[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas con web SDR

2016-04-26 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
   Saludos cordiales
ASCENSION 12050 Dandal Kura Radio, Ascensión,18:18-18:22, escuchada el 26 de 
abril de 2016en kanuri a locutor con comentarios, locutoracon comentarios dando 
entrada a corresponsal entrevistando a mujer "..Dandal Kura..", SINPO 34443(Via 
SDR Holanda)
BULGARIA 11700 Radio Biafra, Kostinbrod,20:29-20:33, escuchada el 26 de abril 
de 2016en inglés a locutor con comentarios, se apreciabuena modulación, 
referencia a Biafra, SINPO45554(Via SDR Holanda)
12075 End Times Coming Radio, Kostinbrod,18:13-18:17, escuchada el 26 de abril 
de 2016 eninglés a locutor con comentrios, SINPO 45554(Via SDR Holanda)
CONGO 5066.30 Radio Candib, Bunia, 19:50-19:56,escuchada el 26 de abril de 2016 
en francés conemisión de música pop local, se aprecia interferencia de señal 
morse de forma esporádica, SINPO 24322(Via SDR Holanda)
KOREA DEL SUR 6348 Echo of Hop VOH, Hwaseong, 17:45-17:50, escuchada el 26 de 
abril de 2016 en coreano a locutoras con comentarios, parece una radionovela, 
sufre fuerte señal jaming, SINPO 22442(Via SDR Rusia)
MADAGASCAR 13710 MWV Radio Feda, Madagascar, 20:22-10:27,escuchada el 26 de 
abril de 2016 en árabe a locutorcon comentarios acompañado de música de fondo, 
locutorcon comentarios y locutora, SINPO 45544(Via SDR Holanda)
UZBEQUISTAN 7595 North Korea Reform Radio, Taskent,20:34-20:47, escuchada el 26 
de abril de 2016 encoreano a locutora con comentarios, a las 20:45 comentarios 
con música de fondo, SINPO 34443(Via SDR Holanda)
ZAMBIA 5915 Zambia NBC Radio 1, Lusaka, 20:50-20:59,escuchada el 26 de abril de 
2016 probablemente enKhasonke con emisión de música popular africana,SINPO 
24322(Via SDR Holanda)
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Eye Radio launches nationwide shortwave broadcasts

2016-04-26 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

Eye Radio launches nationwide shortwave broadcasts

Eye Media, the parent organization of Eye Radio, has announced that it has 
launched a new shortwave broadcast service to complement its existing FM 
broadcasts in South Sudan.The broadcasts starting today will bring listeners 
news and information in Arabic, as well as Dinka, Nuer, Shilluk, Bari, Zande 
and Lutoho.According to a press release today from Eye Media, “the Eye Radio 
Shortwave will cover the whole of South Sudan including remote areas in which 
communities are not able to access FM radio staions.”Eye Radio is one of the 
fastest expanding media houses in South Sudan after launching FM repeaters in 
several state capitals last year, expanding the station's reach beyond Juba 
where it is based.In its press release, the station noted that the funding for 
this initiative came from USAID, the international development agency of the US 
government.Shortwave radio is used for long distance communication by means of 
reflecting or refracting radio waves back to Earth from the ionosphere, 
allowing communication around the curve of the Earth. It was a popular means of 
long-distance news sharing before the advent of the Worldwide Web, and it is 
still used for reaching remote areas.Only two other media houses broadcast on 
shortwave with content specifically for South Sudan: Radio Tamazuj, which 
operates two hours daily on the shortwave, and Voice of America, which produces 
the 30 minute program South Sudan in Focus.Radio Tamazuj broadcasts from 6:30 
to 7:30 each morning on 11650 kHz on the 25 meter band and 9600 kHz on the 31 
meter band, and 15150 kHz and 15550 kHz on the 19 meter band each evening from 
17:30 to 18:30.Eye Radio's new broadcasts will run from 7:00 to 8:00 each 
morning on 11730 kHz on the 25 meter band and 17730 kHz on the 17 meter band 
from 19:00 to 20:00.  
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas con web SDR desde Holanda

2016-04-25 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
Saludos cordiales
ALEMANIA 6070 Radio DARC, Rohbarch Waal, 19:54-20:00,escuchada el 25 de abril 
de 2015 en alemán a locutoracon comentarios, locutor con ID "Radio DARC" y cuña 
de la emisora, anuncia direción y Email, todo con músicade fondo, segemnto 
musical, tonos morse y música clásica,SINPO 45444
ETHIOPIA 5950 Voice of Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa-Gedja,19:43-19:48, 
escuchada el 25 de abril 2016 en idioma sin identificar, probablemente tigrilla 
a locutor con comentarios y emisión de música étnica, SINPO 23442
6090 Radio Amhara, Addis Ababa-Gedja, 20:02-20:06, escuchada el 25 de abril de 
2016 en amharico a locutor con comentarios y emisión de música étnica, SINPO 
IRLANDA 5835 Lase Hot Hits, 20:11-20:15,escuchada el 25 de abril de 2016 con 
emisón de música rock,SINPO 23332
6205 Magig Radio, 20:17-20:22, escuchada el 25 de abril de 2016 en inglés con 
emisión de música pop y cuña publicitaria,SINPO 34443
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España 
Web SDRUniversity of TwenteEnschede, The Netherlands
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas

2016-04-25 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
   Saludos cordiales
ARABIA SAUDÍ?? 11860 Radio Sana´a, 17:40-17:45, escuchada el 25 de abril de 
2015 en árabe a locutor con comentarios,saludo a invitado "..Malecum..", 
conversaciones probablementetelefónicas con diferentes interlocutores, 
probablementeoyentes, SINPO 34343
BULGARIA 11885 Dimtse Radio Erena, Kostinbrod, 17:25-17:30,escuchada el 25 de 
abril de 2016 en oromo a locutor concomentarios acompañado de música de fondo 
interpretadopor piano,SINPO 24332
FRANCIA 11600 Dengue Kurdistán, Issoudun, 17:35-17:40,escuchada el 25 de abril 
de 2015 en kurdo a locutorcon comentarios, SINPO 34343
15245 Voice of Asena, Issoudun, 17:30-17:35, tentativa el 25 de abril 2016, se 
aprecia emisión con música étnica africana en fuerte colisión con el servicioen 
coreano de Voice of Korea KCBS, SINPO 32422
MALI 9635 RTV du Mali, Bamako, 17:54-18:00, escuchada el25 de abril en idioma 
sin identicficar, locuot con comentariosy segmento musical, señal con fuertes 
desvanecimientos,música africana, locutora con despedida, se corta la 
señalabruptamente, SINPO 24211
TANZANIA 11735 ZBC Radio, Dole, 17:47-17:53, escuchadael 25 de abril de 2016 en 
swahili a locutora con comentarios,conexión con corresponsales, primero un 
hombre y luego una mujer, SINPO 24422
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
Sangean ATS 909Antena hilo de 10 m
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Radio Capital de l'Empordà Honors Radio Liberty

2016-04-25 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
Radio Capital de l'Empordà Honors Radio Liberty

On March 26, Radio Capital de l'Empordà, a small non-profit station based in 
Pals, Spain, aired a special program, “Govorit Radio Svoboda” (“Radio Liberty 
Speaks”) and organized a photo exhibition to pay tribute to Radio Liberty, 
which was demolished on the same day 10 years earlier.

Radio Liberty was launched in 1955 in Platja de Pals, near Costa Brava in 
Girona, Spain, with the mission of “delivering a message of hope to communist 

According to Miquel Curanta, general manager of Radio Capital de l'Empordà, one 
of the principle reasons Radio Liberty was established in Platja de Pals was 
because of the location’s latitude and longitude (41º 59’ North and 3º 12’ 

“The station’s 540-foot towers and antenna curtains situated at the edge of the 
sea provided an ideal launching site for shortwave signals,” he said. “The open 
area and the water meant the signals only bounced off the ionosphere once 
before reaching the former USSR and other Iron Curtain countries with 
practically no attenuation.” 

Curanta explains that Radio Liberty created many local jobs and meant a lot to 
the people of the small town of Pals. It also proved to be a source of intrigue 
since what Radio Liberty did was “almost a secret,” thus creating curiosity 
among residents, who, not knowing exactly what Radio Liberty was, “thought that 
missiles or nuclear submarines were hidden there.” 

Radio Liberty was closed when the Spanish government destroyed the antennas. 
Looting of the electronic equipment followed. Since then the area of Pals 
beach, which is now a protected nature reserve, has been vandalized and only an 
empty structure that housed Radio Liberty remains. 

Radio Capital de l'Empordà wanted to commemorate this chapter in history by 
educating younger generations on the Cold War and the role that the Pals 
transmitter played in it. - See more at: 
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Noruega sustituirá toda su señal FM por radio digital

2016-04-25 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

Noruega sustituirá toda su señal FM por radio digital

Noruega sustituirá toda su señal FM por radio digital

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| Noruega sustituirá toda su señal FM por radio digitalEn enero de 2017 Noruega 
será el primer país en sustituir sus emisiones de radio por FM para 
digitalizarlas, implantando tecnología Digital Audio Broadcasting. #tra... |
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| Ver en www.ticbeat.com | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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En enero de 2017 Noruega será el primer país en sustituir sus emisiones de 
radio por FM para digitalizarlas, implantando tecnología Digital Audio 
Broadcasting.Primero fueron los tocadiscos, después las cabinas telefónicas y 
ahora les ha llegado el turno a los radiotransistores. Estos aparatos, que poco 
a poco estaban cayendo más y más en desuso, definitivamente se convertirán en 
reliquias de coleccionistas dentro de unos meses, al menos en Noruega. El país 
escandinavo se convertirá en el primero en apagar su señal de de Frecuencia 
Modulada (FM) a partir del 11 de enero de 2017, para sustituirla por radio 
digital.Así lo ha anunciado la ministra noruega de Cultura, Thorhild Widvey, en 
un comunicado donde ha explicado que el apagón de la radio FM se efectuará 
implantado la tecnología conocida como DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting), 
ampliamente extendida en el país, ya que más de la mitad de los hogares 
noruegos tiene un aparato con un terminal adaptado a este sistema.“Los oyentes 
tendrán acceso a contenidos de radio más diversos y plurales con nuevas 
funciones y una mejor calidad de sonido“, ha dicho la ministra, “es menos 
vulnerable a errores en la transmisión en condiciones extremas, permite acceder 
a todos los canales y, finalmente, permite la transmisión, en simultánea y a 
través de todos los canales, de mensajes de emergencia para la población“.
8 de cada 10 Internautas escuchan la radio online
Según el gobierno noruego, actualmente el país cuenta con 22 estaciones 
nacionales de emisión digital, y aún hay espacio en su plataforma digital para 
otras 20. Además estima que la digitalización de sus emisiones nacionales de 
radiosupondrá un ahorro anual de unos 25 millones de dólares.La tecnología DAB 
pronto se extenderá al resto de países de occidente. Esta transición recuerda a 
la que hace unos años se produjo con la televisión digital terrestre en nuestro 
país. Sin embargo, mientras que la transición a los sistemas TDT solo implicaba 
a los televisores, las emisiones de radio afectan a muchos más equipos y 
escenarios. Por ejemplo, las radios de los coches o incluso de los smartphones. 
De ahí que el sector automovilístico noruego sea el principal afectado por esta 
transición, que no se producirá repentinamente, sino de forma gradual a partir 
del 11 de enero de 2017.
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Re: [HCDX] Escuchas con web SDR desde Holanda

2016-04-24 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
   Saludos cordiales
ALEMANIA 3985 Radio 700, Kall Krekei, 20:55-21:00, escuchada el 24 de abril de 
2016 en alemán con emisión de pop rock y popmelódico, SINPO 45444
IRLANDA 4029 Laser Hot Hits, 20:45-20:55, escuchada el 24 de abril de 2016 en 
inglés a locutora con comentarios en programa musical, música pop rock, SINPO 
6295 Reflections Europe, 21:06-21:10, escuchada el 24 de abrilde 2016 en inglés 
a locutora con comentarios, SINPO 45444
KOREA DEL NORTE 6518 Pyonyang BS, Kanggye, 21:11-21:14,escuchada el 24 de abril 
en coreano a locutor y locutoracon comentarios, sufre fuerte interferencia 
señal jamming,SINPO 22342
6205 Magic Radio, 21:00-21:05, escuchada el 16 de abrilde 2016 con emisión de 
música rock, locutor con ID,"..Magic..", SINPO 44433
6235 Pink Floyd, 21:05-21:08, escuchada el 16 de abril de2016 con emisión 
musica rock sinfónico, SINPO 24232
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
Web SDRUniversity of TwenteEnschede, The Netherlands
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Escuchas con web sdr Holanda

2016-04-24 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
Saludos cordialesALEMANIA 6150 Europe 24, Datteln, 18:45-18:50, escuchada el
24 de abril de 2016 en inglés con emisión de música pop y
disco, exitos de los años 80, SINPO 45544ETHIOPIA 6030 Radio Oromilla, Addis 
Ababa-Gedja, 18:30-18:36, escuchada el 24 de abril de 2016 en Afar u Oromo con 
emisión de música etnica, SINPO 334436110 Radio Fana, Addis Ababa-Gedja, 
18:39-18:44, escuchada el
el 24 de abril de 2016 en Amharico a locutor con comentarios
presentando tema música étnica, SINPO 34443FRANCIA 15245 Voice of Asena, 
Issoudun, 17:40-17:58, escuchada el 24 de abril de 2016 en tigrilla a locutora 
con comentarios, segmento de música étnica, a las 17:46 irrumpe con fuerza 
señal jammer tipo sierra sin llegar a atorar la emisión, SINPO 34443MOLDAVIA 
7480 Radio Payem e-Doost, Kishinev-Grigoriopol, 18:00-18:10, escuchada el 24 de 
abril de 2016 en persa, sintonía. locutora con presentación, segmento musical, 
locutor y locutora con comentarios con referencias a "Irán", SINPO 
45554UZBEQUISTAN 15630 Radio Free North Korea, Tashkent, 12:35-12:50, escuchada 
el 24 de abril de 2016 en koreano a locutor con 
comentarios, segmento musical, SINPO 4Jose Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)
EspañaWeb SDR
University of Twente
Enschede, The Netherlands
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas con wed SDR desde Holanda

2016-04-24 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
Saludos cordialesALEMANIA 6150 Europe 24, Datteln, 18:45-18:50, escuchada el
24 de abril de 2016 en inglés con emisión de música pop y
disco, exitos de los años 80, SINPO 45544ETHIOPIA 6030 Radio Oromilla, Addis 
Ababa-Gedja, 18:30-18:36, escuchada el 24 de abril de 2016 en Afar u Oromo con 
emisión de música etnica, SINPO 334436110 Radio Fana, Addis Ababa-Gedja, 
18:39-18:44, escuchada el
el 24 de abril de 2016 en Amharico a locutor con comentarios
presentando tema música étnica, SINPO 34443FRANCIA 15245 Voice of Asena, 
Issoudun, 17:40-17:58, escuchada el 24 de abril de 2016 en tigrilla a locutora 
con comentarios, segmento de música étnica, a las 17:46 irrumpe con fuerza 
señal jammer tipo sierra sin llegar a atorar la emisión, SINPO 34443MOLDAVIA 
7480 Radio Payem e-Doost, Kishinev-Grigoriopol, 18:00-18:10, escuchada el 24 de 
abril de 2016 en persa, sintonía. locutora con presentación, segmento musical, 
locutor y locutora con comentarios con referencias a "Irán", SINPO 
45554UZBEQUISTAN 15630 Radio Free North Korea, Tashkent, 12:35-12:50, escuchada 
el 24 de abril de 2016 en koreano a locutor con 
comentarios, segmento musical, SINPO 4Jose Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)
EspañaWeb SDR
University of Twente
Enschede, The Netherlands
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas.

2016-04-24 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
 Saludos cordiales
ALEMANIA 6070 Radio Channel 292, Rohrbach Waal, 10:40-11:00, escuchada el 24 de 
abril de 2016 en italiano con elprograma de BCL News "Studio DX", locutor con 
comentarios y emisión musical, captada con web SDR 
http://www.websdr.at/,muúsica de programas televisivos, despedida, SINPO 34433
MOLDAVIA 11600 Dengue Kurdistan, Kishinev-Grigoriopol,06:52-07:03, escuchada el 
24 de abril de 2016 en kurdo conemisión de música popular kurda, locutor con ID 
"RadioDengue Kurdistan", locutor y locutora con noticias, SINPO 24332
USA 9395 RMI Tru News/R.Paradise, Okeechobee,06:40-06:48,escuchada el 24 de 
abril de 2016 en inglés a locutorcon comentarios en programa musical, música 
pop, SINPO24442
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
Sangean ATS 909Antena hilo de 10 m
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas, web SDR Rusia

2016-04-23 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
   Saludos cordiales
KOREA DEL NORTE 6400 Pyonyang BS, Kanggye, 21:37-21:40,escuchada el 23 de abril 
de 2016 en coreano a locutoracon comentarios y emisión de música militar 
coreana,SINPO 24342
KOREA DEL SUR 6250 Echo of Hope-VOH, Seoul, 21:34-21:36,escuchada el 23 de 
abril de 2016 en coreano a locutoracon comentarios, fuerte interferencia señal 
tipo sierra,SINPO 32442
6600 Voice of The People, Kyonggi-do, 21:15-21:25,escuchada el 23 de abril de 
2016 en coreano a locutory locutora con comentarios, fuertemente interferidapor 
señal sierra y emisión musical, SINPO 32442
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
web SDR Rusiahttp://websdr.ru/
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas, 11700 Radio Biafra.

2016-04-23 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
   Saludos cordiales
VATICANO 9775 Afia Darfur/Hello Darfur, Santa Maria di Galeria, 19:00-19:05, 
escuchada el 23 de abril de 2016 en árabe sudanés, locutor con presentación y 
noticias con referencias a "Darfur",locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 
BULGARIA?? 11700 Radio Biafra, 20:02-20:10, escuchada el 23 de abril de 2016 en 
inglés a locutor con comentarios, la captación está realizada con web SDR de la 
University of Twente en Enschede, Holanda, ya que desde Valencia no consigo 
captarla, se aprecia que desde aquí la modulación es correcta, se entiende 
perfectamente, referencias a "Biafra y Camerún", SINPO 45554
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
Sangean ATS 909Antena hilo de 10 m
Web SDRUniversity of TwenteEnschede, The Netherlands
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas, web SDR Holanda.

2016-04-23 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
   Saludos cordiales
ALEMANIA 6005 Deutsches Radio 700, Kall-Krekei, 10:40-10:45,escuchada el 23 de 
abril de 2016 en alemán a locutor presentandotema música pop rock años 80 o 90, 
cuña de ID "Radio...", SINPO 45444
6055 Evangelische Missionsgemeinden, Nauen, 10:48-10:52, escuchada el 23 de 
abril de 2016 en alemán a locutor con programa religioso con referencias a 
"Cristo", SINPO 45554
6070 Radio Channel 292, Rohrbach Waal, 10:53-11:00, escuchada el23 de abril con 
emisión musica pop y pop rock, SINPO 44554
6150 Europa 24, Datteln, 11:05-11:10, escuchada el 23 de abril de2016 en alemán 
con emisión de música pop de los años 70,SINPO 34443
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
Web SDRUniversity of TwenteEnschede, The Netherlands
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas con Kiwi SDR, Canada

2016-04-23 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
   Saludos cordiales
ANGUILLA 6090 Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla, 07:50-07:55, escuchada el 23 de abril 
de 2016 en inglés a locutora con comentarios, SINPO 34333
CUBA 5025 Radio Rebelde, Quivican, 07:25-07:35, escuchada el 23 de abril de 
2016 en español a louctor con entrevista a invitada,locutora con corresponsal 
deportivo hablando de "pelota en Cuba",cuña "A esta hora" con segmentos 
musicales, locutor contestandollamada telefónica. SINPO 34443
JAPON 9760 Radio Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara, 07:36-07:40, escuchada el 23 de abril 
de 2016 en japonés a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 34443
NUEVA ZELANDA 9700 Radio New Zealand Int., Rangitaiki, 09:36-09-40, escuchada 
el 23 de abril de 2016 a locutor con invitado, parece un anciano, conversación 
acompañada con música hawaiana de fondo, SINPO 34433
USA 5015 Brother Stair, Okeechobee, 08:03-08:06, escuchada el23 de abril de 
2016 en inglés a locutor con comentarios,SINPO 24432
7570 Brother Stair, Okeechobee, 09:54-09:56, escuchada el 23de abril de 2016 en 
inglés a locutor con comentariosen programa religioso, en paralelo por 
7730,SINPO 45444
7730 Brother Stair, Okeechobee,09:57-10:00, escuchada el 23de abril de 2015 en 
inglés a locutor con despedida de programaacompañado de música religiosa 
interpretada por grupo coral,"Broadcast", ID "Radio Miami International", SINPO 
6195 NHK World Radio Japon, Cypress Crekk, 09:45-09:51, escuchada el 23 de 
abril es español a locutor y locutora con comentarios,reportaje sobre 
departamento de juegos en forma de radionovela,SINPO 4
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
Kiwi SDRUniversity of Victoria, B.C., Canadahttp://kiwisdr.ece.uvic.ca:8073/
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Annual Armed Forces Day Cross-Band Communications Test Set for May 14

2016-04-22 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

Annual Armed Forces Day Cross-Band Communications Test Set for May 14

The US Army, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard will cosponsor the Armed Forces 
Day Military/Amateur Radio Cross-Band Communications Test on Saturday, May 14, 
2016. The event gets under way at 1200 UTC, with activity continuing throughout 
the day. Some military stations may not operate for the entire period.“New for 
Armed Forces Day this year, military stations and Amateur Radio operators are 
authorized to directly communicate on the 60 meter interoperability channels,” 
US Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, pointed out.This year marks 
the 66th Armed Forces Day (AFD) observance, a week later than the radio event. 
Armed Forces Day is observed this year on May 21, but the Military/Amateur 
Radio Cross-Band Communications Test is held earlier in order to avoid 
conflicting with Dayton Hamvention®.The annual communications exercise is an 
opportunity to test two-way communication between amateur and military 
communicators and features traditional military-to-amateur cross-band SSB and 
CW communication and offers an opportunity for radio amateurs to utilize modern 
military communications modes such as MIL-STD serial PSK and automatic link 
establishment (ALE). These tests give Amateur Radio operators and shortwave 
listeners (SWLs) a chance and a challenge to demonstrate individual technical 
skills, and to receive recognition from military radio stations. QSL cards will 
be provided to stations that contact military stations during this event. The 
complete announcement of stations, times, and frequencies— subject to change — 
is available on the US Army MARS website. Participating military stations will 
transmit on selected military frequencies and listen for Amateur Radio stations 
on selected amateur frequencies, which the military station operator will 
announce. Contacts should be limited to a minute or two, so all participants 
get a chance. Some stations will operate on Military Auxiliary Radio System 
(MARS) frequencies; others will use CW. Amateur Stations with automatic link 
establishment (ALE) capability can contact military stations on specific 
half-duplex cross-band channels established for this purpose. Military stations 
will scan and receive certain Amateur HFLINK ALE frequencies, and transmit on 
the corresponding military ALE frequency. Military stations will also transmit 
ALE station identification (soundings) on each military frequency at 30 to 
90-minute intervals. The traditional Secretary of Defense message will be 
transmitted via Military Standard radio teletype modes, described in MIL-STD 
188-110A/B. Reception of serial PSK will provide a technical challenge to 
amateur stations to receive the broadcasts using a high symbol rate serial PSK 
waveform not utilized in Amateur Radio, but found in all modern military 
equipment. See the complete schedule for details. Additional transmissions will 
use wide-shift FSK (RTTY), as this mode represents a baseline in 
interoperability common in all radio services. Most RTTY programs can be set to 
decode this mode. To accommodate amateurs some stations will transmit the 
Secretary of Defense message using common ham radio modes such as RTTY, PACTOR, 
AMTOR, PSK31, MFSK and MT63. Transcripts of the received text should be 
submitted “as received,” without attempting to correct possible transmission 
errors. Provide time, frequency and call sign of the military station copied, 
including the submitter’s name, call sign, and address (with ZIP code). This 
information should appear on the paper containing the test message. Stations 
copying the Secretary of Defense message from Army and Navy stations should 
send their entries to Armed Forces Day Celebration, Commander Netcom, ATTN: 
NETC-ITSMD, Bldg 90549 Jim Ave, Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-7070. Stations copying 
Secretary of Defense message from Air Force stations, should send entries to 
Armed Forces Day Celebration, 38CYRS/Chief AF MARS, 203W Losey St, Room 1200, 
Scott AFB, IL 62225.
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[HCDX] Plan to return Radio Vanuatu to its former glory

2016-04-22 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

Plan to return Radio Vanuatu to its former glory
It's hoped Radio Vanuatu will soon return to the standard it once was when it 
could be heard by everyone in the archipelago.

