[ha-Safran]: Remodeling libraries for digital age

2011-11-05 Thread Andrea Rapp
I would like to hear from anyone whose library has recently or will 
in the near future be remodeled.  How does the advent of e-publishing 
and the explosion in the number of people who read their books on 
kindles/ipads/ etc. affect your planning, design, furnishings, 
maintenance of print copies, etc?
   Andrea Rapp
   Cincinnati, OH


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Commentary and Tikkun

2011-09-22 Thread Andrea Rapp
Commentary magazine was "cut off" because of its political views were 
deemed too conservative?
 This decision embodies the opposite of what our profession, and 
our country's bedrock principles, are supposed to stand for-- freedom 
of thought and freedom of ideas.  It's the same thing one sees in so 
many university departments these days--the stiflinlg of the free 
exchange of ideas instead of the promotion of same.
   It seems to me that the majority of Jewish periodicals are left of 
center.  Here I'd include fine publications like Moment Magazine, the 
Jerusalem Report, the Forward newspaper.  If your library subscribes 
to any of those, you are already providing an "offset" to Commentary, 
which is also a quality publication that shouldn't be denied your 
patrons because someone took it upon himself or herself to decide how 
your members should think.

Andrea Rapp


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[ha-Safran]: Looking for curriculum writer

2011-09-19 Thread Andrea Rapp
Colleagues, do you know any experienced educators who would be 
interested in earning money writing lesson plans to accompany 
Israel-Up Close videos?

Israel Up Close is seeking part time help in writing curricular 
materials for videos they have produced about Israel and its people.

Go to www.israelupclose.org  On the homepage, click on "educational 
guides" and see

a sampling of lesson plans already completed.

If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Harvey Karp 
at iu...@yahoo.com



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[ha-Safran]: Why Software is eating the world

2011-08-23 Thread Andrea Rapp
including the book  world.
I hope list members will take a look at the Wall St. Journal piece 
today (Saturday) called Why Software is Eating the World.
   What does this mean for the future of synagogue and community 
libraries, as well as for librarians? What should we be doing now so 
that we do not go the way of Borders?



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[ha-Safran]: Values in stories

2011-08-16 Thread Andrea Rapp
I am looking for stories (for primary grades) that embody a couple of 
values that aren't easily found in our usual sources:
   Being a Good Listener
   Giving the Benefit of the Doubt
   Not Embarrassing  (Wise Shoemaker of Studena is one good one).

Any suggestions?
   Andrea Rapp
  Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Israel Up Close videos

2011-06-17 Thread Andrea Rapp
Colleagues, while I won't be at the convention, I want to inform 
everyone that at the Stand With Us Booth, a 16 minute DVD about the 
series "Israel Up Close" will be handed out; Israel Up Close dvd's 
are short --10-15 minutes in all, and they highlight aspects of 
modern Israeli life, culture, medicine, arts, etc.  The promotional 
dvd will give a snippet of several of the features and there will 
also a be sampling of educational guides to accompany the 
features.  Our teachers have used IUC in our religious school; they 
are unique and you may want to check them out at convention.

  Andrea Rapp

  Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Question about the new website

2011-06-10 Thread Andrea Rapp
Under Resources, I no longer see:
   1) the bibliographies on various topics that members have prepared
2) the lists of books that various synagogue book clubs are 
reading.  This was very helpful to our Sisterhood.

  Are these no longer available, or have I missed finding them?

Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Quote about storytellers

2011-05-09 Thread Andrea Rapp
Does anyone have a favorite short Jewish quote about the importance 
of storytelling, or of the storyteller? (to inscribe in a book/gift 
for storytellers).



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[ha-Safran]: Gift for our storytellers

2011-04-28 Thread Andrea Rapp
Dear colleagues,  The Hungry Clothes got the most votes as a 
suggested book to give our volunteer storytellers, and it is indeed a 
beautiful book--one of my favorites.  I think, however, I'm going to 
go with Three Times Chai--a collection of 54 rabbis' favorite stories 
and it also gives the reason they like these, the way they use the 
stories to teach a lesson or illustrate a point.
   I want to have a little "reception" on the last day of school for 
these wonderful volunteers--serve coffee and treats and give them 
book (along with a gift cloth bookmark from Highsmith); has anyone 
else ever had a program like this for library volunteers?  If yes, I 
would like to hear about it;  I've had storytelling workshops for 
volunteers, but never a formal thank-you program for the group.
  Andrea Rapp
  Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Recommendation request

2011-04-11 Thread Andrea Rapp
Hi, all,
  I am looking for a book to give as a year-end gift to our volunteer 
  Since these folks have young children (or grandchildren) of their 
own, I was thinking of "S is for Story" or "B is for 
Bookworm"--attractive picture books that they could read to their own 
children and which tie into the topic of books and libraries.
   However these 2 titles have gotten mixed reviews.
   Any suggestions for books of that type?

Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Looking for these old children's books

2011-03-30 Thread Andrea Rapp
Friends, a number of you on the list have expressed the desire to 
provide our Shavzin-Carsch Children's Collection with old children's 
books that we lack and that you may have, but no longer need or 
desire, in your own collections.
   After going through the Jewish Book Annual bibliographies of the 
1940's and 1950's, I have the following list of books that are 
missing from our collection.  If you have any of these, and are 
holding off weeding them but would like to put them in an appropriate 
special collection, please let me know.  Here is the "A-List"-in no 
particular order:

The People of the Book: A Bible History for School and Home by Dr. 
Maurice Harris
Scripture Stories retold for Young Israel, by Rabbi Mendel Silber
  Danny Bumps into Chanukah, by Sadie Rose Weilerstein
   Our Baby, by Sadie Rose Weilerstein  (a baby record book)
 The Five Books of Moses selected and translated for Jewish Youth 
by Ben-Ami Scharfstein
  Birth of the Jewish People, by Ben Aronin
   A Wonder ful Shabbos, and Rocket Trip to Israel, by Robert Sol
Chanukah is Fun Chanukah is Coming, by Robert Sol
  Kindergarten Kit for the Jewish Child by Tamar Grand
Alef Bet Fun by Lillian Abramson and Jessie B. Robinson
 With Jewish Child in Home and Synagogue, by Elma Levinger
Volume 3 of Sulamith Ish-Kishor's The Bible Story
 Children's Passover Haggadah, trans. by Ben-Ami Scharfstein
 The Dreidel Who Wouldn't Spin, by Libby Klaperman
 Passover in Song and Story, by Charles Wengrov
 Haggadah for Young American Jews, by Isidor Krakower
 Calendar for Israel's Children (Lion the Printer)
Freckle Face Frankel, by Leota Keir
Israel, by Peggy Mann (a 64 page paperback)
   A Jewish Child's Book, illus. by Katherine Myrilla Cohen (JPS 1913)

Thank you,
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio


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Re: [ha-Safran]: New Maxwell House Hagaddah

