Re: [JBoss-dev] More create for entity beans...

2002-01-19 Thread Allen Fogleson

Actually I finished a patch for the create stuff, i havent 
uploaded it. there is a minor change in the old patch that will allow it 
to work in the newer builds of JBoss 3. (Since the classloader stuff 
changed) and of course the entity stuff is slightly harder since it has 
to occur in only ejb 2.0 entities. I haven't fully tested the patch is 
the only reason i havent uploaded it to the patches.


Rhett Aultman wrote:

>I finally got some free time to seriously look over the stateful session bean 
>create patch previously discussed, and between that and my source code 
>explorations, I think I can roll together a patch to give create support for 
>entity beans.  As previously stated, it is part of the EJB 2.0 spec, so it does need 
>to get done.  The snapshot downloads are down,  but the CVS checkins make it look 
>like nobody's jumped in on this.  Before I sit down and attempt to make the changes, 
>though, I wanted to double-check that nobody on jboss-devel was working on this (or 
>has already done this).  If you happen to be, please drop me an email so I know I'm  
>wasting my time.  Thanks! :)

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Re: ejbCreate

2002-01-13 Thread Allen Fogleson

I looked at my patch source at home now. Hmmm I guess we would have to  define
complete. Since it was a patch for a bug where session beans  could not call
create I would say it is a complete patch for  that bug. Of
course it is stateful session beans, since stateless  session beans make
no sense to have anything other than a create()  method. Certainly I agree
that it doesnt address the home but  then at the time I wrote
the patch that wasnt listed as missing or a bug. :) 

At least this patch would give a starting point on how to accomplish the
 home stuff. It does indeed complete the create
bug.  Unless someone can make a case in the spec where stateless session
(or entity) beans  are allowed to have create also. but I certainly
couldnt find it. I did a search on create in the spec and only
found the stuff about session beans. :shrug: actually right now with all
the changes made since I made that patch the patch fails. It is trivial to
change it to work though. 


Adrian Brock wrote:
  Rhett Aultman wrote:
It looked like something simple enough for even a >rookie like me to handle, but then I also recall >seeing a patch on Sourceforge that already addresses >this issue. I think it was patch 493604 or something >like that. If it's not being dealt with, I'm happy to >give it a shot. 

That patch doesn't look very complete :-(Looks like he was Stateful Session Beans :-)Regards,Adrian__View this jboss-dev thread in the online forums: mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [JBoss-dev] Re: ejbCreate

2002-01-13 Thread Allen Fogleson

I looked at my patch source at home now. Hmmm I guess we would have to 
define complete. Since it was a patch for a bug where session beans 
could not call create I would say it is a complete patch for 
that bug. Of course it is stateful session beans, since stateless 
session beans make no sense to have anything other than a create() 
method. Certainly I agree that it doesnt address the home but 
then at the time I wrote the patch that wasnt listed as missing or a bug.

At least this patch would give a starting point on how to accomplish the 
home stuff. It does indeed complete the create bug. 
Unless someone can make a case in the spec where stateless session beans 
are allowed to have create also. but I certainly couldnt find it.


Adrian Brock wrote:

>That patch doesn't look very complete :-(
>Looks like he was Stateful Session Beans :-)
>View this jboss-dev thread in the online forums:
>Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Re: ejbCreate

2002-01-11 Thread Allen Fogleson

uhmm if I recall. again the source is not at hand. There were some changes
made in container that should work for entity and session. I recall the patch
really addressing a bug in session beans though although I think I tested
it against entity beans... its been so long ago. Ill look at the source tonight
when i get home from work.



  Rhett Aultman wrote:
It looked like something simple enough for even a >rookie like me to handle, but then I also recall >seeing a patch on Sourceforge that already addresses >this issue. I think it was patch 493604 or something >like that. If it's not being dealt with, I'm happy to >give it a shot. 

That patch doesn't look very complete :-(Looks like he was Stateful Session Beans :-)Regards,Adrian__View this jboss-dev thread in the online forums: mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [JBoss-dev] What the Point?

2001-12-28 Thread Allen Fogleson


>I pity you if you think you will ever have a popular
>product where user must submit bug using your bug
>tracking tool. The fact that you have not seen any of
>the repeated questions about jboss bug on user forum
>show that none of you ever read them. It is a bunch of
>frustrated user speaking to an empty room while a
>bunch of academic are off playing with Java.
Hmmm I have to disagree here. I have had many responses in the forum 
when I have problems. I also have answered many. All I have seen from 
you is complaining and bitching in a development list, and little else. 
Some at least, perhaps most, seem to be based upon knowledge gained a 
couple months ago.

Im not sure what projects you have worked on but every project I have 
ever worked on required someone to submit a bug report before a bug was 
addressed. The developers asking you to post a bug on the bug tracking 
tool, seems to me to not be silly, but a professional attitude which 
would allow the bug to be tracked. Of course if the responsiveness is 
not to your liking there is always the idea of... fix it yourself and 
upload a patch.


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Tests: 129 or 203?

2001-12-16 Thread Allen Fogleson

Every time I have had it fail on me it has been a timeout in the 
WebIntegration test. I can't reproduce it regularly (which the servers 
build system seems to do regularly) so it has been difficult to figure 
out why it is timing out.



