[jQuery] Re: Passing value from function

2010-02-18 Thread RobG

On Feb 18, 9:15 pm, Charlie22 ch...@post.cz wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have trouble passing value as selector value to other function.

         var id = 'Test';
                 id = '#Mobil';

If you want variables to be local to their enclosing function, declare
them with var.

The variable id has a closure to id in the outer function. Before the
keup runs, id is 'Test'. Afterward, its value is #Mobil.



I guess that should be:

   $('#' + id).click(function(){


This id also has a closure to the outer id.



 I am getting on console value #Mobil but $(is) is using value
 Test. Thx for help in advance.

All the id variables above refer to the same property of the same
activation object (i.e. they are essentially the same variable).
Modifying any one of them modifies the others.


[jQuery] Re: What is the proper way to write this if statement?

2010-01-13 Thread RobG

On Jan 14, 11:00 am, Matt Maxwell leftwithoutli...@gmail.com wrote:
 var that = this; // scope

The value of the this keyword has nothing whatever to do with scope.


[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: new rev of credit card validation extension

2010-01-13 Thread RobG

On Jan 14, 3:29 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 Hi All,

 We've released a new version of our jQuery Validation plugin credit card

It is likely that such validation is more hassle than it's worth...

 Changes include:

 1. updated card prefixes (including latest Discover Card changes)
 2. support for LaserCard

...because you have to keep upadting the data and possibly the
algorithms and the data object structure if it turns out it isn't
suitable - perhaps cards have different rules depending on the prefix
or number of characters, the plugin data structure can't handle that.

If this is intended for an online payment system, it is more effective
to just give the data to the payment system and let it work it out.
Otherwise you are potentially preventing users from accessing the
payment system even though their details are valid and you can't be
sure that you've prevented invalid data being sent - so what do you
really gain?

The code itself seems a bit verbose and has redunant checks, e.g.

value = value.replace(/[\s-]/g, ); // remove spaces and dashes
if (value.length == 0) { return false; } // no length

/* RG
This test is redundant. If the cardNumber has fewer than the required
number of digits it will fail the test below.

var cardNo = value;

/* RG
value has already beem modified from the value passed, there doesn't
seem much point in protecting its value now.

var cardexp = /^[0-9]{13,19}$/;
if (!cardexp.exec(cardNo)) { return false; } // has chars or wrong

cardNo = cardNo.replace(/\D/g, ); // strip down to digits

/* RG
cardNo has already had spaces removed and been checked to ensure
that it contains only digits. What is left to remove? Also, the two
tests use different (though likely practically identical)
patterns: [0-9] vs \D.

The code implementing the Mod 10 algorithm is inefficient and verbose,
some comments:

  var checksum = 0;
  var mychar = ;

mychar is not used.

  var j = 1;
  var calc;

  for (i = cardNo.length - 1; i = 0; i--) {
calc = Number(cardNo.charAt(i)) * j;

There is no need for the call to Number(), multiplication will convert
the string to a number anyway.

if (calc  9) {
  checksum = checksum + 1;
  calc = calc - 10;
checksum = checksum + calc;

All of that can be replaced with:

checksum += (calc  9)? calc - 9 : calc;

The line:

 if (j == 1) { j = 2 } else { j = 1 };

That can be:

j = (j%2) + 1;

  if (checksum % 10 != 0) { return false; } // not mod10


  return !(checksum%10);

or perhaps:

  return /0$/.test(checksum);

If the function is called frequently, the regExp can be stored in a
closure - whatever suits. An alternative Mod 10 implementation is:

var acc = cardNo.split('');
var i = acc.length;
var j = 0;
var n;
var sum = 0;

while (i--) {
  n = (j++ % 2)? acc[i] * 2 : acc[i];
  sum += (n  10)? n - 0 : n - 9;
return !(sum%10);

The prefix and length checks can also be done in less code (4 or 5
lines) and more efficiently using regular expressions.


[jQuery] Re: long-term browser support strategy

2010-01-12 Thread RobG

On Jan 12, 1:24 pm, Nathan Klatt n8kl...@gmail.com wrote:
  IE 6 use is 3 times that of Safari (all versions) depending on whose
  statistics you believe. Why not drop support for Safari while you're
  at it? And Opera and Chrome?

 Because you don't have to do anything to support Safari or Chrome or

There are at least 5 Safari-specific quirks catered for in jQuery (I
just searched for Safari in comments), there are likely others.
Admittedly that's far fewer than are required for IE, but since IE 6
is now about 10 years old, surely it's quirks are well known and
catered for?

 - they actually work. To stop supporting them you'd have to stop
 supporting standards.

Browsers will continue to evolve. If appropriate feature detection is
already in place and effective alternatives provided to handle quirks,
you may find that you are handling some new quirks without having to
write a single line of code. :-)

For example, while the bit in jQuery that checks if the event.target
is a textNode is meant for Safari (pre version 3 I think), it will
work for any browser that has such behaviour. Safari's behaviour was
actually compliant with the spec, the far more common behaviour (i.e.
that event.target is always a nodeType 1) is not compliant.

  I work with several clients that do
  not want to lead the way in this respect, and need to support IE6 as
  long as it has a fair usage share, which may be for several more

  That is a sensible decision

 Anyone clinging to IE6, at this point, has gone wy beyond not
 leading the way!

If w3schools' statistics are at all accurate, there are about the same
number of people using IE 6 as either IE 7 or 8.

Of course support might mean whether new functionality is provided
for old browsers and whether they continue to be part of a test suite.
New functions that aren't tested in old browsers can simply be marked
in the documentation, or simply features add after version x.y have
not been tested in browser X so users know not to use them.


[jQuery] Re: Argh!! IE8!

2010-01-11 Thread RobG

On Jan 12, 5:51 am, Valerij valeri...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey guys, I have this popup menu that works.. great! In Chrome,
 Safari, Firefox AND it USED to work in IE8, until I added just 1 div.

 This works in all the browsers great even after I added this div, but
 in IE8 it suddenly stopped.

 a id=acc class=baritem href=javascript:void(0);div
 class=textupMy Account/div/a

Your markup is invalid, div elements don't belong inside a elements.

 Is there a fix for this?

Start with valid markup: URL: http://validator.w3.org/ 


[jQuery] Re: long-term browser support strategy

2010-01-11 Thread RobG

On Jan 11, 10:47 pm, mikewse mike...@gmail.com wrote:
 What is jQuery's long-term strategy for browser support - cut off
 browsers after a certain number of years or when going below a certain
 market share?

 [I'm asking because of the current trend (among some webdevs and also
 library developers) advocating to remove IE6 support and force these
 users to upgrade their browser.

IE 6 use is 3 times that of Safari (all versions) depending on whose
statistics you believe. Why not drop support for Safari while you're
at it? And Opera and Chrome?

 I work with several clients that do
 not want to lead the way in this respect, and need to support IE6 as
 long as it has a fair usage share, which may be for several more

That is a sensible decision - they should not care what browser their
visitors are using any more than the colour shoes they might be
wearing. If support for the quirks of a particular browser is already
built into a library, and the library architecture efficiently
implements capability and feature detection to work around them, why
go to the effort of removing support?


[jQuery] Re: looping through form elements.