2011-03-27 Thread Andrea Rapp
The current issue (April) of Commentary Magazine has a provocative 
look at modern, issue-oriented Haggadot, as well as some interesting 
facts about the Maxwell House...
  Andrea Rapp
  Wise Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio



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[ha-Safran]: Children's book reviewed in WSJ

2011-03-20 Thread Andrea Rapp
Under the heading "A Tale for Children of Braving Soviet Tyranny," 
Meghan Cox Gudron praises a new YA novel about the horrors of life 
under the Soviets. The book, "Between Shades of Gray," is about a 
15-year old Lithuanian girl whose family is rounded up and deported 
to the East in cattle cars.  It sounds like a story of Jews, but Lina 
is identified only as Lithuanian.
The reviewer mentions the memoir on a similar theme, Hautzig's 
Endless Steppe.  Here, too, the family is identified only as 
"Polish." [sic].  Last year's "Under a Red Sky" gets passing mention, 
but only as a story of Romania, no mention of Jewish component.
What's going on here?
 Is "Between Shades of Gray" about a Jewish family?
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Our Historic Children's Judaica collection

2011-03-09 Thread Andrea Rapp
An update for those who are interested in the special collection we 
are establishing at
Wise Temple: this collection has been named for Judy Carsch and
Bess Shavzin. So far it contains about 300 children's books; we add 
more each week, moving titles from various locations in our library 
into this special collection. We are almost finished moving those 
books that are listed in the Jewish Book Annual's juvenile 
bibliographies from the 1940's and '50's, then we have many, many more to add.

[Below is an informational flyer we've prepared that explains it better!  Our
temple community is excited about this project.]
Shavzin-Carsch Collection flyer.jpg

Andrea Rapp


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Re: [ha-Safran]: index to reviews

2011-02-22 Thread Andrea Rapp
From: Lieberman Bernice 
Subject: [ha-Safran]: index to reviews
Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 12:27 AM

Is there a cumulative index (for the last 10 years or 5 years) to
reviews in the AJL newsletter?  Are there any indexes?

Bernice Lieberman
Sinai Temple Library
Champaign, IL

There is an index covering the years 1978-1990.  I don't know of any 
after that.
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati

[ha-Safran]: Evaluating old Hebrew book

2011-02-08 Thread Andrea Rapp
On my usual out-of-print sources, I do not find this book,  whose 
value a patron is exploring:
   a small hardback book (bound in blue fabric cover with 
orange lettering) by I. Pollack and S. Pitlik, published in 
Dorchester MA and copyrighted in l929. It is titled , only in Hebrew 
and is a primer to teach reading Hebrew to youngsters. It has 
charming black and white line drawing illustrations, an introduction 
to teachers, a few traditional prayers and a few pages of musical 
scores of children's songs with Hebrew lyrics.

  Any thoughts?
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio


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[ha-Safran]: The new issue of Segula Magazine

2011-02-08 Thread Andrea Rapp
The new issue of Segula Magazine has arrived, and despite our 
aggravation, I want to say that I am glad I stuck with this quality 
new journal of Jewish history and culture.
 Its cover story is: Massacre in Medina: How the Jews of Arabia 
were wiped off the Map," by Haggai Mazuz, a scholar of Arabic and of 
Islam.  Get a copy and read it if you can--all of it, including the 
article's final 2-page spread explaining how the history of 7th 
century Arabia is pertinent today-- the Khaybar missiles aimed at 
Israel for example.  Learn what Khaybar represents in Islamic 
history.  I explain it this way: It's as if Germany created a new 
weapon and named it the "Auschwitz."
There is a huge amount of pollyanna denial about the threats 
faced by us Jews today; most media--as they did during the 
1940's--aren't covering it.  Get informed-you can start with Dr. 
Mazuz' article.
  Andrea Rapp


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[ha-Safran]: Facebook Friday

2011-01-31 Thread Andrea Rapp
Can someone explain to me how it works?Is there a dialog 
somewhere that I don't see?
   Andrea Rapp


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RE: [ha-Safran]: Traditions and encounters

2011-01-31 Thread Andrea Rapp
I made a typo in the URL for the Institute for Curriculum Services.
The correct one (I reversed two letters) is:



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Re: [ha-Safran]: Traditions and encounters

2011-01-26 Thread Andrea Rapp
The place to bring these issues for action is:
Institute for Curriculum Services (www.iscresources.org).
Working with publishers, this unique organization has brought about 
thousands of changes in textbooks to correct inaccuracies about 
Judaism and Israel in American texts.
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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Re: [ha-Safran]: People of the Book quote

2011-01-26 Thread Andrea Rapp
It's from the Koran, however it refers to Christians as well as 
Jews.  that is: both Jews and Christians have a "book" of Scripture 
revealed to them.
The term has stuck with us, and not with Christians, for some reason.
It's also worth knowing that Islam believes that what was 
originally revealed to Jews and Christians wasIslam.  Abraham, 
all the biblical figures, including Jesus were Muslims.  Over time, 
according to the doctrine of tahrif, Jews and Christians changed 
their scriptures--falsified them, and that's why Muhammad came, as 
the final prophet, to correct/restore the revelations previously 
given to Jews and Christians, and to give the one true "Book" of Scripture.


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[ha-Safran]: ALA in San Diego

2010-12-29 Thread Andrea Rapp
Stop by the Israel Up Close exhibit and see a sample of these 10-15 
min. videos about Israeli life and culture--apart from "the conflict."
These videos are only $2.50 each, and soon will have lesson plans 
to accompany them.


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2010-12-14 Thread Andrea Rapp
   Recently our library came into possession of a few items in the 
Danish language.  Since these were not Judaica, I sent them to 
the  Danish American Archive and Library in Blair, Nebraska, which 
collects such items.
   In his thank-you note, the director of the DAAL added that his 
archive would treasure any copies of material concerning the rescue 
of Danish Jews during World War II, so I thought I'd pass along that 
information to our group.
   The Danish-American Archive and Library's address is 1738 
Washington Street, Blair, NE  68008. danishamericanarchive.com
  Andrea Rapp, Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Column for us Luddites

2010-12-14 Thread Andrea Rapp
A Kindle for Christmas? Spare Me

I remember passages by where they are in my books­this or that detail 
is two-thirds of the way through, on the bottom left. Physical memory 
runs deep.

