Re: [Haskell-cafe] Database written in Haskell?

2009-08-07 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
HAppS' IxSet library gives relational operations but does not have a SQL 
interface.  Am thinking of changing the name to RelSet to make the 
functionality clear.  You can use HAppS.State  to give ACID properties 
to operations on this data structure.


On 8/1/09 12:15 AM, Günther Schmidt wrote:


is there an SQL database written in Haskell like HSQLDB which is 
written in Java?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Job Opportunity

2007-04-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

HAppS LLC has part-time and full-time positions open for haskell programmers to:

 * improve the open source haskell codebase at
 * implement infrastructure to make it work well in Amazon S3/EC2 environments
 * make reliable enough to be used by live apps
 * build the mass market apps we want to run on top of the HAppS/ 

We are looking for people who:

 * have substantial experience programming Haskell
 * have experience building Internet apps (not necessarily in Haskell but would 
be good), and
 * live in any of these places:
* the Internet (with comfort working entirely over email,skype,tightVNC 
* New York
* San Francisco
* Los Angeles

If you qualify and are interested, please send an email with your cv/resume to 
me or to opportunity AT


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [web-devel] A light-weight web framework

2007-04-16 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
DrIFT is a preproxessor so it makes the build process more complex.  I'd like to 
find a pure-haskell solution or a TH solution that doesn't require more build 


On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Marc Weber wrote:

Right now, you can largely do the same thing, but you have to write the XML
representations of your data structures manually.


I'm not sure but doesn't use HAppS kind of stripped down HaXml ?
DrIft can derive HaXml instances automatically.
Where is the problem doing using DrIft?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [web-devel] A light-weight web framework

2007-04-09 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

That is why I prefer JSON and XSLT as template languages.  The client side 
developer can't use them to do business logic and they are both idiomatically 
closer to the world in which the client side developer lives.

Once we get the auto-conversion to XML/JSON working in HAppS, life gets really 
simple.  The server app functions produce haskell datastructures.  The framework 
auto-converts them into XML with a an XSLT PI or JSON with a script source. 
Then the clientside devloper gets to manipulate the data in very 
standard client languages.

Right now, you can largely do the same thing, but you have to write the XML 
representations of your data structures manually.


On Thu, 5 Apr 2007, Ricardo Herrmann wrote:

The maintenance nightmare happens when someone uses the embedded language to
specify business logic, and that's entirely the web-{developer,designer}'s
fault. Thus, the problem is not that these languages shouldn't be powerful

IMHO, a safe approach would be simply not allowing I/O inside templates
(hey, sounds familiar ;-)

On 4/5/07, Maurice Codik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A few things, some of which I sort of mentioned in my previous email:

- If I'm already going to commit some time to learn a templating language,
why dont I just spend that same amount of time learning the little bit of
haskell I need to make the template work? If thats too much to ask, I can
just spit out HTML, and have the programmer put in the dynamic parts for 

Both of these scenarios seem to be a more efficient use of time.

- Who is the target audience? If its a big organization where there are
multiple designers and multiple devs, then your approach may work just 

If its the single developer, then something like what David suggested would
work even better. If its a small team (which may or may not include a
full-time designer), then something like what I suggested would work best.
For a web framework for haskell, I would guess that the latter two are much
more likely.

- Embedding a real programming language in a template already gives you
power to do what ever you need to do. What if you need to implement some
logic that the template language doesnt support? In those cases, you're
usually out of luck and have to move that logic into a controller, where it
doesnt really belong (assuming its actual display logic, not business

- It's really just a matter of taste. Any web framework thats worth using
should be flexible in its support of view technologies, but come with one
thats a sensible default.


On 4/5/07, Joel Reymont [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you see anything wrong with the approach I suggested, though?

 On Apr 5, 2007, at 6:16 PM, Maurice Codik wrote:

  That's not necesarily true. Templates where there is mostly markup,
  but let you embed code into them using special tags (ex, % code %
  ) are extremely popular and work fairly well. They also keep the
  template language simple because there is already a full-powered
  programming language thats embedded into it. Good examples of this
  method are ERB templates in Rails, JSPs, Perl Mason templates, etc.


web-devel mailing list

Ricardo Guimar?es Herrmann
Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc,
informally specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common
Any sufficiently complicated Lisp or Ruby program contains an ad hoc,
informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Haskell

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Hs-Generics] FW: [Haskell-cafe] SYB vs HList (again)

2007-03-22 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Not sure the proposal helps me with my other issues.  The appealing 
thing about hlists is that labels are first class which means obvious 
ways of parsing URLEncoded Strings and obvious ways to render them in 
XML.  In particular HLists are actually a different type from 
positional data declarations and that is good.


On Wed, 21 Mar 2007, Jules Bean wrote:

S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

Conceptually, I think what I really want is the data structure equivalent 
of type inference.  Just as I don't want to be forced to declare my 
function types, I don't want to be forced to declare my data types.  The 
field labels I use should be enough to define the shape of my type.  The 
reason this is really important is that if hlists contain hlists, the type 
declarations can get really really messy

Separately, I would really like hrecords not to have order dependency. It 
seems strange to me that (Foo .*. Bar .*. HNil) is a different type from 
(Bar .*. Foo .*. HNil).

These particular two issues : type inference based on record 'shape' and 
records without order dependency, (ignoring the SYB part of the problem for 
the moment) are both addressed in the following haskell records proposal 
(and, undoubtedly, others)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Hs-Generics] FW: [Haskell-cafe] SYB vs HList (again)

2007-03-20 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson


data Name  = Name String String deriving Show
newtype Salary = S Float deriving Show
data Dept  = D String Int deriving Show

I like the idea of these simpler label declarations, but I think the 
cost is that it is harder to write generic code for e.g. parsing 
urlencoded data or generating XML.  If I understand your concept here 
correctly, you need to write not only the label declaration but also 
dedicated code for parsing/generating with each label type.  For 
example, how do you extract a Name above from a urlencoded string?

Yes the hlist label declaraions I am using are very verbose, but they 
are easy to tighten with template haskell (even if I think template 
haskell is ugly).

It would be really nice if there was some way to tell Haskell that
HLists have no more fields than the ones you happen to be getting and
setting in your code. Effectively that would mean you get data
structure inference not just function type inference which would be
really cool!

I'm not sure I follow. Could you outline an example of the code you
wish work? Incidentally, a lot of the library depends on the record
types being members of some specific classes. One can define

I'd like be able to do something like this:

  $(label Salary Int) -- template haskell to define salary label
  main = do
 person - readFile blah = return . read
 print $ person # salary

In this case, haskell would assume that person has only one label, 
salary.  The read function would ignore all the other labels.   If I 
changed the code to this:

  $(label Salary Int) -- template haskell to define salary label
  $(label Name String)

  main = do
 person - readFile blah = return . read
 print $ person # salary
 print $ show (person::Name .*. Salary)

Then the code would assume that a person has both a name and a salary.

Conceptually, I think what I really want is the data structure 
equivalent of type inference.  Just as I don't want to be forced to 
declare my function types, I don't want to be forced to declare my 
data types.  The field labels I use should be enough to define the 
shape of my type.  The reason this is really important is that if 
hlists contain hlists, the type declarations can get really really 

Separately, I would really like hrecords not to have order dependency. 
It seems strange to me that (Foo .*. Bar .*. HNil) is a different type 
from (Bar .*. Foo .*. HNil).

If there is no way to get the type system to do this, I think I will 
probably use template haskell to declare the types of HList records. 
I assume I can make template haskell always sort the labels before 
generating the type code.


On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[Please follow-up to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

HLists require you to define Labels and basically only use label
values that are themselves either scalar or HLists.
With SYB you create field labels using newtype (or data) declarations

   data Salary = S {salary::Float}

With HList, label declarations are really verbose e.g.

   data SalaryLabel deriving(Typeable)
   type Salary = Field (Proxy SalaryLabel) Int
   salary = proxy :: Proxy FooLabel

Actually there is no requirement that HList record names must be
scalar `labels', must be Proxies and require such a complex
declaration. From HList's high point of view, any collection can be a
record provided the type of each item is unique and there is some way
to extract the value associated with that type. The HList library
provides two implementations of Records (and there was one more,
obsolete now). There could be more. For example, I have just committed
a yet another implementation,
Here a record is a list of things that have a type and a value and
provide a way to extract that value. The example from the end of this
file seems worth quoting:

data Name  = Name String String deriving Show
newtype Salary = S Float deriving Show
data Dept  = D String Int deriving Show

person = (Name Joe Doe) .*. (S 1000) .*. (D CIO 123) .*. emptyRecord

-- could be derived automatically, like Typeable...
instance Fieldish Name (String,String) where
fromField (Name s1 s2) = (s1,s2)
instance Fieldish Salary Float where
fromField (S n) = n
instance Fieldish Dept (String,Int) where
fromField (D s n) = (s,n)

test1 = show person
-- When a field acts as a label, only its type matters, not the contents
test2 = person .!. (Name undefined undefined)
test3 = person .!. (undefined::Salary)
test5 = person .!. (D xxx 111)

I don't know exactly how HList handles default values but I assume you
can restrict use of those values to explicit deserialization contexts.
Is that correct?

I'm not sure what you mean about the restriction of default values to
deserialization contexts. Anyway, HList provides a left-biased union
of two records: hLeftUnion r1 r2 is the record r1

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and a new web developement mailinglist?

2007-03-20 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

There is currently a happs mailing list.  I see no reason not to 
broaden the subject matter to haskell web development in general.

The URL for the list is


On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, David House wrote:

On 20/03/07, Marc Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've been talking to Chris Eidhof the last days and we'd like to suggest 

another specialized haskell mailinglist: Haskell and web developement.

I'd love to contribute here. You should be able to find an appropriate
email to ask for this mailing list on the site.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] SYB vs HList (again)

2007-03-14 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Right now I am looking at using either SYB (Scrap Your Boilerplate) or 
HList Records to eliminate boilerplate for:

  * parsing URLEncoded strings into application data structures
  * generating XML/JSON from application data structures
  * handling adding new fields to serialized data structures
  * creating indexed collections of application data structures

I am looking for insights from people here on which approach they 
think is better and why.  Here are my current thoughts on the issue

== Both HList and SYB require data structures redesign ==
HLists require you to define Labels and basically only use label 
values that are themselves either scalar or HLists.  SYB basically 
requires the same thing except that you use data/newtype to define 
labels instead of HLists more cumbersome label constructions.

== Defaults: HList gives you compile time errors, SYB only runtime errors ==
SYB does not seem to provide a way of having the compiler tell you 
that you are accessing a field that is unavailable in the type.  HList 
will give you a type error if you do that.  I don't know exactly how 
HList handles default values but I assume you can restrict use of 
those values to explicit deserialization contexts.  Is that correct?

== HList allows more informality ==
With HList you can specify the type of a record ad hoc using 
obj::(Record Foo .*. Bar .*.Baz).  SYB requires that you define data 
structures in separate data declarations.

It would be really nice if there was some way to tell Haskell that 
HLists have no more fields than the ones you happen to be getting and 
setting in your code.  Effectively that would mean you get data 
structure inference not just function type inference which would be 
really cool!  That is probably not possible but it couldn't hurt to 
ask (Oleg?).

== SYB doesn't require template haskell to make it usable ==
With SYB you create field labels using newtype (or data) declarations 

  data Salary = S {salary::Float}

With HList, label declarations are really verbose e.g.

  data SalaryLabel deriving(Typeable)
  type Salary = Field (Proxy SalaryLabel) Int
  salary = proxy :: Proxy FooLabel

You can make this more concise using TemplateHaskell but TH looks 
alien and adds fear to the use of any code.

== Performance issues ==
SYB requires a linear traversal of all field elements using dynamic to 
get or transform a value.  HList traverses an HCons list.  I don't how 
bad this is as compared with traditional data structure access 
using pattern matching or field labels.

My current bias is towards using HList because if we are going to 
force a conversion to a new data structure convention I'd rather have 
the typesystem on my side.  With SYB it is too easy to let haskell 
field labels creep in to your data definitions and end up with subtle 
errors to correct.

Any opinions on these issues would be very appreciated.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] SYB and/or HList for XML, deserialization and collections

2006-12-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Having just done a major refactor of the HAppS HTTP API to make it 
much much easier to use, I am now thinking about simplifying the 
current boilerplate associated with XML serialization and state 

In the case of XML, Currently the developer must manually write 
ToElement for every type he/she wants to output.  HAppS provides 
functions that makes doing this a lot easier if the types are Haskell 
records with field labels of the form:

   data Animal = Animal {key::Int, name:: String, breed::Breed, price::Float}

Looking at the XML example from the SYB site, a shift to SYB means 
shifting from Record types with field labels to identifying fields by 
their types so e.g.

   data Animal = Animal Key Name Breed Price
   type Key = Int
   type Name = String
   type Species = Cow | Sheep
   type Price = Float

This model seems ok, but adds some verbosity.  It also entails a 
learning curve because either you also have field labels or you end up 
with non-standard extra code to access fields.  In this context, HList 
provides good record functionality and a little template haskell makes 
it easy to code so we end up with e.g.

