Re: gwt-maven-springboot-archetype updated ...

2024-05-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 6:31:18 PM UTC+2 

Running a `mvn clean verify` generate the project and compares it with 
predefined sources. Similar to your gwt-maven-archetype.
What not gets tested, is building a war and run it.

Ah, apparently it also gets built 
but indeed the generated WAR is not run.

(fwiw, your GitHub Actions workflow no longer runs as it targets the master 
branch and you renamed it to main)

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Re: JSInterop and "JSON.stringify" method return "Converting circular structure to JSON"

2024-05-22 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 12:43:56 PM UTC+2 wrote:

I misunderstood the documentation... ty for the clarification Thomas can 
you give me some confirmations.

The Date issue, When you say to use the JsDate do you mean the one in the 
elemental2 package (elemental2.core.JsDate) or in the gwt core ( ?

Any one of them, anything that directly maps to a native JS Date object.

So for the Date issue i just enough to replace this code :

@JsProperty *public* *native* *Date* getDataRepertorioDocumento();


@JsProperty *public* *native* *void* setDataRepertorioDocumento(*Date* 



@JsProperty *public* *native* Js*Date* getDataRepertorioDocumento();


@JsProperty *public* *native* *void* setDataRepertorioDocumento(*JsDate* 


Right ?

(note that it works for serializing because a JS Date object has a toJSON() 
method that returns its toISOString(), but it won't work for parsing JSON, 
for that you will have to pass a *reviver* function to JSON.parse() that 
will have to be aware of your object structure to know that the 
dataRepertorioDocumento property value needs to be parsed to a Date object, 
or use a @JsOverlay getter/setter pair that will serialize/parse the 
java.util.Date or JsDate value to/from the JSON representation you want, 
same as List and Map)

I also missed an instance of Integer in your objects, this will have to be 
changed to Double.

For the "List" and "Map" problem, i will probably try to use some 
@JsOverlay instead to use a second argument  on the JSON.stringify by the 
way can you point me out some example (i'm not very skilled with this 
library) ?

Could be as simple as (note that a copy is made each time the getter or 
setter is called):
ReferenzaDTOGWT[] nodeIdAllegatti;
// This could also use Elemental's JsArrayLike.asList()
@JsOverlay public List getNodeIdAllegatti() { return 
List.of(this.nodeIdAllegatti); }
@JsOverlay public void setNodeIdAllegatti(List 
nodeIdAllegatti) { this.nodeIdAllegatti = nodeIdAllegatti.toArray(new 
ReferenzaDTOGWT[nodeAllegatti.size()]); }

JsPropertyMap errors;
@JsOverlay public Map getErrors() {
  var ret = new HashMap();
  errors.forEach(key -> ret.put(ret, errors.get(key)));
  return ret;
@JsOverlay public setErrors(Map errors) {
  var obj = JsPropertyMap.of();
  errors.forEach((key, value) -> obj.set(key, value));
  this.errors = obj;

Of course for the Map> mappaAltriMetadati 
you'd have to also transform each List.

The JSON.stringify replacer could look like:
JSONType.StringifyReplacerFn replacer = (key, value) -> {
  if (value instanceof List) {
return ((List) value).toArray();
  if (value instanceof Map) {
var obj = JsPropertyMap.of();
((Map) value).forEach((k, v) -> obj.set(k, v));
return obj;
  if (value instanceof Date) {
return ((Date) value).getTime(); // pass that to JsDate.create() if you 
prefer an ISO-formatted String rather than the timestamp
  if (value instanceof Integer) {
return ((Integer) value).doubleValue();
  return value;
This is all totally untested (also note that I haven't actually written GWT 
code for years, this is all based on memory and the javadocs)

Also I found this project updated for GWT 2.9.0 and java 11 . it’s seem goof enough 
for my use case,  i’ll try out and let you know it.

Not sure what it actually brings on top of plain old JsInterop Base or 
Elemental Core…

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Re: gwt-maven-springboot-archetype updated ...

2024-05-21 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 6:02:31 PM UTC+2 

Ok, got it, was thinking, we were talking about the generated project ... 
Yep correct, usually, running the verify goal, will compare the generated 
sources with the ones stored under test resources. There is no test were 
the generated project gets started/tested, if it works.

Out of curiosity, any specific reason you don't automate a "mvn clean 
verify" to validate the generated project?
(of course testing that devmode works, or that the built artifact actually 
works is trickier and probably not worth it, but a simple build would still 
be better than nothing IMO)

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Re: Using JsInterop to create JS object literals

2024-05-21 Thread Thomas Broyer
With the following:

@JsType(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name = "Object", isNative = true)
public class XXXGWT {
public String codiceAmministrazione;

you should be able to write:

var xxx = new XXXGWT();
xxx.codiceAmministrazione = "foo";

and have it translate more or less to:

let xxx = new $wnd.Object()
xxx.codiceAmministrazione = "foo";

With the getter and setter, you have to annotate them with @JsProperty, but 
the generated JS will be identical, so you've actually only made your code 
more verbose for no compelling reasons (besides maybe pleasing static 
analyzers like Sonar that will yell if you don't encapsulate fields).

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 4:30:35 PM UTC+2 wrote:

Just to be clear on my use case this is my java class:

@JsType(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name = "Object", isNative = true)
public class XXXGWT {

private String codiceAmministrazione;

public DocumentoPAC4DTOGWT() {}

public native String getCodiceAmministrazione();

public native void setCodiceAmministrazione(String codiceAmministrazione);


and this is the erorr i'm getting on the setter : 

DesktopApp-0.js:13132 Tue May 21 16:24:02 GMT+200 2024 SEVERE: Exception caught: 
(TypeError) : b.setCodiceAmministrazione is not a function Exception caught: 
(TypeError) : b.setCodiceAmministrazione is not a function
Il giorno martedì 21 maggio 2024 alle 14:56:22 UTC+2 Marco Tenti 
(IoProgrammo88) ha scritto:

Sorry Thomas about your last comment "  I'd rather user fields than 
getters/setters for such objects "  can you point me out to some example 
for this ?

Il giorno mercoledì 29 giugno 2022 alle 09:48:49 UTC+2 Thomas Broyer ha 

Using isNative=true, you're telling GWT that you're only "mapping" in Java 
a *type* that exists in JS. The default naming rule is that the full name 
of that type is the fully qualified name of the Java class, you can change 
the simple name with 'name', and the *prefix* with namespace (which 
defaults to the package name for top-level classes, or the enclosing type's 
JS name for nested classes). So with namespace=GLOBAL but without the 
name="Object", you're saying that you want to basically do a 'new 
$wnd.MyPluginConfig()' in JS, and the browser rightfully complains that 
there's no such MyPluginConfig. Adding name="Object" means you'll do a 'new 
$wnd.Object()' in JS.

Fwiw, I'd rather user fields than getters/setters for such objects. YMMV.

On Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at 8:38:19 AM UTC+2 Nicolas Chamouard wrote:

Thank you !
It is a bit mysterious to me, but with *name = "Object"* the constructor 
works :)

Le mercredi 29 juin 2022 à 00:47:32 UTC+2, a écrit :

try adding name = "Object" so that it uses an empty javascript Object as 
the wrapped item.

I found this via Googling:

@JsType(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, isNative = true, name = "Object") 
public class MyPluginConfig { @JsProperty public void set(String str); @
JsProperty public String get(); ... }


On Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 6:24 PM Nicolas Chamouard  

Yes, it does not change anything : 

@JsType(*isNative*=*true*, *namespace* = JsPackage.*GLOBAL*)

*public* *class* OptionOverrides {


*public* OptionOverrides() {}


*public* *native* String getInitialView();


*public* *native* *void* setInitialView(String initialView);


Still the same error : *$wnd.OptionOverrides is not a constructor*

Le mardi 28 juin 2022 à 23:27:08 UTC+2, a écrit :

Have you tried giving the class a constructor?

On Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 4:04 PM Nicolas Chamouard  


I am using JsInterop to integrate FullCalendar to my GWT application.
As described here, I am 
supposed to create an object literal and pass it to the Calendar() 

I have managed to create this class : 

@JsType(*namespace* = JsPackage.*GLOBAL*)

*public* *class* OptionOverrides {


*public* *native* String getInitialView();


*public* *native* *void* setInitialView(String initialView);


It works but the FullCalendar complains about all the Java Object stuff 
that is translated to javascript : equals(), hashCode(), etc

I have tried to add* isNative=true* to my class, but in this case i cannot 
instantiate it in Java (error : $wnd.OptionOverrides is not a constructor)

Is there an other way to do this, am I missing something here ?


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Re: Help to undrerstand how to use domino-jackson and the annotation JSONMapper

2024-04-12 Thread Thomas Broyer
Aren't you supposed to directly use the generated class rather than using 
GWT.create() ? (unless you also added a  in your gwt.xml)

On Friday, April 12, 2024 at 1:20:27 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> I'm upgrading a old project and i want to replace the old gwt-jackson (
>  with the 
> domino-jackson project (
> It should be a simple transiction, but i cannot understand how to let the 
> GWT compilation "see" the implementations classes of the ObjectMapper 
> interface.
> *Here the "old" code from gwt-jackson*
> *public static interface AltriMetadatiDTOMapper extends 
> com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.client.ObjectMapper>>
> {} *
> * ... *
> * AltriMetadatiDTOMapper altriMetadatiDTOMapper = 
> GWT.create(AltriMetadatiDTOMapper.class); String jsonAltriMetadati = 
> altriMetadatiDTOMapper.write(object); *
> *Here the "new" code from domino-jackson*
> *@org.dominokit.jackson.annotation.JSONMapper public interface 
> AltriMetadatiDTOMapper extends 
> org.dominokit.jackson.ObjectMapper>> {}*
> * ... *
> * AltriMetadatiDTOMapper altriMetadatiDTOMapper = 
> GWT.create(AltriMetadatiDTOMappe.class); String jsonAltriMetadati = 
> altriMetadatiDTOMapper.write(object); *
> but it give to me this error
> [ERROR] Errors in '' [INFO] [ERROR] Line 662: Rebind result 
> 'xxx.AltriMetadatiDTOMapper' must be a class
> Did anyone know what i'm doing wrong ?

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Re: Really need help getting CodeServer to run with Java 11 and GWT 2.10

2024-04-12 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Friday, April 12, 2024 at 7:50:42 AM UTC+2 Mathias wrote:

-My dependencies should be ok since i can build it with the plugin, so i'm 
a bit at a loss as to how make this work.

Dependencies for gwt:compile and gwt:codeserver aren't the 
You might have to either adjust the  of dependencies (e.g. from 
provided to compile) or adjust the gwt:codeserver's classpathScope (e.g. 
from runtime to compile+runtime or compile)

as a final aside:
The "neither a gwt-lib or jar" warning messages in the error log below - i 
still get it if i add the gwt-lib type to the dependency, and the archetype 
project prints the same error when created.

Note that it's an info, not a warning 

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Re: How to unescape a JSONString?

2024-04-06 Thread Thomas Broyer
There's no escaping. You have a string value, it stays a string value. If 
its content is JSON representing an array and you want that array, then 
indeed you have to parse the JSON.

It looks like there's a major misunderstanding about what GWT does with 
your code, and/or possibly where/when the code runs or something.
GWT "only" translates the Java syntax to JS (and also optimizes 
everything), and therefore comes with a library of classes that emulates 
the Java runtime core classes so they can also be translated the same way 
as your code. JSNI is an escape hatch to be able to "put JS syntax inside 
your Java syntax", but that's all.
In other words, if you have a string "[ 42, true, null ]" in a variable 
(that you retrieved from your server), if you call that method, it's 
exactly equivalent to this JS:
var iceServersJson = "[ 42, true, null ]";
var peerConnectionConfig = {
  iceServers: iceServersJson
i.e. the peerConnectionConfig object has an iceServers property whose value 
is just the iceServersJson string value.
GWT won't "magically" generate JS code at runtime replacing the value as-is 
to form some new JS each time, i.e. it *won't* become:
var peerConnectionConfig = {
  iceServers: [ 42, true, null ]
No, really, that Java/JSNI function is transformed to this JS function:
function createPeerConnection(iceServersJson) {
  var peerConnectionConfig = {
iceServers: iceServersJson
  return new RTCPeerConnection(peerConnectionConfig);
and then at one point you call it. It's your job to give it either a string 
value or parse the string value as JSON and passe the result.

Kudos to resurrecting a 15 years old post though! 藍

BTW, you may want to prefer JsonUtils.safeEval(iceServersJson) 
(and actually you may want to move to using JsInterop rather than JSNI, and 
maybe Elemental 2)

On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 8:01:13 AM UTC+2 

> I ran into this.  GWT is too smart sometimes.  :)
> For my example, I was querying an API for WebRTC ICE servers, which 
> returned a string which was a JSON array.
> When I had:
> private static native JavaScriptObject createPeerConnection(String 
> iceServersJson) /*-{
>   var peerConnectionConfig = {
> iceServers: iceServersJson
>   };
>   return new RTCPeerConnection(peerConnectionConfig);
> }-*/;
> GWT excaped the quotes, so iceServers switched from an array, to just a 
> string, exactly like I asked it to.
> So, really, I needed what Thomas suggested:
> JavaScriptObject iceServersObj = ((JSONArray)JSONParser.parseStrict(
> iceServersJson)).getJavaScriptObject();
> private static native JavaScriptObject createPeerConnection(JavaScriptObject 
> iceServersJson) /*-{
>   var peerConnectionConfig = {
> iceServers: iceServersJson
>   };
>   return new RTCPeerConnection(peerConnectionConfig);
> }-*/;
> Now I'm telling GWT it's a JSO, and GWT knows not to escape it.
> On Monday 9 November 2009 at 10:25:24 pm UTC+11 Thomas Broyer wrote:
>> On Nov 9, 11:47 am, peterk  wrote: 
>> > I'm having some trouble dealing with escaping and unescaping of Java 
>> > strings for encoding in JSON. 
>> > 
>> > I use JSONString to encode a Java string and that seems to work ok. 
>> > For example, newlines turn into \n, tabs turn into \t and so on. 
>> > 
>> > However, given this escaped sequence back, how to I turn this back 
>> > into an unescaped javastring wheren \n is turned into a newline and so 
>> > on? 
>> > 
>> > If I use stringvalue() on the JSONString it just gives back the same 
>> > json encoded string with the \n and \t encoding etc. 
>> > 
>> > Anyone have any ideas? :) 
>> JSONParser.parse? ;-)

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Re: NoClassDefFoundError on a particular class while running gwt:codeserver

2024-04-05 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 9:29:21 PM UTC+2 wrote:


I can't seem to be able to point out what dependency I am missing while 
trying to run my gwt application in Devmode with gwt:codeserver.
I can  build the program, compile it and deploy it without a problem. 
However when I am trying to run it in devmode I am having this error :
*java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class* 

I have included all dependencies related to hibernate in my pom.xml with 
the right versions of dependency I believe. 
What am I missing?

If it builds but does not "run" then it's likely a dependency scoping 
Your Hibernate dependencies have provided so I would bet on 

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Re: Session Management problem in flask application

2024-04-04 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 2:21:36 PM UTC+2 

ok, thanks again @Thomas Broyer for provide me the information on session 
and cookies

and also read this below conditions and let me this working is wrong or 
right ..

1)in current situation in my flask app multiple user login possible but 
browsers also have different  means one user login on one browser and if 
users are same on same browser then it works properly but if user is same 
and again same user login then generate new session id inside the cookies 
and this session id also replace in  all tabs of the same browser where 
this specific user already login

That's right, which is why you'd want your app to somehow detect when it 
loads that a session already exists and can just be reused, rather than 
showing the login screen and forcing the creation of a new session, 
replacing the previous one and possibly impacting other tabs.

2)i wants to test my flask app in same browser but i wants to different 
user login and if  new user login then previous user don't logout 

Use incognito/private mode. In Firefox you can use "containers" to, well, 
containerize, tabs with different sets of 

so read all above conditions or doubts and then provide me suggestions
On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 3:13:20 PM UTC+5:30 Thomas Broyer wrote:

Not sure what more I can say.

   - "Server-side sessions" use cookies, which are global to the whole 
   browser (not per-tab), so if you want per-tab sessions you have to find 
   another approach than "server-side sessions"
   - Per-tab sessions are not what most sites/apps do, so users will likely 
   not expect it (and most users login with a single account at a time anyway, 
   so it's mostly a non-issue). In other words, you want to do something that 
   people are not accustomed to. More clearly: don't do it (unless you have 
   very, very, very good reasons to)
   - What you should do though (that you probably don't do nowadays, which 
   lead you to discover that behavior of your app) is to somehow check, when 
   your app loads, whether there's already a session or not (generally, make a 
   request to the server to get the user's information –username, etc.– and 
   handle errors so you display the login form when unauthenticated). Opening 
   your app in multiple tabs (after authenticating in one tab) shouldn't show 
   you the login form.

On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 9:55:24 AM UTC+2 

thanks @Thoms  Broyer
can you elaborate more that can help me and clear what you wants to say

On Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 6:02:06 PM UTC+5:30 Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 1:16:58 PM UTC+2 

Hello everyone,
In my flask application there is some issue related to login system  and 
issue as below 1)in  flask app there are multiple users(roles) like 
admin ,indentor.etc. and the problem is that if any user login on same 
browser where already any user logged in then previous user automatically 
logout and recent user logging successfully 
2)if browser are different and users also different means only one user 
login through one browser then there is no problem it works properly 
3)if browser is same and user also same then same name user login 
successfully but previous same user session id change 
4)in  any browser with same web page who running  on local server  all tabs 
session id same inside the cookies it means on same browser all tabs 
session id same for same web application 

i current situation i face the issue related to session management ,and 
issue is that only one user login at same time with same browser

This is just how the web works.

If you don't want this, then you can't use cookies to maintain your session 
(e.g. generate some access token on the server that you send back to the 
client and have it send it in a header with each request to the server; the 
client could possibly save it in sessionStorage to store the token so it 
survives a page refresh while segregating it to the current tab)
But note that I believe most users expect that middle-clicking a link (or 
right-click → open in new tab) will preserve their session, and because 
every web app out there shares the session across all tabs they won't even 
try to login with a different user in a different tab (they'll expect that 
their session is "detected" and reused, without seeing a login screen)

Also, BTW, this is not GWT-related (in that, it applies whether you use GWT 
or not).

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Re: Session Management problem in flask application

2024-04-04 Thread Thomas Broyer
Not sure what more I can say.

   - "Server-side sessions" use cookies, which are global to the whole 
   browser (not per-tab), so if you want per-tab sessions you have to find 
   another approach than "server-side sessions"
   - Per-tab sessions are not what most sites/apps do, so users will likely 
   not expect it (and most users login with a single account at a time anyway, 
   so it's mostly a non-issue). In other words, you want to do something that 
   people are not accustomed to. More clearly: don't do it (unless you have 
   very, very, very good reasons to)
   - What you should do though (that you probably don't do nowadays, which 
   lead you to discover that behavior of your app) is to somehow check, when 
   your app loads, whether there's already a session or not (generally, make a 
   request to the server to get the user's information –username, etc.– and 
   handle errors so you display the login form when unauthenticated). Opening 
   your app in multiple tabs (after authenticating in one tab) shouldn't show 
   you the login form.

On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 9:55:24 AM UTC+2 

thanks @Thoms  Broyer
can you elaborate more that can help me and clear what you wants to say

On Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 6:02:06 PM UTC+5:30 Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 1:16:58 PM UTC+2 

Hello everyone,
In my flask application there is some issue related to login system  and 
issue as below 1)in  flask app there are multiple users(roles) like 
admin ,indentor.etc. and the problem is that if any user login on same 
browser where already any user logged in then previous user automatically 
logout and recent user logging successfully 
2)if browser are different and users also different means only one user 
login through one browser then there is no problem it works properly 
3)if browser is same and user also same then same name user login 
successfully but previous same user session id change 
4)in  any browser with same web page who running  on local server  all tabs 
session id same inside the cookies it means on same browser all tabs 
session id same for same web application 

i current situation i face the issue related to session management ,and 
issue is that only one user login at same time with same browser

This is just how the web works.