It's hoped Radio Vanuatu will soon return to the standard it once was when it 
could be heard by everyone in the archipelago.Years of neglect and political 
interference have resulted in the deterioration of transmission to the outer 
islands but there's a new push to get nation-wide coverage again.As Bridget 
Tunnicliffe reports, short wave radio is being seen as important as ever in the 
Pacific.The need to get early warnings to people, especially in more remote 
areas has been highlighted by the increased frequency of severe tropical 
cyclones. The government recently replaced the Vanuatu Broadcasting and 
Television Corporation board following concerns over the lack of the public 
broadcaster's ability to reach the outer islands. An MP for Tanna, Tom 
Louniwan, says they don't get clear reception on Tanna and it's unreliable.
TOM IOUNIWAN: We depend much of the radio for information because we're now 
living in the climate change and you know cyclones, and tsunamis and you know.
The board's new chair Johnety Jerety says nation-wide coverage has to be 
implemented by July 1st under the government's 100 day plan. He says they are 
on track to achieve that but says part of the problem is people have been 
buying cheap radios that are not compatible. He says out of habit people have 
also become more accustomed to tuning into the island's main FM station.
JOHNETY JERETY: Because they have lost coverage with Radio Vanuatu for so long 
they now have difficulties in tuning in to our frequency system and that is 
what we are doing now to promote all these frequencies to the islands, to 
ensure that everyone knows which type of frequency they should be tuning in.
New Zealand radio transmission engineer, Steve White, has made several trips to 
Vanuatu and other Pacific countries to help set up transmission equipment. He 
says the big advantage of short-wave radio is that receivers are extremely 
cheap to buy. Mr White says the other benefit is that the transmission is 
capable of covering enormous distances.
STEVE WHITE: From Port Vila you can cover the entire country of Vanuatu, which 
spans something like 1100 kilometres in a roughly North-South direction, that 
can't be achieved by any other transmission mode.
Johnety Jerety says despite increases in government funding to the Corporation 
over the years, changes in government and political interference have been 
JOHNETY JERETY: Politicians come as members of parliament and then they use the 
opportunity to turn out funds from the institution and make it very difficult 
for the institution to have enough or appropriate funds to maintain its 
transmission system.
Johnety Jerety says Radio Vanuatu's financial difficulties have been heightened 
by the emergence of several other FM stations, who are all competing for 
advertising dollars. The former mayor of Luganville, Maurice Emboe, says the 
quality of information being broadcast is also critical. Early this month there 
were claims in northern parts of Vanuatu, that the public broadcaster did not 
broadcast warnings about the approach of Cyclone Zena. Maurice Emboe says 
information needs to be accurate, timely, and regular.
MAURICE EMBOE: The authorities concerned, the media also should take more 
responsibility in communicating with regards to disaster or such information. 
To inform people, communicate with people, the tracking of these depressions, 
its whereabouts.
Johnety Jerety says he's had several meetings with technical people and is 
confident nation-wide coverage will be achieved by Radio Vanuatu by the July 1 
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[HCDX] New Clandestine Radio.7495 Voice of Spring. Iran Prisioner´s Radio

2016-04-21 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

Voice of Spring, Iran Prisoner´s Radiohttp://sedayebahar.com/
Manuno Ritola WRTH Facebook
U.K.(non)  New clandestine broadcast via BaBcoCk from April 21:1730-1800 on  
7495 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi
Ivo IvanovSWLDX Bulgaria News April 20
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] FRCN zonal structure: Benin short-changed Read

2016-04-21 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
FRCN zonal structure: Benin short-changed  Read 

By Josef Omorotionmwan THIS is Radio Benin, broadcasting from its Headquarters 
in Yenagoa and Port Harcourt”. At first, this might sound like a broadcast from 
a professed wino but, indeed, it is a perfect representation of the raw deals 
that Edo State has been getting from her neighbours. This is perhaps not the 
best place to engage in a protracted debate of on-shore/off-shore dichotomy of 
oil resources; but in passing, it is appropriate to mention that a situation in 
which the little oil in Edo State is ceded to neighbouring States is most 
undesirable. Right from October 1, 1963, when Nigeria attained a Republican 
status, children of pre-school age had an excellent grasp of the rhymes of 
Regions and Capitals: Northern Region – Kaduna; Eastern Region – Enugu; Western 
Region – Ibadan; Mid-West Region – Benin City. Those were the four Regions we 
had then. Today, apart from the defunct Midwest, the other regional Capitals 
still remain the Headquarters of their emerging geopolitical zones. But the 
Headquarters of the South-South zone has been up for grabs. At the peak of the 
murky politics, even the major political parties went their separate ways – the 
PDP retains Port-Harcourt as the Headquarters of the South-South Zone; and 
that’s where it conducts its conventions and other political activities; while 
the APC still holds on to Benin City as the Zonal Headquarters. This confusion 
reigns supreme in the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, FRCN. By virtue of 
being the Headquarters of their defunct Regions, Enugu, Kaduna and Ibadan have 
been Zonal Headquarters of the FRCN in their respective Sub-Regions. While in 
the South-South, it has been a matter for conjuncture. During the President 
Goodluck Jonathan administration, the Headquarters of the FRCN South-South was 
located in Yenagoa; and since Jonathan’s departure, we hear it has shifted to 
Port Harcourt. Benin City has remained perpetually schemed out. The injustice 
inherent in this scheme can only be appreciated within the context of a fair 
understanding of the history of the FRCN. What started as listening out-posts 
for the British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC, in 1933 has gradually mushroomed 
into the biggest radio network in Africa. The Colonial Radio relayed the 
overseas service of the BBC through wired system with loudspeakers at the 
listening end. It was called Radio Diffusion Service, RDS. In April 1951, the 
RDS metamorphosed into the Nigerian Broadcasting Service, NBS, with a Briton, 
Mr. T.W. Chalmers, who was the then Controller of BBC Light Entertainment 
Programme as the first Director-General. An Act of Parliament No 39 of 1956 
gave birth to the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation, NBC, which came into 
effect in April 1957. The Director-General was Mr. J.A.C. Knott, OBE. In 1978, 
the NBC had a major re-organisation which transformed it to the Federal Radio 
Corporation of Nigeria, FRCN, and the NBC was instructed to hand-over its 
stations that broadcast on Medium Wave Transmitters in the States to the State 
Governments while taking over Short-Wave Transmitters from the States. The 
Reverend Victor Badejo became the first indigenous Director-General. Today, the 
FRCN with its Headquarters in Abuja has national Stations in Enugu, Kaduna, 
Ibadan and Gwagwalada FCT; plus Lagos Operations Office. These national 
Stations and Lagos Operations Office control all the 37 FRCN FM/MW/SW/ Stations 
spread across the nation. In the Second Republic, the Federal Government 
established FRCN Stations in all the States ruled by the opposition parties, 
essentially to facilitate NPN’s capture of the States in the 1983 general 
elections. However, the military coup of December 1983, which ushered in the 
administration of General Muhammadu Buhari, as he then was, put paid to all 
this. In 1984, all the new FRCN Stations, except the major national Stations in 
Kaduna, Ibadan, Enugu and Lagos, were closed down and their facilities were 
handed over to the respective hosting States. In 2006, the Federal Government 
attempted a restructuring of the FRCN to provide for six Zonal Stations – 
covering the six geo-political zones as follows: North-Central (Head Office in 
Makurdi); North-West (Kaduna); North-East (Maiduguri); South-East (Enugu); 
South-West (Ibadan); South-South (Yenagoa); and Operations (Lagos). The rip-off 
was very glaring and Edo people considered it a slap on their faces. This 
writer was in the team that led a powerful delegation to Abuja on how Benin 
City was short-changed. At the peak of it all, the authorities in Abuja offered 
us an appeasement. We rejoiced home that our request had been granted. Alas, 
what was approved for us was an FM Station while the Zonal Headquarters 
remained in Yenagoa. That was how we asked for rain and got a rainbow! 
Evidently, a lot of distortions, deliberate falsehood; and even outright 
disinformation and misinformation have 

[HCDX] Singapore: Some radio milestones through the decades

2016-04-20 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

Some radio milestones through the decades

Some radio milestones through the decades

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| Some radio milestones through the decadesSINGAPORE — We take radio for 
granted these days, and it is hard to imagine that once upon a time, there was 
only one means of broadcast and only one st... |
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| Ver en www.todayonline.com | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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SINGAPORE — We take radio for granted these days, and it is hard to imagine 
that once upon a time, there was only one means of broadcast and only one 
station beaming music and news out to everybody on the island. Now, we have 
programmes in various languages — English, Chinese, Malay, Tamil, French, 
German, Japanese, Hindi and Korean — to cater to the culturally diverse and 
increasingly cosmopolitan population here. Here are some of the key milestones 
in eight decades of radio.1936Radio transmission begins in Singapore, operating 
from a government building at Empress Place — the first ‘city 
studio’.1942During the Japanese Occupation, radio is operated by the Japanese 
as Syonan Hoso Kyoku.1946With the end of World War II, the British once again 
take over and establish Radio Malaya Singapore And The Federation Of Malaya 
(RMSFOM).1949Cable radio service Rediffusion is launched.1952Radio moves to 
Caldecott Hill. Programmes are channelled by cable to Jurong, from where they 
are transmitted.1959The independence of the federation of Malaya in 1957 
results in the establishment of Radio Singapore, an independent offshoot of 
RMSFOM. Operating on the medium and short-wave bands, it offers four channels 
with programmes in English, Malay, Tamil and seven Chinese dialects.1963RMSFOM 
is renamed Radio Malaysia.1965Radio Singapore is renamed Radio Television 
Singapore (RTS).1967FM radio transmissions begin on bandwidths FM90.5, FM94.2, 
FM95.8 and FM96.8.1980RTS is renamed the Singapore Broadcasting Corporation 
(SBC). Its first chairman is the late Ong Teng Cheong, the then Minister of 
Culture. Radio broadcasting hours increase from eight to 18 a day. A fifth 
radio station FM92.4FM, playing classical music, is launched.1982The five 
stations are renamed Radio 1 (English), Radio 2 (Malay), Radio 3 (Mandarin), 
Radio 4 (Tamil) and Radio 5 (classical music).1987Singapore channels face 
competition from radio channels Zoo 100.6FM and Coast 99.5FM, broadcast by 
Indonesian station Batam Radio. SBC starts ‘format programming’ to adapt its 
radio broadcast to the needs of segmented groups of listeners.1989Singapore’s 
first 24-hour music channel, Perfect 10 98.7FM is launched.1990Three more 
stations are launched: Class 95FM, Y.E.S. 93.3FM, Ria 89.7FM.1991Radio 2 
becomes Warna 94.2FM, Radio 3 is City Sounds 95.8FM, Radio 4 is Olikkalanjiam 
96.8FM. The National Trades Union Congress launches Radio Heart.1994Radio 
Singapore International (RSI) is launched; as is FM97.2, a 24-hour Mandarin 
music station. On Oct 1, the Radio Corporation of Singapore (RCS) is 
established. The Singapore Armed Forces Reservist Association (Safra) launches 
Power 98 in English and Dong Li 88.3FM in Mandarin.1995Radio 1 becomes ONE 
FM90.5 in 1995.1997FM97.2 is renamed Love 97.2FM, and Olikkalanjiam becomes Oli 
96.8FM, even as two more stations — News Radio 93.8FM and FM 96.3 The 
International Channel — are launched. Traffic Watch is launched across all 
stations.1998City Sounds 95.8FM is retooled as Capital 95.8FM, while ONE FM90.5 
becomes Gold 90.5FM.1999RCS launches SmartRadio, the first commercial Digital 
Audio Broadcasting (DAB) service in Asia.2001Mediacorp Radio (MCR) is 
established. SPH Radio launches WKRZ 91.3 abd UFM 1003.2004Lush 99.5FM, a 
trendsetting radio station for those aged 25 to 40, is launched on New Year’s 
Eve.2005NewsRadio 93.8FM becomes 938LIVE.2008On Jan 1, all 13 stations 
broadcast 24/7. Korean and Hindi are added on for Expat Radio 96.3XFM’s 
offerings.2010MeRadio, a smartphone application, which carries all 13 stations 
is launched.2012Kiss92, targeting female listeners, is launched.
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[HCDX] 11815 New Test Transmisión

2016-04-19 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
 Saludos cordiales
11815 Test Transmision, 11:55-12:00, escuchada el 19 de abri de 2016, ID, 
segmentos musicales, SINPO 34433
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
Sangean ATS 909Antena hilo de 10 m
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Defensores de acercamiento a Cuba lanzan programa de radio en Miami

2016-04-19 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

Defensores de acercamiento a Cuba lanzan programa de radio en Miami

En lo que constituye un nuevo frente en el esfuerzo político por estrechar las 
relaciones con Cuba, los defensores del acercamiento en Estados Unidos han 
decidido presentar sus ideas en un medio que durante décadas ha sido el centro 
de la oposición más estridente a su causa: la radio en español de Miami.El 
programa de una hora debutará este martes en WQBA-AM (1140), una estación local 
propiedad del gigante mediático Univision. En el primer programa, CUBAHORA 
tendrá una entrevista con el ex secretario federal de Comercio Carlos 
Gutiérrez, un cubanoamericano republicano que favorece la normalización de 
relaciones con la isla.Aunque el programa es pagado, el entrevistador del 
martes será José Alfonso Almora, presentador de WQBA, una voz que goza de 
confianza entre los radioescuchas.Los programas pagados de larga duración son 
comunes en la radio en español, especialmente durante las elecciones, cuando 
candidatos o sus representantes hispanos tratan de llegar a los electores 
cubanoamericanos de más edad, que votan casi siempre (los programas incluyen un 
descargo de responsabilidad). Pero una frecuencia semanal para impulsar la 
postura del acercamiento pudiera sorprender a los escuchas, que están 
acostumbrados a presentadores de línea más dura.Vale la pena señalar que el 
programa no se trasmitirá en Radio Mambí, estación hermana de WQBA, de más 
audiencia y más conservadora, y estación bandera local en español de Univision. 
(Durante muchos años la WQBA se centraba tanto en los exiliados cubanos que se 
autotitulaba La Cubanísima).El programa es pagado por Cuba Now, un grupo sin 
fines de lucro que defiende, entre otras cosas, el levantamiento del embargo 
comercial estadounidense a Cuba. Su director ejecutivo, Ric Herrero, comentará 
junto con Almora.Herrero dijo que el programa “comienza desde el punto de vista 
que estamos en el camino a la normalización, concordamos en que la apertura es 
el mejor curso de acción, de manera que ahora ¿cómo comenzamos a abordar los 
temas más importantes que enfrentamos en materia de empresariado, derechos 
humanos y el papel de la diáspora cubana?”Herrero planea reconocer “las 
diferencias muy fuertes” que tienen los escuchas cubanos sobre esos temas. Pero 
señaló: “Estamos muy conscientes de que hay una audiencia con sed de una nueva 
voz en la radio local”.Cuba Now espera atraer suficientes anunciantes más 
adelante. “Nuestra intención no es pagar para siempre”, dijo Herrero.Una de las 
personas que está dando a conocer el proyecto del programa es Mike Fernández, 
de Coral Gables y magnate de los servicios médicos, quien avisó por correo 
electrónico el fin de semana a sus amigos para pedirles que avisaran a otras 
personas para escuchar el programa.El programa, dijo, fue creado para “aclarar 
ciertas ideas equivocadas sobre qué está sucediendo en Cuba hoy”.
Read more here: 
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| Defensores de acercamiento a Cuba lanzan programa de ra...Los defensores del 
acercamiento a Cuba debutarán este martes un programa en WQBA-AM (1140), una 
estación de Miami, y promete tocar temas como e... |
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[HCDX] 15630 Test Transmition, 15 de abrill

2016-04-15 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
   Saludos cordiales
15630 Test Transmition, 12:12-12:14, escuchada el 15 de abril de 2016, 
identificación en inglés "You are listening test transmition", segmentos 
musicales, fin de emisión, SINPO 24432
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
Sangean ATS 909Antena hilo de 10 m
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] DRM Stakeholders: DRM and DAB Can, and Should, Coexist

2016-04-13 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

DRM Stakeholders: DRM and DAB Can, and Should, Coexist

ERLANGEN, Germany— Following a successful General Assembly, the Digital Radio 
Mondiale Consortium and the German DRM Platform held a European workshop, 
hosted by Fraunhofer IIS in Erlangen, Germany, on April 6-7.It was the first 
such event aimed at offering solutions to all broadcasters, large or small. 
During their presentations and discussions participants stressed that DRM is 
the ITU-endorsed and internationally adopted standard for the distribution of 
programs internationally, nationally and locally. DRM can also provide an 
economic and complementary solution to exactly those coverage scenarios for 
which the established DAB/DAB+ networks in Band-III were never 
designed.Following their deliberations the participants urged all stakeholders 
of Digital Radio in Europe — including European organizations, regulators, 
broadcasters and the receiver and automotive industry — to embrace publicly the 
duality and complementarity of the open DRM and DAB standards as the complete 
Digital Radio solution for Europe (and worldwide). This means a digital future 
for all broadcasters, offering more program choices to listeners, extra 
multimedia services with text and images, increased energy savings, and 
spectrum efficiency. The participants ask ‘all European stakeholders to promote 
actively the manufacturing and distribution of multi-standard Digital Radio 
receivers, comprising at least the DRM and DAB standards.’An early session, 
held in conjunction with the open part of the DRM General Assembly, took a 
brief look at the status of DRM adoption around the world, including the DRM 
roll-out in India.  It’s the largest digital radio market in the world, where 
over 600 million people are being reached by DRM broadcasts.On April 7, 
benefits and opportunities of DRM were shown with practical applications. 
Ampegon (Matthias Stoll) showed how easy and cost-effective the transition from 
analog AM to DRM can be. Marc Holthof of the German Navy gave an example of how 
to use DRM over shortwave for maritime broadcasting of information and 
entertainment to ship crews at sea. Csaba Szombathy, Technical University of 
Budapest, demonstrated his original monitoring program of DRM 
transmissions.Regarding VHF applications of DRM: RFmondial (Jens Schroeder), 
demonstrated how to provide DRM services in the crowded FM band compatible with 
all the existing FM stations. Joachim Lehnert, German DRM Platform Chairman, 
showed that DRM is a suitable system for local/regional coverage in VHF Band 
III, fully compatible with DAB/DAB+ and DVB-T networks. RFmondial (Detlef 
Pagel) also referred to the use of DRM in VHF Band III and stressed that DRM+ 
is the most suitable digital system for the local and regional single-station 
broadcasters, as a complement to multiplexes, while sharing all the 
listener-related features with the DAB+ standard. Finally, Manfred Kühn, Mobile 
Broadcast Consult, demonstrated the flexible transmission of multiple DRM 
channels in a single DAB frequency block in VHF Band III.This session was 
followed by a status report on the development of digital multi-standard 
radios, presented by Robert Bosch Car Multimedia, NXP, Fraunhofer IIS, PnP 
Networks and Panasonic. All the speakers finally emphasized the market and 
framework requirements for the production of multi-standard radios for Europe.
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[HCDX] Govt cuts grants for Prasar Bharati

2016-04-13 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

Govt cuts grants for Prasar Bharati
Prasar Bharati’s grants cut by 25.6% to Rs.392.42 crore for 2015-16 under 
planned budget

Govt cuts grants for Prasar Bharati

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| Govt cuts grants for Prasar BharatiPrasar Bharati’s grants cut by 25.6% to 
`392.42 crore for 2015-16 under planned budget |
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| Ver en www.livemint.com | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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New Delhi: The Information and Broadcasting ministry has cut grants for public 
broadcaster Prasar Bharati by 25.6% to Rs.392.42 crore for 2015-16 under 
planned budget.It initially allocated Rs.527.43 crore as grants-in-aid for the 
year, according to the ministry’s annual report 2015-16, released on Tuesday.As 
per the report, the ministry has also proposed a similar budget plan for the 
year 2016-17 and allocated a sum of Rs.392 crore for planned expenditure.Prasar 
Bharati includes All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan. AIR’s home service 
includes 415 stations located across the nation. Doordarshan operates 36 
channels including regional, state national and international channels and a 
multi-channel free-to-air direct-to-home (DTH) service, DD Free Dish.Talking 
about the budget cut, Jawhar Sircar, chief executive officer at Prasar Bharati, 
said that the consumption capacity of the public broadcaster was pegged around 
Rs.350- 400 crore because of procedural delays in the ministry.“The ministry 
has some antiquated tender procedures, which take about a year-and-a-half to 
pass a tender. This issue needs to be tackled as the tenders usually take three 
to four months to pass. There were around two-three projects which could not be 
finalised due to the interplay between democratic and technical processes,” he 
said.However, the budget for unplanned expenditure is estimated at Rs.2,716 
crore, which is 16% higher than the allocated budget in the previous financial 
year. The unplanned budget estimates (initial and revised) for 2015-16 stood at 
Rs.2,342 crore.The ministry, in its initial budget plan, had allocated funds 
for the recovery of analog towers and shortwave radios. “Analog towers and 
shortwave radios are outdated technologies. Doordarshan and AIR are moving 
towards digitization. There is no point in allocating money for the recovery of 
archaic technologies,” Sircar added.Earlier this month, Doordarshan launched a 
digital video broadcasting technology that allows its subscribers to watch DD 
channels on smartphones without any Internet connection. This service was 
launched in 16 cities, including the four metros.
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[HCDX] Pirate Radio Station on w5kub.com April 12:

2016-04-10 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

Pirate Radio Station on w5kub.com April 12:

Back for part 2. Allan Wiener, world famous radio pirate will be back with us 
again Tuesday April 12 at 8:00 PMCT. There was so much that we did not have 
time to cover during his last appearance. Lets get more detail on why he put 
Radio New York International on the air from a ship off the coast of NY, how 
the FCC busted him, the crews arrest, the trial, and his straight path to 
owning several FCC licensed radio stations. Allan is also a highly skilled 
radio engineer and a collector and restores vintage equipment. Phone lines will 
be open for viewers to call in.Watch the show on Amateur Radio Roundtable on 
w5kub.com Tues at 8PM CST or listen to the show on international shortwave 
station WBCQ on 5130 kHz.Note to all of you that complained last time that we 
were promoting this illegal behavior. This is controversial but it is not 
condoning illegal operation. It is a discussion of past history, it shows you 
that if you try this you will be arrested, and it also shows that even 
 for those that started off like this, some made a turn around and have become 
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Re: [HCDX] Radio Biafra 11700 kHz, a partir del 20 de abril

2016-04-08 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
Hi Wolfgang, HFCC A-16
11700 1500 2259 28,27  SOF   50 306       0 885 1234567 270316 301016 D  5000 
Eng        BUL NEW SPC 16158                     BUL

  De: Wolfgang Bueschel <dg1...@t-online.de>
 Para: hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com; JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO 
 Enviado: Viernes 8 de abril de 2016 15:05
 Asunto: Re: [HCDX] Radio Biafra 11700 kHz, a partir del 20 de abril
I guess still via provider SPC-NURTS Sofia Kostinbrod relay of Bulgaria ?

? 1900 UTC ?

- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 1:07 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Biafra 11700 kHz, a partir del 20 de abril

> http://radiobiafra.co/

> Radio Biafra Shortwave frequency changes over to 11700 kHz at 25-meter 
> band on the 20th of April 2016
> _
> Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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[HCDX] Radio Biafra 11700 kHz, a partir del 20 de abril

2016-04-08 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
Radio Biafra Shortwave frequency changes over to 11700 kHz at 25-meter band on 
the 20th of April 2016
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[HCDX] Libya: Radio al-Bayan in shortwave????