  $(hList_labels Animal key name breed price)
  type Breed = Cow | Sheep

This seems superior from a programming perspective because we have 
good record functionality (and implicitly support for XML 
namespaces!), but we lose something on the XML side.  In particular, 
we end up with two new problems:

1. We no longer have type names, so we can't automatically generate an 
XML element name from an default HList record.  The solution may be to 
define something like this:

  typeName name item = typeLabel .=. name .*. item
  animal = typeName animal
  myAnimal = animal .*. breed .=. Cow

And since update and extension are different functions, if we hide 
typeLabel from the apps then this gets very safe (or we expose it 
and get a form of typesafe coerce).

2. We don't know how to deal with non-atomic field values e.g.
animalbreedCow/breed/animal makes sense, but we probably 
don't want read/show for product types.  Perhaps it is possible to use 
overlapping instances to do something like:

  instance ToElement HCons a b where ...
  instance ToElement a where toElement = show

But perhaps we can use SYB to allow us to distinguish between atomic 
and non-atomic types and handle appropriately.  I have to say I don't 
think I undersand the SYB papers well enough to give an example.

Note: I can't find an actual example of generating XML from HLists in 
any of the HList docs so it may be that it is not actually as easy as 
it looks.  All of this may be an open issue in theory as well as 

== Deserialization ==

HAppS periodically checkpoints application state to disk.  Developers 
may want to add or remove fields from their state types for from data 
types used by their state types.  The current solution is to have the 
developer assign a version number to state.  If state changes then the 
developer provides dispatch to a deserialization function based on 
that version number.

It is not at all clear from either the SYB or the HList papers how to 
deserialize generally.  That being said, the HList library provides a 
way to call functions with optional keyword arguments that looks like 
it would also generalize to schema transitions.

Anyone who has some experience with this issue in the context of 
HList or SYB?

== Haskell Collections ==

Currently HAppS developers use e.g. Data.Set or Data.Map as collection 
types for their application.  If we push devlopers to use HList for 
eveything then they are going to need a way of handling collections of 
Hlist items.  My sense is that HList style data structures can't be 
stored by Data.Map or Data.Set because they are not heterogenous 
collection types (and will break simply from varying the order of 
field names).  If we use HList as the assumed record type, then I 
think we need to recode Data.Map and Data.Set for them.  Has anyone 
implemented more interesting collection types for HList objects?


PS Obviously people can continue to use regular haskell types and 
implement stuff manually.  My goal here is to support people who want 
more automation and are willing to learn HList or SYB in order to get 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] GADTs vs arrows/typeclasses

2006-12-06 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I don't think I'm the only one confused here.  Henrik Nilson in his 
paper on adding GADTs to Yampa comments that:

  However, the recent addition of Generalized Algebraic Data
  Types (GADTs) [26] to the list of Haskell extensions supported
  by the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) gives programmers a
  lot more freedom. GADTs are a limited form of dependent types,
  offering a considerably enlarged scope for capturing and thus en-
  forcing important code and data invariants statically. In particular,
  GADTs are just what is needed to address the problem discussed
  above since the key idea is to allow constructors that have more spe-
  cific types than usual, and to take that extra type information into
  account in individual case branches. GADTs would no doubt also
  offer an interesting alternative to the methods described by Baars
  and Swierstra [1] and Hughes [19].

[1] and [19] are papers about Arrows.

I guess I'm also not sure what belongs in a GADT and what belongs in a 
typeclass e.g. here is an Arrow GADT

  data Arrow b c where
Arr::(b-c) - Arrow b c
Compose::Arrow b c - Arrow c d - Arrow b d
First::Arrow a b - Arrow (a,c) (b,c)

When Arrow is defined like this, rather than write instances you just 
various evaluation functions for the Arrow GADT.


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Neil Mitchell wrote:


It seems like Haskell has two emerging idioms for parsing and fsms:
GADTs and Arrows.

What about something else? If you limit yourself to the two things
that look new and cool (where emerging is another word for new, and
idiom seems to be the current Haskell word for cool), you miss out on
all the tried and tested stuff.

I am thinking about using one of these idioms to represent server
structure in a future version of HAppS but I'm not sure where to
start.  Why would one choose one or the other?

I would pick Arrows (over GADTs) because Arrows are Haskell, and are
supported by multiple Haskell compilers. Other than that (as far as I
was aware) these two things are massively different, so I wouldn't
have thought it was a one or the other choice usually.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] GADT vs Arrows for parsers/FSMs/etc.

2006-12-05 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

It seems like Haskell has two emerging idioms for parsing and fsms:

GADTs and Arrows.

I am thinking about using one of these idioms to represent server 
structure in a future version of HAppS but I'm not sure where to 
start.  Why would one choose one or the other?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] why are implicit types different? (cleanup)

2006-11-28 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I ended up solving it by using a typeclass.  My general experience of 
implicit types has been that they end up being a lot less useful than 
they appear.  Getting the types right ends up being difficult and it 
is usually better just to be in a monad or as in this case to use 
typeclasses.  I've begun to think of use of implicit types as a sign a 
bad smell in the code and if I have used one somewhere, I try to 
eliminate it because doing so usually results in better code overall.


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Tue, 28 Nov 2006, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| So I guess the real question is, how do I pass a polytype* wpn?

and the answer is:

| On Mon, 27 Nov 2006, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
|  Implicit parameters have monotypes, not polytypes.

So an implicit parameter never has a polymorphic type.  You can get around 
this, as Ben suggested I think, by using a newtype to wrap it up:

   newtype WPN = WPN (forall a. Ev PassNet ev a - Ev State ev a)


So ?f in g gets
|  type (Char-Char).  I rather doubt that something more general
|  (implicit parameters get polytypes) would work, given the implicit
|  improvement rules that implicit parameters require.
|  Simon
|  | -Original Message-
|  | From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
| S.
|  | Alexander Jacobson
|  | Sent: 21 November 2006 19:28
|  | To:
|  | Subject: [Haskell-cafe] why are implicit types different? (cleanup)
|  |
|  |
|  |
|  | Why do g and g' have different types?
|  |
|  |g x y = let ?f = \x- x in ?f x ++ (show (?f y))
|  |g  :: [Char] - [Char] - [Char]
|  |
|  |g' :: (Show t) = [Char] - t - [Char]
|  |g' x y = let f = \x- x in f x ++ (show (f y))
|  |
|  | Is there a way I can use implicit types and let g be as general as g'?
|  |
|  | -Alex-
|  |
|  |
|  | __
|  | S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
|  | ___
|  | Haskell-Cafe mailing list
|  |
|  |

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] why are implicit types different? (cleanup)

2006-11-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Ok, I'm not sure I understand the answer here, but how about a 
workaround.  My current code looks like this:

   tt = let ?withPassNet=wpn
in passNet passnet [user] regImpl b

The type of wpn is:

   wpn :: Ev PassNet ev a - Ev State ev a

The individual implicit parameters end up arriving with concrete 
values for a.  If I pass wpn to passNet explicitly, it also appears to 
get converted to a monotype on arrival at the inside of passNet.

So I guess the real question is, how do I pass a polytype* wpn?


* I would have thought the word was polymorphic, but you obvoiusly

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Mon, 27 Nov 2006, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

Implicit parameters have monotypes, not polytypes.  So ?f in g gets 
type (Char-Char).  I rather doubt that something more general 
(implicit parameters get polytypes) would work, given the implicit 
improvement rules that implicit parameters require.


| -Original Message-
| From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of S.
| Alexander Jacobson
| Sent: 21 November 2006 19:28
| To:
| Subject: [Haskell-cafe] why are implicit types different? (cleanup)
| Why do g and g' have different types?
|g x y = let ?f = \x- x in ?f x ++ (show (?f y))
|g  :: [Char] - [Char] - [Char]
|g' :: (Show t) = [Char] - t - [Char]
|g' x y = let f = \x- x in f x ++ (show (f y))
| Is there a way I can use implicit types and let g be as general as g'?
| -Alex-
| __
| S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
| ___
| Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Debugging partial functions by the rules

2006-11-16 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
As long as we are doing this, perhaps we should also discourage the 
use of (head list)?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:




And if we are absolutely positive that the value is (Just x),
we can always write
   maybe (assert False undefined) id v

It should be pointed out that Data.Maybe does export a less well-known
function, fromMaybe:

fromMaybe z = maybe z id

This can be used to make the 'maybe X id' case a bit tidier (although
technically it's not a save on characters).

How controversial would a proposal to {-# DEPRECATE fromJust #-} be, in
favour of:

Just _ = x  -- which will give you the precise line number

maybe (assert False)

maybe id


It seems to me this is one cause of mysterious newbie errors we
could easily discourage, with little harm.

Btw, I'm not seriously suggesting removing it ;)
It could be discouraged ever so slightly in the haddocks though.

I'd encourage those worried about fromJust not to use it though, and
perhaps try:

   import Debug.Trace.Location
   fromMaybe (failure assert my just was nothing)
 (Nothing :: Maybe ())

   $ ./a.out
   *** Exception: A.hs:5:34-39: my just was nothing

instead of:

   fromJust (Nothing :: Maybe ())

   $ ./a.out
   *** Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing

While Dana and Neil work on more tools for spotting these for us.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Packages and modules

2006-06-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson


We covered this extensively in the Cabal vs Haskell thread starting 

You concluded it by saying on April 22:

  And this observation points towards a simpler solution: rather than
  invisibly pre-pend the package name, just get the programmer to do so.
  So package P exposes a module called P.M and package Q exposes Q.M.  All
  P's internal modules are called P.something, and similarly for Q.  (We
  rely on some social mechanism for allocating new package names, as now.)
  Now of course you can import P.M and Q.M in a single module.

  That would be simple.  It might be pretty inconvenient to say 'import
  Base.Data.List' rather than just 'import Data.List'.  But nothing forces
  you to do this -- and indeed we don't do it for the current 'base'
  package.  The point is that it's an easy way for a package author to
  ensure their package won't conflict with others.  If they choose not to
  avail themselves of it, it's more likely that their package will be
  unusable because of accidental name conflicts.

  Bottom line: the current story is pretty defensible.  I'm not sure that
  keeping names unique by implicitly using package-ids is worth the

It seems like you are changing your position with this proposal?  Any 
reason for doing so?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

Simon and I have been thinking about fixing this, and we think we might
actually do so for GHC 6.6.  Your message provoked us to write up the
design.  It's here
Feedback welcome

It's worth reading the old threads; for example
But there are many others!


| -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian
| Hulley
| Sent: 25 June 2006 10:16
| To: Haskell-cafe
| Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Packages and modules
| Hi -
| At the moment there is a problem in that two packages P and Q could
| the same hierarchical module eg Data.Foo, and the only way for user
code to
| ensure the right Data.Foo is used is to ensure that packages P and Q
| searched in the right order.
| However suppose P and Q also contain another module with the same
name, eg
| Data.Bar.
| And suppose a user module wants to use Data.Foo from P but Data.Bar
| Q!!!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] SMTP, HTTP, Telnet

2006-06-17 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

HAppS and HaskellNet both have SMTP clients.

HAppS focuses more on providing a reliable delivery agent (acting as a 

I think HaskellNet focuses more on rich client functionality.


On Fri, 16 Jun 2006, Lyle Kopnicky wrote:

Hi all,

Anybody know of some good Haskell libraries providing:

  * an SMTP client,
  * an HTTP client,
  * or a Telnet client?

There's a significant amount to these protocols, over and above the socket 

Lyle Kopnicky

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HAppS in production?

2006-06-07 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I am using it on which is live in production but not 
yet high volume.  I hope to have some other projects live soon, but 
they are currently works in progress.


On Tue, 6 Jun 2006, Joel Reymont wrote:


Is anyone using HAppS in production right now?

It seems to be the most advanced Haskell web development platform right now 
but I would like to hear about others as well. Production (heavy) use is what 
I'm looking for.

Thanks, Joel


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HAppS in production?

2006-06-07 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, Joel Reymont wrote:

What type of machine are you running this on?
What type of memory usage are you seeing?
Under what kind of load?
How much memory per connection?

darcs get; and you can experiment for 
yourself.  If you have SearchPath installed 
you just run sh in the root directory.  FYI, I do 
development on a windows machine and deployment is on an old 1and1 web 

Are you running the naked HAppS web server?

I have multiple HAppS applications running on different internal ports 
on the default 1and1 machine.  Some of them are only handling http. 
Others are handling inbound email as well.  So for http, I am using 
Apache as a secure server side caching proxy that dispatches 
http(s):// to localhost:9000 and I am using sendmail to SMTP 
relay mail for certain domains to e.g. localhost:2525 But, if this was 
the only app on the machine, I probably would run HAppS naked.

Have you done any time of performance testing?

Our internal benchmark tests had simple HAppS apps performing faster 
than Apache.  But these sorts of tests are very application dependent 
so you will have to test your own apps.

FYI, we have achieved this level of performance without doing much in 
the way of optimization.  If you truly have a need for speed, the nice 
thing about HAppS is that the MACID monad architecture gives you 
orders of magnitude headroom for certain sorts of applications.

