Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article)

2007-07-17 Thread Timothy Sipples
Dean Kent writes:
[Re: SOI technology.]
It has not been shown that either of these provides any benefit in
performance, and has nothing at all to do with feature size.   It was
supposed to help with leakage, but Intel seems to be doing quite will
without these.

We're getting way, way far afield here, but there are a few points to tidy

Indeed Intel has not widely deployed SOI, though their primary objection is
cost and not value.  (Patent royalties?)  And Intel does concede they
see value in an SOI variant called FD-SOI.  Also, Wikipedia happens to
disagree with you re: the usefulness of SOI.  I realize Intel has its point
of view, but Intel  the semiconductor market.

Re: Copper, IBM invented it and now virtually all semiconductor companies,
including Intel, use it.

However, IBM is positioning the mainframe to compete
in some of the same markets that x86 competes.

Some, yes.  IBM also sells lots of X86 servers (and software and

An IBM rep would be happy to work with you to understand which server(s)
is(are) appropriate for your particular business.  And it'll have extremely
little to do with SPECint. :-)

As far as the largest semiconductor manufacturers in the world,
Intel is #1, with Samsung, TI, Toshiba and STmicro rounding out the
top 5.   IBM isn't listed in the top 10 list.   AMD was listed as
#7 as of Dec 2006, so the two leading x86 manufacturers are in the
top 10.   This, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with whether
any given product is a better performer than any other.

Big problems with that ranking you've got, though.  For one thing it
excludes foundries -- you know, the places where chips are actually made.
:-)  IBM is a substantial foundry for other companies on the list.  Also,
that list excludes royalties and RD services, areas where IBM happens to
make lots of money -- and which are the most relevant for purposes of this
discussion thread.

It was stated that IBM invests $1.2B annually on mainframe RD
(hardware, software and services).   Intel, on the other hand,
spends almost $6B on their semiconductor business alone.

Please do note that that advertised figure is *direct* investment.  If IBM
invents SOI or, more recently, airgap nano-assembly, that RD money is not
counted in the z bucket even though it has a huge beneficial impact.

And, no, Intel does not spend nearly $6B on its semiconductor business
alone.  That figure is the company's *total* corporate-wide RD budget --
and Intel expects that figure will dip to roughly $5.3B in 2007, by the
way.  Maybe the X86 market isn't so competitive this year. :-)  I'm sure
it's mostly semiconductors, since that's Intel's core business, but some
portion is not (e.g. compilers).  It also includes such things as wireless
chip, graphics chip, and flash memory RD, areas largely irrelevant to
business server development.  RD related to notebook computers, PDAs,
mobile phones, and other small devices has only partial relevance to
business servers, and mobile computing is really Intel's focus at the
moment.  Now, that's still a lot of RD money, but for comparison IBM's
annual corporate RD budget exceeds $6B.

Re: Fault tolerance, software plays no role?  Of course it does.  Could you
lash together two X86 or Itanium chips and have them execute in parallel?
Yes, you could.  But the software above it is the huge problem.  The IBM
mainframe design is unique in pushing RAS down deeper into the hardware and
in having the most mature, popular, business-oriented operating system and
middleware products riding shotgun.  Granted, I worry about software a lot,
but it really is extremely important.  The goal is to achieve a business
result (continuous business service, including planned events), remember.

I notice nobody ever mentioned multi-level cache memory structures in
massively SMP systems.  You know, something IBM mainframes have.  It's a
very difficult piece of engineering.  It also happens to be the most useful
system attribute for consolidation and virtualization.  And that's a huge
problem with the benchmarks you've listed.  SPECjbb is fine if you're
running a single Java 3-tier application.  What if you're running 50 of
them, in 3 different programming languages, with 100 batch jobs?  With
varying service classes?  How do you benchmark that, which is exactly the
real world use of these special systems -- data center in a box?  Tough
problem.  Never mind computing resources for DR, training, education,
testing, development, etc.

By the way, the reason that total MIPS shipment figures are relevant, at
least to some extent, is that mainframe MIPS are actually *used* and, as
close as anything in the world of computing, that translates into increased
business activity with the systems.  Nobody with a budget ever buys extra
MIPS just because: there's no purpose and no advantage.  In contrast, the
vast bulk of X86 MHz/GHz shipments (99+% I'd guess) simply wait faster,
because the vast majority of 

Re: IBM-MAIN Digest - 15 Jul 2007 to 16 Jul 2007 (#2007-197)

2007-07-17 Thread Timothy Sipples
Dave Barry, a great name, writes:
The Windows command prompt is the legacy of MS-DOS,
and so on.

In turn, the 80 column DOS command prompt is a legacy of punch cards.  The
80 column card format was established back in the 1920s.

One might also say that base 10 arithmetic is a legacy of ten fingers,
which originated either in the evolution of primates or in your favorite
creationism story. :-)

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Specializing in Software Architectures Related to System z
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan and IBM Asia-Pacific

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Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?

2007-07-17 Thread Bruce Hewson

I use a REXX process.

Via naming standards, it can find all CSI datasets on all on-line target, dlib, 
and SMP volumes. The CSI naming standards ensure that the CSI dataset 
names contains enough information to identify the GLOBAL and TARGET/DLIB 

Then I can go through all the zones, listing the DDDEFs.

End result is a single dataset containing one line per DDDEF entry in all 
and another dataset containing all the PATH type DDDEF entries.

Since I started by IEHLISTing all the VTOCs of my relevent volumes, I can 
check if the DDDEF dataset entry actually matches a valid dataset on disk, 
and I can also identify all datasets on target and dlib volumes which are not 
described by a DDDEF. 

Currently the REXX contains 985 lines, including comments. I wrote it last 
December, during the change freeze.

The interesting bit is where I call SMP dynamically to process each CSI that 
had previously extracted from the IEHLIST report.

(warning, very incomplete extract)

Say Processing zone zone_name ,  
from volume vtoclist.zonename_csi_data , 
in Global zone global_id 
ALLOC F(SMPCSI) DA( global_datasetname ) SHR REUS  
alloc_rc = rc  
If alloc_rc = 0 Then Do
  smpcntl.1 =   SET BDY( zone_name ) . 
  smpcntl.2 =   LIST DDDEF  .
  smpe_rc = rc 
  dddef_name   =   
  dddef_dsname =   
  dddef_volser =   
  dddef_unit   =   
  dddef_disp_i =   
  dddef_disp_f =   
  If smpe_rc = 0 Then Do   
Do smplist_cnt = 1 to smplist.0

The IEHLIST stuff is also built in the same exec:

Call Bjcl // SPACE=(TRK,(15,15),RLSE),
Call Bjcl // LRECL=121,BLKSIZE=27951,DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,   
Call Bjcl // UNIT=SYSDA,  
Call Bjcl // DSN= || vtoclist_dataset_name

Do cnt = 1 to volser_list_cnt   
  Call Bjcl // || volser_list.cnt ||DD  UNIT=3390,  
  Call Bjcl // DISP=OLD,  
  Call Bjcl // VOLUME=SER= || volser_list.cnt 

Call Bjcl //SYSINDD  *

Do cnt = 1 to volser_list_cnt   
  Call Bjcl  LISTVTOC   VOL=3390= || volser_list.cnt  

Call Bjcl /*  

Last time I ran this:

13.42.13 J0045972  FRIDAY,13 JUL 2007 
13.57.18 J0045972  ICH70001I SYDBHLAST ACCESS AT 13:42:36 ON 
FRIDAY, JULY 13, 2007  
13.57.21 J0045972  - --TIMINGS 
13.57.21 J0045972  -SYDBHDDF  DELETE  00 37 
13.58.14 J0045972  -SYDBHDDF  LISTVTOC00  
15484.03.00.87  49003   
14.43.58 J0045972  -SYDBHDDF  PROCESS100   510K   1.42.06  
45.74  2110K 
14.43.59 J0045972  -SYDBHDDF  SORT00 
14.43.59 J0045972  -SYDBHDDF  PROCESS200 
14.43.59 J0045972  -SYDBHDDF ENDED.  NAME-Validate SSMF DDDEFs TOTAL 
CPU TIME=  1.45  TO
14.43.59 J0045972  $HASP395 SYDBHDDF 

Re: File to PDF Product

2007-07-17 Thread Walter Marguccio
- Original Message 
From: Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The Devil is in the details. Some free software has better support
 than some chargeable software.
I really would like to agree with you, but unfortunately I can't.

I downloaded both XMITIP an TXT2PDF package, really nice tools which 
simplify things a lot. However, I had a problem trying different translation 
(code pages) with TXT2PDF and I asked directly the developer. No answer.
I posted my issue  twice to the Google XMITIP group. Likewise, no answer. 

There are surely good reasons for not answering (too busy, on holiday, I have 
no time now,
this is a no-problem, please dig further), but I came to the conclusion
that I can't make use of both tools in production (TXT2PDF and XMITIP work 

I doubt a ISV could afford not to answer to whatever issue coming from a 


Walter Marguccio
z/OS Systems Programmer
Munich - Germany

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Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?

2007-07-17 Thread Walter Marguccio
- Original Message 

 I want to check given dsname in SMP/E - is it defined as DDDEF or not ?
 For example I have SYS1.WEIRD.NAME and I want to check what DDDEF *if any* 
 describes the dataset.
 As far as I found two metods, both rather unwise:
 a) use SMP/E panels to review all the DDDEFs one by one. Time consuming.
 b) browse VSAM CSI files, search for string. 


other than what other mates have said (LIST command or REXX) you could also
issue the UNLOAD DDDEF command, which creates a flat file with all DDDEFs in the
specified zone.

There are a couple of  nice tools from Rob Scott's web page
named DDDEFCHK and DDDEFPTH which could also help to reach your goal.


Walter Marguccio
z/OS Systems Programmer
Munich - Germany

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Re: Track size and maximum single volume data set size

2007-07-17 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 7/12/2007 3:26:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
Ah err, well, we have an old Adabas application with 3380 emulation on  
2105. This will be moot after 11/30/07. ... Now the whole kit is going the  
way of outsourcing.

