Re: [IRCA] New show over at

2010-02-10 Thread Walter Salmaniw
At 09:57 PM 2/10/2010, you wrote:

>Testing out some streaming media widgets on
>Currently running a new Ukrainian show -
>Would appreciate a few folks giving it a whirl -
>seeing how it behaves.
>Live: Nash Holos - Paulette MacQuerrie [54:50] - Nash Holas
>Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
>Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
>DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com

Hi, Colin!  I've been a regular listener of Nash Holos (the podcast version) 
for several years now.  They have lots of really good Ukrainian music of all 
genres, as well as travel tips, food ideas, and a spiritual message each 
Sunday.  Well worth listening.  I was really surprised when I heard Paulette on 
the New Year's program from The Happy Station ShowWalt

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Re: [IRCA] John Bryant's Legacy

2010-02-10 Thread Patrick Martin
Wonderful ideas Gary. We need to keep John's legacy alive. Any chance of
making the articles that were published in Proceedings available? I have
three issues and I love them. It would be wonderful to get the rest.  



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Re: [IRCA] John Bryant endowment suggestion

2010-02-10 Thread Patrick Martin
Walt wrote

>>Wouldn't a website with the "complete works of John Bryant" be a
fitting tribute to start? <<

An excellent idea Walt.  John had so many wonderful articles. 



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[IRCA] John Bryant's Legacy

2010-02-10 Thread D1028Gary
Hello All,
As all of us express our deep respect and appreciation for John's many  
outstanding contributions to our hobby (and especially to our Ultralight Radio  
enthusiast group), perhaps the most appropriate way to honor his memory is 
to  follow his example of unselfish service to others.
Having had the privilege of cooperating very closely with John in the  
creation and promotion of our ULR group over the past two years, I frequently  
heard his concerns that although the group was growing rapidly and fulfilling 
 its primary objective of introducing this exciting form of AM-DXing,  the 
same core leadership group from early 2008 was constantly carrying  the load 
in providing service to the membership. John was truly a "giving"  type of 
leader for whom service to others came naturally, but he seems to have  been 
unusual in his motivating concept-- that the greatest hobby  pleasure comes 
not from one's own success, but in helping others to  succeed.
Based on John's superb example (and the unselfish contributions of many  
other ULR group leaders), our enthusiast group has certainly reversed the  
general impression of an AM-DXing "hobby in decline," and has grown at a  
phenomenal rate during these past two years-- introducing new DXing  excitement 
and enjoyment to hundreds of hobbyists around the  world. John knew that we 
had hit upon a "winning combination," and  took pride in how we were 
restoring the original thrill of DXing to our  membership. But he also knew 
those successful in ULR-DXing,  antenna experimentation or other technical 
areas had a responsibility to  "give back" to the membership, and share their 
expertise with those who could  benefit from it. Many new members have been 
surprised when John  politely (but firmly) asked that they draft an article to 
share the  secrets of their success with the membership-- but this has 
actually been  a ULR group tradition since the very first days of our 
and  probably the primary reason for our booming growth rate. We all have a 
 responsibility to "give back" to the membership, and in this essential  
priority, John certainly set a great example for all of us.
As we face the very unpleasant news of John's accidental passing, I would  
encourage all of you to honor John's memory by following his example. If you 
can  contribute technical articles of interest to our group (antenna 
experimentation,  radio modification, equipment reviews, etc.), please consider 
doing so. If you  have expertise in graphic design, John's untimely passing 
has left a need for a  creator of Ultralight Award certificates. Those 
successful in domestic and  international DXing should consider writing 
articles. If you  have had great success DXing with a certain radio model, 
please let us  know why it is your dream machine. Don't be concerned about the 
lack of  file space on the Ultralightdx site-- John and I recently agreed on 
a solution  for that. If you have interest in serving on one of the ULR 
group committees  (Definitions, Awards or Contests), please consider 
volunteering. Discover the  unique satisfaction that comes from "giving back" 
others, and honor John  by following his unselfish example. We all have 
to contribute--  let's show we really have learned this final "lesson," 
from one of the  hobby's greatest teachers.
73, Gary DeBock
ULR Group Co-founder
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Re: [IRCA] 1040 Khz - het back again

2010-02-10 Thread Walter Salmaniw
At 04:50 AM 2/9/2010, you wrote:
>One of these nights/mornings, i'll try and check this from my location in
>Paul Walker
>Marion, IL

Paul, I see something around 1040.313 on my Perseus SDR tonightWalt

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[IRCA] TP for 10 Feb from Victoria, BC

2010-02-10 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Another odd morning.  A few of the big guns delivered big signals at times but 
mostly they were down in the murk a bit.   But the second string had a few of 
interest among their numbersthere's something on 1476 for example.   
Listened at 1420, 1500 and 1520UT.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least

