Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-08 Thread M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD



Dear Praveen ,Thank you for your inputs. My study
will continue  on the question  Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL?.and even I 
shall meet and seek inputs
from redhat people and get educated on the subject. I have  attended
several redhat presentations earlier at Bangalore. I have seen their
movie truth happens. For GPL also truth happens.First they ignore you, then 
they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. It has become
complex issue ,but need to be made simple.I have studied two views about this 
issue .I will study the issues in depth by online research and attending the 
redhat confrences and meeting FOSS leaders.i am collected lot of divergent 
views on the subject.i shall compile them and then leave it to the FOSS world 
to debate and decide.
Two views : 1 We don't need GPL any

 2 .No GPL is strong .It cannot be

Recently, during FISL (Fórum Internacional de Software
Livre) in Brazil, Eric Raymond gave a keynote speech about the open
source model of development in which he said, We don't need the
GPL anymore. It's based on the belief that open source software is
weak and needs to be protected. Open source would be succeeding
faster if the GPL didn't make lots of people nervous about adopting
it. Federico Biancuzzi decided to interview Eric Raymond to
learn more about that.It is available at
Part of Interview extract i quote here.
I believe they make their real money on a product (Red Hat
Enterprise Linux) that is completely GPLed. If you know differently,
can you tell me what other licenses they are using?
It seems that Red Hat is selling its GNU/Linux
distribution under a sort of user license that limits the freedom No.
2 provided by the GPL. The short version of the story, as I was told,
is that if I buy a CD/DVD with the last Red Hat version and I make an
ISO from that and put that online, I'll get sued.
The same thing happens with computer magazines. They
cannot include any Red Hat CD because the term Red Hat
is a trademark or something like that, and they don't let the
magazine use it without permission. And obviously they don't give you
that permission. Magazines must use Fedora and never say Red Hat.
Excuse me while I fire up a browser and research this a bit...
Ahhh... right, if you republish a RHEL CD in either form, you could
get sued for illegal use of the embedded trademarks. I think I just
found the
user license in question.
So the answer to your question is yes... Red Hat is a
demonstration that you can have a profitable business based on
entirely GPL code. You may have to play some interesting tricks with
trademark law to do it, though. As I understand it now, what Red Hat
has done is legally blocked republication of its entire RHEL
distribution even though any component part is still GPLed and
therefore freely redistributable.
Damn, that's clever and sneaky. I like it. It serves everybody:
Red Hat gets a fence around its product, but all the community
objectives of open source licensing are still met.

Few of others have quoted the following:
The fact that code will be GPLed thanks to the virality clause as
you sum it up does not imply any type of rights grant to other types
of Intellectual Property (IP) contained in the module, notably
A piece of code may very well be under GPL (think Redhat
distribution), but still not distributable as such with the trademark
RedHat all over the place, because it would constitute
trademark infrigement (which is why Redhat clones carefully remove
the RedHat brand from their distros). 

Which means that redistributing some of this GPLed code may still
need some work around the other types of IP protection like  CENTOS is REbuild 
of RHEL.

Few others quote:
No GPL is strong .It
cannot be fooled.: GPL is strong. No body can play any tricks with
GPL. No body can limit the freedoms given by GPL. No body can create
proprietary systems using GPLed software's .  Trademark's can be used
by any company only where it owns the property in which it has its
own Copyrights. Linux and GPLed software's are copyrights not owned
by Redhat .RHEL is a Linux distribution .As long as Linux is in the
distribution RHEL is redistributable. Redhat  cannot legally enforce
its trademark's in RHEL. The GPL says that anyone who receives a copy
from you has the right to redistribute copies, modified or not. You
are not allowed to distribute the work on any more restrictive basis
.Redhat has insulted the Linux community by removing  penguin
trademark's of Linux in RHEL. By providing consultancy service and
support redhat can earn money as many others are doing. In pursuit of
money some one cannot be allowed to limit the GPL freedoms. You
cannot incorporate GPL-covered software in a proprietary system. FSF 
and GPL cannot be fooled like this.The goal of the GPL is to grant
everyone the freedom to copy, redistribute, understand, and 

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-08 Thread Sandip Bhattacharya
I believe that Mr. Yatnatti's arguments on this topic are very much 
relevant and definitely *not* a troll. His communication style might 
not please everyone though. :)

That said, for all the questions I had raised some weeks back against 
Redhat's ambiguous distribution policy, this thread by him and many 
other text have changed my perception of Redhat's distribution policy. 
I don't believe they are in violation of GPL, in fact they are using a 
unique combination of GPL and trademark law to accommodate, in their 
own way, both community and commercial interests. You can debate 
endlessly about your intepretation of the spirit of GPL but at least 
its words are not being violated.

You, of course, cannot put up Redhat's ISOs for download on bittorrent, 
but their trademark is only on the distribution of a few of the Redhat 
specific packages and not on its other components, which can be freely 
distributed and therefore satisfy the Free Software distribution 
guidelines. In fact, if you check this CentOs page, all the Redhat 
software source is freely available: The Redhat 
specific packages which are non-free because of Redhat's trademark 
restrictions are made Free software by CentOS (by removing the 
trademarks) and can then be freely redistributed.

Mr. Yatnatti might be confusing software freedom with GPL or even FSF. 
GPL/FSF are not the only representatives of free software, even though 
they are its most prominent leaders. There are other interpretations of 
software freedom too, some not always agreed by all the proponents of 
the software freedom movement.

In fact, Debian has probably an even more stringent definition of 
freedom. By it's parameters, probably the RHL distribution would fail 
the freedom guidelines just like various mozilla foundation software 
like Firefox and Thunderbird have failed. That doesn't mean that 
Firefox and Mozilla are not free software. It just means that they 
fail someone else's (in this case Debian's) expectation of freedom.

Another frequent clash of interpretation of freedom is between the BSD 
and the Linux+GPL community.

Nobody is wrong in their expectations - they are just different ideas of 
what the software world should be.

So I am not sure whether you will ever succeed in convincing other's 
about Redhat's violation of GPL terms. They follow it to the T. They 
might not satisfy *your* idea of what software freedom should be but 
they are satisfying GPL's idea of freedom, and therefore they are not 
doing anything illegal.

- Sandip

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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-05 Thread Praveen A
 My research on the GPL in regards with  trademarks in respect to the question 
 is this.
 Please read the link carefully
 There are  Three paragraphs under the caption Trademarks and they are
 very clear and they are  part of Guidelines for Free System
 Distributions and not guide lines for making commercial distribution
 or a proprietary OS out of GPLed software .Please make note of this
 point .Please note that you cannot make commercial distribution out
 of  Guidelines for Free System Distributions .These guidelines  don't

I would suggest you to read the GPL itself fully. Section 5 says

A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
aggregate if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.

RHEL is an aggregation of GPL software. As long as the aggregate
license does not restricts the rights granted to individual components
under GPL, the aggregate itself does not have to be GPL.

 tell you  violate  freedom given at .It states  that
 Similarly, the distribution itself may hold particular trademarks. It
 is not a problem for these marks to be in the distribution, as long
 as they can be readily removed without losing the system's
 functionality. It means that let RHEL provide menu in the system
 itself that with click of mouse trade mark can be removed  readily
 without affecting  system's functionality and user can use it and
 distribute it. You cannot ask user to do it. It says readily means
 readily users should be able to remove it. Because paragraph two says
  In extreme cases, these restrictions may effectively render the
 program non free .It is unfair for someone to ask you to remove a
 trademark from modified code if that trademark is scattered all
 throughout the original source. As long as the conditions are
 reasonable, however, free system distributions may include
 these programs, either with or without the trademarks. But you cannot
 use trademarks to make system non-free as per GPL. Holding the
 trademark is different and  however, free system distributions may
 include these programs, either with or without the trademarks. but
 redhat  making RHEL  non free and commercial is different. which I
 feel is the violation of GPL in two counts one at
  That is not allowing redistribution  and making commercial
 distribution RHEL using all GPLed software violating  Guidelines for

A program is commercial if it is developed as a business activity. A
commercial program can be free or non-free, depending on its license.
Likewise, a program developed by a school or an individual can be free
or non-free, depending on its license. The two questions, what sort of
entity developed the program and what freedom its users have, are

Free commercial software is a contribution to our community, so we
should encourage it.

