Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Appeal to Aid Effort to Establish Masjid in Puerto Rico

2008-07-02 Thread Zifri Baharudin

do you have account details for people to donate? also, have you approached 
those wealthy emirates asking for donations? I am sure you have their contacts 
as you guys went for their training program previously?


Curtis Sharif wrote: 

Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:01 AM
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Appeal to Aid Effort to Establish Masjid in 
Puerto Rico

Bismillah, As Salaam Alaikum

This is an appeal to help establish a Masjid in Puerto Rico.  Hispanics are one 
of the fastest growing groups in Islam and Imam Yusef Masionet of Mobile 
Alabama, is in the forefront of the effort to introduce and promote Islam in 
the Hispanic community.

Brother Yusef and I spent six weeks together in 2007 in an Imams Training 
Program in the United Arab Emiretes and he has been working hard propogating 
Islam to Hispanics before, during and after that program.  The establishment of 
a new Masjid in Puerto Rico is a major effort in this work.

You can send contributions or request additional information at the following 
contacts: . The initial goal is to raise $2000 to fund the expenses of the 
first trip to Puerto Rico.  Please consider making a personal donation of 
making an announcement and a request for donation at your respective Masajids 
and Islamic Centers.

Peace, Curtis Sharif{


  As Salaamu Alaikum Bro Curtis: My contact for this effort is 

  Khadijah Rivera
  1413 Harness Horse Lane Apts
  Brando, Florida 33511

  My Address is 
  Yusef Maisonet
  1319 Bay Ave
  Mobile, Al 36605
  251 375-6177



  Sister Khadijah in Florida- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Sir Carrion in Atlanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] Good Puerto Rican Sister from Atlanta

  Hajji Wilfredo Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] from Puerto Rico 
  He  made Hajj the same time we did and he does Chaplain work in the prisons 
in Puerto Rico,

  The reason that i am asking this is because i do not want to handle any 
moneys that will be for the purpose of this Historical trip i

   already have some organizations that will donate Qur'ans and Spanish Islamic 
Literature, but i need is traveling funds to and from Puerto Rico $521.00 and 
also some moneys to eat and for lodging, i

  'm seeking your help and advice from one and only brother that i have trust 
in and love like my own brother,

  Salaams to the family from my family

  AL Hajji Yusef Maisonet


Bismillah [IslamCity] Example of a good Pious and an Evil Companion

2008-07-02 Thread K H U R R A M

Assalam-o-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,


[50. Surah Qa'af : Ayah 45]

"Therefore remind him by means of the Quran who fears My threat."


Example of a good Pious and an Evil Companion


[Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 67, Number 442]

Narrated Abu Musa (Radi Allah Anhu) : The Prophet (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam 
) said, 'The example of a good pious companion and an evil one is that of a 
person carrying musk and another blowing a pair of bellows. The one who is 
carrying musk will either give you some perfume as a present, or you will buy 
some from him, or you will get a good smell from him, but the one who is 
blowing a pair of bellows will either burn your clothes or you will get a bad 
smell from him."



Bismillah [IslamCity] [EMAIL PROTECTED] pune on Shariah-compliant investments in Indian Stocks

2008-07-02 Thread Syed Abdul Najeeb
A Program on Shariah-compliant investments in Indian Stocks @ khondwa pune
It is a great pleasure in inviting you to an introductory program on 
investments in Indian Stocks in a Shariah-compliant way.  Please note the 
following details and mark your calendar for the programs at the following 
locations in Khondwa Pune. 

Khondwa Pune
Venue: C-1/8 Office, I Floor,
Bramha Estate, Khondwa,
Pune 411048
Date: Sunday, 29-Jun-2008   
Time: 11.00 am - 1.00 pm  
Tel –  020-64781639, Mob – 09881851648
For more details, please contact
+91-98494 73470 (Riaz) or +91-93913 98455 (Ahmed Siddiq)
Hidayaa endeavours to bring to you the best of Indian stocks and the trading 
practices which are Shariah-compliant all under one roof.  Hidayaa, a novel 
concept of investing in stocks, is a pioneering effort of corporate member of 
NSE, BSE & CDSL viz., Saaketa Consultants Limited having professionals with an 
experience of over a decade in the stock advisory and trading services.
Hidayaa, the innovative concept offers the following stock related services
· Stock trading on NSE, BSE
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· IPO (Primary Market Issue)
· Stock Research & Recommendations
· Demat Services (Dematerialization of share certificates)


Bismillah [IslamCity] Romanian and loving Islam

2008-07-02 Thread Ahumanb
Romanian and loving Islam
"The future religion of the educated, cultured and enlightened people will be 
Islam." -- George Bernard Shaw


Bismillah [IslamCity] Ensuring timely justice By Khalid Durrani (Friday Feature) Courtesy:

2008-07-02 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

June 27, 2008
Jamadi-us-Sani 22, 1429 A.H.

Ensuring timely justice

By Khalid Durrani

AN honest and law-abiding citizen serves the people diligently. He endures 
severe hardships to save some money in the hope of providing post-retirement 
security to his family.

For instance, a poor person purchases a small residential flat, gives it on 
rent to someone so that he could repay his loan and also use it after 
retirement. But the tenant occupies the flat and refuses to pay rent. The owner 
is advised by his friends to hire a gangster to deal with the tenant but he 
chooses to go to the court to seek justice.

He keeps attending the court for, say, two years but fails to get relief. He 
gets no rent; the loan keeps piling up; he retires and is forced to vacate his 
official accommodation. Now he thinks he is left with only two options: either 
to take the law in his own hands and kill the tenant or to put an end to his 
own life. He is too weak to use the first option so he commits suicide and 
finishes his own life.

Who is responsible for the loss of this innocent life and irreparable disaster 
to his family: the person who illegally devoured his property or the system 
that could not provide timely justice to the victim? The answer is obvious.

