GWT Standard theme == relatively much bigger IE buttons. Fix?

2009-09-12 Thread John Gunther

I've noticed that in IE buttons are noticeably larger using the
standard GWT CSS theme than these buttons are in other browsers. This
makes consistent cross-browser sizing difficult for me.

Just eyeballing I'd say the IE buttons are around 50% wider and taller
than in the other browsers.

For example,  Buttons with plenty of space between them in FF look
squeezed together in IE, and so on.


Have you seen this behavior (or is it just me)?
Do you know why it happens?
Simple fix that makes the IE buttons closer to the FF buttons in size?

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Best ways to avoid unwelcome CSS cascade side effects?

2009-09-12 Thread John Gunther

I still recall an incredulous friend's exasperation: I merely changed
the value of X and, inexplicably, a completely different thing, Y,
now has a different value, too!

An obscure side effect of the CSS cascade? No. FORTRAN COMMON blocks.

Here are two cases where I or those I know got burned by the CSS

1) A CSS rule attached to a img selector in a far-flung stylesheet
pushed all the images into strange positions.

Fix: a weird image tag padding rule was responsible. It was just a
mistake in the CSS and was simply removed.

2) A table td selector short-circuited font properties applied to
the table and intended to define the table-cells' font properties via

Fix: The problematic table td selector could not be easily changed,
so more specific styles were added directly to the table cells that
beat out the table td selector in the CSS cascade.

The exasperating thing was that, in each case, everything worked just
fine until, somewhere else, completely independent of the code that
worked fine in isolation, someone injected a seemingly innocuous CSS
snippet that short-circuited the previous CSS specs.


1) Have you been burned by such CSS cascade side effects? What got
you? How did you correct the problem?

2) Are there any strategies that, if they do not totally eliminate,
can at least minimize such problems? What works best for you?

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Re: GWT Standard theme == relatively much bigger IE buttons. Fix?

2009-09-12 Thread John Gunther

Thanks, when I added the following doctype at the top of the host


The IE button sizes dropped down a notch.

(Previously, I had not included any doctype at all...that gave me the
gargantuan IE buttons)

I also tried this doctype, which also corrected the problem:

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN http://

The buttons in IE are still bigger, but not grossly so, and they no
longer bump up against each other like the did before, so they look

(Got the above doctypes from the link I found here:

Any ideas about which of the above two doctypes (or some others) are
better? They both seem to work fine as far as I can tell at this
point, except that some of my text sizes changed in FF (which I
suppose I can fix by following some of your other suggestions).

On Sep 12, 9:47 pm, Ian Bambury wrote:
 Two things -
 GWT themes are only there (mostly) to style GWT widgets AFAICT, they are not
 a complete cross-browser solution to all css differences. Maybe one day.

 Buttons are browser and OS dependent and whatever you do, you'll never get a
 Safari button to look like an IE button.


 I'd suggest you add your own css before the theme to level all the browsers
 and then build up the defaults you personally want - including button text
 size (this is probably THE most useful thing you can do to reduce css
 problems, that and a proper doctype).

 And if you want to have buttons look the same in all browsers, use the GWT



 2009/9/13 John Gunther

  I've noticed that in IE buttons are noticeably larger using the
  standard GWT CSS theme than these buttons are in other browsers. This
  makes consistent cross-browser sizing difficult for me.

  Just eyeballing I'd say the IE buttons are around 50% wider and taller
  than in the other browsers.

  For example,  Buttons with plenty of space between them in FF look
  squeezed together in IE, and so on.


  Have you seen this behavior (or is it just me)?
  Do you know why it happens?
  Simple fix that makes the IE buttons closer to the FF buttons in size?
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[gwt-contrib] Re: GWTCanvas status?

2009-08-03 Thread John Gunther

 On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Ray Cromwell cromwell...@gmail.comwrote:

  On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Joel Webber wrote:

  Is VML performance really that bad? I'm quite sure you've done a lot more
  testing than I have :) My understanding has always been that it sucked
  miserably for implementing a direct-mode API like Canvas, largely because 
  the obvious and inherent abstraction-inversion problems. But if you're
  implementing a retained-mode SVG-like API, I thought it's performance was
  fairly reasonable. But that's largely assumption on my part, and could well
  be wrong.

  I think it is reasonable for applications for which retained-mode SVG is
  ideally suited: apps where not much graphically changes on each update and
  for which hit-detection/clicking/picking is important. That is, if you're
  doing Visio in the browser, it'll probably work. Personally, and this is
  just my perspective, the immediate-mode API brings with it implications of
  performance and application type. After all, if I'm going to go through all
  the trouble of maintaining draw order, rendering loops, and hit-detection
  manually, I'm either a glutton for punishment, or there's an expectation
  it's going to be faster.

  I've long through we should have the equivalent of O3D for 2D in GWT, an
  O2D API, whereby, one constructs a scenegraph, can tag bits for
  immutability, and then ask the API to render it, which could pick SVG or
  Canvas depending on object types.

  That is, I think GWTCanvas is the wrong abstraction to encourage people to
  develop the kinds of apps that VML or SVG is good at. They should be writing
  code this like:

  Circle c=new Circle(radius);

  Stroke s = new Stroke();


  Brad's stuff looks great, and I really like the idea of using Flash's
  renderer, which does indeed not suck. My biggest concern, however, is that
  any interaction with the SVG DOM could be abysmally slow, as it would 
  that it has to go back and forth between js and flash, which is really,
  really slow. Thoughts?

  I've heard it's gotten faster in later HTML5 browsers, but it's probably
  very slow between Flash/IE6. The issue with IE6 isn't just VML, it's also
  the performance of JS for updating lots of stuff at a decent Hz. In
  Chronoscope, if I substitute a NullCanvas (no drawing actually done),
  performance is still sub-par.  The interesting thing about SVG Web IMHO
  isn't its performance for real time updates of lots of draw changes, it's
  that it has far more capability than VML emulation layers. In other words,
  VML is a subset of Canvas, but SVGWeb is actually a super-set and can do
  stuff that canvas can't.


  On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Ray Cromwell 

  Another crazy possibility is to use Brad Neuberg's SVGWeb ( He's implemented almost 100% of SVG
  and SMIL in Flash plus a JS wrapper, so as to enable HTML5 features in 
  I have to say that the demos are very impressive.
  IMHO, IE6+VML is a lost cause for all but the most simple of graphical
  apps. The performance of the JS as well as VML is so gimped, that even if
  you get stuff working and looking the same, it'll likely be disappointing
  from a UI latency perspective. It's like writing a video game that has to
  simultaneously run on a 4-core 3Ghz x86 with latest GPU, and a Pentium3
  system with VGA graphics. You either have to provide two rendering loops,
  one with the amount of stuff cut way way back, or make the lesser system

  On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Joel Webber wrote:

  I agree that it's probably best to go ahead and fix the bugs in
  GWTCanvas that are likely to show up in any SVG/VML translation. And 
  while I
  don't think anyone's actually worked out the performance of excanvas.js 
  GWTCanvas, but I'm more concerned with getting a respectable SVG/VML 
  implemented than with trying to chase the fool's errand of building the
  Canvas API on top of VML, where there will always be cases that perform
  @Jaime, Dan: What do you guys think? I know the ball's still in my court
  to help get Dan's work reviewed and ready for public consumption, but in 
  meantime taking fixes for GWTCanvas seems sensible.

  On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 2:05 AM, John Gunther wrote:

  I added a patch to fix the GWTCanvas bug that caused me the most

  Turned out, this problem was a basic one with IE's VML support: right
  after you apply DOM.removeChild to remove a child that contains VML,
  the fill and stroke colors, as well as the stroke widths that you so
  laboriously constructed during

[gwt-contrib] Re: GWTCanvas status?

2009-07-18 Thread John Gunther

Appreciate your replies, I now have a much better sense of where GWT
vector graphics is heading.

With my use of GWTCanvas, the fact that there was a per-pixel memory
cost with the canvas tag (that does not exist with VML) forced me to
do some extra work to shrink-wrap the canvas around each rendered
curve. So, I can imagine how having everything sort of work like VML
(element based rather than pixel based) could be a big consistency

I also found Ray's argument that many have tried to emulate canvas
with VML and failed convincing.

On the other hand:

o The use of Flash would create a new proprietary dependency that does
not exist with GWTCanvas at present.

o Though my vector graphics needs were limited (I only required a
canvas subset) I was able to do everything I wanted to using GWTCanvas
(though working around the IE bugs was a pain).

o Relative to other browsers, with the feature subset I used, IE's
vector graphics rendering isn't nearly as slow as its HTML rendering.
So, once I figured out I needed to minimize stroke count, I was happy
with the IE rendering performance of GWTCanvas.

