Re: How do I call a stateless session bean (EJB) from my RPC service?

2009-03-26 Thread stsch01

Update: A full JNDI lookup is working, but why do I not get a
reference using the annotations?

If I have

SomeBean --Bean Implementation
SomeRef -- Remote Interface
SomeRefLocal -- Local Interface


SomeRef ref;

should work to get the remote interface, right?


On 25 Mrz., 21:39, wrote:
 Hi Gregor,

 thanks for this extensive answer. I deployed a very simple sample
 application to JBoss but for any reason I cannot access myEJBfrom my
 RPC service. Neither with the @EJBannotation nor with the @Resource
 SessionContext ctx statement. That's what my service implementation
 looks like:

 package de.stsch.j2ee.gwt.server;

 import javax.annotation.Resource;
 import javax.ejb.EJB;
 import javax.ejb.SessionContext;


 import de.stsch.j2ee.ejb.StSch;
 import de.stsch.j2ee.gwt.client.GwtClientSrc;

 public class GwtClientSrcImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
 GwtClientSrc {
         StSch bean;

         SessionContext ctx;

         public String getName() {
                 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                 if (ctx == null) {
                         sb.append(ctx is null);
                 } else {
                         sb.append(ctx is not null);

                 if (bean == null) {
                         sb.append(, bean is null);
                 } else {
                         sb.append(, bean is not null);
                 return sb.toString();


 And it always returns that both ctx and bean is null :-(

 Any idea why?


 On 25 Mrz., 16:26, gregor wrote:

  Hi Steffen,

  The simplest way to do this is to add your GWT app as a module (WAR)
  to your EAR. The GWT RPC servlets will then have direct access to your
  session beans local interfaces (which you must define BTW).

  If you cannot do this for some reason, the situation is a bit
  trickier. Your standalone Java client probably uses RMI to call your
  session beans? Is so, then it is calling the beans remote interfaces
  and call parameters/return values are serialized over the wire. AFAIK
  you cannot call the local interface of a session bean from a class
  outside its EAR. You can always use JNDI to look up the remote
  interfaces of your session beans from a separate GWT module's RPC
  servlets (which mimics what happens with the Java client) but this
  involves your app server serializing and deserializing all objects
  passed betweeen the GWT app and the enterprise app, i.e. the app
  server will be serializing to itself, which is a serious performance
  drain you will want to avoid.

  BTW I think the reason why this is so is that each EAR or WAR deployed
  on your app server is allocated it's own classloader, so in this
  situation your session beans are not directly visible by reference to
  your GWT module classes and visa versa, so they must be called
  remotely (which means serialization).

  One way around this is to set up yourEJBapplication as a Resource
  Adapter ARchive (RAR). This is not normally used in applications as
  such, and is usually associated with some external data source common
  to a number of applications in an enterprise situation (a bit like a
  database, it's comparable to a JDBC). Normally vendors use it, for
  example Apache Jackrabbit uses a RAR. However this complicates things,
  and I am not sure you will get optimal performance out of it anyway
  (although I am not sure, I use RAR's but have never written one
  myself), but it will probably perform better than using remote
  interfaces to your session beans.

  For these reasons, unless you have the strongest possible reasons for
  not doing so, I think your best bet is to include your GWT module in
  your main enterpise application (so it is a WAR inside the EAR) and
  then you will be able to call your session beans directly from GWT RPC
  servlets using their local interfaces. This should give you the best
  performance from the simplest code.


  On Mar 25, 2:15 pm, stsch wrote:

   In Eclipse I have one project (j2eeEjb) containing the Enterprise Java
   Beans, one projects (j2eeClient) contains the corresponding Remote
   Interfaces and one project (j2eeEar) only assembles everything into an
   ear-file. The resulting ear-file contains 2 jar-files, j2eeEjb.jar and
   j2eeClient.jar; this is the corresponding application.xml of the ear-

   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ASCII?
   application xmlns:xsi=;
   xmlns=; xmlns:application=http://

Re: How to disable/enable widget components?

2009-03-26 Thread Nicanor Babula

RadioButton radio1 = new RadioButton(group1, disabled radio);

I think that would do for you ;)

On Thursday 26 March 2009 06:12:14 Vikas wrote:
 Hi All,

 I want to disable/enable RadioButton on some action, how to do this?
 I don't want to hide/unhide.

 Thanks in advance,

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RPC Performance/Response Problem

2009-03-26 Thread -Lord-67

First of all: Hi to everyone!

I'm new to GWT and just programming my first app. Since i've some
experience in Java it's not a big problem, but in this case i am stuck
and hopefully someone can help me.

In my app i make a RPC: On server side i get some data out of a
database and save it into an array of type String. Up to 10.000
Strings atm, later on maybe up to 50.000. It is no problem so far. The
server is handling this really fast. I measured 5 RPCs with about 500
Strings each and it took less time than 200 milliseconds each (SQL
Statement + creating the array).

The problem now is: I have to wait 5 SECONDS to get the results of the
RPC (the String[] created on the server) on the client side so i can
do something with them. Regarding the overall time i measured, these 5
seconds are more than 75% of the time which my app needs. Is it
possible that the serialization and deserialization takes that much
time? I don't think so and i have no clue where this 5 seconds come
from. If someone has any ideas, solutions, suggestions on this problem
i would appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance,

P.s.: Of course i searched for a solution for this problem for hours,
if i somehow just typed the wrong keywords to get the fitting results,
just let me know and post a link :-).

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Setting FocusPanel as a cell to FlexTable and DragAndDrop for FlexTable

2009-03-26 Thread priya


I have a FlexTable which contains FocusPanel as a cell..

I am having DragAndDrop functionality for the FlexTable.
It's working fine..
But I want the additional functionality too that determine which cell
is clicked..

I added TableListener to the FlexTable..
When I click at the corner of the cell then it's working..
But if I click in the middle of the row anywhere then it's not

I tried to add ClickListener to the FocusPanel which I am setting as a
cell to the FlexTable..
But it's also giving the same problem..

Is there any other method for this?
Can anyone help?

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Re: RPC Performance/Response Problem

2009-03-26 Thread Matías Costa
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 9:46 AM, -Lord-67 wrote:

 First of all: Hi to everyone!

 I'm new to GWT and just programming my first app. Since i've some
 experience in Java it's not a big problem, but in this case i am stuck
 and hopefully someone can help me.

 In my app i make a RPC: On server side i get some data out of a
 database and save it into an array of type String. Up to 10.000
 Strings atm, later on maybe up to 50.000. It is no problem so far. The
 server is handling this really fast. I measured 5 RPCs with about 500
 Strings each and it took less time than 200 milliseconds each (SQL
 Statement + creating the array).

 The problem now is: I have to wait 5 SECONDS to get the results of the
 RPC (the String[] created on the server) on the client side so i can
 do something with them. Regarding the overall time i measured, these 5
 seconds are more than 75% of the time which my app needs. Is it
 possible that the serialization and deserialization takes that much
 time? I don't think so and i have no clue where this 5 seconds come
 from. If someone has any ideas, solutions, suggestions on this problem
 i would appreciate any help!

Seems your bootleneck is in the browser. Javascript is not very fast. Try
Chrome and if it is faster you can blame javascript . You can make chunks of
1000 Strings and update the UI in steps. The overwall performance
(throughput) will be worse, but the speed perception will be much better

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Building toCollege-net Web site

2009-03-26 Thread lan

Being new to GWT, I wanted to follow the application
Unfortunately, I couldn't build it, I'm following the Building pdf document, I checked out the code using svn, no
problem. But when I try mvn compile, I got this unexpected

[ERROR] Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(

Any ideas??

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Creating images and/or writing text vertically

2009-03-26 Thread soundseeker

here is a little bit more complex problem..

I'm using canvas and would like to label some elements (ImageElement)
vertically - text rotated 90 degrees left.

1. I found no possibility to do that directly.
2. The next idea was to create an image on the fly with the rendered
text and then to rotate the image.
Is this possible?
Since it's inside canvas I can not use the Image class just

Is there a way to accomplish my idea?

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Problem with french special character in GWT

2009-03-26 Thread Sandeep


I have a simple GWT application which takes String and gives me
reverse of the string.
Problem here is that when i send the String to servlet and try to
print it there ? is printed on tomcat instead of special characters
for french. Same is happening with Russian characters.

But i am getting correctly reversed string at client side when display
result as a popup.

Can any one explain me why is it behaving so?

Will it get stored in database properly if i want to do so?

Thanks in advance

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ScrollPanel problem in Chrome/Safari

2009-03-26 Thread nicanor.babula

Hello everyone.

I have this situation:

|ScrollPanel   |
|   __ |
|   | AbsolutePanel| |
|   |  | |
|   | ___  | |
|   | | cell selector| | |
|   | |__ | | |
|   |  | |
|   |  | |
|   |_| |

When the users clicks the absolute panel (which has a background image
simulating a grid) the cell selector is moved in order to visually-
simulate the cell selection. It works fine on firefox and IE, but on
webkit-based browsers when the ScrollPanel has been scrolled and I
click on the absolutePanel, it automatically scrolls back the
scrollPanel to [0,0].

Any ideas? It is a bug in GWT or I must compute the [top,left] of the
cell selector in a different way?