If you don't want this, then you can't use cookies to maintain your session 
(e.g. generate some access token on the server that you send back to the 
client and have it send it in a header with each request to the server; the 
client could possibly save it in sessionStorage to store the token so it 
survives a page refresh while segregating it to the current tab)
But note that I believe most users expect that middle-clicking a link (or 
right-click → open in new tab) will preserve their session, and because 
every web app out there shares the session across all tabs they won't even 
try to login with a different user in a different tab (they'll expect that 
their session is "detected" and reused, without seeing a login screen)

Also, BTW, this is not GWT-related (in that, it applies whether you use GWT 
or not).

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Re: Session Management problem in flask application

2024-04-03 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 1:16:58 PM UTC+2 

Hello everyone,
In my flask application there is some issue related to login system  and 
issue as below 1)in  flask app there are multiple users(roles) like 
admin ,indentor.etc. and the problem is that if any user login on same 
browser where already any user logged in then previous user automatically 
logout and recent user logging successfully 
2)if browser are different and users also different means only one user 
login through one browser then there is no problem it works properly 
3)if browser is same and user also same then same name user login 
successfully but previous same user session id change 
4)in  any browser with same web page who running  on local server  all tabs 
session id same inside the cookies it means on same browser all tabs 
session id same for same web application 

i current situation i face the issue related to session management ,and 
issue is that only one user login at same time with same browser

This is just how the web works.

If you don't want this, then you can't use cookies to maintain your session 
(e.g. generate some access token on the server that you send back to the 
client and have it send it in a header with each request to the server; the 
client could possibly save it in sessionStorage to store the token so it 
survives a page refresh while segregating it to the current tab)
But note that I believe most users expect that middle-clicking a link (or 
right-click → open in new tab) will preserve their session, and because 
every web app out there shares the session across all tabs they won't even 
try to login with a different user in a different tab (they'll expect that 
their session is "detected" and reused, without seeing a login screen)

Also, BTW, this is not GWT-related (in that, it applies whether you use GWT 
or not).

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Re: [ERROR] Unable to find 'com/google/common/collect/Collect.gwt.xml' : GWT 2.9

2024-04-01 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Saturday, March 30, 2024 at 11:01:46 PM UTC+1 wrote:

You said : *" Also, the moduleTemplate configuration looks wrong, like 
you've left an example placeholder in the configuration?", *
No, I don't think so, I moved the module.gwt.xml where the client/local 
folder because the old project I want to migrate uses the old version of 
mojo gwt-maven plugin and that's where the module is. Could that also be 
part of my issue? I specified the path like that because the with Tbroyer 
version, the gwt xml module file is not in the same place.

If you have a complete module file, you should rather skip the 
`generate-module` goal by setting true rather than 

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Re: i have applied below CSP policy and changed my GWT version to 2.8.2 after that i am getting below error for PRC call ( to read Database and populate the data in UI and save data to DB) and button

2024-03-28 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 8:23:13 AM UTC+1 

> i have applied below CSP policy and changed my GWT version to 2.8.2
> after that i am getting below error for PRC call ( to read Database and 
> populate the data in UI and save data to DB) and button click ( front 
> validations , read data from DB ..etc).
> Error Details : 
> java.lang.Exception: 
> (EvalError) : Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 
> 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content 
> Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 
>  'nonce-ByDmqt7tbtEnVEDxmZslig=='".
> my current csp policy : 
> script-src 'self' 
> 'nonce-ByDmqt7tbtEnVEDxmZslig=='; object-src 'self'; img-src https: 'self' 
> data:
> my current code to make RPC call : 
> protected AsyncCallback> 
> getTeamBillToCompaniesByUser()
> {
> final String methodName = "getTeamBillToCompaniesByUser: ";
> + " started");
> return new AsyncCallback>()
> {
> @Override
> public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
> {
> * Exception ex = new Exception(caught);*
> * + "onFailure" + "caught:" + ex);*
> }
> @Override
> public void onSuccess(List result)
> {
> + "onSuccess: billingAccnId: " + billingAccnId);
> updateBillToListBox(result, true); //boolean onload = true
> }
> };
> }
> based on browser console message error is with below code 
>   msg = 
> com_google_gwt_logging_client_TextLogFormatter_$format__Lcom_google_gwt_logging_client_TextLogFormatter_2Ljava_util_logging_LogRecord_2Ljava_lang_String_2(this.java_util_logging_Handler_formatter,
> record);
> val = record.java_util_logging_LogRecord_level.intValue__I();
> val >= (java_util_logging_Level_$clinit__V(),
> $intern_38) ? (window.console.error(msg),
> undefined) : val >= 900 ? (window.console.warn(msg),
> undefined) : val >= 800 ? (,
> undefined) : (window.console.log(msg),
> undefined);
> $JsStackEmulator_stackDepth = JsStackEmulator_stackIndex - 1;

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Re: apply content secure policy using script-src 'self' and object-src 'self' without unsafe-inline and unsafe-eval

2024-03-06 Thread Thomas Broyer
The problem is not loading the nocache.js itself, but is triggered by the 
setupInstallLocation function of the nocache.js, at line 71, specifically 
the line:
and probably due to that line:
scriptFrame.src = $intern_10;
because of:
$intern_10 = 'javascript:""'

This was actually fixed in 
so you're probably using an older version.
One workaround, as described in the comments in that file is to extend 
CrossSiteIframeLinker and override getJsInstallLocation() to return your 
own script where you'd have applied the fix.

…but then things will break in installCode and __installRunAsyncCode, 
You'll want to replace those with modified versions (read 
CrossSiteIframeLinker to see how to override them) that will add the nonce 
to the dynamically created script (though as they're injected into the 
iframe that's been dynamicallly created in setupInstallLocation, I'm not 
sure how/which CSP applies there)
On Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 4:47:29 PM UTC+1 wrote:

> Hi Team
> Hope you are doing well
> i am using GWT version 2.8.2
> i am trying to apply content secure policy in GWT using  script-src 'self' 
> and object-src 'self' without unsafe-inline and unsafe-eval but i am 
> getting below 
> setupInstallLocation @ AllDec.nocache.js?timeStamp=1709618887261:71
> AllDec.nocache.js?timeStamp=1709618887261:71 Refused to run the JavaScript 
> URL because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: 
> "script-src 'self'  'nonce-alldec202403040001' 'nonce-alldec202403040002' 
> 'nonce-trwFrame-202403040001' 'nonce-footer-202403040001' 
> 'nonce-menu202403040001' 'nonce-Header2022092604' 'nonce-Header2022092603' 
> 'nonce-Header2022092602' 'nonce-Header2022092601' 
> 'nonce-header-momentjs-20221027' 'nonce-header-inline-2022102701' 
> 'nonce-header-inline-2022102702'". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a 
> hash ('sha256-...'), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline 
> execution. Note that hashes do not apply to event handlers, style 
> attributes and javascript: navigations unless the 'unsafe-hashes' keyword 
> is present.
> my code logic with different approaches and none of them work for me 
>  src="../trw4/alldec/AllDec.nocache.js?timeStamp=<%= "" + new 
> java.util.Date().getTime() %>" nonce="alldec202403040001">
>  src="../trw4/alldec/AllDec.nocache.js?timeStamp=<%= "" + new 
> java.util.Date().getTime() %>" nonce="nonce-alldec202403040001">
>  src="../trw4/alldec/AllDec.nocache.js?nonce=alldec202403040001&timeStamp=<%= 
> "" + new java.util.Date().getTime() %>" nonce="alldec202403040001">
>  src="../trw4/alldec/AllDec.nocache.js?nonce=nonce-alldec202403040001&timeStamp=<%=
> "" + new java.util.Date().getTime() %>" 
> nonce="nonce-alldec202403040001">
> i tried this as well but not working 
>String scriptUrl = 
> "../trw4/alldec/AllDec.nocache.js?nonce=alldec202403040001"
> .setWindow(ScriptInjector.TOP_WINDOW)
> .inject();
> Need your valuable inputs to achieve content secure policy in GWT using 
>  script-src 'self' and object-src 'self' without unsafe-inline and 
> unsafe-eval
> i suspect the inline java script code is not allowing  to apply  
> script-src 'self' and object-src 'self' without unsafe-inline and 
> unsafe-eval
> here is my AllDec.nocache.js 
> function AllDec(){
>   var $intern_0 = 'bootstrap', $intern_1 = 'begin', $intern_2 = 
> 'gwt.codesvr.AllDec=', $intern_3 = 'gwt.codesvr=', $intern_4 = 'AllDec', 
> $intern_5 = 'startup', $intern_6 = 'DUMMY', $intern_7 = 0, $intern_8 = 1, 
> $intern_9 = 'iframe', $intern_10 = 'javascript:""', $intern_11 = 
> 'position:absolute; width:0; height:0; border:none; left: -1000px;', 
> $intern_12 = ' top: -1000px;', $intern_13 = 'CSS1Compat', $intern_14 = 
> '', $intern_15 = '', $intern_16 = 
> '<\/head><\/body><\/html>', $intern_17 = 'undefined', 
> $intern_18 = 'readystatechange', $intern_19 = 10, $intern_20 = 'script', 
> $intern_21 = 'javascript', $intern_22 = 'Failed to load ', $intern_23 = 
> 'moduleStartup', $intern_24 = 'scriptTagAdded', $intern_25 = 
> 'moduleRequested', $intern_26 = 'meta', $intern_27 = 'name', $intern_28 = 
> 'AllDec::', $intern_29 = '::', $intern_30 = 'gwt:property', $intern_31 = 
> 'content', $intern_32 = '=', $intern_33 = 'gwt:onPropertyErrorFn', 
> $intern_34 = 'Bad handler "', $intern_35 = '" for "gwt:onPropertyErrorFn"', 
> $intern_36 = 'gwt:onLoadErrorFn', $intern_37 = '" for "gwt:onLoadErrorFn"', 
> $intern_38 = '#', $intern_39 = '?', $intern_40 = '/', $intern_41 = 'img', 
> $intern_42 = 

Re: Deobfuscated stack trace message and line-specific stack traces

2024-02-26 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Monday, February 26, 2024 at 11:56:45 AM UTC+1 

Thanks Thomas, now working great!

For anyone coming from the Eclipse GWT plugin, you can do this to keep it 
consistant with how it used to work:

In your client pom.  Add the  like this:



nit: use ${} rather than hard-coding the 

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Re: Deobfuscated stack trace message and line-specific stack traces

2024-02-25 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 12:34:44 AM UTC+1 

Sorry, I do see them in  

How do I get them from there, into the war?

Configure  to somewhere inside the  (preferably 
inside WEB-INF so they won't be served)

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Re: Deploy to Google App Engine (GAE)

2024-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer
In retrospect, I think the GWT BOM (to avoid managing non-GWT dependencies 
where there's no need to) possibly either should only be used in the client 
module, or should really only list GWT artifacts. That being said, if you 
use the Jetty BOM in the server module (and you should), it should override 
the GWT BOM.

On Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 8:11:38 PM UTC+1 

> The gwt artifact is indeed in dependency management, but when the 
> jetty-main jar for jetty 11 is a dependency of server module it draws in 
> jetty 9 dependencies and and also gwt-servlet leading to a no javax-servlet 
> error. Remove gwt from the root fixes it.  Maybe this will cause problems 
> beyond this sample.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
> <>
> On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 12:14, Thomas Broyer
>  wrote:
> I could easily write a Main class that runs an embedded Jetty server 
> jagwtvax(
> with the configured GWT-RPC servlet and serving static resources from 
> multiple dirs (
> but then there would still be a whole lot of questions either unanswered or 
> with an necessarily opinionated answer:
>- how to set "dev mode" for the Main class? (to add the codeserver's 
>launcherDir to the resource bases; I would personally use a system 
> property 
>with the launcherDir's path and react to its presence/absence)
>- how to package/deploy the static resources? as resources in the JAR? 
>(that's what I'd do if I'd wanted my deliverable to be a single JAR) as a 
>directory alongside the JAR? (that's what I'd do if my deliverable were a 
>native deb/rpm/whatever package or a Docker image)
>- that Main class would likely not be production-ready (should it use 
>the QoSHandler? GzipHandler? how about the CrossOriginHandler? the 
> <>
>- you'd probably want to refactor the Main class anyway to add 
>command-line arguments and/or configuration files, a logging framework, 
>possibly dependency-injection, etc.
> My question is: *what do you expect from such an archetype?*
> The initial goal was to show how to cleanly/clearly separate 
> client/shared/server classpaths, which involves some configuration for how 
> to run the server so it serves the codeserver's launcherDir. As soon as you 
> go "custom" on the server, you have to handle that specific "dev mode" 
> configuration, but then it's custom to your custom code, and necessarily 
> becomes somewhat opinionated. This means that the archetype can't really 
> "show you how to do things" without being opinionated, and I don't want to 
> go that road (I specifically don't want to *maintain* such an opinionated 
> thing). Feel free to create opinionated archetypes though, and I'll happily 
> review them and help you set them up (this will bring my own opinions into 
> the mix though)
> On Friday, February 23, 2024 at 12:05:22 AM UTC+1 
> wrote:
> I know it's outside of its scope, but it would be great if 
> had an example of "If you 
> want to create an executable jar with Jetty, this is how you could do it".  
> 
> On Thursday 22 February 2024 at 5:30:51 am UTC+11 Tim Macpherson wrote:
> I tried starting with the tbroyer archetype & to the server project I 
> added the app engine stuff from the Google sample to build the 
> appengine-staging dependencies directory.
> Maybe all that should be in a separate project ?
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
> <>
> On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 17:42, Thomas Broyer
>  wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 3:11:54 PM UTC+1 
> wrote:
> I've been trying this app engine sample for Java 11+ which uses a JAR 
> packaged artifact that is installed locally:
> it provides a Main class to instantiate an HTTP server to run an embedded 
> web application WAR fi

Re: Deploy to Google App Engine (GAE)

2024-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer
I could easily write a Main class that runs an embedded Jetty server 
with the configured GWT-RPC servlet and serving static resources from 
multiple dirs 
but then there would still be a whole lot of questions either unanswered or 
with an necessarily opinionated answer:

   - how to set "dev mode" for the Main class? (to add the codeserver's 
   launcherDir to the resource bases; I would personally use a system property 
   with the launcherDir's path and react to its presence/absence)
   - how to package/deploy the static resources? as resources in the JAR? 
   (that's what I'd do if I'd wanted my deliverable to be a single JAR) as a 
   directory alongside the JAR? (that's what I'd do if my deliverable were a 
   native deb/rpm/whatever package or a Docker image)
   - that Main class would likely not be production-ready (should it use 
   the QoSHandler? GzipHandler? how about the CrossOriginHandler? the 
   - you'd probably want to refactor the Main class anyway to add 
   command-line arguments and/or configuration files, a logging framework, 
   possibly dependency-injection, etc.

My question is: *what do you expect from such an archetype?*

The initial goal was to show how to cleanly/clearly separate 
client/shared/server classpaths, which involves some configuration for how 
to run the server so it serves the codeserver's launcherDir. As soon as you 
go "custom" on the server, you have to handle that specific "dev mode" 
configuration, but then it's custom to your custom code, and necessarily 
becomes somewhat opinionated. This means that the archetype can't really 
"show you how to do things" without being opinionated, and I don't want to 
go that road (I specifically don't want to *maintain* such an opinionated 
thing). Feel free to create opinionated archetypes though, and I'll happily 
review them and help you set them up (this will bring my own opinions into 
the mix though)

On Friday, February 23, 2024 at 12:05:22 AM UTC+1 

> I know it's outside of its scope, but it would be great if 
> had an example of "If you 
> want to create an executable jar with Jetty, this is how you could do it".  
> 
> On Thursday 22 February 2024 at 5:30:51 am UTC+11 Tim Macpherson wrote:
>> I tried starting with the tbroyer archetype & to the server project I 
>> added the app engine stuff from the Google sample to build the 
>> appengine-staging dependencies directory.
>> Maybe all that should be in a separate project ?
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
>> <>
>> On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 17:42, Thomas Broyer
>>  wrote:
>> On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 3:11:54 PM UTC+1 
>> wrote:
>> I've been trying this app engine sample for Java 11+ which uses a JAR 
>> packaged artifact that is installed locally:
>> it provides a Main class to instantiate an HTTP server to run an embedded 
>> web application WAR file.
>> It has explicit jetty 11 dependencies.
>> The WAR project is
>> The WAR is run in a local server with:
>> mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="../helloworld-servlet/target/helloworld.war"
>> The problem I have is when I include GWT in the WAR project this draws in 
>> Jetty 9 & other dependencies
>> which get copied to the cloud-deployment dependencies directory.
>> This means you WAR have dependencies on gwt-user and/or gwt-dev, that you 
>> never want to deploy to a server. The WAR should have a dependency on 
>> gwt-servlet only (or requestfactory-server).
>> …and this is exactly what 
>> were meant to solve.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "GWT Users" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and st

Re: Deploy to Google App Engine (GAE)

2024-02-21 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 3:11:54 PM UTC+1 

I've been trying this app engine sample for Java 11+ which uses a JAR 
packaged artifact that is installed locally:
it provides a Main class to instantiate an HTTP server to run an embedded 
web application WAR file.
It has explicit jetty 11 dependencies.

The WAR project is
The WAR is run in a local server with:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="../helloworld-servlet/target/helloworld.war"

The problem I have is when I include GWT in the WAR project this draws in 
Jetty 9 & other dependencies
which get copied to the cloud-deployment dependencies directory.

This means you WAR have dependencies on gwt-user and/or gwt-dev, that you 
never want to deploy to a server. The WAR should have a dependency on 
gwt-servlet only (or requestfactory-server).

…and this is exactly what 
were meant to solve.

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Re: Deploy to Google App Engine (GAE)

2024-02-21 Thread Thomas Broyer
Fwiw, I haven't used WARs for years (and by years I mean more than a 
decade), but the archetype is only there to help you get started with 
cleanly separated client/shared/server modules, and I don't want to impose 
my own opinionated way of building apps to others (or possibly start 
bikeshedding wars (sic!)), so I chose a WAR target and tried to find a 
plugin to make it easy to run the app, so Jetty it was (there used to be a 
Tomcat plugin that worked really well, better than Jetty even, but it's 
been un maintained for years so…)
Of course if you want something that scaffolds everything for you, then go 
with Spring (I personally can't stand this ecosystem but YMMV)

(also fwiw, I haven't really used Maven for years either, and never used 
archetypes other than for quickly building bug repros/MCVEs or as 
examples/inspiration for projects, that I always start from scratch)
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 1:20:03 AM UTC+1 wrote:

> Now I have it all working.  This is what I found:
> Google App Engine Standard no longer gives you a web server, so you need 
> to provide your own.
>- If you use you get 
>Jetty when running in dev, but nothing when doing a mvn package (just a 
> war 
>file that can be deployed to an existing web server - no good for Google 
>App Engine).
>- If you use 
>you get Embedded Tomcat, both in dev, and also when packaging to a war.  
> So 
>you can run java -jar myapp.war and it'll start using the embedded Tomcat 
>web server.
> If you want to run on the cheap F1 Google App Engine instances, Tomcat is 
> too heavy, and you'll run out of memory.  You can easily switch Spring Boot 
> to use Undertow, which is a lightweight web server, and runs great on the 
> F1 instances.
> Cheers.
> On Wednesday 27 December 2023 at 4:15:34 am UTC+11 
> wrote:
>> Maybe this thread is gettig a bit off-topic for gwt ? maybe more suitable 
>> for Stackoverflow
>> or
>> &
>> now superceded by
>> On Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 12:21:05 AM UTC Craig Mitchell wrote:
>>> Odd, my message was deleted.  Maybe it was too boring.  :-D
>>> The highlights:
>>>- I'm not sure if you get a Jetty server bundled or not if you use 
>>>the legacy bundled services.  The documentation is a little ambiguous to 
>>> me.
>>>- You do get a stand alone server "dev server" that you can deploy a 
>>>war to.  Great for final testing, but it's unclear if you'll be able to 
>>>debug on it.
>>>- Your static files worked because the legacy version allows a war 
>>>file, and you have the maven-war-plugin in your POM.
>>>- If I switch to SpringBoot, I'll move my static files to either 
>>>a /public or /static directory.
>>> Personally, I'm going to skip the legacy bundled services, and just use 
>>> the second-generation Java runtime with my own web server.
>>> Cheers!
>>> On Monday 25 December 2023 at 3:48:23 am UTC+11 
>>> wrote:
 Looks like Cloud CLI provides a dev server if  using the legacy bundled 
 services (App Engine API JAR)?
 If you are using the legacy bundled services, the second-generation 
 Java runtimes provide the Jetty web-serving framework.
 The Google Cloud CLI for Java includes a local development server for 
 testing your application on your computer. The local development server 
 emulates the App Engine Java runtime environment and all of its services, 
 including Datastore.
 What do you think ?

