[Harakah] Kes liwat: Azlan tarik balik kenyataan 8 Mac, minta maaf kepada Saiful

2013-05-01 Terurut Topik azali rahman
Kes liwat: Azlan tarik balik kenyataan 8 Mac, minta maaf kepada Saiful
1 Mei 2013 
Bapa Saiful Bukhari ketika membuat kenyataan tergempar menarik balik 
kenyataannya yang mengatakan anaknya dipergunakan pihak tertentu
KUALA LUMPUR - Dalam perkembangan mengejutkan menjelang hari mengundi 5 Mei, 
Azlan Mohd Lazim hari ini meminta maaf kepada anaknya, Saiful Bukhari, yang 
mendakwa diliwat oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, kerana telah mendakwa dia telah 
dipergunakan oleh pihak tertentu, pada satu sidang media 8 Mac lalu.

Azlan berkata permohonan maaf itu dibuat atas kesedaran dan keterlanjuran 
beliau mengkhianati anaknya, bukannya kerana desakan mana-mana pihak 
berkepentingan politik.

Kepada seluruh ahli keluarga saya terutamanya ibu saya, adik-beradik saya, 
keluarga arwah ibu Saiful dan lebih-lebih lagi anak saya yang telah saya 
khianati, Saiful Bukhari, saya ingin memohon ampun dan maaf yang tidak 
terhingga kerana tindakan saya telah membuat keputusan yang salah, katanya 
kepada pemberita pada sidang media tergempar di sebuah hotel di sini, hari ini.

Beliau juga menarik balik permohonan maafnya kepada Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri 
Anwar Ibrahim awal Mac lalu, yang menafikan kelakuan jenayah pemimpin itu 
terhadap anaknya.

Sebaliknya beliau mempertahankan pendirian semasa membuat sumpah laknat bahawa 
bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu terlibat dalam kejadian liwat dan beliau 
mengakui ia bukan satu konspirasi politik untuk menjatuhkan pemimpin itu.

Dalam pada itu, Azlan juga menarik balik semua kenyataannya termasuk pada 
majlis ceramah di Pulau Pinang dan Sungai Petani, Kedah pada 23 dan 24 Mac lalu 
yang menyatakan anaknya dipergunakan oleh pihak tertentu.

Salah seorangnya Khairil Anas Jusoh untuk memfitnah DSAI (Datuk Seri Anwar 
Ibrahim) dalam kes liwat 2008.

Dengan kenyataan akhabr ini diharap dapat menyelesaikan kekeliruan yang timbul 
daripada kenyataan saya sebelum ini.

Keutamaan serta tanggungjawab saya pada ketika ini adalah kembali kepada anak 
saya seperti sedia kala dan hidup dalam keadaan harmoni, jelasnya.

Sementara itu, Azlan turut mengumumkan beliau keluar PKR berkuat kuasa 

Saya akan mengemukakan notis keluar parti (PKR) selepas ini, masuk keluar 
parti itu perkara biasa, ramai juga ahli parti pembangkang buat begitu.

Sekarang saya rasa lega lepas keluar parti, dapat tidur lena kerana tindakan 
sebelum ini telah sulitkan keluarga, katanya sambil menafikan keputusan keluar 
PKR itu disebabkan kekangan dalam parti itu.

[Harakah] Pakatan kemuka 13 janji untuk pejawat awam

2013-05-01 Terurut Topik azali rahman
Pakatan kemuka 13 janji untuk pejawat awam 

Salmiyah Harun, 01 Mei 2013 
 *(Orang orang bersorak bersama Husam dan Anwar di Putrajaya)*
 *PUTRAJAYA:* Sempena Hari Pekerja yang disambut pada hari ini, Pakatan Rakyat 
memperturunkan Deklarasi Putrajaya 2013 yang mencakupi 13 perkara khusus untuk 
penjawat awam.

Ia bertujuan untuk mewujudkan sebuah perkhidmatan yang benar-benar cekap, 
berdaya saing, amanah dan menjunjung cita-cita negara Malaysia mencapai 'world 
class delivery system'.