594 JOAK at 1426
774 JOUB
972 HLCA at 1521

reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a
native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

747 JOIB
828 JOBB
1143 CC talk at 1504, likely Taiwan
1287 JOHR at 1503 (still readable at 1547UT when most others were gone)
1566 HLAZ delivered this level of audio a couple of times

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could be
understood by a native speaker

567 JOIK //594
603 two stations, mx and woman talking; at 1500UT seemed only 3 and one pips 
slightly echoey, so NHK-1 might have been in there also, but no parallel earlier
639 CNR-1 //4460
711 HLKA KK talk by man 
918 CC talk at 1522UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :

666 JOBK //594
702 NHK2 //747
873 JOGB //828
945 seemed //4460, so CNR-1
1017 CRI  //5965
1134 too much splatter to tell
1242 likely JJ?
1476 could have been CC, but not //CNR-2
1575 VoA?

Strongish het, no audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):


and 11 Feb TA's?  just carriers on 963, 1134, 1179, 1215, 1323 and 
1611...possibly others, but except for 963, they were pretty erratic.

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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Re: [IRCA] John Bryant endowment suggestion

2010-02-10 Thread Walter Salmaniw
At 08:24 AM 2/10/2010, you wrote:

>Tossing some ideas around as the inspiration comes.
>John was one of those larger than life guys
>who could not be contained in one lifetime.
>And yet.
>I like to suggest some kind of endowment for John -
>to enhance and evolve the hobby we have today - moving
>it forward (to steal a tired phrase).
>Getting together his collected works, technical
>and otherwise - and into a book is brilliant.
>Sponsoring events. Placing radio equipment with new
>hobbyists. Perhaps even a website that will house, in
>perpetuity, his memory and works - or better yet,
>a memorial space for all the folks that made the hobby what
>it is today.
>Tossing them out there.
>Best regards,

Some excellent ideas, Colin.  I hope we can go somewhere with them.  Already, 
the tributes are being collected.  Wouldn't a website with the "complete works 
of John Bryant" be a fitting tribute to start?  Walt

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[IRCA] New show over at

2010-02-10 Thread cafe

Testing out some streaming media widgets on

Currently running a new Ukrainian show -

Would appreciate a few folks giving it a whirl -
seeing how it behaves.

Live: Nash Holos - Paulette MacQuerrie [54:50] - Nash Holas

Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com

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[IRCA] John Bryant R.I.P

2010-02-10 Thread Walter Salmaniw
My wife and I sat over a cup of tea talking about John tonight.  As some of you 
may know, my wife Wanda is Haida and has a very Native American spirituality.  
She offered this thought about John:  "People like John don't ever die.  They 
remain with us, enriching our lives long after they leave this world".  She 
then referred me to a Native American (likely Navajo) poem (although when I 
Googled it, it's been attributed to many different people).  I know that John 
was deeply proud of his own Native American roots (Chippewa, I believe), and so 
in tribute to this wonderful man:

Native American Prayer 

I give you this one thought to keep - 
I am with you still - I do not sleep. 
I am a thousand winds that blow, 
I am the diamond glints on snow, 
I am sunlight on ripened grain, 
I am the gentle autumn rain. 
When you awake in the morning's hush 
I am the swift, uplifting rush 
Of quiet birds in circled flight. 
I am the soft stars that shine at night. 
Do not think of me as gone - 
I am with you still - in each new dawn. 

We'll never forget you, my dear friend..Walt and Wanda Salmaniw, Victoria, 

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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 10 Feb

2010-02-10 Thread Nigel Pimblett
   Well, I think John B must have put in a good word for us, as this 
was, without a doubt, the best morning for a couple of months.  The 
lower band wasn't anything special, but the upper end of the dial was 
almost of fall quality.  Audio heard from:

594 Japan
666 Japan
693 Japan
738 maybe two stations here, both pretty weak
747 Japan
774 Japan
828 Japan
945 CNR1 China
981 CNR1 China
999 unID, sounded Chinese.  Second carrier on 998.91 likely N.Korea
1017 China CRI in Korean
1035 very slight traces of audio, but at least 5 carriers here.
1089 unID, man speaking in heavy splatter @1404
1116 weak audio, sounded Chinese @1422
1134 Korea
1205.98 China
1386 Japan NHK2 synchros, but also another station with instrumental music
1422 faint traces of audio @1429, likely Japan
1467 unID, traces of audio @1434
1503 Japan NHK1 @1443, surprisingly good
1521 audio traces @1438
1566 Korea, actually with fair audio @1432
1575 VOA Thailand
1593 China CNR1
1602 Japan NHK2 @1445

