Re: [Haskell-cafe] Errors in non-monadic code

2013-08-19 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk :

I would like to see more code move away from exceptions and into
types like Maybe or Either or other types defined for the
particular situation (as some people were suggesting in the beginning
of the thread). And the reason for this it is because when you program
against types you have to make a decision whether to handle the error
or let it bleed through: you can't ignore the choice because you can't
ignore the type. On the other hand, with exceptions, you can easily
forget to handle the exception if you're not looking at the
documentation at the time when you write the code.

Tom Ellis:

This is/exactly/  the reason to avoid exceptions where possible.

I disagree.

Types which neutralize some particular conditions (whether you call them 
exceptional or not is conventional) and propagate Nothing etc. is not 
a panacea.
Some exceptions, e.g. in the traversal of deep structures may be and ARE 
used as escaping continuations. Calling all that not the right thing to 
do, or issuing other normative statements is, how would I express it... 
, is not the right thing to do. Now you can add here some dozen smileys...

More seriously, some people like exquisite continuations and will use 
them. Instead of fighting against exceptions it might be more fruitful 
to make them more robust, powerful, parametrable and sexy.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Errors in non-monadic code

2013-08-19 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 20/08/2013 00:19, a écrit :

If I understand correctly, by escaping continuations you mean that
you can easily transfer control between the point where the exception
is raised and the exception handler.

If this is what you mean, you can achieve the same effect with monadic
code by chaining monads together


José, this is mainly the question of efficiency. You don't need to 
establish contact between the distant stack frames, and you may 
propagate failures if this happens seldom. But if the escaping 
continuation is a frequent case, it might be more economic to jump. 
This is as simple as that.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some philosophy

2013-08-10 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Kim-Ee Yeoh comments my reading suggestion:

Indiscrete Thoughts by Gian-Carlo Rota, published by Birkhäuser
in 1997. Available on the Web. [I forgot where]

I'm rather fond of Rota's two volumes of musings. For the purpose of 
furthering the quality of philosophizing, would it not be better 
served citing the relevant chapters, if not the actual page numbers?

As you took note, the book covers a swathe of topics.

Shall I also give the line numbers, Kim-Ee? The book of Rota is divided 
into parts and chapters, with titles. It is not so difficult to find 
quickly that something may (or not) interest you. What is a relevant 
chapter in a collection of philosophical essays?

You might skip the biographies of some mathematicians, with some 
unpleasant fragments, if you are not interested.

I liked a few others.

Part II, Ch. VII: The Pernicious Influence of Mathematics Upon 
Philosophy is an inspired attack addressed at the analytical 
philosophers who felt really offended!  (This is a reprint from the 
Journal of Metaphysics, published also in the book 18 Unconventional 
Essays on the Nature of Mathematics, Springer, ed. by  Reuben Hersh. I 
also recommend it [also on the Web], it is plenty of serious wisdom, 
although sometimes hard to read.)
This chapter deals with the non-philosophical essence of logic, with the 
philosophical vacuity of formal definitions. Very inspiring.

For Rota the question of IDENTITY is more important than that of 
EXISTENCE. The chapter XII: Syntax, Semantics, and the Problem of the 
Identity of Mathematical Items (p. 151) begins his presentation of the 
subject, which continues  later. Rota exposes some reasoning based on 
his favourite philosophical topic, the phenomenology, continuing 
previous sections. This may not convince you (e.g. if you are an 
orthodox materialist...), but you might learn something.

The chapter about /Fundierung/ (XV, p. 172) in which Rota fights against 
the reductionism, may give you a headache. But you should survive.

Anyway, /a ciascuno il suo/.

Jerzy K.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Some philosophy (Was: Alternative name for return)

2013-08-09 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk
I have the impression that a nice part of our dispute comes from the 
fact that despite our ambitions, and a decent /technical/ level of 
understanding of what we are talking about, most of us are (and I am one 
of the worst...) --

-- pitiful philosophers...

Really bad...
Confusing the contents and the function/role of the entities,
using ambiguous definitions (and confounding objects with their 

et j'en passe.


I decided to reread some philosophical texts, and I suggest one for your 
evening reading.

Indiscrete Thoughts by Gian-Carlo Rota, published by Birkhäuser in 
1997. Available on the Web.

Rota was an active *mathematician* and teacher, and the sense of 
mathematical constructs was very important for him. It is a very 
refreshing book, you won't be disappointed.
(It contains also some personal views of Rota on his fellows 
mathematicians. And the analysis of the difference between characters 
who are problem solvers, as contrasted with theoreticians... Rota 
was a strong personality, full of obsessions, and his ideas on the 
soundness of formal thinking may not convince you, but you should find 
them interesting. And you will find inside that for Rota the term 
should is very important, even if it impossible to define...)

Many thanks to Olivier Danvy, who recommended me this book!

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Identity of indiscernibles (Was: Alternative name for return)

2013-08-08 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Tom Ellis:

If I were writing a Haskell compiler I could certainly define 'IO' to be a
datatype that would allow me to compare 'putStr c' to itself.  The
comparison could not be of operational equivalence, but it would still be
possible to compare values in IO in a reasonable sense.

Would you add to all this:
getLine == getLine

Good luck!

I suspect that you would have to establish also the equality relation 
between functions and between infinite streams.
And you would end as Giordano Bruno and Jeanne d'Arc. But for different 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Identity of indiscernibles

2013-08-08 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk
I am sorry for having mixed-up arguments (but who throws the first 

Jerzy seemed to suggest that the impurity of IO was somehow related to it
not supporting very many operations.

No, not really. I added

First, it is not true  that you can do with, say, (printStr Ho! ) 
whatever you want. In fact, you can do almost nothing with it. You can 
transport it as such, and you can use it as the argument of (=). 

after the message of Jake McA.

/You can do whatever you want with them/ with no harmful effects in 
any Haskell expression. 

This was an additional layer of bikeshedding, not exactly about purity.
Or, just a bit: the ONLY real operation on an action, i.e. (=)  
produces side-effects... Other don't, but --

Again, here my point is that calling pure an entity which is opaque 
and inert, is meaningless (or redundant if you wish...), this was all.

Jerzy K.

PS. Tom Ellis:

One could simply implement IO as a free monad

Interesting. I wonder how.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-07 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Richard A. O'Keefe :

Haskell has*trained*  my intuition to
see 'putStrLn Hi' as a pure value; it's not the thing itself that has effects,
but its interpretation by an outer engine, just as my magnetic card key has by
itself no power to open doors, but the magnetic reader that looks at the card
I am the last here who would quarrel with Richard O'K., but I firmly 
believe that such reasoning is a Pandora box.

The King, the government, the Pope, etc. have no power, only the 
interpretation of their decrees by outer agents _does_ things.

Saying that the Justice of the country X is lousy is a harmful abuse. 
Our Justice is good, only its interpretation by some incompetent 
traitors gave rise to all these calamitous events.

You see what I mean?... Are we going to switch now to the Mind-Body dilemma?


BTW. Saying that 5 is a pure value means only that the whole of the 
underlying system treats it as such. The object 5 couldn't care less. 
It even doesn't know that in some programming language it is equivalent 
to an action which puts it on the evaluation stack.

That's why for me the purity (while teaching I try to avoid this word) 
means simply that whatever you do with the object, it won't fire a 
magic process. As Richard, I do not claim that this is right, but it 
surely facilitated my teaching of Haskell. My students have already more 
than enough of my /philosophie de pacotille/...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-07 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Bardur Arantsson comments the comment of Joe Quinn:

On 8/7/2013 11:00 AM, David Thomas wrote:

twice :: IO () - IO ()
twice x = x  x

I would call that evaluating x twice (incidentally creating two
separate evaluations of one pure action description), but I'd like to
better see your perspective here.

x is only evaluated once, but/executed/  twice. For IO, that means
magic. For other types, it means different things. For Identity, twice =

Your point being? x is the same thing regardless of how many times you
run it.

What do you mean by the same thing? You cannot compare 'them' in any 
reasonable sense.

This, the impossibility to check putStr c == putStr c, is btw, a 
refutation of the claim by Tom Ellis that you can do even less with (). 
The void object is an instance of the Eq and Ord classes. And of Show as 

You make the distinction between evaluate, and  execute or run, 
etc. This is not functional. Your program doesn't run anything, it 
applies (=) (or equivalent) to an IO (...) object. This is the only 
practical evaluation of it, otherwise it can  be passed (or duplicated 
as above). But you cannot apply bind twice to the same instance of it 
(in fact, as I said above, the same instance  is a bit suspicious 

The running or execution takes place outside of your program. In 
such a way Richard O'Keefe and I converge... That's why I say that the 
concept of purity is meaningless in the discussed context. It is a kind 
of counterfeit notion, inherited from pure functions to something 
which belongs to two different worlds.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

PS. I believe that some impure remarks about the familiarity of X or Y 
with English do not belong to this forum.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-06 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

What about X, Y, Z, ...

We have seen this discussion already a long time ago. The terms unit 
and result have been proposed. And others. Somebody (I forgot who) 
advocated even the name monad in this context. And this might have 
continued forever...

With all my respect, I see that Haskell reached finally the Noble Domain 
of Philosophy. I mean, instead of discussing concepts, people begin to 
discuss names.
And since for some, even IO () is a pure value, I suspect that the 
next round will rekindle the discussion on the word pure...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-06 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 06/08/2013 11:01, J. Stutterheim a écrit :

... So in reply to Jerzy, I do want to encourage the discussion in the Noble Domain 
of Philosophy and I also want to repeat that I am not proposing to change Haskell 
or Haskell libraries

Jurriën, I taught Haskell for several years. I saw the disgraceful confusion in heads of 
my students whose previous programming experience was based on Python, and who learned 
Haskell and Java in parallel. So, I won't claim that names are irrelevant. And 
return in particular.

However, my personal philosophy is the following: accept the fact that words in one language -- formal or 
natural -- mean something different than in another one. [[In French the word file in computerese is 
queue in English; this is in fact a French word meaning tail in English, and I have several 
dozens of such examples... And so what?...]]

It is good to choose consciously some good names while elaborating a standard. But 
getting back to it after several years, is -- for me -- a waste of time. This, 
unfortunately, pollutes the true philosophy as well. I believe that at least 80% of the 
progress in the philosophy of religions belongs to the linguistic domain.

The anglosaxons corupted the word semantics, used in a pejorative sense: 
discussion about superficialities, the words, not the concepts, while the true 
semantics is about the true sense.

So, sorry for being sarcastic, or even cynical in my previous post, but I 
sincerely think that oldies are oldies, let them be, and work more on issues 
that are still evolving.

All the best.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-06 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 06/08/2013 14:47, Jake McArthur a écrit :
... But IO actions *are* pure values. What side effects do they have? 
None! /You can do whatever you want with them/ with no harmful effects 
in any Haskell expression. They only special thing about them is that 
they have a run function

As I said,  --
*Now Is The Time*  --
[[choose your reference of this Original Expression; perhaps the albums 
of Alanis Morissette or that of Jeff Lorber...]]

... to discuss the Purity. Go ahead and good luck.

Unfortunately I belong to a Cretacean generation, for whom the 
Referential Transparency means something, so I don't believe you, Jake.  
I am not saying that you are wrong. I say that calling an action a pure 
/value/ is almost meaningless.

1. First, it is not true  that you can do with, say, (printStr Ho! ) 
whatever you want. In fact, you can do almost nothing with it. You can 
transport it as such, and you can use it as the argument of (=).

2. This is the only way you can evaluate your pure value, and because 
of the monadic chaining, you cannot do it twice, you cannot 
re-evaluate it. You know all this as well as I do, perhaps better. 
That's why the purity here is dubious (although, unless I am mistaken, 
all functional constructs are considered pure by Wadler...).

3. Brandon Albery is (in my eyes) right:

what's impure about lifting 5 into Maybe or []? `pure` feels IO-targeted.

A list, such as (return 5) in the List/Nondet Monad may be treated as a 
normal data item. But a IO action, or a IoRef mutable reference -- not 
really, they are Magic. If you claim that Magic is Pure, I abandon the 
ring. For me the Magical entities (i.e., the entities which are 
controlled by some layers UNDER the one YOU control) are impure, since 
there is no operational definition of purity for them. No side 
effects? Sure, if you don't do anything with it. Even the most horrible 
Devil is pure. Unless you call it...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Probabilistic functional programming with Baysig/BayesHive

2013-07-09 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 09/07/2013 13:53, Tom Nielsen a écrit :

Almost everything else -- optimal decisions, categorisation, (...) --
becomes trivial.

Optimal decisions trivial?
Interesting... And not so frequent...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] (no subject)

2013-06-10 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk


Haskell was /developed/ by teams, but we had BEFORE: hope, miranda, ML 
... The heritage is quite important.
And individuals (say, Mark Jones) contributed to Haskell constructs. So, 
the /design/ is not entirely committe based


Promise to me, and the rest of the community, that
Haskell will always spiritually remain the same clean,
consistent programming language as it is now!

Dear Mom, dear Dad! Promise me that you will never die...

