Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Somalia Situation Deserves UN attention--editorial Asia Post, Dhaka,8.9.07

2007-10-13 Thread Abdul Junid
Salam  On Eid Fitri to all.
 I have one interesting topic which made ocuupied for
some times.
I have heard many times even by Imams and it goes like
this:"Anyone who has in his heart an atom of Iman,
though they would be in Hell, but in the end, Alah
would pardon them for that one cell of Iman in yheir

I do think that in our modern world any man be they
Europeans or Africans, knpwa in their minds who is
Allah and who is Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.

As we live in the 21st. Century, we have all the
communications at our fingertips for our knowledge and
good wills of informal educationns.

Salam from me and thank you.
>From your brother in Islam

--- "S A Hannan" wrote:

> Somalia Situation Deserves UN attention
>   Al-Jazeerah has reported that
> Somali opposition figures, including leaders from
> the Islamic Courts Union, have opened a 10-day
> congress in Eritrea to call for the withdrawal of
> Ethiopian troops from Somalia. About 400 delegates
> gathered for the meeting on Thursday, exactly a week
> after the end of a clan reconciliation conference in
> Mogadishu, the Somali capital.
>   Sheikh Hassan Aweys, leader of the
> Islamic Courts, which briefly controlled most of
> Somalia before being ousted by Ethiopian-backed
> government forces, was present at the gathering.
> Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, another of the
> movement's leaders, was also present.
>   Sheikh Ahmed said the meeting was
> "to establish a political organisation that
> liberates the country and ends the violence and
> chaotic situation"."We call upon Ethiopia to
> unconditionally withdraw its troops from Somalia and
> stop its imperialistic adventure on our territory,"
> he said.He warned that a prolonged conflict in
> Somalia would eventually spill over into
> neighbouring countries."We remind her [Ethiopia]
> that the longer the conflict goes on, the higher the
> risk it will engulf the whole region," he said."The
> United States' foreign policy towards Somalia has
> been strangely confrontational. We call upon the
> United States to play a more positive role in the
> Somali conflict."
>   The US has backed Ethiopia's
> military operations in Somalia and toughened its
> stance towards Eritrea, Ethiopia's neighbour and
> long-time enemy, which Ethiopia says has been arming
> groups in Somalia and elsewhere in the region.The
> Islamic Courts had boycotted the earlier clan
> reconciliation conference in Mogadishu, arguing that
> any peace efforts should take place only after an
> Ethiopian withdrawal.
>   .We feel that the the UN and
> independent press have all forgotten the tragic
> Somalia issue.Somalia has faced so much suffering,
> first because of military take-over, then by US and
> Ethiopian intervention, now again by Ethiopian
> military intervention.US hardly plays a positive
> role any where unless their puppets are involved.We
> do not see any end to the problem but still we
> request the UN to take steps in this regard.


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: Why Pork is Haram

2007-09-10 Thread Abdul Junid

I am writing for interesting issue of the reason why
pork is 
completely forbidden for Muslims.

There are many Hadiths and articles by prestigious
Ulamas of yhe 
past and present.And too numerous to write here.

And scientifically too pork is completely uncomsumable
in the 
sciectific perspective.

Among other thing as according to my research, one
source of 
interest that I have gathere is this:

During the time of Prophet Musa a.s.(Moses) many
followers of the 
tribe of Bani Israel had forsake their belief not to
follow Prophet 
Musa a.s.
They were then to swine by Allah s.w.t. for tgheir

Recently I have red articles in a local newspaper
regarding the 
scientific fimdings that say tissues and organs of
swine are able to 
be used for human organs etc. because they have the
same biologocal 
properties and scientific used to replace human
organs. Franlky 
speaking they have the same biological properties.This
is surprising 
to many of us Muslims.Firstly because it is related to
the story of 
Prophet Musa a.s. and
Bani Israel that we all know about.

So if you have other valuable articles and answers
please tell more.

Salam from me,
Your brother in Islam.


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Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Exhortation for the Remembrance of Allah

2007-07-01 Thread Abdul Junid
Assalamu alikum.
Please do read many of my articles abour various
subjects of Islam. InshaAllah I hope they wouild give
some lights of study on Islam to many Muslims and non
Muslims.My said webside is at:

Happy reading!
Salam from me to all.
Your brother in Islam.


Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play 
Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.  

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] ~~~~~~^^^^***((((bayan web sites)))))^^^^***~~~~~~~

2007-06-18 Thread Abdul Junid
read my website for educational and for highlights
and  other topics reading  at this website:

It wil surprise and make you think.Salam from me to
all and to non Muslims to read my web. Bye, 
--- "media critic" wrote:

> Jazakallah khair
> May allah accept and reward our good efforts, and
> forgive our mistakes
> thanks sania
> On 10/31/06, sania  wrote:
> >
> >
> > ASalam alikuM
> > These are the link where from u can easily listen
> the bayan and lecture of
> > scholors .
> >
> > this is the web siTE where from u can listen new
> album of Nat by junaid
> > jamsheed brother .
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   if u know more u can add . Allah bless u and all
> ameen
> > these web sites are for job scearcher . farwaRD by
> ubaiD Allah bless him
> > ameen
> >
> >
> >
> > pray for All  muslim .
> > thank U
> > Muslimah .
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your
> Lord (i.e. Islam) with
> > wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the
> Qur'an) and fair
> > preaching, and argue with them in a way that is
> better. Truly, your Lord
> > knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and
> He is the Best Aware of
> > those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)
> >
> > {And who is better in speech than he who [says:
> "My Lord is Allah
> > (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands
> straight (acts upon His Order),
> > and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic
> Monotheism), and does righteous
> > deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy
> Quran-41:33)
> >
> > The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
> him) said: "By Allah, if
> > Allah guides one person by you, it is better for
> you than the best types of
> > camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]
> >
> > The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
> him)  also said,
> > "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward
> similar to the reward of the
> > one who follows him, without the reward of either
> of them being lessened at
> > all." [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee,
> at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]
> >
> >
> > Recommended:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > All views expressed herein belong to the
> individuals concerned and do not
> > in any way reflect the official views of IslamCity
> unless sanctioned or
> > approved otherwise.
> >
> > If your mailbox clogged with mails from IslamCity,
> you may wish to get a
> > daily digest of emails by logging-on to
> to
> > change your mail delivery settings or email the
> moderators at
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title
> "change to daily digest".
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> 'Trust in God, but tie your camel first' - The Holy
> Prophet (pbuh)
> 'Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look
> after your wealth,
> knowledge looks after you' - Imam Ali


Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play 
Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.  

Re: [IslamCity] File - Setting in receiving email

2006-04-12 Thread Abdul Junid
Assalmu alaikum,
Please do read my Islamic article of interest to
everyone and inshaAllah it would bring out the truth
as such as in my opinion is correct. Errors are my own
and do send in your reply back to this essay. 
Your brother in Islam.

Salam to all readers...
The Muslim world is divided into 57 nations or so as
given by the O.I.C.(About the O.I.C--From Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia. 
The flag of the Organization of the Islamic Conference
(OIC)The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
is an inter-governmental organization with a Permanent
Delegation to the United Nations. It groups 57 mostly
Islamic nations in the Middle East, North and West
Africa, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Indian
subcontinent, (with the exceptions of Albania, Guyana,
and Surinam). The OIC is dedicated to serving the
interests of the world's estimated 1.4 billion
Muslims. Combined GDP of OIC is 5,505,810 millions

And in this 57 Muslim Nations is the component and
basis of the Modern Kalifiya Islamiah which in accord
to our modern civilization in 15 Islamic Hijiyah and
meaning.This is only my own opinion... 

During the Islamic Dinasty of previous genrations
namely starting with the Ummayah, then the Abbasiyah
and the Fathimiah and lastly The Osamniyah were the
very foundation that evolve into our modern Islamic

It is from here the creation of the Islamic Nations
with all the different languages, cultures, religious
ethics and differing Islamic school of Thoughts in our
very own 57 Muslim Nations with the total population
of well over a billion Mulsims inhabitants is truly
unique.The total estimate of world population is well
over 3 billion. 