 Re. static files: in my setup appengine:deploy at base directory server 
 project deploys  SNAPSHOT.war. 
 Static files in \src\main\webapp end up in its root directory. 
 says in the case of a JAR-file, src/main/webapp has no special meaning 
 and goes on about jar directories that work with Springboot.

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Re: Had a problem trying GWT 2.11.0

2024-02-05 Thread Thomas Broyer
Just published version 2024.2.5 of the archetypes that adds a DOCTYPE 
linking to the DTD to the context.xml.

I could reproduce the jetty_overlays error in env=prod, but that really 
looks like a bug in the jetty-maven-plugin (and creating the directory 
allows the server to start, but it was still missing the overlay, so no 
*.nocache.js loaded from the HTML host page).

On Sunday, February 4, 2024 at 6:43:59 PM UTC+1 wrote:

> After generating a project skeleton using the latest gwt-maven-archetypes 
> , done the usual:
> - mvn gwt:codeserver -pl *-client -am
> - mvn jetty:run -pl *-server -am -Denv=dev
> The first command executed without problems, however the second one failed 
> to start jetty showing on terminal the following error: 
> [*ERROR*] *SAX Parse Issue @null line:1 col:59 : 
> org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 59; 
> cvc-elt.1.a: Cannot find the declaration of element 'Configure'.*
> [*INFO*] 
> **
> [*INFO*] 
> *Reactor Summary for gwt-gpt 1.0-SNAPSHOT:*[*INFO*] 
> [*INFO*] gwt-gpt  *SUCCESS* 
> [  5.841 s]
> [*INFO*] gwt-gpt-shared . *SUCCESS* 
> [  1.400 s]
> [*INFO*] gwt-gpt-server . *FAILURE* 
> [  0.703 s]
> [*INFO*] 
> **
> [*INFO*] 
> **
> [*INFO*] Total time:  14.168 s
> [*INFO*] Finished at: 2024-02-04T16:51:35Z
> [*INFO*] 
> **
> After many searches I found that *context.xml* in *jettyconf* folder had 
> missing dtd schema. Adding that as follows jetty started with no error: 
> * " 
> ">*
> org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.Default.useFileMappedBuffer
> false

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Re: gwt-maven-springboot-archetype updated ...

2024-02-01 Thread Thomas Broyer
You may want to use -agentlib:jdwp (as given by IntelliJ IDEA) rather than 
the legacy -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp (and then you no longer need the quotes )

And when I say legacy, I really mean it: already in Java 8 -Xdebug does 
and Xrunjdwp is superceded by agentlib 

On Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 10:49:41 PM UTC+1 wrote:

> Thank you!  Working great now (quotes were important).  
> [image: Screen.png]
> On Thursday 1 February 2024 at 6:38:47 am UTC+11 Frank Hossfeld wrote:
>> Mmmh, it might be worth adding this information to the archetype docs.

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Re: "Unload event listeners are deprecated" browser error

2024-01-25 Thread Thomas Broyer
Apparently, this happens when you use Window.addXxxHandler (and for 
instance the default PlaceController's delegate calls 
Window.addClosingHandler, which registers an unload handler but is only 
interested in the beforeunload event)

On Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 5:18:39 PM UTC+1 wrote:

> Hello.
> Browsers running our GWT application (version 2.11) have recently (this 
> week) started reporting errors like this one:
> [{"age":41550,"body":{"columnNumber":192,"id":"UnloadHandler
> ","lineNumber":3210,"message":"Unload event listeners are deprecated and 
> will be removed.","sourceFile":"ourmodule-0.js"},"type":"deprecation","
> url":"oururl","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) 
> AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile 
> Safari/537.36"}]
> Any idea about why is this happening?  Is GWT using a deprecated browser 
> feature?
> Thanks!
> Oscar

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Re: gwt-maven-springboot-archetype updated ...

2024-01-24 Thread Thomas Broyer
oh, and GWT 2.11 with Jakarta Servlet and Jetty 11; so requiring at least 
Java 11.

On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 7:55:33 PM UTC+1 Thomas Broyer wrote:

> I updated modular-webapp (and modular-requestfactory) to GWT 2.11 (in 
> version 2024.1.24)
> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 10:58:45 AM UTC+1 
> wrote:
>> Ignore my post.  Just realised the doco uses net.ltgt.gwt.archetypes and 
>> not the springboot com.github.nalukit.archetype.
>> And thus, it's still on GWT 2.10.0, and not 2.11.0 with the jakarta stuff.
>> On Wednesday 24 January 2024 at 8:39:07 pm UTC+11 Craig Mitchell wrote:
>>> I was going to suggest the GWT doco gets updated to use this, but I see 
>>> you already have!
>>> Excellent stuff!  
>>> On Tuesday 23 January 2024 at 11:05:48 pm UTC+11 Frank Hossfeld wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> both archetypes have been updated to the latest GWT (2.11.0) & Spring 
>>>> Boot version (3.2.2).
>>>> Happy generating ... 
>>>> cu Frank
>>>> Frank Hossfeld schrieb am Montag, 22. Januar 2024 um 14:29:41 UTC+1:
>>>>> Hi Grayson,
>>>>> it's on my To-Do-list. I had to wait until GWT 2.11.0 is released. 
>>>>> I'll try to take a look today.
>>>>> cu Frank
>>>>> schrieb am Montag, 22. Januar 2024 um 07:47:52 
>>>>> UTC+1:
>>>>>> Hi Frank,
>>>>>> Would you please also publish the new version for 
>>>>>> "modular-springboot-webapp" (the one that generates a gwt project with 
>>>>>> sample code)? The lastest verison of "modular-springboot-webapp" is 
>>>>>> still "
>>>>>> 2022.9.14 
>>>>>> <>"
>>>>>> which is more than a year old.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Grayson
>>>>>> On Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 4:46:30 PM UTC+7 Frank Hossfeld wrote:
>>>>>> Happy new year! I just released a new version of the 
>>>>>> The 
>>>>>> clean-modular-springboot-webapp generates now a Spring Boot 3 (Java 17) 
>>>>>> with GWT 2.10.0 multi module project. Happy coding!

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Re: gwt-maven-springboot-archetype updated ...

2024-01-24 Thread Thomas Broyer
I updated modular-webapp (and modular-requestfactory) to GWT 2.11 (in 
version 2024.1.24)

On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 10:58:45 AM UTC+1 wrote:

> Ignore my post.  Just realised the doco uses net.ltgt.gwt.archetypes and 
> not the springboot com.github.nalukit.archetype.
> And thus, it's still on GWT 2.10.0, and not 2.11.0 with the jakarta stuff.
> On Wednesday 24 January 2024 at 8:39:07 pm UTC+11 Craig Mitchell wrote:
>> I was going to suggest the GWT doco gets updated to use this, but I see 
>> you already have!
>> Excellent stuff!  
>> On Tuesday 23 January 2024 at 11:05:48 pm UTC+11 Frank Hossfeld wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> both archetypes have been updated to the latest GWT (2.11.0) & Spring 
>>> Boot version (3.2.2).
>>> Happy generating ... 
>>> cu Frank
>>> Frank Hossfeld schrieb am Montag, 22. Januar 2024 um 14:29:41 UTC+1:
 Hi Grayson,

 it's on my To-Do-list. I had to wait until GWT 2.11.0 is released. I'll 
 try to take a look today.

 cu Frank schrieb am Montag, 22. Januar 2024 um 07:47:52 

> Hi Frank,
> Would you please also publish the new version for 
> "modular-springboot-webapp" (the one that generates a gwt project with 
> sample code)? The lastest verison of "modular-springboot-webapp" is still 
> "
> 2022.9.14 
> "
> which is more than a year old.
> Thanks,
> Grayson
> On Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 4:46:30 PM UTC+7 Frank Hossfeld wrote:
> Happy new year! I just released a new version of the 
> The 
> clean-modular-springboot-webapp generates now a Spring Boot 3 (Java 17) 
> with GWT 2.10.0 multi module project. Happy coding!

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Re: How to debug the java code on the eclipse ide with the tbroyer gwt maven plugin ?

2023-12-12 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 3:44:34 PM UTC+1 

Which limitation are you referring to? Is it something that can be fixed or 
is it impossible to fix variable names there?
> The group’s plan is to identify the gaps, bring completeness and clarity 
to the current specification; and help source map debuggers, generators and 
tools to adhere to the updated specification. The intent is to work 
together on *adding long requested features such as passing through 
function and variable names*, and debug IDs to quickly identify source 
files or scope information. 

(emphasis mine)

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Re: Unable to run project on browser

2023-11-07 Thread Thomas Broyer
Every application can be updated if you put enough time/money, so not 
updating is a choice. Conversely, the cost of not updating increases as 
time passes (what you're experiencing here with development environments 
that are hard to setup).
If you (or your management) decide to live "in the past", then go all out: 
use a virtual machine with an OS and all libraries and applications from 13 
years ago (GWT 2.2.0 was released in February 2011), and try to preserve 
snapshots of it to make it easier to setup in case it breaks somehow.

That being said, unless you're trying to debug an application deployed with 
HTTPS (in which case you'd have to downgrade its security to support such 
an old Firefox version:, 
there shouldn't be any HTTPS in play, unless maybe to download the devmode 
plugin. You should be able to download it separately (using another, more 
recent browser) and then install it in Firefox.

On Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 3:00:50 PM UTC+1 wrote:

Hi Ralph, thanks for answering! I know it is not dependent on GWT, but the 
application uses gwt 2.2.0 and cannot be updated, therefore I need a 
browser which support my app. The error of firefox doesn't depend on GWT, 
because it gets the same error on most of the sites except google. I was 
only wondering if someone knows a way to use a different browser or if 
there is a way to make firefox 24.3.0 work!


Il giorno martedì 7 novembre 2023 alle 14:47:36 UTC+1 Ralph Fiergolla ha 

What makes you think this has anything to do with GWT? Your application is 
not dependent on the browser. 

Serena Roin  schrieb am Di. 7. Nov. 2023 um 13:34:

Being that GWT is unsupported on the recent browsers, and my PC has 
natively Windows 11, I've tried to launch my project on Edge with Internet 
Explorer compatibility, but it gets some problems. 
On my older PC I had downloaded Firefox 24.0.3, but now on this PC I get 
"ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap" error. I've tried the main solutions on the 
net, like the one proposed in,Sockets%20Layer%20(SSL)%20protection
Anything seems to work to launch this project on any browser, do you have 
any solution?


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Re: GWT: Deserialize objects sent/received via websocket

2023-10-23 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 3:25:18 PM UTC+2 wrote:

Hi everyone, 

thanks for all the thoughts about the topic. After further investigation of 
the protocol, it seems like there is no pbject serialization involved. 
Instead, the application creates a websocket and establishes a AES-CBC 
encrypted channel. Hence, the binary blobs that I was seeing are encrypted 
messages. If somebody is interested, the website is

I'm curious what made you think this is related to GWT: I don't see 
anything pointing to the use of GWT on that app.
The "gwt" mentions in the code (and server names) look more like an acronym 
of "G-something Web Trader" to me.

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Re: GWT: Deserialize objects sent/received via websocket

2023-10-20 Thread Thomas Broyer
You could have a look 
to see what GWT-RPC exchanges look like and see if they match what you're 
seeing. But they're not "binary".

I didn't follow what gRPC (Google's RPC format: looks 
like on the web, but it's possible they use "binary" nowadays.

On Friday, October 20, 2023 at 3:10:17 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> Dear Colin,
> thanks for the quick response. I did observe the authentication approach 
> via BurpSuite that allows me to investigate each HTTP / websocket request / 
> response. From this perspective, I can see that upon submitting my 
> credentials to the webapp, there is only one HTTP POST request from 
> client-side that only includes the username. After this initial POST 
> request, all the communication goes over websocket with binary blobs being 
> exchanged. Hence, it is not easy for me to identify which GWT library class 
> is in use.
> Is there any way how to get this information, (i.e. I could provide the 
> URL of the endpoint I am talking to).
> Best,
> André
> Colin Alworth schrieb am Freitag, 20. Oktober 2023 um 14:55:53 UTC+2:
>> While GWT offers websocket support, the only support is "now you can send 
>> messages on a websocket" - no serialization is offered, beyond what the 
>> browser itself provides (allowing sending a utf8 string, arraybuffers, 
>> blobs, typedarrays, or arrayviews). How are you verifying messages 
>> sent/received? If you are observing some 3-4 websocket frame handshake 
>> messages on the websocket, that is probably some other GWT library in use - 
>> which WebSocket class are you using?
>> I maintain (and use in production) an rpc-over-websocket implementation 
>> , but it does not explicitly 
>> support authentication. Instead usually the first message authenticates 
>> with the server, or HTTP headers are used to authenticate (potentially 
>> using existing cookies) before the websocket is even initiated. So at least 
>> we can probably rule out that implementation. 
>> See for more 
>> information on what the browser's own WebSocket type offers.
>> On Friday, October 20, 2023 at 7:31:03 AM UTC-5 wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am very new to GWT and have questions about the basic principles of 
>>> how GWT via websockets work.
>>> I would like to analyze the authentication function of a given GWT web 
>>> application. When authenticating with my credentials, I could identify that 
>>> my credentials are sent via websocket in form of a binary blob. This most 
>>> certainly is a serialized GWT object. The authentication seems to follow a 
>>> protocol that involves 3-4 messages exchanged with the server-side.
>>> Hence, I strive to understand how the client-side transforms my textual 
>>> credentials (username / password) into this binary blob. Subsequently, I 
>>> would like to understand how I can deserialize messages coming from the 
>>> server in order to get a better idea of the messages exchanged and hence 
>>> the protocol.
>>> Thanks,
>>> André

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Re: Reg: Service URL manipulation in the request payload

2023-10-12 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 10:14:01 AM UTC+2 

Hello Team,

I've a question on GWT RPC request payload. We know that request payload 
has service URL along with other data pertains to the remote method. 

the testing team is using burb tool to manipulate the payload and giving a 
different URL like instead of, if we give ''. 

1. Would the request be routed to DNS server since the payload 
has ?  
2. Does GWT RPC make any DNS call to this manipulated URL while processing 
the request from client ?
3. With manipulated URL in the payload,  Does the request still reach the 
actual/original endpoint of the service (remote servlet) ?

To my knowledge, the URL in the request payload is not used for invoking 
the remote method, it is just for reference purpose only.

See details 
The URL is parsed 
but not resolved.
(that moduleBaseUrl value is read 

tl;dr: the scheme and authority (and any query string) are actually 
ignored, and only the path part of the URL is used. The pair of path + the 
next value in the request payload are used to load the serialization policy 
used to process the rest of the request. Worst that could happen is a 
failure to load the serialization policy and falling back to the default 
serialization policy which would likely cause deserialization of the 
request (or serialization of the response) to fail.

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Re: gwt-maven-plugin error

2023-09-04 Thread Thomas Broyer
AFAICT, the naming is odd but it is expected to not fail: the test broke 
before the plugin was fixed.
(naming is particularly odd as that test was added in the same commit as 
the fix, so indeed never actually 

If it fails on your machine, how does it fail? (which error?)

On Monday, September 4, 2023 at 4:40:08 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> There is a test in gwt-maven-plugin called gwt-test-fail, which is 
> supposed to fail. However, it passes on my windows machine and other linux 
> machines. But on my machine, as the test states, it fails.
> public class FailTestGwt
> extends GWTTestCase
> {
> @Override
> public String getModuleName()
> {
> return "fr.salvadordiaz.gwt.Fail";
> }
> public void testSetTranslation()
> throws Exception
> {
> // you would think this wouldn't fail... you'd be wrong ;)
> assertTrue( true );
> }
> }

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gwt-maven-plugin error

2023-09-04 Thread Thomas Stokes
There is a test in gwt-maven-plugin called gwt-test-fail, which is supposed 
to fail. However, it passes on my windows machine and other linux machines. 
But on my machine, as the test states, it fails.

public class FailTestGwt
extends GWTTestCase

public String getModuleName()
return "fr.salvadordiaz.gwt.Fail";

public void testSetTranslation()
throws Exception
// you would think this wouldn't fail... you'd be wrong ;)
assertTrue( true );


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Re: Partial super source? Possible?

2023-07-26 Thread Thomas Broyer
I was specifically answering the J2CL part: you cannot use shadowing with 
J2CL, only with GWT.
More accurately, J2CL itself is rather low-level and will translate any 
file you give it; the "issue" here is rather the Closure Compiler (IIRC), 
that will error if it finds more than one file declaring the same Closure 
module (each Java class is translated to a Closure module).
You should however (IIRC and IIUC) be able to patch the Java Runtime 
Emulation (JRE) used by J2CL, similar to how you could patch it in GWT by 
using your own "fork" of the gwt-user.jar.

TL;DR: try hard to avoid using any class or method that's not part of the 
"built-in" emulation library. Refactor code to use an intermediate class 
(e.g. MyStringFormatter.format()) that you can then super-source. If 
compiling a third-party library, it might not be that bad of an idea to 
patch it (fork it) with that kind of refactoring.

I'll let Colin confirm though, as I've been away from J2CL for some time 

On Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 1:09:41 PM UTC+2 Bruno Salmon wrote:

> Thanks Thomas. By "shadow" I was actually quoting you when you said: 
> you cannot "augment" it, but you can "shadow" it by providing your own 
> super-source version of java.lang.String
> In my previous reply, I was saying that I'm happy with this solution for 
> my GWT app (whatever you call this method "shadow" or something else).
> But my concern is now with J2CL (as I plan to move my GWT app to J2CL in 
> the future).
> I would like to know if this solution will also work with J2CL.
> i.e. will I be able to provide my own implementation of String.format() if 
> not emulated by J2CL?
> On Tuesday, 25 July 2023 at 15:20:19 UTC+1 Thomas Broyer wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 2:26:14 PM UTC+2 Bruno Salmon wrote:
> The shadow super-source should work in my case, thank you.
>  If later I want to move from GWT to J2CL, will I have a similar feature 
> (ex: providing my own implementation of String.format() if not emulated) ?
> IIRC, no: each source file must only appear once, so you cannot use 
> shadowing.

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Re: Partial super source? Possible?

2023-07-25 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 2:26:14 PM UTC+2 Bruno Salmon wrote:

The shadow super-source should work in my case, thank you.

 If later I want to move from GWT to J2CL, will I have a similar feature 
(ex: providing my own implementation of String.format() if not emulated) ?

IIRC, no: each source file must only appear once, so you cannot use 

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Re: GWT compilation issue with jdk 17

2023-07-21 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 12:51:32 PM UTC+2 NIKITAH wrote:

Yes , we are using  jakartaee-api : 9.0.0 . So can you please suggest which 
version of gwtp-dispatch-rest-*.jar will be compatible with Jakarta 9.0 ?


Repeating myself here: 

   - GWTP is long dead; at least one year before the Javax/Jakarta mess 
    was even 
   announced (except for one never-released commit in Sept. 2018)

Legacy projects should stay on "legacy" Java EE (or Jakarta EE 8), or 
migrate away from legacy/abandoned libs and frameworks that lock them to 
Java EE.

Now paraphrasing myself, you have to either:

   - stay on Jakarta EE 8 (or earlier Java EE)
   - rewrite the whole thing to remove GWTP
   - transform GWTP to Jakarta EE 9+ with the help of tools like Eclipse 

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Re: GWT RPC call recognized as a Java Method Injection by Fortiweb

2023-07-21 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 11:38:59 AM UTC+2 

We have one deployment of a GWT app where there is a Fortiweb firewall that 
blocks every GWT RPC call because it recognizes every call as a Java Method 
Injection attack. This seems to be caused by the presence of the pattern 
"java.lang." in the messages from the client to the server like the 


My idea is to convince the firewall administrator that these are 
false-positives as these calls are part of the GWT RPC mechanism that does 
not allow arbitrary java code execution on the server side.