Justice or ‘Adl’ as it is called in the Quran is most vital for sustenance of 
human society. The very basis of creating this universe is the divine plan of 
trial and justice.

Allah sent the divine code of conduct through His Books and messengers so that 
human race may enjoy the blessings of nature in this world and also become 
entitled to the eternal life of peace and tranquillity in the world hereafter. 
At the same time He granted the request of Iblees (Satan) and gave him respite 
till the day of judgment to try misguiding man and prove his assertion that 
human race is ungrateful and unjust and is inferior to Iblees.

According to Ayah 18, Surah Al-Aaraaf, Allah said, “Get out from this, 
disgraced and expelled. If any of them follow thee’, hell will I fill with you 
all”. On the other hand, Ayah 25 of Surah Al-Baqra promises due reward for 
those who follow the code of conduct. Allah expects His servants, the human 
race, to abide by the same principle of trial and justice in this world, to 
ensure peaceful sustenance of life on earth.

According to the divine commandments the essentials of justice include:

• Timely justice on merit for all, rich or poor, friend or foe.

• No room for influence of wealth, position or recommendation (safarish).

• No concealment of witness or evidence.

• Enforcement of justice with an iron hand without delay.

Any violation of the above essentials of justice is akin to wilful disobedience 
of Almighty Allah. No reason whatsoever including strikes, protests, vacations 
etc. can justify any delay in providing timely justice to the aggrieved party.

Justice is an attribute of Allah and to stand firm for justice is to be a 
witness to Allah. Very serious responsibility lies on the shoulders of those 
servants of Allah who have been endowed with the duty of imparting justice. Any 
delay or partiality in providing justice to the aggrieved party amounts to 
betrayal of trust that Allah has imposed on the judges.

Ayah 58 of Surah An-Nisa says, “Allah commands you to render back your trusts 
to those to whom they are due. And when you judge between man and man that you 
judge with justice: Verily how excellent is the teaching that He gives you! For 
Allah is He who hears and sees all things”.

Ayah 135 of Surah An-Nisa says, “You who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, 
as witness to Allah, even as against yourselves or your parents, or your kin, 
and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. 
Follow not the lust of (your hearts) lest you swerve, and if you distort 
(justice), verily Allah is well acquainted with all that you do”.

The Latin principle of justice is, “Let justice be done though heaven should 
fall”. The Islamic principle of justice is even higher. Dispensation of 
justice, without fear or favour, is a sacred trust and has been declared by 
Allah, as an essential part of piety (taqwa).

Surah Al-Maidah, Ayah 1, categorically commands, “You who believe! Fulfil all 
obligations”. Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his commentary on this Ayah has written 
that this verse is so comprehensive that it forms a paragraph or a chapter by 
itself. The Arabic word “Uqud” (translated as obligations) implies so many 
things that a whole chapter of commentary can be written on it. There are 
divine obligations that arise from our spiritual nature and our relations to 
Allah. Then there are worldly obligations that govern the existence of human 
society. Administering justice in this world is an important obligation for 
ensuring the very existence of human society and is therefore even more sacred 
than our spiritual relationship.

Ayah 1

Bismillah [IslamCity] mideast: saudi - Knowledge forum opens in Madinah

2008-07-02 Thread Shahid.
Knowledge forum opens in Madinah
Yousuf Muhammad | Arab News   

  Prince Abdul Aziz ibn Majed listens to Amr Al-Dabbagh at the opening 
session of the knowledge forum. (AN photo)
MADINAH: Madinah Governor Prince Abdul Aziz ibn Majed opened an international 
knowledge forum here yesterday and emphasized Saudi Arabia's efforts to further 
enhance its investment climate and create more educational and training 
opportunities to its citizens.

Addressing the opening session, Amr Al-Dabbagh, governor of the Saudi Arabian 
General Investment Authority (SAGIA), stressed his organization's strategy to 
attract international investment to knowledge-based industries at Madinah's 
Knowledge Economic City (KEC).

KEC also aims at attracting leading scientific institutions and Muslim 
scientists and intellectuals from different parts of the world to Madinah, he 
said. "KEC is set to become a major driving force of the national economy. It 
will also create more job opportunities for Saudis," he added.

Prominent scientists from across the world - including Dr. Afzal Hossain and 
Stein Sture from the United States, Professor Sar Sardy from Indonesia, Dr. 
Musa M. Nordin from Malaysia and Dr. Anis Ahmed from Pakistan - are attending 
the conference, entitled "Noor" (Light).

"The primary objective of the annual forum is to promote human civilization 
from the land of Madinah by attracting investors, scientists, scholars and 
pioneer institutions to the Knowledge Economic City, which is set to become an 
international center for knowledge," SAGIA officials said.

Major topics to be discussed at the forum include high-tech innovation and 
creativity in the Muslim world, strategies to decrease genetic disorders, 
knowledge infrastructure development through engineering and information and 
communications technology (ICT), and bioinformatics-based investment in the 

The 24 speakers also include four women - Sabeeha Rehman, president and 
co-founder of the National Autism Association in New York; Dr. Naima Abdel 
Ghani, director of the Medical Clinic for Preventive Medicine, Immunotherapy 
and Anti-Aging Medicine in Florida; Arfa Khan, professor of radiology at the 
Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York; and Dr. Khadijah Shamsuddin, a 
researcher on maternal health, child health, reproductive health and women's 
cancers in Malaysia.§ion=0&article=57&d=23&m=6&y=2008

Bismillah [IslamCity] World�s Leading Thinkers : A Surprising List

2008-07-02 Thread S A Hannan
World’s Leading Thinkers : A Surprising List

A hitherto largely unknown Turkish Islamic scholar, Fethullah Gülen, has been 
voted the world's top intellectual in a poll to find the leading 100 
thinkers.Gülen, the author of more than 60 books, won a landslide triumph after 
the survey - which was  organized by the British magazine, Prospect, and 
Foreign Policy, a US publication - attracted more than 500,000 votes.  The top 
ten of the list  are all Muslims, and includes Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Muhammad 
Yunus, Abulkarim Souroush, Tariq Ramadan , Shirin Ebadi and Amr Khaled Indian 
noble laureate Amartya Sen came 16th in the poll .