Here is how I compute the cell selector's top and left:
public void clickAction(Event event){
int x = DOM.eventGetClientX(event)
  - DOM.getAbsoluteLeft(getElement())
 + DOM.getElementPropertyInt(getElement(), scrollLeft)
 + Window.getScrollLeft();
int y = DOM.eventGetClientY(event)
- DOM.getAbsoluteTop(getElement())
+ DOM.getElementPropertyInt(getElement(), scrollTop)
+ Window.getScrollTop();
(Calendario.eventAreaSelector, x - (x % CalUtils.getDayWidth()), y -
(y % CalUtils.UNIT_HEIGHT));

Thanks in advance.
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Flash with GWT

2009-03-26 Thread ping2ravi

Hi All,
I have a web page where i am using Flash and GWT both, i am using
GWT's popup thing.
Non flash screen part of the page shows the popup correctly but the
screen part where flash is, it hides the popup under it. I can see
that the potion of popup which should be on the top of Flash part is
hidden and the otehr part is visible as there is no flash on that

I remember that in JS/CSS we used to use z-index kind of this to make
such ordering of JS object, but how to do that with flash.

Any comments/Suggestion?
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Re: problems in IE6 modifying DOM nodes

2009-03-26 Thread johnpearcey

For anyone that's interested, the problem is solved by using the
correct document object. I started by using elem.ownerDocument instead
of document. However, I've found some gwt-docs that say you should use
$doc instead of document.

On Mar 20, 2:49 pm, johnpearcey wrote:
 This looks a little like a GWT compiler bug but I'm not sure. All
 methods that manipulate a DOM node fail in IE6 where native script
 calls are made. They work fine in Firefox and hosted mode. I am
 obtaining scripts from a database and running it using eval(). At
 first I suspected a compiler optimisation bug but have since found
 that a more straightforward call will not work on IE6. For example:

 public static native void eval_js( Node elem, String evalCode )/*-{
 elem.appendChild( document.createTextNode(Math.random()) );


 Under IE6, catching the exception in GWT gives the following

 (Error): Invalid argument. number -2147024809 description: Invalid

 Firefox and GWT hosted mode both work fine. The node concerned is
 correctly attached both physically and logically. It seems that any
 attempt to break into native script calls give the same problem.
 Interestingly enough the following call works fine:
 alert( elem.nodeType );

 It seems as if the node is read-only???

 Has anyone experienced this? I've been working one this for two days
 now and have run out of work-around ideas.
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Re: How do I call a stateless session bean (EJB) from my RPC service?

2009-03-26 Thread gregor

yes it should, equally @EJB SomeRefLocal localRef should too.

On Mar 26, 7:18 am, wrote:
 Update: A full JNDI lookup is working, but why do I not get a
 reference using the annotations?

 If I have

 SomeBean --Bean Implementation
 SomeRef -- Remote Interface
 SomeRefLocal -- Local Interface


 SomeRef ref;

 should work to get the remote interface, right?


 On 25 Mrz., 21:39, wrote:

  Hi Gregor,

  thanks for this extensive answer. I deployed a very simple sample
  application to JBoss but for any reason I cannot access myEJBfrom my
  RPC service. Neither with the @EJBannotation nor with the @Resource
  SessionContext ctx statement. That's what my service implementation
  looks like:

  package de.stsch.j2ee.gwt.server;

  import javax.annotation.Resource;
  import javax.ejb.EJB;
  import javax.ejb.SessionContext;


  import de.stsch.j2ee.ejb.StSch;
  import de.stsch.j2ee.gwt.client.GwtClientSrc;

  public class GwtClientSrcImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
  GwtClientSrc {
          StSch bean;

          SessionContext ctx;

          public String getName() {
                  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                  if (ctx == null) {
                          sb.append(ctx is null);
                  } else {
                          sb.append(ctx is not null);

                  if (bean == null) {
                          sb.append(, bean is null);
                  } else {
                          sb.append(, bean is not null);
                  return sb.toString();


  And it always returns that both ctx and bean is null :-(

  Any idea why?


  On 25 Mrz., 16:26, gregor wrote:

   Hi Steffen,

   The simplest way to do this is to add your GWT app as a module (WAR)
   to your EAR. The GWT RPC servlets will then have direct access to your
   session beans local interfaces (which you must define BTW).

   If you cannot do this for some reason, the situation is a bit
   trickier. Your standalone Java client probably uses RMI to call your
   session beans? Is so, then it is calling the beans remote interfaces
   and call parameters/return values are serialized over the wire. AFAIK
   you cannot call the local interface of a session bean from a class
   outside its EAR. You can always use JNDI to look up the remote
   interfaces of your session beans from a separate GWT module's RPC
   servlets (which mimics what happens with the Java client) but this
   involves your app server serializing and deserializing all objects
   passed betweeen the GWT app and the enterprise app, i.e. the app
   server will be serializing to itself, which is a serious performance
   drain you will want to avoid.

   BTW I think the reason why this is so is that each EAR or WAR deployed
   on your app server is allocated it's own classloader, so in this
   situation your session beans are not directly visible by reference to
   your GWT module classes and visa versa, so they must be called
   remotely (which means serialization).

   One way around this is to set up yourEJBapplication as a Resource
   Adapter ARchive (RAR). This is not normally used in applications as
   such, and is usually associated with some external data source common
   to a number of applications in an enterprise situation (a bit like a
   database, it's comparable to a JDBC). Normally vendors use it, for
   example Apache Jackrabbit uses a RAR. However this complicates things,
   and I am not sure you will get optimal performance out of it anyway
   (although I am not sure, I use RAR's but have never written one
   myself), but it will probably perform better than using remote
   interfaces to your session beans.

   For these reasons, unless you have the strongest possible reasons for
   not doing so, I think your best bet is to include your GWT module in
   your main enterpise application (so it is a WAR inside the EAR) and
   then you will be able to call your session beans directly from GWT RPC
   servlets using their local interfaces. This should give you the best
   performance from the simplest code.


   On Mar 25, 2:15 pm, stsch wrote:

In Eclipse I have one project (j2eeEjb) containing the Enterprise Java
Beans, one projects (j2eeClient) contains the corresponding Remote
Interfaces and one project (j2eeEar) only assembles everything into an
ear-file. The resulting ear-file contains 2 jar-files, j2eeEjb.jar and
j2eeClient.jar; this is the corresponding application.xml of the ear-

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ASCII?

Re: como agregar imagen bmp en backround

2009-03-26 Thread Pacholi


On 18 mar, 11:06, El Mentecato Mayor wrote:

 En tu página principal, simplemente usa un estilo CSS en el Panel que
 uses ahí que tenga una imagen de fondo, luego cambias en las demás
 páginas, si cambias el Panel, entonces se irá, si no, entonces
 simplemente cambias el estilo CSS por uno que no tenga esa imagen
 (usando .setStyleName(tu-estilo)) en el Panel o widget al que le
 quieras cambiar el estilo (imagen).

 On Mar 16, 4:59 pm, Pacholi wrote:

  necesito agregar imagen que se cargue una sola vez en pagina
  principal, luego la navegar por las demas paginas que omita esta
  imagen de fondo,.- Ocultar texto de la cita -

 - Mostrar texto de la cita -
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Re: Cypal Studio v2 - care for a spin?

2009-03-26 Thread olivier nouguier
Great new !

Work nicely for me (window) tonight I will test under linux and mac os x.

* During the launch it would be nice to add tools.jar (jdk) to be able to
compile jsp.

* A more maven layout option would be also a good think I suppose.

Thx for cypal.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:14 PM, Prakash G.R. wrote:

 Hi All,

 GWT 1.6 is about to be released and it has got lot of changes,
 which renders the existing Cypal Studio 1.0 incompatible. I've to go
 back to my drawing board for V 2. Few weekends and few more longer
 nights, now the code compiles. So here is the alpha released today.
 Important points to note:

 (*) Cypal Studio is no longer a WTP Facet. Which also means that there
 is no dependency on EMF/WTP. All you need is Eclipse SDK (3.4 or
 (*) Not all the features are working and its guaranteed to crash your
 Eclipse. I would advise you use it with a temporary workspace
 (*) Download link:
 (*) Raise bugs here:

 Download; unzip to eclipse/dropins folder; set the GWT version in
 the preference page; create a new GWT project; start playing around.
 And more importantly, when you are done, do give me your feedback on
 the changes!

  - Prakash

 “People are meant to be loved and things are meant to be used.
 But unfortunately, people are being used and things are being loved”


It is better to have a known enemy than a forced ally
- Napoleon Bonaparte

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deferred binding

2009-03-26 Thread johnpearcey

I have been trying to find out if there is a way to use deferred
binding to load code that has been compiled at different times. Most
of the documentation is about a single compiler pass over the code.
The reason I need this is because I am writing a framework that can
host components in a type of builder application, a bit like say
Visual Basic would be able to load ActiveX controls onto a pallet for
a developer to use. It seems like dynamic binding is what I require
and I have read that it is not available. I can already call
JavaScript methods (using overlays etc) from my application which
requests them from a remote database and loads them at runtime. This
works great but of course, since I have to write the first set of
components myself, I really want to use the GWT and not hand write
them all in JS. I would also prefer my development team to use GWT as
well. Is anything like this possible.
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how to easily plug-in a mock remote service

2009-03-26 Thread denis56


I would like to unit test my application plugging a mock remote
service implementation. As far as I know in version 1.5 that is being
used, hosted mode uses
servlet path=/myService class=test.myServiceImpl /
line in module.gwt.xml file to refer to the right servlet.

Who knows if if there is a programmable way so that in a junit set-up
method one could specify that another (mock) service should be used,
without having to replace the appropriate line in xml?

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Event listening on ListBox in a CaptipnPanel's Legend

2009-03-26 Thread Danny Schimke

A CaptionPanel can contains HTML in its legend. I hve to add a ListBox-
Element there. But I have to listen on it (change- events). How do I have to
add the ListBox as a part of the legend- Element to the Caption so that I
still can listen on its events?

Thank you very much!