I wish that for all of you.
Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] list comprehension doesn't work

2013-05-14 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk


There is nothing wrong with sending beginner questions to h-café!
After all, a FRIENDLY community is for whom? For Simon PJ only?

Notice that John got more than a dozen answers, people TRY to help him 


On the other hand, the original requester *should* have thought on:

1. Putting down in a concise, but explicit manner what was for him the 
expected result. And also:

2. Writing what were the errors signalled by the system.

But no, we had just help!, nothing works.  This should be avoided, 
some people are reluctant to analyze situations too obscure, even if one 
almost-syntax error was clear...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Looking for portable Haskell or Haskell like language

2013-04-27 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Christopher Howard:

I was wondering if there was perhaps
another language very similar to Haskell (but presumably simpler) with a
super portable compiler easily built from source, which I could try.

I'll admit -- I haven't tried the HUGS compiler for Haskell. The quick
description didn't make it sound much more portable than GHC, but I
guess I could try it if I heard some good reasons to think it would be
more portable.

Is the portability which worries you, or the age of your system?

Hugs (and Gofer before) are simply sufficiently old... I used them on 
Red Hat in one of my previous lives.

Do you really need to compile your system from sources?

There are binaries everywhere. If you want a *simpler* language, perhaps 
try Miranda? Also a quite ancient language...

Or, perhaps a newer one, in some aspects simpler than Haskell (but far 
from any simplicity): Clean.

Perhaps it might help to know what do you need it for...

The best

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Yampa integral function

2013-04-16 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 17/04/2013 00:36, felipe zapata a écrit :

I'm trying to write some simulator of
physical systems using Yampa.
The fundamental idea is to integrate
the position and velocity, using
the following algorithm:
... ...

Nothing to do with Haskell.
Where do you get this factor 0.5 in your formula:  v = v0 + integral ( 
0.5 * force * recip mass) ?

With constant acceleration v=v0+a*Dt =  1.01, not 1.05

What is that:  let x = x0 + vdt2 ??
Again, a constant acceleration movement gives : x = x0 + v0*Dt + a*Dt^2/2.

Yampa or not Yampa, I suspect that your implementation of physics is 
simply wrong.


In general, even correcting all, you might have reasonable results in 
some trivial cases, but in general the extrapolating Euler schema is 
unstable, produces growing errors (e. g. in the oscillating case).

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Yampa integral function

2013-04-16 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 17/04/2013 01:48, Jerzy Karczmarczuk a écrit :

With constant acceleration v=v0+a*Dt =  1.01, not 1.05
Gosh, trivial errors seem to be contagious. Of course I meant 1.1, not 
1.01. Sorry. JK

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] NaN as Integer value

2013-04-13 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Franco answers a question :

Hello haskellers,is there a reason why Integer doesn't have 'NaN' as

value?I think it would be very convenient to be able to handle (1 `div` 0)
as regular NaN value and not as exception.Thanks.
I think because, if you need NaN like values, `Maybe Int` does the same job
without tainting the definition of `Int`.
This is not a Haskell problem. For Ints, ALL representations are valid 
numbers, a NaN is a specific float object, unless I'm mistaken, so the 
introduction of such an abnormal number would require some serious 
modifications of the representation.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] education or experience?

2012-12-08 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Roman Cheplyaka comments a post by Christopher Howard:

I'm trying to decide, however; should I go back to
school, finish my B.S. and pursue a Masters in CompSci? Or would the
time (and money) be better spent aggressively pursuing volunteer work
for companies, hoping to eventually get the experience and contacts that
lead to a paying job?

To be honest, I don't really want to go back to school, because I learn
a lot faster (and more economically) on my own. However, I'm not sure
which path is the fastest, and safest, approach to an actual paycheck.

If you have some money to cover your expenses, consider learning by
contributing to open source software.

Compared to an academic career, you'll have a more real goal of making
good software (instead of publishing papers). Also, this experience will
be much more relevant for your future job.

Compared to work for companies, you can choose more challenging,
interesting and innovative tasks that most companies can offer.
And the code quality will often be higher in open source than in


For me, opposing experience and education is simply silly.

Probably more than 70% of all people would learn much faster on their 
own than at school. But, learn WHAT? :

1. Probably less than 1% would guess correctly what they SHOULD learn, and
2. in general they will not be able to assess their own knowledge...

Learning, for most people, is a social process.

If Mr. Howard thinks that he is a kind of Srinivâsa Râmânujan, good 
luck, but the statistics is against him. With a chance, he will master 
very well one or two tools, but without a more structured background, 
the creativity in the domain of software might be severely limited. If a 
necessity of refactoring his fabulous product means more learning ab 
ovo, the loss of time might be considerable.

Roman: - Christopher Howard seems to be very far from publishing papers; 
he asks us whether he should complete his B.S. In this context, 
recommending Open Source seems a bit premature.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Iterations (Was: Re: Darcs fetches too little files)

2012-08-29 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 29/08/2012 23:55, Henk-Jan van Tuyl a écrit :

In conclusion: repeating the same thing could give different results.


My favourite example is : sex.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to select n random words from a file ...

2012-06-11 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

An interesting related problem is if you are only allowed one pass 
through the data how would you randomly choose one word.

Let's choose  n items.

You must know the length of the sequence, of course, otherwise the 
'probability' loses its sense. So, for lists it might not be just one 

Suppose the length of the sequence be m.

Suppose you have a random generator  called rg, just a simple function 
which transforms: seed - seed' , between 0 and 1

Make n and m real to make the typechecker happy.
Then the most straightforward solution for lists is:

nran l n = nr l m n seed where
  m = fromIntegral(length(l))
  nr [] _ _ _ = []
  nr (x:q) m n seed =
let seed'=rg seed
in  ifseed'  n/m then x:nr q (m-1) (n-1) seed'
else  nr q (m-1) n seed'

-- =

Now, you may make it tail-recursive, use a different random generation 
protocol, or whatever. I believe that this solution is known for years...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can Haskell outperform C++?

2012-05-06 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Roman Cheplyaka:

If you're saying that in C an explicit stack should have been used
instead of recursion, then it would increase the code complexity while
having non-obvious performance benefits.

This is a fragment of a bigger message I won't comment.

But THIS is a little dubious. You may accuse anything of anything by 
such vacuous statements as non-obvious performance benefits. If the 
stack frame allocation policy is lousy (not because of incompetence of 
the compiler writers, but because of its universalism), then the gain 
may be quite visible. My favourite examples are the classical flood 
fill algorithms for filling closed regions in computer graphics, and 
also some models of percolation (finding paths in rather big graphs). 
Everything depends on the language used, but I have seen  the 
acceleration by a factor of 5 after having replaced the recursion by 
explicit stacks + loops.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-26 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 26/03/2012 02:41, Chris Smith a écrit :

Of course there are rings for which it's possible to represent the
elements as lists.  Nevertheless, there is definitely not one that
defines (+) = zipWith (+), as did the one I was responding to.


The additive structure does not define a ring.
The multiplication can be a Legion, all different.

Jerzy K

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-26 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 26/03/2012 16:31, Chris Smith a écrit :

If you were
asking about why there is no ring on [a] that defines (+) = zipWith
(+), then here's why.  By that definition, you have [1,2,3] + [4,5] =
[5,7].  But also [1,2,42] + [4,5] = [5,7].  Addition by [4,5] is not
one-to-one, so [4,5] cannot be invertible.
So, * the addition* is not invertible, why did you introduce rings to 
this discussion, if the additive group within is already lousy?...
OK I see now. You are only interested in the explicitly ambiguous usage 
of the element-wise addition which terminates at the shortest term...
But I don't care about using (+) = zipWith (+) anywhere, outside of a 
programming model / framework, where you keep the sanity of your data. 
In my programs I KNEW that the length of the list is either fixed, or of 
some minimal size (or infinite). Your [4,5] simply does not belong to MY 
rings, if I decided to keep the other one.

Jerzy K.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-25 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

TP  :

However, it seems it is not possible to do that:

instance Num [Int] where
l1 + l2 = 


Why not?? It is possible.

All what has been said by other people is right.
But you can do it your way as well, GHC won't protest if you :set 
-XFlexibleInstances .

(Then you might have some other small problems, but nobody is perfect).

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-25 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 26/03/2012 01:51, Chris Smith a écrit :

 instance (Num a) = Num [a] where
 xs + ys = zipWith (+) xs ys

You can do this in the sense that it's legal Haskell... but it is a 
bad idea to make lists an instance of Num, because there are 
situations where the result doesn't act as you would like (if you've 
had abstract algebra, the problem is that it isn't a ring).

More concretely, it's not hard to see that the additive identity is 
[0,0,0...], the infinite list of zeros.  But if you have a finite list 
x, then x - x is NOT equal to that additive identity!  Instead, you'd 
only get a finite list of zeros, and if you try to do math with that 
later, you're going to accidentally truncate some answers now and then 
and wonder what went wrong.

In general, most type classes in Haskell are like this... the compiler 
only cares that you provide operations with certain types, but the 
type class also carries around additional laws that you should obey 
when writing instances.  Here there's no good way to write an instance 
that obeys the laws, so it's better to write no instance at all.

Sorry, Chris, I disagree quite strongly.
You begin badly: the problem is that it isn't a ring.
Who told you so?

It MIGHT be a ring or not. The real problem is that one should not 
confuse structural and algebraic (in the classical sense) properties 
of your objects.

1. You may consider your lists as representants of polonomials. A very 
decent ring.

2. I used hundred times lists as representants of power series. 
Infinite, potentially, but often having just finite number of non-zero 
coefficients, and if those could be divided, the list was not only a 
ring, but a field. (Doug McIlroy did that as well, and his papers on 
power series are much better known than mine...) And NO, no truncation 
problems, if you know how to program correctly. The laziness helps.

3. A very similar stuff to series or polynomials is the usage of lists 
as differential algebras (uni-variate). I needed not only the numerical 
instances, but a derivation operator. A ring, a field, *different* from 
the previous ones.

4. I wanted to have the trajectories - the numerical sequences which 
were solutions of differential equations, to behave as mathematical 
objects that could be added, scaled, etc. A vector space, and much more.

5. I used lists as signals which could be added (sound composition), 
multiplied (modulation), etc. Good rings. Totally different from the 
previous ones.

Whether it would be better to use some specific ADT rather than lists, 
is a question of style. The fact that - as you say - there's no good 
way to write an instance that obeys the laws won't disturb my sleep. 
You know, there is no good way to organise a society where everybody 
obeys the Law. This is no argument against the organisation of a Society...

Thank you.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Are there arithmetic composition of functions?

2012-03-20 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Richard O'Keefe :

You may have no intention of discussing the issue,
but it seems to*me*  that this will not work in 2012
Haskell compiler mostly conforming to Haskell 2010
because Haskell 2010 says it shouldn't work is a pretty
sound position to take.
The existence of standards is not an answer concerning their goodness. 
The numerical properties of objects are orthogonal to their external 
representation, and often to the possibility of asking whether they are 

I used Haskell to work with *abstract* vectors in Hilbert space (quantum 
states). Here, the linearity, the possibility to copute the 
representants (Dirac brackets : scalar products), etc. is essential. And 
they are functional objects.

In a slightly more abstract than usual approach to differential 
geometry, the concept of vector is far from a classical data structure. 
It IS a linear mapping, or, say a differential operator. Again a 
functional object.

There are approaches to stream processing, where streams are functions, 
and some people would like to add them independently of their 
instantiations as sequences of numbers.


I think that many people agree that Num was not the best idea... This 
class combines the addition with the multiplication, which is not 
explicitly natural, and it has been done probably because of the 
simplicity of the vision of the Authors : there are integer numbers, 
there are reals (which ask for a special class with division), and 
that's it. You cannot compute the exponential [using the standard name] 
of a power series, unless you declare this series, which may be a list 
of rational coefficients, a Floating.

Thank you.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Are there arithmetic composition of functions?

2012-03-19 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Richard O'Keefe:

 class (Eq a, Show a) =  Num a
   where (+) (-) (*) negate abs signum fromInteger

where functions are for good reason not members of Eq or Show.
This is an old song, changed several times. I have no intention to 
discuss, but please, Richard O'Keefe:


Thank you.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Theoretical question: are side effects necessary?

2012-03-17 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk
KC comments the posting of Donn Cave referring to the soundness of some 
potential approach of software engineers:
Apparently on such solid ground that you hinder their critical 
thinking skills by answering for them

Monsieur KC, do you want to discuss, or just to be cute?

In both cases, begin by signing your posts. I will not discuss with an 
anonymous, and concerning your question about referential transparency, 
I permit myself to send you to some standard literature. Over.

Chris Smith:

   When we're talking about different uses of the word function in
   programming languages, side effects refer to any effect other than
   evaluating to some result when applied to some argument.  For example,
   in languages like C, printf takes some arguments, and returns an int.
   When viewed as just a function, that's all there is to it; functions
   exist to take arguments and produce return values.  But C extends the
   definition of a function to include additional effects, like making
   Hello world appear on a nearby computer screen.