Selling support is a way of making money from Free Software. Are you
implying that only people creating proprietary software needs to get
paid? We are not talking about Free Beer here.

Here you have two complaints about RHEL

1) It does not allow redistribution
Existence of CentOS is a clear indication that your assumption is false.

2) RHEL is a commercial distribution
There is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary it is encouraged.

I get the issue. You have a dilemma

1) I don't want to pay money to Red Hat
2) I want to get full support from Red Hat

You can't have both at the same time, because you have to pay Red Hat
to get full support. But if you don't care about support, what is
stopping you from using CentOS?

പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍
GPLv2 I know my rights; I want my phone call!
DRM What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)
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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-05 Thread Raj Mathur
Is there really any point in wasting time responding to an 
(ill-informed) troll?  Like a fire, the more you feed it the larger it 

It's obvious the OP either doesn't have and want to have the simplest 
basic grasp of licences and trademarks, or he does and is deliberately 
confusing facts out of sheer bloody-mindedness.

Anyway, I wish you folks luck in your endeavour to determine the outcome 
of the juxtaposition of the immovable object and the irresistible 
force :)


-- Raju
   GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
PsyTrance  Chill:   ||   It is the mind that moves

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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-05 Thread M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD
Dear Praveen,
You have assumed the questions on my behalf .BUT I will frame my questions in 
few days.Hope fully you will be able to reply. .After that i conclude my 
discussion. I know that Redhat is open source leader and it will go beyond GPL  
and it is acording to them Redhat is not violating GPL as many of persons have 
posted reply to me collectively and individually. Even i am doing research on 
internet and read many times the article published by Linux For You.the article 
title is : Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL?.Published in september 2008.  
I am very much thankful for your meaningful and cool discussion.But I 
respectfully differ to your meaning of RHEL is an aggregation of GPL software. 
As long as the aggregate license does not restricts the rights granted to 
individual components under GPL, the aggregate itself does not have to be GPL...
Please read the following and then you reply.I really appreciate how cool way 
you have replied and i am able to understand your explaination though i may 
differ.i respectfully read every sentence of yours.After reading please reply 
even if you differ on my explaination.After reading your post i visted all the 
website you gave me the link  and studied the content.Still i have to improve 
and yet implement the posting style.But i learn very shortly.

This is my reply;

I would
suggest you to read the GPL itself fully once more. Section 5

compilation of a covered work with other separate and
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the
covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a
larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution
medium, is called an
aggregate if the compilation and
its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal
rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works
permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause
this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.

above paragraph is self explanatory. But I respectfully differ on to
your meaning of aggregation.

My Meaning of aggregation
:In any Linux distribution compilation  is called an aggregation of
GPL software(covered work) and separate and independent works  (Linux
Based Commercial non GPL Software). Inclusion of a covered work in an
aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts of
the aggregate means other separate and independent works  . 
other separate and independent works means any other commercial Linux
based software included in the distribution does not have to be GPL..With 
Regards .


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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-05 Thread Praveen A
You.the article title is : Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL?.Published in 
september 2008.

CentOS redistribute RHEL, but with a different name. This is exactly
similar to Debian distributing Firefox with a different name (Ice
Weasel). Even though Debian calls it Ice Weasel, it is still Firefox,
except for the name (and some small changes to use some dependencies
from debian repo instead of a copy that comes with firefox).

Oracle also redistribute RHEL

 I am very much thankful for your meaningful and cool discussion.But I 
 respectfully differ to your meaning of RHEL is an aggregation of GPL

So do you think RHEL is a derivative work? If so tell us your
definition of derivative work.

 compilation of a covered work with other separate and
 works, which are not by their nature extensions of the
 covered work,
 and which are not combined with it such as to form a
 larger program,
 in or on a volume of a storage or distribution
 medium, is called an
 aggregate if the compilation and
 its resulting copyright are not
 used to limit the access or legal
 rights of the compilation's users
 beyond what the individual works
 permit. Inclusion of a covered work
 in an aggregate does not cause
 this License to apply to the other
 parts of the aggregate.

 above paragraph is self explanatory. But I respectfully differ on to
 your meaning of aggregation.

This clearly shows you have not read the GPL even once, even after I
requested you to read, and quoted a relevant section directly from
it.That was not my meaning of aggregation. That is the definition of
aggregate work that GPL itself understands.

 My Meaning of aggregation
 :In any Linux distribution compilation  is called an aggregation of
 GPL software(covered work) and separate and independent works  (Linux
 Based Commercial non GPL Software). Inclusion of a covered work in an
 aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts of
 the aggregate means other separate and independent works  .
 other separate and independent works means any other commercial Linux
 based software included in the distribution does not have to be GPL..With 
 Regards .

I respect you have a different meaning of aggregation. But it does not
matter as far as GPL is concerned. The authors of GPL have clearly
defined what an aggregate means and what are the requirements needed
to include a covered work under GPL. There is nothing you can do about

What you can do is to write a new license (please call it a different
name and not confuse it with GPL) with your meaning of aggregation.
And release any code you hold copyright to with that license. But I
would request you not to create another license and make it impossible
for people to use code from one project in another.

Even if Red Hat did violate GPL, you cannot do anything about it as
long as they are not violating code that you hold copyright.

Still if you believe Red Hat violated GPL, you can inform the authors
of any of the GPL covered program that Red Hat includes about it. That
is all you can do. But you can't expect this kind of spoon feeding or
coolness from them.

So as a conclusion you have two choices,

1) Write to any or all of copyright holders of GPL programs Red Hat
distributes and forget about it.
2) Just forget about it and move on.

Thanks a lot for listening. With this I'm concluding my participation
in this thread. I appreciate you keenness in learning. I understand it
is a complex issue and many things are not obvious as it looks. It was
a learning for me too.

Wish you good luck.

പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍
GPLv2 I know my rights; I want my phone call!
DRM What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)
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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Praveen A
 Dear Praveen,

 Thank you for participating in the debate.Are you educating the open
 FOSS community that any body can club all individual GPL software into
 one Mega software collection under one umbrella using anaconda or Yum
 which is also GPL and make non-free commercial software=RHEL .  Still

We are not against commercial software (did you mean proprietary,
which it clearly is not) or against making money.

On the contrary what Free Software foundations says about selling Free
Software is

Actually we encourage people who redistribute free software to charge
as much as they wish or can.

 simple club all GPL = non free commercial .Please educate me .Is it for this 
 day Foss was born .Community make GPL Software and commercial entities take 
 benefit with simple trick .This
 debate shall continue until, we have clear idea how to defeat GPL

Are you talking about Red Hat here? Can you give an example of Red
Hat's GPL violation? Any GPL software that Red Hat distributes without
adhering to GPL?


