Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] A Virtual Box solution that works with Sticks

2009-09-28 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Caroline Meeks wrote:
 I'm trying to understand this.
 Is it possible to use the booting method Bill found, where we boot one
 kernal in Virtual Box, then that Linux mounts the USB and then it boots the
 Sugar kernal on the stick?

I'm not even proposing that. :-)   I would have to think about it a
while to see if there were even any advantages.

I think the fundamental problem here is that the people who are
commenting (including myself) have never seen
the actual problem occur.   The hardware/software resources available
as well as the minimum functionality (use cases) are still
hazy to me as well.

Could you clarify what you want to accomplish and leave anything out
that isn't essential?   For example, does it have to be VirtualBox (or
even virtualization)?  If something isn't required don't mention it
except in the list of resource you know you have available to solve
your problem.

Bill Bogstad

P.S. I'm cc'ing this note to as it clearly is
about SoaS Strawberry and has literally nothing to
do with Sugar development.   It's a more generic 'my machine won't
boot Linux' problem.  Where the Linux in question is SoaS Strawberry.
 I'm leaving sugar-devel on the cc line for now, but will probably
drop it if this thread continues and certainly will for any future
threads on similar topics.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Announcing the creation of a SoaS Decision Panel [organization process started]

2009-09-28 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Chris Ball wrote:
 Hi all,

 In Friday's SLOBs meeting, we approved the creation of a decision
 panel, with the following people eligible to join the panel:

Can I take it that SLOB is not formally requesting a two week deadline
to report back as was suggested on the wiki minutes?

Bill Bogstad

P.S.  We have already started organizing ourselves based on the
minutes.  We will conduct any  public discussions in the mailing list with a subject line tagged with
[DP].  Individuals not on the panel who want to follow those
discussions should subscribe to that list.  We may make
announcements/request for input to other lists, but will not conduct
discussions in them or in all likelihood consider comments that are
only sent to those lists.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] SoaS: Searching for Decision Panel volunteers.

2009-09-23 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
 El Mon, 21-09-2009 a las 10:14 +0200, Tomeu Vizoso escribió:
 Yes, the most obvious path is to be based on the next CentOS major
 release, which in turn will be based on Fedora 11 (AFAIK).

 Switching to other distros with LTS is of course possible but then it
 will be most probably carried out by a different team than SoaS

 The only reason you want a distribution to be long-term supported is
 security updates, but those tend to affect mostly server applications
 (which we don't have) or multiuser environments (and we have only one
 user).  The only remaining pieces that may contain vulnerabilities are
 the Activities.  Especially the web browser.

I agree with your statement about security updates being what is
desired here   However, you can have bugs elsewhere
in the stack which can cause problems even if all anyone ever runs
directly are Sugar activities:

1. Single packet DOS attacks against the kernel.

2. Overflow bugs in the DNS resolver libraries of the system which are
triggered by simply doing a DNS query from the browser.  (Implies no
bug in the browser itself.)

3.  Overflow bugs in ANY non-Sugar library/program which is used by an
Activity and whose parameters come from data
which might be obtained from the Internet.  Perhaps gnome libraries?
Python interpreter/core libraries? I believe Read is a wrapper for
evince and/or poppler, Speak is a wrapper for espeak or gst-espeak.
Any activity which wraps a standard Linux program is a potential

Sure an activity can attempt to filter out bad data.   I see this as
getting into the anti-virus signature game though.  Every time an
activity is modified to filter out some new variant the attacker will
just change their data slightly by adding padding, etc. Maybe it
wouldn't be as bad as I suggest, but it could get ugly fast and
activity performance would suffer as data was parsed in two places
(wrapper and core program).  We are not yet a target because most
Sugar installations (XO-1s) are slow and at the end of really slow
network pipes.  Always-on Sugar workstations in developed world
schools sound like a much better target.  Not as nice as ubiquitous
Windows boxes, but still of interest.

 This creates a sustainable market for Sugar.  Linux distributors who
 have successfully built a reputation for offering good customer support,
 such as Red Hat, *do* make good profits and *do* reinvest a large part
 of them to contribute back to Linux development.  Everyone wins.

Even RedHat's $30 pricing for desktop support for educational users is
higher then  I believe SoaS (or its equivalent) needs to support.
Tomeu's CentOS suggestion is more plausible to me.