Tidak kurang 5,000 penyokong Pakatan Rakyat termasuk penjawat awam memenuhi 
ruang parkir di belakang Istana Kehakiman Presint 3 bagi menyaksikan deklarasi 
yang bakal memberi manfaat kepada mereka.

Deklarsi yang disediakan oleh Calon PAS Putrajaya Datuk Husam Musa disampaikan 
kepada Pengerusi Pakatan Rakyat Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim kemudian terus

mengisytiharkan deklarasi itu.

Di antara 13 perkara yang digariskan di dalam deklarsi itu termasuklah:

1) Bayaran gaji berasaskan bilangan minggu (tambah satu bulan pendapatan)

2) Pinjaman rumah tanpa faedah,

3) Pendidikan mesra penjawat awam (khusus di Putrajaya),

4) Pencen pilihan,

5) Belajar semasa tempoh berkhidmat.

6) Menyerap ke jawatan tetap bagi kakitangan perkhidmatan kontrak, sementara 
dan khidmat singkat

perkhidmatan awam

7) Membangunkan Sektor perkhidmatan awam menuju standard kelas dunia (world 


8) Pertukaran dan penempatan penjawat awam berteraskan mesra keluarga

9) Perlindungan insurans bagi penjawat awam di semua agensi peguatkuasaan 
seperti Kastam, Polis, tentera, dan lain-lain bertujuan memberikan mereka 
keyakinan bahawa tugas mereka dihargai sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan.

10) Pengecualian cukai pendapatan bagi penjawat awam gred 41 ke bawah bertujuam 
memberikan pendapatan benar yang lebih besar

11) Menyelaras gaji pegawai dan kakitangan penjara sama seperti anggota polis 
seperti yang diamalkan sebelum ini.

12) Mengkaji untuk menaikkan imbuhan tetap perumahan (ITP) penjawat awam gred 
40 ke bawah dari jumlah minimum RM180 kepada jumlah yang lebih munasabah

13) Elaun kola tidak dipotong (RM150) bagi penjawat awam yang menduduki 
kuarters kerajaan di


PERINGATAN:* *Komentar yang diutarakan melalui laman sosial ini adalah milik 
peribadi akaun laman sosial ini. Segala risiko akibat komentar yang disiarkan 
TIDAK menjadi tanggungjawab Harakahdaily. Komentar yang disiarkan menjadi 
tanggungjawab pemilik akaun sendiri. Para komentar dinasihatkan 
bertanggungjawab dalam menulis dan elakkan komentar melampau dan berbaur 

[Harakah] Fw: Fwd: [Islah-Net] Fw: [IM Sgor] Fwd: Takbeeer...!! ALLAHUAKBAR!!! Video paling viral [5 Attachments]

2013-05-01 Terurut Topik azali rahman
- Original Message -
From: azali rahman
Sent: 05/02/13 01:42 AM
To: ar2013
Subject: Fwd: [Islah-Net] Fw: [IM Sgor] Fwd: Takbeeer...!! ALLAHUAKBAR!!! Video 
paling viral

-- Original message --
From:ahmad khairy ahmad domil ahmadkhairyhajiahmaddo...@yahoo.com 
Date: 1 May 13 22:03:27
Subject: [Islah-Net] Fw: [IM Sgor] Fwd: Takbeeer...!! ALLAHUAKBAR!!! Video 
paling viral
To: Naqib naqibnet-disk...@yahoogroups.com, jim...@yahoogroups.com 
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Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 8:50 AM
Subject: [IKRAM Selangor] Fwd: [ikram-ajk-DISKUSI] Video paling viral

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Terima Kasih/Jazakumullahu khair atas semua sumbangan, kewangan dan 
Semoga Allah memberkati.
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From: Hisham Walat  hishamwal...@gmail.com 
Date: Apr 30, 2013 11:11 PM
Subject: [ikram-ajk-DISKUSI] Video paling viral
To:  ikram-ajk-disk...@googlegroups.com 


Sembrong Bangkit adalah nama fanpage untuk Calon N31 Kahang, akhi Hamdan 
Basiran. Semalam ana telah memasukkan video seorang lelaki cina yang menyokong 
hudud dan bertanya kepada Wong Chen (calon PKR Subang Jaya) kenapa beliau 
menentang hudud.

