indian media over racial attacks on Indian students in 
Australia would suggest that thousands of Indian students have been victims of 
such attacks over the past two years. This is not true..  The hype in the 
Indian media says it all.  No boot-licking here - perhaps it is yourself who 
is doing licking vigorously somewhere and having a very sore tongue by now, 
perhaps why you think all of us rest are boot-lickers as well. 

A dispassionate look at the recent attacks on Indian students reveals some 
distinct patterns that are not exactly racist. First, the attacks have been on 
students and not on long-term residents working as skilled professionals.
In addition, there are a sizeable number of people of Indian origin from 
countries such as Fiji, Malaysia, Kenya and South Africa.
the attackers were a polyglot mix, reflecting the streets – whites, Asian, 
Middle Eastern, Aboriginal and Pacific Islander. In one case, the alleged 
assailant was of Middle Eastern appearance. In another incident, a young 
offender described as “Aboriginal” committed the attack.
The Australian police are not far from truth when they describe the attacks as 
largely motivated by opportunity because Indian students work late at night, 
live in low-cost and usually crime-prone neighborhoods, and are regarded as 
soft targets.
The latter categories of students are actually migrants desirous of working as 
taxi drivers, carpenters and attendants in shops and hotels. Most do not mix 
with locals and live in virtual ghettoes, something that does not go well with 
the local population.
Why is it that one does not hear of similar incidents involving Chinese 
students, who number more than 120,000 in the country?

I hope the rest of the readers make up their own minds from the above excerpts 
of the article that Samir pointed out, pointers Salus  I had mentioned in past 


PS No more from me on this topic.

- Original Message 
 From: Samir Kelekar
 To: Goanet
 Sent: Sat, 16 January, 2010 4:02:53 PM
 Subject: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter
 Gabriel writes:
 So the prejudice, dear Tony, is in your mind.  
 Racist attacks endanger Indo-Australian ties.
 I guess your response to this would be like that of Shantaram
 Naik ---  blame the victim. Your buddy Salus has already echoed
 that boot-licking mentality here in another post.

See what's on at the movies in your area. Find out now:

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

2010-01-16 Thread lyrawmn

--- On Wed, 1/13/10, Tony de Sa wrote:
But you black skinned American/ Britisher/ Australian/ Canadian
just try buying property in a WASP only locality. Racial prejudice may not
be overt but it is still there. You are still a 'second class' citizen no
matter how you console yourself.

I. Nunes questions:
After having in effect ceded control of North Goa to white foreigners who 
actively and overtly discriminate against native Goans and Indians as 
publicized, what does that say of the status quo in Goa,  Mr. D'Sa? 

Do you still maintain First Class status, albeit a subjugated status in your 
own land? 
Further, and importantly, how do you reconcile the pervasive and corrosive 
caste system with your ideals of equality and opportunity for all Goans? 


Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-16 Thread lyrawmn

Mr. Goveia,

You have articulated concisely and well the rebuttal to some RGs claims of 
unwarranted meddling by concerned NRGs in matters Goa. 
I suspect theirs is a minority view culled in literary salons of the 
In fairness, the RGs have a point in one area. 
Some well meaning NRGs in their eagerness to help are attempting to reinvent 
the environmental arena.  RE: What are we waiting for posts?
This appears a heavy handed approach and ignores and discounts the long 
struggle by the loyal concerned citizens and environmentalists resident in Goa 
for over the past 2 decades.
You do recall Agonda  circa 1980es where hardy villagers, lawyers and 
environmentalists successfully halted the resort development in its track, yes? 
Golf courses in a CRZ, you ask?  Yes!
At present the many RG activists have been the foot soldiers at the forefront 
not least of all brave Goans villagers battling special interests in face 
of  threats, intimidation, litigation costs, time, etc 
Nandkumar  Kamat has been at his quest for over 20 years.
No one in a leadership position is addressing any of these issues as far as I 
can see anywhere in India.

You are right.

It is pointless to debate the merits of transparency of governance and the 
media in the west versus India. You are not going to change entrenched minds. 
The 2009  Survey done by International Transparency Org assigns India a CPI 
[Corruption Perception Index] rank of 84 in the 180 countries surveyed. [N. 
Zealand ranks 1 and  Somalia 180, with China 79 and US 19]. 
As a survey it is an underestimates the pervasiveness of corruption. 
other links:
 I. Nunes

[Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-15 Thread Mario Goveia
Tony D'Sa wrote:

 That may be. But you black skinned American/ Britisher/ Australian/ 
 Canadian just try buying property in a WASP only locality. Racial 
 prejudice may not be overt but it is still there. You are still 
 a 'second class' citizen no matter how you console yourself.

Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 04:55:58 -0800 (PST)
From: Samir Kelekar

For me, even more than the above, what is important --- what have you done as a 
citizen in your adopted country? Have you fought injustice? Or did you just 
grab the opportunities that those countries provided to you as a citizen?

Mario responds:

A lot.  Yes.  No.

Besides, Tony's statement above is provably false when applied to America.  
Residents of the other countries can speak for themselves.

Samir wrote:

I am sure there are NRGs who have been conscientious citizens of their own 
adopted countries and have contributed to change in their adopted countries; 
and I am also sure they will not talk of disparingly of Goa and India, because 
they know what it takes.

Mario observes:

I disagree. To not disparage corruption is to accept it.

To not criticize the vast improvements that need to be made in India and Goa 
doing a great dis-service to India and Goa.  Do you think the pictures by Rajan 
and Joe were shot in a film studio?

Being IT specialists and suppliers of low cost goods and services contracted by 
and designed in the developed countries is hardly enough, though it's a good 
first step.

Harming India and Goa is the bribery and corruption and even goonda-giri at all 
levels, rampant tax cheating, civic carelessness and public behavior that is 
rarely seen in any developed country, and if seen is roundly condemned if not 
prosecuted and the culprits brought to justice.

No one in a leadership position is addressing any of these issues as far as I 
can see anywhere in India.

In Goa, everyone is scared of the goonda-politicians.  I have personal 
knowledge of at least one of them brazenly helping a crony steal ancestral 
property in my own village in Goa by using forged documents to transfer 
interest in the title to the property and then threatening the relatives to 
keep quiet or risk physical harm.  How else do you think Goa has become such a 
mess?  What good is a legal system when they can intimidate people to be quiet?

Pointing fingers outward and trying to disparage those NRGs who are trying to 
either India or Goa.

All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. - 
attributed to Edmund Burke but never found in his writings.

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-15 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
- Original Message 
 From: Mario Goveia
 Sent: Sat, 16 January, 2010 2:55:27 AM
 Subject: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter
 Tony D'Sa wrote:
  That may be. But you black skinned American/ Britisher/ Australian/ 
  Canadian just try buying property in a WASP only locality. Racial 
  prejudice may not be overt but it is still there. You are still 
  a 'second class' citizen no matter how you console yourself.

I have bought and sold property in London, Gold Coast and Melbourne. So have 
other Goans, Malyasians, Chinese and Vietnamese and other non-white people, 
resident or non-resident, citizens or non-citizens. There are no WASP-only 
localities - the first time I have heard it mentioned, was by you.

Please note 
a) the colour of my skin made no difference
b) my nationality made no difference
c) my surname made no difference

to the outcome. I was asked neither for my nationality papers nor about my 
origins when I bought properties. I met with the conveyancing lawyers only for 
signing the documents, otherwise everything else was done over the 'phone, no 
running around in circles chasing people. 

If you have the means to pay for your purchase, via a bank-loan or otherwise, 
no-one stops you, be it in London, be it in Melbourne.  I am intrigued as to 
how you came about this conclusion of exclusivity.  Only India (in my 
experience) seems to have this phobia about non-nationals buying up properties 
in India.  

We are in no way second-class citizens. Avenues are open in all places, 
including the chance to be the Prime Minister or even the Governor-General. The 
current Governor for Victoria is Sri-Lankan born - .  The previous Mayor for the 
City of Melbourne (twice -running) was Chinese-born John So - - you may have heard the loud cheering for 
the man at the 2006 Commonwealth Games everytime John So's name was mentioned. 

So the prejudice, dear Tony, is in your mind.  

 Samir Kelekar 
 For me, even more than the above, what is important --- what have you done as 
 citizen in your adopted country? Have you fought injustice? Or did you just 
 grab   the opportunities that those countries provided to you as a citizen?

Fight what injustice? 

There are services one does for free, as volunteers - St Vincent de Paul 
Society is one in which a lot of people (Goans included) put in their time.  In 
addition, donations to charities, time with the community, visiting the elderly 
etc. are some of the activities we perform in our society, as our parents did 
in Goa. I hope this satisfies the criteria what have you done as a citizen in 
your adopted country. 

