[JBoss-dev] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: Can we start writing jms test clients to check complianc

2005-04-15 Thread rajdeep_dua
The distributed test case framework for JMS using jgroups has been 
implemented(Based on remoting  DTF source base)

Scenario covered
1.One producer
2.One synchronous consumer

Its based on the distributed test framework developed by Tom for remoting 
I copied it into jboss-head/jms/tests directory.


Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 35.441 sec
- Standard Output ---

GMS: address is localhost:1821
-  ---

Testcase: testInvokers took 30.113 sec
expected: but was:
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected: but 
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at org.jboss.dtf.DistributedTestCase.run(DistributedTestCase.java:509)

The Test Fails, producer is setting the msg id to null,
(similar scenario in a local call passes)
With last weeks' CVS co this was passing, when i did the update yesterday the 
test started failing.

Issues faced

1.Had to change the {}/jboss-head/jms/src/resources/jgroups-core.jar with the 
one from thirdparty module
Problem with RPCDispatcher of jgroups-core, not able to make remote calls to 
methods of super class if they are not overridden in the sub class.

2.Added following property to jgroups props in 
org.jboss.dtf.DistributedTestCase to make jgroups work on my m/c
please remove this if tests give an error.

The test case has the following java files

  |  org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.dist.ProducerClientTest
  |  org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.dist.SynchConsumerClientTest
DistributedProducerSynchConsumerTestCase is the main TestCase (extends 
It configures the Topics/Queues using ServerManagement utility.
It launches Producers and Consumers in their own VMs (each producer and 
consumer extend  org.jboss.dtf.DistributedTestCase.)
during setUp.

All the VMs wait for each other to come up and then the actual execution of the 
test cases happen.(each VM must know what are the total number of parties 
coming up)

In this test case producer and consumers update 
DistributedProducerSynchConsumerTestCase for the messageID sent and received , 
the assert call happens in DistributedProducerSynchConsumerTestCase.

New Features added to org.jboss.dtf.DistributedTestCase
Call back method  : 
  public void sendMessage(String type,String message)
  | MethodCall call = new MethodCall("receiveMessage",
  |   new Object[]{type,message}, 
new Class[]{String.class,String.class});
  |  disp.callRemoteMethods(null, call, GroupRequest.GET_NONE, 0);
  | log.debug("sent Message :" + call);
  |public void receiveMessage(String type,String message)
  |log.debug("Received Msg:" + type + "::" + message);
for sending receiving the messageIDs between VMs.

Logging initializer : 
public Logger setLogging(String level, String fileName, Class classObj) 
  | {
  | ...
  | }
Each VM has its own log file named named after fully qualified class name and 
an ID given as a command line agreement.

Changes to build.xml in jboss-head/jms/tests

Added the following lines in

  | Added new component
Changes made to org.jboss.jms.ServerManagement
Added the following methods

  |  public synchronized static void startRemoteServer(Hashtable ht) throws 
  |  public synchronized static void stopRemoteServer() throws Exception
  |  public static InitialContext getRemoteInitialContext() throws 

Ovidiu,Earlier tests i had written were based on my design in this forum.
Now those utility classes are doing what ServerManagement does.

ServerManagement has to be abstracted int

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss IIOP on JBoss] - Re: CORBA servant MBean?

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Looks interesting. At the very least, it could be used as a skeleton for people 
that want to do this sort of things.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of the JBoss EJB Container] - Calling to develop JBoss Batch container....

2005-04-15 Thread AdiLev
Following a talk with the cheif architecture of WebSphere, Bob High, they are 
now pushing a new container, which works with EJB in a batch mode.
Mainly a batch is a non interactive operation, that take a long time on big set.

You usually do a loop on a set, creating a checkpoint every x iteration, so in 
case of failure you can continue from this point.
You usually do commit at such points and persistance the checkpoint iterator 

One usage of EJB CMP type is to prefatch the EJB based on the order keys. Also 
if supoort of clustering per key range, than it can be process in parrallel. 
Also you can control the priority of the task so it will be lower than OLTP (on 
line transaction) when OLTP responses become slower.

