Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-23 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 19 May 2011, Andrew Coppin wrote:

To all the people who look at Hackage, see that there are 6 different 
libraries for processing Unicode text files, and claim that this is somehow a 
*good* thing, I offer the above essay as a counter-example.

Recently I searched for an advanced way of handling command-line 
arguments, and found several packages on Hackage. Unfortunately they are 
all in different categories, what makes the categories almost useless. The 
second thing I checked, is the online Haddock documentation in order to 
see, whether the API makes sense to me. I like to know, how many 
extensions are required (I prefer Haskell 98) and how clean the package is 
written, e.g. I think that something simple as command-line parsing should 
be possible without an unsafe function. In the end I found none of the 
packages to fit my needs and I stuck to plain GetOpt.

Package ratings by certain criterias or by user votes would not help me 
much. Instead I like to get the information quickly, that helps me 
deciding, what package fits my needs best. E.g. Hackage could display the 
extensions used by a package, but it cannot just list the ones listed in 
the Cabal file, since modules can switch on extensions individually and 
also the extensions required by imported packages are needed. Maybe 
Hackage could allow to list or even rank packages according to criteria 
given by the user. In contrast to that, universal ratings would not help 
me much, but may frustrate authors, who's packages get bad ratings, 
because the expectations of its users differ from the ones of the author.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-23 Thread KC
Librarians have been struggling for years with classifying topics; I
don't imagine classifying coding libraries as any easier. :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-23 Thread Eric Rasmussen
In terms of making the interface more friendly to beginners, I wonder if
this is partially an issue of how to search and how to format the results. I
just searched several places for xml rpc and found:

Hackage: the first few links from the google search are different versions
of haxr
Hayoo: 0 packages found, but lists functions from packages including haxr
Hoogle: No results found No matches

When that happens I can broaden my search (just RPC or just XML), or I can
go to google and search haskell xml rpc and find results, but without any
sense of what I should be clicking on. I'll often start in one place, then
hear about something on Haskell-Cafe that's more widely used and never came
up in the results.

I realize Hayoo and Hoogle are specialized searches (although I imagine
people do occasionally use them the way I did in this example), but it would
be great if Hackage's search feature could provide its own summary results
in a simple table, perhaps like this:

Date Released | Last Updated | Downloads | Focus

Where focus is a one or two liner explaining the intended use or scope of
the package, ideally written with comparisons to similar packages in mind.
That way if you search xml rpc and are immediately given results for a
couple of packages, you can get some sense of what's current, what's being
used, and the scope or intended use of the package.

I'm not sure if this format would work for everyone of course, but I do
think some of the ideas coming out of this discussion are promising. And for
my part, I'm going to make an effort to participate on the wiki once I wrap
a couple projects.


On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 8:31 AM, KC wrote:

 Librarians have been struggling for years with classifying topics; I
 don't imagine classifying coding libraries as any easier. :)


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-21 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 10:43 PM, Ketil Malde wrote:

Andrew  writes:

I'm trying to voice the opinion that there is such a thing as too many
libraries. The article I linked to explains part of why this is the
case, in a better way than I've been able to phrase it myself.

I don't think so, the article seems to talk more about social problems
among lisp users, which it - at least in part - ascribes to the technical
prowess of the language.

Actually, the author seems to be saying that Lisp is [relatively] 
unsuccessful because it's so powerful that is discourages cooperation. 
Personally I don't buy it; I'm sure there are *several* reasons why Lisp 
never became The Next Big Thing. (There's a dozen dialects of it, for 
starters...) But hey, I'm not really interested in Lisp. I'm interested 
in Haskell.

What I took away from the article is that if you design a really 
powerful language, paradoxically this can make it cheaper to reimplement 
stuff rather than reuse it. You'd think a language with strong support 
for reuse would encourage reuse, but not necessary.

As you point out, people not cooperating is a social rather than 
technical problem. It seems obvious once you say it out loud, but I 
hadn't really conciously realised that.

Consequently, the language isn't the whole story. If you make the 
language really powerful, that reduces the cost of implementing things 
from scratch. On the other hand, if you can do things that reduce the 
cost of finding existing code that you could reuse, you swing the 
balance back in the other direction. We have Hackage (and now HP). I 
have no idea whether Lisp has anything comparable.

The opinion that having too many libraries can be
a problem, which some people don't seem to agree with.

I don't see how the number of available libraries is a problem in
itself, but it would be nice if hackage or some other resource provided
more help in recommending which library to try first.  We do have
standardization efforts, committees bringing the language forward and an
inclusive and collaborative community.

I certainly don't think having a lot of libraries available is bad. 
Having lots of libraries available for /the same task/ is different. As 
some others have pointed out, it varies somewhat depending on what the 
task in question is.

If Haskell still used the old lazy-list I/O approach and Hackage had 3 
different monadic I/O libraries implemented on top of that, that would 
be really bad. Fortunately, once everybody realised that monadic I/O was 
the way to go, we ended up with one library which everybody uses. It has 
costs (e.g., you cannot redefine the Monad class to include, say, 
Data.Set), but it has the huge, huge benefit that nobody will ever utter 
the words I'd like to bolt HsLogger onto Yesod - oh wait, I can't, they 
use incompatible IO monads.