Is my reasoning correct or am I not worried enough?

Your reasoning is correct. But you can also obfuscate type names to prevent 
triggering the 
(disclaimer: I haven't used RPC for more than 10 years)

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Re: GWT compilation issue with jdk 17

2023-07-21 Thread Thomas Broyer
Two things:

   - using JDK 17 doesn't mean you have to use Jakarta EE 9+, Java EE 8 / 
   Jakarta EE 8 should still work just fine. You may have also changed your 
   server to a Jakarta EE 9+ version, but that's (almost) independent from 
   using JDK 17
   - GWTP is long dead; at least one year before the Javax/Jakarta mess 
    was even 
   announced (except for one never-released commit in Sept. 2018)

Legacy projects should stay on "legacy" Java EE (or Jakarta EE 8), or 
migrate away from legacy/abandoned libs and frameworks that lock them to 
Java EE.

On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 11:52:55 AM UTC+2 NIKITAH wrote:

> Just FYI , I've already tried with  gwtp-dispatch-rest-1.6.jar and facing 
> the same issue  " The import cannot be 
> resolved" .
> As , we are aware in jdk17 we are using Jakarta API means  HttPheaders is 
> now moved to . 
> So , wanted to know if there is any gwtp-dispatch-rest jar with JDK 17.
> On Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 3:11:38 PM UTC+5:30 NIKITAH wrote:
>> Hi , 
>> I am trying to compile GWT with JDK17.
>> As per 
>> , I came to know that GWT2.10.0 is compatible with JDK17 and hence I 
>> updated the same in my project .
>> Now, facing issue with gwtp-dispatch-rest-1.4.jar like : 
>> [ERROR] Line 24: The import cannot be 
>> resolved
>> [ERROR] Line 95: HttpHeaders cannot be resolved to a variable
>> Can someone please help and let me know which version of 
>> gwtp-dispatch-rest-*.jar is compatible with JDK 17 .
>> Thanks in advance .

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Re: Partial super source? Possible?

2023-07-21 Thread Thomas Broyer
GWT standard emulation is "just" super-source itself. You cannot "augment" 
it, but you can "shadow" it by providing your own super-source version of 
java.lang.String (copy from GWT and patch; and make sure it appears before 
GWT's emulation in the source path – i.e. IIRC make sure the  
comes before any  that would bring 
This means you'll have to update your version whenever GWT updates its own.
But only ever do this for an application, never for a library!

On Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 1:46:15 PM UTC+2 Bruno Salmon wrote:

> hi,
> If GWT emulates a Java class but not all methods, is it possible to 
> provide a complement as a super source?
> For example, can I provide a super source for String.format() while 
> keeping other String methods emulated by GWT?
> Thanks

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Re: DataTransfer getData

2023-05-16 Thread Thomas Broyer
AFAICT, this is not how you handle file 
and GWT's drag and drop API doesn't support what's needed here. You'd have 
to use Elemental2 ( which should have 

On Monday, May 15, 2023 at 12:57:20 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> Hello Team,
> I am new to GWT and working on an existing code. I am trying to implement 
> a drag and drop functionality .I am having issues getting data from 
> DataTransfer object. I need to drag and drop any file from the computer on 
> the widget.
> *grid.addDropHandler(new DropHandler() {@Override
> public void onDrop(DropEvent event) {
> event.preventDefault();*
> *DataTransfer dataTransfer = 
> event.getNativeEvent().getDataTransfer();*
> *dataTransfer.setDropEffect(DropEffect.COPY);*
> *Object data = dataTransfer.getData("File");*
> * }});*
> I am getting an empty-string on  dataTransfer.getData("file")'
> How can we set the format "File" while doing dataTransfer.setData();
> I think I am doing something wrong here . Please advice. 
> Thank you
> Ronit

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Re: GWT for a Java to WASM compiler

2023-05-12 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 12:34:33 AM UTC+2 

>From memory, TeaVM has had WASM in an undocumented  and experimental status 
for a few years now.  I won't be holding my breath for that one.  

Well, at least it's documented now  

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Re: GWT for a Java to WASM compiler

2023-05-12 Thread Thomas Broyer
Also, TeaVM does Java → WebAssembly (WASM or WASI)
No idea if it already leverages WASM-GC or it's in their roadmap

On Friday, May 12, 2023 at 12:59:17 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> On 12. 05. 2023. 12:27, Craig Mitchell wrote:
> > 
> > There wasn't any mention of anyone doing Java compilation to WASM.
> > 
> > I wonder how hard it would be to modify GWT to compile to WASM.  
> Possible?  Thoughts?
> There is a Wasm compilation target in J2CL, but I haven't ever tried it 
> myself:
> -> according to this one, they 
> are working on their WASM support currently ("Now")
> -gkresic.

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Re: HTTP Method Override

2023-04-26 Thread Thomas Broyer
Those headers don't come from GWT itself, they've been added by the 
application or some library/framework it uses on top of GWT. It looks like 
that app is using something like gwt-dispatch, gwt-sl or spring4gwt or 
something like that, but maybe homemade.
What I'd do to tell if they're actually used/useful (in this specific 

   1. open the WAR and look at the WEB-INF/web.xml (or possibly some other 
   configuration files if it uses, e.g., Spring or whatever) to try to find 
   the servlet class mapped to the /dispatch/GetCompaniesAction path (could be 
   as easy as a class named GetCompaniesAction)
   2. Decompile that class (using javap or an IDE) and look for a 
   doPut(ServletRequest,ServletResponse) method. Possibly go up the class 
   hierarchy until you find the RemoteServiceServlet.

Depending on the application, that may not lead to anything, but if there's 
a doPut, changes are it will be used.

Also look at the WEB-INF/web.xml for servlet filters, and at other 
configuration files (Spring mainly, if used) to see if there'd be some 
filter dedicated to handling those kind of headers.

Anyway, as said: this doesn't come from GWT itself.

(actually, I'd be more concerned about a Firefox 98 being used )

Now I don't know Fortify WebInspect so maybe I'm also misinterpreting 
what's reported here: if this is a request made by Fortify WebInspect 
(rather than one made "on the wild" and intercepted by the solution) then I 
don't see why it'd be reported as a vulnerability, it could be that the 
server completely ignores the headers, right?

On Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 11:37:00 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> We have a web app (GWT 2.7 ) from a vendor and we don't have any source 
> codes.
> Now we faced a vulnerability about *HTTP Method Override* for http header 
> below
> *X-HTTP-Method-Override*
> Fortify WebInspect report
> Attack Request:
> POST /CustomPortal/dispatch/GetCompaniesAction HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:98.0) 
> Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0
> Accept: */*
> Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> Content-Type: text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8
> X-GWT-Permutation: 3EE8E625356CC9E9E724C10285609299
> X-GWT-Module-Base:
> Referer:
> Content-Length: 311
> Origin:
> Pragma: no-cache
> X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT
> Connection: Keep-Alive
> X-WIPP: AscVersion=22.2.0TRUNCATED...
> Attack Response:
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Set-Cookie: JSESSIONIDSSO=; path=/; HttpOnly; Max-Age=0; Expires=Thu, 
> 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT
> X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
> X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
> Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
> Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 
> 'none'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self'; scriptsrc
> 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval';connect-src 'self' https: localhost;
> Content-Disposition: attachment
> Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 06:10:56 GMT
> Connection: keep-alive
> X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
> Content-Length: 177
> Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
> //EX[3,0,2,1,0,1,["com...TRUNCATED...
> Is there any way to disable these headers ?
> Or is there any description to let me tell user this is NOT vulnerability 
> ?
> AP server is JBoss EAP 7.3.8 GA
> Many thx!

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Re: Can one prevent Jetty from scanning specific jars for annotations?

2023-03-06 Thread Thomas Broyer
Have you tried setting metadata-complete="true" on the  of your 
web.xml? It's supposed to disable annotation scanning AFAICT (but I don't 
remember how the JettyLauncher configures Jetty so maybe it bypasses this 

On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 4:14:03 PM UTC+1 mmo wrote:

> In my last email I forgot to mention:
> I had found this in the Jetty docs (
> ):
> …
>   org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.WebInfIncludeJarPattern
> .*/spring-[^/]*\.jar$
> …
> According to the description this argument is intended to allow 
> controlling which .jars on the classpath are being scanned for annotations 
> (in the example above only jars that start with "spring-"), but 
> unfortunately it had no effect in my case. The below error still appeared 
> and Jetty doesn’t start up…  ☹
> *From:* Michael Moser  
> *Sent:* Monday, March 6, 2023 3:43 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Can one prevent Jetty from scanning specific jars for 
> annotations?
> Hi and sorry - this is only indirectly a GWT question but since it’s 
> heavily related with GWT someone might have already bumped into the same 
> issue.
> So I dare to ask it here – maybe someone in this group knows a work-around 
> (so please bear with me!):
> For 4 of our 5 projects using GWT we are still using the “classic” GWT 2.8 
> setup, i.e. with the “classic” plugin where one starts Jetty for 
> development and debugging.
> We recently had to upgrade a couple of POI libraries (an Apache library to 
> generate Office documents from Java) and a few of those new jars obviously 
> annotations that are not compatible with the Jetty-version used by the GWT 
> 2.8 plugin.
> “Not compatible” meaning, that Jetty during startup fails to scan those 
> files for certain annotations in 
> AnnotationConfiguration.scanForAnnotations (full error stack-trace below).
> With Tomcat I had a similar (or identical?) issue but Tomcat offers a 
> configuration option (in to omit a list of jars from 
> being scanned for Servlet annotations like so: 
> …
> # Additional JARs (over and above the default JARs listed above) to skip 
> when
> # scanning for Servlet 3.0 pluggability features. These features include 
> web
> # fragments, annotations, SCIs and classes that match @HandlesTypes. The 
> list
> # must be a comma separated list of JAR file names.
> # added by MMS: these contain an illegal byte tag (for Java 8) in their 
> constants pool:
> *org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.jarsToSkip*=\
> log4j-api-2.17.2.jar,\
> poi-5.2.3.jar,\
> poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar,\
> poi-ooxml-lite-5.2.3.jar,\
> xmlbeans-5.1.1.jar
> …
> This saved me with Tomcat. But with Jetty I had no luck so far to achieve 
> something similar. This is now hindering our developer since they can’t run 
> and debug the application locally anymore. I had planned to move that 
> project to the new plugin and a local Tomcat only later this year.
> Is there **any** way to teach Jetty to **not** do these Annotation 
> scannings, either, or otherwise prevent these jars from being scanned?
> The full error stacktrace:
> ...
> 00:00:11.874 [WARN] Failed startup of context 
> c.g.g.d.s.j.WebAppContextWithReload@31419990{/,file:/D:/Projects/KStA_ZH_ZHQuest/code/application/zhquest-web/target/zhquest/,STARTING}{D:\Projects\KStA_ZH_ZHQuest\code\application\zhquest-web\target\zhquest}
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiException: Multiple exceptions 
>   at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationConfiguration.scanForAnnotations(
>   at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationConfiguration.configure(
>   at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.configure( 
>   at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.startContext( 
>   at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doStart(
>   at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.doStart( 
>   at 
>   at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(
>   at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle.start(
>   at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle.doStart(
>   at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AbstractHandler.doStart(
>   at 

Re: JSInterop native class

2023-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer
Because GWT code runs in an iframe, JsPackage.GLOBAL maps to the JSNI $wnd 
equivalent referencing the parent window so anything referenced from 
JsInterop needs to be recorded as a window property; and classes aren't 
recorded on the window per ECMAScript 
(see, this is why you need to 
do it explicitly to expose them to JsInterop.

On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:41:17 PM UTC+1 wrote:

> I am attempting to use a javascript class in GWT. Here is the sample code 
> I am using.
> Javascript file - rhombus.js
> class Rhombus {
> static isReady() {
> return true;
> }
> }
> Java file - 
> package;
> import jsinterop.annotations.JsPackage;
> import jsinterop.annotations.JsType;
> @JsType(isNative = true, namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL)
> public class Rhombus {
> public static native boolean isReady();
> }
> index.html
> When I try to access Rhombus.isReady(), I get 
> (TypeError) : Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isReady')
> However I can access the method correctly if I attach Rhombus to the 
> window object.
> window.Rhombus = Rhombus;
> I don't understand why attaching the class to the window object is 
> necessary, as none of the documentation makes a mention of that.

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Re: GWT compile stuck

2023-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer
This looks like a deadlock in JDK classes themselves. Did you try updating 
your JDK to the latest version? (11.0.18 AFAICT; 11.0.5 is more than 3 
years old already)

On Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 3:14:03 PM UTC+1 

> I'm working on upgrading an  app that uses GWT and embedded jetty server 
> from java 8 to java 11. The app was working fine with jetty 9, GWT 2.10.0 
> before the upgrade. After upgrading to java 11- Jetty 11, the compilation 
> for GWT got stuck.
> I removed all unused dependencies, upgraded existing ones to their latest 
> version (compatible with Java11), tried to increase Xmx and Xss for the 
> compilation target, and tried to add workers, but nothing worked.
> I used `jstack` to check the processes threads, which showed a deadlock 
> (result attached).
> Below is the ant target I'm using to build GWT:
> ```
>  depends="compile">
>   fork="true"
>   output="build.log">
> ```
> How can I fix that?

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Re: Does the GWTP v1.6 library still work under GWT 2.10? And odd class-cast exceptions on the client...

2023-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 10:51:53 PM UTC+1 mmo wrote:

We are using the latest available version of GWTP, i.e. v1.6.

Latest but 6 years old‼
…and the project hasn't seen any update since that date (except one change 
18 months later –that's still 3 years and a half ago, and never released–, 
and cosmetic updates to the README:;
there apparently was some changes between 1.6 and the master branch, but 
again never released in 6 years)
Christian Goudreau, Arcbees' founder, no longer works there since fall 2018 
according to his LinkedIn profile; the company looks dead, like the GWTP 

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Re: What do these error messages mean?

2023-02-11 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 6:38:04 PM UTC+1 wrote:
You can still emulate if you want to:

It *is* emulated since GWT 2.8.0, where it returns GWT properties' 

But as the error message said, the property name needs to be a constant for 
the compiler to replace it with the property value.

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Re: GWT app gets loaded multiple times in Firefox

2023-02-08 Thread Thomas Broyer
It seems to be due to the __gwt_historyFrame: the subsequent requests have 
initiator=subdocument in the dev tools network panel, and a 
Sec-Fetch-Dest:iframe request header; if you inspect the iframe in dev 
tools, you can see the host page being loaded inside it rather than an 
about:blank, and each reload will load one more level.
Given that this iframe was only there for old IE versions that didn't 
support onhashchange (according to, that was IE6 and IE7), you 
can safely remove it (code using it was removed in GWT 2.7 a bit more than 
9 years ago, released more than 8 years ago:
– yet, the website still references it, and the GWT Plugin for Eclipse 
apparently still generates it:

On Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 1:02:37 PM UTC+1 grue wrote:

> I have deployed the example app here:
> On Wednesday, 8 February 2023 at 11:47:43 UTC+1 grue wrote:
>> I have tested it on MacOS 12.6.3 and Ubuntu and Windows 10 and in deploy 
>> mode but I also see the issue in development mode.
>> Michael
>> On Wednesday, 8 February 2023 at 10:32:38 UTC+1 wrote:
>>> Following question:
>>> - What OS?
>>> - Do you try in development mode or deployment mode?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Lofi
>>> grue schrieb am Dienstag, 7. Februar 2023 um 14:03:25 UTC+1:
 I have observed a weird behaviour when opening a GWT app in Firefox. 
 When I first open the page everything is normal but once I refresh the 
 all resources including the index.html get fetched twice. If I refresh the 
 page once more everything gets fetched three times and so on... (see 
 screenshot attached)
 I see this behaviour only on FF, even on a freshly installed one and 
 after clearing all the caches and data.
 To reproduce the issue I created a minimalistic GWT app at
 Reproducing is a bit tricky since sometimes the app behaves normal but 
 once you close the tab and open a new on or restart FF the weird behaviour 
 is back. I tested the app both on Wildfly and Jetty (I have included a 
 Dockerfile) but can't see any difference.

 I'd really appreciate if someone could help me figuring out what's 
 going on here.

 Thank you very much in advance!

 [image: Screen Shot 2023-02-07 at 1.40.03 PM.png]


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Re: Unable to find 'com/google/gwt/core/Core.gwt.xml' - what am I missing?

2023-02-03 Thread Thomas Broyer
Hard to tell without seeing the project.
>From your logs, it actually looks like you have cleanly separated 
server/shared/client modules; in this case, configuration of the 
classpathScope needs to be done in the root POM, where the gwt:codeserver 
is called. Only the moduleName will be read from the submodule, nothing 
else (well, Maven dependencies as well, but nothing else from the plugin's 

On Friday, February 3, 2023 at 5:25:00 PM UTC+1 mmo wrote:

> Thanks a lot for the advice!
> I ran the goal with the -X option and the mentioned lines read (the 
> classpath it is endless, but I replaced the non-relevant parts here with 
> «…»):
> …
> [DEBUG] Classpath: 
> D:\Projects\KStA_ZH_RegisterJP\code\application\zhstregisterjp-web\target\registerjp\WEB-INF\classes;
> ... D:\m2repository\rjp\org\gwtproject\gwt-servlet\2.10.0\
> gwt-servlet-2.10.0.jar;D:\m2repository\rjp\org\gwtproject\gwt-dev\2.10.0\
> gwt-dev-2.10.0.jar; ...
> [DEBUG] Arguments: -nofailOnError 
> -logLevel INFO -workDir 
> D:\Projects\KStA_ZH_RegisterJP\code\application\target\gwt\codeserver 
> -style DETAILED -launcherDir "D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\
> Tomcat 8.5\webapps\registerjp\ZHStRegisterJPWeb" -allowMissingSrc -src 
> D:\Projects\KStA_ZH_RegisterJP\code\application\zhstregisterjp-web\src\main\java
> -src 
> D:\Projects\KStA_ZH_RegisterJP\code\application\zhstregisterjp-common\src\main\java
> -src 
> D:\Projects\KStA_ZH_RegisterJP\code\application\zhstregisterjp-common\target\generated-sources
> ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp.ZHStRegisterJPWeb
> [INFO] Turning off precompile in incremental mode.
> [INFO] Super Dev Mode starting up
> [INFO]workDir: 
> D:\Projects\KStA_ZH_RegisterJP\code\application\target\gwt\codeserver
> [INFO]Loading inherited module '
> ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp.ZHStRegisterJPWeb'
> [INFO]   Loading inherited module ''
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Unable to find 'com/google/gwt/core/Core.gwt.xml' 
> on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a 
> classpath entry for source?
> But the gwt-user-2.10.0.jar is indeed NOT part of the classpath here and 
> I don’t get, why! 
> As I mentioned: it’s part of the dependencies-list oft he module (as shown 
> in my first mail). IMHO already that should suffice to make it appear in 
> that classpath!
> I also added a test to the plugin’s 
> configuration as descibed in the codeserver goal’s description:
>   …
>   net.ltgt.gwt.maven
> gwt-maven-plugin
>  compile
>  test
>  codeserver
> test
>   …
> From the docs I’ld say, «test» is supposed to cover ALL scopes. So, why is 
> the gwt-user-2.10.0.jar not part of the game here?

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Re: Unable to find 'com/google/gwt/core/Core.gwt.xml' - what am I missing?

2023-02-03 Thread Thomas Broyer
See for the 
differences between gwt:compile and gwt:codeserver.
Here, because it looks like you have both server and client code in the 
same Maven project, I'd say this is because your gwt-user is in 
scope=provided so it's not available at runtime.
You can workaround this by reconfiguring the gwt:codeserver's 

To troubleshoot: run Maven with debug logs (mvn -X gwt:codeserver), the 
plugin will emit two lines starting with "Classpath: " and "Arguments: " 
respectively that you can inspect; and you'll also see debug logs from GWT. 
Also, turn on failOnError, maybe there was something earlier that caused 
that error.

On Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 5:16:58 PM UTC+1 mmo wrote:

> I am trying to upgrade our project to use GWT 2.10  and the “new” GWT 
> maven-plugin (by T. Broyer) for debugging (before we were on GWT 2.7 and 
> the old plugin):
> Meanwhile I am able to build the project. If I deploy the generated .war 
> file to a Tomcat server the application runs OK. There are still a few 
> rough edges but we are getting there.
> Only if I try to run the code-server in order to be able to debug the 
> application (I am using the maven goal “mvn gwt:codeserver” to start it) 
> then I always get this output:
> …
> [INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:1.0.1:codeserver (default-cli) @ 
> zhstregisterjp-parent ---
> [INFO] Ignoring 
> ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp:zhstregisterjp-internal-services:jar:3.10-SNAPSHOT; 
> neither a gwt-lib or jar:sources; Did you forget to use 
> gwt-lib in the dependency declaration?
> [INFO] Ignoring 
> ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp:zhstregisterjp-web-service-common:jar:3.10-SNAPSHOT;
> neither a gwt-lib or jar:sources; Did you forget to use 
> gwt-lib in the dependency declaration?
> [INFO] Ignoring 
> ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp:zhstregisterjp-sam-web-service:jar:3.10-SNAPSHOT; 
> neither a gwt-lib or jar:sources; Did you forget to use 
> gwt-lib in the dependency declaration?
> [INFO] Ignoring 
> ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp:zhstregisterjp-c3-web-service:jar:3.10-SNAPSHOT; 
> neither a gwt-lib or jar:sources; Did you forget to use 
> gwt-lib in the dependency declaration?
> [INFO] Ignoring 
> ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp:zhstregisterjp-c3adapter-web-service:jar:3.10-SNAPSHOT;
> neither a gwt-lib or jar:sources; Did you forget to use 
> gwt-lib in the dependency declaration?
> [INFO] Ignoring 
> ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp:zhstregisterjp-zhquest-web-service:jar:3.10-SNAPSHOT;
> neither a gwt-lib or jar:sources; Did you forget to use 
> gwt-lib in the dependency declaration?
> [INFO] Ignoring 
> ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp:zhstregisterjp-zhdokumente-web-service:jar:3.10-SNAPSHOT;
> neither a gwt-lib or jar:sources; Did you forget to use 
> gwt-lib in the dependency declaration?
> [INFO] Ignoring 
> ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp:zhstregisterjp-batch:jar:3.10-SNAPSHOT; neither a 
> gwt-lib or jar:sources; Did you forget to use gwt-lib in the 
> dependency declaration?
> [INFO] Turning off precompile in incremental mode.
> [INFO] Super Dev Mode starting up
> [INFO]workDir: 
> D:\Projects\KStA_ZH_RegisterJP\code\application\target\gwt\codeserver
> [INFO]Loading inherited module 
> 'ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp.ZHStRegisterJPWeb'
> [INFO]   Loading inherited module ''
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Unable to find 'com/google/gwt/core/Core.gwt.xml' 
> on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a 
> classpath entry for source?
> Those .jar files it complains about at the begin contain parts of the 
> application that contain no GWT code at all but I didn’t find a possibility 
> to signal that to the plugin to silence these warnings, yet. But I think 
> they are harmless.
> However, the code-server then always dies with this dreaded Unable to 
> find 'com/google/gwt/core/Core.gwt.xml' error. 
> However, gwt-dev-2.10.0.jar and gwt-user-2.10.0.jar are on the module’s 
> dependency-list:
>  …
> gwt-dev
> gwt-user
>   …
> and – if I dig into these .jars – the gwt-user-2.10.0.jar **does** 
> contain that missing file: /com/google/gwt/core/Core.gwt.xml.
> So, why can the code-server not locate it??? Any ideas?

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Re: Convert Existing GWT Backend to SPRING BOOT

2022-11-21 Thread Thomas Broyer
Can't you use your GWT-RPC servlets inside Spring Boot? (and *only* change 
them so you can have Spring inject dependencies into them so you can 
effectively rewrite the entire backend without touching the frontend at all)

On Monday, November 21, 2022 at 3:07:33 PM UTC+1 Michael Joyner wrote:

> There are a lot of factors to consider.
> Are you using gwt-RPC ? You'll need to switch to JSON for data transport.
> You'll need to use something like DominoKit REST (
>  for the data transport layer.
> It would be also be best to split the project into three projects. An API 
> project, a shared code project, and a UI project.
> If you are using gwt-RPC then IMHO there will need to be a big refactoring 
> change at the very least.
> On 11/21/22 08:19, wrote:
> We are having a huge project already running successfully on GWT. 
> But for some reasons we are planning to move our backend to SPRING-BOOT 
> keeping front end in GWT. 
> Is there any way we can do it easily without a big change in our existing 
> application. 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> .

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Re: File upload stuck on loading

2022-10-11 Thread Thomas Broyer
It would certainly help if you provided details on how you do the upload 
(using GWT's own FormPanel and FileUpload? or a third-party library? 
GXT-specific widgets?) and how you handle the response (including how you 
generate it server-side)
For example, see the note 
about server-side requirements.

On Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 4:17:27 PM UTC+2 

> I managed to print results on client side. I use alerts to chek.
> The list is received as it is, we have a method that will fill the grid 
> with that list but somethiing is stopping it. It still print a loading 
> spinner that never stops. 
> The same code works well with gwt 2.4/gxt 2.2.5.
> Now we are using gwt 2.8/gxt 2.2.5
> Le lundi 10 octobre 2022 à 21:04:58 UTC+2, system out a écrit :
>> I migtated gwt app from 2.4 to 2.8
>> After fixing build erros the app launches and interfaces are appearing.
>> We have a excel file upload.
>> When I click upload it is stuck on loading. A loading text appears and 
>> result never shows up.
>> There a method that takes data imported from excel and put fill some 
>> objects with it.
>> The data is well imported. The method that fill objects with it will 
>> return the filled objects as a List. When I return an empty list it works.
>> Do you know if there's something that should be changed due to the 
>> migration?

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Re: [GWT] [ERROR] Hint: Check that your module inherits ''

2022-10-07 Thread Thomas Broyer
GWT *runs* on JDKs from 8 to 17; you can however only compile Java 11 –at 
most– source files (depending on -sourceLevel).

When facing that kind of error, make sure you run with -failOnError (or its 
older name: -strict), and possibly use a more verbose -logLevel.

On Friday, October 7, 2022 at 2:51:17 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> Hello here.
> I would like to react for this threat. Would at this time (2022) gwt 
> supports java 12?
> For I am experiencing the error mentioned above.
> Thanks in advance.
> On Monday, May 20, 2019 at 12:59:25 AM UTC wrote:
>> I don't believe GWT supports Java 12 yet.  I'd recommend just using Java 
>> 8.
>> And you might want to use the latest GWT version (2.8.2).

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Re: GWT Migration from 2.1.0 to 2.9.0

2022-09-26 Thread Thomas Broyer
Add the script tags to your HTML (alternatively, use ScriptInjector in our 
entrypoint), but if they're not loaded, chances are that the Ext global is 
not defined, so Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL=… fails with the above-mentioned error.

On Monday, September 26, 2022 at 2:54:16 PM UTC+2 

> One more thing I noticed is, we have script tags in app.gwt.xml like below

Re: Add containers in NorthEast, NorthWest and Center section of BorderLayoutContainer

2022-09-16 Thread Thomas Broyer
There's no such thing as a BorderLayoutContainer in GWT proper 
Which library (in which version, it sometimes matter) are you using?
(note: don't expect an answer from myself then, I never used any 
third-party widget library)

On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 11:13:15 PM UTC+2 

> Hi,
> Anybody has an idea about how to add containers in the northeast , 
> northwest and center section in north part of the BorderLayoutContainer.

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Re: Keyboard Accessibility: while tabbing the first element in celltable gets focus

2022-09-09 Thread Thomas Broyer
What kind of Cell is this? Can you show part of the code that sets up the 
Did you set KeyboardSelectionPolicy to DISABLED?

On Friday, September 9, 2022 at 6:09:14 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> I am working on adding keyboard accessibility to my application. When 
> tabbing from on e widget to another if there is a celltable, it is included 
> in the tabbing sequence. The cell table in not editable, still it gets into 
> tabbing sequence. How do I remove the cell table from tabbing sequence? Is 
> this known issue? Wondering if there are any work arounds? Any help will be 
> appreciated. 

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Re: How to remove tabindex=0 from the cell table html

2022-09-09 Thread Thomas Broyer
What kind of Cell is this? Can you show part of the code that sets up the 
Did you set KeyboardSelectionPolicy to DISABLED?

On Friday, September 9, 2022 at 1:48:45 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> I am working on adding keyboard accessibility to my product. When I am 
> tabbing from a widget say a button, outside of the cell table to the 
> another button that is after the table my tabbing sequence includes the 
> first element on the celltable into the sequence. This element is just a 
> data and can not be edited. Due to the fact that html generated by GWT for 
> cell table that include tabindex= 0  it is added in the tabbing sequence. 
>  class="com-jenzabar-jx-ui-widgets-item-grid-JXCellTable-Style-cellTableEvenRow
> com-jenzabar-jx-ui-widgets-item-grid-JXCellTable-Style-cellTableHoveredRow">
>  class="com-jenzabar-jx-ui-widgets-item-grid-JXCellTable-Style-cellTableCell 
> com-jenzabar-jx-ui-widgets-item-grid-JXCellTable-Style-cellTableEvenRowCell 
> com-jenzabar-jx-ui-widgets-item-grid-JXCellTable-Style-cellTableFirstColumn 
> dataGridCell textLeftAlignment wrapText 
> com-jenzabar-jx-ui-widgets-item-grid-JXCellTable-Style-cellTableHoveredRowCell">
>  *tabindex="0*">10/06/2021
> My question is how to remove this tabindex. I tried setting tabindex to -1 
> but that does not affect the div tag tabindex value. Any help will be 
> really appreciated. Thank you 

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Re: Security Vulnerabilities with GWT 2.10

2022-09-01 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Thursday, September 1, 2022 at 11:57:07 AM UTC+2 

> Thanks for response.
> There is one more CVE has been reported for gwt-dev jar for htmlUnit 
> component. Details of CVE are as below -
> CVE - CVE-2022-29546
> severity  - 7.5 
> Description - HtmlUnit NekoHtml Parser before 2.61.0 suffers from a denial 
> of service vulnerability. Crafted input associated with the parsing of 
> Processing Instruction (PI) data leads to heap memory consumption.
> Are there any plans to mitigate above vulnerablity?
> As we know that gwt-dev.jar is used for development purpose( in our 
> application, we remove gwt-dev.jar post compilation) , still are there any 
> attack surfaces exists?

It depends whether you a) use GWTTestCase b) run them with the HtmlUnit 
runner c) those tests load external resources not under your control (that 
could contain the processing instruction triggering the OOME)

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Re: Migrating to ltgt gwt-maven-plugin causes compile problem with HibernateValidation

2022-08-25 Thread Thomas
No, didn't set gwtSdkFirstInClasspath and the default seems to be false. 
Anyways, the old mojo was working and the new version compiles now. 
Distracted by lots of BAU today and yet to actually test it.

On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 11:48:55 PM UTC+8 wrote:

> Did you maybe have gwtSdkFirstInClasspath set to true? That would have put 
> gwt-user and gwt-dev and all their dependencies into the classpath before 
> your own dependencies, putting javax.validation 1.0.0.GA before 
> javax.validation 1.1.0.Final and therefore shadowing it (I'd expect 
> Hibernate Validator 5 to them break, but I have no idea how it's being 
> used).
> On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 3:06:29 PM UTC+2 Thomas wrote:
>> Thanks Thomas. That's working now. 
>> Over the years I've updated the dependencies and interestingly the mojo 
>> gwt-maven-plugin worked fine with these dependencies. 
>> On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 4:53:05 PM UTC+8 
>> wrote:
>>> GWT does not support javax.validation 1.1.0, only 1.0.0.
>>> Because you're building a gwt-app, which only contains client-side code 
>>> by definition, I see no reason for having javax.validation 1.1.0 (and 
>>> Hibernate Validator 5, as well as gwt-servlet which is a subset of 
>>> gwt-user). Stick to javax.validation 1.0.0.GA and Hibernate Validator 
>>> 4.1.0.Final (
>>> )
>>> On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 4:42:59 AM UTC+2 Thomas wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm in the progress of modularising a GWT app and migrating it to use 
>>>> the newer ltgt gwt-maven-plugin. I have a GWT module which compiles 
>>>> correctly using the old gwt-maven-plugin, but fails with the following 
>>>> errors using the new gwt-maven-plugin:
>>>> [INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:1.0.1:compile (default-compile) @ 
>>>> gwt-portal ---
>>>> [INFO] Compiling module com.inspectivity.portal.Portal
>>>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>>>> 'com.inspectivity.portal.client.validation.CustomValidatorFactory'
>>>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>> 'file:/Users/thomas/dev-private/inspectivity-modules/gwt-portal/src/main/java/com/inspectivity/portal/client/validation/'
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 31: The method getParameterNameProvider() 
>>>> of type CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype 
>>>> method
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 36: The method close() of type 
>>>> CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype method
>>>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>>>> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.PathImpl'
>>>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/super/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 72: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 84: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 131: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 202: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 95: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 127: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>>>> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer'
>>>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>>>> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 100: The method 
>>>> instantiate(SerializationStreamReader) from the type 
>>>> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer refers to the missing type 
>>>> ConstraintViolationImpl
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 37: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>>>> resolved to a type
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 73: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>>>> resolved to a type
>>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 32: The type 
>>>> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer must implement the inherited 
>>>> abstract method 

Re: Migrating to ltgt gwt-maven-plugin causes compile problem with HibernateValidation

2022-08-24 Thread Thomas Broyer
Did you maybe have gwtSdkFirstInClasspath set to true? That would have put 
gwt-user and gwt-dev and all their dependencies into the classpath before 
your own dependencies, putting javax.validation 1.0.0.GA before 
javax.validation 1.1.0.Final and therefore shadowing it (I'd expect 
Hibernate Validator 5 to them break, but I have no idea how it's being 

On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 3:06:29 PM UTC+2 Thomas wrote:

> Thanks Thomas. That's working now. 
> Over the years I've updated the dependencies and interestingly the mojo 
> gwt-maven-plugin worked fine with these dependencies. 
> On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 4:53:05 PM UTC+8 wrote:
>> GWT does not support javax.validation 1.1.0, only 1.0.0.
>> Because you're building a gwt-app, which only contains client-side code 
>> by definition, I see no reason for having javax.validation 1.1.0 (and 
>> Hibernate Validator 5, as well as gwt-servlet which is a subset of 
>> gwt-user). Stick to javax.validation 1.0.0.GA and Hibernate Validator 
>> 4.1.0.Final (
>> )
>> On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 4:42:59 AM UTC+2 Thomas wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm in the progress of modularising a GWT app and migrating it to use 
>>> the newer ltgt gwt-maven-plugin. I have a GWT module which compiles 
>>> correctly using the old gwt-maven-plugin, but fails with the following 
>>> errors using the new gwt-maven-plugin:
>>> [INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:1.0.1:compile (default-compile) @ gwt-portal 
>>> ---
>>> [INFO] Compiling module com.inspectivity.portal.Portal
>>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>>> 'com.inspectivity.portal.client.validation.CustomValidatorFactory'
>>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>>> 'file:/Users/thomas/dev-private/inspectivity-modules/gwt-portal/src/main/java/com/inspectivity/portal/client/validation/'
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 31: The method getParameterNameProvider() 
>>> of type CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype method
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 36: The method close() of type 
>>> CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype method
>>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>>> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.PathImpl'
>>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>>> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/super/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 72: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 84: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 131: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 202: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>> [INFO]      [ERROR] Line 95: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 127: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>>> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer'
>>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>>> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 100: The method 
>>> instantiate(SerializationStreamReader) from the type 
>>> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer refers to the missing type 
>>> ConstraintViolationImpl
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 37: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>>> resolved to a type
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 73: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>>> resolved to a type
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 32: The type 
>>> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer must implement the inherited 
>>> abstract method 
>>> CustomFieldSerializer.deserializeInstance(SerializationStreamReader,
>>> ConstraintViolationImpl)
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 33: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>>> resolved to a type
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 32: The type 
>>> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer must implement the inherited 
>>> abstract method 
>>> CustomFieldSerializer.serializeInstance(SerializationStreamWriter,
>>> ConstraintViolationImpl)
>>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 41:

Re: Migrating to ltgt gwt-maven-plugin causes compile problem with HibernateValidation

2022-08-24 Thread Thomas
Thanks Thomas. That's working now. 
Over the years I've updated the dependencies and interestingly the mojo 
gwt-maven-plugin worked fine with these dependencies. 

On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 4:53:05 PM UTC+8 wrote:

> GWT does not support javax.validation 1.1.0, only 1.0.0.
> Because you're building a gwt-app, which only contains client-side code by 
> definition, I see no reason for having javax.validation 1.1.0 (and 
> Hibernate Validator 5, as well as gwt-servlet which is a subset of 
> gwt-user). Stick to javax.validation 1.0.0.GA and Hibernate Validator 
> 4.1.0.Final (
> )
> On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 4:42:59 AM UTC+2 Thomas wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm in the progress of modularising a GWT app and migrating it to use the 
>> newer ltgt gwt-maven-plugin. I have a GWT module which compiles correctly 
>> using the old gwt-maven-plugin, but fails with the following errors using 
>> the new gwt-maven-plugin:
>> [INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:1.0.1:compile (default-compile) @ gwt-portal 
>> ---
>> [INFO] Compiling module com.inspectivity.portal.Portal
>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>> 'com.inspectivity.portal.client.validation.CustomValidatorFactory'
>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>> 'file:/Users/thomas/dev-private/inspectivity-modules/gwt-portal/src/main/java/com/inspectivity/portal/client/validation/'
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 31: The method getParameterNameProvider() of 
>> type CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype method
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 36: The method close() of type 
>> CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype method
>> [INFO]    Tracing compile failure path for type 
>> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.PathImpl'
>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/super/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 72: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 84: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 131: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 202: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 95: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 127: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer'
>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 100: The method 
>> instantiate(SerializationStreamReader) from the type 
>> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer refers to the missing type 
>> ConstraintViolationImpl
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 37: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 73: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 32: The type 
>> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer must implement the inherited 
>> abstract method 
>> CustomFieldSerializer.deserializeInstance(SerializationStreamReader,
>> ConstraintViolationImpl)
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 33: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 32: The type 
>> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer must implement the inherited 
>> abstract method 
>> CustomFieldSerializer.serializeInstance(SerializationStreamWriter,
>> ConstraintViolationImpl)
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 41: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 105: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 88: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 53: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 98: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.ValidationSupport'
>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8

Re: Migrating to ltgt gwt-maven-plugin causes compile problem with HibernateValidation

2022-08-24 Thread Thomas
Thanks @eliasbalasis - that helped me. 
I was referencing the wrong versions of hibernate-validator 
and javax.validation. These need to be 4.1.0.Final and 1.0.0.GA 
I have no clue however how that was working with the old/mojo 

On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 3:24:53 PM UTC+8 

> This looks like a classpath issue, from which I have suffered in the past 
> but eventually managed to control.
> I suggest using Maven dependency control to force the correct 
> implementation of the offending classes, particularly if you are running 
> with "GWT Eclipse Plugin" which doesn't respect inherited Maven dependency 
> exclusions/overrides etc.
> If you are using "GWT Eclipse Plugin", even though it is becoming 
> outdated, there is still a way to control the classpath.
> study for 
> single-classpath for "Single CLASSPATH stream" traces.
> I hope this helps you.
> On Wednesday, 24 August 2022 at 03:42:59 UTC+1 Thomas wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm in the progress of modularising a GWT app and migrating it to use the 
>> newer ltgt gwt-maven-plugin. I have a GWT module which compiles correctly 
>> using the old gwt-maven-plugin, but fails with the following errors using 
>> the new gwt-maven-plugin:
>> [INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:1.0.1:compile (default-compile) @ gwt-portal 
>> ---
>> [INFO] Compiling module com.inspectivity.portal.Portal
>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>> 'com.inspectivity.portal.client.validation.CustomValidatorFactory'
>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>> 'file:/Users/thomas/dev-private/inspectivity-modules/gwt-portal/src/main/java/com/inspectivity/portal/client/validation/'
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 31: The method getParameterNameProvider() of 
>> type CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype method
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 36: The method close() of type 
>> CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype method
>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.PathImpl'
>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/super/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 72: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 84: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 131: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 202: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 95: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 127: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
>> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
>> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer'
>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
>> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 100: The method 
>> instantiate(SerializationStreamReader) from the type 
>> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer refers to the missing type 
>> ConstraintViolationImpl
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 37: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 73: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 32: The type 
>> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer must implement the inherited 
>> abstract method 
>> CustomFieldSerializer.deserializeInstance(SerializationStreamReader,
>> ConstraintViolationImpl)
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 33: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 32: The type 
>> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer must implement the inherited 
>> abstract method 
>> CustomFieldSerializer.serializeInstance(SerializationStreamWriter,
>> ConstraintViolationImpl)
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 41: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 105: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 88: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 53: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
>> resolved to a type
>> [