It was quite striking how much better the upper band was than the lower. 
I actually had trouble trying to get a parallel for 1602, eventually 
getting 774, which was only very slightly better than 1602!  1593 had 
the best signal from China, and the NHK signal on 1503 was perhaps as 
good as I've ever heard it.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

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Re: [IRCA] John Bryant

2010-02-10 Thread todftscytj7707
Hello. I went from barely knowing john to realizing the staggering 
accomplishments that he has given to many sectors, within 24 hrs. I am 
saddened that so many people have been by john's sudden passing. I pray 
for peace and comfort for all that are affected. Todd

-Original Message-
From: Craig Healy 
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America 

Sent: Tue, 09 Feb 2010 23:17:11 -0500
Subject: Re: [IRCA] John Bryant

It is my sad duty to inform you that yesterday John Bryant fell
from a ladder and received injuries that resulted in his death..

I greatly enjoyed reading his posts, and his ability in the DX world.  

will be really missed.

Craig Healy
Providence, RI

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Re: [IRCA] John Bryant forum area

2010-02-10 Thread Ira Elbert New III

Well said, Patrick. Well said.
Vaya con dios amiga.

Bert New
Watkinsville, Georgia
Proudly Serving You Since 1964!

> From:
> Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 19:03:38 -0800
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] John Bryant forum area
> I have no doubt, John knows how we all feel. 
> RIP my good friend.
> 73,
> Patrick
> ___
> IRCA mailing list
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> contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
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Re: [IRCA] John Bryant forum area

2010-02-10 Thread Patrick Martin
I have no doubt, John knows how we all feel. 

RIP my good friend.



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[IRCA] Question about Radio Maria 690 (Guatemala or otherwise)

2010-02-10 Thread Chernos Saul

I logged a Radio Maria last night. My 2009 WRTH lists one in Guatemala, but 
does not mention its power. Has anyone either heard such a station, or know 
more about it, or have anything else to suggest?



Burnt River ON


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Re: [IRCA] John Bryant's Memorial Postings .................

2010-02-10 Thread neilkaz
Glad to see such a great memorial for such a great man, a friend to all, and 
one of the greatest DXers ever to grace the face of this Earth. John was 
talented in every aspect of the hobby, from hardware to software as well as 
reception of very difficult stations. His encyclopedic knowledge of stations 
and their programming helped him to milk the best DX from good cx.

I've had the pleasure of meeting John and he also was accomplished in non-DX 
arenas. I can honestly say that Dr. Bryant was one of the smartest people I've 
ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Today, I didn't get to read my emails until it was nearly lunch time and after 
reading about John's most unfortunate passing and some of the many tributes to 
him, I staggered off the trading floor with tears in my eyes. I was so overcome 
with shock and grief that I had a difficult time functioning for the remainder 
of the afternoon.

Nearly a decade ago, I made some EZNEC mods to a ham antenna design by the late 
K6SE. My small version had a fine cardioid pattern with good back nulls and 
John wrote up a nice article discussing his tests of my design and a larger 
varient and named it the KAZ antenna. These Delta Flags are still in use by 
many today and also serve as elements for some high performance arrays.

John was also a driving force behind the UltraLite DXing boom and in earlier 
this century he was a major contributor to the Corozon DX Group which 
specializes in Mexican AM DX.

I have John's old mod 2010 here as well as a couple of transformers made by 
him. Every time I use them, I will miss him greatly.

I take heart in the fact that in heaven there is no IBOC.

RIP my friend .. 73 KAZ

-Original Message-
>From: "Robert S.Ross VA3SW" 
>Sent: Feb 10, 2010 7:21 PM
>To: IRCA AM List 
>Subject: [IRCA] John Bryant's Memorial Postings .
>Hello Everyone:
>Well..I just got finished reading all the emails on the ULR,
>DXplorer, IRCA, NRC, ODXA etc Lists about John...and Man.this
>has to rate as the Greatest Memorial to ANY DX'er that I have ever
>witnessed. Maybe only the Death of Arthur Cushen in New Zealand could be
>compared to the grief shown by the many Friends of John Bryant!!
>I have spent over 2 hours reading all the postings with memories of
>John's accomplishments.and I am overwhelmed!!
>JohnYou'll never know how many people you touched with your
>Kindness, Knowledge and Generosity.
>73...ROB VA3SW
>Robert S. Ross
>London, Ontario CANADA
>IRCA mailing list
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[IRCA] WWV Solar Report

2010-02-10 Thread Ng1u
:Product: Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
:Issued: 2010 Feb 11 0001 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
#  Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 10 February follow.
Solar flux 91 and mid-latitude A-index 3.
The mid-latitude K-index at  UTC on 11 February was 1 (5 nT).
No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.
No space weather storms are expected for the next 24 hours.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trends -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Date 09   09   09   09   09   10   10   10   10   10   10   10   10   11   
UTC  0900 1200 1500 1800 2100  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100  
SFlx 94   94   94   94   91   91   91   91   91   91   91   91   91   91   
A-in 44442222222233
K-in 11011111120111
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Re: [IRCA] Fw: Re: Application of CHNC-610 New Carlisle (Oops sorry

2010-02-10 Thread amdxmail
I'm glad to hear that Gaspe Peninsula stations can be heard so easily 
in the UK.  I'd give anything to hear one here!

