[Haskell-cafe] Postdoctoral Research Position at Yale University

2009-02-17 Thread Paul Hudak

Postdoctoral Research Position at Yale University

The Nettle Project in the Computer Science Department at Yale
University seeks applicants for a one-year (minimum) postdoctoral
research position.  The successful candidate will apply modern,
high-level programming language ideas (such as embodied in Haskell) to
help design and implement a language for the control of BGP-based
network routers, with the goal of realizing high-level networking
protocols for traffic engineering, security, and related networking
concerns.  The ideal candidate will have strength both in programming
language concepts and implementation techniques, as well as networking
fundamentals.  A PhD in computer science or related field is required.

Yale is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.  Interested
candidates should send their CV or resume to Professor Paul Hudak
at paul.hu...@yale.edu.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] anybody can tell me the pronuncation of "haskell"?

2008-01-29 Thread Paul Hudak

Well, Haskell was Curry's first name, so perhaps we
should use "Moses",
which was Schönfinkel's first name, and has some nice biblical
metaphors :-)


Chevalier(*) writes: 
  I think to ease the acceptance of Haskell in
the broader world, we

should just change the name to Schönfinkel.

On the other hand, is better not to try Curry, since the French
it: Queue-rhrhrh. This is for me absolutely inacceptable and
since thus, they confuse him with Madame Curie, who was Polish, and I
a patriot. And after a few years, people from some Other Respectable
Cultures will think that Haskell discovered Radium (for French:
Thank you for this inspiring and awfully useful discussion. 
Jerzy K. (K is pronounced as K, the name of some heroes of Kafka, who
a Germanophone Czech Jew. Do not confuse his K with another K, by Dino
Buzzati, who was Italian). 
(*) Pronounced //possibly// as Che Guevara, with Guevara replaced by
Now, Valier is a mountain in Les Pyrenées,
and the first person who climbed it was a bishop. The second one was
a bishop, so perhaps Tim should be careful. 
Some more messages on this subject, and I will have really to call an
ambulance so they can take me away, far from Internet... 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New to Haskell

2007-12-18 Thread Paul Hudak

Benja Fallenstein wrote:

  I mean, I reject the answer "They wanted it this way" because I think
the answer should be, "They wanted it this way because They looked at
substituting equals under a lambda, and They saw it was good" ;-)

Your version of the answer is in fact correct, but is just an
elaboration of the original one.
So, I don't see what your point is...

Sure, and I suppose one way to do this is to put the show function for
functions into the IO monad -- then you can't inspect the results.  But
if you want to inspect the result, then I have no idea how to do this.

If you can show and enumerate the argument type and show the result
type of a function, one way is to enumerate the graph of the function.

Yes, but this requires a STANDARD way to do this -- meaning that the
underlying domains are enumerable in a standard way.  I don't think
that is always possible.  And of course you may have an infinite graph,
whereas the function itself is finite.

Regarding the rest of your message: I don't see how this helps, since
some terms do not have head-normal forms.  Even in the pure lambda
calculus there are terms that denote the same value but that are not
convertible to one another.  It seems that at best this approach would
yield only partial success.


  The wiki page gives the example,

Prelude> \x -> x+x
functionFromGraph [(0,0), (1,2), (2,4), (3,6),

If you have special compiler support, and consider a fragment of
Haskell that contains only functions -- i.e., no algebraic data types,
no Ints etc. (it's kind of a boring fragment!, but you can have Church
numbers) --, you can reduce the function to head normal form. Head
normal form looks like this:

\VAR1 VAR2 ... VARm -> VARi EXPR1 ... EXPRn

and there is a reduction strategy that finds the head normal form of
an arbitrary _expression_ if there is one; a proof that if there isn't
one, the _expression_ denotes bottom; and a proof that if you have two
HNFs, and they differ in the part before EXPR1 or differ in the number
of EXPRjs, these HNFs denote different values.

Therefore, when you have reduced the function to HNF, you can print

"\VAR1 VAR2 ... VARm -> VARi "

(or more precisely, you can write a lazy 'show' that yields the above
characters as soon as it has computed the HNF). Then, you go on to
recursively compute the HNF of EXPR1, and you show that inside

Some examples:

show (\x -> x) == "\a -> a"
show (.) == "\a b c -> a (b c)"

(let fix f = f (fix f) in show fix)
== "\a -> a (a (a (a (a.

[Unless I'm making some stupid mistake] It's well-established that
this is computable and doesn't break extensionality (i.e., that
applying this show to two functions with the same extension will give
the same result -- or conversely, if show gives different results for
two functions, there are arguments for which these functions yield
different results).

By itself, this isn't very interesting, but I *think* you should be
able to add algebraic data types and case expressions to this fragment
of Haskell and still do "essentially" the same thing. Then, you could
show, for example,

show either == "\a b c -> case c of { Left d -> a d; Right e -> b e }"

- Benja

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New to Haskell

2007-12-18 Thread Paul Hudak

Benja Fallenstein wrote:

Not so fast :-)

Caveat one, there may be useful ways to for functions to implement
Show that don't conflict with extensionality (i.e., the property that
two functions are equal if they yield the same results for all
Sure, and I suppose one way to do this is to put the show function for 
functions into the IO monad -- then you can't inspect the results.  But 
if you want to inspect the result, then I have no idea how to do this.

Caveat two, we generally assume extensionality when reasoning about
Haskell, but it's entirely possible to give a semantics for Haskell
that doesn't assume extensionality. IMHO, a good answer to the
question why functions aren't showable in Haskell needs to explain why
we prefer our semantics to be extensional, not say that by god-given
fiat, Haskell is extensional, so we can't show functions.
Well, my caveat was that the Haskell designers wanted it this way.  So 
you are essentially rejecting my caveat, rather than creating a new one. 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New to Haskell

2007-12-18 Thread Paul Hudak

If the semantics of a language says that a function
f is equivalent to a function g, but there is a function h such that
h(f) is not equivalent to h(g), then h cannot be a function.  Therefore
that language cannot be a (purely) functional language.

That is the pure and simple reason why functions are not Showable in

This doesn't mean that it isn't possible to show functions -- even
compiled code can usually be reverse-engineered to yield some printable
version of an equivalent function -- but if the language is to remain
pure, such facilities should be relegated to the development tools
(debugger, etc.).


Benja Fallenstein wrote:

  Hi Henning,

On Dec 18, 2007 3:53 PM, Henning Thielemann
Since this was discussed already here, I summed it up in:

I find the discussion under "theoretical answer" unsatisfying. The
property that a Show instance for functions would break is
extensionality, and while extensionality is a desirable trait and
matches the common mathematical intuitions, a system with intensional
functions certainly isn't "unmathematical" or impure.

Further, even with extensionality, we can (with compiler support) in
principle have Show instances other than enumerating the graph. At
least for simple non-recursive functions, showing the Böhm tree of the
function could be useful (except that you loop forever if you
encounter bottom somewhere, of course, instead of printing "bottom" as
you would if you could print the actual Böhm tree). For example, id
would be shown as "\a -> a," maybe would be shown as "\a b c -> case c
of { Just d -> b d; Nothing -> a }," and all would be shown as "\a ->
case a of { (b:c) -> case b of { False -> False; True -> case c of {
(d:e) -> case d of { False -> False" et cetera ad infinitum.

Of course, for functions on ints this would indeed reduce to
enumerating the graph, printed as an infinite case _expression_.

- Benja
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Yampa / AFRPVectorSpace.hs

2007-12-17 Thread Paul Hudak

Certainly looks like a typo to me!

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

While studying the vector space class in AFRP, I encountered the following
strange code:

class Floating a => VectorSpace v a | v -> a where
v1 ^-^ v2 = v1 ^+^ v1 -- (negateVector v2)

I have no idea why the (negateVector v2) has been commented out, but surely
this must be a typo?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Semantics of uniqueness types for IO (Was: Why can't Haskell be faster?)

2007-11-01 Thread Paul Hudak

One can certainly use an operational semantics such
as bisimulation, but you don't have to abandon denotational semantics. 
The trick is to make output part of the "final answer".  For a
conventional imperative language one could define, for example, a
(lifted, recursive) domain:

Answer = Terminate + (String x Answer)

and then define a semantic function "meaning", say, such that:

meaning loop = _|_
meaning loop' = <"x", <"x", ... >>

In other words, loop denotes bottom, whereas loop' denotes the infinite
sequence of "x"s.  There would typically also be a symbol to denote
proper termination, perhaps <>.

A good read on this stuff is Reynolds book "Theories of Programming
Languages", where domain constructions such as the above are called
"resumptions", and can be made to include input as well.

In the case of Clean, programs take as input a "World" and generate a
"World" as output.  One of the components of that World would
presumably be "standard output", and that component's value would be
_|_ in the case of loop, and <"x",
<"x", ... >> in the case of loop'.  Another part of the World
might be a file system, a printer, a missile firing, and so on. 
Presumably loop and loop' would not affect those parts of the World.

If returning one World is semantically problematical, one might also
devise a semantics where the result is a sequence of Worlds.


Arnar Birgisson wrote:

  Hi there,

I'm new here, so sorry if I'm stating the obvious.

On Nov 1, 2007 2:46 PM, apfelmus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Stefan Holdermans wrote:

  Exposing uniqueness types is, in that sense, just an alternative
to monadic encapsulation of side effects.

While  *World -> (a, *World)  seems to work in practice, I wonder what
its (denotational) semantics are. I mean, the two programs

   loop, loop' :: *World -> ((),*World)

   loop  w = loop w
   loop' w = let (_,w') = print "x" w in loop' w'

both have denotation _|_ but are clearly different in terms of side
effects. (The example is from SPJs awkward-squad tutorial.) Any pointers?

For side-effecting program one has to consider bisimilarity. It's
common that semantically equivalent (under operational or denotational
semantics) behave differently with regard to side-effects (i/o) - i.e.
they are not bisimilar.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell libraries for computer vision

2007-10-16 Thread Paul Hudak

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Mon, 15 Oct 2007, Don Stewart wrote:

"An experimental Haskell system for fast prototyping of computer vision
and image processing applications."
Looks ridiculously cool.

Image processing with Haskell - really interesting.

I know of an older approach:
  "Prototyping Real-Time Vision Systems: An Experiment in DSL Design"
 by Alastair Reid et.al.

Yes, see:



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Troubles understanding memoization in SOE

2007-09-26 Thread Paul Hudak

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
I hope I won't come to the conclusion that after one year learning 
the cool lazy functional programming language Haskell (which I want 
to use for making simple videogames in a clean way for teaching),

I haven't tested it, but know of the existence of "Haskell in Space":

Also see these two:



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Troubles understanding memoization in SOE

2007-09-25 Thread Paul Hudak

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

I thought the lambda function that memo1 returns would be called over and over 
again, and instead of reevaluating the stream from the beginning, it would just 
return the stream since it is in the cache, but actually it just gets called 
twice in recursive situations: the first time it evaluates y = f x, stores the 
thunk in the cache, and returns the thunk, the second time it finds the same 
thunk in the cache, and then computation of the rest of the stream continues 
without consulting the cache anymore right?

Actually the function may be called more than twice -- but each time 
after the first, it uses the cached value instead of recomputing it.  
Even in a non-recursive situation, such as "x + x", this saves some 
computation.  The recursive situation just make it worse.

 From my clumsy explanation you can see that I'm still thinking too imperative, 
too eager. Haskell is more lazy than I am, which is an incredible achievement 

The confusing thing here is that it is a combination of functional and 
imperative -- the functional evaluation is happening lazily, but the 
unsafe stuff causes some imperative side effects, namely the updating of 
the cache.

It would really help if I could see the lazy computation; do you think this kind of memo code is traceable using HAT? 

I don't know -- I've never used HAT!

I'll guess I'll have to check out arrows / yampa again. A year ago I did not 
understand a single thing in those papers, but I should try it again now I read 
the SOE book :-)

Ok, good luck.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Troubles understanding memoization in SOE

2007-09-24 Thread Paul Hudak
Hi Peter.  Paul Liu replied well to your later email, but I just wanted 
to point out that memoization is not being used here to make the 
recursion work -- lazy evaluation does just fine.  Rather, the 
memoization is being used for what it's normally good for, namely, to 
avoid repeated computation.  In a recursive context having multiple 
references to the recursive variable, this can result in  an exponential 
blow-up that grinds the computation to a halt very quickly.  I suspect 
that when you observed your program getting "stuck" that it was simply 
blowing up so quickly that it /appeared /stuck.

Also, the reason that there is no space leak in the memoization process 
is that, as Paul Liu pointed out, I only save the last value -- that's 
the reason for the IORef.  The last value is sufficient because FAL is 
carefully designed so that it executes each time step completely before 
the next one begins.

Finally, I should point out this is the only place in SOE where I use 
unsafe features in Haskell.  I felt so bad about it that you'll notice 
that I don't even discuss it in the text!  Interestingly, also as Paul 
Liu pointed out, switching to arrows solves the problem, but in a subtle 
way that we only recently realized.  The paper that Paul cited 
(http://www.cs.yale.edu/~hl293/download/leak.pdf) describes this in detail.

I hope this helps,

  -Paul Hudak

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:


in SOE, the following memoization function is implemented:
memo1 :: (a->b) -> (a->b)
memo1 f = unsafePerformIO $ do
  cache <- newIORef []
  return $ \x -> unsafePerformIO $ do
  vals <- readIORef cache
  case x `inCache` vals of
Nothing -> do let y = f x
  writeIORef cache [(x,y)] -- ((x,y) : 
--if null vals then [] else [head vals])

  return y
Just y  -> do return y

inCache :: a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b
x `inCache` [] = Nothing
x `inCache` ((x',y'):xys) =
   if unsafePtrEq x x' then Just y' else x `inCache` xys

This is then used in

type Time = Float
type UserAction = G.Event

data G.Event
  = Key Char Bool
  | Button Point Bool Bool
  | MouseMove Point
  | Resize
  | Closed
  deriving Show

newtype Behavior a  = Behavior (([Maybe UserAction],[Time]) -> [a])
newtype Event a  = Event (([Maybe UserAction],[Time]) -> [Maybe a])

Behavior fb `untilB` Event fe =
  memoB $ Behavior (\uts@(us,ts) -> loop us ts (fe uts) (fb uts))
where loop (_:us) (_:ts) ~(e:es) (b:bs) =
b : case e of
  Nothing -> loop us ts es bs
  Just (Behavior fb') -> fb' (us,ts)

memoB :: Behavior a -> Behavior a
memoB (Behavior fb) = Behavior (memo1 fb)

If I understand it correctly, the memoization is required because 
otherwise recursive "streams" wouldn't work. For example, in the Pong 
game example, a ballPositionX stream is generated by integrating a 
ballVelocityX stream, but the ballVelocityX stream changes sign when 
the ball hits the left or right walls, and to determine that event, 
the ballPositionX stream is required. So both streams are mutually 
recursive, and without memoization, the program would be stuck (at 
least my own FRP experiments, which don't use memoization yet, gets 
stuck :-)). Another trick to prevent this, is the "b : case e of" code 
in untilB, which causes the event to be handled a bit too late, to 
avoid cyclic interdependencies.

I hope I got that right. Now my questions.

So, the keys (x) and values (y) in (memo1 fb)  are streams (aka 
infinite lists)? More correctly, memo1 uses a pointer to the head of 
the list as a key, for fast comparing (as you can't compare infinite 
lists)? But since both key and value are infinite streams, won't this 
approach cause a serious space leak because the whole list cannot be 
reclaimed by the garbage collector? So the full ballPositionX and 
ballVelocityX streams would remain in memory, until the program exits?

Since this doesn't happen when I run the SOE examples (I guess!), I 
clearly misunderstand this whole thing. I could explain it when the 
pointer to the list is actually a pointer to the delayed computation 
(a "thunk"?) of the tail, but the code doesn't seem to do that.

Thanks for any help, I hope I explained the problem well enough.

Peter Verswyvelen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] let and fixed point operator

2007-08-31 Thread Paul Hudak

ok wrote:

What is so bad about

f x = g x''
  where x'' = x' + transform
x'  = x  * scale

(if you really hate inventing temporary names, that is).
There's nothing at all wrong with this, assuming it's what you meant to 
type :-), and it might even correspond perfectly to the mathematical 
notation used in some textbook.  But I would argue that this example is 
pretty simple, and that if there were a lot of xs and x's and x''s then 
the chance of making a typing mistake is greater, I believe, than if you 
had used x, xscaled, and xtransformed.  (On the other hand this is all 
pretty subjective... :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] let and fixed point operator

2007-08-30 Thread Paul Hudak

Andrew Coppin wrote:
OK, so it's only tangentally related, but... do you have *any idea* 
how many times I've written something like

 let x = (some complex function of x)
 in (some other complex function of x)

when in fact what I *meant* to do was type x' instead of x?! 

I try not to use primes (x', x'', etc.) on variables for exactly this 
reason, and instead try to use more descriptive names, such as "newx", 
or "y", or whatever.  Of course you can still make typing mistakes, but 
that's always the case...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Explaining monads

2007-08-15 Thread Paul Hudak
I've seen the analogy with "recipes" used before, but I think that you 
need to be careful when you try to distinguish the analogy to monads 
from the analogy to functions.  The reason is that, in the one-of-many 
ways that I view monads, a monad is just a high-order /function /that 
abstracts away function composition.  In particular, if I have an action 
f, and an action g, I can think of them as recipes, because I can 
combine them via f >>= g.  It's only after I combine all of my actions 
together that I apply the result to my input (via "run").

Well, that's just like function composition.  In particular, if I have a 
function f, and a function g, I can think of them as recipes, because I 
can combine them via f . g.  It's only after I combine all of my 
functions together that I apply the result to my input.


Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

On 14/08/07, Dan Piponi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 8/14/07, Sebastian Sylvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well that's easy, don't use the recipe analogy to explain code, use it
for monadic values exclusively, and you avoid the confusion entirely!

I don't think it's that complicated.

It certainly is complicated. I think I have a good grasp of monads to
the point where I can tease novel monads (and comonads) out from
algorithms that people previously didn't see as monadic. And yet I
still don't understand what you are saying (except with respect to one
specific monad, IO, where I can interpret 'action' as meaning an I/O

Monads have a monadic type. They
represent an abstract form of an "action", which can be viewed as an
analogy to real-world cooking recipes.

All functions can be viewed as recipes. (+) is a recipe. Give me some
ingredients (two numbers) and I'll use (+) to give you back their sum.

No, (+) is a function, not a "recipe". Again, you're introducing
confusion because you use the same analogy for two *different* things.
Use it for one of the things and you don't have that problem.
I want to use "recipe" to mean "an abstraction for an action". It
could litterally be a text string containing the C code required to do
a particular IO action, for example. (+) isn't an abstraction in the
same sense, it *is* the "action" itself. (+) is the actual value of
the function that will add two numbers together. A monadic value is an
abstract recipe that you can't actually use directly (you can only
combine them, and if you're lucky you can "perform" them once you're
done combining them, e.g. ST, but not IO).