Re: Migrating to ltgt gwt-maven-plugin causes compile problem with HibernateValidation

2022-08-24 Thread Thomas Broyer
GWT does not support javax.validation 1.1.0, only 1.0.0.
Because you're building a gwt-app, which only contains client-side code by 
definition, I see no reason for having javax.validation 1.1.0 (and 
Hibernate Validator 5, as well as gwt-servlet which is a subset of 
gwt-user). Stick to javax.validation 1.0.0.GA and Hibernate Validator 

On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 4:42:59 AM UTC+2 Thomas wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm in the progress of modularising a GWT app and migrating it to use the 
> newer ltgt gwt-maven-plugin. I have a GWT module which compiles correctly 
> using the old gwt-maven-plugin, but fails with the following errors using 
> the new gwt-maven-plugin:
> [INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:1.0.1:compile (default-compile) @ gwt-portal 
> ---
> [INFO] Compiling module com.inspectivity.portal.Portal
> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
> 'com.inspectivity.portal.client.validation.CustomValidatorFactory'
> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
> 'file:/Users/thomas/dev-private/inspectivity-modules/gwt-portal/src/main/java/com/inspectivity/portal/client/validation/'
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 31: The method getParameterNameProvider() of 
> type CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype method
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 36: The method close() of type 
> CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype method
> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.PathImpl'
> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/super/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 72: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 84: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 131: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 202: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 95: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 127: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer'
> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 100: The method 
> instantiate(SerializationStreamReader) from the type 
> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer refers to the missing type 
> ConstraintViolationImpl
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 37: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
> resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 73: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
> resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 32: The type 
> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer must implement the inherited 
> abstract method 
> CustomFieldSerializer.deserializeInstance(SerializationStreamReader,
> ConstraintViolationImpl)
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 33: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
> resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 32: The type 
> ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer must implement the inherited 
> abstract method 
> CustomFieldSerializer.serializeInstance(SerializationStreamWriter,
> ConstraintViolationImpl)
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 41: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
> resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 105: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
> resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 88: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
> resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 53: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
> resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 98: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
> resolved to a type
> [INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
> 'org.hibernate.validator.engine.ValidationSupport'
> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 43: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
> resolved to a type
> [INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/Users/thomas/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.8.2/gwt-user-2.8.2.jar!/org/hibernate/validator/super/org/hibernate/validator/engine/'
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 72: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 84: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
> [INFO]  [ERROR] Line 131: NodeImpl ca

Migrating to ltgt gwt-maven-plugin causes compile problem with HibernateValidation

2022-08-23 Thread Thomas
Hi all,

I'm in the progress of modularising a GWT app and migrating it to use the 
newer ltgt gwt-maven-plugin. I have a GWT module which compiles correctly 
using the old gwt-maven-plugin, but fails with the following errors using 
the new gwt-maven-plugin:

[INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:1.0.1:compile (default-compile) @ gwt-portal ---
[INFO] Compiling module com.inspectivity.portal.Portal
[INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
[INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 31: The method getParameterNameProvider() of 
type CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype method
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 36: The method close() of type 
CustomValidatorFactory must override or implement a supertype method
[INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
[INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 72: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 84: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 131: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 202: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 95: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 127: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
[INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 100: The method 
instantiate(SerializationStreamReader) from the type 
ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer refers to the missing type 
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 37: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be resolved 
to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 73: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be resolved 
to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 32: The type 
ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer must implement the inherited 
abstract method 
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 33: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be resolved 
to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 32: The type 
ConstraintViolationImpl_CustomFieldSerializer must implement the inherited 
abstract method 
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 41: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be resolved 
to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 105: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be 
resolved to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 88: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be resolved 
to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 53: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be resolved 
to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 98: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be resolved 
to a type
[INFO]Tracing compile failure path for type 
[INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 43: ConstraintViolationImpl cannot be resolved 
to a type
[INFO]   [ERROR] Errors in 
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 72: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 84: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 131: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 202: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 95: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO]  [ERROR] Line 127: NodeImpl cannot be resolved to a type
[INFO][ERROR] Aborting compile due to errors in some input files

I'm using GWT 2.8.2 and here's a fragment of my POM for the module:;








Re: [gwt-contrib] GWT 2 Roadmap as it applies to future deprecations

2022-08-21 Thread Thomas Broyer
evelopers, so this isn’t to be
> taken lightly, nor done without some plan to continue to support critical
> fixes. Some quick options, based on how much pushback we get on each:
>- Keep all compatibility until the dependency in question is formally
>end-of-life’d. We’ll be waiting until something like 2026 to pick up the
>Java 17 support through JDT, though other options might be possible along
>the way.
>- Be very aggressive in dropping support, such as Spring’s model,
>where the next release will only support Java 17+. This will undoubtedly
>cut off support for many projects far before they are ready to update.
>- Let the main branch work towards updating some of these dependencies
>for a 2.11 release, and backport any fixes that don’t directly relate to
>upgrades to the release/2.10 branch. This would represent a shift in
>existing policy around releases, and might require more support from
>community members for testing and such. There is also the risk that 2.10
>could miss out on some fixes. As the “current version” of Java is going to
>keep on marching forward, likely 2.12 and so on would continue to be
>released, and 2.10 would remain the “LTS” version.
>- Same as above, but let 2.11 become the LTS release (so as to give
>the project time to adapt to being moved to GitHub, and to get a 2.10.1 out
>to fix known regressions), and let 2.12+ feel comfortable dropping support
>for Java 8, etc.
>- Same as above, but a more complex plan where more than one version
>is maintained long-term, to allow (for example) 2.11 to drop Java 8, 2.12
>to drop javax.servlet, 2.13 to drop Java 11 and so on. This could easily
>explode out of control with many backported fixes to manage and test.
> I don’t want to dwell too much yet on exactly what should be dropped and
> when, at least until some initial conversation is had on generally handling
> deprecations and potentially picking a potential strategy for keeping a
> “LTS”-style release. Then, discuss community support needs for the various
> dependencies in a broader audience, and make decisions from there.
> Thoughts on how to generally balance deprecations against updates?

Separating gwt-dev (the toolchain) from gwt-user (the APIs), I'd be rather
"aggressive" with the toolchain (drop JDK 8 if we need to for updating a
dependency and e.g. gaining Java 17 language support) but more
"conservative" with the APIs (using '--release 8' to target JDK 8). Using
toolchains with Maven or Gradle, it should be "relatively easy" to call the
GWT toolchain using JDK 11 or 17 while building everything else (possibly
even including 'javac') with JDK 8, and if not possible, then just don't
update GWT. The '--release 8' would make sure the code can run in a Java 8
environment (if you trust the JDK on it, I do), and all that'd be needed
would be to make sure the dependencies are all Java 8-compatible (this only
applies to dependencies that are needed at runtime, i.e. dependencies of
gwt-servlet and requestfactory-* artifacts).
Ideally we'd separate client vs server to target different Java versions,
but the build currently doesn't really make it easy, so simply compiling
gwt-user with '--release 8' should be enough, at least to begin with. Using
retrolambda or similar might be a possibility (either when
producing/packaging gwt-servlet, or asking users to do it on their side
when consuming gwt-servlet for a Java 8 environment).

This should make it possible to:

   - update projects already on JDK 11+ without API breaking change (no
   javax → jakarta change)
   - continue to target JDK 8 runtime environments, at the price of having
   to use JDK 11+ (or possibly even 17+) at build time when invoking the GWT
   toolchain (compiler, codeserver, GWTTestCase)

Thomas Broyer
/tɔ.ma.bʁ <>

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Re: Security Vulnerabilities with GWT 2.10

2022-07-29 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Friday, July 29, 2022 at 1:27:36 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> Hi All,
> Below Security Vulnerabilities in gwt-dev.jar in latest GWT 2.10 release 
> have been reported by Dependency checker tool - 
> [image: gwt-dev_vulnerablities.PNG]
> Given above vulnerabilities -
> 1. Are those security issues addressed in latest 2.10.0 release?
> 2. If no, is there a plan to include them in any future release say 3.x?
> 3. As we know that gwt-dev.jar is used for development purpose( in our 
> application, we remove gwt-dev.jar post compilation) , still are there any 
> attack surfaces exists?

IIRC, GSON is used to load sourcemaps when deobfuscating stacktraces (it 
might also be used for generating source maps at build time, I don't 
remember) ; sourcemaps are bundled with your application so they can hardly 
be considered "untrusted data".
James (mime4j) is a transitive dependency of HTMLUnit, used for testing. 
It's not clear whether the mime4j component of James is vulnerable (I'd say 
no), but it's only used for unit tests where I'd say you shouldn't load any 
untrusted data.
Jetty as used in GWT won't do HTTP/2.

So, the only possible attack surface would be untrusted URLs loaded during 

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Re: GWT compiler keeps complaining about missing source files

2022-07-26 Thread Thomas Broyer
You may want to try out using super-source instead.
Move your org/springframework into ch/zh/registerjp/super/ and add 
 in ZHStRegisterJPWeb.gwt.xml (and remove the 
GwtSpring.gwt.xml and the related )

+-* src
| +-* main
| | +-* java
| | | +-* ch
| | | | +-* zh
| | | | | +-* registerjp
| | | | | | +-* client
| | | | | | | +-- ...
| | | | | | +-* shared
| | | | | | | +-* security
| | | | | | | | +--
| | | | | | | | +-- ...
| | | | | | | +-- ...
| | | | | | +-* server
| | | | | | | +-- ...
| | ...
| | +-* resource
| | | +-* ch
| | | | +-* zh
| | | | | +-* registerjp
| | | | | | +-- ZHStRegisterJPWeb.gwt.xml   << our application's gwt-file
| | | | | +-* super
| | | | | | +-* org<< copies of the referenced Spring source files 
below this folder
| | | | | | | +-* springframework
| | | | | | | | +-* security
| | | | | | | | | +-* core
| | | | | | | | | | +--
| | | | | | | | | | +--
| | | | | | | | | | +-- ...
| | | | | | | | | | +-* userdetails
| | | | | | | | | | | +--
| | | | | | | | | | | +--
[Note: '*' are directories]

On Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 2:26:17 PM UTC+2 mmo wrote:

> Originally I had indeed placed all the code (also the "drop-ins" for 
> Spring) under src/main/java but I then got the very same errors as 
> described in my previous email. 
> And also now, after I have moved them back into the java sub-tree I keep 
> getting the same error. So, there must be something else still wrong 
> here... ?!?
> I provide an updated view of how my java source and resource tree 
> currently looks like.
> * 
> |
> +-* src
> | +-* main
> | | +-* java
> | | | +-* ch
> | | | | +-* zh
> | | | | | +-* registerjp
> | | | | | | +-* client
> | | | | | | | +-- ...
> | | | | | | +-* shared
> | | | | | | | +-* security
> | | | | | | | | +--
> | | | | | | | | +-- ...
> | | | | | | | +-- ...
> | | | | | | +-* server
> | | | | | | | +-- ...
> | | | +-* org<< copies of the referenced Spring source files below 
> this folder
> | | | | +-* springframework
> | | | | | +-* security
> | | | | | | +-* core
> | | | | | | | +--
> | | | | | | | +--
> | | | | | | | +-- ...
> | | | | | | | +-* userdetails
> | | | | | | | | +--
> | | | | | | | | +--
> | | ...
> | | +-* resource
> | | | +-* ch
> | | | | +-* zh
> | | | | | +-* registerjp
> | | | | | | +-- ZHStRegisterJPWeb.gwt.xml   << our application's gwt-file
> | | | | | ...
> | | | |
> | | | +-* org
> | | | | +-* springframework
> | | | | | +-- GwtSpring.gwt.xml   << the added Spring gwt-file
> | | | ...
> [Note: '*' are directories]
> On Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 11:42:56 AM UTC+2 wrote:
>> It looks like you put the source in the resources tree rather than in the 
>> source tree. If you fix that then it may help
>> On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 6:21 PM mmo  wrote:
>>> In the code that I inherited my predecessors had decided to use a couple 
>>> of Spring classes even in GWT client code.
>>> While I am not exactly enthused by this decision the referenced classes 
>>> are - at least from my point of view - OK to use in GWT client code, since 
>>> they are mostly interfaces or simple classes that don't pull too much of 
>>> "Spring" into the client. So my aim is to leave the code as such unchanged 
>>> as much as possible (trying to follow the "never change running 
>>> code"-principle...).
>>> What I don't like, however, is that so far they had simply ignored the 
>>> resulting GWT compile errors. I am thus now trying to correct the GWT 
>>> settings such that this at least compiles without errors (i.e. that I can 
>>> use the "strict" compiler setting).
>>> The initial error was that the Spring sources for GrantedAuthority, 
>>> CredentialsContainer and a few more classes could not be found during GWT 
>>> compilation.
>>> When I then added the Spring sources jar to the dependencies the GWT 
>>> compiler ran havock and apparently tried to compile the ENTIRE Spring 
>>> library. That was definitely NOT what I wanted.
>>> Next I tried to provide ONLY (copies of) those sources that are actually 
>>> referenced in our GWT code, i.e. I added copies of those spring source 
>>> files to our resources folder and try to direct the GWT compiler to use 
>>> only those. Besides the mentioned java files I thus also added a 
>>> GwtSpring.gwt.xml file which I reference from our application's 
>>> ZHStRegisterJPWeb.gwt.xml like so:
>>> * 
>>> |
>>> +-* src
>>> | +-* main
>>> | | +-* java
>>> | | | +-* ch
>>> | | | | +-* zh
>>> | | | | | +-* registerjp
>>> | | | | | | +-* client
>>> | | | | | | | +-- ...
>>> | | | | | | +-* shared
>>> | | | | | | | +-* security
>>> | | | | | | | | +--
>>> | | | | | | | | +-- ...
>>> | | | | | | | +-- ...
>>> | | | | | | +-* server
>>> | | | | | | | +-- ...
>>> | | |
>>> | | +-* 

Re: Startup error: Object of class '' is not of type 'org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext'.

2022-07-22 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 5:10:40 PM UTC+2 mmo wrote:

> OK - thanks for letting me know! I interpret that such that gwt:run and 
> gwt:debug aren't working/supported anymore, right?

Well, first, regarding the plugin you're using: “The legacy maven plugin is 
still supported but it is strongly encouraged to use the new one for new 
That however doesn't mean gwt:run and gwt:debug aren't supported: as long 
as you don't need jetty-web.xml, they work perfectly fine.
Should you use them though? I don't think so (and for many reasons).

Do you test and develop in a Tomcat or what's your preferred setup?

My preferred setup is , 
with a clear separation of client and server code. This only works with 
"that other gwt-maven-plugin" that was specifically designed for 
multi-module Maven projects (well, technically you can make it work with 
the "legacy plugin", and early versions of the archetypes did just that, 
but it's too hackish for me).
(my actual preferred setup is to not build a WAR, and use Gradle rather 
than Maven, but that's outside the scope of that discussion)

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Re: Startup error: Object of class '' is not of type 'org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext'.

2022-07-21 Thread Thomas Broyer
If you need anything specific, don't use the embedded Jetty.
You have a jetty-web.xml so I assume you need "something specific" → don't 
use the embedded Jetty.

(it might be that this was plain broken in 2.10 when upgrading the Jetty 
version, but the last time I had to work on this –that was years ago–, I 
declared it was the last time and jetty-web.xml wouldn't be supported in 
the future: if it works, you're lucky, if it doesn't, well, we never said 
it would so 路 ; now other maintainers might have a different opinion and 
would be willing to investigate)

On Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 9:30:16 PM UTC+2 mmo wrote:

> After some substantial fiddling and bug chasing I finally managed to 
> successfully compile our application using GWT 2.10.0. However, when I 
> start this locally using the command line:
> mvn -s 
> "D:\Projects\KStA_ZH_RegisterJP\code\application\etc\m2\settings_mms.xml" 
> "gwt:run"   -f 
> "D:\Projects\KStA_ZH_RegisterJP\code\application\zhstregisterjp-web\pom.xml"
> (I am using powershell, that's why I need all those quotes)
> ... then the Jetty-startup ends in:
> ...
> 00:00:11.918 [WARN] Failed startup of context 
> c.g.g.d.s.j.WebAppContextWithReload@aa5455e{/,file:///D:/Projects/KStA_ZH_RegisterJP/code/application/zhstregisterjp-web/target/registerjp/,UNAVAILABLE}{D:\Projects\KStA_ZH_RegisterJP\code\application\zhstregisterjp-web\target\registerjp}
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Object of class 
> '' is 
> not of type 'org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext'. 
> Object Class and type Class are from different loaders. in 
> file:///D:/Projects/KStA_ZH_RegisterJP/code/application/zhstregisterjp-web/target/registerjp/WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml
> What am I missing here or what needs to be changed to get this running 
> again with v2.10? Could some kind soul give me a nudge in the direction to 
> search for?

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Re: Compatibility of GWT 2.10.0 with GXT 2.3.1.a

2022-07-18 Thread Thomas Broyer
In an ideal world, you'd reach out to those libs' maintainers and ask them 
if their lib is compatible with GWT 2.10.
But those are all libs that haven't had a new release in *a decade*:
* GXT 2.3.1.a was released in 2014
* GWTx 1.5.3 was released 2009 (GWT 2.0.0 wasn't even released at the time!)
* log4j-gwt 1.0 was released in 2012

You're quite fortunate that GWT has a rather extraordinary backward 
compatibility track and such a combination *might* still work with 2.10.0, 
but nobody in their own mind should even try that unless they're desperate.
If you're going to spend time on something, spend it on removing those 
outdated, unmaintained libs (you had between 8 and 13 years to do it 
already, but it's never too late). Stay on an older GWT version for as long 
as you can, but remove those libs (if you share code with the JVM that uses 
log4j –still using log4j 1.x? hope you migrated to reload4j–, then 
rewrite/copy the few bits that need to be emulated; for GXT and GWTx, 
replace with your own code or possibly another –maintained– lib).
If the project isn't worth it, then it's probably not worth either spending 
time updating to GWT 2.10 and make sure everything still works.

So first, let me ask: why do you want to update to GWT 2.10?

On Monday, July 18, 2022 at 6:56:23 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> Hello Team,
> we use following jars in our application - 
> GXT .jar -2.3.1.a
> GWTx.jar -   1.5.3
> Log4j-gwt.jar - 1.0
> Wanted to know that will recent update of GWT 2.10.0 compatible with above 
> dependencies.

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Re: net.ltgt.gwt.maven and testing in multi-module project structure?

2022-07-13 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 3:06:37 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> Thank you, the setting the  did it.

FYI, using a GWTTestSuite can improve performance (that's why it's the 
default in the plugin, because it favors best 

> My next question about testing is, what are the expectations for the test 
> module? Are we still required to provide a separate JUnit.gwt.xml?

You've never been (or at least not for many many years) as GWT will 
synthesize a module that inherits both and the 
module your GWTTestCase's getModuleName() returns.
The gwt-maven-plugin itself has no specific expectations either, 
so should apply 
as-is (I haven't re-read it though, but that's the goal of the plugin, to 
be a "thin" wrapper that only wires things that are specific to Maven, e.g. 
src/main/java, computing the classpath from dependencies, etc.)

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Re: net.ltgt.gwt.maven and testing in multi-module project structure?