2016-04-01 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
 ISIS' offline propaganda strategy

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| ISIS' offline propaganda strategyThe Islamic State produces potent 
propaganda, inspiring tens of thousands of Muslims to travel to Syria to fight 
and encouraging other Muslims to launch ... |
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Night and day, the al-Bayan Radio station broadcasts its programs on shortwave 
frequencies from central Libya to eastern Iraq, with programs ranging from news 
bulletins and “history lessons” to on-air fatwas and call-in medical clinics.
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[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas

2016-03-31 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
 Saludos cordiales
BIELORRUSIA 11730 Radio Belarus, Minsk, 19:11-19:15, escuchada el 31 de marzo 
de 2016 en alemán, locutora con noticias y locutora con reportaje, 
probablemente en su última emisión en onda corta, segmemnto musical, señal 
fuerte y nivel de audio bajo, en paralelo por 11930, en colisión con servicio 
en árabe de Radio Saudí, SINPO 35443
MADAGASCAR 11945 Madagascar World Voice, 19:18-19:21, escuchada el 31 de marzo 
de 2016 en árabe a locutor con cpmentarios, segmento musical, SINPO 24432
VATICANO 9775 Afia Darfur Radio, Santa Maria di Galeria, 19:03-19:10, escuchada 
el 31 de marzo de 2016en árabe a locutor con noticias, constantes referencia a 
Darfur y Sudán, corresponsales y reportajes, SINPO 35543
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
Sangean ATS 909Antena hilo de 10 m
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[HCDX] Radio Biafra back on air — IPOB

2016-03-31 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

Radio Biafra back on air — IPOB
Radio Biafra back on air — IPOB - DailyPost Nigeria

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| Radio Biafra back on air — IPOB - DailyPost NigeriaThe Indigenous People of 
Biafra, IPOB, has announced the resurgence of Radio Biafra after the Federal 
Government blocked the airwaves last year. According |
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| Ver en dailypost.ng | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has announced the resurgence of Radio 
Biafra after the Federal Government blocked the airwaves last year.According to 
a statement by the pro-Biafra spokesman, Emma Powerful yesterday, the station 
operates on short waves and its satellites covers all the Southeast 
geopolitical zone, Lagos, Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Delta, Bayelsa, Cross River, 
London, adding that its programmes could be reached through apps and phones.The 
statement said, “Right now, we are back on shortwave after Nigerian government 
spent millions of dollars taxpayers money trying to stop Radio Biafra. All 
Biafrans and friends of Biafra can now go to 11600 kHz at 25-meter band to 
cherish the gospel of truth, Broadcasting time is 8pm London time, 9pm Biafra 
land time. We are unstoppable because Chukwuka Okike Abiama, Almighty God, is 
on our side.”It stated that Akwa-Ibom is now on chk 102.1 fm covering Ikot 
Ekpene, Uruan, Oron, Uyo, insiriatai, ibiono, nundo, abak, idioro, Akwa-Ibom 
dakka, Yamal-402 DTH Platform: Frequency 11045MHz Pol: Vertical Symbol Rate: 
40MSym, DVB-S, QPSK, 2/3 FEC, Service ID: 5.

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[HCDX] Radio Thailand World Service A-16

2016-03-31 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
Radio Thailand World ServiceEFFECTIVE MARCH 27, 2016 AT 0800 UTC
Our  Program  Time>> UTC   Frequency >> KHzThai Program  01.00-02.00  15590     
  02.30-03.30  15590              10.00-11.00  17770       13.30-14.00  09390   
           18.00-19.00  09390              20.45-21.15  09390English Program    
          00.00-01.00  15590              02.00-02.30  15590              
05.00-05.30  Internet              05.30-06.00  17640              12.30-13.00  
09390              14.00-14.30  09390              19.00-20.00  09390           
   20.30-20.45  09390German Program              20.00-20.15  09390Japanese 
Program              13.00-13.15  09390Chinese Program              13.15-13.30 
 09390Bahasamalaysia Program              12.00-12.15  09390Lao Program         
     11.30-11.45  05875Cambodian Program              11.15-11.30  05875Burmese 
Program              11.45-12.00  05875Vietnamese Program              
11.00-11.15  05875
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[HCDX] Radio Akhbar Mufriha

2016-03-31 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX
Radio Akhbar Mufriha
A partir du 27 mars 2016 notre fréquence sera 11,985 kHz dans la bande de 25 m. 
Les émissions en hassaniya continuent le lundi, le jeudi et le samedi à 21h45. 
Les émissions en pulaar continuent le mardi, le vendredi et le dimanche à 21h45.
Radio Akhbar Mufriha

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| Radio Akhbar Mufriha  Avis du 22 mars 2016 concernant le hassaniya et le 
poulaar - voir 'Contents'! Contents  |
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[HCDX] Ruanda: La ‘radio de las mil colinas’

2016-03-31 Thread JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO via Hard-Core-DX

La ‘radio de las mil colinas’
La ‘radio de las mil colinas’. Noticias de Gipuzkoa

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| La ‘radio de las mil colinas’. Noticias de GipuzkoaRuanda, año 1994. La 
‘radio de las mil colinas’ se dedica a incitar a sus oyentes contra los tutsis 
y los hutus moderados.  |
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| Ver en www.noticiasdegipuzkoa.com | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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Ruanda, año 1994. La ‘radio de las mil colinas’ se dedica a incitar a sus 
oyentes contra los tutsis y los hutus moderados. El resultado es tristemente 
conocido: murieron cientos de miles de personas a machetazos.Ni siquiera 
hicieron falta artilugios más sofisticados. Así fue la historia. Y ya se sabe: 
aunque la historia no se repite, rima.Es posible que esta radio no fuese la 
única culpable del genocidio ruandés, pero hoy en día sus líderes (Juvenal 
Habyarimana y Jean Bosco Barayagwiza) están condenados a cadena perpetua. Y 
desde entonces, cuando un medio de comunicación realiza una campaña muy radical 
contra un grupo de personas o instituciones se le dice aquello de que parece la 
radio de las mil colinas.¿Qué existe en la cabeza de personas que se dedican a 
realizar actos tan salvajes como los recientemente vividos en Ankara o de 
manera cotidiana en muchos países musulmanes? Existen dos fases.Primero, debe 
darse el contexto que sirva para poder captar a una persona en el ámbito 
territorial (por ejemplo, el barrio de Molenbeek en Bruselas o la escuela de Al 
Mukmin en Indonesia) y en el ámbito emocional (perspectivas vitales con una 
gran incertidumbre, escala de valores difusa y fácilmente permeable).Segundo, 
el trabajo mental sobre cada persona. Las características principales pasan por 
la despersonalización de la víctima potencial. En Ruanda se denominaba a los 
tutsis como cucarachas. Cuando se identifica al otro como un animal 
despreciable, matar no cuesta tanto. Y tan importante como lo anterior es la 
sensación de pertenencia. Un ejemplo de ello es muy curioso: la existencia de 
novatadas en los colegios. Cuando alguien ha superado esas pruebas ya es del 
grupo y entonces el coste de salirse del mismo es mucho mayor. Lo mismo ocurre 
en el ámbito de la violencia, como demuestra un célebre estudio que buscaba 
comprender la razón por la que en la Segunda Guerra Mundial padres de familia 
que llevaban una vida aparentemente normal se dedicaban a fusilar y gasear 
judíos en los campos de concentración con toda la tranquilidad del mundo. Todos 
daban la misma razón: “No podía fallar a mis compañeros”. Así, todos los que 
tienen dudas acerca de si lo que hacen es correcto se escudan en su pertenencia 
al grupo.Eso sí, esto no explica las causas por las que personas europeas 
deciden enrolarse en el IS (Estado Islámico). Para ello podemos analizar las 
razones que nos explica el danés Morten Storm, un antiguo yihadista: “En el 
norte de Europa, la red social y familiar no es muy fuerte y el islam atrae a 
la gente porque les da estabilidad social y la oportunidad de ser parte de una 
gran familia. En Europa hemos perdido nuestra identidad: nos hemos convertido 
en americanos, en capitalistas, superficiales… Falta una cultura propia y eso 
conduce a la gente al islam”. Así, Morten se enroló en el islamismo radical: 
“Éramos los únicos seguidores del único camino. Los demás se habían extraviado. 
Esa visión te hacía sentir muy poderoso”. Posteriormente, esta persona comenzó 
a dudar: “Sentí que mis 10 años como salafista habían sido una pérdida 
terrible, que había sido engañado y que otros seguirían mi destino a menos que 
se detuviera a esta gente”. A partir de aquí, Storm comenzó a colaborar con la 
inteligencia occidental.Este párrafo es una selección de entrevistas realizadas 
a Storm para promocionar un libro (Mi vida en Al Qaeda) y encierra tres 
lecciones fundamentales. Primero, las estructuras familiares y sociales 
importan. Segundo, cómo nos ven y cómo se ven. Nosotros somos unos depravados 
que dedicamos la vida a la comida y a la bebida sin pensar en ninguna otra 
trascendencia ni propósito. Ellos se ven como los elegidos. Tercero, la única 
forma de salir de éste ámbito es pensar por uno mismo dudando de todo lo que 
vemos aunque para eso es obligatorio perder el miedo: tus compañeros del alma 
van a pasar a ser enemigos acérrimos.Es vital comprender la fuerza del contexto 
y el trabajo mental sobre cada persona, basado en despersonalizar al enemigo y 
a cada militante, puesto que no les importa perder lo único que tenemos: la 
vida. Son tan solo partes del grupo y fuera de él no valen nada. Escuchan la 
radio de las mil colinas todas las horas, en todos los sitios.Así podemos 
aproximarnos a buscar formas para encauzar este problema, y estas pasan por 
crear estructuras sociales y familiares sólidas, enseñar a las personas a 
dudar, dudar y seguir dudando y trabajar sobre los centros educativos en los 
que se puedan introducir ideas más radicales. Las soluciones militares se las 
dejamos a los entendidos.En 

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas

Saludos cordiales

ARABIA SAUDI 11860 Radio Sanna, Jeddah, 16:50-17:03, escuchada el 24 de marzo 
de 2016 en árabe, probablemente emitiendo el sonido de Yemen TV, emisión de 
música probablemente militar y música popular local, a las 17:00 sintonía, 
locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 34333

BULGARIA 11845 Dimtse Radio Erena, Kostinbrod, 17:09-:17:16, escuchada el 24 de 
marzo en oromo a locutora con comentarios y música de fondo, SINPO 34433

FRANCIA 11720 Voice of Assenna, Issoudun, 17:05-17:08, escuchada el 24 de marzo 
de 2015 en tigriña a locutor con comentarios y segmento musical, SINPO 33443

Jose Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena hilo de 10 m
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[HCDX] Phone company blocks access to Radio Tamazuj website


Phone company blocks access to Radio Tamazuj website
A telecommunications company in South Sudan has cut off access to the website 
of the news service Radio Tamazuj, according to Vivacell customers. The company 
is part-owned by South Sudan's ruling party SPLM.A user of Vivacell's data 
service in South Sudan today explained that his browser told him that the Radio 
Tamazuj website “might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to 
a new web address.” The user had no problem accessing another news website 
commonly visited by South Sudanese readers.Another reader of the Radio Tamazuj 
website said he noticed the problem last night while trying to use Vivacell 
data to connect to the site. His web browser told him that the “server can't be 
found,” while other websites loaded fine. The same user also said he had no 
problem accessing the website from the MTN network.Users of wifi networks in 
South Sudan, many of which are connected to the Internet by satellite 
connections known as 'VSAT', are still able to access the website.Radio 
Tamazuj's broadcasts on shortwave radio are unaffected and will continue 
uncensored. The radio station announced recently plans to expand its broadcast 
airtime.Facebook users reported they could still access Radio Tamazuj's news 
via the radio station's Facebook page. Fans expressed frustration with 
Vivacell. “I cannot access with Vivacell,” said Felix. “Vivacell is the most 
poor in connection and very very slow. Discouraging,” said Jahim.Customers also 
complained of recent rate hikes introduced by Vivacell after the devaluation of 
the South Sudanese pound.Customer Adraako Helen said, “Too slow and bundles has 
express speed of getting used without being used.” Dan Njuguna commented, “Do 
people still use vivacell data?? I quit that weeks ago when I realized it was 
the slowest and most expensive!”Ties to Lebanese company, SPLMVivacell is 
majority owned by Lebanon's Fattouch Investment Group. A minority stake is held 
by the ruling Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), whose investment in 
the company predates the independence of South Sudan.News reports from 2009 
revealed that SPLM owned up to 25% of Vivacell through Wawat Securities 
Limited. Additional information about the party's investment was disclosed in a 
leaked investigation report that President Salva Kiir had ordered the party 
undertake in 2013 against its former secretary-general Pagan Amum.The 
investigation report described Wawat Securities as an “investment arm” of SPLM, 
explaining that Wawat took 25% of the shares in Vivacell and Fattouche 
Investments Group Holdings Ltd took 75%, according to a framework agreement 
between the two parties.However, the investigation report was unclear about the 
percentage of Vivacell shares currently owned by SPLM, referring to other 
evidence indicating the SPLM's holding in Vivacell may actually be 
significantly smaller than 25%. The report noted also that SPLM leased land to 
Vivacell at a “symbolic rate” close to 0 pounds per square meter.Phone company 
blocks access to Radio Tamazuj website | Radio Tamazuj

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| Phone company blocks access to Radio Tamazuj website | ...JUBA (24 Mar.) 
Tweet A telecommunications company in South Sudan has cut off access to the 
website of the news service Radio Tamazuj, according to Vivacell cus... |
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[HCDX] Radio Nepal to go on air 24 hours from August


Radio Nepal to go on air 24 hours from August

KATHMANDU: Radio Nepal, the oldest broadcasting agency, is set to provide 
24-hour service from August 17.The state-run broadcasting agency has decided to 
follow a management reforms implementation action plan in this regard.It was 
also shared at a programme in Kathmandu that the government broadcasting agency 
was also set to establish a media village in Biratnagar in memory of Tarini 
Datta Koirala, the founder of Radio Nepal Broadcasting Services Development 
Committee (RNBSDC).Participants at the programme said that the broadcasting 
agency would keep up with modern technical equipment and modernise its service 
by establishing high-quality shortwave tower.Radio Nepal is running its 
programmes through central and regional transmissions through 21 frequency 
modulation relay centers across the nation.It also broadcasts through medium 
wave and online.Meanwhile, speaking at the programme, Minister for Information 
and Communications Sherdhan Rai suggested employees of Radio Nepal to perform 
result-oriented works, while praising their contribution to bring the 
broadcasting agency to this stage.He also suggested keeping up its functioning 
as per the new Constitution.The Minister also stressed the need to submit a 
report of works of the government broadcaster every month, while pointing out 
the need to launch its programmes up to local level to institutionalise the 
republic.Likewise, the Communications Secretary Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya, also 
Chairman of the RNBSDC, pledged doing everything possible to implement reform 
programmes launched earlier to make Radio Nepal a good means of 
communication.On the occasion, Radio Nepal Executive Director Suresh Kumar 
Karki presented a report on management reforms.

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| Radio Nepal to go on air 24 hours from AugustRadio Nepal is set to provide 
24-hour service from August 17. It has decided to follow a management reforms 
implementation action plan in this regard. |
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[HCDX] North Korea: Regime intensifies signal jamming against foreign radio broadcasts


Regime intensifies signal jamming against foreign radio broadcasts


North Korea has been from the beginning of March continually signal jamming 
radio broadcasts on the shortwave frequency used by the South Korean non-profit 
broadcaster Unification Media Group (UMG). Given the present situation, in 
which North Korean residents might be influenced by outside information 
condemning the regime and explaining the purpose of the sanctions imposed by 
the United Nations, the regime has showed the will to block sources of outside 
information that might cause unrest. The shortwave frequency band in question, 
7515Khz, has been actively jammed starting on March 1st making it extremely 
difficult for North Korean listeners to tune in. On the 15, UMG organization 
began using three receivers to test out reception at that and adjacent 
frequencies on a daily basis and was able to confirm that the exact signal is 
being jammed. The blocking effort is being concentrated on the time period from 
10pm- midnight. Specifically, from 10-11pm the jamming is very strong. The 
signal jamming is undetectable from midnight to 1am. The signal blocking became 
weaker at midnight on March 15, from which point onward the entire three hour 
broadcast was audible. Starting on the 17, UMG moved the frequency, but the 
jamming operators seemed not to notice because the interference continued on 
the old wavelength. Unification Media Group estimates that the North Korean 
authorities are the responsible party. From the very outset of the consortium's 
radio leg, which dates back to December 2005, the regime has frequently looked 
for ways to jam its frequencies. While sporadic jamming has been common over 
the past decade, it has had limited impact on receivers. However, starting from 
March of this year, stronger jamming signals have been deployed. The result: 
fuzzy reception and sometimes even completely blocked signals. This is the 
first time that such a strong jamming effort has been continuously maintained. 
“This is the strongest signal jam in the last few years.  As the regime is 
pushed into further isolation by the strongest round of sanctions yet, they 
have become concerned that the residents will be awakened by exposure to 
outside information,” Unification Media Group (UMG) President Lee Gwang Baek 
said. “North Korean authorities can not signal jam at high strength across 
multiple channels, so right now, the most effective thing to do would be to 
expand our frequencies and signal strength. We need direct [South Korean] 
government assistance to do that.” If the government grants permission for 
civil society organizations broadcasting to North Korea to use the former's 
powerful and far-reaching medium wavelengths to transmit radio content to North 
Korea, the broadcasts would be able to reach far more people despite the 
jamming attempts. About this, National Intelligence Service First Deputy 
Director Yeom Don Jae said, “The regime’s efforts to block radio signals from 
South Korean civic groups is actually confirmation of the potency of these 
broadcasts. This will cause considerable agitation for the listeners who have 
become accustomed to tuning in to foreign radio.” He added, “Therefore, we need 
to let the North Korean residents know about this situation and use the 
strength of the regime as a weapon against them. We need to use 
multi-dimensional methods to pump the North full of information.” UMG currently 
broadcasts from 10pm-1am nightly on shortwave frequencies via a transmission 
station in Dushanbe, Tajikstan. This content is rebroadcast daily from 3-5:00am 
on AM and FM frequencies via towers in South Korea’s Gangwon Province; however, 
these channels are borrowed from other private broadcasters and therefore 
limited in range and potency relative to those allocated by the government. 
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[HCDX] Radio Tamazuj to increase broadcast time, news output


Radio Tamazuj to increase broadcast time, news output
JUBA (18 Mar.)Shortwave broadcaster Radio Tamazuj, which produces news and 
programmes for South Sudan and border areas of Sudan such as the Nuba Mountains 
and Blue Nile state, plans to double its airtime and increase news output 
starting 27 March.The station, which has historically dedicated about half of 
its daily airtime to news coverage, plans to introduce additional programming 
focusing on peace-building, reconciliation, justice, political topics and local 
governance as well as programming for women and children.In collaboration with 
other media houses, the station also aims to improve media access for war 
victims, widows, the war disabled and war wounded, orphans and others who have 
suffered through the ongoing civil war in South Sudan, according to a proposal 
shared by the station recently with the National Editors' Forum in South 
Sudan.Radio Tamazuj markets itself as a radio for “all communities,” according 
to its on-air branding. The station broadcasts in Arabic, using mutually 
intelligible dialects spoken widely in Sudan and South Sudan.Starting from 27 
March the station will air programmes from 6:30 to 7:30 on 11650 kHz on the 25 
meter band and 9600 kHz on the 31 meter band, and 15150 kHz and 15550 kHz on 
the 19 meter band each evening from 17:30 to 18:30. This represents an increase 
from one hour daily airtime to two hours daily.Radio Tamazuj is among the 
fastest growing radio stations in South Sudan, according to a survey carried 
out in five counties in 2015, which found that more than 20% of the station's 
listeners were new listeners, more than any other station.Another survey 
carried out the same year in the Malakal PoC found that about half of radio 
users listened to Radio Tamazuj, making it nearly as popular as the UN Radio 
Miraya, in spite of significantly shorter broadcast hours. Forcier Consulting, 
which carried out the survey, reported, “Those with access to a radio most 
commonly listen to Radio Miraya (74%) and Radio Tamazuj (49%).” This 
represented growth of more than 100% compared to a baseline survey done in 
August 2014, less than six months prior.Radio Miraya is the country's largest 
radio by listenership, owing to its wide network of FM repeaters, but shortwave 
radio is the only option for people in areas where FM coverage is limited or 
non-existent. In Raja County, for example, a survey carried out last year found 
that only 39% of people had even heard of Radio Miraya, compared to 59% for 
Radio Tamazuj.Similarly, Forcier's research in Leer County, where the popular 
Naath FM has been off-air for most of the last two years, showed that shortwave 
stations Radio Tamazuj and Voice of America were fall-back options for 
listeners in the conflict-stricken area. About one in five people were aware of 
Tamazuj, equivalent to about half of the Arabic-speaking population.Radio 
Tamazuj's upcoming expansion aims to serve listeners in such unreached places 
as well as provide an alternative to FM coverage in areas without independent 
radio stations. In Warrap State, for example, where the state-run Kuacjok FM 
reaches only parts of the state and functions only three hours per day, Radio 
Tamazuj will offer state-wide broadcast coverage and access to uncensored 
information.Meanwhile, Forcier's research report, which was made public earlier 
this week, shows a declining role for the state-run Radio Juba, with weekly 
listenership in Juba at only 17% compared to 23% in 2013.By contrast, Eye 
Radio, which is based in Juba but also launched FM repeaters in several state 
capitals last year, showed strong growth in the FM market, with its weekly 
reach in Juba rising from 22% in 2013 to 48% in 2015. The radio's parent 
organization Eye Media this week also launched a trial issue of a new 
newspaper, The Eye (pictured below), which was distributed free of charge.Other 
new newspapers to appear in Juba this past month include Daily Vision newspaper 
and Dawn Arabic newspaper, which is financially backed by South Sudan's 
National Security Service, according to a media source in Juba.  
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[HCDX] Canada: Is Radio Shalom about to close it doors?


Is Radio Shalom about to close it doors?


What is the future for Radio Shalom, the only all Jewish radio station in North 
America that broadcasts from the 1650 AM frequency in Montreal? The fact it has 
survived for 10 years without any support from the organized Jewish community 
is in itself a miracle. Now founder Robert Levy has begun to wave the white 
flag. In a statement issued today, he said the time has come to end his 
commitment towards the radio station.CJRS, branded as Radio Shalom Montreal, is 
a 24-hour non-profit radio station based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is 
Canada’s first and only trilingual Jewish radio station. Radio Shalom is also 
the only all Jewish radio station in North America. It broadcasts in French, 
English and Hebrew. The station broadcasts at 1650 AM. Its current president is 
Robert Levy.Radio Shalom broadcasts in several different languages, notably 
English, French, Hebrew and Yiddish. It has a number of interesting talk shows, 
particularly those hosted by Howie Silbiger and Stanley Asher.  What I always 
appreciated about the station is not only can you listen to it live online, but 
they always maintained a nice archive of past shows.Levy really gave it his 
best shot, but I must say the proper push was never really made to get the 
organized Jewish community completely on side. Yes, I know attempts were made, 
but think of the value of Federation CJA, the YM-YWHA and  Montreal's plethora 
of Jewish organizations assuming a piece of the Radio Shalom pie? Each has 
large constituencies and radio is so direct.Levy's announcement does not 
necessarily mean Radio Shalom will close. He  is first and foremost proposing 
that a new president and board of directors be appointed. Is there such a group 
out there?Levy spent years working towards getting the Canadian-radio 
Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to grant  Radio Shalom a license. We know 
that is no easy task. According to a survey in July 2015 conducted by Charles 
Shahar, Federation CJA statistician, 84.6 percent of respondents said they were 
aware of the existence of Radio Shalom. As the report notes, “All in all, the 
awareness quotient of the community with regard to Radio Shalom is a very 
positive finding.”
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[HCDX] Fairlie DJ is back on air!


Fairlie DJ is back on air!

Fairlie DJ is back on air!

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| Fairlie DJ is back on air!A former Fairlie man and radio DJ is helping to 
celebrate the 50th anniversary of the original Radio Scotland, writes Drew 
Cochrane. |
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A former Fairlie man and radio DJ is helping to celebrate the 50th anniversary 
of the original Radio Scotland, writes Drew Cochrane.Tony Meehan, who did shows 
on pirate station Radio Scotland, is to take part in a special golden 
anniversary show on New Year's Day.It was on January 1, 1966, that Radio 
Scotland began broadcasting on 242 medium wave from a ship, the Comet, in the 
sea off Dunbar.When former Labour Postmaster General Tony Benn closed pirate 
radio down after 20 months, the ship moved around, including off the Ayrshire 
coast to stay on the air, playing pop music.Tony, who moved last year to Dorset 
in England, told the 'News': "The pirate radio stations of the 60s led to the 
introduction of Radios 1 and 2 by the BBC, and commercial stations like Radio 
Clyde and, later, Westsound. As such they are recognised as the forerunners of 
today's commercial and BBC music stations.He said: "To recognise and pay 
tribute to this achievement Scotland 69AM.com will broadcast new shows, hosted 
by seven of the pirate DJs who will tell their stories and play music for eight 
hours."Share article   Tony will be one of the broadcasters, beginning on New 
Year's Day. He is one of the founders of Scotland 69AM which is an 
award-winning internet station reaching 190 countries globally.The former local 
resident, who has a professorship in public relations, having run the 
successful TM company in Glasgow for decades, is the administrator of the 
Kelburn Windfarm Trust.

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] Log Radio Sana´a

 ARABIA SAUDI 11860 Radio Sana´a, 16:40-17:10, escuchada el 18 de
diciembre de 2015 en árabe, emisión de música árabe sin pausa 
hasta las 17:00, tonos horarios, locutor con comentarios y
entrevista a invitado, referencia a "arabia", SINPO 34433
Jose Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)
Sangean ATS 909
Antena hilo de 10 m
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] Ukraine plans to launch a new radio station for the military in 2016.