As long as you don't
deliberately confuse things by using the same analogy for two
different things I don't see where confusion would set in.

If I was one of your students and you said that monads are recipes I
would immediately ask you where the monads are in my factorial program
regardless of whether you had introduced one or two different
analogies for recipes.

Why would you? I really don't see where you would get that idea? If I
tell you that a function returns "a fruit", would you ask where the
fruit in your factorial program is? Probably not. Why would you go off
and take an analogy for monads and apply it to something completely
different and still think the analogy holds?
A function is *not* a recipe in this analogy, it's just a function
(which you hopefully should've covered by the time you get to monads.
Monadic values, and *only* monadic values (not functions!) are to be
viewed as analogous to real world cooking recipes in this analogy.
Functions shouldn't. If you start mixing things together it will get
confused, so just don't!

I don't think this is very difficult to understand, so if you still
don't get it, I think you're just going to have to read it again
because I can't explain it any better, and in my experience, newbies
tend to understand this analogy within seconds (maybe that's the
problem, you're not a newbie)...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-08 Thread Paul Hudak
All of the recent talk of support for imperative programming in Haskell 
makes me really nervous.  To be honest, I've always been a bit 
uncomfortable even with monad syntax.  Instead of:

do x <- cmd1
y <- cmd2
return e

I was always perfectly happy with:

cmd1 >>= \x->
cmd2 >>= \y->
return e

Functions are in my comfort zone; syntax that hides them takes me out of 
my comfort zone.

In my opinion one of the key principles in the design of Haskell has 
been the insistence on purity.  It is arguably what led the Haskell 
designers to "discover" the monadic solution to IO, and is more
generally what inspired many researchers to "discover" purely functional 
solutions to many seemingly imperative problems.  With references and 
mutable data structures and IO and who-knows-what-else to support the 
Imperative Way, this discovery process becomes stunted.

Well, you could argue, monad syntax is what really made Haskell become 
more accepted by the masses, and you may be right (although perhaps 
Simon's extraordinary performance at OSCOM is more of what we need).  On 
the other hand, if we give imperative programmers the tools to do all 
the things they are used to doing in C++, then we will be depriving them 
of the joys of programming in the Functional Way.  How many times have 
we seen responses to newbie posts along the lines of, "That's how you'd 
do it in C++, but in Haskell here's a better way...".

I hope I don't start a flame war with this post -- I'm just expressing 
my opinion, which admittedly is probably regressive rather than 
progressive :-).


Professor Paul Hudak
Department of Computer ScienceOffice: (203) 432-1235
Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Haven, CT 06520-8285  WWW:www.cs.yale.edu/~hudak

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [Fwd: PADL 2008: Call for Papers]

2007-08-06 Thread Paul Hudak

 Original Message 
Subject:PADL 2008: Call for Papers
Date:   Sat, 4 Aug 2007 19:25:58 -0500 (CDT)
From:   Gopal Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[ Colleagues, note that this will be the 10th PADL;
 We strongly urge you to submit papers, the deadline is
 only 3 weeks way]


   Tenth International Symposium on
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages 2008
 (PADL '08)


   San Francisco, USA
January 7-8, 2008

Co-located with ACM POPL'08

Declarative languages build on sound theoretical bases to provide attractive
frameworks for application development. These languages have been successfully
applied to vastly different real-world situations, ranging from data base 
to active networks to software engineering to decision support systems.

New developments in theory and implementation have opened up new application 
At the same time, applications of declarative languages to novel problems raises
numerous interesting research issues. Well-known questions include designing for
scalability, language extensions for application deployment, and programming
environments. Thus, applications drive the progress in the theory and 
of declarative systems, and benefit from this progress as well.

PADL is a forum for researchers and practitioners to present original work 
novel applications and implementation techniques for all forms of declarative 
including, functional, logic, constraints, etc. Topics of interest include:

* innovative applications of declarative languages;
* declarative domain-specific languages and applications;
* practical applications of theoretical results;
* new language developments & their impact on applications;
* evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications;
* novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom; and
* practical experiences

PADL 08 welcomes new ideas and approaches pertaining to applications and 
of declarative languages.  PADL 08 will be co-located with the ACM POPL.


 Paper Submission: August 24, 2007
 Notification:  September 27, 2007
 Camera-ready:  October 23, 2007
 Symposium: January 7-8, 2008

 Authors should submit an electronic copy of the full paper (written in
 English) in Postscript (Level 2) or PDF. Papers must be no longer than 15
 pages, written in 11-point font and with single spacing. Since the final
 proceedings will be published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science by 
 Verlag, authors are strongly encouraged to use the LNCS paper formatting
 guidelines for their submission.

 Each submission must include on its first page the paper title; authors and
 their affiliations; contact author's email and postal addresses, telephone 
 fax numbers, abstract, and three to four keywords. The keywords will be 
used to
 assist us in selecting appropriate reviewers for the paper. If electronic 
 is impossible, please contact the program chair for information on how to 
 hard copies.


  The Most Practical Paper award will be given to the submission that 
is judged
  by the program committee to be the best in terms of practicality, 
  and clarity of presentation. The program committee may choose not to 
make an
  award, or to make multiple awards.

For information about papers and submissions, please contact the Program 
  Paul Hudak
  PC co-Chair - PADL 2008
  Department of Computer Science
  Yale University
  P.O. Box 208285
  New Haven, CT 06520 - 8285

  David S. Warren
  PC co-Chair - PADL 2008
  Department of Computer Science
  Stony Brook University
  Stony Brook, NY

For other information about the conference, please contact:

  Hai-Feng Guo
  General Chair - PADL 2008
  Department of Computer Science
  College of Information Science & Technology
  University of Nebraska at Omaha
  Omaha, NE, U.S.A.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equational Reasoning goes wrong

2007-07-22 Thread Paul Hudak
Note that you can take any closed term e and do the following 
"equational reasoning":

==> let x = e in x
==> let x = x in x
==> _|_

Technically, though, this is not "wrong", in that it is still 
"consistent", where consistency is defined using the usual information 
ordering on domains.  Conventional equational reasoning is consistent, 
it's just that it may lose information.  And in that sense, it doesn't 
have to lose everything at once -- for example with data structures one 
could go from (e1,e2), say, to (_|_,e2), to (_|_,_|_), and finally to _|_.

As mentioned by a few others, constraining equational reasoning so that 
information is not lost has been studied before, but I'm not sure what 
the state-of-the-art is -- does anyone know?


Neil Mitchell wrote:


Haskell is known for its power at equational reasoning - being able to
treat a program like a set of theorems. For example:

break g = span (not . g)

Which means we can replace:

f = span (not . g)


f = break g

by doing the opposite of inlining, and we still have a valid program.

However, if we use the rule that "anywhere we encounter span (not . g)
we can replace it with break g" then we can redefine break as:

break g = break g

Clearly this went wrong! Is the folding back rule true in general,
only in specific cases, or only modulo termination?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: historical question about Haskell and Haskell Curry

2007-07-19 Thread Paul Hudak

Jon Fairbairn wrote:

If not, why isn't Haskell called "Alonzo"? ;-)

I think that was one of the suggestions made among many
others. Haskell has the advantage of sounding less like a
person's name (which might have been why Curry didn't like

Actually, the more compelling reason we chose "Haskell" over "Alonzo"
was that, at the time, Church was alive -- he died in 1995 -- whereas
Curry was not -- he died in 1982.  We felt uncomfortable naming the
language after someone who still alive (however odd that may sound).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parsers are monadic?

2007-07-01 Thread Paul Hudak
Hi Claus.  I am sympathetic with your comments regarding monads and 
continuations.  It's interesting to note that the original I/O system in 
Haskell was based on streams and continuations.  The continuation 
version had two continuations in fact -- one for success and one for 
failure.  For example, readFile had the type:

   readFile :: Name -> FailCont -> StrCont -> Behaviour

Here StrCont was the success continuation, which took a string (the file 
contents) as argument.  I rather liked the flexibility that this offered 
-- since I/O errors were fairly common, it made sense to give success 
and failure equal status.  The down-side of using continuations is that 
you have to carry them around explicitly, so one might argue that they 
clutter the code a bit, and that was one of the advantages of switching 
to monads.  On the other hand, one could argue that having them explicit 
makes things in some way clearer.

All of this is described in fair detail in the History of Haskell paper, 
by the way (see http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=1238844).  It's worth 
noting that, in comparing continuation and monadic program fragments, we 
comment in that paper:

   Although these two code fragments have a somewhat imperative
   feel because of the way they are laid out, it was really the advent
   of do-notation—not monads themselves—that made Haskell programs
   look more like conventional imperative programs (for better
   or worse). This syntax seriously blurred the line between purely
   functional programs and imperative programs, yet was heartily
   adopted by the Haskell Committee. In retrospect it is worth asking
   whether this same (or similar) syntactic device could have been
   used to make stream or continuation-based I/O look more natural.

Best wishes,   -Paul

Claus Reinke wrote:

The standard, naïve approach to monadic parsing is very nice, but
inefficient. So *please read* some material based on Hutton&Meijer
approach, but don't stay there, read something more modern,

since we thereby seem to have left the phase of simple answers to
simple questions;-) i'd like to raise a pet issue of mine. my own first
combinator parsers (inspired by Wadler's "How to replace failure
by a list of successes", but adapted to a call-by-value language)
were based on continuations.


ok, now everybody has had time to chime in with "monadic parsers
are based on continuations" or "continuations are just one specific
monad". so let me return to the particular issue i'm interested in:
contrary to monadic parsers, those continuation-based parsers
had *two* continuations, one for success, one for failure. and
that seemed to be a very natural match for the problem.

for all that i like monadic programming in general, i often feel
that it is biased towards handling only the success path well,
by offering built-in support for a single continuation only. for
instance, one can use (Either String) as a parser monad with
error messages, but it isn't straightforward to express error
handling into that format, preserving both success and failure-
related info (such as reporting the error corresponding to the
longest partially successful parse). also, negation does not
seem to be an easy fit (succeed if a specific parser would
not be successful at the current point; this seems to require
monad-specific information, so perhaps there's a
MonadNegate class missing?).

has anyone else had similar experiences with expressive limitations
of monadic programming? things that one might be able to work
around, but that don't feel as natural or simple as they should be?
things that one hasn't been able to express at all (such as Swierstra
& Duponcheel's static analysis of combinator parsers which
inspired Hughes's proposal to use arrows)?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HGL on Windows

2007-06-29 Thread Paul Hudak

Unfortunately your memory serves you well -- see:



peterv wrote:


  I vaguely  remember to have read that HGL is
(currently) not
supported on Windows, but I can’t find this information any more.
  Is this correct? It seems not to be included in
GHC 6.6

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New New newbie question/help

2007-06-27 Thread Paul Hudak

Hi Balu.  It looks like you've gotten some excellent advice from
others, but permit me to add a further comment regarding the broader
context, now that I've had a chance to look a little closer.

It looks like you're trying to solve the "fractal snowflake" exercise. 
One of the challenges in programming with numbers is deciding what
representation to use.  Ints are great because they are efficient, but
if you need to use trigonometric functions such as sine, etc. then you
need Floats or Doubles.  The problem here is that you need both -- you
need Ints because polygon is defined in terms of pixels, which are
represented as Ints, and you need Floats because you need to compute
the coordinates of an equilateral triangle, which (interestingly) can't
be represented using integer coordinates.  But also, in the case of the
snowflake fractal, you will need to scale the size as you recurse.  The
reason that the latter is important is that it implies that the
arguments to equilateralTri should perhaps be floats -- otherwise you
will once again run into numeric conversion problems as you try to
scale the arguments (unless you always start with a pixel size that is
a multiple of six).

So -- I would still suggest using Window -> Float -> Float ->
Float -> IO() as the type for equilateralTri.  It's only when you
make the call to polygon that you need Ints.  And there you can just
use "round" to convert the Floats to Ints.

As an aside, looking at your code a bit closer, I see this:

    (polygon [(x,y),(a,b),(x,y)]))
    b = y + side * sin(pi/3)
    a = x + side * cos(pi/3) 

Something is not right here -- you repeat (x,y) as a vertex.  Probably
the third vertex should be (x+side,y).  Also, note that sin (pi/3) and
cos (pi/3) are constants (namely 0.866... and 0.5, resp.).

I hope this helps,


Balu Raman wrote:
I am for ever obliged to this haskell community. Who would
have thought that Prof.Hudak would reply instantly, from on-the-road. I
am reading his SOE. Thanks so much.
I went with peterv's response after trying so many things. 
I tried to change to : equilateralTri Window -> Float -> Float
-> Float -> IO()
which bombed because polygon wants list of integer-pairs.
I read the definitions of fromIntegral and round and they are defined
as :
fromIntegral :: (Num b, Integral a) => a -> b
round :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a->b
Is it proper/ok to defines them as :
fromIntegral :: (a::Integral) -> (b::Num)
round :: (a::RealFrac) -> (b::Integral)  ?
Is RealFrac is-a Num ?
Does the order matters in (Num b,Integral a) => a -> b or
   (Integral a,Num b) => a
-> b
With your encouragements, I'll keep pluuging. Thanks.
- br
  On 6/27/07, peterv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
also a haskell newbie, but I'll try to help; the experts here will
correct me if I'm wrong.

The compiler cannot in all cases infer the type of a number. pi can be a
Float, a Double, or even a complex number.

Furthermore unlike in C/C++ you cannot just mix integer and floating

For example, the following works for me:

f :: Int -> Int
f side = round ( (fromIntegral side) * sin ( (pi::Float) / 3 ) )

or easier

f side = round ( (fromIntegral side) * sin (pi / 3.0) )

I'm sure the experts here will have a better solution.

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Balu Raman
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 1:25 PM
Subject: [Haskell-cafe] New New newbie question/help

Hope someone can help me, just starting out with SOE.My code :
module Main where
import Graphics.SOE.Gtk

spaceClose :: WIndow -> IO()

spaceClose w = do k <- getKey w
   if k == ' ' then closeWindow w
   else spaceClose w

equilateralTri :: Window -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO()

equilateralTri w x y side
   = drawInWindow w (withColor Red
b = y + side * sin(pi/3)
a = x + side * cos(pi/3)
main =
  do w <- openWindow "Equilateral
Triangle" (400,400)

equilateralTri w 50 300 200
spaceClose w

all of the above in file triangle.hs
when I do a :l triangle.h in ghci,  I get the following error
No instance for (Floating Int)
 arising from use of 'pi' at triangle.hs:17:36-37
Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (Floating Int)

In the first argument of '(/)', namely 'pi'
In the first argument of 'cos', namely '(pi / 3)'

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New New newbie question/help

2007-06-27 Thread Paul Hudak
I think that an easier solution is to just change the type of 
equilateralTri to:

equilateralTri :: Window -> Float -> Float -> Float -> IO()

But I am on the road and wasn't able to actually run the code.


Dougal Stanton wrote:

On 27/06/07, Balu Raman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

equilateralTri :: Window -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO()
equilateralTri w x y side
   = drawInWindow w (withColor Red
b = y + side * sin(pi/3)
a = x + side * cos(pi/3)

Your problem lies in this section here. Let's look at the error message:

No instance for (Floating Int)
 arising from use of 'pi' at triangle.hs:17:36-37
Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (Floating Int)
In the first argument of '(/)', namely 'pi'
In the first argument of 'cos', namely '(pi / 3)'
In the second argument of '(*)', namely 'cos (pi/3)'
Failed, modules loaded: none

The problem comes from the calculations of 'a' and 'b'. The function
sin doesn't return an Int value. It returns types within the type
class Floating (annotated as below, for some unspecified 'a').

sin (pi/3) :: Floating a => a
side :: Int

Since the type checker has one unknown type, a, and one known, Int, it
tries to put the two together. Then it finds that Int is not an
instance of the Floating class, so a /= Int. So it asks you to make

Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (Floating Int)

In this case, the advice is bad. There is no reasonable way of making
a machine integer a member of the floating class. What you need to do
instead is ensure that you're using a type that is a member of the
Floating class - that is, convert from an Int before you start the

The function fromIntegral should come in handy:

let n = 3 :: Int
(fromIntegral n) * sin (pi/3)


Good luck!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just curios

2007-06-11 Thread Paul Hudak

As reported in the recent HOPL paper, A History of Haskell,
Haskell Brooks Curry actually didn't like his first name!  I learned
this when I visited his wife, Virginia Curry, at the time when we
decided to name a language after her husband.

By the way, Haskell Curry's mother's name was Anna Baright and his
father's name was
Samuel Silas Curry.  Samuel was the President of the School of
_expression_ in Boston and Anna was the Dean of the school.  Haskell met
a student at the School of _expression_ whose name was Mary Virginia
Wheatly, who would later become his bride.

(Silas Curry's school was one of the motivations for naming my book --
the other being that Haskell programs are just expressions :-)

You can learn more about Haskell Curry at:


Andrew Coppin wrote:
so this doesn't actually have anything to do with programming in
Haskell, but...
How in the name of God does a human being end up walking around with a
name like "Haskell B. Curry"?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

2007-05-31 Thread Paul Hudak

PR Stanley wrote:

I think so, too. In Boolean algebra (which predates computers, much less
C), FALSE has traditionally been associated with 0, and TRUE with 1. And
since 1 > 0, TRUE > FALSE.
The question, however, still remains: why False = 0 and True 1? I 
appreciate that it's so in boolean algebra but why? Why not True = 0 
and False = 1?

Because if you take (&&) to be (*), and (||) to be (+), you get a 
homomorphism between the two resulting algebras (assuming 1+1 = 1).  
That is, if we define:

h(False) = 0
h(True) = 1


h(a&&b) = h(a) * h(b)
h(a||b) = h(a) + h(b)


P.S. Another reason to justify False < True is that show False < show 
True.   :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad pronounced like gonad?

2007-05-10 Thread Paul Hudak
This reminds me of a joke (which depends on recognizing a connection 
between monads,

continuations, control, and goto statements):

Q: What do you get when you cross a monad with a continuation?
A: A gonad.

(I am sure I will hear the groans right through the ethernet! :-)


Tom Harper wrote:

Hahahah, it's pronounced the way you've been saying it =)

On 5/10/07, Dan Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been pronouncing monad like gonad (moh-nad), but it occurs to me
that it might be pronounced like monoid (mah-nad).