Outsourcing the whole kit does not make the problem go away.  A  previous 
post asked does anyone still do this emulation.  After 11/30/07  the answer 
still be yes.  Your data center can answer we don't but  your outsourcer 
will say yes, we do.
Bill  Fairchild
Plainfield, IL

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Re: Track size and maximum single volume data set size

2007-07-17 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 7/13/2007 7:24:13 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
I know shop in Poland which used 3380 drives. *Real* ones, manufactured  by 
I believe Hitachi Data Systems manufactured them and Comparex marketed them  
in Europe for HDS.
Bill  Fairchild
Plainfield, IL

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Re: Track size and maximum single volume data set size

2007-07-17 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 7/16/2007 11:11:00 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
U.S. Government budgets are quite often penny-wise and pound-foolish.  
Money won't be spent to upgrade to 3390-type geometry because competent  
people that can do that sort of work well simply won't work for the  
pittance that government service offers.
I have known some very competent people, and also some morons, who worked  
for the U.S. government.  The same statement is true for non-government  
workplaces I have inhabited.  Even if the government had no competent  people, 
contract out work all the time to firms with competent  people.  I upgrade my 
automobile geometry every few years by purchasing a  new one built by extremely 
competent auto engineers, but I have zero competence  in auto engineering and 
intend to keep it at the zero level.
Bill  Fairchild
Plainfield, IL

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Re: Track size and maximum single volume data set size

2007-07-17 Thread Bob Shannon
With modern DASD we emulate 3390s. I see little harm, nor little good, in 
emulating 3380s. In my previous job we still emulated a few 3380s due to some 
BDAM applications.

Bob Shannon
Rocket Software

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Re: Track size and maximum single volume data set size

2007-07-17 Thread R.S.

Rick Fochtman wrote:
Another key reason that many shops are still running 3380 emulation: 
U.S. Government budgets are quite often penny-wise and pound-foolish. 
Money won't be spent to upgrade to 3390-type geometry because competent 
people that can do that sort of work well simply won't work for the 
pittance that government service offers.

Money is not excuse. We talk about 17-years period. The same excuse can (or IMHO cannot) be aplied for lack of backups. 
BTW: Budget constarints caused lack of educated staff, so direct reason is still lack of skills. 

BTW2: I know company which paid $4500 per month for maintenance of poor DASD, 
while it was possible to buy second hand, but newer, more capacity, faster DASD 
with 1.5 y maintenance for $9000. Is it still budget issue ?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy 
XII Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego, 
nr rejestru przedsibiorców KRS 025237

NIP: 526-021-50-88
Wedug stanu na dzie 01.01.2007 r. kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA (w caoci 
opacony) wynosi 118.064.140 z. W zwizku z realizacj warunkowego 
podwyszenia kapitau zakadowego, na podstawie uchwa XVI WZ z dnia 21.05.2003 
r., kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA moe ulec podwyszeniu do kwoty 118.760.528 
z. Akcje w podwyszonym kapitale zakadowym bd w caoci opacone.

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Re: Track size and maximum single volume data set size

2007-07-17 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 7/12/2007 2:39:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
... do access methods have calculations built in for allowing  for the gaps?
Yes.  Modern physical DASD is made by Seagate, IBM, et al, they are  3.5 
inches in diameter, they are controlled as RAID, they are all FBA, and the  
reality is nothing at all like the CKD SLEDs described in IBM's control unit  
reference manuals.  Anciently, when a SLED was still a SLED, gaps served  two 
purposes:  (1) control data was written in them to let the control unit  know 
was coming next on the track (e.g.) and (2) timing, explained in  detail next.
The original reason for gaps was to waste time.  The control unit had  to ask 
the channel to fetch the next CCW command code byte from central  storage and 
give it to the control unit before the next count field, key field,  or data 
field rotated under the read/write mechanism.  Given the specific  rotation 
speed and recording density, you can calculate how many microseconds  wide was 
this window for fetching the next CCW.  At the speed of signals  through copper 
cables, sending many signals both ways, and the width of the  window allowed 
by the chosen gap size, IBM's answer was that the control unit  must be within 
400 feet of the CPU or there would be I/O errors due to the  control unit's 
not getting the next CCW in time.  The gap is there to waste  enough time in 
rotation so the control unit has a good chance of getting the  next CCW before 
the piece of data upon which that next CCW command needs to act  arrives and 
then moves past the read/write mechanism.
Another source of conflict for CCW signal propagation was competing for  
central storage.  Some early S/360 processors had inboard channels, which  
that when the channel needed to access a particular byte of central  storage 
(e.g., for fetching a CCW) it had to compete with active jobs for enough  CPU 
cycles to do the storage access.  The use of inboard channels also  
wasting more rotation time with gaps.  Later CPU models had  outboard 
channels, meaning channels which did their own microcode processing and  did 
not need 
to steal CPU cycles from running jobs.  Channels today have  entire CPUs 
running them due to the increased complexity of channel microcode  and the high 
data transfer rates that must be maintained.
Software access methods still assume the physical DASD is CKD, they build  
CCWs that act as if there were gaps and CKD on the tracks, the control units  
decode all these legacy CCW commands, they convert them into disk actions that  
reflect the reality of the physical FBA disks, the entire track is probably in 
 high-speed control unit cache so there is no need at all for gaps, and 
finally  they convert the I/O request's ending status back into virtual CKD 
information for more legacy IOS code to use in handling any possible  error.  
There is a LOT of code still supporting the CKD structure and CKD  gaps that 
have not existed for perhaps 15 years now.
Bill  Fairchild
Plainfield, IL

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Re: Track size and maximum single volume data set size

2007-07-17 Thread Shane
On Tue, 2007-07-17 at 07:25 -0400, Bill wrote:
 IBM's answer was that the control unit  must be within 
 400 feet of the CPU or there would be I/O errors due to the  control unit's 
 not getting the next CCW in time.

And the Blue equipment tended to be at the slack end of the timing
window. And the O/S software was written accordingly.
I well remember an outage of more than a day after a microcode update to
a PCM (not Amdahls, who I was with at the time) DASD controller.
Nothing would IPL.
The story I heard was they were at the sharp end of the timing window.
Eventually had to put sufficient delay in the line so the (host) code
could keep up.

 Software access methods still assume the physical DASD is CKD, they build  
 CCWs that act as if there were gaps and CKD on the tracks, the control units  
 decode all these legacy CCW commands, they convert them into disk actions 
 reflect the reality of the physical FBA disks, the entire track is probably 
  high-speed control unit cache so there is no need at all for gaps, and 
 finally  they convert the I/O request's ending status back into virtual CKD 
 information for more legacy IOS code to use in handling any possible  error.  
 There is a LOT of code still supporting the CKD structure and CKD  gaps that 
 have not existed for perhaps 15 years now.

Which takes us back to the thread of a day or two ago - why don't we
have native FBA support ???. Even if only for OE ... er, OMVS, ... er
(non-USS) USS, er *nix-ish filesystems (initially).

Shane ...

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Re: Migrating JES2 MOD from z/OS 1.4 to z/OS 107

2007-07-17 Thread David Andrews
On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 15:55 -0600, Terry Levanger wrote:
 My questions all relate to the new JES2 design. Is there a module that
 GETS records one by one from the internal readers? If there is, is that
 soon enough to put in these changes, or is the job stream audited now in
 the PUT routine, which would create errors before the delete took place?

Once upon a time (very many JES2 releases ago) I crocked up a front-end
to HASPAMI that gets control every time a PUT is done against an
internal reader ACB.  We used it successfully to screen JCL and instream
data, same as you do.

*If* HASPAMI still exists as a module in HASPSSSM (I'm not at your OS
level or I'd look) there's a chance that the technique will still work.
YMMV and all that.  Contact me privately and I'll send you (old, moldy,
crusty, dubious) code.

David Andrews
A. Duda and Sons, Inc.

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Re: OT You tubes mainframe video

2007-07-17 Thread Bill Wilkie
Great video ed, now if they can get a similar forum for managers and educate 
them, it may make a difference.


Reply-To: IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
Subject: OT You tubes mainframe video
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 23:55:00 -0500

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Re: World Community Grid

2007-07-17 Thread Mark Zelden
On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 23:48:06 -0500, Blaicher, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I recently found out about grid computing, and more specifically about which is a grid computing site hosted by IBM
that coordinates health related computing.

If you have a home PC that is up most of the time, but not doing all
that much like a print server, you may want to consider joining the more
than 160,000 other people that are part of this.

Please go to the hosting site and read about what they are doing and
what it means.  The only thing you will be giving up are unused cycles
that would otherwise be spent in the idle loop of windows.

If you look in to this and do join, there is no cost by the way, please
select IBM-Main as the team you would like to join.

Thanks for your time.

Chris Blaicher

I've been doing this with [EMAIL PROTECTED] since around 1999.  The newer 
is BOINC based, which lets you split your time between multiple projects. 

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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2007-07-17 Thread Denis Metivier
Please help,

I am trying to vary on a 3490 tape doing
cf chp(52),on
v path(1501,52),online  That gives me PATH (1501,52) ONLINE
v 1501,online   That gives me IEE025I UNIT 1501 HAS NO 
 And I can find in the log:

Reading the Device Characteristics gives:
/DS QT,1501,RDC
   Display  Filter  View  Print  Options  Help
 SDSF SYSLOG116.130 CPAC CPAC 07/17/2007 0W  334369  COMMAND ISSUED
  IEE459I 14.16.38 DEVSERV QTAPE 261
  1501 3490   OFFLINE 34903490 XXCL-0 XXCL-0
  349052349052 02408080  

I also dumped the UCB after each step:
   Display  Filter  View  Print  Options  Help
  IEE459I 08.34.46 DEVSERV QTAPE 183
UCB AT V00F48298
  0008FF001501 06E4C3C2 7804808104F48270 
  8000 80F482C8 8100024A 
  00050040 00010011 289800128080 5200
  0F00FA00200E0008 0219C150 00FD77AC 00F481F83800
   (07) - DEVICE I/O ERROR

   Display  Filter  View  Print  Options  Help
  IEE459I 08.35.28 DEVSERV QTAPE 388
  1501 3490   OFFLINE 34903490 XXCL-0 XXCL-0
UCB AT V00F48298
  0008FF001501 04E4C3C2 7804808104F48270 
  8000 80F482C8 8100024A 
  00050040 00010011 2898001280008080 5200
  0F00FA00200E0008 0219C150 00FD77AC 00F481F83800

   Display  Filter  View  Print  Options  Help
  IEE459I 08.35.58 DEVSERV QTAPE 511
  1501 3490   OFFLINE 34903490 XXCL-0 XXCL-0
UCB AT V00F48298
  0008FF001501 04E4C3C2 7804808104F48270 
  8000 80F482C8 8100024F 
  00050040 00010011 2898001280008080 5200
  0F00FA00200E0008 0219C150 00FD77AC 00F481F83800

Anybody some idea.