Comapnies like Intentia, Cardnet and others which had to process more than 100K 
items  have used J2SE programs to do so or extend the J2EE web side behind 
spec. Here the idea is to enter batch container to spec and IBM is conducting 
such an effort, and your help guys, will help both side, a mostly developers, 
to get a usefull container.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Eclipse IDE (dev)] - Updated cvs code to work with 3.1M6

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Trying to remember to use the dev-forum instead of direct mails for this jboss 
ide dev stuff ,)

I have now updated the jsp.ui plugin to be compilable against 3.1M6, but
unfortunately I could not find a easy way to filter out "_jspx" field and 
method names - so that will be a small "regression" bug until we get plugged 
into the WTP JSP editor.

Please test if you can ,)


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of the JBoss EJB Container] - Re: Calling to develop JBoss Batch container....

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
And where is the spec behind this?

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of AOP on JBoss (Aspects/JBoss)] - Integration of aop/aspects into JBAS and other projects

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ben Wang has created a web container aspect for fine-grained replication of 
session data. This brings up a previous issue of where aspects live and how 
they are deployed in non-trivial environments like JBAS.

Currently there are aspects like security living in the aspects module which do 
not belong in a standalone aspects library as evidenced by the module 


The aspects I am most familar with that do not belong here are the security 
aspects, which depend on implementation details of jbosssx as it is bundled 
into JBAS.

Throw in deployment ordering, hot deployment, class loader scoping, alignment 
of aspects with their sevices for ease of installation packaging, etc. and the 
current monolithic aspect is not managable.

So this thread is a starting point to discuss how we are going to manage the 
aop aspects.

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[JBoss-dev] [Deployers on JBoss (Deployers/JBoss)] - Re: proposed mods to SARDeployer

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
setHarURL was needed simply to allow the deployer to inject this value into the 
mbean.  Use of this at runtime or through the console is highly discouraged ;)

Another thought is that in the scheme y'all are proposing (provided multiple 
interceptors can process the deployer init stuff) we could simply have an 
additional Hibernate-specific interceptor which checks the deployment's mbeans 
for the Hibernate mbean and injects the url.  Then you would not need 
ServiceMBeanSupport exposing the URL attribute at all and could still get away 
with no specific HARDeployer.

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[JBoss-dev] [Deployers on JBoss (Deployers/JBoss)] - Re: proposed mods to SARDeployer

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Correct, and this is certainly the future deployment process architecture as a 
deployment is just a packaging with instructions on how to configuration the 
various aspects.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Build System] - Re: New Build - Standalone module - multiple builds

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : One issue that is not clear in this discussion is 
do I have sufficient info to go obtain the source for every jar I find in the 
dist? Ultimately I want this for patches as well. The ideal roundtrip behavior 
is that I would point a ant task to a release and have it spit out the 
jboss-build.xml that would obtain the source and thirdparty repository to 
rebuild the possibly patched dist.

Right, you might have a distribution which has potentially reflects multiple 
patches, and now you want the source for this distribution.  I think this is 
possible with the current design.  How it would work:

1.  Iterate over all the jars in a release, collecting the component id & 
version  from each jar manifest.
2.  Verify there are no conflicts between jars.  IE, jboss-common.jar and 
jboss-common-client.jar must agree on their version. Otherwise, the source is 
not resolvable.
3.  Based on the above, you have enough information to create a toplevel build. 
4.  Upon calling synchronize for this toplevel build, the component id's and 
versions will be used to resolve the component-info from the build repository.  
5.  The component-info will contain the cvsroot, module, and tags for each 
component.  These data will then be used to checkout the source for each 

* This does not address non-archive artifacts, such as text files.  We would 
need to add "manifests" to these text files if we wanted to be able to resolve 
their source components.  Is this necessary for this use case (or in general)?  

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Build System] - Re: New Build - Standalone module - multiple builds

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : 
  | 1.  Iterate over all the jars in a release, collecting the component id & 
version  from each jar manifest.

This assumes we add the compoent id to the manifest.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Build System] - Re: New Build - Standalone module - multiple builds

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
anonymous wrote : 
  | * This does not address non-archive artifacts, such as text files. We would 
need to add "manifests" to these text files if we wanted to be able to resolve 
their source components. Is this necessary for this use case (or in general)? 