>>-Original Message-
>>From: marc fleury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 12:17 PM
>>To: David Maplesden; Jboss-Development@Lists. Sourceforge. Net
>>Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] Tests: 129 or 203?
>>|There has been a bit of discussion about this.  The current 
>>theory is that
>>|there are 203.  When it reports only 129 it is because 
>>something has hung
>>|and the remaining tests didn't get run.  Notice that after 
>>every report of
>>meaning no one knows what the fuck is going on :)
>Basically yes.  
>I looked at one of the logs on and saw this (if it is any
>help to anyone).
>Basically looks to me like all the tests are running but they all screw up
>after the one bad one and then all the reports break as well, hence the
>reporting of only 129 tests.
>Interestingly the thread dump that is created when the same same test run
>fails to stop shows the shutdown hook is blocked waiting on a monitor in
>Class.forName().  It doesn't take a genius to guess this is probably what is
>blocking all the others tests as well.
> (edited) test log file *
>Searching for build.xml ...
>Buildfile: /disk/orig/home/lubega/jbossro/jboss-all/build/build.xml
>[mkdir] Created dir:
>[mkdir] Created dir:
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.util.test.SchedulerUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 2.696 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.bmp.test.BmpUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 20.101 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.cts.test.BmpUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 38.243 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.cts.test.StatefulSessionUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 10.503 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.cts.test.StatelessSessionUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 8.488 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.dbtest.test.DbTypesUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 8.996 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.idgen.test.IdGenUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 7.569 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.JBossMQUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 24, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 161.499 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.SelectorParserUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 2.064 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.jbossmq.test.ConnectionUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 3.943 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.jmsra.test.RaQueueUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 15.442 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.jmsra.test.RaTopicUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 13.219 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.jmsra.test.RaSyncRecUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 8.314 sec
>[junit] Running
>[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 4.615 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.jmx.test.DeployServiceUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 11.954 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.jrmp.test.CustomSocketsUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 4.84 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.lock.test.SpinUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 21.958 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.mdb.test.MDBUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 37.614 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.naming.test.ENCUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 5.899 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.naming.test.ExternalContextUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 1.901 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.naming.test.SimpleUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 1.897 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.readahead.test.ReadAheadUnitTestCase
>[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 34.306 sec
>[junit] Running org.jboss.test.testbean.test.BeanUnitTes

Re: [JBoss-dev] (rh) startup levels proposal and questions.

2001-12-11 Thread Allen Fogleson

Actually what if the deploy directory was a subdir of the conf directory?

That doesnt seem like it would be too confusing to even a new user.



>> Hiram, I don't understand your problem with deploy dirs and different
>> configurations.  Can't you have directories
>> deploy/conf1/lib
>> deploy/conf1
>> deploy/conf2/lib
>> deploy/conf2
>> ?
> Yes, that would be nice.  Since the default layout is setup to support 
> multiple conf dirs, it makes sense to my to have multiple deploy dirs 
> too.  Would that be too confusing for a beginer.

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] [AUTOMATED] JBoss org.jboss.Shutdown does not work

2001-12-09 Thread Allen Fogleson


>These VMs also failed to run all of the tests and the client log shows
>several timeout failures, some of which make no sense. For example, the
>WebIntegrationUnitTestCase should run in ~ 10 seconds and yet it is
>failing due to a timeout. 
I had the webIntegration test timeout yesterday... I ctrl-c the batch 
and then ran it again and it was fine. I cant replicate reliably the 
timeout myself. :( Although initially it happened when I excluded the 
XAUnitTest, although that makes no sense at all.


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Automated JBoss Testsuite Results

2001-12-08 Thread Allen Fogleson


>on 1-12-08 18.04, Allen Fogleson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>please do as an interim solution ...
actually scott pointed out that it wont work for OS X

For some reason tools.jar wasnt in my classpath when I tested before. it 
does work if it is... so I think Chris could change his script pretty 
easily for the WebIntegration tests to pass.

>Yes - valid but not now - could You "while the patient is open" locate the
>code that runs it and disable it for now ? ...
Im actually doing that now.

>as for tools.jar could We use GLP licenced javac ?
I havent tried kaffe. It would be an alternative I imagine. :)


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Automated JBoss Testsuite Results

2001-12-08 Thread Allen Fogleson

Ohh yeah stupid me... I forgot about OS X. The one OS I cant test it on 
:) Ahh well I said it was so simple there had to be a reason it wasnt 
done before.

>Because this depends on which JVM your are using and the setting your
>proposing does not work in general. On OS X the javac compiler is in the

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Automated JBoss Testsuite Results

2001-12-08 Thread Allen Fogleson

why not just do it in build.xml?


>on 1-12-08 11.29, Chris Kimpton at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I think Julian is looking at adding the javac to the classpath
>programatically instead of forcing all of us to copy tools.jar to
>/lib/ext/ or maybe we could ask buildmagic to do it for us ? ...

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Automated JBoss Testsuite Results

2001-12-08 Thread Allen Fogleson



Failures:  2

>>missing that XA is not a valid test *now* (Error) therefore it
>>should be
>>removed - and if javac is in the classpath the other 2 is cleared
>>as well
>"javac is in the classpath" - is there something I can change in my
>config to correct this?  I believe I have an empty CLASSPATH when
>starting the jboss tests - so it should just be what jboss/ant
actually javac (tools.jar) has to be in the jboss-service.xml file AND 
in the lib/ext dir. Just being in the classpath didn't work for me. we 
could change the build script slightly to work.

in my build script i changed 
/jboss-all/server/src/etc/conf/default/jboss-service.xml by adding
tools.jar to the classpath element. then in my build script in the 
_module-j2ee-most I added the following:

and now it just copies my tools.jar for me.

