tuple component functions

1999-09-16 Thread S.D.Mechveliani

As Haskell has the standard functions  fst, snd  to decompose  (a,b),
maybe, it worths to provide also
  tuple31, tuple31, tuple31,
  tuple51, tuple52, tuple53, tuple54, tuple55

for the tuples of  n = 3,4,5 ?

Sergey Mechveliani

language extension proposal

1999-09-16 Thread S.D.Mechveliani

Dear Haskell users and developers,

I announce that  manual.txt  from the archive

contains the section 
 {lne} Language extension proposal

Adding the following language features seem to make Haskell more fit
the needs of programming mathematics:

  (der)more "deriving" abilities
  (overl)  extended polymorphism for values and instance overlap
  (dc) automatic conversion between types (domains)
  (recat)  reorganising standard algebraic categories
  (es) equational simplifier annotations

You see, i worry about Haskell fitness for the programming of certain 

Sergey Mechveliani

RE: Haskell Wish list: library documentation

1999-09-16 Thread Lars Lundgren

On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Lars Lundgren wrote:

 myProg:: StateMT IO Int
 myProg = return 5
 main = do n - runSMT myProg
 print n

I forgot to show something interesting in my first example, try this

myProg:: StateMT IO Int
myProg = do lift $ putStrLn "HelloWorld!"   -- a lifted IO value
return 5-- a StateMT value

/Lars L

RE: tuple component functions

1999-09-16 Thread Mark P Jones

| As Haskell has the standard functions  fst, snd  to decompose  (a,b),
| maybe, it worths to provide also
|   tuple31, tuple31, tuple31,
|   ...
|   tuple51, tuple52, tuple53, tuple54, tuple55
| for the tuples of  n = 3,4,5 ?

Simon PJ and I have written a proposal for Lightweight extensible
records in Haskell.  You can find the most recent version on Simon's
web page or in the link that Erik posted to the proceedings of the
upcoming Haskell workshop.  With the ideas described there, tuples
could be implemented as records, with labels chosen in some natural
way.  (This idea comes from SML.)  For example, you could treat
(e,f,g) as a short hand for {1=e, 2=f, 3=g}.  And, if you have a
tuple t with at least three components, then you can write t.1, t.2,
and t.3 to extract those values.  Notice that you don't have to say
anything about the size of the tuple; the type system will figure
that out for you, and complain as appropriate if you try to access
a component that isn't there.  I think this would be a more attractive
solution than introducing a new, potentially unbounded family of
somewhat awkwardly named projection operators..

All the best,

Re: tuple component functions

1999-09-16 Thread Bruno Barbier

 As Haskell has the standard functions  fst, snd  to decompose  (a,b),
 maybe, it worths to provide also
   tuple31, tuple31, tuple31,
   tuple51, tuple52, tuple53, tuple54, tuple55
 for the tuples of  n = 3,4,5 ?

Yes!  I often want fst3, snd3, thd3, at least.

I suggest calling them "pi13" or "prj13" rather than "tuple31", though.

I use them too, but I would prefer "pi1_3" or "prj1_3" 
so that we can keep the same convention for arbitrary length
(...for generated programs, of course)

and also,

 tuple3 a b c = (a,b,c)

I prefer "tuple3" than "(,,)" , I don't manage to understand how to use "," alone.

Bruno Barbier
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Besancon,  Universite de Franche-Comte,  France
Phone/Fax : (33) 381.666.459  / (33) 381.666.450

Re: tuple component functions

1999-09-16 Thread Keith Wansbrough

 As Haskell has the standard functions  fst, snd  to decompose  (a,b),
 maybe, it worths to provide also
   tuple31, tuple31, tuple31,
   tuple51, tuple52, tuple53, tuple54, tuple55
 for the tuples of  n = 3,4,5 ?

Yes!  I often want fst3, snd3, thd3, at least.

I suggest calling them "pi13" or "prj13" rather than "tuple31", though.

--KW 8-)
: Keith Wansbrough, MSc, BSc(Hons) (Auckland) :
: PhD Student, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, England. :
:  (and recently of the University of Glasgow, Scotland. [] )   :
: Native of Antipodean Auckland, New Zealand: 174d47' E, 36d55' S.:
: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/kw217/  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

Novice question 2

1999-09-16 Thread Christopher Jeris

Thanks again for your help with the previous question.  I have another
one.  (If there is a more appropriate forum for simple questions like
this, please let me know; I don't want to waste your time.)