2010-01-09 Thread RobG

On Jan 8, 8:33 am, rich dottedq...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello all, I'm relatively new to JavaScript.  I would like to loop
 through all the elements within a form and grab their values and what
 type of input they are.  So far I came up with:

 $(':input').each(function(idx, item) {

There are lots of form controls that aren't input elements. They are
all in the form's elements collection.

 The alert is placed there to see if it loops and it works as
 expected.  I'm not sure how to alert the input's value and what type
 it is.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

A form element's value is stored in its value property, its type is
stored in its type property. So:

var el,
elements = document.forms[formName].elements;
for (var i=0, len=elements.length; ilen; i++) {
  el = elements[i];
  alert( el.type + ': ' + el.value);


[jQuery] Re: Convert a string version of a json array to an actual json array

2010-01-05 Thread RobG

On Jan 5, 8:10 pm, Dave messedupp...@gmail.com wrote:

 Wonder how I can convert a string to a json array.

From what you've posted below, you want to process a string and treat
parts of it as JSON objects.

 //start code

 var arrCss = [a___{'color':'red','font-weight':'bold'}, h1,h2___

Why not create it as a valid JSON object?

 for(var i = 0; i  arrCss.length; i++){
    var snip = arrCss[i].split(___);

 //end code

 The problem is that .css() treats snip[1] as a string but I need it to
 handle it as a json array.

You don't want it to be a json[sic] array, you want parts of the
string converted to an object with properties and string values, which
might be called a JSON object. You could use:

  ...css(eval('(' + snip[1] + ')'));

A better solution might be to use a JSON object for the whole thing,

var xString = { +
'a':{'color':'red','font-weight':'bold'}, +
'h1,h2':{'color':'blue'} +

var xObj = eval('(' + xString + ')' );
for (var selector in xObj) {
  alert(xObj[selector].color); // red, blue

Which might be used in your posted code as:

var xObj = eval('(' + xString + ')' );
for (var selector in xObj) {

 Bad: .css({'color':'red','font-weight':'bold'});
 Good: .css({'color':'red','font-weight':'bold'});


[jQuery] Re: js function to jQuery

2009-12-23 Thread RobG

On Dec 23, 2:06 pm, Leonardo Balter leonardo.bal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Nah, make it sexier, use parenteses (tip from the new John Resig's ebook):

 ( var $ = window.jQuery;
    function() {

 $ will be a local variable and unicorns will come to see the magic running

Yeah, maybe they can read and will tell you what the syntax error is
all about.


[jQuery] Re: js function to jQuery

2009-12-23 Thread RobG

On Dec 23, 6:58 am, jqHunter tinu.punn...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have the following js function used in an old web app. How can I
 translate this to equivalent jQuery code? Appreciate your help!

 function expandCollapse_onclick()
     var treeCell = document.getElementById(TreeviewTd);
     var topmenuCell = document.getElementById(MenuBarTd);
     var collapseExpandCell = document.getElementById
     if (treeCell.style.display == '')
         treeCell.style.display = 'none';
         topmenuCell.style.display = 'none';
         treeCell.style.display = '';
         topmenuCell.style.display = '';

You could consider re-factoring the functions into a library so you
write less code, e.g.

function toggle() {
  var i = arguments.length,
  while (i--) {
el = getEl(arguments[i]);
s = el  el.style;
if (s) {
  s.display = (s.display == 'none')? '' : 'none';

function getEl(id) {
  return (typeof id == 'string')? document.getElementById(id) : id;

Now the click function becomes:



[jQuery] Re: jQuery website search function

2009-12-22 Thread RobG

On Dec 22, 10:51 pm, Schalk Neethling volume4.sch...@gmail.com
 Hi there,

 I was wondering whether anyone knows if the jQuery website has some sort
 of API to access the search functionality of the site?

Stimulus, response...

 form action=
 input type=text name=queryText value=events
 input type=button value=Search... onclick=
  script type=text/javascript

  function searchDocs(el) {
document.location =
  + encodeURIComponent(el.value)
  + 'go=';


[jQuery] Re: AND OR Expression

2009-12-10 Thread RobG

On Dec 11, 5:46 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
  This isn't working out for me 

 Expecting it to?

 First post you were comparing:  string  string...  which isn't going
 to work

Why not? If the strings are digits that convert to numbers, it will
work. Granted it isn't particularly robust, but:

  '2'  '4'


  2  '4'

produce exactly the same result, read ECMA-262, 11.8.5.

 Follow up post after blowing right over Richard's suggestion, you are
 comparing string  number, which *still* isn't going to work...

Provided both convert to expected integers, it will (see above).

 and this line doesn't make any sense

 var td4th = parseInt($('td:nth-child(4)', jQuery

 as you are parseInt-ing a jQuery object

It will most likely cause the result to be NaN (ECMA-262


[jQuery] Re: Selectors and Internet Explorer

2009-12-10 Thread RobG

On Dec 11, 7:12 am, Josh Nathanson joshnathan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Maybe try closing the option tag?

The closing tag is optional, there are numerous elements that don't
need closing tags in HTML.


[jQuery] Re: Replacing brs in a div

2009-12-09 Thread RobG

On Dec 10, 3:24 am, T.J. Simmons theimmortal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yeah, I wasn't really sure it would work, but thought it was worth a try.

 And the br/ br thing I think depends on the browser used and the
 rendering mode it's forced into. What doctype are you using?

 And for some more thought, Firefox (using !doctype html) renders br as
 br, but IE8 will show them as BR, so.. see what you're getting and do a
 replace on all possible combos, that's my thought.

So by trying to use an inappropriate method, you slowly build
increasing complexity where there should be none. If the intention is
to collect text nodes and replace BR nodes with new lines, then:

function specialGetText(el) {
  var text = '',
  nodes = el.childNodes;
  for (var i=0, iLen=nodes.length; iiLen; i++) {
node = nodes[i];
if (node.nodeType == 3) {
  text += node.data;
} else if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'br') {
  text += '\n';
  return text;

Should do the job.


Re: [jQuery] New site with jquery: Cpluv

2009-12-08 Thread RobG

Escape-Artist wrote:
 Which site are you talking about?

You can check out more about us: Shaperstudio on
http://www.shaperstudio.com our site 

 There's no flash on the cpluv site.

Great, but the home page is over 800kb, half of which is script. Good


[jQuery] Re: New site with jquery: Cpluv

2009-12-07 Thread RobG

On Dec 8, 10:51 am, Escape-Artist tho...@shaperstudio.com wrote:
 Hey all!
 We just finished a site that is using a whole lot of jquery ( for ajax
 submit, tabs, dialogs, transitions, DOM manipulations, ... )

Yeah! Great site! All I got was:

Sorry, you need the flash player to see this page! ( or upgrade your
flash player version )

Enabling scripting lead to a large Flash download. Sorry, didn't wait.
And here I was hoping Flash-based splash pages were a thing of the
past. It says to your visitors:

We think your time is so worthless, we're going to waste quite a bit
of it making you wait to see our advertising.


[jQuery] Re: Stop a button within an li taking the li event?

2009-12-02 Thread RobG

On Dec 2, 8:33 pm, Rich reholme...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I have an unordered list which slidesdown to reveal a sub list on
 click event. In the first li there is also a button that takes you to
 another page.

 When this button is pressed I don't want the slide down
 to start, which it currently does as the button is within the li.

Click events bubble. If you don't want them to, cancel bubbling.