Free Software Foundation has a guideline for evaluating Freeness of a

And bits about trademarks say

Similarly, the distribution itself may hold particular trademarks. It
is not a problem for these marks to be in the distribution, as long as
they can readily be removed without losing the system's

I believe RHEL trademarks fall under these category. CentOS is a best
example of doing exactly this.
പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍
GPLv2 I know my rights; I want my phone call!
DRM What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
ilugd mailinglist --
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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD

Dear Shantanu  Goel,
Thank you and I respect your debating

This is debate happening. You all are
experts can guide your fellow Linux users.
Praveen,is teaching the open FOSS
community that any body can club all individual GPL software into one
Mega software collection under one umbrella using anaconda or Yum
which is also GPL and make non-free commercial software=RHEL . Still
simple club all GPL = non free commercial .Please educate me .Is it
for this day Foss was born .Community make GPL Software and
commercial entities take benefit with simple trick .This debate shall
continue until, we have clear idea how to defeat GPL violators.
But my view is we need to defend
GPL.. Redhat cannot ask any body as per GPL to remove the RH name and
logo from RHEL If it believes in GPL. then only it has right to to
modification and combine all GPL software's as RHEL..Individual GPL
software or Modified and clubbed software's like RHEL remains GPL
always .RHEL is  GPL individually or collectively . Roping in
under on umbrella using anaconda or YUM does not change the GPL
character. Fedora is a Linux based
operating system that provides users with access to the latest free
and open source software, in a stable,
and easy to manage form. AS  fedora is UOP of RHEL like fedora RHEL
also  is a Linux based operating
system that provides users with access to the latest free
and open source software, in a stable,
and easy to manage form. Therefore RHEL is also redistributable as
that of Fedora. Please refer maintain this free
software definition to show clearly what must be true about a
particular software program for it to be considered free software.
Free software is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the
concept, you should think of free as in free speech, not as in free
beer. Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy,
distribute, study, change and improve the software. More precisely,
it refers to four kinds of freedom, for the users of the software:
The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0). The
freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs
(freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.The
freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom
2). The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements
to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3).
Access to the source code is a precondition for this. A program is
free software if users have all of these freedoms. Thus, you should
be free to redistribute copies, either with or without modifications,
either gratis or charging a fee for distribution, to anyone
anywhere. Being free to do these things means (among other
things) that you do not have to ask or pay for permission.  

As per
it is not necessary to seek permission from Redhat to redistribute
RHEL as per GPL..

Briefly explained, the GPL
allows you to copy software, the GPL allows you to distribute (sell
or give away) that software, and the GPL grants you the right to read
and change the source code. But the person receiving or buying the
software from you has the same rights. And also, should you decide to
distribute modified versions of GPL software, then you are obligated
to put the same license on the modifications (and provide the source
code of your modifications)there fore redhat cannot replace GPL and
puts its own EULA.. You can actually call the GPL a viral license
because it spreads like a virus. Herein you means it may be
individual or company or organization).ALL Linux experts can guide me if they 

KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 

--- On Sat, 10/4/08, Mehul Ved [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux 
For You India print Magzine India
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 12:56 AM

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 11:18 PM, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD
 Dear Praveen,

Dear Sir,

 Thank you for participating in the debate.Are you educating the open
 FOSS community that any body can club all individual GPL software into
 one Mega software collection under one umbrella using anaconda or Yum
 which is also GPL and make non-free commercial software=RHEL .  Still
 simple club all GPL = non free commercial .Please educate me .Is it for
this day Foss was born .Community make GPL Software and commercial entities take
benefit with simple trick .This
 debate shall continue until, we have clear idea how to defeat GPL

Please tell me, where does CentOS come from?

ilugd mailinglist 

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Harish Pillay
Yatnatti -

Hi.   I cannot help but be bewildered by your discussions on the
legality of distributing Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  Red Hat (note the
two words), puts every bit of code out on GPL.  In fact, Red Hat
goes above and beyond the minimum needed for compliance
with the GPL by placing all the source (patched and updated) for
free download [GPL only requires the provider to povide a link to
the original source and full source of their patches].

 This is debate happening. You all are
 experts can guide your fellow Linux users.
 Praveen,is teaching the open FOSS
 community that any body can club all individual GPL software into one
 Mega software collection under one umbrella using anaconda or Yum
 which is also GPL and make non-free commercial software=RHEL .

Not sure what you mean here.

 Still simple club all GPL = non free commercial .Please educate me .Is it
 for this day Foss was born .Community make GPL Software and
 commercial entities take benefit with simple trick .This debate shall
 continue until, we have clear idea how to defeat GPL violators.

It is unfortunate that you have a very confused understanding of the GPL..

 But my view is we need to defend
 GPL.. Redhat cannot ask any body as per GPL to remove the RH name and
 logo from RHEL If it believes in GPL. then only it has right to to
 modification and combine all GPL software's as RHEL..Individual GPL
 software or Modified and clubbed software's like RHEL remains GPL
 always .RHEL is  GPL individually or collectively . Roping in
 under on umbrella using anaconda or YUM does not change the GPL

Red Hat makes it completely clear HOW to take out the Red Hat logos etc
so that the code can be complied and worked.  Thereafter you are free to
do as you please.  GPL does not cover trademarks.  I hope you understand
the differences between copyrights, patents and trademarks.  The code itself
is on GPL.  The logos, the name Red Hat are all trademarks belonging to
the entity called Red Hat, Inc.  FSF is very clear about the
distinction.  I shall
leave it to you to be educated on the differences.

 Fedora is a Linux based
 operating system that provides users with access to the latest free
 and open source software, in a stable,
 and easy to manage form. AS  fedora is UOP of RHEL like fedora RHEL
 also  is a Linux based operating
 system that provides users with access to the latest free
 and open source software, in a stable,
 and easy to manage form. Therefore RHEL is also redistributable as
 that of Fedora.

What's UOP of RHEL?

 Please refer maintain this free
 software definition to show clearly what must be true about a
 particular software program for it to be considered free software.
 Free software is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the
 concept, you should think of free as in free speech, not as in free
 beer. Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy,
 distribute, study, change and improve the software. More precisely,
 it refers to four kinds of freedom, for the users of the software:
 The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0). The
 freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs
 (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.The
 freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom
 2). The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements
 to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3).
 Access to the source code is a precondition for this. A program is
 free software if users have all of these freedoms. Thus, you should
 be free to redistribute copies, either with or without modifications,
 either gratis or charging a fee for distribution, to anyone
 anywhere. Being free to do these things means (among other
 things) that you do not have to ask or pay for permission.

And it is indeed the case with the code you can download from

 As per
 it is not necessary to seek permission from Redhat to redistribute
 RHEL as per GPL..

Wrong.  You cannot call it Red Hat Enterprise Linux if you are distributing
it unless you are a business partner of Red Hat.

 Briefly explained, the GPL
 allows you to copy software, the GPL allows you to distribute (sell
 or give away) that software, and the GPL grants you the right to read
 and change the source code. But the person receiving or buying the
 software from you has the same rights. And also, should you decide to
 distribute modified versions of GPL software, then you are obligated
 to put the same license on the modifications (and provide the source
 code of your modifications)there fore redhat cannot replace GPL and
 puts its own EULA.. You can actually call the GPL a viral license
 because it spreads like a virus. Herein you means it may be
 individual or company or organization).ALL Linux experts can guide me if they 

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Nalin Savara
Hi All on ILugD, Praveen, Sudhanwa, Shantz, Harish,  et al,

Guys, this guy is a troll-- dont feed the troll.

After making my post I saw his websites--- and googled around--- and saw
that the OP is a troll of the worst kind-- see his websites and even you
guys will realize that.

He has even included a detailed explanation on one of his websites about
CentOS and CentOS versus RedHat-- so surely, this post to our ilugd list was
totally unnecessary except for being his own way of getting cheap thrills
and free publicity.

This guy even owns a server in the US which his company uses.

I suggest we avoid feeding the troll-- except to include his URL and point
out that he's a troll.

Suggest even you google around.

Am tempted to tell this fellow not to insult our collective intelligence;
but I think we ourselves should see his antecedents--- and decide whether
feeding trolls is high on our priority list.


ps: MSY-- you know what you are doing-- and if you do something positive
instead of that-- this community will welcome you- STOP TROLLING.