I am confused about the rules for constraints on polymorphic classes.
Suppose I write a class intended to represent a "Map" data structure such
as Java's java.util.Map or Ocaml's Hashtbl.t:

class Map m where
  map_get:: (Eq a) = m a b - a - Maybe b
  map_put:: (Eq a) = a - b - m a b - m a b
  map_assocs :: (Eq a) = m a b - [(a, b)]

Say I want to write a binary-tree implementation, which will require the
key type a to have an ordering:

data (Ord a) = BtreeMap a b =
  Leaf | Branch a b (BtreeMap a b) (BtreeMap a b)
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Map BtreeMap where -- this doesn't work
-- (obvious implementations)

Then BtreeMap is not an instance of Map, because its methods come with the
constraint (Ord a).  If I instead write the class

class SortedMap m where
  map_get:: (Ord a) = m a b - a - Maybe b
  map_put:: (Ord a) = a - b - m a b - m a b
  map_assocs :: (Ord a) = m a b - [(a, b)]

then the instance declaration
instance SortedMap BtreeMap where
-- (obvious declarations)

works fine.  But with this setup, every Map is a SortedMap, because the
constraint on the key type is looser for Map.  This is the opposite of
what I want!

I think I just haven't understood the Haskell Way to do this.  Can you
show me what I'm missing?

A related question -- Suppose instead I want to implement Map with
association lists:
type Alist a b = [(a, b)]
instance Map Alist where -- this doesn't work
  map_get [] x' = Nothing
  map_get ((x, y):pairs) x' | x' == x   = Just y
| otherwise = map_get pairs x'
  map_put x' y' [] = [(x', y')]
  map_put x' y' ((x, y):pairs) | x' == x   = (x, y'):pairs
   | otherwise = (x, y):(map_put x' y' pairs) 
  map_assocs m = m

This doesn't work because the type synonym Alist cannot be partially
applied, being a type synonym.  But if I use `newtype' instead, then I
have to clutter up the code with an identity type constructor `A' and
projector `unA'.  Is there a cleaner way to do it?

thanks  peace,
Chris Jeris

WAAAPL proceedings available

1999-09-16 Thread Chris Okasaki

The proceedings of WAAAPL (Workshop on Algorithmic
Aspects of Advaced Programming Languages) is now
available electronically.  WAAAPL will be held
in Paris on September 30--between ICFP and
the Haskell Workshop.

The entire proceedings is at

The program and links to invidual papers are at

The proceedings will also be available shortly as
a Columbia University technical report.

Chris Okasaki

RE: Haskell Wish list: library documentation

1999-09-16 Thread Mark P Jones

|  * stToIO . This is often necessary for programs that do 
|stateful things as well as IO. A few years ago, having read
|all relevant papers, I was very perplexed by the problem of
|doing stateful things and IO at the same time.  Eventually I
|realised it is not possible to nest monads,
| But it is possible! You just need to use a monadtransformer:

While the discussion about monad transformers etc. is interesting,
it might be worth pointing out that Hugs 98 already has stToIO.
It's a standard function of type:  ST s a - IO a  that is exported
from both the ST and LazyST libraries.  Tim already explained that
his wishlist was based on Hugs about a year ago.  But that predates
Haskell 98, Hugs 98, and another major effort that we made to
bring Hugs and GHC that little bit closer together.  But if you
haven't downloaded Hugs 98 already, I'd suggest waiting a little
longer for the next release.

All the best,

Re: tuple component functions

1999-09-16 Thread Jon . Fairbairn

On 16 Sep, Keith Wansbrough wrote:
 I suggest calling them "pi13" or "prj13" rather than "tuple31", though.

pi1_3 or proj1_3 or select_1_3 or sel_1_3, even s_1_3 -- omitting the
"_" means sel is ambiguous (!).  We should choose a scheme that can
cope with such things even if they are unlikely.

I don't think pi_m_n looks right unless you replace pi with the greek
letter (UNICODE, anyone?).


Re: tuple component functions

1999-09-16 Thread Ron Wichers Schreur

Jón Fairbairn wrote (to the Haskell mailing list):

 pi1_3 or proj1_3 or select_1_3 or sel_1_3, even s_1_3 -- omitting the
 "_" means sel is ambiguous (!).  We should choose a scheme that can
 cope with such things even if they are unlikely.

 I don't think pi_m_n looks right unless you replace pi with the greek
 letter (UNICODE, anyone?).

Or adopt the proposal by Mark Jones and Simon Peyton Jones for records 
http://research.microsoft.com/~simonpj/#records and its extension
to tuples, and you can write x.1, x.2, x.3 etc. Tbey don't seem sure
about the syntax, but I don't mind using integers as field names for

I think in all cases records are a better data structure. Just use tuples
for functions with multiple results.


Ronny Wichers Schreur