  Ukraine plans to launch a new radio station for the military in 2016..

Alexei Makukhin, an advisor to the Ukraine’s Defense Minister, said during a 
press briefing that a new Ukrainian radio station for military personnel will 
begin operating on March 1, 2016."It’s no secret that our troops on the 
frontline often suffer from an information vacuum," Makukhin said. "So we need 
a radio station. Seventy percent of its content will be music; there will also 
be news broadcasts and programs for the troops – where soldiers can say hello 
to their friends and relatives, request songs and share stories live on 
air.There will also be programs featuring interviews with experts and military 
personnel."The new radio station will be reportedly funded by Spirit of 
America, a non-profit company which assists US military personnel deployed in 
Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa.The station will be headquartered in Kiev and will 
broadcast its content on the FM band.Earlier this month the Ukrainian 
parliament approved the creation of a new broadcasting company called Ukraine 
Tomorrow. According to media reports, the new broadcaster will "provide foreign 
audiences with unbiased reports about important events in Ukraine" and "provide 
information support for Ukrainians abroad."

Read more: 

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[HCDX] El Estado Islámico recluta combatientes a través de una emisora de radio en Afganistán

El Estado Islámico recluta combatientes a través de una emisora de radio en 

El grupo yihadista Estados Islámico ha inaugurado una emisora en Afganistán 
llamada Voz del Califato para promover su ideología y reclutar nuevos 
combatientes, según ha informado la cadena de televisión local Tolo 
TV.Parlamentarios y miembros del consejo provincial de Nangarhar (este) han 
afirmado que la radio emite en la localidad de Jalalabad, capital de la 
provincia, así como en varios distritos más."Está claro que tienen su propia 
emisora y que están emitiendo propaganda antigubernamental",ha dicho Nasir 
Kamawal, miembro del Consejo Provincial. Por su parte, el parlamentario Fridon 
Jan Momand ha dicho que la radio "tendrá un impacto negativo en los musulmanes 
y los jóvenes".Residentes citados por la cadena han dico que el grupo yihadista 
emite contenidos contra el Gobierno e incita a los jóvenes a unirse a la lucha 
armada. Por el momento se desconoce desde dónde emite.El grupo ha intentado 
incrementar su influencia en el país en los últimos meses, especialmente en la 
provincia de Nangarhar, donde ha protagonizado numerosos enfrentamientos con 
los talibán.El Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos afirmó el martes que 
la seguridad en Afganistán se ha deteriorado en la segunda mitad de 2015, 
haciendo referencia al incremento de las operaciones del Estado Islámico en 
partes del país.Así, señaló que "el Estado Islámico Provincia de Jorasán --rama 
del grupo en la zona-- ha progresado de su fase exploratoria inicial a un punto 
en el que puede combatir abiertamente a los talibán para el establecimiento de 
una zona segura y ser más activos desde el punto de vista operacional".Jorasán 
era una antigua provincia persa que incluía territorios administrados a día de 
hoy por Irán, Afganistán, Turkmenistán y Uzbekistán. La rama del grupo 
yihadista en el país es conocida como Provincia de Jorasán.
El Estado Islámico recluta combatientes a través de una emisora de radio en 
Afganistán - EcoDiario.es

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| El Estado Islámico recluta combatientes a través de una ...El grupo yihadista 
Estados Islámico ha inaugurado una emisora en Afganistán llamada Voz del 
Califato para promover su ideología y reclutar nuevos comb... |
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[HCDX] ISIS loyalists have reportedly launched radio station in Nangarhar province

ISIS loyalists have reportedly launched radio station in Nangarhar province


The loyalists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group 
have reportedly launched a radio station in eastern Nangarhar province of 
Afghanistan.The radio station – Caliphate Radio, has been launched with an aim 
to encourage encouraging local youth to enroll in jihadi ranks and airing 
anti-government Islamic rulings, or fatwa.The security officials have not 
confirmed the launch of the radio by ISIS fanatics so far, however the 
provincial council officials have said the broadcast has already started using 
a broadcast band of 90 FM.The launch of radio station by ISIS fanatics comes 
amid growing concerns that the terror group is gaining foothold in Afghanistan 
with more militants formerly fighting for other militant groups pledging 
allegiance.The commander of the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan Gen. John 
Campbell said the loyalists of the terror group are attempting to establish a 
regional base in Jalalabad, the capital city of eastern Nangarhar province with 
foreign militants from Syria and Iraq had joining the ranks of ISIS loyalists 
in eastern Nangarhar province.Gen. Campbell further added that the loyalists of 
the terror group in Afghanistan are also trying to consolidate links with the 
leadership of the terror group based in Syria and Iraq.This comes as the United 
Nations late in the month of September this year, stating the terror group is 
making inroads in Afghanistan with the number of sympathizers and followers 
growing across the country.The report further added that the group is 
recruiting followers in at least 25 provinces of Afghanistan with 10 percent of 
the sympathizers belonging to the Taliban group.“The number of groups and 
individuals who are openly declaring either loyalty to or sympathy with ISIL 
continues to grow in a number of provinces in Afghanistan,” the report said.The 
report also added that around 70 militants of the terror group are busy in 
forming the core of the group’s branch in Afghanistan which was initially 
formed by Abdul Rauf Khadem after visiting Iraq in 2014.
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[HCDX] La BBC recibe fondos del Gobierno británico.

La BBC recibe fondos del Gobierno británico.

La BBC recibe fondos del Gobierno británico

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| La BBC recibe fondos del Gobierno británicoEs el mayor incremento 
presupuestario concedido hasta ahora |
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[HCDX] Sudan: MPs Demand Radio Stations to Compete With Radio Dabanga


Sudan: MPs Demand Radio Stations to Compete With Radio Dabanga

Khartoum — Members of Parliament have criticised the Ministry of Information 
for failing to provide radio coverage in the states of Darfur, Blue Nile, and 
South Kordofan, "leaving the field to Radio Dabanga". The Minister announced 
the production of 20 radio stations for these states.They also accused the 
Ministry of failing to respond to accusations in the media that Sudan receives 
every day. MP El Nur Dali, said that the "Sudan People's Liberation Movement 
has been able to attract large numbers of sons [rebel fighters] from Blue Nile 
state because of Radio Dabanga".Another MP, Ragab Mohamed Ragab said that 
foreign media "is daily confronting us and is committing media genocide".New 
radio stationsInformation Minister Ahmed Bilal Osman acknowledged that there 
are gaps in radio and television coverage. He told Parliament that there are 20 
new FM radio stations that will be directed to the states of Darfur, Blue Nile 
and South Kordofan in Arabic and local dialects.In an interview with Radio 
Dabanga, a citizen said that this station represents "a reference for all the 
Sudanese, especially the vulnerable and the marginalised... They are seeking 
truth and credible media that express their issues and problems, in the light 
of the state media's loss of credibility and professionalism."Radio Dabanga 
broadcasts in shortwave to the whole of Sudan and neighbouring countries. 
Satellite broadcasts are confined to the larger cities.
Sudan: MPs Demand Radio Stations to Compete With Radio Dabanga

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| Sudan: MPs Demand Radio Stations to Compete With Rad...Members of Parliament 
have criticised the Ministry of Information for failing to provide radio 
coverage in the states of Darfur, Blue Nile, and South Kordofa... |
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[HCDX] Nnamdi Kanu, Radio Biafra Director Abandoned By British Government

 Nnamdi Kanu, Radio Biafra Director Abandoned By British Government

 Masterweb News Desk, concerned about the silence of the British government 
over the arrest and detention of one of their citizens, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu, 
Director of London based Radio Biafra by Nigeria Department of State Services 
(DSS) made a phone call to the British High Commission in Abuja. Our call was 
directed to the Emergency Center of British Foreign Office in London since we 
had called after office hours. An official named Emmy Hawo who answered the 
phone told our News Desk she could help us with any question regarding their 
High Commissions and British citizens abroad.
When Masterweb asked Ms. Hawo what the British government had done for the 
release of Nnamdi Kanu, a British citizen and director of London based Radio 
Biafra. She asked: "Who is that and can you spell the last word of the radio 
station?" Our News Desk reporter responded: "The radio station is Radio Biafra 
and the last word is spelt B-I-A-F-R-A. So you haven't heard the word Biafra 
before nor the arrest of Radio Biafra operator, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu in Nigeria that 
has caused massive demonstrations in Nigeria and all over the world?" To this 
question Hawo replied "No."
Our reporter explained to Hawo that Nnamdi Kanu was in mid October this year 
arrested in Nigeria by the country's secret police (DSS), charged to court 
where he was granted bail and still remains in DSS custody after meeting all 
bail conditions. Hawo responded: "The only consulate assistance we can offer to 
British citizens held abroad is to call the arresting local police to check on 
their welfare. In Nnamdi Kanu's case, I am quite sure our mission in Nigeria 
has made calls to check on his well-being. The assistance we can offer him is 
limited; we cannot demand his release, he is detained under the laws of 
Nigeria. It is the responsibility of his lawyer to do all that is within the 
local laws to seek his release."   
The only effort made in Britain for the release of Kanu is a letter written to 
the British government by Harriet Harman, member of British parliament 
representing Camberwell and Peckham of which so far has not yielded any result. 
The letter dated October 22, 2015, addressed to Philip Hammond, Secretary of 
State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs titled "Detention of my constituent 
Mr. Nnamdi Kanu" read as follows:
“I understand that Mr Nnamdi Kanu, who I am told is a British citizen and lives 
at …was arrested on the 17th October 2015 by the Nigerian Department of 
Security Services (DSS) when arriving in Lagos from the United Kingdom.
“I understand Nnamdi is the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) 
who are agitating for the independence of Nigeria’s former Eastern Region. I’m 
told that the pro-Biafra group are non-violent and therefore should be afforded 
protection under Article 1 of the charter of the United Nations.
“I’d be grateful if you could let me know your understanding of what Nnamdi has 
been arrested for,what he might be charged with, where he has been held and 
what consular engagement there has been.

I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Harriet Harman”
Mr. Nnamdi Kanu, Director of clandestine Radio Biafra and leader of Radio 
Biafra faction of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) was on October 17, 2015 
arrested by Nigeria Department of State Services (DSS) in Lagos. He was on 
October 19 arraigned by the DSS at Abuja Municipal Council Magistrate court 
where he was granted bail in the sum of N2 million or with surety of N2 million 
with a civil servant of grade level 16. He has since met the bail conditions 
but still remains in DSS custody.
Billie (Human Rights Initiative)/Council of Elders is the other faction of 
IPOB. Radio Biafra was part of this IPOB until Kanu broke away to register his 
own IPOB which is now organizing protests for his release from detention.
In July this year, Nigeria National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) announced 
they blocked Radio Biafra signal because it was operating illegally and 
broadcasting hate messages. Briefing Journalists after the NBC announcement and 
meeting between officials of Ministry of Information and President Buhari, Dr. 
Shade Yemi-Esan, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information said: “Right now 
the signals from radio Biafra have been jammed successfully by NBC. The 
commission is also working with security agencies to get those that are behind 
that radio because it is an illegal radio. It is not licensed by anybody to be 
on the airwaves in Nigeria.”
Clandestine Radio Biafra contrary to claim by NBC of jamming it - with the 
exception of the recent successful takeover of their shortwave frequency, still 
broadcasts  on satellite TV dubbed Biafra Television, Internet, FM and AM. 
Radio Biafra 'weapon of mass destruction' has been destroyed with NBC takeover 
of her shortwave as  Nnamdi Kanu, Radio Biafra Director in a statement posted 

[HCDX] The creation of Radio Canada International


The creation of Radio Canada International

Prior to World War II, the idea of an international radio service had been 
discussed. Studies at the time concluded that Canada needed a broadcasting 
service that would give the world the Canadian perspective.On September 18, 
1942, the CBC International Service was created.  The adoption of a government 
decree led to the creation of a shortwave broadcasting service for members of 
the Canadian Forces deployed overseas during World War II. The objective was to 
provide news and offer entertainment programming from home.On December 25, 
1944, Christmas specials in French and English, were broadcast to Canadian 
troops in Europe.Two months later, on February 25, 1945, the International 
Service of Radio Canada was inaugurated in Montreal. The programs are broadcast 
in both official languages ​​of Canada, French and English, and in a first 
foreign language, German.
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[HCDX] Radio Martí quiere pasar la página del anticastrismo


Radio Martí quiere pasar la página del anticastrismo

Radio Martí quiere pasar la página del anticastrismo

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| Radio Martí quiere pasar la página del anticastrismoEl medio sostenido por EE 
UU asume que tiene que cambiar tras el restablecimiento de las relaciones 
diplomáticas con Cuba |
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[HCDX] Holanda: QSL de Groot Nieuws Radio 1008 kHz

Holanda. recibida QSL de Groot Nieuws Radio en 1008 kHz por correo en 77 días, 
informe enviado por Email a vri...@grootnieuwsradio.nlla carta dice:
Dear Mr Romero
Thank you for emailing us. We received your report already in August,som my 
excuse for the delay in responding.
It´s nice SINPO (35443) you mentioned. Thanks for letting us know fromValencia!
Unfortunately we don´t have QSL cards, buti hope this letter can be seenas 
official Confirmation.
Based on the information youprovied, I can say you indeed did listen to us.
Kind regards,

Jelmer Schuurman
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[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas


   Saludos cordiales
9560 DPO7 Seewetterberich, Kall-Krekei, 12:20-12:23, escuchadael 8 de noviembre 
de 2015 en alemán, mala señal aunque seintulle emisión con comentarios por un 
hombre, SINPO 14421
15285 Athmeeya Yatra Radio (GFA), Nauen, 12:36-12:40, escuchadael 8 de 
noviembre de 2015 en oriya a locutor con comentarios,SINPO 35443
12025 TWR India, Yerevan-Gavar, 13:35-13:38, escuchada el 7de noviembre en 
Garhwali a locutor con comentarios, segmentomusical,SINPO 24422
15340 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, 13:09-13:13, escuchadael 7 de 
noviembre de 2015 en Oriya a locutor con comentarios,SINPO 24422
15340 Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, 14:54-14:56, escuchadael 7 de 
noviembre de 2015 en inglés a locutora con comentarios,SINPO 34433
15505 Radio Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka, 15:33-15:36, escuchadael 7 de noviembre de 
2015 en hindi a locutor con comentariosy tema de música hindú, SINPO 35433
11730 Radio Belarus, Minsk-Kalodicy, 11:27-11:32, escuchadael 8 de noviembre de 
2015 en bielorruso a locutora concomentarios, referencia a "Belarus", 
corresponsal con comentarios y referencia a "Belarus", SINPO 24432
9400 Radyo Dengue Kurdistane, Kostinbrod, 15:41-15:44, escuchadael 7 de 
noviembre en kurdo alocutora con comentarios, SINPO 24232
9380 Radio Algerienne Holy Qur´an, Issoudun, 20:57-21:00,escuchada el 7 de 
noviembre de 2015 en árabe con cantodel Corán, SINPO 55544
15400 Radio Tamazuj, Issoudun, 15:22-15:25, escuchada el7 de noviembre de 2015 
en árabe sudanés a locutor conentrevista a invitado, referencias a Sudán, ID 
"Radio Tamazuj", cuña, SINPO 45544
9975 KTWR Guam, Agat, 15:51-15:53, escuchada el 7 de noviembrede 2015 en chino 
a locutora con comentarios, SINPO 24322
15180 KSDA-AWR Guam, Agat, 12:11:12:14, escuchada el 7 denomiembre de 2015 en 
chino mandarín a locutora con comentarios yemisión de música religiosa, SINPO 
15325 KSDA-AWR Guam, Agat, 10:53-10:55, escuchada el7 de noviembre de 2015 en 
chino a locutora con comentarios,emisión en paralelo con 15325, fin de emisión, 
SINPO 24432
15325 KSDA-AWR Guam, Agat, 10:51-10:53, escuchada el7 de noviembre de 2015 en 
chino con emisión de música religiosa,locutor con comentarios, SINPO 24422
15605 KSDA-AWR Guam, Agat, 11:48-11:51, escuchada el 8 denoviembre de 2015 en 
shan a locutora con comentarios ymúsica coral, SINPO 24422
12105 Radio Free Asia, Agignan Point, 12:31-12:33,escuchada el 8 de noviembre 
de 2015 en birmano alocutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 24332
13800 Radio Dabanga, Talata Volondry, 15:38-15:40,escuchada el 7 de noviembre 
de 2015 en árabe sudanésa locutor en conversación con invitado, en paralelocon 
15550 vía Vaticano, SINPO 33343
9400 Radyoya Dengue Kurdistane, Kishiev-Grigoriopol,12:15-12:18, escuchada el 8 
de noviembre de 2015 enkurdo a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 24422
9700 Radio New Zealand Int., Rangitaiki, 13:20-13:23,escuchada el 7 de 
noviembre de 2015 en inglés a locutorcon comentarios y segmento musical, SINPO 
13840 Radio New Zealand Int., Rangitaiki, 11:10-11:13,escuchada el 8de 
noviembre de 2015 en inglés a locutoracon comentarios, música coral, SINPO 24432
15140 Radio Sultanate of Oman, Thumrait, 14:30-14:35,escuchada el 7 de 
noviembre de 2015 en inglés a locutorcon comentarios en programa musical, temas 
disco, SINPO45544
9930 T8WH The Harvest Show, Palau Medor, 13:53-13:55, escuchada el 7 de 
noviembre de 2015 en inglés con emisiónmusica folk americana, SINPO 24322
9510 IRRS European Gospel Radio, Saftica, 11:20-11:26,escuchada el 8 de 
noviembre de 2015 en inglés con emisiónde música religiosa, locutor con 
comentarios, SINPO 24342
15515 Raadiyoo Warra Wangeelaa, Saftica, 15:17-15:22, escuchada el7 de 
noviembre de 2015 en inglés a locutor con entrevista a invitado, segmento 
musical, locutor con cuña y posible ID "..Radio...",SINPO 45444
9940 Radio Free Asia, Dushanbe Yangudul, 13:48-13:51,escuchada el 7 de 
noviembre de 2015 en tibetano a locutor con comentarios, sufre fuerte 
interferenciade señal pulsante, SINPO 22332
15568 Voice of Tibet, Dushanbe Yanguidul, 12:42-12:44,escuchada el 7 de 
noviembre de 2015 en tibetano a locutorcon comentarios, SINPO 23322
21675 RMI The Overcomer Ministry., Okeechobee, 11:41-11:44,escuchada el 8 de 
noviembre de 2015 en inglés a locutorcon comentarios y proclamas religiosas, 
SINPO 24422
15755 TWR India, Tashkent, 13:20-13:22, escuchadael 7 de noviembre de 2015 en 
indú a locutor con comentarios,SINPO 24422
17820 Bible Voice BCN Healing, Tahkent, 12:10-12:13, escuchadael 8 de noviembre 
de 2015 en inglés a locutor con comentarios,SINPO 35433
Jose Miguel RomeroBurjasot (Valencia)España
Sangean ATS 909antena hilo de 10 metros
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas

   Saludos cordiales
FRANCIA 9400 Dengue Kurdistane, Issoudun, 18:25-18:30,escuchada el 4 de 
noviembre de 2015 en kurdo, locutora con ID "Dengue Kurdi", comentarios, 
emisión de música pop kurda, SINPO 34333
9800 Radio Sawtu Linjilia, Issoudun, 18:54-18:57, escuchada el 4de noviembre de 
2015 en fulfulde a locutores con comentariosde despedida y segmento musical, 
SINPO 45554
GRECIA 9420 Helliniki Radiophonia, Avlis, 19:00-19:07, escuchada el4 de 
noviembre de 2015 en griego con sintonía, ID, locutor ylocutora con 
comentarios, música de la "Champions League",comienza la emisión a esta hora, 
ya que minutos antes no habíaemisión, también empieza con efecto eco y poco a 
poco desaparece,emisión de música pop, locutor con comentarios presenta a 
otrolocutor, SINPO 45544
SUDAN 9505 Voice of Africa, Al Aitahab, 18:33-18:40, escuchada el 4 de 
noviembre de 2015 en hausa, locutor con comentariosemisión de música africana, 
SINPO 23342
Jose Miguel Romero
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Israeli military closes Palestinian radio station for inciting violence


Israeli military closes Palestinian radio station for inciting violence
Israel says it has shut down a Palestinian radio station on charges of 
incitement. The move comes after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused 
Palestinian leaders of stoking the violence that has plagued the region.

On Tuesday, the Israeli military said it had raided the broadcaster for urging 
attacks against Jews and spreading misinformation meant to incite hatred 
against the Israeli government.Forces shut down the Al Hurria radio station in 
Hebron overnight. In addition to provoking violence, authorities claimed the 
station had also hailed those responsible for the slate of knife attacks 
targeting Jews.Al Hurria was founded in 2002 in Gaza, but moved its office to 
Hebron in the West Bank following the militant group Hamas' ascension to power 
in Gaza. The military did not disclose for how long the radio station would be 
closed.Accusations of incitementIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says 
the wave of violence sweeping Israel and the Palestinian Territories since the 
beginning of October is the result of Palestinian incitement, not Israeli 
policies . He has freuently called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to 
stop spreading lies meant to stir up opposition to the Israeli government.To 
date, 11 Israelis have been killed in Palestinian knife attacks, while around 
69 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli authorities.Netanyahu's 
administration has faced criticism for its hardline approach toward the 
conflict, with many in the international community accusing it of using 
unnecessary force in dealing with Palestinian protestors.
Israeli military closes Palestinian radio station for inciting violence | News 
| DW.COM | 03.11.2015

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| Israeli military closes Palestinian radio station for in...Israel says it has 
shut down a Palestinian radio station on charges of incitement. The move comes 
after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Palesti... |
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[HCDX] Nigeria Takes Over Radio Biafra Shortwave Broadcast

Nigeria Takes Over Radio Biafra Shortwave Broadcast


Nigeria National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) last Saturday took over Radio 
Biafra shortwave frequency and was running counter programme with announcements 
that the station was closing down forever. Radio Biafra which operated on 15560 
kHz in the shortwave 19 meter band from 7-9pm Nigerian time was totally 
knocked-off that frequency on Saturday. Hausa/limited English music and war 
songs dominated the broadcast with intermittent announcements by an 'Igbo' 
woman who identifed herself as Nkemdilim Chukwuemeka. The announcements by 
Chukwuemeka spread out in the two hour broadcast, were delivered in English and 
"not perfectly spoken" Igbo in segments of different wordings as follows:  
At the beginning and intermittently during the broadcast - "Anyi wu nde Igbo 
cholo ifunanya na oganiru. Anyi acholosi ndi Biafra, anyinine bu ndi Igbo. Anyi 
cholo udo, anyi acholisi MASSOB, anyinchanine bu nde Nigeria. Biafra anwugo,  
Biafra nwuru oge 45 years ubosi garaga.   Anyi bu nde Igbo, anyi choro udo, 
anyi ga ebite aka. Nkea bu Radio Biafra na ekwu. This is Radio Biafra closing 
down forever."  The English translation of this is: "We the Igbos want love and 
progress. We do not want Biafra, we are all Igbos. We want peace, we do not 
want MASSOB, we are Nigerians. Biafra is dead, Biafra died 45 years ago. We are 
Igbos, we want peace, we will live long. This is Radio Biafra live. This is 
Radio Biafra closing down forever."
Intermittently during the course of the broadcast - "This is Radio Biafra 
closing down forever." 
Intermittently during the broadcast after playing Hausa/limited English war 
songs - "We are Nigerians, we are pround Nigerians. We want peace and progress. 
There is no Biafra, all Igbos are for peace. Biafra is dead, we are Nigerians - 
no more MASSOB. We are Igbos, we are happy Nigerians, Biafra died 45 years ago. 
Long live Nigeria. This is Radio Biafra - this is Radio Biafra closing down 
forever. Whoever is talking Biafra does not like nde Igbo. Ndigbo are proud 
Nigerians. Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria. My name is Nkemdilim 
Intermittently during the course of the broadcast - "We are Nigerians, we are 
pround Nigerians. We want peace and progress."
Intermittently during the course of the broadcast - "There is no Biafra, all 
Igbos are for peace. Biafra is dead, we are Nigerians - no more MASSOB. We are 
Igbos, we are happy Nigerians. My name is Nkemdilim Chukwuemeka. This is Radio 
Biafra closing down forever." 
Intermittently during the course of the broadcast - "We are Nigerians, we are 
pround Nigerians. We want peace and progress. There is no Biafra, all Igbos are 
for peace. My name is Nkemdilim Chukwuemeka. This is Radio Biafra closing down 
Some sources that understand Hausa language that were contacted by Masterweb 
News Desk said the war songs extoled the brave and heroic antecedents of the 
Nigerian army in wars they fought, from the second world war to peacekeeping 
engagements in Africa. The songs according to the sources also called for 
peaceful coexistence of all tribes in Nigeria and saluted President Buhari and 
Nigeria armed forces, calling an end to Boko Haram and death to Biafra 
A re-run of Saturday's programme was broadcast Sunday through Tuesday. 