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Harish Pillay [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Yatnatti -

 Hi.   I cannot help but be bewildered by your discussions on the
 legality of distributing Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  Red Hat (note the

ilugd mailinglist --
Archives at:

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD
Dear Harish PIllay
I am educating myself about  four kinds of freedom, for the users of the 
software as per GPL .Freedom  number two Redhat does not  want to give user  
for RHEL Linux Distribution .The
freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour (freedom

Please refer software is a matter of liberty, 
not price. To understand the
concept, you should think of free as in free speech, not as in free
beer. Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy,
distribute, study, change and improve the software. More precisely,
it refers to four kinds of freedom, for the users of the software:
The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0). The
freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs
(freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.The
freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom
2). The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements
to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3).
Access to the source code is a precondition for this. A program is
free software if users have all of these freedoms. Thus, you should
be free to redistribute copies, either with or without modifications,
either gratis or charging a fee for distribution, to anyone
anywhere. Being free to do these things means (among other
things) that you do not have to ask or pay for permission.To read this much i 
don't need any lawyer.Thanks for your inputs in discussion .

KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 

--- On Sat, 10/4/08, Harish Pillay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Harish Pillay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux 
For You India print Magzine India
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 1:08 PM

Yatnatti -

Hi.   I cannot help but be bewildered by your discussions on the
legality of distributing Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  Red Hat (note the
two words), puts every bit of code out on GPL.  In fact, Red Hat
goes above and beyond the minimum needed for compliance
with the GPL by placing all the source (patched and updated) for
free download [GPL only requires the provider to povide a link to
the original source and full source of their patches].

 This is debate happening. You all are
 experts can guide your fellow Linux users.
 Praveen,is teaching the open FOSS
 community that any body can club all individual GPL software into one
 Mega software collection under one umbrella using anaconda or Yum
 which is also GPL and make non-free commercial software=RHEL .

Not sure what you mean here.

 Still simple club all GPL = non free commercial .Please educate me .Is it
 for this day Foss was born .Community make GPL Software and
 commercial entities take benefit with simple trick .This debate shall
 continue until, we have clear idea how to defeat GPL violators.

It is unfortunate that you have a very confused understanding of the GPL..

 But my view is we need to defend
 GPL.. Redhat cannot ask any body as per GPL to remove the RH name and
 logo from RHEL If it believes in GPL. then only it has right to to
 modification and combine all GPL software's as RHEL..Individual GPL
 software or Modified and clubbed software's like RHEL remains GPL
 always .RHEL is  GPL individually or collectively . Roping in
 under on umbrella using anaconda or YUM does not change the GPL

Red Hat makes it completely clear HOW to take out the Red Hat logos etc
so that the code can be complied and worked.  Thereafter you are free to
do as you please.  GPL does not cover trademarks.  I hope you understand
the differences between copyrights, patents and trademarks.  The code itself
is on GPL.  The logos, the name Red Hat are all trademarks
belonging to
the entity called Red Hat, Inc.  FSF is very clear about the
distinction.  I shall
leave it to you to be educated on the differences.

 Fedora is a Linux based
 operating system that provides users with access to the latest free
 and open source software, in a stable,
 and easy to manage form. AS  fedora is UOP of RHEL like fedora RHEL
 also  is a Linux based operating
 system that provides users with access to the latest free
 and open source software, in a stable,
 and easy to manage form. Therefore RHEL is also redistributable as
 that of Fedora.

What's UOP of RHEL?

 Please refer maintain this free
 software definition to show clearly what must be true about a
 particular software program for it to be considered free software.
 Free software is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the
 concept, you should think of free as in free speech, not as in free
 beer. Free software 

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Sudhanwa Jogalekar
I assume that MSY is a troll but still going ahead and adding in the
thread as the discussion is useful for many people who are not so
clear about this whole thing.

Please understand the difference between Trade Marks, software
licenses, Free software , commercial software, proprietory software.

Looks like you have very clear misunderstanding of the terms and you
need a legal advice about these terms. So, instead of sending some
junk messages on the list, please get in touch with a legal advisor.

Some points for you to seek more knowledge are:
RHEL does not violate GPL
RHEL is different than Fedora
GPL v2 is different than GPL v3. Read GPL v3 for trademark and other
related matters. As I remember, RHEL is not under GPL v3.

If you want, you can BUY a box pack of RHEL which contains the source code also.
and if you have the capabilities, remove all the RH trademarks and
other such stuff and make a modified distro out of it. That modified
can not be called RHEL as it will not have any TM of RH.

All the best to you for that efforts of hacking RHEL.
And all the best wishes and my moral support to your legal advisor !!

/me signing off from this thread.

ps: this top posting is done knowingly.

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 2:25 PM, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD
 Dear Harish PIllay
 I am educating myself about  four kinds of freedom, for the users of the 
 software as per GPL .Freedom  number two Redhat does not  want to give user  
 for RHEL Linux Distribution .The
 freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour (freedom

 Please refer software is a matter of 
 liberty, not price. To understand the
 concept, you should think of free as in free speech, not as in free
 beer. Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy,
 distribute, study, change and improve the software. More precisely,
 it refers to four kinds of freedom, for the users of the software:
 The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0). The
 freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs
 (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.The
 freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom
 2). The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements
 to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3).
 Access to the source code is a precondition for this. A program is
 free software if users have all of these freedoms. Thus, you should
 be free to redistribute copies, either with or without modifications,
 either gratis or charging a fee for distribution, to anyone
 anywhere. Being free to do these things means (among other
 things) that you do not have to ask or pay for permission.To read this much i 
 don't need any lawyer.Thanks for your inputs in discussion .

 KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 

 --- On Sat, 10/4/08, Harish Pillay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Harish Pillay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux 
 For You India print Magzine India
 To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
 Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 1:08 PM

 Yatnatti -

 Hi.   I cannot help but be bewildered by your discussions on the
 legality of distributing Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  Red Hat (note the
 two words), puts every bit of code out on GPL.  In fact, Red Hat
 goes above and beyond the minimum needed for compliance
 with the GPL by placing all the source (patched and updated) for
 free download [GPL only requires the provider to povide a link to
 the original source and full source of their patches].

 This is debate happening. You all are
 experts can guide your fellow Linux users.
 Praveen,is teaching the open FOSS
 community that any body can club all individual GPL software into one
 Mega software collection under one umbrella using anaconda or Yum
 which is also GPL and make non-free commercial software=RHEL .

 Not sure what you mean here.

 Still simple club all GPL = non free commercial .Please educate me .Is it
 for this day Foss was born .Community make GPL Software and
 commercial entities take benefit with simple trick .This debate shall
 continue until, we have clear idea how to defeat GPL violators.

 It is unfortunate that you have a very confused understanding of the GPL..

 But my view is we need to defend
 GPL.. Redhat cannot ask any body as per GPL to remove the RH name and
 logo from RHEL If it believes in GPL. then only it has right to to
 modification and combine all GPL software's as RHEL..Individual GPL
 software or Modified and clubbed software's like RHEL remains GPL
 always .RHEL is  GPL individually or collectively . Roping in
 under on umbrella using anaconda or YUM does not change the GPL


Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Nalin Savara
Hi All,

Thanks- your message is very enlightening and came while I was drafting this
Perhaps even I will now sign off from discussion (or perhaps not!!!)

Please note that we can discuss on the subject.Personal attacks don't solve
the the debate.

Respected Mr.MSY,

I have no reason to attack you personally.
I am talking this much only because I dont like naive but well-meaning users
being bluntly snubbed or scolded.