No. In general configuration files will have no mapping to the dist as they 
will have been customized. I'm really only interested in being able to 
reproduce the same binaries from source for support.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - new window behaviour since last night

2005-04-15 Thread mholzner
Quote from Roy:

Clean co from CVS today. I noticed changes to the window behaviour as many 
people including Scott have suggested. 

A few questions:
1. Is this configurable? Can we set the old behaviour or new one in a 
descriptor? Not important for me. I like the new way better.

2. I have to fix the cmsportlet now.. its in normal mode and blank due to my 
overwriting the windowstate code-side. If window behaviour is configurable, 
this may be a pain in the ass for me.

3. I'm assuming all portlets are in normal state on the default page now? I 
think this is fine. I have to erase what I remember from the old way, because 
I'd like to "normalize" a side-portlet so it takes the 2nd column space as 

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: new window behaviour since last night

2005-04-15 Thread mholzner
sorry this is a result of the changes I checked in yesterday. I guess I should 
have explained those better ahead of everyone running into them ;)

I had a hard time to get rid of the old behavior, where the portlet in 'main' 
was automatically maximized. Since maximized now actually works ;) the results 
were weird. 
The current state is not quite final, but it shouldn't change much anymore. I 
still have to get rid of the 'main' concept, and make it a region just like any 
other region, but that requires me to rewrite the jsps, and that is a bigger 
effort. Anyway, unless there are any objections, the behavior will pretty much 
stay the way it is now. 

Configurability: yes, this is configurable. The Layout strategy allows you to 
change window states, filter portlets to be rendered, move portlets into other 
regions, change the sort order, etc. 
You can write your own Strategy, or take the Strategy interceptor out all 
together. The strategy can be configured for each portal-layout. If there is no 
strategy defined for the current layout, then the portal's default layout 
strategy will be used (the one you see now). 

Not quite sure if I can follow 2 and 3. If you have concerns about those, 
please elaborate so I am aware of what you need / don't want to see

 I like answering my own posts 

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of AOP on JBoss (Aspects/JBoss)] - Re: Integration of aop/aspects into JBAS and other projects

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well, this is not exactly as an Aspect. But rather an switch inside Tomcat.

Still, I have a tc5-clutster.aop jar that needs to deploy under all/deploy. In 
addition, I need to access it from testsuite so my POJO can precompile with 
annotationc and aopc.

What's the best practice?

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss/Tomcat Integration] - Re: JSP Compiler down after running the JBoss Server for som

2005-04-15 Thread jkonkin
Just wondering if you ever solved this problem. I am experiencing the same issue

Running Solaris 10, j2se 1.4.2_07, JBOSS3.2.1/TomCat 4.2.x

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: new window behaviour since last night

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I like the new behaviour. I think it is in keeping with other portal vendors 
and is more windows-like.

Point 2: The cmsportlet and forumsportlet were the default portlets in their 
assigned pages. They were always in normal mode. Since they showed nothing in 
normal mode, this needs to be changed. I will look in to this.

The important part here is that it remains configurable, either by a deployer 
or end-user. I'd like to see exactly how configurable it can be. For instance, 
when I maximize a portlet, can I still have side-bar navigation to its left? 
Some people may elect to not have top/bottom navigational elements, but have a 
consistent navigation along the side.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Eclipse IDE (dev)] - Re: Updated cvs code to work with 3.1M6

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks Max =)

I am moving over and re-structuring the JBossIDE CVS as I type this, so I will 
probably need to merge your changes. Are they very severe?

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Eclipse IDE (dev)] - JBossIDE CVS Restructure

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The CVS repository of JBossIDE is going to be undergoing a major restructure 
and move today.