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[HCDX] Logs Argelia en MW

   Saludos cordiales
ARGELIA 531 Jil FM, F´kirina Wilaya d´Oum El Bouaghi,16:30-16:35, escuchada el 
2 de noviembre de 2015 enárabe con emisión de música pop, en paralelo con 549 
kHz,SINPO 23342
549 Jil FM, Hamadouche, 16:25-16:30, escuchada el 2 denoviembre en árabe con 
emisión de música pop y en paralelocon 531 kHz, SINPO 45444
981 Chaine 2, Ouled Fayet, 16:37-16:50, escuchada el 2de noviembre en Tamazight 
a locutora con entrevistasa invitados y conversación telefónica con oyentes, 
enla segunda entrevista la locutora preguntaba en tamazighty el invitado 
contestaba en francés, SINPO 45343
José Miguel Romerocirculando por CV-10 entreValencia y CastellónAutoradio
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] HRN La Voz de Honduras cumple 82 años


HRN La Voz de Honduras cumple 82 
Este domingo HRN “La Voz de Honduras”, cumple 82 años al servicio del país.
En más de ocho décadas, esta emisora ha estado ligada al corazón del pueblo 
hondureño.Aquel 1 de noviembre de 1933, se hicieron realidad los esfuerzos y la 
decisión de los fundadores de HRN: Don Rafael Ferrari García y su esposa, 
Rosario Sagastume Torres de Ferrari.Desde entonces, HRN se convirtió en parte 
fundamental de la historia nuestra y, con el devenir de los años, se ha 
consolidado como el medio de comunicación más influyente.Es, por justicia, “La 
Voz de Honduras”, la radioemisora con mayor credibilidad, prestigio y liderazgo 
a toda prueba; en suma, la catedral radial de nuestro país.En cada década HRN 
ha marcado pauta en la radiodifusión nacional. Ha sido la emisora abanderada de 
las causas más nobles del pueblo, en defensa de la democracia y de la 
institucionalidad del país.En los años 30, HRN juega un papel importante en 
circunstancias políticas especiales a nivel nacional y, en el ámbito 
internacional, es la época en que comienza a gestarse la Segunda Guerra 
Mundial.Siempre en esta misma década HRN, inició operando con un transmisor de 
mil vatios, la estación radial en ese entonces comenzó a transmitir música 
transcrita, boletines de noticias proporcionados por la empresa Tropical Radio 
y retransmisión de espacios de programas informativos de la National 
Broadcasting Company (NBC), empresa estadounidense con quien se hizo una 
afiliación para servicios internacionales.Los cuarenta estuvieron dominados por 
el conflicto militar global y la HRN mantuvo informados a los hondureños de 
este evento y sus incidencias en la región, a través de la llamada Cadena de 
las Américas de que formaba parte “La Voz de Honduras”.La época de oro llegó en 
los 50, cuando se producen las grandes transformaciones de la radio que ya No 
transmite por onda corta, sino por AM con la frecuencia autorizada de los 670 
kilohertz.La HRN se pone en sintonía con la tendencia predominante en aquel 
entonces y es así como se abren espacios a los programas musicales en sus 
distintos géneros.Asimismo, transmitiendo desde sus estudios centrales en 
Tegucigalpa, “La Voz de Honduras”, que desde 1952 mantenía en el aire el 
radioperiodico más importante y escuchado del país, “DIARIO MATUTINO”, en 1956 
programación noticiosa combinándola con transmisiones deportivas especialmente 
el futbol.Esas características de una cadena radial con cobertura del 98 por 
ciento del territorio nacional hicieron una ampliación de la red de repetidores 
llevando la señal a la zona Oriental, zona Central, zona Occidental Zona Norte, 
Zona Sur y el Litoral Atlántico.Llegaron los años 60. La “Voz de Honduras” hace 
historia al conectar una red de repetidores. Más importante todavía es que, al 
calor de HRN, surge Emisoras Unidas como el complejo radial de mayor peso.La 
emisora ligada al corazón del pueblo hondureño evolucionó en los años 70, 
cuando se realizan las primeras transmisiones satelitales.En la década de los 
80, los hondureños retornamos al orden institucional. HRN se convierte en un 
baluarte en defensa de la democracia. Los 90, establecen nuevos retos que la 
estación emblemática de nuestro país enfrenta con innovaciones tecnológicas y 
nuevos formatos noticiosos.En los años 2000, HRN le da la bienvenida a un nuevo 
milenio implementando la tecnología de punta para el servicio de los hondureños 
alcanzando reportes de audiencia en países de los cinco continentes del 
planeta.HRN, transmite sus noticieros a nivel nacional desde las cinco de la 
mañana hasta las 11 de la noche, con horarios intermedios destinados a 
programas de opinión y educativos, franjas deportivas y humorísticas locales.Su 
departamento de prensa está organizado con una coordinación adscrita a la 
Gerencia General de la empresa, sub coordinadores que a su vez actúan como 
presentadores de los espacios estelares, una Jefatura de Producción que tiene a 
su cargo a los analistas, redactores, reporteros y corresponsales nacionales 
diseminados en todo el país.Por su prestigio ganado durante 82 años de 
mantenerse como la emisora seria, responsable y objetiva de Honduras, por la 
cobertura del territorio nacional con su red de repetidores en AM y FM. Y a 
nivel mundial a través de su página web www.radiohrn.hn su cuanta oficial en 
twitter y Facebook y por su profesionalismo “HRN”, “La Voz de Honduras”, es la 
emisora numero uno en audiencia y por ende, el medio radial de mayor confianza 
publicitaria en el país.Hoy arribamos a los 82 años. En todo este tiempo, hemos 
mantenido vigentes los principios que inspiraron a sus fundadores: Vigilar con 
responsabilidad, objetividad y seriedad el cumplimiento de nuestra función 
social. Por este motivo es que “La Voz de Honduras” está ligada al corazón del 

[HCDX] Using PSYOP against North Korea


Using PSYOP against North Korea

Andrew Injoo Park is is a former intern for Korea Studies at the Council on 
Foreign Relations (CFR).DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this blog are Mr. 
Park’s own and do not reflect those of CFR or its staff and members. CFR takes 
no institutional stance and prizes independence for the organization’s members 
and staff.This past August was a stressful month for Koreans. North Korean 
mines at the demilitarized zone (DMZ) maimed two South Korean soldiers. In 
response, Seoul resumed propaganda broadcasts for the first time in eleven 
years, and the two Koreas even exchanged artillery fire, although the incident 
did not escalate further. Until the two sides reached an agreement after three 
days of marathon negotiations, the possibility of war (however unlikely) loomed 
over the Korean peninsula yet again. To better deter and respond to Pyongyang’s 
provocations such as the August incident and to obtain greater leverage over 
the North Korean regime, the United States and South Korea should utilize more 
psychological operations, also known as “PSYOP.”PSYOP refers to strategies or 
tactics that exploit an adversary’s particular psychological and cultural 
propensities and its means of communication. PSYOP also employs psychological 
means other than conventional military methods. Most importantly, PSYOP seeks 
to induce confusion, fear, hopelessness, and distrust in an adversary’s mind 
through sabotage, propaganda, special operations, psychological and economic 
pressure, or guerilla warfare.The two Koreas have been using PSYOP for decades. 
The first PSYOP on the Korean peninsula was conducted during the Korean War 
(1950–1953), when both sides utilized propaganda leaflets to induce each 
other’s troops to defect. Until the early 2000s, the two Koreas continued to 
send propaganda leaflets and broadcasts over the DMZ. Since June 2004, however, 
after making an agreement with the North, the South Korean government stopped 
utilizing PSYOP.North Korea, however, continues to deliver its leader’s New 
Year’s address to the South every year and has been urging for the ”Korean 
ethnics” to unite and cope with American imperialists’ nuclear pressure 
together. The North Koreans have also been asserting that“cooperation among 
[Korean] ethnics” is patriotism and a shortcut to unification and that 
cooperation with a foreign power is a betrayal of one’s country and an act of 
dividing the Korean nation. Through propaganda, North Korea has fostered 
friendly groups that promote anti-South Korean and anti-U.S. narratives within 
the South’s civil society. These groups even conducted violent anti-government 
demonstrations and planned to attackpolice stations and military arsenals to 
accumulate weapons for a future revolution. One of the sympathizers, Kim 
Ki-jong attacked U.S. Ambassador Mark Lippert recently. North Korea also 
influenced South Korean political factions that targeted conservative interests 
such as the Saenuri Party and President Park Geun-hye. While the South Korean 
Supreme Court later disbanded many of these groups, North Korea has amply 
demonstrated that PSYOP could be used to wreak much havoc within South Korea.By 
forgoing the use of PSYOP, South Korea is failing to utilize a tool of 
potential leverage against the North, which appears to be more concerned about 
loudspeaker broadcasts than conventional military exercises. In the aftermath 
of North Korea’s third nuclear test in 2013, the United States sent two 
nuclear-capable B-52 bombers three times to the Korean peninsula in order to 
simulate raids over the North. Yet, North Korea did not fire a single shell 
toward the South and simply denounced the sorties, threatening that “the event 
could imperil regional stability.” Back in 2010, however, when the South Korean 
military dispersed four-hundred thousand propaganda leaflets into the North as 
a response to the Yeonpyeong shelling, North Korea responded by conducting a 
live-fire artillery exercise near Yeonpyeong Island. Furthermore, when a human 
rights non-governmental organization (NGO) sent balloons filled with leaflets 
to the North in 2014 and 2015, the North Korean military shot at balloons to 
prevent them from crossing the border. During the recent DMZ negotiations, the 
main request by the North Korean delegates was for the South stop the 
loudspeaker broadcasts.Why is North Korea so irritated by PSYOP?’ According to 
Lee Kwang-baek, the president ofRadio Free Chosun (an NGO that has been 
transmitting radio broadcasts to North Korea since 2005), “the majority of 
North Korean citizens, thirsting for the news from the outside world, listen to 
the propaganda broadcasts, which fan the flames of their doubt about Kim Jong 
Un’s regime.” Also, according to the 2012 White Paper on North Korean Human 
Rights by the Database Center for North Korean Human Rights, a survey on 1,983 
defectors living in the South in 2011 showed that North 

[HCDX] North Korea: Preaching across the demilitarized zone


Preaching across the demilitarized zone

Christians broadcast news into North Korea, but is anybody listening?


When North Korea celebrated 70 years since the founding of the ruling party on 
Oct. 10, leader Kim Jong-un's message was one of unity and strength. After a 
parade of missiles and goose-stepping troops, the young dictator said North 
Korea had become an "impenetrable fortress" ready for war with the United 
States in a speech replayed on state television and radio.That evening, a 
Christian radio station broadcast one of the few messages contrary to that 
narrative. Based in Seoul, Free North Korea Radio talked about Hwang Jang-yop, 
a founder of the Korean Workers' Party. It went on to explain how Hwang 
defected to South Korea in 1997 and converted to Christianity."He came to 
recognize a greater power than the Kim regime," read the broadcaster, according 
to a transcript seen by ucanews.com. "He came to know God, the creator of all 
things."Christian radio stations based in South Korea have overcome a host of 
obstacles to broadcast their religious message across the demilitarized zone. 
Whether many North Koreans tune in remains less clear. Propaganda warAn 
ideological war has been waged over North Korea's airwaves since the peninsula 
divided at the end of the Korean War in 1953. A handful of state broadcasters 
pump out a steady diet of propaganda built around the Kim clan. In response, 
defectors have teamed up with stations in South Korea to broadcast information 
censored by the regime, including religious messages.Far East Broadcasting 
Company, a station set up by American World War II veterans to evangelize in 
Asia, began transmitting the Gospel to North Korea in 1953. It was the only 
regular religious broadcaster into the communist state for more than half a 
century, until 2006, when two more American-led stations launched — Free North 
Korea Radio and Voice of the Martyrs Korea.Operated by Defense Forum 
Foundation, a U.S. nonprofit organization led by former servicemen and 
politicians, Free North Korea Radio produces secular news while offering slots 
to Christian sponsors. Every Easter weekend it broadcasts a Catholic service, 
and a Catholic Mass is planned next month, Suzanne Scholte, the foundation's 
president, said by email.Established by American Pastor Eric Foley and his 
Korean wife Hyun Sook, Voice of the Martyrs Korea broadcasts every day for 90 
minutes, reaching every corner of North Korea. Its message is one of hope 
tinged with despair.The station's North and South Korean announcers copy a 
broadcasting style familiar to people north of the demilitarized zone, offering 
tips on how to be a Christian leader in a country where religion is banned. 
Programs aim to help the estimated 300,000 Christians secretly worshipping 
inside North Korea to understand the persecution they face."North Korean 
Christians suffer more than you or I, yet they often don't understand that 
suffering," says American Pastor Tim Dillmuth, a spokesman for Voice of the 
Martyrs Korea."A lot of Christians interpret that God is angry with them or 
they are not leading a good Christian life because of their suffering. So we 
try to offer them teaching to help them understand."The regime has tried to 
block these pirate Christian broadcasters but it's fighting a losing battle.All 
radio sets sold legally in North Korea must be tuned to government stations 
only and are fixed with a tamper-proof seal. However, with the collapse of the 
state economy in recent years and the influx of goods across the Chinese 
border, black-market sets are now common.Some groups in South Korea also fly 
radios, leaflets and DVDs over the demilitarized zone in air balloons. Surveys 
suggest there may be as many as 2 million shortwave radios in North Korea 
today.Broadcasters like Voice of the Martyrs Korea use shortwave frequencies 
because these can travel further. But these frequencies are more prone to 
jamming. The regime typically uses a "jet plane noise" to block radio 
transmissions from the south, with mixed results.North Korea reportedly 
upgraded its radio broadcasting and jamming equipment in 2011 but chronic 
electricity shortages have undermined efforts in the past. Voice of the Martyrs 
Korea is able to switch frequencies and relocate antennas, says 
Dillmuth."Probably one of the best testimonies to the effectiveness of our 
broadcasts is the amount of effort the government uses in blocking our 
broadcasts," he says. AudienceAmid all the jamming and the counter broadcasts, 
one important question remains: are people actually listening?Voice of the 
Martyrs Korea includes testimony on its website from an anonymous defector who 
said she heard Christian broadcasts while inside North Korea. Dillmuth supplied 
two other witnesses, one of whom said she was in prison and overheard other 
people in her cell talk about hearing such 

[HCDX] Ethiopia: Tedros Adhanom dictates orders to VOA at night By Abebe Gellaw


Tedros Adhanom dictates orders to VOA at night By Abebe Gellaw

The stormy relationship between the Voice of America (VOA) and the Ethiopian 
government has recently taken a strange twist after Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros 
Adhanom and Ambassador Girma Birru managed to sneak into the headquarters of 
the U.S. broadcaster and convened an unauthorized editorial meeting with some 
staff members. During the backdoor meeting, the officials tried to dictate 
guidance and orders to the broadcasters and critiqued the content and quality 
of VOA broadcasts to Ethiopia, multiple sources confirmed to this investigation.

The meeting, which was held behind the back of VOA management, was held in the 
editorial meeting room of the Horn of Africa section, located at 330 
Independence Avenue, Washington D.C. Strangely enough the engagement was held 
out of work hours on a weekend night , Saturday, September 26th, from 7 pm to 
nearly 9 pm.

Silencing criticsThe gathering was organized by VOA Amharic broadcaster Solomon 
Abate, along with Betre Siltan from the Tigrigna service. The unofficial 
meeting between the diplomats and seven VOA staff members, including two 
technicians, is now being branded inappropriate.In view of the regime’s 
aggressive tactics to silence critical media coverage at home and abroad, such 
a meeting with the top officials of a tyrannical regime with a hostile agenda 
towards VOA has been disconcerting for those who felt that it violates the 
legally-mandated VOA Charter and Journalistic Code.The scandalous meeting was 
said to be necessitated by the need to build trust and cooperation between the 
journalists and the repressive government, which annually tops almost every 
list of enemy of press freedom. During the talks, the top TPLF emissaries 
availed themselves of the opportunity to exert undue pressure to alter the tone 
and content of VOA broadcasts to Ethiopia by making pleas and veiled threats, 
said reliably sources who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of 
reprisals.The foreign minister, who forbid any recording of the intimate 
discussion, complained that giving platform to critical voices and dissidents 
including Arbegnoch Ginbot 7 could be tantamount to destabilizing the 
government. He criticized VOA for focusing on “negative” stories.Big brother 
After taking a few questions, the minister expressed his displeasure that the 
interview he gave to VOA Amharic last July was criticized on VOA by critics of 
government policies. He told them that such a practice was wrong and should not 
have happened.In his controversial VOA interview, the TPLF minister had 
misrepresented President Obama endorsed the last elections as democratic 
contrary to the reality. He also said that prominent dissident Andargachew 
Tsigie, who was kidnapped last year in Yemen and reportedly tortured in 
Ethiopia, was being treated well and was even allowed to admire “development” 
projects. He even claimed that Adargachew was given a laptop to write a 
book.Both the minister and the ambassador expressed the government’s readiness 
to work closely with VOA and facilitate any supports and assistance the 
journalists may need to bring out positive stories and images, the sources 
said.The officials told the gathering with seven VOA employees that VOA 
broadcasts to Ethiopia should focus on promoting positive progress rather than 
airing “negative” stories and views, a reference to sensitive issues related to 
human rights violations, abuse of power and corruption. After listing down some 
of the progress and improvements he claimed to have been made in the last few 
years, the foreign minister also invited the journalists to go and see the 
reality for themselves.They hinted that the Ethiopian government constantly 
receives information about VOA’s internal activities. The foreign minister was 
quoted as saying that they know who does what at the section and told the VOA 
employees to re-examine themselves and do soul searching.“There are rules, 
procedures and codes of ethics that need to be adhered to in these kinds of 
engagement. It was unusual for a foreign minister to come to VOA newsrooms to 
chair an editorial meeting with a few people at night when everyone went to 
bed,” says a staffer, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The source said he 
and a number of staffers felt disappointed with such a meeting that undercut 
the official channels and undermined the independence of VOA.“If there is any 
need to complain about VOA programing or negotiate any deals, the officials 
should have followed the official procedures and channels instead of convening 
an editorial meeting at night with a selected group of VOA journalists, who are 
U.S. federal government employees,” the source noted.“We are supposed to be 
independent journalists working for VOA. Why should the foreign minister or the 
ambassador come to VOA and dictate us how to do our jobs or give us 
instructions? It is not only 

[HCDX] 963 Radio Tunez Int., español.

TUNEZ 963 Radio Tunez Internacional, Tunis, 19:00-19:30, escuchada el 27 de 
octubre de 2015 en español, ID "Canal Internacional de Radio Tunez",locutor con 
presentación "con ustedes hasta las 21:00 horas", efemerides "Un día como hoy 
nacio el escritor murciano Azorin", música hispana,reportaje sobre el 
patrimonio audiovisual, noticias entre temas musicales, "novena cédula 
yihadista desarticulada en las últimas semanas, SINPO 33343
Jose Miguel Romero
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published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Log Dandal Kura

ASCENSION 12050 Dandal Kura, Ascención, 20:35-20:40, escuchadael 26 de octubre 
de 2015 en kanuri, locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 34443

EiBi de vu B-1512050  1800-2100 USA Dandal Kura KNU NIG/ASCJose Miguel Romero
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Log Radio Akhbar Mufriha, 7300 kHz

REINO UNIDO 7300 Radio Akhbar Mufriha, Wooferton, 21:10-21:15,escuchada el 26 
de octubre de 2015 en tachelhit, emisión demúsica y locutor con despedida 
anunciana dirección deTorremolinos en Malaga, España, SINPO 5
7300 Radio Akhbar Mufriha, Wooferton, 21:15-21:20, escuchadael 26 de octubre en 
árabe a locutora con presentación, ID,anuncia Internet, locutor con 
comentarios, SINPO 5

7300 21:00-21:15 Tachelhit7300 21:15-21:45 Árabe y Bereber
Jose Miguel Romero
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published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] KBS World Radio en Español para Europa

COREA DEL SUR 9740 KBS World Radio, 18:35-18:40, escuchada el 26 de octubre de 
2015 en español, locutora con reportaje, música, SINPO 35433
01:00-02:00    9605  Sud América02:00-03:00   15575  Nor América11:00-12:00   
11795  Sud América18:00-19:00    9740  Europa

José Miguel Romero
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published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Radio Tamazuj B-15

Radio Tamazuj en Sudán y Sudán del Sur
Válido desde oct 25, 2015 a marz 27, 2016
Horario banda metros kHz local Hora
07,00-07,27   9600 31 todos los días             15 550 19 todos los días       
       7315 41 todos los días 18,00-18,27  13800 13 diarios            15 400 
19 todos los días            15 550 19 todos los días
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[HCDX] Radio Thailand B-15

Radio ThailandEffective October 25,2015 @ 0800 
Our Program Time>> UTC Frequency >> KHzThai Program 01.00-02.00  13745          
   02.30-03.30  13745             10.00-11.00  17630             13.30-14.00  
09390             18.00-19.00  09390             20.45-21.15  09390English      
00.00-01.00  13745             02.00-02.30  13745             05.00-05.30  
Internet                  05.30-06.00  17640             12.30-13.00  09390     
        14.00-14.30  09390             19.00-20.00  09390             
20.30-20.45  09390German       20.00-20.15  09390Japanese     13.00-13.15  
09390Chinese      13.15-13.30  09390Bahasamalaysia     12.00-12.15  09390Lao    
      11.30-11.45  05875Cambodian    11.15-11.30  05875Burmese      11.45-12.00 
 05875Vietnamese   11.00-11.15  05875
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[HCDX] Radio Biafra Director Yet To Be Released, IPOB Directorate of State Hold Emergency Meeting

Radio Biafra Director Yet To Be Released, IPOB Directorate of State Hold 
Emergency Meeting

 Mr. Nnamdi Kanu, Director of clandestine Radio Biafra and leader of Radio 
Biafra faction of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB)  is yet to be released 
from  Nigeria Department of State Services (DSS) detention because he has not 
met the conditions of the court bail granted him.
Kanu was on October 19 secretly arraigned by the DSS at Abuja Municipal Council 
Magistrate court where he was granted bail in the sum of N2 million or  with 
surety of N2 million with a civil servant of grade level 16. He is still to 
meet the conditions of his bail and remains in detention.
Billie (Human Rights Initiative)/Council of Elders is the other faction of 
IPOB. Radio Biafra was part of this IPOB until Kanu broke away to register his 
own IPOB which is now organizing protests for his release from detention. Mr. 
Egechukwu Obetta, Nnamdi Kanu's lawyer expressed to the media some logistical 
difficulties in meeting the terms of his client's bail. 
According to reliable sources, Radio Biafra IPOB Directorate of State held an 
emergency meeting yesterday where they agreed to implement Kanu's 
"commandments" if he is not released in the next few days.
Masterweb on learning the purported arrest of Nnamdi Kanu, contacted DSS 
October 18 on his whereabouts and was told to call back later. Masterweb 
CEO/Publisher, Chief Charles O. Okereke called back the following day and was 
told by DSS that: "He (Nnamdi Kanu) is with us in safe hands and we are 
carrying out investigations."
Kanu was secretly arraigned by DSS at Abuja Municipal Council Magistrate court 
shortly after their statement to Chief Okereke. 