I can check this in , its so simple I don't know why it hasn't been done 
before :)

Now the xatest, not sure there is an easy way around this other than not 
running that test... Its not really an "invalid" test though. There just 
is not an xa capabale datasource anymore (instantDB no longer being free)


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] current mbean structure confusing

2001-12-06 Thread Allen Fogleson


>I forgot to remind everyone of the point behind these apparently fragmented
>service.xml files
>They enable easy deployment/undeployment of large chunks of server
>functionality (including replacing the classes implementing the
>functionality) WHILE THE SERVER IS RUNNING.  In 2.4, to add a datasource
>non-programatically you had to modify jboss.jcml, stop jboss, and restart. 
>Now you can just drop a mydb-service.xml file in deploy, and away you go.
Actually I love that. The app I made for commercial use uses that 
feature precisely. I deploy user Datasources for each "user" (really its 
an app) so all i have to do is modify the user-service.xml add in the 
new DS then rename it to something besides .xm (giving it time to 
undeploy Thread.sleep heh) then rename it back to .xml and poof they are 
all deployed. In the original 2.4x version i had to write a batch task 
to reboot the server nightly. :(


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] current mbean structure confusing

2001-12-06 Thread Allen Fogleson


>But IMHO, while simple, unix-like levels doesn't seem to be the nicest
>feature I've ever seen... a bit tricky... maybe that's just me... In that
>case, why not simply creating subdirectories in the deploy folder and start
>their content depending on the name of the directory (well... almost like
The nice thing about runlevel style configuration is that there are tons 
of system admins out there who are already familiar with it. And once 
something is on a production box... It becomes nigh impossible for a 
developer or architect to touch. So it would be nice to have something 
the admins are familiar with. I have had the great luck to be sitting 
over the shoulder of a sys admin while changing the weblogic properties 
file on a production box... its not fun. Although in that same vein, and 
in light of the other thread on here... That is the great thing about 
weblogic in most peoples minds. Everything is in that one single 
properties file. (like the old jboss.jcml was) I haven't had too many 
difficulties getting used to the model in jboss 3 but it was nice to 
have one single place to go in jboss 2.x :)


>In fact, on a different topic, when you were speaking about classloaders
>"partitions" (to be able to load different classes versions with the same
>full name in different applications), I was thinking we could simply create
>sub-directories in /deploy: each would be a "partition" for the classloader
>i.e. everything dropped in a sub-directory is not shared/viewed by other
>sub-directories (i.e. partitions).
>=> both solutions (subfolder for unix-level and subfolder for CL partitions)
>are not possible at the same time
>bla bla bla.
>Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 App "FreeBay"

2001-12-06 Thread Allen Fogleson

I have been doing some thinking on this freebay idea and came up with 
some things. As I said I am not against working on a complete 
application, however I think we should focus on an app that has 
potential resale value. Why? Simple if it can be sold developers 
arent working for free, and it brings something back to jboss to keep 
the project going. In this vein I came up with a couple ideas. Both 
focus on the public sector. (I knew those 16 years I spent there would 
pay off sooner or later :)

The premise is simple... here in the US (and probably everywhere) 
government spends millions on custom development. However here in the US 
we have a law that if a commercially available ots solutions exists that 
fits a need (and assuming it is less expensive) they have to purchase 
the ots rather than custom develop. So I have 2 ideas... 1 I know is 
very viable... 2 I have not researched deeply.

idea 1) a grant submission application. Every agency in the US 
government has some form of grant or loan that they administer. some 
agencies administer billions every year. Until recently this has all had 
to occur offline. Now the government has to start accepting grants 
online. I know of only 2 agencies that currently accept grants online 
The remainder (as far as I know) are only using fillable PDF which can 
be emailed. So there is a tremendous opportunity for someone to come in 
with a solution here.

idea 2) Since I live in the DC area, and spent a great majority of my 
adult life in the government sector I hear a lot of rumblings. One that 
is starting to get really big is HIIPA compliance. Now HIIPA is some 
health thing. I am not quite sure what kind of app would fit in this 
space since I havent researched it deeply, but there are an awful lot of 
rumblings going around about needing something to assist in this.

My proposal is simple... instead of doing freebay (which sounds like a 
cool app by the way) why dont we consider something that has resale 
value, and hence the potential to earn us all a little in the long run.

I have considered writing app 1 myself. Since I have been involved in 
one effort to write and deploy such an app i have the domain knowledge. 
(actually the team i led wrote the app that is used at the department of 
justice for this purpose - granted most of 
it is hidden behind a user login, but you can see the basics there on 
help pages) So I can come up with a quick list of requirements. Plus 
this one has international possibilities. Every country has some kind of 
grant process. To my knowledge there is only one other company playing 
in this area. A place out of Canada. Their solution is not directed at 
grant management specifically, it is more of a "we can make it fit that 
model" kind of app. I believe I can find us the vehicle to sell such an 
app. (after all I live here in the heart of beauracracy :)

Now dont get me wrong... this is still a free kind of app. People could 
see all the source and such, but for commercial use they would buy it.

If there is any interest in this kind of vein let me know This is 
not a complex app believe it or not and could probably be written in a 
couple months max. (Heck we wrote the one at DOJ in a month with 10 
people) potentially here we have more than that.

Now... if I am totally loony feel free to let me know. But I really 
think this would work. Plus it gets jboss into use in some really 
viewable places. The only thing i ask... assuming noone thinks I am 
loony, is please dont bother if you dont want to help out. Im with Marc 
on code talks and BS walks.

In that vein Im still working on My first "demo" stuff for Jboss. (its 
harder since simultaneously I am writing an article for Javaworld on the 
same topic) And hope to have that ready tomorrow.