I disagree with your actions-- and I feel you are setting the wrong example
for youngsters who may see this as a license to indulge in trolling on ILUGD
to draw attention and traffic to their blogs/websites.

Sir, a learned businessman of your level-- is a asset to any community
if your queries are genuine you could instead please mail/talk offline to
people more knowledgeable than me--- and write such mails after
understanding why such discussions/debates are looked as unwelcome in a
community like ilugd.

At this point-- you are increasing the noise ratio in this group--- and
apart from you (MSY) losing respect--- maybe causing people to unsubscribe
OR mark ilugd mail as spam and that is bad.

Maybe if you have a viewpoint deeper than everyone else you can enlighten
all of us--- BUT RIGHT NOW, you are only wasting your time and everyone



Please see also:

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts
controversial and irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community,
such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of
provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt
normal on-topic discussion.[2]

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 2:38 PM, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD 

 Dear Nalin Savara,

ilugd mailinglist --
Archives at:

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD
Dear Nalin Savara,
Please note that we can discuss on the subject.Personal attacks don't solve the 
the debate.Please note that Linux users are already  discussing the issues.If 
you are not interested don't participate in the discussion. Linux For You 
India  has already published an article Is
it illegal to redistribute RHEL?. 

And as the community is
openly discussing Is
it illegal to redistribute RHEL? .That’s
a question that’s often asked by many, but generally fails to
receive a confident reply and Linux community is much confused on
this issue . It was reportedly  popped up during a discussion at the
Delhi-LUG too. What followed were very interesting opinions from
active members of the group. As you might have read through, the
article published in Linux For You  September issue 2008 entitled Is
it illegal to redistribute RHEL?
 you will become aware of various issues and doubts around this
question. Unfortunately, the discussion did not end with a conclusive
reply from  Redhat .LFY daringly   questioned  redhat  India spoke
person and its  replies left the open community without the correct
answer .Linux for you need to conduct further debate and  let the
open community  debate this issue openly  and find a open solution in
open manner 

KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 

--- On Sat, 10/4/08, Nalin Savara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Nalin Savara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux 
For You India print Magzine India
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 2:09 PM

Hi All on ILugD, Praveen, Sudhanwa, Shantz, Harish,  et al,

Guys, this guy is a troll-- dont feed the troll.

After making my post I saw his websites--- and googled around--- and saw
that the OP is a troll of the worst kind-- see his websites and even you
guys will realize that.

He has even included a detailed explanation on one of his websites about
CentOS and CentOS versus RedHat-- so surely, this post to our ilugd list was
totally unnecessary except for being his own way of getting cheap thrills
and free publicity.

This guy even owns a server in the US which his company uses.

I suggest we avoid feeding the troll-- except to include his URL and point
out that he's a troll.

Suggest even you google around.

Am tempted to tell this fellow not to insult our collective intelligence;
but I think we ourselves should see his antecedents--- and decide whether
feeding trolls is high on our priority list.


ps: MSY-- you know what you are doing-- and if you do something positive
instead of that-- this community will welcome you- STOP TROLLING.

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Harish Pillay

 Yatnatti -

 Hi.   I cannot help but be bewildered by your discussions on the
 legality of distributing Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  Red Hat (note the

ilugd mailinglist --
Archives at:

ilugd mailinglist --
Archives at:

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD
Dear Sudhanwa,
OK you are only experts .Hats off for your comments.But our debate will contiue 
untill we  get answer. proper answer.Why you threaten the innocent persons 
instead of Guiding .it is not good sign of Linux users group .It is debate and 
discussion.Many persons have many questions like me .I think you  only are the 
experts  and owners of LUG who can discuss the points and others like us are 
troll.It is nonsense.Then why the list is.Are you owner of the list .Have you 
trade marks to use this list like redhat that only you few persons can rule the 
list and others are troll.. .Let me know if your are owner i will withdraw from 
this list. Don't call me troll.Please don't visit my websites.I am capable of 
doing my business  . i don't need your publicity.Please not that we have come 
for discuassion and not for fight.Please dont participate in the discusion if 
you dont want meangful discussion.Please note that it shows your weakess to 
attack  personality
 instead of the subject and calling them troll..Alreday the Linux for you 
magzine has published an article on this issue.

KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 

--- On Sat, 10/4/08, Sudhanwa Jogalekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Sudhanwa Jogalekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux 
For You India print Magzine India
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 2:49 PM

I assume that MSY is a troll but still going ahead and adding in the
thread as the discussion is useful for many people who are not so
clear about this whole thing.

Please understand the difference between Trade Marks, software
licenses, Free software , commercial software, proprietory software.

Looks like you have very clear misunderstanding of the terms and
need a legal advice about these terms. So, instead of sending some
junk messages on the list, please get in touch with a legal advisor.

Some points for you to seek more knowledge are:
RHEL does not violate GPL
RHEL is different than Fedora
GPL v2 is different than GPL v3. Read GPL v3 for trademark and other
related matters. As I remember, RHEL is not under GPL v3.

If you want, you can BUY a box pack of RHEL which contains the source code
and if you have the capabilities, remove all the RH trademarks and
other such stuff and make a modified distro out of it. That modified
can not be called RHEL as it will not have any TM of RH.

All the best to you for that efforts of hacking RHEL.
And all the best wishes and my moral support to your legal advisor !!

/me signing off from this thread.

ps: this top posting is done knowingly.

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 2:25 PM, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD
 Dear Harish PIllay
 I am educating myself about  four kinds of freedom, for the users of the
software as per GPL .Freedom  number two Redhat does not  want to give user  for
RHEL Linux Distribution .The
 freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour (freedom

 Please refer software is a matter of
liberty, not price. To understand the
 concept, you should think of free as in free speech, not as in free
 beer. Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy,
 distribute, study, change and improve the software. More precisely,
 it refers to four kinds of freedom, for the users of the software:
 The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0). The
 freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs
 (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.The
 freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom
 2). The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements
 to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3).
 Access to the source code is a precondition for this. A program is
 free software if users have all of these freedoms. Thus, you should
 be free to redistribute copies, either with or without modifications,
 either gratis or charging a fee for distribution, to anyone
 anywhere. Being free to do these things means (among other
 things) that you do not have to ask or pay for permission.To read this
much i don't need any lawyer.Thanks for your inputs in discussion .

 KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham
Road, Bangalore – 560052. WEBSITE WWW.KPNUNLIMITED.ORG

 --- On Sat, 10/4/08, Harish Pillay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Harish Pillay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To
Linux For You India print Magzine India
 To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
 Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 1:08 PM

 Yatnatti -

 Hi.   I cannot help but be bewildered by 

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Atanu Datta
On Saturday 04 October 2008 15:18:06 M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:

Dear Mr. M.S.Yatnatti,

I understand many have tried to answer your query. Let me try once again: The 
answer why you can't redistribute RHEL is only because of the branding issues. 
The full RH sources are available on public servers for anyone to download. 
You can strip the sources off of RH artwork and logos and roll out your own 

GPL permits the same, and it's certainly not a loophole. It can be attributed 
to the fact that RH simply doesn't want to be associated with a distro that's 
not distributed by them officially -- they don't wanna be responsible for 
providing support for it. Again, sources are available, not the binaries, and 
thus you can get fixes and updates for everything, provided you are willing to 
compile binaries. This is exactly what projects like CentOS do.

ilugd mailinglist --
Archives at:

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD
Dear Mr Atanu,
I am thankful for your cool reply.Please provide me the link where GPL provides 
branding of GPLed software's.. 
At the same time please provide me what happens to four freedoms guaranteed in 
GPL at
of four one about redistribution is snatched by putting restriction on
redistribution  by branding.  Is  GPL has two different policies one
about four freedoms and other with branding. Please be cool and
reply.Many have lossed cool why replying to  me.Let us understand the
GPL indepth whether some one call me fool or troll.I am not bothered
about their accusation .I make the  debate without fearing any
body.they can express their views I can express my views .Ultimately FOSS
is big community to take care of GPL.. Learning is not
simple.Immediately many people jumped on me calling troll instead of subject, 
Is it
illegal to redistribute RHEL? the question you have raised at Linux For You.. I 
dont know  tommorrow they may say you have raised this isuue for cheap 
publicity for your magzine. I know you have made a great debate  public..Thanks 
for your daring article.  .

KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 

--- On Sat, 10/4/08, Atanu Datta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Atanu Datta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux 
For You India print Magzine India
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 4:26 PM

On Saturday 04 October 2008 15:18:06 M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:

Dear Mr. M.S.Yatnatti,

I understand many have tried to answer your query. Let me try once again: The 
answer why you can't redistribute RHEL is only because of the branding
The full RH sources are available on public servers for anyone to download. 
You can strip the sources off of RH artwork and logos and roll out your own 

GPL permits the same, and it's certainly not a loophole. It can be
to the fact that RH simply doesn't want to be associated with a distro
not distributed by them officially -- they don't wanna be responsible for 
providing support for it. Again, sources are available, not the binaries, and 
thus you can get fixes and updates for everything, provided you are willing to 
compile binaries. This is exactly what projects like CentOS do.

ilugd mailinglist --
Archives at:

ilugd mailinglist --
Archives at:

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Harish Pillay
Yatnatti -

 I am educating myself about  four kinds of freedom, for the users of the 
 software as per GPL
 .Freedom  number two Redhat does not  want to give user  for RHEL Linux 
 Distribution .The
 freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour (freedom 2).

Since you are eager to learn and sound like a smart person, please
lean how to post
with relevance, edit stuff out and not top post [1]. Learn also proper
sentence structure,
especially the use of periods[2], punctuation marks etc. You might
want to start with your
very verbose and hard-to-follow website.  And, a gentle reminder, it
is Red Hat (two

If you have any issue with the way the GPL is interpreted with
reference to trademarks
(which Red Hat (TM) and Red Hat (TM) Enterprise Linux (TM) are),
please contact FSF[3]
and Red Hat[4] or even GPL Violations[5].

BTW, have you or do you sponsor any FOSS project?  Have you donated to
the FSF[6]?
If you have done both, kudos to you and welcome to the club.

Do come back when you have done your homework and learning.  Looking forward to
seeing an enlightened you again.

[2] (especially step #7)

[Disclosure: I have been in the FOSS world since about 1986 and am currently
working for Red Hat here in Singapore.  Standard disclaimers apply.]
Harish Pillay [EMAIL PROTECTED] gpg id: 746809E3
fingerprint: F7F5 5CCD 25B9 FC25 303E 3DA2 0F80 27DB 7468 09E3

ilugd mailinglist --
Archives at:

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Parthan SR
M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:
 Dear Mr Atanu,
 I am thankful for your cool reply.Please provide me the link where GPL 
 provides branding of GPLed software's.. 
 At the same time please provide me what happens to four freedoms guaranteed 
 in GPL at
 of four one about redistribution is snatched by putting restriction on
 redistribution� by branding.� Is� GPL has two different policies one
 about four freedoms and other with branding. Please be cool and
 reply.Many have lossed cool why replying to� me.Let us understand the
 GPL indepth whether some one call me fool or troll.I am not bothered
 about their accusation .I make the� debate without fearing any
 body.they can express their views I can express my views .Ultimately FOSS
 is big community to take care of GPL.. Learning is not
 simple.Immediately many people jumped on me calling troll instead of subject, 
 Is it
 illegal to redistribute RHEL? the question you have raised at Linux For You.. 
 I dont know� tommorrow they may say you have raised this isuue for cheap 
 publicity for your magzine. I know you have made a great debate� 
 public..Thanks for your daring article.� .

 KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 
As I couldn't any more see my friends' futile attempts to make you 
understand what GPL is for and what it's aims are, I try to add some 
support for them too. Before that, can you please learn how to write 
mails, especially when you are replying to other's replies and how to 
quote other's words when replying to them. All your mails have been 
unnecessarily long, not because your reply was long but  because you 
chose to leave the earlier mail (if not wrong, the entire multi-quoted 
thread) at the end of your reply. Secondly, your sentence structure is 
so terrible that we have to read it many times to understand what you 
mean, and in the process might have completely misunderstood what you 
mean. I also wonder why do you want to advertise your company in all 
your mails to a public mailing list unless you are expressing not your 
personal opinions and concerns but rather of your company's.

Coming to the point, you have repeatedly talked about the 4 freedoms 
offered by GPL.but this raises the question whether you have understood 
the 4 freedoms and where they can be applied. As RHEL you are referring 
to seems to exist under GPLV2, reading [1] again might be of use to you. 
If you read it, point 0 clearly states that it covers the program or 
other work which contains a notice that they are under GPL v2 and you 
can exclude something from being included if it doesn't affect the 
execution of the program that is under GPL.
And, GPL covers only the copying, distribution and modification of the 
above mentioned program and anything other than this is out of its 
scope. Considering RHEL, you are free to do anything with the program 
and the code which is under GPL v2. This means, you can share the code, 
you can modify the code and you can distribute the modified code. The 
'program under GPL' doesn't cover the name RHEL or the logos and other 
branding of RHEL at all, which means although you're allowed to 
distribute and modify the RHEL source code which is under GPL, you can 
not distribute the branding RHEL until you are authorized to do so.

In addition, reading about this [2] GPL violation case in which MySQL AB 
won the case will also let you know the different between GPL and 
trademark license. Another pointer on a FOSS product's trademark 
policies on licensing (read Drupal and Mozilla) [3] and  [4], though 
they aren't completely relevant on a GPL case but it shows how they 
value trademarks even when keeping their product open sourced.

If you have any dispute with this, i.e. not allowing the branding to be 
distributed while you can do so with the source code under GPL 
associated with it, it would be better to consider a legal 
authority/help. You can even write to RMS or to Red Hat's legal 
department, but please ensure that your mail is sensible enough and 
structured that those sane men can get the meaning out of it. As we have 
tried our best to enlighten you about the fact and the truth, there is 
nothing more we can offer you in this matter. May be someone in this 
list can refer you to a proper legal help on this.


With Regards,

Parthan technofreak
gpg  2FF01026

ilugd mailinglist --
Archives at: 

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Karanbir Singh
M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:
 Dear Harish PIllay
 I am educating myself about  four kinds of freedom, for the users of the 
 software as per GPL .Freedom  number two Redhat does not  want to give user  
 for RHEL Linux Distribution .The
 freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour (freedom

Mr Yatnatti, if you feel so strongly about an issue you dont either 
understand, not have done any research on, I would highly recommend you 
speak to a laywer and take the matter to court. Ranting on a list about 
what you envisage is a GPL violation isnt going to help at all.

