Re: Advertising on IBM-MAIN (Was: IBM PR: PCI Security Compliance Workshop in...

2008-06-05 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 6/5/2008 7:01:18 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I am in favor of the free exchange of information. The vendors who  post
here learn, very quickly, what the majority deem acceptable. Even  in
Darren's absence, the list does occasionally police itself.  :-)

Darren's still the list owner he just works  for another company. So like 
others, instead of being a full time he gets it  when he can. Also, my being 
semi-retired I can't throw a rock around the  corner and get his attention.
Lsoft catches most SPAM but depends on well  tuned exits for maximum control. 
So without Darren's OoO and thread killer  stuff we suffer a higher S/N 
ratio. Like other states higher education is  suffering from economic shortfall 
extra resources are hard to come by.  UA's cut this year is 11%. It may be 
further compounded for the next few  years. 

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with 
Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.  

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Re: Advertising on IBM-MAIN (Was: IBM PR: PCI Security Compliance Workshop in Maryland)

2008-06-05 Thread Richards, Robert B.

I was about to reply to the points you made and realized we have a
fundamental disagreement about the nature and tone of Timothy's posts. I
have *never* thought that his posts contained "border line" material.
Not even close.

Like Jim and Peter (and dozens of others from IBM), I believe Timothy's
posts do add value. If he is guilty of marketing anything, it is ideas.
He makes me think about business apps, multi-platform architecture,
asset management and ways System z can play (in a big way) in these

Yes, there are other fora for pricing (LPAR=PRICING_L and ISVCOSTS to
name two), but that never stopped us from talking about pricing here
too. David Chase, like Marci before him *does* reply to pricing
questions here and several other listservs. So does Al Sherkow. The
number of subscribers here easily outnumbers those other listservs, so
the discussion gets wider circulation. In the old days, we could afford
to only talk bits and bytes here. No longer.  

> It sounds as if you're in favor of encouraging similar posts from all 
> mainframe vendors. Is that *really* the direction you would like to
> IBM-MAIN take? Be careful what you wish for. O:-)

I am in favor of the free exchange of information. The vendors who post
here learn, very quickly, what the majority deem acceptable. Even in
Darren's absence, the list does occasionally police itself. :-)

Timothy replied for himself in a post entitled "Re: Webcast next week:
Migrating to z/OS V1.9" so I'll follow the rest of the discussion from


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Re: Advertising on IBM-MAIN (Was: IBM PR: PCI Security Compliance Workshop in...

2008-06-04 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 6/4/2008 2:22:58 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
And speaking of advertising on IBM-MAIN, where did this come from in my  last 
post?  What odes AOL Food have to do with IBM mainframes?  I  didn't type it 
into my email.  It
**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with  
Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.  
( )

I just sent an email to myself and discovered the weird text in there,  too.  
It seems that my AOL is generating it.  It is not part of my  auto-signature. 
 How do I turn off this trash?  I apologize for all  the times I've 
inadvertently sent junk like that to IBM-MAIN.  Does the NSA  also inserted 
messages in all emails now?
Bill  Fairchild
Rocket Software

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with 
Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.  

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Re: Advertising on IBM-MAIN (Was: IBM PR: PCI Security Compliance Workshop in...

2008-06-04 Thread (IBM Mainframe Discussion List)
In a message dated 6/4/2008 1:10:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>know that I advertise occasionally for the MCMG group that I go to  in
Chicago.  I'm glad the Sam Knutson advertises for the group in DC  area, and
Mark Nelson advertises the New York Naspa chapter's group that is  meeting in
2 weeks.
And a score or more posters "advertise" and/or freely discuss each upcoming  
Which makes me wonder now why I haven't seen any discussion of the annual  
national CMG meetings.  A large % of their sessions revolve around IBM  
mainframe computers.  Just wondering...
Bill  Fairchild
Rocket Software

**Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with 
Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.  

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Re: Advertising on IBM-MAIN (Was: IBM PR: PCI Security Compliance Workshop in Maryland)

2008-06-04 Thread Edward Jaffe

Richards, Robert B. wrote:

I guess I am confused. *Most* of the time, we like it when IBMers post
what they know or think we should know. Is that now considered
advertising? :-(

Timothy is one of the few IBM Software Architects posting to this forum.
I, personally, have always found his posts to be informative, relevant
and generally *without* personal bias. When he does show bias, he
generally prefaces his comments. He is a major advocate for System z and
a frequent blogger to .