Thanks, Denis

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Re: OT You tubes mainframe video

2007-07-17 Thread Staller, Allan
PHB's are notoriously difficult to educate

Great video ed, now if they can get a similar forum for managers and
them, it may make a difference.

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2007-07-17 Thread Staller, Allan
Seems like there is no physical connection, or an interface is disabled.

I am trying to vary on a 3490 tape doing
cf chp(52),on
v path(1501,52),online  That gives me PATH (1501,52) ONLINE
v 1501,online   That gives me IEE025I UNIT 1501 HAS NO 
 And I can find in the log:

Remainder snipped...

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Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?

2007-07-17 Thread Gary Green
MXI was acquired by RocketSoft some time ago and, I believe, is no longer a 
free download...

 On Tue Jul 17  1:00 , Walter Marguccio [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:

- Original Message 

 I want to check given dsname in SMP/E - is it defined as DDDEF or not ?
 For example I have SYS1.WEIRD.NAME and I want to check what DDDEF *if any* 
 describes the dataset.
 As far as I found two metods, both rather unwise:
 a) use SMP/E panels to review all the DDDEFs one by one. Time consuming.
 b) browse VSAM CSI files, search for string. 


other than what other mates have said (LIST command or REXX) you could also
issue the UNLOAD DDDEF command, which creates a flat file with all DDDEFs in 
specified zone.

There are a couple of  nice tools from Rob Scott's web page
named DDDEFCHK and DDDEFPTH which could also help to reach your goal.


Walter Marguccio
z/OS Systems Programmer
Munich - Germany

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Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?

2007-07-17 Thread Rob Scott
MXI was indeed acquired by Rocket Software and there is now a licensed version 
(MXI Generation II) that has *many* enhancements as well as support for the 
latest versions of z/OS, DB2 and MQ. We are also just putting the CICS plug-in 
for MXI G2 into beta test and there is also a TCP/IP plug-in in development as 

The freeware version (MXI 4.3) is still available for download - BUT - it has 
been frozen.

What I mean by frozen is that there will be no future enhancements to MXI 4.3 
and over time I expect some commands to either stop functioning or start 

If you are running z/OS 1.6 or above and use MXI a lot - you should seriously 
consider upgrading to MXI G2.

All the other utilities on the website continue to be available 
for download.

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary 
Sent: 17 July 2007 14:26
Subject: Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?

MXI was acquired by RocketSoft some time ago and, I believe, is no longer a 
free download...

 On Tue Jul 17  1:00 , Walter Marguccio [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:

- Original Message 

 I want to check given dsname in SMP/E - is it defined as DDDEF or not ?
 For example I have SYS1.WEIRD.NAME and I want to check what DDDEF *if any* 
 describes the dataset.
 As far as I found two metods, both rather unwise:
 a) use SMP/E panels to review all the DDDEFs one by one. Time consuming.
 b) browse VSAM CSI files, search for string.


other than what other mates have said (LIST command or REXX) you could
also issue the UNLOAD DDDEF command, which creates a flat file with all
DDDEFs in the specified zone.

There are a couple of  nice tools from Rob Scott's web page named DDDEFCHK and DDDEFPTH which could also help to 
reach your goal.


Walter Marguccio
z/OS Systems Programmer
Munich - Germany

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2007-07-17 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 7/17/2007 8:09:13 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Seems  like there is no physical connection, or an interface is  disabled.

DS QT,1500,16,validate
Used to have an A22 and every now and then one of the controller's power  
supplies would fail. No errors or anything just adios. So first thing is check  
the green lights on the back of the unit. If they're ESCON check the 
connections  on the front.
Call for service.

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2007-07-17 Thread Tergerson, John
We had the same symptom a couple of weeks.  The hardware CE swapped tape
units and swore he had no problem because two separate drives had the
same problem that didn't go away when he swapped in a working drives
that would then fail.  He finally found that both drives had bad channel
interface switches. 

Ed is right.  Call service.

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-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ed Finnell
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: Unit 1501 HAS NO PHYSICAL PATHS

In a message dated 7/17/2007 8:09:13 A.M. Central Daylight Time,

Seems  like there is no physical connection, or an interface is

DS QT,1500,16,validate
Used to have an A22 and every now and then one of the controller's power
supplies would fail. No errors or anything just adios. So first thing is
check the green lights on the back of the unit. If they're ESCON check
the connections  on the front.
Call for service.

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AOL at

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email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search
the archives at

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Réf. : Re: Unit 1501 HAS NO PHYSICAL PATHS

2007-07-17 Thread Denis Metivier
The controller and connection are OK as the Read Device Characteristics 
completes without error.

Envoyé par : IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
17/07/2007 16:04
Veuillez répondre à IBM Mainframe Discussion List

cc : 
Objet : Re: Unit 1501 HAS NO PHYSICAL PATHS

In a message dated 7/17/2007 8:09:13 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 

Seems  like there is no physical connection, or an interface is  disabled.

DS QT,1500,16,validate
Used to have an A22 and every now and then one of the controller's power 
supplies would fail. No errors or anything just adios. So first thing is 
the green lights on the back of the unit. If they're ESCON check the 
connections  on the front.
Call for service.

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL 

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Re: Legacy matters

2007-07-17 Thread Howard Brazee
On 16 Jul 2007 15:54:40 -0700, in you wrote:

Isn't it funny that these archaic items are considered building blocks
of modern systems, while the mainframe--30 years ahead in
virtualization; 25 years ahead in instrumentation; light years ahead in
multiprocessing, etc.--are given up for dead?  Legacy as the word is
now applied is just a meaningless buzzword which long ago passed into
parlance as a technical term.  It is the legacy of old anti-IBM
marketing campaigns. 

I don't know how much people think they are dead, as they aren't what
they think about.   Mainframes are the cargo ships and trains of today
when everybody drives cars and trucks.   But trains and ships are far
from dead, we just don't notice them as much.

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Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?

2007-07-17 Thread Gary Green
Thanks for the correction and update.

 On Tue Jul 17  9:49 , Rob Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:

MXI was indeed acquired by Rocket Software and there is now a licensed version 
(MXI Generation II) that has *many* enhancements as well as support for the 
latest versions of z/OS, DB2 and MQ. We are also just putting the CICS plug-in 
for MXI G2 into beta test and there is also a TCP/IP plug-in in development as 

The freeware version (MXI 4.3) is still available for download - BUT - it has 
been frozen.

What I mean by frozen is that there will be no future enhancements to MXI 
4.3 and over time I expect some commands to either stop functioning or start 

If you are running z/OS 1.6 or above and use MXI a lot - you should seriously 
consider upgrading to MXI G2.

All the other utilities on the website continue to be available 
for download.

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [EMAIL PROTECTED]','','','')[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary Green
Sent: 17 July 2007 14:26
Subject: Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?

MXI was acquired by RocketSoft some time ago and, I believe, is no longer a 
free download...

 On Tue Jul 17  1:00 , Walter Marguccio [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:

- Original Message 

 I want to check given dsname in SMP/E - is it defined as DDDEF or not ?
 For example I have SYS1.WEIRD.NAME and I want to check what DDDEF *if any* 
 describes the dataset.
 As far as I found two metods, both rather unwise:
 a) use SMP/E panels to review all the DDDEFs one by one. Time consuming.
 b) browse VSAM CSI files, search for string.


other than what other mates have said (LIST command or REXX) you could
also issue the UNLOAD DDDEF command, which creates a flat file with all
DDDEFs in the specified zone.

There are a couple of  nice tools from Rob Scott's web page named DDDEFCHK and DDDEFPTH which could also help to 
reach your goal.


Walter Marguccio
z/OS Systems Programmer
Munich - Germany

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Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article)

2007-07-17 Thread Howard Brazee
On 16 Jul 2007 19:27:37 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dean Kent) wrote:

Lest you misunderstand me - I am not trying to say that Intel is 'better'
than IBM, nor the other way around.   I am not trying to say that x86
processors are 'better' than z9.  Each has its strengths, and weaknesses.
There is no 'one processor to rule them all'.   However, IBM is positioning
the mainframe to compete in some of the same markets that x86 competes.
This means that customers will expect a direct comparison on performance -
and rightly so.

IBM is not positioning the mainframe to compete with a computer chip.
Apples and bird seed. 

Customers of computer chips are computer manufacturers.   

IBM is positioning the mainframe to compete with server farms.   That
is something very different.   And the x86 speed of a PC is not what
customers care about when looking at alternatives for these business

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MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Mark Zelden
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:49:27 -0400, Rob Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What I mean by frozen is that there will be no future enhancements to MXI
4.3 and over time I expect some commands to either stop functioning or start

Too bad.  I though you had planned to at least fix things that broke even
though you would not add any new functionality.   And since it was never
source code CBT based, I guess the mainframe community is SOL because I'm 
sure you (nor Rocket) don't have any intention of ever releasing the source
code to the freeware version (although PDS continues to have a freeware 
version and there is also a successful commercial version as well).  

I understand you need to make a living, but it is an unfortunate loss to the 
rest of us.  I will probably get rid of it or un-APF authorize it and only use 
unauthorized functions moving forward if I keep it.  

Nothing against you Rob (really), but perhaps the keepers of the CBT 
collection (now Sam Golob and Sam Knutson) should not allow load code
only contributions for just this reason.   It sort of takes away from the 
spirit of freeware and what the CBT is all about (IMO).  

Long live ShowMVS!  :-)

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: Réf. : Re: Unit 1501 HAS NO PHYSICAL PATHS

2007-07-17 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 7/17/2007 9:16:12 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

The  controller and connection are OK as the Read Device Characteristics  
completes without error.