We in Bangladeh, a majority Muslim country are pleasantly surprised. The 
inclusion of Muhammad Yunus  as a major thought leader is a right selection of 
the voters. However the fact that all top ten thought leaders are Muslims is a 
big surprise. Of course Dr Qaradawi, Tariq Ramadan and Shirin Ebadi are major 
thinkers and all the rest must be .The big question is  why first ten are all 
Muslims in an open poll conducted throughout the world and where participation 
was free for all.

We think it may indicate several things. One is that Muslims are indeed 
progressing in the field of thought as it was in the first five centuries of 
Islam when Muslim world produced many more scholars in all fields than any 
other nation. The second may be a decline in the area of intellectual work in 
the West and Europe. Though they are producing scientists they are not 
producing thinkers of high level like Bertrand Russell, Bernard Shaw, Sartre of 
the past. Something is happening in the West imperceptibly. These are of course 
guess work but may be close to truth

Bismillah [IslamCity] Somalia: Ethiopians butcher 2 Somali Federal Government Officers and USA's revenge

2008-07-02 Thread Labbayk YaMahdi
'Ethiopians butcher 2 Somali officers'

Thu, 26 Jun 2008 22:57:37

Ethiopian soldiers in Somalia

high-ranking Somali government officers have been slain by Ethiopian
soldiers having withheld cooperation with the troops, reports say.

A Press TV correspondent reported that the bodies of the two were
found near Manas military base which is close to the southwestern town
of Baidoa.

The two were reportedly done away with after they failed to cooperate with the 

35 of the government soldiers, meanwhile, managed to escape the
base, while hundreds of them remain under the Ethiopians' supervision

The Ethiopian soldiers, who in alliance with Somali, Ugandan and
Kenyan troops try curbing the violence in the war-battered country have
been given hard time by Somali's spiraling insurgency.


Former Somali leader blames Ethiopian troops of “Massacre”
  Submitted by wararka on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 11:35.

a news conference he held in Egyptian capital Cairo former Somali
president Abdi Qasim Salad Hassan has acknowledged that the Ethiopian
troops in Somalia have committed war crimes against Somali civilians.

“They made Somalis in the country those killed. Fled, and jailed “He said.
He added that they “Ethiopians” conducted supplementary killings for reprisal 
of 1977s Somalia-Ethiopia’s war as he put it.

He also accused the United States government of revenging Somali
people from their armed resistance they ousted US troops from country
“US supports Ethiopian troops in Somalia to get revenge Somalis from
SNA’s guerilla led by late General Mohamed Farah Aideed those driven
American troops out from Somalia on 1995 by force” Abdi Qasim said in
the news conference.
He also revealed that the Ethiopian troops killed in Somalia up to 2000 people 
and forced for displacement over 2m others.
“Excluding those were killed and displaced the rest are in severe 
undernourishment” he said.
He praised Egyptian government of coping with the influx of Somali
refugees including student were offered for at no cost schooling and
safe haven.
Abdi qasim was the president of the former TNG government has been
given the mandate for three years during the conference in Neighboring
Djibouti in which the government was supposed to restore the rule of
law back to Somalia and prepare a multiparty system for the election of
a government, but has failed to extend its influence throughout the
His government controlled parts of the Somali capital, Mogadishu,
with the rest of the country being under the control of various
The mandate of his former transitional national government expired
in August 2003 and Abdiqasim withdrew from the talks aimed at forming a
new government shortly before the mandate expired.
The Prime Minister of his government Hassan Abshir Farah accused him
of trying to make the talks fail to extend his time in office,
resulting in the prime minister's dismissal by Abdiq
However, Abdiqasim pledged to step aside to make way for a
constitutionally-elected leader. Abdiqasim was a candidate for the
presidency of the new national unity government, but he was not among
the 3 candidates who passed the 1st round of voting. He left office
peacefully several days after the election.
By:Abdinasir Mohamed Guled


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Western Civilization and Destruction of Humanity-1: Gender Free Rest Rooms

2008-07-02 Thread Jawed Anwar
Assalam O Alaikum


Western Civilization and Destruction of Humanity-1: Gender Free Rest Rooms
JAFAR SYED 26 June, 2008 19:48:00 

WESTERN civilization has sunk itself deeper in the gutter of secularism. In the 
name of equality, State of Colorado passed a law which will make all public 
accommodation - malls, restaurants, schools, small and even home businesses 
gender free. It ... 
Full story 
Hussain Haqani: An American Ambassador to Pakistan
DR. ANWAR UL HAQUE 26 June, 2008 20:13:27 

HUSSAIN Haqani seems more like an American Ambassador to Pakistan rather than 
Pakistan's ambassador to USA. He has fully adopted the views and interests of 
USA Government which is under immense Zionist slavery. For example he believes 
or tends or ... 
Full story 
Saying Sorry
YVONNE RIDLEY 23 June, 2008 22:41:53 

DOES being President of the United States mean you never have to say 'sorry'? 
Just how difficult is it to apologise when you are head of a global super power 
and you've blundered?  It was a ... 
Full story 
Book Review: A Journey Interrupted: Being Indian in Pakistan 
MURTAZA SHIBLI 22 June, 2008 13:58:32 

  A Journey Interrupted:  Being Indian in Pakistan by Farzana Versey [Harper 
Collins India; Rupees 295, Pages 279]   Being Muslim in India is a very hard 
job. Threatened and terrorised by ... 
Full story 
Plots against the Al-Aqsa Mosque
ALIA AMER 22 June, 2008 13:50:00 

ISLAM, Christianity and Judaism all believe in the coming of the leader of the 
great and final battle whom they all call the Messiah. The Jews are looking 
forward to his coming, because they claim he will bring about God's ... 