From the perspective of a black-box user of GWTCanvas, except for the
IE bugs (which I was able to work around) it met my application's
needs well. Without it GChart would still be stuck in the visual getto
of HTML-only rendering. So I hope any improved system will preserve
GWTCanvas' many good features, such as being packaged as a Widget, and
having a reasonably low cost per widget (which made it possible for me
to give each curve it's own GWTCanvas, and update them

My totally biased operational definition of if any new vector graphics
library is 'good': when I implement GChartCanvasLite using the new
library, my live demo and tests will 'just work', and run as fast or
faster than with the GWTCanvas based implementation.

On Jul 17, 7:33 am, Joel Webber wrote:
 Ray's basically right about this --
 you can't simulate canvas on vml (extant attempts to do so with limited
 success notwithstanding).
 GWTCanvas was originally designed, SVG performance on some browsers
 was absolutely atrocious, while Canvas and
 VML were basically acceptable. So Jaime and I attempted to design an API
 that would use Canvas and VML for a rendering layer, while trying to nudge
 the developer towards a use pattern that would work well in practice.

 Since then, the situation has changed quite a lot. SVG performance on Gecko,
 WebKit, and Opera has finally gotten up to speed, making it possible (or at
 least a *lot* easier) to build a sensible scene-graph API that uses just VML
 and SVG. I strongly believe this will end up being a better API, because the
 rendering back-ends will be (more or less) equally capable and similarly

 Dan Rice (cc'd) has started working on this approach, but
 it may be a little while before it sees the light of day. In the meantime,
 if you have patches for any of the issues you listed in GWTCanvas, don't
 hesitate to let us know.


 On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Ray Cromwell cromwell...@gmail.comwrote:

  The only realistic way to truly emulate canvas on IE is to use Flash. VML
  just doesn't cut it. Even after lots of community effort on excanvas.js, it
  still falls short of even the old Canvas that Safari first exported, and
  that doesn't even take into account that performance is pretty bad too.
   Silverlight could be a deferred binding option as well, but Flash has 95%
  penetration and would work in a majority of cases. You could still fallback
  to VML in some of those intranet settings that don't allow plugins, but as
  you say, you'd have to bifurifcate the Canvas API into what's supportable by
  VML and what's supportable by everything else, and code your draw paths to
  deal with them separately.
  Even with Flash, there's some stuff like fetching or setting pixel data
  that would be quite slow, in that regard, I think image processing ops
  should be encoded declaratively in a scenegraph, much like Java2D/JAI
  Renderable, and shipped over to Flash for execution rather than trying to
  bring them into the browser's JS engine.


  On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 8:36 PM, John Gunther

  There are a number of GWTCanvas bug reports that are still categorized
  as New, some several months old, some submitted by me.

  Has anyone looked at these yet? Anyone have plans to fix any of them
  (or are there any fixes that have not yet been committed yet?)

  I've also noticed a project called gwt-canvas (
  p/gwt-canvas/ Are the two
  projects related in any way (they list a as a contributor, though not
  Presume they are the same person, right)?

  I was thinking of trying to better understand and maybe even fix

[gwt-contrib] Bifurcate GWTCanvas feature set like RichTextArea does it?

2009-07-16 Thread John Gunther

RichTextArea supports a basic and an extended feature set:

I imagine this approach was taken because the RichText capability gap
was too large cross browser to feasibly emulate everything in the
worst browsers.

Would it make sense to take the same approach with GWTCanvas?  (The
vector graphics capability gap between IE6 and FF3 may also be too
large to be feasibly spanned via emulation alone).

For example, Client-side GChart has gained a lot of value from this
relatively small subset of GWTCanvas's features:

Many flowsheet simulation packages could also be comfortably
implemented via some such subset (plus the standard GWT Widgets, of
course). If such a bifurcation allowed GWTCanvas to graduate from the
incubator much faster, I think it would be worthwhile.


[gwt-contrib] GWTCanvas status?

2009-07-16 Thread John Gunther

There are a number of GWTCanvas bug reports that are still categorized
as New, some several months old, some submitted by me.

Has anyone looked at these yet? Anyone have plans to fix any of them
(or are there any fixes that have not yet been committed yet?)

I've also noticed a project called gwt-canvas (
p/gwt-canvas/) Are the two projects related in any way (they list a as a contributor, though not
Presume they are the same person, right)?

I was thinking of trying to better understand and maybe even fix some
of the bugs I reported but wanted to make sure I was not missing
anything first. Thanks for any info you can provide.


Client-side GChart 2.5: Faster, sharper, GWTCanvas-rendered, pie, line and area charts.

2009-06-30 Thread John Gunther

Client-side GChart lets you add charts to your GWT applications with
nothing more than its 3,000 or so lines of Apache 2.0 licensed Java.

GChart 2.5 adds a GWT canvas rendering option for better looking, more
quickly drawn, alpha-transparent, pie, line, and area charts.

Homepage (live-demo, downloads, docs):

Additional features include improved chart print-ability, inside/
outside/centered ticks, improved plot-area clipping, and faster single-
curve updates. For details, see the 2.5 release notes:

Related links:

1) Maybe some Pie charts? eheheh - Ping

The above post predicted I'd need to use canvas for pie slices and
such well over a year ago. Thousands of banded-filled slices, aliased
lines, and one GWTCanvas later...I agree.

2) Many have mentioned GChart's graphical quality limitations:

I saw gchart but I need pie charts that are completely filled
- plcoirier, see:

If you can live with somewhat not-so-sexy graphs (especially pie
charts), GChart ( is pretty easy to
integrate into a GWT app.
- Ravi Mundoli, see:

At GChart is only used for our burn-down chart
(during iteration tracking). I experimented quite a bit with GChart
for the dashboards but the pie charts still looked much better when
server-generated with our other package (also server generated version
was faster).
- Alexey, see:

It's still not Flash, but at least it now has a decent pie slice.

3) The incubator's GWTCanvas: Valuable but buggy.


Without a library like GWTCanvas, the enhancements of this release
would never have been feasible, since implementing a cross-browser
vector graphics abstraction is way out of GChart's scope. Though very
useful as-is, I spent a few days (at least it felt like a few days)
just working around the following GWTCanvas bugs:

A fully debugged GWTCanvas in the standard GWT distribution would also
greatly simplify GWT flowsheet modeling, games, etc. If you agree, you
can vote for (star) this issue in the GWT issue tracker:

John C. Gunther

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GWTCanvas: Can I stroke a line that replaces what was there before with transparent pixels?

2009-06-13 Thread John Gunther

I'm using GWTCanvas in the gwt-incubator:

Say I draw a filled red rectangle.

Next, I create a line across that rectangle's diagonal.

Now, I could set that line's color to green, blue, etc. and stroke and
get a diagonal line.

But I don't seem to be able to set that line's color to transparent
so that I get an empty diagonal line that shows whatever else might be
underneath the canvas on the page, etc.

I guess another way to put this is that I need a clear for stroked

More useful example: Stroke a thick path, change to a thinner
thickness, restroke same path with transparent pixels. Now you've got
an empty tube around the path (drawing two || lines to create such a
tube is much harder).

Is this possible with GWTCanvas now? If not, is it feasible to add the


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GWTCanvas vs gwt-canvas ?

2009-05-21 Thread John Gunther

What's the difference between GWTCanvas (in the incubator) and gwt-


Overall, GWTCanvas is working well for me, but I'm a bit unhappy with
its IE performance in the rendering of bordered rectangles (playing
around with some test code, it seemed at one point that, in IE only,
simple HTML element rendering of a bordered rectangle was actually
just a bit faster than using GWTCanvas; GWTCanvas is much faster in IE
for more complex shapes that would require many HTML elements, like
pie slices, though).

Would gwt-canvas be faster for IE bordered rectangle rendering? Is it
worth trying? How is it different/better than the incubator's

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Re: GWTCanvas, in a nested Grid == buggy shifts in x-coordinates in IE7. Workarounds?

2009-05-06 Thread John Gunther

I filed an issue with the GWT incubator project that reproduces this
problem with a much simpler chunk of code (all you need is a single
grid, no nesting required) than where I initially found it in the more
complicated code:

Pretty sure it's a GWTCanvas bug. In the issue above I provide code to
reproduce it and a workaround.


On May 6, 12:43 am, John Gunther wrote:
 I'm using a GWTCanvas widget inside of div inside of...inside of a
 Grid widget inside of another Grid widget inside of...etc.

 It all works just fine in Firefox.

 But in IE7 I'm finding that, unless I left-align the innermost Grid
 cell, the x-coordinates are getting mangled, shifting the stuff drawn
 inside the canvas (in this case, they are pie slices, but I have also
 seen it with rectangles in an earlier test with somewhat less
 nesting...but still with those same two nested Grids) along x

 Oddly, the canvas itself is positioned correctly, it is as if the
 drawn elements within it are dragged to the right-in some cases (right-
 aligned) entirely off the canvas, in others
 (center-aligned) seems about half-way.

 I'm seeing this within a complex nested DOM structure, have not yet
 tested if any old Grid cell would produce this problem.

