[GreenYouth] Nuclear Liability Bill Introduced amid Opposition Protest

2010-05-08 Thread Sukla Sen
[Other reports indicate that the Bill has been referred to the Standing
Committee attached to Energy, headed by Mulayam Singh Yadav.
Apparently, the Department of Atomic Energy does not have any Standing
Committee attached to it.

Can a procedural objection be raised as regards the competence of the
Standing Committee to examine the Bill to which it has been referred?
Any one, any idea?
The central issue of course is to force the government to engage in wider
public consultations.

(The supports of the Yadav duo, apparently, have been purchased at the cost
of the Women's Reservation Bill. That's too unfortunate. And also conceding
to include caste as a parameter in the ongoing census enumeration. That's,
however, highly welcome.)

The CNDP Letter to the PM is reproduced here for ready reference.


 CNDP Open Letter to the Prime Minister of India, and Ruling UPA
Chairperson, Demanding Public Consultation on 'Civil Liability for Nuclear
Damage Bill 2010
In view of the Budget Session of the Parliament recommencing on 15 04 2010
and the Union Government being reportedly keen to table the subject Bill,
and also push it through, if possible; the following letter was faxed to the
Indian Prime Minister, with a copy to the ruling UPA Chairperson, by the
Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP) on 14 04 10 and hard
copies delivered on 15 04 10.
Copies handed over to a number of MPs as well.

The letter is self-explanatory.

Sukla Sen
17 04 2010


Dr. Manmohan Singh
Hon’ble Prime Minister,
Government of India,
South Block,
New Delhi 110 001

Dated: April 14 2010

Sub: Public Consultation on 'Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill 2010'

Dear Dr. Singh,

We the undersigned hereby express our grave concerns at the implications of
the 'Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill 2010', copies of which have
already been distributed to the members of the Parliament

*The defining features of the Bill*, as it appears, *are as under*:

*One*, it is an attempt to enact a law defining and tackling civil liability
for nuclear damage, which does not obtain as of now, to facilitate
participation of foreign players in Indian nuclear market.
*Two*, the Bill is also a move towards joining the Convention on
Supplementary Compensation (CSC) regime by enacting a law in alignment with
*Three*, the Bill is a stepping stone to ensure entry of private players,
whether foreign or indigenous, as operators, as had been demanded by the
FICCI in its June 2009 Report. And the Bill proposes to go way beyond the
CSC framework to roll out a red carpet for he prospective private players to
assume the mantle of operator.

*Our major concerns*, in brief, *are as under*:

*I*. The entry of private players as operators is too dangerous given the
unique nature of nuclear power industry and its catastrophic potentials, as
chillingly illustrated by the Chernobyl Disaster on April 26 1986. The fact
is that profit maximisation is the very raison d'etre of a private
enterprise giving rise to the consequent innate tendency to cut corners in
terms of safety measures. Regulatory mechanisms can at best only “regulate”.
Hence, the envisaged ushering in of private players as “operators” of
nuclear power plants is an open invitation to disaster.
*II*. There must not be any overall cap on the quantum of compensation to
potential victims. That is too unjust and inhumane. (The CSC, by the way,
does NOT so obligate. Nor does it obligate entry of private operators.) It
has to relate to the actual damages caused. The overall “cap” of 300 million
SDR, which works out to about 460 million US$, is even lower than the
compensation amount of US$ 470 million ratified by the Indian Supreme Court
to the victims of Bhopal Gas Disaster way back in 1989.
*III*. The Bill pegs the “liability” of the private “operator” at Rs. 500
crore per incident, with the further proviso to lower it down to even
paltrier Rs. 100 crore. And the state, i.e. the Indian taxpayers/citizens,
will have to pay, in case of an accident in a privately operated nuclear
power plant, the amount of “liability”, i.e. compensations for damages,
exceeding the “cap” for a private operator subject to the overall limit of
300 million SDR. (Even in this case, The CSC does NOT obligate to peg the
cap for the liability of any operator any lower than 300 million SDR,
which amounts to around Rs. 2,100 crore or 460 million US$. And while the
CSC obligates that must be a cap of 300 million SDR, it does not envisage
any overall cap on the compensation to be made available to the victims by a
member nation.) This is evidently a brazen attempt to favour private
enterprises at the cost of Indian citizens.