The "IBM" in "IBM-MAIN" does not imply any special relationship with, or 
preferential treatment of, list participants who happen to be IBM 
employees. It means simply that the discussion centers around topics 
relating to IBM Mainframes. And, since I started contributing to this 
list nearly 15 years ago, it has been primarily a technical discussion.

Of course, we all value the participation by IBM software developers and 
architects. Without them, a lot of questions about IBM software would go 
unanswered ... or answered incorrectly! Recent posts -- just this week 
-- from the esteemed Jim Mulder and Peter Relson have provided 
invaluable information. But, I have *never* heard either of those 
gentlemen quote prices or forward announcement material of any kind to 
the list.

About your question, "Does a software vendor, offering a "free" workshop
to discuss problems for which they provide priced "solutions" constitute
advertising?" Perhaps, but as you astutely pointed out, you would attend
some of them as follows" "it would be with eyes wide open. TANSTAAFL!

Marketing announcements and the like have their own channels -- and 
plenty of Internet bandwidth. If such postings were commonplace on this 
forum, I suspect there would be no eyebrows raised. But, such postings 
are fairly rare here -- which explains why Mr. Fogg was confused about 
the rationale for Mr. Sipples post. He appears to be a primary 
contributor of this kind of ... shall we say ... "border line" material.

It sounds as if you're in favor of encouraging similar posts from all 
mainframe vendors. Is that *really* the direction you would like to see 
IBM-MAIN take? Be careful what you wish for. O:-)

I'm not necessarily taking a position either way. So far, I'm just 
asking questions. I get plenty of "stuff" in my InBox and SPAM folders 
every day -- most of which I promptly delete. Obviously, I'll go along 
with whatever the group consensus is regarding vendor pricing and 
announcement material on IBM-MAIN. I can delete that fairly easily too.

I did ask about an IBM-MAIN "Charter" or "Canons of Conduct". Do such 
documents exist? Are there any guidelines you receive when you first 
subscribe to the list? I remember when Darren was active as list owner, 
even job postings had to be sanctioned. Are they still restricted? What 
are the rules??!

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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Re: Advertising on IBM-MAIN (Was: IBM PR: PCI Security Compliance Workshop in Maryland)

2008-06-04 Thread Rob Schramm
Quite honestly, there is nothing free about PCI.  Requirements for PCI 
compliance are not free.  Doesn't matter if you try to do it all yourself 
or have people come in to help.  There is a definite cost. 

As to the class, it is just about Communication Server aspects.  Seems 
like a good idea.  Especially, if you haven't had the time to delve into 
all the new stuff in Communication Server and you have PCI requirements.

It's not like they are selling you Communication Server.  It's 
already running.  Might as well be efficient with your company's money and 
turn on the things that are helpful instead of having some other 
unix/windows group suggest a solution that is 1) non-mainframe 2) going to 
cost $$$ in people and software.

I went to a 2 day free class on LDAP/Firewall stuff more than a few years 
ago.. I found it very helpful at the time.

Rob Schramm
Sirius Computer Solutions

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Re: Advertising on IBM-MAIN (Was: IBM PR: PCI Security Compliance Workshop in Maryland)

2008-06-04 Thread Eric Bielefeld


I'm not quite sure just what you're saying.  Personally, I like most of
Timothy Sipples' posts.  I'm aware that he is an IBM employee, which is
obvious from his Sig line and email address.  He does bring out a viewpoint
that is often contrary to what many IBM-Main posters have.  I don't always
agree with him, but most of what he says makes sense.

I know that I advertise occasionally for the MCMG group that I go to in
Chicago.  I'm glad the Sam Knutson advertises for the group in DC area, and
Mark Nelson advertises the New York Naspa chapter's group that is meeting in
2 weeks.  As a matter of fact, I am planning on going to the NY meeting.
I've noticed that of all the groups I've been to other than Share and the
IBM z/OS Expo, they consistently have the best speakers and topics.  And,
its also free.

I don't have a problem with people advertising things here - even products,
as long as its not done too often.  I think Steve Comstock used to advertise
too much, but after several complaints, I think he does it about right now. 
I don't recall you ever advertising your company, but I wouldn't mind.  I 
know there are a few people who are very vociferous about that, but I think 
the majority of posters welcome occasional advertisements, especially if it 
helps in answering a question on how to do something.