I should be the perfect candidate for an e-reader: I own thousands of 
books, lack space for more and often schlep several heavy volumes in 
my bag. So when I begged my family to refrain from getting me a 
Kindle for Christmas, they were confounded.
At first, they thought the problem was that I wanted another model, 
one that could be dropped without worry, read on my winter camping 
trips, and never run out of power. Then they realized I was 
describing an old-fashioned book­paper and binding!­and I lost them again.
E-books are not only better, my family claims, but inevitable. Retail 
giants tend to agree. Leonard Riggio, chairman of Barnes & Noble and 
its biggest shareholder, has said that, "Digital publishing and 
digital book-selling will soon become the most explosive development 
in the history of our industry and will sweep aside those who aren't 
participating." The physical book will soon be akin to the parchment scroll.
The numbers seem to support this view. Sales of e-books have more 
than doubled over the last year, to $340 million so far this year 
from $166 million in 2009. At Amazon.com, e-books now outpace 
bestselling hardcover editions.
So why do I doubt that I'm being left behind?
First, while growth in e-books is impressive, it's not overwhelming. 
E-book sales this year will account for 8.5% of all books, a smaller 
share than Apple commands in the computer market even after years of 
growth at a similar pace. Though e-books will surely continue to 
grow, for now about 90% of book sales remain in print form.
Online retailers, particularly Amazon.com, work hard to promote 
e-books. Kindle advertisements have topped Amazon's home page­some of 
the most valuable real-estate on the Internet­for nearly three years. 
The Web pages for print editions always include links to Kindle 
equivalents when possible, but the Kindle versions never link back to 
print forms. Amazon wants you to buy a Kindle.

And it should. Kindle sales compete primarily with bestselling 
hardcovers­the heaviest, most heavily discounted editions that Amazon 
sells. The Kindle will sweep them aside, its supporters say, because 
e-books are portable, include useful search functions, and can 
retrieve new titles within minutes. This last point hardly matters to 
me, given that I can have physical books delivered within days and 
already have hundreds of unread books waiting to be cracked. While a 
search function is useful, it also points to a flaw in the Kindle: 
All the pages are alike, to the extent that there are pages at all.
I remember passages by where they are in my books­this or that detail 
is two-thirds of the way through, on the bottom left. That physical 
memory runs deep.
University of Washington Book Arts Librarian Sandra Kroupa 
demonstrates as much with a party trick she's developed. I've seen 
her set down a dozen stiff-backed Little Golden Books before a group 
of adults. They chatted with delight as they held old copies of 
"Dumbo," "Little Toot the Tugboat" and other childhood favorites. 
"The physical book holds meaning," says Ms. Kroupa. "If I were to 
bring a modern edition of 'Dumbo,' it wouldn't elicit nearly the same 
Print editions enable shared experiences in ways unavailable to 
electronic versions. I'm no snoop, but one of the first things I do 
when I enter a home is scan the bookshelves. As often as not, that 
sparks conversation about the interests of my hosts and about what 
they've read and hope to read. They invariably pull out other books, 
some inscribed, and hold them in their hands while we talk.
That experience simply can't happen crouching over a hard-drive. 
Imagine entering a living room and saying: "Hey! Mind if I scroll 
through your Kindle?"
A book is more than a shell for words: It's a box whose magic starts 
at its real-world dimensions. No other common item so lacks a 
standardized size, and that makes individual books memorable. I could 
tell with my eyes closed if you've handed me a copy of "The Great 
Gatsby" that isn't mine.
I see e-books as a companion format that will always share space with 
printed volumes. Perhaps one day, I'll even travel with a Kindle.
Until then, I'm content with my hefty volume of "Don Quixote," my 
tattered grade-school dictionary and my wood-cut illustrated "Moby 
Dick." Maybe I'm a Luddite because I feel sorry for children who read 
"Goodnight Moon" on a phone. And perhaps I'm a softie for hoarding my 
torn copy of "Huck Finn," a gift from my grandfather, with an 
inscription that still makes my eyes water.
I could tell you what it says. But it's best to read with the book 
held in your own hands.
Mr. Newman is a writer at work on his first novel.


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[ha-Safran]: Mountain climbing

2010-12-06 Thread Andrea Rapp
A parton is looking for information about Jewish mountain 
climbers.  We have found a few: Herzog, Krakauer.  I see that an 
Israeli, Doron Erel, climbed McKinley and Everest.
When I search in Index to Jewish periodicals, I get zero; I can't 
believe that magazines like Eretz and others have not published 
anything on Israeli mountain climbing.
   I would appreciate any leads on (other-than-internet) sources for 
Jewish mountain climbers.  (all the books on Jews in sports yield 
nothing also).
   Andrea Rapp, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Segula Magazine (again)

2010-12-01 Thread Andrea Rapp
A heads-up to all: We've received only two issues of Segula after 
paying for a year's subscription.  I understand there were problems 
with getting the English edition out, and I've written twice to 
inquire about it and received no reply.


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[ha-Safran]: Another story about dying libraries

2010-11-15 Thread Andrea Rapp
or how libraries are "re-inventing" themselves, as video game arcades...



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New Shalom Sesame series

2010-11-09 Thread Andrea Rapp
 From whom can one purchase all the shows available in the new 2010 
Shalom Sesame series?
   Andrea Rapp
   Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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RE: [ha-Safran]: Cassette tapes

2010-11-08 Thread Andrea Rapp
This is something I think a copyright attorney should address.
We should not be governed by common practice when we need to know 
what the law says.


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[ha-Safran]: Copyright session at Convention

2010-11-04 Thread Andrea Rapp
We had such a session in Chicago 2 years ago.  It was mainly about 
the Google digitization project and the copyright implications, 
conflicts, etc.  It was really interesting, but I didn't get to ask 
some of the questions I had, so if we do such a session again, let's 
first prepare a list of our concerns.
   Mine mainly have to do with the constant obsolescence of 
media.  Can one transfer a VHS to DVD only for archival purposes?  Do 
we really have to purchase brand new DVD's of all the wonderful VHS 
tapes we have, that are no longer used because they equipment to show 
them isn't made or isn't available anymore? Diary of Anne Frank, 
Yentl, Hester Street, Rugrats Chanukah, and one could go on and 
on?  What if it's a VHS that is not available as a DVD?
The same qeustions apply to cassette tapes/Compact Discs.
   Does it violate copyright if a "Home Use only" video is shown to a 
class?  If it's really home use only,  why do libraries even buy 
them?  If someone says: I want to check out a video to show at my 
chavurah, or to my Hadassah club, or on the bus on our field trip, is 
that a copyright violation?
   When I was a day school librarian, I thought it would be a neat 
project for some of the older students to record some picture books 
and make book-tape combinations.  I also thought it would be neat to 
show the children that we had permission from the author or publisher 
to do so.  Guess what--the ones I wrote to told me it violates 
copyright to change the format, so I didn't do it!
  Andrea Rapp


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[ha-Safran]: Dreidel song

2010-11-01 Thread Andrea Rapp
If one wanted to record a parody of Dreidel dreidel dreidel , how 
would one go about finding out if this song is in public domain or 
otherwise not subject to copyright infringement by putting different 
words to the melody?