On the other hand, there are lots of GUI libraries. Because they bind to 
different toolkits, or work on different combinations of platforms, or 
because they wrap low-level bindings with more functional interfaces, 
or whatever. We wouldn't want a massive *explosion* of identical GUI 
libraries, but I don't think the current set is excessive at all.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-21 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 11:00 PM, Daniel Peebles wrote:

I agree that from an end-user's perspective it isn't always a clear win,
but I do think that having a bunch of libraries (even ones that do the
same thing) an indicator of a healthy, active, and enthusiastic

I won't argue with that. ;-)

Sure, it's decentralized and people will often duplicate
effort, but different variations on the same idea can also help explore
the design space and will reveal to everyone interested what works and
what doesn't.

Yeah, as some others have said, it depends on the problem domain. For 
some things, it's really not clear what the correct abstractions are 
yet, and there's still a lot of design space to explore. (I might pick 
at random, say, Functional Reactive Programming. As best as I can tell, 
several people have ideas, but there's no clear best way of doing this 
yet. We're still experimenting.) For stuff like that, it's useful to 
have lots of people trying different stuff.

But yeah, if you want to do X and you encounter 15 libraries that do X
and can't find a clear consensus on what's best, I can understand why
that might be frustrating.

Moreover, there can be network effects involved. A while back somebody 
from Google wrote that everybody agrees that String is too slow for 
high-performance I/O, but each library that involves high-performance 
I/O tends to end up using a different text representation, which rather 
impedes compatibility between them.

I don't think there's really a clear solution
to that though, other than gently encouraging collaboration and scoping
out of existing work before starting new work. But people generally hate
working with other people's code, so I doubt that'll have much of an
effect :)

Yeah, I'm not going to present I have a solution. I merely wanted to 
point out that it's a problem which does exist. Some of the other folks 
in this thread seem to be coming up with useful ideas though.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-21 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 08:39 PM, Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:

Regarding the Unicode problem, there is a standard solution today: use
the text package.  Yes, you may use other libraries, but text is the
recommended one.

Is that true? Last I heard, there was still some debate about the 
relative performance of the various libraries. (I don't recall hearing 
much argument about API though, so presumably everybody more or less 
agrees on that.)

The problem is that no one coming to Hackage discovers that on Hackage
itself.  You have to dig the Internet to find some blog post telling
you what to do.  And hope that the blog post isn't old.

...I suppose what I just wrote basically confirms this. I remember 
seeing some traffic about text performance, but I wasn't paying enough 
attention at the time to remember the precise details. (Or perhaps it's 
just that this specific subject area isn't generally all that important 
to me.)

So we really need a way of raking libraries in Hackage.  We already
have the Haskell Platform, which is really really nice, but the HP
can't embrace everything.  For everything outside HP, a ranking system
is needed.

Sounds like a good idea to me. My only minor worry is that when a 
once-popular library becomes superceeded by a superior competetor, the 
old library will still have a really good rating, and people might not 
find the new replacement.

Then again, how often is that likely to happen?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-21 Thread Paolo G. Giarrusso
while I'm still a Haskell learner, I wanted to contribute my point of
view, which I hope is different enough to be useful.

First, of course we don't need to restrict Hackage to contain just 1
library for every purpose, we just need to give incentives for people
to collaborate. And if they really have different ideas, they should
compare their approaches and their implementation, to some extent.
For the unicode example, the question is: why people kept creating new
solutions to the same problem, instead of working together? At least,
why don't those people document their different goals, if they have

Andrew Coppin is not trolling. He is calling the community to reflect
on why this happens and to find together a solution. To me, it seems
that already agreeing that there is a problem would be already a step

Daniel Peebles wrote, as an answer:
 But people generally hate working with other people's code, so I doubt 
 that'll have much of an effect :)

I only hate working on somebody else's code when it's bad/unclear/
badly documented - IMHO code is good when it's a pleasure to work on

1) Collaboration and critical mass
A library is not just code. It is an ecosystem of code, documentation,
experience is using it and refining the design (that is, client
software), tutorials and blog posts, and generally any form of shared
knowledge. If we split this, none of the projects reach the critical
Interestingly, the smaller size of the Haskell community is itself one
of the reason of the problem. Also in other languages there are often
more solutions for the same problem - I bet every language has tons of
interesting JSON libraries, together with not-so-interesting ones.
However, I bet that for an interesting domain and a popular language,
the best approaches are automatically selected: few libraries reach
the critical mass and become popular. Haskell has less developers, so
we need more efficient tools to build shared knowledge.

It seems that the future Hackage will have comments; I'd also like a
guideline such that authors compare their work to the alternatives.
Just as papers get rejected when they miss relevant related work, and
for good reasons, packages will get downvoted if the author is not
aware of another solution. Then, we can encourage the author to either
improve his library, or to deprecate it if he doesn't care.

2) The Haskell platform - just a partial answer.
I understand it was born exactly to address this problem, so it
confirms it; I don't think that everything can fit in there, so it
doesn't solve the problem for everything - except for what can be

3) The advantage of multiple interfaces in 1 library. (Answering to
Julian Porter)
That is, interoperability. A simpler and a more complex interface
might be needed. But why do they have to be into different libraries,
written without a coherent design, and without (say) wrapper/converter
functions? Probably, in many cases, I want to have 1 library which is
general, supplies some standard boilerplate for the common use case,
has a single guide which allows me to find my way around. Of course
that's a final product, but we need at least to aim for that.