We hope to address these concerns:

1) JBossIDE needs to be moved to the top level of the JBoss' CVS
structure (no longer under contrib/)

2) A new directory hierarchy:

  | jbosside/
  |  src/
  |  main/
  |  eclipse30/
  |  eclipse31/
  |[jbosside extension]/..
  Notice that src folders will contain a "main" where 99% of code will 
live. Eclipse 3.0 and 3.1 specific code will be placed in eclipse30 and 
eclipse31 subdirectories (to keep as much backwards compatibility as possible)

3) Version branching (no more eclipse compatibility branching). Version 
branches will look like:

4) Automated integration and nightly builds using the eclipse releng builder.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Eclipse IDE (dev)] - Re: JBossIDE CVS Restructure

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
looks good. Is the structure like how wtp/eclipse is doing their stuff ? (i'm 
too lazy to check ,)

Shouldnt the update site be there somewhere too ?

The eclipse30/eclipse31 looks like a good comprimise.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Eclipse IDE (dev)] - Re: Updated cvs code to work with 3.1M6

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
No - just two classes. You will detect them very quickly if you dont have the 
right version when you use M6 ,)

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Eclipse IDE (dev)] - Re: JBossIDE CVS Restructure

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry, the update site is considered another top level component called 
"update-site". =)

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: new window behaviour since last night

2005-04-15 Thread mholzner
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : The important part here is that it remains 
configurable, either by a deployer or end-user. I'd like to see exactly how 
configurable it can be. For instance, when I maximize a portlet, can I still 
have side-bar navigation to its left? Some people may elect to not have 
top/bottom navigational elements, but have a consistent navigation along the 

The Layout Strategy lets you ommit any portlet you want from the render 
process, and also change the region assignment of a portlet for the duration of 
the request. So you could do something like: exclude all portlets other than 
the maximized one, and all portlets in the nav or head region.
Or, you could move the maximized portlet into the maximized region, and all 
other portelts into the left region.  
The strategy lets you also  point to another jsp or servlet in the same layout 
to generate the markup. So you could have a normal.jsp and a maximized.jsp. In 
case there is a maximized portlet in the current request, the strategy tells 
the layout to use the maximized.jsp, otherwise to use the normal.jsp

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: Progress on JMS Facade and questions on tx handling

2005-04-15 Thread timfox
Thanks Adrian, that's a lot clearer now.

I've now moved the transaction handling logic into the interceptor stack.

So far, I've put it into TransactionInterceptor.

TransactionInterceptor does the following:

It intercepts ConnectionDelegate.createSessionDelegate() and creates a new 
local tx (using the local transaction manager) if the session is transacted. 
The Xid of this is then stored in the meta-data accessible to the 

It intercepts ProducerDelegate.send() and adds the message to a list of 
messages for the tx if the session is transacted.

It intercepts SessionDelegate.commit() and sends the list of messages to the 
ServerSessionDelegate for passing to the messaging core for delivery.

It also intercepts SessionDelegate.rollback() and SessionDelegate.close();

I noticed that there's also a SessionInterceptor in the design documents, but 
wasn't entirely sure what kind of stuff it has responsibility for.

Perhaps some of the transacted session stuff needs to go in the 
SessionInterceptor? I'm not 100% sure of the split of responsibility between 
these interceptors. I could probably do with a steer here.


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss's Web Services Implementation] - Re: XML Schema capabilities

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Finally I managed to make Xerces schema infrastructure to help me create a test 
schema object graph as shown by this testcase - test:

  | /**
  | * Test Xerces ability to create XML schema
  | * @throws Exception
  | */
  |public void testSchemaCreation() throws Exception
  |   String typeNS = "http://org.jboss/types";;
  |   SchemaGrammar sg = new SchemaGrammar(typeNS, new XSDDescription(), 
new SymbolTable());
  |   XSComplexTypeDecl ct = new XSComplexTypeDecl();
  |   ct.setName("HelloObj");
  |   XSParticleDecl xsp = new XSParticleDecl();
  |   xsp.fType = XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT;
  |   XSElementDecl xsel = new XSElementDecl();
  |   xsel.fName = "msg";
  |   xsp.fValue = xsel;
  |   ct.setValues("msg", typeNS, null, XSConstants.DERIVATION_NONE,
  |   XSConstants.DERIVATION_NONE, false, null, null, xsp, new 
XSObjectListImpl(null, 0));
  |   sg.addGlobalTypeDecl(ct);  //Always add global complex types to 
global types
  |   //sg.addComplexTypeDecl(ct, new SimpleLocator());  /**THIS DOES NOT 
  |   XSModel xsmodel = sg.toXSModel();
  |   assertNotNull("XSModel is null?", xsmodel);
  |   XSNamedMap xsnamedmap = 
  |   assertNotNull("XSNamedMap is null?", xsnamedmap);
  |   assertEquals(1, xsnamedmap.getLength());
  |   assertEquals("HelloObj", xsnamedmap.item(0).getName());