 Other, similar, stuff, not nested in a Grid (but nested in divs only)
 renders just fine in both FF and IE,

 The outer Grid is hidden and the inner is visible, which is kind of an
 unusual combination and thus could have something to do with it,

 Has anyone seen anything like this before? Any workarounds (nothing
 I've tried so far to beat this has worked).

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GWTCanvas, in a nested Grid == buggy shifts in x-coordinates in IE7. Workarounds?

2009-05-05 Thread John Gunther

I'm using a GWTCanvas widget inside of div inside of...inside of a
Grid widget inside of another Grid widget inside of...etc.

It all works just fine in Firefox.

But in IE7 I'm finding that, unless I left-align the innermost Grid
cell, the x-coordinates are getting mangled, shifting the stuff drawn
inside the canvas (in this case, they are pie slices, but I have also
seen it with rectangles in an earlier test with somewhat less
nesting...but still with those same two nested Grids) along x

Oddly, the canvas itself is positioned correctly, it is as if the
drawn elements within it are dragged to the right-in some cases (right-
aligned) entirely off the canvas, in others
(center-aligned) seems about half-way.

I'm seeing this within a complex nested DOM structure, have not yet
tested if any old Grid cell would produce this problem.

Other, similar, stuff, not nested in a Grid (but nested in divs only)
renders just fine in both FF and IE,

The outer Grid is hidden and the inner is visible, which is kind of an
unusual combination and thus could have something to do with it,

Has anyone seen anything like this before? Any workarounds (nothing
I've tried so far to beat this has worked).


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Re: Easiest way to package a library with optional features requiring a sub-library?

2009-04-26 Thread John Gunther

I'm late to reply as usual but really appreciate the info. Will likely
revise my planned approach along the lines you have indicated to use
deferred binding.

On Apr 19, 7:46 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On 18 avr, 07:42, wrote:

  Thanks for the great info, sorry I didn't see your reply till now.

  I think your first idea would not work in my case because I would have
  to have code that referenced the optional module even if they didn't
  use it (there are if (usingOptionModule) do this by invoking its
  methods otherwise do something else kinds of constructs in there) So
  they would always have to include the module anyway, or the compiler
  would complain about the method invocations not being defined?


  I've never used deferred binding before (except what GWT does
  automatically) but had begun to read up on it (Hanson and Tacy's GWT
  in Action and Dewsbury's Google Web Toolkit Applications both cover
  it) after making my post. Your set-property variant seems like it
  would be the nicest for users. I've never compiled anything that had
  multiple variants (say for different browsers) but where I only had
  selected a single one of them...I've always just let GWT crank out all
  the various permutations. The compiler won't complain that the code
  for actually implementing the value=true option isn't available if I
  only actually use the value=false setting?

 It won't.

  It just grabs the replace-
  with I actually selected for and ignores the other ones..does not
  attempt to verify that my module is correct regardless of the
  specific property setting some specific user may have selected?

 No, it only compiles (and checks) what you tell it to compile. (maybe
 the -validateOnly would do it, but wouldn't bet on it) can it know before it gets used which properties will be
  specified, so it seems that it must check that all the code for any
  permutation is available, since a module that has a true option and
  associated replace-withs has to provide the code to implement that
  option, too, since someone might use it with true.

 If you call the compiler, it means you're compiling an application, so
 checking other permutations would be useless (woudl take time without
 any impact on the output; would you like the compiler throwing an
 error for something you're actually not compiling?). The compiler
 doesn't know about libraries.

  That implies I
  somehow have to physically bundle the optional module with my module,


  So what I am leaning towards now is defining an ordinary Java
  interface (IOptionalLibraryObjectFactory) that creates instances of
  the optional library's objects that users of the optional library must
  implement (I tried this, and it does work). If they don't implement
  it, there are no refs to the optional library and I compile without
  error. Problem with this approach (at least the way I've tried it) is
  users end up having to add a good deal of boilerplate Java code to use
  the optional library.

 Try the deferred-binding way and judge by yourself ;-)

  If you check out chapter 10 of Google Web Toolkit Applications there
  is an example there that maybe would do everything I'd need, but it
  involves actually generating the said boilerplate automatically via
  putting stuff in the rebind folder, generate-with clauses, etc. and
  that just seemed like too much work...if it's that hard maybe wiser to
  make the users of my library paste in their own boilerplate and
  concentrate on just making it easy for them to grab that boilerplate?

 Using simple replace-with deferred bindings as I proposed is much
 simpler and less error-prone thatn generating code that's probably not
 (just replace your if(useOptionalModule) structures with 2 classes
 (the one using the useOptionalModule could eventually inherit the
 other) and a replace-with rule; if the class to be split is public,
 refactor to use a helper internal class and split that one, so that
 your users won't have to use GWT.create())
 For best performances, your internal helper classes should be
 singletons (private static class, instantiated once only in a private
 static final field); the compiler should then inline the helper's
 methods and your helper's class won't exist at all in the compiled JS.
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Re: How much slower is PRETTY mode?

2009-04-19 Thread John Gunther

A while back I was doing some performance tests and my recollection
was, for that application, in FF2, it was something like 10% slower in
PRETTY. This was with GWT 1.4. Not a lot, but just enough that I
decided not to performance test in PRETTY.

(The big performance impact in FF2 is if Firebug is completely
disabled or not. Firebug must be completely disabled (via Tools/
Addons) with a FF restart to get the real numbers (plus just about
everything looks like it has a memory leak with Firebug on))


On Apr 19, 10:20 am, Dobes Vandermeer wrote:
 Okay, that's helpful.
 Maybe it's worth slowing down the downloads for a while to get some better
 insight into some of the errors customers are getting, since it'll allow me
 to read the stack traces Firefox includes in the exceptions.

 On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 1:46 AM, Vitali Lovich wrote:

  I just listened to the talk - didn't hear him say anything regarding
  performance of long name vs short names.

  The execution difference for smaller names shouldn't exist for the new
  generation of browsers using JIT for javascript (i.e. FF3.5, Safair 4,

  Even with older browsers, I don't see it being super significant -
  1-2% at most if it's even measurable.  The execution of the javascript
  code by the interpreter should far outweigh the cost of tokenizing the
  input even if you have a 100 character name.  The cost of doing a 100
  byte memcpy should be insignificant compared to all the other stuff
  the interpreter must do.  However, I could be wrong - I haven't tested
  this in any way, so hard numbers from real-world examples would
  probably be best.

  On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 12:25 AM, Arthur Kalmenson wrote:

   I don't know the exact numbers. But if I remember correctly, during
   Bruce's presentation, Faster-than-Possible Code: Deferred Binding
   with GWT (
   at Google I/O 2008, he mentioned something about smaller function and
   variable names executing faster then longer names.

   Also, as Vitali said, you're code is going to be rather bloated. We
   were accidentally running one of our apps in PRETTY and found the
   before compression size was 3 MB and after compression was 400kb. When
   we changed to OBF, the before compression size was 500kb and
   compressed was somewhere around 120kb.

   What's the reason that you want to run it as PRETTY? If you want to
   make the functions callable from regular JS, you should take a look at
   Ray Cromwell's excellent GWT Exporter project:

   Arthur Kalmenson

   On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 1:46 AM, Vitali Lovich

   I believe that it should be the same performance in terms of
   execution.  You're download times will probably suffer - I wouldn't be
   surprised if the code bloats by 2-3x if not more.

   On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Dobes wrote:

   I'm considering deploying a version in PRETTY mode since it may solve
   a Safari 4 issue I'm having and it would also allow me to interpret
   the stack traces produced by Firefox a lot better.

   However, I'm wondering what experiences people have had with the
   performance of PRETTY more - how is it?

   Thanks in advance,


 Dobes Vandermeer
 Director, Habitsoft Inc.
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Re: Easiest way to package a library with optional features requiring a sub-library?

2009-04-17 Thread John Gunther

Thanks for the great info, sorry I didn't see your reply till now.

I think your first idea would not work in my case because I would have
to have code that referenced the optional module even if they didn't
use it (there are if (usingOptionModule) do this by invoking its
methods otherwise do something else kinds of constructs in there) So
they would always have to include the module anyway, or the compiler
would complain about the method invocations not being defined?

I've never used deferred binding before (except what GWT does
automatically) but had begun to read up on it (Hanson and Tacy's GWT
in Action and Dewsbury's Google Web Toolkit Applications both cover
it) after making my post. Your set-property variant seems like it
would be the nicest for users. I've never compiled anything that had
multiple variants (say for different browsers) but where I only had
selected a single one of them...I've always just let GWT crank out all
the various permutations. The compiler won't complain that the code
for actually implementing the value=true option isn't available if I
only actually use the value=false setting? It just grabs the replace-
with I actually selected for and ignores the other ones..does not
attempt to verify that my module is correct regardless of the
specific property setting some specific user may have selected? can it know before it gets used which properties will be
specified, so it seems that it must check that all the code for any
permutation is available, since a module that has a true option and
associated replace-withs has to provide the code to implement that
option, too, since someone might use it with true. That implies I
somehow have to physically bundle the optional module with my module,
something I'm trying to avoid.