This is my answer to Julian Porter's point:
   ultimately the ideal is to end up with one library that solves the problem 
 well, which everybody can use.

 Nonsense.  One library that everyone can use with either end up being
so small in functionality that it's actually useless, or so general
that either it requires tons and tons of boilerplate just to use it at
all, or it's really about eight libraries rolled into one and so
impossible to find your way around.  Whichever, it's not good.  The
sweet spot is at the point of maximum tension between generality and

4) Development level
There are 3-4 versions of iteratee because we are still not sure
about the right design. Hmm, this suggests that the concept is still
in a research stage and incomplete - so newcomers should either spend
lots of effort studying all libraries or avoid using the concept at
all because it's too complex. If instead there is consensus that
different approaches are useful in different cases, then please
compare them, especially because libraries with an advanced type-level
construction have a steeper learning curve.

One problem here, I think, is also that a lot of us are researchers,
and most research produces prototypes which are then often not
maintained, leaving a complete implementation to somebody else. I'm
not accusing anybody - I'm a PhD student, and I realize that doing
otherwise might be detrimental to my career, at least in its early
stages, since I'm supposed to prototype new, innovative ideas instead
of complete existing ones. But is that really true for everybody? Or
am I mistaken here?

On May 19, 10:20 pm, Andrew Coppin
 On 19/05/2011 07:56 PM, Gilberto Garcia wrote:

  I think what Andrew meant is that it's not a good idea 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-20 Thread Roel van Dijk
On 19 May 2011 20:50, Serguey Zefirov wrote:
 The solution... I think that some ratings, like used directly by ###
 packages/projects and indirectly by ### would be nice, but not much.

Maybe my reverse dependencies mirror of hackage could be useful here:

The mirror was intended to show the workings of a patch for the old
(current) hackage. It is updated daily.

The algorithm needs some attention so don't trust it blindly, but in
general it is quite accurate.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-20 Thread Yves Parès
 it can involve several qualified imports and time researching
ByteStrings/Lazy ByteStrings/ByteString.Char8

Evan is right, the right way is to use the text package (plus, it is part of
the platform and is simple to use), or at least the utf8-string package
(encode/decode functions). I personnaly banned ByteString.Char8, as it is
incompatible with UTF8 (the pack method truncates Chars).

2011/5/20 Eric Rasmussen

 I only recently started learning Haskell and have had a difficult time
 convincing other Python hackers to come on board. I see two things that
 might help:

 1) A resource to make informed decisions about different libraries.
 Something that includes specific criteria like how long a library has been
 out, how often it's maintained, how many people use it, etc. Ideally you'd
 be able to see a quick table comparison of features across libraries that
 perform similar tasks (roughly translated to something like: this xml
 library is well established, has great documentation, and works for most
 parsing tasks, while this other one is much faster but not widely used

 2) Languages like Python make it easy to write fast performing code in a
 few lines that will read/write files, split strings, and build lists or
 dictionaries/associative arrays. There are very clever ways of doing all
 these things Haskell, but it can involve several qualified imports and time
 researching ByteStrings/Lazy ByteStrings/ByteString.Char8. It would be nice
 to have a single module that exports some common text operations via
 ByteStrings without requiring a lot of upfront research time learning to
 work with ByteStrings, and possibly a limited export of Data.Map features as

 The second one would hold little interest for advanced developers of
 course, but when someone is faced with a difficult learning task, if you
 give them a strong starting point that produces results it can help motivate
 them to keep learning. Is anyone working on either of these things or
 interested in working on them? I'm not quite ready to produce high quality
 Haskell code yet, but I'd like to contribute if I can.

 On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 3:42 PM, David Leimbach wrote:

 See the Haskell Platform.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On May 19, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Andrew Coppin

  On 19/05/2011 09:34 PM, wrote:
  Andrew, you are being non constructive.
  It seems I'm being misunderstood.
  Some people seem to hold the opinion that more libraries = better. I'm
 trying to voice the opinion that there is such a thing as too many
 libraries. The article I linked to explains part of why this is the case, in
 a better way than I've been able to phrase it myself.
  I'm not trying to say OMG, the way it is now completely sucks! I'm not
 trying to say you must do X right now! I'm just trying to put forward an
 opinion. The opinion that having too many libraries can be a problem, which
 some people don't seem to agree with. (Obviously it isn't *always* bad, I'm
 just saying that sometimes it can be.)
  That's all I was trying to say.
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-20 Thread Tillmann Vogt

Am 20.05.2011 00:00, schrieb Daniel Peebles:
I don't think there's really a clear solution to that though, other 
than gently encouraging collaboration and scoping out of existing work 
before starting new work. But people generally hate working with other 
people's code, so I doubt that'll have much of an effect :)

Hi Daniel,

Now that you are mentioning it, how can I gently encourage you to accept 
my patch to one of your libraries? You didn't answer my mail. Sorry that 
I have to make this public but what else should I do. Writing again a mail?
To show the debugging-capabilities of collada-output I made a video 
which explains why it is better:
With 3-tuples it is a little bit better. With 4 or 5 tuples it is a lot 
better (meaning all dimensions increase with the same speed).