Your markup is invalid, it has several serious errors. In particular,
a form can't be a child of a span element, nor can an input be a child
of a form element. Use a validator:

  URL: http://validator.w3.org/#validate-by-input 



[jQuery] Re: Best Practices or unobtrusive Javascript

2009-11-30 Thread RobG

On Dec 1, 12:41 am, Scott Sauyet scott.sau...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Nov 29, 8:21 pm, breadwild breadw...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have seen several examples on jQuery plugin sites that have the
  script tag and Javascript within the body and not the head where
  I thought it was supposed to go.

 Supposed to go is a subjective consideration.  The rationale for
 putting it at the bottom of the body is a fairly simple, and fairly
 persuasive, argument about performance.  A nice short version of that
 is here:


But it doesn't tell the full story - the page will take the same
amount of time to load. Putting scripts at the bottom means that the
page is (possibly) displayed faster and the user has the impression
that it loaded faster.

The best way to improve performance is to reduce images to the minimum
practical size, use plain HTML as much as possible, reduce script to a
minimum and put it into as few files as possible (one or none).

 The rationale for putting it in the head is really one about being

Unobtrusive seems to mean different things to different people.

URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unobtrusive_JavaScript 

  If JavaScript is used unobtrusively, then JS is never
 plain data, but always metadata.  And the head is the place for

Javascript is not metadata, it is program code:



[jQuery] Re: selector performance

2009-11-12 Thread RobG

On Nov 12, 6:11 am, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 Are those tests really using jQuery 1.1.4? If so, they're hardly  
 relevant now, unless you're using a very old version of jQuery.

The tests are relevant in the context of the article. The point is
really about improving performance by not making calls that don't do
anything, which is stating the obvious.


[jQuery] Re: How to determine number of elements after dom manipulation ?

2009-11-05 Thread RobG

On Nov 4, 6:22 am, bakman bakman.bak...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am generating elements (img's) based on data from an xml file.
 Once that is done, I want to determine the number of icons that were

 as naive as i am, i do a: alert($('img').size())
 result: 0, which isn't the case

 how can i determine them after they have generated ?

Why not:


Or increment a counter as you go.

 function dataloader(location,service,div){
                 type: GET,
                 url: includes/data.xml,
                 dataType: xml,
                 success: function(xml) {

                                 if($(this).attr(name) == service){

the $() function is expensive to run, so run it as infrequently as
possible, e.g.

  var element = $(this);
  if (element.attr(name) == service) {
  element.find(Service).each(function() {

                                 var type = $(this).find(Type).text()
                                 var host = $(this).find(Host).text()
                                 var name = $(this).find(Name).text()
                                 var site = $(this).find(Site).text()

  var service = $(this);
  var type = service.find(Type).text();
  var host = service.find(Host).text();
  var name = service.find(Name).text();
  var site = service.find(Site).text();

and so on.


[jQuery] Re: How to tell if option is selected when it always defaults to first value?

2009-10-26 Thread RobG

On Oct 25, 4:37 pm, Giovanni Battista Lenoci gian...@gmail.com
 nick ha scritto: select id=one
     option value=1 selectedone/option
     option value=2two/option
     option value=3three/option

 The right syntax is :

 option value=1 selected=selectedone/option

Only if the OP is serving XHTML as XHTML, which is rare on the web. If
the markup is being served as HTML (which covers the vast majority of
web pages) then what the OP posted is valid markup.

  If there is no selected then it always defaults to first value. How
  can I tell if the page has loaded and no options have been selected?

The selectedIndex value of the select element will be -1:

URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-HTML/html.html#ID-85676760 

 This is the way the select element works, there is always a selected
 element, even if you don't interact with the element.

There is no requirement for an option to be selected by default:

URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#edef-SELECT 

therefore you should not expect that one will be. It is prudent to
include the selected attribute for the option that should be selected
by default, even if it's the first one, as suggested by the HTML

| 17.6.1 Pre-selected options
| Zero or more choices may be pre-selected for the user.
| [...]
| Since user agent behavior differs, authors should ensure that each
| menu includes a default pre-selected OPTION.


[jQuery] Re: Jquery issue with IE 6 (works in chrome and firefox)

2009-10-26 Thread RobG

On Oct 25, 12:06 am, ram sriva...@gmail.com wrote:
 This works fine in chrome and firefox but does not in IE6. i am yet to
 try it out in IE 7. As you can see, i have an input field and when
 user enters a value and clicks on Save, Jquery $(span.saveLink).click
 (function() gets invoked which populates the SaveUserForm(pls note my
 input field is outside and its not enclosed in a form). The issue is,
 form gets submitted but except isNew set to 0 or 1, all other fields
 in Struts action show (empty string)  when i do this in IE6 where as
 in Chrome and Firefox, form values get populated correctly in Struts.
 Action. I tried Firebug and did not complain of any javascript errors.
 What am i doing wrong? Please respond quickly as testing is blocked.

 I tried to replace
         $(form#saveUserForm input#userGuid).val(id);

Why wouldn't you use:


                 $(form#saveUserForm input#amount).val(value);
                 $(form#saveUserForm input#totalAvailableStorage).val
 document.saveUserForm. totalAvailableStorage =id;

 but IE6 complains that those properties are undefined.

The syntax you have used only works in IE if saveUserForm is the
form's name, not its ID.  Either change the attribute to the name, add
a name attribute with the same value or use the following:

  document.forms['saveUserForm'].elements['userGuid'].value = ...;


[jQuery] Re: Don't use onclick

2009-10-13 Thread RobG

On Oct 13, 1:34 pm, expresso dschin...@gmail.com wrote:
 I don't think it's too hyped.  Having calls to javascript in your
 elements defeats the purpose of unobtrusively maintaining and using
 libraries like jQuery.

The mechanism frequently used to attach such listeners is to add a
class, id, name or some other attribute value designed to make the
element identifiable specifically to add a listener. How is:

  div class=mySpecialClass ...

hugely different to:

  div onclick=mySpecialListener() ...

when both attributes can be added using exactly the same server logic,
static template or whatever? The only difference is that in the first
case, the client must do extra work to attach listeners that could
have been added on the server directly.

Consider also that in the second case, you don't care about a document
ready or load event, or whether the user must wait for elements to be
enlivened while other content loads. Not hip, not cool or funky, but
very robust and avoids a bunch of issues.

Adding listeners at the client simply because the chosen development
library supports it is not a particularly convincing argument.


[jQuery] Re: Don't use onclick

2009-10-12 Thread RobG

On Oct 13, 10:49 am, CoffeeAddict dschin...@gmail.com wrote:
 Am I wrong to say you should never use onclick in an element as this would be
 contrary to the purpose of using jQuery

I think you have your design priorites backward. Firstly determine the
functionality required, then how to best implement it. If that means
using a library, then use it. If the library driving your design
decisions, you might need to rethink using the library.

 which means onclick would totally
 bind mark-up to javascript?

In a way that using a CSS selector to attach handlers doesn't?

  So it would not be unobtrusive in that case.

The concept of unobtrusive javascript (i.e. attaching listeners at
the client, rather than the server) is an implementation methodology
that has been much hyped but probaby creates as many issues as it


[jQuery] Re: Select element in form?