In July, Nigeria National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) announced they blocked 
Radio Biafra signal because it was operating illegally and broadcasting hate 
messages. Briefing Journalists after the NBC announcement and meeting between 
officials of Ministry of Information and President Buhari, Dr. Shade Yemi-Esan, 
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information said: “Right now the signals from 
radio Biafra have been jammed successfully by NBC. The commission is also 
working with security agencies to get those that are behind that radio because 
it is an illegal radio. It is not licensed by anybody to be on the airwaves in 
Clandestine Radio Biafra contrary to claim by NBC of jamming it still 
broadcasts  on satellite TV dubbed Biafra Television, Internet, FM, AM and 
shortwave (SW)  frequencies; the shortwave they claim covers most of Africa and 
beyond. Nnamdi Kanu, Radio Biafra Director in a statement posted on their 
website, described their shortwave radio as “Nuclear War Head”.
Will Kanu's prosecution in court clip the wings of Radio Biafra? The answer 
will unfold as the case drags out. Stay tuned here on Masterweb for latest 
updates on the case.
BreakingNews 21/10/15 - Radio Biafra Director Yet To Be Released, IPOB 
Directorate of State Hold Emergency Meeting | Masterweb Reports

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| BreakingNews 21/10/15 - Radio Biafra Director Yet To Be Released, IPOB 
Directorate of State Hold...BreakingNews 21/10/15 - Radio Biafra Director Yet 
To Be Released, IPOB Directorate of State Hold Emergency Meeting  |
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[HCDX] 'Powerhouse' radio station celebrating its 80th birthday


'Powerhouse' radio station celebrating its 80th birthday

'Powerhouse' radio station celebrating its 80th birthday

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| 'Powerhouse' radio station celebrating its 80th birthdayIn a nearly hidden 
basement at 4th and University Street in downtown Seattle, KIRO Radio 
officially went on the air 80 years ago with help from Franklin De... |
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Much fretting goes on nowadays about the future of traditional broadcast radio. 
Appliances are changing, and the old-school radio that used to be a fixture in 
kitchens, cars and pocket transistors has morphed rapidly into smartphones and 
Wi-Fi devices.Though the future of broadcast is murky, the roots of what's now 
consumed as KIRO Radioon multiple platforms (including radios) is clear, and is 
celebrating a big milestone this week.In a nearly hidden basement at 4th and 
University Street in downtown Seattle, KIRO Radio officially went on the air 80 
years ago with help from Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Vice President John Nance 
Garner.Vice President Garner and other dignitaries were on hand in the Cobb 
Building at 5 p.m. on Oct. 15, 1935 when KIRO boosted its power from 250 to 500 
watts. Earlier that day, KIRO became the new call-letters for a station 
formerly known as KPCB. The "PCB" stood for "Pacific Coast Biscuits," flagship 
product of Seattle's Centennial Flour Mills. Local businessman and politically 
well-connected U.S. Customs official Saul Haas bought the station from 
Centennial executive Moritz Thomsen and set about making big changes right 
away.Radio broadcasting was still a relatively new phenomenon in 1935, and Haas 
set his sights on making KIRO a powerhouse. From 500 watts, KIRO ultimately 
beat every other station in the Northwest and, with permission from the Federal 
Communications Commission, went to 50,000 watts during the summer of 1941. To 
accomplish the boost, KIRO built a glamorous new transmitter building and 
antenna array on Vashon/Maury Island.When the U.S. entered World War II later 
that year, the government froze all pending power boosts for radio stations, 
leaving KIRO the only 50,000-watt powerhouse west of the Twin Cities and north 
of San Francisco for the next five years. The nighttime signal went as far as 
Alaska and northern California.During World War II, KIRO carried most of CBS' 
most famous broadcasts, including Edward R. Murrow reporting from London, and 
other correspondents covering the war in Europe and the Pacific. KIRO also made 
recordings of those famous broadcasts, and saved them at the Vashon transmitter 
site. A University of Washington professor named Milo Ryan discovered the 
collection in the 1950s, and the entire treasure trove of audio history now 
resides in the National Archives. Many recordings of famous World War II 
broadcasts exist only because KIRO saved them.The other major milestone in 
KIRO's history was the move to the news radio format in 1974, followed soon 
after by the securing of rights to Seahawks' broadcasts for the team's 
inaugural season in 1976. Personalities including Pete Gross, Jim French, Bill 
Yeend and Wayne Cody were among the most recognizable voices on KIRO from the 
1970s to the 1990s, along with play-by-play for the Sonics by Bob Blackburn and 
then Kevin Calabro, and Dave Niehaus and Rick Rizzs for the Mariners (unlike 
the Seahawks, the Sonics and the Mariners weren't always with KIRO over the 
years).KIRO's combination of news, sports and talk has ebbed and flowed over 
the past 41 years, but the ingredients have remained basically the same. Saul 
Haas sold the station to Bonneville in 1964; the station separated from KIRO TV 
and went through a complicated series of ownership changes in the 1990s and 
2000s, but came back into the Bonneville fold in 2007. The programming mix of 
what had been KIRO 710 AM was moved to FM in 2009, a trend seen elsewhere in 
the U.S. over the past decade.For people who love radio (including this biased 
writer and media historian, who, full disclosure, is also curator of The 
Northwest Hall of Radio History at Washington State University), the readily 
accessible presence of live and local voices experiencing and talking about 
what's going on at that particular moment in real time is what continues to set 
radio apart from every other medium. It could even be argued that radio 
listeners who stay tuned to a particular program or station are simultaneously 
"sharing" and "liking" without having to click on an icon or post a link. 
Radio, some say, is the original social media.Radio's greatest strength is its 
function as a kind of community glue, linking people within range of the 
transmitter who have, at the very least, geography in common. Hearing those 
familiar voices subtly reminds us that we live in the same place as our 
neighbors, that we have a stake in our community's future, as well as a 
responsibility to contribute to 

[HCDX] BBC Asian Network celebrates 50 years of Asian broadcasting


BBC Asian Network celebrates 50 years of Asian broadcasting

Last Saturday (10 October) marked 50 years of ground-breaking BBC programming 
created to serve British Asians.

To celebrate, BBC Asian Network is marking the milestone both on and off air 
over the next few months, with documentaries and archive content and 
culminating in a comedy night in the home of BAME (Black, Asian, and minority 
ethnic) broadcasting, Birmingham.

On 10th October, 1965, the BBC broadcast its first ever programme created 
especially for the UK's newest inhabitants from South Asia. Called 'Apna Hi 
Ghar Samajhiye’ (Make Yourself at Home) and featuring language lessons and 
handy household tips, it was created to help this new community assimilate into 
British life.

This innovative programme not only reflected the lives of immigrants in the 
60's, but also charted the growing confidence of a community which now calls 
itself British-Asian. 

BBC Asian Network has produced a two part radio series called ‘Asian Network 
Presents: 50 Years of Asian Programming on the BBC’, which explores the past 
five decades of Asian programming on the BBC. The first episode which aired on 
Sunday 11October delved into early programming from 1965 to 1986.

It looked at these early years with music from icons like Reshma, Kishore Kumar 
and the Sabri Brothers and clips from a diverse range of interviews including 
Amitabh Bachchan, Indira Gandhi and Margaret Thatcher. The episode is available 
to listen back to on the BBC iPlayer for up to 30 days.

The second part airs this Sunday 18 October at 1pm and focuses on programmes 
from the 1990’s, such as BBC Two’s Network East, Bollywood and Bust, Café 21 
and Desi DNA, many of which were produced in BBC Birmingham. 

These strands were created to target second-generation British Asians and they 
launched the careers of Sanjeev Bhaskar, Anita Rani, Adil Ray, and current BBC 
Asian Network presenters Nihal Arthanyake and Bobby Friction. 

Over the next couple of months the BBC Asian Network will also be unearthing 
archive interviews, live sessions and music for broadcast across their schedule.

To round off the celebrations of 50 years of Asian broadcasting, the station 
will be holding a comedy night in Birmingham with comedians delivering stand up 
shows, drawing on a range of popular television and radio clips from over the 

Comedians taking part include Coventry’s Guz Khan who starts his Saturday 
morning show on BBC Asian Network on 28November (6-10am), and India’s top 
female comedian, Aditi Mittal.

Mark Strippel, Head of Programmes at the BBC Asian Network, said: “It’s really 
important that 50 years on from the first Asian programme on the BBC we are 
still representing British-Asian audiences more strongly than ever.

“Birmingham was the birthplace of this type of BAME broadcasting and, five 
decades on, BBC Asian Network continues to produce great programming for Radio, 
iPlayer and Red Button in this diverse and vibrant city. 

“I’m excited to be celebrating this incredible narrative of British-Asian 
cultural history. And the comedy night is the perfect way to welcome Guz Khan 
into the Asian Network family.

“Also this autumn, in addition to Guz Khan, we will be welcoming Preeya 
Kalidas, Harpz Kaur and Mim Shaikh to the station. These four talented new 
presenters will be further strengthening the network’s commitment to our 
audiences, delivering new shows with great music, guests and chat.” 

BBC Asian Network celebrates 50 years of Asian broadcasting

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| BBC Asian Network celebrates 50 years of Asian broadcast...Last Saturday (10 
October) marked 50 years of ground-breaking BBC programming created to serve 
British Asians. |
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[HCDX] Siete razones para abandonar la Onda Larga

Siete razones para abandonar la Onda Larga

Siete razones para abandonar la onda larga

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| Siete razones para abandonar la onda largaApenas quedan algunas emisoras 
europeas en dicha banda, pero la impresión general es que en unos años la 
mayoría, o todas, desaparecerán |
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[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas

   Saludos cordiales
UCRANIA 1431 Radio Ukraine International, 20:28-20:35, escuchada el13 de 
octubre de 2015 en ucraniano a locutor con ID, locutora concomentarios, 
probablemente boletín de noticias e ID, SINPO 33443
Clandestina 15560 Radio Biafra, 18:34-18:55, escuchada el 15 de octubre de 
2015, música afro pop y temas rap, música sin pausa, se aprecia micro cortes, 
canciones con referencias a Biafra, SINPO 45444
José Miguel Romero Sangean ATS 909Burjasot (Valencia)España
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published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Radiodifusión en Venezuela


Radiodifusión en Venezuela
Radiodifusión en Venezuela

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| Radiodifusión en VenezuelaEste pasado domingo 04 de octubre se celebró el 
"Día Internacional de la Radiodifusión", en conmemoración de la primera 
asamblea de radiodifusores, qu... |
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Este pasado domingo 04 de octubre se celebró el "Día Internacional de la 
Radiodifusión", en conmemoración de la primera asamblea de radiodifusores, que 
se celebró en Ciudad de México, el 04 de octubre de 1946; en nuestro país se 
recuerda la efemérides  el 06 de junio de 1944, cuando fue fundado el primer 
Sindicato de Radio, en Caracas, cuando el gobierno del general Isaías Medina 
Angarita disolvió los sindicatos, consideradas "comunistas"; estaba vigente el 
Artículo 6 , Inciso 32 de la Constitución vigente, que lo prohibía.  La primera 
radiodifusora instalada en Venezuela, fue "AYRE", en Caracas, por la iniciativa 
de los técnicos Luis Roberto Scholtz y Alfredo Möller, contando con la ayuda 
política del coronel Arturo Santana, edecán del general José Vicente Gómez; el 
25 de septiembre de 1925, esta  iniciativa fue clausurada a raíz de la "Semana 
del Estudiante", en febrero de 1928.

No será hasta 1930, cuando a William Phelps, dueño del "Almacén Americano", se 
le concede permiso (9 de diciembre) para operar la "Broadcasting Caracas", en 
Onda Larga, con las siglas YV1BC, y YV2BC en Onda Corta; entre los técnicos y 
colaboradores de Phelps, se encontraban Edgar Anzola y Ricardo Espina. Contaban 
con un  transmisor de 100 vatios, marca "RCA", cuyos receptores se vendían  
exclusivamente en el mencionado almacén. Luego de la muerte del general Juan 
Vicente Gómez, la denominación comercial se cambió por "Radio Caracas"; 
necesario es señalar que ya habían nacido otras estaciones como  "Radiodifusora 
Venezuela" (1932), "La Voz de Carabobo" (1934); "La Voz del Táchira", "Emisoras 
Unidas" y "Ondas Populares, en 1935; "Radio Barquisimeto" apareció en 1938. 
Posteriormente aparecerían 176 emisoras más, dominando el espectro AM (Amplitud 
Modulada), desde 540 hasta 1.590 kilohertz. Modernamente la nación está 
inundada de estaciones en la frecuencia FM (Frecuencia Modulada), operando 
entre las señales de 87,5 y 108,0 megahertz. Las transmisiones televisivas 
comenzaron -oficialmente- el 22 de  noviembre de 1952, con el nombre de 
"Televisora Nacional" YVKA-TV, canal 5. Gonzalo Veloz Mancera funda la primera 
estación de televisión privada de Venezuela, "Televisa" Canal 4, que comenzó 
sus transmisiones  el 30 de mayo de 1953; seguidamente numerosas plantas se 
instalan en "blanco y negro", con la colocación de antenas parabólicas llega la 
televisión "a color", siendo autorizada su difusión popular el 1 de junio de 
1979, con el sistema norteamericano NTSC-M, por el entonces presidente Luis 
Herrera Campins.

En 1940, el presidente Isaías Medina Angarita, promulgó el "Reglamento de la 
Ley de la Radiodifusión", el cual  autorizaba,  a personas que "emitían 
comentarios y menciones comerciales", previo rendir un examen ante un jurado 
calificador. Los primeros locutores con certificados oficiales, fueron: N 1, 
Francisco Fossa Anderson; N 2, Víctor Saume; N 3, Fidel Peters; N 4, Edgar 
Anzola; N 5, J. J. Ramírez Torres; N 6, José Antonio Zapata; N 7, Enrique Buroz 
Betancourt; N 8, Eduardo Martínez Plaza; N 9, Enrique Vera Fortique y N 10, 
Edmundo Brice. La Cámara Venezolana de la Radiodifusión, es conformada en 1945; 
su primer presidente fue Gonzalo Veloz Mancera. Después de estas primeras 
experiencias, han pasado millones de litros de agua, bajo los puentes de 

Los exámenes para optar al título de locutor eran muy rigurosos, se exigía 
excelente dicción, ortografía y cultura general, con una prueba escrita y otra 
oral-práctica ante micrófonos de estaciones en funcionamiento; y el aspirante 
debía haber realizado un curso introductorio, guiado por destacados 
profesionales, y era requisito indispensable poseer por lo menos 3er año de 
educación secundaria. Desafortunadamente, hoy en día hay transmitiendo -no 
entendemos cómo- una "trulla" de  perifoneadores con un léxico deplorable, 
chabacanería y guachafita, con lenguaje,  burlón,  vulgar y hasta soez, que 
desmeritan el honroso título de Locutor. Y hay que decirlo que existen  
-afortunadamente- excepciones de colegas, que enaltecen al gremio, y que 
practican el código de ética del comunicador social.  Cuya labor y desempeño 
deben ser para entretener, educar  y difundir valores morales, culturales, 
cívicos y espirituales; hay que tener presente que al dirigirse a los 
radioescuchas  y televidentes, hay que hacerlo con respeto y muy buen trato.

En esta reseña vamos a nombrar paradigmas de la locución que enaltecieron la 
profesión y el gentilicio patrio, con seriedad y responsabilidad: Renny 
Ottolina, Adolfo Martínez Alcalá, Francisco Cisneros Cróquer "Pancho Pepe", 
Félix Cardona 

[HCDX] VOA Delano Transmitter Readied for Public Display


| VOA Delano Transmitter Readied for Public Display

VOA Delano Transmitter Readied for Public Display

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| VOA Delano Transmitter Readied for Public Display |
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If you’ve been following the saga of the Voice of America’s Delano, Calif., 
transmitter plant since its closure in the fall of 2007, you know that one of 
the big Collins Radio machines there — a 1960s-vintage 821A-1 250,000-watt 
shortwave transmitter — was rescued through the combined efforts of the Antique 
Wireless Association and the Collins Collectors Association.
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| The Collins 821A-1 250,000-watt transmitter is shown after its reassembly at 
the AWA Museum in Bloomfield.
Photos by James E. O’Neal |
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| The Antique Wireless Association decided to recreate the VOA’s Delano 
transmitter plant’s control room. When the facility was active, operators could 
keep tabs on the station’s Collins and ASEA Brown Boveri quarter-megawatt 
Photos by James E. O’Neal |

The organizations pooled their resources to create the Collins Radio Heritage 
Group and funded the removal and shipping of 38,000 pounds of heavy-metal 
transmitter some 2,700 miles to the small New York town of Bloomfield.During my 
visit in 2014, the Collins 821A-1 had arrived, but was still in relatively 
small pieces occupying more than 100 packing boxes and pallets. (The 
accumulation of big rig components was sometimes referred to as “the world’s 
largest Erector set” or “the Heathkit from hell” by those involved in its 
relocation.) Making things all the more challenging was a mandate attached to 
donated transmitter by the General Services Administration, manager of the 
Delano site after it was vacated by the VOA, that required the transmitter to 
be reassembled and on display within 12 months of its acquisition.TOGETHER 
AGAINI’m pleased to report that the 821A-1 transmitter — as well as the VOA’s 
Delano transmitting station control room where the facility’s aggregation of 
high-power quarter-megawatt rigs were monitored and controlled — are both back 
together now, looking very much as they did in their California 
location.Everything was made ready in time for a viewing at this year’s annual 
AWA conference in mid-August, though according to the AWA’s deputy director, 
Bob Hobday, the official opening is still a couple of months away.“We were 
rushing quite hard to have the transmitter available for the conference 
members,” said Hobday. “We still have to put up some displays and walls around 
it. This needs to be done before we can open it to the general public as part 
of the museum.”Hobday said in late September, “Our hope is to have the grand 
opening in early November. The construction is well underway.”He said that 
visitors arriving at the museum prior to official opening would still be 
allowed to view the new exhibit.
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| The Delano “big rig” now shares space in the AWA’s new museum facility with a 
range of yesteryear’s communications equipment.
Photos by James E. O’Neal |

YOUR SUPPORT IS NEEDEDHobday stated that, while costs associated with 
relocating the VOA gear — some $20,000 — had been covered by donations and 
other funding, financial assistance is still needed.“The fundraising effort is 
still ongoing,” said Hobday. “We’ve paid for the expenses [associated with the 
move and reassembly]. However, to put the transmitter in a museum setting we’re 
incurring some additional expenses. If anyone wants to get in on the support of 
the project, we sure would appreciate their help.”Additional information about 
the VOA transmitter/control room project and how readers can support it may be 
found at antiquewireless.org.The AWA Museum was established more than 60 years 
ago, and in 2013 moved from its previous home a few miles west of here to the 
present 10,000-square-foot facility in Bloomfield, N.Y. In addition to the VOA 
transmitter, the collection also includes early spark transmitters, amateur 
radio gear, a wide range of consumer radio and television receivers, military 
electronics and more. The AWA has some 1,800 members worldwide.For more on this 
topic read our March 2014 story “VOA Delano Station Goes on the Block” and our 
February 2015 story “AWA Saves Piece of Delano Station” at radioworld.com.James 
O’Neal is a frequent contributor to Radio World who often writes about the 
history of broadcast technology.- See more at: 
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[HCDX] October 8, 1921: WVU vs. Pitt Marks First Live Football Radio Broadcast


October 8, 1921: WVU vs. Pitt Marks First Live Football Radio Broadcast

October 8, 1921: WVU vs. Pitt Marks First Live Football Radio Broadcast

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| October 8, 1921: WVU vs. Pitt Marks First Live Football ...October 8, 1921, 
marked the first ever live radio broadcast of a football game. The contest 
pitted West Virginia University against the University of |
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October 8, 1921, marked the first ever live radio broadcast of a football game. 
The contest pitted West Virginia University against the University of 
Pittsburgh at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh. It was aired on KDKA, the nation’s 
first radio station. In this 17th meeting of the Backyard Brawl, WVU lost, 21 
to 13. It was during a rough stretch for the Mountaineers, who had lost 10 of 
their last 11 to Pitt, with one tie. WVU turned the tide with wins the next two 
seasons but once again hit on hard times. Between 1904 and 1951, WVU won only 
four times against Pitt, while losing 29 and tying once. The rivalry didn’t 
become really competitive until the 1950s.Despite WVU’s loss in 1921, the game 
helped launch a new era in sports. The first live radio broadcast of a baseball 
game, also on KDKA, had occurred only two months earlier, and the first airing 
of a World Series game took place only three days before.Radio turned college 
football and other sports into a national obsession, which has continued to 
build in popularity from the 1920s to 

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] Sudán: Darfur Central para establecer estaciones Cuatro Radio


Sudán: Darfur Central para establecer estaciones Cuatro Radio

Khartoum — The government of Central Darfur has agreed with the federal 
Ministry of Information on the establishment of FM broadcasting stations in the 
state.After a meeting with Information Minister Ahmed Bilal Osman, Central 
Darfur Governor Jaafar Abdelhakim told reporters in Khartoum on Wednesday that 
the new project aims to connect the people of Darfur to "the current issues and 
cultures of their country through radio and television".The meeting decided to 
form a follow-up committee on these issues and the appointment of radio and 
television correspondents in Central Darfur.Apart from a long-wave radio 
station in the state capital Zalingei, three other FM radio stations will be 
established in Jebel Marra, Wadi Salih, and Um Dukhun localities, "to cover the 
entire state," he said.Radio DabangaLate 2014, the broadcasts of Radio Dabanga 
were discussed in the federal parliament. The MPs stressed the need to disrupt 
the radio's "hostile activities" or completely stop them. They accused the 
Sudanese media of being "almost non-existent", and asked the Minister of 
Information to establish radio stations, TV channels, newspapers, and a 
Sudanese satellite channel to counter Dabanga.Speaker of parliament El Fateh 
Izzeddin gave the Ministry of Information a one-month ultimatum to create a 
remedial plan to cover the conflict zones in Darfur, Blue Nile and South 
Kordofan.Radio Dabanga broadcasts in shortwave to the whole of Sudan and 
neighbouring countries. Satellite broadcasts are confined to the larger cities. 
(See elsewhere on this site for audio feeds.)
Sudan: Central Darfur to Establish Four Radio Stations

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| Sudan: Central Darfur to Establish Four Radio StationsThe government of 
Central Darfur has agreed with the federal Ministry of Information on the 
establishment of FM broadcasting stations in the state. |
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[HCDX] VOA Afghanistan Service Celebrates 35 Years on Air


VOA Afghanistan Service Celebrates 35 Years on Air

WASHINGTON, D.C.——This week, Voice of America marks 35 years of broadcasts to 
Afghanistan, with special tributes and programming dedicated to the history of 
the service.The Afghanistan service began broadcasting just months after the 
Soviet invasion of the country in 1980, with a daily 15-minute Dari language 
radio program. Two years later, the service launched a 30-minute Pashto 
language radio broadcast into the region. Despite Soviet efforts to jam VOA 
broadcasts, millions of Afghans tuned into the Voice of America for the latest 
news and information. Following the attacks on September 11, 2001, VOA 
increased broadcasts into the region to a 24 hour stream and in 2006, launched 
a daily television newscast, known as Ashna TV.A segment dedicated to the 
service’s broadcasting history aired on AshnaTV and included reactions from 
officials and citizens in Afghanistan and in the U.S. on the impact of VOA’s 
broadcasts over the years. Special guests were live on set, including a former 
broadcaster of the service, who is now the Afghan Minister of Culture.“We’re 
extremely proud of what we’re celebrating: 35 years of accurate, objective and 
comprehensive broadcasts to Afghanistan. We’re grateful to the millions of 
Afghans who have chosen VOA as their No. 1 source of news and information and 
are committed to serving them in the years to come” says VOA Afghanistan 
Service Chief Masood Farivar.In addition to news from Afghanistan and the 
region, VOA’sAshna programming reports on U.S. and international developments, 
current affairs, U.S. policies, health, science, entertainment, sports, and 
women’s rights. In 2014, the service extensively covered Afghanistan’s historic 
elections and newly elected Afghan leaders’ visit to Washington. The service 
has also been known to provide high profile interviews, such as an exclusive 
with former President Hamid Karzai, which was shared with and aired by major 
media outlets in Afghanistan.In a special congratulatory message to the 
service, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, President of the Islamic Republic of 
Afghanistan, said “As an active media outlet, VOA’s Afghan Service continues to 
contribute to the culture of democracy, human dignity, and pluralism. VOA Radio 
Ashna, through its programming, reporting, news, and interviews, helps 
Afghanistan by spreading the voices of Afghans for peace, justice, freedom and 
human rights. Congratulations on the 35th anniversary, and wishing further 
success to its colleagues.”VOA reaches nearly 40% of Afghanistan’s adult 
population weekly on radio, television and multiple digital platforms, 
including two web sites, five Facebook pages and three twitter accounts. The 
service’s Ashna TV program airs on the affiliate station, RTA, Afghanistan’s 
state broadcaster with the country’s largest television coverage. Radio Ashna 
broadcasts eight hours of daily programming on AM, FM, and shortwave, and just 
recently, RTA agreed to air two daily news bulletins in Dari and Pashto.With 
its popular hosts and reporters in Afghanistan and in the US, VOA is one of the 
leading sources of daily news and information for the country’s population of 
nearly 30 million, as well as a large Afghan diaspora around the world. 
VOA Afghanistan Service Celebrates 35 Years on Air

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| VOA Afghanistan Service Celebrates 35 Years on AirThis week, Voice of America 
marks 35 years of broadcasts to Afghanistan, with special tributes and 
programming dedicated to the history of the service. |
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[HCDX] El Sembrador, KTYM 1460 AM, Radio católica inicia transmisión en español en Los Ángeles

Radio católica inicia transmisión en español en Los Ángeles

Ver más en: 

Una radiodifusora comenzó a transmitir programación católica en español en el 
área de Los Ángeles el jueves, luego de que oyentes y simpatizantes donaran más 
de dos millones de dólares para la compra de la estación. El Sembrador, KTYM 
1460 AM, comenzó a transmitir alrededor de la una de la tarde, luego de que el 
arzobispo de Los Ángeles, José H. Gómez, bendijera el medio y encendiera el 
interruptor de la señal. El Sembrador Ministries, Inc. compró la radiodifusora 
hace unas dos semanas a Trans America Broadcasting Corporation, de acuerdo con 
Rosie Aguilar, directora de operaciones. Inmigrantes hispanos, otros oyentes y 
simpatizantes donaron este año casi la mitad de los 5,9 millones de dólares que 
costó, agregó. "Es un día para mi histórico porque no es fácil ver que un grupo 
de hispanos con fe y con esperanza se junta no solo en oración sino con su 
generosidad para poder dar el primer paso de un (pago inicial) de más de dos 
millones de dólares", dijo el fundador de la compañía, Noel Díaz. "Para mí eso 
habla muy fuerte de que los hispanos, los inmigrantes tienen fe y esperanza, y 
esa fe y esa esperanza es lo que los mantiene unidos y comprometidos". Aunque 
la empresa no mide los ratings de las radios, el empresario mexicano dijo que 
espera llegar a unos 15 millones de personas a través de las siete radios y 
canal de cable de la compañía. Las emisiones de las radiodifusoras se 
transmiten en California, Arizona, Illinois y México, mientras que los canales 
salen al aire en México, Sur y Centroamérica. Transmitir en esta zona ampliará 
el alcance de la radio ya que Los Ángeles es la arquidiócesis más grande del 
país. Está formada por los condados de Los Ángeles, Ventura y Santa Bárbara y 
cuenta con alrededor de cinco millones de feligreses, de los cuales el 70% es 
de origen hispano. La estación no es la primera en transmitir programas con 
contenido católico 24 horas al día y exclusivamente en español pero dice que es 
la primera en pertenecer a un hispano católico. "Esta nueva estación de radio 
nos ofrece una nueva oportunidad, junto con la visita del papa Francisco, para 
que todos nosotros sintamos el entusiasmo de ser como Junípero Serra, como San 
Juan Diego que recibió el mensaje de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, y lo trajeron 
a todo el continente", dijo el arzobispo.

