[JOYnet] Attn : Jyouth in Chennai

2003-03-24 Thread Henry, Sanad (Cognizant)
Hi all,
 Greetings to u all in the Name of Jesus.Can any one let me know abt
the Prayer group's in chennai and i also need some contact address and Phn no
of some of the Jyouth'sI recently shifted from H'bad to Chennai...Pls do
mail me back...

With prayers,
Sanath Henry(Kollam)
Jyouth Chennai.
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2003-03-24 Thread Jinson J.Elayidom
The first day of class our professor introduced himself and challenged 
us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look 
around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find 
a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up 
her entire being. She said, Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I'm 
eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug? I laughed and 
enthusiastically responded, Of course you may! And she gave me a 
giant squeeze. Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age? 
I asked. She jokingly replied, I'm here to meet a rich husband, get 
married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel. No 
seriously, I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be 
taking on this challenge at her age.I always dreamed of having a 
college education and now I'm getting one! she told me. After class we 
walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. 
We became instant friends. Everyday for the next three months we would 
leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized 
listening to this time machine as she shared her wisdom and 
experience with me. Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus 
icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress 
up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other 
students. She was living it up. At the end of the semester we invited 
Rose to speak at our football banquet. I'll never forget what she 
taught us.. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she 
began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped all of her 3 x 5 note 
cards. Frustrated, and a little embarrassed, she leaned into the 
microphone and simply said, I'm sorry I'm so jittery. I gave up beer 
for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back 
in order, so let me just tell you what I know. As we laughed she 
cleared her throat and began We do not stop playing because we are 
old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets 
to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh 
and find humor everyday. You've got to have dream. When you lose your 
dreams, you die. We have so many people alking around who are dead and 
don't even know it! There is a huge difference between growing older 
and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one 
full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years 
old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never

do anything I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That 
doesn't take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always 
finding the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly rarely 
have regrets for the things we did, but rather for things we did not do.

The only people who fear death are those with regrets. She concluded her

speech singing The Rose. She challenged each of us to study the 
lyrics. At the year's end Rose finished the college degree she had 
begun all those years ago. One week after graduation, Rose died 
peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended 
her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example 
that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be. hen you finish 
reading this, please send this peaceful word of advice to your friends 
and family. They'll really enjoy it! These words have been passed along 
in loving memory of ROSE. 
Tonight, before you go to bed, give your problems to God. He will be up 
all night anyway. 
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RE: [JOYnet] Attn : Jyouth in Chennai

2003-03-24 Thread listadm
 You may try this link.
 This is an attempt to list down all the prayergroups.
 If you have a consolidated list for your area pls send it to me
 so that I can add it to the lists.
 -Original Message-
 From: Henry, Sanad (Cognizant) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 1:43 PM
 Subject: [JOYnet] Attn : Jyouth in Chennai
 Hi all,
  Greetings to u all in the Name of Jesus.Can any one let me know abt
 the Prayer group's in chennai and i also need some contact address and Phn
 of some of the Jyouth'sI recently shifted from H'bad to Chennai...Pls do
 mail me back...
 With prayers,
 Sanath Henry(Kollam)
 Jyouth Chennai.
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 e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
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2003-03-24 Thread anitha dsouza
Dear friends,

I was just wondering; 

Do we really need this discussion on war?

Or do we need to concern ourselves on 
who is the sinner?  Bush or Saddam???

Would it not be enough, if we just focus our war
concerns on the innocent suffering humanity and the
consequences this war will lead to???

After all it is always wise and advisable to avoid
topics of discussions leading to controversies and war
of words, which will not spiritually uplift anyone; on
this joynet.
why cant we have healthy, spiritually and morally
benefitting discussions instead?  While we continue
praying for the world leaders, and the world peace.

Please no hard feelings; but this is what i really
personally feel.

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[JOYnet] War, Bush and Christianity: Some Musings

2003-03-24 Thread pathrose alphus

The world looks on in agony as the invasion forces of US-British coalition inflict 
heavy damage and destruction on Iraq and uncountable sufferings on  the innocent 
people there. The Coalition has engaged in this unjust conflict in the face of 
strident protests from the vast majority among the community of nations, in particular 
the Holy See. A huge number of their felow countrymen  are oppoed to war as evident 
from Michael Moore's Oscar acceptance speech today ( 03/23/03). President Bush 
constantly asserts that the war is waged to bring about democracy and prosperity to 
Iraq, and bring about an end to the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein.Saddam Hussein, no 
doubt, is a dictator who has committed  many acts of violence. But does the US have 
any  moral mandate to remove him.?

Consider this: The US is the one force, that forms the cornerstone of support to the 
Musharraf regime, which has all the weapons of mass destruction in its arsenal. The 
possibility that terrorists may take over the WMD's is very real. 