2009-10-11 Thread RobG

On Oct 12, 7:12 am, zephyr marc.at.comp...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a form and want to select a text input element _in that
 specific form_. This is my code:

 $(form [name= +formName + ] :text[name= +textInputField+ ]))

Why not:



[jQuery] Re: Unexpected $(document).ready() behavior when jQuery is loaded after the page

2009-10-07 Thread RobG

On Oct 8, 10:04 am, Ryan Crumley crum...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am experiencing unexpected behavior using $(document).ready() on a
 page where I inject jQuery after the page has loaded and then attach
 listeners to the ready event. The ready() event is never called using
 Firefox and Safari however it is called using IE.
                 function loadjquery() {
                         var url = 
                         var head = document.getElementsByTagName(head)[0], 
 done = false;
                         var script = document.createElement(script);
                         script.src = url;

                         script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = 
 function() {

There is no onload attribute for script elements defined in HTML 4.01,
therefore you should not expect that a script element will fire a load
event. The fact that some browsers do and some don't should be enough
to tell you that browser behaviour is inconsistent.  You are unlikely
to be able to reliably fix that with script.

If you want a reliable indicator that a script has finished loading
and is ready for use, put a statement at the bottom like:

  var SCRIPT_LOADED = true;


[jQuery] Re: format number

2009-10-05 Thread RobG

On Oct 5, 12:13 am, Donny Kurnia donnykur...@gmail.com wrote:
 15,000 should only displayed to user. You should keep 15000 somewhere in
 the document. My favorite is using alt

 span alt=15000 class=format15,000/span

alt is not a valid attribute for span elements.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery - Random Selection

2009-10-03 Thread RobG

On Oct 4, 7:06 am, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
 put all the bios in  containers with same class, use javascript random() 
 function to create a random index to show one of the bios
 var bioIndex=Math.round(Math.random()*5)

Using that formula, indices 0 and 5 have only half the chance of being
returned as indices 1 to 4, so not a very random selection. Use floor
or ceil for an even distribution, for speed use:

  var bioIndex = (Math.random()*6) | 0;

which is the same as using Math.floor. To return a random integer
between 0 and n, use:

  function getRandomInt(n) {
return Math.random()*n | 0;


[jQuery] Re: jQuery - Random Selection

2009-10-03 Thread RobG

On Oct 4, 2:45 pm, RobG robg...@gmail.com wrote:
 which is the same as using Math.floor. To return a random integer
 between 0 and n, use:

That should have been:

  between 0 and n-1 inclusive.

   function getRandomInt(n) {
     return Math.random()*n | 0;


[jQuery] Re: Strip out all of the commas in numeric text field

2009-09-29 Thread RobG

On Sep 30, 6:27 am, factoringcompare.com
firstfacto...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Thank you. JQuery is completly new to me. OK how des the belo code


     $(#test').blur(function () {

You could do:

  this.value = this.value.replace(/,/g,'');

and save yourself a few keystrokes (and a gazillion CPU cycles) :-)


[jQuery] Re: window close function _

2009-09-29 Thread RobG

On Sep 30, 11:21 am, -JD- juhand...@gmail.com wrote:
 Al cerrar una pagina necesito llamar a otra para poder hacer algunos
 cambios en mi DB. Intenté con esto:
                                 $(window).unload( function () { alert(Bye 
 now!); } );

Which is so much simpler than:

  window.onunload = function () { alert(Bye now!); };


[jQuery] Re: window close function _

2009-09-29 Thread RobG

On Sep 30, 2:02 pm, Mike McNally emmecin...@gmail.com wrote:
 In that it handles the case where distinct independent (mutually
 unaware, even) portions of the page may want their own unload
 callbacks invoked, I'd say so.

If you like breaking fast history navigation, go for it. Better to
avoid unload listeners altogether.


[jQuery] Re: keepp getting NaN vlue

2009-09-28 Thread RobG

On Sep 28, 9:21 pm, runrunforest craigco...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, I'm making a calculator for freight customer

 It seems I'm on the right path. But there is two bugs i need help.

 The TOTAL TO PAY value always seem to appear as NaN at first instead
 of default 3.

 And the function of TOTAL TO PAY only work after checkbox is checkd, I
 need it work regarding to changing of input value not just checkbox.

Consider something like;

script type=text/javascript

var updater = (function() {
  var distanceEl,

  var intRe = /\D/;
  var firstK = 3;
  var nextK = 1000;

  // Get the value of el
  function getValue(el) {
var val = el.value.replace(/ /g,'');
return !intRe.test(val)? Number(val) : NaN;

  // Return reference to element using id
  function getEl(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);

  return {

setup: function() {
  distanceEl = getEl('distance');
  dresultEl = getEl('dresult');
  weightEl = getEl('weight');
  wresultEl = getEl('wresult');
  priorityEl = getEl('priority');
  presultEl = getEl('presult');
  grandtotalEl = getEl('grandtotal');
  updateEl = getEl('updateCell');
  resetEl = getEl('resetButton');

  distanceEl.onchange = updater.run;
  weightEl.onchange = updater.run;
  wresultEl.onchange = updater.run;
  priorityEl.onchange = updater.run;
  distanceEl.onchange = updater.run;
  resetEl.onclick = updater.runLate;

  if (updateEl) {
var el = document.createElement('input');
el.type = 'button';
el.value = 'Update total';
el.onclick = updater.run;


run: function() {
  var d = getValue(distanceEl);
  var w = getValue(weightEl);
  var dCost = 0;
  var wCost = 0;
  var pCost = 0;

  // Check for errors, don't continue if found
  if ((!d  d != 0) || d  0) {
alert('Invalid distance, must be an integer.');
  } else if ((!w  w != 0 ) || w  0) {
alert('Invalid weight, must be an integer.');

  // Calculate cost for distance
  if (d  0) {
dCost = 3;
  dCost += d * 1000;
  dresultEl.innerHTML = 'USD' + dCost;

  // Calculate cost
  if (w  5) {
wCost = (w - 5) * 5000;
  wresultEl.innerHTML = 'USD' + wCost;

  // Add extra if priority
  if (priorityEl.checked) {
pCost = 5000;
  presultEl.innerHTML = 'USD' + pCost;

  grandtotalEl.innerHTML = 'USD' + (dCost + wCost + pCost);

runLate: function() {
  window.setTimeout(updater.run, 0);

window.onload = updater.setup;


  td colspan=4Please enter whole numbers only.
  tdDistance (km)
  tdinput type=text id=distance value=1
  td id=dresult
  td First km is USD30,000, additional km are USD1,000 each
  tdWeight (kg)
  tdinput type=text id=weight value=0
  td id=wresult
  tdNo extra fee for goods under 5kg
  tdinput type=checkbox id=priority
  td id=presult
  tdUrgent goods USD5,000 extra
  tdTotal to pay:
  td id=grandtotal
  tdinput id=resetButton type=reset
  tdinput type=submit
  td id=updateCell


[jQuery] Re: dans blog jquery calculate installment

2009-09-27 Thread RobG

On Sep 28, 1:26 pm, runrunforest craigco...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've got a script from dansblog (link 

 I copied and presented it as below, its doesn't work. What I've done
 incorrectly ?

Most such scripts are worth what you pay for them, or less.

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN 
 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
 script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script
 script type=text/javascript
 // bind the recalc function to the quantity fields
 $(input[name^=qty_item_]).bind(keyup, recalc);

Using the keyup event is not a good idea. You are running the listener
far more often that it needs to, you only need to run it when the user
has finished their input for a particular field (e..g. run it using

 function recalc(){
 // run the calc() method on each of the total fields

Where is calc() defined? User input should always be validated - what
will happen if they input # instead of 3?