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[HCDX] September 30, 1967: 'Wonderful Radio 1', the BBC's first pop station, takes to the airwaves

September 30, 1967: 'Wonderful Radio 1', the BBC's first pop station, takes to 
the airwaves

The voice of Tony Blackburn and the strains of The Move's Flowers in the Rain 
welcomed listeners to a new station born out of the pirate radio movement.


With Tony Blackburn’s words, “Good morning everyone, welcome to the exciting 
new sound of Radio 1”, and the strains of The Move’s Top 10 hit Flowers in the 
Rain, the BBC’s first dedicated pop station began broadcasting on this day in 

Radio 1 had come into being after the Marine Offences Act outlawed unregulated 
‘pirate’ radio stations such as Radio Caroline and Radio London, to meet the 
need for a legal pop music station; its predecessor, the Light Programme, had 
combined pop with easy listening and comedy.

The less contemporary elements of the Light Programme would be hived off to 
another new station, Radio 2, while the BBC’s other stations would also be 
renamed in the shake-up - the Third Programme becoming Radio 3, and the Home 
Service Radio 4.

Radio 1 would broadcast pop from 7am to 7.30pm, followed by lighter music and 
entertainment until 2am. Several disc jockeys were hired for the new station on 
eight-week contracts, with the intention to retain the most popular thereafter.

The new presenting roster (pictured above) included many popular former pirate 
radio DJs, including Blackburn, Simon Dee, Emperor Rosko, Kenny Everett and 
John Peel, alongside established BBC names such as Pete Murray, Jimmy Young and 
Alan Freeman.

With the studios at Broadcasting House in London packed with press and 
well-wishers, the station began broadcasting at 7am with Blackburn’s new show, 
'Daily Disc Delivery' - the DJ following up The Move’s opener with songs by the 
Bee Gees, The Tremeloes and Simon and Garfunkel.

With Radio 1 the only station of the four BBC channels not to be allocated at 
stereo FM frequency, reception was initially poor in several areas of the 
county; despite this, it proved a huge success, doubling the Light Programme's 
audience within a month of its launch.

Do you remember Radio 1’s first day? Was it an improvement on the pirate 
stations?  Let us know in the Comments section below.

BBC Radio 1 – Did you know?
Radio 1 could be found at 247 metres medium wave; at first, the fledgling 
station was going to be named Radio 247.
The original plan for Radio 1 was that would not only play pop music, but also 
broadcast news headlines and 'occasional classical music'.
Radio 2 was launched at exactly the same time as Radio 1; Paul Hollingdale 
opened the Light Programme for the final time that morning at 5.30am, and his 
Breakfast Special show continued on the new station from 7am.
Hollingdale actually announced the precise time of the switchover to the new 
stations with the words: "Ten seconds to go before Radio 1stand by for 
switching..five, four, three, Radio 2, Radio 1, GO!”
Radio 1 had its own signature tune, Theme One by the George Martin Orchestra. 
Tony Blackburn’s show had its own jazzy theme, a track called Beefeaters by 
Johnny Dankworth.
Radio 1 and Radio 2 shared programmes such as the Sunday Top Twenty show, the 
Jimmy Young Show, and Late Night Extra – presenters of the latter programme 
that were heard on Radio 1 included Terry Wogan and Michael Parkinson.
From its inception and throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Radio 1 was hugely 
successful, commanding weekly audiences of up to 24 million listeners.
The station only became totally separate from Radio 2 in 1979 when it began 
broadcasting from 6am until midnight. It finally began broadcasting 24 hours a 
day in May 1991.
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[HCDX] El agradecimiento de un escritor musulmán a la radio católica paquistaní que le cambió la vida


El agradecimiento de un escritor musulmán a la radio católica paquistaní que le 
cambió la vida

Radio Veritas Asia, emisora de onda corta de la Federación de Conferencias 
Episcopales Asiáticas, tiene muchos oyentes de fe musulmana. 

Musulmán escritor gracias a la radio católica
“Comencé a escucharla por casualidad, una noche de 1993", cuenta Gulzab Abbasi, 
docente y escritor musulmán, "cuando me topé con uno de sus programas y quedé 
impactado. No tenía nada que ver con el sectarismo religioso, todo lo que 
escuchaba hablaba de paz y fraternidad”. El hombre contó su historia en la 15ª 
convención anual de los oyentes de la radio, que tuvo lugar el 21 de septiembre 
en el Loyola Hall de Lahore.

Radio Veritas Asia, que actualmente transmite en 17 lenguas, inició el servicio 
en urdu (idioma oficial, junto al inglés, en Pakistán) el 14 de agosto de 1987. 
Ofrece dos programas de 27 minutos, uno por la mañana y otro por la noche, que 
tratan temas de salud, cultura, valores, lugares famosos del mundo, 
personalidades, problemas sociales, literatura, descubrimientos y noticias del 
mundo: el tema elegido por la radio para este año es: “El descubrimiento de sí 

En la convención participaron 120 oyentes provenientes de todo el país, de los 
cuales sólo 15 son cristianos. Gulzab Abbasi presentó su noveno libro junto a 
Joseph Arshad, obispo de Faisalabad y presidente de la comisión para las 
comunicaciones sociales y del WAVE Studio (Workshop Audio Visual Education), el 
centro nacional audiovisual de la Iglesia, con sede en Lahore.

“Radio Veritas Asia", continuó Abbasi, "me inspiró para enviar cartas, escribir 
pequeños cuentos y poesías. Me alentaron los pequeños regalos que me enviaban, 
y rápidamente me convertí en un escritor”. El profesor llegó a Lahore 
proveniente de Dunga Bunga, una aldea de Punjab donde presidía un club de 
oyentes con 87 miembros antes de que los compromisos se lo impidieran.

“Todavía no hay electricidad en nuestra aldea y la radio es el único 
entretenimiento. Usamos las baterías para encender nuestra radio y nos 
encontramos un domingo al mes para escuchar el programa de Radio Veritas Asia", 

Constructores de la paz social
Otro de los asistentes a la convención, Abdul Ghafoor Qaiser, contó que había 
llegado a Lahore proveniente de Bahawalnagur después de un viaje de siete 
horas: “Vengo todos los años en un coche alquilado junto a otros veinte 
oyentes. Otras emisoras de radio han dejado de convocar convenciones de 
oyentes, pero Radio Veritas Asia continúa la tradición y nosotros continuamos 
la relación con ella”.

Por su parte, monseñor Arshad alentó a todos los participantes de la convención 
a difundir el mensaje de la radio: “Vosotros sois nuestra esperanza. Continuad 
construyendo la paz en la sociedad. Hay una enorme necesidad de tolerancia y 

El agradecimiento de un escritor musulmán a la radio católica paquistaní que le 
cambió la vida

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| El agradecimiento de un escritor musulmán a la radio cat...Radio Veritas 
Asia, emisora de onda corta de la Federación de Conferencias Episcopales 
Asiáticas, tiene muchos oyentes de fe musulmana. ... |
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[HCDX] At a Beijing radio station, a little Hindi, Urdu and Tamil

At a Beijing radio station, a little Hindi, Urdu and Tamil 
How a few men and women from China Radio International are reaching remote 
corners in the Indian subcontinent.

Zhang Qin, a 21-year-old from Beijing, is staring at a computer screen, 
occasionally stopping to scribble in her notepad. Look over her shoulder and 
you’ll see the text is in Hindi. Zhang, whose “Hindi name” is Shanti, is an 
intern at China Radio International (CRI). One day, she wants to be on air for 
the state-owned broadcaster’s Hindi service department, which currently has 17 
members — only three of them Indians. In a country where even English is used 
sparingly, a building full of Chinese men and women fluent in Hindi, Urdu, 
Tamil, Bengali, Nepali and Sinhali — the six languages the CRI broadcasts in 
the Indian subcontinent — can take some getting used to.
“My friends were confused about my decision. The ones who decide to study a 
second language usually take up English,” says Shanti who — like many in her 
department — appears more comfortable talking in Hindi than in English. How did 
she get the name? “Om Shanti Om,” she says with a laugh, before revealing that 
her Hindi teacher gave it to her.

The practice is common among those who take up a second language. Even tour 
guides in China usually have an English name — ours went by Tracy — so it’s 
easier for those accompanying them to remember. Shanti, who has been studying 
the language for three years — including the one she spent in India at the 
Kendriya Hindi Sansthan — speaks only chaste Hindi, unlike the “khichdi bhasha” 
people speak in Delhi. She knows this from the little time she spent in Delhi’s 
Vasant Kunj. According to Zhao Jiang or Kalaimagal, the director of the Tamil 
department, the “pure language” they use is one of the highlights of their 
one-hour programmes, broadcast in India on shortwave band.

The young radio jockeys try to keep politics aside, and focus on giving 
listeners a taste of China — from its music and movies to cultural curiosities 
like how marriages work in the country. A lot of listeners, employees tell us, 
are also interested in knowing more about Tibet. Their work does not go 
unnoticed. The six CRI departments, which have about 90 people working under 
them, get feedback from 2 lakh people from the Indian subcontinent — a lot of 
it through emails or old-fashioned handwritten letters that sometimes travel 
from West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan all the way to Beijing. For Liao 
Liang, a 27-year-old reporter in the Tamil Department, the feedback is 
“precious”. The other thing she’s especially fond of is “playing Chinese music 
for my Tamil listeners”. The Tamil radio channel, which also has a mobile app, 
gets listeners not just from India, but also from Singapore, Malaysia and the 
US. Liao, dressed in a bright pink salwar kameez and white sneakers, says she 
took up the language out of “curiosity”. Having worked for six years, the next 
thing on her agenda, she says, is a visit to India to study further. This trend 
is common among employees at CRI, who study a second language from universities 
in China and then, at some point, go to India for a year to hone their skill. 
Tang Yuangui, the deputy director of the Hindi service department, says that 
sitting in Beijing, they can only learn how to speak a second language in a 
“bookish” — and sometimes verbose — manner. In a recording room nearby, Liao 
Jiyong, a reporter in the Hindi service department who introduces himself as 
Ramesh, says that no matter how fluent he is in Hindi, “I still think in 
Chinese”. He adds that whenever he gets a story, he first writes it in his 
native tongue, before translating it to Hindi. That said, his Hindi is on 
point, and he throws around words like “janmbhoomi” to refer to Xi’an, his 
native city. Yang Yifeng, the director of the Hindi service department, cannot 
say for sure why so many young people come flocking to join the Indian language 
departments. “Maybe we saw a lot of Indian movies or music as kids,” she says 
in jest. Going forward, she hopes the CRI can — with the help of the Indian 
government and radio channels in the country — broadcast on the FM instead of 
short wave so they can “take China to more listeners”. 

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| At a Beijing radio station, a little Hindi, Urdu and Tam...How a few men and 
women from China Radio International are reaching remote corners in the Indian 
subcontinent. |
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[HCDX] The Mighty KBC no signal on 1602 AM

The Mighty KBC no signal on 1602 AM

We have a technical problem on 1602AM at the moment.
No signal on 1602AM
Listen via DAB+ ...on line or via Tunein
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[HCDX] 'Radio Resistance' in Burkina Faso off-air


'Radio Resistance' in Burkina Faso off-air
Radio Resistance FM goes off-air, 48 hours after the coup leaders bowed to 
local and international pressure to hand over the power to civilian rule. The 
radio initiative came to fight back the coup leaders’ propaganda..

The soldiers who staged a coup in Burkina Faso silenced most privately-owned 
radio and TV stations and controlled the state-owned national TV broadcaster, 
RTB.At the same time, other members of the presidential security regiment 
quickly surrounded RTB headquarters, forced privately-owned radio and TV 
stations in Ouagadougou to suspend broadcasting, and roughed up several 
journalists."We were forced to go into newsrooms and come up with stories 
without verifying them." One reporter in Ougadougou who preferred anonymity 
said.In this tense and dilemma situation, "Radio resistance" was started and it 
could be heard on airwaves at 108.0 FM.Under Burkina Faso's media legislation, 
the radio is illegal because it's not officially registered.Though illegal, 
Burkinabes in the capital, Ougadougou, have an alternative view."We were lucky 
to have had a radio that feeds us information." A woman in Ougadougou told DW. 
"The Internet connection was bad and the telephone lines were completely 
terrible," she added.Interim President Michel Kafando and his Prime Minister 
Yacouba Isaac Zida were reinstalled on Wednesday and government soldiers who 
had remained loyal to the government withdrew from the capital, Ouagadougou.The 
officially registered media houses are now back in business. François Yesso, 
the Deputy Director of Radio PULSAR says his radio station was forced to halt 
its programs but "we are back on air today and in the coming days we shall 
continue with our programs as they were before."Individuals behind resistance 
radio initiative, plan to go off-air since the crisis is almost over and life 
is back to normal. A man behind the initiative of using the media as means of 
fighting back the coup leaders says its time to stop the programs."I don't 
think it's good to have the radio station programs on air. In a few hours, all 
the programs will be stopped." A Burkinabe who preferred anonymity said. He 
added that “the plan was to have it on air in case of a coup or other 
disasters."However, the broadcasting authority in Burkina Faso was caught in 
surprise when they heard about the radio. The director of technical department 
says, "we must be careful with these ‘ghost' media in times of crisis 
considering their missions and their legal recognition."
'Radio Resistance' in Burkina Faso off-air | Africa | DW.COM | 25.09.2015

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| 'Radio Resistance' in Burkina Faso off-air | Africa | DW...Radio Resistance 
FM goes off-air, 48 hours after the coup leaders bowed to local and 
international pressure to hand over the power to civilian rule. The radio 
initi... |
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[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas

   Saludos cordiales
15560 Radio Biafra, 18:12-18:20, escuchada el 24 de septiembre de2015 en inglés 
a locutor con proclamas, referencias a "Biafra yManifestación", se aprecia un 
ligero zumbido que va desapareciendopoco a poco, ID "Radio Biafra", SINPO 34433
EMIRATOS ARABES 17845 Radio Ergo (IRIN RADIO), Dhabbaya, 12:27-12:35,escuchada 
el 25 de septiembre de 2015 en somalí a locutor y locutoracon comentarios, 
aunque más bien parece una conversación entre un hombre y una mujer, emisión de 
música etnica, SINPO 24432
MOLDAVIA 11600 Radyoya Dengue Kurdistane, 12:15-12:20, escuchada el24 de 
septiembre de 2015 en kurdo a locutora con comentariosreferencias al kurdistán, 
locutor con comentarios, SINPO 34443
TAJIKISTAN 15542 Voice of Tibet, Dushanbe-Yangiyul, 12:00-12:08, escuchada el 
25 de septiembre de 2015 en chino a locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 
15548 Voice of Tibet, Dushanbe-Yangiyul, 12:08-12:12, escuchada el25 de 
septiembre de 2015 en chino a locutor y locutora con comentarios, sin señal en 
15542, ya he observado otras vecesque empieza la emisión en 15542 y a los ocho 
minutos cambiaa esta frecuencia, se aprecia de fondo como una señal pareceida 
al morse, supongo jaming, SINPO 24432
TANZANIA 11735 Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 17:45-18:03, escuchada 
el 24 de septiembre de 2015 en swahili con emisión de música étnica local, 
tonos horarios y locutora con ID, boletín de noticias en swahili, SINPO 34333
José Miguel Romero Sangean ATS 909Burjasot (Valencia)España
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[HCDX] Tradiciones culturales en Xinjiang bien protegidas, según libro blanco




Tradiciones culturales en Xinjiang bien protegidas, según libro blanco |



En 2014 Xinjiang tenía cinco emisoras de radio, ocho canales de televisión, 92 
cadenas de radio y televisión y 66 transmisoras y estaciones repetidoras de 
radio de onda corta y media. El 96,5 por ciento de la población regional tenía 
acceso a la radio y el 96,9 por ciento a la televisión.La emisora popular de 
radiodifusión de Xinjiang proporciona 12 canales de radio en cinco idiomas -- 
el uygur, el mandarín, el kazajo, el mongol y el kirguís, mientras que la 
televisión de la región ofrece 12 canales en cuatro idiomas -- el uygur, el 
mandarín, el kazajo y el kirguís.
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[HCDX] DRM Receiver to Hit Market in October

DRM Receiver to Hit Market in October


Avion Electronics, a Communication Systems Inc. brand, unveiled the first, 
ready-to-ship, India-made Digital Radio Mondiale receiver at IBC2015, during an 
event hosted at the Fraunhofer IIS booth. 
According to the disclosed technical specifications, the final version of the 
AV-DVR-1401 supports DRM in both shortwave and medium-wave bands, analog medium 
wave as well as analog FM with RDS, and will display images and information on 
a 3.5-inch TFT color LCD unit. 

With a detachable remote control, the receiver supports music and picture 
playback, as well as DRM radio recording, through the built-in SD card reader. 
EPG, Journaline (a text-based information service), TPEG/TMC, DRM Emergency 
Warning and Alert, digital audio output and the xHE-AAC audio codec by 
Fraunhofer IIS are also included. 

“During last year we enhanced both the features and the design of the DRM 
receiver we pre-launched at the IBC2014, in order to best fit consumer 
expectations,” said Ankit Agrawal, technical director at Communication Systems 

“The first batch of 2,000 pieces will be delivered in October, and a second 
batch is expected by the end of 2015. There is a firm commitment from the 
Indian government toward DRM, and we see a growing interest in both radio 
stations and consumers.”

Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Consortium chairman, also took part in the event to test 
the effectiveness of the DRM Emergency Warning and Alert feature in a live DRM 
broadcasting chain set up at the Fraunhofer IIS booth. 

Almost immediately after pressing a red button, the ongoing music program was 
interrupted, the DRM receiver showed a visible alert message on the display and 
reproduced the relevant warning message at a higher volume than the original 
Avion’s AV DVR 1401 DRM receiver is scheduled to go on sale through Amazon 
India as of October 2015 for $175 - See more at: 
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[HCDX] 9375 NO ID, ¿árabe?. 21:31 UTC

9375 NO ID, 21:31-21:37, escuchada el 22 de septiembre de 2015 en ¿árabe?con 
canticos, locutora con comentarios, nuevos cánticos y locutorcon comentarios, 
SINPO 35433
José Miguel Romero Sangean ATS 909Burjasot (Valencia)España
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] Radio Biafra

15560 Radio Biafra, 18:57-19:05, escuchada el 22 de septiembre de 2015en inglés 
y dialecto africano sin identificar a locutor con comentarioscon referencias a 
Biafra, entrevista a invitado, la conversación es tantoen inglés como en idioma 
vernacular con público y responden con aplausos.SINPO 4
José Miguel Romero Sangean ATS 909Burjasot (Valencia)España
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] Log Radio Congo

CONGO 6115 Radio Congo, Brazzaville, 18:40-18:50, escuchada el 22 de septiembre 
de 2015 en idioma vernacular a locutor con comentarios y música africana, SINPO 
José Miguel Romero Sangean ATS 909Burjasot (Valencia)España
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 1 million residents to change NK contingent on AM frequency


1 million residents to change NK contingent on AM frequency

AM frequency pivotal to accelerate change in NK

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| AM frequency pivotal to accelerate change in NKWhy the need for AM frequency 
broadcast?   |
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| Ver en www.dailynk.com | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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Escalated tensions on the Korean Peninsula prompted by an explosion of land 
mines planted by North Korea were diffused after the two Koreas held high-level 
talks on the border. The event once again proved how much threat Seoul’s 
loudspeaker propaganda operation poses to Pyongyang. The North had first 
stepped up provocations to halt the broadcasts but then quickly took on a 
softer approach after being hit by a strong response from Seoul. 

Being so focused on pulling the plug on the loudspeakers, the North agreed to a 
deal with the South after lengthy negotiations, but this whole incident has 
increased calls on Seoul to amp up broadcasts to the North. In light of this, 
Daily NK and Unification Media Group will look at the impact of these 
broadcasts and how it affects the North Korean leadership through a nine-part 
series.◆Why the need for AM frequency broadcast? According to North Korean 
listeners that tune in to radio broadcasts from the South, sound quality is the 
main reason for the fluctuating amount of listeners. It was also reported that, 
because radio channels are locked on state-controlled stations, it can take 
roughly an hour just to tune into the broadcasts, as citizens try to avoid 
crackdowns. Therefore, listeners tend to tune in to broadcasts based on 
audibility of the station rather than on personal content preference. When they 
end up finding an interesting program, most will search for it again later, 
however the majority will base further listening off of the station’s sound 
quality. In South Korea, the current frequencies in use can be mainly be broken 
down into FM, AM, and shortwave radio. FM frequencies are the clearest but 
cannot reach far into North Korea. Shortwave frequencies can travel long 
distances, but the sound quality is unstable and doesn’t make for a good 
listening experience. On the other hand, AM frequencies, found in the 100kWh 
range, are able to penetrate the current jamming technology employed by 
Pyongyang and extend to more areas of North Korea, making it much easier for 
listeners to tune in. Choi Kyu Won (pseudonym, age 54), a former military 
cadre, gave his impressions of the radio broadcasts via his experiences 
listening in the North. “AM frequency programs via Radio Free Asia and KBS' 
'Voice of Korea' were the most audible. Other than that, you could sometimes 
stumble onto one of the broadcasts from unofficial groups but if you try to 
find it again later the sound quality was either really poor or it was too 
difficult to correctly land on the correct frequency.” Added Mr. Choi, “North 
Korean authorities purposefully assign the state-run media broadcasts very 
close to the same frequencies that of many of the outside broadcasts. This 
commonly causes a blending of the two stations which jumbles the transmission, 
making it very difficult to understand. Without AM frequencies, there’s no way 
to effectively reach anything past the provinces of North and South Hwanghae.” 
According to Song Kyeong Jin (pseudonym, age 42), a North Korean defector, “I 
was surprised to find that broadcasts from outside South Korea, such as the 
U.S.’s Radio Free Asia and Voice of America, were the easiest to hear. It was 
only after arriving in South Korea that I realized that the local broadcasts 
are much more in-tune with the minds of the North Korean people. It really is a 
shame that these broadcasts can’t be heard more readily within the North. 
◆Upgrading sound quality of broadcasts targeting North Korea imperative to 
change Both KBS’ 'Voice of Korea' and Ministry of Defense’s 'Voice of Freedom' 
domestic radio broadcasts have been allotted AM frequencies and are 
transmitting into the North. Meanwhile, NGO-based  broadcasting organizations 
such as Unification Media Group (UMG), North Korea Reform Radio have been 
sending short wave radio broadcasts into the North for over 10 years via 
transmission stations in Central Asia.  Despite a wealth of knowledge and 
expertise, due to a lack of AM frequency and high production costs, these 
broadcasts are limited in their reach and audibility, thus making it difficult 
to garner more listeners within the isolated nation. Recently, ruling Saenuri 
Party representative Ha Tae Kyung, alongside Kim Eul Dong, proposed the “North 
Korea Private Broadcasting Production Aid Bill”, which aims to both allocate 
medium wave frequencies and production funds to NGO-based broadcasting 
organizations like Unification Media Group. However, at present, it remains 
unclear whether the bill will make it through the National Assembly. Also, 
while it is true that the civil society, including some political entities, 

[HCDX] VOA Hausa Launches TV Program


VOA Hausa Launches TV Program
Voice of America expands its leadership in Hausa-language programming with its 
first television broadcast premiering September 25 at 19:00 UTC.The fast-paced 
weekly magazine show Taskar VOAincludes a rundown of the week’s top stories 
from VOA correspondents in Africa and around the world along with social-media 
feedback from Hausa-speaking audiences and in-depth reporting on 
peace-building, entrepreneurship, health, and agriculture as well as segments 
on entertainment, sports, music and comedy.Adding Taskar to VOA Hausa’s popular 
line-up “will enable us to win the youth audience with a wider reach and 
tremendous impact,” says Africa Division Director Negussie Mengesha. “We are 
building on VOA’s bigger online and mobile audiences in Nigeria as well as on 
our English-language partnership with Channels TV.”With original television 
reporting from across the United States and from Hausa Service correspondents 
in Nigeria, Niger, and Cameroon, Taskarcovers Hausa-language affairs in West 
Africa and in the diaspora.“Nothing better heralds the arrival of Taskar VOA 
than the Hausa saying ‘Gani ya kori ji’, which means ‘Seeing is believing,’ ” 
says Hausa Service Chief Leo Keyen. “Our TV team is ecstatic about this 
exciting new program focusing on younger audiences and democracy in our target 
areas.”VOA Hausa produces a total of 16 hours of weekly radio programming on 
shortwave and AM. Hausa also has a 24/7 audio mobile stream that targets young 
demographics particularly in Nigeria through cell phones.