Jawed Anwar
Editor & Publisher<><>

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Money Laundering Operation at the Heart of the Democratic Party

2008-07-02 Thread MA PA
Article link:

The Money Laundering Operation at the Heart of the Democratic Party

Jun. 26th, 2008 at 9:20 AM

Wed Jun 25, 2008 

by Matt Stoller 

Every week or two I read another article in Roll Call, the Hill or the Politico 
on the increasing clout of the Blue Dog caucus. Today's came out in Roll Call, 
titled 'Blue Dogs' Bite Gets Stronger'. Anna Palmer's article opens with the 
sentence, "Blue Dogs get ready: The ranks of obsequious lobbyists looking to 
curry favor - and contribute to your war chest - is set to explode." The 
article also dubs Blue Dogs 'pro-business' and 'fiscally conservative'.

Since the 2006 elections, the Blue Dog political action committee has become 
one of the fastest growing, and is among the largest in Democratic leadership. 
Already it has nearly doubled its fundraising this cycle from the $1.2 million 
raised in 2006. This cycle, through the end of May, it had raised more than 
$2.2 million, according to CQ MoneyLine. That puts it nearly on a par with 
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer's (D-Md.) AMERIPAC, which as of the end of 
April had raised more than $2.2 million. 

"We've always been fairly successful with fundraising, even when we were in the 
minority," said Vickie Walling, chief of staff to Tennessee Rep. John Tanner, a 
founding member of the group.
Going on to the FEC site lets you see the truth about the Blue Dog PAC - 85% of 
its money - $1.95M - comes from conservative corporate interests. The list is 
pretty standard. Walmart, Verizon, AT&T, Charter, Comcast, US Chamber of 
Commerce, Raytheon, Boeing, etc. And Steny Hoyer's PAC - AmeriPAC - isn't much 
better. Roughly 65% of his money comes from PACs, most of them similar to the 
ones flooding the coffers of Blue Dogs - Raytheon, AT&T, Boeing, etc. 


Tags: blue dogs,  crime,  democrats, elections 2008,  money
Article link:

MARC PARENT, mparent, mparent, ccnwon


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Pak-US Relation: Pentagon treads softly as tensions rise - FT

2008-07-02 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Pak-US Relation:
Pentagon treads softly as tensions rise
By Daniel Dombey and Demetri Sevastopulo
US military commanders were quick to tout General Ashfaq Kiyani as "his own 
man" after he replaced Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistani president, as the 
country's army chief of staff last November.
The Pentagon hoped Gen Kiyani would develop a counter-insurgency force to help 
tackle Taliban and al-Qaeda extremists operating along the border with 
Afghan-istan. But their relationship has run into trouble just as the US 
prepares to send a handful of trainers for the force to Pakistan this summer.
The biggest concern in the US is the Pakistani government's negotiations with 
tribal leaders in areas along the border, which Washington says act as safe 
havens for Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters.
Those tensions heightened in the wake of a US airstrike this month which 
Islamabad says killed 11 Pakistani troops in an area bordering Afghanistan. The 
US has not confirmed if the strike killed the Pakistani soldiers, adding that 
its actions were directed against Taliban attacking Afghanistan from Pakistan.
The Pakistani government and military must negotiate the difficult fact that 
Pakistanis favour negotiations with both al-Qaeda and Pakistani extremists.
A recent poll by Terror Free Tomorrow, a Washington-based group, found that 50 
per cent of Pakistanis believed their government should negotiate with 
al-Qaeda, while 70 per cent opposed US military action against both al-Qaeda 
and the Taliban.
The alleged killing of Pakistani troops in the US airstrike has not made that 
situation any easier.
Gen Kiyani was already treading a difficult path. Much as the US military has 
struggled to adapt to a new counter-insurgency mission in Iraq, Gen Kiyani must 
accomplish the difficult task of weaning his military off its preoccupation 
with India.
Aware that too much overt support could lead to charges that Gen Kiyani is too 
pliant to US demands, American officers have toned down their praise. The 
Pentagon has also played down concerns about the tribal peace deals to avoid 
complicating life for Gen Kiyani, who must balance his relationship with the 
new civilian government.
"My sense is if we tried to get in the middle of those politics we'd be 
wielding a sledgehammer inside of a surgery room," one senior US military 
official said.
Another reason the Pentagon has been less critical is that it is not clear who 
is pushing the peace deals. Some Pakistanis stress that the deals were in the 
works before the new government took office in February.
General Dan McNeill, who has just returned from commanding Nato forces in 
Afghanistan, says Gen Kiyani showed no interest in peace deals when they met 
shortly after he took over as Pakistan's army chief.
"The suggestion from him was that they were looking for some help to get their 
force trained to be a good counter-insurgency force. I don't recall the term or 
the expression [peace deal] coming up," Gen McNeill said.
But others have suggested that Gen Kiyani has since realised that military 
action in itself will not be sufficient to clamp down on extremism in the 
lawless border regions.
Gen McNeill has also been less reluctant than other US military officers to 
criticise the peace deals and call on Pakistan to act more strongly against the 
extremists, who he says pose a domestic threat to Pakistan.
The tensions on the border were on show again recently when Hamid Karzai, the 
Afghan president, threatened to send troops into Pakistan to deal with the 
But Husain Haqqani, the new Pakistani ambassador to Washington, says Islamabad 
"has made a political decision that we want to improve the co-ordination with 
Afghanistan, Pakistan and coalition forces in the border areas".
Additional reporting by Daniel Dombey
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
Published: June 26 2008 03:00 | Last updated: June 26 2008 03:00

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Bismillah [IslamCity] The Top Misconceptions About Islam

2008-07-02 Thread Peace Justice
Dear Sir,
You may read it.  
The Top Misconceptions About Islam

Wednesday, 25 June 2008 11:52

Muslims are violent, terrorists, and extremists!