Eric Bielefeld
Sr. z/OS Systems Programmer
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

- Original Message - 
From: "Edward Jaffe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This isn't exactly a user group meeting that's being announced. And, 
consider the source...

I get invitations all the time, from IBM and other software and hardware 
vendors, to attend "free" workshops. Some are events held at local area 
hotels -- lunch included. An increasing number are in the form of 
webcasts. But, AFAICT there is only one person (of the 5,000+ subscribers) 
that posts such invitations on IBM-MAIN.

Does a software vendor, offering a "free" workshop to discuss problems for 
which they provide priced "solutions" constitute advertising? Regardless 
of what you call them, are such postings consistent with the overarching 
"spirit" of IBM-MAIN? What about these recent examples from the same 
poster -- some containing specific pricing information, FUD about 
competitors, etc?

Does IBM-MAIN have a written charter? Anything resembling Canons of 
Conduct? A policy statement of some kind?

Notwithstanding the comments above, I certainly don't mind being invited 
to these events. But, if and when I were to attend any of them, it would 
be with eyes wide open. TANSTAAFL! ;-)

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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Re: Advertising on IBM-MAIN (Was: IBM PR: PCI Security Compliance Workshop in Maryland)

2008-06-04 Thread Richards, Robert B.

I guess I am confused. *Most* of the time, we like it when IBMers post
what they know or think we should know. Is that now considered
advertising? :-(

Timothy is one of the few IBM Software Architects posting to this forum.
I, personally, have always found his posts to be informative, relevant
and generally *without* personal bias. When he does show bias, he
generally prefaces his comments. He is a major advocate for System z and
a frequent blogger to .

I saw no FUD in any of those posts you cited. Quite the contrary. I
appreciated knowing that a major new workload was coming to System z
(Cognos). While I prefer z/OS, any new workload for System z is good

Having him explain RDz should have enlightened a few MVS folks. I did
the very same thing at my last job to developers and MVS sysprogs alike.
My CICS guy was the one that brought it to my attention. Multiplatform
development is also good news for System z. 

I completely enjoyed his explanation of the new pricing announcements. I
spent the last 5 years doing software asset management part-time and
even I had a little trouble understanding *that* announcement.

About your question, "Does a software vendor, offering a "free" workshop
to discuss problems for which they provide priced "solutions" constitute
advertising?" Perhaps, but as you astutely pointed out, you would attend
some of them as follows" "it would be with eyes wide open. TANSTAAFL!

But there are times when you can get some *preliminary free education*
about something you know nothing about, BEFORE you spend money getting
good, targeted education.

> Regardless of what you call them, are such postings consistent with
the overarching "spirit" of IBM-MAIN?

I believe they are. I do not believe that Timothy is attempting to
hijack this forum for marketing purposes with his posts. 

Anyway, that's *my* opinion. :-)


Robert B. Richards(Bob)   
US Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street NW Room: BH04L   
Washington, D.C.  20415  
Phone: (202) 606-1195  

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Advertising on IBM-MAIN (Was: IBM PR: PCI Security Compliance Workshop in Maryland)

2008-06-04 Thread Edward Jaffe

George Fogg wrote:

I'm confused. Is this an advertisement on IBM-MAIN?
George Fogg 


Richards, Robert B. wrote:

I would say *NO*, it is not really an advertisement. It's more like a

Advertising generally expects some return on investment. Clearly stated,
"There is no tuition fee for this workshop" sets the expectation that
IBM is not doing this for educational revenue.

This isn't exactly a user group meeting that's being announced. And, 
consider the source...

I get invitations all the time, from IBM and other software and hardware 
vendors, to attend "free" workshops. Some are events held at local area 
hotels -- lunch included. An increasing number are in the form of 
webcasts. But, AFAICT there is only one person (of the 5,000+ 
subscribers) that posts such invitations on IBM-MAIN.

Does a software vendor, offering a "free" workshop to discuss problems 
for which they provide priced "solutions" constitute advertising? 
Regardless of what you call them, are such postings consistent with the 
overarching "spirit" of IBM-MAIN? What about these recent examples from 
the same poster -- some containing specific pricing information, FUD 
about competitors, etc?

Does IBM-MAIN have a written charter? Anything resembling Canons of 
Conduct? A policy statement of some kind?

Notwithstanding the comments above, I certainly don't mind being invited 
to these events. But, if and when I were to attend any of them, it would 
be with eyes wide open. TANSTAAFL! ;-)

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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