Video boleh di tonton disini 

Fakta video setakat ini

1.435,072 people saw this post http://www.facebook.com/sembrongbangkit 
2.4,043 share
3.1,102 like

Ramai dari bangsa Cina dan India share video ini. Satu perkembangan menarik. 
Ana kongsikan beberapa komen menarik

Dan banyak lagi...ini kalilah!

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Dear  *ar2013 !* Get Yourself a cool, short  *@in.com* Email ID now! 

[Harakah] Fw: Fwd: What voting for BN means

2013-05-01 Terurut Topik KS Ronny PAVDAI

 - Forwarded Message -
   From: leo nathan leo_n...@yahoo.com
 Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 10:43 PM
 Subject: Fw: Fwd: What voting for BN means

Date: Sun, Apr 28, 2013 

Subject: What voting for BN means

If you vote for BN - you support :

April 28, 2013  


I have been sickened by the anti-Pakatan Rakyat advertisements in the
 BN controlled mainstream print media. 
BN tactics are downright dirty. 

For a change, let me tell the rakyat what voting for BN portrays.
A vote for BN is a vote to:
1 Maintain a throughly corrupt regime to plunder the country’s wealth.

2 Allow Umno to continue to exploit and manipulate mercilessly the poor Malays 
using religion and political propaganda.
3 Encourage government that lies, cheats and deceives.
4 Promote Ketuanan Melayu, Malay hegemony and Malay superiority.
5 Allow Islamo-fascists to determine the fate of the country.
6 Allow BN to further destroy the Constitution which has been shredded by more 
than 60 amendments.
7 Allow Umno-dominated BN to continue their discriminatory policies.
8 Allow BN to continue the disastrous predator capitalism and kleptocracy.
9 Allow through the BN-owned print media and the 
government-controlled RTM to constantly demonise the Chinese, Indians 
and Christians.
10 Allow BN to continue with nepotism and cronyism, which have sucked the 
country dry financially.
11 Allow BN to continue its gutter politics and dirty tricks.
12 Allow BN to benefit from a unfair and unfree electoral system.
13 Allow BN to continue to frighten the rakyat about another May 13 should BN 
14 Allow BN to continue to use thugs, gangsters, Mat Rempit to intimidate the 
15 Allow pro-Barisan-inclined AG, Chairman of EC and ROS to continue their 
boot-licking policies.
16 Allow BN to rule by law and not through rule of law.
17 Allow BN to destroy a participatory democracy by disallowing local council 
18 Allow BN to destroy national unity through very destructive ethnic politics 
and divide-and-rule policies.
19 Allow Umnoputras and their cronies to continue to
 abuse the NEP to enrich themselves and amass great wealth and launder 
it overseas.
20 Allow flight of talent which has impoverished our talent pool.
21 Allow BN to destroy the once independent 
institutions – the civil service, the Police, the EC, the ROS and the 
Judiciary – and turn them into its tools.
22 Allow Umno to continue to play havoc with the 
Malay mind through Umno-brand Islamic religious propaganda and political
 indoctrination and brainwashing.
23 Allow hundreds of scandals similar to the Sharizat-NFC scandals to continue 
as they have done for the last 50 years or so.
24 Allow Umno hypocrisy regarding the use of English
 to go on. They have blocked the teaching of Maths and Science in 
English. Many of the children of ministers and Umnoputras are studying 
25 Bless racists like Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Noordin, who shouldn’t be in 
26 Allow Malaysia to become a police state.
27 Allow the religious establishment unbridled power
 to spy on citizens, check on our private lives and violate our basic 
28 Destroy People Power (Makkal Sakti).
29 Allow BN to continue to destroy our education system.
30 Allow the known ‘devil’ to destroy our beloved country further.

[Harakah] Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: - Petaling Jaya Selatan voters Stumbled upon this great video for Indians .

2013-05-01 Terurut Topik KS Ronny PAVDAI



This video is mainly in Tamil but there are two segments where two racists 
speak in Bahasa. You should listen to that. You should also ask your Indian 
friends to translate what is spoken in Tamil.

We were worried whether the Indians will go for change. Every Indian who speaks 
in this video is asking for change. They ask why is it for 55 years they did 
not receive anything from the government but suddenly money and rice is being 
given. They see through the BN for what they are.