This is the biggest misconception in Islam, no doubt resulting from the 
constant stereotyping and bashing the media gives Islam. When a gunman attacks 
a mosque in the name of Judaism, a Catholic IRA guerrilla sets off a bomb in an 
urban area, or Serbian Orthodox militiamen rape and kill innocent Muslim 
civilians, these acts are not used to stereotype an entire faith. Never are 
these acts attributed to the religion of the perpetrators. Yet how many times 
have we heard the words 'Islamic, Muslim fundamentalist. etc.' linked with 

Politics in so called “Muslim countries" may or may not have any Islamic basis. 
Often dictators and politicians will use the name of Islam for their own 
purposes. One should remember to go to the source of Islam and separate what 
the true religion of Islam says from what is portrayed in the media. Islam 
literally means 'submission to God' and is derived from a root word meaning 

Islam may seem exotic or even extreme in the modern world. Perhaps this is 
because religion doesn’t dominate everyday life in the West, whereas Islam is 
considered a 'way of life' for Muslims and they make no division between 
secular and sacred in their lives. Like Christianity, Islam permits fighting in 
self-defense, in defense of religion, or on the part of those who have been 
expelled forcibly from their homes. It lays down strict rules of combat which 
include prohibitions against harming civilians and against destroying crops, 
trees and livestock.

in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. 
God does not love transgressors." (Qur’an 2:190) "If they seek peace, then seek 
you peace. And trust in God for He is the One that heareth and knoweth all 
things." (Qur’an 8:61) War, therefore, is the last resort, and is subject to 
the rigorous conditions laid down by the sacred law. The term 'jihad' literally 
means 'struggle'. Muslims believe that there are two kinds of jihad. The other 
'jihad' is the inner struggle of the soul which everyone wages against 
egotistic desires for the sake of attaining inner peace.

Islam oppresses women.

The image of the typical Muslim woman wearing the veil and forced to stay home 
and forbidden to drive is all too common in most peoples’ thoughts. Although 
some Muslim countries may have laws that oppress women, this should not be seen 
as coming from Islam. Many of these countries do not rule by any kind of 
Shari'ah (Islamic law) and introduce their own cultural standpoints on the 
issue of gender equity.

Islam on the other hand gives men and women different roles and equity between 
the two is laid down in the Qur’an and the example of the Prophet (peace be 
upon him). Islam sees a woman, whether single or married, as an individual in 
her own right, with the right to own and dispose of her property and earnings. 
A marriage gift is given by the groom to the bride for her own personal use, 
and she keeps her own family name rather than taking her husband's. Both men 
and women are expected to dress in a way which is modest and dignified. The 
Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said: "The most perfect in faith amongst 
believers is he who is best in manner and kindest to his wife."

Violence of any kind towards women and forcing them against their will for 
anything is not allowed. A Muslim marriage is a simple, legal agreement in 
which either partner is free to include conditions.
Marriage customs thus vary widely from country to country. Divorce is not 
common, although it is acceptable as a last resort. According to Islam, a 
Muslim girl cannot be forced to marry against her will: her parents simply 
suggest young men they think may be suitable.

Muslims worship a different God

Allah is simply the Arabic word for God. Allah for Muslims is the greatest and 
most inclusive of the Names of God, it is an Arabic word of rich meaning, 
denoting the one and only God and ascribing no partners to Him. It is exactly 
the same word which the Jews, in Hebrew, use for God (eloh), the word which 
Jesus Christ used in Aramaic when he prayed to God. God has an identical name 
in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; Allah is the same God worshiped by 
Muslims, Christians and Jews. Muslims believe that Allah's sovereignty is to be 
acknowledged in worship and in the pledge to obey His teaching and 
commandments, conveyed through His messengers and prophets who were sent at 
various times and in many places throughout history.

Islam was spread by the sword and is intolerant of other faiths

Many social studies textbooks for students show the image of an Arab horseman 
carrying a swo

Bismillah [IslamCity] FW: A wakeup call for Muslims in America.

2008-07-02 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
 *Losing My Religion- a call for help *
*6/19/2008 - Social Education Family - Article Ref: IC0806-3597
By: Dr. Jeffrey Lang
IslamiCity* - *
*To the Homegrown American Sisters and Brothers*

At present, our community in America, whether or not we are aware of it or
acknowledge it, is engulfed in a decisive conflict, and we are taking heavy
losses. Mass numbers of descendents of Muslims, converts, and spiritual
seekers are forsaking the American Islamic community and many of these will
inevitably abandon the religion. The confrontation is of course not military
but rather is occurring on the intellectual plane. On one front our religion
is being both subtly and overtly demeaned by the media. On another,
anti-Islam websites are assaulting the faith with mostly discarded but now
resurrected antiquated orientalist criticisms.

On another, an extreme, virulent and irrational interpretation of the faith
has assumed, with a good deal of outside support, center stage on the world
scene. On another, most mosques in this country impose in the name of Islam,
traditions and beliefs of questionable necessity that obfuscate the
fundamental message of God's last revelation to humanity and that are
driving individuals from the faith in droves, and that serve to confirm for
too many youth of Muslim parentage and American converts the overriding
negative impression of Islam that society seems to hold at large. Instead of
seeing a path to spiritual growth, enlightenment and fulfillment many of
these disengaged Muslims start to see a stagnant, retrogressive, patriarchal
remnant of a lagging culture, mired in meaningless controversies and hollow,
lifeless formalism.