... And here I disagree. If printf, or whatever explodes an atomic bomb, 
this is not a side effect. If a procedure executes such a statement: 
x = x+1, or a[1]=a[2],  it IS.

And even that, not always !

In Clean, which is as pure as Haskell, there are unique access 
variables, and it is possible to write (+/-...)

#  myFile = write myFile Hello World

And the point is that WHATEVER happens to the outer world, and the 
computer file system in particular, there are no side effects within the 
program. The # construction is a temporal, sequential part of a 
purely functional expression, exactly as a monadic chain in Haskell, 
disguised as a do block. There are two distinct file objects, the 
previous, and the next one, which happen to share the same name, 
because *the type system* prevents that a computing block refers to 
both. Either the old, or the new.

This is my philosophy. If somebody disagrees, that's alright.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Theoretical question: are side effects necessary?

2012-03-16 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Ryan Ingram:
Other external state is harder to emulate.  For example, communication 
over a network most definitely requires some concept of a 'computation 
with side effects' since the network's response could change from 
request to request.

In GHC, even IO objects are pure, but they conceptually represent 
functions that modify the state of reality.
I believe I begin to become a sectarian, with some idées fixes not so 
well shared...

It is the third or the fourth time that somebody recently puts the 
equivalence between the communication with the outer world, and side 
effects. I contest that very strongly, perhaps a TRUE guru might 
instruct me.

What a computer and the program it runs do to its hard environment has 
NOTHING to do with side-effects. Even a completely angelic, pure as a 
Cherub (but real) program will consume some electricity. And so what?!

Of course, in classical physics the state of the world changes 
constantly (in a quantum world it is extremely ambiguous...), but the 
question of purity of a program - in my opinion - concerns the program, 
and nothing else. The networking is not expected to break the 
referential transparency, or does it?

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2012-03-09 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk
 John Meacham :
 The fact that bottom is a value in Haskell is the fundamental thing that
 differentiates Haskell from other languages and the source of its power. The
 fact that f _|_ /= _|_ potentially _is_ what it means to be a lazy language.
 Not treating
 _|_ as a value would be a huge disservice to anyone learning the language.
 Sure, it may seem a little strange coming from the imperative world to think
 of it as a value, but it is by far the oddest concept in Haskell, after all,
 _functions_ are values in Haskell and people seem to eventually figure that
Personally I hate thinking about bottom as value. I don't do this. I
NEVER teach that. And, I am a lazy guy, almost all my Haskell programs
are strongly based on laziness.

I'll tell you what I teach, and you might throw some tomatoes...
The fundamental thing that differentiates Haskell from other languages
and the source of it power - if I might cite you - is that we don't see
the difference between an object and the process which creates it.  (The
difference demands that we speak about the call-by-need, etc...)
The bottom, as sin (2*pi), or Text may be seen as processes. Anyway, a
lazy list IS a process /par excellence/. The _|_ entity is a process
which refuses to give you a value (or does it in a deadly way). Your
program manipulates processes. A process in some computational context
must do something - or not. The bottom never does anything useful.

All this is probably a question of language, of terminology, of
preconceptions (of all that, what for God knows which reasons, Americans
call just semantics), but I will not forget the day when I thought as
you, and I had to explain to 2-nd year students what does it mean: a
value which doesn't have a value...

Thank you.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mersenne-random and standard random API

2012-02-09 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Aleksey Khudyakov :
I think design of Random type class basically precludes efficient 
generators with large periods and consequently large state.

Look at next function:

 next :: g - (Int, g)

It means that state has to be copied but for efficiency we want to
mutate it in place. I consider Random type class a failure and ignore

P.S. For monte-carlo and thing like that I'd recommend mwc-random
it more featureful than mersenne-random and don't rely on global state

I am afraid that Aleksey Khudakov confuses a few things.

1. Mersenne Twister, AND congruential generators AND the Marsaglia 
stuff, all use some kind of seed, all are stateful. There are no 
miracles. Just look the agressive monadization, the form of defaultSeed, 
etc. within MWC.hs, before saying that this generator doesn't rely on 
some global state.

2. In the standard generator stuff the state is stored in IoRefs and is 
not copied. Did Aleksey ever look inside the sources of these 
generators? In any case, the seed changes after each generation, and 
must be stored somewhere.

3. The API question is a conventional one. People who are really 
unhappy, may make their own interfaces, or give such a mini-project as a 
students' assignment, instead of weeping that the library is lousy and 
should be ignored. E. g., I wanted random numers in some purely 
functional, lazy context, and I didn't want the existing interface ; I 
manufactured a lazy stream interface, and that was all. Look Ma!: no 
global state...

4. L'Ecuyer signalled some 15 years ago that MWC generators introduce 
some bias on the most significant bits (complementary MWC are safer). 
This is less annoying that the last bits periodicity of simple 
congruential generators, but for SOME Monte-Carlo it may be harmful.


In general, I believe that saying publicly that some part of the 
available library is a failure, should be avoided, unless accompanied by 
some SERIOUS analysis, and - if possible - some constructive suggestions.

With my thanks to all people who made those generators however imperfect 
they are. Only Mister Nobody is perfect.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mersenne-random and standard random API

2012-02-09 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Aleksey Khudyakov:

On 09.02.2012 15:32, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

1. Mersenne Twister, AND congruential generators AND the Marsaglia
stuff, all use some kind of seed, all are stateful. There are no
miracles. Just look the agressive monadization, the form of defaultSeed,
etc. within MWC.hs, before saying that this generator doesn't rely on
some global state.

I think you are missing the point here. Surely all PRNG carry some 
state around. But both StdGen and mwc-random (and likely many others)

allow to have many generators at once (for use in different threads)
This is irrelevant. I believe that there is a misunderstanding in 
terminology. When I say global state it means not a local variable in 
some function. You seem to say one object per programme. This is 
confirmed by:

mersenne-random is just wrapper around vastly impure library (as
documentation says) and allows only one genrator per program.
This is why I said it uses *global* state

In any case, the seed changes after each generation, and
must be stored somewhere.

No. It doesn't and cannot

 data StdGen
  = StdGen Int32 Int32

If generator state is stored in IORef it's not possible to implement
`next :: g → (Int,g)'. To do something useful with it one have to
go to IO monad but we can't. So state have to be copied.

We can't WHAT?
Look, all data that change or are created MUST be stored somewhere, 
don't say dubious things. Your next function is a threading generator, 
which makes another StdGen, OK, but this is not a copy. This is a 
creation of a new seed. When I spoke about IORefs, I thought about the 
global generator, which USES the l'Ecuyer stuff, newStdGen and its friends.

The threading becomes implicit. Try, say
r = return . next

and you will see, it works, and you don't keep explicitly your seed. 
From the efficiency point of view all this is comparable. With IOrefs 
you do not pollute the memory which has to be garbage-collected, but 
its administration is heavier than the standard heap operations. StdGen 
with l'Ecuyer two-number seed, or some 600 of the Mersenne, I don't see 
a conceptual difference. The Marsaglia generator has a global seed quite 
voluminous as well.

  ...sometimes it's not possible to implement some algorithms
for particular API. For example if PRNG rely on in-place array updates
it cannot implement Random type class.

No idea what do you mean. In the Random library you will find the 
generators using IORefs, AND the class Random, with the member random 
(or randomR, etc.) and you may  write

getStdRandom random
getStdRandom random
as you wish, getting different results. What's wrong with that?

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2012-01-02 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Conal Elliott cites Steve Horne:

I look at this World parameter as purely hypothetical, a trick
used to gain an intuition. Whereas Jerzy (I think) uses it to
claim Haskell is referentially transparent - those differing x and
y values come from different worlds, or different world-states.

I don't see this interpretation in Jerzy's words, and I'd be very 
surprised if he had that sort of argument in mind.
I don't think either having used the 'World' model as an argument of the 
referential transparency.
The main reason is that I don't know what does it mean, the referential 
transparency of the real world.

There is a philosophical issue involved: the problem of IDENTITY, which 
is as old as the humanity, and it will survive it... We simply don't 
know what does it mean: the same...

But I disagree quite strongly with the idea of /World parameter as 
purely hypothetical, a trick used to gain an intuition/. I mentioned 
the language Clean (no reaction, seems that Haskellians continue to 
ignore it...)

In Clean this IS the IO model. You have such entities as FileSystem, 
which has the Unique Access property, etc. You can put all that in an 
equivalent of the IO Monad, constructed within Clean itself, not as a 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2012-01-01 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Dan Doel :

Also, the embedded IO language does not have this property.

 do x- m ; f x x

is different from

 do x- m ; y- m ; f x y

and so on. This is why you shouldn't write your whole program with IO
functions; it lacks nice properties for working with your code.

Sorry, what are you trying to suggest?

You show two OBVIOUSLY different pieces of code, and you say that they 
are different.
If, by chance, some newbie reads that and gets the impression that (-) 
is something equivalent to (=), you are serving the devil.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Are all monads functions?

2011-12-31 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Yves Parès :

all standard Monads are newtypes wrapping functions

What about Maybe and [] ?

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] (...) Random generators

2011-12-30 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Bardur Arantsson:

Random streams are not referentially transparent, though, AFAICT...?

Either way this thread has gone on long enough, let's not prolong it 
needlessly with this side discussion. 

But the discussion on randomness is /per se/ interesting, especially in 
a functional setting.

Anyway, nobody can convince Steve Horne. Perhaps as an unintentional  

But random streams, or rather pseudo-random streals (infinite lazy 
lists, as the example I gave, the `iterate` of `next`) are as 
referentially transparent as any Haskell data. Really.

What I find really amazing, since I converted my soul from physics to 
computer since (many, many years ago...) is that most comments about 
random number generators come from people who don't need them, don't use 
them, and usually don't care about them...
I taught random numbers, and I did some Monte-Carlo calculation in High 
Energy Physics, when many people here were not born. I *NEVER* used 
true random numbers, even to initialize a generator, since in the 
simulation business it is essential that you can repeat the sequence on 
some other platform, with some other parameters, etc.

Of course, they are useful (don't need to convince an ancien 
physicist... And I lied. I used them, e.g. when I programmed some games 
for my children.) --

but why should we forget about them? The usual approach(*) is to 
gather entropy from a truly(**) random source

and use that to seed (and perhaps periodically re-seed) a PRNG.
So, sorry, I didn't mean really forget, only to change the subject 
which was irrelevant for the purity (but somehow has shown once more 
that Steve Horne had strange ideas about random generators).

The generator of L'Ecuyer, or Mersenne Twister, or anything, don't care 
about the entropy. For a typical user, the only interesting thing is 
that the random streams pass the usual statistical tests : moments, 
correlation, spectrum... Otherwise it is as deterministic as 1 2 3 4. 
(For a typical user from my mafia. The mafia of cryptographists has 
different criteria ; from time to time we shoot ourselves in the 
coffee-machine corner of our dept.)

Thank you for the discussion. You are right, I brake.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-29 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Sorry, a long and pseudo-philosophical treatise. Trash it before reading.

Heinrich Apfelmus:
You could say that side effects have been moved from functions to some 
other type (namely IO) in Haskell. 
I have no reason to be categorical, but I believe that calling the 
interaction of a Haskell programme with the World - a side effect is 
sinful, and it is a source of semantical trouble.

People do it, SPJ (cited by S. Horne) did it as well, and this is too bad.
People, when you eat a sandwich: are you doing side effects??  If you 
break a tooth on it, this IS a side effect, but neither the eating nor 
digesting it, seems to be one.

This term should be used in a way compatible with its original meaning, 
that something happens implicitly, behind the curtain, specified most 
often in an informal way (not always deserving to be called 
operational). If you call all the assignments side effects, why not 
call -  let x = whatever in Something - also a local side-effect?
Oh, that you can often transform let in the application of lambda, thus 
purely functional?

Doesn't matter, Steve Horne will explain you that (sorry for the irony): 
let is a compile-time pure construct ; at execution this is impure, 
because x got a value.

S.H. admits that he reasons within his model, and has problems with 
others. Everybody has such problems, but I see here something the (true) 
Frenchies call un dialogue de sourds. For me a Haskell programme is 
ABSOLUTELY pure, including the IO. The issue is that `bind` within the 
IO monad has an implicit parameter, the World. In fact, a stream of 
Worlds, every putWhatever, getLine, etc. passes to a new instance.

We do not control this World, we call it imperative (whatever this 
means, concerning eating a sandwich, or exploding an impure neutron 
bomb), so we abuse the term side effect as hell!
The Haskell sector of the global world, the programme itself is just a 
function. Pure as the robe of an angel. Simply, you are not allowed by 
the Holy Scripts to look under this robe.


The rest is a (pure of course) délire.
Well, you might not believe me, but philosophically you don't need to 
imagine the World as imperative. Personally I am a believer in the 
Quantum Religion. If you accept all them Holy Dogmas of Unitarity, of 
Linearity, etc., if you believe in the True Quantum Nature of the real 
world, - then it becomes ... functional. Pure.