Is there an official way to pronouce this word - maybe with a Scottish
accent? :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Josephus problem and style

2007-04-01 Thread Paul Hudak

Here's a solution that I think is a bit more elegant.


josephus n k =
let loop xs = let d:r = drop (k-1) xs
  in d : loop (filter (/= d) r)
in take n (loop (cycle [1..n]))

Anthony Chaumas-Pellet wrote:


I've written a function to compute the general Josephus problem,
giving both the number of the survivor and the order in which the
others are killed. However, I am not overly fond of my actual Haskell
implementation, so I would like some comments on elegance. My current
function is as follow::

josephus k n = josephus' k 1 [1..n] [] where
josephus' k i (x:xs) sorted
| xs == [] = (x, reverse sorted)
| i `mod` k == 0 = josephus' k (i+1) xs ([x] ++ sorted)
| otherwise = josephus' k (i+1) (xs ++ [x]) sorted

The biggest difficulty I had is representing the circle (a continuous
unit, unlike the list). The only solution I've found is to explicitly
concatenate lists during each iteration, using an index to check
whether the current element should be kept.

It seems to me that manupilating lists so often makes the resulting
function unclear, and hides the basic principle behind the Josephus
sequence. So, I'm looking for a better way to write this function, but
enlightenment eludes me.

I've taken up Haskell in earnest a couple weeks ago, after a fairly
long stay in Lisp land (perhaps it shows). My previous "Eureka!"
moment in Haskell was matrix multiplication, along the lines of:

matProd a b = [[sum (zipWith (*) x y) | y <- transpose b]| x <- a]

Anthony Chaumas-Pellet

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: fix

2007-03-20 Thread Paul Hudak

Assuming 1 :: Int, then:
ones = 1 : ones
is equivalent to:
ones = fix (\ones -> 1:ones)
where fix has type ([Int] -> [Int]) -> [Int].

It's also the case that:
inf = 1+inf
is equivalent to:
inf = fix (\inf -> 1+inf)
where fix has type (Int -> Int) -> Int.
Unfortunately (perhaps), the fixed point returned is _|_,
since it is the LEAST solution to the recursive equation.


Dan Weston wrote:
But in fact it seems to me that the type variable "a" not only can, 
but must unify with "b->c".

Is there any use of fix for which this is not true? If this is true, 
is the type "a" instead of "b->c" because it is not possible in 
general for the type checker to verify this fact, making it some kind 
of underivable true statement?

If it is not true, I would dearly love to see a use of fix with a type 
for which functional application is not defined.

For me, it is this aspect (the type of fix) that has made it so much 
harder to understand fix than it should have been.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] NYTimes.com: John W. Backus, 82, Fortran Developer, Dies

2007-03-20 Thread paul . hudak
This page was sent to you by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Backus, inventor of Fortran, Turing Award winner, and also an early 
pioneer in functional programming, died Saturday at his home in Oregon. Many of 
us have fond memories of him in the earlier days of our careers, and we all owe 
a lot to him for giving credibility to functional programming through his 
Turing Award lecture, "Can Programming Be Libarated From the von Neumann 
style?" Here is an article from the New York Times. 

BUSINESS | March 20, 2007
John W. Backus, 82, Fortran Developer, Dies
Mr. Backus assembled and led the I.B.M. team that created Fortran, the first 
widely used programming language.



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Origins of (x:xs)?

2006-12-19 Thread Paul Hudak

Pattern matching goes back to Burstall and Darlington's work in the 1970's.

As for "x:xs", the "xs" is meant to be the plural of "x", and is 
pronounced "exs" (I guess...).

Similarly, "n:ns" is one n followed by many more "ens".   Make sense?

(By the way, ":" is often pronounced "followed by".)

   -Paul Hudak

Toby Hutton wrote:


This may have been asked before, sorry if so.  I've wondered where the 
convention of pattern matching a list to (x:xs) came from?  I've read 
a couple of old papers recently which let me believe it may have 
started back in the '70s with Miranda and its ilk.

Does anyone know why (x:xs)?  Is xs meant to be a synonym for 'excess'?

Yours curiously,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haskell.org memory upgrade

2006-12-14 Thread Paul Hudak

Dear Haskellers --

Haskell.org will go down today at 1500 EST for about 10 minutes for a 
memory upgrade.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

   -Paul Hudak

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Writing "Haskell For Dummies Or At Least For People Who Feel Like Dummies When They See The Word 'Monad'"

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Hudak

Hi Sebastian.  As a writer of one of those "academic" Haskell
textbooks, I've been following this thread with some interest.  In
fact, I agree with pretty much everything that's been said.  But I must
point out that, even though Chapter 18 in SOE is titled "Higher Order
Types", and that's where I introduce the Monad class, I actually
introduce IO in Chapter 3 -- page 36 in a 363 page textbook to be more
precise.  In fact, I do exactly as you suggest -- introduce IO early in
a way that most imperative programmers are familiar with, and then
expose the beauty and generality of monads much later -- i.e. in
Chapter 18.

I don't know if you were referring to SOE when you said Chapter 18, but
I thought that I should point out the coincidence, at least, if that's
what it is! :-)

While I'm at it, I have a couple of other general comments:

I purposely wrote SOE in a style that I was hoping would be different
from the standard language textbook, namely I tried to introduce
language features as they were needed in solving  problems, rather than
just rattling off a list of language features.  Granted, my toy
"multimedia" examples are not well motivated by the real world, so it
doesn't necessarily apply to what's now being proposed.  But I wanted
to point out that this was nevertheless really hard to do, and the
sequencing of the material was a real challenge -- I'm not even sure
that I would follow this formula again if I rewrote the book.

Maybe some of you can do better, but it's really tough to show someone
how an advanced Haskell programmer would solve advanced problems
that arise in the real world.  As a simple example, I love this recent
quote by Garrett Morris:

    "I'm personally fond of framing most non-trivial Haskell problems as
 defining domain specific languages; as a result, everything over
    200 lines that I've written in the past 3 years has used the mtl
    Transformer Library] in
some form or fashion.  It's great."

So how do we teach Garrett's way of programming (which I like very
much) to the masses?  One would guess that we'd need to explain not
only monads, but also monad transformers, first.

One of the things I found myself doing in SOE is saying things like,
"remember that thing we did way back in Chapter 3?  Using monads, we
can now express it more elegantly and modularly and succinctly like
this: ..."  But there is danger in doing this.  If we teach newbies how
to do things the "beginner's" way first (recursion instead of
higher-order functions, lists instead of user-defined data types,
specialized functions instead of type classes, and so on), then we risk
the user saying "Oh this is just typed Lisp, so I'm outa here."

So, I am *all for* someone writing a textbook that tackles real, meaty
problems from the real world.  But it's not at all clear to me how to
do it.  There seems to be a need for a fine balance between elementary
stuff and advanced stuff, mixed with both elementary and advanced
applications.  I hope that some of you are up for the challenge!


Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
On 12/11/06, Kirsten Chevalier
  It's not as if this is the first time that
this has been suggested,

but some people have suggested that a practical book about Haskell

would be a good idea. I agree. Some people have also suggested that

the right moment for this hasn't arrived yet, and I see that as a


IMO the number one problem with existing books is that they are far to
structured. I.e. "first we'll spend one chapter on functions, then one
on types, then one on laziness, then one on data types" etc. But that
means you can't really show off anything useful until the last
chapter! I think the problem is that most authors are academics, and
used to a very systematic way of explaining things - the problem is
that when Average Joe has read two chapters, he will want to try out
some ideas of his own, and if you haven't given him the basic tools to
do Real Stuff by then, he'll think the language isn't meant for real
world usage and that impression will stick.
Yes, monads are cool, but for Average Joe who doesn't give a hoot
about category theory we don't need too specific. And we REALLY don't
need to hold off on IO until chapter 18 because we feel that we
couldn't do the subject "justice" until then (again, there is no need
to explain it in detail right away).
For example, most books on C++ include plenty of operations on various
ostreams way before they actually explain how they work. As far as the
newbie is concerned, "cout" is a keyword that lets you print stuff,
and later on he'll reali

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional GUI combinators for arbitrary graphs ofcomponents?

2006-12-02 Thread Paul Hudak
If you consider just Dags, I believe that this question is equivalent to 
asking what set of combinators will allow you to create an arbitrary 
composition of functions that allow sharing inputs and returning 
multiple results.  And I think that one answer to that is the set of 
combinators that make up the Arrow class.  If you want to include 
recursion (i.e. cycles), then you'd have to throw in ArrowLoop (although 
that might only provide a nested form of cycles).  It's in this sense 
that Fudgets is analogous to Fruit.


Brian Hulley wrote:

Brian Hulley wrote:

Anyway to get to my point, though all this sounds great, I'm
wondering how to construct an arbitrary graph of Fudgets just from a
fixed set of combinators, such that each Fudget (node in the graph)
is only mentioned once in the expression. To simplify the question,
assume we have the following data structure to describe the desired
   data LinkDesc a
   = Series a a
   | Broadcast a [a]
   | Merge [a] a

   type GraphDesc a = [LinkDesc a]

The above is more complicated than necessary. The problem can be 
captured by:

   type GraphDesc a = [(a,a)]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Self Study with SOE

2006-10-28 Thread Paul Hudak
Hi Deech.  I'm afraid that there is no solutions manual for SOE.  I have 
many of the solutions scattered about in various places, and have been 
meaning to cull them together, but haven't had the time.  However, the 
following website should be helpful to you:


This is from a course I taught two years ago, and it contains a number 
of solutions to SOE problems, as well as powerpoint slides for most of 
the chapters, and information on more advanced topics such as Yampa.

I hope this helps,


Aditya Siram wrote:

Hi all,
I have been steadily working through Haskell SOE. However, as the 
exercises become more involved, I would like to know, not only that 
the answer I come up with works, but that I am doing it the right way 
(the elegant way?).

For instance, Chapter 8 Exercise 8.3 requires me to modify the "area" 
and "perimeter" functions to accept negative arguments. My solution 
would be to change the functions to take the absolute value of the 
arguments as they come in. This would work but it doesn't seem all 
that elegant.

Additionally, SOE exercises do not come with test data so I can test 
correctness. Is it part of my responsibililty as a student to come up 
with test data (boundary conditions etc) as I try to answer the 

Is there some kind of solutions manual available? I promise I am not 
doing this as homework for a course.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: optimization help

2006-10-15 Thread Paul Hudak


  Paul Hudak wrote:
In fact avoiding space leaks was one of the motivations for our moving
to an arrow framework for FRP (now called Yampa).  Arrows amount to a
point-free coding style, although with "arrow syntax" the cumbersomeness
of programming in that style is largely alleviated.

I think that's an entirely different thing.

You changed representation of signal transformers from

newtype SF a b = SF ([a] -> [b])


data SF a b = SF (a -> (b, SF a b))

I think that you misunderstood what I said.  When we went from FRP to
Yampa, we changed from using signals directly, i.e. Signal a, to using
functions, i.e.:

    SF a b = Signal a -> Signal b

When we did this, we made SF abstract, and we adopted the arrow
framework to allow composing, etc. signal functions.  This meant that
you could not get your hands on Signals directly, which helped to
prevent space leaks.

What you describe above is a change that we made in the implementation
of signal functions (specifically, from streams to continuations),
which indeed is an entirely different thing.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: optimization help

2006-10-13 Thread Paul Hudak
In fact avoiding space leaks was one of the motivations for our moving 
to an arrow framework for FRP (now called Yampa).  Arrows amount to a 
point-free coding style, although with "arrow syntax" the cumbersomeness 
of programming in that style is largely alleviated.


jeff p wrote:


 The (almost) point-free versions run faster than my "fast"
imperative version and take up significantly less heap space-- even
the version which reads everything and then writes takes up about 1/3
the heap space as my version.

 I get the impression that point-free style is a preventive measure
against space leaks.

thanks again,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell.org down

2006-09-26 Thread Paul Hudak

We are looking into it.  Sorry for the inconvenience.   -Paul

Jason Dagit wrote:

On 9/23/06, Donald Bruce Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hmm. Looks like its gone down again?

And again...

Seems fishy...


Professor Paul Hudak
Department of Computer ScienceOffice: (203) 432-1235
Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Haven, CT 06520-8285  WWW:www.cs.yale.edu/~hudak

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell.org down

2006-09-26 Thread Paul Hudak
Sorry to bother everyone with this, but some input I've gotten from the 
community has been helpful.  Haskell.org is up again, and here is the 
latest action on part of our IT staff:  If anything further develops 
I'll let you know.

Thanks,   -Paul

	I had to reboot haskell this AM it was really hung. My first assumption is abuse by 
	web crawlers. I have denied access to all web crawlers at the moment while I 
	continue looking further into this and the load is staying low. I'll keep you posted.

Paul Hudak wrote:

We are looking into it.  Sorry for the inconvenience.   -Paul

Jason Dagit wrote:

On 9/23/06, Donald Bruce Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hmm. Looks like its gone down again?

And again...

Seems fishy...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell.org down

2006-09-23 Thread Paul Hudak
Thanks Don.  I alerted our IT staff this morning, and they seem to have 
things working again, although here is their final response:

   The web server had over 150 client connections which exceeded
   its limit. I restarted the web server and all is well.

   I'll keep and eye on it and see if someone is trying a denial of
   server attack, or it could be you need a newer faster machine. :-)

So either Haskell is getting really popular (on a Friday night?) or 
there's something fishy going on.


Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

Just in case it has gone unnoticed, haskell.org seems to have been down
for a few hours now.

Do we have an admin looking into this?

-- Don

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskore microtonal support

2006-09-22 Thread Paul Hudak
An easier and better way to support microtonal music in Haskore is to 
use the csound back-end instead of MIDI.  I'd be happy to help someone 
develop such a thing if interested.


Magnus Jonsson wrote:

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Magnus Jonsson wrote:

Now even more interestingly, my program also deals with music! :) I'm
generating microtonal midi files. I use it for very much the same 
purpose as

you do (although my program is not yet finished).

Is it something we could and should add to Haskore?

If Haskore could support microtones that would make this world a 
slightly better world for me. Here are the basic things you need to 
support microtonal music:

- Pitch representations would have to be able to express any pitch.
  - One appealing approach is to represent a pitch directly as it's 

  - Probably the most useful representation though is a base pitch,
say one of C,D,E,F,G,A,B, followed by a list of accidentals that
modify the pitch. The user should be able to define his own base
pitches and accidentals, in terms of cents or frequency ratios or
something similar.
- Generating microtonal midi files requires that you add pitch-bend 
messages before all notes. That restricts each midi channel to only 
being able to play one note at a time. This is a big deficiency in the 
midi protocol imo.

/ Magnus 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskore

2006-09-22 Thread Paul Hudak

As Henning points out, the darcs version of Haskore is now the
standard, which Henning has been kind enough to set up.  However, it
has also been extended and re-organized, and at least currently does
not have the simplistic feel of the original Haskore.  On the other
hand, the version that is described in Chapter 20 of SOE (which is
called "MDL")  is very simple and elegant and would be a great way to
"learn Haskell".  Even though it's in Chapter 20, it depends only on
material presented much earlier in the book.

I hope this helps,   -Paul

Henning Thielemann wrote:

  On Fri, 22 Sep 2006, David Curran wrote:
I have been trying to learn haskell (tip over the vending machine) for
a while and eventually decided the Haskore music library might be a
good way to start understating the language.

I am using windows and hugs98. The IOExtensions.hs file will not work
under windows. Any ideas on how to make it work or is this library
*nix only?

I think that this problem was resolved in the revised Haskore version, see
   and its binary file wrapper

However, I feel that this Haskore version is no longer simple enough for

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fran - Functional Reactive Animation

2006-08-24 Thread Paul Hudak
Actually Pan (and Pan#) are NOT the same as Fran -- quite a bit 
different, in fact.  You may have to email Conal Elliott for a working 
version of Fran, OR you could look at my simplified version (which I 
call "FAL", for "Functional Animation Language") described in Chapter 15 
of my textbook, The Haskell School of Expression.  You can get a working 
version of FAL by downloading the source code from www.haskell.org/soe, 
although I should warn that the graphics lib on which it depends no 
longer works on all platforms and with all compilers.

Another option is to look at Yampa (www.haskell.org/yampa) which when 
combined with a suitable graphics back-end is essentially an arrowized 
version of Fran.  I would recommend this route if you want to avoid 
space-leak problems that are inherent with "pure" Fran.

Let me know if you have any problems.


Jared Updike wrote:

I think this works:



On 8/23/06, HIGGINS Neil (ENERGEX) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Fran is a Haskell library (or "embedded language") for interactive
animations with 2D and 3D graphics and sound. See

I would like to use Fran as a rapid prototyping environment for 

but it appears to be broken under WinHugs.

I'm looking for someone with much better Haskell prowess than myself who
might be able resurrect Fran under WinHugs. Unfortunately I can only 

my gratitude in return.

It's a long shot, I know.

Kind regards,
Neil Higgins
Snr Strategic Planning Engineer
Ph:  3407 4800
Fx:  3407 4832

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why shouldn't variable names be capitalized?

2006-08-04 Thread Paul Hudak

Ok, you asked for it, so here's my worst :-)

1) Here's what the "History of Haskell" has to say about this:

   Namespaces were a point of considerable discussion in the Haskell
   Committee. We wanted the user to have as much freedom as possible,
   while avoiding any form of ambiguity. So we carefully defined
   a set of lexemes for each namespace that were orthogonal
   when they needed to be, and overlapped when context was sufficient
   to distinguish their meaning. As an example of overlap, capitalised
   names such as Foo can, in the same lexical scope, refer to a
   type constructor, a data constructor, and a module, since whenever
   the name Foo appears, it is clear from context to which entity it
   is referring. As an example of orthogonality, we designed normal
   variables, infix operators, normal data constructors, and infix data
   constructors to be mutually exclusive.

   We adopted from Miranda the convention that data constructors are
   capitalised while variables are not; and added a similar convention
   for infix constructors, which in Haskell must start with a colon. ...

The key point here is that we wanted data constructors to be orthogonal 
to formal parameters.  For example, in:

foo x y = ...

We know that x and y are formal parameters, whereas if they were 
capitalized we'd know that they were constructors.  Some of us had had 
experience with ML where this distinction is not made, and we didn't 
like that.  There are surely other ways to achieve this, but 
captilization was one of the least painful, as we saw it.

2) Note that this is not a compiler issue -- the compiler won't have 
much problem either way -- but it is a readability issue.

3) I suspect that you are mostly kidding, but Haskell doesn't require 
you to know any category theory to write imperative code!

I hope this helps,   -Paul

Martin Percossi wrote:

Hi, I'm wondering what the rationale was for not allowing capitalized 
variable names (and uncapitalized type names and constructors). I can 
only think of two arguments, and IMHO both of them are bad:

1. Enforces a naming convention. Fine - but my view is that this 
doesn't belong in the language definition (it belongs in the user's 
coding standards). I get annoyed, for example, that when I write code 
that manipulates matrices and vectors, I can't refer to the matrices 
with capital letters as is common in the literature. And to anyone who 
says that it's good to enforce naming consistency, I have this to say: 
Any language that requires me to learn about category theory in order 
to write imperative code should treat me like an adult when it comes 
to the naming of variables as well. ;-)

2. It makes it easier to write the compiler. I don't think I need to 
explain why this is bad...

I imagine that someone is just itching to "sort me out". Do your 
worst! ;-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] if-then-else as rebindable syntax (was Re: Why does Haskell have the if-then-else syntax?)