- Tillmann

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-20 Thread Markus Läll
What's stopping it from being put on the official hackage? I use it quite a
lot to find well established packages and/or example code, and am quite fond
of it. But it is only visible when you know that this exists.

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Roel van Dijk vandijk.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 19 May 2011 20:50, Serguey Zefirov wrote:
  The solution... I think that some ratings, like used directly by ###
  packages/projects and indirectly by ### would be nice, but not much.

 Maybe my reverse dependencies mirror of hackage could be useful here:

 The mirror was intended to show the workings of a patch for the old
 (current) hackage. It is updated daily.

 The algorithm needs some attention so don't trust it blindly, but in
 general it is quite accurate.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Markus Läll
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-20 Thread Roel van Dijk
On 20 May 2011 12:46, Markus Läll wrote:
 What's stopping it from being put on the official hackage? I use it quite a
 lot to find well established packages and/or example code, and am quite fond
 of it. But it is only visible when you know that this exists.

Poor timing. I wrote the patch when there was significant work being
done for the new version of hackage [1]. So the feeling was that the
current hackage (which is a bunch of cgi programs) would soon be
replaced by the new hackage-server (based on happstack). I also stated
in my initial announcement that I would look into writing a version of
my reverse dependencies for the new server. I haven't done that yet.
Since at least July of 2010 the new server has some support for
reverse dependencies.

Unfortunately hackage-server seems to have lost a bit of momentum. It
is now almost 3 years old. Looking at darcs show authors I'd say
there are about 4 main contributors, with the main author being Duncan
Coutts. The last patches are from December 2010.

I think the best solution is to get more people contributing to
hackage-server. It is superior to the current hackage in many ways.

1 -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-20 Thread Jesper Louis Andersen
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 20:33, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Ok, I'll bite.

 To all the people who look at Hackage, see that there are 6 different
 libraries for processing Unicode text files, and claim that this is somehow
 a *good* thing, I offer the above essay as a counter-example.

Here is what usually happens:

Every library that is *useful* undergoes an iterative process in which
is will gradually be improved until a winner emerges. This is like
biological evolution and a signal of a healthy community. For a winner
to emerge however (like Text in Unicode) - there need to be a clear
problem you are trying to solve and the solution must be fairly easy
to use. This doesn't always happen if the initial problem is too

This is by the way the same model used for the Linux kernel. At some
point there was like 3 wifi stacks and 4 USB stacks in the kernel,
until people opted to extend the one that was easiest to extend.

Haskell's demon are advanced type-level constructions at the library
level. If you build a library which is hard to use because you need to
understand a complex type-world, then there will be less adoption
compared to a simpler library more people understand. Common Lisps
demon are complex macros and that you need discipline in the more
dynamic typing environment. Also that there is no enforcing of concern

On the other hand, a library with a simple type-world may be too
simple and not give the guarantees one would like. Hence, for the same
problem, you now have justification for the existence of two

My personal gripe is the construction of libraries for the sake of
constructing libraries. I like the tools I use to have been used in
anger in real projects. That tends to weed out some problems right
away because you had an actual user. It also underpins a mantra I
learned from the Erlang community: Build tools, not solutions. The
library should support your program and not provide a solution. If
that is not the case, you are probably better off without the library
in the first place. The horror-case I know is Java Apache XML-RPC. It
underwent three iterations. v1.x was useful but cumbersome. v2.x
improves the interface and is more useful. v3.x is a mistake. The
author decided to use reflection, automatic generation and generate
interfaces based on classes. That library is very hard to use in
practice because there are many things you want to do you can't. It is
also a project with a RequestProcessorFactoryFactory class :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-20 Thread Simon Michael

Hey now.. maybe so, but this thread is an interesting one.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-20 Thread Juan Daugherty
Prolly noted already but the original presumption is false.

The optimal and right thing would be if there was an evolutionary
set in each functional area from which you could choose and
a common framework in which any selection from that area
could work.

Otherwise seems likes a purposeless kvetch.
=== | Juan.Daugherty on Skype | 01 716 524 0542
---PGP SIGNATURE Attached If Signed---=
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Vo Minh Thu
2011/5/19 Andrew Coppin

 Some of you might have seen this. Here's the short version:

  Lisp is so powerful that it discourages reuse. Why search for and reuse an
 existing implementation, when it's so trivially easy to reimplement exactly
 what you want yourself? The net result is a maze of incompatible libraries
 which each solve a different 80% of the same problem.

 To all the people who look at Hackage, see that there are 6 different
 libraries for processing Unicode text files, and claim that this is somehow
 a *good* thing, I offer the above essay as a counter-example.

Hi Andrew,

So what exactly is the problem on hackage and what do you propose as a solution?

Surely you don't want people to upload a library on hackage only once
it is perfect (nor do you think such a perfect, one-size-fits-all
library might exist)?

I haven't read the provided link but I also guess you don't _really_
mean that the referred packages on hackage were 'so trivially easy to
reimplement', nor that it is not possible to use them together...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Serguey Zefirov
I think this is much less applicable to Haskell than to Lisp.