In particular, currently HAppS works as an integrated binary that 
aggregates events from the network into a totally ordered stream that 
is then processed sequentially by your application code.  But it would 
not be all that hard to separate the code into processes that creates 
streams, proceses that merge/distribute streams, and one process that 
runs your app on the merged stream.

In this sort of architecture all of the work of HTTP and TCP gets 
offloaded onto stream creators running slave machines and your app 
effectively operates as a process that simply reads a binary parsed 
stream from stdin and writes one to stdout.

To see why this gives you so much performance headroom, think about 
operating a sequential number service.  A sequential number service is 
a service that produces numbers in order with no gaps.  Notice that 
this is a really really simple service.  But also notice that the 
standard web site architecture will cap your performance at around 10k 
requests per second and you won't be able to improve performance much 
by buying new machines!

In contrast by patitioning your HAppS application as I described you 
max out at 1m requests per second.  Note: I don't know what the cap 
is, but reading binary from stdin is orders of magnitude simpler than 
prcessing HTTP and TCP so getting a 100x improvement should not be 
that hard.

Does this make sense?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HAppS in production?

2006-06-07 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, Joel Reymont wrote:

On Jun 7, 2006, at 10:20 PM, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

Does this make sense?

Makes sense but almost sounds too good.

:-)  To be clear, the separation via binary streams has not yet been 
implemented.  I plan to do so only if I need it.  If you get to that 
scale first, then you get to do it :-/.

FYI, I am currently funding a modification to HAppS back end 
logging/persistence system to allow the user to switch easily between 
disk and Amazon S3.  For my apps, I'm willing to add 1.5x S3 latency 
in exchange for not having to worry about maintainin a reliable RAID 
disk subsystem with hardware failover and managing off-site backup. 
Not sure whether this feature is useful for your intended apps.

What package would you recommend I use with HAppS to merge HTML 
templates with application data?

My apps including use XSLT.  For HTTP, HAppS looks at the 
user-agent and if the browser does XSLT then it serves out XML with an 
XSLT PI at the top.  If the browser doesn't support XSLT then it run 
xsltproc on the server.  I don't think any MUA implements XSLT so the 
XML mail sending agent runs all outbound mail through xsltproc on the 

Note: the implementation of browser xslt detection here is very warty. 
I'd love it if someone else wanted to take some time to clean it up.


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell RPC

2006-05-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Given that we have no easy way to serialize thunks, the whole RPC 
approach just seems wrong for Haskell.

RPC in general is pretty old school.  REST seems to have worked better 
in practice (e.g. HTTP GET/POST!).

For a general description of REST see

For a summary of the REST vs RPC issue see e.g.

Note that Amazon exposed both sorts of interfaces and found the REST 
style interface much more popular!

That being said, I am actually looking or a good Haskell SOAP client 
lib to talk to paypal so YMMV.


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Thu, 25 May 2006, Joel Reymont wrote:


I'm curious about how the following bit of Lisp code would translate to 
Haskell. This is my implementation of Lisp RPC and it basically sends strings 
around, printed readably and read on the other end by the Lisp reader. If I 
have a list '(1 2) it prints as (1 2) and becomes '(1 2) again when read on 
the other end.

I'm wrote a couple of macros to make the job of defining the RPC easier. 
def-remote-class defines the main (server) class as well as the client 
(proxy) class.

def-remote-method creates the server method as well as a proxy method that 
sends data over and possibly waits for results and returns them (depending on 
the :async or :sync qualifier). My Lisp RPC code runs on top of UDP, looks 
good and works well. I have a soft spot for Haskell in my heart, though, so I 
wonder how I would go about implementing the same architecture in Haskell.

This is an example from my test harness:

(define-test remote-basic
 (def-remote-class remote (server) ())
 (def-remote-method sum :sync ((self remote) (a fixnum) (b integer))
(declare (ignorable ip port))
(+ a b seqnum))
 (let* ((port (+ 1000 (random 5)))
(server (make-instance 'remote
   :port port))
(client (make-instance 'remote-proxy
   :host (host-address)
   :port port)))
   (assert-equal '(6) (sum client 1 2 :seqnum 3))
   (stop server)
   (stop client)

I think I can send Haskell code over the wire to be read on the other side 
just like I do with Lisp. The part that baffles me is being able to provide 
an interface that lets one easily define remote classes and methods.

I totally hate Template Haskell because I find it incomprehensible and I'm 
not going to compare it to Lisp macros. Is there a way to do it without TH?

Also, it seems to me that the only way to deal with variable numbers of 
differently typed arguments is to use the HList approach which is quite heavy 
machinery, IMO.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Joel

P.S. The Haskell Cafe has been a bit quiet lately so I do mean to stir it up 
some. I think this example shows the advantage of dynamically-typed 
languages.  I'm also genuinely interested in possible Haskell solutions.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell DB and XML libs: one user's experience

2006-05-18 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
It sort of depends on whether you are a client, a server, or an 

HAppS has a wrapper around HaXML designed to make it really easy to 
generate XML.  My HAppS apps use it to generate XML and then rely on 
external XSLT processors to transform that XML to HTML or MIME as 
needed.  You can check out the source code for an 
example of how that works (darcs get

Client side XML is the big mystery for me right now.  In particular, I 
am looking for a nice way to talk to SOAP servers (in particular 
PayPal) and am looking at using HAIFA for that, but have not had the 
time to explore enough to make a recommendation.  Note: HAIFA is 
intended to operate SOAP servers so this is an area for exploration.


On Tue, 16 May 2006, Robert Dockins wrote:

Hello all,

I recently found myself needing to do some data manipulation; I needed to 
take some data from a database and generate a series of XML files from it. 
In the past I've done most of this sort of work in Java, but this time I 
decided I'd take the opportunity to explore the state of the art of Haskell 
DB and XML libraries.

As to DB, I tried using HDBC first.  I was actually a little surprised how 
straightforward it was.  My database (PostgreSQL) is directly supported, and 
the compile/install went smoothly.  My first test connection program that 
typechecked worked as expected (!) and I was soon executing queries doing 
useful work with the results.  I'd just like to take a moment to congratulate 
John Goerzen for creating a product with a low barrier of entry for using 
databases in Haskell.  As I didn't really do anything beyond simple queries, 
can't comment on more advanced features.

For XML, I wavered between HaXml and HXT (the Haskell XML Tookbox).  I 
initially decided to use HXT because it has support for xml namespaces, which 
I was going to need, and because it just seems to be the most complete and 
advanced package available.  The HXT install suffers a little bit from 
transitive-closureitis, but, overall wasn't too bad.  However, I had a really 
hard time using it!  The API is _really_ intimidating, and I couldn't find 
any basic tutorial-style documentation.  The API docs are a little hard to 
use because related definitions are spread out over a bunch of modules, and 
the links don't always work.  Also, the theses are nice, but they read like 
theses ;-)  That's not what I want when I have a job to complete.  Long story 
made short; I couldn't figure out how to create and XML document and 
serialize it to disk.  I was reasonably motivated and I'm a pretty 
experienced Haskell programmer, but I had to call it quits after about 3 
hours of struggling with it.  Most of my programs would mysteriously fail to 
produce output OR errors!  It was really frustrating.

I ended up using HaXml instead and shoehorning in the namespaces by using 
attributes named xmlns:xyz etc. on the document root element (which is OK, 
but not ideal).  The HaXml API was also tough to work with but was less 
mystifying than HXT's, and I eventually got it to work.  I was a little 
disappointed by the results, because the pretty printer does some fairly 
bizarre things to ensure that it doesn't introduce extra whitespace into the 
DOM.  I also had to do some futzing to make HaXml correctly escape literal 
text.  Finally, the using the HaXml API to generate XML results in verbose 
code that's hard to read.  I was hoping that I'd get results comparable to 
using xmlenc ( in Java, but I was disappointed 
by fairly low signal-to-noise ratio (although in all fairness, its probably 
comparable to using the DOM or SAX Java APIs).  Overall, HaXml works, but 
feels a bit awkward, at least for this use case.

Now taking a slightly closer look at HXML, I see that it may be the best 
choice for what I was attempting to do (although it also doesn't support 
namespaces).  The simplified representation looks particularly nice for 
building XML from scratch.  I may try rewriting with HXML and see how that 

So that's it.  I don't have any deep conclusions, but I thought I'd share my 
experiences in the hopes that they will be helpful to somebody.

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
 -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] web servers

2006-04-15 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I'd also be interested in a system that handled overlapped asynchronous requests
in a fashion not dissimilar to Twisted [5].

I see you just saw the HAppS announcement.  You'll appreciate that 
HAppS was actually inspired by Twisted (and Prevayler).

over time.  It seems to me that the sequencing of asynchronous operations is
very much like threading computations in a monad, and that the higher-order
functions on monads could also be used for composition of asynchronous

Yup you got it.  The two big issues are ACID semantics (for any 
server) and handling of side effects.  HAppS does write ahead logging 
and checkpointing to give you the ACID stuff and provides 
infrastructure so you can guarantee at-least-once execution of side 

As for web dispatching, the application model in HAppS is to help 
you separate state, application logic, wire formats, protocols, and 
presentation layer:

  * State

State is just a haskell data type you define.  ACID Consistency
enforced by Haskell's type system.  ACID Durability is handled by
MACID write-ahead logging and checkpointing.

  * Application

Incoming events are gathered in individual haskell threads and
then pushed onto a single application queue for processing.  The
queue model gives you ACID Atomicity and Isolation and lets your
app be simply a set of functions with types like:

SomeInputType - MACID SomeOutputType

The MACID monad lets you update your state and *schedule*
side-effects.  To be clear, MACID is not in the IO monad so you
cannot execute sideeffects, you can only schedule them.  The
framework takes care of making sure they are executed
at-least-once (if they can be completed by a deadline you

  * Wire Formats

Since your app consists of a set of functions with various haskell
input and output types, somewhere you need a place to convert
between those internal haskell types and external protocol event
types; e.g. from URLEncoded HTTP requests to SomeInputType and
from SomeOutputType to XML encoded HTTP responses.

  * Protocols

HAppS currently provides support for HTTP Requests/Responses and
SMTP Envelopes.  To be clear HApps provides ACID Atomicity at the
protocol event level.  So if you write a protocol with SMTP
envelopes being the arriving event type then your app will have
atomicity in processing incoming SMTP envelopes.  If you write a
protocol with SMTP commands being the arriving event type, then
your app will have atomicity at the level of individual smtp

  * Presentation

If your application outputs XML as its wire format, HAppS provides
a lot of support for using XSLT to transform it for presentation
purposes.  For example, you can send XML mail and HAppS will take
care of applying the relevant XSLT stylesheet before it is
delivered.  If you output XML HTTP responses, HAppS takes care of
applying the XSLT stylesheet server side for user-agents that
don't support doing so on the client.  The value here is that you
can have designer types who know XSLT modify presentation stuff
without touching your application code.


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Graham Klyne wrote:

I'm interested, but I don't have the time to look right now (or in the next
couple of months, as far as I can see).

What would really interest me is a system that can provide the functionality of
the Python packages I currently use (TurboGears [1], of which the web
server/controller component is CherryPy [2]).  There's also some interesting
recent CherryPy-related discussion about web dispatching that I think could
translate very well to Haskell [3][4].


I'd also be interested in a system that handled overlapped asynchronous requests
in a fashion not dissimilar to Twisted [5].  I've very recently been playing
with Twisted as a way to deal with large numbers of overlapping lightweight
requests without having large numbers of active threads.  Twisted requires one
to string together asynchronous callbacks to assemble a process that completes
over time.  It seems to me that the sequencing of asynchronous operations is
very much like threading computations in a monad, and that the higher-order
functions on monads could also be used for composition of asynchronous
operations.  I just implemented a sequence function for Twisted operations
whose implementation started to feel very like foldr.

This can't be new, and I'm wondering if there is any interesting work out there
on using monads for multiple asynchronous I/O operations.  (And, much as I'd
love to use Haskell for this, is there work that would translate cleanly to 





[Haskell-cafe] ANN: is live in haskell!

2006-03-07 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I just launched lets website use the user's 
email domains to authenticate.  The default implementation is in 
Haskell and is now live.


PS I am at ETech right now and will be at SXSW next week. If you are 
here, please say hi.

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Credit Card Authorization code

2006-03-02 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I am looking for Haskell code that does credit card authorization?
e.g. paypal website pro does not supply a Haskell lib.

Does anyone know where to find something like this?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell XSLT interpreter?

2006-02-11 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Has anyone written a pure haskell xslt interpreter?  If not, how 
difficult would it be to do so?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Joels Time Leak

2006-01-03 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson


In most cases, it just doesn't make sense to run 1000 threads 
simultaneously that are all bottlenecked on the same resource (e.g. 
CPU/memory) See e.g.

You should be grouping incoming events into queues by expected 
workload/event.  Then you can give the client fairly reliable 
information about how long it will have to wait based on the size of 
the queue on which event is waiting.

And if you have no way to differentiate between event workloads a 
priori then you really can't be giving clients response guarantees and 
need to rethink your business logic.

FYI: I actually created a Haskell application server based on this 
logic called HAppS (see and am in the process of 
getting binaryIO added to it.