2006-07-27 Thread Paul Hudak
I'm all for making Haskell easy for beginners, but as Simon points out, 
this change shouldn't really affect them.  Since I'm also a fan of using 
Haskell as the host for embedded DSL's, I think this would be a good 
addition, since it provides more flexibility with the syntax.


Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

Just to be clear, to get rebindable syntax in GHC today, you have to ask
for it explicitly, via

If you use that flag, you'd better know what it means.  It already means
that do-notation uses whatever (>>) and (>>=) are in scope, not
Control.Monad.(>>) etc.  This if-thing is just another example.

No beginner will encounter this complication; they'd have to ask for it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why does Haskell have the if-then-else syntax?

2006-07-26 Thread Paul Hudak

Mike Gunter wrote:

I had hoped the "History of Haskell" paper would answer a question
I've pondered for some time: why does Haskell have the if-then-else
syntax?  The paper doesn't address this.  What's the story?


Thanks for asking about this -- it probably should be in the paper.  Dan 
Doel's answer is closest to the truth:

   I imagine the answer is that having the syntax for it looks nicer/is
   clearer. "if a b c" could be more cryptic than "if a then b else c"
   for some values of a, b and c.

except that there was also the simple desire to conform to convention 
here (I don't recall fewer parentheses being a reason for the choice).  
In considering the alternative, I remember the function "cond" being 
proposed instead of "if", in deference to Scheme and to avoid confusion 
with people's expectations regarding "if".

A related issue is why Haskell does not have a "single arm" conditional 
-- i.e. an "if-then" form, which would evaluate to bottom (i.e. error) 
if the predicate were false.  This was actually discussed, but rejected 
as a bad idea for a purely functional language.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional progr., infinity, and the Universe

2006-06-24 Thread Paul Hudak

Stepan Golosunov wrote:

1:_|_ is certainly finite.

And what is length _|_ ?

_|_, of course!! :-)

The point being, length is well-defined only for total lists; it is 
undefined for partial lists.  But this doesn't mean that a partial list 
isn't finite.

What is "finite list" then?
Is ones = 1:ones also finite?

Hmmm... never tried to write all this down in one place before, but I 
think this covers all cases:

A partial list is one that ends in _|_.
A total list is one that ends in [].
A finite list is either partial or total.
Any other list is infinite.

So "ones" is infinite.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional progr., infinity, and the Universe

2006-06-23 Thread Paul Hudak

Stepan Golosunov wrote:

On Fri, Jun 23, 2006 at 10:57:48AM -0400, Paul Hudak wrote:


I think quite
a few people would agree that a finite list is one ending in []. So 1:_|_
is a partial list, but not a finite one. 1:[] is a finite list.

1:_|_ is certainly finite.  In what sense is it not?

And what is length _|_ ?

_|_, of course!! :-)

The point being, length is well-defined only for total lists; it is 
undefined for partial lists.  But this doesn't mean that a partial list 
isn't finite.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional progr., infinity, and the Universe

2006-06-23 Thread Paul Hudak

Well, each partial list is finite. 

I think quite
a few people would agree that a finite list is one ending in []. So 1:_|_
is a partial list, but not a finite one. 1:[] is a finite list.

1:_|_ is certainly finite.  In what sense is it not?

That doesn't quite make sense,
IMHO. The chain _|_, 1:_|_, 1:1:_|_, 1:1:1:_|_, ... has the limit (or upper
bound) "ones", but "ones" does not appear in the chain. An upper bound of
a set may not appear in the set. But the maximal element of a set by definition
("element of") necessarily is in the set. So you cannot use the two notions
interchangably. BTW, if the limit of a chain would always appear in the chain
(by virtue of being the  maximal element of the set of all elements comprising
the chain), then every chain would be stationary eventually. That would quite
simplify denotational semantics, wouldn't it?

Sorry, see my reply to Bill Wood.  I should have said that the LUB is 
indeed not in the set.  If it WERE in the set, then you simply wouldn't 
have an infinite object.  (In the flat domain of integers, for example, 
every chain consists of exactly two elements: _|_ and n, for each n.) 
But this characteristic is common in domain theory, and is what 
distinguishes what are called "interesting" elements from other elements 
(if I recall the terminology correctly).

And come to the conclusion, in a later mail, that both:

A. "the list [0,1,2,3,4,5,..] is longer than [1,2,3,4,5,..]"
B. "ie [0,1,2,3,4,..] is the same length as [1,2,3,4,5,..]"

I think not. Obviously not. I know that this conclusion was qualified by
"assuming that they all grow at the same rate", which of course has no 
in the denotational semantics setting discussed above. So it's not a wrong
statement, just one that cannot really be formulated.

My email didn't comment on this issue.  I agree that "growth rate" is 
not relevant when we're talking about "values".  The answer here has to 
do with the cardinality of infinite sets.

Well, anyway, didn't
want to be nitpicking. But I think it's important that if we want to think
about Haskell's semantics denotationally (which in itself is somewhat 
we should at least be careful not to blur concepts. And asserting that the
limit of a chain is always an element of that chain is a dangerous 
that does not work out.

I agree; sorry about that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional progr., infinity, and the Universe

2006-06-23 Thread Paul Hudak

Bill Wood wrote:

On Fri, 2006-06-23 at 09:38 -0400, Paul Hudak wrote:
But the limit of a chain IS the maximal element of the set of all 
elements comprising the chain, since the LUB, in the case of a chain, is 
unique, and thus we don't have to worry about choosing the "least" 
element (i.e. it reduces to the upper bound, or maximal element).

There must be something additional going on, since in general the fact
that an ordered subset of a set has a LUB in the set does not imply that
the LUB is in the subset.  For example, the subset {1 - 1/n : n in N+}
of Q has LUB = 1, but 1 is not an element of the subset.  It would seem
that while the infinite list is the LUB of the chain of finite lists, it
is not itself a member of the chain of finite lists.  So, what am I

I don't think you missed anything, just provided more detail than I 
thought was needed.  As the LUB is indeed an infinite object, it is not 
in the set of finite, partial lists.  But that's pretty common in domain 
theory, and is analogous to the example that you gave.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional progr., infinity, and the Universe

2006-06-23 Thread Paul Hudak

Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

OK, I think that this subject matured enough to rest in peace...

I would have to agree with that, although...

Couldn't an infinite list just be regarded as the maximum element of 
the (infinite) set of all finite lists?

Perhaps his intuition is right, but there are fundamental differences -
A. Between the chain of partial lists and the set of finite lists

Well, each partial list is finite.  Of course it isn't the set of ALL 
finite lists, but it is the set of all those finite lists that 
approximate the given infinite list.

B. Between a limit and the maximum element of a set.

But the limit of a chain IS the maximal element of the set of all 
elements comprising the chain, since the LUB, in the case of a chain, is 
unique, and thus we don't have to worry about choosing the "least" 
element (i.e. it reduces to the upper bound, or maximal element).

So I'd say that Brian has at least come close to discovering God :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional progr., infinity, and the Universe

2006-06-22 Thread Paul Hudak
Actually Brian's intuition is right on target.  One way to define an 
infinite list is as the limit of an infinite chain of partial lists 
(which, in domain theory, is essentially how all elements are defined). 
 A chain is a sequence a1 <= a2 <= ... <= an, where <= is the domain 
ordering.  A partial list is any list ending in _|_ (i.e. bottom).

So, for example, the infinite list of ones can be defined as the limit 
of the following chain:

<= 1 : _|_
<= 1 : 1 : _|_
<= 1 : 1 : 1 : _|_
To verify that this is a chain, remember that (:) is right associative, 
and _|_ <= x for all x.

Or, another way to look at this, is that the infinite list is the LUB 
(least upper bound) of the infinite set of all of these partial (but 
finite) lists.  That explanation corresponds most closely with Brian's 

If anyone thinks that this explanation is baroque, I should also point 
out that in a pragmatic sense this idea forms the basis for doing 
inductive proofs on programs generating infinite lists (as described in 
my book, as well as in many other sources).



Brian Hulley wrote:

Couldn't an infinite list just be regarded as the maximum element of 
the (infinite) set of all finite lists?

Brian, I will say something you might find acrimonious and impolite, but
it is serious, you might find this in some philosophical works.
More seriously...
Perhaps you (and possibly Piotr Kalinowski) would look up some materials
on intuitionism in mathematics, on the constructive theory of sets, etc.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The values of infinite lists

2006-05-25 Thread Paul Hudak
rmost position in
the top-level >>=-tree) does an i/o-script become directly accessible to 
the i/o-loop or OS or meta-interpreter or whatever we may call it, and 
with the help of that external entity, and under external control, it 
can be said to have access to and to interact with resources outside the 
Haskell program text,
inside the runtime context (about which context-free reasoning can't 
tell us anything).

I think that I'm saying something a little stronger, namely that if 
you capture in a black box the entire universe EXCEPT for the one 
Haskell program that you're trying to reason about, then the 
interactions between that black box and the Haskell program can be 
explained purely functionally and deterministically.  That may be an 
over-simplified view of things -- but it's at least one line to draw 
when deciding "how much" about a language's semantics should be 
explained to the user.

I don't see how the whole of black box and Haskell program could be 
captured purely functionally and deterministically. even if Stoye limited

the necessary extensions to the purely functional world view to just one
non-deterministic merge, only in his sorting office, he needed that 
extension of the purely functional world, and once you have a black box 
with such

a merge in it, you cannot guarantee that the non-determinism won't be
visible at the black box interface (in fact, that would be the whole point
of introducing it in the first place), so even if you don't know anything
else about that black box, you cannot assume that it will be a pure 
function. which means, as far as I can see, that even if the Haskell 
program is purely functional, the combined system of Haskell program

and black box is not.

you and I may know what you are doing when taking that over-simplified
view of things, but I vaguely remember my struggles with the intricacies
of the various functional i/o systems, and from those memories I claim
that you would not help your readers if you chose not to explain or even
to hide those intricacies. you can always tell the beginner that they 
can, for many cases, ignore those details - they will look into it 
briefly, then go

away happy that they don't need to understand it immediately. but you
do need to help the advanced learners by giving them the option to look
into those details once their intuition develops far enough to want better

[that is just my view of things, naturally, but I remember going through 
the library shelves to find books that would suit me, and if I saw any

"skimming over" interesting details, I dropped those books faster than
any group of populistic authors could publish them; of course, I had
to go to the original papers in the end, but I did prefer those books
that, instead of hiding advanced material, guided the reader initially 
around, and eventually into them:-]

:-)  Seriously, I think that it would be a useful exercise to write a 
meta-interpreter of Haskell I/O, in Haskell.  That's basically what 
the appendix of the Haskell Report was many years ago, but it used a 
stream model of I/O.  And I think that this is consistent with your 
final point below.

I wrote my first substantial Haskell program at the time of about
Haskell 1.2, and I agree: that appendix was useful for understanding 
Haskell's i/o story at the time (request/response streams, if I recall 
correctly; before monads;-).


Professor Paul Hudak
Department of Computer ScienceOffice: (203) 432-1235
Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Haven, CT 06520-8285  WWW:www.cs.yale.edu/~hudak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The values of infinite lists

2006-05-24 Thread Paul Hudak

Brian Hulley wrote:

Paul Hudak wrote:

My main point it that if we're reasoning about a single Haskell
program (with no impure features), then the entire world, with all its
non-determinism internal to it, can be modelled as a black box --
i.e. a function -- that interacts with the single Haskell program in a
completely sequential, deterministic manner.  And for that, equational
reasoning is perfectly adequate.

I think the problem is that to understand something you need a lot more 
than just the capability to reason about it.

For example, given laws such as:

  x * (y + z) == (x * y) + (x * z)
  x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z

I can reason that

  x * (y + (z + w)) = (x * y + x * z) + x * w

But this does *not* mean that therefore I *understand* it. I think 
understanding is a much deeper process. I have to grapple with the 
underlying shape, the gesture, the motion of the symbolic transformation 
and really *feel* the lawfulness of it as a profound inner life experience.

So to get back to the question of understanding monads, yes I can reason 
about them equationally using pure functions but to understand Haskell I 
need to understand how it is situated in my own human experience ...

I agree with all of this.  But then you say:

and my 
human experience seems to me to be more than just a deterministic 
sequential function of Unique -> Time -> SenseInput.

This seems like a value judgement.  Someone else might very much like 
the functional model of things, and might not like some other model. 
And one might argue that if the functional view is the same as the view 
that one is using to reason about the rest of the program, then that is 
a Good Thing.  So I'm not saying that there aren't other approaches 
(denotational semantics, operational semantics, process calculi, etc.) 
but they might each have the problem of "understanding how it is 
situated in my own human experience".

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The values of infinite lists

2006-05-24 Thread Paul Hudak

Points well taken Claus.  See further comments below.

Claus Reinke wrote:

Hi Paul,

I think that you're asking for a semantics of the entire OS, i.e. the 
entire outside world, and for that I agree that something other than 
equational reasoning is needed to reason about it.  

I was about to reply "no, only of the interface between Haskell and the 

but perhaps that comes to nearly the same in the end? at least, I'd like to
see a simplified "Haskell view of the OS" added to the picture, which seems
to imply that one needs to take at least one step beyond the "Haskell only"
picture, into the domain in which different reasoning tools may be more
appropriate. without having to go into all of the OS, such a step should 
widen the horizon sufficiently to explain the difference between
"i/o is purely functional" (wrong, but popular) and "haskell's role in 
i/o is purely functional, but other roles need to be taken into account 
to complete the picture" (better).

Yes, I could agree with that point of view.

However, I would argue that that is outside the mandate of a book on 
Haskell.  But maybe that's the point -- i.e. others feel otherwise.

I think I do, and obviously (judging from how often this topic reappears)
Haskell learners find the current presentations confusing. if a Haskell 
shies away from the topic of i/o, or defers it to some late chapter, 
get the impression that it is more difficult than it should be while 

learners are frustrated by the lack of coverage.
if a Haskell book shies away from explaining at least the basics of how 
the interactions with the OS go beyond the functional world, even though 
the Haskell part of it is still functional, beginners go away with a 
wrong idea (often repeated as a dogma to other newcomers) and advanced 
learners struggle with their intuition, which tells them that there must 
be something else going on. the latter was the case Brian was making, I 

Well, in defense of such an approach, there are very few (if any?) 
textbooks in ANY language that take a formal approach to defining what 
I/O does.  But your point is still well taken, in that I think that the 
EXPECTATIONS for books on FP to do this are higher because (a) many of 
them take a formal approach to explaining the internal meaning of 
programs, and thus readers expect the same for I/O, and (b) the model of 
I/O that they use (say, monads) is sometimes so different from 
"conventional wisdom" that SOMETHING needs to be said, lest the reader 
be left in the dark!

My main point it that if we're reasoning about a single Haskell 
program (with no impure features), then the entire world, with all its 
non-determinism internal to it, can be modelled as a black box -- i.e. 
a function -- that interacts with the single Haskell program in a 
completely sequential, deterministic manner.  And for that, equational 
reasoning is perfectly adequate.

I assume you mean the Haskell program interacts deterministically with
non-deterministic inputs, rather than that the OS interacts 

with the Haskell program.


The original Haskell report in fact had an appendix with a semantics 
for I/O written as a Haskell program with a single non-deterministic 
merge operator.  The reason for the non-deterministic merge was to 
account for SEVERAL Haskell programs interacting with the OS, but for 
a single program it can go away.  I claim that such a semantics is 
still possible for Haskell, and equational reasoning is sufficient to 
reason about it.

non-deterministic merge is necessary there, and beyond the purely
functional domain. and unless you let all your Haskell programs run in
the dark, there will always be more than one agent interacting with
shared resources: that Haskell program, you, OS daemons, etc.

I think that I'm saying something a little stronger, namely that if you 
capture in a black box the entire universe EXCEPT for the one Haskell 
program that you're trying to reason about, then the interactions 
between that black box and the Haskell program can be explained purely 
functionally and deterministically.  That may be an over-simplified view 
of things -- but it's at least one line to draw when deciding "how much" 
about a language's semantics should be explained to the user.

the merge idea stems from a time when i/o was described in terms of
infinite streams and their transformations, which turned out to be 
rather difficult to compose in practice. the transition to step-wise 

and their composition is what makes the process-calculus style more
natural these days. not to mention that it prepares readers for other
adventures in these modern times - in fact, future readers may be
more familiar with process interactions from their other interests, and
therefore confused by any attempt to avoid these ideas.

Interesting.  One might rewrite your first two sentences as:

"the merge idea stems from a time when i/o was descri

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The values of infinite lists

2006-05-23 Thread Paul Hudak

Robert Dockins wrote:

On May 23, 2006, at 9:50 AM, Paul Hudak wrote:

If you disagree, then please tell me which features in Haskell (a  
particular I/O command, perhaps?) cannot be modelled as a function.  

IO.hGetContents?  I suspect the result of using hGetContents on a  file 
you have open for writing in the same program can't be modeled  as a 
pure function; at best you can say it depends on the order of  
evaluation which isn't defined.  Not that it's necessarily a huge  blow 
to your argument (hGetContents is viewed with some suspicion  anyway), 
but it is a Haskell98 feature.

Ah yes, operations involving file handles are a good example, but I 
think the problem here is that we don't actually have a formal semantics 
for what's supposed to happen.  I recall seeing threads about this in 
the past, where in particular the interactions of lazy evaluation with 
opening and closing files was being debated.

But, I would argue that in principle we COULD (and probably should) 
specify a deterministic semantics if someone were willing to sit down 
and spell it out.

Things obviously get more complicated in the presence of  concurrency.  
I'm not certain, but I believe some of the memory  consistency models 
being discussed for Haskell' are not expressible  using a 
non-deterministic merge, which basically assumes that all  program 
actions are serializable.


Yes, I agree, although I specifically excluded concurrency from my argument.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The values of infinite lists

2006-05-23 Thread Paul Hudak

Hi Claus --

I think that you're asking for a semantics of the entire OS, i.e. the 
entire outside world, and for that I agree that something other than 
equational reasoning is needed to reason about it.  However, I would 
argue that that is outside the mandate of a book on Haskell.  But maybe 
that's the point -- i.e. others feel otherwise.

My main point it that if we're reasoning about a single Haskell program 
(with no impure features), then the entire world, with all its 
non-determinism internal to it, can be modelled as a black box -- i.e. a 
function -- that interacts with the single Haskell program in a 
completely sequential, deterministic manner.  And for that, equational 
reasoning is perfectly adequate.