So what I am leaning towards now is defining an ordinary Java
interface (IOptionalLibraryObjectFactory) that creates instances of
the optional library's objects that users of the optional library must
implement (I tried this, and it does work). If they don't implement
it, there are no refs to the optional library and I compile without
error. Problem with this approach (at least the way I've tried it) is
users end up having to add a good deal of boilerplate Java code to use
the optional library.

If you check out chapter 10 of Google Web Toolkit Applications there
is an example there that maybe would do everything I'd need, but it
involves actually generating the said boilerplate automatically via
putting stuff in the rebind folder, generate-with clauses, etc. and
that just seemed like too much work...if it's that hard maybe wiser to
make the users of my library paste in their own boilerplate and
concentrate on just making it easy for them to grab that boilerplate?


On Apr 6, 10:21 am, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On 6 avr, 04:31, wrote:

  Sorry, for late reply, I just saw your post.

  I think you are correct. But, my goal is to eliminate the need for
  users to physically add the extra JAR file associated with the
  optional library to their project (unless they need the optional
  features it provides).

  What I want is:

    o Just 1 JAR distributed by me.
    o Code for optional library in separate JAR distributed/maintained
  by others
    o Users of my library don't have to physically mess with the
  optional JAR (no need to
     download it, place it on build path, or add an inherits clause) if
  they don't use those
     optional features in their code.

  Ideally, my code might even somehow check if the optional library is
  available. If so, it uses it, otherwise it uses the built-in fallback.
  But it would be OK if the developer using my library would just tell
  it if the optional library is to be used or not.

 Can't you put those optional features into another module that
 developers would only inherit if they want to (and thus would have to
 pull the third-party JAR and put it in the classpath only when opting-

 If you don't want (or can't, for whichever reason) separate the
 optional features in a distinct module, than you can use deferred-
 binding; and opting-in could be either:
  - inheriting another module containing the appropriate replace-with
  - setting a property (set-property) to a specific value (this
 property having been set to a default value in your module) which
 would trigger different replace-with rules (all in the same module),
 e.g. your module contains (along with all the needed generate-with
 mappings) define-property name=use.optional.features
 values=true,false/set-property name=use.optional.features
 value=false/, and the developer opts in by adding this line to his
 module: set-property name=use.optional.features value=true/
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Re: Easiest way to package a library with optional features requiring a sub-library?

2009-04-05 Thread John Gunther

Sorry, for late reply, I just saw your post.

I think you are correct. But, my goal is to eliminate the need for
users to physically add the extra JAR file associated with the
optional library to their project (unless they need the optional
features it provides).

What I want is:

  o Just 1 JAR distributed by me.
  o Code for optional library in separate JAR distributed/maintained
by others
  o Users of my library don't have to physically mess with the
optional JAR (no need to
   download it, place it on build path, or add an inherits clause) if
they don't use those
   optional features in their code.

Ideally, my code might even somehow check if the optional library is
available. If so, it uses it, otherwise it uses the built-in fallback.
But it would be OK if the developer using my library would just tell
it if the optional library is to be used or not.

I think that if my code contains explicit references to the external
library, the GWT compiler will complain about classes that don't exist
(even if users of my library never call that code) unless that
optional JAR is on the build path, etc.

The fact that the compiler may eliminate the dead code in the end
doesn't eliminate the hassle of having to add a JAR you are not using
to your build path, etc. just to make the compiler happy. I realize
this is a relatively small hassle but every little bit helps.

I don't want to just bundle the code from the optional library into my
JAR (as I've seen some projects do) because I can't control when the
optional library guys release their next version, and don't want to
release a new version of my library every time they do.


On Mar 15, 8:10 pm, Vitali Lovich wrote:
 I may not be understanding your question.  GWT will compile your code into
 whatever Javascript is actually used.

 So when GWT compiles your user's code, if they don't use the parts that rely
 on the optional library, they won't get that library automagically, AFAIK,
 by the GWT compiler recognizing this.

 Caveat: The inherits stuff in the module configuration might still cause
 code to be compiled, but the dead-code elimination in the compiler should
 cause it to not be included in the result, thus your user's code should have
 those optional libraries omitted.  If you care about compilation-speed,
 you'd have to have the user edit your gwt.xml file to include only the
 modules used by your code they rely on.

 Perhaps someone more familiar with the internals of the gwt compiler can
 comment as to whether or not my explanation is correct or way off base.

 On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 12:28 AM, John Gunther

  Is it possible to release a GWT library that has optional features
  that require an additional library (written by someone else, packaged
  in a module JAR) but that does not require its users to load that
  additional library if they don't need the optional features?

  What is the best way to do this that results in users of the library
  having the least number of steps to configure it with or without the
  optional features?


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Easiest way to package a library with optional features requiring a sub-library?

2009-03-14 Thread John Gunther

Is it possible to release a GWT library that has optional features
that require an additional library (written by someone else, packaged
in a module JAR) but that does not require its users to load that
additional library if they don't need the optional features?

What is the best way to do this that results in users of the library
having the least number of steps to configure it with or without the
optional features?


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Re: Putting widget on top of gchart

2009-02-25 Thread John Gunther

Thanks for reporting back, glad that helped.

I'm not aware of an easier or more element-efficient way to do what
you are doing than those I proposed.

Thanks for the suggestion re: direct way to change individual point
styles, etc. without adding a new curve. No way to do that with
current product, but, in light of your example, a great idea for a
future feature addition. I'm currently planning GChart 2.5 and if
possible will try to work it into that release. Please consider adding
it to the GChart issue tracker.

Will also try to improve how GChart reduces model coordinates into
pixels, in a future release.

Incidentally, it's best to post future very GChart-specific questions
directly to the GChart issue tracker (there are only 21 issues to
date, so to keep things a bit simpler, it doubles as GChart's forum,
too). This general GWT forum is best for GChart-related questions
where you need to draw responses from non-GChart users, too (comparing
alt charting approaches in GWT, for example).

John C. Gunther

On Feb 24, 2:11 pm, Paul Wang wrote:
 Thanks for the workaround.  Changing symbol to VBAR_BASELINE_CENTER
 and then setBaseline makes the semi-transparent images work now.  I'll
 use this method for the short term.

 It certainly would be simpler if I didn't have to create another curve
 since it does add to the number of rendered elements on the web page.
 Is it possible to change the symbol at individual points?  Originally
 I wanted to dim the color of certain points but couldn't find a method
 to do that.  Is there an example for me to look at?

 I also looked at annotation but unfortunately didn't seem to be able
 to satisfy my requirement at this time.  The functionality does seem
 really useful though.

 Paul Wang

 On Feb 20, 4:37 pm, John Gunther wrote:

  I played around with (available in the chart
  gallery and linked to in my previous post) a bit, and was able to
  produce a 1px overlap between adjacent bars that I think is consistent
  with the problem you reported.

  I also found that I could eliminate this 1px adjacent bar overlap by
  changing the following lines

           VBarBottom(int wm, int hm) {
               super(wm, hm,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5);

  To instead read:

           VBarBottom(int wm, int hm) {
               super(wm, hm,0.0,0.0,0.5,0.5);

  The 0.5s adds a half pixel widening to the left and right edges of the
  symbol. This is intended to make symbol edges align better with the
  gridlines, and is helpful in some other cases, too, but this half
  pixel padding seems to be causing the 1px overlap, and that appears to
  be preventing you from doing what you want to do.

  The easiest way to eliminate the 1px overlap that I found (without
  changing source code) was to switch from
  SymbolType.VBAR_SOUTH to SymbolType.VBAR_BASELINE_CENTER.  This works
  because the VBAR_BASELINE_CENTER symbol type's constructor does not
  have the 1/2 pixel padding (it already has 0,0 instead of 0.5, 0.5).

  To make the VBAR_BASELINE_CENTER symbol type in other respects behave
  the same as VBAR_SOUTH, you'll have to set the baseline of the curve
  so that it equals the minimum value displayed on the Y axis, for
  example, via something like:


  Will try to correct the root cause (not sure I fully understand that
  yet, BTW) in a future release (maybe via a feature that let's you
  explicitly control if the 1/2 px padding is present? If you have
  suggestions, I'm interested to hear them). Submit this problem to 
  theGChartissue tracker if you don't want to let me forget it.

  Thanks for taking the time to create a test and report the problem
  that you found (I never considered this particular usage scenario of
  translucent overlapping bars before your post).

  Getting back to your original problem, it might be simpler to create
  20 1-point curves and just change the background color or other
  features of each symbol/point/curve to represent the enabled or
  disabled state, rather than the two-curve strategy I suggested earlier
  (this is almost certainly a simple/better approach if you only have 20
  bars on the chart, and you are not planning to use a chart key).