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] Long-term support for Sugar

2009-09-23 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Bernie Innocenti wrote:

 Right.  One way around it is using Alien, which I already proposed.
 Another solution is to admit that kids running incompatible distros
 will be unable to exchange activities -- period.  It would be quite a
 rare scenario in the field.

Depends on what you define as 'field'.  If you mean
national/province/whole school XO (or maybe SoaS) deployments.
It will be practically never.  If you mean: meetups, gruops of home
schoolers, Sugar days at the local museum/zoo/etc. i.e.
grassroots events, then it's going to be a lot more common.  In fact,
given how many releases there have been for the
XO and other Sugar delivery methods; I suspect that any meeting of
this type will not be all the same base system.

Bill bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] A Virtual Box solution that works with Sticks

2009-09-23 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Caroline Meeks wrote:

 Since we can't seem to boot the MacBooks directly, but we could use Virtual
 Box, can anyone think of way to use Virtual Box that would allow students to
 use the info on their sticks so they can at another point in time use a
 classroom computer and not always need to use the same MacBook?

I may have mentioned this to you before, but I have managed to use my
SoaS stick directly with VirtualBox running on a Linux host.
VirtualBox has a method of making an entire physical disk available
inside it's emulated environment and this is what I used.  I have no
whether this is doable under Mac OS X, nor do I have access to the
hardware/software to test it.  (Not to mention the time at the
moment.)  If you look in the VirtualBox manual for Using a raw host
hard disk from a guest in section 9, you will find info about what I
used.  If someone else with hardware access wants to try it, I'm happy
to exchange email.  You are liable to run into permissions issues and
any number of other problems getting this to work.  If you pick the
wrong host hard disk you could cause damage to your Mac OS X
as well.

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] A Virtual Box solution that works with Sticks

2009-09-23 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Gary C Martin wrote:

 Sure, you could just link the ~/default/datastore directory on the VM
 to the matching location on the stick. I'm not sure how the pretty way
 to do this would be (likely at this moment in time would be just
 tweaking the VMs to assume the stick was there). Pop stick in, then
 run the VM would be the workflow once set-up. From a future stand
 point, you'd likely want to push upstream for a feature where Sugar
 checked for valid (and correct version) data-stores on start-up
 (perhaps with a UI if more than one valid data-store was found), so
 any external media device, or perhaps even mounted network volume
 could become the default data-store for that session.

Could you clarify what you are suggesting?   Most VMs (including
VirtualBox) typically use large files within the host  environment to
provide the contents of virtual disks to the OS running under
virtualization. By default VirtualBox uses a format that dynamically
allocates in the real filesystem as the guest OS actually writes to
the virtual disk.   I don't think this file is going to be directly
compatible with any file (or filesystem image) that SoaS is storing on
a USB stick.  If you were thinking of something else, please let me

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] A Virtual Box solution that works with Sticks

2009-09-23 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 8:12 PM, Gary C Martin wrote:

 Yes, I routinely use the Shared Folders feature for VirtualBox on the Mac
 :-) Every thing Sugar flavour I work on resides there for easy access
 between different VMs. VirtualBox treats this as a device (after installing
 guest additions) so after a reboot I run:

I wondered if you might be thinking of Shared Folders.   I don't think
of this as accessing a device.   I believe the access is at a
filesystem level rather then a block level.   Kind of like a
network-based client-server (NFS, CIFS)  filesystem which just happens
to be running all on one physical machine.  I don't see how this would
allow the guest OS running inside VB to actually boot off of the USB

If you use the raw disk method that I suggested, then you really do
boot off of the USB stick.   Theoretically the raw disk method could
be used with any USB bootable stick because you get everything from
the stick (not just the users home directory).

Still one could install SoaS to a virtual disk under VB, install the
VB guest software there, modify the installed SoaS to
mount the a directory via the shared folder mechanism.  Then the
question is what is in the shared folder.  You can't
just have it be the mounted USB stick.  That's isn't the SoaS user's
home directory.  You have to to dig inside the USB stick to find the
linux filesystem image there which is used for the user's home
directory.  I'm guessing Mac OS X doesn't mount Linux filesystem
images located on VFAT formatted USB sticks.  One possibility might be
to make the shared folder just be the VFAT formatted USB stick and
mount the Linux filesystem image from within the Linux guest OS (kind
of like SoaS does it now anyway).