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Re: Two TabPanels, different CSS styles

2009-03-26 Thread rookie

Thanks a lot Gregor. I was struggling with remove the default styles
from the tabpanel. This is very helpful.

On Feb 27, 7:12 am, gregor wrote:
 CSS is often hierarchical in GWT widgets. You have a primary style
 name and then additional secondary styles that are swapped out
 according to user actions (like select, hover etc). With a Tab panel
 the tabs are controlled by the TabBar class, and you can see it has a
 primary style gwt-TabBar and a selection of additional styles.

 .gwt-TabBar {


 .gwt-TabBar .gwt-TabBarFirst {


 .gwt-TabBar .gwt-TabBarRest {


 .gwt-TabBar .gwt-TabBarItem {


 .gwt-TabBar .gwt-TabBarItem-selected {


 To custom style TabBars differently all you have to do is copy this
 template CSS and replace gwt-TabBar with my-TabBar. Then you set the
 style as:


 Do not change the gwt- part of the secondary style names as the
 internal TabBar code won't recognize them. E.g. you end up with

 .my-TabBar .gwt-TabBarItem-selected {


 So you can have as many different styles for the same GWT widget class
 within the same application as you like.

 On Feb 27, 4:25 am, Ananda wrote:

  I belive you can do it..
  Use the different style name , it will work


  -Original Message-

  [] On Behalf Of Master Shake
  Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 8:18 AM
  To: Google Web Toolkit
  Subject: Two TabPanels, different CSS styles

  Is there a way to have different css styles for two of the same GWT
  composite types (i.e. TabPanels) in the same document? I have two
  TabPanels and I want one TabPanel to have larger tabs...

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Re: deferred binding

2009-03-26 Thread Vitali Lovich
There's nothing preventing you from writing the code in GWT.  However,
AFAIK, there's no support for dynamically loading GWT modules.  You have to
write your own framework for now as far as I know to do this dynamically.

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 9:34 AM, johnpearcey wrote:

 I have been trying to find out if there is a way to use deferred
 binding to load code that has been compiled at different times. Most
 of the documentation is about a single compiler pass over the code.
 The reason I need this is because I am writing a framework that can
 host components in a type of builder application, a bit like say
 Visual Basic would be able to load ActiveX controls onto a pallet for
 a developer to use. It seems like dynamic binding is what I require
 and I have read that it is not available. I can already call
 JavaScript methods (using overlays etc) from my application which
 requests them from a remote database and loads them at runtime. This
 works great but of course, since I have to write the first set of
 components myself, I really want to use the GWT and not hand write
 them all in JS. I would also prefer my development team to use GWT as
 well. Is anything like this possible.

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GWT Serialization ???

2009-03-26 Thread jero

I am new to GWT and I have been playing around with GWT. Now I want to
retrieve via hibernate using a RemoteService call ths content from a
database. I have already a jar (provided by the db guys) where the
domain is reflected. The problem I have is when I use it I always
receive serialization problems form some classes of the domain. I know
that if I extend my entity classes wit IsSerializable than the
serialization works fine and I have no problem. I have been reading
around and found that if you add your class to the *.gwt.rpc file than
this would to the trick, well for me it didn't work, still
serialization problem. I googled and found the Gilead project (former
hibernate4gwt), what I don't like is that I have to extend my entity
classes, but I am not allowed I am not maintining the db classes. So I
am a bit stuck and after googling for last few days I didn't manage to
find a proper solution. How can I get rid of the serialization
problem, any suggestions are welcome?



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Re: GWT Serialization ???

2009-03-26 Thread Jason Essington

If you don't have access to the source for your hibernate objects,  
then you'll need to create DTOs (data transfer objects) that are  
essentially identical to your hibernate objects.

You can then manually marshal the values, or use a bean mapping  
library such as Dozer to do the work automagically.

I generally use this technique even when I have the source for my  
server side objects as most of my objects have information that is not  
appropriate to send to the client anyway.


On Mar 26, 2009, at 7:41 AM, jero wrote:

 I am new to GWT and I have been playing around with GWT. Now I want to
 retrieve via hibernate using a RemoteService call ths content from a
 database. I have already a jar (provided by the db guys) where the
 domain is reflected. The problem I have is when I use it I always
 receive serialization problems form some classes of the domain. I know
 that if I extend my entity classes wit IsSerializable than the
 serialization works fine and I have no problem. I have been reading
 around and found that if you add your class to the *.gwt.rpc file than
 this would to the trick, well for me it didn't work, still
 serialization problem. I googled and found the Gilead project (former
 hibernate4gwt), what I don't like is that I have to extend my entity
 classes, but I am not allowed I am not maintining the db classes. So I
 am a bit stuck and after googling for last few days I didn't manage to
 find a proper solution. How can I get rid of the serialization
 problem, any suggestions are welcome?




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calling RPC service from Java using GWT 1.5

2009-03-26 Thread


I'm trying to do what's stated in the subject.  I thought I could use
javaongems to do that with the following code :

import org.javaongems.core.jclient.Gwt;

public class JavaRpcClient {
static public void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Object myService = Gwt.create(my.package.MyService.class);
((ServiceDefTarget) rpc).setServiceEntryPoint(http://;



However when I try and run this code, I get :

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/
at org.javaongems.core.jclient.Gwt.create(

My guess is, ServerSerializableTypeOracle is an old class which is not
any more distributed with GWT (the javaongems jar I found is almost
2.5 years old).  Well all this makes sense, but now my question is, is
there an alternative?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: RPC Performance/Response Problem

2009-03-26 Thread lukehashj

Have you tried using a List instead of an array?

On Mar 26, 2:46 am, -Lord-67 wrote:
 First of all: Hi to everyone!

 I'm new to GWT and just programming my first app. Since i've some
 experience in Java it's not a big problem, but in this case i am stuck
 and hopefully someone can help me.

 In my app i make a RPC: On server side i get some data out of a
 database and save it into an array of type String. Up to 10.000
 Strings atm, later on maybe up to 50.000. It is no problem so far. The
 server is handling this really fast. I measured 5 RPCs with about 500
 Strings each and it took less time than 200 milliseconds each (SQL
 Statement + creating the array).

 The problem now is: I have to wait 5 SECONDS to get the results of the
 RPC (the String[] created on the server) on the client side so i can
 do something with them. Regarding the overall time i measured, these 5
 seconds are more than 75% of the time which my app needs. Is it
 possible that the serialization and deserialization takes that much
 time? I don't think so and i have no clue where this 5 seconds come
 from. If someone has any ideas, solutions, suggestions on this problem
 i would appreciate any help!

 Thanks in advance,

 P.s.: Of course i searched for a solution for this problem for hours,
 if i somehow just typed the wrong keywords to get the fitting results,
 just let me know and post a link :-).
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Re: Flash with GWT

2009-03-26 Thread lukehashj

There's not much you can do about this :)

This happens for the same reason that dropdown menus burn through
'popunders' like you describe.

Try creating a new popup class that uses an IFRAME to show your
element, and then it won't burn through to the second iframe.

Sucks, yes.

On Mar 26, 6:28 am, ping2ravi wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have a web page where i am using Flash and GWT both, i am using
 GWT's popup thing.
 Non flash screen part of the page shows the popup correctly but the
 screen part where flash is, it hides the popup under it. I can see
 that the potion of popup which should be on the top of Flash part is
 hidden and the otehr part is visible as there is no flash on that

 I remember that in JS/CSS we used to use z-index kind of this to make
 such ordering of JS object, but how to do that with flash.

 Any comments/Suggestion?
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Re: IE vertical scrollbar triggers a horizontal scrollbar

2009-03-26 Thread r a f t

hi tony,

thank you. i had also found that solution programatically:
DOM.setStyleAttribute(scrollPanel.getElement(), overflowX,

but there is catch: that way, vertical scrollbar steals from widgets
area. one needs to place proper padding to rightside.

On Mar 25, 6:57 pm, Tony Strauss
 We've had this issue too (in IE6 and IE7).  Our solution was to set
 the 'overflow' to 'hidden' in the ScrollPanel's CSS:

 .designingpatterns-Table-Grid-ScrollPanel {
     overflow-x: hidden !important;
     overflow-y: auto !important;


 The '!important' annotation is necessary.

 Tony Strauss
 Designing Patterns, 

 On Mar 25, 12:07 am, r a f t wrote:


  i have some content widget, which is placed into a pixel sized
  ScrollPanel. the widget easily fits into ScrollPanel by its width. in
  IE6 when widget's height is more than ScrollPanel, vertical scroll bar
  appears, which in turn (i guess so) triggers horizontal scrollbar to
  create space for vertical scrollbar. when widget is shorter by height
  no scrollbar appears. i tried both setting width of widget to 100% and
  remain it unset.

  in firefox it works as expected (no horizontal scrollbar). i didn't
  test it for other IE versions

  any ideas how to fix this ? setting width of widget to 90% or some
  pixel width may help (didnt try), but i prefer them as last choices as
  they depend on scrollbar width.

  r a f t
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Re: calling RPC service from Java using GWT 1.5

2009-03-26 Thread Ian Petersen

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:22 AM, wrote:
 I'm trying to do what's stated in the subject.  I thought I could use
 javaongems to do that with the following code :

 import org.javaongems.core.jclient.Gwt;

 public class JavaRpcClient {
                static public void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
                Object myService = Gwt.create(my.package.MyService.class);
                ((ServiceDefTarget) rpc).setServiceEntryPoint(http://;



 However when I try and run this code, I get :

 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/
        at org.javaongems.core.jclient.Gwt.create(

 My guess is, ServerSerializableTypeOracle is an old class which is not
 any more distributed with GWT (the javaongems jar I found is almost
 2.5 years old).  Well all this makes sense, but now my question is, is
 there an alternative?