 Without a single trace of any side effects.

The problem is that residing inside this world precludes the possibility 
of considering *observed things* as pure, they are conceptually detached 
from the stream of the Universe Vectors. They change, so you say: 
HaHa!! A particle got ASSIGNED a new position! This is an imperative 
side-effect! -
- while from the point of view of an external observer, a common 
evolution operator transformed both of you, YOU and the particle into a 
new instance of this sector.

OK, I stop here, otherwise the digestion of your sandwiches may produce 
some side effects.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France.
(William the Conqueror was here. Produced one nice side-effect.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-29 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 29/12/2011 18:01, Iustin Pop a écrit :

I'm confused as what you mean.

And to clarify better my original email: yes, (bar x) always gives you
back the same IO action; but the results of said IO action are/can be
different when executed.
The whole of my point is that it DOESN'T MATTER. (And I believe that 
Heinrich A. meant the same thing).
I asked for the execution trace in order that you see what your function 
does to the programme itself, not that it attempts to contact the 
external world, and explode it. You discovered it yourself. The result 
is an object of type

Read a = IO a
and this is all. (Well, in order to really execute it, you have to 
specify the type a anyway).

I think that nobody will convince anybody here. Steve Horne continues 
with his own visions :

/if you're using IO actions, your code is not referentially 
transparent and is therefore impure/

I believe that this statement is doubly erroneous, but I give up. I 
won't even ask to show me WHERE the ref. transparence is broken. This 
discussion is a dead loop...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-29 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Iustin Pop::

In practice too:

bar _ = do
s- readFile /tmp/x.txt
return (read s)

Once you're in a monad that has 'state', the return value doesn't
strictly depend anymore on the function arguments.
Nice example. PLEASE, show us the trace of its execution. Then, the 
discussion might be more fruitful

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell /Random generators

2011-12-29 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

The story begins here:

Steve Horne:

   /BTW - why use an IO action for random number generation? There's a
   perfectly good pure generator. It's probably handy to treat it
   monadically to sequence the generator state/seed/whatever but random
   number generation can be completely pure. /


Bardur Arantsson:

   /*Pseudo* random number generation can of course be pure (though
   threading the state would be tedious and error-prone). If you want
   truly random numbers you cannot avoid IO (the monad). /

??? ??? :

If seed depends of psudo random event, for example of current systime,
we must use IO action.
Bardur, Lev, of course you try to be helpful, but you are answering 
wrong questions.

Truly random numbers are very rarely used, forget about them. 
Standard r. generators (pseudo-random) in Haskell are monadic, because 
the relevant algorithms are stateful.
Congruential, Fibonacci, Mersenne Twister, whatever, is a function, more 
or less:

(newValue,newSeed) = rgen seed

The monadic approach serves mainly to hide the seed.
Some people prefer to use random streams, no monads, so the question of 
Steve Horne is not universal.
But anyway, even without bind, the user will have to chain the seeds in 
some way.

Still, I dont understand what does S.H.  mean by a perfectly good pure 

Tell more please (unless you just mean a stream, say:

str = map fst (iterate (\(v,sd) - rgen sd) (v0,sd0))


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell /Random generators

2011-12-29 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Steve Horne :
I only meant that there's random number handling support in the 
Haskell library and, and least judging by type signatures, it's pure 
functional code with no hint of the IO monad.

Look well at those functions, please.

Within the RandomGen class you have pure members, such as next (an Int 
instance of what I called rgen in my previous message. It propagates the 
seed g ). The algorithmics of the random generation has no particular 
monadicity in it, as I said, the IO (or State) monad serves to hide 
the seed.

The generator itself should not be confounded with its iterative, 
sequential usage. If people wanted to do in their programmes just *one* 
read or write, never repeated, no IO Monad would be necessary.

On the other hand, for the IO, you can sequence the World instances 
explicitly, without any Monads in a pure functional language, this is 
the style used in Clean.

I am strongly convinced that ALL people who want to understand the 
functional IO, refs, etc. should learn both, Haskell and Clean. Il might 
help them to see better the relation between the programme, and its 


You say:
/random numbers are in principle non-deterministic, not determined by 
the current state of the outside world/

Sorry, but I haven't a slightest idea what you are talking about. Dybbuks?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell /Random generators

2011-12-29 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Steve Horne :

Some code (intended to be loaded into GHCi and played with)

--  import System.Random
--  randSelect this is a list 5 (mkStdGen 9877087)
-- ...
module P23 (randSelect) where
-- ...
  randSelect' (x:xs) n l g = let xsLen  = (l - 1)
 (rnd, g')  = randomR (0, xsLen) g
-- ...

I see no IO monad anywhere in there. Of course I'm cheating - 
providing a constant seed at runtime.

The last remark is irrelevant. Normally the seed IS constant, injected 
once, then updated by the generator iself.

I don't know what you are trying to prove. That you don't need monads? 
Everybody knows this.

Look at your own code. In randSelect' you write

(rnd, g')  = randomR (0, xsLen) g

**You don't need monads, because you do your own sequencing and 
propagating the seed*, g - g'.*  Your library internal:

   randomR :: RandomGen g = (a, a) - g - (a, g)

does the same thing, choosing a number within a range, *and propagating 
g*. (I call it a seed, but it is a Int seed wrapped within a StdGen...)

OK, I repeat once more...
Monads are useful ONLY to iterate the primitive generator, hiding the 
seed. The generator itself (the algorithm of Pierre L'Ecuyer or any 
other comparable) is obviously pure. The monadisation was a design 
choice of Lennart Augustson, who decided to dump (hide) (StdGen s1 s2) 
inside an IORef, but nobody is obliged to use it.

There are alternatives, such as generating first an infinite random 
stream, or your own manufacture. So, OK, you have your pure generator. 
I explain why your question is based on some misunderstanding.

All this has NOTHING to do whatsoever with the question of purity or 
not. Haskell code is pure if you propagate the StdGen yourself, it 
remains pure when the sequencing uses (=). Here this mythical World 
which visibly frightens you, reduces to two integers32.
Either they propagate in your code, or through the iterate functional, 
or through the bind. In the last case it is hidden, so it may 
change, since only ONE instance is accessible.

[[Actually, one exercice I gave to my students was to implement an 
iterable random generator using the State monad. Of course, there were 
numerous suicides, and the survivors have been isolated in the Arkham 
asylum, but the world is still there]].

Clean uses unique access variables for the same purpose, and the Clean 
users usually live normally with them.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-29 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 30/12/2011 01:44, Steve Horne a écrit :
Switching mental models doesn't change the logic any more than 
switching number bases.
Especially when your mental model operates with Dybbuks which do 
horrible things behind your back... If this is your vision of logic, it 
is a peculiar one.

Either way, at run-time, Haskell is impure.
Most people here, some VERY knowledgeable, do not agree with you. 
/Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum/.
Either way, since you insist to prove that you DON'T WANT to understand 
other people view, I wish you good luck.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-28 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 28/12/2011 22:45, Steve Horne a écrit :
Yes - AT COMPILE TIME by the principle of referential transparency it 
always returns the same action. However, the whole point of that 
action is that it might potentially be executed (with potentially 
side-effecting results) at run-time. Pure at compile-time, impure at 
run-time. What is only modeled at compile-time is realized at 
run-time, side-effects included.


I hope If convinced you I'm not making one of the standard newbie 
mistakes. I've done all that elsewhere before, but not today, honest.
Sorry, perhaps this is not a standard newbie mistake, but you - 
apparently - believe that an execution of an action on the real world 
is a side effect.

I don't think it is.
Even if a Haskell programme fires an atomic bomb, a very impure one, 
/*there are no side effects within the programme itself*/.

If you disagree, show them.

I don't think that speaking about compile-time purity is correct.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Platform

2011-11-24 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Dear Gurus,

Why the Haskell Platform is still based on ghc 7.03?
(At least on WinXP)

Does anybody care about wxHaskell?


Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Decision procedure for foldr/foldl/foldl'?

2011-11-22 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk
David Fox reacts to my criticism of his attitude towards the meaning of 

I'm not trying to avoid learning the differences between the different
folds, but I am looking for a mnemonic device that will allow me to
proceed more quickly towards my goal.  My ultimate goal is to write
software, not to understand folds.   Just as it is inappropriate for a
young officer to even contemplate an overall strategy for winning the
war, it would be inappropriate for a general to spend more time than
necessary on the minute details of military tactics, as vital as they
David, cynism or not, you might have found in my post some concrete 
remarks, about incrementality, about tail-recursion... Not a single 
comment of your part. No comment addressed to other people who tried 
also to help you (whether we really help you in such a way is subject to 

I am sorry, but saying that your goal is to write software is not even 
funny. The relatively modern science of programming evolves for the last 
60 years, and the progress in writing software NEVER came out of kitchen 
recipes, on the contrary ! The laziness is not a trick to avoid 
computation, but a methodology of ordering the operations, and if you 
are unable to order them in your head, you won't be able to exploit this 
or that design pattern.
OK, you gather some patterns, and you apply them. Once. And then, you 
will be helpless, when the need for refactoring arrives. You will never 
be able to teach those patterns to your younger colleagues. And finally, 
your last remarks might be less relevant than you wish. A general gets 
his stars usually after several years of demonstrating that he 
UNDERSTANDS the minute details of military tactics, so he can 
consciously choose those who will implement them.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Decision procedure for foldr/foldl/foldl'?

2011-11-21 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Yves Parès:
if *f* is lazy in its second argument, then use foldr. Everything is 
lazy, you build a very small thunk since nothing is evaluated.
In the rare cases where*f *is (also) lazy in its first argument, you 
can use foldl.

I have the impression that this is not the most useful advice possible.

1. Nothing is evaluated?? Look, foldr is designed to consume 
incrementally the list argument, and to produce, also incrementally the 
result ; it may stop in the middle if f is lazy, but if you organize 
badly your program, you will pollute your memory. You might wish to 
process the whole of the list as fast as possible, and then foldr may be 
dangerous. You may build a veeery big thunk before its reduction.

2. This is not only the issue: f x z versus f z x. foldl is 
iterative (tail-recursive) and the reduction proceeds until all the 
source list is consumed. foldl works better with strict functions, not lazy.

(of course, unless I am mistaken...)

In general, sorry for the cynism, but when I read:

There are times when I would like to find out which to use in the 
quickest way possible, rather than reading a long explanation of why 
each one behaves the way it does of David Fox, I compare it with a 
question of a young army officer, addressed to his elders:

Tell me how to win the war in the quickest way possible, rather than 
boring me with the explanations behind all those complicated strategies.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, Normandy, France

(William the Conqueror, who lived here, had a reputation of a strategist 
who tried to understand his enemies. 350 years later, the French didn't 
try to understand anything, they just wanted to win the battle of 
Azincourt as quick as possible).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A Mascot

2011-11-16 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Do you mind some ... how to say ... offside comments?

1. The Curry Da mascot looks like a penguin disguised as a  lamb. I have 
nothing against penguins !

2. Da, da, konech'no, mais, Signori und Demoiselles, do you realize that 
lamb is an English word, and we should think about our multilingual 
society. with our agneaux and other Karakuls. You will have problems 
with the translation of the mascot into German, and some may find some 
analogies with another image:
called  Ein liebliches Lämmlein zu Tod (after Des Knaben Wunderhorn, 
in the last part of Mahler 4th Symphony).

3. On the other hand, from the cultural point of view, this is a very 
good idea, and quite international, everybody knows Lamb Curry (Rogan Josh):

4. It is incredible, how this mascot inspired a long, long discussion 
about the Bottom. Now, Bottom is important ! Most French politicians 
speak only about that (well, at least one of them doesn't speak, but 
prefers practical exercises...), but I confess that I am a little lost. 
Anyway, I learned something.

For example, that what is strictly forbidden, is lazily allowed.

Best regards

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France.
(25 km from the Oldest Comic Strip in the World, 1000 years and progressing)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial/slides on pretty-printing combinators?

2011-11-16 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Sean Leather:
Do you know of any tutorial or slides from a talk on one of the 
pretty-printing libraries?

Sean, if you need info just on Haskell solutions, other people will help 
you. There is a paper:
Linear, bounded, functional pretty-printing by Doaitse Swierstra and 
Olaf Chitil (and Pretty Printer with Lazy Deques by Olaf, a Functional 
Pearl if I am not mistaken). BTW, something has been implemented in 
Scala based on the S. and C. approach.

So don't forget about other languages, you may learn something also here:

OK, these are not slides...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] German names for kinds and sorts

2011-11-13 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

First of all, my German is Worse than Cakes of my Grandmother...

But I spent a big part of my life in France, and I witness a similar 
bedlam for years, especially because of the fact that English is a 
particular version of Norman French spoiled by the consumption of hot 
potatoes, and the modern, scientific French is English distorted by the 
abuse of the low quality wine, unable to dissolve the cholesterol  of 
the local cheese.

Seriously, the French queue is tail in English (or vice-versa), and the 
English queue is file in French which in English means fichier in 
French. And you want to propagate the disease with terms like Art, 
etc.?? If kind is espèce, then species is what? (And avoid to 
translate payer en espèces...)