Steve Francis
Alcoa, Tennessee

-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 6:36 pm
Subject: [IRCA] Fw: Re: Application of CHNC-610 New Carlisle (Oops sorry

Oops! Sent in error. I was passing on the news to the MWC egroup but 
not very

well hi!

Barry :-)

--- On Wed, 10/2/10, BARRY DAVIES  

Subject: Re: [IRCA] Application of CHNC-610 New Carlisle, Quebec and 

Gaspé Quebec to simulcast approved by CRTC
To: "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America"

Date: Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 23:25

This news from our friends in the IRCA. Seems 610 will still be a 
problem for


Barry :-)

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[IRCA] John Bryant's Memorial Postings .................

2010-02-10 Thread Robert S.Ross VA3SW

Hello Everyone:

Well..I just got finished reading all the emails on the ULR,
DXplorer, IRCA, NRC, ODXA etc Lists about John...and Man.this
has to rate as the Greatest Memorial to ANY DX'er that I have ever
witnessed. Maybe only the Death of Arthur Cushen in New Zealand could be
compared to the grief shown by the many Friends of John Bryant!!

I have spent over 2 hours reading all the postings with memories of
John's accomplishments.and I am overwhelmed!!

JohnYou'll never know how many people you touched with your
Kindness, Knowledge and Generosity.

73...ROB VA3SW

Robert S. Ross
London, Ontario CANADA

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[IRCA] Fw: Re: Application of CHNC-610 New Carlisle (Oops sorry

2010-02-10 Thread BARRY DAVIES
Oops! Sent in error. I was passing on the news to the MWC egroup but not very 
well hi!

Barry :-) 

--- On Wed, 10/2/10, BARRY DAVIES  wrote:

Subject: Re: [IRCA] Application of CHNC-610 New Carlisle, Quebec and CHGM-1150 
Gaspé Quebec to simulcast approved by CRTC
To: "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America" 

Date: Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 23:25

This news from our friends in the IRCA. Seems 610 will still be a problem for 

Barry :-) 

--- On Wed, 10/2/10, Deane McIntyre  wrote:

From: Deane McIntyre 
Subject: [IRCA] Application of CHNC-610 New Carlisle, Quebec and CHGM-1150 
Gaspé Quebec to simulcast approved by CRTC
To: "NRC" , "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of 
America" , "Bill Hale" 
Date: Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 17:18

The Applications of CHNC-610 New Carlisle, Quebec and CHGM-1150 Gaspé Quebec,

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Re: [IRCA] Application of CHNC-610 New Carlisle, Quebec a nd CHGM-1150 Gaspé Quebec to simulcast approved by CRTC

2010-02-10 Thread BARRY DAVIES
This news from our friends in the IRCA. Seems 610 will still be a problem for 

Barry :-) 

--- On Wed, 10/2/10, Deane McIntyre  wrote:

From: Deane McIntyre 
Subject: [IRCA] Application of CHNC-610 New Carlisle, Quebec and CHGM-1150 
Gaspé Quebec to simulcast approved by CRTC
To: "NRC" , "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of 
America" , "Bill Hale" 
Date: Wednesday, 10 February, 2010, 17:18

The Applications of CHNC-610 New Carlisle, Quebec and CHGM-1150 Gaspé Quebec,
which are moving to FM to continue to simulcast on AM until November 1, 2010
has been approved by the CRTC:

APPROVED – Extension to 1 November 2010 of the time limit for the simultaneous
broadcasting of CHNC and CHNC-FM New Carlisle, Quebec and of the transmitters
CHGM and CHGM-FM Gaspé, Quebec authorized in CHNC New Carlisle and its 
CHGM Gaspé – Conversion to the FM band and addition of FM transmitters in 
Chandler and Percé, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2008-51, 3 March 2008.