You may want to search the archives of this list for some keywoards
relevant to what you're trying to do.  Every now and then someone
asks, and the answer is always you can't get there from here.

GWT's RPC wire format is optimized for web-browser to web-server
communication.  There are all kinds of implementation details that
assume the client is GWT-compiled Javascript.  Hosted mode is
Java-on-a-JVM, so it's obviously possible to do what you're trying to
do, but the overhead is not worth it for real Java applications
(you'd have to either run hosted mode or re-implement the client-side
RPC goo).

You need to refactor your server to be able to handle the same
request from two or more different kinds of clients and funnel all the
requests through the same business logic.  Complicating your clients
by making them speak GWT RPC is the path to insanity.


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Re: Flash with GWT

2009-03-26 Thread István Szoboszlai
If the transparent option is applied on the flash object, than it will have
the same z-order as its containing dom element.

You can also use the swfobject's gwt wrapper to add flash components to your

Best - István

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 6:29 PM, lukehashj wrote:

 There's not much you can do about this :)

 This happens for the same reason that dropdown menus burn through
 'popunders' like you describe.

 Try creating a new popup class that uses an IFRAME to show your
 element, and then it won't burn through to the second iframe.

 Sucks, yes.

 On Mar 26, 6:28 am, ping2ravi wrote:
  Hi All,
  I have a web page where i am using Flash and GWT both, i am using
  GWT's popup thing.
  Non flash screen part of the page shows the popup correctly but the
  screen part where flash is, it hides the popup under it. I can see
  that the potion of popup which should be on the top of Flash part is
  hidden and the otehr part is visible as there is no flash on that
  I remember that in JS/CSS we used to use z-index kind of this to make
  such ordering of JS object, but how to do that with flash.
  Any comments/Suggestion?

Best Regards

- István Szoboszlai
Tel: 0036305658018

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Re: Flash with GWT

2009-03-26 Thread Niklas Derouche
wmode = opaque
does the trick in some situations. you need to add it both as a param and in
the embed though.


On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:28 PM, ping2ravi wrote:

 Hi All,
 I have a web page where i am using Flash and GWT both, i am using
 GWT's popup thing.
 Non flash screen part of the page shows the popup correctly but the
 screen part where flash is, it hides the popup under it. I can see
 that the potion of popup which should be on the top of Flash part is
 hidden and the otehr part is visible as there is no flash on that

 I remember that in JS/CSS we used to use z-index kind of this to make
 such ordering of JS object, but how to do that with flash.

 Any comments/Suggestion?

Ave bossa nova, similis bossa seneca

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Re: Event listening on ListBox in a CaptipnPanel's Legend

2009-03-26 Thread Danny Schimke
Is it possible to do this?

2009/3/26 Danny Schimke


 A CaptionPanel can contains HTML in its legend. I hve to add a ListBox-
 Element there. But I have to listen on it (change- events). How do I have to
 add the ListBox as a part of the legend- Element to the Caption so that I
 still can listen on its events?

 Thank you very much!

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Re: extending RichTextArea

2009-03-26 Thread alberto


I'am still working on the project. I'am having any difficulties:

1) I can not control the position of the cursor within the
RichTextArea. I's there any native javascript method to move the
corsor for example to the end of the text in the area?

2) Suppose i typed while in the text area. I want to paint that
word. Can i paint only that word without paint the others word in the

3) I have seen tha TextArea implements some functions to control the
position of the cursor. Why RichTextArea does not??

4) the last problem: when i call the method setText(String text) on
a RichTextArea the cursor is the moved to th beginning of the text in
the area. Is there a way to call setText and than have te cursor at
the end of the text in the area??

thanks a lot
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Re: How can I combine 2 projects into one with gwt 1.6+?

2009-03-26 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Brandon,

I'm not clear why you would need to compile the sub modules independently
from the main module. The GWT compiler performs a monolithic compilation for
each module it compiles, therefore the submodules would be completely
independent from the main module if they were compiled separately. It seems
like if you want to reuse those submodules, the best way would be to
reference them from your main project (linking source in Eclipse, for
example), and adding the submodules to your main GWT compilation target as
shown in the ant snippet.

If you have server-side classes that you want to compile separately and
include in the main project, you should probably set up a build target that
will javac those classes and copy them over to the main GWT project
directory. The gwtc target would then be dependent on that step before being
able to perform its own GWT compilation.

Putting into context of your next goals, 3. would be solved by what was
described in the last paragraph. 1. and 2. might not need to be explicit
goals since compiling separately probably won't be of much value for what I
think you're trying to do. Although I may have misundertstood the purposes
for goals 1  2.

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 4:01 PM, branflake2267 branflake2...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Sumit Chandel,

 Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!

 The Ant setup is heading in the right direction for me. I haven't
 figured out how to include other modules in ant. I have figured out
 how to include them in the debug configurations, and libraries in
 eclipse. I would prefer to use the jar, but I am building both modules
 actively, and compiling into a jar and including it would take longer
 to develop the project. - my docs so
 far in including gwt source modules/projects.

 Here are my projects I am experimenting on, and must figure out how to
 include them so I can move on. 
 main project
 - common widgets

 My Goals:
 1. configure ant to compile gwt like hosted mode - compile both the
 main module and the sub modules
 2. copy the module to the main project
 3. copy the compiled classes of the other project to the main module

 You guys are doing an excelent job with GWT!!!

 On Mar 5, 1:34 am, Sumit Chandel wrote:
  Hi Brandon,
  I think the typical way to reuse an existing GWT module in another is to
  package that module into a JAR file (source included) and then refer to
  module from main project in its module XML file, as you did above. You
  then add that JAR to any launch or compilation scripts so that all
  references would be resolved while running hosted mode or the GWT
  In the same way, you would refer to this JAR in your ant build.xml file
  gwtc or hosted mode startup targets.
  You could also refer to the GWT module's source folder and classpath
  directly, as you did in your Eclipse configurations. This should also
  in Ant by defining the appropriate path element. Something like the
  snippet below should do the trick:
  path id=apple.class.path
  fileset dir=../Apple/src/com/gawkat/gwt/apple/client
include name=**/*.java/
  target name=gwtc depends=javac description=GWT compile to
  java failonerror=true fork=true
  pathelement location=src/
  path refid=apple.class.path/
  pathelement location=${gwt.home}/${}/
jvmarg value=-Xmx256M/
arg value=com.gawkat.gwt.Test/
  This would be in addition to other path elements you would need to define
  build your project.
  Hope that helps,
  -Sumit Chandel
  On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 8:23 AM, branflake2267
   How do I include the classpath for another module so ant will build?
   - My main module com.gawkat.gwt.Test
   - In Text.gwt.xml file I include inherits
   - I have added Apple projects classpath and src folder to Test Debug
   Configurations classpath and hosted mode will build the projects.
   So How can I get Ant to Compile it?
Run As  Build.xml in com.gawkat.gwt.Test :
   Buildfile: /home/branflake2267/workspace2/Test/build.xml
   [java] Loading module 'com.gawkat.gwt.Test'
   [java]Loading inherited module 'com.gawkat.gwt.Apple'
   [java]   [ERROR] Unable to find 'com/gawkat/gwt/
   Apple.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot
   to include a classpath entry for source?
   [java][ERROR] Line 15: Unexpected exception while processing
   element 'inherits'

Re: How Can I Rebuild A Library From Source In Eclipse?

2009-03-26 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Superman859,

I'm not sure how to build the OFC GWT project from source, but chances are
it follows the same build rules for building GWT from source. No guarantees
on that, but if you want to first know how to build GWT from source so that
you can get started building OFC GWT with that, check out the docs below:

Making GWT Better:

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Superman859 russ.d.hollo...@gmail.comwrote:

 I use Eclipse for GWT, and I'm trying to use a third party library
 (OFC GWT) for charting.  The most recent version of source code in
 Subversion repository seems to have the changes I require, but the
 downloadable JAR file doesn't have those changes in it yet.

 Can someone explain how I can take the source code and compile it to a
 usable JAR library for GWT?  I can't seem to find this information
 anywhere, but it would be highly useful as I often want to fix a bug
 or two in some libraries when I try to fix them, but I do not know how
 to compile / generate the JAR library afterwards to test out and use
 my adjustments.

 In Eclipse, I know there is an Export - Jar File option.  However,
 when I use this on the project, the 'resources' box on the left is
 empty, and no files will be added to the JAR file.  I'm not sure if
 this is because there is no Main method (it isn't a typical Java
 program), or what it has to do with as I have never created a JAR
 library before.

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Re: do i have to make showcase as a module and inherit this module in my projecc

2009-03-26 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Coonay,

The Showcase sample application is a GWT module, in the sense that it
defines its own module XML file describing its GWT application structure.
You could JAR it up and reference it with an inherits tag in your own
module XML file to reuse its widgets, but I think that's far more effort
than is necessary if all you want to do is reuse the RichTextToolbar.

If that is indeed all you want to do, I would suggest simply copying the
source code into your project and reusing it that way. You will need to do
some minor tweaks to the source to adapt it to your project, but they should
all be pretty straightforward changes to make. If you have any trouble, feel
free posting up here to troubleshoot.

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 9:39 PM, Coonay wrote:

 i wanna test RichTextToolbar Widget,
 some of my module config in the xml is :

 !-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff.--
  inherits name=''/

  !-- Inherit the default GWT style sheet.  You can change
  !-- the theme of your GWT application by uncommenting
  !-- any one of the following lines.
  inherits name=''/
  !-- inherits name=''/
  !-- inherits name=''/


 but there is always an error in development shell console:No source
 code is available for type RichTextToolbar; did you forget to inherit
 a required module?