So... any takers on this idea?


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 Demo App

2001-12-05 Thread Allen Fogleson

We could do both. For new users I think it makes sense to have all of 
them available from one demoapp.ear  really this is just a wrapper 
around the stuff. using my items you might have an index.html which 
contains each line item like so...

1) go to EJB cmp2 relations tutorial.

This would have a quick start on CMP2 CMR and a link to the demo 
JSP/EJBS for it.

and so on.

for the other stuff we might have separate sars, and such.


>on 1-12-06 07.01, Allen Fogleson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>So do we :
>>>- create a demo folder ?
>>>( jboss-all/demo, jboss-3.0.0alpha/demo )
>>>( have some deploy by default
>>>from there be able to do manual deploy drops )
>>That makes sense. actually I think they should all deploy on install.
>>Anyone who wants to place something in the / context could just undeploy
>>the "demoapp.ear" or whatever we call it.
>I would prefere separate war, sar, ear's to deploy - for simplicity in
>thinkering templated ... also a build script for each ? ...

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 Demo App

2001-12-05 Thread Allen Fogleson

No dukes bank is the Sun J2EE demo for EJB2. Somewhere around here I 
have a copy of it.



>on 1-12-06 07.01, Allen Fogleson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>has anyone started working on dukes bank on Jboss 3?
>U mean the BanUnitTest ? ... It usually works just fine ... so how would We
>double some of the tests as demos ? or just use the Tests as the demos ? ...
>how can we combine ? that is -in a simple to understand and build / deploy
>phase for the demos ...
>Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 Demo App

2001-12-05 Thread Allen Fogleson


>on 1-12-05 22.44, Bill Burke at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>So do we :
>- create a demo folder ?
>( jboss-all/demo, jboss-3.0.0alpha/demo )
>( have some deploy by default
>  from there be able to do manual deploy drops )
That makes sense. actually I think they should all deploy on install. 
Anyone who wants to place something in the / context could just undeploy 
the "demoapp.ear" or whatever we call it.

>- and add a DemoUnitTestSuite ?

That makes sense too. So in my mind what is needed is:

1) some entity beans with CMR
2) MDB
3) MBean ??? Maybe... since there are so many in the system now does 
this even make sense?
4) JMX
5) A couple simple web apps (or one really) that just uses all this 
stuff. Which means some session beans, JSP's... yadda yadda.
6) ??? Since Jboss3 uses jetty 4 which is servlet 2.3 Compliant should 
we do any demos of servlet stuff like filters? By the way it (J4) works 
with the jakarta JSPTL. which is pretty cool.

Im busy as heck this week finishing up an article for JavaWorld 
(coincidentally I am using Jboss 3 for my examples in the article (CMP 2 
beans)) But I could potentially work on this by Friday. We should 
probably iron out just what we need. (above and beyond 1-5 above)

I honestly dont see much sense in including things like javamail or such.

Marc has anyone started working on dukes bank on Jboss 3? We could 
potentially deploy that also (in addition to the petstore) no? I can fit 
some work on that in this weekend if noone else is already looking at it. 

>I can think of two demos now : namely snoop.jsp and includeEJB.jsp that both
Yeap, those were the only errors in the jetty tests though on a positive 
note :)


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 Demo App

2001-12-05 Thread Allen Fogleson

> Or are just bad ideas - see my earlier post on the user list.

I agree there. Much of the petstore is poor quality coding also. Just 
take a look at all those querys in there. I dont even remember a 
preparedStatement one. Yet the queries happen over an over... a perfect 
place for PS over statement.

> Or the same thing implemented the way you really would in production.

I think we can come up with some simple examples, that if we plan right 
can then be used in a larger application.


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 Demo App

2001-12-05 Thread Allen Fogleson

Mostly because the projects page is on the for developers page. Its 3 or 
4 clicks deep. Users of Jboss may or may not explore there. If it was 
right on the main page though they would probably explore it.



>On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 19:38, Allen Fogleson wrote:
>>How about from the home page, under resources place a Jboss-Petstore link?
>>Im sort of at a loss myself in this case. It doesnt fit in on the binary 
>>page really...
>What is wrong with its current location under the Projects Page? If
>anything I would make the projects page play a more prominent role. Sort
>of turn the site into a mini-sourceforge.

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 Demo App

2001-12-05 Thread Allen Fogleson


>Others get frustrated because there's no
>CMP/BMP-hybrid EJB that joins 4 tables used by a stateful session EJB
>that's, in turn, called by a stateless session EJB to control transactional
>context.  (Whew!)
Hopefully noone is calling sfsb from slsb :) But the point is still true.


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Off Topic: a Success-Story of a special kind

2001-12-04 Thread Allen Fogleson

Congratulations Andreas... hey look on the bright side. I still have to 
tell my Fiancee's parents she is pregnant. Ill trade :)



>Finally after 6 years and against all the medical advices we got
>my wife went pregnant and we expect the baby by the end of
>June next year. This means another picture of a grown, hard
>working, tough programmer with a kid in his arm.
>Now I only have to tell this to my parents.
>Andreas Schaefer
>Senior Consultant
>JBoss Group, LLC
>Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 Demo App

2001-12-04 Thread Allen Fogleson

How about from the home page, under resources place a Jboss-Petstore link?

Im sort of at a loss myself in this case. It doesnt fit in on the binary 
page really...