Please circulate this widely.

With very warm regards,


Subject: FW: - Petaling Jaya Selatan voters Stumbled upon this great video for 
Indians . 





Petaling Jaya Selatan voters Stumbled upon this great video for Indians to vote 
for Pakatan



Masyarakat India Merana Dibawah UMNO~B eNd :(

(போதுமட சாமி அம்னோவின் ஆட்சி..!!) மாறுவோம் மாற்றுவோம் UBAH. TUKAR...



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[Harakah] Fw: Professor of Law, - Never allow that Mamak to ........be trusted-never

2013-05-01 Terurut Topik KS Ronny PAVDAI



Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 6:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: FW: Fwd: Dr Azmi, Professor of Law, Video - Never allow that 
Mamak to 


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Dr Azmi, Professor of Law, Video - Never trust a Mamak - they are M'sia's 
worst!Hi M'sians  ex M'sians, far and near I trust many of U might have 
already read or listened to Dr Azmi's speech, if so, kindly ignore it. If not, 
please click the links below and take a few minutes of your time and run 
through it, and then share it. Indeed very interesting and
 refreshing!Thanks for this so interesting speech given by Dr. Azmi Sharom, an 
Assistant Professor of Law at UM. He explains the constitution: the Malaysian 
supreme law. Please LISTEN, it is very interesting and refreshing! He is such a 
witty guy too.Click and view Dr.
 Azmi Sharom (the same guy who writes a column every Thursday in The Star) in 
action during a visit to Malacca where he gave a very interesting talk about 
the Federal Constitution!Never allow that Mamak to subvert the meaning of our 
Federal Constitution and never allow any one to bully you into believing and 
accepting that Malaysia is an Islamic country - IT IS NOT!!! Only that Mamak 
says so and he's lying through his big bloody nose! Listen to Azmi Sharom (he 
is after all, a professor of law!) and read the Federal Constitution to learn 
and know that Malaysia is indeed a secular country, by definition and by the 
interpretation of the Federal
Malaysia has never been an 
Islamic State as our Constitution is very specific on it. It was the mamak who 
lied all the way when he declared Malaysia as an Islamic Country and therefore 
State in 2001. Lim Kit Siang immediately corrected him but he being the person 
he is insisted that he was right. Jokers like Ling Liong Sik, Samy Vellu and 
Lim Keng Yaik of course did not object and quietly agreed with him and so did 
the other BN leaders. This mamak has damaged our country through and through. 
He also passed the Syariah Law in Selangor in 1995 with the help of MCA, MIC, 
and Gerakan.Ask MCA, MIC and Gerakan why they support an Islamic State and 
passed laws to support it, and now complain that DAP is supporting an Islamic 
State, when DAP has never ever agreed to do so. The evidence is beyond doubt, 
it is in the public domain, ask them, the shameless ones, do they have an 
Worth listening to this recording. Our constitution is the most altered, 
amended, and
 modified constitution in the whole wide world.  We must never ever let UMNO 
get back their 2/3rds majority ever again.  If they do, then our country will 
go to the dogs.  UMNO will again start changing the constitution like there is 
no tomorrow. It will be changed to suit UMNO, just like they changed the 
constitution/rules/laws to allow for gerrymandering of the consituency, where a 
rural constituency with an electorate of 5,000 voters is entitled to vote for 
one MP/DUN, whereas in urban localities, an electorate of 100,000 can only vote 
for one MP.  What sort of democracy do you call this?  Can someone out there 
enlighten me.  Whether you're  pro-BN or pro-opposition, please, do not, in 
your wildest dreams ever allow UMNO their 2/3rds majority.  Don't ever let 
Malaysia go the way of Zimbabwe, Somali, or Myanmar.
 For people who think that 
only BN can govern properly. Think again. Once BN gets back their 2/3 in 
Parliament they will start amending the Constitution. Then we won't have the 
Constitution that protects ALL. Educate yourself about what the supreme law of 
the land says. Then vote wisely.