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Joel Reymont wrote:


I don't think CPU usage is the issue. An individual thread will take a 
fraction of a second to deserialize a large packet. The issue is that, as you 
pointed out, you can get alerts even with 50 threads. Those fractions of a 
second add up in a certain way that's detrimental to the performance of the 

The timeleak code uses Ptr Word8 to pickle which should be very efficient. I 
believe the delay comes from the way 'sequ' is compiled by GHC. I'll take the 
liberty of quoting Andrew Kennedy (your colleague from MS Research) who wrote 
the picklers:

My original pickler implementation was for SML. It was used in the MLj 
compiler, and is still used in the SML.NET compiler, and has acceptable 
performance (few ms pickling/unpickling for typical intermediate language 
object files). I must admit that I've not used the Haskell variant in anger. 
Apart from the inherent slowdown associated with laziness, is there a 
particular reason for poor performance?


'sequ' by itself does not seem like a big deal but when used to model records 
it builds a large nested lambda-list and I don't think that list is being 
compiled efficiently. I would appreciate if you could look at that and issue 
a verdict now that Andrew cofirms using the picklers in a real-life 
environment and w/o major problems.

Suppose I chose a different implementation of binary IO and disposed of 
pickler combinators.  Suppose I gained a 2x speed-up by doing so. I would now 
be getting alerts with 100 threads instead of 50, no? That's still far from 


On Jan 3, 2006, at 4:43 PM, Simon Marlow wrote:

The reason things are the way they are is that a large number of *running* 
threads is not a workload we've optimised for.  In fact, Joel's program is 
the first one I've seen with a lot of running threads, apart from our 
testsuite.  And I suspect that when Joel uses a better binary I/O 
implementation a lot of that CPU usage will disappear.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] killing a running thread interactively

2005-09-22 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Ok, I didn't think Haskell had mutable global variables.
How would this work?


On Thu, 22 Sep 2005, Simon Marlow wrote:

There's no getAllThreadIds or similar right now.  You have to save the
ThreadIds yourself, perhaps in a global variable.  Writing to a file
doesn't work because there's no instance Read ThreadId.


On 21 September 2005 21:14, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

More particularly, is there a getAllThreadIds function somewhere?


On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

Is the general pattern to write all threadIds to a file, and then
have a separate function that takes the file and kills them?

Or is there something more clever?


On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Simon Marlow wrote:

On 16 September 2005 20:42, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

If I am running a server interactively. (using ghci).
Is there any way to kill its running threads without terminating
the interpreter?

If you can get ThreadIds for the threads, yes.  GHCi doesn't
(currently) create a new thread for each expression evaluation, so
attempting to kill that thread might kill your GHCi session (it
shouldn't but that's another story).


** CRM114 Whitelisted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] **

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

** CRM114 Whitelisted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] **

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] killing a running thread interactively

2005-09-21 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Is the general pattern to write all threadIds to a file, and then have 
a separate function that takes the file and kills them?

Or is there something more clever?


On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Simon Marlow wrote:

On 16 September 2005 20:42, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

If I am running a server interactively. (using ghci).
Is there any way to kill its running threads without terminating the

If you can get ThreadIds for the threads, yes.  GHCi doesn't (currently)
create a new thread for each expression evaluation, so attempting to
kill that thread might kill your GHCi session (it shouldn't but that's
another story).


** CRM114 Whitelisted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] **

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] killing a running thread interactively

2005-09-16 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

If I am running a server interactively. (using ghci).
Is there any way to kill its running threads without terminating the 


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where to start about writing web/HTTP apps ?

2005-09-12 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I will be launching (beta) a new commercial chat site written using 
Haskell and AJAX in the next month.  The server is written on top of 
the HAppS library I made available at

My general pattern for writing an application in this framework is 
write the server based on a wire-level spec where the server takes in 
XML/x-www-form-encoded/multipart-form-data and returns XML.  Client 
side XSLT stylesheets then handle conversion of the XML to HTML.  Here 
are the details if you are interested:

1. Write a web service spec as a reference for both client and server 
development.  I use an informal language for this that relies on a 
mix of the reader understanding HTTP semantics and RelaxNG XML specs.

  POST /login ? {username {text},password{text},url{URL},captcha(text}}
  200 session {attribute userId{text},attribute href {rel-URL}}

  Some text here describing other details that don't fit into the
  syntactic model described above.  Server is assumed to handle any of
  application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or
  application/xml.  Client is assumed to receive application/xml.
  Browser is assumed to handle XSL stylesheet PIs.  (All conversion
  from XML to HTML is handled client side or on proxy using XSLT

2. Define Server State and state model

  data State = State {users::UserData}
  ...definition of user data...

  startState = State mzero
  addStateUser state user = 

3. Define serialization for server state

  instance Show State where ...
  instance Read State where ---

4. Define exposed business logic

  addUser appCtx regInfo = if regGood then actionOk newState [] newUserInfo
   else qOk badRegInfo

5. define required wire formats for types

  --convert internal data type to XML
  instance ToElement NewUserInfo where
 toElement n = ...

  --convert posted data to internal data type
  instance FromMessage RegInfo where
 fromMessage msg = ...

6. define how busines logic maps to URLs

  a POST _ [u] = doXML addUser
  a GET (s:path) = fileServe mimeTypes static path

  myApp appCtx = let ?style=XSL /s/style.xsl in simpleHTTP a appCtx

7. define the app to execute

  run  path host = do
   app - startApp $ simpleConfig path startState confro
   serve host app
   return ()

  main = run appdir localhost:80

8. put client side stuff (including style.xsl) in the static directory

9. install searchpath (see

10 run it!

  $ searchPath ghc -o MyApp --internet 
  $ MyApp

HAppS and the chat applications are still works in progress, but I 
have this running successfully internally already!

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Sam Mason wrote:

gary ng wrote:

I want to write apps for WEB and have briefly read

I'm thinking of doing the same.  The approach taken by WASH seems very
cool and I'd love to use it.  I've only started looking at it, but
WASH seems to require that JavaScript be enabled on the user's web
browser, even for the simplest forms.  e.g. from the authors web page:

Also, the error checking doesn't seem to work as I'd expect:  if
you submit a page without a required field it will complain the
first time, then make something up the second time around -- even
if you haven't entered anything in the field.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where to start about writing web/HTTP apps ?

2005-09-12 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Joel Reymont wrote:

Why not XML-RPC?

REST is more appropriate for the applications on which I work.



S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Sep 12, 2005, at 9:54 PM, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

6. define how busines logic maps to URLs

  a POST _ [u] = doXML addUser
  a GET (s:path) = fileServe mimeTypes static path

  myApp appCtx = let ?style=XSL /s/style.xsl in simpleHTTP a appCtx

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where to start about writing web/HTTP apps ?

2005-09-12 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

a better example

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Joel Reymont wrote:

Why not XML-RPC?

REST is more appropriate for the applications on which I work.



S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Sep 12, 2005, at 9:54 PM, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

6. define how busines logic maps to URLs

  a POST _ [u] = doXML addUser
  a GET (s:path) = fileServe mimeTypes static path

  myApp appCtx = let ?style=XSL /s/style.xsl in simpleHTTP a appCtx

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] concatMap generalizes to msumMap?

2005-05-16 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
What is the name of the monadic generalization of concatMap?
In which lib is it located?
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] concatMap generalizes to msumMap?

2005-05-16 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I don't think that is right.  concatMap has definition
  concatMap :: (a - [b]) - [a] - [b]
  concatMap f xs = concat $ map f xs
  msumMap :: (MonadPlus m) = (a1 - m a) - [a1] - m a
  msumMap f list = msum $ fmap f list
In contrast = has type
  (=) :: (Monad m) = (a - m b) - m a - m b
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Mon, 16 May 2005, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
On Mon, May 16, 2005 at 02:57:42PM -0400, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
What is the name of the monadic generalization of concatMap?
(=) or simply (=) if you don't care about argument order.
Probably not what you are after?
In which lib is it located?
The former is in module Monad, the latter in Prelude.
Best regards
** CRM114 Whitelisted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] **
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] subRegex bug?

2005-05-11 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Am I misunderstanding the regex docs?
*MyMod subRegex (mkRegex \\. ) blah
foo*** Exception: Text.Regex.Posix.regcomp: error in pattern
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linux device drivers

2005-03-22 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Would it be harder/easier better/worse to use Linux device drivers 
from hOp/House as opposed to writing new disk I/O stuff in Haskell?

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:
I don't think I said anything controversial. I guess I was just 
over-simplifying things by only considering PC IDE hardware - but then again 
that must get you running on 90% of the systems people are likely to have 
lying around to play with a developmental OS on.

On the other hand the average network driver seems to be about 2,000 lines of 
code, whereas if you add all the parts of the generic ide driver together you 
get about 20,000 lines of code. I guess that answers my question - storage is 
an order of magnitude harder than networking, even before including SCSI.


Simon Marlow wrote:
Keean, you should be aware that Lennart is something of a device driver
guru.  He knows what he's talking about :-)  Go grep for Augustsson in
the NetBSD kernel sometime.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] implicit parameters THANK YOU!

2005-03-21 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I just discovered implicit parameters.  To everyone involved with 
making them, THANK YOU.  They are blazingly useful/powerful for server 
handler style libraries where you want to make a veriety of local 
environment information available to the handlers without burdening 
the handlers with a big dictionary object to carry around.  FANTASTIC.

That being said, they so powerful they are proabably easy to abuse. 
Could those experienced with this feature provide warnings about 
possible problems with overuse?

I see so many places I think I could make HAppS code nicer using this 
feature that I am concerned about making mistakes.

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linux device drivers

2005-03-20 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Wow!  Did you also implement tcp in Haskell?
Does hOp or House also have the ability to write to disk?
(With HAppS, I've gotten rid of the AMP part of LAMP, it would be 
really cool to get rid of the L as well!)

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
I was wondering about the possibility of using Haskell for developing
device drivers that would be kernel modules for Linux. If nothing else,
it would be quite an educational experience for me, as I've not yet
experimented with either the Linux kernel or Haskell FFI, nor have I
had to learn how to squeeze much performance out of my Haskell code.
Clearly, this application demands special things from the compiler and
the runtime. But, I'm not exactly sure what, nor how to achieve such
given current compilers. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Well, it would be tricky, but fun!
We've got a few drivers written in Haskell already (but not for Linux,
as far as I know). For example check out the House network stack and
So there's heavy use of Data.Bits and Word# types - but nothing that
isn't fairly well established in GHC Haskell, anyway.
Then (for GHC, anyway) you'd have to link the kernel against libHSrts.a, much
as we do when calling Haskell from other kinds of C apps, which involves
compiling the C app with all the magic flags ghc normally sets up (ghc -v9
main.c is helpful).  Something like: ;)
egcc -v -o a.out -DDONT_WANT_WIN32_DLL_SUPPORT main.o -L/home/dons/lib/ghc-6.4 
-lHStemplate-haskell -lHSCabal -lHSposix -lHSposix_cbits -lHSlang -lHSmtl 
-lHShaskell-src -lHSunix -lHSunix_cbits -lHShi -lHShaskell98 -lHSaltdata 
-lHSbase -lHSbase_cbits -lHSrts -lm -lgmp -u GHCziBase_Izh_static_info -u 
GHCziBase_Czh_static_info -u GHCziFloat_Fzh_static_info ...
Then, having the kernel start up the Haskell rts (at boot would be
 hs_init(argc, argv);
   .. do something in Haskell or C land ...
Then you'd could dyn load (via GHC's rts) your Haskell driver into the C
app, and use it, as long as you've got a nice ffi interface to pass
values back and forward.
I'm sure the fun part is in the details ;)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linux device drivers

2005-03-20 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Very very cool.
Has anyone written any storage drivers?
If there is already TCP, has someone written an iscsi (RFC3720) 


On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
Wow!  Did you also implement tcp in Haskell?
On this topic, the following House code looks relevant:
There's something satsifying about seeing 'instance Functor Packet' in
IPv4.hs ;)
Does hOp or House also have the ability to write to disk?
(With HAppS, I've gotten rid of the AMP part of LAMP, it would be
really cool to get rid of the L as well!)
Sorry! By We've got a few drivers written in Haskell, I meant
the Haskell community, not me personally :} You have the hOp and House
developers to thank for this stuff.
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
I was wondering about the possibility of using Haskell for developing
device drivers that would be kernel modules for Linux. If nothing else,
it would be quite an educational experience for me, as I've not yet
experimented with either the Linux kernel or Haskell FFI, nor have I
had to learn how to squeeze much performance out of my Haskell code.
Clearly, this application demands special things from the compiler and
the runtime. But, I'm not exactly sure what, nor how to achieve such
given current compilers. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Well, it would be tricky, but fun!
We've got a few drivers written in Haskell already (but not for Linux,
as far as I know). For example check out the House network stack and
So there's heavy use of Data.Bits and Word# types - but nothing that
isn't fairly well established in GHC Haskell, anyway.
Then (for GHC, anyway) you'd have to link the kernel against libHSrts.a,
as we do when calling Haskell from other kinds of C apps, which involves
compiling the C app with all the magic flags ghc normally sets up (ghc -v9
main.c is helpful).  Something like: ;)
egcc -v -o a.out -DDONT_WANT_WIN32_DLL_SUPPORT main.o
-L/home/dons/lib/ghc-6.4 -lHStemplate-haskell -lHSCabal -lHSposix
-lHSposix_cbits -lHSlang -lHSmtl -lHShaskell-src -lHSunix -lHSunix_cbits
-lHShi -lHShaskell98 -lHSaltdata -lHSbase -lHSbase_cbits -lHSrts -lm -lgmp
-u GHCziBase_Izh_static_info -u GHCziBase_Czh_static_info -u
GHCziFloat_Fzh_static_info ...
Then, having the kernel start up the Haskell rts (at boot would be
hs_init(argc, argv);
  .. do something in Haskell or C land ...
Then you'd could dyn load (via GHC's rts) your Haskell driver into the C
app, and use it, as long as you've got a nice ffi interface to pass
values back and forward.
I'm sure the fun part is in the details ;)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] hFileSize vs length

2005-03-11 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I am using GHC 6.2 on windows and am finding that when I open a file 
and use hFileSize I get a different number than I get from reading in 
the file and calculating the length.  I assume this is not a bug, but 
I don't know why its happening.