>where would you guys see the link for petstore, I am drawing a blank on
>where it would fit on the current website, maybe under downloads?
>documentation? (just to make sure people can see it running) under "success
>stories"... I dont know any ideas?
>|-Original Message-
>|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason
>|Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 8:03 PM
>|To: Allen Fogleson
>|Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 Demo App
>|Is this meant for JBoss developers (those that contribute to JBoss) or for
>|User developers (those that use JBoss to run there J2EE/JMX applications)?
>|On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Allen Fogleson wrote:
>|> The "problem" here is that the quickstart is meant to show developers
>|> how to get started fast. I believe this was the first concern of those
>|> asking for the demo apps. There is already the petstore app running on
>|> Jboss to show full E-Commerce style abilities. Im not against donating a
>|> full app mind you, I just think that the work behind it could be better
>|> spent developing several smaller apps (in the spirit of tomcats
>|> "examples" webapp) .
>|> My thinking here is twofold.
>|>   1) the purpose of a quickstart is to get developers up and running
>|> quickly. A full blown application wont really do this. Plus it fits in
>|> more to the model of the inexpensive documentation. Where the small apps
>|> fit in with the free docs part.
>|>   2) A full app would only assist some places in "selling" Jboss to a
>|> limited audience. I had meetings with 2 prospective clients in the past
>|> week and both have asked ME about Jboss. Granted it is on my resume and
>|> such as a technology I have used, but these people knew what it was. One
>|> in fact wondered why they didnt use jboss instead of weblogic
>|> (Especially after I told him about the features that will be in 3.0)
>|> Sorry BEA, you guys might lose that one :)
>|> Im not against helping out on a full application as I said before, but I
>|> think the initial thrust should be in the direction of a quickstart kind
>|> of thing. These are not really intensely documented apps, but more along
>|> the lines of little examples that show how to use (at least at a basic
>|> level) Jboss 3.
>|> I actually like the model Marc is using now. It makes sense to me. I
>|> like the idea that even though I am willing to submit stuff for free,
>|> when it comes to the more advanced stuff there might be some
>|> Al
>|> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>|> >I've been doing a few hours of thinking and came to a
>|conclusion for a demo
>|> >app.
>|> >
>|> >Would anyone like to assist me in creating an E-Bay style bidding
>|> >application?
>|> >
>|> >James Hicks
>|> >
>|> >___
>|> >Jboss-development mailing list
>|> >
>|> >
>|> ___
>|> Jboss-development mailing list
>|Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 Demo App

2001-12-04 Thread Allen Fogleson

User developers. There are plenty of those around who just want a 
quickstart. Which about a week ago was what everyone was talking about I 
think. (the days blend together, it could have been 2 days ago, or 
yesterday even anymore)



>Is this meant for JBoss developers (those that contribute to JBoss) or for 
>User developers (those that use JBoss to run there J2EE/JMX applications)?
>On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Allen Fogleson wrote:
>>The "problem" here is that the quickstart is meant to show developers 
>>how to get started fast. I believe this was the first concern of those 
>>asking for the demo apps. There is already the petstore app running on 
>>Jboss to show full E-Commerce style abilities. Im not against donating a 
>>full app mind you, I just think that the work behind it could be better 
>>spent developing several smaller apps (in the spirit of tomcats 
>>"examples" webapp) .
>>My thinking here is twofold.
>>  1) the purpose of a quickstart is to get developers up and running 
>>quickly. A full blown application wont really do this. Plus it fits in 
>>more to the model of the inexpensive documentation. Where the small apps 
>>fit in with the free docs part.
>>  2) A full app would only assist some places in "selling" Jboss to a 
>>limited audience. I had meetings with 2 prospective clients in the past 
>>week and both have asked ME about Jboss. Granted it is on my resume and 
>>such as a technology I have used, but these people knew what it was. One 
>>in fact wondered why they didnt use jboss instead of weblogic 
>>(Especially after I told him about the features that will be in 3.0) 
>>Sorry BEA, you guys might lose that one :)
>>Im not against helping out on a full application as I said before, but I 
>>think the initial thrust should be in the direction of a quickstart kind 
>>of thing. These are not really intensely documented apps, but more along 
>>the lines of little examples that show how to use (at least at a basic 
>>level) Jboss 3.
>>I actually like the model Marc is using now. It makes sense to me. I 
>>like the idea that even though I am willing to submit stuff for free, 
>>when it comes to the more advanced stuff there might be some renumeration.
>>>I've been doing a few hours of thinking and came to a conclusion for a demo
>>>Would anyone like to assist me in creating an E-Bay style bidding
>>>James Hicks
>>>Jboss-development mailing list
>>Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 Demo App

2001-12-04 Thread Allen Fogleson

The "problem" here is that the quickstart is meant to show developers 
how to get started fast. I believe this was the first concern of those 
asking for the demo apps. There is already the petstore app running on 
Jboss to show full E-Commerce style abilities. Im not against donating a 
full app mind you, I just think that the work behind it could be better 
spent developing several smaller apps (in the spirit of tomcats 
"examples" webapp) .

My thinking here is twofold.

  1) the purpose of a quickstart is to get developers up and running 
quickly. A full blown application wont really do this. Plus it fits in 
more to the model of the inexpensive documentation. Where the small apps 
fit in with the free docs part.

  2) A full app would only assist some places in "selling" Jboss to a 
limited audience. I had meetings with 2 prospective clients in the past 
week and both have asked ME about Jboss. Granted it is on my resume and 
such as a technology I have used, but these people knew what it was. One 
in fact wondered why they didnt use jboss instead of weblogic 
(Especially after I told him about the features that will be in 3.0) 
Sorry BEA, you guys might lose that one :)

Im not against helping out on a full application as I said before, but I 
think the initial thrust should be in the direction of a quickstart kind 
of thing. These are not really intensely documented apps, but more along 
the lines of little examples that show how to use (at least at a basic 
level) Jboss 3.