Personally, I think the raw disk method is much simpler for the SoaS
use case of wanting access to all of the users
journal entries/activities.  I just don't know if this works under Mac
OS X.  Also, if you want any user modified OS stuff as well; I don't
see any way to get it to work.

 Also be aware that you need to tell VirtualBox it's allowed to use USB, I

I don't see why.  You aren't actually giving the the VB Guest OS
direct access to  the USB stick at any level.  You are giving it
access to some directory in some filesystem which is mounted somewhere
by the host OS.  The guest OS (SoaS/Fedora) doesn't ever see it as a
USB device at all.  This is true with the raw disk method as well, but
block level access via USB is close enough to block level access via
an emulated IDE controller that it seems to work.  Only the kernel
itself cares which
device driver is being used.

 think it defaults to allow, but you can also filter for named devices if
 that makes more sense in a deployment. I would also want to sanity check the
 shut down process to make sure we didn't bork users sticks at the end of a

 Ping if you'd like to work this through, should be easy enough for me to set
 up a test cycle here if you think this is valuable.

If I get some time to actually do something about it, I'll let you know.

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Long-term support for Sugar (was: slobs... blah blah)

2009-09-21 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
 [cc += mstone]
 [cc -= everyone else]

 El Mon, 21-09-2009 a las 12:54 -0400, Bill Bogstad escribió:
 I agree with your statement about security updates being what is
 desired here   However, you can have bugs elsewhere
 in the stack which can cause problems even if all anyone ever runs
 directly are Sugar activities:

 1. Single packet DOS attacks against the kernel.

 Yes, but the vast majority of these actually affect weird network
 protocols that nobody's using (such as IPX or AFP) or weird IP options
 that are not normally exploitable with a regular Internet client.

If the attacker social engineers you into visiting their web
site/network resource, I believe that they can request any IP
option they like during the initial handshake.  Stateless packets
(ICMP or UDP) can also be directed your way at any time.

3.[general problems with software boundary issues/program/library wrappers]
 Indeed.  This is one more reason why I dislike the notion of drawing a
 straight line in across a modern distribution and call everything on one
 side system and everything on the other side applications.

 We have very advanced package systems in Linux, we don't need to regress
 to Windows-era tools that can't upgrade the system and its applications

The lack of good dependency reporting and version tracking for
Activities makes this difficult.   Something like XO bundles could
work better for  for some scenarios though.

For example, has anyone ever done anything with the 'host_version'
field in the Activities *.info file?  Maybe it could be hijacked for
Sugar library dependencies. Not as remotely capable as full dependency
checking, but core Sugar (glucose) could at least use this for direct
Activity dependency issues.  Preferentially with a pop-up telling
people there may be incompatibilities.  Activities that stick with
direct Sugar supplied functionality would be safe.  Glucose would know
what range of values it supports and would alert if an Activity is
outside of that range.  Activities would request the minimum value
that works for them in their info file. Perhaps Activities could also
query for the maximum value supported and change their behavior based
on it.  (This assumes that Glucose functionality is monotonically
increasing and the cost of retaining compatibility with older versions
of the Glucose API is reasonable for at least a few releases.)

 I wasn't suggesting paying Red Hat to support us.  I was suggesting that
 some companies -- like, for example, Solution Grove -- could offer such
 long-term support service to schools for a fee.

 Such companies could decide to create a CentOS based spin of SoaS, or
 backport the security fixes themselves, or maybe even ensure that major
 OS upgrades are synchronized with the beginning of the school year and
 work seamlessly for the all the hardware they support.

 It's really up to them to figure out what makes their own customers
 happy.  Sugar Labs does not need to spend a single buck on this, exactly
 the same way the Kernel Hackers don't need to care about linux-2.6.18
 today... unless they're employed at Red Hat, of course! ;-)

So clearly teachers/schools aren't Sugar Labs' target for its'
deliverables because their desire for stability is incompatible with
the fast changing, (almost) never look back release model of Sugar and
Fedora.  I'm glad that we cleared that up :-(

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] Long-term support for Sugar (was: slobs... blah blah)

2009-09-21 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Peter Robinson wrote:
 I'm not sure something like sugar which is (and should be) fast moving
 mixes well with something like CentOS or its parent. At the beginning
 of the v6 release cycle begins it will be fine but within 12 months
 I'm sure everyone will want the features that are provided by the

I read everyone here as programmers and early adopters.  It has been
suggested that other people (regular teachers for example) might care
more about the stability of the total user experience rather then new

 latest release of gtk/glib/gstreamer/python/telepathy etc that just
 won't be available in v6 so we en up in a situation we've been in
 before where we either need to fork massive amounts of packages to get
 the features everyone wants or moving back to Fedora. Both which will
 require lots of work. I know what its like as I've spent lots and lots
 of hours getting the changes merged upstream.