The US has tried and keeps on trying to topple the democracy of Venezuela and install 
a puppet regime of its liking there. The only crime of Hugo Chavez  is that he wants a 
fair share of the revenues  oil multinationals extract from his country, to better the 
lot of the poor.

In the past US has destroyed democracies around the world and installed brutal regimes 
supporting US business interests. Pinochet of Chile, Peron of Argentina, Marcos of 
Philippines, Duvalier of Haiti, Batista of Cuba..the list goes on. The US 
committed atrocities of the worst kind and used chemical and biological weapons in 
Vietnam; even today the people suffer from the aftereffects. 

US forces massacared undefended women, children and old people, around 300 in number, 
in the Vietnamese village of My Lai. This was brought to light only because 
journalists were at hand. Many similar incidents went unreported.

Nothing needs be said about the US support to Israel as it violates human rights with 
impunity in contravention to many a resolution of the UN security council.

President Bush often invokes his Christian faith, and publically beseech God to help 
him with his plans. This Christianity has nothing to do with Christ. The faith of Bush 
is nothing but the Gospel of Prosperity, expounded by Benny Hinn and his ilk. A gospel 
which states that the rich are the blessed and the poor are the wretched. To increse 
your blessings, try to grow richer, and despise the accursed wretched. Nothing can be 
further from the truth. See what the scripture says:

Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the 
world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him.( 
Jam 2:5)

1Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon 
you. 2Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3Your gold and silver 
are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. 
You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4Look! The wages you failed to pay the 
workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters 
have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5You have lived on earth in luxury and 
self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.[1] 6You have 
condemned and murdered innocent men, who were not opposing you .( Jam 5:1-5) ( A very 
apt passage for Bush and his cohorts).

The Church always teaches that the rich ought always be aware that the riches are 
entrusted to them for the common good of all mankind. They should be thankful to  the 
One who gave them the privilage to act as stewards of His bounty, and distribute what 
they have in excess of their needs among their poor brothers.

The Holy See has condemned the invasion unequivocally. Our Holy Father has exhorted 
all to pray for those threatened by war. 

As Christians it is incumbent upon us to oppose this most unjustified and unilateral 
invasion in the most overt manners. Just prayers, in my opinion is not enough. A 
courageous public statement of what we believe in and what we stand for is needed when 
the situation calls for it. Remember St. Maximillian Kolbe and St. Edith Stein, (St. 
Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)two of the greatest martyr saints of the past century? 
May they serve as models to us when we say out loudly that we have no part in 
Mr.Bush's concept of Christianity which is almost akin to Mr.Saddam Hussein's concept 
of democracy.

In Christ,

Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India.

Soli Deo gloria et sanctum nomen eius.

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[JOYnet] What a RESCUE AT SEA... ???

2003-03-24 Thread Henry, Sanad (Cognizant)
Hi all,
 Praise the LordCheck out this Good story..Fowarded by my

I hope this story ministers to our hearts to be quick to give and serve
in doing so we will receive much more than we have ever given before.


Years ago, in a small fishing village in Holland, a young boy taught the world
about the rewards of unselfish service. Because the entire village revolved
around the fishing industry, a volunteer rescue team was needed in cases of
emergency. One night the winds raged, the clouds burst and a gale force storm
capsized a fishing boat at sea. Stranded and in trouble, the crew sent out the
S.O.S. The captain of the rescue rowboat team sounded the alarm and the
villagers assembled in the town square overlooking the bay.

While the team launched their rowboat and fought their way through the wild
waves, the villagers waited restlessly on the beach, holding lanterns to light
the way back. An hour later, the rescue boat reappeared through the fog and
cheering villagers ran to greet them.

Falling exhausted on the sand, the volunteers reported that the rescue boat
could not hold any more passengers and they had to leave one man behind. Even
one more passenger would have surely capsized the rescue boat and all would
have been lost.

Frantically, the captain called for another volunteer team to go after the
survivor. Sixteen-year-old Hans stepped forward. His mother grabbed his arm,
pleading, Please don't go. Your father died in a shipwreck 10 years ago and
your older brother, Paul, has been lost at sea for three weeks. Hans, you are
all I have left.

Hans replied, Mother, I have to go. What if everyone said, 'I can't go, let
someone else do it?' Mother, this time I have to do my duty. When the call for
service comes, we all need to take our turn and do our part. Hans kissed his
mother, joined the team and disappeared into the night.

Another hour passed, which seemed to Hans' mother like an eternity. Finally,
the rescue boat darted through the fog with Hans standing up in the bow.
Cupping his hands, the captain called, Did you find the lost man? Barely able
to contain himself, Hans excitedly yelled back, Yes, we found him. Tell my
mother it's my older brother, Paul!