In a multipath environment that's what's supposed to happen. Still w/o the  
DEVSERV inquiry can't tell if all the paths are online or are available. If  
everything were OK we wouldn't be having this discussion!
Long ago and far away would vary device, Paths, CHP offline and then  reverse 
the order to clear the UCB status(or ZAP it with OMEGAMON). Haven't had  to 
do that since 3480's went away.

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Rob Scott

I did not say that MXI 4.3 users would be stranded if something breaks - it is 
just that I *really* do not have the resources and time to guarantee to fix any 
problems that may occur. In the old days I was a sysprog and would come home 
at 6pm and worked on MXI in the evening - these days my working day starts at 
about 9am and finishes about midnight.

MXI 4.3 has always been available primarily on my own web-site (and now on 
Rocket's) - the fact that it is on the CBT site is because I was asked if I 
would like to contibute to it.

Freeware is software that is free - I do not see an implication of supplied 

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark 
Sent: 17 July 2007 15:30
Subject: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:49:27 -0400, Rob Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What I mean by frozen is that there will be no future enhancements to
4.3 and over time I expect some commands to either stop functioning or start 

Too bad.  I though you had planned to at least fix things that broke even
though you would not add any new functionality.   And since it was never
source code CBT based, I guess the mainframe community is SOL because I'm sure 
you (nor Rocket) don't have any intention of ever releasing the source code to 
the freeware version (although PDS continues to have a freeware version and 
there is also a successful commercial version as well).

I understand you need to make a living, but it is an unfortunate loss to the 
rest of us.  I will probably get rid of it or un-APF authorize it and only use 
unauthorized functions moving forward if I keep it.

Nothing against you Rob (really), but perhaps the keepers of the CBT collection 
(now Sam Golob and Sam Knutson) should not allow load code
only contributions for just this reason.   It sort of takes away from the
spirit of freeware and what the CBT is all about (IMO).

Long live ShowMVS!  :-)

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead Zurich North America / 
Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] z/OS and OS390 expert 
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at

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2007-07-17 Thread Vernooy, C.P. - SPLXM
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Please help,
 I am trying to vary on a 3490 tape doing
 cf chp(52),on
 v path(1501,52),online  That gives me PATH (1501,52) ONLINE
 v 1501,online   That gives me IEE025I UNIT 1501 HAS NO 
  And I can find in the log:
 Reading the Device Characteristics gives:

If the channels are Ficon, we had several similar situations, that were
only solved by configing the CHPID OFF, putting it into Service mode on
the HMC, out of service mode and online again.

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Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article)

2007-07-17 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 7/17/2007 9:29:45 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

IBM is  positioning the mainframe to compete with server farms.   That
is  something very different.   And the x86 speed of a PC is not  what
customers care about when looking at alternatives for these  business


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Re: [BULK] Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Jon Brock
Egad, that's a stressful life.  I don't think I could take that for very
long.  My sympathy to you.


. . . these days my working day starts at about 9am and finishes about

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Re: [BULK] Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Rob Scott
Such is life when you work for a US-based company and you work from home in the 

Gieb all that, my wife still thinks I enjoy my work too much!

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jon 
Sent: 17 July 2007 16:20
Subject: Re: [BULK] Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

Egad, that's a stressful life.  I don't think I could take that for very long.  
My sympathy to you.


. . . these days my working day starts at about 9am and finishes about 

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Re: [BULK] Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Jim McAlpine

You mean you've still go a wife :-)

Jim McAlpine

On 7/17/07, Rob Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Such is life when you work for a US-based company and you work from home
in the UK.

Gieb all that, my wife still thinks I enjoy my work too much!

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jon Brock
Sent: 17 July 2007 16:20
Subject: Re: [BULK] Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find
dsname ?)

Egad, that's a stressful life.  I don't think I could take that for very
long.  My sympathy to you.


. . . these days my working day starts at about 9am and finishes about

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to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the
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Re: [BULK] Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Rob Scott
Last time I looked...

Hold on - I am sure she is around here somewhere...




(Actually the *really* sad thing is that she is a geek too - and we work in the 
same home office - if we ever get divorced I think custody of the computer 
equipment might be more contentious than the kids)

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim 
Sent: 17 July 2007 16:36
Subject: Re: [BULK] Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

You mean you've still go a wife :-)

Jim McAlpine

On 7/17/07, Rob Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Such is life when you work for a US-based company and you work from
 home in the UK.

 Gieb all that, my wife still thinks I enjoy my work too much!

 Rob Scott
 Rocket Software, Inc
 275 Grove Street
 Newton, MA 02466

 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Jon Brock
 Sent: 17 July 2007 16:20
 Subject: Re: [BULK] Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find
 dsname ?)

 Egad, that's a stressful life.  I don't think I could take that for
 very long.  My sympathy to you.


 . . . these days my working day starts at about 9am and finishes about

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Rick Fochtman

I did not say that MXI 4.3 users would be stranded if something breaks - 
it is just that I *really* do not have the resources and time to 
guarantee to fix any problems that may occur. In the old days I was a 
sysprog and would come home at 6pm and worked on MXI in the evening - 
these days my working day starts at about 9am and finishes about 

MXI 4.3 has always been available primarily on my own web-site (and now 
on Rocket's) - the fact that it is on the CBT site is because I was 
asked if I would like to contibute to it.

Freeware is software that is free - I do not see an implication of 
supplied source.

Rob, I agree that the term FREEWARE doesn't mean FREE SOURCE. That is 
strictly the developer's call and I support that. But on the other side 
of that coin: free source can mean free enhancements from other 
developers, as well as bug fixes. So I think there are valid arguments 
on both sides of that coin. The example of PDS comes to mind; STARTOOL, 
the commercial version of PDS, has a number of very fine enhancements 
and so does the freebee. While the enhancements aren't identical, both 
products have their place. Points to ponder

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Mark Zelden
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 10:49:12 -0400, Rob Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I did not say that MXI 4.3 users would be stranded if something breaks -

Not in black and white, but you seemed to imply it by your statement:

 over time I expect some commands to either stop functioning or
 start abending.

If you had added and I will try to fix them as time permits, then I wouldn't
have felt the need to post a response.  I didn't go back and check the
archives or emails you may have sent out to the beta testers (which I
was one of), but I thought you had indicated something to that effect and
I thought this last post was a change in your position (perhaps due to
legal issues with your employment and purchase of MXI by Rocket).

It I took your original statement wrong, then I sincerely apologize and that is 
good news.

Freeware is software that is free - I do not see an implication of supplied

There is none and I never said there was.  It is just my opinion (which is 
why I wrote IMO) that it isn't in the spirit of the original CBT.  I think there
may be some other examples now as well, but most are just shortcuts
and the source code is on other files.  Some others may be collections where
no one has the source code.  

Either way, please don't take this personally.  I very much appreciate the
availability and usage of the freeware MXI over the years.   It's just a shame
that there is no source code for someone else to maintain since you don't
have the time.


Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Rob Scott

I have been bitten by giving out source code for free - and it left a very 
sour taste.

A few years ago I happened to get hold of a few copies of MVS Update and lo 
and behold some person had ripped off most of the programs from my website, 
changed the labels/names and submitted then as their own work - earning 
him/herself a nice little payout - so belated thanks to System Programmer UK 
for that one.

When I contacted Xephon about this to complain - they had lost the records etc 

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick 
Sent: 17 July 2007 16:29
Subject: Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

I did not say that MXI 4.3 users would be stranded if something breaks - it is 
just that I *really* do not have the resources and time to guarantee to fix any 
problems that may occur. In the old days I was a sysprog and would come home 
at 6pm and worked on MXI in the evening - these days my working day starts at 
about 9am and finishes about midnight.

MXI 4.3 has always been available primarily on my own web-site (and now on 
Rocket's) - the fact that it is on the CBT site is because I was asked if I 
would like to contibute to it.

Freeware is software that is free - I do not see an implication of supplied 
Rob, I agree that the term FREEWARE doesn't mean FREE SOURCE. That is strictly 
the developer's call and I support that. But on the other side of that coin: 
free source can mean free enhancements from other developers, as well as bug 
fixes. So I think there are valid arguments on both sides of that coin. The 
example of PDS comes to mind; STARTOOL, the commercial version of PDS, has a 
number of very fine enhancements and so does the freebee. While the 
enhancements aren't identical, both products have their place. Points to 

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Eric Bielefeld
I think fixing things on a as time permits is fine.  I really appreciate 
your work on it.

In my last job as a contractor, I found MXI to be an invaluable tool.  They 
didn't allow any shareware tools in a production environment, which I didn't 
like, but to use a tool such as MXI for just the sysprogs was fine.  I 
installed the 4.3 version.  Being a contractor, I found MXI the place I went 
to whenever I needed to find something out.  I could find it elsewhere in 
parmlib or whatever, but it was usually faster to find it in MXI.

Eric Bielefeld
Sr. z/OS Systems Programmer
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)


I did not say that MXI 4.3 users would be stranded if something breaks - 
it is just that I *really* do not have the resources and time to guarantee 
to fix any problems that may occur. In the old days I was a sysprog and 
would come home at 6pm and worked on MXI in the evening - these days my 
working day starts at about 9am and finishes about midnight.

MXI 4.3 has always been available primarily on my own web-site (and now on 
Rocket's) - the fact that it is on the CBT site is because I was asked if 
I would like to contibute to it.

Freeware is software that is free - I do not see an implication of 
supplied source.

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Binyamin Dissen
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 10:55:25 -0500 Mark Zelden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

:On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 10:49:12 -0400, Rob Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


:I did not say that MXI 4.3 users would be stranded if something breaks -

:Not in black and white, but you seemed to imply it by your statement:

I certainly hope that no one is running mission critical applications without

: over time I expect some commands to either stop functioning or
: start abending.

:If you had added and I will try to fix them as time permits, then I wouldn't
:have felt the need to post a response.  I didn't go back and check the
:archives or emails you may have sent out to the beta testers (which I
:was one of), but I thought you had indicated something to that effect and
:I thought this last post was a change in your position (perhaps due to
:legal issues with your employment and purchase of MXI by Rocket).

Quite likely.

I don't see why he should have any obligation, legal or moral, to enhance free

:It I took your original statement wrong, then I sincerely apologize and that 
:good news.

:Freeware is software that is free - I do not see an implication of supplied

Or support.