Also, why isn't there getFileSize function in System.Directory?
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: HAppS -- Haskell Application Server v 0.3

2005-03-04 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
HAppS is a Haskell library for building Internet applications, featuring:
* HAppS.ACID: Guarantee application integrity in the face of unplanned 
outages using this module's integrated write-ahead logging and checkpointing 

* HAppS.DBMS: Do relational operations in Haskell (rather than SQL) on 
Haskell sets (outside the IO Monad). Define custom indices for your Haskell 
datatypes (e.g. geographic/geometric types). Use in combination with ACID for a 
robust relational DBMS customized for your application.

* HAppS.Protocols: Expose your application using as an HTTP server and/or 
by recieving and sending SMTP.

Changes since 0.2:
HAppS Changes
* Much cleaner interface for ACID transaction handlers
* DBMS operators that look more like HaskellDB operators
* SMTP send errors are exposed for use in future reliable deliver implementation
* ACID callbacks disabled.  Framework in place for total order on callbacks.
* SideEffect queues are now algrebraic types rather than strings.
* Parametrized HTTP using XML ToElement and HTTP ToMessage FromMessage
  and ToURI classes (you write transaction handlers in terms of Haskell types 
and the
  system takes care of exposing them for HTTP)
* Parametrized HTTP response now has type (ToURL url,ToMessage msg)=Response 
url message
  Framework takes care of automatically translating relative URLs to
  absolute URLs.
Answers to questions a few people have asked:
* Compare HAppS.DBMS with HaskellDB
HaskellDB is really optimal if you want to talk to external databases.
HAppS.DBMS is really good if you want to do relational operations on 
Haskell Sets without going to the IO monad.

* Compare HAppS.ACID to STM
Use STM if all your IO operations have a two-phase-commit interface. 
Use HAppS.ACID if your IO interfaces are not transactional.  Instead 
HAppS.ACID gives you multi-queue, at-least-once execution of 
side-effects, and a total order on their callbacks.  There is no 
rollback semantic because you can't unsend email.

* Compare HAppS.Protocols.SMTP to Peter Simon's Postmaster
Postmaster is trying to be a full fledged MTA.
SMTP is trying simply to give you SMTP receive/send functionality in 
your applications.  Neither yet has a queuehandler.  We both hope to 
merge lessons learned soon.

* Compare HAppS.Protocols.HTTP to Warrick Gray's Network.HTTP module
Network.HTTP is more oriented towards building HTTP clients.
HAppS..HTTP is more oriented towards building HTTP servers.
Network.HTTP enforces a stronger separation between headers and body.
HAppS..HTTP delivers a MIME message back to the app.  With 
infrastructure to enable transparent conversion to and from 
application datatypes.

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haskell DNS resolver w/o using FFI

2005-03-03 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Peter Simons told me that someone has written a DNS resolver in 
Haskell that doesn't rely on an FFI call.  I'd love to look at it if 
it is available...

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how do I avoid excessive constructor application?

2005-03-02 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
My point was that this code seems excessively complex:
  fun::(a-a1)-(Either a b)-Either a1 b
  fun f (Left x) = Left (f x)
  fun _ r@(Right x)= Right x
I'd like to avoid the destruction and construction in the third line 
by replacing the right hand side with r.  However, the typechecker
then claims my type is wrong.  How do I fix that?

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Henning Thielemann wrote:
On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Ben Lippmeier wrote:
You can play games with the type checker to force them to have the same
type without changing the meaning of your function.
fun1' f (Left x)= if True then Left (f x) else Left x
Left (f x) `asTypeOf` Left x
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how do I avoid excessive constructor application?

2005-03-02 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I'd like to do this sort of thing with types other than Either.
Is there a generic safe coerce function?
On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Stefan Holdermans wrote:
And you can fix it with some unsafeCoerce# magic. (:
Actually, as I pointed out, the required coercion in perfectly safe, though 
not implicit:

coerceRight :: Either a b - Either c b
coerceRight (Right b) = Right b
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] how do I avoid excessive constructor application?

2005-03-01 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
For some reason, these two functions have different types.
  fun1 f (Left x)= Left (f x)
  fun1 _ r@(Right x) = Right x
  fun2 f (Left x) = Left (f x)
  fun2 _ r = r
Is there a way to rewrite fun2 so that f has type (a-b)?
In the general case, it seems wasteful to have to destruct and 
construct values just for type checking reasons, especially if your 
type has many more constructors than (Either a b).

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] how to avoid overlapping instance error?

2005-02-28 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
If you are not using them to prevent overlapping instances, then why 
require instance decls at all?  For example, why does 
GHC require an instance decl here:

  instance (Ord x)=ToSet [] x where toSet = Set.fromList
But not here:
  listToSet x = Set.fromList x
Or I suppose, one could rephrase this question as why not 
simplify instance declarations to be:

  instance ToSet where
 toSet = Set.fromList
And let the typechecker take care of figuring out what instance is 
being specified here?

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
Unfortunately, the context of an instance decl is not taken into account
when matching instance decls.  Yes, it would make sense to do so, but
it'd make the system yet more complicated.
So Show (table item) overlaps with Show ([] item)
Overlap is checked lazily, so if you look for Show (MyTable t) you won't
get overlap. Only if you ask for Show (table item), where the type
checker still doesn't know what type 'table' is going to be, do you get
a problem.
| -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of S.
| Alexander Jacobson
| Sent: 25 February 2005 17:09
| To:
| Subject: [Haskell-cafe] how to avoid overlapping instance error?
| Currently, the HAppS.DBMS lib requires the user to provide a Show
| instance for their table types.  An example might be:
| instance (Show item) = Show (MyTable item) where
| showsPrec d table = showsPrec d $ Set.toList $ myTableSet
| But the Table class itself defines a toSet function so I think I
| should be able to do this once for all Table instances:
| instance (Show item,Ord item, Table table item p) = Show (table
item) where
| showsPrec d table = showsPrec d $ Set.toList $ toSet table
| But I get an error telling me I am overlapping with Show [a].
| Since [] is not an instance of Table, I don't see why there should be
| an overlap.
| -Alex-
| __
| S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
| ___
| Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] how to avoid overlapping instance error?

2005-02-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Currently, the HAppS.DBMS lib requires the user to provide a Show 
instance for their table types.  An example might be:

   instance (Show item) = Show (MyTable item) where
   showsPrec d table = showsPrec d $ Set.toList $ myTableSet table
But the Table class itself defines a toSet function so I think I 
should be able to do this once for all Table instances:

   instance (Show item,Ord item, Table table item p) = Show (table item) where
   showsPrec d table = showsPrec d $ Set.toList $ toSet table
But I get an error telling me I am overlapping with Show [a].
Since [] is not an instance of Table, I don't see why there should be 
an overlap.

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: HAppS -- Haskell Application Server v 0.2

2005-02-22 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
HAppS is a Haskell library for building Internet applications, 

* HAppS.ACID: Guarantee application integrity in the face of 
unplanned outages using this module's integrated write-ahead logging 
and checkpointing framework.

* HAppS.DBMS: Do relational operations in Haskell (rather than 
SQL) on Haskell sets (outside the IO Monad). Define custom indices for 
your Haskell datatypes (e.g. geographic/geometric types). Use in 
combination with ACID for a robust relational DBMS customized for your 

* HAppS.Protocols: Expose your application using as an HTTP server 
and/or by recieving and sending SMTP.

- License
HAppS is released by under the terms of the GNU General 
Public License Version 2, a copy of which is enclosed with this 

- How do I get HAppS?
More information is available at
A tarball of HAppS is available at HAppS is also available via 

  darcs get

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] how to name third party libraries?

2005-02-07 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Is there documentation somewhere about how to name 
third party libraries?

For example, if I have HTTP and SMTP libraries, 
what should I call them?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] wierd type errros with MPTCs

2005-01-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
This code gives me a Kind error because IVal isn't 
applied to enough type arguments.

  import qualified Set
  class Table table indexVal | indexVal-table where
  --insertIndex::item-indexVal item - table item -table item
  union::table item - table item - table item
  --union t1 t2 = t1
  data DBTable item = DBTable
  data IVal item = Name item
  instance Table DBTable (IVal ) where
Weirdly, when I uncomment the insertIndex 
function, things work.  But, if I then uncomment 
the default implementation of union, I get:

  No instance for (Table DBTable indexVal)
arising from use of `Main.$dmunion' at example.hs:13
  In the definition of `union': union = Main.$dmunion
  In the definition for method `union'
  In the instance declaration for `Table DBTable IVal'
I don't know what this error even means.  But it 
goes away if I put the union implementation in the 
instance rather than in the class.

Bot these error messages seem unreasonable.  Can 
someone clarify?

Note: I am using GHC 6.2.2
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] field record update syntax

2005-01-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I have a lot of code of the form
  foo {bar = fn $ bar foo}
Is there a more concise syntax?  I am thinking 
the record equivalent of C's foo+=5...

I imagine there is some operator that does this e.g.
   foo {bar =* fn}
But I don't know what it is...
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] using Map rather than FiniteMap

2005-01-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005, David Menendez wrote:
Does having 'zipped' at the top level mean that the program is keeping
the entire 100,000-element list in memory?
I don't know, but I tested with zipped at the top, 
in the where, and it appears to make no 
performance or memory difference.

Also, would performance improve if you used Map.fromList? How about
HUGE IMPROVEMENT.  The old code had maximum 
residency of 11Mb and running time of 41s.  The 
code using Map.fromList has max. residency of 
6.4Mb and running time of 5.2s!

I guess foldlStrict is HUGELY more efficient than 
than foldr. (Why isn't it in the prelude?) But 
even using foldrStrict (fromList), we are still 
using 60 bytes per item and have ~30 bytes 
unaccounted for.  Any hints?

  import qualified Map
  main = print $ length  $ Map.keys theMap
zipped =zip [1..] [1..10]::[(Int,Int)]
theMap = Map.fromList zipped
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

S. Alexander Jacobson writes:
After actually running the correct test, I am
still getting semi-ridiculous space behavior
import qualified Map
zipped =zip [1..] [1..10]::[(Int,Int)]
untup f (x,y) = f x y
produce = foldr (untup Map.insert) Map.empty zipped
fm = length  $ Map.keys produce
main = print $ fm
Two questions I'm currently too lazy to investigate myself:
David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED] | In this house, we obey the laws  |of thermodynamics!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] using Map rather than FiniteMap

2005-01-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Ah, ok.  So I ran the code with 10 items, 
5 items, and 25000 items and got total memory 
in use of 28Mb, 15Mb, and 8Mb respectively.  That 
comes to 260-280 bytes per record which is still 
an order of magnitude higher than the 20-30 bytes 
per record we would expect.

On the other hand, I found 10mb, 5mb, and 2.5mb 
maximum residency, but that is still ~100 bytes 
per record.

Lastly, I tried example +RTS -p -K5M -hc and 
then looked at the resulting graph (attachment #2) 
and it shows a total of 1.6Mb heap allocated and 
if that data is correct, it does correspond 
roughly to our 20-30 bytes per record estimate.

Regarding stack, I tried example +RTS -p -K5M -xt 
-hc and then ran hp2ps and looked at the 
resulting graph (attachment #1) SYSTEM appears to 
use 4mb of stack at the very beginning (presumably 
to create zipped), but I don't know why it 
would.  Then this stack is consumed by the rest of 
the program.

Can you provide some guidance on interpreting this 

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005, Simon Marlow wrote:
On 25 January 2005 23:27, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
Oops.  It pays to check your checking code before
making posts like this.
After actually running the correct test, I am
still getting semi-ridiculous space behavior
import qualified Map
zipped =zip [1..] [1..10]::[(Int,Int)]
untup f (x,y) = f x y
produce = foldr (untup Map.insert) Map.empty zipped
fm = length  $ Map.keys produce
main = print $ fm
Has this profile:
   example +RTS -p -K5M -RTS
total time  =5.10 secs   (255 ticks @ 20 ms)
total alloc = 612,534,236 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
COST CENTREMODULE   %time %alloc
balanceMap   71.8   72.8
insert Map   12.2   10.8
size   Map9.09.7
zipped Main   0.81.9
Notice the 612Mb for storing a mapping from Int
to Int!!
Notice that's 612Mb *allocation* to create the finite map and
deconstruct it into a list.  Not 612Mb of live heap to store the finite
map.  If you make sure everything is evaluated, and examine the heap
profile I'm sure you'll find that the finite map is taking a reasonable
amount of space (perhaps 20-30 bytes per node for storing integers, I
To get a rough idea of the total live heap without profiling, you can
run the program with +RTS -sstderr and look at the memory in use
Description: PostScript document
Description: PostScript document
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what is a stack overflow?