 // the equation to use for the calculation
 qty * price,
 // we now define the values for the variables defined 
 in the

Beware of those who talk about we.

 equation above
 // instead of using a static value, we use a 
 jQuery object which
 grabs all the quantities

It grabs exactly the same set of inputs every single time the keyup
event occurs. Why would you do that except to waste CPU cycles?

 qty: $(input[name^=qty_item_]),
 // now we define the jQuery object which 
 reads in the price from
 the table cell
 price: $([id^=price_item_])
 // this function is execute after the calculation is 
 which allows us to
 // add formatting to our value
 function (s){
 // return the number as a dollar amount
 return $ + s.toFixed(2);

In some implementations, toFixed is buggy, though likely it doesn't
matter here.

URL: http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/js-rndg1.htm#toF 

 // once all calculations are completed, we execute 
 the code below
 function ($this){
 // now we get the sum() of all the values we 
 just calculated
 var sum = $this.sum();

Where is sum() defined? Does it validate user input?

 // now that we have the grand total, we must 
 update the screen
 // round the results to 2 digits
 $ + sum.toFixed(2)

If the values have already been rounded, their sum does not need to be
rounded again.



 table width=500
 col style=width: 50px; /
 col /
 col style=width: 60px; /
 col style=width: 110px; /
 th align=left
 td align=center
 input type=text name=qty_item_1 id=qty_item_1 value=1
 size=2 /
 td align=center id=price_item_1

Somewhere there must be a calc() function that takes an input element
and gets its value, then any other type of element and gets its text
content (or value perhaps), strips off the currency sign, multiplies
the two and returns the result. Maybe it does some checking of the
values it's been passed. Or not.

It seems strange that a function called sum would not do rounding.
How is invalid input handled?


[jQuery] Re: 'this' keyword in a custom object

2009-09-22 Thread RobG

On Sep 22, 8:17 pm, Alex Wibowo alexwib...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm trying to write object-oriented style javascript as follows:

 function HtmlFormUtil(formId){
     this.dirtyInputs=new Array();}


 var dirtyInputs = this.dirtyInputs;


   dirtyInputs[dirtyInputs.length] = $(this);

and so on. Why you need to use $(this) is beyond me, just store a
reference to the element. Get its value by direct access to the DOM


    return this.dirtyInputs.length  0;}

Seems you are using this array as nothing more than a glorified
counter. Why not just increment a global counter, rather than creating
a global object with circular references to every input element in the

e.g. something like

 function addOne() {
 var numChanged = 0;
 var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
 var i = inputs.length;
 while (i--) {
  inputs[i].onchange = numChanged;
 inputs = null;


 The intention is to use it to track any changes to the form fields... and
 warn user on window unload, if there's any dirty inputs (i.e
 form value has changed)

It will be problematic. If the user re-sets the form, do you reset the
dirtyInputs array? If the user changes the value back to the original,
do you remove the input from the array? If they paste data into the
input, will the change event fire before it navigates away?

If there is only going to be one instance of this object in the page,
why use a constructor? Just use a plain object and give it the methods
you are putting on the prototype. Not as hip, funky or cool, but
cleaner and less problematic.

 Unfortunately, the code above doesnt work... because  in
 this.dirtyInputs[],   the this keyword refers to the element that
 has the value
 changed (i.e. jquery object)

No, the DOM element.

,   and not     'this instance of HtmlFormUtil'.

You'll find it's not particularly useful anyway. Just compare each
input's value to its defaultValue. If they're different, the user
changed it. You don't even care *how* they changed it.

Note however that an onunload listener will break fast history
navigation in some browsers.

 Has anyone ever done this before?

A thousand times.

 What is the best way to solve my problem

Use something like:

  if (input.defaultValue != input.value) {
// value has changed.


[jQuery] Re: 'this' keyword in a custom object

2009-09-22 Thread RobG

On Sep 22, 9:04 pm, RobG robg...@gmail.com wrote:
 e.g. something like

  function addOne() {
  var numChanged = 0;
  var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
  var i = inputs.length;
  while (i--) {
   inputs[i].onchange = numChanged;


inputs[i].onchange = addOne;

  inputs = null;


[jQuery] Re: Browser sniffing - the correct way?

2009-09-21 Thread RobG

On Sep 22, 1:30 am, Mike McNally emmecin...@gmail.com wrote:
 Advice to never use browser detection is good advice, but in my
 experience it's simply impossible to follow. The bad behaviors of old
 IE browsers - behaviors that are, in effect, bugs, and therefore not
 features that obey any particular logic - are numerous and
 pervasive.  Facile advice like avoid troublesome features
 constitutes a grim curse on site design: don't do anything that
 doesn't work reliably in IE6 is what that amounts to, and I think
 that's terrible.

There are, and will always be, features that are available in some
browsers but not others. An evaluation must be made whether a
particular feature supported by certain browsers is worth having so
badly that it is OK to offer a lesser experience, or even deny access,
to users of other browsers. Are transparent PNG images *that*
important? Is there *no* other option? Is javascript the only, or
best, solution?

A common fix for the PNG issue is to use conditional comments to sniff
for IE and insert a different stylesheet that replaces the PNG images
with others.

That solution suits some (I guess it suits IE users at least), but if
the replacement images are OK for IE users, they are probably fine for
others too. And at the same time life has been made better for every
browser that doesn't support transparent PNG images (there are likely
a number of mobile browsers that don't support them either).

There are always those who wish to push the boundaries of what can be
done on the web, good for them. However, for everyday business web
sites, simpler is better and flashiness just distracts from the job at
hand. In a few years time, well look back at accordions, carousels,
show/hide effects and such much the same way as we look at blink and
marquee elements now. They are annoying distractions that rarely add
to the functionality or usefulness of a site.

For example, here's the home page of my ISP:

URL: http://www.iinet.net.au/customers/ 

The primary purpose of this page is to allow their customers to login
to the site.

You'll note that the focus is automatically put in the login field. A
username can be entered, tab pressed, then a password, but it is
impossible to navigate to the toolbox button without using a mouse.
Whoever designed it was clever enough to create those wonderful
buttons (which always leave me wondering which is on and which is off)
but was incapable of maintaining keyboard navigation supported
natively by every desktop browser since Netscape 1.0.

So you can see that I have a slight bias when functionality is
restricted just because someone decided to poorly implement a pretty
UI component. :-)

Similarly, the second set of login links at the top are impossible to
use without a pointing device - they can't be selected with a tab key.
The page is spectacularly bad at the one function it is supposed to
perform. And they don't use transparent PNGs anywhere! ;-p

The point here is not necessarily to build every site to the lowest
common denominator, but to not deliberately do things that break
functionality that has been available in just about every browser for
a very long time. Javascript and CSS should enhance the user
experience, not break it.


[jQuery] Re: How do you make text selectable when using IE browser?

2009-09-20 Thread RobG

On Sep 19, 6:53 am, amtames matt.a...@tnmed.org wrote:

 We recently had our site redeveloped by a professional firm. We
 originally requested that users not be able to copy and paste text
 from our site. This has created an outcry and we would like to have
 text be selectable. I see that they achieved this by using jquery
 which I am not familiar. I believe that I have found the snippet of
 code that turns this ability off/on but I do not know how to write the
 correct code to allow selection of text.