:There is none and I never said there was.  It is just my opinion (which is 
:why I wrote IMO) that it isn't in the spirit of the original CBT.  I think 
:may be some other examples now as well, but most are just shortcuts
:and the source code is on other files.  Some others may be collections where
:no one has the source code.  

Your feeling being that either provide source or do not give it out? Many
other download sites are available.

:Either way, please don't take this personally.  I very much appreciate the
:availability and usage of the freeware MXI over the years.   It's just a shame
:that there is no source code for someone else to maintain since you don't
:have the time.

And he quite likely has some money making uses for it. Nothing wrong with

Binyamin Dissen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Director, Dissen Software, Bar  Grill - Israel

Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
you should preauthorize the domain.

I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
especially those from irresponsible companies.

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Mark Zelden
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 12:00:20 -0400, Rob Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have been bitten by giving out source code for free - and it left a
very sour taste.

A few years ago I happened to get hold of a few copies of MVS Update and
lo and behold some person had ripped off most of the programs from my
website, changed the labels/names and submitted then as their own work -
earning him/herself a nice little payout - so belated thanks to System
Programmer UK for that one.

Worse... most people agree to let Xephon own the rights after they 
contribute (higher rate of pay).   So now they probably think they own
what was originally your code. 

I too have been bitten, but I guess that is part of the chance you take
when contributing.  Though it's apples and oranges - none of the code on
my web site and CBT is worth much more than the electrons it is written on.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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OT IBM Take Back Control with the Mainframe

2007-07-17 Thread Ed Gould

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Jon Brock
 Egad, that's a stressful life.  I don't think I could take 
 that for very long.  My sympathy to you.
 . . . these days my working day starts at about 9am and 
 finishes about midnight.

Heck, on school nights my day starts at 04:30 and ends around 23:00.
Then I do homework.  :-)


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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Rob Scott
Here is how I currently see it (and this is not the official Rocket position - 
just my own opinions) :

(1) If something critical breaks in MXI 4.3 that would leave loads of people 
stranded, I would do my best to fix ASAP.

(2) If something non-critical breaks then I would fix as time allows (think 
weeks not days...)

(3) If something breaks because of sizing issues - ie a large shop with n 
thousand SMS storage groups finds that MXI has truncated the results then it is 
unlikely to be fixed unless I am fixing (2) or (1) at the same time.

(4) New release of z/OS, DB2 or MQ causes empty display - see (3).

Support for new releases of z/OS, DB2, MQ and CICS is something that HAS to be 
an added advantage of converting to the commercial software.

Maybe the thing that people do not realise is that the real cost of me fixing 
a problem in freeware MXI for a site probably equates roughly to the monthly 
cost of MXI G2 at that site! Believe me, I am not looking down at everyone from 
my big pile of cash

I wrote MXI for my fellow sysprogs - but in reality it is the company that you 
work for that benefits.

If MXI is important to your company - why not install a supported version?

Rob Scott
Rocket Software, Inc
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark 
Sent: 17 July 2007 16:55
Subject: Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 10:49:12 -0400, Rob Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I did not say that MXI 4.3 users would be stranded if something breaks

Not in black and white, but you seemed to imply it by your statement:

 over time I expect some commands to either stop functioning or start

If you had added and I will try to fix them as time permits, then I wouldn't 
have felt the need to post a response.  I didn't go back and check the archives 
or emails you may have sent out to the beta testers (which I was one of), but I 
thought you had indicated something to that effect and I thought this last post 
was a change in your position (perhaps due to legal issues with your employment 
and purchase of MXI by Rocket).

It I took your original statement wrong, then I sincerely apologize and that is 
good news.

Freeware is software that is free - I do not see an implication of

There is none and I never said there was.  It is just my opinion (which is why 
I wrote IMO) that it isn't in the spirit of the original CBT.  I think there 
may be some other examples now as well, but most are just shortcuts
and the source code is on other files.  Some others may be collections where no 
one has the source code.

Either way, please don't take this personally.  I very much appreciate the
availability and usage of the freeware MXI over the years.   It's just a shame
that there is no source code for someone else to maintain since you don't have 
the time.


Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead Zurich North America / 
Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] z/OS and OS390 expert 
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: Track size and maximum single volume data set size

2007-07-17 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 7/17/2007 6:25:49 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
There is a LOT of code still supporting the CKD structure and CKD   gaps 
have not existed for perhaps 15 years now.
My bad.  I just remembered that there are still some data centers that  use 
control units that are more than 15 years old.  I should have written  ... 
that have not been incorporated into any new technology for perhaps 15  years 
now.  Somewhere, someone may still be running a S/360,  a 650, an ENIAC, a 
Tinkertoy computer, ... etc.
Bill  Fairchild
Plainfield, IL

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Mark Zelden
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 12:57:45 -0400, Rob Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here is how I currently see it (and this is not the official Rocket
position - just my own opinions) :

(1) If something critical breaks in MXI 4.3 that would leave loads of
people stranded, I would do my best to fix ASAP.

I would hope (as Binyamin said) that no one is so dependent on freeware
that they would be stranded.  


I wrote MXI for my fellow sysprogs 

Thanks for clarifying your intent.   Your fellow sysprogs appreciate it.  :-)


Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Howard Brazee
On 17 Jul 2007 09:00:49 -0700, in you wrote:

I have been bitten by giving out source code for free - and it left a very 
sour taste.

A few years ago I happened to get hold of a few copies of MVS Update and lo 
and behold some person had ripped off most of the programs from my website, 
changed the labels/names and submitted then as their own work - earning 
him/herself a nice little payout - so belated thanks to System Programmer UK 
for that one.

When I contacted Xephon about this to complain - they had lost the records etc 

People can steal anything.   If you had charged for it, they could
still have stolen it.

There are some things that we should include with all free code - in
the nature of specifying the rights of those who use it.   It won't
stop it from being stolen, but will make the nature of their theft
more obvious, and prosecution more likely.

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread McKown, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Howard Brazee
 Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 12:35 PM
 Subject: Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)
 On 17 Jul 2007 09:00:49 -0700, in you wrote:
 I have been bitten by giving out source code for free - 
 and it left a very sour taste.
 A few years ago I happened to get hold of a few copies of 
 MVS Update and lo and behold some person had ripped off 
 most of the programs from my website, changed the 
 labels/names and submitted then as their own work - earning 
 him/herself a nice little payout - so belated thanks to 
 System Programmer UK for that one.
 When I contacted Xephon about this to complain - they had 
 lost the records etc etc..
 People can steal anything.   If you had charged for it, they could
 still have stolen it.
 There are some things that we should include with all free code - in
 the nature of specifying the rights of those who use it.   It won't
 stop it from being stolen, but will make the nature of their theft
 more obvious, and prosecution more likely.

Very true. I don't know the copyright laws in the UK. Here in the USofA,
it would likely be best to register the program with the Copyright
Office. Then, if this occurs, you have the legal backing to sue. I don't
know if it would be worth while to sue an individual. But a company like
Xephon? You bet (assuming you have the money). They're making a profit
off of the sale. If they are truly innocent, then they had better be
able to supply the actual source of their copy. And, in any case, it
would not matter. They had not done due diligence to make sure that
the alleged author was actually the copyright owner. So their
publication of your code, in and of itself, would be a violation of your
copyright. And, with a good lawyer, they might want to pay you off just
to avoid embarrassment.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Thompson, Steve
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Howard Brazee
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

On 17 Jul 2007 09:00:49 -0700, in you wrote:

I have been bitten by giving out source code for free - and it left a
very sour taste.

A few years ago I happened to get hold of a few copies of MVS Update
and lo and behold some person had ripped off most of the programs from
my website, changed the labels/names and submitted then as their own
work - earning him/herself a nice little payout - so belated thanks to
System Programmer UK for that one.

When I contacted Xephon about this to complain - they had lost the
records etc etc..

People can steal anything.   If you had charged for it, they could
still have stolen it.

There are some things that we should include with all free code - in
the nature of specifying the rights of those who use it.   It won't
stop it from being stolen, but will make the nature of their theft more
obvious, and prosecution more likely.

KEY. Mm. OCO and Keys. H. 

Steve Thompson

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Dave Kopischke
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 11:18:45 -0500, Mark Zelden wrote:

I too have been bitten, but I guess that is part of the chance you take
when contributing.  Though it's apples and oranges - none of the code on
my web site and CBT is worth much more than the electrons it is written on.


I disagree. I use your code and other code from CBT and contribute things 
that I think are useful. These tools are very useful and probably worth money. 
The fact that they are available free does not diminish their value.

My sincere thanks to all who contribute.

On the other hand, if a company like Xephon is acquiring and publishing code 
reported to be obtained by less-than-honorable methods, it is obligated to 
investigate the complaint and take action to address it. Xephon relies on 
mainframe users for its existence. Customer pressure has amazing strength.

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Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article)

2007-07-17 Thread Dean Kent
- Original Message - 
From: Howard Brazee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives'

 IBM is not positioning the mainframe to compete with a computer chip.
 Apples and bird seed.

 Customers of computer chips are computer manufacturers.

 IBM is positioning the mainframe to compete with server farms.   That
 is something very different.   And the x86 speed of a PC is not what
 customers care about when looking at alternatives for these business

I agree with your first point, but not your second.  There *is* a reason
that SPEC (and other benchmarking organizations) exist.   These customers
want a common performance metric to identify the value they are getting for
the money they spend.   Yes, reliability, fault-tolerance, data integrity,
etc. are all factors too - but the mainframe does not have a lock on these
features, other platforms do as well, including those based on x86.

Maybe I can point out the dilemma better this way:

People here have asked how managers can justify migrating their
mission-critical applications off the mainframe and onto a 'PC'.   At the
same time, these people will say that there is no common metric to compare
the various platforms, that they are just different.   So, a manager who
must make a business/financial decision is given no tools with which to make
that decision - so is it any wonder that those decisions seem, well, random?

One would think that *if* the mainframe can compete head-to-head with these
other server systems that those in the business would *want* a common
metric.  They would *strive* to identify something that managers could use
to make better decisions. This should, you would think, include the vendor
who would benefit most by such information.   Continually claiming that
there is, and cannot be any comparison seems counter productive.   You are
*asking* these managers to go with the latest fad because they have nothing
else to use as a guideline.   If it can't compete, then perhaps it makes
sense to claim that no such metric can be identified.