The ahli kitab namely the Christians and the Jews are
the second largest inhabitants of the believers on
Monotheist, or One God. The Ahli Kitab is not Gog and
Magog as contrary to some who believe them to be. 

The Muslims have as of now 3 differing School of
thoughts and living in the 57 Muslim nations. The
largest sects or School of Thought are the Ahli Sunnah
from the 4 madhhabs, then the Wahbbiyahs then the
Syiah. Each Muslim Nations has their very own seat of
government, the Ulil Amri of their country and
representing as a true Kahlifah of their own Nations.
This is a single modern Islamic civilization that is
unique, with all its veritable varities, cultures,
languages etc.It is not such never been seen before
nor was it like that of the four previous Khaliphates.
In surah alAnbiya is written as: This ummah is one
Ummah(Inna hazihi Ummatan wahidatan...etc.) 

It clearly shows the uniqeness that the Muslim nations
in our modern world represent the last of the
Khalifiyah Islam in this 15th. Hijriyah. 

The Osmaniyah Dinasty represent the last of the vast
areas of where Muslims are living today, and the
Kingdom is South east asia such as in the ASEAN
Countries constitute the 57 nations as mention by the

In the field of brotherliness, we as Muslims have
garnered much to our own brotherhoodness (Hablum mina
LLah, wa hablum minas Nas) and in the connection with
the Ahli Kitab and others came the words Hablu minas

In my opinion this is the actual Khlifiyah Islam that
represent the continuation of the previous Khalifiyah
of the Osmaniyah etc.. is and in actual facts a
differing nations of the 57 Muslims Countries of today
and as it is with all the differing unique cultures,
politics and economy, way of lives and languagesIt
is in my opinion is what is the present state of
Khalifiyah in a sense a unique state, a modern well
adjusted and balanced Muslims Population who are all
out for Peace and Harmony rathe then the other way

To seek for peace is better then bloodshed, to forge
for friendships is better then to make enemies. Allah
Knows The Best. 

Article written below is by the Honorable Harun Yahya
in that I extracted, should be read by
readers as it would give us light of truth:"According
To The Koran, Muslims, Jews And Christians Should Live
In Friendship 

It is evident there are ample grounds for an alliance
between the "People of the Book" and Muslims. This is
also very evident in the Koran. In the relevant verses
of the Koran, there is a significant difference
between the People of the Book and the idolaters. This
is especially emphasized in the area of social life.
For example, it is said concerning the idolaters:
"(they) are unclean, so after this year they should
not come near the Masjid al-Haram (Kaaba)." (Surat
at-Tawba: 28) Idolaters are people who obey no divine
law, have no moral precepts and who are capable of
committing every kind of degrading and perverse action
without hesitation. 

But while they basically rely on God's revelation, the
People of the Book have moral precepts and know what
is lawful and what is not. For this reason, if one of
the People of the Book cooks some food, it is lawful
for Muslims to eat it. I

Re: [IslamCity] On Jesus Second Coming.

2005-06-25 Thread Abdul Junid
On Jesus second coming
I could not but to think of the global impact if the
truth are to be presented to the Muslims and
Christians and the Jews from the Harun Yahya article.
Hopefully what was in the article are in correct

Please read below or refer to the subject on the
Second Coming of Jesus a.s. in the
"When examined from this perspective, we find many
verses indicating a period when Islam's morality will
pervade worldwide. (For further information on this
subject, please refer to Harun Yahya, The End Times
and the Mahdi, Khatoons, 2003) Apart from the signs
related in the verses, there are also signs related to
their dates. 

These dates are determined by various calculation
methods, the foremost of which is the numeration of
verses by alphabetical Arabic letters (abjad). This
method is very ancient and predates the Qur'anic
revelation. Since ancient times, all events have been
recorded in letters with numerical values. These dates
are the sum of each letter employed while recording
that event. 

Some Islamic scholars of the past estimated the date
of many future events through this method. Today, when
looking at some Qur'anic verses, we see that the
meaning conveyed match with certain dates. When we see
that those events actually occurred on the calculated
dates, we understand that the verses in question may
conceal a hidden meaning about that event. (God knows

In the next pages, we will provide abjad of the
related part of some verses. When we look at their
meanings, we will recognize that they hold significant
signs relating to certain dates. 