*Given such serious apprehensions and grave implications for the country,
you are hereby urged to desist from any attempt to enact the Bill without
detailed examinations of its various provisions. The Bill must be opened up
for wider and transparent public 

[GreenYouth] Nepal: Janandolan III That It Was Not

2010-05-08 Thread Sukla Sen
[The mass upsurge that eventually unseated the Nepal monarch Gyanendra on
April 24 2006 is known as Janandolan (People's Movement) II.
The original version dates back to 1990 ushering in faltering constitutional
democracy under the tutelage of the monarchy.

The UCPN(M) had repeatedly tried to trigger similar upsurge since
Prachanda's resignation on May 4 2009 as the Prime Minister followed by, his
erstwhile comrade, Madhav Nepal taking over, on May 25, with Prachanda
continuing as the caretaker PM in the interlude. But despite pretty
impressive shows of organised strength on the streets, they repeatedly
failed. The magic just eluded them.
This current phase, beginning on May 1 with a huge rally followed by
indefinite strike till Nepal resigns, was their final attempt. Despite
nail biting uncertainties, they have again failed. This time, they tried
hardest. So the fall is harder. The magic simply refused to materialise.
And the massive Peace Rally in Kathmandu on Friday, May 7, morning, apart
from the breaking out of violent clashes between the local residents and
strike enforcers at various sites particularly since the previous day, was
evidently the game changer.

But that does, however, not wipe out their pretty large committed support
base, particularly in the villages.
The turmoil and unrest would therefore continue. So a reconciliation of
sorts is a must. All the players must come to the negotiation table. But the
UCPN(M) would now play with a decidedly weaker hand.
That, however, does not *ipso facto* rule out the possibilities of Prachanda
regaining his Prime Ministerial chair once again. But on the crucial issue
of integration of the Maoist PLA with the Nepal Army, the terms are bound to
be far less favourable than had been earlier anticipated. Ditto on other
contentious issues.]


returning to normalcy throughout the country Saturday, 08 May 2010 09:46

Normal life throughout the country that was badly hit by the prolonged
general strike of the Unified CPN (Maoist) is returning to form Saturday
after the withdrawal of the strike.

Vehicles are back on the street and markets have started to open. People who
were stranded in various places due to lack of transportation have started
heading out to their destinations.

Fresh vegetables and fruits have been transported to Kathmandu and other
cities in large quantities. The price of vegetables has seen a sharp decline
following the extra supply.

Although, government offices, most private offices and banking institutions
and academic institutions and whole-sale market have remained closed today
being Saturday, people are seen relieved in the hope of resuming their
official works from Sunday. Most people were confined in their residences
and forced to postpone their work, while many others were forced to walk to
their destinations due to the bandh.

Some Maoist cadres who had come from various districts to the capital and
other cities for the party's general strike have started to return on their
own, while others have stayed back for the mass assemblies to be organised

The UCPN (Maoist) has said, it will vacate schools and colleges that it has
been using as temporary camps to house its cadres to allow the academic
institutions run.

PM welcomes Maoist decision to withdraw strike Saturday, 08 May 2010 11:14

Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal has welcomed the decision of the Maoist
leadership to withdraw the nationwide general strike they had called for
last six days.

In a statement on Saturday, PM Nepal said the decision would play a positive
role for discussion, consensus and cooperation among the political forces.
He said, the parties have no alternative to consensus and cooperation to
ensure that peace process concludes and a new constitution is written.

He urged the Maoists to seek solution of all problems through consensus,
constitution principles and democratic values.

He expressed hope to reach a national consensus after ensuring conclusion of
peace process, environment to ensure constitution, transformation of the
Unified CPN (Maoist) into a civilian party, integration and rehabilitation
of the Maoist combatants, dismantling paramilitary structure and returning
the seized properties to their rightful owners.