 In order to use showcase example  do i have to make showcase as a
 module and inherit this module in my projecct?


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Re: How Can I Rebuild A Library From Source In Eclipse?

2009-03-26 Thread Jason Essington

The GWT compiler requires the source (.java) files, and hosted mode  
works with bytecode (.class), so it is generally as simple as  
packaging all of the source and bytecode files into the jar.

have a look at the gwt-user.jar for an example of what that looks like.

The other option is to simply import the svn checkout (source) into  
eclipse, and use that with your project directly. Sometimes this is an  
easier route to go anyway, especially if you are modifying the source  


On Mar 22, 2009, at 4:37 PM, Superman859 wrote:

 I use Eclipse for GWT, and I'm trying to use a third party library
 (OFC GWT) for charting.  The most recent version of source code in
 Subversion repository seems to have the changes I require, but the
 downloadable JAR file doesn't have those changes in it yet.

 Can someone explain how I can take the source code and compile it to a
 usable JAR library for GWT?  I can't seem to find this information
 anywhere, but it would be highly useful as I often want to fix a bug
 or two in some libraries when I try to fix them, but I do not know how
 to compile / generate the JAR library afterwards to test out and use
 my adjustments.

 In Eclipse, I know there is an Export - Jar File option.  However,
 when I use this on the project, the 'resources' box on the left is
 empty, and no files will be added to the JAR file.  I'm not sure if
 this is because there is no Main method (it isn't a typical Java
 program), or what it has to do with as I have never created a JAR
 library before.

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Re: Connecting to site

2009-03-26 Thread Roberts M.

One workaround could be to change GWT port on every run, using command
line option -port 8889 (e.g. making 10 scripts, each with different

On Mar 24, 3:50 am, Sunny wrote:
 I have been using TCPView (
 sysinternals/bb897437.aspx) and found that sometimes after closing a
 GWT instance, even though the java process has ended theres still a
 port in TIME_WAIT under a system process. All I can do is wait for it
 to finish waitingbut maybe this might give someone some hints.

 On Mar 9, 11:19 am, Ralph wrote:

  Having the same problem here. Isn't there a way to improve the script
  running the hosted. Like use a different port when  is used, or
  close previous instance before opening a new one, or make sure that
  the previous run released the port before running a new instance.
  Hope someone has a solution.

  On Feb 15, 10:29 pm, wrote:

   This one has been bugging me for a while now, and I haven't seen
   anything around like this one.

   I have a Eclipse+Cypal Studio project that has grown to a reasonable
   size, and while testing I still use the GWT hosted mode to run. My
   machine doesn't have anything else running on port , but
   occasionally when I start the project, the hosted browser's status bar
   just says Connecting to site at but nothing happens
   (browser window is blank). I'd have to close GWT and restart it for it
   to work (sometimes 5 or 6 times before it works).

   I have no clue what would be causing this or even where to start to
   look to try and fix it.

   This project uses Hibernate and GWT-Ext, if that helps at all.
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Compiling servlet classes

2009-03-26 Thread


I'm a new java and GWT programmer. I'm trying to build a GWT Hello
World using an RPC.

I've tried to compile my servlet class (the service implementation)
with javac, but the error message says it's impossible to find the
client-side package (the service) ...
Could you please explain me how to compile the servlet classes ?

Thanks a lot,
Best regards

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Re: Back Refresh button handling

2009-03-26 Thread bigtruckdriver

I'm in a similar predicament, perhaps you might have an idea of what
to do.

When the user closes the browser window, I want the application to
logout his/her session automatically so as to free up memory on the
server from their session. So I use the onWindowClosed() function to
take care of this... But when the page is refreshed, the session gets
logged out as well through the same function. This is something I want
to stop from happening. Any suggestions?

On Mar 15, 9:26 am, Rohit wrote:
 There is no way in GWT to distinguish betweenRefreshbuttonclick and
 Window closebuttonclick. But you can trackrefreshbuttonwith a
 little trick. You should use a time cookie which will expire after
 some time. So whenrefreshbuttonis pressed, in on module load of
 entry point , track the value of this cokkie, if this cookie is still
 alive, this meansrefreshbuttonis pressed. The time this cookie will
 expired should be considered. It should be very little.

 Second for history, you should save your information in Session on
 window close and then ifrefreshbuttonis pressed, get your
 information from this session.

 Thanks and regards


 On Mar 14, 2:30 am, levi.bracken wrote:

  You can restore state, but it's a bit more work than just using GWT
  History.  Basically you'll need to come up with some way of modifying
  the url search parameter (stuff after the #) to include some info so
  that you can bring the userbackinto the same state as they were
  before.   For example, if your application has a number of screens and
  they were on screen foo, which was loading with properties for an item
  with id 10 then you'd need that information in the Url.


  You could also put a conversation id in the url param and then keep
  the fine details cached on the server, but that makes the state/data
  more transient. If you go with an option like this though it can help
  make your pages open and work in other tabs and even make points in
  your application bookmark'able'.

  Now for the easy answer, yes you can just prevent the user from
  carelessly clickingrefresh.  Fortunately there isn't a way to trap
  somebody on a webpage (think about how bad the web would be).   But,
  you can use the WindowCloseListener to present a user with a
  confirmation before they close the window, navigate to a new page, or
  hitrefresh.  It'd look something like this (not tested):

    new WindowCloseLisener(){

      public String onWindowClosing(){
        return Are you sure you want to leave this application?;

      public void onWindowClosed(){
          // Cleanup if need be


  On Mar 13, 2:52 pm, dodo wrote:

   GWT provides History.onHistoryChange event to handle history but how
   can we restore application state when a user clicks onRefreshbutton?
   For example the user performed multiple actions on the web site and
   then clickedrefreshbutton. Now how using GWT History class we can
   restore the same state?

   Another question, is there a way to trap Refresh click before
   actually the app refreshes and can be cancel the event?

   Rajesh- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

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data table widget

2009-03-26 Thread justin

Is there a UI widget for gwt similar to Cocoa's NSTableView?
Basically, you get a table of a predefined number of rows and columns.
Scrolling is built-in. As the user scrolls, a method is called to
request data for the table cells that are visible at that moment.

Thank you,

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Re: Help! My Generators don't work for Web Mode :(

2009-03-26 Thread Marcelo Emanoel B. Diniz

Hi Sumit here are the generator rule and the generator class:

when-type-assignable /

when-type-assignable /

View generator class:
public class BoundViewGenerator extends Generator {

private static final String MODEL_INTERFACE =;
private static final String SOURCES_PROPERTY_CHANGES =;

public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException {

TypeOracle oracle = context.getTypeOracle();
JClassType type = oracle.findType(typeName);
JClassType modelType = oracle.findType(MODEL_INTERFACE);

BoundModelClass modelClass = new BoundModelClass(type);
BindTypeManager bindManager = BindTypeManager.getInstance();

for(JField field : type.getFields()){
JClassType fieldClass = 

for(String className : bindManager.getAvailableTypes()){
JClassType bindClass = 
for(ListenerTemplate template : 

modelClass.associateFieldListener(field, template);

String packageName = modelClass.getPackageName();
String newLine = System.getProperty(line.separator);

String finalViewClassName = Bound_+modelClass.getClassName()
PrintWriter printer = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName,

if (printer == null){
System.out.println(printer == null);
return null;

ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composer = null;
composer = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName,

SourceWriter sourceWriter = composer.createSourceWriter(context,

Bound_ViewTemplate template = 

context.commit(logger, printer);

return packageName + . + finalViewClassName;

Model generator class:

public class BoundModelGenerator extends Generator {

private static final String SOURCES_PROPERTY_CHANGES =;
private static final String PROPERTY_CHANGE_SUPPORT =;
private static final String PROPERTY_CHANGE_LISTENER =;
private static final String BOUND_PREFIX = Bound_;

public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context,
String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException {

TypeOracle oracle = context.getTypeOracle();
JClassType type = oracle.findType(typeName);

BoundModelClass modelClass = new BoundModelClass(type);
String generatedClass = new Bound_ModelTemplate().generate

String packageName = modelClass.getPackageName();
String generatedClassName = 

PrintWriter printer = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName,

if (printer == null){
return null;

ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composer = null;
composer = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName,


Re: GWT project creation indefinetly creates folder recursively

2009-03-26 Thread Erik Uzureau

Hey hey, I have run into the same, glorious, problem.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Any help with deleting this directory greatly appreciated

On Mar 3, 11:29 am,
 I have recently experienced the same problem, and have filed an 

 This is very frustrating for people like me who are evaluating the
 possible use of this technology and yet cannot even get started due to
 some bug that creates an enormous number of recursive directories that
 cannot be deleted due to the Windows API limitations on filename size.

 On Jan 8, 10:26 am, Eric Ayers wrote:

  Hi Don  Raj,

  This is the first report I've heard of this.  Would you mind filing an issue
  in the GWT issue tracker?

  Besides the usual stuff (GWT version, OS version, shell), if you can include
  the command lines you are using or any insight as to why this might be
  happening on your machine it would be greatly appreciated.


  On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Raj wrote:

   Oh goodness, I got some company on this issue, its the latest GWT
   version and OS is Vista, initially I was confused and thought the
   script was still running as I was not able to delete the top project
   folder in C drive but problem is the script had ran once and had
   created unlimited project name folder recursively, I guess it would
   have gone as deep as 1 folders because for a folder size of 6kb my
   whole workspace grew to size more than 500MB.

   Vista can't delete folders which are deep inside and I tried to map
   them as shared folder and delete it but after 5 attempts (which I
   guess would have been 100 folders deep) I quit, because its not worth
   without knowing the depth of the root folder.