You don't have to do anything to *allow* selection of text, you just
have to stop trying to prevent it. The simple solution is to turn off
javascript, but likely your users don't know how to do that.

 This is an IE specific issue,
 not a problem in Firefox.

Look for something like:

  document.onselectstart = function() {return false;}

and remove it.


[jQuery] Re: Browser sniffing - the correct way?

2009-09-20 Thread RobG

On Sep 18, 1:32 am, ldexterldesign m...@ldexterldesign.co.uk wrote:
 This still leaves the issue of targeting browsers with JS/jQuery.

You still seem to be missing the message: trying to compensate for
browser quirks by detecting specific browsers is a flawed strategy.
Browser detection is usually based on the user agent string, of which
there are over 30,000 registered at TNL.net.

 friend of mine just recommend:http://www.quirksmode.org/js/detect.html

Don't use it. Don't even consider detecting specific browsers for
javascript quirks. For HTML or CSS hacks, go to relevant forums. Often
the best solution is to simply avoid troublesome features.


[jQuery] Re: Get the onclick method of an element

2009-09-15 Thread RobG

On Sep 15, 6:09 pm, sirrocco xavier...@gmail.com wrote:
 Let's say you have a :

 a href=# onclick='DoSomething(this);'asd/a

 I want to get the onclick text in a variable - something like

 var onclick = $('a').attr('onclick');

 The problem is that the onclick variable now is a function and if I
 try to execute , this   wil be the document instead of the link .

That is (in part) because the attr method returns a reference to the
function object, i.e. it returns the DOM property, not the HTML

 How can I get only the text,

You could try the getAttribute method, but it's buggy in IE:

  var listenerCode = element.getAttribute('onclick');

 so I can later reattach it to the link ?

There are a couple of methods, buy you need to change how your
function works and understand the difference between an HTML attribute
and a DOM element property.

The text supplied in the onclick attribute is converted to a function
and is called by the onclick handler when a click event occurs. When
attached inline, the handler sets the function's this keyword to a
reference to the element that the handler belongs to.

When attached as a property of a DOM element, browsers like Firefox
continue to set this to the element, but browsers like IE don't so
this resolves to the global object (per the ECMAScript specification).

One way to fix the issue is to use the event object rather than the
this keyword so the function can be assigned to other elements simply
by assigning it to the appropriate DOM property, e.g.

script type=text/javascript

window.onload = function() {
  var el0 = document.getElementById('a0');
  var el1 = document.getElementById('a1');
  el1.onclick = el0.onclick;

function foo(evt) {
  var evt = evt || window.event;
  if (!evt) return;
  var el = evt.target || evt.srcElement;
  alert('id: ' + el.id);

a id=a0 href=# onclick=foo(event);a0/a
a id=a1 href=# a1/a

Another method is to use event delegation and listen for the event
higher up the DOM tree so you don't need to assign the listener to new


[jQuery] Re: HTML code inside script tag, how access to it with DOM???

2009-09-09 Thread RobG

On Sep 10, 9:49 am, Mr Speaker mrspea...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think it's perfectly valid to have a div inside a script tag (or at

It is never valid markup in an HTML document, a div element can't be a
child of a script element.

 least useful), if a div makes sense to the TYPE you defined for the

If you want to discuss HTML markup, then an HTML group would be a much
better place to do that:


The content of a script element is not considered markup, it is

 For example, John Resig uses a script tag with type text/
 html in his micro-templating 

I think that is a very bad idea for a web page. What advantage does
that approach have to assigning the string to a variable and using a
script language that the browser understands?

He demonstrates that a script element can contain random text, and
sets a trap for any browser that dares to be standards compliant and
end the script element at the first occurrence of /.

 In this instance though (and in reply to the original author) you add
 an ID to the SCRIPT tag,

While browsers tolerate that, it is invalid markup.


[jQuery] Re: remove() and empy() not work for xml

2009-09-07 Thread RobG

On Sep 7, 3:42 pm, g...@iec abhi.pur...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi.can anybody  help me out to come out of this

You many need to use getElementsByTagNameNS('*',tagName). To remove
nodes try:



[jQuery] Re: How can I get current Index?

2009-09-06 Thread RobG

On Sep 6, 12:28 pm, din dingl...@gmail.com wrote:
 TDA href=#ROHs/A/TD/TR
 TDA href=#ROHs/A/TD
 TDA href=#ROHs/A/TD/TR

 I want the value of href in first tag A is equal to JM-53_5.htm.
 And the the value of href in 2nd tag A is equal to JM-54_2.htm.
 The value of href in 3rd tag A is equal to JM-54_5.htm.
 HOW can I get the current Index of the tag A,and HOW TO get the value
 of the current 2nd tag TD.

It seems that what you want to do is use the text from the 2nd cell
and the cell index of the cell that the a element is in to create an
href value for the link. Your server knows all this information before
the page is sent, why don't you do it there? Getting client-side
scripting to do this stuff just creates a dependancy where none is
required. Making this stuff dependant on the layout creates
maintenance headaches - every time the layout changes, your script
must change too.

Something like the following will do the job, however it has no
feature detection and will break if dependant parts of the layout

var getText = (function() {
  var el = document.createElement('p');
  if (typeof el.textContent == 'string') {
return function(el) {
  return el.textContent;
  } else if (typeof el.innerText == 'string') {
return function(el) {
  return el.innerText;

function trim(s) {
  return s.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g,'');

function fixLinks(id) {

  var text, a, aLinks, j;
  var row, rows = document.getElementById(id).rows;
  var i = rows.length;

  while (i--) {
row = rows[i];
aLinks = row.getElementsByTagName('a');
j = aLinks.length;
text = trim(getText(row.cells[1]));

while (j--) {
  a = aLinks[j];
  aLinks[j].href = text + '_' + a.parentNode.cellIndex + '.htm';


[jQuery] Re: jQuery.support : Test if browser return nodes of type Text_Node

2009-09-06 Thread RobG

On Sep 6, 1:38 am, jeanph01 jeanp...@gmail.com wrote:
 Using jQuery.support and without using jQuery.browser how would I know
 if the browser would return nodes of Type of Text_Node ?

I don't think you need to know that at all - why do you think you need

 IE do not return text nodes.

 My only idea would be to create on the fly some structure in memory
 with text nodes and test with $(this).contents() if there is text
 nodes returned.

Deal with empty text nodes explicitly, don't use browser detection or
other detection kludges.


[jQuery] Re: Strange behaviour when de-activating form

2009-09-03 Thread RobG

On Sep 3, 3:32 am, burlistic burlis...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 Hi All,

 Not sure this is the best place for this question, but I hope someone
 can help.

 I have a form which requires a lot of client side validation. As this
 takes a while I am using an overlay to stop access to the form.

That is probably pointless.

 problem is, the overlay only appears after all valition code has
 exectured. Thus rendering it useless.

 Standard stuff really... Large div with a class that has display:

 Form submit (onsubmit=validate(); return false;) calls the

The usual way would be to use something like:

  form onsubmit=return validate(this); ... 

 validation code, which also submits the form if there are no errors.
 See code below;

 function validate()

         $('#messageOverlay span').text('Validating');
         var messageOverlay = $('#messageOverlay');



 Strangly the overlay appears if I place an alert in the validation

Browsers usually don't update the document while scripts are running,
they do it all at the end, which makes a lot of sense as they have no
idea what the script will do to it. An alert provides a pause so the
document is updated.