  Finally, the simplest way to indicate that some of these bars are not
  like the others is via setAnnotationText or setAnnotationWidget,
  especially if you are flexible about the way that such differences get
  indicated (e.g indicating such differences via a label, a small icon
  at the center of each bar, etc.)


  On Feb 17, 2:37 pm, Paul Wang wrote:

   Thanks for the idea.  I tried it out and it seems like it would work
   except that the bars seems be overlap a bit.

   In the example below the bars have width of 53px but are positioned

Re: Client-side GChart 2.4 Released: Click events, pop-ups, selection brushes, etc.

2009-02-12 Thread John Gunther

The follow-up Client-side GChart 2.41 release adds methods to help
those who need to create points at the mouse location or convert
between client-window (pixel) and chart-data (model) coordinates.

The new LayZLine(tm) Chart Editor on the live demo illustrates how
you can use v2.41's getMouseCoordinate method, along with other
features introduced in v2.4, to create a simple line chart editor with
just 45 semicolon-terminated code lines.

GChart 2.41 Release Notes:
Updated Live Demo:
Original post in this forum requesting the client/model conversion

John C. Gunther

On Feb 2, 12:52 pm, John Gunther wrote:
 Thank-you, very glad you appreciate the new release.

 On Feb 2, 8:59 am, saurabh hirani wrote:

  Checked out the page. I had used 2.3 and seeing pop up integration and
  on the fly editing of pie chart sizes was really cool. Great stuff.
  Congratulations and all the best with makingGChartbigger and better.

  On Jan 28, 10:41 am, John Gunther wrote:

   Client-sideGChartis an open source, 100% pure Java chart library for
   GWT supporting line, pie, and bar charts.

   With version 2.4,GChartnow tracks mouse activities over the chart,
   and selects points, displays pop-ups, and fires off click events


   Mouse over and click on the live demo to see the new features in
   action. Beyond that, the release notes describe every change, and link
   back to the new features' javadocs and sample code.

   John C. Gunther
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Re: How to add points in chart by clicking on different areas of it?

2009-02-12 Thread John Gunther

GChart 2.41 is out and it incorporates a getMouseCoordinate method and
adds an improved version of the simple line chart editor I linked to
above to the Chart Gallery and live demo. Thanks for adding your
request for these features to the GChart issue tracker. See this
related post for more details about v2.41:


On Feb 3, 11:20 am, saurabh hirani wrote:
 On Feb 2, 6:54 pm, saurabh hirani wrote:

  Hi John,

   Just added a new example chart titled World's Simplest Line Chart
   Editor that shows you how to add points to a Client-sideGChartcurve
   by clicking on empty space on the chart (you'll need to download the
   latest v2.4 version of Cllient-sideGChartto use this code):


  Thanks a lot for providing such a thorough explanation of how this can
  be done. I really appreciate your putting in time to answer these
  queries. I will download 2.4 and check it out.

  Basically, I wanted to do this because I wanted to highlight an area
  of an already drawn chart. In the meantime, while I could not know how
  to do this, I had checked out orkut's photo-tagging feature which
  allows us to draw a rectangle over an already existing image.  While I
  implemented drawing a rectangle over an image using GWT with client
  cordinates, I realized that it fails when my image is larger than my
  browser window. Because as I scroll down or on the side my client
  cordinates with respect to a reference point at the top are lost. As
  in, my image's top left edge whose cordinate was say (20, 100) before
  I scroll is no longer in the frame and (20, 100) becomes the cordinate
  of the point at the top left of the browser window which is not the
  top left edge but a portion of the image which came into picture when
  I scrolled down. I saw that you are using clientX and clientY. So I
  thought maybe this information would be useful.

 And due to your example I found the missing piece to my puzzle.
 getScrollLeft and getScrollTop - I was searching for methods which
 could give me these cordinates to solve the problem as described
 above. I was studying your code and I used it in my work of drawing
 rectangle using GWT and it worked. Thanks a lot.

 - Saurabh
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Re: Putting widget on top of gchart

2009-02-11 Thread John Gunther

I noticed this is your very first post to any Google forum. Welcome.

GChart 2.4 has a built-in single point selection capability. Here's an
example of how to use that:

To emulate multiple selection, you could add a second curve that had
the same symbol type (and other properties such as width) as the first
(so that it would overlay it) but only included the points (bars) you
wanted to be selected. The setImageURL method could then be applied to
this second curve, passing in your semi-transparent image.

Selection/deselection would then be a matter of adding/removing points
to/from this second curve, and calling the update method to refresh
the chart.

John C. Gunther

On Feb 11, 1:38 pm, Paul Wang wrote:

 I'd like to put a semi-transparent panel on top of a gchart to show
 disabled areas of a bar graph.  I looked through gchart 2.4 and didn't
 see anything that'd let me easily find out where bars are located so I
 can position a panel on top of it.

 Is there a better way to do this?  I also need to do this without any
 user input (no events).

 Paul Wang
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Re: Client-side GChart 2.4 Released: Click events, pop-ups, selection brushes, etc.

2009-02-02 Thread John Gunther

Thank-you, very glad you appreciate the new release.

On Feb 2, 8:59 am, saurabh hirani wrote:
 Checked out the page. I had used 2.3 and seeing pop up integration and
 on the fly editing of pie chart sizes was really cool. Great stuff.
 Congratulations and all the best with makingGChartbigger and better.

 On Jan 28, 10:41 am, John Gunther wrote:

  Client-sideGChartis an open source, 100% pure Java chart library for
  GWT supporting line, pie, and bar charts.

  With version 2.4,GChartnow tracks mouse activities over the chart,
  and selects points, displays pop-ups, and fires off click events


  Mouse over and click on the live demo to see the new features in
  action. Beyond that, the release notes describe every change, and link
  back to the new features' javadocs and sample code.

  John C. Gunther
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Re: How to add points in chart by clicking on different areas of it?

2009-02-02 Thread John Gunther

Thank, good to know what you were trying to do. Unfortunately, there
are not specific tools in GChart that do the drag-selection rectangle
thing, or let you highlight more than a single point. There are poor
man's ways to do similar things. You might let the user click in the
upper left, then lower right, and use the two clicks to define the
rectangle. Not quite the same, I know, but doable via the new
ClickEvents support. You could add a curve with one point
(BOX_SOUTHEAST) and manipulate width and height to draw the selection
rectangle after the second click. You might also try using Annotations
(which can be widgets centered on the point which overwrite it, for
example) on each selected point to represent that fact that they are


On Feb 2, 8:54 am, saurabh hirani wrote:
 Hi John,

  Just added a new example chart titled World's Simplest Line Chart
  Editor that shows you how to add points to a Client-sideGChartcurve
  by clicking on empty space on the chart (you'll need to download the
  latest v2.4 version of Cllient-sideGChartto use this code):


 Thanks a lot for providing such a thorough explanation of how this can
 be done. I really appreciate your putting in time to answer these
 queries. I will download 2.4 and check it out.

 Basically, I wanted to do this because I wanted to highlight an area
 of an already drawn chart. In the meantime, while I could not know how
 to do this, I had checked out orkut's photo-tagging feature which
 allows us to draw a rectangle over an already existing image.  While I
 implemented drawing a rectangle over an image using GWT with client
 cordinates, I realized that it fails when my image is larger than my
 browser window. Because as I scroll down or on the side my client
 cordinates with respect to a reference point at the top are lost. As
 in, my image's top left edge whose cordinate was say (20, 100) before
 I scroll is no longer in the frame and (20, 100) becomes the cordinate
 of the point at the top left of the browser window which is not the
 top left edge but a portion of the image which came into picture when
 I scrolled down. I saw that you are using clientX and clientY. So I
 thought maybe this information would be useful.

 I don't know if I could communicate my thoughts clearly. But I will
 check out your code and I have put in an enhancement request on 
 theGChartissue tracker.

 Saurabh Hirani.
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Re: How to add points in chart by clicking on different areas of it?