I think that most of intra-incompatibilities of Lisp stem from side
effects. The rest is mostly due to (relatively) weak type system which
let some errors slip.

And remaining percent or two can be attributed to the power of Lisp. ;)

2011/5/19 Andrew Coppin

 Some of you might have seen this. Here's the short version:

  Lisp is so powerful that it discourages reuse. Why search for and reuse an
 existing implementation, when it's so trivially easy to reimplement exactly
 what you want yourself? The net result is a maze of incompatible libraries
 which each solve a different 80% of the same problem.

 To all the people who look at Hackage, see that there are 6 different
 libraries for processing Unicode text files, and claim that this is somehow
 a *good* thing, I offer the above essay as a counter-example.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Serguey Zefirov
2011/5/19 Vo Minh Thu
 2011/5/19 Andrew Coppin

 Some of you might have seen this. Here's the short version:

  Lisp is so powerful that it discourages reuse. Why search for and reuse an
 existing implementation, when it's so trivially easy to reimplement exactly
 what you want yourself? The net result is a maze of incompatible libraries
 which each solve a different 80% of the same problem.

 To all the people who look at Hackage, see that there are 6 different
 libraries for processing Unicode text files, and claim that this is somehow
 a *good* thing, I offer the above essay as a counter-example.

 So what exactly is the problem on hackage and what do you propose as a 

The problem is that you have to try several packages before you get to
the stable point.

The solution... I think that some ratings, like used directly by ###
packages/projects and indirectly by ### would be nice, but not much.

As for me, I like the diversity of packages. They attack close
problems from different fronts. They express different ideas and
views. I like all that.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Gilberto Garcia
I think what Andrew meant is that it's not a good idea to have big
pile of different implementations of the same library, and all trying
to solve the very same problem.

I see this kind of problem in the java community. It seems that
developers have a need to create everything from scratch more than
making existing ones better.

Short history, for example, why do we have to have N libraries to read
a file? can't we have just one damn good one?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Daniel Patterson
Correct my ignorance as I'm rather new around here, but I'm not sure if I 
actually think this happens that much. 

Different approaches are often put forth, which does mean that there are 
incompatible libraries that fill the same space for a while, but it seems that 
once it becomes clear what the best approach is, that becomes pretty well 
accepted. Are there really example of multiple libraries that use the same 
approach to solve the same problem that are incompatible and actively used? 
Right now there are a bunch of iteratee/enumerator/whatever term you want to 
call it libraries, but those are new ideas, and it isn't clear yet what the 
best approach is. 

In an open source community, there will always be multiple approaches to common 
problems. If as soon as one person came up with a solution, all others had to 
build upon that, there would be no progress, as no one would be able to try out 
new ideas. 

What is important is that there is visibility for packages so that people can 
see what else is out there and can decide if it makes the most sense to:
A. use an existing solution
B. improve an existing solution
C. start from scratch, because of wanting a fundamentally different approach.

I think hackage provides that. So what's the problem?

 Short history, for example, why do we have to have N libraries to read
 a file? can't we have just one damn good one?

The only way to get there is to have many solutions and then decide what the 
best one is!

Just my .02

On May 19, 2011, at 2:56 PM, Gilberto Garcia wrote:

 I think what Andrew meant is that it's not a good idea to have big
 pile of different implementations of the same library, and all trying
 to solve the very same problem.
 I see this kind of problem in the java community. It seems that
 developers have a need to create everything from scratch more than
 making existing ones better.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Serguey Zefirov wrote:
 The solution... I think that some ratings, like used directly by ###
 packages/projects and indirectly by ### would be nice, but not much.

 As for me, I like the diversity of packages. They attack close
 problems from different fronts. They express different ideas and
 views. I like all that.

Regarding the Unicode problem, there is a standard solution today: use
the text package.  Yes, you may use other libraries, but text is the
recommended one.

The problem is that no one coming to Hackage discovers that on Hackage
itself.  You have to dig the Internet to find some blog post telling
you what to do.  And hope that the blog post isn't old.

So we really need a way of raking libraries in Hackage.  We already
have the Haskell Platform, which is really really nice, but the HP
can't embrace everything.  For everything outside HP, a ranking system
is needed.

Cheers! =)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Stephen Tetley
Och Mr Coppin

Lisp is a fine language, but all Lisp essays you'll find on the
internet except Richard Gabriel's Worse is Better are absolute tosh.

Read Olin Shiver's introduction to SRE regex notation for an
intelligent contribution to the 6 different libraries problem you
seem to be having, rather than some cargo cultist muddy thinking.

By the way, referencing the original article circa half way down -
didn't Mark P. Jones write Gofer and the original Hugs by himself  -
people actually used those rather than Qi.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Don Stewart
This is classic community trolling behavior, Andrew.

You post something inflammatory, questioning the core value of our
project, without a clear argument about why it article relevant, and
then step away to let a monster thread consume everything, as people
try to work out what your point was, not trying to argue a point, or
other wise participate.

Doing this, year after year, is bad for -cafe@ and bad for the
community, and why I don't use -cafe@ for problem solving anymore.

-- Don

I'm glad my mail reader has a mute button.