The original Haskell report in fact had an appendix with a semantics for 
I/O written as a Haskell program with a single non-deterministic merge 
operator.  The reason for the non-deterministic merge was to account for 
SEVERAL Haskell programs interacting with the OS, but for a single 
program it can go away.  I claim that such a semantics is still possible 
for Haskell, and equational reasoning is sufficient to reason about it.

If you disagree, then please tell me which features in Haskell (a 
particular I/O command, perhaps?) cannot be modelled as a function.  I'm 
not familiar with your thesis, but I note in the abstract that you 
"extend an existing, purely functional language with facilities for 
input/output and modular programming".  If those extensions cannot be 
modelled as pure functions, then I would agree that a process calculus 
(say) would be the right way to go.  But as far as i know, Haskell 
doesn't have such features.


Claus Reinke wrote:

Paul Hudak wrote:
As an author of such a book, I'm not willing to do this.  Or at least, 
if we omit concurrency and impure operations such as unsafePerformIO, 
Haskell is a purely functional, sequential, and deterministic 
language, whose semantics, including that of IO, can be explained via 
conventional equational reasoning. 

I'm very surprised to hear you say this, and I certainly cannot agree.

a language that contains elements that are not best expressed as functions
is not "purely functional" anymore, even when its design carefully
ensures that it is still pure, and mainly functional, and can be reasoned
about equationally. the element that falls outside the remit of functions
is the interaction with the runtime context (operating system/other
processes/users/external world/..).
Haskell's approach to this issue is mostly functional and clearly 
separates functional part from the part that is "out of its hands": 
functionally compute an interaction description, have that interaction 
performed under outside control, have control returned to functional 
evaluation with a representation of the interaction result, repeat until 
done. (an informal recipe like this may be even more suitable for

learners than either process calculus rules or claims about being
purely functional in principle).

if you wanted to model that middle part functionally, you'd have to 
cover all of the external world as well as scheduling. one nice thing 
about a process calculus style operational semantics is the modular 
description; you only need to model how Haskell programs fit into the 
external world, not the external world itself: assuming that world to be 
modelled in the same style, we need a miniscule amount of process 
calculus rules to describe the i/o interactions, falling back to 
functional-only reasoning for the vast majority of the language.

I'm sure that it can also be explained via a suitable process 
calculus, but that is an overkill -- such calculi are best used for 
describing non-deterministic / concurrent languages.

using a process calculus framework does not imply that each process has 
to be non-deterministic / concurrent -- it just makes it easier to
show how the "purely functional, sequential and deterministic" 
evaluation inside a process running Haskell is embedded into and 
influenced by interactions with the rest of the framework.

attempts to ignore that external framework tend to cloud the issues.
and as Brian points out, that is more confusing for learners of the
language than having to take a tiny bit of process calculus with your 
mostly functional prescription!-)


(*) it is rather dated by now, and certainly not up to the demands
   of pragmatic Haskell programmers today, but I discussed some
   of the various functional i/o styles in this way in chapter 3 of

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The values of infinite lists

2006-05-22 Thread Paul Hudak

Brian Hulley wrote:
> Therefore I humbly submit a call for authors of books/tutorials on IO to
> come clean and admit the fact that IO completely changes the language
> from being purely functional into a functional + process calculus
> language :-)

As an author of such a book, I'm not willing to do this.  Or at least, 
if we omit concurrency and impure operations such as unsafePerformIO, 
Haskell is a purely functional, sequential, and deterministic language, 
whose semantics, including that of IO, can be explained via conventional 
equational reasoning.  I'm sure that it can also be explained via a 
suitable process calculus, but that is an overkill -- such calculi are 
best used for describing non-deterministic / concurrent languages.


Brian Hulley wrote:

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Wednesday 10 May 2006 02:49 pm, you wrote:

I could write:

] (r',_) = runIO (mapM print ones) realWorld

and this computation, even though some printing would be observable,
still evaluates to bottom, because r' will never be bound.

Humm... how do you define observable? If r' is never bound, how can I
observe any intermediate printing?

I meant observable in the sense that the printing is just like a debug 
trace of evaluation, and so is irrelevant when using the world-state 
transformer point of view.

The world-state-transformer idea is nice as a didactic tool, but I
don't think its the right world-view for serious thinking about
Haskell's semantics.

I thought everything in Haskell is purely functional - surely that
is the whole point of using monads? :-)

Sure.  But in that world-view then you don't think of the IO actions
as "running" at all, so you can't discuss their termination
properties.  This is more or less what all accounts (at least the
ones I've seen) of Haskell's semantics do -- they provide a
denotational semantics for the lambda terms basicaly ignore the
meaning of IO actions.

I think from the world-state transformer pont of view, all 
non-terminating computations must be seen as evaluating to _|_, but as 
you point out, this point of view isn't that useful in practice.

My favorite view of Haskell semantics is of a coroutining abstract
machine which alternates between evaluating lambda terms to obtain
the terms of a process calculus, and then reducing those process
calculus terms; some process calculus reduction rules call into the
lambda reduction engine to grow more (process calculus) terms to
reduce.  The observable behavior of the program is defined in terms
of the sequence of reductions undertaken by the process calculus

In this view "bottom" is the denotion of all (lambda) terms which
make the lambda portion of the machine fail to terminate, and never
return control to the process calculus part -- thus no further
observations will be generated by the program.

Thanks for pointing out the process calculi. I found a good page about 
them at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_calculus

It would be good if there was a more detailed description of Haskell 
semantics along the lines of what you've said above, so that it would be 
clear that the running of an IO action is something very different from 
the running of other monads. (Not too mathematical a description but a 
tutorial style description)

As I understand it, the IO monad shares with other monads the fact that 
first a composite action is built from primitive actions using >>= and 
return etc, and this composition is purely functional, even though >>= 
and return are special built-in functions for the IO monad. (As an 
aside, I must point out that the word "do" is ultra confusing in this 
respect, because "do" does not actually run the action, it is just 
syntactic sugar for composing actions which might be "done" later.)

Then, in contrast to all other monadic actions, which are "run" by 
simply evaluating something hidden inside them (eg applying a function 
hidden inside the monad to some initial state), the running of an IO 
action involves the quite complicated interaction you've described 
above, and really does go outside the functional realm.

The problem with the RealWorld view of IO, is that it is quite wrong, 
yet this is the view propounded everywhere, so that anyone who thinks 
there is something complicated about IO assumes it is because they 
themselves haven't understood something properly since books/tutorials 
keep saying how simple and purely functional it all is! ;-)

(Just like in primary school when teachers make out associativity and 
commutivity of addition/multiplication are trivial thus leading 
countless would-be mathematicians who immediately see these are 
complicated but think this is their fault alone, to abandon all hope ;-))

Therefore I humbly submit a call for authors of books/tutorials on IO to 
come clean and admit the fact that IO completely changes the language 
from being purely functional into a functional + process calculus 
language :-)

Best reg

Re: [Haskell-cafe] map and list comprehensions

2006-02-06 Thread Paul Hudak

John Peterson wrote:

I think the point was that all syntax (like list comprehensions or
pattern matching) in Haskell is tied directly to the Prelude.  So [ f
x ...] is ALWAYS using the Prelude definitions of things while "map"
could be hidden and redefined.

Yes, of course.  I was implicitly assuming that we were talking about 
Prelude's map.

> The inability to change the meaning of

constructs expanded from syntax as considered a bug by some, a feature
by others.  And I don't rember where Paul stood on this ...

It has always seemed to me that there should be a way to define 
something as syntactic expansion into things that cannot be redefined, 
otherwise the language definition becomes vague.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Why is $ right associative insteadofleftassociative?

2006-02-05 Thread Paul Hudak

Brian Hulley wrote:
... I didn't realise that list comprehension syntax was not just a 
sugar for the equivalent do expression but I see now that it is indeed 
translated differently, bypassing monads altogether, which of course is 
confusing but understandable if monads were only thought up after list 
comprehensions were already in the language.

Here's the brief history with respect to this issue:

Apr 1990: Haskell Report 1.0, list comps, but no monads.
May 1996: Haskell Report 1.3, monads appear.
Apr 1997: Haskell Report 1.4, list comps made applicable to
  arbitrary monads.
Feb 1999: Haskell 98 Report, list comps reverted to just lists.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Why is $ right associative insteadofleftassociative?

2006-02-05 Thread Paul Hudak

Chris Kuklewicz wrote:

Brian Hulley wrote:

Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:

... but no more confusing than the fact that [f x | x <- xs] is
not the same as (map f xs).

Can you explain why? On page 258 of Paul Hudak's book "The Haskell
School of Expression" he states that do x<- xs; return (f x) is
equivalent to [f x | x <- xs] "which is clearly just map f xs"

I can't find anything wrong with the example in the book but perhaps
I've missed something?

He may mean that if you *redefine* the operator Prelude.((:)) then the
desugaring and other steps may end up binding the old or the new (:) and no
longer be identical.  This is touched on in


In particular, if you redefine Monad, then [ f x | x<-xs ] and do {x<-xs; return
x} may no longer mean the same thing.

Right, but the original question is whether or not [f x | x <- xs] is 
the same as map f xs.  My book's been out for six years and no one has 
mentioned this issue, so if it's a problem I'd like to know why so that 
I can add it to my "Errata" list!

Thanks,  -Paul
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Why is $ right associative instead ofleftassociative?

2006-02-05 Thread Paul Hudak

Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:

Paul Hudak wrote:
Minor point, perhaps, but I should mention that : is not special 
syntax -- it is a perfectly valid infix constructor.

But Haskell 98 does treat it specially: you can't import Prelude hiding 
((:)), or rebind it locally, or refer to it as Prelude.:. In fact I've 
always wondered why it was done this way. Can anyone enlighten me?

I think that originally it was because various primitives were defined 
(via "Translations" in the Haskell Report) in terms of lists.  But with 
qualified imports I'm also not sure why this is necessary.

Of course it might be confusing if it were rebound locally, but no more 
confusing than the fact that [f x | x <- xs] is not the same as (map f xs).

It's not?  Hmmm... why not?  (At one time list comprehensions were 
another way to write do notation -- i.e. they were both syntactic sugar 
for monads -- in which case these would surely be different, but that's 
not the case in Haskell 98, as far as I know.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is $ right associative instead ofleftassociative?

2006-02-05 Thread Paul Hudak

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

LA> In my opinion all the special syntactic sugar for lists should go
LA> away.  I don't think lists are special enough to motivate it.

i have proposal (not for Haskell', of course) of using ":" and "[]"
syntax for general notion of traversable collections:

Minor point, perhaps, but I should mention that : is not special syntax 
-- it is a perfectly valid infix constructor.  [] and all its variants, 
however, are special syntax.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is $ right associative instead of leftassociative?

2006-02-04 Thread Paul Hudak
Actually, one of the main reasons that we chose (:) is that that's what 
Miranda used.  So, at the time at least, it was not entirely clear what 
the "de facto universal inter-language standard" was.

In any case, I agree with Stefan regarding Haskell Prime!


Stefan Holdermans wrote:

Brian wrote:

I think the mystery surrounding :: and : might have been that
originally people thought type annotations would hardly ever be needed
whereas list cons is often needed, but now that it is regarded as good
practice to put a type annotation before every top level value
binding, and as the type system becomes more and more complex (eg with
GADTs etc), type annotations are now presumably far more common than
list cons so it would be good if Haskell Prime would swap these
operators back to their de facto universal inter-language standard of
list cons and type annotation respectively.

I don't think Haskell Prime should be about changing the look and  feel 
of the language.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Detecting Cycles in Datastructures

2005-12-11 Thread Paul Hudak

Another belated reply to an old thread...

Andrew Pimlott wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2005, Paul Hudak wrote:
> > unwind :: Expr -> Expr
> > unwind (Add e1 e2) = Add (unwind e1) (unwind e2)
> > unwind (Rec fe)= x where x = unwind (fe x)
> > unwind e   = e
> Since this discussion started around observing sharing in the
> implementation, I wanted to see whether, by the time we convert your
> cunning representation back into an infinite data structure, we have
> the sharing we hoped to observe in the first place.
> > fe2 e = Add (Const 1) e-- recursive
> > e2 = Rec fe2   -- top-level loop
> > e2u = unwind e2-- infinite
> main = walk e4u where
>   walk (Add e1 e2) = walk e2
> blows up, showing that we do not.  The problem with unwind seems to
> be that the computation of the fixed point keeps calling unwind,
> which keeps reconstructing the fixed point: ...

The first solution I gave to the original email from Tom Hawkins
doesn't blow up, but you are right that the expanded version (to deal
with nested loops) does blow up.  Actually, my original definition of
unwind was this:

> unwind :: Expr -> Expr
> unwind (Add e1 e2) = Add (unwind e1) (unwind e2)
> unwind (Rec fe)= x where x = fe x
> unwind e   = e

Indeed this works fine on the above example -- i.e. it doesn't blow up
(in Hugs, at least).  The only reason I added the extra call to unwind
is to handle nested loops, but sadly that causes loss of sharing, as
you have pointed out.

> I then tried
> unwind (Rec fe) = unwind (fix fe)
> fix f = x where x = f x
> even though I didn't think it would work: (fix fe) would create a
> properly sharing structure, but unwind would unshare it:
> e2u = unwind (x where x = ((\e -> Add (Const 1) e) x))
>  (  = Add (Const 1) x)
> = Add (Const 1) (unwind (x where x = Add (Const 1) x))
> = Add (Const 1) (Add (Const 1) (unwind (x where x = Add (Const 1) x)))
> = ...
> This does blow up in ghci, but not in ghc (6.4.1), even without
> optimization.  I'm not quite sure why, ...

Interesting...  This is arguably the most elegant solution, since it
just replaces the constructor "Rec" with the function "fix".  Perhaps
surprisingly, it doesn't blow up in Hugs either!  If we unwind e2 we

unwind e2
=> unwind (Rec (\e-> Add one e))
=> unwind (fix (\e-> Add one e))
=> unwind (x where x = (\e-> Add one e) x)
=> unwind (x where x = Add one x)

The question is, what happens next?  It seems to me that to prevent
blow-up the interpreter would have to do something like this:

=> x where x = Add one (unwind x)

but I don't know how this happens.  I would have expected the
unwinding that you showed above.  Perhaps someone who understands
either GHC or Hugs can explain this -- I suspect it has something to
do with the interpretation of "where".  It would be great if there
were a simple technique that one could expect every reasonable
implementation to use.

> ... but anyway I want a version that exhibits sharing even in any
> reasonable implementation.  Your message gives the technique (in
> mapE); we only have to apply it to unwind.  But there is a
> problem--your code has a bug!
> > mapE :: (Int->Int) -> Expr -> Expr
> > mapE f e = mapE' f e 0 where
> >   mapE' f (Const i)   n = Const (f i)
> >   mapE' f (Add e1 e2) n = Add (mapE' f e1 n) (mapE' f e2 n)
> >   mapE' f (Rec fe)n = Rec (absLoop n (mapE' f (fe (Loop n)) (n+1)))
> >   mapE' f (Loop i)n = Loop i
> >
> > absLoop :: Int -> Expr -> Fix Expr
> > absLoop n e = \e' ->
> >let abs (Loop n') | n==n' = e'
> >abs (Add e1 e2)   = Add (abs e1) (abs e2)
> >abs e = e
> >in abs e
> >
> > e4 = Rec (\e1-> Add (Const 1)
> > (Rec (\e2-> Add e1 e2))) -- nested loop
> > e7 = mapE succ e4
> > e8 = Rec (\e1-> Add (Const 2)
> > (Rec (\e2-> Add e1 e2)))
> > b4 = e7==e8   -- returns True!
> Notice that absLoop does not look inside Rec.  But there could be a
> Loop (with the right n) there!

Thanks for catching this, and your solution seems right to me.  See
further comments below.

> Really, we want absLoop to eliminate all the Loops it can find.  But
> it can't, because it only knows the replacement expression for one
> Loop.  It would be simpler for the Loop just to contain the
> expression.  To enable that, I added a constructor Stop that is like
> Loop, except it takes an Expr instead of an Int.  I use this
> constructo

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hacking Haskell in Nightclubs?

2005-11-29 Thread Paul Hudak


Real-time audio is much simpler these days due to SuperCollider, a
truly excellent cross platform audio synthesis server by James
OSC messages can be timestamped, and SuperCollider has a sample
accurate scheduling queue, so language timing jitter can easily be
worked around.  I think that the SuperCollider model is an excellent
fit with languages like Haskell.

Thanks, this is just what I've been waiting for!  I believe the 
time-stamping of events, and a suitable scheduling queue, are critical 
for making real-time music.  With the work you've done I suspect it 
would be pretty easy to build a SuperCollider backend for Haskore.



On Mon Nov 28 21:35:38 EST 2005 Paul Hudak wrote:

Although Haskore (haskell.org/haskore) doesn't currently support
real-time music, it's something I've thought about numerous times in the
past, and wish I had the time to do it...
-Paul Hudak

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hacking Haskell in Nightclubs?

2005-11-28 Thread Paul Hudak
Although Haskore (haskell.org/haskore) doesn't currently support 
real-time music, it's something I've thought about numerous times in the 
past, and wish I had the time to do it...

  -Paul Hudak

Echo Nolan wrote:

Hello all,
I read an article on using perl for live improvised synthesis a
while ago (http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2004/08/31/livecode.html). Does
anyone have thoughts in doing this is haskell? Would strong typing make
"jazzy" programming too difficult?
Echo Nolan

Professor Paul Hudak
Department of Computer ScienceOffice: (203) 432-1235
Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Haven, CT 06520-8285  WWW:www.cs.yale.edu/~hudak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Infinite lists and lambda calculus

2005-11-18 Thread Paul Hudak

Cale Gibbard wrote:

Y = (\f. (\x. f (x x)) (\x. f (x x)))

In a sense, the real definition of Y is Y f = f (Y f), this lambda
term just happens to have that property, but such functions aren't

Actually no, the "real" definition is the top one, because the other one 
isn't even a valid lambda term, since it's recursive!  There is no such 
thing as recursion in the pure lambda calculus.

Of course, there are many valid definitions of Y, as you point out, both 
recursive and non-recursive.  But I do believe that the first one above 
is the most concise non-recursive definition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Detecting Cycles in Datastructures

2005-11-18 Thread Paul Hudak

Greg Woodhouse wrote:

--- Paul Hudak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Y (\ones. cons 1 ones)

where Y (aka the "paradoxical combinator" or "fixed point
combinator") is defined as:

\f. (\x. f (x x)) (\x. f (x x))

Now, this is I have seen, but it frankly strikes me as a "formal
trick". I've never felt that this definition of Y gave me much insight
into the computation you describe below.