PS In relation to justice, please see 

See what's on at the movies in your area. Find out now:

[Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-15 Thread Samir Kelekar
Gabriel writes:
So the prejudice, dear Tony, is in your mind.  

Racist attacks endanger Indo-Australian ties.

I guess your response to this would be like that of Shantaram
Naik ---  blame the victim. Your buddy Salus has already echoed
that boot-licking mentality here in another post.


[Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

2010-01-14 Thread Tony de Sa

Quote: Unfortunately, there are also some RG and deshi NRG chest-thumpers
who have decided that foren NRGs are a bigger problem than the corruption
and mess in Goa, who are completely wasting their time and energy and
deflecting attention from what needs to be done.Unquote

Response: No all NRGs are not a problem - only those who think most
self-conceitedly that they are the repositories of sanity and wisdom, blah,
blah, blah on Goanet and strew their free advice freely.
If we RGs are wasting our energy and time, isn't that our business and
prerogative? What is the NRGs perception of what needs to be done is not
necessarily our perception. And don't the NRGs contribute to a fair share of
the corruption? Take the guy from his overseas home who comes on a two week
holiday to Goa. He suddenly discovers that the old homestead is now worth a
bundle and he needs to dispose of it! He is in a rush - so much to do, so
little time. So he toodles off to his friendly Talathi/ Panchayat Secretary/
Mamlatdar and quietly slips him Rs. 10, 000/- After all what is 200 odd
Amriki dollars? Now who is promoting corruption.

Quote: No, it is not true that only RGs can do something about it as George
Pinto and Rajan Parrikar and Anil Desai, three foren NRGs, have already
demonstrated by their stellar work in Goa.  Other foren NRG's like Arwin
Mesquita are confronting Goan legislators and Carmen Miranda is trying to
light a fire under local RGs.  All this at remarkable personal cost in terms
of time and money. Unquote

Do you selectively read posts? Haven't I commended doers like George Pinto
in my previous post when I mentioned adnauseam that if you love Goa,
translate your words into action and don't mealy mouth unwanted,
condescending advice to the RGs. Unless NRGs have the power of the vote and
in substantial quantity, voting patterns will follow traditional lines. We
are the voters. Non-national NRGs cannot change this.

Quote: I'll give you an example based on the reality of India.  India was
going nowhere during its first 50 years since Independence.  Corruption and
waste at all levels was rampant and Indians were draining at an alarming
rate to the benefit of other countries.  Then suddenly the founding families
were gone and common sense began to assert itself in the form of new
leadership like Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi, who doesn't get enough
credit in my opinion for exerting tremendous positive leadership while
knowing when to grab the limelight and when to step back and let others get
the limelight.  Look at the difference this has made to India's economy in
just a few years even with the old line communists in their coalition trying
desperately to drag them back Unquote

Manmohan and Sonia are hardly NRIs in the context of this discussion? Pretty
dumb if you think so. So also you prove my point that only RIs and RGs can
make an effective change.

Quote: There is corruption from time to time in the countries you have
listed.  The difference you seem to be missing is that, in the west, when
corruption is found the perpetrators are prosecuted and brought to justice.
 Taking millions just to liquidate a company may look corrupt to you, but if
it was done legally, it could not correctly be described as corrupt in
proper context.Unquote

You miss the point that India, and by implication Goa has a rule of law. In
India if you are caught, you are penalized after due processes of law. Even
Kasab accused of heinous crimes against the nation has a trial. How many of
the KKKlaners gave poor Negros the benefit of a fair trial? Or the Injuns?
Remember, the only good Injun is a dead Injun.

Quote: This is a false description of what happened.  It was Emperor
Hirohito and the Japanese leadership who were responsible for the casualties
at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The Japanese, who started the war for the US by bombing Pearl Harbor without
warning, refused to surrender before and after the bombing of Hiroshima, and
only surrendered after the second bombing of Nagasaki.