 I would really expect the overlay code to run first and dispaly the
 message. Why does it only happen after all the code has executed?

See above.

 I've tried so many things.. Like attaching the overlay code to the
 button click and using bind() to attached the method calls seperatly.
 Any help greatly appreciated.. If you sovle my problem and live / work
 in London I will by you many beers!

I don't live anywhere near London. You will have to do something like:
cancel form submission, set the overlay, call validation using a
short setTimeout, at the end of validation submit the form (or not)
and remove the overlay.

But you run the risk that if the overlay doesn't block access so the
user can submit the form while validation is running or start a second
process and submit it multiple times... you are adopting a brittle
strategy. Just validate the form and return false if it fails. The
script wil block the UI anyway.

You have to validate on the server anyway, the only reason to validate
on the client is to make life easier for users. Your approach may well
make it more difficult.


[jQuery] Re: Is this quirk of jQuery still true?

2009-09-03 Thread RobG

On Sep 4, 11:28 am, p_W paulwoolcoc...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just wanted to address setAttribute real quick...correct me if I'm
 wrong, but I was under the impression that IE does not support
 setAttribute(), that you had to use dot notation for IE (so
 element.attribute = value instead of element.setAttribute(attribute,

setAttribute works in IE as far back as 6 at least, but has quirks
(try using it to set an onclick listener). There is rarely any need to
set HTML attributes when dealing with an HTML DOM, just set the
appropriate property.

setAttribute and getAttribute are useful for DOMs that are not HTML,
or for non-standard attributes in an HTML DOM - though that makes the
markup invalid and so shouldn't be used. Again, just use standard
object property access methods (dots or square brackets).


[jQuery] Re: Is this quirk of jQuery still true?

2009-09-02 Thread RobG

On Sep 3, 6:55 am, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
 I read that in an article dated October 17, 2008, that it was not possible
 to change the actual

 HTML in the DOM

There is no HTML in the DOM. HTML is used to create a DOM.

 of the value attribute of a text input using

Because that changes the DOM value property, not the HTML value

The HTML value attribute (if present) is used to set the DOM
defaultValue property and provide an initial value for the value
property. User initiated changes to the input's value will change the
DOM value property. Setting the value property will change the
displayed value. If the input is in a form and the form is submitted,
the value of the value property is submitted (assuming the input is

The defaultValue is used to set the value of the input if the form's
reset method is called and can be changed by assigning a new value to
it programmatically.

The HTML attribute value can be changed using setAttribute.

There is no specification for how to generate HTML from a DOM, what
you'll get is dependent on the browser and the method or tool (e.g.
the browser-dependent innerHTML property[1])

Using innerHTML as the tool to convert DOM to HTML, it can be seen
that in IE changes to the element's value property are reflected in
the value attribute but not in Firefox. Other tools may have different
results. If you want consistent behaviour in that regard, do the DOM
to HTML transformation yourself.

 My experiments just now bear this out.

 Is this still true?  The writer of the article developed a work-around using
 a hidden input and

 manipulating its value with a rel to the original input.  Is this still the
 best way?

If you want to reliably set the HTML attribute value, use setAttribute
as it is specified as doing that (and realise that setAttribute is
broken in IE in places).

1. innerHTML is a widely copied IE proprietary property that has no
public specification and is known to be implemented differently in
different browsers.


[jQuery] Re: validation: how do I make sure a radio button is picked?

2009-09-02 Thread RobG

On Sep 3, 6:17 am, Matt Wilson m...@tplus1.com wrote:
 I have a list of radio buttons, all with the same name, and each has a
 different value.

 I want a validator that tests if one is picked.  How do I do this?

Set one as checked by default (as suggested by the W3C HTML
specification), no script or validation needed.


[jQuery] Re: Is this quirk of jQuery still true?

2009-09-02 Thread RobG

On Sep 3, 1:25 pm, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
 Thanks for the explanation, Rob.

 I'll have to check into setAttribute...am I correct in assuming
 that setAttribute is a Javascript function, but not jQuery?

setAttribute is a DOM Core method of the Element interface[1]. jQuery
wraps a great many such methods, but not this one. There is rarely any
need to use it for HTML documents, particularly as it is broken in
parts in IE. There is also little use for it as setting the DOM
property directly is simpler (and likely much faster as it doesn't
require a method call). setAttribute may handy for XML documents

 Also, your statement, There is no 'HTML in the DOM'.  HTML is used
 to create a DOM. seems like semantics.

Yes, it is, but in a technical group I think it is important. It is
impossible to know the OP was just a bit lazy or doesn't fully
understand the concepts. Better to be sure than make a wrong

 So is it correct to say that a DOM contains no HTML?

Yes. HTML is a markup language, it is interpreted by browsers to
generate a DOM. Javascript interacts with the DOM, not the markup.

An analogy is that a plan is used to build a house. Instructions to
tradesmen to change the design might be reflected in the house, but
aren't automatically reflected in the plans unless you also tell the
draughtsman to change them.  innerHTML and other DOM inspection tools
are like an as built plan of part of the house.

1. URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core.html#ID-F68F082 


[jQuery] Re: .html() ignoring updated input value

2009-08-18 Thread RobG

On Aug 19, 3:29 am, resetstudio navy...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi everybody, how are you?
 I have to save the state of a form in a var before submitting it with
 the whole html, but if I alert the var, I get the original html
 without the updated input fields.

 I have
     input type='text' name='test'/

 and I fill that field with hahahah, on $(div).html() i get input
 type='text' name='test'/ and not input type='text' name='test'

Likely that varies by browser.

 Can someone help me?

jQuery's html method essentially just returns the value of the
innerHTML property of an element. innerHTML is a proprietary IE
property that has been widely copied by other browsers. It has not
been standardised, nor does it have a published specification,
therefore its value is implementation dependant.

You should not rely on innerHTML (or the html method) returning the
same property across browsers where the content is anything other than
trivial. Form controls (or elements that can be form controls) are
particularly problematic.


[jQuery] Re: How to access the member of $.each() when Key has space?

2009-08-12 Thread RobG

On Aug 12, 2:23 pm, Ming mcpm...@gmail.com wrote:
 For example:

 $.each(eval(response),function(key, item) {
     alert(item.Account); //Work
     alert(item.Amount); //Work
     alert(item.Reference Date); //Fail


 I have try
 alert(item('Reference Date'));
 alert(item['Reference Date']);
 alert(item[0]); //Assume it is on index 0

 all of them are not work.