Russians are good because of their linguistical désinvolture (no good 
English translation), they just adapted foreign words with the utmost 
cavalière attitude (as the English say, French don't). But Polish 
invented their own terminology, which means that when you publish a 
scientific book in Poland, you quarrel with the reviewers for weeks, 
believe me!

So, even more seriously, I propose to use more often Latin and Greek.

Genus, genera, for  ... ehm... je n'en sais rien, perhaps kind? 
(Genesis comes from it).
Oh, no... This exists already in English, and is genre in French. 
Gattung in German pour varier.

There have been attempts to use the word phylum, phyla. Anybody knows 
what happened to it?

(Help! In French it is embranchement, which is horrible).

Well, in biology we have règne (kingdom) (oder Reich, warum nicht?). 

Sort?? Wonderful! This is a sort of word, whose semantic family cannot 
be really sorted. Especially with sortir in French. BTW, to sort in 
English is trier in French; tri, trie, tree. Try everything...


When some years ago we asked our students to write some reports in 
English, I thought I would spend some months in the Arkham Asylum, with 
Mr. E. Nygma, and others...

Best regards.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, Normandy, France
(William the Conqueror started this mess here...).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The best way to call Java from Haskell?

2011-10-11 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Felipe Almeida Lessa cites and comments:

 useful libraries that will take infinite time to re-implement in 


My brain just exploded.
I can't handle infinite-length modules.

Don't worry, my friend. Haskell is lazy, so there is no problem in 
handling those infinite modules. It will just take you an anfinite 
amount of time before you get any money from such a work. But this is a 
general problem elsewhere as well.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Off-topic: Mathematics and modesty

2011-08-30 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Andrew Coppin :
I haven't yet found anywhere where I can say when would a chi-squared 
test be more appropriate than a KS test? and get an informed, 
knowledgeable answer. (Answers from people who /know/ what they're 
talking about rather than just /think/ they know.)

With all my respect:
I think I know several mathematicians who learning that a person asking 
for help begins with trying to distinguish  between knowledgeable, and 
those who just think they are, will simply - to say it politely - refuse 
to engage.
(There might be some impolite answers as well, but you don't need the 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Off-topic: Mathematics

2011-08-30 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Peter Simons :

Now, a person who has profound knowledge of the subject you're asking
about is not very likely to do this, because he is probably not going to
learn anything in the process. Dedicating time and effort to studying
your particular problem is not an appealing prospect.

You might be right.
You may be dead wrong... Some people like to teach, find some pleasure 
in explaining things they know, and find a pleasure in trying to be 
useful. But they might refuse, if they hear:
 ...if you are a real specialist and you know what you are talking 
about, tell me what is better, the chi-square test or (...).
Knuth admitted that he had learnt a lot while teaching things he already 
knew. So did Feynman. And Landau.

All the best.
Jerzy K.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Truly Really Off-topic: (Was: Mathematics)

2011-08-29 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Now, something really à côté de la plaque...
Jack Henahan terminates his useful advice addressed to A. Coppin:

Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.
-- Edsger Dijkstra

This citation makes me think, and since this became rare, I share it.

 * It is unsourced, repeated without discernment, and Dijkstra cannot
   confirm (or deny) it any more. Somehow I cannot believe he said that...
 * Dijkstra began to study physics, and a physicist would be reluctant
   to make such puns. Why?
 o Astronomy, and physics are not only theories of galaxies or
   superfluids, but also methodologies of data acquisition and data
   processing. Telescopes evolve with our knowledge of the visible
   universe, as the accelerators evolve with our knowledge of
   elementary particles. You have to know where to look! And how to
   interpret the raw, experimental data.
 o So, whether you call it Informatique, Datalogi, or whatever, it
   is */also/* about computers. Do you really think that the
   algorithmics, the thory of parallel computation, etc., have
   nothing to do with concrete implementations?
 * These among you who touched just a bit of astronomy, should know
   what a horrendous amount of truly astronomical knowledge is
   necessary to make the telescope work! For example to synchronize it
   with the earth movement...
 * This citation seems to be a savant variant of: The Fool Looks At
   The Finger That Points To The Sky case... OK, if you wish. But I
   had an occasion to sit near a beautiful girl  who pointed her hand
   and her eyes in the direction of wonderful Zodiac constellations; it
   was midnight in the mountains. I don't remember the details, but
   without being a fool, I didn't look at the stars... (Well, actually
   I was a fool, but it is a long story).

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] partial inheritance

2011-07-18 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Patrick Browne :

 I was checking out a paper that said: Type classes allow for partial 
inheritance, so that penguins can be birds without flying behavior.
 ... as pointed out by Jerzy my question is silly because can penguins 
can fly ...

No, the question is not silly because of that crazy Adelie tribe. The 
question is doubtful, because the Haskell type classes is not an 
object-oriented system of classes, subclasses, etc.  When you declare 
Rationals, you don't inherit the multiplication for them as Numbers. 
This inheritance you wish may manifest itself when you specify the 

That's why I suggested how you might do that: for some datatypes, say 
the Emperors, you specify some special flying method (e.g. dummy or 
bombing), or you don't specify it at all. And the Emperors won't fly.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] partial inheritance

2011-07-17 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Patrick Browne :

 For example, if the class Bird has a flying method can we represent 

 as a sub-class of Bird without a flying method?

The silliest - from the pedagogical perspective - answer to any 
question, is you don't need it.

But ... in most cases you really don't need it...

When instancing your Bird class you may forget to define the flying 

Is this unsuitable for you? The compiler will yell, but this is harmless.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

PS. Penguins DO fly.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Input and output of mathematical expressions

2011-06-13 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Pedro Vasconcelos comments:

Regarding the rendering math formulas on web browsers: you might want to
have a look at MathJax ( You can use LaTeX or
MathML and will work in most browsers (even if when they don't natively
support MathML).

Don't forget two other (which I have been using for years)

LaTeXMathML :
jsMath :

The first needs MathML, obviously, but I won't use browser which ignores 
it... Thios is one script, fairly readable. The second one is much 
bigger. Used by Planet Math, integrated into Drupal, etc.
I confess I tried to write something which displayed math fromHaskell, I 
gave even a project of that kind to my student. But the solutions exist 
already and are known, so...

See e.g.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy lists vs generators

2011-06-11 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 11/06/2011 11:06, a écrit :

The following web page talks about lazy lists and generators
in (perhaps too) great detail.

Oleg, when you mention Icon, you might - perhaps - observe that Griswold 
didn't introduce the co-expressions (this is their terminology, not 
generators) out of the air, they have been present as the unevaluated 
expressions in Snobol4. Icon has been built upon the Snobol4 
philosophy, although as language it was very different.

Another remark about yield in Python. This is not just a 
non-deterministic return mechanism, but an expression, which yields a 
value also for the generator code. It becomes thus a reentrant 
co-procedure, which goes quite a mileage beyond the lazy list model.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell School of Expression (graphics)

2011-05-30 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Henk-Jan van Tuyl commenting Andrew Coppin

... (about HOpenGL and H.Platform) ...
Uh... yes, you might be right about that. However, AFAIK you still 
need something with which to create a rendering surface in the first 
place. (Not sure if HP includes GLUT...)

As you can see in the HP documentation at
, both OpenGL and GLUT are present.

Or simply download and execute the examples before raising doubts... 
(the Haskell translation of the NeHe tutorials, etc.) No need for 

Now, I have a  personal pedagogical comment.
A few months ago I gave to some 30 students an assignment (a family of, 
with freely chosen variants). A long one, to complete in 2 months or 
more, and the subject was - the implementation, coding and running some 
nice 3D scenes with HOpenGL. I teach Haskell for years, usually the 
projects, which should be applied are devoted to some exercices in AI 
/ games, compilation, text processing, graph manipulation, lazy 
numerics, etc., you know the song. This time I decided to propose 
something more visual.

The results? A true DISASTER!
They did something, all of them, and all their realisations were the 
nec plus ultra of mediocrity... Since my students were as clever and 
laborious as always, and I didn't drink much vodka during this process, 
I asked them what happened? The short standard assignments went 
smoothly as always...

The answers (concentrated) were as follows:

The OpenGL bindings in Haskell are hardly functional.  You make us 
sweat with generic functional patterns, laziness, exquisite typing, 
non-determinism monad, parsing tools, etc., and then you throw us into 
this ugly imperativism ! Nobody liked your assignment, it was no 
pleasure for us, and our results are the consequence thereof. Where is 
Haskell?? Of course, we had to execute the typical syntactic gymnastics, 
but without understanding the functioning of all those variables, and 
other stuff relevant to the stateful OpenGL engine. Perhaps, if we had 
before a semester of OpenGL, and at least two months of a true 
course/tutorial (not your pseudo-tutorial on the Web...) we could be 
more productive.

That's it...
I don't want to generalize, but there is a huge work to do in this context.

All the best.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Python is lazier than Haskell

2011-04-27 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Thomas Davie wrote:

This completely misses what laziness gives Haskell – it gives a way of 
completing a smaller number of computations than it otherwise would have to at 
run time. (...)

Tony Morris continues the ping-pong:

This is not what laziness gives us. Rather, it gives us terminating
programs that would otherwise not terminate.

Next, please...

You know, this suggests that you should read the parable of Blind Men 
and the Elephant.

Alright, my turn. I never wanted to write non-terminating programs (what 
for?), and all my programs executed exactly those instructions they 
should have executed, not more or less. I see ONE usage of laziness: the 
possibility to write co-recursive equations, which become algorithms. 
The possibility to represent processes as data, which makes it easier 
to reason upon them. Do we really need some dogmatic specification of 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Python is lazier than Haskell

2011-04-27 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Alexander Solla comments my comment :

Alright, my turn. I never wanted to write non-terminating programs
(what for?),

Daemons/servers/console interfaces/streaming clients?
Come on, not THIS kind of non-termination. This has little to do with 
strictness/laziness, I think. Endless loops can be coded in various ways...

I see ONE usage of laziness: the possibility to write co-recursive
equations, which become algorithms

What about infinite lists?  There is no need for mutually recursive 
functions to see the usefulness of a list which never ends, and is 
computed to the length that your algorithm /acutally/ requires.

This is almost EXACTLY what I meant. When I say co-recursive, I do not 
mean mutually recursive. Rather the extrapolating recursion, not 
necessarily terminating (lacking the base clause) but finitely 
progressing, such as the standard definition of the stream of integers, 
used to scare the beginners...

ints = 1 : zipWith (+)  (fix (1:)) ints
  where  fix f = f (fix f)


Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] philosophy of Haskell

2010-08-08 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Alberto G. Corona  writes: 

(...) Desugarize the
do notation, after that, desugarize the = and   operators down to the
function call notation and suddenly everithing lost its magic because it
becomes clear that a haskell monad is a sugarization of plain  functional


But, BTW, could you tell me what was the result of the final desugarization 
and the BASIC sense of the IO monad for you? 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: US Patent for the idea ...

2010-04-16 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Brian Hulley reports a search similar to :

   haskell unicode bidirectional 

revealed a link to a US Patent (7120900) for the idea of implementing the 
Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (UAX #9 in Haskell, making use, as far as I 
can tell, of nothing more than the normal approach any functional 
programmer would use, namely separation of concerns etc. 

The link is though I think 
it would be better if they had just called the website free handcuffs 
online because that is what it amounts to when people succeed in 
preventing others from using ideas, especially ideas everyone would easily 
think up by themselves. 

Before going further I would like to explicitly state that I would not 
wish to cast any aspersions upon the people or companies involved in this 
patent, since it is all too clear to me that these people have acted in a 
perfectly legal way and are just doing their various jobs: /.../

Comment irrelevant to Haskell, sorry.
Everybody does his/her various jobs. But I lost all respect due to people
who work in the US Patent Office, when I saw the patent 6,025,810, a patent
for an antenna which sends signals faster than light, using some mysterious
new dimension. Or the U.S. Patent 6,960,975 for an anti-gravity device.
It seems that although it is illegal to break some local regulations, the
idea of breaking fundamental physical laws remains perfectly legal. (In
some countries...) 

Somebody finally decided to ridiculise the system. If you want a good laugh,
see the patent 6,368,227. The search site is here: 

Best regards. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

PS. concerning the patent 7120900. The authors appropriate this
bi-directional display in Haskell, Erlang, SML, Lisp, Scheme and Miranda.
So, please, hurry up, and before they wake up, implement your stuff in Ocaml
or Clean. Or better, get a relevant patent yourself.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Num instances for 2-dimensional types

2009-10-05 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Miguel Mitrofanov rebukes Sönke Hahn, who -:


I used to implement
fromInteger n = (r, r) where r = fromInteger n
, but thinking about it, 
fromInteger n = (fromInteger n, 0)

seems very reasonable, too.

Stop pretending something is a number when it's not.

Miguel Mitrofanov, please kindly stop pretending that you KNOW
what is a number, and what is not.