I actually like the model Marc is using now. It makes sense to me. I 
like the idea that even though I am willing to submit stuff for free, 
when it comes to the more advanced stuff there might be some renumeration.



>I've been doing a few hours of thinking and came to a conclusion for a demo
>Would anyone like to assist me in creating an E-Bay style bidding
>James Hicks
>Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Jetty

2001-12-04 Thread Allen Fogleson

That is sort of what I was thinking too. Instead of one huge app like 
petstore, we could have several smaller examples. These would be 
specific examples of how to do things in Jboss.



>I am thinking more of 'kickstart' examples being deployed at get GO ... for
>testing/verifying to get that "instant gratification" feeling ...  also then
>it would be very *good* to have several (heavy) app examples contributed ?
>on 1-12-04 17.36, Julian Gosnell at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>I suppose there are legal issues preventing us from
>>shipping a working PetStore as part of this APP ?
>>--- Allen Fogleson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
>>Actually this sounds like something interesting. I'd
>>>be willing to take
>>>up the mantle on this one.
>>>I  wonder about the idea of a full app, or maybe
>>>some simple examples
>>>along the lines of tomcats "examples" web app. (of
>>>course using EJB, JSP
>>>and possibly MDB in there.)
>>>Either way it sounds interesting, and I have been
>>>sitting on my duff
>>>long enough in here that I need to donate some stuff
>>>Julian Gosnell wrote:
>>>>--- Peter Fagerlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
>>>>Well, I guess we need to kick of the
>>>>project !
>>>>Any takers ?
>>>>>Me myself and I -would prefer to have some apps
>>>>>deployed at starup of JBoss
>>>>>as wars / ears / sar - in that it makes for so
>>>>>better social engeniring
>>>>>on 1-12-04 03.12, Julian Gosnell at
>>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>>I'm not sure what you are saying !
>>>>>>Do you think there should be apps pre-deployed ?
>>>>>>If so where - I removed them from '/' because i
>>>>>felt it might hinder people
>>>>>>wanted to deploy their own stuff.
>>>>>>Peter Fagerlund wrote:
>>>>>>>As earlier thread mentioned/suggested - both
>>>>>test and 'kick start' would
>>>>>>>*grow* tremendously by having some apps
>>>>>from get GO ...
>>>>>>>on 1-12-04 01.06, Julian Gosnell at
>>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>>>>Who is suggesting you hit these urls ?
>>>>>>>>As bundled, Jetty comes with no apps deployed
>>>>>so hitting these urls WILL
>>>>>>>>tell you that nothing is found.
>>>>>>>>You won't find anything there until you PUT
>>>>>something there.
>>>>>>>>It looks as if some doc is out of date
>>>>>>>>Give me a pointer to it and I shall update it.
>>>>>>>>"Haller, Joe" wrote:
>>>>>>>>>I have downloaded and ins

Re: [JBoss-dev] Jetty

2001-12-04 Thread Allen Fogleson

I havent investigated it, but yeah I imagine there are


>I suppose there are legal issues preventing us from
>shipping a working PetStore as part of this APP ?
> --- Allen Fogleson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
>Actually this sounds like something interesting. I'd
>>be willing to take
>>up the mantle on this one.
>>I  wonder about the idea of a full app, or maybe
>>some simple examples
>>along the lines of tomcats "examples" web app. (of
>>course using EJB, JSP
>>and possibly MDB in there.)
>>Either way it sounds interesting, and I have been
>>sitting on my duff
>>long enough in here that I need to donate some stuff
>>Julian Gosnell wrote:
>> > --- Peter Fagerlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
>> >
>> >Well, I guess we need to kick of the
>> >project !
>> >
>> >Any takers ?
>> >
>> >
>> >Jules
>> >
>> >>Me myself and I -would prefer to have some apps
>> >>deployed at starup of JBoss
>> >>as wars / ears / sar - in that it makes for so
>> >>better social engeniring
>> >>...
>> >>
>> >>Yours
>> >>/peter_f
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>on 1-12-04 03.12, Julian Gosnell at
>> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>Peter,
>> >>>
>> >>>I'm not sure what you are saying !
>> >>>
>> >>>Do you think there should be apps pre-deployed ?
>> >>>
>> >>>If so where - I removed them from '/' because i
>> >>>
>> >>felt it might hinder people
>> >>
>> >>>who
>> >>>wanted to deploy their own stuff.
>> >>>
>> >>>Jules
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>Peter Fagerlund wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>>As earlier thread mentioned/suggested - both
>> >>>>
>> >>test and 'kick start' would
>> >>
>> >>>>*grow* tremendously by having some apps
>> >>>>
>> >>from get GO ...
>> >>
>> >>>>?
>> >>>>
>> >>>>/peter_f
>> >>>>
>> >>>>on 1-12-04 01.06, Julian Gosnell at
>> >>>>
>> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>>>Who is suggesting you hit these urls ?
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>As bundled, Jetty comes with no apps deployed
>> >>>>>
>> >>so hitting these urls WILL
>> >>
>> >>>>>tell you that nothing is found.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>You won't find anything there until you PUT
>> >>>>>
>> >>something there.
>> >>
>> >>>>>It looks as if some doc is out of date
>> >>>>>
>> >>somewhere.
>> >>
>> >>>>>Give me a pointer to it and I shall update it.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>Thanks,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>Jules
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>"Haller, Joe" wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>I have downloaded and installed
>> >>>>>>
>> >>JBoss-2.4.3_Jetty-3.1.3-1
>> >>
>> >>>>>>I am operating under JDK 1.3.1_01.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>I have followed the instructions in the
>> >>>>>>
>> >>and it appears
>> >>
>> >>>>>>to start.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>However:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>Hitting URLs http://localhost:8080,
>> >>>>>>
>> >>http://localhost:8080/demo,
>> >>
>> >>>>>>http://localhost:8080/jboss, etc. give the
>> >>>>>>
>> >>following error:
>> >>
>> >>>>>>HTTP ERROR: 404 Not Found
>> >>>>>>Could not find resource for /
>> >>>>>>RequestURI=/
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>Hitting URL http://localhost:8082 appears to
>> >>>>>>
>> >>give some
>> >>
>> >>>>>>administrative page.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>I get a similar error when accessing some of
>> >>>>>>
>> >>online documentation
>> >>
>> >>>>>>on the JBoss web site:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>
>> >>>>>>Can anyone help here?
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>Regards,
>> >>>>>>J. Haller
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>Jboss-development mailing list
>> >>>>>>
>> >
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >
>> >>>>>Do You Yahoo!?
>> >>>>>Get your free address at
>> >>>>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>Jboss-development mailing list
>> >>>>>
>> >
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >
>> >>>Do You Yahoo!?
>> >>>Get your free address at
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >Nokia 5510 looks weird sounds great.
>> >Go to
>>discover and win it!
>> >The competition ends 16 th of December 2001.
>=== message truncated === 
>Nokia 5510 looks weird sounds great. 
>Go to discover and win it! 
>The competition ends 16 th of December 2001.