   Apart from the actual cause of this issue, if anyone knows some
   utilities to delete or browse through deep folders would be helpful.


   On Jan 7, 10:38 am, Don wrote:
I experienced this same problem using the latest GWT (1.5.3) for
windows and Eclipse Ganymede. I also followed the GWT instructions for
creating a brand new GWT project using Eclipse. The project name used
in both the projectCreator and applicationCreator scripts was the
same. After attempting the import of the new project into Eclipse, I
found the infinitely recursive folder chain with projectName
\projectName\projectName\projectName\... inside of the Eclipse
workspace. Hopefully someone knows the solution to this problem. It is
very frustrating...

BTW, the too-long filename fix is to go down into the projectName
folders and share a folder way down in the path with full permissions.
Then map a drive to that folder. This will shorten the path so that
you can work with it. You may have to do this more than once. You can
also rename the folders to a single letter to shorten the path. I was
able to manually delete it using the above methods.

On Jan 5, 12:37 pm, TBirch wrote:

 I have had this happen to me twice lately trying to import an existing
 project into eclipse. On the first machine, it ran till the machine
 ran out of memory. Then, vista could not delete the files as the path
 was too long. I had to restore the system. The second time on another
 machine I noticed it was happening and I canceled the import before it
 that far along. I am very hesitant to import at this point.

 On Jan 5, 9:47 am, Isaac Truett wrote:


  What version of GWT are you using? Also, can you describe what you
  mean by unlimited recursive files in your project?


  On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 3:09 AM, Raj wrote:


   I'm trying to setup GWT in my machine and followed the steps given
   the instruction and created an eclipse project using
   projectCreator, I
   was little amazed to see the project size of more than 500MB while
   importing it into eclipse but only to find the script has created
   unlimited recursive files inside MyProject folder, the worst part
   its getting created again automatically after deleting it and even
   after restarting the machine. How to stop this script from
   Did anyone got this error before?

   Any help would be appreciated.


  Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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Re: How to disable/enable widget components?

2009-03-26 Thread Vikas

Thanks...This works fine,

On Mar 26, 12:48 pm, Nicanor Babula wrote:
 RadioButton radio1 = new RadioButton(group1, disabled radio);

 I think that would do for you ;)

 On Thursday 26 March 2009 06:12:14 Vikas wrote:

  Hi All,

  I want to disable/enable RadioButton on some action, how to do this?
  I don't want to hide/unhide.

  Thanks in advance,
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Re: How to show waiting status in GWT web apps?

2009-03-26 Thread Vikas

Thanks for hint... I tried to with RPC, works fine...

On Mar 25, 12:38 pm, alex.d wrote:
 You put some Label(Loading...) where you want to have it, make it
 visible when you are fetching data(before an RPC-call), and invisible
 when you are ready (in onSuccess() and onFailure()) ;-)

 On 25 Mrz., 08:07, Vikas wrote:

  Hi All,

  In my GWT web application, while fetching data it takes some time, so
  for that period I want to show some waiting message like Fetching
  record... similar to gmail for e.g. when we click on inbox it shows
  Loading... status on first line till all mails fetched.

  How to achive this in GWT?
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Re: GWT project creation indefinetly creates folder recursively

2009-03-26 Thread Erik Uzureau

I noted this in the ticket itself as well, but I made a little batch
file that uses recursion (sort of) to
delete those longfilename directories. Hope it helps for someone:

On Mar 26, 9:41 pm, Erik Uzureau wrote:
 Hey hey, I have run into the same, glorious, problem.

 Unfortunately, I have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.

 Any help with deleting this directory greatly appreciated

 On Mar 3, 11:29 am,

  I have recently experienced the same problem, and have filed an 

  This is very frustrating for people like me who are evaluating the
  possible use of this technology and yet cannot even get started due to
  some bug that creates an enormous number of recursive directories that
  cannot be deleted due to the Windows API limitations on filename size.

  On Jan 8, 10:26 am, Eric Ayers wrote:

   Hi Don  Raj,

   This is the first report I've heard of this.  Would you mind filing an 
   in the GWT issue tracker?

   Besides the usual stuff (GWT version, OS version, shell), if you can 
   the command lines you are using or any insight as to why this might be
   happening on your machine it would be greatly appreciated.


   On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Raj wrote:

Oh goodness, I got some company on this issue, its the latest GWT
version and OS is Vista, initially I was confused and thought the
script was still running as I was not able to delete the top project
folder in C drive but problem is the script had ran once and had
created unlimited project name folder recursively, I guess it would
have gone as deep as 1 folders because for a folder size of 6kb my
whole workspace grew to size more than 500MB.

Vista can't delete folders which are deep inside and I tried to map
them as shared folder and delete it but after 5 attempts (which I
guess would have been 100 folders deep) I quit, because its not worth
without knowing the depth of the root folder.

Apart from the actual cause of this issue, if anyone knows some
utilities to delete or browse through deep folders would be helpful.


On Jan 7, 10:38 am, Don wrote:
 I experienced this same problem using the latest GWT (1.5.3) for
 windows and Eclipse Ganymede. I also followed the GWT instructions for
 creating a brand new GWT project using Eclipse. The project name used
 in both the projectCreator and applicationCreator scripts was the
 same. After attempting the import of the new project into Eclipse, I
 found the infinitely recursive folder chain with projectName
 \projectName\projectName\projectName\... inside of the Eclipse
 workspace. Hopefully someone knows the solution to this problem. It is
 very frustrating...

 BTW, the too-long filename fix is to go down into the projectName
 folders and share a folder way down in the path with full permissions.
 Then map a drive to that folder. This will shorten the path so that
 you can work with it. You may have to do this more than once. You can
 also rename the folders to a single letter to shorten the path. I was
 able to manually delete it using the above methods.

 On Jan 5, 12:37 pm, TBirch wrote:

  I have had this happen to me twice lately trying to import an 
  project into eclipse. On the first machine, it ran till the machine
  ran out of memory. Then, vista could not delete the files as the 
  was too long. I had to restore the system. The second time on 
  machine I noticed it was happening and I canceled the import before 
  that far along. I am very hesitant to import at this point.

  On Jan 5, 9:47 am, Isaac Truett wrote:


   What version of GWT are you using? Also, can you describe what you
   mean by unlimited recursive files in your project?


   On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 3:09 AM, Raj wrote:


I'm trying to setup GWT in my machine and followed the steps 
the instruction and created an eclipse project using
projectCreator, I
was little amazed to see the project size of more than 500MB 
importing it into eclipse but only to find the script has 
unlimited recursive files inside MyProject folder, the worst 
its getting created again automatically after deleting it and 
after restarting the machine. How to stop this script from

IncompatibleClassChangeError when launching hosted mode (GWT 1.6 M2)

2009-03-26 Thread grishag


I started using GWT 1.6.1 M2 recently and things were going quite
smoothly until I tried using hosted mode (with -noserver option). I am
now getting the following exception. Does anyone know what this
actually means? As far as I can tell, HashSessionManager does
implemented SessionManager interface (that is indirectly by extending
the AbstractSessionManager class).


[java] Exception in thread main
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class
org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.HashSessionManager does not implement the
requested interface org.mortbay.jetty.SessionManager
 [java] at
 [java] at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.init
 [java] at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.init
 [java] at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.init
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
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[gwt-contrib] Re: weak listener in GWT?

2009-03-26 Thread John Tamplin
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 6:28 AM, Ed wrote:

 I am struggeling a bit with the issue I posted here:

 I would like to know if it would be possible to solve this with GWT
 before posting a RFC in the issue tracker.

 Would it even be possible to support the JRE WeakReference object? or
 in someway the weak listener support like done in Swing?

Javascript has no concept of a weak reference, so we can't implement it in

 I think this is getting a bigger issue now that GWT is getting more
 used to make more advanced enterprise-like applications.

 My experience: In simple applications it's no problem to clean up your
 own objects and listeners, but in more advanced applciations that I am
 building nowadays with GWT, I noticed that this is a serious drawback
 and it's very easy to great memory leaks.

You just have to design your app from the beginning such that you don't leak
references.  For example, the way native objects in the browser are
implemented, you wind up with a reference cycle (the listener holds a
reference to an element and the element holds a reference to its listener,
and since the native objects are typically reference counted and not visible
to the JS GC the cycles can't be collected), and the way we avoid leaks is
to be diligent about when such cycles are created/destroyed (in this case
attached to the DOM vs detached).  If you are building your own listener
structures, you need to have similar diligence.

This is a general JS problem and GWT can't perform miracles -- well not that
miracle anyway :).

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r5086 - Checkstyle cleanup.

2009-03-26 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Thu Mar 26 06:25:13 2009
New Revision: 5086


Checkstyle cleanup.

Thu Mar 26 06:25:13 2009
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@


  import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;

Thu Mar 26 06:25:13 2009
@@ -268,7 +268,6 @@
  return packageName + . + className;

private String generateRuntimeSelection(TreeLogger logger,
GeneratorContext context, JClassType targetClass,


[gwt-contrib] Re: weak listener in GWT?

2009-03-26 Thread Ed

He John,

Thanks for your answer.
Not very unexpected, but I was hoping I missed something.

This means that I have to do some more work when removing objects.

My situation:
I have pages  that make up a wizard-like application (part of the
The pages contain form field where the user fills in his name, social
nr, etc..
When he goes back in the wizard tree and changes his birthday for
example: other form fields on other pages are removed. However, they
have a bunch of listeners subscribed to a global data model.
Because of all the nested objects, it's easy to forget unregistering a

Basically what I do now (and have to do more): before making a form
field variable NULL, call the formField.remove() method, that he
forwards to his nested objects, and so on
A bit cumbersome, but I don't see no other way, do you ??