I don't doubt that it was a royal pain.   But I believe the situation
we are discussing now is a little different.  This isn't a situation
where the functionality that is required to provide core use cases
isn't available anywhere.  From the outside, it seems like most of
this has been pushed upstream and will be maintained by others.  Now
we are talking about what new functionality that comes in from the
outside should be made part of the core requirements to run current
releases of Sugar.  Should Sugar releases really require the latest
version of everything (as defined by the latest Fedora) in order to
function correctly?

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] Long-term support for Sugar (was: slobs... blah blah)

2009-09-21 Thread Bill Bogstad
[trimmed some cc's - they are probably on these lists anyway]

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 5:07 PM, Peter Robinson wrote:

 Well it wasn't a royal pain if you didn't have to co-ordinate between
 about 8 different parties. And most of the the latest releases were
 in fact defined by the Sugar Development and had nothing to do with
 Fedora at all so I suggest you do some research to find out the facts
 before you actually define royal pain. Things like Telepathy Tubes
 were pushed forward to allow things like abiword (Write activity)
 collaboration. There are still things that are being merged into
 mainline that have been used by Sugar for a while and in the case of
 abiword its only the soon to be released abiword 2.8 that will finally
 merge those changes

Is that light at the end of the tunnel or just an oncoming train?
i.e. Do you think that it will ever be the case that most Sugar
activities won't need special features from the base system to
function adequately (note I don't say optimally)?  If you think this
is possible, what time frame do you see this happening?  By Fedora 13?
 Fedora 14?  In your lifetime?

If it's more then a year then this conversation is probably premature.
 If it's less then that, then it's just about the right time
to decide if long term support is something that matters to SugarLabs
and how to address it if it does.

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] The Future of Sugar on a Stick

2009-09-18 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 6:36 AM, Martin Langhoff wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
 We already have for OLPC, and others for Fedora, for Debian, for Ubuntu. Why SoaS would be
 different and share the mailing list with the upstream developers?

 And I think it is wrong and counterproductive to have so many mailing lists.

  - All have very modest subscription numbers, and very low traffic.

  - Anyone has to follow a lot of them to keep track of things!

  - But most importantly: *where the hell am I supposed to post
 anything*? We'll have even more cross-posting in lists where you have
 90% overlap, and to make matters worse, some of the lists involved
 here have broken Reply-to settings that _break_ cross-list
 discussions. So replies to a crosspost that involves fedora-olpc for
 example _break_ the discussion.

 Human brains s are _excellent_ at filtering, and we are a small group.
 Yes, all of these are sub-projects of a grander Sugar (and Fedora, and
 Debian, and Ubuntu, and OLPC) vision. These subprojects deserve a
 separate identity -- but a separate identiy does not equal a separate
 forum of discussion. We all talk in one shared space, but retain our
 name and affiliation.

 We need to hear all the voices and we naturally filter the messages
 that are relevant.

You seem to respond with this same argument every single time someone suggests
a new mailing list whether about SugarLabs or previously about OLPC
lists.  I would like to suggest you consider the following:

Your definition of low traffic might not be the same as someone else's

Full time contributors are likely to have different needs/desires then
part time contributors
or just interested parties.

Your interests are not always the same as everyone else's interests.

Personally, a project doesn't have it's own identity unless it has a
separate mailing list.
Until then it's just some random mailing list threads.  My impression
is that some people feel similarly.

Your brain may be able to keep up with and separate relevant from
irrelevant messages  easily.  Personally, I would like some more from
technology to solve my human problem  For me, different lists is one
way to do this.  It also doesn't require me (and everyone else) to
remember to put funny things in their Subject line.

BTW, reply breakage is a REAL problem.  (I hate it myself.)  It's also
a technical problem.
It has a technical solution.  On the individual level, you could sign
up for every single SugarLabs, etc. list.   I've now done this for the
most common cross post lists at SugarLabs.  You could also set up an
email alias in your address book which would send every message you
send to every single one of those lists.  You would then have the
single community that you seem to desire.  Though, I suspect that a
lot of people would start objecting if you took that last step and
used it regularly.