Maoist militant music greets peace marchers

In a bid to exert pressure on the political parties for timely constitution
and peace, thousands of people from all walks of life on Friday 

[GreenYouth] Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black - Tim Wise

2010-05-08 Thread Afthab Ellath
Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black - Tim Wise

play a game, shall we? The name of the game is called “Imagine.” The way
it’s played is simple: we’ll envision recent happenings in the news, but
then change them up a bit. Instead of envisioning white people as the main
actors in the scenes we’ll conjure - the ones who are driving the action -
we’ll envision black folks or other people of color instead. The object of
the game is to imagine the public reaction to the events or incidents, if
the main actors were of color, rather than white. Whoever gains the most
insight into the workings of race in America, at the end of the game, wins.

So let’s begin.

Imagine that hundreds of black protesters were to descend upon Washington DC
and Northern Virginia, just a few miles from the Capitol and White House,
armed with AK-47s, assorted handguns, and ammunition. And imagine that some
of these protesters —the black protesters — spoke of the need for political
revolution, and possibly even armed conflict in the event that laws they
didn’t like were enforced by the government? Would these protester — these
black protesters with guns — be seen as brave defenders of the Second
Amendment, or would they be viewed by most whites as a danger to the
republic? What if they were Arab-Americans? Because, after all, that’s what
happened recently when white gun enthusiasts descended upon the nation’s
capital, arms in hand, and verbally announced their readiness to make war on
the country’s political leaders if the need arose.

Imagine that white members of Congress, while walking to work, were
surrounded by thousands of angry black people, one of whom proceeded to spit
on one of those congressmen for not voting the way the black demonstrators
desired. Would the protesters be seen as merely patriotic Americans voicing
their opinions, or as an angry, potentially violent, and even
insurrectionary mob? After all, this is what white Tea Party protesters did
recently in Washington.

Imagine that a rap artist were to say, in reference to a white president:
“He’s a piece of shit and I told him to suck on my machine gun.” Because
that’s what rocker Ted Nugent said recently about President Obama.

Imagine that a prominent mainstream black political commentator had long
employed an overt bigot as Executive Director of his organization, and that
this bigot regularly participated in black separatist conferences, and once
assaulted a white person while calling them by a racial slur. When that
prominent black commentator and his sister — who also works for the
organization — defended the bigot as a good guy who was misunderstood and
“going through a tough time in his life” would anyone accept their
excuse-making? Would that commentator still have a place on a mainstream
network? Because that’s what happened in the real world, when Pat Buchanan
employed as Executive Director of his group, America’s Cause, a blatant
racist who did all these things, or at least their white equivalents:
attending white separatist conferences and attacking a black woman while
calling her the n-word.

Imagine that a black radio host were to suggest that the only way to get
promoted in the administration of a white president is by “hating black
people,” or that a prominent white person had only endorsed a white
presidential candidate as an act of racial bonding, or blamed a white
president for a fight on a school bus in which a black kid was jumped by two
white kids, or said that he wouldn’t want to kill all conservatives, but
rather, would like to leave just enough—“living fossils” as he called
them—“so we will never forget what these people stood for.” After all, these
are things that Rush Limbaugh has said, about Barack Obama’s administration,
Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama, a fight on a school bus in
Belleville, Illinois in which two black kids beat up a white kid, and about
liberals, generally.

Imagine that a black pastor, formerly a member of the U.S. military, were to
declare, as part of his opposition to a white president’s policies, that he
was ready to “suit up, get my gun, go to Washington, and do what they
trained me to do.” This is, after all, what Pastor Stan Craig said recently
at a Tea Party rally in Greenville, South Carolina.

Imagine a black radio talk show host gleefully predicting a revolution by
people of color if the government continues to be dominated by the rich
white men who have been “destroying” the country, or if said radio
personality were to call Christians or Jews non-humans, or say that when it
came to conservatives, the best solution would be to “hang ‘em high.” And
what would happen to any congressional representative who praised that
commentator for “speaking common sense” and likened his hate talk to
“American values?” After all, those are among the things said by radio host
and best-selling author Michael Savage, 

[GreenYouth] Myth of the Misuse of Laws meant for the protection of dalits and tribals

2010-05-08 Thread Ranjit Ranjit

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Where Is Brahmeshwar Singh 'The Great'?

*By Subhash Gatade*

07 May, 2010

*Myth of the Misuse of Laws meant for the protection of dalits and tribals*

Whether the laws supposedly meant for the protection of dalits and tribals
are put to misuse ?