2022-07-10 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Sunday, July 10, 2022 at 6:03:14 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm moving away from the 'classic' Maven GWT plugin to net.ltgt.gwt.maven 
> by Thomas Broyer and I'm unclear to make client tests work. I created the 
> project using
> mvn archetype:generate-DarchetypeGroupId=net.ltgt.gwt.archetypes
> -DarchetypeVersion=LATEST-DarchetypeArtifactId=modular-webapp
> modular-webapp doesn't generate client/test, so I just added standard 
> Maven structure using client/test/java, but those are not invoked.

Do you have GWTTestSuite matching the default *includes* 
If not, then either add one or change the includes to match your test 
classes (e.g. **/*, or the whole list from the default 
maven-surefire-plugin's value 

> speaks in terms 
> of proect base directories instead of the client module. Quote:
> ${}/gwt-tests/deploy.

Multi-modules in Maven are an after-thought, so $project always refers to 
the current *module* in a multi-module build. This means that 
${} defaults to the target/ directory inside your 
client module.

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Re: Your src appears not to live underneath a subpackage called 'client',but you'll need to use the directive in your module to make it accessible

2022-07-07 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 1:58:03 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> 2) Also is there any documentation on how to use external servlet 
> container along with super dev mode in eclipse plugin 
IIRC, the videos 
cover this 

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Re: Your src appears not to live underneath a subpackage called 'client',but you'll need to use the directive in your module to make it accessible

2022-07-02 Thread Thomas Broyer
I suppose you've changed the way you call SuperDevMode to pass it 
com.cname.proj.client.Main too: SuperDevMode expects the module name, not 
the entrypoint class name. So you'd give SuperDevMode com.cname.proj.Main 
(which is the name of the Main.gwt.xml), in which it'll find the entrypoint 
class name.

On Saturday, July 2, 2022 at 2:05:54 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> Hi Jen, 
> I have changed my entry point to 
> class='com.cname.proj.client.Main. But now super devmode is  now giving 
> me an error not able to find com/cname/proj/client/Main.gwt.xml in the 
> classpath. It forces me to keen Main.gwt.xml and in the same 
> folder/package and then it is giving me forgot to inherit some module 
> error. 
> Thanks & Regards,
> Abhishek Yadav 
> On Sat, Jul 2, 2022, 2:05 AM Jens  wrote:
>> Content in Main.gwt.xml 
>> With that configuration the GWT compiler can see packages 
>> com.cname.proj.client and com.cname.proj.service in your main project. 
>> However your entry point is not in any of these packages. You need to move 
>> the entry point into the client package and update the  
>> accordingly.
>> -- J.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "GWT Users" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .

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Re: 'Throwable.HasJavaThrowable' has invalid name '?'.

2022-07-01 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 4:22:08 PM UTC+2 mmo wrote:

> Pardon my ignorance but I never had to dive very deeply into many of these 
> GWT details and options, yet.
> Is that "-strict" that Michael and you mention the same as setting:
> gwt-maven-plugin
> ...
> ...
> true
> ...
> in a pom.xml? 
> I searched for strict in the maven plugin's description and this seems to 
> be the only match I found.

Yes, that's the same (the argument was initially called -strict and later 
renamed to -failOnError, with -strict kept as a alias so many keep using 
-strict, but the gwt-maven-plugin⋅s both have it as failOnError)

> Anyway - after settings said option I got much more GWT compiler output 
> and there are tons of error messages with the pattern "No source code is 
> available for type . did you forget to inherit a required module".
> Unfortunately, the classes referenced are misc. stuff 
> from,,  
> org.apache.commons.collections,, etc., 
> i.e. all classes that I can not shift into the UI's shared or client 
> folder. How can one make the sources of these classes known to the GWT 
> compiler?

I'd rather say the  in your gwt.xml includes non-client 

> On Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at 11:05:06 PM UTC+2 Jens wrote:
>> Yeah as Michael already said, I strongly encourage you to use "-strict" 
>> GWT compiler / DevMode parameter in all of your GWT projects and fix all 
>> GWT compile errors you are then seeing. We should have make that parameter 
>> the default setting long time ago. I really don't see any benefit of not 
>> using it.
>> The error you are seeing indicates that you have an old GWT 2.8.0 on your 
>> class path which is used for compilation. GWT 2.8.0 does not know anything 
>> about "*" or "?" as native JsInterop type names and thus disallows them. 
>> Both names have been implemented in GWT 2.8.1+ and have a special meaning. 
>> See: 
>> So use -strict to see GWT compilation errors that need to be fixed and 
>> check your classpath so that you really only have one GWT SDK version.
>> -- J.
>> mmo schrieb am Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2022 um 19:10:09 UTC+2:
>>> When compiling one of our GWT-based projects with the new GWT 2.10.0 I 
>>> get:
>>> ...
>>> [INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:2.10.0:compile (default) @ 
>>> zhstregisterjp-web ---
>>> [INFO] Compiling module 
>>> ch.zh.ksta.zhstregisterjp.ZHStRegisterJPWebDevelopment
>>> [INFO]Ignored 5 units with compilation errors in first pass.
>>> [INFO] Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to DEBUG or WARN to 
>>> see all errors.
>>> [INFO]Ignored 14 units with compilation errors in first pass.
>>> [INFO] Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to 
>>> see all errors.
>>> [INFO]Errors in com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/
>>> [INFO]   [ERROR] Line 344: 'Throwable.HasJavaThrowable' has invalid 
>>> name '?'.
>>> Pardon me?
>>> Any hint or direction what I could do or search for here to get over 
>>> this?

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Re: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.sql.DataSource when using GWT 2.9.0 + Java 11 combination

2022-06-30 Thread Thomas Broyer
Didn't legacy devmode also only work with JDK 8?

On Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at 10:46:30 PM UTC+2 Jens wrote:

> Without being able to see the project setup this is tough to answer.
> However regardless of the exception you are seeing: Classic/Legacy DevMode 
> will not work with GWT 2.9.0 correctly, because GWT 2.9.0 already uses 
> JsInterop internally in its Java SDK emulation (e.g. java.util.Date uses 
> it). JsInterop is not supported by classic/legacy DevMode. With GWT 2.9.0 
> you have to use SuperDevMode to have a functional Java SDK emulation during 
> development.
> -- J.
> schrieb am Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2022 um 21:58:40 UTC+2:
>> Hi Team,
>> I am trying to start classic DEV mode in eclipse through GWT eclipse 
>> plugin .
>> I am using GWT 2.9.0 + Java 11 combination.
>> I am getting below error. Can you help me in resolving the below error:
>> [b]Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.sql.DataSource
>> at 
>> ~[gwt-dev-2.9.0.jar:?]
>> at 
>> org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader.loadClass(

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Re: Using JsInterop to create JS object literals

2022-06-29 Thread Thomas Broyer
Using isNative=true, you're telling GWT that you're only "mapping" in Java 
a *type* that exists in JS. The default naming rule is that the full name 
of that type is the fully qualified name of the Java class, you can change 
the simple name with 'name', and the *prefix* with namespace (which 
defaults to the package name for top-level classes, or the enclosing type's 
JS name for nested classes). So with namespace=GLOBAL but without the 
name="Object", you're saying that you want to basically do a 'new 
$wnd.MyPluginConfig()' in JS, and the browser rightfully complains that 
there's no such MyPluginConfig. Adding name="Object" means you'll do a 'new 
$wnd.Object()' in JS.

Fwiw, I'd rather user fields than getters/setters for such objects. YMMV.

On Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at 8:38:19 AM UTC+2 Nicolas Chamouard wrote:

> Thank you !
> It is a bit mysterious to me, but with *name = "Object"* the constructor 
> works :)
> Le mercredi 29 juin 2022 à 00:47:32 UTC+2, a écrit :
>> try adding name = "Object" so that it uses an empty javascript Object as 
>> the wrapped item.
>> I found this via Googling:
>> @JsType(namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, isNative = true, name = "Object")
>> public class MyPluginConfig {
>> @JsProperty public void set(String str);
>> @JsProperty public String get();
>> ...
>> }
>> Ref:
>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 6:24 PM Nicolas Chamouard <
>>> wrote:
>>> Yes, it does not change anything : 
>>> @JsType(*isNative*=*true*, *namespace* = JsPackage.*GLOBAL*)
>>> *public* *class* OptionOverrides {
>>> @JsConstructor
>>> *public* OptionOverrides() {}
>>> @JsProperty
>>> *public* *native* String getInitialView();
>>> @JsProperty
>>> *public* *native* *void* setInitialView(String initialView);
>>> }
>>> Still the same error : *$wnd.OptionOverrides is not a constructor*
>>> Le mardi 28 juin 2022 à 23:27:08 UTC+2, a écrit :
 Have you tried giving the class a constructor?

 On Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 4:04 PM Nicolas Chamouard <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using JsInterop to integrate FullCalendar to my GWT application.
> As described here, I 
> am supposed to create an object literal and pass it to the Calendar() 
> constructor.
> I have managed to create this class : 
> @JsType(*namespace* = JsPackage.*GLOBAL*)
> *public* *class* OptionOverrides {
> @JsProperty
> *public* *native* String getInitialView();
> @JsProperty
> *public* *native* *void* setInitialView(String initialView);
> }
> It works but the FullCalendar complains about all the Java Object 
> stuff that is translated to javascript : equals(), hashCode(), etc
> I have tried to add* isNative=true* to my class, but in this case i 
> cannot instantiate it in Java (error : $wnd.OptionOverrides is not a 
> constructor)
> Is there an other way to do this, am I missing something here ?
> Thanks
> -- 
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>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "GWT Users" group.
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>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>> .

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Re: Install GWT plugin for Firefox26

2022-06-28 Thread Thomas Broyer
Well it should be downloadable at (link from 
the error page that should appear in Firefox; copy/paste to another browser 
for download, then install it in Firefox)

On Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 8:17:32 PM UTC+2 Ben Shapiro wrote:

> We have the gwt-dev-plugin-1.26-rc1.xpi plugin here in our office. I am 
> happy to give you a copy if you want.  Then you can manually install it on 
> your old version of Firefox.
> You can reach me at bshapiro @
> Thanks.
> On Friday, June 24, 2022 at 3:29:44 AM UTC-6 wrote:
>> I maintain the (old) application with the GWT part. To run the system 
>> locally (bugs fixing or minor code changes) I need the FF26 - and the GWT 
>> plugin.
>> Each time I have to setup my machine for the task, I install the FF26 and 
>> the GWT plugin. No problems in the past. But this year I get the error 
>> while doing it:
>> Secure Connection Failed
>> An error occurred during a connection to Cannot 
>> communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). (Error 
>> code: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap) 
>> How can I install the GWT plugin on my FF26 browser?
>> Thanks!

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Re: Install GWT plugin for Firefox26

2022-06-24 Thread Thomas Broyer
Is your app that old that you cannot use SuperDevMode ? It exists since GWT 
2.5 which will soon be 10 years old ‼ with the first "really usable" 
version in GWT 2.7, nearly 8 years ago.
Nobody nowadays still uses the "legacy devmode" with browser plugins.

On Friday, June 24, 2022 at 11:29:44 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> I maintain the (old) application with the GWT part. To run the system 
> locally (bugs fixing or minor code changes) I need the FF26 - and the GWT 
> plugin.
> Each time I have to setup my machine for the task, I install the FF26 and 
> the GWT plugin. No problems in the past. But this year I get the error 
> while doing it:
> Secure Connection Failed
> An error occurred during a connection to Cannot 
> communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). (Error 
> code: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap) 
> How can I install the GWT plugin on my FF26 browser?
> Thanks!

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Re: GWT Java Full Stack Developer Job

2022-05-26 Thread Thomas
Yes, in the reply above.

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Re: Is there an easy way to use GWT Request Factory?

2022-05-21 Thread Thomas Broyer
Using ORMs on clients and servers, what are you talking about?

On Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 3:27:25 AM UTC+2 hprc wrote:

> to: ..
> thank you for the advice.
> Right now I'm not using [RequestFactory] right now, so I'm not having any 
> issues, but it's interesting to be able to use ORMs on clients and servers, 
> isn't it?
> I myself create a data sharing type object in there and exchange it.
> 2022年5月20日金曜日 23:14:58 UTC+9
>> why not use gwt-rpc? I am a lazy guy and am happily using it for more 
>> than 10 years now - I even use the generated serializers in combination 
>> with WebSockets. What can possibly go wrong here...?
>> On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 3:57 PM Thomas Broyer  wrote:
>>> Short answer: don't start using RequestFactory now, it's been 
>>> practically unmaintained for years.
>>> Long answer: there's not really a longer answer actually, it's OK to 
>>> keep using RF in existing projects (if you can't afford moving to something 
>>> else), but don't start anything with it now.
>>> (I wouldn't start anything new with gwt-rpc either BTW, but YMMV)
>>> On Friday, May 20, 2022 at 12:32:18 AM UTC+2 hprc wrote:
>>>> I know that GWT Request Factor plays an important role in Java object 
>>>> persistence and communication between client and server.
>>>> However, on the server and client, even one object needs to generate 
>>>> related classes and interfaces, and then annotation settings etc. need to 
>>>> be set for each class and interface.
>>>> It is complicated and has a lot of trouble to create.
>>>> Originally, these things are like plugins, and it is desirable to 
>>>> select one object and generate a related class, but do you all know?
>>>> I have been using GWT for over 10 years, but I do not use 
>>>> "RequestFactory" and operate only with objects like Map by RPC 
>>>> communication.
>>>> This can simplify the entire system and greatly reduce the effort 
>>>> required to create it.
>>>> GWT RequestFactory
>>> -- 
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>>> <>
>>> .

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Re: Is there an easy way to use GWT Request Factory?

2022-05-20 Thread Thomas Broyer
Short answer: don't start using RequestFactory now, it's been practically 
unmaintained for years.

Long answer: there's not really a longer answer actually, it's OK to keep 
using RF in existing projects (if you can't afford moving to something 
else), but don't start anything with it now.
(I wouldn't start anything new with gwt-rpc either BTW, but YMMV)

On Friday, May 20, 2022 at 12:32:18 AM UTC+2 hprc wrote:

> I know that GWT Request Factor plays an important role in Java object 
> persistence and communication between client and server.
> However, on the server and client, even one object needs to generate 
> related classes and interfaces, and then annotation settings etc. need to 
> be set for each class and interface.
> It is complicated and has a lot of trouble to create.
> Originally, these things are like plugins, and it is desirable to select 
> one object and generate a related class, but do you all know?
> I have been using GWT for over 10 years, but I do not use "RequestFactory" 
> and operate only with objects like Map by RPC communication.
> This can simplify the entire system and greatly reduce the effort required 
> to create it.
> GWT RequestFactory

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Re: GWT Java Full Stack Developer Job

2022-05-12 Thread Thomas
Please remove if inappropriate or let me know and I'll remove.
Inspectivity are looking for an experienced remote full stack Java/Web/GWT 
developer for a long term role in a small team. We are a growing Australian 
tech company providing a paperless, cloud-based inspection solution for 
critical assets. We assist engineering projects to digitalise their 
approach to inspection management.

You will be working on a web and mobile application. The web application is 
a Java8/Spring/Spring Security/Spring Data/JPA/PostgreSQL backend with a 
GWT front end. Our mobile application is developed in GWT as well which is 
packaged in a Cordova Android app. It's a reasonably sized existing code 
base with ~4100 classes for the Frontend and Backend. We use JasperReports 
for generating pixel-perfect PDF reports. The solution is hosted in AWS 
making use of modern automation techniques.

You will be implementing client specific customisations, bug fixes and big 
and small improvements. In the mid term, we aim to gradually improve the 
web stack by splitting the web app into smaller GWT modules and migrate 
parts of it to React.

The ideal candidate:

You are passionate about doing things “right” and you can easily find your 
way around in a large codebase. You are committed to high-quality coding 
standards with a focus on reusability and maintainability. You know how to 
architect solutions which fit into an existing codebase and you have 
experience working in a small team.

You are a good communicator and you have very good English skills (written 
and spoken). You are based in Asia or Europe which makes it easy to 
communicate with the team based in Perth/Australia.

Essential skills are Java8, JPA, Spring, SQL, GWT, HTML/CSS, Javascript, 
Git, IntelliJ and Maven. Solid understanding of React would also be 
required. JasperReports experience would be beneficial, too.

We offer a long-term engagement and working with a small dedicated team 
with quick decision making and exciting growth opportunities.

Please email sales @ or myself here if interested.

On Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 4:19:13 PM UTC+8 Craig Mitchell wrote:

> There was a group for job listings, but I think it's now gone.  I'd say go 
> for it (but I'm not an admin).
> On Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 3:21:25 pm UTC+10 Thomas wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Would it be ok to post a job ad for a GWT Java Full Stack Developer Job 
>> here?
>> Thanks,
>> Thomas

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GWT Java Full Stack Developer Job

2022-05-11 Thread Thomas
Hi all,
Would it be ok to post a job ad for a GWT Java Full Stack Developer Job 


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Re: [gwt-contrib] Preliminary testing for GWT 2.10 release

2022-04-24 Thread Thomas Broyer
>> you see, even though the showcase references those types. Showcase's
>> CwRichText explicitly uses the RichText widget.
>> However, both maven and gradle projects do correctly include the
>> warnings, if you happen to include those gwt modules in your project. That
>> does make the iteration time a bit longer to test, but it appears we can
>> suppress the warnings on a per-usage basis. I'll propose a patch (and
>> upload a new build to test) as soon as I'm able.
>> On Friday, April 22, 2022 at 9:12:58 AM UTC-5 Thomas Broyer wrote:
>>> I tried changing only the version (from to
>>> Looking at a dependency graph (./gradlew dependencies), I can see the
>>> dependencies properly "relocated" to their org.gwtproject
>>> equivalent 
>>> Java compilation passes without warning or error, same for JVM tests (I
>>> don't have much that use GWT though), and even GWT tests!  (I only have a
>>> couple of them though)
>>> GWT compilation emits a few unexpected warnings though:
>>>[WARN] Warnings in
>>> 'jar:file:/home/redacted/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.gwtproject/gwt-user/2.10.0-new-groupid-2/10fcf6c7213db2fc2c71a7731c582b6d8f9a4739/gwt-user-2.10.0-new-groupid-2.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/client/impl/'
>>>   [WARN] Line 30: Referencing deprecated class
>>> ''
>>>   [WARN] Line 30: Referencing deprecated class
>>> ''
>>>   [WARN] Line 57: Referencing deprecated class
>>> ''
>>>[WARN] Warnings in
>>> 'jar:file:/home/redacted/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.gwtproject/gwt-user/2.10.0-new-groupid-2/10fcf6c7213db2fc2c71a7731c582b6d8f9a4739/gwt-user-2.10.0-new-groupid-2.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/impl/'
>>>   [WARN] Line 40: Referencing deprecated class
>>> ''
>>>   [WARN] Line 68: Referencing deprecated class
>>> ''
>>> and later fails with errors in a (very old) third-party dependency,
>>> related to generics and wildcards (see below); but those errors are already
>>> there with GWT 2.9.0 actually, and if I remove -failOnError then it
>>> compiles OK! 
>>> Result of the compilation runs OK in Chrome (haven't tested others, and
>>> haven't run extensive tests either, so I can't say there are no
>>> regressions), and dev mode runs OK as well (after I remove -failOnError).
>>> This is using Activities/Places, UiBinder, Editors and RequestFactory
>>> extensively. Fwiw, it's also using elemental2-dom 1.0.0-RC1 (I probably
>>> should have updated), and GIN 2.1.2 (with Guice 4.2.2).
>>> I also tried replacing the BOM dependency with org.gwtproject:gwt
>>> (without changing the actual dependencies, so still using
>>>, works the same.
>>> I would prefer if the deprecation warnings above were suppressed before
>>> the release, but it otherwise LGTM. At least the relocation works as
>>> expected (from a Gradle point of view)
>>> Thanks a lot Colin for the hard work.
>>>Tracing compile failure path for type
>>> 'org.waveprotocol.wave.model.supplement.WaveletBasedSupplement'
>>>   [ERROR] Errors in
>>> 'jar:file:/home/redacted/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.waveprotocol.waveinabox/waveinabox-model/redacted!/org/waveprotocol/wave/model/supplement/'
>>>  [ERROR] Line 948: The method
>>> createWaveletSeenVersion(DocumentEventRouter) in the type
>>> WaveletBasedSupplement is not applicable for the arguments
>>> (DocumentEventRouter)
>>>  [ERROR] Line 943: The method
>>> create(ObservableMutableDocument) in the type
>>> DefaultDocumentEventRouter is not applicable for the arguments
>>> (ObservableMutableDocument)
>>>  [ERROR] Line 953: The method
>>> create(ObservableMutableDocument) in the type
>>> DefaultDocumentEventRouter is not applicable for the arguments
>>> (ObservableMutableDocument)
>>>  [ERROR] Line 918: The method createMuted(DocumentEventRouter>> super E,E,?>) in the type WaveletBasedSupplement is not a