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[ha-Safran]: Israeli art books and portfolios

2010-10-25 Thread Andrea Rapp
I have discovered some portfolios and a book or two that someone--I 
know not who--brought back from pre-1948 Palestine and these items 
ended up in our temple.  They are by famous Israeli artists--e.g. a 
portfolio of prints by Boris Schatz (founder of the Bezalel School), 
including a booklet signed by Schatz and by his son Bezalel Schatz.
   Another item is a lovely, hand-sewn little book of "ten pictures" 
of Eretz Yisrael by Zeev Raban, also an early Bezalel School artist.
   (I think I wrote earlier about the artist Stanislaus Bender--who 
was not Israeli).
   I suspect these things are of significant value, and when I search 
the web, I sometimes find--as in the case of the "ten pictures" by 
Raban, that they have been sold at auction in recent years. What's 
frustrating is --that to learn the auction price, you have to 
"subscribe" to the site.
Does anyone have a suggestion for how to find out their auction 
prices without having to "subscribe" to these auction house sites?
  Andrea Rapp


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[ha-Safran]: For the Love of Being Jewish

2010-10-25 Thread Andrea Rapp
Did anyone purchase this A-Z Primer-- that's more for adults than kids?
How did you catalog it?
  Andrea Rapp
  Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Segula Magazine

2010-10-20 Thread Andrea Rapp
I subscribed and have received 2 issues--the last one was June/July.
Have other subscribers received a 3rd issue? It's almost November...
   Andrea Rapp
   Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Update on Historic Children's Book Collection

2010-10-20 Thread Andrea Rapp
Hi, all.
  Our special collection will be named for two Wise Temple 
librarians--I'm sure many of you knew and worked with Judy Carsch, 
and maybe a few of you even knew Judy's predecessor, Bess Shavzin.
   We are beginning the process of making the all the changes in our 
online catalog records for this special collection, and then I will 
be able to publicize it more broadly. But meantime, here is the 
approximate statement to expalin our collection--this will eventually 
go up on our website and in our publicity.  The very last paragraph 
will be implemented when we are finished with the catalog 
update.  Your comments are welcome!

The Shavzin-Carsch Collection of Historic Jewish Children's Books


It is a major collection of historically significant books of 
Jewish content written for children and teens. The collection is 
named for Bess Shavzin and Judith Carsch, who served consecutively as 
Wise Temple's librarians for 49 years­from 1950 until 1999.


While there are many special collections of children's literature 
highlighting the experiences of varied cultures, locales, and time 
periods, the Shavzin-Carsch Collection is unique in its focus on 
children's literature of Jewish content.

   Teachers, librarians, and researchers interested in historical 
trends in Jewish children's literature on subjects such as 
immigration to America, the Holocaust, family life, religious 
teachings, acculturation and identity, Israel, prejudice and 
anti-Semitism, or in the works of particular authors and 
illustrators, or in changing styles of writing and illustration for 
children, will find the materials in the Shavzin-Carsch Collection to 
be valuable sources.


Books of Jewish content for children and teens, written in or 
translated into English, published from the late 19th century through 
the 1960s, make up this collection.  These materials include 
textbooks and educational material published for students in Jewish 
religious schools.

  With few exceptions, all titles listed in the earliest 
children's bibliographies of the Jewish Book Council and the Jewish 
Book Annual, going back to the first such bibliography in 1947, are 
part of the collection.


   The Collection is open to all researchers, with the caveat that 
its use is confined to the main reading room of the Ralph and Julia 
Cohen Library of the Isaac M. Wise Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio.  The 
Cohen Library is one of the largest synagogue libraries in North 
America.  It contains over 21,000 items in all areas of Judaica.  In 
addition to the (x) number of titles in the Shavzin-Carsch 
Collection, the Library contains approximately five thousand Jewish 
children's books, videos, and CD's.  New children's titles are added 
each year, and these include recipients of the Sydney Taylor Book 
Award, the National Jewish Book Award winners for children and young 
adults, and books of Jewish content which have won other prizes such 
as the Newbery, Caldecott, and Batchelder Awards.

   The holdings of the collection can be viewed at the 
www.wisetemple.org website by clicking on the Ralph and Julia Cohen 
Library tab, then on the icon for the Shavzin-Carsch Historic 
Children's Book Collection. [this is not set up yet].


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[ha-Safran]: Artist Harry Daniels

2010-10-13 Thread Andrea Rapp
In our back stacks, we have some portfolios of prints and lithographs 
of artists Stanislaus Bender, Ze'ev Raban, Saul Rabino, and Harry 
Daniels.  For Daniels (born Hershel Danilowitz in Kolo, Poland), I am 
unable to find dates of birth and death.
Can anyone provide these?
Our prints by Rabino are each signed individually in pencil by 
the artist.  I wonder about their possible value...
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Cookbook result

2010-10-07 Thread Andrea Rapp
Some people asked me to post answers to my query about a Jewish Cook 
Book for a new, young Jew-by-choice.
   I should have said that kashrut is not an issue.  A number of 
answers stressed that these were kosher cookbooks, they explained how 
to kasher meat, etc.
   I think I will suggest one of the Joan Nathan books which probably 
got the most "votes"--along with Kosher by Design.  People mentioned 
Nathan's Jewish Holiday Kitchen and the more recent Jewish Cooking in America.
 These don't have illustrations, and although I never had 
cookbooks with illustrations back in the era when I was getting 
cookbooks, I wonder whether today's brides will be unenthused about a 
book that lacks the gorgeous photos of something like Kosher by Design.
   Anyway, other vote-getters were Spice and Sprit of Jewish 
Cooking  (described as "Hasidic"), California Kosher, and Jewish 
Cooking for Dummies.
   Our library has a cook book called Jewish Food by Matthew Goodman 
that is loaded with infor about the various cuisines and diaspora 
communities, but I do think it suffers from its lack of any 
illustrations at all to break the pages of narrative and recipes.


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[ha-Safran]: Cookbooks

2010-10-05 Thread Andrea Rapp
A patron wants a recommendation for a Jewish cookbook for a young 
lady converting to Judaism.  A cookbook of easy to make recipes and 
which also tells something of the history and/or cuisine as 
background to some of the dishes.
   Any suggestions?  URJ has a new one called Entree to Judaism.  I'd 
like to hear views of it and/or other favorite titles.
   Thanking you in advance,
   Andrea Rapp


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Books for teenagers

2010-10-04 Thread Andrea Rapp
Of the recent fiction, I think Life, After by Sarah Littman is superb 
and I hope it wins the Sydney Taylor Award. Other top choices of mine 
would be Eve Tal's Double Crossing and its sequel, Cursing 
Columbus.  I was disappointed that these didn't receive top recognition!
   How about a couple of non-fiction books about Israel?  I'd 
recommend Homeland: The Illustrated History of the State of Israel, 
with its gorgeous graphics, and/or
Louise Chipley Slavicek's Israel (2nd ed), and the very new and very 
timely Islamic-Jewish Relations Before 1947 by Tanya Sklar.
   Andrea Rapp
   Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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Re: [ha-Safran]: A Note from the AJL President

2010-09-28 Thread Andrea Rapp
I agree completely with Liz' desire to continue a print Newsletter, 
and have written to Jim expressing that view.
I'd be fine paying increased membership dues if that would allow 
the print version to continue.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Scholarly/Academic Sources to Refute Ilan

2010-09-28 Thread Andrea Rapp
Here's a review of Pappe's earlier book, and below it are 3 book 
citations from our temple library.  I'd write to Daniel Pipes 
directly (use the contact info on his website danielpipes.org) and 
ask about a review of the specific book you mention.