Personally, I did the above and marked a number of lists 'no delivery'
since I'm not normally
interested in that topic unless it is crossposted.

On a more general level, I did some investigation and forwarded an
idea to Bernie that I got from the mailman support people which could
alleviate the problem for SugarLabs lists.  Basically the idea is that
if you are subscribed to any of a set of lists you can post to any of
them, but you won't get mail from them.  The advantage of this is that
as new lists are created, it would require no work on the part of
mailing list subscribers. It's is a bit hack  so we'll see if Bernie
and company decides it's feasible.

Finally, please consider all of the above for the sake of my overloaded brain.

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] SLOBs Position on SoaS

2009-09-18 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Martin Dengler wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:39:08PM -0400, Bill Bogstad wrote:
 This note is only tangentially a response to Peter Robinson's...

 Here's my thought process...

 [meta: it's hard to know to what email are you replying or to what
 topic you're speaking]

[Yes! :-)]

Sorry.  It was a general response to giving SoaS a more separate
identity.  (Which I think
is a good thing.)   At the same time, there seems to be a lack of
consensus of what
SoaS actually is or what it's goals (use cases) should be.   And
therefore what such an identity would be.  It's possible that those
questions will only be answered after SoaS (and the core people
involved in its creation) have a place to discuss this without
flooding the people who don't care.

 I ... don't think we can leave Sugar LiveUSB to any distribution.

 What is Sugar LiveUSB?  Is it SoaS?

That's my question.  So far Strawberry (and it's variants, successors)
is the only LiveUSB environment that I know of that makes Sugar the
default UI   If someone takes any of a number of other LiveUSB
environments and makes Sugar the default, will that be SoaS (but not
Maybe Sugoppix? :-)

I hope that I have clarified somewhat.

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] SoaS: Searching for Decision Panel volunteers.

2009-09-18 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Chris Ball wrote:
 Hi all,

 Sebastian Dziallas has asked for clarity on how the SoaS distribution
 he maintains is going to be treated and considered by SL.  It doesn't
 seem that there's consensus, so we suggest forming a Decision Panel:

 This mail is to ask for volunteers for the Decision Panel.  Volunteers
 can be anyone with an interest in the outcome, and the Oversight Board
 will then vote on (a) whether to convene the panel, (b) who should be
 on the panel, and probably (c) what the decision being paneled is.  :)

 Please volunteer by replying to this mail if you're interested, and
 please do so by Thursday September 24th so that we can run the vote
 at the Friday September 25th SLOBs meeting.

I'm willing to be on the panel, but strongly believe it should be
balanced.  It's probably obvious which way I lean so some people with
differing opinions might be a better choice.  (Community members who
haven't expressed an opinion are important as well.)

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] SLOBs Position on SoaS

2009-09-16 Thread Bill Bogstad
This note is only tangentially a response to Peter Robinson's...

Here's my thought process...

Computer technology can improve education for children.

Collaboration (i.e. Sugar) and free software (i.e. Linux) is the best
way to make this happen.

 The question is how do we get educators/schools to start using (or
switch to) Sugar/Linux for children's educational computing.

We can go down a route similar to OLPC.  Tell them to buy new hardware
(XOs), buy new server hardware (to run XS), reconfigure their networks
(Xs controls all network access).   (i.e. Convince  people at the top
of the organizations)

Or we can put together software systems which disturb pre-existing
technology as little as possible.   Require as few new hardware
purchases as possible.  Not require schools to make either/or
decisions.  Instead let them use old AND new.
This is probably a 'developed world' point of view.   The original
goal of OLPC was to bring technology to places/children
who have no access at all.   They did this through better/cheaper
hardware.  Sugar, however, is inherently software.  There is
nothing SugarLabs can do other then to try to support the widest range
of hardware possible.  However, widespread use in the developed world
on old/cheap hardware isn't a bad thing.   More real world usage will
(hopefully) result in more contributors and make it a better system
for all users.