If this is going to be countered, it will require an immense and courageous
intellectual effort, and those upon whose shoulders this challenge and duty
primarily rests are the second generation and converts who have held fast to
their faith despite the many challenges this has presented. It is you, the
activist American Muslim youth and converts, though your numbers are small,
who have been placed in a pivotal role. Through your American upbringing,
you have come to fully know and understand the surrounding society, and
through your love and commitment to God and your religion, in a milieu that
constantly tests it, you have by nature and necessity become the crucial
bridge between your faith and its future in this country. You are in the
best position to rationally respond to Islam's detractors and to communicate
and demonstrate to your fellow countrymen and women what it really means to
be a Muslim. You think their think, talk their talk, and appreciate their
confusions and concerns. You are also in the best position to reassess the
vast tradition that has come down to us in the name of Islam. It is
precisely because you have not been reared in a traditional Muslim culture
and because you have been taught since your first day in school to search,
question, critique, and analyze that you are the prime candidates to
endeavor to separate religion from culture, to distinguish the essential to
Islam from time and place bound interpretations. It is you who are best able
to understand and communicate to the disaffected Muslim youth. This is your
jihad (struggle), a jihad for minds and hearts, a jihad of intellect and

*So I encourage you to arm yourselves, my younger brothers and sisters, with
books, and pens and personal computers, and all the other instruments of
learning. And arm yourselves with knowledge of your religious tradition and
the works and thoughts of its great minds of the past*. But also arm
yourselves with modern techniques of critical, analytical, investigative
research, so that you can better study and critique past contributions in
the Islamic sciences. Learn all you can in your coursework, and especially
in such fields as religious studies, history, anthropology, and linguistics.
Arm yourselves also, if you have the inclination and aptitude, with advanced
degrees in these areas of research so critical to the project of
reappraising our community's traditions. And arm yourselves with humility,
because it is vital to objectivity, and with courage and perseverance,
brothers and sisters, because you will be opposed from without and within
the Muslim community.

*And remember to always pursue the truth, for God is the Truth, and always
pray for and trust in His guidance. And so arm yourselves also with
steadfast devotion to your Lord, never forgetting that to Him, and Him only,
you have surrendered*-not to a tradition, or a school of thought, or a local
community or culture, or scholarly legacy-and that your living, striving,
sacrifice and dying, all is for Allah.

*The article was excerpted from Dr. Jeffrey Lang's book entitled Losing My
Religion, an in depth analysis of the current acculturation of the Muslim
American identity. *

*Dr. Jeffrey Lang is Professor of Mathematics at The University of Kansas,
Lawrence, Kansas. He is the author of

Bismillah [IslamCity] Exposed: the arms lobbyist in British Parliament

2008-07-02 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Exposed: the arms lobbyist in British Parliament
'We'll ask the questions that you can't, without your fingerprints,' he tells 
By James Macintyre
A senior arms lobbyist is gaining access to ministers, MPs and peers inside 
Parliament using a research assistant pass allotted to a member of the House of 
Lords who benefits financially from one of his companies, The Independent has 
Robin Ashby, who is chairman of a defence consultancy firm that offers to ask 
questions of government on behalf of its clients "without your fingerprint 
being evident", includes among his acquaintances the Defence Secretary, the 
Chancellor and the Chief Whip.
Mr Ashby's firm, Bergmans, lobbies on behalf of more than a dozen large defence 
and aerospace companies including BAE Systems, Northern Defence Industries, UK 
Defence Forum, Boeing and Rolls-Royce, which has been criticised for its past 
links to the Burmese regime.
Mr Ashby's name features on an official staff list that was published by the 
House of Lords for the first time last night following pressure from media 
outlets including The Independent.
As Bergmans' key lobbyist, Mr Ashby enjoys unfettered access to the Palace of 
Westminster. With his pass, he can bring several colleagues or members of the 
public into Parliament's numerous entertainment venues, including the Lords' 
terrace bar overlooking the Thames where he "frequently" meets Des Browne, the 
Defence Secretary, and other ministers.
Mr Ashby can also use the pass, which is allotted to Baroness Harris of 
Richmond, to access the House of Commons library, which offers valuable 
research facilities at no cost.
Lady Harris is a Liberal Democrat whip and spokesman on the police and Northern 
Ireland. She receives a "regular" income from a separate company run by Mr 
Ashby, Great North News Service, for which the peer acts as an "adviser", 
according to her parliamentary declaration of financial interests. Meanwhile 
her "researcher" gains access to the Palace of Westminster's corridors of power 
and a string of top-level ministers.
As well as submitting Freedom of Information questions to government, Bergmans 
offers insider information about how the British Government works to a host of 
foreign countries including the Bahamas, Bahrain, the USA and Russia. On 
Bergmans' website, Mr Ashby is shown meeting, among others, Tony Blair, his 
former press secretary Alastair Campbell, the Chancellor Alistair Darling, the 
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, the Chief Whip Geoff Hoon and Mr Browne.
MPs have been required to supply full information about their staff since 1985, 
but members of the Lords were exempt from the rule until last night.
On his entry, Mr Ashby names Bergmans but describes it as "a research and 
public affairs consultancy that campaigns to urge MPs and peers to keep 
manifesto promises to hold a referendum on the EU Constitution/Lisbon Treaty". 
He does not mention its host of defence and arms clients.
Mr Ashby told The Independent that he felt "iffy" about whether or not he 
should have a pass, "because there is substantial potential for 
misunderstanding". "It is quite possible for you to make me look bad," he said.
Mr Ashby said his "primary" reason for holding a pass was to provide "security" 
advice to Lady Harris. She told The Independent that Mr Ashby "advises me from 
time to time but not that frequently". She added that if she wants advice, she 
can call on him. Lady Harris admitted that she "occasionally" contributed to 
the Great North News Service, run by Mr Ashby. She added that she takes "an 
interest" in defence matters.
Mr Ashby said he "compartmentalises" his roles while in Parliament. "I am very 
clear with ministers – I informally declare my interests to senior ministers," 
he said. He added that he did not use his pass to bring clients into Parliament 
and photos taken of him with ministers were taken outside the Palace of 
Westminster. The lobbyist said he frequently met the Defence Secretary at 
events on the parliamentary terrace. "I see Des Browne every time we have a 
welcome home for troops and he says nice things about me. He appreciates what 
I've done," Mr Ashby said.
The services offered by Bergmans – which has a specific defence subsidiary run 
by Mr Ashby – include: "Opinion polling, focus groups, fundraising advice, 
governance, manifesto writing, socio-economic research, campaigning, visual 
images, and lobbying." But, the company's website adds, "many organisations are 
concerned that by asking for information they may prejudice their relationship 
with government, especially where the departments in which they are interested 
are also their potential customers.
"Bergmans Research therefore offers a confidential FoI [Freedom of Information] 
service – we'll ask the questions ... that you can't, without your 
'fingerprint' being evident. In the past few months we've asked and had answers 
to questions about planning studies, past purchasing decisi