To see this, try unfolding the above term a few iterations using
normal-order reduction.  Note that the term has no recursion in it 

Now, my earlier point above is that:
Y (\ones. cons 1 ones)
unwinds to the same term as:
Y (\ones. cons 1 (cons 1 ones))

yet the two terms (\ones. cons 1 ones) and
(\ones. cons 1 (cons 1 ones)) are not the same (in fact they're not 
lambda convertible, either).


And this is what leaves me scatching my head. If you leave off the
"ones", then you get a sequence of finite lists [1], [1, 1], ... that
seems to approximate the infinite list, but I find it difficult to
imagine how you might pluck a formula like \i. 1 (the ith term)  out of
the air.

The important property of Y is this:

Y f = f (Y f)

In this way you can see it as "unwinding" the function, one step at a 
time.  If we define f as (\ones. cons 1 ones), then here is one step of 

Y f ==> f (Y f) ==> cons 1 (Y f)

If you do this again you get:

cons 1 (cons 1 (Y f))

and so on.  As you can see, continuing this process yields the infinite 
list of ones.

Now note that if we define g as (\ones. cons 1 (cons 1 ones)), we get:

Y g ==> g (Y g) ==> cons 1 (cons 1 (Y g))

which obviously also yields the infinite list of ones.  Yet f is not 
equal to g.

Does this help?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Detecting Cycles in Datastructures

2005-11-18 Thread Paul Hudak

Greg Woodhouse wrote:
> --- Paul Hudak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Tom Hawkins wrote:
>> > In a pure language, is it possible to detect cycles in recursive
>> > data structures?  For example, is it possible to determine that
>> > "cyclic" has a loop? ...
>> >
>> > data Expr = Constant Int | Addition Expr Expr
>> >
>> > cyclic :: Expr
>> > cyclic = Addition (Constant 1) cyclic
>> >
>> > Or phased differently, is it possible to make "Expr" an instance of
>> > "Eq" such that cyclic == cyclic is smart enough to avoid a
>> > recursive decent?
> I'm a little confused. It's one thing to demonstrate that a (possibly
> infinite) digraph contains a loop, but quite another to show that it
> does not. Carrying around a copy of the subgraph consisting of nodes
> actually visited is workable in a pure language, but there's no
> guarantee of termination.

The question that was originally posted assumed that the graph was
represented using direct recursion in Haskell.  In which case you
cannot detect a cycle, as previous replies pointed out.  Of course, if
you represented the graph in some more concrete form -- such as an
explicit list of nodes and edges -- then you could detect the cycle
using a standard graph algorithm, at the expense of losing the
elegance of the Haskell recursion.  My post was just pointing out that
there is a third possibility, one that retains most of the elegance
and abstractness of Haskell, yet still allows detecting cycles.

>>Perhaps it's obvious, but one way to do this is to make the cycle
>>*implicit* via some kind of a fixed-point operator, which is a trick
>>I used recently in a DSL application.
> So, you imagine f to be a function that (non-deterministally) follows
> an edge in a digraph. The idea being that G is (possibly infinite)
> digraph and F is a subgraph. The "function" f would
> non-deterministically select a vertext of F, follow an edge in G (again
> chosen non-deterministically), add the (possibly new) edge to F, and
> return the resulting graph. Then, you are asking if f has a fixpoint in
> this broader context?

I don't understand this... and therefore it's probably not what I
imagine!  I'm saying simply that a cyclic graph can be represented as
the fixed point of a function.

>>For example, you could define:
>> > data Expr = Const Int
>> >   | Add Expr Expr
>> >   | Loop  -- not exported
>> >  deriving (Eq, Show)
>>The purpose of Loop is to "mark" the point where a cycle exists.
>>Instead of working with values of type Expr, you work with values of
>>type Expr -> Expr, or Fix Expr:
>> > type Fix a = a -> a
>>For example:
>> > fe1,fe2 :: Fix Expr
>> > fe1 e = Add (Const 1) (Const 1)  -- non-recursive
>> > fe2 e = Add (Const 1) e  -- recursive
>>You can always get the value of an Expr from a Fix Expr whenever you
>>need it, by computing the fixed point:
>> > fix f = x where x = f x
> If it can be computed. Maybe I'm off-track here, but it seems to me
> that when you introduce laziness into the equation, you lose any
> guarantee of there even being a fixpoint, much less one that can be
> computed.

Actually it's the other way around -- laziness is what makes this work! 
 The least fixpoint of fe2 in a strict language, for example, is bottom.

>> > e1,e2 :: Expr
>> > e1 = fix fe1  -- finite
>> > e2 = fix fe2  -- infinite
>>Note that e2 is equivalent to your "cyclic".  But now we can also
>>test for equality:
>> > instance Eq (Fix Expr) where
>> >   fe1 == fe2  =  fe1 Loop == fe2 Loop
>>For example, fe2 == fe2 returns "True", whereas e2 == e2
>>(i.e. your cyclic == cyclic) diverges.
>>Of course, note that, although fe1 == fe2 implies that fix fe1 == fix
>>fe2, the reverse is not true, since there will always be loops of
>>varying degrees of unwinding that are semantically equivalent, but
>>not "syntactically", or structurally, equivalent.  Thus this definition
>>of equality is only approximate, but still, it's useful.
> I'm lost. Are you saying bottom is bottom?

I suspect from your other post that you haven't seen the standard
trick of encoding infinite data structures as fixpoints.  Suppose you
have a lambda calculus term for cons, as well as for the numeral 1.
Then the infinite list of ones is just:

Y (\ones. cons 1 ones)

where Y 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Detecting Cycles in Datastructures

2005-11-18 Thread Paul Hudak

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Fri, 18 Nov 2005, Paul Hudak wrote:

For example:

fe1,fe2 :: Fix Expr
fe1 e = Add (Const 1) (Const 1)  -- non-recursive
fe2 e = Add (Const 1) e  -- recursive

Do you mean
fe1 _ = Add (Const 1) Loop

No, I really meant it as written.  I included this example just to point 
out that an expression didn't have to be infinite to represent it as the 
fixpoint of a function.  Note that the least fixpoint of fe1 is "Add 
(Const 1) (Const 1)".

Loop shouldn't ever be used by the user -- that's why I added the 
comment that it was "not exported".  It's just there to "open" the 
function for inspection.  In this sense, the trick is analogous to the 
use of higher-order abstract syntax -- i.e. using the meta-language 
(Haskell) to represent functions in the object language (expressions).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Detecting Cycles in Datastructures

2005-11-18 Thread Paul Hudak

This is a very late response to an old thread...

Tom Hawkins wrote:
> In a pure language, is it possible to detect cycles in recursive
> data structures?  For example, is it possible to determine that
> "cyclic" has a loop? ...
> data Expr = Constant Int | Addition Expr Expr
> cyclic :: Expr
> cyclic = Addition (Constant 1) cyclic
> Or phased differently, is it possible to make "Expr" an instance of
> "Eq" such that cyclic == cyclic is smart enough to avoid a recursive
> decent?
> -Tom


Perhaps it's obvious, but one way to do this is to make the cycle
*implicit* via some kind of a fixed-point operator, which is a trick I
used recently in a DSL application.  For example, you could define:

> data Expr = Const Int
>   | Add Expr Expr
>   | Loop  -- not exported
>  deriving (Eq, Show)

The purpose of Loop is to "mark" the point where a cycle exists.
Instead of working with values of type Expr, you work with values of
type Expr -> Expr, or Fix Expr:

> type Fix a = a -> a

For example:

> fe1,fe2 :: Fix Expr
> fe1 e = Add (Const 1) (Const 1)  -- non-recursive
> fe2 e = Add (Const 1) e  -- recursive

You can always get the value of an Expr from a Fix Expr whenever you
need it, by computing the fixed point:

> fix f = x where x = f x

> e1,e2 :: Expr
> e1 = fix fe1  -- finite
> e2 = fix fe2  -- infinite

Note that e2 is equivalent to your "cyclic".  But now we can also test
for equality:

> instance Eq (Fix Expr) where
>   fe1 == fe2  =  fe1 Loop == fe2 Loop

For example, fe2 == fe2 returns "True", whereas e2 == e2
(i.e. your cyclic == cyclic) diverges.

Of course, note that, although fe1 == fe2 implies that fix fe1 == fix
fe2, the reverse is not true, since there will always be loops of
varying degrees of unwinding that are semantically equivalent, but not
"syntactically", or structurally, equivalent.  Thus this definition of
equality is only approximate, but still, it's useful.

If you want to have multiple loops, or a loop not at the top level,
then you need to add some kind of a loop constructor to Expr.  I've
sketched that idea below, and pointed out a couple of other useful
ideas, such as showing a loop, and mapping a function over a loop
without unwinding it.

I hope this helps,



> module Cyclic where

Loop now needs an ID because there may be more than one of them.

> data Expr = Const Int
>   | Add Expr Expr
>   | Rec (Fix Expr)-- implicit loop
>   | Loop ID   -- not exported
> type Fix a = a -> a
> type ID= Int

To check equality of and show Exprs, we need to supply unique IDs to
each recursive loop, which we do via a simple counter.

> instance Eq Expr where
>   e1 == e2  =
> let eq (Const x) (Const y)   n  =  x == y
> eq (Loop i1) (Loop i2)   n  =  i1 == i2
> eq (Add e1 e2) (Add e1' e2') n  =  eq e1 e1' n && eq e2 e2' n
> eq (Rec fe1) (Rec fe2)   n  =  eq (fe1 (Loop n))
>   (fe2 (Loop n)) (n+1)
> eq _ _   n  =  False
> in  eq e1 e2 0
> instance Show Expr where
>   show e  =
> let show' (Const x)   n =  "(Const " ++ show x ++ ")"
> show' (Add e1 e2) n =  "(Add " ++ show' e1 n ++ " "
>++ show' e2 n ++ ")"
> show' (Loop i)n =  "(Loop " ++ show i ++ ")"
> show' (Rec fe)n =  "(Rec " ++ show n ++ " "
>++ show' (fe (Loop n)) (n+1)
>++ ")"
> in  show' e 0

Unwinding (i.e. computing fixpoints):

Note: unwind should never see a Loop constructor.

> unwind :: Expr -> Expr
> unwind (Add e1 e2) = Add (unwind e1) (unwind e2)
> unwind (Rec fe)= x where x = unwind (fe x)
> unwind e   = e

The 2nd equation above is analogous to:
fix f = x where x = f x
And these two equations could also be written as:
fix f = f (fix f)
unwind (Rec fe) = unwind (fe (Rec fe))


> fe1,fe2 :: Fix Expr
> fe1 e = Add (Const 1) (Const 1)  -- non-recursive
> fe2 e = Add (Const 1) e  -- recursive
> e1,e2,e3 :: Expr
> e1 = Rec fe1 -- no real loop
> e2 = Rec fe2 -- top-level loop
> e3 = Add e2 (Const 0)-- lower-level loop
> e4 = Rec (\e1-> Add (Const 1)
> (Rec (\e2-> Add e1 e2))) -- nested loop
> b1,b2 :: Bool
> b1 = e3==e3   -- returns True
> b2 = e3==e2   -- returns False
> e1u,e2u,e3u :: Expr
> e1u = unwind e1   -- finite
> e2u = unwind e2   -- infinite
> e3u = unwind e3   -- infinite
> e4u = unwind e4   -- infinite

Now suppose we define a function, say mapE, that applies a function to
the leaves (in this case the Const Int's) of an Expr.  For example:

mapE succ (Add (Const 1) (

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a newbie's question

2005-04-21 Thread Paul Hudak
Thomas Davie wrote:
On Apr 21, 2005, at 3:47 PM, SCOTT J. wrote:
I'm beginning to study Haskell, For the following
a = [1,2,3]
b = "there"
do x <- a
   y <- b
   return (x , y)
Winhugs cannot run it. Gives
Syntax error in input (unexpected backslash (
Your problem is that you're using monads to grab the contents of a  and 
b, while a and b are not monadic... You probably if you're only  just 
setting out don't want to pay attention to any of the do  notation or 
monadic code.  To get the result it looks like you want,  all you need 
to do is this:
(a, b)
you can then define this as a new constant:
c = (a, b)
Hope that helps
On the other hand, perhaps he wanted all possible combinations of values 
in the lists a and b.  Since a list is a monad, this, for example, works 

a = [1,2,3]
b = "there"
abs = do x <- a
 y <- b
 return (x,y)
In Hugs:
abs ==>
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RE: Answers to Exercises in Craft of FP

2005-01-28 Thread Paul Hudak
Chris, I'm not sure that I understand your argument.  How about this 
scenario, which is what I do:  Students are assigned problems, without 
solutions.  They are given some time to work them out and turn them in. 
 Then they are given the solutions, most of which I go over in class.

This does not require posting solutions ahead of time, or in a public 
place, it still allows the "autonomous" student to do the work on his or 
her own (although constrained by a particular time-frame), and it 
permits the student to see the solutions in the end.

Christian Hofer wrote:
Dear Hamilton,
I think we just have a different framing of the problem. You are 
confronted with the laziness of students and want to teach them 
something anyway. By that you are forced to disrespect the autonomy of 
students who are intrinsically motivated (e.g. by giving bonus points on 

I on the other hand am a great fan of the old German university system, 
which they are currently about to abolish in the so-called "Bologna 
Process". The idea is to just treat students as if they were autonomous. 
Most students fail in the exams in their first year, because they are 
not used to solving exercises when nobody forces them to do it (s.th. 
they should of course already have learned in school). Those students 
that don't recover don't belong to university. But most students learn 
from this negative experience, that they have to work on their own. And 
that is more important to learn on university than the details of a 
certain programming paradigm...

It's nice that you offer me your exercises with solutions. But I am 
afraid that does not really help me, because I want to do (and am 
actually doing) the exercises in the books that I read (because that is 
the way to get a better understanding). Thus what I would need are the 
solutions to those exercises.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Professor Paul Hudak
Chair, Dept of Computer Science   Office: (203) 432-1235
Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Haven, CT 06520-8285  WWW:www.cs.yale.edu/~hudak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RE: Answers to Exercises in Craft of FP

2005-01-26 Thread Paul Hudak
I'm not sure how Simon Thompson feels, or other instructors using his or 
my book, but a downside of posting all of the solutions is that the 
problems cannot be assigned for homework.  I have many of the solutions 
to SOE problems, and could post them, but am wondering if it would be 
better to make them available only to instructors, or to those who might 
convince me that they are not reading the book for credit.  Or is that 
being too draconian?

Gour wrote:
Ketil Malde ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
Another option is posting the excercise to this list (or perhaps in
comp.lang.functional), along with your current effort at solving it.
I consider it would be useful to have the the whole collection somewhere, 
on wiki since Thompson's book (beside Hudak's HSOE) very popular one for
learning Haskell and it can bring even more popularity for Haskell language.
Is it only me, but it looks that more & more posts are appearing on this list?
(As this could look like a homework request, don't expect the direct
solution, but I think you will get some hints to nudge you in the
right direction.)
Of course, but, otoh, solving ALL the exercises from the book is 
time-consuming, so to be able to sneak into some would be a nice learning 
experience :-)

Professor Paul Hudak
Chair, Dept of Computer Science   Office: (203) 432-1235
Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Haven, CT 06520-8285  WWW:www.cs.yale.edu/~hudak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What are the MonadPlus laws?

2005-01-25 Thread Paul Hudak
Good point; I suppose the constraint m /= _|_
should be added to the law.
The problem is this "law":
m >>= \k -> mzero === mzero
I think this "law" is untrue for _all_ MonadPlus instances, and you can
trivially check this by setting m to bottom.
Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What are the MonadPlus laws?

2005-01-25 Thread Paul Hudak
I believe that these are the relevant laws of class MonadPlus:
  m >>= (\x -> mzero) = mzero
  mzero >>= m = mzero
  m `mplus` mzero = m
  mzero `mplus` m = m
You can get some intuition for this by thinking of mplus as +, mzero as 
0, and >>= as multiplication.

I haven't follow much at all of this thread, but, for what it's worth, 
IO should NOT be instance of MonadPlus, because it has no zero element. 
 For if it did, the IO action:

  putStr "hello" >> mzero
would not print "hello", which is counterintuitive, and in practice I 
wouldn't know how to implement it.

P.S. All of the above is in my book :-)
Jules Bean wrote:
So, anyone? What are the laws that MonadPlus is supposed to satisfy?
The obvious ones are that if MonadPlus m then for all types a, (m a) 
should be a monoid. But, what about the others, because IO does not 
appear to satisfy

a >> mzero == mzero

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some random newbie questions

2005-01-07 Thread Paul Hudak
Benjamin Pierce wrote:
OK, I'm taking the plunge and using Haskell in a course I'm teaching this
semester.  To get ready, I've been doing quite a bit of Haskell programming
myself, and this has raised a few questions...
* What are the relative advantages of Hugs and GHC, beyond the obvious (Hugs
  is smaller and easier for people not named Simon to modify, while GHC is a
  real compiler and has the most up-to-date hacks to the type checker)?  Do
  people generally use one or the other for everything, or are they similar
  enough to use Hugs at some moments and GHC at others?
I taught our FP class this fall using Hugs, but in the end wish that I 
had used GHC.  There are lots of little reasons for this, but a big one 
was a problem with unpredictable space utilization.  I don't have the 
examples at my fingertips, but there were simple variations of the same 
program that, by all common-sense reasoning, should have behaved in the 
opposite way with respect to space than what they exhibited.  Indeed, 
the problem that you report in your "Sierpinkski Carpet" may likely be a 
problem with Hugs, and not the graphics lib, and Jacob Nelson's message 
seems to bear this out.

SOEGraphics, by the way, is built on top of HGL, a general graphics lib 
written by Alastair Reid.  At the time, it was the best option that we 
had, but Alastair no longer has time to maintain it, although I believe 
that Ross Paterson may be maintaining it now.  In any case, SOEGraphics 
has grown a big buggy with respect to portability across platforms and 
compilers.  I am about to update the SOE webpage with our current best 
shot at a portable and bug-free version of this, but ultimately I'd like 
to port everything over to something like wxHaskell.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Non-technical Haskell question

2004-12-07 Thread Paul Hudak
Aaron Denney wrote:
On 2004-12-06, Gour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Any idea how to make a (more organize) community effort to bring Haskell out?
I'd rather it didn't until a few warts were fixed.  OTOH, it may be too
late already, barring a Haskell 2.
Does Python not have warts?  Or Pearl, or Java, or C#?  I don't think 
that a few warts prevent a language from becoming a "success".

But you may be right that it is too late... Haskell is getting old! 
Sometimes I think that for a language to "succeed" it must do so in its 

Perhaps the thing to do is create a new language with a new name, but 
base it entirely on Haskell's semantics, then equip it with just one 
really good library to solve well just one important niche problem, and 
see what happens.  If it is seen as a shiny new silver bullet in just 
one niche area, it might take off like a rocket.

Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like an apple.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Newbie Question on type constructors

2004-11-04 Thread Paul Hudak
Sorry, I had to drop out of this thread for a few days...
Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:
Paul Hudak wrote:
> Note that instead of:
> data Shape = Circle Float
>| Square Float
> the Haskell designers might have used the following syntax:
> data Shape where
>  Circle :: Float -> Shape
>  Square :: Float -> Shape
> which conveys exactly the same information, and makes it quite clear
> that Circle and Square are functions.
No, this is totally different from what I'm talking about. My position 
for the moment is that they *aren't* functions (or, more precisely, that 
they shouldn't be so taught), and anything that tries to further the 
illusion that they are is then a step in the wrong direction.
Well then, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree...:-)  They are 
very definitely functions in my mind: they can be applied, passed as 
arguments, etc.  "If it acts like a duck, then it is a duck."  The 
confusion is that they are MORE than just functions, because of their 
special treatment in pattern matching.  But to deny their functionhood 
in like denying a king his manhood :-)

In particular, your notation with type signatures makes it totally 
unclear that Circle and Square have disjoint ranges; in fact it looks 
like they have the same range.
But they DO have the same range -- they're just not surjective.
That said, what you ask for is not unreasonable, it's just that I don't 
know how to express it in Haskell, for any kind of function.  (Unless 
one were to explicity encode it somehow.)

This notation would have increased my 
confusion when I was still learning, because what I didn't understand at 
that time was the nature of the type Shape. Saying that Circle and 
Square are functions which take a Float and return a Shape tells me 
nothing about what a Shape is; it might as well be an abstract data 
type. What I needed to know, and was never clearly told, was that Shape 
is *precisely the following set:* { Circle 1.2, Circle 9.3, ..., Square 
1.2, Square 9.3, ...}. You could even throw in a _|_ and some 
exceptions-as-values, though I'm not sure it would have been advisable 
(little white lies are an important pedagogical tool, as long as you 
eventually own up).
Yes, I can understand your confusion, and I have had students express 
the same thing.  But after I explain essentially what you have written 
above, there was no more trouble.

The syntax that would have made the most sense to me would have been 
something like

   data Shape =
   forall x::Float. Circle x
   forall x::Float. Square x
with maybe a "+" or something joining the lines, though that might have 
done more harm than good.
I don't see much advantage of this over Haskell's current syntax.  You 
still need to explain its semantics in a way that suits your needs, so 
you might as well explain the original syntax in the same way.

Of course GHC 6.4 has your function syntax now with the introduction of 
GADTs, but I think that it's a mistake; in fact it's interfering right 
now with my attempt to understand what GADTs are! I suppose I would prefer

   data Term a =
   forall x :: Int. Lit x :: Term Int
   forall x :: Term Int.Succ x :: Term Int
   forall x :: Term Int.IsZero x :: Term Bool
   forall x :: Term Bool.
 forall y,z :: Term a.  If x y z :: Term a
In fact, maybe I'll try rewriting everything in this form and see if it 
helps me. I suppose once I do understand GADTs I'll have a better idea 
of what would have helped.
I almost mentioned GADT's earlier, but didn't want to stray too far from 
the path.  In fact GADT's strengthen my argument, but I see you don't 
like their syntax either.

 > That said, there are lots of interesting directions to pursue where
 > pattern-matching against functions IS allowed (requiring higher-order
 > unification and the like).  I suppose that topic is out of the scope
 > of this discussion.
I don't think I've heard of this (unless you're talking about logic 
programming). Can you point me to some papers?
The work that I'm only somewhat aware of is that out of the "logical 
frameworks" community, where "higher-order abstract syntax" makes it 
desirable to work "underneath the lambda", in turn making it desirable 
to pattern-match against lambdas.  See, for example, Carsten 
Schuermann's work (http://cs-www.cs.yale.edu/homes/carsten/).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Newbie Question on type constructors

2004-11-01 Thread Paul Hudak
Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:
> Have I succeeded in reconciling our views?
Perhaps!  In particular, perhaps it's just a pedagogical issue.  Note 
that instead of:

data Shape = Circle Float
   | Square Float
the Haskell designers might have used the following syntax:
data Shape where
 Circle :: Float -> Shape
 Square :: Float -> Shape
which conveys exactly the same information, and makes it quite clear 
that Circle and Square are functions.  I often point this out to my 
students, because I find it less confusing than Haskell's data type 
declaration, where type constructors and value constructors are 
intermixed (i.e. "Circle Float").  Would this have been less confusing 
for you?

As for pattern matching, I think the key point relates to Keith 
Wansbrough's comment that an algebraic data type denotes an initial 
algebra.  If you want to retain referential transparency, each 
application of the function being pattern-matchined against must yield a 
unique value (i.e. "no confusion" as Keith describes it).  This is 
guaranteed with a constructor, but not with arbitrary functions.  So, 
another way to look at it is that constructors simply carve out a 
portion of the function space where this can be guaranteed.

That said, there are lots of interesting directions to pursue where 
pattern-matching against functions IS allowed (requiring higher-order 
unification and the like).  I suppose that topic is out of the scope of 
this discussion.

Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:
Paul Hudak wrote:
Oh, I disagree with this point of view.  Circle is certainly a value, 
i.e. a full-fledged function, as Brian Beckman correctly surmised.

Interesting. I don't claim that my viewpoint is the One True Path, but I 
don't think it's wrong, either. I know you're interested in the teaching 
of Haskell, and the fact remains that I *was* confused by data 
constructors when I learned Haskell, and it *did* help me to stop 
thinking of them as functions. Different people learn in different ways, 
and that's how I learned; even now I find this view more natural than 
the view of constructors as functions. The wording of the OP's article 
made me think that he might be suffering from the same conceptual 
problem, so I tried to suggest the approach which worked for me.

The Haskell designers did not decide "for convenience" that Circle is 
the same as \x -> Circle x.  Rather, that's a fundamental law (the eta 
law, to be exact) of the lambda calculus, on which Haskell is based.

I think you're begging the question here -- the eta law applies to 
functions -- but maybe you're just elaborating on your view rather than 
arguing for it, as I was. (I.e. I was elaborating, not arguing, when I 
said that Circle was a function "for convenience".)

The real reason that the Haskell designers chose to have constructors 
begin with a capital letter is to make pattern-matching clearer.

Certainly it's odd to be able to match on the result of a function. 
"case factorial (2*3) of factorial n -> ..." won't work, so it's 
surprising that "case Circle (2*3) of Circle x -> ..." does, if Circle 
is a function. On the other hand, if "Circle 6" is just a literal value, 
it's not at all surprising that "case Circle 6 of Circle x -> ..." does 
what it does. And, at least for me, that extends to "case Circle (2*3) 
of Circle x -> ..." as well. (*) is being called in this example, and is 
returning an entirely new value, 6, but Circle is just getting "added 
on" to that result, and then stripped off again. There's a clear 
symmetry between construction and deconstruction which doesn't seem 
nearly as clear if Circle is seen as a function.

It occurs to me that when I talk about functions here, I am talking 
about Haskell function values, not about functions as equations "f(x) = 
...". In particular, one cannot write an invert :: (a->b) -> Maybe 
(b->a) which never returns a wrong answer, except for invert = const 
Nothing -- this is why it makes no sense to me to imagine Circle as 
being a Haskell *value*. I have no problem imagining it as a function in 
a more abstract mathematical sense; it's just that Haskell function 
values don't have that extra structure.

The view of Circle that I was trying to express is closer to Prolog 
clauses. One can assert circle(1.2), and that assertion will match 
circle(x), but it doesn't really make sense to assert circle, or to try 
to match it.

Have I succeeded in reconciling our views?
-- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Newbie Question on type constructors

2004-11-01 Thread Paul Hudak
Oh, I disagree with this point of view.  Circle is certainly a value, 
i.e. a full-fledged function, as Brian Beckman correctly surmised.  The 
Haskell designers did not decide "for convenience" that Circle is the 
same as \x -> Circle x.  Rather, that's a fundamental law (the eta law, 
to be exact) of the lambda calculus, on which Haskell is based.

The real reason that the Haskell designers chose to have constructors 
begin with a capital letter is to make pattern-matching clearer.  For 
example, if one writes (\Foo -> 42) it is clear that Foo is a 
constructor, and this function will be an error when applied to anything 
but Foo, whereas (\foo -> 42) will match anything.  If the namespaces 
were not separated in this way, then you wouldn't know whether "foo" was 
a constructor or a formal parameter, without looking at your whole 
program -- including imports -- to track down all "data" declarations.

I hope this helps,
Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:
Brian Beckman wrote:
 >data Shape = Circle Float
 >   | Square Float
 >I read this something along the lines of "'Shape' is a type constructor,
 >for use in other type-defining expressions, and 'Circle' and 'Sqare' are
 >its two data constructors, which should be used like functions of type
 >'Float -> Shape'".  Indeed, typing "Circle" at the Hugs prompt reveals
 >that Haskell has a "function" named "Circle" with type "Float -> Shape."
 >However, I don't know of other circumstances where (1) I can declare
 >functions with capitalized names (Hugs groans about syntax errors if I
 >attempt the following:
 >Circle2 :: Float -> Shape
 >Circle2 =  Circle
 >And (2) where the argument-types of a function can be declared on the
 >function's right-hand side.
I remember being confused in a similar way by data constructors when I 
learned Haskell. You might find it easier to think of "Circle" and 
"Square" as part of the name of a value. "Circle 1.2" is one of the 
values in the type Shape, for example; it's not a function call which 
returns the value, it just *is* the value. Circle by itself doesn't 
really mean anything -- it's not a value of any type -- and Haskell 
could have been designed to make it a syntax error. But for convenience 
Haskell's designers decided to treat it as though it meant (\x -> Circle 

-- Ben

Professor Paul Hudak
Chair, Dept of Computer Science   Office: (203) 432-1235
Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Haven, CT 06520-8285  WWW:www.cs.yale.edu/~hudak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: The State Monad

2004-10-08 Thread Paul Hudak
Sorry to nit-pick, but state monads are NOT syntactic sugar -- they're 
just an example of good old data/functional abstraction, that also 
happens to be in the form of a monad.

On the other hand, Haskell's "do" notation -- now THAT'S syntactic sugar :-)
Ben Lippmeier wrote:
John Goerzen wrote:
Which leaves me with an odd curiosity -- I still can't figure out how
state monads are anything but syntactic sugar (and lead more to
spaghetti code at that )

Perhaps because state monads = syntactic sugar.
The state monad is just a nice(er) way of passing around some global 
state (Junk).

Without state monads
f :: Junk -> a -> (Junk, b)
With state monads,
f :: a -> State Junk b

Though if some function doesn't need to 'modify' your Junk, you find 
yourself having to re-factor things like,

decend :: Junk -> Exp -> Exp
decend state (Node a t1 t2)
 = Node a (decend state t1) (decend state t2)
decend :: Exp -> State Junk Exp
decend (Node a t1 t2)
 = do
t1'<- decend t1
t2'<- decend t2
return   $ Node a t1' t2'
.. which IMHO is not as pretty.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Integrating Haskell into a J2EE environment

2004-10-06 Thread Paul Hudak
Ok, I understand.  I don't know much at all about J2EE, in fact!  I 
would just hate to see an interesting project be abandoned if all that 
is needed is a simple way to invoke the Haskell code with a string 
argument, say.  Perhaps Shoeb can tell us more about what he needs.

Doug Kirk wrote:
Yes, I agree, and didn't mean to write off Haskell (at which, I'm 
completely a newbie, trying to learn, and thankful for your book!).

However, I'm a Java pro, and there are many technical issues on the Java 
side that scream at me to keep out of the native arena, especially in a 
J2EE container environment, where funny things can happen with hot 
reloads (dumping old ClassLoaders for new ones), clustering, and the like.

So it wasn't out of denigration of Haskell that I made my 
recommendation; far from it...from what I've seen Haskell is perfect for 
implementing DSL's. Rather, from the Java side is where it becomes 
problematic. There have been many problems integrating with native 
libraries from within a J2EE container, and I try to seek the most 
cost-effective way (I'm an independent consultant) to get the problem 
solved for my customers.

On Oct 6, 2004, at 2:59 PM, Paul Hudak wrote:
I wouldn't write off Haskell so quickly.  All of what Shoeb describes 
concerning DSL issues might be much more easily solved in Haskell, and 
will certainly be more flexible than a hard-wired approach.  The J2EE 
interface might be ugly, but if the functionality needed is not too 
great it might not be too bad.  Generally speaking, these kinds of apps 
-- in this case "a DSL for high-level business rules" -- sounds like 
just the sort of thing that Haskell is good for.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Integrating Haskell into a J2EE environment

2004-10-06 Thread Paul Hudak
I wouldn't write off Haskell so quickly.  All of what Shoeb describes 
concerning DSL issues might be much more easily solved in Haskell, and 
will certainly be more flexible than a hard-wired approach.  The J2EE 
interface might be ugly, but if the functionality needed is not too 
great it might not be too bad.  Generally speaking, these kinds of apps 
-- in this case "a DSL for high-level business rules" -- sounds like 
just the sort of thing that Haskell is good for.

Doug Kirk wrote:
You're going to spend alot of time marshalling between Java and Haskell 
values, and you'll either have to do it via JNI or by using pipes [as in 
System.exec("haskellprogram param param param")], both of which are ugly 
for a Java app.

Have you looked at Jython and JRuby? Jython is an implementation of a 
Python interpreter in 100% Java, and JRuby implements a Ruby interpreter 
in 100% Java.

Those might get the job done faster than having to delve into the native 
layer. (Not to mention learning how to use Haskell in order to implement 
what you want--not a trivial task in itself!)

Take care,
On Oct 5, 2004, at 4:33 PM, Bhinderwala, Shoeb wrote:
Hi All,
I am new to Haskell and this mailing list.
We have a system that uses a custom high-level language to express
high-level business rules. Expressions in the high-level language get
compiled to Java bytecode. We express the grammar using BNF notation as
required by the javacc parser tool. This is then converted to an AST
using jjtree and from there we build the final Java code. Our language
could be considered a domain-specific language (DSL) and is used by our
business users to express very high-level business logic. The language
currently is very limited - we support boolean logic, function
invocations and if-then statements. We want to convert it into a more
powerful scripting language so that even lower level business logic can
be expressed in it.
I came across a few papers that talk about writing a DSL with Haskell as
the underlying support language. How is this done. Is it possible to
create a sort of domain specific business scripting language easily. How
does that then compile to Haskell code. And how can the Haskell code be
invoked from Java.
Essentially, I am thinking if I could use a Haskell like DSL language to
express our business rule logic and then be able to integrate into and
invoke the logic from a J2EE app server environment. Has anybody done
anything like this with Haskell.
-- Shoeb
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Professor Paul Hudak
Chair, Dept of Computer Science   Office: (203) 432-1235
Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Haven, CT 06520-8285  WWW:www.cs.yale.edu/~hudak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] (no subject)

2004-09-10 Thread Paul Hudak
To add briefly to what John wrote, there is a webpage for Yampa:
which includes all of our publications on FRP/Yampa as well as a decent 
release of our latest implementation of Yampa (based on arrows).  The 
release has ample examples of how to use Yampa for graphics, animation, 
and basic control systems such as used in robotics.

Also, although most of the developers have dispersed, I believe that 
most of them are still interested in the ideas, and the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list would probably be responsive if 
anyone bothered to use it.

  -Paul Hudak
John C. Peterson wrote:
From: John Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional Reactive Programming
Functional Reactive Programming is alive but in need of some new
students to push the effort a bit.  A lot of us have taken teaching
or industrial positions so the old FRP team is a bit depleted.
I don't think anyone is working on Yampa directly at the moment.
Although it's stable and working well it lacks a critical mass of nice
libraries to make it attractive.
I'm still plugging on a wxHaskell port to Yampa (the wxFruit stuff).
I've made some semantic changes to Yampa so I probably shouldn't say
it's real Yampa but pretty close.  I should have something to release
later this fall. 

Aside from that, we have a student working in the hybrid modeling
area.  That's good stuff but not likely to produce software of
interest to Joe Haskell.  Another student is keeping the robotics side
of things alive but it's in the context of a very specialized robotic
hardware environment.
So there you go!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Professor Paul Hudak
Chair, Dept of Computer Science   Office: (203) 432-1235
Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Haven, CT 06520-8285  WWW:www.cs.yale.edu/~hudak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] so how does one convert an IO a into an a ?

2004-07-09 Thread Paul Hudak
Judging from a previous message I'm not sure if you're still using SOE, 
but one of the things I tried to do is introduce IO without mentioning 
monads at all, and if you read chapter 3 (especially section 3.1) you 
will see that that's the case.  To those who have had imperative 
programming experience, I think that section 3.1 should not present any 

But it sounds as if you've gotten past that, since you quoted something 
from chapter 18, where the "mysteries" of IO are revealed in gory 
detail.  It looks like lots of people have given you good advice, but 
I'll throw in one more idea about how to "convert an IO Int into an 
Int".  Although, as many have pointed out, you can't really do this in a 
technical sense, you can get the effect that you want as follows:

Suppose you have a function foo of type IO Int, and you wish to apply a 
function bar of type Int -> T to the value you get from foo (T is some 
result type).  Then all you have to do is this:

> do i <- foo
>return (bar i)
This is what people meant by "writing a little monadic scaffolding" to 
achieve what you want.  The function bar is a pure function that does 
not involve IO at all.  It may involve dozens of page of code, but you 
need the two lines of "scaffolding" above in order to invoke it.

Now, in the end, you might say that we haven't achieved much, because 
the above expression has type IO T, so all we've really done is convert 
an IO Int into an IO T.  Quite true!  That's why most of the people who 
responded to your email eventually wrote something like:

> do i <- foo
>putStr (show (bar i))
or whatever, in order to actually generate some useful output.  Indeed, 
that useful output might also include writing to a file, displaying some 
graphics, etc.

I hope this helps,
Crypt Master wrote:
Thanks for your help so far, but I am still not getting this IO stuff. 
After reading your previous help and reading several articles on it I 
still cant phathom how you convert the IO Int into an Int.

One person mentioned how random just returns an interative program which 
when eveluated returns the Int. Also from the school of expression book 
he says " The right way to think of (>>=) above is simply this: It 
"Executes" e1 ..." in relation to "do pat <- e1 ...".

so I have this:

rollDice :: IO Int
rollDice = getStdRandom (randomR (1,6))
rl :: [Int]
rl = [ (getRndNum x) | x <- [1..] ]
getRndNum :: Int -> Int
getRndNum x = do n <- rollDice
  return n
  *PS Pretend return is correctly aligned under n. dont what 
ahppens in copy and paste*

now my understanding therefore is that "do n <- rollDice" should execute 
the the itererative program returned by rollDice. So now n should be my 
Int since IO Int was a program which when evaluted returns an Int ?