Gelber, Yoav.
The new post-Zionist historians.

Chapters are: Post-Zionism and Anti-Zionism; Politicized History; 
Postmodernism; Jewish Nationalism and the Denial of Jewish 
Nationality; Israeli Nationality.
BOOK 1 available
Karsh, Efraim.
Fabricating Israeli history : the "new historians".

The author is Director of the Mediterranean Studies program at King's 
College, University of London. In this book, he cites numerous 
examples in depth to illustrate his contention that the "'new" or 
"revisionist" Israeli historians use foul play, violating all tenets 
of sound research and scholarship, to reach their conclusions.
BOOK 1 available
Hazony, Yoram.
The Jewish state : the struggle for Israel's soul.

A study of the "new historians" of Israel and the rejection by 
Zionist intellectuals of the original conception of the Jewish state 
as proposed by Theodor Herzl and Israel's founders.



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[ha-Safran]: Update on Historic Childrens' Book Collection

2010-09-27 Thread Andrea Rapp
To all who expressed interest in this project of the Wise Temple 
Library, I thought I'd let you know that it is moving along.

   I have a tentative "mission statement" which includes the 
description and criteria for inclusion in this collection. I will 
post it when it is final.
   I've been able to purchase from Eric Kline the volumes of the 
Jewish Book Annuals that we were missing--some of those early 
volumes.  Now we have the complete set, with their annual listing of 
children's books published each year, as well as the early 
bibliographies by Fanny Goldstein and others of selected children's 
books.  I'll be using these as sources of annotations so that each 
book in the collection will be annotated in our catalog.  Linda 
Silver's list of suggest background reading and her help in setting 
up criteria was crucial in getting this underway.
I don't know whether our collection will be the Wise Collection 
or have another name.  I need to talk to our rabbi about that, and a 
few other issues.  That will happen when the post-High Holiday 
backlog eases up for him.
I think this collection of children's Judaica, going back in some 
cases to the late 19th century, is exciting and hopefully will be of 
use to researchers who want to study the continuity and evolution of 
various issues and topics in Jewish children's literature.
   I welcome any and all comments and suggestions!
Andrea Rapp
Isaac M. Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: AJLN Index

2010-09-20 Thread Andrea Rapp
Can someone offer an update on the status of preparing an index of 
reviews from the AJL Newsletters?
   Andrea Rapp, Cincinnati


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Re: [ha-Safran]: The Tagged Tanakh by JPS

2010-09-07 Thread Andrea Rapp
I don't get it.
Can someone explain in a sentence or two what this is about?


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[ha-Safran]: Jewish Book Annuals

2010-08-30 Thread Andrea Rapp
I am looking for Volumes 5 through 14 of the Jewish Book Annual.
Rather than purchase them piecemeal from various vendors, I thought 
I'd ask whether anyone has all, or most of those volumes for sale.
Andrea Rapp
Isaac M. Wise Temple Library
Cincinnati, Ohio


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[ha-Safran]: myjewishbooks.com

2010-08-18 Thread Andrea Rapp
I check this site periodically to see what's new in Jewish publishing.

The Fall update has this, about Linda Silver's forthcoming book:



October 2010, JPS Jewish Publication Society
So many books, so little time! Where do you start? With this book: 
Linda Silver's guide to the most notable books for young readers. 
Here are a top librarian's picks of the best in writing, 
illustration, reader appeal, and authentically Jewish content in 
picture books, fiction and non-fiction, for early childhood through 
the high school years. You'll find the classics like K'tonton and the 
All-of-a-Kind Family books, right on to Terrible Things, Are You 
There God? It's Me, Margaret, and today's bestsellers, along with 
hundreds of others. Chapters are organized by subject and entries 
within each include a succinct description of the book and author, 
and Silver's own insights on what makes it worth reading. There are 
title, subject, author, and illustrator indexes, title-grouping by 
reading level, and lists of award winners. A wonderful reference for 
parents, grandparents, teachers, librarians--and, of course, the kids 
so dear to them. Linda is co-editor of the newsletter of the AJL 
(Association of Jewish Librarians)
Click the book cover to read more.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Video suggestion needed for Intro to Judaism

2010-08-16 Thread Andrea Rapp
It's amazing what meager offerings there are on this.
Although for older kids rather than seminary students, and only 20 
minutes, this is the best one I know of.
It's called What Is Judaism? We bought it from Library Video Company

Schlessinger Media, c2006.
1 DVD (20 minutes).
An introduction to Judaism. Includes view of a boy preparing for his 
bar mitzvah, a familiy preparing for Passover, and a look at the 
different branches of Judaism.



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[ha-Safran]: A Book List for the Jewish Child

2010-08-10 Thread Andrea Rapp
If anyone has a copy to spare of this  57-page Jewish Book Council 
booklet of 1972, I would be happy to purchase it.
   I have a copy from the HUC Library, but it would be convenient if 
we owned it.
  Andrea Rapp
  Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Jewish Children's Literature collection

2010-07-29 Thread Andrea Rapp
Dear colleagues,
   Back on July 20, I posted on hasafran a message about Wise 
Temple's large collection of early Jewish children's books and 
concluded by saying: "So if anyone is doing research requiring early 
Jewish children's books, for all ages and in all areasthere is a 
good chance we in Cincinnati have what you're looking for."
   Since that time, I've read a number of the  articles and 
retrospectives about Jewish children's books, checked our catalog 
against the titles mentioned in these articles, and confirmed my 
instincts that we have virtually all of these, going back over a 
hundred years to the oldest of them.
   So I plan to cull these books from our "stacks" into a discrete 
collection.  Of course our contemporary collection is very large, 
also; covering children's and young people's books as well as 
curriculum materials--"historic" and contemporary-- in our Teacher's 
Resource Center.
   Our catalog is online at the temple's website (wisetemple.org; 
click on Ralph and Julia Cohen Library), and I invite interested 
folks to explore its holdings in the main rooms, and in the "stacks" 
where much of the historic material is shelved.
   Cincinnati has the added advantage of being the home to several 
institutions of interest: HUC, its Klau Library, the American Jewish 
Archives, the University of Cincinnati, and Xavier University, which 
has a graduate program in multicultural literature for children.
It may well be that assembling another such children's book 
collection elsewhere is worthwhile.  But in the meantime, I want you 
all to know what we'll be working on at Wise with the collection we 
already have. It's exciting to see that the subject that we all love 
is of broad interest in academia, outside our own little world.
   Andrea Rapp
   Isaac M. Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Historic Jewish Children's Books

2010-07-26 Thread Andrea Rapp
Setting up criteria could be complicated.
For example, we have several copies of Marilyn Hirsh's Where is 
Yonkela?--which I see sells for up to $154.00 on alibris.  Yet its 
copyright date is 1969. Would it qualify?