As long as the workloads are completely different, then it makes sense.
They they overlap, however, you are asking for people to flip a coin to
choose unless you give them another tool to use.

As for the car analogy in performance, I would suggest the following:   I
can look at horsepower, top speed, acceleration, luggage capacity, towing
capacity, gas mileage and various other factors that are available for *all*
vehicles.   This allows me to make an intelligent, informed decision about
which particular vehicle is best for my needs, whether it be a sportscar, a
family vehicle, a farm vehicle or a large commercial vehicle.

Instead, Timothy Sipples suggests (and I paraphrase from his reply to me)
if you don't know, talk to your IBM rep - he'll tell you what you need.
Sure, he'll tell me I need a Sun system instead of an IBM system - right?
Or perhaps I should go talk to Sun or HP or Dell to find out what best suits
my needs.   If you care about the platform, you should care about the
problem... or so it seems to me.


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Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article)

2007-07-17 Thread Thompson, Steve
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Dean Kent
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives'

Instead, Timothy Sipples suggests (and I paraphrase from his reply to
if you don't know, talk to your IBM rep - he'll tell you what you
Sure, he'll tell me I need a Sun system instead of an IBM system -
Or perhaps I should go talk to Sun or HP or Dell to find out what best
my needs.   If you care about the platform, you should care about the
problem... or so it seems to me.


Or, like a former client of mine, they [IBM z/Series sales reps] will
sell them on Siebel, Regatta, etc. to the tune of a few US$, because the
Mainframe can't do GUI (I kid you not, not all IBM sales people have
been to the Mainframe Top Gun classes, and they revenue on their
specialty, not mainframes).

Caveat Emptor.

Steve Thompson

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Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article)

2007-07-17 Thread Thompson, Steve
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Thompson, Steve
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives'


Or, like a former client of mine, they [IBM z/Series sales reps] will
sell them on Siebel, Regatta, etc. to the tune of a few US$, because the
Mainframe can't do GUI (I kid you not, not all IBM sales people have
been to the Mainframe Top Gun classes, and they revenue on their
specialty, not mainframes).

Correction: [IBM z/Series sales reps] was supposed to be [IBM non
z/Series sales reps].

Sometimes spelling checkers just don't do what you need...

Steve Thompson

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Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article)

2007-07-17 Thread McKown, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thompson, Steve
 Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:26 PM
 Subject: Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the 
 mainframe thrives' article)
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Dean Kent
 Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:04 PM
 Subject: Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the 
 mainframe thrives'
 Instead, Timothy Sipples suggests (and I paraphrase from his reply to
 if you don't know, talk to your IBM rep - he'll tell you what you
 Sure, he'll tell me I need a Sun system instead of an IBM system -
 Or perhaps I should go talk to Sun or HP or Dell to find out what best
 my needs.   If you care about the platform, you should care about the
 problem... or so it seems to me.
 Or, like a former client of mine, they [IBM z/Series sales reps] will
 sell them on Siebel, Regatta, etc. to the tune of a few US$, 
 because the
 Mainframe can't do GUI (I kid you not, not all IBM sales people have
 been to the Mainframe Top Gun classes, and they revenue on their
 specialty, not mainframes).
 Caveat Emptor.
 Steve Thompson

Gee, the mainframe can't do GUI. I guess that I'd better get rid of this
Java application which is GUI based and runs on the z/OS system. Granted
the terminal is a X server on my desktop. But what does that matter?
The 3270 green screens did a lot of their processing off mainframe
as well. And if I needed it, I could get a very cheap system which can
run Linux and act as an X server. In fact, I know of a box called the
Koolu which is only USD 199.00 for the box with Ubuntu Linux (256 Mib
RAM, VGA up to 1920x440, 4 USB ports, 16 bit audio). Just add a
keyboard, mouse, and monitor. That's even cheaper than the old style
3270 green screen.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: What happened to Phil Payne's page?

2007-07-17 Thread Kirk Talman
Somehow I didn't picture Phil as a blond in a black dress.

IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU wrote on 07/12/2007 
06:42:30 PM:

 On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 16:03:14 -0500, Kelman, Tom wrote:
 I'm still getting the Apache splash page.
 I just checked and got his new web page. I kinda wondered if the IBM 
 he's so fond of finally tracked him down.
 When I checked my favorites links, I still have:
 That is not what I expected. It does reference Audi's though, so 
 maybe Phil is 
 involved in that one too ???

The information contained in this communication (including any
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Re: What happened to Phil Payne's page?

2007-07-17 Thread Pommier, Rex R.
 Considering that is actually registered to something
called Nextnet Tech in Woodside, NY (at least according to enom, the
registrar), I doubt if Phil is involved in it.  It looks like somebody
registered it hoping to turn around and sell it.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Kirk Talman
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: What happened to Phil Payne's page?

Somehow I didn't picture Phil as a blond in a black dress.

IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU wrote on 07/12/2007
06:42:30 PM:

 On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 16:03:14 -0500, Kelman, Tom wrote:
 I'm still getting the Apache splash page.
 I just checked and got his new web page. I kinda wondered if the IBM
 he's so fond of finally tracked him down.
 When I checked my favorites links, I still have:
 That is not what I expected. It does reference Audi's though, so maybe

 Phil is involved in that one too ???

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Re: What happened to Phil Payne's page?

2007-07-17 Thread Bob Rutledge is back among the living.


Pommier, Rex R. wrote:

 Considering that is actually registered to something
called Nextnet Tech in Woodside, NY (at least according to enom, the
registrar), I doubt if Phil is involved in it.  It looks like somebody
registered it hoping to turn around and sell it.

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Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 02:03:41 -0500, Bruce Hewson wrote:

I use a REXX process.

Via naming standards, it can find all CSI datasets on all on-line target, dlib,
and SMP volumes. The CSI naming standards ensure that the CSI dataset
names contains enough information to identify the GLOBAL and TARGET/DLIB

Then I can go through all the zones, listing the DDDEFs.

The interesting bit is where I call SMP dynamically to process each CSI that 
had previously extracted from the IEHLIST report.

ALLOC F(SMPCSI) DA( global_datasetname ) SHR REUS
  If smpe_rc = 0 Then Do

Does anyone here besides me perceive an aching need for a Rexx-friendly
flavor of the SMP/E API?  It could have been done with foresight,
as it was for ICSF.

-- gil

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Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?

2007-07-17 Thread Shane
On Tue, 2007-07-17 at 16:37 -0500, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

 Does anyone here besides me perceive an aching need for a Rexx-friendly
 flavor of the SMP/E API?

Maybe it was looked at and tossed in the too hard basket.
Using that particular API is seriously ugly.

Shane ...

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Re: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article

2007-07-17 Thread Tom Marchant
On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 13:51:42 -0700, Dean Kent wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Tom Marchant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article
  You are confusing MIPS and MHz.  MIPS may be meaningless, but MHz
  far less.
 No, I am not.

 That's funny.  I could have swown that you wrote, a 1.4GHz P4 ...
 SPECint_rate was 5.80  a 2.93GHz Intel Core Duo processor was 63.6.
 Obviously one cannot make a direct comparison between MIPS and SPEC

Yes.  I did.  I wrote SPECint_rate was 5.80 SPECint_rate was 63.6.
You are missing the forest for the trees.   The *performance* comparison is
the SPECint_rate score.  The MHz number was given as a reference in case
anyone wished to look it up.

So, no, I am not confusing MHz with performance.

I didn't say you were.  I said you were confusing MIPS with MHz.  Had you 
said, one cannot make a direct comparison between MHz and SPEC rate 
we'd have had no disagreement here, but you didn't say MHz, you said MIPS.

Tom Marchant

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Re: OT IBM Take Back Control with the Mainframe

2007-07-17 Thread Jim Harrison
Ed - You posted your previous YouTube URL Monday night at 23:55.Have 
you been logged on there for the last 12 hours?

Just kidding - I know how addictive it can be.

Ed Gould wrote on Tuesday at 12:18pm:


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UNIX File - PDS via ISPF LM Services?

2007-07-17 Thread Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Regularly, I copy UNIX files (usually NFS) to PDS members using
LMCOPY.  But this is necessarily indirect with a REPRO or IEBGENER
to an intermediate Legacy data set because when I try to LMINIT
my UNIX source file, I get:

'lminit dataid(FROMID) ddname(INPUT)enq(SHR)'
ISRZ002 Data sets not on direct access device are not supported by ISPF.

(Hmmm.  Doesn't ISPF know that UNIX regular files reside on direct
access devices -- character special files are different?)

Is there a better way?  All I can think of is EXECIO and LMPUT in
a loop -- likely to be more overhead than copying to an intermediate
file.  (And, IIRC, if the source data set is empty, the LMMADD
fails.  IBM doesn't believe in zero.)

Any suggestions?


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Catalog/alias question

2007-07-17 Thread Lucy Arnold

We just upgraded from ZOS 1.4 to ZOS 1.7.  We used Dino T-rex to sync the
1.7 and 1.4 catalogs.  We wound up loosing several alias' out of a small
test catalog.   Trex tech support can find nothing suspicious in any of my
jobs.  Did this happen to anyone else, or am I special?


Lucy Arnold
Storage Manager
U.C. Davis Medical Center

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Re: Catalog/alias question

2007-07-17 Thread Richards.Bob
You're special, of course! :-)

Does their process create a snapshot/backup/audit trail?

Bob Richards 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Lucy Arnold
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7:38 PM
Subject: Catalog/alias question


We just upgraded from ZOS 1.4 to ZOS 1.7.  We used Dino T-rex to sync
1.7 and 1.4 catalogs.  We wound up loosing several alias' out of a
test catalog.   Trex tech support can find nothing suspicious in any of
jobs.  Did this happen to anyone else, or am I special?


Lucy Arnold
Storage Manager
U.C. Davis Medical Center

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Re: Catalog/alias question

2007-07-17 Thread Lucy Arnold

No it doesn't have an audit trail that I know of.

Lucy Arnold
Storage Manager
U.C. Davis Medical Center

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Re: OT IBM Take Back Control with the Mainframe

2007-07-17 Thread Ed Gould

On Jul 17, 2007, at 5:35 PM, Jim Harrison wrote:

Ed - You posted your previous YouTube URL Monday night at 23:55. 
Have you been logged on there for the last 12 hours?