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Stephen Tetley wrote:
 Och Mr Coppin

 Lisp is a fine language, but all Lisp essays you'll find on the
 internet except Richard Gabriel's Worse is Better are absolute tosh.

 Read Olin Shiver's introduction to SRE regex notation for an
 intelligent contribution to the 6 different libraries problem you
 seem to be having, rather than some cargo cultist muddy thinking.

 By the way, referencing the original article circa half way down -
 didn't Mark P. Jones write Gofer and the original Hugs by himself  -
 people actually used those rather than Qi.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 07:56 PM, Gilberto Garcia wrote:

I think what Andrew meant is that it's not a good idea to have big
pile of different implementations of the same library, and all trying
to solve the very same problem.

I'm glad somebody understood what I was trying to get at.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't ever have more than one library 
tackling the same problem. I'm just saying that when people say we have 
multiple libraries competing to solve this problem, and that's 
*great*... well, not necessarily, no. Obviously there's room for 
finding out what the best way to solve the problem is, but ultimately 
the ideal is to end up with one library that solves the problem well, 
which everybody can use.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 08:39 PM, Stephen Tetley wrote:

Och Mr Coppin

Lisp is a fine language, but all Lisp essays you'll find on the
internet except Richard Gabriel's Worse is Better are absolute tosh.

This wasn't an attempt to bash Lisp.

This is about all those people who think having multiple libraries which 
only solve half the problem is somehow a good thing.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 08:58 PM, Don Stewart wrote:

This is classic community trolling behavior, Andrew.

And publicly calling somebody a troll isn't trolling behaviour?

I'm going to answer the rest of this off-list. I'm sure nobody else 
wants to hear it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread vagif . verdi
Andrew, you are being non constructive.

You are saying We should.
Who we, Andrew ? Who are you referring to ?
The developers who created those six different unicode libraries are not united 
under any umbrella you can call we.

The reason those six libraries existis is NOT because some mysterious secret 
we commitee decided to have six incompatible libraries.

And the maintainers of hackage has better things to do than to police and make 
arbitrary decisions what should or should not be allowed to hackage.

Also hackage is NOT a standard library, just like SourceForge or Github is not 
a standard library. It's just a hosting for haskell libraries.

If you want someone tell you what to use, there's an effort in that direction: 
haskell platform. And their attitue is constructive. They don't demand that 
we (whoever that is) do or do not do something. They compile their own set 
of libraries and announce about their existence.

Go lobby them to include one blessed unicode library.

On Thursday, May 19, 2011 01:20:50 PM Andrew Coppin wrote:
 On 19/05/2011 08:39 PM, Stephen Tetley wrote:
  Och Mr Coppin
  Lisp is a fine language, but all Lisp essays you'll find on the
  internet except Richard Gabriel's Worse is Better are absolute tosh.
 This wasn't an attempt to bash Lisp.
 This is about all those people who think having multiple libraries which
 only solve half the problem is somehow a good thing.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Stephen Tetley
On 19 May 2011 21:20, Andrew Coppin wrote:

 This is about all those people who think having multiple libraries which
 only solve half the problem is somehow a good thing.

Och (number 2)

Those people are the Straw Men - you can wave at them from your car
window when you pass them as they stand in farmer's fields, though it
is not out of rudeness that they do not wave back. Alas they are
really made of straw.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 09:34 PM, wrote:

Andrew, you are being non constructive.

It seems I'm being misunderstood.

Some people seem to hold the opinion that more libraries = better. I'm 
trying to voice the opinion that there is such a thing as too many 
libraries. The article I linked to explains part of why this is the 
case, in a better way than I've been able to phrase it myself.

I'm not trying to say OMG, the way it is now completely sucks! I'm not 
trying to say you must do X right now! I'm just trying to put forward 
an opinion. The opinion that having too many libraries can be a problem, 
which some people don't seem to agree with. (Obviously it isn't *always* 
bad, I'm just saying that sometimes it can be.)

That's all I was trying to say.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Julian Porter
  ultimately the ideal is to end up with one library that solves the problem 
 well, which everybody can use.
 Nonsense.  One library that everyone can use with either end up being so small 
in functionality that it's actually useless, or so general that either it 
requires tons and tons of boilerplate just to use it at all, or it's really 
about eight libraries rolled into one and so impossible to find your way 
around.  Whichever, it's not good.  The sweet spot is at the point of maximum 
tension between generality and simplicity.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Ketil Malde
Andrew Coppin writes:

 I'm trying to voice the opinion that there is such a thing as too many
 libraries. The article I linked to explains part of why this is the
 case, in a better way than I've been able to phrase it myself.

I don't think so, the article seems to talk more about social problems
among lisp users, which it - at least in part - ascribes to the technical
prowess of the language.

I don't think the article makes its point very well, though. For
instance, it uses object orientation as an example, but CLOS is fairly
standard in Lisp, I believe, and the author had to turn to Scheme for
his examples.  The problem again seems to be more social (the lack of an
active committee to do standardizing) than technical.

 The opinion that having too many libraries can be
 a problem, which some people don't seem to agree with.