As a result, I think the second approach is fundamental to getting
Sugar used and therefore improving education.   I also believe that
SoaS is fundamental to supporting old AND new environments and
therefore is fundamental to changing children's education.
Personally, I don't care what Linux distribution it is based on.  (My
personal desktop is Ubuntu, but I'm fine with SoaS being based on

I also don't think we can leave Sugar LiveUSB to any distribution.
My impression is that both LiveCD and LiveUSB Linux distributions are
essentially gimmicks for all of them.   Does anybody other then SoaS
use (or hope to use) Live environments for regular operations for
thousands if not millions of users?  Given the above, I conclude that
SoaS really needs to be something that SugarLabs supports.  That
doesn't mean that Sugar should be tied to SoaS, just that it really is
a fundamental
part of changing education.

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] SLOBs Position on SoaS

2009-09-16 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Douglas McClendon wrote:
 Bill Bogstad wrote:

 I also don't think we can leave Sugar LiveUSB to any distribution.
 My impression is that both LiveCD and LiveUSB Linux distributions are
 essentially gimmicks for all of them.

 I generally agree with the rest of your sentiments in this mail, but as the
 now quasi-official 'Godfather of Fedora LiveCD' I have to respond to this
 'gimmick' claim.

I'm sorry if you were offended by the word gimmick.  A better word
might have been niche.  From the first time, I saw Knoppix  Live media
system were clearly interesting and useful.  However...

 In summary - LiveUSB == primarily trial and installation medium.  I.e.
 perhaps the thing that _generates_
 'installed-normal-nonlive-fedora-on-a-stick' on sticks whose flash is
 performancewise on par or better than a usb rotating disk.

Even you don't see this as a normal everyday usage model.  Assuming
that to be widely used, Sugar needs to support this model where do we
go from here?  Should Sugar wait for distributions to make it more
usable?  Am I wrong about this being vital to Sugar success?  Linux
itself got its start coming in the backdoor.  Given the lack of
marketing dollars available to Sugar, I think a similar strategy is
worth considering.

You second message about changing flash/filesystem technologies brings
to mind a discussion on a different mailing list about whether SSDs
are appropriate for use as journals for enterprise databases.  Many
people are finding that they see great performance improvements.
There are quite a few netbooks out there at this point and I haven't
heard anything about massive flash failures at those price points
either.   I'm wondering if people are just scared of the fact that
flash is different then hard drives.   The differences aren't all bad
either.  Flash doesn't suffer from head crashes where you lose read
access to ALL your data.  Instead, you probably slowly lose the
ability to change it.  Somehow that sounds better to me.

When Sugar was being run an XO which had its flash soldered to the
motherboard, it made sense to care alot about reducing flash writes.
If SoaS is deployed with integrated XS backups of user files, so what
if the USB flash drive only lasts a year or two.  It's still way
cheaper then the cost of an XO. [This presupposes some actual testing
to determine what the typical lifespan would be.]

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Sugar on a Stick v2 Release Naming

2009-09-14 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Sean DALY wrote:
 As long as no one (including developers) is confused that SoaS
 release 1( Strawberry) alias SoaS-2 is running Sugar v0.84 and
 Fedora 11.

 I'm just wondering why SoaS-2 is in use... non-initiates will assume
 that means SoaS release 2 (Blueberry), don't you think?

I'm a long-time watcher of the mailing lists and (now) a developer and
I was/am confused. What do you think is going to happen when some
random IT guy/power user tries to report problems?

At a minimum, there needs to be a prominent wiki page somewhere
documenting which number corresponds to what.  And it IS a mess.  If
someone says that it will be fixed in Sugar 0.88 (which is likely to
be the response from a developer), as an end user (or supporter of
same); I shouldn't have to dig through mailing list archive archives
to figure out what that means.

As for these numbers not being visible,  that's just wrong.  The
pilgrim 'version' number is displayed every time I boot an SoaS ISO on
my machine.  The CD label is in the isolinux.cfg file, which is
practically the only file on a burned ISO whose contents can be viewed
without growing through wizard level Linux incantations.   As for ISO

is the same as:



Anybody who is curious (isn't that what we are encouraging) is likely
to find at least one of those numbers.  The problem will come when
they don't find ALL of them and realize they have to be careful when
reporting problems.  We are punishing them for their curiosity by
having a gratuitous inconsistency.

Unfortunately, I don't see any other fix then to document what
corresponds to what. This is a software (release) engineering issue.
The problems will come from non-developers and will only start to
happen once there is more then one public release.