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RE: [ha-Safran]: Early Jewish children's books

2010-07-26 Thread Andrea Rapp
Here in Toronto, we have a collection of old important children's 
books housed at one branch of thepublic library. Is there something 
similar somewhere in the U.S?

Yes, the University of Minnesota has the Kerlan Collection.


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[ha-Safran]: Early Jewish children's books

2010-07-19 Thread Andrea Rapp
I don't have what Linda is looking for, but let me take this 
opportunity to tell everyone that our temple library has a very large 
collection of early Jewish children's books (in English, that 
is).  I'm not just talking Habibi and Yow or Hillel's Happy Holidays 
or all those books that spell our winter holiday "Chanuko."
We have, for example: Prayers and Jingles for Little Children by 
Hortense Freud Hahn, children's books from Israel's very first years 
(e.g. The Little Tractor Who Traveled to Israel--1949) and even 
before, when it was still Palestine (A Picture Book of Palestine; 
Children of the Emek - 1937, numerous others), J novels, like Kasriel 
the Watchman-1925, and so many more, including wonderful Jewish 
biographies written for kids, in the 1950's and 60's,or so.
   So if anyone is doing research requiring early Jewish children's 
books, for all ages and in all areas--religion, fiction, history, 
historical fiction, Bible stories, etc., there is a good chance we in 
Cincinnati have what you're looking for.
   Andrea Rapp
   Isaac M. Wise Temple


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[ha-Safran]: Mishmash books

2010-06-22 Thread Andrea Rapp
Is there Jewish content (besides the dog's name) in this old series 
of books by Molly Cone?
   Andrea Rapp


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RE: [ha-Safran]: Suggestions for Grade 5 graduation gifts

2010-05-23 Thread Andrea Rapp
I'd consider the strikingly illustrated history of Israel and Zionism 
for young people, called "Homeland," which won some awards about 2 years ago.


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[ha-Safran]: LP records

2010-05-12 Thread Andrea Rapp
I fear this has come up before, and if so, I apologize.
What have people been doing with wonderful music collections that are 
on 33 1/3 records?
   Andrea Rapp
   Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Segula Magazine

2010-05-05 Thread Andrea Rapp
I just looked at its website and it looks like a wonderful 
magazine--something like what the Smithsonian put out for America, 
only for Israel...


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Book Title Question

2010-04-27 Thread Andrea Rapp
A possibility is Joan Peters' book, From Time Immemorial.
As I recall, Peters' research ended up illustrating that a very 
significant number of Arabs living in Palestine in 1948 were part of 
a recent migration of Arabs to Palestine that was fueled by the 
development of the country that the Jews/Zionists themselves had 
created. This was not what she had expected to find.


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[ha-Safran]: For "Driven Leaf" fans

2010-03-25 Thread Andrea Rapp
You all probably know that an unfinished novel left by Milton 
Steinberg has just been published.  It's called The Prophet's Wife 
and its main character is the biblical prophet Hosea.  Here's a 
review of it by Rabbi Naomi Levy:



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RE: [ha-Safran]: Holocaust books for teens

2010-03-24 Thread Andrea Rapp
I second Sheryl about Uncle Misha's Partisans.
The reason I didn't mention it is that I assumed it to be out of 
print, therefore unavailable for a class novel.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Holocaust books for teens

2010-03-23 Thread Andrea Rapp
Two books with male protagonists, that I read in a day, are:

Along the Tracks by Tamar Bergman (based on the life of the author's friend)

To Live and Fight Another Day, by Bracha Weisbarth - based on the 
life of the author's brother, who fought as a teen-aged partisan in 
the Ukrainian forests.



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[ha-Safran]: Passover reading?

2010-03-21 Thread Andrea Rapp
Does anyone know of a seder reading for the release of Gilad Shalit?
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Fantasy Library

2010-03-04 Thread Andrea Rapp
Don't get mad, don't drool with envy, but I've been asked to "dream" 
about my fantasy library, what changes I'd want to make if we plan for changes.
  Actually, I feel I already have my fantasy library, but I'm am 
wondering whether anyone can suggest extra touches or things you'd 
really like to see in a synagogue library-- teen area? special 
shelving for  xyz?  A collection of abc? Certain kind of furnishing 
or equipment?


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee's Reviews

2010-03-03 Thread Andrea Rapp
I've bought these twice, and the second time--no, I never read the CD.
I'd prefer having them in print format, where I can read some, mark 
my place, then continue where I left off another day, and especially 
have the ability to read them when I'm not at my desk.
It's simply more versatile and convenient that way for me.
I am curious to know what various committee members thought of 
some books, and there are some people whose opinion I come to 
especially respect, but having to use it as a CD is limiting, and I 
didn't buy it last time.
Thanks for asking,



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[ha-Safran]: Memories of Survival

2010-03-01 Thread Andrea Rapp
I wanted to buy another copy of this book by Esther Nisenthal 
Krinitz--it was a Sydney Taylor Honor book just a few years ago, and 
is a Holocaust book our kids like to read.
Couldn't believe the asking prices on amazon for used copies of the 
out-of-print title, published by Hyperion.
   Andrea Rapp, Wise Temple Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Baby Boomers and post baby boomers

2010-02-23 Thread Andrea Rapp
For my generation, there were a few books that it seemed everyone 
read, that embodied and shaped our Jewish identity.  These included 
The Diary of Anne Frank, The Source, Exodus, maybe Dimont's Jews, 
God, and History.
   Are there any such "canonical" books for the next generation(s) of Jews?
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Re: recommendations on DVD's for children

2010-02-22 Thread Andrea Rapp
I find it so hard to get decent dvd's for kids, ones that aren't an hour long.
Actually, that's a problem with adult documentaries, also; they are 
making them WAY TO LONG for a class or program followed by discussion.
   Anyway, the DVD of Patricia Polacco reading The Keeping Quilt is 
great because at the end, she shows you the real "keeping quilt" and 
you meet her now grown-up baby that was wrapped in it.
I assume you have Molly's Pilgrim, which is excellent, and so is 
the "sequel," Make a Wish Molly."
   What is Judaism? (Schlessinger Media's Series: Understanding World 
Religions) is surprisingly good- for middle grades, 20 minutes. This 
series also has one called Understanding World Religions that could 
be useful: it shows that religions all share common elements, such as 
holy books, sacred places, special days.
   Some of the Israel Up Close (israelupclose.org) video segments are 
really good for middle grades.  Segments are only about 4 minutes, 
and there are 3 segments per DVD.   Some of my favorites are:
Training Guide Dogs for Hebrew Speakers (v. 15)
Arab and Jewish Israeli children learning karate together (Vol. 16)
   Israeli pediatric cardiologists treating children from all over 
the world (Vol. 18)
  American Football comes to Israel (Vol8)
  Israeli  Hi-Tech Summer Camp, Vol. 22
   Israeli teen invents way to drastically cut fuel consumption in 
cars (Vol 24)
  Learning Hebrew Digitally  (Vol. 21)

Please share other suggestions from the group.
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati, OH

   Israel Up Close Videos are only $2.50 apiece...