I don't see how the number of available libraries is a problem in
itself, but it would be nice if hackage or some other resource provided
more help in recommending which library to try first.  We do have
standardization efforts, committees bringing the language forward and an
inclusive and collaborative community.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread aditya siram
I wonder if it would be useful to be able to download and use only necessary
modules from Hackage. This way if someone writes, say a superior XML parsing
API, and someone else has better generating API, the user can pull just
those modules , write the glue and have the best of both worlds.

On the upside this would:
1. Make for a smaller local cabal repository.
2. Mitigate the problem of having to compile a package that has
functionality you don't need. MissingH [1] is a good example.
3. Allow you to continue working even if one of the modules doesn't compile.
I recently ran into this with liboleg [2] where I only wanted Control.CCCXe,
but couldn't cabal install it on my system because one of the other
modules failed to compile.



On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Julian Porter

   ultimately the ideal is to end up with one library that solves the
 problem well, which everybody can use.
  Nonsense.  One library that everyone can use with either end up being so
 small in functionality that it's actually useless, or so general that either
 it requires tons and tons of boilerplate just to use it at all, or it's
 really about eight libraries rolled into one and so impossible to find your
 way around.  Whichever, it's not good.  The sweet spot is at the point of
 maximum tension between generality and simplicity.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Daniel Peebles
The way I understand it, you're saying not that we shouldn't be doing it
this way (since it isn't centrally managed, it's the only possible way), but
that we shouldn't be bragging (for lack of a better word) that we have
lots of libraries that do a specific thing. Or if not that, then at least
that it isn't a clear win.

I agree that from an end-user's perspective it isn't always a clear win, but
I do think that having a bunch of libraries (even ones that do the same
thing) an indicator of a healthy, active, and enthusiastic community. Sure,
it's decentralized and people will often duplicate effort, but different
variations on the same idea can also help explore the design space and will
reveal to everyone interested what works and what doesn't.

But yeah, if you want to do X and you encounter 15 libraries that do X and
can't find a clear consensus on what's best, I can understand why that might
be frustrating. I don't think there's really a clear solution to that
though, other than gently encouraging collaboration and scoping out of
existing work before starting new work. But people generally hate working
with other people's code, so I doubt that'll have much of an effect :)


On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 4:56 PM, Andrew Coppin

 On 19/05/2011 09:34 PM, wrote:

 Andrew, you are being non constructive.

 It seems I'm being misunderstood.

 Some people seem to hold the opinion that more libraries = better. I'm
 trying to voice the opinion that there is such a thing as too many
 libraries. The article I linked to explains part of why this is the case, in
 a better way than I've been able to phrase it myself.

 I'm not trying to say OMG, the way it is now completely sucks! I'm not
 trying to say you must do X right now! I'm just trying to put forward an
 opinion. The opinion that having too many libraries can be a problem, which
 some people don't seem to agree with. (Obviously it isn't *always* bad, I'm
 just saying that sometimes it can be.)

 That's all I was trying to say.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread austin seipp
I too am not all that concerned about the library proliferation, and I
think such work can definitely help find the best design for certain
abstractions. There are no less than 3 iteratee libraries - 4
including liboleg's original IterateeM formulation - and a number of
FRP implementations as well, but part of that is because we haven't
found the best designs for such things yet. Doing that will take time
and effort on the part of the community, whether there's 3 competing
libraries or 30.

In the case of Unicode, I think the community has clearly spoken in
its adoption of the `text` package into the Platform, as well as it
being one of the most depended on hackage packages. Certainly the
platform doesn't recommend a 'blessed' package for every need. JSON is
a simple example, and there are many various JSON implementations on
Hackage. Outside of the platform, I think there should definitely be a
better way to communicate to users what library might be best. I don't
know how that would look - Hackage 2 will have commenting and reverse
dependencies I think, but when that future hackage will rise is not

One thing is for certain: in the Haskell ecosystem, if your code does
not exist on Hackage, and *especially* if it does not use Cabal,
realistically speaking, it is dead as far as the larger community is
concerned (the exception being GHC itself, perhaps. Even gtk2hs - who
was one of the biggest outliers for a long time, now is cabalized.) I
think I would ultimately rather encourage people to submit code - even
if it is small or perhaps duplicate. At least give it and its ideas
the chance to survive, be used and talked about, and die if not -
rather than resign it to such a fate prematurely.

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 5:00 PM, Daniel Peebles wrote:
 The way I understand it, you're saying not that we shouldn't be doing it
 this way (since it isn't centrally managed, it's the only possible way), but
 that we shouldn't be bragging (for lack of a better word) that we have
 lots of libraries that do a specific thing. Or if not that, then at least
 that it isn't a clear win.
 I agree that from an end-user's perspective it isn't always a clear win, but
 I do think that having a bunch of libraries (even ones that do the same
 thing) an indicator of a healthy, active, and enthusiastic community. Sure,
 it's decentralized and people will often duplicate effort, but different
 variations on the same idea can also help explore the design space and will
 reveal to everyone interested what works and what doesn't.
 But yeah, if you want to do X and you encounter 15 libraries that do X and
 can't find a clear consensus on what's best, I can understand why that might
 be frustrating. I don't think there's really a clear solution to that
 though, other than gently encouraging collaboration and scoping out of
 existing work before starting new work. But people generally hate working
 with other people's code, so I doubt that'll have much of an effect :)

 On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 4:56 PM, Andrew Coppin

 On 19/05/2011 09:34 PM, wrote:

 Andrew, you are being non constructive.