Bismillah [IslamCity] On 7th Grade School Text Book

2008-07-02 Thread Abhiyya
On 7th Grade School Text Book
Actually I was thinking that the present public outrage against the social 
studies book for 7th standard was unnecessary. However, after reading the page 
no. 24th of the book, I changed my mind. A translation of the said page is 
given below:
All this don’t affect me
Which religious group gets most affected by the different problems mentioned 
a)  Price Rise
b)  Drought (Shortage of Drinking water)
c)  Infectious Diseases
d)  Earthquake
 My finding:…….
The child is advised to write their findings on the above question! Other than 
simply provoking the sentiments of mostly religious people of the state, what 
message this question convey? Remember, you are asking this nasty question to 
the students of the most secular state of India!
Sure, political parties are fishing from the filthy water for political gain. 
But why to create a situation for them to do this?
This, combined with other ‘objectionable’ contents, the various religious 
groups finds it as a deliberate attempt to inject Marxian / atheist ideology 
through the text books.
Postscript: replace the word “religious group” with “political party” (select 
answer from: Congress, Marist, IUML, BJP) or with “non-religious group” and try 
to give ‘my findings…….’


Bismillah [IslamCity] Do You Dislike Jihad? Muslim...Massacres

2008-07-02 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah*
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

*2:216. Jihâd is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it
may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a
thing which is bad for you. Allâh knows but you do not know. *

*Palestine Massacre

Afghanistan Massacre*

***Iraq occupation*

*Issues of Suffering Ummah*
Gujrat Massacre

* *

*Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of
Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and
grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah (May Allah be pleased
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek
refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition
whose isnad is gharib.

Ameen *

Bismillah [IslamCity] Mosque demolished for not supporting Olympics.htm

2008-07-02 Thread Nujum Gmail
Mosque demolished for not supporting Olympics



  You Are Here:  FrontPage  World News

  Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - Web posted at 10:55:22 GMT

  Mosque demolished for not supporting Olympics

  BEIJING - Chinese authorities in the restive far western region of 
Xinjiang have demolished a mosque for refusing to put up signs in support of 
the Beijing Olympics to held next month, an exiled group said yesterday.


  The mosque was in Kalpin county near Aksu city in Xinjiang's rugged 
southwest, the World Uyghur Congress said. 

  The office of the spokesman of the Xinjiang government said it had no 
immediate comment, while telephone calls to the county government went 

  "China is forcing mosques in East Turkistan to publicise the Beijing 
Olympics to get the Uyghur people to support the Games, but this has been 
resisted by the Uighurs," World Uyghur Congress spokesman Dilxat Raxit said in 
an e-mailed statement. 

  Beijing says al Qaeda is working with militants in Xinjiang to use terror 
to establish an independent state called East Turkistan. 

  Oil-rich Xinjiang is home to eight million Turkic-speaking Uyghurs, many 
of whom resent the growing economic and cultural influence of the Han Chinese. 

  Dilxat Raxit added that the Uyghurs who renovated the mosque in 1998, 
were accused of illegally renovating the structure, carrying out illegal 
religious activities and illegally storing copies of the Muslim holy book the 

  "All the Korans in the mosque have been seized by the government and 
dozens of people detained and tortured", he said. 

  The Olympic torch relay passed through Xinjiang last week under tight 
security, with all but carefully vetted residents banned from watching on the 
streets and tight controls over foreign media covering the event. 

 World News 
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Bismillah [IslamCity] miracles4ever

2008-07-02 Thread Muhammad Shakeel Ur Rehman
Indonesian Mosque Stand Through After Earth Quake and Tusnami
  Name of Prophet Muhammad on Planet Mars
  Allah's Name Clearly Visible Over Africa

Bismillah [IslamCity] Fw: UK Vacuum Bombs in Afghanistan

2008-07-02 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Message # 1
UK Vacuum Bombs in Afghanistan
IslamOnline. net & TheSunday TimesJune 22, 2008

CAIRO — Britain has used and will continue to use one of the world's most 
brutal weapons, which creates a pressure wave that sucks the air out of 
victims, shreds their internal organs and crushes their bodies, in Afghanistan, 
The Sunday Times reported on June 22, 2008. (Check the copy of the report from 
The Times, after this item)

"We are conscious of the controversial aspects [of this weapon] but it is being 
used sparingly and under strict circumstances where it is deemed appropriate by 
the commander on the ground," confirmed the Ministry of Defense (MoD).

It has decided to equip British helicopters in Afghanistan with the Hellfire 
AGM-114N missiles early 2008 after repeated complaints from pilots against the 
ineffectiveness of normal weapons in the fight against Taliban.

The MoD admitted to using the thermobaric weapon, also known as vacuum bombs, 
on several occasions, including against a cave complex.

It has decided to extend the use of the weapon to be fired by unmanned drones, 
added the spokesman.

The laser-guided missile has a warhead packed with fluorinated aluminum powder 
surrounding a small charge.

When the missile hits the target, the charge disperses aluminum powder 
throughout the target building.

The cloud then ignites, causing a massive secondary blast that tears throughout 
any enclosed space.

The blast creates a vacuum which draws air and debris back in, creating 
pressure of up to 430lb per sq.

The cloud of burning aluminum powder means victims often die from asphyxiation 
before the pressure shreds their organs.

Thermobaric weapons were first combat-tested by the Soviet Union in Afghanistan 
in the 1980s and used by Russian forces against Chechen civilians in the 1990s.