Author Unknown

There are many people in this world that are only interested in self gain and
self recognition. That is a shame because they are going to miss God's best
their life. It is important that we remember that God's ways of blessing are
contrary to the world's ways. The Bible says to gain, we must give; to be
lifted up, we must be made low; to be the greatest, we must first be the
Having success God's way will last much longer in our lives and more
importantly our success will bring glory and honour to God for His blessings.
(Matthew 19:28-30) (Mark 9:35) (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

With Prayers,
Sanath Henry(kollam)
Jyouth Chennai.
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[JOYnet] Attn : Jyouth in Chennai

2003-03-24 Thread Henry, Sanad (Cognizant)
Hi all,
 Greetings to u all in the Name of Jesus.Can any one let me know abt
the Prayer group's in chennai and i also need some contact address and Phn no
of some of the Jyouth'sI recently shifted from H'bad to Chennai...Pls do
mail me back...

With prayers,
Sanath Henry(Kollam)
Jyouth Chennai.
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[JOYnet] Dubai New Service Team

2003-03-24 Thread Praveen Isaac
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. (Philippians

Dear All,

It gives me great joy to inform you that Mr. Sunny Anand has been elected
as the coordinator of Jesus Youth - Dubai on Sunday the 23rd March 2003
in a prayer filled gathering presided over by Fr. Peter, our spiritual
director. Andrews Devsassy would continue as the assistant coordinator.

May I ask you to keep them all in your daily prayers.

The service team is as follows.

Sunny Anand (coordinator)

Andrews Devassy (Asst. coordinator)

Simju Simon

Bejoy Solomon

Jaison CJ

Praveen Isaac

Praveen Gomez


KK Joseph

Julius Antony

Yours in Christ

Praveen Isaac

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[JOYnet] Dubai New Service Team

2003-03-24 Thread Praveen Isaac
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. (Philippians

Dear All,

It gives me great joy to inform you that Mr. Sunny Anand has been elected
as the coordinator of Jesus Youth - Dubai on Sunday the 23rd March 2003
in a prayer filled gathering presided over by Fr. Peter, our spiritual
director. Andrews Devsassy would continue as the assistant coordinator.

May I ask you to keep them all in your daily prayers.

The service team is as follows.

Sunny Anand (coordinator)

Andrews Devassy (Asst. coordinator)

Simju Simon

Bejoy Solomon

Jaison CJ

Praveen Isaac

Praveen Gomez


KK Joseph

Julius Antony

Yours in Christ

Praveen Isaac

Still unmarried? Find a life partner now

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[JOYnet] Daily Bread - 23/03/03

2003-03-24 Thread Abraham Joseph

Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, Here is a true
Israelite. There is no duplicity in him.

John 1:47

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[JOYnet] Daily Bread 24/03/03

2003-03-24 Thread Abraham Joseph

Brothers, stop being childish in your thinking. In respect to evil be like
infants, but in your thinking be mature.

1 Corinthians 14:20

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[JOYnet] crying hearts and minds

2003-03-24 Thread anitha dsouza
Dear friends,

When this war fear has gripped the kuwaities so
tightly over here, it is still heartbreaking to see
the emotional turmoil of the mentally ill among whom i
work.  Each time, i go to work these days, i really
feel emotionally drained out at times, looking at the
pathetic condition my patients are in.

When the warning sirens first blared over kuwait, 
there was huge confusion and running around,
restlessness and even aggression seen in the ward,
where the already mentally distrurbed where going
through more stress and strain, with the memories of
the 1991 war behind them.
The next few days saw, the relatives of some of the
mentally ill hurrying over, to take their patients
home, either on leave or discharge from the hospital.

And then, the real drama began;
the ward, once which was filled with 18patients, now
had only 8 inmates and their condition was more
pathetic beyond words. 
Some of them have seen and experienced the death and
disappearance of the loved ones during the previous
gulf war.
 These days, each moment i see them crying,
telephoning frantically to all possible relatives to
come and take them and yet no one turns up.  The
feeling of abandanment and unwanted and unloved ness
is also very hard to digest, and this often results in
aggression, where these people become really hard to
At night, they are not able to sleep, because of the
nightmares the word saddam' gives them.  Some are
just glued to the TV, which frightens them even
further. Telephoning home provides more frustration
than consolation.  Some relatives have even left the
country leaving their 'burden' behind.