To: Martin:  I'm not objecting to v2 (we have no choice).  I'm saying
we have to publicly document what goes with what.

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] The Future of Sugar on a Stick

2009-09-14 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Sebastian Dziallas wrote:

+1 to pretty much your whole message.

I would like a little clarification though on the boundaries of SoaS.
My interpretation is as follows:

SoaS takes the XO 1-1 model and replaces the one machine per student
with one stick per student.

CD, hard drive, and floppy boot helpers are part of SoaS to the extent
that they make SoaS sticks usable on a wider class of machines.

Installing a user's files to a hard drive is not (probably should not
be) a SoaS goal (the user's environment is no longer portable to other

Storing the SoaS OS files on a hard drive for performance/stability
reasons might be a SoaS goal.

The fact that the SoaS ISO allows one to demo Sugar is an accident of
implementation.   The real goal is bootable
SoaS sticks.  I think a demo ISO is a great thing, but that doesn't
have to be something that SoaS produces. From my perspective, a
bootable CD that gave you a simple menu to generate a SoaS stick would
be much preferred to the
current download the ISO image and then do these complicated things with it.

Support for multiple users on a single stick is not a goal of SoaS
(breaks 1-1 assumption).

I realize that many of the above assertions are not what some (most?)
deployments want to hear.   I'm not sure I like
them either.  I just want some clarity.

Looking forward to a SoaS mailing list,
Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SoaS] The Future of Sugar on a Stick (was [Sugar-Devel] The Future of Sugar on a Stick)

2009-09-14 Thread Bill Bogstad

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 2:04 PM, Luke Faraone wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 13:56, Walter Bender

 To Martin's point, how about the routine use of a filterable tag,
 [SoaS] , in the Subject to messages appropriately routed to either
 IAEP or Devel or both?

 I just created a Sugar on a Stick topic on Sugar-Devel's mailman, which
 matches the pattern [SoaS] in the subject of a message.

If we are going to go down this route (which I still believe is
inferior to having separate mailing lists) then you need to:

Modify this page to list all of the current sugar-devel topics (we are
now up to four):

as well as letting people know there and in the welcome to the list
email how they can modify their subscription options at:

so they only get messages on the topics that are relevant to them.

Upon rereading Walter's note, I guess you need this for IAEP as well.

While we are at it, can we get [GPA] topics as well, since we can't
have a GPA mailing list.

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] [SoaS] The Future of Sugar on a Stick

2009-09-14 Thread Bill Bogstad
2009/9/14 Philippe Clérié

 I made a similar suggestion a couple of weeks back.

 Thinking as someone who will probably be in it up to his neck, on the
 teaching side, what I would like to see is a polished distribution,
 installable on a hard disk, released once a year around April-May. That will

So you probably disagreed with my statement that SoaS is not about
installing user files to a hard drive.  Or do you mean having the Base
OS on the drive, but the user files/activities directory on a stick?

Given the wide range of school schedules world wide, I'm not sure if
it is reasonable to try to synchronize release schedules with any
particular schedule.  I'm willing to be educated if there is in fact
some consistency.  I'm just not willing to support something like that
without more data.

It also seems like there is a desire among core Sugar developers to do
releases more often then this as well as a desire to synchronize with
Fedora's six month schedule.   On the other hand, It seems like what
you want is some hope that you will get some support (security
patches?) for longer then until the next six month release.  Given
that Fedora itself is only supported for 12-13 months after release
and SoaS resource constraints, I don't see any way to get more then
that.  It seems plausible though that Fedora security and other
patches could be made for available for SoaS releases as long as they
are available.

Until Sugar reaches 1.0, I don't think it makes much sense to expect
much in the way of support for older Sugar versions
unless the problems are particularly bad.   It would be better if a
'real' Sugar developer could respond to this.  I just do SoaS...

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Bill Bogstad's floppy disk boot (Soas)

2009-09-13 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Caroline Meeks wrote:
 I tested this on the GPA computer lab computers. It takes about 1 more
 minute (4.5 vs 3.5) to boot.  I think that it will take more then a minute
 on average to give all the students CDs, have them open the CD drawer, turn
 off the computer, turn it on again and collect all the CD at the end of
 class so that the next class boots into Windows.  My plan is the floppies
 can just live in the machines, not pushed in all the way.
 The current version 
 requires the user to press enter 1 minute into the process.
 Can we get a version that we just start the boot, then goto the rug for our lesson and
 4.5 minutes later the machines are booted?