2005-01-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Also, how do I get the profiler to tell me whether 
I am consuming heap or stack?

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, Iavor Diatchki wrote:
it may happen for different reasons,
but a common one is when you have a foldl pattern (programming with an
for example like this:
sumList1 [] accum  = accum
sumList1 (x:xs) accum  = sumList1 xs (x + accum)
this adds a list of numbers with an accumulator.
because haskell is lazy however, the additions (the accumulator)
are not evaluated, instead the compiler builds a big expression,
that is to be evaluated later. for example:
sumList1 [1,2,3] 0 = sumList1 [2,3] (1 + 0) = sumList1 [3] (2 + (1 + 0)) =
sumList1 [] (3 + (2 + (1 + 0)) = 3 + (2 + (1 + 0)
notice that the accumlator is not evaluated as you go along.
now the way this expression is evaluated (roughly) is:
start pushing... (stack on the rhs)
3 + (2 + (1 + 0) []
2 + (1 + 0)[3]
1 + 0[2,3]
0  [1,2,3]
now poping...
1  [2,3]
3  [3]
6   []
and the result is 6.
if the list is very long, you will need to push very many things on
the stack to evaluate the expression, and so you might run out of
the way to avoid this problem is to not create the big expression,
by forcing the accumulator to be evaluated as you go along rather
then once at the end.
this can be done like this:
sumList2 [] accum = accum
sumList2 (x:xs) accum = sumList2 xs $! (x + accum)
($!) is like ($) except that it forces the evaluation of its arguments.
now the expression is likely to be evaluated using very little stack
(if the compiler notices that we have a tail recursive call, and it should)
hope this helped

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 19:19:09 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time), S.
Alexander Jacobson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thank you iavor.  But the -K option doesn't appear
to work with ghci.  And I guess the bigger
question is what sort of code  causes a
stack overflow.  If 5M is enough stack for most
programs then I obviously have some basic coding
error which is causing a stack overflow...
What sort of code causes that?
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, Iavor Diatchki wrote:
programs compile with GHC have a bunch of command line switches.
you can see them by typing:
myProg +RTS -help
one of them enables you to specify stack space, e.g.
myPorg +RTS -K5M
(very briefly) the stack is a part of memory used by the compiler to
pass around arguments
to functions, and for temporary computations.

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 17:16:08 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time), S.
Alexander Jacobson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
GHC assumes the user knows the difference between
the heap and the stack.  I don't.  No matter how
much heap I specify on the GHCi command line, I
get a stack overflow exception.  I have no idea
what that means or how to remedy it.  Hints?
Note: My program is basically creating a few 100k
item FiniteMaps.  I don't think that should exceed
the memory on my laptop
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] using Map rather than FiniteMap

2005-01-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Just did a search after my last post and learned 
that FiniteMap is bad.  Discoverd that Data.Map is 
the intended replacement.  Downloaded it and 
modified it to work with 6.2.  Blazingly fast!

Please ignore the prior message.
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] using Map rather than FiniteMap

2005-01-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I didn't find any such information.  I just 
decided to look at the FiniteMap source code in 
CVS and discovered in the comments that it was 
deprecated in favor of Data.Map.

So I downloaded the new Data.Map and Data.Set and 
ran the code I posted before.  I executed 
basically instantly and used minimal memory.

I think Map picked up a lot of speed because it 
doesn't spaceleak, but am not sure.

On Tue, 25 Jan 2005, Ketil Malde wrote:
S. Alexander Jacobson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Just did a search after my last post and learned that FiniteMap is
bad.  Discoverd that Data.Map is the intended replacement.  Downloaded
it and modified it to work with 6.2.  Blazingly fast!
Oh?  I was aware that Data.Map was supposed to be better, but not that
FiniteMap was particularly bad.  Is there any information about
when, why and by how much Data.Map is better?
If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] using Map rather than FiniteMap

2005-01-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Oops.  It pays to check your checking code before 
making posts like this.

After actually running the correct test, I am 
still getting semi-ridiculous space behavior 

   import qualified Map
   zipped =zip [1..] [1..10]::[(Int,Int)]
   untup f (x,y) = f x y
   produce = foldr (untup Map.insert) Map.empty zipped
   fm = length  $ Map.keys produce
   main = print $ fm
Has this profile:
   example +RTS -p -K5M -RTS
total time  =5.10 secs   (255 ticks @ 20 ms)
total alloc = 612,534,236 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
COST CENTREMODULE   %time %alloc
balanceMap   71.8   72.8
insert Map   12.2   10.8
size   Map9.09.7
zipped Main   0.81.9
Notice the 612Mb for storing a mapping from Int 
to Int!!

Also 5M of stack is required to make this work.
Can anyone help?
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005, Jorge Adriano Aires wrote:

Just did a search after my last post and learned
that FiniteMap is bad.  Discoverd that Data.Map is
the intended replacement.  Downloaded it and
modified it to work with 6.2.  Blazingly fast!
Hi, just curious,
How much trouble was getting it to work with ghc 6.2 and adapting your program
to use the API of Data.Map instead of Data.FiniteMap?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] what is a stack overflow?

2005-01-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
GHC assumes the user knows the difference between 
the heap and the stack.  I don't.  No matter how 
much heap I specify on the GHCi command line, I 
get a stack overflow exception.  I have no idea 
what that means or how to remedy it.  Hints?

Note: My program is basically creating a few 100k 
item FiniteMaps.  I don't think that should exceed 
the memory on my laptop

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what is a stack overflow?

2005-01-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Thank you iavor.  But the -K option doesn't appear 
to work with ghci.  And I guess the bigger 
question is what sort of code  causes a 
stack overflow.  If 5M is enough stack for most 
programs then I obviously have some basic coding 
error which is causing a stack overflow...

What sort of code causes that?
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, Iavor Diatchki wrote:
programs compile with GHC have a bunch of command line switches.
you can see them by typing:
myProg +RTS -help
one of them enables you to specify stack space, e.g.
myPorg +RTS -K5M
(very briefly) the stack is a part of memory used by the compiler to
pass around arguments
to functions, and for temporary computations.

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 17:16:08 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time), S.
Alexander Jacobson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
GHC assumes the user knows the difference between
the heap and the stack.  I don't.  No matter how
much heap I specify on the GHCi command line, I
get a stack overflow exception.  I have no idea
what that means or how to remedy it.  Hints?
Note: My program is basically creating a few 100k
item FiniteMaps.  I don't think that should exceed
the memory on my laptop
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-21 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I assume there is a standard name for this 

  instance Foo [] where
foo [] = mzero
foo (x:_) = return x
  instance Foo (Maybe x) where
foo Nothing = mzero
foo Just x = return x

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] FiniteMapFiniteMap

2004-12-09 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I would like to read a large finitemap off of a
disk faster than the time it takes to read the
entire list of pairs.

My solution is to save it as a bunch of smaller
lists of pairs covering various key intervals (or
recency intervals).  I then can readfile all of
these lists back into a bunch of finitemaps.
Because readfile is lazy my program can start very
quickly without waiting to read the contents of
all of these files.

To make this solution work, I need some
datastructure that looks like a finitemap but
operates on a bunch of them organized either in
parallel (key interval model) or series (time
interval model).  Is there some pre-existing
data structure that does this or do I need to roll
my own?

Or is there a better way to (de-)serialize


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] memory leak in Random.randoms or makeList?

2004-12-01 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Using ghci, I am getting this error message:

  *Main timeOp $ print $ sizeFM bigFM'
  GHC's heap exhausted: current limit is 268435456 bytes;

From this code:

  makeList x = map ((\x-x `mod` range).abs) $
 Random.randoms (Random.mkStdGen x)::[Int]
  fmRecords' n = listToFM $ take n $ zip (makeList 100) (makeList 200)
  fmRecords n = listToFM $ take n $ zip [range..] [range..]
  bigFM = fmRecords fmSize
  bigFM' = fmRecords' fmSize

bigFM works fine so the leak is obviously within
makeList.  I just don't understand how makeList
could produce this error...


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Text.XML.HaXML.HaskellToXml DRIFT example

2004-10-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Does someone have an example of how to use DRIFT
to convert a Haskell type into XML?

The documentation appears rather sparse...


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Text.XML.HaXML.HaskellToXml DRIFT example

2004-10-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Oops, I just found the examples directory.
So the next question is: Is there a way to use
DRift directly from GHCI?  If I have to hmake
regularly, that will get annoying fast.


On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

 Does someone have an example of how to use DRIFT
 to convert a Haskell type into XML?

 The documentation appears rather sparse...


 S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Modifying Running Programs

2004-08-01 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
eBay modifies 30k lines of code per week while
maintaining 99.92% uptime.

Is there a way to force ghc (or some other Haskell
implementation) to load new implementations of
functions without restarting the program?

Alternatively, is there a way of restarting a
program with new code without having to
reconstruct all its in memory state?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and concurrency

2004-06-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Fri, 25 Jun 2004, Simon Marlow wrote:
 Concurrent Haskell is designed to provide exactly the kind of
 lightweight concurrency you're after.  It won't be as quick as a custom
 application-specific threading model in the way you describe, but it's a
 *lot* faster than using one OS-thread for each thread in your system.

 And if you find it to be still too slow for your application, we know of
 several ways to speed it up...

That's exciting.  I am currently working on a
web-appserver framework that relies on concurent
Haskell (hence all my postings to the list about
concurrent haskell issues).

My theory is, given that you were able to achieve
~1000 requests/second in 2000, I should be able to
serve 10k HTTP requests per second on a regular
modern beige box. (~5m unique users at 1 visit/day
10 clicks per visit 10 request per click). If I
need less than 5k of server state per visitor then
I can operate a fairly substantial web site on
e.g. a 32GB Dell PowerEdge for under $50k ($.01/user)!

I currently have working:

* ACID semantics on an abstract serializable state
  * each request must encapsulate the entire transaction
  * requests and state must be instances of Read/Show
  * state must fit in memory (though this is looser than it appears)
* in order execution of all sideeffects
* multiple sideeffect queues
* at least once execution of all sideeffects
* very basic HTTP serving framework for these apps
  (SMTP framework coming soon)
* a basic relational database (not yet serializable)
  that will eventually be used as a concrete state

I am now working on an application to run on the
framework and use these features.  I'll post
when the design is more proven and its time to
reach those performance levels.


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] readEitherChan

2004-06-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Fri, 25 Jun 2004, Simon Marlow wrote:
 There's no fundamental difficulty that I'm aware of.  The lack of these
 functions is probably down to historical reasons: tryTakeMVar and
 tryPutMVar are recent additions to the old MVar interface.

Ok.  Then will take a look in the library and try
to understand the concrete implementations.

 It seems to me that with MVars you can implement pretty much any
 abstraction you need, including choice, and it's not clear that there
 would be any advantage to providing any more primitives.  That's based
 on my experience so far, anyway - I know there are people out there that
 have made rather more heavy use of MVars than I have (eg. George

Well we appear to be having a problem implementing
a takeEitherMVar or readEitherChan without adding
a new abstraction

  Also, you wouldn't need these functions if
  Haskell's concurency model was defined to be
  non-preemptive.  How come forkIO was not
  specifically defined to be non-preemptive (with
  forkOS dependent on the local OS native threading

 So threads forked by forkIO would be non-preemptive with respect to
 what?  Other threads forked by forkIO, or forkOS?

All forkIO'ed threads would run in the same
OS thread and only lose control when they
block.  I now realize that this model is
incompatible with distributing execution onto
multiple CPUs so I am wrong here?

Though, in practice, does GHC actually does take
advantage of multiple CPUs when they are
available?  Or do need GPH?

 forkOS is a very recent addition, BTW.  Its primary purpose is to make a
 bound thread, to give the programmer a handle on which OS thread is
 used to make foreign calls.  See this paper we submitted to the Haskell
 Workshop this year:
 Hope that sheds some light.

Ah.  Very interesting.  Thank you.


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

atomic MVar overwrite (was RE: [Haskell-cafe] How to use QSem?)

2004-06-23 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Ah, that worked.  Thank you. The MVar
documentation is also very brief.

I would also like to overwrite the contents of an
MVar atomically regardless of whether it is full
or empty.  I am current using.

  overWrite mvar val = tryTakeMVar mvar  putMVar mvar val

But it is not atomic :-(  The lib functions
(modifyMVar and tryPutMVar) are atomic but seem to
require that you know in advance the MVar's state.