The numeric classes in standard Haskell are disgraceful, and the idea
that if something can be added, it is a number is bad. Vectors are not
numbers, but inventing special (+) for all kinds of Abelian additions
is awkward. So, people call numbers what they wish, and it is *their*
business. I needed to add functions (of course, without Eq nor Show
membership), I had to fake... Pairs (a,b) may be numbers in various
contexts, for example (value,derivative) in automatic differentiation. Or
(mainTerm,otherOrders) in some infinitesimal calculus. Or pairs (scalar,
3vector) for quaternions. 

The idea of putting fromInteger in the same class, is a design bug
(my personal opinion, of course). There are plenty of examples where
conversions from integers are legitimate, but no addition or (*)seem
natural. Or the other way round ; apparently Sönke Hahn is in that
situation, so he fakes...

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] What is a number. (Was: Num instances for 2-dimensional types)

2009-10-05 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

L.A. says:

complex numbers are just pairs of numbers.

Later :
Being a number is in the eye of the beholder. :) 

Now, the readers of this forum will with horror witness a
discussion about the meaning of the word just...
American people will call it a discussion about semantics, and
we, European will not understand why this word is used in a pejorative

Just pairs have no natural arithmetic upon them. All the standard set
theory will not help in making numbers, unless we inject the notion of
equivalence à la Gottlob Frege. And this is surely contextual, but perhaps
the eye of the beholder should be somehow objectivized... 

BTW. the missing term of M.M. is DUAL NUMBERS. 

Lennart continues : 

Everyone agrees that the Haskell numeric hierarchy is flawed, 
but I've yet to see a good replacement.

There *are* some mathematical preludes for Haskell. There were attempts
to emulate the structures of, say, the C.A.S. Magma in FP (I lost the

The problem is, that Haskell is a huge factory, people responsible NOW
for its evolution have other priorities. But the story has at least 15 
years. Jeroen Fokker did something then, I worked on it at the same

period. Now Jacques Carette has his own system, and Sergey Mechveliani
another one...
But other people don't care, so the efforts are atomized. 

Please, keep cool. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Convert IO Int to Int

2009-06-09 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Magnus Therning writes: 

ptrash  wrote: not getting through it. I just want to generate a random number
and then compare it with other numbers. Something like 

r = randomRIO (1, 10)
if (r  5) then... else ...

You have to do it inside the IO monad, something like 

myFunc  = do
r - randomRIO (1, 10

This may continue forever...
With nice references to monads, to uns...@#*!, etc. ... 

We may say, as many tutorials do : this is not what you want! (which I
hate ; you are not my conscience, whoever you are...), or just give some
code, not always readable... 

Perhaps I belong to a minority here, but I strongly believe that at
THIS level, the first thing to do - unless I am dead wrong - is to explain
to our friend ptrash (who could find a less gothic pseudo) that in a pure
functional programming, the construction
r = whatEver(par1,par2)
being a function call, cannot give just a random number, something which
is not (intuitively) determined, and changes with every call, despite the
constancy of the arguments. 

For most of us, acquainted with the stuff, it becomes trivial, but if
somebody doesn't know that a classical pseudo-random generator modifies a
seed, and in such a way involves a side effect, then sending him to the
monadic heaven is dangerous. 

Please, tell him first about random streams, which he can handle without
IO. Or, about ergodic functions (hashing contraptions which transform ANY
parameter into something unrecognizable). When he says : I know all that,
THEN hurt him badly with monads. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Time for a new logo?

2008-12-17 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Andrew Coppin writes: 

And who knows category theory? Almost nobody. If you insist on naming 
stuff after things that nobody will have heard of and which sound highly 
technical, you're going to seriously limit your potential audience.

Speak for yourself, not for almost everybody, or you will going to
seriously limit your potential audience (which might be already restricted
to those who don't care about seriousness of your statements). ALL
mathematicians know CT. All formal papers on Monads touch CT. Well, OK,
I know, Monads and you are two different worlds... 

(Also, coroutines? Seriously? That's hardly an obscure term in
programming circles.) 

Well now, I'm curios. I've been writing computer programs since I was 9 
years old. I hold a diploma *and* an honours degree in computer science. 
And I have never even *heard* of a coroutine. To this day I still don't 
know what it means. I rather suspect I'm not the only programmer on 
earth who finds themselves in this position. ;-)

If one day I decide to return back to some religion, I will pray for the
souls of your teachers. How many microseconds have they spent teaching
parallel programming? 

I suggest that you say goodmorning to Google. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] sound synthesis

2008-05-02 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Thomas Girod: 

Recently, I read a few articles about Haskell (and FP in general) and 

I remember an article ranting about how lazy evaluation would be great to 
do signal processing, but it was lacking real world example.

Check (e.g. through Google) what Henning Thielemann wrote about. 

I can offer you something written not in Haskell, but in Clean (the
conversion to Haskell is largely trivial), see e.g. this PADL paper,
I have it on-line: 

The task is to generate a sine wave and pipe it to /dev/dsp on my linux 
box. There is probably a nicer way to make some noise, like using SDL 
audio API bindings, but I didn't take the time to poke around this yet.

I'm wondering how I could convert a [Word16] to ByteString, and how I 
could use lazy evaluation to generate an infinite sine that stops with the 

Infinite sine that stops is a bit contradictory. In my view the solution
is the following. You generate your infinite whatever. Sine, Karplus-Strong
sound, flute, whatever, you combine all in one infinite stream, and you
don't care at all about stopping. [In Clean I used unboxed, spine-lazy, but
head-strict lists. The format was floating-point]. 

THEN, during the conversion, piping, construction of a .wav table (vector)
you think about the time-limitation of the stream. I played with static
constraints (concrete number of converted samples). If you want to do it
dynamically, then, either you know how to interrupt *any* infinite process
within Haskell, or you have to learn how to do it... Here people more
competent than myself will surely help you. Good luck, and thanks for
your interest in a this fabulous field. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] approximating pi

2008-04-28 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Benjamin L. Russell: 

Assuming the square had 100 pixels per side, on the average, approximately 
how many random pixels should be plotted in the square before obtaining a 
reasonably good estimate of pi?

Nothing to do with Haskell... 

What do you mean by reasonable? This Monte-Carlo procedure is very
inefficient anyway. The relative error falls as 1/sqrt(N) where N is the
number of samples, so, several hundred thousands of samples may give you
just three significant digits.
And, at any rate, this has nothing to do with pixels, what, introduce
one more source of errors through the truncation of real randoms? 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] approximating pi

2008-04-27 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Don Stewart writes: 

Ry Dahl:

By picking points randomly from a square one can calculate pi.


What is the best way to express this algorithm in Haskell?

Using a random generator, such as System.Random or
System.Random.Mersenne, generate random numbers in your range,
testing if they're inside the circle, and loop until your limit
condition is reached. 

The full program is about 10 lines or so, so shouldn't be too hard to
work out, once you've worked out how to generate Doubles from

Ry Dahl seems to know Ruby. Ruby has also comprehensions. So, why not use
'randoms' to generate an infinite list of them, 'take' some N, and then
'sum' 1 on randoms filtered by the circle condition. I think that you
won't need full 10 lines of code... 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Function Precedence

2008-04-03 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Chris Smith writes: 

... So the current (Num thing) is basically: 

1. The type thing is a ring
2. ... with signs and absolute values
3. ... along with a natural homomorphism from Z into thing
4. ... and with Eq and Show. 

If one wanted to be perfectly formally correct, then each of 2-4 could be 
split out of Num.  For example, 2 doesn't make sense for polynomials or n 
by n square matrices.  4 doesn't make sense for functions.  3 doesn't 
make sense for square matrices of dimension greater than 1.  And, this 
quirk about 2(x+y) can be seen as an argument for not wanting it in the 
case of functions, either.  I'm not sure I find the argument terribly 
compelling, but it is there anyway.

Why formally correct??
This is *your* vision. I might say that fromInteger makes sense for square
matrices, mapping to a multiple of the unity matrix. 4 makes sense for
functions on finite domains. The full Ring property requires a unit, which
might not be there formally. The absolute value might be a buzzword
for norm which *can* be defined for polynomials. In short, Num is
a conventional hybrid, and trying to squeeze it into *any* math formal
structure is asking for trouble. 

On the other hand, I have enough time already trying to explain Num, 
Fractional, Floating, RealFrac, ... to new haskell programmes.  
... At least in the U.S., very 
few computer science students take an algebra course before getting 
undergraduate degrees.

Not only in US. 

In mathematical terms, the set of functions is a (math) module
(generalized vectorspace), not a ring.

Well, I agree that functions are modules; but it's hard to agree that 
they are not rings.  After all, it's not too difficult to verify the ring 

What is the function multiplication?
You say: (f*g)(x) = f x * g x ??
I agree. But if you say that the multiplication IS the *composition*
(for example for the popular implementation of Peano/Church numerals),
then I will also agree. So, there isn't any obvious instance for the
function multiplication. (The composition works even if neither x nor
f x belong to any ring). 

BTW functions are or are not members of modules/vector spaces depending
on the codomain structure, so this requires a constrained instance

Fractional, Floating, etc. are also horrible. Why the square root needs to
be floating? It can belong to the algebraic number domain. 

We can continue this ad infinitum. I cared very much about this stuff some
10 years ago, I gave up... I would like, sure, to have the possibility to
derive in Haskell some mathematical subsumptions, e.g., that the ring of
integers modulo N becomes a field if N is prime. Or, that every additive
group is a module over integers. But it seems that we are very far from
such a dream. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Function Precedence

2008-04-02 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Hans Aberg writes: 

But one should also be able to write (f+g)(x). - This does not work  in 
Haskell, because Num requires an instance of Eq and Show.

So, declare them, even if they are vacuous. I did it several times, I am
still alive, so no need to say this does not work. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Function Precedence

2008-04-02 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Hans Aberg comments my remark to his observation: 

But one should also be able to write (f+g)(x). - This does not  work  in 
Haskell, because Num requires an instance of Eq and Show.

So, declare them, even if they are vacuous. I did it several times,  I am
still alive, so no need to say this does not work.

That is possible, of course - I did that, too. But it means that the  
syntax and semantics do not work together; an invitation to pitfalls.  So 
this ought to be avoided, except if there are no other workarounds.

I am more tolerant. The question - for me - is not an interplay between
syntax and semantics, syntax here is irrelevant, the fact that (+) is a
popular infix operator plays no role. The calamity comes from the fact that
it is not possible to write serious and natural instances of Eq and
Show for functions, and that for God knows which reasons, the Num instance
demands them ! This requirement is not rational, although intuitive. But
I violated it several times, when I needed arithmetic for lazy infinite
objects... So, I can't say that this should be avoided. I don't see
obvious pitfalls therein. 

It would be better to write a new Prelude. :-)

Oh, yes, our common dream... 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Function Precedence

2008-04-01 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Paul Stanley writes: 

f x = x
g y = y
f g x
returns an error because f takes only one argument. Why can't we have 
function application implemented outwardly (inside-out)


There were already some answers, but it seems that people did not react to
the statement that f g x fails. It doesn't, in normal order everything
should go smoothly, f g 5 returns 5 = (f g) 5 = g 5, unless I am
terribly mistaken...
Where did you see an error? 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] function type def

2008-04-01 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
PR Stanley: 

I know sort of instinctively why it is so but 
can't think of the formal rationale for it:

f g x = g (g x) :: (t - t) - (t - t)

First of all - it is not the definition f g x = ... :: (t- ...
but the type of the function which might be specified:
f :: (t-t)-t-t 

Then, the answer to:

Why not
(t - t) - t - (t - t)
to take account of the argument x for g?

is simple. If t is the type of x, then g must be g :: t-t, you're right.
So f :: (t-t) - t - [the type of the result]
But this result is of the type t, it is g(g x), not (t-t), it is as
simple as that. Perhaps you didn't recognize that - is syntactically
a right-associative op, so
a-b-c   is equivalent to a-(b-c), or
(t-t)-t-t equiv. to  (t-t)-(t-t) 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Wumpus World

2008-03-28 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Benjamin L. Russell wrote:

Not all students and researchers can afford a Personal
License.  Can you recommend an alternative, fast
Prolog development system under a free licensing
agreement, such as GPL/GLPL?

You have quite a choice if you relax your licensing requirements: 

You will find there the GNU-Prolog, whose licensing should be as
you wish. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computational Category Theory in Haskell

2008-02-25 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Derek Elkins writes: 

Dan Weston wrote:
Has anyone already ported to Haskell the ML code in Rydeheard and 
Burstall, Computational Category Theory?

This isn't very helpful, but I did several years ago, ...

You might be interested by:
On the expressive power of Constructor Classes
by Luc Duponcheel, and Erik Meijer. Available through citeseer. 

This has been written under Gofer, should thus work for Hugs, and
no reason why not under GHC.
Very nice paper. (Of course, Rydeheard and Burstall is their first

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Repeated function application

2008-02-21 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Ben Butler-Cole writes: 

times :: (a - a) - Int - (a - a)
times f 0 = id
times f n = f . (times f (n-1)) 

Am I missing something more general
...I can't help feeling that there must be a way to get rid of the 
 explicit recursion. 