It is a theme which recurrs regularly in the discussions engaged in by the
chattering classes of the country. While nobody can deny that frivolous
cases are not filed under this act the manner in which the issue gets raised
creates an impression that the only 'use' of this law is its 'misuse.'
Neither the polity nor the articulate sections of our society seem ready to
go for a reality check. In fact, as a marker of these classes
'sensitivities' towards this delicate issue, even Ms Mayawati in her earlier
incarnations as Chief Minister of UP had cautioned the police about its
'misuse'. She is also reported to have issued G.O.s (government orders) to
use this law only in cases of rapes and murders of the dalits.

The issue also came up for discussion in the parliament recently when a
member raised query dealing with the theme. As reported in a section of the
press, while replying to this query the minister for social justice and
empowerment Mr Napoleon told the house that there were 6,564 false cases in
2008 across India under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
(Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, called the PoA Act. It is widely known
that this Act provides for a sentence of up to five years for atrocity
committed or humiliation heaped on a Dalit, and provides for the setting up
of special courts for trial of cases. (Hindustan Times, 27 th April 2010)

A break up of the figures cited by the said minister is quite revealing. Of
these, 2287 false cases came from one state: Rajasthan. Andhra Pradesh
followed at 1,577 false cases. Uttar Pradesh, the state with the largest
Dalit population (21 per cent of the state's 160-70 million and which stood
at no. one as regards cases of atrocities against these sections are
concerned), was third with 843 false cases. Punjab - the state with the
highest proportion of SCs at 29 per cent of the population - has had just 52

[GreenYouth] 9thMay 5.30pm: Meeting and Play in Solidarity with Sharmila i...@scm house

2010-05-08 Thread Anivar Aravind

*Peoples' Solidarity Concerns
*Dear Friends*

*Irom Sharmila*, Manipuri poet, is on her tenth year of fast in Imphal Jail.
This non violent resistance by Irom Sharmila is demanding the repeal of the
five decade old Armed Forces Special Powers Act enforced in the North
Eastern states under which the civilian population has practically no legal
recourse or redressal possible against the excesses or atrocities committed
by the armed forces. This situation contravenes the basic tenets of justice
and human rights.

Some of the well known human rights and left thinkers from Kerala such as
Civic Chandran and Sara Joseph have taken on themselves to put pressure on
the powers that be highlighting the issue of Sharmila Irom.  They have
organised a a journey of Several activists *from Chertala, Kerala to Imphal,
Manipur* demanding justice to Sharmila and Manipuri People. Chertala is
deliberately chosen as the starting point to put pressure on the Defense
Minister  Mr. A K Antony who hails from that town.

 The journey traverses through the major cities of India before it reaches
Imphal on May 22nd.

The team is reaching Bangalore on May 9, 2010 morning and proceeds to the
next destination, Chennai, the same day night.   Noted Malayalam writer *Sara
Joseph* leads the *Hind Swaraj Centenary Journey*, while *Civic Chandran and
TRN Prabhu*coordinate the event. To express our solidarity for a cause to
uphold the democratic rights of the people to have a peaceful living,  the
'Peoples' Solidarity Concerns' n Bangalore is organising a meeting o the
issue of Manipur on the lawns of *SCM house (Mission road) at 5.30 pm 0n the
Sunday, 9th of May 2010,* the street play on Sharmils will also be performed
at the same venue.We request you  all to be present at the function, support
the team and make the event successful.
Thanking  you.

*Peoples' Solidarity Concerns - Bangalore*
For more Info Contact :
*09448394365* (Jagadish), *9535037596*  (Manohar), *9731473701*(Caleb), *
09448063780* (Anivar), *9886712532*( Ullahs),*09845453614*(KP Sasi), *


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[GreenYouth] Re: Plz endorse Circulate-In Solidarity with Arundhoti Roy, Statement by Concern Citizens

2010-05-08 Thread Sudheer A
I too endorse

On May 6, 9:07 pm, Ajay Panicker panicker.a...@gmail.com wrote:
 I endorse.