As I already mentioned in my note to Art, it's easy to edit the
kexec-loader.conf file to set the delay to anything you
want by modifying the timeout off line in that file.  You can do
this yourself easily.

I was under the impression that the students 'owned' their sticks and
took them home from the GPA.  In that scenario, it makes no sense for
the machine to finish to attempt booting until the student arrives at
the classroom and can insert their personal stick.  If you are using
generic SoaS sticks, then you can modify the config file to boot
immediately as Art did.


You may find that this doesn't work on some machines.  On my test
machine, if you have a USB stick inserted when you power it up; it
won't boot at all (from anything).  The BIOS apparently gets confused
and just gives up.  WIthout changing the BIOS, there is no way to get
around this problem.  If you have a machine like this, you will have
to come back to the machine after the BIOS gets done anyway.  Having a
prompt made sense in that scenario and I made configured the image
that way since
I didn't think it would hurt in the use cases I was considering.
Change it, it's easy...

Good Luck,
Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Sugar on a Stick v2 Release Naming

2009-09-11 Thread Bill Bogstad
I've been watching this thread since it began and understand that from
a marketing perspective numbers are 'ugly'.
On the other hand, everyone seems to acknowledge that numbers make it
easier to track things from a development and
deployment support perspective.   Obviously, that works best if the
numbers are consistent.  Unfortunately the number usage has NOT been

Martin's original web page with proposed logos seems to indicate that
the SoaS Strawberrry release was release 1.   SoaS 1 is also what
shows up on the the 'ugly?' text oriented plymouth start up screen for
Strawberry as well.   On the other hand, the CD labels as well as the
ISO filenames for Strawberry and its test releases all referred to
themselves as SoaS2.  The current Blueberry? beta ISO calls itself
SoaS3 internally in the same places that Strawberry calls itself
SoaS2.  From a deployment support perspective, this is not a good

Unfortunately, I can't think of anyway to sink the numbers up again
that won't result in additional possibilities for confusion.  Are we
stuck  documenting the fact that the official release number and
plymouth displayed versions are always one less then the CD label and
ISO filename?

Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Bill Bogstad's floppy disk boot (Soas)

2009-09-11 Thread Bill Bogstad
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Art Hunkins wrote:
 With regard to Bill Bogstad's floppy boot disk project for SoaS: it works
 flawlessly for me. (I've tried it successfully on both an older Windows
 laptop and desktop - vintages: Pentium II/III.)

Thanks for the feedback!  I wasn't aware that Walter was going to
announce it this week so I quickly went and put
a README.html file at the location he published so people would have
some idea what to do with it.

 I've one suggestion for Bill: for use by children, I'd make everything as
 automatic as possible. Either delete the display where the user needs to
 make a choice (it's *way* technical and *I* didn't know what to do), or put
 a (10?) auto-timer on it so that it goes on through (the usual way) without
 user intervention.

It's easy to put a timeout in or even eliminate the delay entirely.
Because a floppy is easily writable (unlike a CD) you
can even do it yourself.  There is a text file called
kexec-loader.conf on the floppy.  You should be able to edit it with
text editor and change the line timeout off to have a number
instead.   It can be either 0 (boot immediately) or wait the specified
number of seconds.  If you look at the rest of the file you can get
some idea of what is going on.

 It's probably a good time for me to point out that I didn't write the
software.   I just found it and worked with the author to fix some
bugs/suggest features that made it work better for GPA.  You can find
more info about it at:  The image I supplied is based on
the authors most recent release 2.1.1.

Speaking of GPA (who originally requested it), the 'wait for user
input' is a good thing for their usage case.. They use a shared
computer lab and wanted to be able to have an instructor go around the
room inserting floppies and turning machines one before the students
get there.   (Booting from floppy is slow.)  My understanding is that
they plan to have students come in, insert their stick into an already
powered up machine, hit enter, and then go over what they plan to do
during that computer
lab with the instructor.  Other environments may want something
different.  Since floppies are writable changing timeouts and the menu
text is straightforward.

 For Windows people: I suggest creating the boot disk with RAWriteWin. It's
 simple, user-friendly and efficient.

Thanks for the info.  I was hoping there was something other then
rawrite.exe, but I hadn't researched it.

Take care,
Bill Bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)