Because of how the Japanese had fought before that, the estimates of the
casualties on the Allied side to finish the war by physically attacking
Japan was considered too high.  In a war the objective is to kill the enemy
while minimizing casualties among your own people.  The bombings of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought a brutal four year war to a screeching halt
in just four days, unfortunately at an estimated cost of some 200,000 enemy
casualties, all of which could have been avoided if the Japanese had
surrendered before then unquote

Utter kibosh. This is all American propaganda. History is written by the
victors. The Americans just wanted to evaluate the atomic bomb in a field

Quote: If the RG's wake up and start doing something tangible, all the NRGs
can can happily go back to their comfort zones.  I'm sure Rajan, Carmen,
Arwin, et. al. have other good uses for their time. Unquote

Have we RGs prevented you from going back to your comfort 

[Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

2010-01-14 Thread Mario Goveia
Mario Goveia wrote:

Unfortunately, there are also some RG and deshi NRG chest-thumpers
who have decided that foren NRGs are a bigger problem than the 
corruption and mess in Goa, who are completely wasting their time and 
energy and deflecting attention from what needs to be done.

Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 11:42:45 +0530
From: Tony de Sa

No all NRGs are not a problem - only those who think most self-conceitedly that 
they are the repositories of sanity and wisdom, blah, blah, blah on Goanet and 
strew their free advice freely.

Mario responds:

Tony, you are not getting it.  To begin with, I did not say you said that all 
NRGs are a problem.  You and Samir apparently think the NRGs who are trying to 
help Goa are a bigger problem than the corruption and mess in Goa.

If you RGs knew what the heck you were doing, we would not even be having this 
discussion.  All NRGs could have come to Goa and had a good time, which I still 
do, instead of wasting their time and energy and money like Rajan, Carmen, 
George, Arwin, etc.

Tony wrote:

If we RGs are wasting our energy and time, isn't that our business and
prerogative? What is the NRGs perception of what needs to be done is not
necessarily our perception.

Mario responds:

Yes, it is your prerogative to go back to sleep and allow the mess to grow.  On 
the other hand, it is the prerogative of the NRGs who are motivated to try and 
help change things for the better, sometimes based on their experiences in 
countries that are much better managed, sometimes by simply using common sense 
that seems to have eluded so many RGs.

Tony wrote:

And don't the NRGs contribute to a fair share of the corruption? Take the guy 
from his overseas home who comes on a two week holiday to Goa. He suddenly 
discovers that the old homestead is now worth a bundle and he needs to dispose 
of it! He is in a rush - so much to do, so little time. So he toodles off to 
his friendly Talathi/Panchayat Secretary/Mamlatdar and quietly slips him Rs. 
10,000/- After all what is 200 odd Amriki dollars? Now who is promoting 

Mario responds:

Are individuals selling their property the corruption that is making a mess in 
Goa, or what the buyers are then doing with the property, which is where you 
RGs have been asleep at the switch?

Mario previously wrote:

No, it is not true that only RGs can do something about it as George
Pinto and Rajan Parrikar and Anil Desai, three foren NRGs, have already
demonstrated by their stellar work in Goa.  Other foren NRG's like Arwin
Mesquita are confronting Goan legislators and Carmen Miranda is trying to
light a fire under local RGs.  All this at remarkable personal cost in terms of 
time and money. 

Tony replied:

Do you selectively read posts? Haven't I commended doers like George Pinto
in my previous post when I mentioned adnauseam that if you love Goa,
translate your words into action and don't mealy mouth unwanted,
condescending advice to the RGs. Unless NRGs have the power of the vote and
in substantial quantity, voting patterns will follow traditional lines. We
are the voters. Non-national NRGs cannot change this.

Mario responds:

So, I see that you selectively commend NRGs whom you like.  I guess you think 
Rajan, Carmen, Arwin, Anil, etc. are spending their precious time and money 
because they don't love Goa, and just want to show the Goan peasants how smart 
they are.  I don't think you know these people.  No one who lives in foren 
wastes their time and money carelessly.

But, you have finally put your finger on the problem.  It is you RG voters who 
are the primary problem, which is what I have been saying all along.  Nothing 
is going to seriously change until you stop electing and re-electing corrupt 
politicians.  Even a few to start with would be good.

Mario previously wrote:

I'll give you an example based on the reality of India.  India was
going nowhere during its first 50 years since Independence.  Corruption and
waste at all levels was rampant and Indians were draining at an alarming
rate to the benefit of other countries.  Then suddenly the founding families 
were gone and common sense began to assert itself in the form of new leadership 
like Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi, who doesn't get enough
credit in my opinion for exerting tremendous positive leadership while
knowing when to grab the limelight and when to step back and let others get
the limelight.  Look at the difference this has made to India's economy in
just a few years even with the old line communists in their coalition trying 
desperately to drag them back.