Re: [gwt-contrib] Preliminary testing for GWT 2.10 release

2022-04-22 Thread Thomas Broyer
applicable for the arguments
 [ERROR] Line 943: The method
ObservablePrimitiveSupplement.Listener) in the type WaveletBasedSupplement
is not applicable for the arguments (DocumentEventRouter, ObservablePrimitiveSupplement.Listener)
 [ERROR] Line 948: The method
create(ObservableMutableDocument) in the type
DefaultDocumentEventRouter is not applicable for the arguments
 [ERROR] Line 923: The method createCleared(DocumentEventRouter) in the type WaveletBasedSupplement is not applicable for the
arguments (DocumentEventRouter)
 [ERROR] Line 958: The method
createAbuseStore(DocumentEventRouter) in the type
WaveletBasedSupplement is not applicable for the arguments
 [ERROR] Line 953: The method
createWaveletNotifiedVersion(DocumentEventRouter) in the
type WaveletBasedSupplement is not applicable for the arguments
 [ERROR] Line 918: The method
create(ObservableMutableDocument) in the type
DefaultDocumentEventRouter is not applicable for the arguments
 [ERROR] Line 963: The method
create(ObservableMutableDocument) in the type
DefaultDocumentEventRouter is not applicable for the arguments
 [ERROR] Line 928: The method
create(ObservableMutableDocument) in the type
DefaultDocumentEventRouter is not applicable for the arguments
 [ERROR] Line 963: The method
ObservablePrimitiveSupplement.Listener) in the type WaveletBasedSupplement
is not applicable for the arguments (DocumentEventRouter, ObservablePrimitiveSupplement.Listener)
 [ERROR] Line 928: The method
createWaveletArchiveState(DocumentEventRouter) in the type
WaveletBasedSupplement is not applicable for the arguments

On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 1:56 AM Colin Alworth  wrote:

> TL;DR: If you have the capability to do so, now would be an excellent time
> to help us test GWT in anticipation of a release, especially around the
> groupId change we're going to make.
> --
> We think that we're one merge away from being ready for a GWT 2.10
> release, so I'm starting the release process a bit early, since this last
> commit involves changing GWT's groupId away from and to
> org.gwtproject.
> To that end, I have a maven repo with the maven changes along wit all of
> the other changes in the GWT 2.10 series. The repo's URL is
>, and the only GWT
> version that exists there is "2.10.0-new-groupid-2".
> Based on earlier work (such as in the
> thread), this should allow projects to transition from to
> org.gwtproject by adding the org.gwtproject:gwt:pom to their project, and
> then specify gwt-user etc, and automatically manage the version of gwt used
> by dependencies. It should also be possible to just use the old groupid for
> this release, but later releases will not have that option.
> Please note that *packages are not changing *as part of this transition,
> only groupIds.
> Rough release notes:
>  * Updated htmlunit and jetty to more recent versions
>  * Dropped support for IE8/9/10
>  * Dropped support for Java 7
>  * Support long classpaths by using CLASSPATH env vars to run child
> permutation workers
>  * Many enhancements to emulation APIs and generated code
> Please reply to this thread or email me directly with any
> results/surprises/questions.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "GWT Contributors" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> <>
> .

Thomas Broyer
/tɔ.ma.bʁ <>

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2022-03-14 Thread Thomas Broyer
I haven't tried it (if only because of Spring) but your description is 
overly reductive IMO.
Hilla is made of (at least) 3 parts:

   - client-side library of web components (router, form data-binding, data 
   grids, etc.)
   - server-side framework (or only scaffolding?) based on Spring Boot, à 
   la JHipster
   - code generator that takes Java code for your Spring Boot endpoints and 
   generates TypeScript code to call them, and type definitions for direct use 
   with the form data-binding components (the generator actually is itself 
   made of 2 parts: generates an OpenAPI spec from the Spring Boot endpoints, 
   then generates TypeScript from that OpenAPI spec; it doesn't support all of 
   OpenAPI though, as it's tailored for the Hilla backend, wrt authentication 
   for instance).

On Monday, March 14, 2022 at 6:07:53 AM UTC+1 Craig Mitchell wrote:

> Has anyone tried ?  It seems like GWT minus most of 
> the bits.  Ie: They give you the model in TypeScript, then it's up to you 
> to do the rest.

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Re: Building a GWT project in Eclipse 2019-03+ with Java 11.

2022-02-20 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Saturday, February 19, 2022 at 1:57:16 AM UTC+1 

> Hi Jasper
> I'll be just glad if my current progress saves someone's time.
> I progress on step by step basis, so far I succeeded in Eclipse build and 
> debugging.
> Most of my problems were caused by combination of JDK11+ (namely modules) 
> + Gradle + Eclipse + Eclipse GWT Plugin. 
> Reason: GWT SDK gwt-dev.jar contains lot of classes that must not be 
> visible to Eclipse compiler, but in fact they are, causing dreaded "The 
> package org.w3c.dom is accessible from more than one module: , 
> java.xml" error.
> When `gradle build` is issued in command line the gwt-dev.jar from the 
> maven repository is linked, it contains exactly essential google classes 
> and nothing more. Thus the build succeeds.
> But when you import such project in Eclipse under JDK11+ (I use JDK17) and 
> select a GWT SDK there're lots of build errors caused by "The package is 
> accessible from more than one module"

Can't you somehow disable the module path or put all dependencies in the 
classpath rather than the module path?

Alternatively, how about not using the Eclipse GWT Plugin?

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Re: GWT and UserAgent

2022-02-20 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Friday, February 18, 2022 at 6:00:24 PM UTC+1 David Nouls wrote:

> Hello I read that FireFox and Chrome are deprecating the useragent string.

Not sure where you read that and what it would really mean, particularly 
wrt backwards compatibility: browser vendors (and spec writers) try very 
hard not to "break the web" (e.g. its Array.prototype.includes rather than 
Array.prototype.contains because many old-ish libraries monkey-patched the 
Array prototype with a 'contains' method) so it's very unlikely that they 
remove the navigator.useragent or change it in a breaking way.
What has been envisioned is to actually freeze the version in the UA string 
in case using a 3-digit version breaks too many websites, with Chrome 
relegating the major version into its "minor".

> Is GWT depending on this and will it be impacted ?

GWT does depend on the UA string, but doesn't care about the browser 
version, except in very few cases.
Here's the main UA-sniffing code that helps select permutations, it doesn't 
use the version (uses documentMode in Internet Explorer, which has since 
been removed and won't be in 
And here are a few cases that care about the version:

   - those correctly patch all digits and won't break with 3-digit versions:
  - that one would likely "break" with Chrome/110–Chrome/119, but IIUC 
   unlikely to actually break apps, only send bigger payloads because it 
   escapes more characters:
   - that one is broken since Android 

All other uses of navigator.useragent seem to only care about some tokens 
like "safari", "chrome", "webkit", "msie", or "gecko".

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Re: Upgrading from 2.8.1 to 2.9.0 yields "...type not found, or there are compile errors..."?!?

2021-12-07 Thread Thomas Broyer
Use -strict (alias for -failOnError) too, it will fail early rather than 
ignoring some errors and later failing because of them.

On Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 10:28:09 AM UTC+1 wrote:

> I would try to enable the verbose and debug flags of the compilation.
> In my experience sometimes the compilation fails for whatever reason and 
> then the GWT compiler complains that it cannot find the class.
> The debug logs of the compilation usually have enough information to 
> diagnose and fix the problem.
> Hope this helps a bit.
> On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 11:21 AM mmo  wrote:
>> Hi and thanks for responding. We will double-check in that direction 
>> although I have doubts that this is the issue, because this has worked fine 
>> with the previous version, i.e. with v2.8.1 the compiler obviously *did* 
>> find the files. Has v2.9.0 a different or more rigid search strategy?
>> On Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 12:26:11 AM UTC+1 
>> wrote:
>>> It looks like the GWT compiler cannot find the source .java file for 
>>> that class, which it will need.  Perhaps it is in a directory that is not 
>>> covered by the  tag in your module.gwt.xml file?
>>> On Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 3:02:09 AM UTC+11 mmo wrote:
 We are trying to migrate a GWT application that is running fine with 
 GWT 2.8.1 to GWT 2.9.0.
 When we do a gwt:run the usual Jetty dialog comes up and without errors 
 nor exceptions and comes to the point where it offers to copy the URL or 
 launch the default browser.

 When we copy/paste the URL to the browser we get a ""Compiling SSt" 
 message and then the browser hangs ("SSt" is the name of the application).

 On the console we get the output:
 GET /recompile/sstweb
Job ch.zh.ksta.sst.SstWebDevelopment_1_2
   starting job: ch.zh.ksta.sst.SstWebDevelopment_1_2
   binding: gxt.device=desktop
   binding: gxt.user.agent=ie11
   binding: user.agent=gecko1_8
   binding: user.agent.os=windows
   Compiling module ch.zh.ksta.sst.SstWebDevelopment
  Ignored 20 units with compilation errors in first pass.
 Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all 
  Computing all possible rebind results for 
 Rebinding com.gwtplatform.mvp.client.ApplicationController
Invoking generator 
   [ERROR] The type 
 'ch.zh.ksta.sst.client.SstBootstrapper' was not found, either the class 
 name is wrong or there are compile errors in your code.
   [ERROR] The type 
 'ch.zh.ksta.sst.client.SstBootstrapper' was not found, either the class 
 name is wrong or there are compile errors in your code.
   [ERROR] There was a problem generating the 
 ApplicationController, this can be caused by bad GWT module configuration 
 or compile errors in your source code.
  [WARN] For the following type(s), generated source was never 
 committed (did you forget to call commit()?)
 [WARN] com.gwtplatform.mvp.client.ApplicationControllerImpl
  Unification traversed 29116 fields and methods and 2736 types. 
 2699 are considered part of the current module and 2699 had all of their 
 fields and methods traversed.
  Compiling 1 permutation
 Compiling permutation 0...
 Linking per-type JS with 2678 new/changed types.
 Source Maps Enabled
  Compile of permutations succeeded
  Compilation succeeded -- 6,609s

 We don't understand why the client boots trapper class is not found 
 (assuming the message is correct). It *is* contained in both, the classes 
 folder as well as in the generated .war file and the class' name is 
 correct. We also don't see any compile errors in the code (at least 
 IntelliJ doesn't display any...). 
 Any idea or hint, what might be wrong here? Or in which direction we 
 could search?
 Or any info that might be helpful here to pinpoint this issue?

>>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "GWT Users" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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>> .
> -- 
> Vassilis Virvilis

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Re: Why was benchmarking removed in GWT 2.6?

2021-12-02 Thread Thomas Broyer
>From the commit 

“This didn't get enough adaption externally or internally.
The way it's implemented requires special support from GWTTestCase
infrastructure. Also, we are not going have an environment
to automate benchmarks written on this any time soon.

If there is enough demand later, parts of this code can be
resurrected to build a new benchmark system.”

On Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 3:25:21 AM UTC+1 Alex Epshteyn wrote:

> This seemed like a very useful feature back in the day, and I'm really 
> curious to know the reasoning behind its removal in release 2.6.0 (RC1) 
> .
> Does anyone remember?

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Re: Element type "entry-point" must be declared.

2021-11-23 Thread Thomas Broyer
Those errors are *only* about the XML DTD validation, but they actually 
won't affect GWT itself.

It looks like there's a problem with the site that doesn't 
serve the doctype/2.8.1/gwt-module.dtd and instead redirects back to the 
home page, breaking XML DTD validation altogether (see that last error in 
your screenshot? its the one causing all the others).

Because the DTD is useless (it only used to help with autocompletion and 
the like in IDEs), I'd suggest removing the  
> I am getting these errors . 
> I am new to GWT . 
> Kindly help 

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Re: Can't upgrade my Gwt 2.4. Where did the "gwt-html5-storage.jar" dissapear?

2021-11-14 Thread Thomas Broyer
You don't need it 
(basically change your imports from to, there might be other changes needed, I never did 
such migration myself)

On Sunday, November 14, 2021 at 5:28:38 PM UTC+1 Haluk Acar Güner wrote:

> Since the punch cards for the last 40 years, I managed to solve almost all 
> my problems, but miserably failed to upgrade my GWT 2.4 App. Where did the 
> "gwt-html5-storage.jar" dissapear? What is the best strategy to eventually 
> upgrade to 2.9?
> Could anyone point me in the right direction please?

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Re: jsConstructor returns undefined

2021-11-05 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Friday, November 5, 2021 at 10:33:00 AM UTC+1 Jens wrote:

> You can use jsinterop-base library. It has a method 
> 'Js.asConstructorFn(Class)'

…which uses c...@java.lang.Class::jsConstructor, so if it's null/undefined 
in your own JSNI, there's no reason it won't be in jsinterop-base's 

> -- J.
> schrieb am Dienstag, 2. November 2021 um 09:49:41 
> UTC+1:
>> Hi all,
>> I have noticed that the next code returns the undefined value in gwt 2.9.0
>> public static native  Object getCtorFn(Class cls) /*-{
>> $wnd.console.log(cls)
>> $wnd.console.log(c...@java.lang.Class::jsConstructor)
>> return c...@java.lang.Class::jsConstructor;
>> }-*/;
>> Does someone know is jsConstroctor still supported?
>> Or could be there is another way to achieve the same

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Re: Populating CellTable using ListDataProvider?

2021-10-21 Thread Thomas Broyer
Is this 
not enough? Buried too deep? Lacking examples and/or a step-by-step?

In order to use a set of widgets in a ui.xml template file, you need to tie 
their package to an XML namespace prefix. That’s what’s happening in this 
attribute of the 
root  element: xmlns:g=''. 
This says that every class in the package can 
be used as an element with prefix g and a tag name matching its Java class 
name, like .

See how the g:ListBox element has a visibleItemCount='1' attribute? That 
becomes a call to ListBox#setVisibleItemCount(int) 
Every one of the widget’s methods that follow JavaBean-style conventions 
for setting a property can be used this way.

On Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 6:32:24 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> Hey, hey, hey,
> I'm one of us Javascript-deaf. With GWT I'm back to my a screen-a-day in 
> pure Java. Just loving it.
> Still, would GWT team be accepting of some PRs to update Javadocs? Took me 
> a day of Googling to figure out how to make use of custom widgets in UI 
> Binder templates.
> Slava
> On Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 7:15:59 PM UTC-7 Craig Mitchell wrote:
>> GWT does many great things.  Implementation of lists and tables wasn't 
>> one of them (IMHO).
>> If GWT 3 ever comes out.  It will be great to have separation of this 
>> stuff.
>> However, to answer your question, yes, it would make sense, I just don't 
>> know what the likelihood of a 2.9.1 release is.
>> On Tuesday, 19 October 2021 at 2:36:28 pm UTC+11 wrote:
>>> Folks, 
>>> Just following up on what turned to be my own blunder. Using 
>>> ListDataProvider doesn't work when the CellTable is created using pageSize 
>>> = 0. 
>>> super(0, resources, keyProvider);
>>> It still works when using setRowCount(); setRowData();.
>>> So I fixed it for the time being by setting a meaningfully large 
>>> pageSize.
>>> Here is the question: would it make sense to add a bit more to the 
>>> Javadoc for pageSize. Or maybe checking for 0 and throwing 
>>> IllegalArgumentException?
>>> On Friday, September 24, 2021 at 4:44:10 PM UTC-7 Slava Imeshev wrote:
 So, I'm following basic examples, and I just cannot get it to work. The 
 populate() method below using ListDataProvider leaves the table empty. 
 populateWorking() works. Any hints?

 public class GapAnalysisListTable extends CellTable {

 public GapAnalysisListTable() {

 // Create a data provider.
 dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<>(GapAnalysisVO::getId);

 // Connect the table to the data provider.

 public void populate(final GapAnalysisVO[] gapAnalysisVOList) {

 final List list = dataProvider.getList();

 public void populateWorks(final GapAnalysisVO[] gapAnalysisVOList) {



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Re: Security Scanning for GWT Code

2021-09-10 Thread Thomas Broyer
What kind of security vulnerabilities are you looking for?
Of the OWASP Top 10, I think only XSS could be detected by static analysis, 
looking for any call to unsafe methods, making sure you're using SafeHtml 
et al. everywhere (and SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant and 
SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString, and similar SafeStylesUtils and UriUtils 
methods, would still have to be manually inspected). I believe Google has 
some ErrorProne check for that (which would respect 
@SuppressIsSafeHtmlCastCheck et al.), but I don't think they opensourced it.

On Friday, September 10, 2021 at 8:09:53 AM UTC+2 Niraj Salot wrote:

> Which tools can be used to Scan the GWT Source Code for doing Security 
> Scan?

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Re: How to disable asserts when using CodeServer

2021-08-18 Thread Thomas Broyer
I'm afraid you cannot disable 

On Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 4:54:53 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> We have a legacy application, GWT 2.7.0.   Application works fine, but 
> when running in debug mode, we get assert popups.   These asserts are 
> pointing out legitimate programming issues, but we are not 
> wanting/authorized to fix them.  
> For the moment, we like to turn off the asserts in super debug mode so we 
> can continue with new development.  
> I am not able to figure out how to pass the -- -nocheckAssertions  
>  compiler option thru the CodeServer. On top of that, we are using 
> Eclipse with the GWT Plugin as dev env.

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Re: [ERROR] Upgrade GWT from 2.5.1 to 2.9

2021-07-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
“Ignored 3 units with compilation errors in first pass.”
“Compile with -strict or -logLevel set to DEBUG or WARN to see all errors”
“Ignored 13 units with compilation errors in first pass.”
“Compile with -strict or -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors”

Do what's suggested here: compile with -strict/-failOnError, it should tell 
you where the problem actually 

On Saturday, July 17, 2021 at 12:59:15 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> Hi Everyone!
> I am trying to update GWT version for this project ( 
> pentaho/pentaho-platform: 
> Pentaho BA Server Core ( 
>  (Branch 9.2 R). They are 
> using GWT in module user-console. 
> I simply changed version for gwt-servlet, gwt-user, 
> gwt-dev, gwt-maven-plugin from 2.5.1 to 2.9. But i am taking errors. 
> JDK 1.8
> Maven 3.6.3
> My current pom and errors in attachment.
> Thank you for answers ;) 

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2021-06-08 Thread Thomas Broyer
At this line in JdtCompiler, the warningThredshold field is part of a JDT 
class, so double check your dependencies, your probably have an 
incompatible JDT/ECJ dependency in your classpath.

On Monday, June 7, 2021 at 8:57:19 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> Hello,
> We have an application can not compile using GWT-2.9 with JDK 11 after 
> upgraded from GWT 2.5 and JDK 8.
> It would be great if you can help shed some light on this. Please see 
> below for the error:
> Compiling module
> [ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error
> java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: warningThreshold
> at$1.(
> at 
> at 
> at
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at$
> at
> at 
> at
> Your help is greatly appreiciated!
> Jenny

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Re: Upgrade GWT from 2.7 to 2.9

2021-06-03 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 6:42:15 PM UTC+2 HATIM SETTI wrote:

> Hi team,
> I'm working on an existing project with (gwt 2.7 , maven Java 6,spring..), 
> and we want to upgrade to 2,8 or 2.9 atest version.
> And I want to know the impact of that, will we need to change a lot of 
> code, what the steps shoud I follow ?

>From a quick scan, no breaking change 
And you'll have to update your Java version too.

> Also what the gain of upgrading to the latest version ? there is any 
> improvement in term of security ?

Bug fixes mostly, also the ability to use Java 8 (or even 11) syntax and 
some APIs if you want (lambdas, streams, etc.) and improvements around 
Again, see the release notes for details.

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