2009-01-30 Thread John Gunther


Just added a new example chart titled World's Simplest Line Chart
Editor that shows you how to add points to a Client-side GChart curve
by clicking on empty space on the chart (you'll need to download the
latest v2.4 version of Cllient-side GChart to use this code):


This example will eventually make its way into GChart's Chart Gallery,
but for now you have to grab them directly from subversion using the
links above.(Don't forget to add the chart to the RootPanel and call
the chart's update method--these steps are not included in the code
above. See note at top of the Chart Gallery for details),

I've pasted in the key lines from this example below, which transform
from client to model coordinates. The first two code lines use generic
GWT methods that anyone who just need to shift the origin of the
client coordinates to the upper left corner of the current element
could use (after removing the GChart calls from these two lines):

   // 1st, translate mouse client x,y coordinates into
   // pixel distances from upper-left of plot area:
 double xPx = Window.getScrollLeft()
  + Event.getCurrentEvent().getClientX()
  - getAbsoluteLeft()
  - getYAxis().getAxisLabelThickness()
  - getYAxis().getTickLabelThickness()
  - getYAxis().getTickLength();
 double yPx = Window.getScrollTop()
+ Event.getCurrentEvent().getClientY()
- getAbsoluteTop()
- getChartTitleThickness();
  // 2nd, transform those pixel offsets to model units:
 double x = getXAxis().getAxisMin()*(1-xPx/getXChartSize()) +
 // note the pixelY-to-cartesianY min/max swap
 double y = getYAxis().getAxisMax()*(1-yPx/getYChartSize()) +
  // add point, using the model units:
 getCurve().addPoint(insertionPoint++, x, y);


John C. Gunther

On Jan 28, 12:34 am, John Gunther wrote:
 Client-sideGChart2.4 was just released today, It supports click
 events, so that might help you. Unfortunately,
 there are still no client to model coordinate conversion functions.
 Please consider adding a request for this feature to theGChartissue
 tracker. In the meantime, looking at the setClientX, setClientY,
 xToPixel, yToPixel internal methods might help you to
 implement such conversion functions on your own (I had considered
 adding a clientToModel method within the Axis class for 2.4, which is
 where I think this fits into the current API).

 Appreciate hearing that you found the product helpful.

 John C. Gunther

 On Jan 9, 7:53 am, saurabh hirani wrote:

  Hi all,

  Thanks for developing a great product likeGChartwhich integrates so
  easily with GWT and works like charm. I had a query - I want to draw a
  chart where I can click on any point along the x-y axis to determine
  the point cordinates in model units. Once I get that, I can do an
  addPoint() to add the point to the curve.

  I tried doing that inGChartbut I did not find any methods through
  which I can handle a mouse click event to get the x-y cordinates in
  model units. I can get the cordinates by implementing an EventListener
  for the chart but those cordinates are of the browser window and in
  different units. So it does not help. How can we accomplish this in

  Also, asGChartis a subclass of widget, I can use widget's methods on
  it. But as Curve, Point are classes enclosed withinGChart, I cannot
  use widget methods on it. Am I right in saying this?
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Re: Client-side GChart 2.4 Released: Click events, pop-ups, selection brushes, etc.

2009-01-28 Thread John Gunther

Appreciate the positive feedback, thanks for testing it out, looking
forward to your report.

On Jan 28, 5:40 am, doopa wrote:
 Good work John. Congratulations on the new release. I'll be testing
 this later and will be sure to update you.



 On Jan 28, 6:41 am, John Gunther wrote:

  Client-side GChart is an open source, 100% pure Java chart library for
  GWT supporting line, pie, and bar charts.

  With version 2.4, GChart now tracks mouse activities over the chart,
  and selects points, displays pop-ups, and fires off click events


  Mouse over and click on the live demo to see the new features in
  action. Beyond that, the release notes describe every change, and link
  back to the new features' javadocs and sample code.

  John C. Gunther
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Re: How to add points in chart by clicking on different areas of it?

2009-01-27 Thread John Gunther

Client-side GChart 2.4 was just released today, It supports click
events, so that might help you. Unfortunately,
there are still no client to model coordinate conversion functions.
Please consider adding a request for this feature to the GChart issue
tracker. In the meantime, looking at the setClientX, setClientY,
xToPixel, yToPixel internal methods in might help you to
implement such conversion functions on your own (I had considered
adding a clientToModel method within the Axis class for 2.4, which is
where I think this fits into the current API).

Appreciate hearing that you found the product helpful.

John C. Gunther

On Jan 9, 7:53 am, saurabh hirani wrote:
 Hi all,

 Thanks for developing a great product like GChart which integrates so
 easily with GWT and works like charm. I had a query - I want to draw a
 chart where I can click on any point along the x-y axis to determine
 the point cordinates in model units. Once I get that, I can do an
 addPoint() to add the point to the curve.

 I tried doing that in GChart but I did not find any methods through
 which I can handle a mouse click event to get the x-y cordinates in
 model units. I can get the cordinates by implementing an EventListener
 for the chart but those cordinates are of the browser window and in
 different units. So it does not help. How can we accomplish this in

 Also, as GChart is a subclass of widget, I can use widget's methods on
 it. But as Curve, Point are classes enclosed within GChart, I cannot
 use widget methods on it. Am I right in saying this?
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Client-side GChart 2.4 Released: Click events, pop-ups, selection brushes, etc.

2009-01-27 Thread John Gunther

Client-side GChart is an open source, 100% pure Java chart library for
GWT supporting line, pie, and bar charts.

With version 2.4, GChart now tracks mouse activities over the chart,
and selects points, displays pop-ups, and fires off click events

Live demo:
Release notes:

Mouse over and click on the live demo to see the new features in
action. Beyond that, the release notes describe every change, and link
back to the new features' javadocs and sample code.

John C. Gunther

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Re: Printing Gchart

2009-01-07 Thread John Gunther

Couple of more remarks on printing GCharts that may be helpful.

The graphical part of a GChart (unless you are using the optional bolt-
on canvas line curve capability) is simply a bunch of images
absolutely positioned within a box (via AbsolutePanel). So it seems
reasonable that this collection of images should act very similarly to
a single image chart on the page from the point of view of printing.
Thus there is no logical reason you should not be able to print a page
containing a GChart just as easily as you could print a page
containing an image-based chart. In theory.

Now, under normal circumstances, all those images are the same single
1x1 px blank gif. and the background and border and size are
manipulated to produce the rectangles of the chart's parts.

If this use of image backgrounds is a problem during printing, GChart
has methods that allow you to specify a non-blank default image, plus
a different image for each curve. These methods are setBlankImageURL
and setImageURL, respectively. and could be used to effectively
replace the background color with a real image color (assuming the use
of image background colors presented a problem during printing, as it
can in FF2). Here are the javadoc links for these two methods, for

For example, the dropped axis lines during printing you mentioned
might be corrected by passing a 1x1 px black GIF to setBlankImageURL
and various 1x1px colored images to setImageURL to define each curve's
inside color instead of the usual use of setBackgroundColor (I've
not actually tried this, but it should work).

The other part of a GChart is the text. These are placed within single-
celled tables (for alignment purposes) and those tables are absolutely
positioned on the same box. Again, I don't see why this should be
significantly different than printing an image-based chart, either
(the alignment techniques are--over a reasonable range--font-size

HTML and widget-based annotations and such are the wild-cards, opening
it up to just about anything. But, presumably, if you built the HTML/
Widget and wanted to print it, you'd be responsible for that (the same
table-based aligned positioning used for text is used for HTML/
widgets, so they should stay in appropriate positions on the chart).

Unfortunately, I have zero practical experience building printable web
pages so all this is just educated guess work; if anyone has real
experience with printable pages and is willing to share that
experience to help improve GChart's printability, I'd appreciate


On Jan 7, 12:13 am, John Gunther wrote:
 In Firefox 2, if you select File, Print Preview, then Page Setup, then
 FormatOptions, and make sure that Print Background (color and
 images) is checked, I see the live demo page more or less correctly
 in Print Preview with this checked. But lots of stuff is missing
 (including axis lines) if this is unchecked (note: default setting is

 GChartuses backgrounds of blank images for much of what it does,
 which is why you need to check this to get everything to print that
 shows on the screen in Firefox 2.

 I don't testGChartfor how well the chart's can be printed in the
 various browsers (I've never had much luck printing out web pages,
 period). In the end it is HTML in the browser, so it should be
 printable to the degree that HTML is, in theory, but it was looking
 pretty ugly in print preview when I tried to print the live demo page
 from IE7 just now. FF2 (with the setting above) seemed to do much


 John C. Gunther

 On Jan 2, 10:57 am, ArunDhaJ wrote:

  I'm not able to see the axis lines on printing the chart. In my Bar
  chart, bars are printing fine, but not able to print lines... Plz help
  me whether I'm missing any thing..

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Re: Printing Gchart

2009-01-06 Thread John Gunther

In Firefox 2, if you select File, Print Preview, then Page Setup, then
FormatOptions, and make sure that Print Background (color and
images) is checked, I see the live demo page more or less correctly
in Print Preview with this checked. But lots of stuff is missing
(including axis lines) if this is unchecked (note: default setting is

GChart uses backgrounds of blank images for much of what it does,
which is why you need to check this to get everything to print that
shows on the screen in Firefox 2.

I don't test GChart for how well the chart's can be printed in the
various browsers (I've never had much luck printing out web pages,
period). In the end it is HTML in the browser, so it should be
printable to the degree that HTML is, in theory, but it was looking
pretty ugly in print preview when I tried to print the live demo page
from IE7 just now. FF2 (with the setting above) seemed to do much


John C. Gunther

On Jan 2, 10:57 am, ArunDhaJ wrote:
 I'm not able to see the axis lines on printing the chart. In my Bar
 chart, bars are printing fine, but not able to print lines... Plz help
 me whether I'm missing any thing..