Tony replied:

Manmohan and Sonia are hardly NRIs in the context of this discussion? Pretty 
dumb if you think so. So also you prove my point that only RIs and RGs can make 
an effective change.

Mario responds:

Tony, let go of that bull's shempdi or you will hurt yourself:-))

The point I was making was that:

a) India was a mess because of Nehru's socialist policies that 

[Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-14 Thread Samir Kelekar
Tony D'sa writes:
That may be. But you black skinned American/ Britisher/ Australian/ Canadian
just try buying property in a WASP only locality. Racial prejudice may not
be overt but it is still there. You are still a 'second class' citizen no
matter how you console yourself.

For me, even more than the above, what is important --- what have
you done as a citizen in your adopted country ? Have you fought
injustice ? Or did you just grab the opportunities that those
countries provided to you as a citizen ?

These are important questions and distinguishes a person from
being an opportunist and an conscientious citizen.

Yes, America may be great, but what is your contribution to making
it great ?
If you didnt contribute to any change and just grabbed the
opportunity ( surely I dont deny that to be successful in those
countries one has to work hard and all that but let me tell you
in India, one has to work much harder to be half successful as
abroad --- and that is fact of the matter), then how will
you change things if you come back to Goa/India ?

I am sure there are NRGs who have been conscientious citizens of
their own adopted countries and have contributed to change in
their adopted countries; and I am also sure they will not
talk of disparingly of Goa and India, because they know what it



[Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

2010-01-13 Thread Tony de Sa
Dear Brother and Sister R G's.

 It is a common perception among NRGs, that :

1. Each and every one of our RGs is a good-for-nothing waiting only for a
hand out from the NRG brothers and sisters and waiting with an open mouth
for the next visa to fall from their NRG relations.
2. Goa is a mess and that we are incapable of doing anything about it. But
they forget, that it is we and only we that can effectively change what is
happening in Goa. They can only preach and give us advice which is based on
their own frame of reference which no longer holds validity in the reality
of Goa today.
3. So Goa is corrupt. So Goa has open cast mines. America has no corruption?
Nor Britain, nor France, nor Germany, nor Australia? So you my dear NRG
friends will have me and my other gullible brothers believe that these
countries are pristine. Of course  you have corruption but it is guised in a
semblance of legality like the CEO of a company (I think it was Lehman Bros)
who took millions just to liquidate the company. And no, there is no Mafia -
these hoods belong to backward countries like India and in particular the
state of Goa. There is no open cast mining? What about the rape of the land
in the American coal mines? What about the human tragedy that we read about?
And what about the destruction to the environment that has been caused by
the west. Our NRG irmaoes endorse these things - after all the West can do
no wrong. What about the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki even when
the Americans knew that the Japanese were losing the war - that was
4.We can only be saved by the advice rather the 'pontificating' of some NRGs
from their comfort zones.
5. Please don't call foren Goans 'bootlickers' it hurts their pride,Use
'toadies' or some such term.
6. Please don't remind the NRGs - at least those who pontificate on Goanet
that they are 'second class' citizens of their newly acquired nationalities
7. Please remind the NRGs that they are free to go walkabout in Harlem,
Soho, etc whenever they feel like. It is perfectly safe.
8. Please don't ever tell them, 'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may
roam,Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home;'


Tony de Sa
M   : +91 9975 162 897
Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


[Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

2010-01-13 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 14:18:35 +0530
From: Tony de Sa

1. Each and every one of our RGs is a good-for-nothing waiting only for a
hand out from the NRG brothers and sisters and waiting with an open mouth
for the next visa to fall from their NRG relations.

Mario responds:

Poppycock.  There are many good RGs doing their best and offering positive and 
constructive solutions for Goa, like Floriano and Venita for example.  
Unfortunately, there are also some RG and deshi NRG chest-thumpers who have 
decided that foren NRGs are a bigger problem than the corruption and mess in 
Goa, who are completely wasting their time and energy and deflecting attention 
from what needs to be done.  

Tony writes:

2. Goa is a mess and that we are incapable of doing anything about it. But
they forget, that it is we and only we that can effectively change what is
happening in Goa. They can only preach and give us advice which is based on
their own frame of reference which no longer holds validity in the reality
of Goa today.