Also, I've stayed away from this conversation so far as a matter of 
interest. However, this is just getting silly. I think Sudhanwa hit the 
nail on the head with his post. Yatnatti does not know or comprehend the 
difference between Copyright, Trademark, Licensing or the ethos of Open 

Disclaimer: I am a member of the CentOS Devteam
Karanbir Singh :
GnuPG Public Key :

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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD

Dear Karanji,I don't understand why you want suppress the open voices  .Do you 
think that only few people have eligibility to talk on the subject.Others have 
no authority to discuss any thing.If LUG has any predefined regulations let me 
know.Really I don't know that if any body comes with any question at LUG you 
ask him to go to lawyer. Even I don't know good English,I don't know your 
posting styles . Do you Immediately  through me out of discussion.or You call 
me fool or troll if I have question.You don't reply some one else internet will 
reply.  If you think it is waste of time please don't reply. I shall post this 
question directly to Linux for you or some where else on internet .I don't fear 
to ask question.Some one on internet will reply me.Please dont bother too 
much.If ILUG D tells me i will opt out from this list.In any case i will learn  
posting styles and improve my english.
My research on the GPL in regards with  trademarks in respect to the question 
is this. 
Please read the link carefully
There are  Three paragraphs under the caption Trademarks and they are
very clear and they are  part of Guidelines for Free System
Distributions and not guide lines for making commercial distribution
or a proprietary OS out of GPLed software .Please make note of this
point .Please note that you cannot make commercial distribution out
of  Guidelines for Free System Distributions .These guidelines  don't
tell you  violate  freedom given at .It states  that
Similarly, the distribution itself may hold particular trademarks. It
is not a problem for these marks to be in the distribution, as long
as they can be readily removed without losing the system's
functionality. It means that let RHEL provide menu in the system
itself that with click of mouse trade mark can be removed  readily 
without affecting  system's functionality and user can use it and
distribute it. You cannot ask user to do it. It says readily means
readily users should be able to remove it. Because paragraph two says
 In extreme cases, these restrictions may effectively render the
program non free .It is unfair for someone to ask you to remove a
trademark from modified code if that trademark is scattered all
throughout the original source. As long as the conditions are
reasonable, however, free system distributions may include
these programs, either with or without the trademarks. But you cannot
use trademarks to make system non-free as per GPL. Holding the
trademark is different and  however, free system distributions may
include these programs, either with or without the trademarks. but
redhat  making RHEL  non free and commercial is different. which I
feel is the violation of GPL in two counts one at
  That is not allowing redistribution  and making commercial
distribution RHEL using all GPLed software violating  Guidelines for
Free System Distributions. These are my views .may be correct may not
be .Let us debate with cool and find out the real outcome.
Immediately jumping to conclusions is not my way of thinking. This is
only a debate. 


KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 

--- On Sun, 10/5/08, Karanbir Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Karanbir Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux 
For You India print Magzine India
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
Date: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 3:55 AM

M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:
 Dear Harish PIllay
 I am educating myself about  four kinds of freedom, for the users of the
software as per GPL .Freedom  number two Redhat does not  want to give user  for
RHEL Linux Distribution .The
 freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour (freedom

Mr Yatnatti, if you feel so strongly about an issue you dont either 
understand, not have done any research on, I would highly recommend you 
speak to a laywer and take the matter to court. Ranting on a list about 
what you envisage is a GPL violation isnt going to help at all.

Also, I've stayed away from this conversation so far as a matter of 
interest. However, this is just getting silly. I think Sudhanwa hit the 
nail on the head with his post. Yatnatti does not know or comprehend the 
difference between Copyright, Trademark, Licensing or the ethos of Open 

Disclaimer: I am a member of the CentOS Devteam
Karanbir Singh :
GnuPG Public Key :

ilugd mailinglist --

Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Karanbir Singh
M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:
 Dear Karanji,I don't understand why you want suppress the open voices  .

You seem to also suffer comprehension disabilities if thats what you 
infer from my last email.

 Do you think that only few people have eligibility to talk on the 
 subject.Others have no authority to discuss any thing.If LUG has any 
 predefined regulations let me know.Really I don't know that if any body comes 
 with any question at LUG you ask him to go to lawyer. Even I don't know good 
 English,I don't know your posting styles . Do you Immediately  through me out 
 of discussion.or You call me fool or troll if I have question.You don't reply 
 some one else internet will reply.  If you think it is waste of time please 
 don't reply. I shall post this question directly to Linux for you or some 
 where else on internet .I don't fear to ask question.Some one on internet 
 will reply me.Please dont bother too much.If ILUG D tells me i will opt out 
 from this list.In any case i will learn  posting styles and improve my 
Blah Blah
   That is not allowing redistribution  and making commercial
 distribution RHEL using all GPLed software violating  Guidelines for
 Free System Distributions. 

You are wrongly assuming that rhel is made up of GPL software. Go check 
your facts.

Karanbir Singh :  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-04 Thread Karanbir Singh
Karanbir Singh wrote:
 You are wrongly assuming that rhel is made up of GPL software. Go check 
 your facts.

s/of G/of only G/

Karanbir Singh :  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-03 Thread M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD
Dear Praveen,

Thank you for participating in the debate.Are you educating the open
FOSS community that any body can club all individual GPL software into
one Mega software collection under one umbrella using anaconda or Yum
which is also GPL and make non-free commercial software=RHEL .  Still
simple club all GPL = non free commercial .Please educate me .Is it for this 
day Foss was born .Community make GPL Software and commercial entities take 
benefit with simple trick .This
debate shall continue until, we have clear idea how to defeat GPL


KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 

--- On Thu, 10/2/08, Praveen A [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux 
For You India print Magzine India
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
Date: Thursday, October 2, 2008, 9:56 AM

2008/9/30 Sudhanwa Jogalekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 It is really unfortunate to know that people of CEO level are not able
 to understand the Trade Marks and Licenses.

I believe what you meant was Trademarks and Copyrights. You can have
Copyright License (GPL is one such) and Trademark License (what RHEL

Copyrights are used to protect software and a copyright license is
considered Free (as in Freedom) if it allows everyone who receive a
copy of the program to use, study, change and distribute (modified or
unmodified) copies of that program. All the components of RHEL is Free

But the collection distributed by Red Hat in CDs or DVDs also have a
license. You can think of it as a collection of poems in the public
domain. Even though individual poems remain in the public domain the
collector has a copyright over the collection.

Now trademarks are something different. It is used to protect brands.
It ensures that you get what you think you are getting.

RHEL name and logos are trademarked by Red Hat. That means if you see
RHEL with Red Hat logos you can be sure it is from Red Hat. In the
same way Mozilla Corporation own trademarks to Firefox. You need a
license from the owner of the trademark (in the same way as copyright)
to use that brand. CentOS removed the name and logos from RHEL and is
distributing the same collection. In the same way Debian changed
Firefox name to Iceweasel.

Trademarks does not restricts the Freedoms mentioned in the Free
Software definition.

Btw please avoid using the term ipr.

It implies either you are confused or you want to confuse everyone.

GPLv2 I know my rights; I want my phone call!
DRM What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)
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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-03 Thread Mehul Ved
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 11:18 PM, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD
 Dear Praveen,

Dear Sir,

 Thank you for participating in the debate.Are you educating the open
 FOSS community that any body can club all individual GPL software into
 one Mega software collection under one umbrella using anaconda or Yum
 which is also GPL and make non-free commercial software=RHEL .  Still
 simple club all GPL = non free commercial .Please educate me .Is it for this 
 day Foss was born .Community make GPL Software and commercial entities take 
 benefit with simple trick .This
 debate shall continue until, we have clear idea how to defeat GPL

Please tell me, where does CentOS come from?

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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-03 Thread shantanu goel
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 11:18 PM, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD
 Dear Praveen,

 Thank you for participating in the debate.Are you educating the open
 FOSS community that any body can club all individual GPL software into
 one Mega software collection under one umbrella using anaconda or Yum
 which is also GPL and make non-free commercial software=RHEL .  Still
 simple club all GPL = non free commercial .Please educate me .Is it for this 
 day Foss was born .Community make GPL Software and commercial entities take 
 benefit with simple trick .This
 debate shall continue until, we have clear idea how to defeat GPL


Well, only thing RH stops you from doing is that if you copy and
distribute RHEL then your copied CDs/DVDs should not bear RHEL name or
logo, which is understandable IMHO.
And I think in that interview which you are pointing out, the RHEL
spokesperson had clearly said the exact same thing that you can freely
copy and redistribute but just need to remove the RHEL name and logo.
I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, U can't prove anything - Bart Simpson

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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-02 Thread Sudhanwa Jogalekar
On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 9:56 AM, Praveen A [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/9/30 Sudhanwa Jogalekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 It is really unfortunate to know that people of CEO level are not able
 to understand the Trade Marks and Licenses.