Is there a solution to this or do I have to


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Simon Marlow wrote:

 On 22 June 2004 21:44, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

  The GHC documentation on QSem is very sparse.  I
  would like to give a thread exclusive access to a
  My *guess* based on the documentation is that I
  can create an exclusive lock using:
 logSem - newQSem 1

 If the maximum value of your QSem is 1, then an MVar will do.  That is,
 an MVar can be used as a simple semaphore, and a QSem is necessary if
 you need a quantity semaphore (there are  1 units of the resource).

  And then any thread that wants to lock the
  resource uses:
 withLogSem x = do waitQSem logSem; y - x; signalQSem logSem;
  return y
  as follows:
 withLogSem $ rotate curLogPos

 import Control.Concurrent, create the semaphore like this:

m - newMVar ()

 and use it like this:

withMVar m $ \_ - ... critical section ...

 If you are using the semaphore to protect a mutable variable, then you
 can handily merge the two ideas into an MVar, which behaves like a
 thread-safe mutable variable.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: atomic MVar overwrite (was RE: [Haskell-cafe] How to use QSem?)

2004-06-23 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Basically, what I want is a tryReadSampleVar

Or, if we stick with MVars, I don't want another
thread to operate between the tryTakeMVar and the
putMVar.  In particular, I don't want another
thread to believe (mistakenly) that the mvar is
empty when it is simply being updated.

I suppose I could define a new abstraction where I
have a second mvar that acts as an exclusive lock
on the the first MVar.  e.g.

   data XMVar a = XMVar (MVar ()) MVar a

   overWriteXMVar (XMVar lock mvar) val =
withMVar lock (\_-tryTakeMVar mvar  putMVar mvar val)
   tryTakeXMVar (XMVar lock mvar) val =
withMVar lock (\_-tryTakeMVar mvar)

But, I think it would be more sane simply to
have a tryReadSampleVar somewhere.


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Simon Marlow wrote:

 On 23 June 2004 17:13, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

  Ah, that worked.  Thank you. The MVar
  documentation is also very brief.
  I would also like to overwrite the contents of an
  MVar atomically regardless of whether it is full
  or empty.  I am current using.
overWrite mvar val = tryTakeMVar mvar  putMVar mvar val
  But it is not atomic :-(  The lib functions
  (modifyMVar and tryPutMVar) are atomic but seem to
  require that you know in advance the MVar's state.

 The question to ask here is atomic with respect to what?.  modifyMVar
 is atomic only with respect to other threads performing modifyMVar-type
 operations on the MVar (i.e. take followed by put).  If another thread
 is doing repeated puts into the MVar, then modifyMVar's atomicity is

 There isn't really a problem here, you just need to be sure that you use
 your MVars in a consistent way - you can always define a new abstraction
 that doesn't permit operations to be performed in the wrong order.

 So in order to tell you how to write your overWrite function, we need to
 know what other operations are being concurrently performed on the MVar,
 and what invariants you expect to hold.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How to use QSem?

2004-06-22 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
The GHC documentation on QSem is very sparse.  I
would like to give a thread exclusive access to a

My *guess* based on the documentation is that I
can create an exclusive lock using:

   logSem - newQSem 1

And then any thread that wants to lock the
resource uses:

   withLogSem x = do waitQSem logSem; y - x; signalQSem logSem; return y

as follows:

   withLogSem $ rotate curLogPos

Am I misunderstanding QSem?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] readEitherChan

2004-06-15 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I'd like a function that blocks until data is
available on one of two channels and then returns
that data wrapped in an Either.  Here is my naive

  readEitherChan::Chan a - Chan b - Either a b
  readEitherChan a b =
var - newEmptyMVar
forkIO (readChan a = putMVar var . Left)
forkIO (readChan b = putMVar var . Right)
val - readMVar
return val

  eitherChan a b left right = readEitherChan a b = either left right

But creating an MVar and starting two threads
feels like a lot of overhead for a simple

Is there a better way or is forkIO so efficient
that I shouldn't care?

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] forkIO preemption

2004-06-07 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
When you forkIO and one of the threads blocks
(e.g. on a socket or a readchan), do execution
automatically resume on other threads and does the
blocked thread consume timeslices while it is

In other words, is there any performance
penalty in setting timeslices very large in a
server app (where all I care about is throughput)?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Is it possible to read existential types?

2004-04-29 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I don't think this works.  I just tried it with:

  main = print $ lookupRead 1 [(1,(Integer,100))]

How would Haskell know that typ actually does
equal typeOf?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wed, 28 Apr 2004, Chung-chieh Shan wrote:

 On 2004-04-28T15:12:03-0400, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
  Ok, but it sounds like you need to know the list
  of possible types in advance.  Is it possible
  to have a lib take a filepath and type name as an
  arbitrary string, and read the instance in?

 I don't think you need to know the list of possible types in advance.
 Here is some (only slightly tested) code:

 import Data.Dynamic
 import Maybe
 import Monad

 lookupRead :: (Eq key, Read val, Typeable val) =
 key - [(key, (String, String))] - Maybe val
 lookupRead key list = ret
   where ret = case lookup key list of
 Just (typ, val) -
   if typ == show (typeOf (fromJust ret))
 then case reads val of
[(v,)] - Just v
_- Nothing
 else Nothing
 _ - Nothing

 The question is how to get the result of lookupRead memoized, so that
 the call to reads happens at most once for each entry in the list.

 Edit this signature at
 BBC News: Universities face week of protest

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Is it possible to read existential types?

2004-04-29 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
But isn't the point of this code that you don't
need that type signature?  If I knew in advance
that it was an Integer then I wouldn't need to
passs Integer in the list.


On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Chung-chieh Shan wrote:

 On 2004-04-28T23:33:31-0400, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
  I don't think this works.  I just tried it with:
main = print $ lookupRead 1 [(1,(Integer,100))]

 This fails for the same reason

 print $ read 100

 fails.  You need to give a type signature to avoid type-class instance

 main = print $ (lookupRead 1 [(1,(Integer,100))] :: Maybe Integer)

 On GHCi 6.2.1, the above yields Just 100 for me.

 Edit this signature at
 Be it declared and enacted by this present Parliament / That the People
 of England / are / a Commonwealth and free State / without any King or
 House of Lords.-- An Act declaring England to be a Commonwealth
 1649-05-19 | 355 years | 2004-05-19

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Dynamics/Read and Existential types (was: Is it possible to read existential types?)

2004-04-29 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
So let me ask this question a different way.  Is
it possible to use Read/Show or Typeable with
Existential types.

Given MyClass and MyType as follows:

   class (Read a,Show a,Typeable)=MyClass a where foo::a

   type MyType = forall a. MyClass a= [a]

Is there a way to persist MyType?

My suspicion is that there isn't because Haskell
knows how to say that a string can't be parsed
into a particular type but it does not know how to
say that a string can't be parsed into any type
that is an instance of a particular class.  So,
assuming you can't I amn curious to know know if
this is an in-principle problem or just an in-fact


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Is it possible to read existential types?

2004-04-28 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Ok, but it sounds like you need to know the list
of possible types in advance.  Is it possible
to have a lib take a filepath and type name as an
arbitrary string, and read the instance in?

The context here is that I'm writing an App Server
(tentative name: HAppS) that given an instance of:

class (Eq state, Read state,Show state
  ,Eq request, Read request, Show request) =
App state request response where
execRequest::state- CallBack state - Chan a - ReqContext request - Result 
state response

takes an arbitrary state, does write-ahead logging
of any requests that change that state, and
periodically saves the state to disk.

If the computer dies or is shutdown for any
reason, the last saved state is read-back from
disk and the log is replayed until state is
current, at which point, new requests may be
processed. (Think Prevayler, but with side-effects
and state saving handled properly -- thanks to
Haskell's type system!)

To use this lib, you do:

   main = (serveApp requestProducer filepaths)::YourAppInstance

serveApp then attempts to read in the state from
the filepaths and calls startState otherwise.
The explicit type here coerces serveApp to read or
startState the proper type (serveApp returns the
state eventually).

The problem is that the type of requestProducer
is sort of complex (simplifying):

   type ReqProd=(((Respond, request) - IO ()) - IO t)
   type Respond response = response - IO ()

It is a function that takes a function that writes
(respond,request) pairs to a channel and when run,
calls that function periodically to interact with
state.  I find this is a bit hard to understand
(and I just wrote the code!).  I'd really like
serveApp to return the writeChannel function and
then have the client code call it.  Then calling
serveApp would look like:

   main = do
queueReuest - serveApp filePaths YourAppInstance

Even better, I'd love to have the same app be able
to handle multiple request types (via existential
types), but right now, thats not possible because
I need to be able to (read) them.


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, Chung-chieh Shan wrote:

 S. Alexander Jacobson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in article [EMAIL PROTECTED] in
  Is is possible to read/show an existentially typed
  Would it be possible if, instead of using
  read/show, I defined some variant that relies on
  the typeof/typeable infrastructure?  Is there a
  way to read in a typename for use in coercing a

 Dylan Thurston and I encountered this problem a while ago.  Show is
 easy: just use a type like exists a. Show a =   Read is hard,
 because one needs to get the Read dictionary from somewhere, and
 the dynamic typing facility in Haskell does not include type-class
 constraint reduction at runtime.  The best solution we came up with was
 to replace the existentially typed list with a list of string-string
 pairs, where the first string names the type and the second string names
 the value.  The call to read is only done at lookup time, not at
 file-reading time.

 Edit this signature at
 Be it declared and enacted by this present Parliament / That the People
 of England / are / a Commonwealth and free State / without any King or
 House of Lords.-- An Act declaring England to be a Commonwealth
 1649-05-19 | 355 years | 2004-05-19

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: sizeFM type

2004-04-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 08:43:44PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would note, in addition, that they don't have that many pages indexed
  on a single machine.  Almost nobody has a database with that many records
  on a single machine, even those who have clusters of 64 bit machines.

 It seems I qualify as almost nobody, cause I've had a database with more
 than 2^34 records on a single IA32 machine. However, I wouldn't ever
 think of loading the entire database to RAM.

Why not?  Its only 17gb.  If you are doing any
substantive volume of transactions on that
database* you may be better off storing the
database in memory than buying the multiple CPUs
and reliable RAID arrays you need to serve it off

A Dell PowerEdge 4600 w/ 24gb of memory and a
write-caching controller w/ 6 36GB harddrives
(RAID0 state,logging,status) costs around $34k.
Using e.g. a Prevayler style in memory logged data
structures** you may be able to serve 100,000
queries/second. (see e.g.

To achieve just 500 queries/second using MaxDB
(SAP-DB from MySQL) requires apparently 61!! App
Calculating the cost of this much hardware is left
as an exercise for the reader, but, even ignoring
the hardware costs here, you are also paying for
rackspace and system administration to keep this
many servers operating.


* OTOH, if this is just your personal mail archive
then nevermind :- )

** Finishing off a Haskell variant of this concept
that also handles side-effects correctly right
now.  It is part II of the rdbms, appserver,
web/mail server triad that I plan to use for a
variety of different web apps.

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: sizeFM type

2004-04-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
 The data you provided is interesting. However, if I had such a machine,
 my work could be much less challenging :)

I would note that people today are making
strenuous efforts to retain compatibility with a
Haskell98 standard that it only 6 years old!  If
we are making choices intended to have a lifetime
of e.g. 10 years (see,
then I would observe that the 24gb machine I
specced out will, assuming Moore's law lasts, cost
only $2k in 5-6 years.  The Sun Fire 15k with
288GB of memory and 72 Sparcs (think GPH!), that
today costs $2.6m will cost only $155k.  Note,
since you don't need 72 CPUs, you'll probably be
able to get this machine for $50k.

So, perhaps the question here is: What is the
planned lifetime of sizeFM?  Do we prefer the
safety of knowing our code will work at arbitrary
scale or the ecstacy of having it run fast today?

Put differently, would you rather cope with
hardware limitations today or software limitations


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: sizeFM type

2004-04-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
 The data you provided is interesting. However, if I had such a machine,
 my work could be much less challenging :)

I would note that people today are making
strenuous efforts to retain compatibility with a
Haskell98 standard that it only 6 years old!  If
we are making choices intended to have a lifetime
of e.g. 10 years (see,
then I would observe that the 24gb machine I
specced out will, assuming Moore's law lasts, cost
only $2k in 5-6 years.  The Sun Fire 15k with
288GB of memory and 72 Sparcs (think GPH!), that
today costs $2.6m will cost only $155k.  Note,
since you don't need 72 CPUs, you'll probably be
able to get this machine for $50k.

So, perhaps the question here is: What is the
planned lifetime of sizeFM?  Do we prefer the
safety of knowing our code will work at arbitrary
scale or the ecstacy of having it run fast today?

Put differently, would you rather cope with
hardware limitations today or software limitations


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Is it possible to read existential types?

2004-04-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Is is possible to read/show an existentially typed

Would it be possible if, instead of using
read/show, I defined some variant that relies on
the typeof/typeable infrastructure?  Is there a
way to read in a typename for use in coercing a


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] handling read exceptions

2004-04-12 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I mean catch the read exception without escaping
all the way out to the IO monad.


On Mon, 12 Apr 2004, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

 I want to read strings that look like 2  or
 hello into values of type Integer or String.
 The problem is that read requires that strings be
 read as \hello\.  Is there a way either to
 convince read to not require wrapping quotation
 marks or, alternetively, to catch a read
 exception, and do something sane?