-- Ed


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r5087 - Disable ImageResourceTest

2009-03-26 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Thu Mar 26 07:44:46 2009
New Revision: 5087


Disable ImageResourceTest

Patch by: bobv
Review by: rjrjr (TBR)

Modified: trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/resources/
--- trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/resources/
+++ trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/resources/ResourcesSuite.javaThu Mar 
07:44:46 2009
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
+// TODO(bobv) Re-enable after fixing this case in non-inlining mode
+// suite.addTestSuite(ImageResourceTest.class);


[gwt-contrib] JavaScriptException with 1.6.2

2009-03-26 Thread nicolas de loof
I just tried the new gwt 1.6 RC and get this stacktrace :

[FATAL] Uncaught JavaScript exception [**: (TypeError): 'nodeType' a
la valeur Null ou n'est pas un objet.

[FATAL]  number: -2146823281

[FATAL]  description: 'nodeType' a la valeur Null ou n'est pas un objet.

[FATAL] at$.is(*Native Method*)

[FATAL] at$.is(**)

[FATAL] at**)

[FATAL] at**)

[FATAL] at$6(**)

[FATAL] at$2.onPreviewNativeEvent(**)

[FATAL] at$NativePreviewEvent.dispatch(

[FATAL] at$NativePreviewEvent.dispatch(

[FATAL] at$HandlerRegistry.fireEvent(**)

[FATAL] at$HandlerRegistry.access$1(**)

[FATAL] at**)

[FATAL] at$**)

[FATAL] at$NativePreviewEvent.access$4(

[FATAL] at$.fireNativePreviewEvent(**)

[FATAL] at**)]
line 7

Is there any usefull information I could send you to help getting it fixed ?


[gwt-contrib] Re: JavaScriptException with 1.6.2

2009-03-26 Thread Scott Blum
That's not good  it looks like Nicolas found an object for which trying
to evaluate (!!o.nodeType) throws an exception.

- What browser is this?

- What are you actually doing to trigger the exception?

- Can you repro it on any popup panel, or is it specific to your app?

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 12:14 PM, nicolas de loof

 I just tried the new gwt 1.6 RC and get this stacktrace :

 [FATAL] Uncaught JavaScript exception [**: (TypeError): 'nodeType' a
 la valeur Null ou n'est pas un objet.

 [FATAL]  number: -2146823281

 [FATAL]  description: 'nodeType' a la valeur Null ou n'est pas un objet.

 [FATAL] at$.is(*Native Method*)

 [FATAL] at$.is(**)

 [FATAL] at

 [FATAL] at

 [FATAL] at$6(**)

 [FATAL] at$2.onPreviewNativeEvent(**)

 [FATAL] at$NativePreviewEvent.dispatch(**)

 [FATAL] at$NativePreviewEvent.dispatch(*

 [FATAL] at$HandlerRegistry.fireEvent(**)

 [FATAL] at$HandlerRegistry.access$1(**)

 [FATAL] at**)

 [FATAL] at$**)

 [FATAL] at$NativePreviewEvent.access$4(**)

 [FATAL] at$.fireNativePreviewEvent(**)

 [FATAL] at**)]
 line 7

 Is there any usefull information I could send you to help getting it fixed



[gwt-contrib] Re: [google-web-toolkit commit] r5087 - Disable ImageResourceTest

2009-03-26 Thread Ray Ryan


 Date: Thu Mar 26 07:44:46 2009
 New Revision: 5087


 Disable ImageResourceTest

 Patch by: bobv
 Review by: rjrjr (TBR)

 Modified: trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/resources/

 --- trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/resources/
 +++ trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/resources/ResourcesSuite.javaThu
 Mar 26
 07:44:46 2009
 @@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
 +// TODO(bobv) Re-enable after fixing this case in non-inlining mode
 +// suite.addTestSuite(ImageResourceTest.class);



[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r5089 - Edited wiki page through web user interface.

2009-03-26 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Thu Mar 26 10:32:17 2009
New Revision: 5089


Edited wiki page through web user interface.

Modified: wiki/
--- wiki/
+++ wiki/GwtJavaApiCompatibilityChecker.wikiThu Mar 26 10:32:17 2009
@@ -107,9 +107,7 @@
  = Discussion =

  The !ApiCompatibilityChecker tool uses !TypeOracle to compute the API  
differences. !TypeOracle in turn requires access to the java source code.  
Thus the tool can only work when Java source is available. An alternative  
to !TypeOracle would be to use Java reflection which works on class files,  
and would not have required access to the source files. However, because of  
three disadvantages, we chose !TypeOracle over Java relfection:
 # One use case for the tool was to make the JRE library support that  
GWT offers  be compatible to a real JRE implementation. However, the JRE  
libraries that GWT currently offers are not complete, and are currently not  
offered as class files. The use of Java reflection would have prevented us  
from running the tool to compare GWT's current support of JRE with a real  
-   # Annotations that have a retention policy of  SOURCE are only present  
in source files -- they are discarded by the compiler during the generation  
of class files. For example, the @deprecated annotation falls in this  
category. This annotation is particularly useful for the API Compatibility  
Checker tool, since the tool can ignore API changes in members, classes, or  
packages that are deprecated. The tool currently does not support  
annotations, but with little effort, it can be supported in the next  
 # With !TypeOracle, we could tap into the already existing GWT compiler  
infrastructure. We could not find an analogous tool (with compatible  
licenses) in case of Java Reflection. (Japize, a tool which uses Java  
reflection to check for binary compatibility, could have  been suitable,  
but the tool was under a GPL license.)  With Reflection, everything would  
have to be developed from scratch.

  = References =


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r5090 - Edited wiki page through web user interface.

2009-03-26 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Thu Mar 26 10:52:25 2009
New Revision: 5090


Edited wiki page through web user interface.

Modified: wiki/
--- wiki/
+++ wiki/GwtJavaApiCompatibilityChecker.wikiThu Mar 26 10:52:25 2009
@@ -106,9 +106,7 @@

  = Discussion =

-The !ApiCompatibilityChecker tool uses !TypeOracle to compute the API  
differences. !TypeOracle in turn requires access to the java source code.  
Thus the tool can only work when Java source is available. An alternative  
to !TypeOracle would be to use Java reflection which works on class files,  
and would not have required access to the source files. However, because of  
three disadvantages, we chose !TypeOracle over Java relfection:
-   # One use case for the tool was to make the JRE library support that  
GWT offers  be compatible to a real JRE implementation. However, the JRE  
libraries that GWT currently offers are not complete, and are currently not  
offered as class files. The use of Java reflection would have prevented us  
from running the tool to compare GWT's current support of JRE with a real  
-   # With !TypeOracle, we could tap into the already existing GWT compiler  
infrastructure. We could not find an analogous tool (with compatible  
licenses) in case of Java Reflection. (Japize, a tool which uses Java  
reflection to check for binary compatibility, could have  been suitable,  
but the tool was under a GPL license.)  With Reflection, everything would  
have to be developed from scratch.
+The !ApiCompatibilityChecker tool uses !TypeOracle to compute the API  
differences. !TypeOracle in turn requires access to the java source code.  
Thus the tool can only work when Java source is available. An alternative  
to !TypeOracle would be to use Java reflection which works on class files,  
and would not have required access to the source files. However, we  
chose !TypeOracle over Java relfection because with !TypeOracle, we could  
tap into the already existing GWT compiler infrastructure. We could not  
find an analogous tool (with compatible licenses) in case of Java  
Reflection. (Japize, a tool which uses Java reflection to check for binary  
compatibility, could have  been suitable, but the tool was under a GPL  
license.)  With Reflection, everything would have to be developed from  

  = References =


[gwt-contrib] Comment on GwtJavaApiCompatibilityChecker in google-web-toolkit

2009-03-26 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by

Hey, what if we used ASM to process the class files? :D

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: JavaScriptException with 1.6.2

2009-03-26 Thread John Tamplin
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Scott Blum wrote:

 That's not good  it looks like Nicolas found an object for which trying
 to evaluate (!!o.nodeType) throws an exception.

If my atrophied high-school French is correct, I believe the error is that o
is null at that point.

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


[gwt-contrib] Re: JavaScriptException with 1.6.2

2009-03-26 Thread nicolas de loof
Nice translation ;)
The dev team repported me this error but I'm not working on the module

I'll try to get more info on how the PopupPanel is used. I think it is part
of the DatePicker but have to confirm.
Must also ask which browser is used in this test.

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 7:18 PM, John Tamplin wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Scott Blum wrote:

 That's not good  it looks like Nicolas found an object for which
 trying to evaluate (!!o.nodeType) throws an exception.

 If my atrophied high-school French is correct, I believe the error is that
 o is null at that point.

 John A. Tamplin
 Software Engineer (GWT), Google



[gwt-contrib] Comment on GwtJavaApiCompatibilityChecker in google-web-toolkit

2009-03-26 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by

That's an excellent idea. I wish someone had thought of it earlier. ;)

In case it's not obvious, the biggest benefit of this is that we could  
compatibility check code that does not build, or is difficult to build,  
with TypeOracle.

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: code review requested - add skeleton of runtime locales test

2009-03-26 Thread Scott Blum
LG as a pattern.. I have no idea what the test does. :)
Nitpick: comment on the line you modified in your version of junit.html?