VOA Hausa Launches TV Program

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| VOA Hausa Launches TV ProgramVoice of America expands its leadership in 
Hausa-language programming with a new weekly television broadcast for 
affiliates premiering September 25 at 19:00 UTC. |
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| Ver en www.insidevoa.com | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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[HCDX] Radio religiosa HCJB2 con canal en YouTube


Radio religiosa HCJB2 con canal en YouTube
Radio religiosa HCJB2 con canal en YouTube

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| Radio religiosa HCJB2 con canal en YouTubeAyer, en el Centro Cultural Simón 
Bolívar (antes MAAC), se presentó el canal de YouTube de la radio religiosa 
HCJB2, que es dirigida por el pastor César ... |
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| Ver en www.eluniverso.com | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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Ayer, en el Centro Cultural Simón Bolívar (antes MAAC), se presentó el canal de 
YouTube de la radio religiosa HCJB2, que es dirigida por el pastor César 
Monserrate.La radio misionera señala mediante un comunicado que desde el 1 
noviembre de 1972 ha transformado la vida de muchas personas a través de su 
programación, que está enfocada en la fe, asegura.“Continuamos generando nuevos 
espacios y así buscar la proyección de música nacional, con nuestros artistas 
cristianos. El medio que utilizaremos será el canal de HCJB2 por medio de la 
plataforma social YouTube”, agrega el documento.Durante la presentación 
participaron los artistas nacionales Jorge Luis del Hierro, Olguita Luna, 
Estrella Mero, Los Nazareos, Samuel Mariscal, Jazak, entre otros.Las siglas de 
HCJB se refieren a: Hoy Cristo Jesús Bendice. Su nombre oficial es World Radio 
Missionary Fellowship, Inc. Junto con numerosos socios en el mundo las 
emisiones se pueden escuchar en más de 100 países y en más de 120 idiomas vía 
onda corta, y en Ecuador en onda media y frecuencia modulada, satélite e 
internet.Los cuarteles de la organización se encuentran en el HCJB Global 
Ministry Service Center en Colorado Springs, en los Estados Unidos.
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Lawmaker urges government on AM frequency for NGO-based broadcasts


Lawmaker urges government on AM frequency for NGO-based broadcasts


The allotment of an AM frequency for NGO-based radio stations targeting North 
Korea and shifting South Korean government strategy from economics to media are 
the keys to drive change in the North and ultimately bring together the two 
Koreas, say those who have long been at the heart of these issues. A recent 
conference held in Seoul, hosted by the office Ha Tae Kyung, lawmaker and 
former human rights activist Ha Tae Kyung, and the Association of Broadcasters 
for North Korea, focused heavily on amending the current broadcasting act as 
one of the most effective tools at our disposable to incite further grassroots 
change in North Korea. Currently, NGO-based entities like Unification Media 
Group [UMG] are unable to transmit broadcasts to North Korea via AM frequencies 
due to opposition from lawmakers fearing that these broadcasts further provoke 
Pyongyang and worsen inter-Korean relations. As a result, these outfits 
broadcast via shortwave on borrowed time--at a prohibitive cost--from regions 
in Central and Southeast Asia, which Ha urged the South Korean government to 
resolve. Ha followed by calling for an overall paradigm shift in government 
tactics, noting the merits and potential for change present in shifting 
economic-oriented tactics to media-centric ones. This, he said, would not only 
accelerate change in the North but also create a solid foundation on which both 
Koreas could unite and rebuild.“In response to North Korea’s attack on Cheonan 
(a South Korean navy corvette) in 2010, the South Korean government enacted the 
May 24th Measures the same year, severing almost all economic inter-Korean 
economic ties,” Ha said, elaborating that contrary to the South Korean 
government’s expectations, the sanctions failed to cripple the regime and drive 
further engagement or opening. Instead, the measures merely boosted Sino-North 
Korea trade and isolated the North Korean people further from the rest of the 
world. “Economic sanctions such as the May 24th measures inflict harm not only 
on the North Korean government but, more importantly, the North Korean 
citizens. On the other hand, transmitting radio broadcasts to the North deals a 
blow only to the North Korean government--not its citizens. In fact, these 
broadcasts are actually doing a service to the citizens by providing them with 
information from the outside world; the government, however, does everything it 
can to keep them disconnected,” Ha pointed out. Ha went on to point out that 
five years of keeping with the May 24th Measures has not pushed Pyongyang to 
budge; a week of broadcasts across the DMZ, on the other hand, triggered the 
North to propose inter-Korean dialogue. Even more telling, Ha added, is that in 
the latest round of talks, Pyongyang never broached the May 24 Measures--until 
now a common component of its negotiations -- demanding only an end to the 
loudspeaker broadcasts. “This shows how ineffective the economic sanctions are 
and how powerful radio broadcasts are,” asserted Ha, adding that Kim Jong Un’s 
own experience abroad as an adolescent would surely have provided him with more 
than sufficient knowledge of how powerful outside information can be to change 
citizens’ awareness and pry loose the regime’s powerful grip of control over 
its population.   Lee Kwang Baek, president of UMG, also voiced his agreement, 
noting, “Both Koreas blasted propaganda broadcasts at each other until 2004 
[after which they were bilaterally suspended] but Kim Jong Un is undoubtedly 
more sensitive to the broadcasts than Kim Jong Il ever was.” Added Lee, “Trying 
to reach out to North Korean citizens via broadcasts accessible on their 
personal radios would be more effective than the loudspeaker broadcasts blasted 
across the DMZ. Civil society organizations like UMG are trying to reach out to 
North Korean citizens throughout the country--a goal that will be made far more 
successful by transmitting on an AM frequency." Moreover, Lee asserted, 
NGO-based broadcasts do far less to provoke Pyongyang than the loudspeaker 
broadcasts at the border, which have a limited radius. "We have to stop 
thinking about inter-Korean relationship as confined only to government-level 
interactions. Citizens of both Koreas can be drivers for change and improving 
bilateral ties," Lee stated. 
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] QSO Live on Tuesday Nights!


QSO Live on Tuesday Nights!


The QSO Radio Show has started QSO Live on Tuesday evenings at 8pm CDT on 
International Shortwave Station WTWW 5085 KHz! Don't worry... We will still air 
the normal QSO Radio Show...QSO Live Broadcast this Tuesday evening will be 
with Guests Dale E Winther - W6PDL & Frank Howell - K4FMH hosted by Ted Randall 
- WB8PUM. Dale is formerly with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory talking about his 
involvement with the Hubble Space Telescope, the Lunar Lander, the Mars 
Exploration Rover & other interplanetary spacecraft.Dale also has some 
interesting stories to tell about the early days of repeaters.Frank is 
currently Assistant Director of the Delta Division, ARRL, he is Past-President 
of Magnolia Amateur Radio Club in Starkville, Mississippi and former Emergency 
Coordinator, Oktibbeha County Mississippi, ARRL and former member of the Board 
of Directors for the Jackson, Mississippi ARC.Be sure to tune in & join us for 
more fun filled talking about Ham Radio!
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[HCDX] Oromo: Diaspora Calls for BBC Afaan Oromo Radio Programme


Oromo: Diaspora Calls for BBC Afaan Oromo Radio Programme
UNPO: Oromo: Diaspora Calls for BBC Afaan Oromo Radio Programme

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| UNPO: Oromo: Diaspora Calls for BBC Afaan Oromo Radio ProgrammeSeptember 18, 
2015 Oromo: Diaspora Calls for BBC Afaan Oromo Radio Programme  |
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| Ver en unpo.org | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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In response to the BBC’s decision to launch new services in Ethiopia and 
Eritrea, the Oromo people from across the world have begun a petition, 
demanding the opening of an Afaan Oromo Radio Programme.Below is the Preamble 
and Petition itself:PreambleWe, the Oromo Diaspora in the United Kingdom and 
the rest of the world, the Oromo people in Ethiopia and the Horn of African 
Countries, and the friends of the Oromo People and Afaan Oromo speaking peoples 
across the world welcome the recent announcement by the BBC to launch news 
services to Ethiopia and Eritrea. In this connection, we would like to draw the 
attention of the BBC Board of Trustees, the BBC Board of Directors, and the 
government of the United Kingdom on the vital significance of starting 
medium-and short –wave Afaan Oromo Radio Program that will broadcast to 
Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya and Djibouti.Afaan Oromo, the single most 
widely spoken language in Ethiopia, is also spoken in Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti 
and Eritrea which will give the BBC wider audience than any other language, 
making it the largest broadcasting and media market in Africa. Furthermore, the 
Horn of Africa, as one of the most volatile and democratically deficient 
regions of Africa, needs an impartial and independent mass media outlets that 
will provide credible and trustworthy news and information services that 
promote democracy, economic development, and mutual-coexistence of various 
cultures, religions, and values.The Afaan Oromo speaking population, which 
constitutes close to half of the estimated 98.9 million inhabitants of Ethiopia 
(over 30 million of whom are mother tongue speakers), remains among the most 
affected with the prevailing democratic deficiency in the region. As a result, 
there is no single independent and impartial Afaan Oromo newspaper, news 
website, and radio or television station. This democratic deficiency is 
depriving Afaan Oromo speakers, particularly the youth which constitutes about 
74% of the total population, access to any credible, impartial, and independent 
news outlets. The danger this poses on the national and regional peace and 
stability, poverty eradication and economic development is self-evident; and 
needs urgent attention from policy makers and all interested parties including 
the BBC and the government of the United Kingdom.Consequently, we call upon the 
BBC governing bodies and the government of the United Kingdom to make an urgent 
policy decision to reach out to this highly disenfranchised and marginalized 
Afaan Oromo speaking population of Ethiopia and the Greater Horn through the 
radio programs. It is hoped that this will also help to advance the United 
Kingdom’s global economic development and poverty eradication policies as well 
as to promote free expression, peace and stability in the Horn of 
Africa.Needless to say, to launch programs broadcast to the region in other 
languages and not launch one in Afaan Oromo would mean contributing to the 
privileging of the less widely spoken languages in the region and to sanction 
the existing inter-linguistic asymmetry created by the States’ national media. 
Not to fall into this trap, it would be ideal decision if the BBC decides to 
broadcast in three languages widely spoken in Ethiopia - Afaan Oromo, Amharic 
and Tigrigna following the VOA’s model.Petition:Therefore, we the undersigned, 
the Oromo Diaspora in the United Kingdom and the rest of the world, the Oromo 
people in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, and friends of the Oromo People and 
Afaan Oromo speaking peoples across the world, call up on the BBC Shareholders, 
the BBC Trustees, the BBC Board of Directors, and the government of the United 
Kingdom to mandate the BBC to launch Afaan Oromo Radio Program as a matter of 
urgency and as top priority to meet the urgent need of providing trustworthy 
and credible information and news services that attends to the day-to-day 
living conditions of tens of millions of Afaan Oromo speakers.
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 11705 NOID, 21:30-21:57, inglés, concierto de rock en directo.

  Saludos cordiales
11705 NO ID, 21:30-, escuchada el 13 de septiembre con emisión de un concierto 
de rock en directo, SINPO 34433

Jose Miguel Romero
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Tunisie – Une radio clandestine de daech inquiète les autorités


Tunisie – Une radio clandestine de daech inquiète les autorités

Tunisie – Une radio clandestine de daech inquiète les autorités

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| Tunisie – Une radio clandestine de daech inquiète les au...Tunis : Daech 
diffuse, depuis le territoire libyen, une radio clandestine qui couvre le sud 
de la Tunisie. Les autorités s’en inquiètent énormément. En effet,... |
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| Ver en www.lemag.ma | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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Tunis : Daech diffuse, depuis le territoire libyen, une radio clandestine qui 
couvre le sud de la Tunisie. Les autorités s’en inquiètent énormément.

En effet, les autorités tunisiennes ont alerté, qu’une nouvelle forme de danger 
de daech, menace leur territoire et leur population. 

Il s’agit d’une diffusion radiophonique que le groupe terroriste assure depuis 
le territoire libyen et qui couvre de larges régions du sud tunisien. 

Selon l’agence de presse allemande, dpa - Deutsche Presse-Agentur, les 
autorités tunisiennes, représentées par la HAICA (la haute autorité 
indépendante de la communication audiovisuelle) et par un département 
ministérielle chargé des affaires technologiques, ont convenu de prendre une 
mesure de défense contre cette nouvelle forme de menace terroriste. 

Ils produiraient un brouillage de cette radio afin d’empêcher les terroristes 
de l’utiliser comme outil de propagande et un moyen de communication avec leurs 
cellules dans le pays. 

Cette radio de daech, appelée, ‘bayan – البيان’ inquiète au plus haut degré la 
Tunisie d’autant plus qu’elle est captée facilement dans le sud du pays, où 
sévissent déjà en masse et très dangereusement, les groupes radicaux locaux et 
ceux provenant des voisinages dangereux du pays.
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] The next test broadcast of Marconi Radio International


The next test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International  are scheduled as 

11th September 2015, from approximately 1700 to 1900 UTC. 

12th September 2015, from approximately 1230 to 1430 UTC. 

Our frequency is 11390 kHz and power in the region of 30 watts. Test broadcasts 
consist of non stop music and station identification announcements in Italian, 
English, Spanish and Catalan. MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. 
Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts  are welcome! We QSL 100%. Our E-mail 
address is: marconiradiointernatio...@gmail.com We hope that you will share 
this information with your members.  Thank you very much for your cooperation 
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
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[HCDX] 15560 Radio Biafra con buena señal, sin emisión en 15550 NO ID, no Radio Biafra


15560 Radio Biafra, 19:15-19:20, escuchada el 9 de septiembre de 2015 en inglés 
alocutor con comentarios con referencias a "Libia, Washington Post, África, 
América", minutos antes la señal era inaudible, SINPO 44433
   Sin señal en 15550, escuchada el 8 de septiembre y que definitivamente noera 
Radio Biafra, por lo tanto emisora no identificada.
Jose Miguel Romero Burjasot (Valencia), Spain
Sangean ATS 909
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Media's role in unification of Germany, applications for two Koreas


Media's role in unification of Germany, applications for two Koreas


Today’s "Unification Table Talk" segment will focus on the influence of media 
on Germany’s reunification as well as its potential influence on Korean 
reunification. We are joined by Park Sang Bong, who is the former director of 
the Institute for Unification Education as well as the current director of the 
German Reunification Research Institute.1. Professor, you are a leading 
authority on pre and post-reunification Germany. Is there a special reason why 
you became so interested in this subject?I wouldn’t say there was a particular 
reason. The Berlin Wall fell while I was studying abroad in Germany, and so I 
witnessed West Germany’s dreams of reunification become reality with my own 
eyes. After witnessing such an event, a Korean can’t help but develop a 
considerable interest in reunification. Of course, many international students 
also observed this event, but as I was studying I came across topics on 
reunification, so I ended up focusing my studies on German reunification.2. 
Germany’s reunification did not come about easily. What are your opinions about 
Korea’s own reunification?   At the time of reunification, Germany had a 
population roughly the same as that of present day Korea, and it was an 
economic powerhouse more prosperous than Korea. However, one should consider 
that just like the construction of the (high-speed railway) KTX line in Korea 
was easier because the ICE line in Germany and the TGV line in France had 
already been built, we can hope for things to be much easier because there is 
already a precedent. Admittedly, Germany experienced many unseen difficulties, 
due to the unexpected and rather abrupt timing of reunification, and rectified 
these mistakes at a great cost. But if Korea can avoid mistakes by observing 
Germany’s own mistakes that were made through trial and error, Korean 
reunification will be much easier.These are not thoughts limited to myself. 
Professor Bloom, who is in the department of economics at the University of 
Bamberg, wrote a piece titled “North Korea’s Reconstruction” for Die Zeit. Die 
Zeit is a highly respected German national weekly newspaper. In the piece, he 
discusses the “Korean Catalogue”. In brief, he states that the German 
reunification process was never experienced before, and if Korea avoids the 
mistakes made by Germans, they would have a much easier transition into being a 
united country. This statement is echoed by German Professor Frank who is at 
the University of Vienna. This is why I look favorably upon the “follower 
effect” when addressing Korean reunification. One should not get caught up in 
the belief that Korea’s reunification will be much more difficult than 
Germany’s.3. I believe that the media through platforms like television and 
radio played an important part in German reunification. Can you describe the 
media’s role at the time?We regard German reunification as a miracle. This view 
is held not only by Koreans, but also by numerous German experts and 
politicians, and it is reflected in many books. It was considered that 
miraculous to many. The unexpected nature of German reunification teaches us 
that even in a divided state, there can be peaceful coexistence. In reality, 
there was already much exchange and cooperation between East and West Germany. 
There were programs of mutual exchanges and cooperation between the two 
countries. Among them was an exchange of TV programs. West German viewers could 
watch East German programs that were more sophisticated and provocative than 
those of West Germany. However, a surprising truth is that most East Germans 
West Germany’s 8 o’clock news as a source of dependable international news. 
This largely stemmed from the distrust people slowly accumulated about the 
East’s communist party. 

Despite the division, the mutual exchange of television programs kept the East 
Germans well informed about what was happening in West Germany, and that is 
arguably one of the biggest influence that the media had in Germany. The media 
also played a very important role in the bloodless revolution that caused the 
falling of the Wall and eventually led to reunification. For instance, 
Schabowski, the East German communist party spokesperson announced in a press 
conference that a new regulation would allow East Germans to freely travel to 
West Germany. Yet, the exact details were not yet determined, and when asked 
when exactly this regulation would become effective by an Italian reporter, he 
mistakenly responded that it would happen ‘without delay’. East German viewers 
immediately flocked to the Berlin Wall, so much so that the guards could not 
contain the massive crowds. This announcement led to the fall of the Berlin 
Wall, and the defeat of East Germany -- another important example of what role 
the media played. 4. Which, do you think, among 

[HCDX] BBC contratará a cien reporteros para compartir sus noticias con la prensa local


BBC contratará a cien reporteros para compartir sus noticias con la prensa local
Reforzará su servicio exterior para «cubrir déficits democráticos de 
información» en Rusia y Corea del Norte

BBC contratar a cien reporteros para compartir sus noticias con la prensa local

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| BBC contratar a cien reporteros para compartir sus notic...Reforzar su 
servicio exterior para cubrir dficits democrticos de informacin en Rusia y 
Corea del Norte |
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| Ver en laguiatv.abc.es | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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La BBC, que libra una batalla política con el Gobierno de Cameron, ha 
presentado sus líneas maestras para los próximos diez años. El director general 
de la compañía, Tony Hall, explicó que el lema de la corporación será «una BBC 
abierta para la era de internet». Prometió que será más participativa y que 
cooperará con sus rivales, los medios privados, a los que según los 
conservadores estaba dañando con su expansionismo. En esa línea de colaboración 
con sus competidores anuncia que contratará a cien reporteros para que hagan 
información local, que se pondrá a disposición de los periódicos y televisiones 
de proximidad. La BBC había sido reiteradamente acusada por la patronal de la 
prensa británica de competencia desleal en internet con la prensa local. El 
gigante público aprovechaba las historias de los pequeños periódicos sin pagar 
por ello y al tiempo les restaba público, al ofrecerlas en una web de muchísima 
mayor audiencia.Sin embargo la asociación de periódicos escoceses rechaza la 
idea de esa flota de reporteros, presentada por la BBC como un gesto de 
colaboración y que en teoría ofrecerá «información imparcial» sobre asuntos 
municipales y judiciales. Califican la idea de ?caballo de Troya? y vaticinan 
que acabará haciendo todavía a los periódicos locales más pequeños y 
dependientes de la corporación.A sus 93 años, la venerable BBC vive tiempos de 
zozobra. Debe adaptarse a la revolución digital y a un nuevo paisaje 
televisivo, donde han aparecido competidores como Netflix, Amazon, Google, 
Apple y HBO. Tiene también que digerir un nuevo estatuto organizativo, que 
marcará su rumbo durante los próximos diez años, al expirar en diciembre el 
actual. Pero sobre todo vive una clara guerra política con el Gobierno de David 
Cameron, que califica a la cadena pública de ?imperialista? y la acusa de 
competencia desleal con los medios privados y de un claro deslizamiento 
ideológico a la izquierda.

La parcialidad de la BBCLos conservadores estiman que el gigante público de la 
comunicación fue parcial contra ellos en la pasada campaña electoral, lo cual 
es bastante cierto, y ahora están pasándole su factura. El ministro de Cultura, 
John Whittingdale, es un político de vieja y conocida animadversión hacia la 
BBC y en julio presentó un libro verde en el que le exigía hacerse más pequeña. 
También cuestionaba que se siga financiando a la cadena con un canon anual por 
hogar de 145 libras (189 euros), que debe pagar todo británico con televisión, 
vea o no la BBC en la práctica. Atendiendo a esa presión, Tony Hall asegura que 
su canal «buscará la excelencia sin arrogancia». La BBC también ha aceptado 
dejar de cobrar el canon a los mayores de 65 años, lo que le engrosará unas 
pérdidas de 480 millones de euros, que obligarán a recortes y a renunciar a 
algunos servicios, que Hall no concretó.El canal anuncia que quiere recuperar 
su vocación de gran servicio de noticias planetario desde el mundo libre y 
reforzará su Servicio Mundial, que venía sufriendo recortes desde 2010. 
Iniciará emisiones de radio de onda corta en Corea del Norte y servicios de 
televisión digital en Rusia. También comenzará a emitir noticias radiofónicas 
en Etiopía y Eritrea. Asegura que su objetivo es cubrir déficits democráticos 
en zonas con carencia de noticias imparciales. «Es el área donde la voz de este 
país se puede escuchar más fuerte», dice su director general.Hall quiere que la 
futura BBC sea «una base para la creatividad» y dará prioridad a trabajar con 
el mundo del arte y la cultura, «que hacen de Gran Bretaña la mayor potencia 
del mundo en ese terreno».Internet está cambiando la forma de ver y entender la 
televisión. La BBC reconoce que habrá de «cabalgar con dos caballos a la vez», 
porque debe combinar el crecimiento digital con seguir dando satisfacción a su 
público tradicional, acostumbrado a sus servicios convencionales. Sobre su 
papel en el mundo de internet, lo explican así: «Google organiza la 
información. Nuestro pequeño camino debe ser entenderla y trabajar con quienes 
nos pueden ayudar a entender un mundo muy complejo».
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[HCDX] 15550 ¿Radio Biafra?, 18:20-,

15550 ¿Radio Biafra?, 18:20-18:30, escuchada el 8 de septiembre de 2015 
conemisión de música africana, no capto señal alguna en 15560, locutor con 
comentarios en dialecto africano sin identificar, SINPO 24322

Jose Miguel Romero Burjasot (Valencia), Spain
Sangean ATS 909
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