How would you implement times?

Anything against (apart an auxiliary list, and x not curried away) 

times n f x = (iterate f x)!!n 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Doubting Haskell

2008-02-17 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Donn Cave writes: 

On Feb 17, 2008, at 1:12 AM, Colin Paul Adams wrote:

And left is not the opposite of correct. That would be incorrect.


If it's any consolation to those of the left handed persuasion, I  guessed
it wrong - I have used Either in this way, but Left was Success and
Right was Failure.  I don't enjoy puns, and mapped to an A/B form
it seemed obvious that Success is A.

Wee, for those who don't enjoy puns, but feel that the life and
everything is one enormous pun, a political reminder. 

For many years, the world is composed of Leftists and Rightists (let's
for the moment forget the normal people). Those from the Left always felt
that they were right, and that those from the Right should not be left
unpunished, while those from the Right thought that those from the Left
should be left to die. Even if it seems right to consider that these
deviations should be left to historians, we should not forget that at
the beginning of the glorious Soviet country there was a proposal to
change the meaning of traffic lights. Red would mean Forward!!. 

On the other hand, in France nowadays the difference between Right and
Left is more or less the same as between Immediate failure and Delayed
failure. Choose yourselves which is which. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A question about monad laws

2008-02-14 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Jed Brown comments the answer of - 

-- Roman Leshchinskiy who answers my question concerning the replacement
of floating-point numbers: 

 First, when I see the advice use something else, I always ask what,
 and I get an answer very, very rarely... Well? What do you propose?

For Haskell, Rational seems like a good choice. The fact that the 
standard requires defaulting to Double is quite unfortunate and 
inconsistent, IMO; the default should be Rational. Float and Double 
shouldn't even be in scope without an explicit import. There really 
is no good reason to use them unless you are

writing a binding to existing libraries or really need the performance.

Here Jed Brown says: 

Until you need to evaluate a transcendental function. 

It would be killing, wouldn't it?... 

I would say more. It is known that in randomly taken, usual formulae in
physics, engineering, etc., if you start with rationals, *typically* the
GCD between numerator and denominator will be small, the reductions of
fractions are not very effective. Your rationals explode very fast!
If after some reasonable number of operations you get rationals whose
num/den have millions of digits, the program becomes *completely useless*,
this is not just the questions of performance. 

Richard O'Keefe said that people speculate about floating-point numbers
without knowing them. Well, nobody is perfect...
I am a bit disturbed by people, who speculate without ever *needing*
fl.p's, and who haven't thus the sensibility. For them this is a kind of
game. Well, it isn't. 

R.L. says: 

For all practical purposes, the semantics of (==) is not well defined 
for floating point numbers. That's one of the first things I used to 
teach my students about floats: *never* compare them for equality. 
So in my view, your example doesn't fail, it's undefined. 
That Haskell provides (==) for floats is unfortunate. 

I disagree, on practical basis. Floating-point numbers are very well
defined, we know how the mantissa is represented. If the numbers are
normalized, as they should, plenty of low-level iterative algorithms
may use the equality - after some operation - to check that the machine-
precision convergence has been obtained. On the contrary, the verification 
that the absolute value between two terms is less than some threshold,
may be arbitrary or dubious. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A question about monad laws

2008-02-13 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Roman Leshchinskiy writes:

Richard A. O'Keefe wrote:


Would you say that *no* typical floating-point software is reliable?

With lots of hedging and clutching of protective amulets around the
word reliable, of course not.  What I *am* saying is that
(a) it's exceptionally HARD to make reliable because although the 

 are well defined and arguably reasonable they do NOT obey the laws that
school and university mathematics teach us to expect them to obey

Ints do not obey those laws, either. It is not exceptionally hard to write 
reliable software using ints. You just have to check for exceptional 
conditions. That's also the case for floating point. 

That said, I suspect that 90% of programs that use float and double would 
be much better off using something else. The only reason to use floating 
point is performance.

I have a bit different perspective...
First, when I see the advice use something else, I always ask what,
and I get an answer very, very rarely... Well? What do you propose? 

Then, the problem is not always pathological, in the sense of exceptional
conditions. There are touchy points related to the stability of the
algorithms for the solution of differential equations. There are doubtful
random number generators in Monte-Carlo business. There are ill-conditioned
matrices and screwed-up iterative definitions. Algorithms work, work, and
ultimately explode or produce rubbish. The laws which get broken are
almost respected for a long time, and then we have the Bald Man (Sorites)

RAO'K very wisely says that people should avoid reinventing wheels, and
they should use established packages, written by people who know. 

The problem *here* is that we would like to have something fabulous in
Haskell - for example... And there aren't too many experts, who would
convert to the Functional Religion just for fun.
What is *much worse*, some potential users who could encourage building
such packages in the numerical domain, typically don't believe that FP
gives anything interesting. At least, this is the opinion of physicists
I spoke to recently.
Never mind. We shall dance over their cadavers, unless they dance over
ours. In both cases we shall be happy. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A question about monad laws

2008-02-12 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Yitzchak Gale writes: 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

Would you say that *no* typical floating-point software is reliable?

It depends on how you define reliable. 

Floating point intentionally trades accuracy for speed,

It used to be true - and may still be - that the engineers
who implement floating point in the hardware of our
CPUs would never fly on commercial airliners. Would you? 

Would you entrust your country's nuclear arsenal to an
automated system that depends on floating point arithmetic?

1. This is not a possible trade-off or not. In scientific/engineering
 computation there is really no choice, since you have to compute
 logarithms, trigonometric functions, etc., and some inaccuracy is
 unavoidable. Of course, one may use intervals, and other extremely
 costly stuff, but if the stability of the algorithms is well controlled,
 and in normal case it is (especially if the basic arithmetics has some
 extra control bits to do the rounding), th issue is far from being

2. The story about engineering not flying commercial planes is largely
 anecdotical, and you know that. Repeating it here doesn't change much. 

3. Nuclear arsenal is never really entrusted to an automated system,
 because of reasons much beyond the fl.point inaccuracies.
 On the other hand, in all those software one has to deal with
 probabilities, and with imprecise experimental data, so even if for God
 knows which purpose everything used exact algebraic numbers, or
 controlled transcendental extensions, the input imprecision would kill
 all the sense of infinitely precise computations thereupon. 

4. The non-reliability of engineering software has many more important
 reasons, sometimes incredibly stupid, such as the confusion between
 metric and English units in the Mars Climate Orbiter crash...
 The Ariane 5 crash was the result not of the floating-point computation
 but of the conversion to signed 16-bit numers (from a 64bit double). 

5. Of course, in the original posting case, the underlying math/logic is
 discrete, and has no similar inaccuracies, so the two worlds should
 not be confounded... Here, if some laws get broken, it is the result of
 bad conventions, which usually can be easily avoided. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A question about monad laws

2008-02-11 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Deokjae Lee cites: 

The tutorial All About Monads says that It is up to the programmer to
ensure that any Monad instance he creates satisfies the monad laws. 

The following is one of the laws. 

(x = f) = g == x = (\v - f v = g) 

However, this seems to me a kind of mathematical identity. If it is
mathematical identity, a programmer need not care about this law to
implement a monad. Can anyone give me an example implementation of
monad that violate this law ?

After three or five reactions to this posting, I think it it is time to

Haskell is not math. 

Or rather, there is no way to be sure that the *implementation* of some
mathematical domains and operations thereupon are fool-proof. Sometimes
you break en passant some sacred laws. For example the transitivity of
ordering. 52, right? and 85 as well. But, imagine a - little esoteric
example of cyclic arithmetic modulo 10, where the shortest distance
gives you the order, so 28. 

A mathematician will shrug, saying that calling +that+ an order relation
is nonsense, and he/she will be absolutely right. But people do that... 

There is a small obscure religious sect of people who want to implement
several mathematical entities as functional operators, where multiplication
is f. composition. You do it too generically, too optimistically, and then
some octonions come and break your teeth. 

So, people *should care*. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: A question about monad laws

2008-02-11 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Richard A. O'Keefe comments: 

  [floating point addition is not associative]] 

And this is an excellent example of why violating expected laws is BAD.
The failure of floating point addition to be associative means that  there
are umpteen ways of computing polynomials, for example, and doing it  
different ways will give you different answers.  This is *not* a good 
way to write reliable software. 

[Then we see the scalar product whose value *may* depend on the ev. order] 

I wonder...
Would you say that *no* typical floating-point software is reliable? 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Who started 42, and when?

2008-02-01 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Martin Lüthi:

In the Japanese culture the number 42 has a very special meaning. I
realized that while discussing cultural differences with a Japanese.
Pronouncing 42 sounds like death or to die. No hotel in Japan has a
room 42.

After knowing that it is hard to think that Doug Adams was not aware of
that meaning.

Phil Molyneux:

... it does have a basis in the standard  model of physics ---
a paper in Phys.Rev. of the early 1970s  described the unification of the
Electro-Weak and Strong nuclear  forces --- the arbitrary constant
(of nearly) 42 appears in the  calculations. I forget the original paper
but if you get hold of  Frank Close ``The Cosmic Onion'' a graph
reproduces the result. I met Douglas Adams once at a book signing and
asked him how he got hold of  the Phys.Rev. paper so early. Technically he
should have written that  ``42 is the answer to life, the universe and
everything except for  gravity and a few other arbitrary constants''


You will discover the third (or the sixth?) moment of the Riemann zeta
function which has this 42 in it, and without doubt, you will find
something in Talmud and the Pyramides. And the mass of the Galaxy which
is 3*10^42.
And it takes light 10^(-42) sec. to cross the diameter of a proton,
although if I were light, I wouldn'd do such silly thing. Fortunately
I am heavy.

And at least one of YOU is 42 years old, and I was once. (Yes, the number
1 which is even more magical).

Perhaps before claiming before you know really something, because Adams
told you so personally, you have a look here.

... And if you run a non-optimized Haskell program which computes the
Fibonacci of 42, then you have to wait so long, that you must build a
special Supercomputer for it. It has, BTW. been built, and it is called
the haskell-cafe mailing list.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: anybody can tell me the pronuncation of?haskell?

2008-01-30 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Chung-chieh Shan corrects me: 

PS. If you think that arigato is a genuine Japanese word, well, check
how the appropriately translated word is spelled in Portuguese... 

I'm not sure what you mean by genuine, but I suspect that whether
arigato is genuine does not depend on Portuguese.

Yes, it seems that I have been one more victim of this red herring.
In the cited issues of the linguistlist there is a nice discussion of that
topic. It should be more widely known entre a gente falando portugues.
Vou calar a boca... 

Gomen nasai. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] anybody can tell me the pronuncation of haskell?

2008-01-29 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Tim Chevalier(*) writes:

I think to ease the acceptance of Haskell in the broader world, we
should just change the name to Schönfinkel.

On the other hand, is better not to try Curry, since the French pronounce
it: Queue-rhrhrh. This is for me absolutely inacceptable and scandalous,
since thus, they confuse him with Madame Curie, who was Polish, and I am
a patriot. And after a few years, people from some Other Respectable
Cultures will think that Haskell discovered Radium (for French: Hhhhudiomm).

Thank you for this inspiring and awfully useful discussion.

Jerzy K. (K is pronounced as K, the name of some heroes of Kafka, who was
a Germanophone Czech Jew. Do not confuse his K with another K, by Dino
Buzzati, who was Italian).


(*) Pronounced //possibly// as Che Guevara, with Guevara replaced by Valier.
Now, Valier is a mountain in Les Pyrenées,
and the first person who climbed it was a bishop. The second one was also
a bishop, so perhaps Tim should be careful.

Some more messages on this subject, and I will have really to call an
ambulance so they can take me away, far from Internet...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] anybody can tell me the pronuncation of haskell?

2008-01-29 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Tim Chevalier writes: 

... I think the usual convention is to
pronounce names in the manner of the language that the person who has
the name speaks. (Preferably just to pronounce people's names the way
they say them.) 

(The first convention doesn't work with my last name, though the
second one does.)

Oh, people!
I try hard to degenerate this discussion into a pure delirium traemens, and
you still keep its serious intellectual contents intact! I bet that you
don't even smile, writing your terrible off-topic postings! 

If you wish so...
Tim, there cannot be any USUAL CONVENTION, unless you are conditioned by
your anglo-saxon keyboard. 

There is no truly established way to translate non-standard diacritics.
Even without, there are pronunciation variants, look how many versions
of Mustapha names there are in the world. Try to transmit my family
name to a Japanese, using Katakana (which, being syllabic, gives you many
The information world today is far from a purely oral tradition. I think
that the only sane attitude is just let people distort everything as they
wish, and don't get nervous. Those distortions are unavoidable, languages
are evolving creatures. 

... And a good part of English has been established by those Francophone
Vikings who won the battle of Hastings in 1066, beginning their campaign
from where I usually live and work.
... Not forgetting that before them there were Danish Vikings, coming from
the place where I sit now... 