There is not one of the People of the Book who will
not believe in him before he dies; and on the Day of
Rising, he will be a witness against them. (Surat
an-Nisa', 4:159) 

"There is not one of the People of the Book who will
not believe in him before he dies" 

Hijri: 1439 Gregorian: 2017 

The above verse relates that before Prophet Jesus'
(pbuh) death, all of the People of the Book will
believe in him. At the beginning of the book, we
discussed that this event will take place in the End
Times, when Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to Earth.
The abjad value of the particular part of the verse
above gives the date 2017. It is possible that this
numerical value gives the date of Prophet Jesus'
(pbuh) return or the time when he will be present on
Earth. (God knows best.) Similarly, the abjad values
below probably give the dates when Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) will be on Earth. 

He [Jesus] is a Sign of the Hour. Have no doubt about
it. But follow me. This is a straight path. (Surat
az-Zukhruf, 43:61) 

"He [Prophet Jesus (pbuh)] is a Sign of the Hour. Have
no doubt about it." 

Hijri: 1440 Gregorian: 2018 


 This remind me to have an opinion that whatever were
to be in the future is from Allah alone ...and that
Allah has set that aside for everyone who would
survive in the later days would beneficially meeting
with Jesus orso to speak. Allah has given everything
in this world for the Muslims and especially the
non-Muslims are better given the biggest pie of the
cakethe worldly wealth except one final
course...Hidayatul Islam. 

As mention in the above surah that all the Ahli Kitab
will believe in him, Jesus when he return in later
days, at end of timesand that means if we and they
survive till 2017 or 2018 we would all came tobe
blessed by Allah and meet him then...insha-Allah. This
also means that Allah wish for us to live in peace and
harmony with the Ahli Kitab, the Jews and The
Christians because they in turn will be Muslims too at
the time Jesus will be on earth in 2007 whish is just
13 to 14 years awy from 2004, now. And not to harm
them in anyway.Allah Knows The Best. 

Initially the whole of the miracles that was performed
and granted by Allah to Nabi Isa a.s. (JESUS) was to
refute to the people of Jerusalem and especially to
the Priests then were basically to refute their
deniance that Jesus was the Prophet. Secondly to
refute the whole course of disbelievers that all
mankind are born free of any sinsthat is they do
not carry the weight of their passed lives (sins)
etcthat they were born defectives ( the blind, the
deaf, the lepers) that all the Mukhzizat of Nabi Isa
a.s.(JESUS) was the proof of it all. 

All that which did happened will occured and be again
in the future context when Nabi Isa a.s. will return
nthe second time to earth...and to perform the same or
more of miracles that the disbelievers could not deny
the truth, as such that happened thousand of years

Basically the year of 2017 to 2018 could be the
balance and those who survive now, and those children
that we know could be the one to meet him, on Jesus
second coming to earth. So be kind to them especially
to the Ahli Kitabthe Yahudiah and the Nasharah.

In he(Harun Yahya) wrote: "There is not
one of the People of the Book 

[IslamCity] Re: NewMuslims(MC) On Jesus Second Coming.

2005-06-20 Thread Abdul Junid

On Jesus second coming

I could not but to think of the global impact if the
truth are to be presented to the Muslims and
Christians and the Jews from the Harun Yahya article.
Hopefully what was in the article are in correct

 Please read below or refer to the subject on the
Second Coming of Jesus a.s. in the
"When examined from this perspective, we find many
verses indicating a period when Islam's morality will
pervade worldwide. (For further information on this
subject, please refer to Harun Yahya, The End Times
and the Mahdi, Khatoons, 2003) Apart from the signs
related in the verses, there are also signs related to
their dates. 

These dates are determined by various calculation
methods, the foremost of which is the numeration of
verses by alphabetical Arabic letters (abjad). This
method is very ancient and predates the Qur'anic
revelation. Since ancient times, all events have been
recorded in letters with numerical values. These dates
are the sum of each letter employed while recording
that event. 