Just kidding - I know how addictive it can be.

Ed Gould wrote on Tuesday at 12:18pm:
That is difficult to answer as my computer is on 24 x 7 x #months .  
The only reason I reboot is to put on maintenance. Mac is almost as  
good as IBM for reliability.


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Re: What happened to Phil Payne's page?

2007-07-17 Thread Dave Kopischke
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 15:30:09 -0500, Pommier, Rex R. wrote:

 Considering that is actually registered to something
called Nextnet Tech in Woodside, NY (at least according to enom, the
registrar), I doubt if Phil is involved in it.  It looks like somebody
registered it hoping to turn around and sell it.

The .com URL was Phil's URL at some point. I wouldn't have bookmarked it and 
put it under IBM Stuff otherwise. I have a Blonde folder for this kind of 

I'm not sure when it changed, but I seem to recall Phil commenting about 
having to change it because of some silly new EU rule.

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Dan D

Dave Kopischke wrote:

On the other hand, if a company like Xephon is acquiring and
publishing code reported to be obtained by less-than-honorable
methods, it is obligated to investigate the complaint and take action
to address it. Xephon relies on mainframe users for its existence.
Customer pressure has amazing strength.

Although I prefer to have the source for tools that I run some are worth 
having anyway.  Thanks Rob.

I too was bitten by Xephon.  It took me what seems like forever to get an 
altered version of my STEPLIB command processor (file 452) off of their 
site.  The code was send in as anonymous which they should never have 
accepted in the first place.


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Re: OT IBM Take Back Control with the Mainframe

2007-07-17 Thread Bill Wilkie


That video should be shown in every college, High School and in every 
business. That is what is needed. It really drives the point home of the 
workload that can be run on a mainframe.


Reply-To: IBM Mainframe Discussion List IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU
Subject: OT IBM Take Back Control with the Mainframe
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 11:18:06 -0500

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Re: MXI 4.3 (was Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?)

2007-07-17 Thread Kenneth E Tomiak
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 14:31:09 -0400, Thompson, Steve 

People can steal anything.   If you had charged for it, they could
still have stolen it.

There are some things that we should include with all free code - in
the nature of specifying the rights of those who use it.   It won't
stop it from being stolen, but will make the nature of their theft more
obvious, and prosecution more likely.

KEY. Mm. OCO and Keys. H.

Steve Thompson

Adding anything to source will not make it obvious it was stolen, as whatever 
it is you added can be removed. Object Code only, keys, and other methods 
of preventing code from being run remove the free aspect. If anyone feels the 
need to go that route, maybe stop thinking it is free. Share with only those 
who ask you for it.

I recently wrote code that is going to be published in Xephon and had to sign 
a statement that it is entirely my own work. A dishonest person looking to 
steal someone elses' code will have no qualms about signing such a statement 
and pocketing the money.

Maybe Xephon needs to do some more thorough GOOGLE searching before 
paying the authors.

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Re: UNIX File - PDS via ISPF LM Services?

2007-07-17 Thread Kenneth E Tomiak
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 18:15:17 -0500, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Any suggestions?



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Re: SMP/E question - how to find dsname ?

2007-07-17 Thread Kenneth E Tomiak
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 16:37:17 -0500, Paul Gilmartin 

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 02:03:41 -0500, Bruce Hewson wrote:

Does anyone here besides me perceive an aching need for a Rexx-friendly
flavor of the SMP/E API?  It could have been done with foresight,
as it was for ICSF.

-- gil

You got my vote. But then I want a REXX API to the CICS CSD, too. Instead I 
end up making updates and looking at what changed until I can figure out the 
currrent record format for a given release. And why not a REXX API to those 
dynamic UCBs instead of assembler only code.

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Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article)

2007-07-17 Thread John S. Giltner, Jr.

Dean Kent wrote:
- Original Message - 
From: Howard Brazee [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives'

IBM is not positioning the mainframe to compete with a computer chip.
Apples and bird seed.

Customers of computer chips are computer manufacturers.

IBM is positioning the mainframe to compete with server farms.   That
is something very different.   And the x86 speed of a PC is not what
customers care about when looking at alternatives for these business

I agree with your first point, but not your second.  There *is* a reason
that SPEC (and other benchmarking organizations) exist.   These customers
want a common performance metric to identify the value they are getting for
the money they spend.   Yes, reliability, fault-tolerance, data integrity,
etc. are all factors too - but the mainframe does not have a lock on these
features, other platforms do as well, including those based on x86.

Maybe I can point out the dilemma better this way:

People here have asked how managers can justify migrating their
mission-critical applications off the mainframe and onto a 'PC'.   At the
same time, these people will say that there is no common metric to compare
the various platforms, that they are just different.   So, a manager who
must make a business/financial decision is given no tools with which to make
that decision - so is it any wonder that those decisions seem, well, random?

One would think that *if* the mainframe can compete head-to-head with these
other server systems that those in the business would *want* a common
metric.  They would *strive* to identify something that managers could use
to make better decisions. This should, you would think, include the vendor
who would benefit most by such information.   Continually claiming that
there is, and cannot be any comparison seems counter productive.   You are
*asking* these managers to go with the latest fad because they have nothing
else to use as a guideline.   If it can't compete, then perhaps it makes
sense to claim that no such metric can be identified.

As long as the workloads are completely different, then it makes sense.
They they overlap, however, you are asking for people to flip a coin to
choose unless you give them another tool to use.

As for the car analogy in performance, I would suggest the following:   I
can look at horsepower, top speed, acceleration, luggage capacity, towing
capacity, gas mileage and various other factors that are available for *all*
vehicles.   This allows me to make an intelligent, informed decision about
which particular vehicle is best for my needs, whether it be a sportscar, a
family vehicle, a farm vehicle or a large commercial vehicle.

Instead, Timothy Sipples suggests (and I paraphrase from his reply to me)
if you don't know, talk to your IBM rep - he'll tell you what you need.
Sure, he'll tell me I need a Sun system instead of an IBM system - right?
Or perhaps I should go talk to Sun or HP or Dell to find out what best suits
my needs.   If you care about the platform, you should care about the
problem... or so it seems to me.


Can the mainframe z900/z990/z9 compete head to head with Intel?
IMHO, yes.

Head to head.   You are talking about the same number of processors and 
same amount of RAM/Central Storage.

We have two z990, a 304 and 303.  A total of 7 (seven) CPU's and 20GB of 
total central stoage for the z/OS images.

Now in our enviroment we do NOT have a test mainframe, we do not have 
test LPAR's.  All production/test/development/QA/user accecptance 
testing are done with the same LPARs.  There is a system programmer sand 
box on the 303.

We are planning to migrate 80% of our workload off the mainframe on to 
Intel.  If the Intel processors were really faster/better than the z990 
CPU, then we sould be to get a single Intel box with 6 CPUs to replace 
our two mainframes.  Right?  Remember this is head to head.

Are we?  NOPE.  In the end to replace 80% of 7 z990 CPU's and 20GB of 
RAM the Intel side will have

Right now the plan is to ONLY have 96 total cores (some systems will 
have single core processors and some will have dual core) CPU's and 456 
GB of RAM.  This is a est. and they beleive that they may need to 
increase this by as much as 50%.

So the head to head comparsion is 7 CPU's and 20GB to 96 CPU's and 456 
GB of RAM.  Doesn't seem to head to head to me.

That is a about a 13:1 ratio on CPU's and 23:1 on RAM.  If Intel was 
faster then we should be able to do more work on less processors.

Please show me a site that has migrated off a modern day mainframe to 
Intel using the same number of CPU's and same amount of Central 
Storage/RAM as they had on the mainframe.  You know head to head.

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Re: Repro Mergecat of Volcats

2007-07-17 Thread Kenneth E Tomiak
On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 18:22:02 -0500, Om Prakash Thangavelu 

Hi All,

   We would like to split our SYS1.VOLCAT.VGENERAL into specific volcats
(SYS1.VOLCAT.Vx). Anyone out there has done it in the past. Please share
your comments or some sample jcl.

We are thinking of doing a Repro mergecat with volumeentries specified, to
merge from the VGENERAL into a newly defined/allocated specific volcat Vx.
Will this work ...

Thanks for any answers or comments.

Om Prakash

What is a VOLCAT? Your name for a user catalog? I would think yuo should 
stop trying to use catalogs by volume and use a high level qualifier a.k.a 
ALIAS. Then define your user catalogs to have some application meaning and 
not a volume name.

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Re: Repro Mergecat of Volcats

2007-07-17 Thread James Smith
SYS1.VOLCAT.VGENERAL is generally the default name for the TCDB tape
configuration dataset.  

A general VOLCAT contains all tape library entries and any tape volume
entries that do not point to a specific VOLCAT. Each system can have access
to only one general VOLCAT. You must define the general VOLCAT prior to
bringing the tape libraries online.

OM - check section 1.3.2 of the 'DFSMS Access Method Services for Catalogs'
manual for information on splitting / merging tape catalogs. 

James F. Smith

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Kenneth E Tomiak
Sent: 18 July 2007 10:25
Subject: Re: Repro Mergecat of Volcats

On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 18:22:02 -0500, Om Prakash Thangavelu 

Hi All,

   We would like to split our SYS1.VOLCAT.VGENERAL into specific volcats
(SYS1.VOLCAT.Vx). Anyone out there has done it in the past. Please share
your comments or some sample jcl.

We are thinking of doing a Repro mergecat with volumeentries specified, to
merge from the VGENERAL into a newly defined/allocated specific volcat Vx.
Will this work ...

Thanks for any answers or comments.

Om Prakash

What is a VOLCAT? Your name for a user catalog? I would think yuo should 
stop trying to use catalogs by volume and use a high level qualifier a.k.a 
ALIAS. Then define your user catalogs to have some application meaning and 
not a volume name.

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Re: How can I give the volume unit address and return the volume name from REXX

2007-07-17 Thread Bruce Hewson
This REXX can report on ONLINE devices. I have it set up to report on DASD 
volumes found where the argument is part of the volume name.

It also contains some unused code that I haven't removed.