It is a real sorry state; and at times we feel even
more bad to be the silent helpless spectators in this
lifes drama

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[JOYnet] saint of the day....23RD MARCH

2003-03-24 Thread rose maria
23RD  MARCH   2003


bishop  confessor  (  1538--1606)


   Together with Rose of Lima, Turibius is the first known saint of the New World, 
serving the Lord in Peru, South America, for 26 years. 
Born in Spain and educated for the law, he became so brilliant a scholar that he was 
made professor of law at the University of Salamanca .  King Phillip  II   recognizing 
  his  outstanding  talents  and deep piety,  appointed  him  president  of  the  
court   of  the  inquisition   at  Granada   in  1575.Three  years  later  he  was   
ordained  to  the  priesthoodand  in  1580  was  designated  Archbishop  of  Peru. 
   He began the long and arduous visitation of an immense archdiocese, studying the 
language, staying two or three days in each place, often with neither bed nor food.It  
is  estimated  that   he  travelled  over  50,000 miles  , almost  always  on  the  
foot,  everywhere  baptizing  and  confirming  natives.  He confessed every morning to 
his chaplain, and celebrated Mass with intense fervor. Among those to whom he gave the 
Sacrament of Confirmation was St. Rose of Lima, and possibly St. Martin de Porres. 
After 1590 he had the help of another great missionary, St. Francis Solanus. He  also  
due  the  foundation of  the  first  American  seminary  at  Lima. 
His people, though very poor, were sensitive, dreading to accept public charity from 
others. Turibius solved the problem by helping them anonymously. 

The Lord indeed writes straight with crooked lines. Against his will, and from the 
unlikely springboard of an Inquisition tribunal, this man became the Christlike 
shepherd of a poor and oppressed people. God gave him the gift of loving others as 
they needed it.

   Latin American bishops, native rights, Peru 
  ***Time  is  not  our  own !!  We  shall  have  to  render   
asrtict  account  of  it !**( st.Turibius)

**O Jesus ! Who for love of me, 
Didst bear Thy Cross to Calvary ; 
In Thy sweet mercy grant to me 
To suffer  die with Thee...** 

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[JOYnet] thanks a lot

2003-03-24 Thread rsandeep_lourdes82
dear bros and sis in CHRIST,
this is to thank all those for their good wishes and prayers for my 21
birthday last friday,thank you all and please continue praying for me
may the LORD bless and keep all of us in his sacred heart.
   in CHRIST


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[JOYnet] FW: IBM Mainframe Professionals Required

2003-03-24 Thread Nisha Rose Thomas
Dear Friends,
NeST IT, Cochin is looking for personnel with IBM Mainframe Experience,
for immediate Recruitment. The ideal candidate would be professionally qualified 
preferably B.Tech and will possess 2 to 5 years hands on experience in MVS, JCL, VSAM, 
COBOL, CICS, and DB2. 
 Positions Exist at Project Leader/Senior Software Engineer/Software Engineer levels. 
Good communication skills, strong leadership qualities and good
interpersonal skills will be a prerequisite. Designation, Salary and benefits will be 
commensurate with qualifications and experience, and will not be a constraint for 
deserving candidates.
If any of you have friends who would be interested in applying for the
same please mail their resumes to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject
line as Main Frame Candidate. We may not be able to entertain any
resumes received after 30th March 2003.

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2003-03-24 Thread rose maria
24TH  MARCH  2003


VIRGIN (1331--1381)


   The  fourth  child  of  the  Swedish  prince  Ulf  Gudmarsson  and  of  
St.Brigitta,  Catherine  was  educated   at  the  convent  of  Riseberg.At  the  age  
of  14  she  was  married  , in  obedience  to her  father`s  wishes  ,to  a  pious   
nobleman  of  German  extraction,  Eggart  von  Kuernen,  a life long  invalid  with  
whom,  by  mutual  consent  ,  she  lived  in   continence.

St.Catherine  was  widowed  in 1349  and  was  hence forth  in  
Rome  at  her   saintly  mothers  side  ,  aiding  her in  all  her   charitable  
labours  imbiding  her ascetical  way  of life.In  1372  the  two  widows  made  a  
pilgrimage  to  the  Holy  Land.  She  became  the  head  of  the  Brigittine mother - 
convent  at  Wadstena.   ruled  it  with  great  skill  after   St.Brigitt`s  death.

   After   another  long  visit  in Rome, she  died  on  march  24th at  
Wadstena  in  1381.Unfortunately   no  copy  seems  to  be  inexistance   today of  
her   devotional book  *Consolation  of  the  soul*.

   against abortion, miscarriages 

***True  humility  consists   in being  content  with  all  that God  
pleased   to  ordain  for  us, believing  overselves   unworthy  to  be  called  his  
servants.**(St.Theresa  of  Avila)

**O Jesus ! Who for love of me, 
Didst bear Thy Cross to Calvary ; 
In Thy sweet mercy grant to me 
To suffer  die with Thee...** 

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[JOYnet] Re: [JYA] AMERICA ON WAR...........AND WE???????