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Jetty

2001-12-04 Thread Allen Fogleson

Actually this sounds like something interesting. I'd be willing to take
up the mantle on this one.

I  wonder about the idea of a full app, or maybe some simple examples
along the lines of tomcats "examples" web app. (of course using EJB, JSP
and possibly MDB in there.)

Either way it sounds interesting, and I have been sitting on my duff
long enough in here that I need to donate some stuff back.


Julian Gosnell wrote:

 > --- Peter Fagerlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Julian,
 >Well, I guess we need to kick of the jboss-demo.ear
 >project !
 >Any takers ?
 >>Me myself and I -would prefer to have some apps
 >>deployed at starup of JBoss
 >>as wars / ears / sar - in that it makes for so much
 >>better social engeniring
 >>on 1-12-04 03.12, Julian Gosnell at
 >>>I'm not sure what you are saying !
 >>>Do you think there should be apps pre-deployed ?
 >>>If so where - I removed them from '/' because i
 >>felt it might hinder people
 >>>wanted to deploy their own stuff.
 >>>Peter Fagerlund wrote:
 As earlier thread mentioned/suggested - both the
 >>test and 'kick start' would
 *grow* tremendously by having some apps deployed
 >>from get GO ...
 on 1-12-04 01.06, Julian Gosnell at
 >Who is suggesting you hit these urls ?
 >As bundled, Jetty comes with no apps deployed -
 >>so hitting these urls WILL
 >tell you that nothing is found.
 >You won't find anything there until you PUT
 >>something there.
 >It looks as if some doc is out of date
 >Give me a pointer to it and I shall update it.
 >"Haller, Joe" wrote:
 >>I have downloaded and installed
 >>I am operating under JDK 1.3.1_01.
 >>I have followed the instructions in the README
 >>and it appears
 >>to start.
 >>Hitting URLs http://localhost:8080,
 >>http://localhost:8080/jboss, etc. give the
 >>following error:
 >>HTTP ERROR: 404 Not Found
 >>Could not find resource for /
 >>Hitting URL http://localhost:8082 appears to
 >>give some
 >>administrative page.
 >>I get a similar error when accessing some of
 >>online documentation
 >>on the JBoss web site:
 >>Can anyone help here?
 >>J. Haller
 >>Jboss-development mailing list
 >Do You Yahoo!?
 >Get your free address at
 >Jboss-development mailing list
 >>>Do You Yahoo!?
 >>>Get your free address at
 >Nokia 5510 looks weird sounds great.
 >Go to discover and win it!
 >The competition ends 16 th of December 2001.
 >Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] Interesting behavior in Jboss3

2001-11-29 Thread Allen Fogleson

I ran accross some interesting behavior in the latest build.

I have a user admin who has roles admin and user.

I have a protected portion of the site with role "user" being allowed in.

Every other time admin accesses it I get an Error 403 with an Auth Failure.

When i remove the role admin everything is ok. So it looks like jetty is 
getting one role at a time...

I'll look into the code (honestly Jules has been faster at fixing things 
than i get a chance to look at the code :) though. But has anyone else 
seen this?

I didnt see a test case for it in the test suite, but I might have 
missed it.


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] [ANN] JBoss 3.0 alpha is out

2001-11-27 Thread Allen Fogleson

Actually the latest works fine. I didnt even get a chance to look at the
src before it was fixed :)


 >2. if you sync yourself with the cvs tree you will get
 >an upgrade to Jetty4. I am much happier with the
 >Security integration in this version. If the problem
 >lies with Jetty itself ask Greg whether the fix has
 >gone into Jetty4 - Greg ? You really should sync, if
 >you can - because lots of stuff has gone into my
 >integration since 3.0alpha was released.
 >>Jboss-development mailing list
 >Do You Yahoo!?
 >Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to 
Email and Music Charts
 >Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] [ANN] JBoss 3.0 alpha is out

2001-11-26 Thread Allen Fogleson


I didnt get a chance to dig into the code yet, but I tried my app
quickly on the CVS code, and I am getting jasper exceptions about not
being able to import classes. (ClassNotFoundExceptions) Which is better
than a HTML error 403 I guess heh. Im planning on looking at it more
tomorrow and seeing if it is just my setup or if there is some problem.