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Re: Vertical annotation text in GChart

2009-01-02 Thread John Gunther

Couple of things that may help you:

1) To allow more space for long axis labels and thus avoid the
overwriting problem you mentioned in the first place, you can
explicitly set axis label thickness via Client-side GChart's
setAxisLabelThickness method:

2) A simple way to add vertical (sort of) text is by using HTML
within setAnnotationText. This snippet should display the word price


BTW, same trick works with the setAxisLabel, and addTick methods.

If you have trouble getting stuff to align right, try using a mono-
spaced font (e.g. surrounding the text with tt/tt). Likely there
are better HTML vertical text tricks out there, but this is the only
one I know.

Note the importance of the html prefix, otherwise GChart treats
everything as plain text. Here's the setAnnotationText method's
javadocs for reference:,%20int,%20int%29

3) If you have any GWT Widgets handy that can display true vertical
text (or you can create one) then you can use GChart's
setAnnotationWidget to display that text via such a Widget. It seems
there ought to be such a widget, somewhere out there...if you know of
one, please post back. If you can't find or build such a Widget you
could of course use an image of the text you wanted and an Image
widget. Here's the setAnnotationWidget's javadoc:,%20int,%20int%29

GChart's addTick method also supports widgets.

Finally, don't overlook the setAnnotationXShift and
setAnnotationYShift methods for fine tuning the positions of your

Vertical text is a valuable feature that other chart libraries I've
seen support directly, and I'd definitely consider adding it (if I
could get a clue as to how to do it). On the other hand, a Widget-
based solution to this problem keeps GChart simpler, and (in theory)
should make it easier to swap in alternative vertical-text-rendering

Appreciate your question, HTH/HNY

John C. Gunther

On Jan 1, 1:09 am, ArunDhaJ wrote:
 I'm using gchart to generate Bar Charts for my application, and using
 GWT 1.4.62.

 The Axis label gets overridden by the adjacent labels when the text is
 very long. So, I thought to use setAnnotationText to set the labels
 within the bar itself. It shows horizontally, but I need the text to
 be displayed vertically over the bar of the chart.
 How can I display it?

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Re: UI alignment collapses with GChart

2008-12-17 Thread John Gunther

By default, Client-side GChart's axis min/max are data determined,
which I believe is what is causing the collapsing with no data that
you mentioned.

To stop that, explicitly set axis min/max via the setAxisMax and
setAxisMin methods, as described here:

HTML **CAN** be used in axis labels (via the addTick method) and point
labels (via the setAnnotationText method).  But there is a trick to
it: the strings you pass in must be prefixed with html as
described here:,%20int,%20int%29

The two packages for generating a single image file chart I most often
hear mentioned are jFreeChart and the Google Chart API. Based on this
forum, lots of GWTers use both. There are also quite a few Google
Chart API wrappers; charts4j (formerly called gchartjava) might
interest you as it gives the Google Chart API a Java API:

But I hope you'll also give Client-side GChart another look in light
of the above info (a new release 2.4, that provides significantly
better hover feedback is in the works).


John C. Gunther

On Dec 16, 2:17 am, ArunDhaJ wrote:
 Hi All,
 I'm using GChart for my application. Its UI collapses when there is no
 points to draw.

 Is there any charting component which gives me a single image file for
 the chart ??? Since the points lable is plain text I'm not able to
 format the position of labels. Like, the X-axis label should be
 horizontal instead of veritical.

 Please let me know any charting component, if available

 Thanks in Advance
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Re: static method wrap(Element) conflicts compiler error. Why?

2008-12-17 Thread John Gunther

Sorry missed your reply until now. Such an error message as you
suggest would have made it a lot easier, in my case, to track down
what the problem was.

Part of the issue is that 1.4 compliance does not fail in every case,
so I had been working along for a while with GWT 1.5 and 1.4
compliance without any error (in a project migrated from GWT 1.4)
which made it harder to recognize the cause when I eventually hit a
combination that did not work. My first thought was of some typo that
produced the above obscure Java syntax error which I didn't recognize--
not the compliance thing.


On Nov 11, 11:09 am, Jason Essington
 Well in general the code is probably filled with syntax errors when
 using the Java 1.4 compiler ...

 And since GWT 1.5.x is not compatible with the Java 1.4 compiler I
 would consider this a non issue.
 Since GWT 1.5 is not compatible with Java 1.4 I would not expect it to
 work and the messages themselves are not particularly relevant at that

 I suppose it would be nice if the gwtCompiler would fail fast if you
 attempted to compile with an unsupported version of Java and display a
 nice message in the lines of:
 GWT 1.5.x requires Java 1.5 or better. Compile failed!


 On Nov 10, 2008, at 8:26 PM, John Gunther wrote:

  Using GWT 1.5.2, and starting with this class:

  public class NamedHTML extends HTML implements HasName {
 public String getName() {return null;}
 public void setName(String name) {}

  If I compile the above class in Eclipse with Project, Properties, Java
  Compiler, Compiler compliance level: 1.4, then Eclipse produces this
  perplexing error message on the first line:

  X The static method wrap(Element) conflicts with the abstract method
  in HTML

  The error goes away if make any one of these changes:

  1) Switch to Compiler compliance level: 5.0,
  2) Eliminate the implements HasName
  3) Replace extends HTML with  extends Label

  I understand that, in general, I need to use compiler compliance
  level 5.0 with GWT 1.5.2 (because GWT 1.5.2 uses 5.0 syntax) but
  I don't understand why the compiler thinks I've got a syntax
  error with the original situation, but thinks my code is OK in
  cases 2) and 3).

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static method wrap(Element) conflicts compiler error. Why?

2008-11-10 Thread John Gunther

Using GWT 1.5.2, and starting with this class:

public class NamedHTML extends HTML implements HasName {
public String getName() {return null;}
public void setName(String name) {}

If I compile the above class in Eclipse with Project, Properties, Java
Compiler, Compiler compliance level: 1.4, then Eclipse produces this
perplexing error message on the first line:

X The static method wrap(Element) conflicts with the abstract method

The error goes away if make any one of these changes:

1) Switch to Compiler compliance level: 5.0,
2) Eliminate the implements HasName
3) Replace extends HTML with  extends Label

I understand that, in general, I need to use compiler compliance
level 5.0 with GWT 1.5.2 (because GWT 1.5.2 uses 5.0 syntax) but
I don't understand why the compiler thinks I've got a syntax
error with the original situation, but thinks my code is OK in
cases 2) and 3).


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Re: gchart pop-up on data point

2008-11-03 Thread John Gunther

Yes. Just use the setAnnotationWidget method (and related methods like
setAnnotationLocation) in a manner similar to how you used addTick
with widget arguments.. See the Client-side GChart javadocs for

The live demo's grouped bar chart provides an example that uses
setAnnotationWidget: the labels on top of each bar are clickable
buttons. Click the source code link on that chart for the example

John C. Gunther

On Oct 31, 8:45 am, Ginny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a way to implement a pop-up on a data point ingchart? I'm
 using tick widgets now to enable pop-ups on the x-axis, but I'd really
 like to have this capability on a per-data-point basis.
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Re: GChart: Can i have gray dotted gridlines and solid axes?

2008-10-14 Thread John Gunther

Sorry, you cannot style a client-side GChart's gridlines.

You can use the setGridColor method, which may help do part of what
you are looking for:

If you must have dotted gridlines, and don't mind a bit of extra work,
you can add a curve with a SymbolType of YGRIDLINE (or XGRIDLINE) add
points at the y-coordinates where you want to draw the gridlines, and
use setBorderStyle(dotted) on that curve, and appropriately change
its width, height, etc (basically, you will be drawing your own
gridlines via a special curve; since curves have more options, you can
get more varied gridlines).

Thanks for your question. If you think more gridline options are
needed, please consider submitting an issue to the GChart issue

John C. Gunther

On Oct 9, 11:59 pm, meng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't find ways to style the gridlines.I only find

 can i have thin dotted gray gridlines  and thick solid dark Axes?

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Re: GChart and Maven 2

2008-10-14 Thread John Gunther

Appreciate the complement.

I understand that a Maven2 repo makes it easier for Maven2 users to
include GChart as one of their project's libraries, but I have not a
clue as to how to set up a Maven2 repo.

So, unless its really easy to set up a repo if you've never used
Maven2 before, or unless someone who knows how to set up a repo
volunteers to do that (or to tell me how to do it) for Client-side
GChart, it won't happen any time soon (I've really got my hands full
right now trying to figure out how to properly integrate GWTCanvas'
capabilities into the product)

Sounds like a great idea, though, so please add it to the Client-side
GChart issue tracker.

John C. Gunther

On Oct 9, 2:42 am, adamp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 GChart looks really nice.  I'd like to use it in a project but don't
 see it - specifically 2.3 - on any of the maven 2 repositories out

 Will it be added to a repo soon?