However this is what haskell thinks of my thoery:
*** Term   : getRndNum
*** Type   : Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
*** Does not match : Int -> Int
So I am still in IO Int land despite having used the >>= in the do 
syntax. Worse Still I am in IO (Maybe Int) land. Monads within Monads.

In yours, and many other examples I found online, the results are always 
passed to print which seems to know how to deal with an IO Int. Is this 
specially coded or overloaded or something ?

There are plenty of examples which use return like so:
do k <- getKey w
   return k
which is what I tried above to no avail.
It seems awefully complicated just to get hold a simple Int, but 
naturally complicity is directly related to ones understanding. Mine is 
sumewhat lacking ... any help would be appreciated.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Haskell and sound (was: [Haskell-cafe] Toy application advice wanted)

2004-05-08 Thread Paul Hudak
For what it's worth, SOE and Haskore provide support for reading and 
writing MIDI files, and for generating both score and orchestra files in 
csound.  But there is no direct support for sound files, nor is there 
support for real-time MIDI.


Claus Reinke wrote:
(SOE's music component includes Midi file 
support, and also talks about csound)?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: determining if a int is a power

2003-11-08 Thread Paul Hudak
But note that x `seq` x is equivalent to x, even operationally.  To see 
why denotationally, note that if x evaluates to _|_, so does x `seq` x. 
 And if x evaluates to a value v, so does x `seq` x.  To see why 
operationally, consider the two lists:

  let x = 1+1 in [x `seq` x]
  let x = 1+1 in [x]
Using conventional lazy evaluation in both cases, the term "1+1" is not 
evaluated until the head of the list is taken.  In other words, x `seq` 
x in no way hurries the evaluation of x.


Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
Am Samstag, 8. November 2003, 00:22 schrieb Hamilton Richards:
Also note that
if x then True else False
is just a verbose way of writing
Actually, it's just a verbose way of writing x `seq` x, but this detail is, of 
course, not interesting for beginners.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Another fold question

2003-11-06 Thread Paul Hudak
For what it's worth, I recently wrote a paper on what I call 
"polymorphic temporal media", of which "music" and "animation" are two 
examples.  The basic data type is:

data Media a = Prim a
 | Media a :+: Media a
 | Media a :=: Media a
From this we can define a Music type:

type Music = Media Note
data Note = Rest Dur
  | Note Pitch Dur
and an Animation type:

type Animation = Media Anim
type Anim = (Dur, Time -> Picture)
and so on.

It's then possible to define a polymorphic fold (i.e. a catamorphism) 
for the Media type:

foldM :: (a->b) -> (b->b->b) -> (b->b->b) -> Media a -> b
foldM f g h (Prim x)= f x
foldM f g h (m1 :+: m2) =
  foldM f g h m1 `g` foldM f g h m2
foldM f g h (m1 :=: m2) =
  foldM f g h m1 `h` foldM f g h m2
and prove several standard laws about it, including:

foldM (Prim . f) (:+:) (:=:) = fmap f
foldM Prim (:+:) (:=:) = id
and more importantly a Fusion Law, which states that if

f' x = k (f x)
g' (k x) (k y) = k (g x y)
h' (k x) (k y) = k (h x y)

k . foldM f g h = foldM f' g' h'

In the paper I use foldM to define a number of useful polymorphic 
functions on temporal media, such as a reverse function, a duration 
function, and most interestingly, a standard interpretation, or 
semantics, of polymorphic temporal media.  I then prove some properties 
about these functions in which I avoid the use of induction by using the 
Fusion Law.

Conceptually all of this is pretty "standard", actually, but used I 
think in an interesting context.  If anyone would like a copy of the 
paper let me know.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: fixed point

2003-10-27 Thread Paul Hudak
> Also, had a feeling the fix function was related to the "Y"
> combinator; it seems they're the same thing!
Yes, they're the same in effect, although historically fix is often 
defined recursively or taken as a primitive, whereas Y has its roots in 
the lambda calculus, where it is defined as:

  Y = \f.(\x.f(x x))(\x.f(x x))

which, you will note, is not recursive, yet has the property that Y f = 
f (Y f), so that it is in fact a fixpoint generator.  (You might want to 
try proving this -- it's easy and illuminating.)

Unfortunately, this expression will not type-check in Haskell or ML
because of limitations of the Hindley-Milner type system :-(.  There are 
ways around this, but they involve introducing a data structure to avoid 
problems with infinite types.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: fixed point

2003-10-27 Thread Paul Hudak
Thomas L. Bevan wrote:
> Is there a simple transformation that can be applied to all
> recursive functions to render them non-recursive with fix.
Suppose you have a LET expression with a set of (possibly mutually 
recursive) equations such as:

let f1 = e1
f2 = e2
fn = en
in e
The following is then equivalent to the above, assuming that g is not 
free in e or any of the ei:

let (f1,...,fn) = fix g
g ~(f1,...,fn) = (e1,...,en)
in e
Note that all recursion introduced by the top-most LET has been removed 
(or, if you will, concentrated into the one application of fix).  This 
transformation will work even if there is no recursion, and even if some 
of the fi are not functions (for example they could be recursively 
defined lazy data structures).

For example:

main1 =
  let rem = \a b -> if a < b then a
else rem (a - b) b
  ones = 1 : ones
  x   = 42
  in (rem 42 9, take 3 ones, x)
is equivalent to:

main2 =
  let (rem,ones,x)= fix g
  g ~(rem,ones,x) = (\a b -> if a < b then a
 else rem (a - b) b,
 1 : ones,
  in (rem 42 7, take 3 ones, x)
and both yield the result (6,[1,1,1],42).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: representation getting verbose...

2002-10-18 Thread Paul Hudak
> In Paul Hudak's SOE, I find a definition of expression:
> data Expr = C Float | V String | Expr :+ Expr | Expr :- Expr
> | Expr :* Expr | Expr :/ Expr
> Now this is compelling, but sometimes, I might want to have a function
> that takes a variable only, not just any kind of expression.  I could
> write something like:
> typeOfVariable :: Expression -> Type
> typeOfVariable (V s) = ...
> _= error...
> But thats not very satisfying from a type-checking perspective.  So it
> makes sense to create a constructor:
> data Variable = VVariable String
> data Expr = C Float | V Variable | Expr :+ Expr
>  | Expr :- Expr  | Expr :* Expr | Expr :/ Expr
> and make typeOfVariable :: Variable -> Type.  But then when I want to
> match or create a variable expression, things are starting to get
> verbose:
> case expr of
>   C f -> ...
>   V (Variable (VVariable s)) -> ...
>   ...

I think you mean:

  case expr of
C f -> ...
V (VVariable s) -> ...

which is not quite as verbose.

> And if I want a still more accurate hierarchy, the construction and
> destruction of Variables can really become cumbersome.  For an
> interpreter I'm writing, I found myself writing a function
> "constructVarExpr :: String -> Expr" just to make it easier.  This all
> seems very inelegant, and I get the feeling that there's a better way
> to do this.
> Any suggestions on how I could better represent Expressions or
> Variables to keep the type-checking but decrease the verbosity?

I don't think that the problem is as bad as you make it out to be.  If
you adopt my use of short constructor names, then something like:

  data Var = Var String
  data Expr = C Float | V Var | Expr :+ Expr
   | Expr :- Expr  | Expr :* Expr | Expr :/ Expr

is quite concise, as is:

  case expr of
C f   -> ...
V (Var s) -> ...

Also I don't see the point of defining constructVarExpr since 
"constructVarExpr s" is not much clearer or shorter than "V (Var s)".

On the other hand, there are much deeper issues at play here regarding
the representation of a language with variables as a data type.  What I
did in my book was very simple, and the use of variables was only given
as an exercise (by the way, you left out the "Let" constructor, which
presuambly has the form "Let String Expr").  Ideally you will also want
to express polymorphism and properly-typed higher-order functions, which
gets into the use of "phantom types".  A more recent idea is to use
"higher-order abstract syntax", in which variables and functions of the
language being implemented (often called the "object language") are
modelled as variables and functions in the implementation language
(often called the "meta language"), i.e. Haskell.  For a good
explanation of this, see Morton Rhiger's paper "A simple take on typed
abstract syntax in Haskell-like languages" at:


Hope this helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Depth-First search problems

2002-09-19 Thread Paul Hudak

I'm not sure whether your program is correct, but it's easy to see why
you're getting the type error.  You define p(_, k) = empty k, but empty
has type BinTree t -> Bool, so clearly p has type (a, BinTree t) ->
Bool.  However, you use p in "until p f ([], Push CreateStack b)". 
Since until has type (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a, this implies
that p must have type ([a], Keller (BinTree t)) -> Bool.  So you need to
either fix the definition of p or fix how it is used.

By the way, you are missing the case (Bin _ _ _) == EmptyTree in the
instance decl.  Also, note that Keller t is isomorphic to [t], i.e. to
the list data type.  Specifically, CreateStack is [], Push is (:), top
is head, and pop is tail.

Hope this helps,  -Paul Hudak

> -- Binary Tree structure
> data BinTree t = EmptyTree | Bin (BinTree t) t (BinTree t)
> left (Bin b1 _ _) = b1
> right (Bin _ _ b2) = b2
> value (Bin _ v _)  = v
> empty EmptyTree = True
> empty (Bin _ _ _)   = False
> -- Give the Binary Tree ==
> instance Eq a => Eq (BinTree a) where
>  (Bin b v c) == (Bin d w e) = (v == w) && (b == d) && (c == e)
>  EmptyTree == EmptyTree = True
>  EmptyTree == Bin _ _ _ = False
> -- Stack structure
> data Keller t = CreateStack | Push (Keller t) t
> top (Push s x) = x
> pop (Push s x) = s
> -- Depth-First search
> tiefensuche b = fst (until p f ([], Push CreateStack b))
>   where p(_, k) = empty k
> f(erg, k) | (top k) == EmptyTree = (erg, pop k)
>   | otherwise = ([v] ++ erg, Push( Push( pop k) b2) b1)
> where (Bin b1 v b2) = top k
> The error message says that p has a wrong types
> Haskell thinks it is p :: (b, BinTree c) -> Bool, instead of p :: ([a],
> Keller (BinTree a)) -> Bool
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Newbie question on "statefullness"

2002-08-13 Thread Paul Hudak

Alistair Bayley wrote:
> OTOH, if you want to do anything useful with any language you have to
> learn to do IO (and simple IO is tackled early in most languages), and
> therefore you must deal with Monads. I often wish that Haskell books
> and tutorials would introduce IO earlier; it is often near the end, in
> the "advanced" topics (after you've been dazzled/saturated by the
> magic you can do with list functions and comprehensions, and how easy
> it is to create abstract datatypes, and write parsers, etc...).

I agree with this.  And for what it's worth, in my textbook "The Haskell
School of Expression" (http://haskell.org/soe), I introduce IO on page
37, Chapter 3 (out of 350 pages and 24 chapters).  This is even before I
talk about polymorphism and higher-order functions!  I talk about
"actions" and "sequencing", and I use the do syntax, but I do not
mention monads at all.  Monads are introduced on page 251, Chapter 18.

  -Paul Hudak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Ex 9.9 in Paul Hudak's book

2002-04-04 Thread Paul Hudak

> What I would like to know is how the 'fix' function could be used
> to find the fixed point of a function like ( \n -> 2*n ).

Olaf and Lennart said a little about least fixpoints, but little about
what makes a fixpoint least.  Olaf suggested looking up papers on domain
theory or denotational semantics to understand it better.  But the idea
is really simple: just think of it as an ordering on information
content.  Bottom (_|_) contains NO information, and is thus the least
value in any domain.  The integers 1, 2, 3, etc. contain the same
"amount" of information, but the information in each case is different
-- thus these values are incomparable in the information ordering.  So
even though \n -> n has all these values as fixpoints, the LEAST one is
_|_.  As for \n -> 2n, even though 0 is a fixpoint, the LEAST one is
_|_.  And fix will find these for you, in the sense that fix applied to
each of these functions leads to non-termination, and non-termination is
equivalent to bottom, since it yields NO information.  (The fact that in
some implementations the stack or heap will blow up is an implementation

> If it isn't possible, can someone explain the crucial difference
> between n! and (\n -> 2*n) which allows n factorial to be found via
> the fix point method and not zero.

fix is able to find the fixpoint of:
  \f -> \n -> if (n==0) then 1 else n*f(n-1)
This fixpoint is a FUNCTION, not the factorial value itself.  So they
are very different.

Which begs the question: can fix find fixpints that are not functions,
and not bottom?  Consider this well-known example:

  ones = 1 : ones

We can write this as:

  ones = (\wons -> 1 : wons) ones

and thus:

  ones = fix (\wons -> 1 : wons)

Try this in Hugs, and see what happens when you type "take 10 ones" at
the prompt.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Ex 9.9 in Paul Hudak's book

2002-04-01 Thread Paul Hudak

It's really not as obscure as it first seems.  A fixpoint of a function
foo is a value x such that foo x = x.  The fix operator tells us one way
(not the only way) to generate such a fixpoint:

  fix foo = foo (fix foo)

Note from this equation that (fix foo) is, by definition (!), a fixpoint
of foo, since foo (fix foo) is just (fix foo).

Consider now any recursive definition:

  f = ... f ...

This can be rewritten as:

  f = (\f -> ... f ...) f

Note that the inner f is bound locally, so we can change names (which I
only do for clarity):

  f = (\g -> ... g ...) f

Now note that f is a fixpoint of \g -> ... g ...  So all we need is a
way to find this function's fixpoint.  But from the above we know how to
do that, and we are done:

  f = fix (\g -> ... g ...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: performance of monads

2002-01-23 Thread Paul Hudak

Eric Allen Wohlstadter wrote:
> I see a lot of literature that says that monads "simulate" the effects of
> imperative programming concepts. It seems to me that the relative
> performance of monadic implementations must be equivalant to imperative
> ones to provide a strong case for functional programming. For example, in
> the Exception handling monad it seems that the "bind" function must be
> called continously to pass the Error value back to an error handling
> function. However, in imperative languages we can make an immediate
> non-local transfer of control. Similiar is the way State is handled. Do
> compilers for haskell do any sort of optimization on these monadic
> operations or is it all as ineffecient as it looks.

I agree with others who mentioned that viewing monads as simply
providing a way to sequentialize things or to program imperatively is
the wrong way to look at them.  Remember that an equally satisfactory
syntax for the "do" notation is "monad comprehensions", which have less
of a sequential feel.  And there are many instances of monads that have
nothing to do with conventional imperative programming.

That said, the EFFICIENCY of monads is often poorly understood.  To
state the obvious, just because you program something in a monad doesn't
make it efficient.  In particular, a state monad does not guarantee that
the state will actually be updated "in place".  The monad only hides the
state, and creates an OPPORTUNITY for it to be updated in place.  But,
for example, if you add an operation that returns the entire state as a
value, then the "single-threadedness" property is in fact lost, and
in-place update becomes as problematical as it always is.

This is an issue that I and my student (Chih-Ping Chen) studied a few
years ago, culminating in his PhD thesis and the paper:

  Chih-Ping Chen and Paul Hudak, "Rolling Your Own Mutable ADT --
  A Connection between Linear Types and Monads", Proceedings of 24th
  ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, ACM Press,
  1997, pp. 54-66.

the abstract of which is:

  A methodology is described whereby a linear ADT may be rigorously
  encapsulated within a state monad.  A CPS-like translation from the
  original ADT axioms into monadic ones is also described and proven
  correct, so that reasoning can be accomplished at the monadic level
  without exposing the state.  The ADT axioms are suitably constrained
  by a linear type system to make this translation possible.  This
  constraint also allows the state to be ``updated in place,'' a notion
  made precise via a graph-rewrite operational semantics.

Best regards,

  -Paul Hudak

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: = vs ->

2001-10-12 Thread Paul Hudak

Being one of the old-timers who was deeply involved in this issue, I can
assure you that the decision was not made out of fear that the idea was
patented, since in fact this is the first I've heard of that!  (All we
knew was that the language was trademarked.)  If I remember correctly,
the main reason was to keep "similar ideas together" -- in this case,
pattern matching and guards.  With Miranda's syntax, if the body of the
function were quite large:

   foo [x] =   if x==1

then the pattern and guard would be greatly separated.  This seemed like
a bad idea to us.


"D. Tweed" wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2001, Fergus Henderson wrote:
> [Dave Tweed wrote]
> > > sense. I'm not sure why anymore but Haskell changed the `if clause after
> > > the value' to `pattern guard | before =', so I agree it now looks as if
> > > it's stating that the pattern guard is equal to the rhs.
> >
> > I've heard that the company which trademarked "Miranda" also obtained
> > a design patent on using syntax like that in a programming language.
> > The enforcibility of such a design patent is IMHO legally dubious,
> > and the application of design patents to programming languages has
> > never been tested in court as far as I am aware.  But nevertheless
> > the mere existence of such a design patent was probably a significant
> > disincentive to using that syntax.
> Drifting very quickly offtopic, but this amused me... I think it was
> probably me that you heard that from (if it was on a post to the main
> haskell mailing list a couple of years ago.) I was `sure' then that that
> was the case, having been told independently by two people that was the
> reason. However, given that no-one from the Haskell comittee corroborated
> this, and I'd imagine that it isn't something that people would be afraid
> to admit on the Haskell list (unlike a more fanatical place like /.]), I'm
> no longer `sure' that the people infrorming me were correct :-)

Professor Paul Hudak
Chair, Dept of Computer Science   Office: (203) 432-1235
Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Haven, CT 06520-8285  WWW:www.cs.yale.edu/~hudak

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Functional programming in Python

2001-05-22 Thread Paul Hudak

> I realize this is a topic where it would be very easy to start a flame
> war, but hopefully we can avoid that.

No problem :-)

> Maybe I did not express my point clearly. What I was trying to say was
> that
> because of the syntax, it is very easy for M-C-q in Emacs to convert
> that to ...

Ok, I understand now.  So clearly we just need better editing tools for
Haskell, which I guess is part of your point.

By the way, there are many Haskell programmers who prefer to write their
programs like this:

  let { a = x
  ; b = y
  ; c = z
in ...

which arguably has its merits.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Functional programming in Python

2001-05-22 Thread Paul Hudak

> Two points: I have been with Haskell less than half a year, and already
> I have run into a layout-related bug in a tool that produces Haskell
> source.

Why not have your tool generate layout-less code?  Surely that would be
easier to program, and be less error prone.

> Second, to a Lisp-head like myself something like
> (let ((a 0)
>   (b 1))
>(+ a b))
> does exactly what you say: it uses layout to indicate semantic.

Yes, but the layout is not ENFORCED.  I programmed in Lisp for many
years before switching to Haskell, and a common error is something like

> (let ((a 0)
>   (b 1)
>(+ a b)))

In this case the error is relatively easy to spot, but in denser code it
can be very subtle.  So in fact using layout in Lisp can imply a
semantics that is simply wrong.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list