I admit that the app I made really kind of pushes jboss. It is an ASP
sort of model where. More of a webappcabaret model kind of ASP than a
real ASP so it is almost as likely that it is my code too. (or at least
my setup in Jboss)

I had problems with  the security not properly being propogated in the
Jboss-3alpha/jetty on the web site but I can get around that by dropping
in older Jetty jars.

I am going to try to find some time today to look at my code and the CVS
code and see where the problem lies. Im assuming since it passes the
webIntegration tests it is in my setup of jboss and not in the
integration but one never knows.



 >Have you tried the Jetty integration ?
 >If so, and you didn't like it, would you let me know what was broken, 
so it can
 >be fixed.
 >Any feedback at all would be useful, otherwise I am working in a vacuum.
 >JBoss 3 cvs now contains Jetty4 which is Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 
(Jasper - same
 >as Catalina).
 >As far as the user is concerned this should be a drop in replacement for
 >Catalina. If it isn't we need to know.
 >marc fleury wrote:
 >>|-Original Message-
 >>|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adam
 >>|Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 1:23 AM
 >>|To: marc fleury
 >>|Cc: Jboss-Development@Lists. Sourceforge. Net
 >>|Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] [ANN] JBoss 3.0 alpha is out
 >>|On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, marc fleury wrote:
 >>|> This is it!
 >>|> we will have the link on shortly
 >>|> so go gentlemen, you know what is in there, clustering, EJB 2.0, 
sar, cl
 >>|> microkernel, the future.
 >>|Where is tomcat integration?  Is this just an oversite?  JBoss 2.4.3 had
 >>|Tomcat integration(both 3.x and 4.x), yet I see nothing in JBoss cvs 
 >>|mention this.
 >>Where is your code, Adam?  If you care so much about it, get your 
 >>and code that integration it should be fairly simple just drop the 
code from
 >>2.x with 4.0 mods.  You got a big mouth, let's hope your hands are as 
 >>otherwise you will rapidly fall in the "crocodile" category (you 
figure it
 >>|Was this on purpose, or an honest oversite?  I hope it is not the 
 >>|seeing as how Tomcat is the reference implementation for java servlets.
 >>bullshit. Tomcat is just an implementation.  Jetty is just an
 >>implementation.  The main reason right now is 1- the 3.0 release is about
 >>CMP 2.0 so get that going, 2- no-one has really contributed the 
 >>3- I don't care about it I would rather wait to see, but if you care go
 >>You know what to do, come back when you are done.
 >>|Jboss-development mailing list
 >>Jboss-development mailing list
 >Do You Yahoo!?
 >Get your free address at
 >Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Bug #482875: Out of Memory

2001-11-18 Thread Allen Fogleson

I have not seen it in 3.0 and I do quite a bit of redeploying a 12 meg
ear. I have seen some resource unavailables occasionally... Ill try to
remember to copy the error next time i see it.



 >I'll add my voice to the chorus that this is a bug.  I think it should be
 >fixed in 3 when the rest of the deployers are refactored, something I am
 >hoping to do fairly soon.  Has anyone verified whether or not it is
 >reproducible in 3?
 >david jencks
 >On 2001.11.17 16:58:29 -0500 Andreas Schaefer wrote:
 >>Hi Geeks
 >>Recently this bug was reported on JBoss 2.4 stating that
 >>JBoss server runs out of memory when to many hot-
 >>deployment with big archives.
 >>IMO this is not a bug because when people start to deploy
 >>big archives then they have to deal with it.
 >>- In Production this should not become a problem and when
 >>  then a restart of JBoss is necessary
 >>- In Development this should not be a big problem to bounce
 >>   the server.
 >>What do you think ?
 >>Bugs item #482875, was opened at 2001-11-17 12:12
 >>You can respond by visiting:
 >>Category: JBossServer
 >>Group: v2.4 (stable)
 >>Status: Open
 >>Resolution: None
 >>Priority: 7
 >>Submitted By: Joel Boehland (jolby)
 >>Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
 >>Summary: OutOfMemory after many Deploy cycles
 >>Initial Comment:
 >>I have been seeing OutOfMemoryErrors in my server after
 >>doing several deploy/redeploy cycles of my application
 >>.ear file (which is around 3 megs in size)
 >>Basic info:
 >>*Hardware: AMD-K2-400MHz, 196MB RAM
 >>*OS: linux 2.2.14
 >>*jdk: Blackdown-1.3.0-FCS, mixed mode
 >>*Server: JBoss-2.4.3_Jetty-3.1.3-1
 >>*ServerTrace: I don't have one now, but I can provide
 >>one later if needed.
 >>*Steps to reproduce: Deploy/Redeploy .ear file many
 >>times. My .ear is around 3 megs, so it may be necessary
 >>to use a large one to trigger this effect.
 >>Other info
 >>*I have had this happen using native threads mode, and
 >>green threads mode.
 >>*"Jozsa Kristof" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has also reported
 >>this error on the jboss-user list. He was using IBM jdk
 >>1.3.0 on linux, so this doesn't appear to be tied to
 >>any particular version of the jdk.
 >>Andreas Schaefer
 >>Senior Consultant
 >>JBoss Group, LLC
 >>Jboss-development mailing list
 >Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list