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Re: Client-side GChart 2.2: Sparklines and better/faster solidly filled line charts.

2008-09-24 Thread John Gunther

Sorry, client-side GChart does not provide a method for transforming
from pixels into model coordinates. It also does not provide a simple
way to select points using the mouse--it does not even provide a
simple way you can represent the selected/unselected state of a point.

If you implement a great mouse selection tool and want to contribute
it back to the product, I'll be most delighted to have been proven
wrong, but looking at your code and given how the product was
designed, in my expert opinion: don't waste any more time on this!

You CAN make a Client-side GChart interactive quite easily by adding
standard GWT widgets as chart annotations, footnotes, tick labels,
etc. and controlling the display only GChart's properties in
response to events from those widgets. The live demo's bar chart
(accessible from the GChart home page link below) provides a good
example of how to do this. Here's a link to another site that uses the
same simple technique to scroll a data set through a GChart via a
couple of next/previous buttons: down to see their

For some applications, such scrolling (or some similar, widget-driven
technique) is a viable alternative to mouse point selection/zooming.

But, if you really need the mouse point selection zoom-in
functionality, it's best to use a different charting tool.
(I recall seeing a timepedia chronoscope demo a while back that did
the point selection/zoom in thing quite nicely).

John C. Gunther

On Sep 23, 5:15 pm, amadeus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using your software and I would add a simple zoom tool with mouse
 I need to know the exact position of axis origin (left bottom) to
 transform x,y mouse in chart's coordinates

 here my code
 I tried to calculate the origin
 public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
 double x;
 double y;
 double mouseX=event.getClientX()-getAbsoluteLeft();
 Axis xAxis = getXAxis();
 Axis yAxis = getYAxis();
 double dx=xAxis.getAxisLabelThickness() +
 xAxis.getTickLabelThickness() + xAxis.getTickLength();
 double dy=yAxis.getAxisLabelThickness() +
 yAxis.getTickLabelThickness() + yAxis.getTickLength();
 // transform in chart coordinates
 I'm on the right way or there is a simpler method?
 ps Excuse me for my english

 On 22 Set, 23:12, John Gunther [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Client-sideGChartis an open source GWT library that supports bar,
  line, and pie charts, and yet adds nothing but its ~2,000 lines of
  Java to your application's list of dependencies:

  This 2.2 release adds:

  * A new LINE symbol type for faster/better solidly connected line
  * A new layout algorithm that centers title, footnotes, axis labels
  and legend within explicitly-sizable bands around the plot area. In
  particular, since these bands have default thicknesses of 0px when
  empty, Sparkline charts are now straightforward.

  For full details, including links to example charts illustrating the
  new features, see theGChart2.2 release notes:

  Related posts/acknowledgments:

  1) This post by Niall Haslam motivated the much-needed switch to a new
  chart decoration layout algorithm:

  2) I used the technique explained in this post by Ian Bambury
  ( to workaround a perplexing IE7-only
  screen-not-repainting problem that the revisions of this release
  inadvertently exposed:

  3) The improved line chart capabilities were motivated by the far-too-
  slowly-updating solidly connected line chart code that Malcolm Gorman
  sent me. A new live demo chart, deliberately (HTML-element) sized
  similarly to Malcolm's chart, illustrates various ways (smaller
  charts, lower resolution connecting lines) you can use the new LINE
  symbol type to workaround the significant performance limitations that
  still remain for this kind of non-rectangle-friendly chart.

  Your ideas for improving Client-sideGChartand help in solving its
  implementation problems were essential to this 2.2 release. Thank-you.

  John C. Gunther
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Need to draw straight lines fast in a GWT chart library

2008-09-24 Thread John Gunther

My library, Client-side GChart, doesn't render solidly connected,
large-sized, line charts quickly enough for at least one user
(probably because it draws them with  a series of rectangular HTML

Anyone have any suggestions for drawing reasonably good-looking
straight lines fast that works the same way on all GWT supported

To be specific, on the last chart of my live demo (accessible from the
home page below, scroll to the bottom of the demo): if you click the
button that moves it into hi-res mode, on my machine it shows 4000ms
in the elapsed time message. I'd like that to be at least 10 times

John C. Gunther

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Re: Invisible outer Grid triggers screen repaint problem in IE7. Any workarounds?

2008-09-22 Thread John Gunther


Sorry for the delayed response, missed your re-post. My recollection
is I tried visibility: visible without the visibility: hidden
first, and it seemed that IE7 was smart enough to realize I hadn't
changed a thing, and to ignore me.

Just in case you are curious to reproduce this on your own with the
actual code, it's the grouped bar chart on the Client-side GChart 2.2
demo application (accessible from the home page) where I first saw the
symptoms. If you comment out the two lines that do the invisible/
visible thing from (or, even one of them, if my memory
holds) then, in IE7, the ghosts of the buttons' previous positions
on top of each bar remain behind, after clicking the update button.

John C. Gunther

On Aug 23, 8:29 am, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, apart from writing a bat and wall game on a Spectrum (probably the
 first proper program I ever wrote) and converting IBM360 Assembler programs
 to Cobol, I've not really been that involved. It's always been in the same
 category as swimming the Atlantic: it would be nice to be able to say I'd
 done it, but I don't actually want to do it :-)

 But I did get my feet wet once or twice.


 2008/8/23 Paul Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Sorry - completely off topic

  6502... oh those were the days!!

  I was a mere boy when the good ol' 64 taught me the basics of ML :)

  Be good to hark on about those days Ian if your interested :) mail me

  Do much win32 MASM nowadays?

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Client-side GChart 2.2: Sparklines and better/faster solidly filled line charts.

2008-09-22 Thread John Gunther

Client-side GChart is an open source GWT library that supports bar,
line, and pie charts, and yet adds nothing but its ~2,000 lines of
Java to your application's list of dependencies:

This 2.2 release adds:

* A new LINE symbol type for faster/better solidly connected line
* A new layout algorithm that centers title, footnotes, axis labels
and legend within explicitly-sizable bands around the plot area. In
particular, since these bands have default thicknesses of 0px when
empty, Sparkline charts are now straightforward.

For full details, including links to example charts illustrating the
new features, see the GChart 2.2 release notes:

Related posts/acknowledgments:

1) This post by Niall Haslam motivated the much-needed switch to a new
chart decoration layout algorithm:

2) I used the technique explained in this post by Ian Bambury
( to workaround a perplexing IE7-only
screen-not-repainting problem that the revisions of this release
inadvertently exposed:

3) The improved line chart capabilities were motivated by the far-too-
slowly-updating solidly connected line chart code that Malcolm Gorman
sent me. A new live demo chart, deliberately (HTML-element) sized
similarly to Malcolm's chart, illustrates various ways (smaller
charts, lower resolution connecting lines) you can use the new LINE
symbol type to workaround the significant performance limitations that
still remain for this kind of non-rectangle-friendly chart.

Your ideas for improving Client-side GChart and help in solving its
implementation problems were essential to this 2.2 release. Thank-you.

John C. Gunther

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Poll: GWT 1.4.62 vs 1.5 -- what are you using? what are your plans?

2008-09-22 Thread John Gunther

Trying to get a sense of how quickly the migration to GWT 1.5 from
1.4.62 will (or has already) occurred by asking:

1) Are you using GWT 1.5 right now?
2) Are you using 1.4.62 right now?
3) Do you expect to be using GWT 1.5 six months from now?
4) Do you expect to be using GWT 1.4.62 six months from now?
5) Do you expect to be using GWT 1.5 one year from now?
6) Do you expect to be using GWT 1.4.62 one year from now?
7) How long before you expect to abandon 1.4.62 completely and use
only 1.5 or higher?

My answers: No, Yes, Yes, Yes,  Yes, Yes, 4 years from now.


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Re: GChart - display issues. Sparklines

2008-09-21 Thread John Gunther

Just released GChart 2.2 which fixes this problem by letting you
precisely size the space allocated for chart decorations (title,
footnotes, axis labels and legend) around the chart's plot area.

See the first item in these 2.2 release notes for details and a link
to an example no space added GChart:

Thanks for reporting this problem: It's now easy to define the exact
pixel size of the chart as a whole, including decorations, so that
GCharts can fit into fixed sized rectangles on a page, just like
images do.

John C. Gunther

On Aug 5, 7:11 am, MN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if you found a nice workaround, please post your codesnippet here.

 On 1 Aug., 16:13, Niall Haslam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  I am usingGChartto display some graphical information. I want to create
  something like the sparklines that is available from the google chart api.
  Therefore I want to create a simple widget where the first pixel of the
  widget is the first data point. However, inGChartthere seem is always
 spaceat the left and bottom of the widget for where the X axis and Y axis
  labels and titles should go. Does anyone know how to make them disappear and
  therefore make a graph that looks like this:

  TheGChartdocs suggest mailing here in the absence of aGChartspecific
  mailing list. Sorry if it isn't relevant.


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