The test run is:

  | jboss-head/webservice/test] anil% ant 
-Dtest=org.jboss.test.ws.tools.xmlschema.XercesSchemaParserTestCase one-test
  | one-test:
  | [junit] Running 
  |  [junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 1.913 sec

Not a easy effort, but I hope it was worth it.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss's Web Services Implementation] - WS-I Security Profile 1.0

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The WS-I is working on a security profile. It is based off of WS-Security.

The link is here:

It is currently in working draft.


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Eclipse IDE (dev)] - Re: JBossIDE CVS Restructure

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The CVS Restructure / initial import has been finished. I will be running both 
repositories simultaneously over the weekend to try and sync up anything that 
isn't finished updating and make sure the new modules are working as they 

If anyone else wants to test feel free =)

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Eclipse IDE (dev)] - Automated Builds

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Over the weekend and Monday I will be implementing automated builds for 
JBossIDE. We are doing this so that component developers can depend on nightly 
and integration builds for the latest code / integration targets. Currently, 
The JBossIDE Core, JBossAOP Developer, and EJB3 Tools are hosted under the main 
jbosside cvs module.

Hibernate Tools and jBPM Designer are both hosted under their respective 
project's CVS repositories.

If you have a new idea for a component and have some input you'd like to 
provide for the new build system, we'd love to hear it. Initially the build 
will do a cvs checkout, compile, and package of each major component, as well 
as tag/branch each cvs module with the the corresponding version number if 
necessary. In the future we hope to support automatic dependency compilation 
(such as JBossAOP, Hibernate, jBPM, etc) via the new jboss-build, JUnit test 
validation, automatic eclipse bundle / branding packaging, and docbook 
documentation building.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Eclipse IDE (dev)] - Please read before posting.

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This forum is meant specifically for the development of JBossIDE. If you have 
any questions or support issues related to the use of JBossIDE, please visit 
our users forum:


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Internal Benchmarking] - How test cases should work

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To start, since this is probably going to be a long thread, will state how the 
test cases work using the benchmark decorators.

ThreadLocalDecorator (and all the other decorators that accept number of 
threads and loops) - for each thread specified in the number of threads, there 
will be a new instance of the test created.  For the number of loops specified, 
the test methods will be called on each test instance.  So for example, if 
specify 3 threads and 10 loops, there will be three instances of the test class 
created and each instance will have their test methods called 10 times by each 
of their respective threads.  An example class that demonstrates this would be:

public class SimpleThreadLoopCounter extends TestCase
   private static int staticCounter = 0;
   private static int staticMethodCounter = 0;
   private int localCounter = 0;

   public static Test suite()
  return new ThreadLocalDecorator(SimpleThreadLoopCounter.class, 3, 10, 0, 
true, true);

   public SimpleThreadLoopCounter()

   public void testCounter() throws Exception
  System.out.println("staticCounter = " + staticCounter);
  System.out.println("staticMethodcounter = " + ++staticMethodCounter);
  System.out.println("localCounter = " + ++localCounter);

When this is run, the last entry will be:

staticCounter = 3
staticMethodcounter = 30
localCounter = 10

Also, important to note that JUnit will create a new instance of the TestCase 
for each test method it calls.  So using the same sample above, if copied the 
testCounter method and called it testCounter2, the output would be:

staticCounter = 6
staticMethodcounter = 60
localCounter = 10

This means that eventhough local variables can be reused for each loop, they 
will be thrown away for each new test method run.  

Having said all this will follow up with another post of where, if anywhere, 
this behavior should be changed.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Internal Benchmarking] - Re: How test cases should work

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think that they way things work in the previous post should remain and would 
be a natural extension of the base JUnit TestCase.   