Deane McIntyre
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[IRCA] WWV Solar Report

2010-02-10 Thread Ng1u
:Product: Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
:Issued: 2010 Feb 10 1801 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
#  Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 09 February follow.
Solar flux 91 and mid-latitude A-index 2.
The mid-latitude K-index at 1800 UTC on 10 February was 1 (05 nT).
No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.
Space weather for the next 24 hours is expected to be minor.
Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level are expected.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trends -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Date 09   09   09   09   09   09   09   10   10   10   10   10   10   10   
UTC  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 
SFlx 94   94   94   94   94   94   91   91   91   91   91   91   91   91   
A-in 44444422222222
K-in 01110111111201
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[IRCA] Homenaje a John Bryant, renombrado DXista norteamericano

2010-02-10 Thread Horacio Nigro

John H. Bryant
EE.UU. de NA

In memoriam

Una lamentable noticia tuvimos ayer al enterarnos del trágico y lamentable 
fallecimiento del famoso DXista estadounidense Prof. Arq. John Bryant, de 

Precisamente, el pasado 9 de febrero de 2010, el OM: Harold Cones, su amigo y 
colega, informaban a la lista "DXplorer", que 
el día anterior,John Bryant había caido de una escalera y había recibido 
heridas que había resultado en su muerte.

Quienes no lo hayan conocido de nombre al menos, estimados colegas DXistas 
latinoamericanos,  vale indicar que John era un brillante profesional, 
Arquitecto (fellow en el "American Institute of Architects"), Profesor Emérito, 
 pero también, además de DXista de gran calibre, un autor de trabajos 
históricos y técnicos de gran relevancia en el mundo de la radio y 
particularmente del DXismo (técnicas de DXismo, propagacion, antenas, radio 
modificaciones, etc.) y hombre de una personalidad única.

 En los ochentas publicó a través de la asociación "Fine Tuning" los trabajos 
"Fine Tuning Proceedings", que a pesar de haber transcurrido más de 20 años, 
aún son importante material de lectura y se encuentran entre los trabajos más 
profundamente y mejor creados en el ámbito del hobby del DXismo. Otros textos 
para el DXista tales como  "Emerging Techniques of High Tech DXpeditioning" 
merecieron gran aceptación por el nivel de preparación, y que, a no dudar, 
serán base a considerar para los historiadores del futuro cuando acometan el 
tema de lo que se ha dado en llamar el hobby del DXismo.

John, tenía la maravillosa habilidad de explicar lo muy complejo en algo 
sencillo para quienes eran no muy adentrados en el tema de la electrónica . 
Adoptó tempranamente la nueva tecnología tanto a nivel profesional como en el 
mundo de la radio, por ejemplo adquiriendo, entre los primeros DXistas, un 
venerable Rockwell-Collins HF-2050.  Se interesó rápidamente cuando las nuevas 
tecnologías aparecieron. Su más reciente receptor era el WinRadio 313e, aunque 
estaba muy interesado en el Perseus SDR. 

John, como profesor de arquitectura reveló dotes especiales en el diseño 
industrial fino. Esto era cierto cualquiera fuese el objeto de atención, un 
auto deportivo,  o una radio.  Se recuerda su análisis del viejo receptor 
Hallicrafters  SX-28, de la Segunda Guerra; brindando en él detalles y 
descripciones que superan el elemental repaso de las piezas que lo componen.

Su entusiasmo por los aspectos más humanos,  la cultura local  de exóticos 
lugares adornó llas referencias al DX que hizo  y las Expediciones DX a las que 
concurría, para deleite de sus colegas.  Sus loggings, detalles técnicos, etc. 
acompañados de datos sobre la cultura del pais, la música, etc. fueron la 
caracteristica de sus reportes. En suma , un hombre de ilustrada cultura, el 
entusiasmo necesario para  acometer su actividad y también para encender la 
motivación del novato, reconocedor del valor de lo humano.

En el aspecto de sus trabajos históricos, John fue autor, conjuntamente con el 
Dr. Harold Cones, de libros sobre la historia de la famosa Zenith, Zenith 
Trans-Oceanic: The Royalty of Radios ( 2008), Zenith Radio: The Early Years : 
1919-1935 (Schiffer Book for Collectors) conjuntamente con Martin Blankinship, 
y William Wade(1997), Zenith Radio, The Glory Years, 1936-1945: History and 
Products (Schiffer Book 
for Collectors)(2003). The Zenith Trans-Oceanic, the Royalty of Radios: The 
Royalty of Radios 
(Schiffer Book for Collectors)(1995). 

Otro sobre el cruce del Polo Norte,Dangerous Crossings: The First Modern Polar 
Expedition, 1925 (2000); y sobre el gran sabioHeinrich Hertz, the beginning of 
microwaves: Discovery of 
electromagnetic waves and opening of the electromagnetic spectrum by 
Heinrich Hertz in the years 1886-1892 (1988), entre otros de Arquitectura e 
historia general.