2003-03-24 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel
Dear All,
I am forwarding the e-mail from Jyothini (an animator of the JY in the USA) as a 
balanced outlook on the current situation. The debate was on both in the JYA list and 
the Joy Net.
Being Christians, we have established our position which is clearly alongside the 
Pope John Paul II.
What else should we do?
For one, we should pray. It is the most powerful weapon we can use. Also, remember 
that we are not fighting against mere flesh and blood, but against the powers of 
darkness that dwell in the heavenly regions.
In stead of merely protesting against all that is evil, we should be proactive and 
try to eradicate the root causes, such as injustice etc. We could try to become more 
just in our behavior and dealings with others and the society. There are thousand and 
one ways to do that in our lives.
Another thing we can do as a group of people who possess a lot of talents and 
capabilities is to try to evangelize the audio-visual media in all its forms. We could 
do a lot by creating good music, shows, cartoons, stories, novels, movies, computer 
games, comic strips, shows etc. and replace the violent and immoral stuff that is 
abundant in the audio-visual media that promotes violence and immorality in the 
people, especially the young and the little ones.

Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, new Jersey, USA


 Dear JY's
  There are many sides to this war. We can debate it as much as we want. We are 
 allowed to have a difference of opinions.
 As I watch T.V and listen to the news, I am really saddened by the situation also.
   I remember the first war, I was about 14, it was before I really knew the 
 Lord. I remember my dad, my mom and my sister sitting in front of the T.V. Even 
 though the war  was so far away, I felt like it was right outside. I went to the 
 room where we usually pray and sat before the Lord and just cried. This time as my 
 husband watch T.V, I went to Lord, the Lord who offered us peace, at the moment he 
 was born and throughout His Life till the moment he ascended into heaven,  the Lord 
 who even today offers us peace and  begged him to give us that
 When I went to India, for college, in 1996, many of my roommates were from 
 Kuwait. They shared with me their experience. I was really shocked. I never knew how 
 much they had to go through. As we sit and debate, our fellow brothers and sisters 
 are hiding and running for the lives. Many families are being separated while we are 
 sleeping. Meanwhile, we are safe and secure, going about our daily business, school, 
   I don't know whose side is right. We can only see and hear what is said and shown 
 to us. But our Lord knows the hearts and minds of our leaders. Trust in Him.  Please 
 pray for the people of Iraq and neighboring nations. Pray for the soldiers and their 
 families on both sides. Pray for all the leaders, especially Bush and Saddam. Pray 
 for the end of this war and  the re-establishment of peace.
 God bless us all
 Jyothni, NY

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[JOYnet] Sufferings of Jesus

2003-03-24 Thread Principal
Dear friends,

There is some thing for us to meditate during this season of Lent.

Yours in Jesus Christ,
Fr.Simon Nelli sdb

Praise Jesus,

The 15 Secret Tortures and Sufferings of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

This devotion is approved and recommended by His Holiness Clement II - 1730 -
1740 .  It was revealed to the pious, God-loving Sister Mary Magdalen of the
Sancta Clara Order, Franciscan, who lived, died and was beatified in Rome.
Jesus fulfilled the wish of this Sister, who desired to ardently know
something about the secret sufferings which He endured the night before His

Jesus said :  The Jews considered Me as the most wretched man living on earth,
so that is why :

1. They fastened My feet with a rope and dragged Me over the stepping stones
of the staircase, down into a filthy, nauseating cellar.
2. They took off My clothing and stung My body with iron joints.
3. They attached a rope around My body and pulled Me on the ground from end to
4. They hanged Me on a wooden piece with a slip knot until I slipped out and
fell down. Overwhelmed by this torture, I wept bloody tears.
5. They tied Me to a post and pierced My body with various arms.
6. They struck Me with stones and burnt Me with blazing embers and torches.
7. They pierced Me with awls: sharp spears tore My skin, flesh and arteries
out of My body.
8. They tied Me to a post and made Me stand barefoot on an incandescent metal
9. They crowned Me with an iron crown and wrapped My eyes with the dirtiest
possible rags.
10. They made Me sit on a chair covered with sharp, pointed nails, causing
deep wounds in My body.
11. They poured on My wounds liquid lead and resin and, after this torture,
they pressed Me on the nailed chair, so that the nails went deeper and deeper
into My flesh.
12. For shame and affliction, they drove needles into the holes of My uprooted
beard. They tied my hands behind My back and led Me walking out of prison with
strikes and blows.
13. They threw Me upon a cross and attached Me so tightly that I could hardly
breathe any more.
14. They threw at My head as I lay on the earth, and they stepped on Me,
hurting My breast. Then, taking a thorn from My crown, they drove it into My
15. They poured into My mouth the most immodest excretions, as they uttered
the most infamous expressions about Me.

Then, Jesus added,

My daughter, I desire that you let everyone know the Fifteen Secret Tortures,
in order that everyone of them be honored. Anyone who daily offers Me, with
love, one of these sufferings and says with fervor the following prayer, will
be rewarded with eternal glory on the day of judgment.