Please spread this like wildfire...make it one of the most viewed. You will 
help educate people about our
 law.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZYuNrFEJl8feature=related 




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[Harakah] Fw:

2013-05-01 Terurut Topik KS Ronny PAVDAI

--- On Wed, 5/1/13, leo nathan leo_n...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: leo nathan leo_n...@yahoo.com
Subject: Fw:
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013, 4:47 AM

 Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 12:18 PM

Listen from
 about 20 minutes into the video if you are in a hurry.


[Harakah] : Phantom voters and fraud fears for Malaysia polls - 26Apr2012

2013-05-01 Terurut Topik KS Ronny PAVDAI


  ks r rony sent you a video: Phantom voters and fraud fears for Malaysia 
polls - 26Apr2012














ks r rony has shared a video with you on YouTube











Phantom voters and fraud fears for Malaysia polls - 26Apr2012






SEREMBAN, Malaysia: Ng Yuen Chan has occupied the same Malaysian 
home for 20 years, so the ethnic Chinese retiree was surprised to learn 
recently that he had two ethnic Indian women as roommates.

They were phantom voters registered at his home in Seremban, capital of Negeri 
Sembilan, a key political battleground state and one of many such cases 
fuelling fear of possible fraud in coming elections in the multi-racial country.

The government should take action. These people don't exist here, Ng said 

Opposition election workers and independent vote-reform advocates say a rash of 
irregularities could tip the balance in what may be a tight contest between the 
long-ruling Barisan Nasional coalition and an upstart opposition.

Campaigners warn that if the government does not address the issue, they could 
take to the streets again as they did in a protest by tens of thousands last 
year that was crushed by police.

I certainly think the playing field is still very skewed. It could cost the 
opposition the win, said Ambiga Sreenivasan, co-chair of electoral reform 
group Bersih 2.0.

If they (the government) don't commit to reform before the... election, there 
will be a Bersih 3.0 rally.

Bersih 2.0 and other critics allege the coalition, despite promising reform, is 
illegally registering non-resident supporters in shaky constituencies or those 
held by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's three-party alliance.

In one case near Ng's house, more than 60 people were registered living in two 
apartment blocks that do not even exist, say opposition activists who have been 
scouring quarterly voter rolls compiled by the Election Commission.

The government denies a fraud campaign, and the commission says it is cleaning 
voter rolls.

Late last year it purged more than 40,000 names that could not be accounted 
for, but the revelation only added to fears of widespread irregularities.

The commission also recently fired hundreds of staff after it was found they 
were responsible for registering voters twice, adding non-citizens, and other 
negligence, government-controlled media reported.

Anthony Loke, an opposition parliamentarian representing Ng's district, said a 
report by a government-appointed organisation found some 80,000 people were 
registered in just over 300 addresses, among other discrepancies.

The most fundamental issue is the electoral roll. It must be cleaned up, he 
said. If they don't clean up the roll, other changes are not as significant.

Bersih 2.0 and opposition parties led a rally in Kuala Lumpur last July to 
demand clean elections - Bersih means clean - and were met by tear gas and 
water cannon. Some 1,600 people were arrested.

The rally gave voice to widespread suspicions documented in many cases over the 
years that the ruling coalition has routinely used fraud, vote-buying and a 
stranglehold on traditional media to stay in power.

Stung by condemnation over the rally crackdown, Prime Minister Najib Razak set 
up a bi-partisan parliamentary panel in October to study possible reforms. A 
final report is due in April.

An interim report suggested measures including introducing indelible ink to 
prevent multiple voting, which the Election Commission has pledged to do.

The main (recommendations) are all accepted and done already. Now we are busy 
doing the preparations, commission deputy chairman Wan Ahmad Wan Omar told AFP.

But critics accuse the government of dragging its feet on far-reaching reform 
and ignoring calls to halt abuses like alleged vote-buying and preventing fair 
access to media.

Concern has sharpened recently amid heavy speculation that the polls - due by 
next April - could be called within months.