However, I think there should be some changes to this behavior if running a 
TestCase that is specifically a server TestCase (when talking about having 
client/server tests where there are two process running for a test case, which 
is what I want for the remoting tests).

So, for server test cases...

- Need a way to tell the server to start up and initialize.  This should be 
done using setUp() method.  Once this method returns, it is assumed that the 
server is ready to receive calls.  
- Need a way to tell the server that it can shutdown and clean up.  This should 
be done using the tearDown() method.  This method will only be called in the 
case that all clients are finished making their calls to the server.  

The server may have test methods, which will be called just as in the case of 
regular JUnit test runs.  However, the setUp() and tearDown() will not be 
called prior and after each test method call; it will be called only once each 
per test run.  These test methods can contain asserts and are suggested to be 
used for validation of server data and metrics.  

IMPORTANT - the tearDown() method may be called even while a test method is 
being run.  This is intentional and allows for the test method to loop until 
the tearDown() method is called.  So a possible example of where this could be 
used is:

private boolean stop = false;

public void testServerMetrics()
// collect data here

protected void tearDown()
stop = true; // so will cause testServerMetrics() to break out of loop

// do shutdown and clean up code.

Also, another change to the default JUnit test case behavior is that there will 
NOT be a new instance of the server test created when it moves to the next test 
method.  This is due to not knowing where the clients will be in their test 
run, so can't tear down a server test case instance and build up a new one just 
to run a new test method.  

All this is just design talk at this point and I have to actually write the 
code to make it work this way (if possible).  Wanted to post this so can field 
any objections before I go through the effort.


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Internal Benchmarking] - Re: How test cases should work

2005-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : 
  | Also, another change to the default JUnit test case behavior is that there 
will NOT be a new instance of the server test created when it moves to the next 
test method.  This is due to not knowing where the clients will be in their 
test run, so can't tear down a server test case instance and build up a new one 
just to run a new test method.  

So strike this.  Going to be close to impossible to do this without rewriting 
JUnit.  The TestSuite's private method addTestMethods() calls on public static 
method createTest() which will contruct a new TestCase instance and set the 
test method on it and puts in a collection for each test method.  This 
collection is iterated at a later point and runs each TestCase (as a seperate 

So will just doument the hell out of server test case saying that if have more 
than one test method, will have more than one instance of the server created.  
Imagine this will reduce mis-use by about 10%. ;)

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of AOP on JBoss (Aspects/JBoss)] - JBossAOP and static inner class loading

2005-04-15 Thread jthedream
Hi All,

I am unsuccessful in using JBossAOP1.1.2 to load static inner class. Below is a 
part of the error message:

  | [Loaded org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.JCEBlockCipher]
  | [Loaded org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.JCEBlockCipher$DESede]
  | org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: An unsupported signature or 
encryption algorithm was used; nested exception is:
  | org.apache.xml.security.encryption.XMLEncryptionException: Cannot 
find any provider supporting DESede/CBC/ISO10126Padding
  | ...

If I run, "java -verbose 
-Djava.system.class.loader=org.jboss.aop.standalone.SystemClassLoader MyClass", 
I will get the error message as shown above. 
But if I run "java -verbose MyClass", everything works fine. 

I also verified that the inner class (JCEBlockCipher$DESede) is in the same jar 
as its outer class (JCEBlockCipher), and the jar is in the classpath.

Here is the JCEBlockCipher snippet source code:

  | package org.bouncycastle.jce.provider;
  | public class JCEBlockCipher extends WrapCipherSpi
  | implements PBE
  | {
  | // hiding outer class implementation
  | /**
  |  * DESede
  |  */
  | static public class DESede
  | extends JCEBlockCipher
  | {
  | public DESede()
  | {
  | super(new DESedeEngine());
  | }
  | }// end inner class
  | }
(For the complete source code, please download 

It seems to me that JBossAOP fails to load static inner class. Is there any way 
to work around this problem?

I truely appreciate any comments and suggestions.


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of AOP on JBoss (Aspects/JBoss)] - Re: JBossAOP and static inner class loading

2005-04-15 Thread jthedream
For more information, I'm using jdk1.4.2_06-b03. 
Also I believe that the class DESedeEngine and its related classes are already 
in the system classpath. 

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