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[ha-Safran]: Lansky's Outwitting History

2010-02-18 Thread Andrea Rapp
I've just about finished reading this wonderful book; I'm reading it 
because of its inclusion on someone's list of 5 books every Jew should read.
Would whoever it was who included that title in her response to 
my query about "Five Books" please contact me, as I did not save the 
emails themselves.
  Andrea Rapp
  Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Social Media wiki now available

2010-02-11 Thread Andrea Rapp
Honestly, I don't know when people find time for all this.
I've cut back rather than added to my use of social media, podcasts, 
website exploration, etc. Just don't have the time.
  Andrea Rapp


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[ha-Safran]: Maggie Anton (Rashi's Daughters)

2010-02-05 Thread Andrea Rapp
She spoke here in Cincinnati Thursday evening, and I found her 
presentation enchanting.
Lots of humor and I learned a lot--about Talmud and about Jewish life 
in Europe before the Crusades, especially the surprising status of 
Jewish women.
She went a bit longer than other speakers, but the audience 
really enjoyed her.
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Reading level of the Encyclopaedia Judaica

2010-02-05 Thread Andrea Rapp
2nd Edition
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I find the original edition quite ponderous also.
Whenever possible, I use the earlier encyclopedias: Jewish 
Encyclopedia and the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, which are engaging to read.
   Andrea Rapp
   Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Responses to "5 Books"

2010-02-05 Thread Andrea Rapp
The titles which received multiple "votes" were As a Driven Leaf, 
Night,  Diary of Anne Frank, and Sarna's American Judaism.
   Some 1-voters were: Eban's My Country, Dershowitz' Case for 
Israel, Dimont's Jews, God, and History, Sandmel's The Hebrew 
Scriptures, Telushkin's book of Ethics (actually, there are 2 of them 
now), Rise of David Levinsky, Victor Frankls' Man's Search for 
Meaning, Outwitting History, and Songs for the Butcher's 
Daughter.  Oh yes, All-of-a-Kind Family got a vote, and 2 authors 
were mentioned simply as authors: Heschel and Ozick.
As a Driven Leaf is my favorite "novel of ideas," but I've found 
that when I've recommended it to patrons, it seems to fall flat.
If anyone is interested to reply, I'd love to hear responses from 
those who share my love of the book as to the factors that endear it to you


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[ha-Safran]: Emile Schrijver

2010-02-01 Thread Andrea Rapp
I would like to purchase (or borrow) a book by Emile Schrijver that 
was written to accompany a facsimile edition of an 18th 
century  Megillat Esther.
   Does anyone know whether the book alone (without the megillalh) is 
for available?
Andrea Rapp


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[ha-Safran]: Five books

2010-01-31 Thread Andrea Rapp
Five books every American Jew should read.
Not books to have on their shelves for reference, but books to 
actually read in their entirety.
  Any thoughts?
Andrea Rapp, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Lesson plans about Israel

2010-01-09 Thread Andrea Rapp
Probably many of you know about it, but I have recently discovered 
excellent lesson plans for teaching about Israel at the 
standwithus.com website.
   Click on "Teaching Tools and Resources" at the top, then click on 
"Lesson Plans for Israel 101" on the left of the screen.
   These plans are clear and uncluttered and simple to use: On a 
whole variety of subtopics, there are 3 short lists: basic concepts, 
discussion questions, and activities.
   When teachers in my school, or parents of public schoolchildren 
wanting to suggest resources for their schools, want information, I 
will direct them here.
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Lies My Father Told Me

2009-12-21 Thread Andrea Rapp
Seems I recall someone writing on hasafran that this wonderful film 
will be re-released.
Does anyone have this information?
  Andrea Rapp
  Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Art of the Megillah

2009-12-06 Thread Andrea Rapp
There are a number of volumes devoted to ketubah art--its history, 
how the ketubah has been decorated in different Jewish cultures, etc.
   Does anyone know of any similar studies of art for the scroll of Esther?
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Letter on the Wind

2009-12-03 Thread Andrea Rapp
I just came across a mistake in another new Hanukkah book - Hanukkah 
around the World.
For each double-page spread there is an attractive, hand-drawn map 
showing the country under discussion.  The map for Uzbekistan shows 
it bordering a large county called "Soviet Union," and this book just 
came out in 2009.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Refusing to be enemies

2009-11-23 Thread Andrea Rapp
This looks like what has come to be called the Arab "narrative."
This "narrative"--i.e. version of history-- now permeates academia, 
textbook publishing and much of trade-book publishing.
It is full of falsehoods and bias.


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[ha-Safran]: Habibi

2009-11-23 Thread Andrea Rapp
A high school in our area has chosen Habibi as the assigned class novel.
Can anyone direct me to some good critiques of this book?
Andrea Rapp


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[ha-Safran]: Letter on the Wind

2009-11-23 Thread Andrea Rapp
I'm just getting around to adding this children's book, by Sarah 
Marwil Lamstein and illustrated by Neil Waldman, to our library 
collection for Hanukkah.
I wonder who wrote the afterword, which says: "In the Old Testament's 
First Book of Maccabees, we read the story of Mattathias"
But only Catholic Bibles contain the Books of Maccabees in their 
"Old Testament." Plus it says that the miracle of the oil story is in 
Maccabees, whereas it is really in the Talmud, isn't it?
I think I'll put a little note to this effect in the back cover 
of our copy.
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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Re: [ha-Safran]: High School Level Book on anti-Semitism

2009-11-03 Thread Andrea Rapp
"Drummers of Jericho" by Carolyn Meyer is intersesting. It's about a 
Jewish student in a small town high school who objects to marching in 
a "cross" formation in marching band, and causes an incident.
Robert Cormier's "Tunes for Bears to Dance to" has a Holocaust 
connection but takes place in contemporary USA and is a fascinating 
study. It would be my first choice.
Also consider Kathryn Lasky's "Prank", Sybil Rosen's "Speed of 
Light", and Eileen Sherman's "The Violin Players", also set in a high 
school (in the Midwest).
   Andrea Rapp
   Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Reading programs/accelerated reader

2009-10-16 Thread Andrea Rapp
Re Accelerated Reading books, last year I was going to do that -- 
mark our books with the AR reading level.  The problem is that kids 
involved in AR in their public schools take the AR quizzes to earn 
the points -- there's a test (on computer) they take and must achieve 
a certain score in order to get points.
The schools purchase these quizzes on discs and load them on 
their computers.  But they purchase very few of the quizzes for the 
books we had in the library.  In other words, most public schools 
won't have Sammy Spider books and other Judaica titles in large amounts.
   In the end, I aborted this project. So be forewarned: If kids 
think they can get AR points for reading books in their temple 
library, and then learn that they won't get points because their 
school doesn't have the appropriate quizzes, it could be a bust.