Bruce Hewson

/*   */
/* TITLE = Scan UCBs */
/*   */
/* COPYRIGHT =   */
/*   */
/* AUTHOR= Bruce Hewson  */
/*   */
/*   */
/* FUNCTION  =   */
/*   */
/* NOTES =   */
/*   */
/* INPUT = Subset mask of required VolSer*/
/*   */
/* OUTPUT=   */
/*   */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* CHANGE HISTORY: Latest change at top. */
/*   */
/* Date NameDescription  */
/*  === 
/* 18/07/07 Bruce HewsonOriginal Version.*/
/*   */
 Trace 'o'
 Signal on Novalue/* Clean diagnostics   */
 Signal on Syntax /* for unexpected results. */
 Numeric Digits 16
 Parse Source opsys calltype execname .
 Parse Upper Arg search_arg .
/*- SCANUDBD - Scan UCBs and summarize NED entries  -*/

 Say 'Begin of dasd UCB scan'

 num_UCB = 0
 num_UCB_online_CU = 0
 num_UCB_offline_CU = 0
 num_UCB_online_total = 0
 num_UCB_offline_total = 0

 SSCB_print. = 
 SSCB_print.0 = 0

 ULUT_address = Ulut()
 ULUTE_address = Ulute()

 If  Storage(ULUT_address, 4) = ULUT Then Do
   ULUTDASD = C2d(Storage(X2x(ULUT_address, '1C'), 4))
   ULUTDSDI = C2d(Storage(X2x(ULUT_address, '34'), 2))
   dasd_ULUTE_addr = D2x(X2d(ULUTE_address) + (12 * (ULUTDSDI -1)))
   ULUTNXDC = C2d(Storage(X2x(dasd_ULUTE_addr, '2'), 2))
   Do While ULUTNXDC  0
 num_UCB = num_UCB + 1
 ULUTUCBP = C2x(Storage(X2x(dasd_ULUTE_addr, '08'), 4))
 ULUTDEVN = C2x(Storage(X2x(dasd_ULUTE_addr, '00'), 2))

 DASD_volser = Storage(X2x(ULUTUCBP, '1C'), 6)

 flag1  = C2x(Storage(X2x(ULUTUCBP, '17'), 1))
 If Bitand(X2c(flag1),'01'x) = '01'x Then Do
UCB_plus15= C2d(Storage(X2x(ULUTUCBP, '15'), 3)) - 1
hi_byte   = X2d(Left(ULUTUCBP,2) ³³ '00')
UCBEXTP_addr  = D2x(hi_byte + UCB_plus15)
 Else Do
UCBEXTP_addr  = C2x(Storage(X2x(ULUTUCBP, '15'), 3))
 UCBIEXT_addr = C2x(Storage(X2x(UCBEXTP_addr, '08'), 4))
 SSCB_addr= C2x(Storage(X2x(UCBIEXT_addr, '30'), 4))

 If SSCB_addr = '' Then Do
   TokenNED = Left('NED not found',32)
 Else Do
   TokenNED = Storage(X2x(SSCB_addr,'1C'),32)

 ix = SSCB_print.0
 If ix  0 Then Do
   If Strip(SSCB_print.ix)  Strip(SSCB_addr) ,
 SSCB_addr   Then Do
  /* Call Print_SSCB*/
 num_UCB_offline_CU = 0
 num_UCB_online_CU  = 0
 ix = ix + 1
 SSCB_print.ix = SSCB_addr
 SSCB_print.SSCB_addr = ix
 SSCB_print.0  = ix
 SSCB_print.NED.ix = TokenNED
   Else Do
 If Left(SSCB_print.DEV.ix,2)  Left(ULUTDEVN,2) Then Do
  /*   Call Print_SSCB  */
   num_UCB_offline_CU = 0
   num_UCB_online_CU  = 0
   ix = ix + 1
   SSCB_print.ix = SSCB_addr
   SSCB_print.SSCB_addr = ix
   SSCB_print.0  = ix
   SSCB_print.DEV.ix = ULUTDEVN
   SSCB_print.NED.ix = TokenNED

   If Pos(search_arg,DASD_volser)  0 Then Do
 Say Right(DASD_volser,8) ,

width of postings

2007-07-17 Thread Bruce Hewson
To Timothy, but not just Timothy :-)

I read the digest.

And I find that in one of your posts in the digest copy it has been reformatted.

Indeed Intel has not widely deployed SOI, though their primary objectio=
n is
cost and not value.  (Patent royalties?)  And Intel does concede th=

Now I am not sure if the line split and addition of the = sign has occurred 
my mail client, my mail exchange, or at the IBM-MAIN server.

Darren could possible confirm the IBM-MAIN list server bit.

The ARCHIVE copy of the post, via Browser interface, does not show the split 

Somewhere there is a line limit being breached, which does make it harder to 
read your posts in the digest.

I suppose you could call this post a little gripe. :-)

Bruce Hewson

ps: I post via the Browser interface, which as far as I can tell, must have the 
correct line width built in (I hope, especially after my previous REXX 

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Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article)

2007-07-17 Thread Tom Marchant
On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 19:21:28 -0700, Dean Kent wrote:

Tom Marchant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 13:53:39 -0700, Dean Kent wrote:
      Since Intel is
 already on 45nm process, I don't think you can call 90nm 'leading in

 Already?  when will they begin shipments?  They say 2H2007.  The z9 has
 been shipping since September, 2005.

As I said - you seem to be arguing just to argue.   Intel began shipping
90nm products in Feb. 2004, but that really isn't the point.  Process size
is not an indicator of performance, or feature set.

Personal attacks are unwarranted.
Process size is a limiting factor for performance.

 I guess you don't think much of SOI or copper either.

It has not been shown that either of these provides any benefit in

How can you say that?  Haven't you read the literature?  The fact is that
both of these do provide performance benefits.

and has nothing at all to do with feature size. 

Didn't you just say that process (feature) size is not an indicator of

It was
supposed to help with leakage, but Intel seems to be doing quite will
without these.

As Timothy pointed out, Intel is in fact using copper.  Has been for years.

Lest you misunderstand me - I am not trying to say that Intel is 'better'
than IBM, nor the other way around.

That's right, you didn't say better.  You said faster.  More precisely,
you said, The mainframe MPU *is* slower than other processor platforms.

   ...   However, IBM is positioning
the mainframe to compete in some of the same markets that x86 competes.

What do you mean by that?  Are you talking about Linux on z?  Or are you
talking about the larger servers that are being constructed from 86
processors in the hope of competing with mainframes?

Using the argument that IBM is a leader in technology, and therefore z9 must
be better than x86 is ludicrous, if that was your point.

I most certainly didn't say that, and I think you know it.  Red herrings are
not rational arguments.

I mentioned that I find it hard to believe that IBM would invest in
mainframe performance to the extent that x86 manufacturers would,
considering the difference in the competitivness of the markets.

IBM invests where the money is.  The mainframe business is a profitable one.

It was
stated that IBM invests $1.2B annually on mainframe RD (hardware, software
and services).   Intel, on the other hand, spends almost $6B on their
semiconductor business alone.   It should not be surprising that Intel is
also a leader in technology - even if their primary product is the lowly x86
based processors.

Yes, Intel is another leader in the semiconductor industry.  Not, IMO, in
computer architectures, though.  The iAPX 432 was a notable exception.

As for fault-tolerant systems,  Stratus and NEC offer them (and likely

Tandem was first with real fault tolerance as we know it today.

The I/O performance that was once the realm of the mainframe is now
available for other platforms as well. 

There's another assertion.  Have you any data to back it up?  What kind of
I/O bandwidth can these systems handle?  A z9 has from 16 to 64 STI busses,
each capable of transferring 2.7 Gbytes/second.  

So, while the mainframe still enjoys a relatively comfortable niche, I don't
think mainframers should be too smug about it.   x86 processors are not just
good for word processing, despite some comments to that effect.   Making
snide, derogatory remarks about x86 or other platforms is just as foolish as
PC people making derogatory comments about the mainframe.

It would be nice if people would post information that would further the
dialog rather than simply to defend a position.

Please do, if you have any data.  So far you have provided precious little.

   ...   I've been
working with mainframes since 1976, and x86 based systems since about 1992.
I'm certainly not a hardware engineer, and am no authority on all of the ins
and outs of the various strengths and weaknesses of each platform.

I don't know why you're telling us that.  As it happens I have you beat.  I
started programming on System/360 in 1970.  In 1986 I was writing x86
assembler code.  Starting in 1976 I was designing and building hardware for
a 6502 based system, as well as writing 6502 assembler code.  I've spent a
lot of time evaluating processor architectures.  Today, I work full time
developing z/Architecture system code.

   What I
do find a little tiresome are the assertions and derogations about various
platforms based upon 'common wisdom' rather than verifiable information.

So do I.  I'm still waiting for you to back up your assertions.

And, by the way, the SPECjbb that you keep mentioning is purely a CPU
benchmark.  It is designed to run without performing any I/O.  I don't think
there's anyone who buys a mainframe for its sheer processing power.

Tom Marchant

Re: PSI MIPS (was: Links to decent 'why the mainframe thrives' article)

2007-07-17 Thread Alan Altmark
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 22:21:23 -0400, John S. Giltner, Jr. 
Can the mainframe z900/z990/z9 compete head to head with Intel?
IMHO, yes.

Head to head.   You are talking about the same number of processors and
same amount of RAM/Central Storage.

I don't understand why the comparison is always technological.  Why not 
compare what the costs to acquire, provision, operate and maintain 
the system over, say, 4 years?

This is the TCO stuff, including staff, software license costs, electricity, 
space, etc.  Head to head where it counts: IT spending.

Do people *really* care that much about MHz or GB?  I figured folks were 
primarily interested in affordability.  Can you get the function you need, with 
the qualities of service you require, at a price you can afford?  Can your 
infrastructure absorb/accomodate growth?

If all you want is a web server, don't buy a mainframe.   If all you want is 5 
webservers, don't buy a mainframe.   If, on the other hand, you want 400 
webservers, buy a mainframe.   If all you want is 50 servers, buy a small 

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development

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Re: How can I give the volume unit address and return the volume name from REXX

2007-07-17 Thread Bruce Hewson
Hi guys,

update, the exec does work at z/OS 1.6 on our systems.

Just tried on z/OS 1.7 and getting an error.

I will debug and get back to you all with changes if required.

Bruce Hewson

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