My Lord and My God, it is my unchangeable will to honor you in these Fifteen
Secret Torments when You shed Your Precious Blood: as many times as there are
grains of sand around the seas, as fruit in the orchards, as leaves on the
trees, as flowers in the gardens, as stars in the sky, as angels in Heaven, as
creatures on earth. So many thousands of times may you be glorified, praised
and honored, O Most love-worthy Lord Jesus Christ - Your Holiest Heart, Your
Precious Blood, Your Divine Sacrifice for mankind, the Holiest Sacrament of
the Altar, the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the nine glorious choirs of Angels and
the Blessed Phalanx of the Saints, from myself and everyone, now and forever,
and in the eternal ages. In like manner, I desire, my dear Jesus, to give You
thanksgiving, to serve you, to repair and atone for all my ignominies, and to
offer You my soul and body as Your possession forever. Likewise, I regret all
my sins and beg Your pardon, O my Lord and my God. And I offer You all the
merits of Jesus Christ to repair everything, to obtain a happy dying-hour and
the deliverance of the souls from Purgatory. This prayer I desire to renew at
each hour until my death, O lovable Jesus. Sweet Savior, fortify my resolution
and permit not that neither wretched men nor Satan destroy it. Amen.

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[JOYnet] Discussion on War

2003-03-24 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Friends,

Our primary objective is to grow and help others to grow in the eyes of the 
Lord and our fellow beings. As such all our discussions and debates should 
also be leading us to that objective.

All of us read newspapers and watch many TV channels and listen to a number 
of radio channels and do not need any new information on the current war in 

 Let us not waste our valuable time by judging others if the US or Iraq or 
any body else is a sinner. We are not God to judge. Let us leave it Him.

Instead let me suggest a topic for discussion.

What do you know about the lenten season? How does it help us? How does it 
help others? How can we help others by observing this season?

You can add further points to the discussion.

But be charitable to your Joynet pals. No personal attacks, No sarcastic 

Being the abodes of the Holy Spirit, pray, discern and write and you will 
edify your fellow Joynetters.

God bless you

With love and prayers

Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE
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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2003-03-24 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (March 25).

suneesh francis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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Re: [JOYnet] Carrying The Cross.... v/s Prosperity Gospel

2003-03-24 Thread dr.jomon
peace be with you

  our joynet is always with/for sufferings.
benzy chacko has given many very nice letters on sufferings.
   according to me
 suffering is the key of  heaven
 we must follow Jesus to reach heaven
we do judge anybody even if He is Jesus [ with all reverence] according to his
deeds, not  by His words only.
  so we should follow His cross to reach heaven,isn't it?
  - Original Message -
  From: Binu Asokan
  To: JOYnet
  Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:55 AM
  Subject: RE: [JOYnet] Carrying The Cross v/s Prosperity Gospel

  Hi Joynetters,

  Smiju said - But Jesus showed us how to transform our pain into LIFE:
  by offering it to God. Jesus asked us to pick up that cross of pain and
  follow him. This enables us to grow spiritually so that we can better
  serve the needs of others.

  How beautiful it is !!! St Paul says - Let me not have anything to
  boast of save the Cross of our Lord Jesus, through whom the world is
  crucified to me, and I to the world. - Gal 6:14

  As so many references came on JOYnet regarding Prosperity Gospel, I
  would like to share my view on that. I used to watch Miracle NET channel
  which is gaining popularity day by day. I liked it coz of the powerful
  preaching of the Word of God, which at times did help me. But gradually
  I began to realize the hidden danger that comes wrapped up in the word
  of God. I am writing this especially for those in JOYnet who still like
  these programmes. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, they are preaching
  that suffering, pains etc. are a curse, and they are never our GOOD
  GOD's will. I've seen Benny Hinn making fun of Catholic faith referring
  to its teachings that sufferings can be due to God's will and great
  blessings can be achieved from it.

  St. Paul expresses his concern over some churches in his letter to
  Brothers, be united in imitating me. Keep youe eyes fixed on those who
  act according to the example you have from me. For there are so many
  people of whom I have often warned you, and I warn you again with tears
  in my eyes, who behave like enemies of Christ's cross. - Phil 3: 17-18.

  It makes me happy to be suffering for you now, and in my own body to
  make up all the hardships that still have to be undergone by Christ for
  the sake of His body, the Church. - Col 1:24

  Yes my dear friends, we do have the privilege to suffer for Jesus  His
  UNDERGO. We being His body can fulfill and complement His sufferings.

  Hold on to the CROSS tightly.. says Mother Mary to Fr. Stefano Gobbe
  in one among the series of visions given to him,  for the CROSS has
  always defeated all the attacks of the enemy, and it always will.

  God bless you all.

  Binu Asokan
  Fractal Technologies Ltd.
  Plot 11B, Mahal Industrial Estate
  Near Paper Box, Mahakali Caves Road,
  Andheri East, Mumbai 400 093

  -Original Message-
  From: Smiju Joseph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 2:36 AM
  Subject: [JOYnet] Carrying The Cross

  You may be rich. You may be famous. You may be on the top of the world.
  pal, if you're a human being, you still have a cross to bear. It may be
  birth defect, or a physical or mental chalenge, or a disease or
  For some it may be brokenness from physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.
  be it's a dysfunctional family, poverty, or unemployment.