According to The Sunday Times, American Apache pilots used the thermobaric 
Hellfire in Iraq.


Human Rights Watch has condemned and called for a ban on using thermobaric 
weapons worldwide.

The New York-based group describes them as "particularly brutal" and that their 
blast "makes it virtually impossible for civilians to take shelter."

However, the British government decided to go around the ethical problem by 
secretly redefining them.

"We no longer accept the term thermobaric [for the AGM-114N] as there is no 
internationally agreed definition," said an MoD spokesman.

"We call it an enhanced blast weapon."

But British MPs denounced the government for its secret decision to use the 
lethal weapon.

"It is staggering the MoD has added these weapons to Britain's arsenal in 
cloak-and-dagger secrecy," said Nick Harvey, the Liberal Democrat defense 

"Parliament has never assented to their use," he said, accusing the government 
of hypocrisy.

"(Prime Minister) Gordon Brown claimed the moral high ground when Britain 
supported a ban on cluster munitions but leaving a loophole for these weapons 
casts a different picture on the true position."
Message # 2
Army 'vacuum' missile hits Taliban
Michael Smith
British forces in Afghanistan have used one of the world's most deadly and 
controversial missiles to fight the Taliban.
Apache attack helicopters have fired the thermobaric weapons against fighters 
in buildings and caves, to create a pressure wave which sucks the air out of 
victims, shreds their internal organs and crushes their bodies.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has admitted to the use of the weapons, condemned 
by human rights groups as "brutal", on several occasions, including against a 
cave complex.
The use of the Hellfire AGM-114N weapons has been deemed so successful they 
will now be fired from RAF Reaper unmanned drones controlled by "pilots" at 
Creech air force base in Nevada, an MoD spokesman added.
Thermobaric weapons, or vacuum bombs, were first combat-tested by the Soviet 
Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s and their use by Russia against civilians in 
Chechnya in the 1990s was condemned worldwide.
The secret decision to buy the Hellfire AGM-114N missiles was made earlier this 
year following problems attacking Taliban fortified positions.
British Apache pilots complained that standard Hellfire antitank missiles were 
going straight through buildings and out of the other side. Even when they did 
explode, there were limited casualties among the Taliban inside, particularly 
when a building contained a number of rooms.
American Apache pilots overcame the problem in Iraq with the thermobaric 
The weapons are so controversial that MoD weapons and legal experts spent 18 
months debating whether British troops could use them without breaking 
international law.
Eventually, they decided to get round the ethical problems by redefining the 
"We no longer accept the term thermobaric [for the AGM-114N] as there is no 
internationally agreed definition," said an MoD spokesman. "We call it an 
enhanced blast weapon."
The redefinition has allowed British forc

Bismillah [IslamCity] US removes its nuclear arms from Britain

2008-07-02 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
US removes its nuclear arms from Britain
· Exit of 110 gravity bombs ends 54-year presence
· Change happened secretly over years, say scientists
Julian Borger, diplomatic editor
The US has removed its nuclear weapons from Britain, ending a contentious 
presence spanning more than half a century, a report will say today. According 
to the study by the Federation of American Scientists, the last 110 American 
nuclear weapons on UK soil were withdrawn from RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk on the 
orders of President George Bush.
The report's author, Hans Kristensen, one of the leading experts on 
Washington's nuclear arsenal, said the move had happened in the past few years, 
but had only come to light yesterday.
He described the withdrawal of the B-61 "freefall", or "gravity", bombs as part 
of a general strategic shift since the end of the cold war.
"The northern front is not very relevant any more for these deployments. The US 
nuclear posture is almost entirely focused on the southern region, in Incirlik 
[in Turkey] and Aviano [in Italy]."
Movements of the US arsenal are shrouded in secrecy. Kristensen said the first 
signs the bombs had left Lakenheath emerged in a US airforce document dated 
January 2007 on nuclear inspections.
The document lists inspections of US nuclear sites, but above an annexe listing 
emergency drills carried out at the sites, it notes "not applicable to 
Kristensen's report is posted today at
He says the removal of bombs from Lakenheath follows the withdrawal of nuclear 
weapons from Greece in 2001, and that removal of such weapons from two Nato 
countries in less than a decade undercuts the argument for continuing 
deployment in other European countries.The removal from Britain would reduce 
the US arsenal in Europe to about 250.
Once officially declared, it could defuse current tensions with Moscow and 
possibly trigger matching cuts in the Russian stockpile.
Kristensen said last night: "It's so puzzling why Nato goes about the reduction 
in total secrecy. Keeping this secret completely undercuts our foreign policy 
The FAS was founded in 1945 by former scientists on the Manhattan Project, 
which produced the first atomic bomb, as a means of spreading information about 
the dangers posed by the new weapons.
Paul Ingram, the executive director of the British American Security 
Information Council, said last night: "This is a win-win situation for Nato and 
disarmament, and for rapprochement with Russia. Nato's future and the 
transatlantic alliance is tied up with operations in Afghanistan far more than 
with ageing freefall bombs that have no military relevance."
Greg Mello, the head of a nuclear watchdog the Los Alamos Study Group said: 
"The nuclear weapons themselves don't serve any military purpose. They are 
mostly about cementing a political bond that ties Europe interests to US 
The FAS study is being published a few days after Kristensen published a leaked 
US air force internal report saying that most European bases where US nuclear 
weapons were stored had inadequate security. The report, which was ordered 
after the US air force lost track of six nuclear cruise missiles last August, 
found that "support buildings, fencing, lighting and security systems" were in 
need of repair.
In some cases, conscripts with less than nine months' experience were being 
used to guard the nuclear weapons. Elsewhere private security guards were used.
The report recommends that the US nuclear arsenal in Europe be consolidated to 
"reduce vulnerabilities". That would involve the withdrawal of significant 
numbers of US nuclear weapons.
The Guardian, Thursday June 26, 2008

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