John Bryant fue propulsor de la lista de correo "Corazon DX", dedicado al 
DX con foco en las estaciones de radio de onda media de México e integró 
los grupos "Numero Uno", "Fine Tuning", "DXplorer", y mas recientemente el 
grupo "Ultralight DX".

Pasaba la mitad en su casa de Washington, en la Isla Orcas, pero ya 
había decidido hacer éste su lugar de retiro definitivo y frecuentaba 
las Expediciones DX a Grayland, en ese Estado, donde muy buen DX se hizo y se 
continúa haciendo por parte de los DXistas de EE.UU de América. 

Era hasta el momento de su muerte, moderador, entre otros, del grupo dedicado  
al mundo de receptores Ultralight -la práctica de la recepción DX con 
receptores de bolsillo -especialmente Onda Media, pero sin descartar otras 
bandas, como FM y Onda Corta-, creando la Comisión de Certificados y Records. 
En su momento, quien esto escribe, mantuvo un intrecambio de emails para 
corregir un texto en ingles preparado a fines de unir puentes entre los DXistas 
latinoamericanos y norteamericanos en este nicho del hobby.John me felicitó por 
esta ayuda en promover el

[IRCA] Faroe Islands-531

2010-02-10 Thread Marc DeLorenzo
Faroe Islands-531 good 2156 UTC with Eagles hit "Take It To The Limit" parallel 
to webstream.

Marc DeLorenzo 
South Dennis, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
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[IRCA] Remembering John B.

2010-02-10 Thread Jim Renfrew

Jim Renfrew, Holley NY

I first had opportunity to interact with John when he was editing 
Proceedings, and he cajoled me into writing an article about Medium Wave DX 
TA, Central and South American targets.  Later, he would submit his reports 
to International DX Digest of the NRC when I edited that column. Over the 
years I've had much correspondence with him, one on one and through the 
different threads on the lists.   He was a Newfoundland DX vet, though I 
never crossed beverages with him there.  I was very sorry to hear the news 
of his untimely death - good friends are never easy to come by, and he had 
so much more to offer.  Others have given eloquent testimonies about John, 
and I endorse everything I've read during the last day.

However, I can't resist sharing something I wrote three years ago, my 
imagined  PBS documentary on John's Easter Island DXadventure.  Here it is, 
RIP John!

Morgan Freeman: After months of prepartion [video collage of John B throwing 
red-faced tantrums as he begs his family to let him go, final meeting with 
bank loan officer in which veiled reference to "a pound of flesh" is made, 
large steamer trunks sitting on the pier, tearful send-off by friends and 
family (including an awkward moment in which a Graylander is found stowed 
away in one of the trunks), small plane bouncing through thunder and 
lightening], John B faces some unanticipated obstacles when he reaches 
Easter Island ...

[Video shot shows a big walrus sidling up to the beverage]

John B: Hey! Leggo that wire!

[Video shot shows John B with firm grip on wire in desperate tug-of-war with 
walrus, as both teeter on cliff edge]

Morgan Freeman: But it's all in a day's work for the serious DXer ...

[Collage of video shots showing John B being strip-searched at airport, John 
B passing through check point manned by hooded members of the Pascua 
Liberation Front, John B being attacked by rabid penguins after unwittingly 
stumbling into their mating area, John B (wearing ninja suit) hunting down 
the offensive dimmer light in the bowels of the hotel while the security 
guard is dozing, John B eating the local staple (raw squid with seaweed 

Morgan Freeman: And trying to explain it all to the skeptical local 
citizenry ...

[video shot of John B in local pub]

John B: And then the big signal from Nibi-Nibi came blasting in just as my 
batteries failed

Morgan Freeman: Next week, John B develops an ingenius antenna system making 
use of the bars of his jail cell, using his prosthetic knee as a balun. 
Check your local PBS listing for the scheduled broadcast of Part 2, "DXing 
at the End of the World" 

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[IRCA] John Bryant forum area

2010-02-10 Thread cafe

As well as the ULR Yahoo Group

Some poignant stories starting to pop up.

Today's thought: "It was a John Bryant radio Universe -
  and the rest of us were happily sharing in his passion..."

Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com

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Re: [IRCA] John Bryant

2010-02-10 Thread Barry McLarnon
Sad, shocking news... John was clearly an exceptional individual who excelled 
at many things, and he took his chosen hobby to new levels that the rest of 
us can only marvel at.  He will be sorely missed.  My deepest condolences to 
his family and many friends.