 Ajay Panicker, PhD
 Assistant Professor of Sociology
 Department of Sociology and Anthropology
 Saint Cloud State University
 Stewart Hall 251
 720, 4th Avenue South
 Saint Cloud, Minnesota 56301
 Phone: 320-308-4128
 Fax: 320-308-1694
 Email: panicker.a...@gmail.com

 On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:46 PM, Praveen P wrote:

  I too endorse

  Praveen P

  On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:06 AM, neelan neelakandan 
  I endorse.
  Chief Executive Editor,
  Amrita Television,
  Trivandrum ,

  --- On Thu, 22/4/10, anweshi calicut anweshicali...@gmail.com wrote:

  From: anweshi calicut anweshicali...@gmail.com
  Subject: Re: [GreenYouth] Re: Plz endorse  Circulate-In Solidarity  
  with Arundhoti Roy, Statement by Concern Citizens
  To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
  Date: Thursday, 22 April, 2010, 7:53 AM

  I agree and endorse the statement.
  Whether you agree or not with Arundhati Roy, she has every right to  
  express her opinion.
  in solidarity,

  On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:14 AM, varunika saraf varunika.sa...@gmail.com
  In solidarity


  On 14 April 2010 20:22, jenny rowena jenny.chit...@gmail.com wrote:
   endorsing the statement

   jenny rowena
   asst prof, miranda house
   delhi university

   On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Chitra.K.P chith...@gmail.com  

   In solidarity

   PhD scholar
   Tata Institute of Social Sciences

   On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Wali Laskar  

   I endorse the statement

   On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 5:48 PM, Anil Tharayath Varghese
   aniltharay...@gmail.com wrote:

   I too endorse

   On Apr 13, 9:36 pm, venukm kmvenuan...@gmail.com wrote:
I endorse this statement.
(K M Venugopalan)

On Apr 13, 4:38 pm, Mahtab Alam mdmahtaba...@gmail.com wrote:

 *In Solidarity with Arundhoti Roy, Statement by Concern  

 * *

 We the under signed, condemn the conspiracy under way to  
 stigmatizing human rights activist such as Ms Arundhati  
  Roy,who have
 questioned the Chhattisgarh Government and Police role in  
  areas of

 The allegations and complaint reportedly made by the  
 ‘social worker’, Mr. Vishvajit Mitra, demanding legal  
  action against
 Arundhoti Roy for her alleged role of ‘glorifying’ Maoist and
 Indian judiciary in one such instance silencing voices  
  reason and
 constitutional rights.

 We deplore the manner in which Chhattisgah Police have  
  moved on this
 complaint to target Ms. Roy. Ms. Roy has every right to  
  express her
 as citizen of the country under the article 19 of the Indian
 She has expressed her self forcefully and compassionately  
  on the
 plight of
 the common man/women in their desperate pursuit of life of  

 The Chhattisgarh Government open it self to ridicule by  
 law Chhattisgarh State Public Safety Act. The controversial  
  law has
 questioned for violating basic human rights guaranteed not  
  only in
 Constitution of India but also in the UN Covenants and  
 to which
 India has signed.

 Such actions only exposes ulterior motives of wasted  
 interest and
 government agencies who have committed themselves a military
 solution to
 issues which need political and developmental solutions.

 *In Solidarity,*

 Dr. John Dayal, member National Integration Council, Govt.  
  of India

 Sunila Singh, Women’ Rights Activist, Delhi

 Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi, PVCHR

 Henri T, Executive Director, People’s Watch

 Mahtab Alam, Association for Protection of Civil Rights  

 Neelam Chaturwedi, National Alliance of Women (NAWO)

 Mohd. Moosa Azmi, Asian Bridge India, Varanasi

 Phone:+ 91-9811209345


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   W A Laskar
   Freelance Reporter and Human Rights Activist
   with Barak Human Rights Protection Committee,
   15, Panjabari Road, Darandha, Six Mile, Guwahati-781037, Assam,  
   Cell: +919401134314
   Visit my blog at


   You received this message 

Re: [GreenYouth] Re: Plz endorse Circulate-In Solidarity with Arundhoti Roy, Statement by Concern Citizens

2010-05-08 Thread Satchid anandan

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Praveen rush2kan...@gmail.com wrote:

 I endorse it

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