You can't expect BN to implement (all the) reforms for a system that has 
benefited them for years, said Loke, also a member of the parliamentary reform 

In 2008, Anwar's three-party opposition alliance snatched away the BN's 
long-held two-thirds parliamentary majority and now holds four of 

[Harakah] Fwd: [PUSAT RAWATAN AL-QAYYUM - Bandar Sri Damansara, KL] Rawatan Jarak Jauh

2013-05-01 Terurut Topik Pusat Rawatan Al-Qayyum

Ikhlas dari saya
*Ketua Perawat / Pengasas*
B3-1-K10 Ground Floor, Sri Meranti Apartment
Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 KUALA LUMPUR**
* *
Sila lawati: alqayyum2u.blogspot.com
  Iklan kami: www.myadpost.com/alqayyum
 Email:  alqayyum.holis...@gmail.com

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From: Blogger no-re...@blogger.com
Date: 2013/5/2
Subject: [PUSAT RAWATAN AL-QAYYUM - Bandar Sri Damansara, KL] Rawatan Jarak
To: alqayyum.holis...@gmail.com

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokaatuh.

Tuan/Puan yang dikasihi Allah SWT sekalian,

Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana dengan limpah kurniaNya, telah
mempertemukan anda dengan halaman ini. Adapun kaedah Rawatan Jarak
Jauhhttp://alqayyum2u-rjj.blogspot.com/yang dianjurkan oleh PUSAT
RAWATAN AL-QAYYUM ini adalah merupakan salah
satu peluang menyambung ikhtiar mencari kesembuhan segala penyakit dan
masalah yang dihidapi oleh Pesakit; agar Pesakit tidak berputus asa.

Tidak ada batasan atau lingkungan had bagi kuasa Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa
untuk menyembuhkan sebarang penyakit atau menyelesaikan sebarang masalah.
Segala penyakit dan masalah itu datangnya dari Allah SWT, sebagai ujian
mahupun sebagai kifarah yang pastinya mempunyai segala hikmah, yang jelas
dan yang tersembunyi. Hanya kepada Allah SWT sahaja yang selayaknya kita
memohon untuk menyembuhkan penyakit atau menyelesaikan masalah, sambil
berusaha dan berikhtiar bersungguh-sungguh dengan cara yang diredhaiNya.

Maka itu, Rawatan Jarak Jauh melalui Solat Hajat, Zikirullah dan Doa
Mustajab adalah merupakan langkah yang sangat dianjurkan oleh Islam.

Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud:
*AKU MENGABULKAN permohonan orang yang BERDOA apabila ia MEMOHON KEPADAKU,
maka hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (segala perintahku) dan hendaklah mereka
BERIMAN KEPADAKU, agar mereka selalu berada dalam KEBENARAN* (Al-Baqarah:

Maklumat lanjut: Rawatan Jarak Jauh http://alqayyum2u-rjj.blogspot.com/

Dicatat Oleh Blogger ke PUSAT RAWATAN AL-QAYYUM - Bandar Sri
Damansara, KLhttp://alqayyum2u.blogspot.com/2013/05/rawatan-jarak-jauh.htmldi
5/02/2013 07:40:00 PG

[Harakah] Kepala ayam berdarah untuk ketua Pemuda PAS

2013-05-01 Terurut Topik azali rahman
Kepala ayam berdarah untuk ketua Pemuda PAS

11:44AM Mei 2 2013
Plastik beg berisi kepala ayam dan darah ditemui di depan tempat penginapan 
calon PAS di Termerloh Nasrudin Hassan dekat Taman Sri Semantan.

Pegawainya Yusuf Siddiq memaklumkan pemberita, bungkusan yang ditemui kira-kira 
jam 7 pagi ini dan dipercayai dibaling pada awal pagi itu terselit nota:

Terimalah daging dan darah babi ini.

Laporan polis sudah dibuat.

Nasruddin yang juga ketua Pemuda PAS berhadapan Timbalan Menteri Pengajian 
Tinggi Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah di Parlimen itu.

Akhbar web PAS  /Harakahdaily/ melaporkan, insiden itu dipercayai perbuatan 
khianat pihak tertentu.
PERINGATAN: Malaysiakini tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap komentar yang 
diutarakan melalui laman sosial ini. Ia pandangan peribadi pemilik akaun dan 
tidak semestinya menggambarkan pendirian sidang redaksi kami. Segala risiko 
akibat komen yang disiarkan menjadi tanggungjawab pemilik akaun sendiri.