  Whatever it is, each person knows his or her cross, becuase it's usually
  thing we try to run away from. We avoid the pain. But Jesus showed us
  how to
  transform our pain into LIFE: by offering it to God. Jesus asked us to
  up that cross of pain and follow him. This enables us to grow
  spiritually so
  that we can better serve the needs of others.

  Yes, we'll all have crosses. The difference is, a Christian carries the
  cross with the help of Christ. And that's how our cross leads us
  to...eternal life!

  with love  prayers
  Smi  Smi


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2003-03-24 Thread DENCIL FERNANDEZ
Praise the Lord

Dear brothers and sisters,

Let me share with u some of the reflections from a one-day program here in coimbatore.

The program started at saturday evening with a session on God's love. It was a 
beautiful session. One thing that really hit me was about the magnitude and dimension 
of our father's unconditional love for us. I knew he loved and cared for me, but the 
price he had to pay, the length he had gone to save me, eventhough i knew, i think i 
did not think of it much, it just crossed my mind sometimes and that was it, i did not 
care to think of it much. In the session when Ravi told us that when God the father 
gave his only begotten son to save whoever believed in Him that Jesus was just another 
human being with all the limitations that a man had. The only thing that was different 
was that He knew about the pain he will have to undergo to save us. Now, that was 
someting i had not given much thought. This really hit me hard. I looked at myself, 
would i help somebody if i knew, IF I KNEW that it would mean giving off my life? i 
think it is a BIG NO. Ok may be for those intimate ones, ev!
en then it depends on the situation. Then, would i be ready to give my life for a 
stranger, let us leave the matter of giving life, would i even care to just give my 
savings for a total stranger, i think i would think more than twice even about that. 
Do u see how GREAT is His sacrificial love for us, the magnitude of His love is just 
great, certainly not something that can ever be contained. Then, on sunday, there were 
two other sessions. It was a very blissful session. 

Ravi shared with us mainly:

Our call and answering the call.

Leaving our  worldly nets

Obeying Him and the result of obedience - the cross.

Following HIm

The program also helped to look at myself again, to search myself, have i answered to 
the call. If i have answered, have i left the nets or have i even tried to ask God to 
show me my nets which i should leave, if i have left my net am i obeying HIm, do i 
feel the cross of obeying Him, and am i following Him.

And this search has helped to find how far i am from being a disciple. As Ravi told i 
am still in the crowd who came to hear Jesus speaking and receive his grace. Yes, i 
have received abundant grace from Him all through my life. And i know the magnitude of 
his sacrificial love, his redeeming love, and his merciful love. Reflecting on these 
thoughts has helped me to identify the areas that i have to grow and take decisions to 
make myself a DISCIPLE OF JESUS rather than be one among the crowd.

With lots of love and prayers,

Always ur brother in Jesus


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MY comments on Re:_[JOYnet]_A_WORD_AGAINST_\'WAR__ANACT_ OF SIN\'

2003-03-24 Thread Ravi Vaz
Hi Joynetters,
It is not our Job to judge who is a sinner and who is not. and it is also not right 
that we try to pre-empt the reasons and motives behind the attack.
Mind u i am calling this an attack and not a war. Because we all have seen a one-sided 
aggression which cannot be called a war.. but an attack..
Now though it has taken the characteristics of a war.
The true motives and reasons for this war are known only to the people who have 
initiated the war.. George bush is only the representative of that group. 
so this is not a question of Bush Vs Saddam alone.. It involves a lot many other 
people also..
Our calling is therefore to pray for wisdom for both sides in this war. and that 
Mary the Queen of Peace may bring an early and definite end to this whole episode...
Let us stop discussing and continue praying.. that would be the most sensible thing to 
Love and prayers
 Joykutty Alby Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:At present, who is the sinner, Mr. 
Bush or Mr. Saddam?
At 05:49 AM 23/03/03 -0600, JAMES SIMON wrote:

War, Is it possible to bestow peace by war, force?

Like a Eunuch desiring to violate a girl,
Such is he who uses

Do anyone have the PERMISSION to kill/attack anyone or any nation
from the GOOD LORD?
Is it possible to Justify a WAR?

GOD does not cause what HE hates.
Dont claim that HE has misled you;
When, in the beginning, the LORD created human beings,
HE left them free to do as they wished.
If you want to, you can keep the LORDS COMMANDS.
You can decide whether you will be loyal to HIM or not.


What is the consequence of, repercussion on the attacker, killer, the one 
who is conducting the war?

JESUS said to him, All who take the sword will die by the sword. Mt. 26: 52.

he/she repents and get absolution from the GOOD LORD).