Mario responds:

Yes and no.  Yes, it is true that you RGs and deshi NRGs have shown 
yourselves incapable of doing anything about the mess in Goa.  If you had been 
capable, we wouldn't be having this discussion now, would we?

No, it is not true that only RGs can do something about it as George Pinto and 
Rajan Parrikar and Anil Desai, three foren NRGs, have already demonstrated by 
their stellar work in Goa.  Other foren NRG's like Arwin Mesquita are 
confronting Goan legislators and Carmen Miranda is trying to light a fire under 
local RGs.  All this at remarkable personal cost in terms of time and money.

Yes, we can give you advice based on what we have seen work in other countries, 
which is mostly based on common sense.

No, you are wrong that it does not hold validity in the reality of Goa today, 
assuming that there is still something called common sense left in Goa.

I'll give you an example based on the reality of India.  India was going 
nowhere during its first 50 years since Independence.  Corruption and waste at 
all levels was rampant and Indians were draining at an alarming rate to the 
benefit of other countries.  Then suddenly the founding families were gone and 
common sense began to assert itself in the form of new leadership like Manmohan 
Singh and Sonia Gandhi, who doesn't get enough credit in my opinion for 
exerting tremendous positive leadership while knowing when to grab the 
limelight and when to step back and let others get the limelight.  Look at the 
difference this has made to India's economy in just a few years even with the 
old line communists in their coalition trying desperately to drag them 

Tony wrote:

America has no corruption?  Nor Britain, nor France, nor Germany, nor 
Australia? So you my dear NRG friends will have me and my other gullible 
brothers believe that these countries are pristine. Of course  you have 
corruption but it is guised in a semblance of legality like the CEO of a 
company (I think it was Lehman Bros) who took millions just to liquidate the 

Mario responds:

There is corruption from time to time in the countries you have listed.  The 
difference you seem to be missing is that, in the west, when corruption is 
found the perpetrators are prosecuted and brought to justice.  Taking millions 
just to liquidate a company may look corrupt to you, but if it was done 
legally, it could not correctly be described as corrupt in proper context.

Tony wrote:

What about the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki even when
the Americans knew that the Japanese were losing the war - 

Mario responds:

This is a false description of what happened.  It was Emperor Hirohito and the 
Japanese leadership who were responsible for the casualties at Hiroshima and 

The Japanese, who started the war for the US by bombing Pearl Harbor without 
warning, refused to surrender before and after the bombing of Hiroshima, and 
only surrendered after the second bombing of Nagasaki.

Because of how the Japanese had fought before that, the estimates of the 
casualties on the Allied side to finish the war by physically attacking Japan 
was considered too high.  In a war the objective is to kill the enemy while 
minimizing casualties among your own people.  The bombings of Hiroshima and 
Nagasaki brought a brutal four year war to a screeching halt in just four days, 
unfortunately at an estimated cost of some 200,000 enemy casualties, all of 
which could have been avoided if the Japanese had surrendered before then.

Tony wrote:

4. We can only be saved by the advice rather the 'pontificating' of some NRGs 
from their comfort zones.

Mario responds:

If the RG's wake up and start doing something tangible, all the NRGs can can 
happily go back to their comfort zones.  I'm sure Rajan, Carmen, Arwin, et. al. 
have other good uses for their time.

Tony wrote:

5. Please don't call foren Goans 'bootlickers' it hurts their 

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

2010-01-13 Thread floriano

Incidentally, you have identified both Moidekars [who are also known for 
their pixeapona] to a third Moidekar

I am told that 3 is crowd

Whatever happened to the rest of RG Goans???


PS: Sometimes Pixo gets the cake. This has been proved when Moira Church got 
its most sonorous Bell in the auction because a Xanno Moidekar (not the 
UK'ite) wore a kasti and started besting the bets to the consternation of 
rank Batkars in suits boots and ties. It is also believed that this Pixo 
Moidekar coolly called for his valet after the auction who handed back to 
him his suit boot and tie


PPS: Goa's Need of the Hour...What's Zat??   ... 
Continuos pealing of Moira Church Bell to wake up RG Goans???

- Original Message - 
From: Mario Goveia

Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:10 PM
Subject: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 14:18:35 +0530
From: Tony de Sa

There are many good RGs doing their best and offering positive and 
constructive solutions for Goa, like Floriano and Venita for example