Some Islamic scholars of the past estimated the date
of many future events through this method. Today, when
looking at some Qur'anic verses, we see that the
meaning conveyed match with certain dates. When we see
that those events actually occurred on the calculated
dates, we understand that the verses in question may
conceal a hidden meaning about that event. (God knows

In the next pages, we will provide abjad of the
related part of some verses. When we look at their
meanings, we will recognize that they hold significant
signs relating to certain dates. 

There is not one of the People of the Book who will
not believe in him before he dies; and on the Day of
Rising, he will be a witness against them. (Surat
an-Nisa', 4:159) 

"There is not one of the People of the Book who will
not believe in him before he dies" 

Hijri: 1439 Gregorian: 2017 

The above verse relates that before Prophet Jesus'
(pbuh) death, all of the People of the Book will
believe in him. At the beginning of the book, we
discussed that this event will take place in the End
Times, when Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to Earth.
The abjad value of the particular part of the verse
above gives the date 2017. It is possible that this
numerical value gives the date of Prophet Jesus'
(pbuh) return or the time when he will be present on
Earth. (God knows best.) Similarly, the abjad values
below probably give the dates when Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) will be on Earth. 

He [Jesus] is a Sign of the Hour. Have no doubt about
it. But follow me. This is a straight path. (Surat
az-Zukhruf, 43:61) 

"He [Prophet Jesus (pbuh)] is a Sign of the Hour. Have
no doubt about it." 

Hijri: 1440 Gregorian: 2018 



This remind me to have an opinion that whatever were
to be in the future is from Allah alone ...and that
Allah has set that aside for everyone who would
survive in the later days would beneficially meeting
with Jesus orso to speak. Allah has given everything
in this world for the Muslims and especially the
non-Muslims are better given the biggest pie of the
cakethe worldly wealth except one final
course...Hidayatul Islam. 

As mention in the above surah that all the Ahli Kitab
will believe in him, Jesus when he return in later
days, at end of timesand that means if we and they
survive till 2017 or 2018 we would all came tobe
blessed by Allah and meet him then...insha-Allah. This
also means that Allah wish for us to live in peace and
harmony with the Ahli Kitab, the Jews and The
Christians because they in turn will be Muslims too at
the time Jesus will be on earth in 2007 whish is just
13 to 14 years awy from 2004, now. And not to harm
them in anyway.Allah Knows The Best. 

Initially the whole of the miracles that was performed
and granted by Allah to Nabi Isa a.s. (JESUS) was to
refute to the people of Jerusalem and especially to
the Priests then were basically to refute their
deniance that Jesus was the Prophet. Secondly to
refute the whole course of disbelievers that all
mankind are born free of any sinsthat is they do
not carry the weight of their passed lives (sins)
etcthat they were born defectives ( the blind, the
deaf, the lepers) that all the Mukhzizat of Nabi Isa
a.s.(JESUS) was the proof of it all. 

All that which did happened will occured and be again
in the future context when Nabi Isa a.s. will return
nthe second time to earth...and to perform the same or
more of miracles that the disbelievers could not deny
the truth, as such that happened thousand of years
ago. Wallahu aqlam. Allah knows the best 

Basically the year of 2017 to 2018 could be the
balance and those who survive now, and those children
that we know could be the one to meet him, on Jesus
second coming to earth. So be kind to them especially
to the Ahli Kitabthe Yahudiah and the 

Re: [IslamCity] Pro-hijab campaign in E.U.Parliament(

2005-05-14 Thread Abdul Junid
Assalamu alaikum,

I would like to ask permission to repront the article
by sister Saza...I thhink she has the correct question
and answer for the comments on HijabAs it is one
questionable question to be passed and then perhaps
she has the point or two for the Eu  etc...
Thanks and salam to all.Please do visit the Muslimah
News and Views around the world that I have for
everyone specially tailored for Muslimahs at this URL:

Your brother in islam.
--- Mohammed Irfanullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Assalamalaikum there
> i have already send earlier the hadees of prophet
> saws and quran verses where it is clearlly mention
> of hijab. in the below email the person who said to
> cover only hair and neck that is not hijab hijab is
> covering completely ok not just hairs and hands and
> body
> face is the first thing which makes attraction to
> opposite sex and which could lead to further action
> towards zina so woman must and its farz to cover
> ful except eyes to see while walking for
> road or way, if any one says to open face that is
> allowed then show us hadees where our prophet SAWs
> said to do so if not then dont interprete the
> meaning of any hadees with your own words, Read
> clearly there a Hadees of Aisha Raziallah anhuma,
> during haj they use to put on them selves a peace of
> cloth if some of non mahram comes in front of them
> does it mean they only put on ther body or head it
> means they covered full with hairs and face not only
> just hairs and body ok.
> So if any one says that it is allowed to keep face
> open then its his view not prophet saws views or
> hadees 
> Thanks and regards
> Jazakallah khair.
> sahannan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Session Details
> Guest NameEman Elizabeth Penny, A revert
> psychologist, and a member of Pro Hijab Committee 
> SubjectPro-Hijab Campaign in the EU Parliament: Why
> & How? Date Tuesday,Apr 26 ,2005 Time Makkah 
> From... 04:00...To... 21:30 
> GMT 
> From... 01:00...To...18:30 
>  NameHost-  
> ProfessionQuestion 
> Dear viewers, 
> The session has just started. You are invited to
> join us with your questions. 
> After the session, you could view the whole dialogue
> in the recent sessions. 
> Yours, 
> Islamonline Live Dialogue Editing Desk 
>  Nameshaza- United Kingdom 
> Professionstudent Question 
> How would EU play its role in ensuring hijab will
> not be banned in Germany and France education
> system? How do we make the European which claimed to
> be similar in their culture and lifestyle to accept
> Islam which totally does not belong to this
> community? 
> Answer
> Assalaam alaikum sister Shaza and thank you for your
> detailed and important question 
> First you ask how we aim to make the EU prevent the
> hijab ban. 
> Our answer is that we have to attempt to work
> through the systems of government we have available.
> The European Parliament has a role in monitoring
> certain legislation and behaviors of its members.
> This includes ensuring that countries comply with
> European Legislation, such as the Human rights
> legislation. 
> As we know, the hijab ban in French schools, now
> also spreading to other countries, is against such
> legislation. We have therefore; with the support of
> 5 MEPs put a written declaration the European
> Parliament. If it is signed by 1/2 of the MEPs it
> will have to go to the parliament and be voted on.
> If this happens and it was to win the vote it would
> become legislation in Europe. While we could not
> ensure that all countries comply, it would send a
> strong message to all countries, and the European
> Parliament would have to ensure that ways were found
> to help enforce it. 
> With reference to Europe accepting Islam, you are
> right; people in Europe do have different values.
> However, if we stand up for our rights and beliefs,
> and explain to them why we follow this it will
> indeed make them think and influence their
> understanding of Islam. This is surely an obligation
> for Muslims in the west, as there is a lot of
> misunderstandings. 
> I hope that helps to answer your questions, for more
> information please see our website: 
> " target=_blank> 
> JazakAllah khair. 
>  NameT-  
> ProfessionQuestion 
> Salaam 
> I was hoping you may be able to answer my questions
> regarding this ban. I am studying this issue
> intensively for my final year dissertation at
> university. 
> Firstly, one of the reasons given for this ban is
> the silly notion that Islam has oppressed women and
> they have a lowly status. What is the overall status
> of non-Muslim French women? Do they have equal
> rights in France? 
> Secondly, what stance are all the political parties
> in France taking on this ban? Are they all pro ban? 
> Thirdly, would you be able to recommend any books
> that discuss this issue well? and finally, i hope
> you don't 

Re: [IslamCity] (Part2) Where did the Taurat and Injeel disappeared to ?

2004-12-24 Thread Abdul Junid

Part 2:Where did the Taurat and Injeel disappeared to?
This is the second part of the same topicPlease do
read on.