Barry McLarnon VE3JF  Ottawa, ON
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[IRCA] Application of CHNC-610 New Carlisle, Que bec and CHGM-1150 Gaspé Quebec to simulcast approved by CRTC

2010-02-10 Thread Deane McIntyre
The Applications of CHNC-610 New Carlisle, Quebec and CHGM-1150 Gaspé  
which are moving to FM to continue to simulcast on AM until November  
1, 2010

has been approved by the CRTC:

APPROVED – Extension to 1 November 2010 of the time limit for the  
broadcasting of CHNC and CHNC-FM New Carlisle, Quebec and of the  
CHGM and CHGM-FM Gaspé, Quebec authorized in CHNC New Carlisle and  
its transmitter
CHGM Gaspé – Conversion to the FM band and addition of FM  
transmitters in Carleton,

Chandler and Percé, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2008-51, 3 March 2008.


Deane McIntyre
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[IRCA] John Bryant endowment suggestion

2010-02-10 Thread cafe

Tossing some ideas around as the inspiration comes.

John was one of those larger than life guys
who could not be contained in one lifetime.

And yet.

I like to suggest some kind of endowment for John -
to enhance and evolve the hobby we have today - moving
it forward (to steal a tired phrase).

Getting together his collected works, technical
and otherwise - and into a book is brilliant.
Sponsoring events. Placing radio equipment with new
hobbyists. Perhaps even a website that will house, in
perpetuity, his memory and works - or better yet,
a memorial space for all the folks that made the hobby what
it is today.

Tossing them out there.

Best regards,

Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com

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[IRCA] Victoria TP's for 2-10-10

2010-02-10 Thread cafe
It only seemed fitting to get up extra early and
sit in front of the radio dial...

Armchair Japan on 594, 774 and 828 around 1500UTC

near audio and hints of audio on 531, 558, 612, 639, 702, 738,

High band seemed quiet.

Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com

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Re: [IRCA] John Bryant

2010-02-10 Thread Stewart, Joseph R
I just checked email this morning... and this... just... sucks.  Period.

I never met or spoke directly to John, but we have exchanged emails over the 
years. He recruited me for his Mexican-DX group "Corazon DX" several years ago, 
and was always quick with answers and helpful hints regarding one of his 
favorite subjects, the Zenith Trans-Oceanic series.  He'll be greatly missed.

Randy Stewart
Springfield MO
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[IRCA] TP's for 02/10/09

2010-02-10 Thread vroomski

Listened from 0835-0838 utc and from 1504-1518 utc.

153   RUSSIA, RADIO ROSSII 0835 fair with woman and man discussion
  in Russian.
594   JAPAN, JOAK NHK1 1516 very with with woman in Japanese.
774   JAPAN, JOUB NHK2 1505 Good.
828   Japan, JOBB NHK2 1507 weak.  Fair at 1513.
1566  REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLAZ 1509 weak.

Salmon Creek, WA
JRC JRD 545 ewe NW
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[IRCA] Arizona TP's for 2-10-10

2010-02-10 Thread Bill Block

Listened from 1355-1420 utc and conditions was very good with carriers on the 
bottom and top part of the band.  Some of the carriers have not been heard 
since fall.  The carriers were: 279, 531, 558, 585, 594, 666, 693, 747, 756, 
765, 774, 837, 873, 936, 945, 972, 1008, 1188, 1206, 1314, 1377, 1386, 1476, 
1557, 1566, 1575 and 1593.


594   JOAK very poor at 1403 utc.

774   JOUB poor at 1405 utc.

1206  A few words just above the noise level at 1417 utc.


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[IRCA] John Bryant

2010-02-10 Thread Walter Salmaniw
Nick Hall-Patch called me moments after I got home from work about the terrible 
news about John.  John Bryant was a very dear friend for over 20 years.  My 
family had visited the Bryants' on Orcas Is. on a number of occasions, and John 
even had the chance to come up to my cottage on Haida Gwaii, in northern B.C.  
John had a true gift as a teacher and was always wearing that hat during the 
many Grayland, WA DXpeditions that we both attended.  The Saturday afternoon 
Show and Tell sessions were always a highlight of a Grayland weekend.  They 
were organized by John who obviously used his many years as a professor to keep 
us on time and relevant to the hobby!  He was also an extremely prolific 
writer, both in the hobby, and about just about anything else that he felt that 
we'd be interested in hearing about! I remember fondly his ongoing pictorial 
dialogue during the construction phase of Linda and John's dream home on Orcas 
Island, or his travelogues during their twice yearly drives between Stillwater 
and Orcas Is.  I bet that I printed just about everything he wrote about the 
hobby as he was always a cutting edge DXer, and had a wonderful gift of 
explaining the very complex in a way that non-electronic savvy individuals such 
as myself good easily understand.  He was an early adopter of new technology 
and was one of the original Premium-receiver list members, acquiring the 
venerable Rockwell-Collins HF-2050.  He was also one to quickly move on when 
newer technologies appeared.  His most recent receiver was the WinRadio 313e, 
although he was sure very interested in the Perseus SDR. Anyone even remotely 
interested in radio and DXing would without doubt have read some of his 
numerous treatises.  I can't think of another enthusiast that wrote as much 
high quality information as did John.  He leaves a HUGE void in this respect 