In short, What is the root cause of war, like any Evil/Sin?

Where there is Jealousy and SELFISHNESS, there is also DISORDER AND EVERY 
KIND OF EVIL. James 3: 16.

In closing, What is OUR MISSION?

Become GOOD, Remain GOOD and PRAY.


Thanking You, JESUS


James Simon




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[JOYnet] WAR

2003-03-24 Thread DENCIL FERNANDEZ
Praise the Lord

Dear joynetters,

There is a war going on. What does it mean to be in a war affected country. Have u 
wondered. With all that tons of bombs showered upon innocent people, friends like u 
and me, friends with hopes for tomorrow like u and me, friends with dreams like u and 
me, brothers, sisters, father, mother, grandparents, kids, neighbours, friends that 
they love so much very much the same we love our beloved ones, they are now at this 
moment are in pain. Even when we wake up to another beautiful day and go on our daily 
activities enjoying ourselves, somebody has lost their someone they love so much, 
maybe their father, mother, son, daughter, or friends.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us pray for those affected by war. Let us pray to our 
Lord and saviour, the merciful God, the living God to have mercy upon them. Let us 
find some time for them at least in prayer. Let us pray that God give the light of 
wisdom to those in power and open their eyes to bring peace. Let us at least say one 
decade of rosary for our brothers and sisters who are in pain in Iraq.

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[JOYnet] Re: Temptation-Lenten thought

2003-03-24 Thread Bincy Abraham
hi friends,

this sun at the Syro Malabar church in Chicago we heard one of the best 
homilies by Fr. Abraham Vetuvaylil. my ears, eyes, mind and heart were glued 
to the Spirit speaking thru achan. it is hard to share everything but i 
would like to mention the thoughts that struck me most.

Achan was saying that TEMPTATION has 3 manifestations:
1. the devil brings forth a PROPOSAL to you. (just like he did to Jesus in 
the desert)
2. your initial reaction to the proposal-- do you take DELIGHT or DISGUST in 
the proposal.
3. finally your end action in regards to the proposal-- do you ACCEPT or 
REJECT the proposal.
when a person gets tempted he undergoes these 3 aspects. it is not easy to 
deny/decline tempting offers. however, thru enduring/persevering PRAYER we 
can be graced with the gift of FAITH which will Spirit guide us to OBEDIENCE 
to the Lord's will!!!

also achan was asking us a question which is one we all can reflect on 
during the rest of Lent-- what will we accept today--- the APPLE offered by 
the devil (world's luxuries) or PARADISE offered by our SAVIOR (the heavenly 
rewards/ the Kingdom)... the answer is not so easy always and we don't 
always make the right choices in life or act according to what we know to be 
right--depending on our circumstances/situations.. however again 
enduring/persevering/consistent prayerlife will lead us to make the RIGHT 
DECISION in accordance with GOD's WILL for us!!!

Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=) Chicago

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[JOYnet] Re: bandaging the wounds of CHRIST (innocence)

2003-03-24 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends,

this last sun evening, i was blessed to be invited to a birthday prayer 
gathering at the home of one of our Christeen youths in Chicago. all the JYC 
were there also and it was wonderful, prayerful fellowship!!!

the prayer was conducted in their family room and we all faced the fireplace 
where on the ledge there was large picture of Jesus with His hands stretched 
out... you couldn't see the stigmata marks in the palms..i thought i was 
seeing things on the picture that were not there (hallucinating???).. then 
my friend Jojo whispers to me, see the bandage? see the bandage on Jesus? 
i was like oh my goodness he too saw the bandages so they must be there. 
there were two bandages placed on the palms of Jesus to cover the 
Crucifixion marks/stigmata... we asked the mom of the house, did you know 
there are bandages on Jesus. she told us that the birthday boy who was 7 had 
placed the bandages on Jesus when he was younger b/c he did not want Jesus 
to bleed or hurt at all and he won't remove them even now!

i was totally speechless/dumbfounded/humbled beyond words!!! this little boy 
cared so much for the pain of Jesus and was willing to go to such an 
extraordinary measure to care for Jesus' wounds... i wondered how much i was 
willing to do/ how much i had done to bandage Jesus up? well this little 
boy's innocence/purity/love has on the one hand put me to shame but on the 
other hand it has inspired me to do more for the LORD--to help others heal 
physically, emotionally and spirtually, to forgive and be forgiven--and thus 
do my little bandaging... how amazing it is to know how the Lord is using 
such young kids to work for HIS KINGDOM Praise the Lord

Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=) CHICAGO

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[JOYnet] Daily Bread 25/03/03

2003-03-24 Thread Abraham Joseph
Innocense - Day 10

For he brings down the pride of the haughty, but the man of humble mien he
saves. God delivers him who is innocent; you shall be delivered through
cleanness of hands. 

Job 22: 29-30

May the Lord give you His peace.

Fujairah, UAE

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