I am refering back to the three Ahadith, this way we
could give our minds a fresh review.And that at the
same time I would bring forward the four elements of
Nature namely water, earth, air and fire. In this way
what we have as at this moment would be as clear as
crystal. The three Ahadith:
"The Mehdi will remove the Ark of the Covenant from
Lake Tiberias. (Iqd al-Durar fi Akbar al-Imam
al-Muntadhar, by Shaikh Jamaluddin Yusuf al-Damishqi,
p. 51-a)"

"The reason he will be known as the Mahdi is that he
will show the way to a hidden thing. He will bring the
Ark to light from a place called Antioch. (Suyuti,
al-Hawi li'l Fatawa, II, 82)"

"The reason he will be known as the Mahdi is that he
will go to one of the mountains in Sham. From there he
will unearth the (true) books of the Torah and bring
forth evidence against the Jews. (Suyuti, al-Hawi li'l
Fatawa, II, 81)"

Refering back to the four elements that the ancient
learned man would have the knowledge, that all things
created by Allah has these four elements---water,
earth, air and fire.But what we have here from the
light of the three ahadith only refers to three places
or three elements...and the fourth is
absent.Presumably if my opinion is correct as at this
moment I am saying here the three elements from the
three Ahadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.
which form the basis of my opinion:
First element: water, from the first reference of
hadith as that of refering to Lake Tiberias
Second Element: Earth(soil, land) which is from the
second reference to the Hadith, the place called
Third element: Air, from the third hadith refering to
'one of the mountains in Sham'
As the fourth element, FIRE, and that in my opinion it
is out of the subject matter at this moment, since
there is no hadith to refer to.
Let's refer back to the first hadith to the place
called Lake Tiberias:"The Mehdi will remove the Ark of
the Covenant from Lake Tiberias. (Iqd al-Durar fi
Akbar al-Imam al-Muntadhar, by Shaikh Jamaluddin Yusuf
al-Damishqi, p. 51-a)"
---which ultimately refers to ELEMENT of WATER.

Second Hadith:
"The reason he will be known as the Mahdi is that he
will show the way to a hidden thing. He will bring the
Ark to light from a place called Antioch. (Suyuti,
al-Hawi li'l Fatawa, II, 82)"giving us the
reference to the SECOND ELEMENT of EARTH(soil,land).
>From the third Hadith:
"The reason he will be known as the Mahdi is that he
will go to one of the mountains in Sham. From there he
will unearth the (true) books of the Torah and bring
forth evidence against the Jews. (Suyuti, al-Hawi li'l
Fatawa, II, 81)"
--reference to the THIRD ELEMENT of AIR.

I have to reprint back the first two places as it
would refresh our minds adding up to this research
that we are doing, and I am happy to say that we are
heading on the right direction.They are reprinted
below for the first two places from the two AHadith. I
"And in my opinion based on these three Ahadith so are
there to be found the Ark of Covenent in these three
places and not at one place only...and so it seems
that there would be three Arks of Covenents."

"It is said that The Mahdi will remove the Ark from
lake Tiberias and we all know that the lake itself is
too wide and deep for anyone to find at the bottom
"From the passage: "According to many Islamic scholars
The Ark of the Covenant was a chest made of acacia
wood and inlaid with gold, containing tablets on which
the Ten Commandments were inscribed."
"Here we have a total description of a sort that tells
us the original chest looks like.It was made from
Acacia Wood and probably as thick and as lasting as
the forest itself... and that it was inlaid with
goldThis is pure gold and and must be very thick
and heavy and full to cover the Covenent from the
disposal of time. It must be that Prophet Musa a.s.
built it or built them, and later Prophet Daud a.s.
owned it and lastly Prophet Sulaiman a.s. must have
buried it at first in his Temple he built and later
for safety reason and by the Grace and Sign by Allah,
put it at the Lake Tiberias. It did sank down to the
bottom, its weight must be too heavy from the gold
covered case, and from the weight of the Acacia
Wood.The other two Arks as stated by the Holy Prophet
Muhammed s.a.w. are to be found at "one of the
Mountain in Sham" and at "the place called Antioch."
"And up to this very day for centuries the Ark in Lake
Tiberias remained submerged at the bottom of the
lake.This is my opinion only."

In another paragraphs I wrote as follows:
"And so we have to make this study very carefully. we
must thus distiguished the near exact place whereby at
least we could conclude the Ark could be. It is only
my opinion and that if anyone has the better judgement
to comment please tell.
So we already know that the lake has a depth of over
175 feet, an area of 67