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[ha-Safran]: Intro to Judaism video

2009-10-16 Thread Andrea Rapp
A world religions teacher in a public high school wants a video that 
introduces Judaism to the students.
   Any suggestions out there?
Andrea Rapp
Isaac M. Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Reading programs

2009-10-01 Thread Andrea Rapp
yes, it's like pulling teeth.  I do programs for grades 1-6, and it 
gets  hard starting in 4th grade--and by 6th grade it's a real challenge.
I found that some 6th graders were often not actually reading the 
books, but simply copied a sentence from the blurb or in other ways 
indicated to me that they didn't read or comprehend the book -- it 
seemed it was simply an exercise to get the prize.
   So I've changed the cards that they fill out so they are specific 
and must show that the reader can give some real content-- I have 
separate cards for the genres of: Fiction, Non-Fiction/Biography, and Folktale.

   Our 4th graders do the leaf on the tree activity; they don't read 
for prizes, but to raise money for an Israeli cause (their curriculum 
is Israel).  At the end of the year I tell them about several causes 
in Israel and they vote on 2: Sisterhood contributes dollars for each 
leaf and we send in checks to 2 causes that they've picked.  This 
actually works best -- I send each participant a copy of the 
thank-you and other materials we received back from the institutions.
   The Israeli Guide Dogs for the Blind sent a photo of adorable 
puppies who will be trained, and our sister city in Israel sent back 
personal notes from the teens in Israel who were helped by the 
project we supported.  This got the kids' attention.
   Andrea Rapp
   Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Critical thinking vs. knowledge

2009-09-23 Thread Andrea Rapp
For teachers and those interested in education in general:
Here's a Diane Ravitch piece about an educational fad that won't go away:



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[ha-Safran]: How Facebook Ruins Friendships

2009-09-14 Thread Andrea Rapp
That's the name of a piece in today's Wall St. Journal.  It discusses 
not just the usual ways the online world is changing our 
communications, but points out something I've noticed on Facebook -- 
it seems to promote the more immature aspects of our personalities!



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Re: [ha-Safran]: No more assigned classics

2009-09-14 Thread Andrea Rapp
But your project wasn't: Read anything at all you want, it was: 
choose from these offerings. The offerings probably didn't include 
"Captain Underpants" type of books.

Anyway, I'll bet I'm not the only one wondering what college it was 
that rejected students because their high school didn't require Silas 
Marner.  Weird!


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Blessing a library?

2009-09-14 Thread Andrea Rapp
I don't have a blessing, but I do recall a great quote by Elie Wiesel 
that was approximately:
   If the school is the temple, the library is the sanctuary.



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[ha-Safran]: Hebrew letter stencils

2009-09-07 Thread Andrea Rapp
A patron is looking for Hebrew letter stencils about 4 inches in height.
I can only find ones much smaller, 2 inches or less.
We'd love to know of a source for 4" good-quality stencils to use for 
an embroidery project,
Thank you,
Andrea Rapp, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: No more assigned classics

2009-09-07 Thread Andrea Rapp
What do you all think of this?

Andrea Rapp


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[ha-Safran]: Advance uncorrected proof

2009-07-20 Thread Andrea Rapp
If one has a copy of a book marked "advance uncorrected proof" or 
with similar wording, is it wrong to accession such a book into a 
library's collection?
   Andrea Rapp


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[ha-Safran]: Superman birthplace

2009-07-13 Thread Andrea Rapp
One of the talked about children's books of the past year was Boys of 
Steel -- about the Jewish teens who created Superman-- and Jews had a 
role in the creation of other comic book heroes.  Here's a story from 
this week's Wall Street Journal bearing on the topic:


Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Web Site Story

2009-07-13 Thread Andrea Rapp
Fans of the blogs, wikis, etc. will enjoy this spoof:



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[ha-Safran]: For those driving into Chicago Sunday

2009-07-04 Thread Andrea Rapp
I hear it's Taste of Chicago weekend, in Grant Park.
If you're coming from the south, you may want to be aware of possible 
traffic jams.
Andrea Rapp



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Re: [ha-Safran]: Rebecca Rubin books

2009-07-04 Thread Andrea Rapp
Haven't seen these yet, but their author Jacqueline Dembar Greene 
wrote a duet of wonderful historical novels for middle-upper grades 
(One Foot Ashore and Out of Many Waters).  Based on those, I would be 
very positively inclined toward this new series.
   Andrea Rapp
  Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Twitter

2009-06-29 Thread Andrea Rapp
Have any of you used twitter for you library, as they are doing in the UK?

Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Article needed

2009-06-24 Thread Andrea Rapp
Colleagues, I am in need of an article from Hadassah Magazine, June 
1969, titled:
   "The Ketubah in Jewish Art,"
Can anyone supply this, or even bring it to convention, and I'll 
return it that day?
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati, OH


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[ha-Safran]: Looking for recommendations

2009-06-24 Thread Andrea Rapp
Looking for recommendations for novels for college students:
   one about Jewish life in Poland (Warsaw or Cracow) before the Holocaust.
   one about Jewish life in Poland after the Holocaust.

OR: same as above, only set in Prague.
  Andrea Rapp
  Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Ketubahs

2009-06-21 Thread Andrea Rapp
   I'm doing some research on ketubot for a project at my 
synagogue.  Ketubot from different lands and eras can be instructive 
about the history of the time...for example, one ketubah from Italy 
in 1832 actually has the figure of Napoleon on top!   Another had the 
Ottoman flag, as the groom served the Ottoman government.  A medieval 
ketubah showed a bride and groom--the groom wearing the "Jew's hat."
   What will today's ketubot tell about our culture to future 
generations?  If anyone can direct me to a site where there are 
ketubot that speak to the unique conditions of 21st century American 
Jewry, I would most appreciate it.  I've yet to find any political 
statement on a contemporary ketubah, but who knows?  A ketubah that 
says "Yes we can!" at the bottom?
Andrea Rapp
Wise Temple, Cincinnati


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[ha-Safran]: Convention refunds

2009-05-21 Thread Andrea Rapp
What is the policy on refunds for convention fee already paid?
Andrea Rapp


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