 S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] handling read exceptions

2004-04-12 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
My point is that I am reading in name/value pairs
and once I know the name, I know the type of the
value, but I don't want to have to pass that
information programatically to the point in the
code where I am doing the read.


On Mon, 12 Apr 2004, Sven Panne wrote:

 S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
  I want to read strings that look like 2  or
  hello into values of type Integer or String.
  The problem is that read requires that strings be
  read as \hello\.  Is there a way either to
  convince read to not require wrapping quotation
  marks or, alternetively, to catch a read
  exception, and do something sane?

 reads is probably what you are looking for:

 Prelude (reads :: ReadS Integer) 
 Prelude (reads :: ReadS Integer) a
 Prelude (reads :: ReadS Integer) 2
 Prelude (reads :: ReadS Integer) 123blah

 And reading a string the way you want is best done by id. :-)


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Adding Ord constraint to instance Monad Set?

2004-04-01 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
 You can try to define a different version of Monad using multiparameter
 type classes, something like:

 class M m a b where
   (=) :: m a - (a - m b) - m b

I don't think this works.  GHC can't deduce
context for ().  I don't understand why, but
I've tried a variety of permutations of
constraint declarations (m b needs to be a Monad
as well...).


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What are Kind errors and how do you fix them?

2004-03-30 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I want to thank everybody for the kind
explanations of kind errors.

I think I now understand them (figured it out
through a LOT of trial and error).  The problem
(as Carl and others noted) was I was testing
various ways of doing things using synonyms rather
than data types and didn't know that you can't do

Based on my recent experience as a new coder,
here are some words of advice for future

* Beware the monomorphism restriction!
* Avoid type synonyms in instance declarations!
* use newtype whenever possible (also see quickcheck docs)
* you can't use existential types except through class methods!
* you must wrap existential types if you want to
  use them in record-style data declarations
  (No, I have no idea why this is, but it
   appears to be true nonetheless)

The problem with this sort of list is that it is
probably only useful after you have already made
these mistakes.   Oh well.


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Adding Ord constraint to instance Monad Set?

2004-03-30 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Following the declaration of instance Monad []
in the prelude, and puzzling over the absence of
its equivalent from Data.Set, I naively typed:

   instance Monad Set where
m = k = concatSets (mapSet k m)
return x = unitSet x
fail s = emptySet

   concatSets sets = foldl union emptySet (setToList sets)
   instance (Eq b,Ord b) = Ord (Set b) where
compare set1 set2 = compare (setToList set1) (setToList set2)

and got the following error:

Could not deduce (Ord b) from the context (Monad Set)
  arising from use of `concatSets' at dbMeta3.hs:242
Probable fix:
Add (Ord b) to the class or instance method `='
In the definition of `=': = m k = concatSets (mapSet k m)
In the definition for method `='
In the instance declaration for `Monad Set'

Since I obviously can't modify the class
declaration for Monad, the question arises:

   How does one add (Orb b) to the instance method '='?

(Aside: it be really nice if the error messages
suggested textual changes or at least provide
sample syntax in addition to the conceptual


PS I assume the reason that Set is not declared as
a Monad in Data.Set is oversight rather than

PPS I want to thank everyone who has been
taking the time to answer all of my questions.
I'll try to collect my various learnings into a
useful beginners page once I reach the point where
I think I can create a useful document.

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What are Kind errors and how do you fix them?

2004-03-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Ok, I am still trying to understand kind errors
and now have a very simple class and types:

   class MyClass a b where emptyVal::a b

   type MyType a = [a]
   type MyType2 = []

I can't figure out why some instance work and
others don't.  e.g. this one works:

   instance MyClass MyType2 a where emptyVal=[]

But this one doesn't:

   instance MyClass (MyType a) a where emptyVal=[]

and neither does this one:

   instance MyClass (MyType) a where emptyVal=[]

How do I make (MyType a) work?  For example, a
real world example is:

   type MyType a = FiniteMap a String?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

 On 2004-03-23 at 16:58EST S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
  Implementing Reverse from before, I am running
  into this weird error:
type ReverseType a string = (string -(string,a))
data Reverse a string = Reverse (ReverseType a string)
instance Monad (Reverse a s) where
  return x = Reverse (\text - (text,x))
  (Reverse p) = k = Reverse p3
  p3 s0 = p2 s1
  (Reverse p2) = k a
  (s1,a)=p s0
  Produces the error:
  Kind error: Expecting kind `* - *', but `Reverse a s' has kind `*'
  When checking kinds in `Monad (Reverse a s)'
  In the instance declaration for `Monad (Reverse a s)'
  I have no clue what this error message means.

 Kinds are to types what types are to values. You've declared
 Reverse to have two arguments: it takes a type, then another
 type and returns a type, so its kind is * - * -
 *. (Reverse a) has kind * - * and (Reverse a s) has kind *.

 Now a monad is something that takes a type as an argument,
 so has kind * - *, for example IO has kind * - * -- you
 expect to see IO Something most places. So (Reverse a) could
 perhaps be a monad, but (Reverse a s) cannot be.

 Jón Fairbairn [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haskell idiom for reversible computations

2004-03-23 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
If I am writing a rener/parser for e.g. HTTP
Requests and Responses, I would like to be able to
guarantee that the parser really is the inverse of
the generator.

I assume that if I define a pair of computations
as reversible then I can put those computations in
some monad such that I can do:

  parse = inverse generate


  parse2 = inverse do {generate;generate2}

Actually, I assume this is an arrow rather than a
monad because a render is a computation that
takes a value and produces a value rather than
simply a computation that produces a value.

Whether its an arrow or not, I also assume this
problem is sufficiently common that there is a
well worked out idiom for this such that I don't
have to hand-code and prove inverse functions for
all my data structures.  I just don't know what it


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What are Kind errors and how do you fix them?

2004-03-23 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
So if I want to use Monad, I have to have Reverse
only work with Strings and not some data type
that might be a String?

Is there a workaround that would allow me to
preserve flexibility around the target datatype?

Otherwise I'll rename Forward and Reverse to
toString and fromString, but the notion of being
able to guarantee a roundtrip in and out of an
arbitrary datatype seems useful and powerful.


On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

 On 2004-03-23 at 16:58EST S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
  Implementing Reverse from before, I am running
  into this weird error:
type ReverseType a string = (string -(string,a))
data Reverse a string = Reverse (ReverseType a string)
instance Monad (Reverse a s) where
  return x = Reverse (\text - (text,x))
  (Reverse p) = k = Reverse p3
  p3 s0 = p2 s1
  (Reverse p2) = k a
  (s1,a)=p s0
  Produces the error:
  Kind error: Expecting kind `* - *', but `Reverse a s' has kind `*'
  When checking kinds in `Monad (Reverse a s)'
  In the instance declaration for `Monad (Reverse a s)'
  I have no clue what this error message means.

 Kinds are to types what types are to values. You've declared
 Reverse to have two arguments: it takes a type, then another
 type and returns a type, so its kind is * - * -
 *. (Reverse a) has kind * - * and (Reverse a s) has kind *.

 Now a monad is something that takes a type as an argument,
 so has kind * - *, for example IO has kind * - * -- you
 expect to see IO Something most places. So (Reverse a) could
 perhaps be a monad, but (Reverse a s) cannot be.

 Jón Fairbairn [EMAIL PROTECTED]

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ????Pattern match(es) are overlapped???

2004-03-22 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I am implementing HTTP and I have something like:

   newtype Method = Method String
   getMethod = Method GET
   putMethod = Method PUT


   doMeth getMethod = ...
   doMeth putMethod = ...

GHC gives me a patter matches are overlapped

And when I run, I discover that pattern matching
is not actually happening.  getMethod is
always executed even though the method passed
is putMethod

What am I doing wrong?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ????Pattern match(es) are overlapped???

2004-03-22 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I actually ended up using a lookup list e.g.


which has the convenience of being able to put a
501 Not Implemented in an obvious place.

I'll post the code shortly.  My goal is to form
the core of a generically useful HTTP
haskell server library.


On Mon, 22 Mar 2004, Ketil Malde wrote:

 Arjan van IJzendoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 newtype Method = Method String
 getMethod = Method GET
 putMethod = Method PUT
 doMeth getMethod = ...
 doMeth putMethod = ...

  You will have to write:
  doMeth (Method GET) = ...
  doMeth (Method PUT) = ...

 Or (I assume, haven't tested) if you insist on renaming the methods:

   doMeth m | m == getMethod = ...
| m == putMethod = ...

 (or using a case statement, of course)

 If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: haskell httpd

2003-11-14 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Fri, 14 Nov 2003, Simon Marlow wrote:
 However, several people have found the web server useful and are using
 it, either as the basis of further research, or in some cases as the
 basis for a real production web server.

So anyone out there still using it in production?


S. Alexander Jacobson  Check out my new blog!!!
1-212-787-1914 voice

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: newbie conceptual question [from haskell list]

2001-08-01 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Is the LDAP client available somewhere?


On 1 Aug 2001, Steinitz, Dominic J wrote:

 I don't know about functional dependencies but using an existential type turned out 
to be very useful in writing an LDAP protocol handler. The protocol is specified at 
an abstract level using ASN.1 and could, in theory, be encoded using any set of 
encoding rules. It happens to use the Basic Encoding Rules. We used an existential 
type to encode the protocol at an abstract level and the encoding rules take this 
type and produce a concrete representation ready to send over a transport mechanism. 
Thus we get a good separation between the abstract protocol and the concrete 
encoding. So the next time we implement a protocol handler we can re-use the encoding 
code or we could encode LDAP with a different set of encoding rules without having to 
touch the LDAP code itself.

 We are presenting a paper which includes this at the Scottish Functional Programming 


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 31/07/2001 22:29:00
 To:   franka
 cc:   haskell-cafe
 bcc:  Dominic Steinitz
 Subject:  Re: newbie conceptual question [from haskell list]


 Frank Atanassow wrote:
  D. Tweed wrote:
   I've never written a Haskell program using functional dependencies, or
   existential classes, ...
  I find them indispensible, and I know for a fact that I am not the only one
  around our office who feels that way. Though, the people around here
  (Utrecht's software technology group) are not exactly typical programmers...

 I've been recently experimenting quite a bit with existential classes
 and somewhat less with functional dependencies, primarily to help my
 understanding of the concepts.  However, I've yet to be able to think of
 an appropriate place to use them in the real world.  That is, in
 something more than a toy thought-experiment.  Could you give some
 examples of what you are using them for?

 Hal Daume III

  Computer science is no more about computers| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   than astronomy is about telescopes. -Dijkstra |

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S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Lambda Dance, Haskell polemic, etc. on O'Reilly site

2001-03-30 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson


Although I think Haskell is a beautiful language, Jelovic is right on his
core points, Haskell implementations don't meet the needs of the working

A user can download Python or Perl to his windows or linux computer,
install, and very quickly be up and running writing code that calls system
libraries, talks to mysql databases, retrieves XML content from the web and parses
it, etc.

Moreover, if the default libraries don't meet his/her needs, it is easy
to find additional libraries on the web, and when found, there is a high
likelyhood that they will work as advertised with the installed system.

Contrast the above with Haskell, which doesn't immediately, easily and
reliably install on all platforms (perhaps aside from Hugs), is still
figuring out core language features,and does not even have a consistent
set of libraries for simple stuff like filesystem access!

There are, perhaps good reasons for all these failures, but please
recognize them for what they are: failures to meet the needs of the
working programmer who just wants to get something done (whether he/she
lives in YU, FR, JP, or US)

I would love to be using Haskell for day to day programming work but I
can't at this time.  Unless the community recognizes what is required and
gets it done, I never will.


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

 Fritz K Ruehr wrote:


  The second link is a little polemic entitled "Why People Aren't Using
  Haskell", which I presume would be of interest to readers of this
  list (the author is Dejan Jelovic, whom I don't recognize as a regular
  contributor here):

 If you didn't verify this site, forget it. There is NOTHING serious

 Over and over again the same silly song, by a person who - visibly -
 had never anything to do with functional languages, who thinks now
 about hiring some C and java programmers living in Belgrade, but who
 writes such silly, incompetent things as:

  And there is an air of staleness: where new versions of these other
  languages appear frequently, the Haskell community is offering you

 Delovic points out that some languages became "immensely" popular,
 as e.g. Ruby, and that Haskell is marginal.  Hm. this extremely
 orthodox Japanese essence of O-O programming may have some practical
 merits, especially those which come from shameless borrowing from
 Eiffel, Sather, Clu and Common Lisp, but calling Haskell "marginal"
 or "obscure" informs us not what is Haskell, but who is Jelovic.
 He accuses the Haskell community of not providing libraries...


 Perhaps there is *one* point worth mentioning: the necessity to
 publish papers about Haskell far from such journals as JFP or HOSC,
 but to try to reach DrDobbs etc. I would add: Software: Practice
 and experience, and journals on numerical software where one could
 show some non-trivial implementations of practical, numerical

 Jerzy Karczmarczuk
 Caen, France

 PS. What is "hamster dance", anyway?

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