Arigato gozaimasu. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk. 

PS. If you think that arigato is a genuine Japanese word, well, check
how the appropriately translated word is spelled in Portuguese... 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] anybody can tell me the pronuncation of haskell?

2008-01-28 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Tim Chevalier writes:

Haskell, stress on the first syllable; the first syllable is like
the word has and the second syllable is pronounced with a schwa
where the e is written.

Sometimes you will hear people stress the second syllable, but that is
not Preferred.


Well, unless you are French. Then you don't pronounce H. The remaining
letters are pronounced according to the Règlements de l'Académie.
On the other hand, the name Chevalier is pronounced as it should be.

But, on the other hand, if you are Italian, you should take into account
that no word may terminate on a consonant, so you have to add another
schwa, or a Sicilian Variant of that at the end.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk (pronounced as written)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: The programming language market

2008-01-27 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Derek Elkins writes: 

//Discussion about Lisp in Russia, some people not getting younger, Scheme
with types, and other bedlam// 

No language that was ever popular has ever died as far as I can tell.

This is one of the persistent truths which has to be carefully
interpreted. Languages mutate and give offsprings, bearing sometimes the
same name. The original Fortran is undoubtly dead and buried. Long live

In some cases people defend this thesis with sophism. Algol is dead. No
sense in disputing it. So what? It simply was never popular enough... 

Since the Nature abhorrs vacuum, all niches tend to become non-empty, and
for any language, there will be some guys who will play with it. Snobol
is alive, APL as well. Perhaps even Simula. 

When can we say that it is *really* dead? How many users? Languages are
alive when people who used them are alive, and we didn't have had time
enough to kill all of them, patriarchs... Look, Simon Peyton Jones was
born more or less simultaneously with Fortran. And he is not so terribly
old, is he? (Welll, perhaps for some of you, but not for me.) 

Anyway, a language, as any other conceptual structure, can be
stored and communicated. You may kill all the working instances, and
rekindle it later. It such a way it is difficult to kill a religion, or
a political doctrine. But it may die, become useless/unused temporarily.
So, you never really know... 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: The programming language market (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why functional programming matters

2008-01-26 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Tim Chevalier/Paul Johnson about cheap computers, expensive programmers 

 This is true only if talking to people in high-income nations.

Even in low-income nations, its only false in the short term.  If you
have skilled programmers with computers and Internet connections then
their wages inflate to the world norm.  IIRC India is seeing 20%/year
wage inflation...

It's true that India seems to be going in that direction, but
personally I don't feel I have the background or temerity to suggest
that it will definitely happen for the rest of the world.

The issue is less related to the actual income, but to the global politics,
sometimes doctrinal. Not always the invisible hand of market may easily
change things, and if a given nation/country has historical strong views
on the power of the people, the evolution is different than at your place.
India doesn't seem to boast that they are numerous and powerful. Chinese
do... We shall see. 

You may perhaps remember (which you won't, because you are too young) the
glorious times when computers became a reality even in Soviet Union. They
had at that time plenty of really good mathematicians. But the totalitarian
view of the science, plus the nationalistic proudness, made them (the rulers
not the scientists...) think and say that with so many good people, there
is no need to develop the programming automated tools. 

They neglected the programming languages. Russia and their satellites became
a kind of desert here not only because of economical problems... 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: The programming language market (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why functional programming matters

2008-01-26 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk

Dipankar Ray writes:

I should point out that certain US-trained mathematicans (myself included)
are actually quite jealous of the Russian math education system - they
produce mathematicians who tend to be excellent...

Anyway, no we're older, and we realize that it would have helped our math
understanding out quite a bit had we learned more physics, engineering,
etc. Or had we learned 19th century mathematics well. The Russian program
seems to do this, actually (at least for the sample set of kids that make
it to the US).

What you're telling me below is that part of this emphasis on old-world
mathematics might have come from an arrogance/bias against computers?
Interesting - I'll have to think about this.

I've often heard from my Eastern European colleagues that they learned
almost nothing about computer science back home...


Well, I have the impression, at least I intended to say just the reverse
(not the opposite), that the arrogance/bias against computers has been
partly justified by a very good level in math. The decision makers
confounded the math science with the domain of computation...
[[Let's skip the ideological war against cybernetics as the reactionary
pseudo-science which would enslave the proletarian class. End of '50,
beginning of '60 this was already completely anecdotical, although some
bitter aftertaste persisted...]]

The stagnation in the development of automatics followed the same pattern.
We have good, brave people. Who needs 'em robots...

It is an *established fact* that some part of casualties during the struggle
to confine Tchernobyl could have been avoided, if the authorities thought
more about replacing humans with machines. But not only the authorities,
folks themselves rushed to help, and safety measures were not respected as
they should have been if a more liberal doctrine, with calculation of risk
à l'Américaine, prevailed.

And, PLEASE, Artem V. Andreev, before you say plainly again that I am
definitely wrong. I didn't invent what I say, and I hope nobody can accuse
me of any inimical thoughts against Russians.
You say:

Not wishing to refute your general point, I can only note that U.S.S.R did
have its own school of computer science in general, and of developing
programming language implementations in particular.
There were Fortran and Algol compilers, there is Refal, after all,
which is a purely Soviet invention (and which, for that matter,
is still being taught in several Russian universities).
So in this particular respect you are definitely wrong.

Please compare the size of the country, the achievements in military
equipment, cosmic exploration, etc., with what we could have seen in the
development of software... An Algol compiler has even been built in my
Poland, much smaller and miserable. Nothing to be proud of.

My goodness, Refal... You mean the Turchin stuff? OK, OK... Nice guy,
*really*. Nice idea. And no consequences...

Nothing bad can I say, because I know a tiny bit about the related
stuff. The language Snobol (Griswold et al.), was also based on Markov
algorithms (and some centuries ago I wrote a small textbook on Snobol,
I planned to teach at that time in Poland. I knew that Refal existed, and...
I couldn't learn anything more).

I wonder how much could do Markov himself (1903 - 1979),
- his: Theory of Algorithms was published by the  American Mathematical
Society Translations in 1960, - if he lived in a more open society, which
could *better* exploit the potential of these people.

Do you think that I haven't heard about A.P. Yershov? ACM still cites him,
his papers on the system ALPHA (JACM 1966), programming of arith. ops.
(CACM 1958), etc. Some other names deserve mentioning as well. But what the
system did, cannot be defended. This School of computer science gave some
theory to the humanity. But no, or almost no software, sorry. I *sincerely*
hope that it changed now.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Data constructors versus types

2008-01-17 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Achim Schneider continues to comment the Lisp history: 

In fact, it wasn't even meant to be a programming language, just a

There is  comprehensive German article (in English), by Herbert Stoyan,
on this historical issue: 

Stoyan reminds a - currently - not so obvious truth, that something like
functional paradigmatics was not so popular at that time, the second half
of fifties, beginning of sixties. People reasoned rather in terms of
algorithms, and McCarthy was no exception. 

Let's cite Stoyan: To come back to functional programming, it is an
 important fact that McCarthy as mathematician was familiar with
 some formal mathematical languages but did not have a deep,
 intimate understanding of all their details. McCarthy himself has
 stressed this fact (23). His aim was to use the mathematical
 formalismus as languages and not as calculi. This is the root of
 the historical fact that he never took the Lambda-Calculus conversion
 rules as a sound basis for LISP implementation. 

So, I believe it is not so briliant an idea to confound the Church calculus
with Lisp! 

We have also the text of the Master himself, available on-line: 

The chapter on the prehistory: 

   My desire for an algebraic list processing language for artificial
   intelligence work on the IBM 704 computer arose in the summer of
   1956 during the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial
   Intelligence which was the first organized study of AI. During
   this meeting, Newell, Shaw and Simon described IPL 2, a list
   processing language for Rand Corporation's JOHNNIAC... 

So, sorry, but McCarthy since the very beginning thought about making
a usable computer language, not a calculus. When discussing the evolution
of FLPL, the *third* point mentions Church for the first time: 

  c. To use functions as arguments, one needs a notation for
   functions, and it seemed natural to use the -notation of
   Church (1941). I didn't understand the rest of his book,
   so I wasn't tempted to try to implement his more general
   mechanism for defining functions. Church used higher order
   functionals instead of using conditional expressions. ... 

See also the article of Paul Graham:

Before somebody once more accuses me of pedantry, or says publicly
here that I am aggressive towards people: 

You know that spreading half-truths, and also plain rubbish on Internet
is extremely easy. Wherever you look, you find plenty of occasions to
err, it suffices to put yourself in a mode of a dead person from the
movie The sixth sense of M. Night Shyamalan, with Bruce Willis, and
Haley Joel Osment. The boy says to the other main personage (unaware of
his own condition) that dead people see only what they WANT to see... 

And somehow the false information spreads easier than the true one. THIS
list, which, independently of the freedom to chat about anything, is still
targeted at serious comp. sci. problems, and I think that the fact
that somebody is young and inexperienced, is not a justification to make
false claims, just because this and that had XXX years less than myself in
order to read some easily available texts. Of course, anybody may say
dubious truths, I am ashamed of myself, but from time to time I explode.
Sorry about this. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Data constructors versus types

2008-01-16 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Achim Schneider writes: 

Lisp is actually not really meant to be compiled, but interpreted. The
nice thing is that it doesn't need more than a handful of primitives, a
list parser and heap manager/garbage collector and evaluator, which all
can be implemented in under 1000 lines of C. Things get more involved
with get/cc, but then how many C programmers ever heard of setjmp...

Would you mind stopping to spread dubious truths?
Certainly, Lisp processors started with simple eval/apply interpreters,
since they were easy to construct, but compilers, their name is Legion! 

Look at CMU Common Lisp compiler.
GNU CLISP compiler
Lisp Works compiler
Allegro compiler

There are also Lisp-C translators. The result is of course compiled.
CLiCC, this is a German (Kiel) product. Perhaps not so far from you. 

Where did you read that Lisp is not meant to be compiled, for goodness'

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why purely in haskell?

2008-01-15 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
 an exception,
not the system. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Computer Science Books using Haskell

2008-01-14 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Don Stewart writes: 

One textbook on algorithms with a functional approach is by Fethi Rabhi
and Guy Lapalme: Algorithms: A functional programming approach
published by Addison-Wesley, 235 pages, ISBN 0-201-59604-0 

I'd imagine they wouldn't use many OCR unfriendly characters.

I perhaps misunderstand this phrase, but if you suggest that it would be
useful to snatch the code examples from within the book, I believe that
no OCR is needed, they are here: 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why purely in haskell?

2008-01-14 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Ben Franksen writes: 



Does *MATH* answer the question what is: (0/0)==(0/0) ? Nope!

Exactly. So why try to give an answer in Haskell? MATH says: the 
expression 0/0 is undefined, thus comparing (0/0)==(0/0) is undefined, 
too. I would expect Haskell to say the same.

I don't know whether you are serious, or you are pulling my leg...
Let's suppose that it is serious. 

When math says that something is undefined, in my little brain I understand
that there is no answer.
NO answer. 

Is this the undefined you want to have? The bottom non-termination? Now,
this is obviously the *worst* possible reaction of the system, the IEEE
indefinite is much better, at least you know what had happened. 

Would you propose the non-termination as the issue of all errors, such as
negative argument to the real sqrt, etc?
Well, as you wish... But don't write medical software, please... 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why purely in haskell?

2008-01-14 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Achim Schneider writes: 


When math says that something is undefined, in my little brain I
understand that there is no answer. 

Math doesn't say that something is undefined, but tells you that you
did something that's illegal, i.e. impossible, in the system you're
working with.

Yeah, sure. 

Thanks God, we have on this list a fellow who gets direct telephone calls
from her Majesty the Queen Mathematics. And knows better.
Go tell to all people who use the word 'undefined' in math that they are
stupid. At least, more stupid than you.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [newbie question] Memoization automatic in Haskell?

2008-01-13 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Henning Thielemann writes: 

Caching is not the default, but you can easily code this by yourself:
Define an array and initialize it with all function values. Because of
lazy evaluation the function values are computed only when they are
requested and then they persist in the array.
 One should add this most simple case to the Wiki.

A posteriori thought, when I reread that... 

This is a =part= of the story. Whatever you do with the initial calls, if
there is no automatic memoization, further calls will be executed normally.
The user has to replace his/her calls with the elements of the memo-array. 

Suppose (sorry for the awful Fibonacci again...) we define 

fibs = [fib n | n-[0 ..]] 

fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) 

If you try to get fibs!!1000 you will die before anyway. 

The solution is obviously to replace the recursive definition of fib by 

fib n = fibs!!(n-1) + fibs!!(n-2) 

This works well. I had a similar problem in physics, perturbation theory
offers often some quite intricate, knotty recurrencies, and the memoization
offers a solution for the worse than exponential complexity. But I had to
use trees, 2_dim lists of lists, etc. in order to sort the order of the
creation of the results appropriately.
So, I agree wholeheartly with the statement that memoization is not a blind
automaton, it should be used consciously, and adapted to concrete needs. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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