 It seems I'm being misunderstood.

 Some people seem to hold the opinion that more libraries = better. I'm
 trying to voice the opinion that there is such a thing as too many
 libraries. The article I linked to explains part of why this is the case, in
 a better way than I've been able to phrase it myself.

 I'm not trying to say OMG, the way it is now completely sucks! I'm not
 trying to say you must do X right now! I'm just trying to put forward an
 opinion. The opinion that having too many libraries can be a problem, which
 some people don't seem to agree with. (Obviously it isn't *always* bad, I'm
 just saying that sometimes it can be.)

 That's all I was trying to say.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread David Leimbach
See the Haskell Platform.   

Sent from my iPhone

On May 19, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

 On 19/05/2011 09:34 PM, wrote:
 Andrew, you are being non constructive.
 It seems I'm being misunderstood.
 Some people seem to hold the opinion that more libraries = better. I'm trying 
 to voice the opinion that there is such a thing as too many libraries. The 
 article I linked to explains part of why this is the case, in a better way 
 than I've been able to phrase it myself.
 I'm not trying to say OMG, the way it is now completely sucks! I'm not 
 trying to say you must do X right now! I'm just trying to put forward an 
 opinion. The opinion that having too many libraries can be a problem, which 
 some people don't seem to agree with. (Obviously it isn't *always* bad, I'm 
 just saying that sometimes it can be.)
 That's all I was trying to say.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Eric Rasmussen
I only recently started learning Haskell and have had a difficult time
convincing other Python hackers to come on board. I see two things that
might help:

1) A resource to make informed decisions about different libraries.
Something that includes specific criteria like how long a library has been
out, how often it's maintained, how many people use it, etc. Ideally you'd
be able to see a quick table comparison of features across libraries that
perform similar tasks (roughly translated to something like: this xml
library is well established, has great documentation, and works for most
parsing tasks, while this other one is much faster but not widely used

2) Languages like Python make it easy to write fast performing code in a few
lines that will read/write files, split strings, and build lists or
dictionaries/associative arrays. There are very clever ways of doing all
these things Haskell, but it can involve several qualified imports and time
researching ByteStrings/Lazy ByteStrings/ByteString.Char8. It would be nice
to have a single module that exports some common text operations via
ByteStrings without requiring a lot of upfront research time learning to
work with ByteStrings, and possibly a limited export of Data.Map features as

The second one would hold little interest for advanced developers of course,
but when someone is faced with a difficult learning task, if you give them a
strong starting point that produces results it can help motivate them to
keep learning. Is anyone working on either of these things or interested in
working on them? I'm not quite ready to produce high quality Haskell code
yet, but I'd like to contribute if I can.

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 3:42 PM, David Leimbach wrote:

 See the Haskell Platform.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On May 19, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Andrew Coppin

  On 19/05/2011 09:34 PM, wrote:
  Andrew, you are being non constructive.
  It seems I'm being misunderstood.
  Some people seem to hold the opinion that more libraries = better. I'm
 trying to voice the opinion that there is such a thing as too many
 libraries. The article I linked to explains part of why this is the case, in
 a better way than I've been able to phrase it myself.
  I'm not trying to say OMG, the way it is now completely sucks! I'm not
 trying to say you must do X right now! I'm just trying to put forward an
 opinion. The opinion that having too many libraries can be a problem, which
 some people don't seem to agree with. (Obviously it isn't *always* bad, I'm
 just saying that sometimes it can be.)
  That's all I was trying to say.
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Evan Laforge
 2) Languages like Python make it easy to write fast performing code in a few
 lines that will read/write files, split strings, and build lists or
 dictionaries/associative arrays. There are very clever ways of doing all
 these things Haskell, but it can involve several qualified imports and time
 researching ByteStrings/Lazy ByteStrings/ByteString.Char8. It would be nice
 to have a single module that exports some common text operations via
 ByteStrings without requiring a lot of upfront research time learning to
 work with ByteStrings, and possibly a limited export of Data.Map features as

It's basically just Data.Text, Data.ByteString, Data.Map, and various
things from the prelude.  The problem is that once people learn where
those things are they forget their own learning process and start
thinking its obvious and everyone should know.

Maybe a python - haskell equivalents cheatsheet could serve the
purpose?  And you're probably a good person to do it since you haven't
forgotten the learning process yet :)  You can just register on the
wiki and start adding things.  Maybe the page even already exists.


s = open(fn).read() == s - Text.readFile fn

'\n'.join(sorted(s.split('\n'))) == Text.unlines . List.sort . Text.lines

lineByWord = dict(tuple(line.split(':', 1)) for line in lines) ==
  lineByWord = Map.fromList [(word, rest) | line - lines, let (word,
rest) = Text.break (==':') line]

now =
print '\n'.join((now - datetime.strptime(..., m)).days for m in
re.groups(r'...', line))
  == you tell me :)

Or whatever other things you are doing in python that you wish you
could do as easily in haskell.

If they're used to the above style of python, then there are pretty
direct translations for everything.  If they are used to a more
imperative style then I think some upfront research time is
unavoidable, but it'll be good for them.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list