John and Linda were planning to move permanently to Orcas this year, and had 
promised to come to Victoria for a visit this summer.  I was looking forward to 
having my dear friends living just across the water 12 months of the year, and 
seeing each other more often.  Life can change in a heartbeat, and John has 
been taken from us far too soon.  John, you'll be busy on some DX related 
project or other in Heaven.  I know you will!  Linda, I am SO, SO sorry.  John 
will never be forgotten.  R.I.P, my friend.Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC
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[IRCA] Radio Heritage Free Online Resources

2010-02-10 Thread Geralyn Hollerman
For anyone interested:
The Radio Heritage Foundation continues to offer a number of free
online resources for radio listeners around the world at its global
The PAL [Pacific Asia Log] Radio Guides cover thousands of MW and SW
stations across the region, with something like 60,000+ separate data
entries of use and interest to everyone. Easily searched and
available as free download versions as well. Updated frequently.

The new Borderless Radio Rankings list hundreds of MW, FM and digital
radio stations in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific [including
Hawaii] and ranks them according to their global popularity. There's
also a detailed analysis and commentary of value to listeners and
broadcasters alike.

The Kiwi Low Power FM Radio Guide is the most extensive grouping of
information available anywhere about the 1400 LPFM radio stations
that have broadcast in New Zealand over the past 20 years. Easily
searched and updated daily.

The Radio Heritage Foundation also offers a new annual introductory
supporter package in return for donations of just US$10, with savings
on books and other merchandise, personal research, discounts on new
reports, special supporter only offers and other benefits.  Full
details at

The Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit connecting
popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage across the Pacific and
online since 2005. Enjoy Long Lost Australian Radio Stars, AFRS
Memories and the Kiwi Radio Campaign as well as much more free

Lafayette, LA
Check out the IRCA web site at

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Re: [IRCA] Radio Maria 690 - Guatemala?

2010-02-10 Thread Paul B. Walker, Jr.
WELD has 14 Watts at night, but methinks now that Montreal went off.. they
think they don't have to protect 690 or think no noe will notice, lol.

Paul Walker

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 1:35 AM, Chernos Saul  wrote:

> Sorry about that last blank post. Itchy trigger finger.
> I've been sitting on 690 much of the night tonight, trying to navigate the
> Spanish dominating the channel on pretty well all my wires. Cuba's Progreso
> in there //640, and at least one unID from Mexico. But intriguing the last
> hour has been a couple mentions of Maria, and soft Spanish talk that could
> be religious. I've actually been working and checking the band every so
> often, runningvtapes when it's at a decent level. I diddn't have the
> recorder running, because the TOH was nothing but WLW IBOC, but about a
> minute later a station came in the clear and I heard a faoirly nice "Radio
> Maria" ID. My 2009 WRTH lists one in Guatemala. I don't yet know if there
> are other candidates. I can't say when I last heard this country. Does Radio
> maria on 690 get out much?
> WELD WV is running all night, and there's an EE sports talk station mixing
> in.
> Yorkton SA and Greenville PA dominating 940, with some Spanish, likely
> either of the Cuban or Mexican powerhouses, or both, not too much time spent
> there.
> Saul Chernos
> Burnt River ON
> ___
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Re: [IRCA] John Bryant

2010-02-10 Thread Patrick Martin
I first had contact with John back in the late 80s. He wrote me
regarding my DX here on the coast. Then in 1990 on one of his
DXpeditions to Grayland State Park, before the DXpeditions were the
Grayland Motel, Dave Williams and I went up on a Saturday afternoon to
meet John and the group. We sat there on a rather wet and rainy
afternoon taking about antennas, DX, and QSLs. I could tell John was
quite a veteran of Tropical Band DX for many years. Dave and I were
impressed from the start. We went up about once a year to visit. Then in
the Fall of 92, after I got the Drake R8, I had heard an unidentified
Sub continental Asian station on 864 khz, with an odd sounded language,
no one seemed to know what it was. John suggested I send him a cassette
of the station so he could play it for his students there at the Univ.
in Oklahoma. One of his students understood the language, coming from
the NE part of India. It turned out to be All India Radio Shillong with
100 KW. Thanks to John, as I would have never IDed it. He helped me on
others along the way too. Dave and I love going to Grayland. It wont be
the same anymore with John. 


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