 I believe what you meant was Trademarks and Copyrights. You can have
 Copyright License (GPL is one such) and Trademark License (what RHEL

No. I meant Trademarks and Licenses.

 Copyrights are used to protect software and a copyright license is
 considered Free (as in Freedom) if it allows everyone who receive a
 copy of the program to use, study, change and distribute (modified or
 unmodified) copies of that program. All the components of RHEL is Free

 But the collection distributed by Red Hat in CDs or DVDs also have a
 license. You can think of it as a collection of poems in the public
 domain. Even though individual poems remain in the public domain the
 collector has a copyright over the collection.

 Now trademarks are something different. It is used to protect brands.
 It ensures that you get what you think you are getting.

 RHEL name and logos are trademarked by Red Hat. That means if you see
 RHEL with Red Hat logos you can be sure it is from Red Hat. In the
 same way Mozilla Corporation own trademarks to Firefox. You need a
 license from the owner of the trademark (in the same way as copyright)
 to use that brand. CentOS removed the name and logos from RHEL and is
 distributing the same collection. In the same way Debian changed
 Firefox name to Iceweasel.

 Trademarks does not restricts the Freedoms mentioned in the Free
 Software definition.

That is some good explanation useful to the OP.

 Btw please avoid using the term ipr.

 It implies either you are confused or you want to confuse everyone.

That is another good pointer to understand things. But people may or
may not agree to all the views mentioned there.

Intellectual Property is a generic term and covers many things.
I am neither confused nor trying to confuse others about IPRs.
IPR is a complex subject and I will not get into it on the list.



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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-10-01 Thread Praveen A
2008/9/30 Sudhanwa Jogalekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 It is really unfortunate to know that people of CEO level are not able
 to understand the Trade Marks and Licenses.

I believe what you meant was Trademarks and Copyrights. You can have
Copyright License (GPL is one such) and Trademark License (what RHEL

Copyrights are used to protect software and a copyright license is
considered Free (as in Freedom) if it allows everyone who receive a
copy of the program to use, study, change and distribute (modified or
unmodified) copies of that program. All the components of RHEL is Free

But the collection distributed by Red Hat in CDs or DVDs also have a
license. You can think of it as a collection of poems in the public
domain. Even though individual poems remain in the public domain the
collector has a copyright over the collection.

Now trademarks are something different. It is used to protect brands.
It ensures that you get what you think you are getting.

RHEL name and logos are trademarked by Red Hat. That means if you see
RHEL with Red Hat logos you can be sure it is from Red Hat. In the
same way Mozilla Corporation own trademarks to Firefox. You need a
license from the owner of the trademark (in the same way as copyright)
to use that brand. CentOS removed the name and logos from RHEL and is
distributing the same collection. In the same way Debian changed
Firefox name to Iceweasel.

Trademarks does not restricts the Freedoms mentioned in the Free
Software definition.

Btw please avoid using the term ipr.

It implies either you are confused or you want to confuse everyone.

പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍
GPLv2 I know my rights; I want my phone call!
DRM What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-09-30 Thread Nalin Savara
Hi Yatnatti,

On face of it, I can see what your objection is.

but brother, remember that since Linux is Open Source RedHat is bound to
release the source codes of whatever they sell--- and if someone wants--
s/he can have/distribute for zero or very low price (even 1 cent) what
RedHat sells for thousands of Dollars.

It's true!!! That very same RedHat Linux OS is distributed free as CentOS
(1-cent OS).

A Suggestion:
Brother, seems you have not yet you read the story of Don Quixote ? The guy
who imagined WindMills to be Dragons, and actually went about getting hurt
attacking windmills ???

Or is it that the agressive fighting spirit of Delhi-ites is so famous that
you think you will try to provoke and excite us into going and fighting wars
for free on your Behalf even against RedHat ???

Thanks for the compliment.

However, unlike RedHat, whose OS can be sold for free, we publish a CD of
incompetent companies which we distribute to many companies and from which
make lot of money--- and which we distribute to many people making
hiring/purchasing decisions-- to make them aware of useless and
non-knowledge-able IT people--- and along with the name of the Elcott
tutorial enthusiast, we have added your name and the name of your company to
that list-- kindly send a unicast mail to know payment schedule to get your
name removed from that list

ps: part of this mail is light-hearted humour... go figure which part!!! and
send me a note of thanks incase part of it is true/useful !!!

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 11:12 AM, Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 29 2008, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:

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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-09-30 Thread Sudhanwa Jogalekar
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 9:47 AM, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD

 Hi Every Body,

 Could you dare to challenge if redhat puts its logo and art work at
 your property and products and claim trademark ownership rights ? in
 the similar way would you object redhat which has put its logo and art
 work in RHEL Linux distribution and claimed the trade mark product
 ownership in RHEL when redhat is not the owner of RHEL. and GPL is the
 owner ..Could you dare to challenge the redhat.Redhat inc is under
 attack from open source community .


It is really unfortunate to know that people of CEO level are not able
to understand the Trade Marks and Licenses.

I think it is a need to educate people on IPRs in general, software
licenses, copyrights and copylefts etc etc.
It will be great if the upcoming events like FOSS.IN etc arrange some
talks/discussions on the same.

Looks like the OP is really troubled by RH.

/me looking for event organisers.
/me thinks if this is some publicity stunt for the websites mentioned
in the posting, it is surely going to get some bad publicity.



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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-09-29 Thread Raj Mathur
On Tuesday 30 Sep 2008, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:
 Could you dare to challenge if redhat puts its logo and art work at
 your property and products and claim trademark ownership rights ? in
 the similar way would you object redhat which has put its logo and
 art work in RHEL Linux distribution and claimed the trade mark
 product ownership in RHEL when redhat is not the owner of RHEL. and
 GPL is the owner ..Could you dare to challenge the redhat.Redhat inc
 is under attack from open source community .

 I know Linux and GPL is bigger than redhat. But it's unfortunate
 that redhat is blatantly violating GPL by not permitting any body or
 every body to redistribute the RHEL !

I'd suggest you figure out the differences between trademarks and 
licences before claiming that what someone is doing is illegal.  Please 
also examine RH's claims about ownership (whether they claim to own the 
distribution or the trademarks) carefully.

As far as I know no one in his/her right mind who understands these 
issues claims that RH is in violation or either law or ethics in their 
distribution.  I'm quite willing to participate in a sane, /informed/ 
discussion on these issues in the list; OTOH if all you want to do is 
troll please include me out.


-- Raju
   GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
PsyTrance  Chill:   ||   It is the mind that moves

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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-09-29 Thread Arun Khan
On Tuesday 30 Sep 2008, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:

 snip ...

This topic was discussed in this mailing list a few weeks ago.  Please 
search through the mailing list archives.

-- Arun Khan

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Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux For You India print Magzine India

2008-09-29 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Mon, Sep 29 2008, M.S.Yatnatti CEO KPN UNLIMITD wrote:

 Could you dare to challenge if redhat puts its logo and art work at
 your property and products and claim trademark ownership rights ? in
 the similar way would you object redhat which has put its logo and art
 work in RHEL Linux distribution and claimed the trade mark product
 ownership in RHEL when redhat is not the owner of RHEL. and GPL is the

Err, the GPL is a _license_. It can't own anything. And since
 RHEL expands to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, I would do some research
 before asserting that Red Hat does not own the mark RHEL.

If God wanted us to have a President, He would have sent us a
candidate. Jerry Dreshfield
Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
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