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 8:47 PM, John Tamplin wrote:

 This just does a couple of tests that need to be fleshed out, but basically
 just proves that your suggestion of putting a hacked junit.html into a
 public path of a particular test module works for setting the runtime

 John A. Tamplin
 Software Engineer (GWT), Google


[gwt-contrib] Re: code review requested - add skeleton of runtime locales test

2009-03-26 Thread John Tamplin
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Scott Blum wrote:

 LG as a pattern.. I have no idea what the test does. :)

It just verifies that certain things still work if the runtime locale is
specified even though the compile-time locale doesn't include them.

 Nitpick: comment on the line you modified in your version of junit.html?


Is there any way we could avoid duplicating junit.html?  If we have a number
of runtime locale tests, there are going to be lots of copies of this that
we have to remember to update whenever junit.html is updated.

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


[gwt-contrib] Re: RR: testing -noserver hosted mode

2009-03-26 Thread John Tamplin
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 2:27 AM, Lex Spoon wrote:

 Revision 3901 broke -noserver hosted mode, but it took weeks before
 anyone even noticed.  I've been trying to figure out how to write a
 regression test to prevent that sort of thing from happening.

 Attached is a patch that I believe does the trick.  Hosted mode gurus,
 as well as people who know the GWTTestCase infrastructure, would be
 very welcome to chime in on the right way to do this!

 I figure that a -noserver hosted mode test is actually pretty close to
 the existing hosted mode tests.  There are just two differences I see.
  First, a compile needs to actually run.  Second, all auto-generation
 of resources should be disabled in the GWTShellServlet.  By turning
 off all auto-generation, the servlet can pretend to be a dumb web
 server that knows nothing about GWT.

 What the patch does is add a new run style called -noserver.  This is
 a subclass of the regular hosted mode run style that includes the
 above two changes.  The trickiest part is that RunStyle now has a
 parameter on whether auto-generation should happen with the embedded
 server.  This parameter had to be passed all the way from RunStyle to
 JUnitShell to GWTShell to EmbeddedTomcatServer to GWTShellServlet.
 Any simpler idea would be welcome.

 Because it's easy, the patch also turns off resource generation for
 web mode tests.  The reasoning is that it's a slightly better test of
 web mode to prefer the files that actually resulted from compilation.

 To get the test hooked into the build scripts, I added ant
 test.noserver in the user directory, and had this called when ant
 test is called.  There is only one test that this runs: the
 IFrameLinkerTest.  The other linkers don't work in noserver mode.
 Also, no other tests are run in noserver mode; I don't see a
 significant benefit to running the other ones this way, because once
 an app is booted up everything will be identical to regular hosted

 John, if the general strategy looks good to everyone, could you review
 the implementation?

Passing the parameter all the way down this way is ugly, but I don't know of
any better ways to do it.

I would prefer the new ArgHandler to be a top-level class, but I see the
others are inlined as well so I am ok with keeping it.

I don't see the build.xml changes for test.noserver.

Otherwise, LGTM.

Sorry this took so long.

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


[gwt-contrib] Re: code review requested - add skeleton of runtime locales test

2009-03-26 Thread Scott Blum
We could add a feature to JUnit, of course.  Or maybe we could do something
to the default junit.html that allows a way to wedge in different deferred
binding props?
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 3:49 PM, John Tamplin wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Scott Blum wrote:

 LG as a pattern.. I have no idea what the test does. :)

 It just verifies that certain things still work if the runtime locale is
 specified even though the compile-time locale doesn't include them.

 Nitpick: comment on the line you modified in your version of junit.html?


 Is there any way we could avoid duplicating junit.html?  If we have a
 number of runtime locale tests, there are going to be lots of copies of this
 that we have to remember to update whenever junit.html is updated.

 John A. Tamplin
 Software Engineer (GWT), Google



[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r5092 - Separate data that is constant across all locales in a build into a

2009-03-26 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Thu Mar 26 15:02:57 2009
New Revision: 5092


Separate data that is constant across all locales in a build into a
LocaleInfoImpl_shared (which contains the native display names and
available locales) and the remainder in a per-locale source file.

Patch by: jat
Review by: scottb

Modified: trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/i18n/rebind/
--- trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/i18n/rebind/   
+++ trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/i18n/rebind/  Thu  
Mar 26 15:02:57 2009
@@ -93,37 +93,24 @@

  String packageName = targetClass.getPackage().getName();
-GwtLocale locale = LocaleUtils.getCompileLocale();
-String className = targetClass.getName().replace('.', '_') + _
-+ locale.getAsString();
-SetGwtLocale runtimeLocales = LocaleUtils.getRuntimeLocales();
-if (!runtimeLocales.isEmpty()) {
-  className += _runtimeSelection;
-String qualName = packageName + . + className;
-PrintWriter pw = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName, className);
+String superClassName = targetClass.getName().replace('.', '_')  
+ _shared;
+SetGwtLocale localeSet = LocaleUtils.getAllLocales();
+GwtLocaleImpl[] allLocales = localeSet.toArray(new  
+// sort for deterministic output
+PrintWriter pw = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName,  
  if (pw != null) {
+  String qualName = packageName + . + superClassName;
ClassSourceFileComposerFactory factory = new  
-  packageName, className);
+  packageName, superClassName);
-  factory.addImport(;
-  factory.addImport(;
SourceWriter writer = factory.createSourceWriter(context, pw);
writer.println(private JavaScriptObject nativeDisplayNames;);
writer.println(public String[] getAvailableLocaleNames() {);
writer.println(  return new String[] {);
-  // sort for deterministic output
-  SetGwtLocale localeSet = LocaleUtils.getAllLocales();
-  GwtLocaleImpl[] allLocales = localeSet.toArray(new  
-  Arrays.sort(allLocales);
for (GwtLocaleImpl possibleLocale : allLocales) {
  + possibleLocale.toString().replaceAll(\, \\\) + \,);
@@ -132,41 +119,12 @@
-  writer.println(public String getLocaleName() {);
-  if (runtimeLocales.isEmpty()) {
-writer.println(  return \ + locale + \;);
-  } else {
-writer.println(  String rtLocale = getRuntimeLocale(););
-writer.println(  return rtLocale != null ? rtLocale : \ + locale
-+ \;);
-  }
-  writer.println(});
-  writer.println();
-  writer.println(@Override);
writer.println(public native String  
getLocaleNativeDisplayName(String localeName) /*-{);
writer.println(  this.@ + qualName  
+ ::ensureNativeDisplayNames()(););
writer.println(  return this.@ + qualName
+ ::nativeDisplayNames[localeName];);
-  writer.println(@Override);
-  writer.println(public DateTimeConstants getDateTimeConstants() {);
-  LocalizableGenerator localizableGenerator = new  
-  // Avoid warnings for trying to create the same type multiple times
-  @SuppressWarnings(hiding)
-  GeneratorContext subContext = new CachedGeneratorContext(context);
-  generateConstantsLookup(logger, subContext, writer,  
-  runtimeLocales, locale,
-  writer.println(});
-  writer.println();
-  writer.println(@Override);
-  writer.println(public NumberConstants getNumberConstants() {);
-  generateConstantsLookup(logger, subContext, writer,  
-  runtimeLocales, locale,

[gwt-contrib] Re: [google-web-toolkit commit] r5078 - Amending r5077:

2009-03-26 Thread Vitali Lovich
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Scott Blum wrote:

 Vitali, are you positive all your stuff is in a legit state?  I ask because
 it looks like you're mixing trunk and 1.6 stuff together.

Can you clarify what you mean? How can I be mixing trunk  1.6 together?
I'm only using trunk.  At this point I don't event have the gwt-platform
directory in my project path - I just imported the GWT projects  made put
them on my classpath.

When I use a stock gwt-dev-windows.jar from 1...@r5090,

I'm using trunk (@ 5084 right now).  I haven't even tried stock because I'm
on linux 64-bit  I haven't bothered trying to get the 32-bit environment
set up for the old hosted mode (relying solely on OOPHM).

 I can boot your project just fine whether log4j-1.2.15.jar is in
 WEB-INF/lib or not.  (I can run it because I couldn't actually find a
 version of mosaic that you compile against cleanly, but the servlets all
 initialized just fine.)

Right - I forgot that the code I sent you at that point already had my
enhancements to mosaic (eventually a version of them should get into
truck).   In any case, you can just delete the code that throws up an error
(unless its the constructor).

My  code runs fine (including servlets)  the logging works.  It's just that
that gets printed to the console when the project launches, so it's not a
super-important issue.  Is it possible it's a Linux-only issue?

 Here's a dump of the exact dir structure that's working for me:



 src (omitted)
 war/WEB-INF/classes (omitted)

 I attached the .project, .classpath, and launch config I'm using.  This
 configuration boots whether or not I have war/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar
 in there.

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:32 PM, Vitali Lovich wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:10 PM, Scott Blum wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Vitali Lovich vlov...@gmail.comwrote:

 If I don't put the log4j file into my WEB-INF/lib directory, then it's
 fine.  If it is put there, then it gets the conflicting version (regardless
 of whether or not I launch HostedMode with log4j on the class path).  So am
 I doing it wrong?

 i'm confused... if you don't have log4j on the classpath, how can you be
 loading it via Launcher$AppClassLoader?  It must be hiding out in some other
 jar you have on the classpath?

 Sorry for the confusion.  Here's what I meant:
 If I add the log4j library in the WEB-INF/lib to the classpath of the
 runtime configuration, I get the problem above.
 If I move the log4j library out of the WEB-INF/lib directory to somewhere
 else like project/lib  add it to the classpath, then it works.

 Am I supposed to place it elsewhere  then copy it over to WEB-INF/lib
 when I'm packaging it up only?

 That's not the intent... can you send me a small sample that repros this?

 I don't have time right now.  If you want I can e-mail you my project
 privately.  It's a school project, so there's no confidentiality to it or
 anything.  I just don't want to spam the mailing list.