URL: http://www.jibbering.com/faq/faq_notes/square_brackets.html 


[jQuery] can't return value after $.ajax call

2009-08-10 Thread robg

Hi i'm currently using the dialog functionality (modal form) from UI
library to submit data to the database.  All the validation checks
have been running ok until one of the validation checks requires a
ajax call to check if a username exsist in the database.  I'm fairly
new to both javascript and jquery so this could be a fairly basic
blunder.  Initially, i thought it was an sycronicity problem, but I
changed the $.ajax async option to true but still no joy, so maybe it
something to do with scope etc?  Here's the code and thanks for any
help in advance.

function checkIfUsername()
type: POST,
url: +CI_ROOT+index.php/admin/check_if_username,
data: ({username: username.val()}),
async: false,
dataType: json,
success: function(data){
returnUsernameBool(username, data);

function returnUsernameBool(o, data)
if(data.bool == true){
updateTips(Your username must be unique);
alert('false'); //this works
return false; //still can't return bool
alert('true'); //this works
return true; //still can't return bool

bValid = bValid  checkIfUsername(username);
alert(bValid); //still gives undefined

[jQuery] Re: can't return value after $.ajax call

2009-08-10 Thread robg

Hi Steven,

Thank you for your reply but i'm not sure i understand what you mean?
By having async set to false the script does wait for the value to
come back from the server before executing the rest of the script (i
can tell it does this because all the alerts i run to test it, run in
the order i would expect). The return function is set in the success
option of the $.ajax method which calls the returnUsernameBool
function. Initially(see below), i had just one function but tried
breaking it in two to see if that would give me some clue as to why it
wasn't working

function checkIfUsername(o)
type: POST,
url: +CI_ROOT+index.php/admin/check_if_username,
data: ({username: username.val()}),
async: false,
dataType: json,
success: function(data){
if(data.bool == true){
updateTips(Your username must be unique);
return false;
return true;

//check id username already exsists
bValid = bValid  checkIfUsername(username);

On Aug 10, 11:25 am, Steven Yang kenshin...@gmail.com wrote:
 aside from the fact that checkIfUsername does not have a return
 ajax function is not going to waitwhen you finished calling $.ajax your
 function has already ended(returned)
 then when server responded your returnUsernameBool will be called but thats
 already too late for your alert(bValid)

 thinking as $.ajax is creating another thread and your callback is run in it
 might help (eventhough javascript is single threaded)

[jQuery] Re: can't return value after $.ajax call

2009-08-10 Thread robg

Thank you, that has worked.  I tried exactly the same thing before
because i though that returning the boolean from within the $.ajax
method might not work.  However instead of using bool = true; i was
using var bool = true;.  Have you any idea why using the prefix of
var would stop this working?

On Aug 10, 11:52 am, Steven Yang kenshin...@gmail.com wrote:
 if thats the case try
 function checkIfUsername(o)
   var bool;
                type: POST,
                url: +CI_ROOT+index.php/admin/check_if_username,
                data: ({username: username.val()}),
                async: false,
                dataType: json,
                success: function(data){
                        if(data.bool == true){
                                updateTips(Your username must be unique);
                                //return false;
    bool = false;
                                //return true;
    bool = true;
   return bool;


 i am not very familiar with the case that async:false
 but from what you described, this should work

[jQuery] Re: jQuery and the 'this' keyword

2009-07-30 Thread RobG

On Jul 31, 5:44 am, #micah micah.a.sm...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've created a javascript object like so:

 var myObj={
      //    internally used
      OtherFunction: function(){ alert('hi');},

      //    externally used
      EditInfo: function(){


 if i bind EditInfo to a button, like so:

There is no such thing as bind in javascript. You are assigning the
function to a listener.


 Then (this) is pointing to the button, not to myObj. Why is that?

The value of a function's this keyword is set *when the function is
called*, not when you define the function. The handler that calls
EditInfo sets its this keyword to the button. Note that the handler is
passed a reference directly to the function, it doesn't call it as

Perhaps you need:


Now EditInfo is called as a method of myObj and its this keyword will
be set as you expect.

Incidentally, it is a convention that only functions intended to be
called as conststructors start with a capital letter. If that was the
case here, its this keyword would be a reference to the new object and
your issue goes away.

 I'm using FF3.5

Not relevant to this issue, though there are differences in how the
this keyword is set for listeners between IE and other browsers.


[jQuery] Re: How to deterine number of words in a string?

2009-07-27 Thread RobG

On Jul 28, 5:09 am, Liam Byrne l...@onsight.ie wrote:
 A letter count is FAR easier - just get the string's length.

The length of the string will give you a *character* count. I would
not inlcude punctuation, white space, etc. in a *letter* count.  For
number of letters, try:



[jQuery] Re: newbie question.

2009-07-27 Thread RobG

On Jul 28, 5:53 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 (function() { do some stuff } )();

 is known as a closure.

You have a warped view of a closure. It is an example of the module
pattern, which can create closures, but doesn't necessarily do so.

URL: http://www.jibbering.com/faq/faq_notes/closures.html 

 It just runs once and it does not leave around
 any global variables (that is, if you also don't set any inside this
 function also).

More or less.

 Compared to this:
 function doSomething() { // do some stuff };

 The doSomething variable will exist (globally) to be available for
 access again.

There are many ways to created global variables, declaring a function
in the global scope is one.

 It will exist in memory, and may possibly pollute the
 global namespace. This is usually a problem if you have a lot of other
 Javascript that may have same variable name conflicts (e.g. multiple
 Javascript libraries). In the first example, no such global variable
 will exist. It will run once, and disappear.

Maybe. There are other methods for avoiding name collisions.

 In your example:
 (function($) { do some stuff } )(jQuery);

 The $ variable (local) has the value of the jQuery (global) variable,
 therefore, inside your closure, you can use $ as your jQuery variable.

There is no closure unless do some stuff creates one (which would
require a function declaration or expression inside the anonymous
function at least). It is the fact that $ is created as a local
variable and assigned a reference to the jQuery function that
protects it from collisions outside the function.


[jQuery] Re: Looking for some help converting this to jquery

2009-07-23 Thread RobG

On Jul 24, 3:20 am, sleepwalker danielpaulr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Eric you rock that's what I'm talking about!! Beautiful code man
 thanks so much.
 Learning is fun.

Don't confuse less with better, it is often slower to execute and
harder to maintain.  The code I posted could be written as:

function setButtonClass() {
  var el, inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
  var i = inputs.length;
  while (i  (el = inputs[--i])) {
if (/button|reset|submit/.test(el.type)) {
  var word = el.value.split(/[a-z]/).length/2 + el.value.length;
  el.className = word11?'mb':word4?'sb':word0?'b':'';

but I would not do that. Would you trust the newest coder in the
office to maintain it? Or accept the totally unnecessary performance
hit just to save a few lines?


[jQuery] Re: Looking for some help converting this to jquery

2009-07-22 Thread RobG

On Jul 23, 6:42 am, sleepwalker danielpaulr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a old script that adds a class to a button/submit/reset based
 on the length of its value and I'd like to convert it to jquery. I'm
 just looking for any suggestions on the best way to rewrite it.

Instead of code, can you provide a concise statement of what the code
is expected to do? It may be different from what it actaully does.

 Thanks in advance for any help

 function setbuttonclass()
 if(document.getElementById  document.createTextNode)
 var x = 

It doesn't seem sensible to infer the availability of a particular
method by testing a random selection of other methods.  To determine
if getElementsByTagName is supported, test it directly.

 for (var i=0;ix.length;i++)
 var s = x[i].value;
 var nolower = s.split(/[^A-Z\W]/);

If the intention is to split on lower case characters, why not:

  var nolower = s.split(/[a-z]/)

 var word = (nolower.length/2 + 

Surely there is a simpler way to determine the class that is to be
applied to buttons?

 if (((x[i].type == 
 ('button'||'reset'))||(x[i].type == 'reset')||(x

The expression - ('button'||'reset') - will always return the value
button. When posting code, manually wrap it at about 70 characters
so that auto-wrapping doesn't introduce more errors.

 [i].type == 'submit'))  ((word) = 12)){

The test to see if the input is of type button, submit or reset can be
done once, then the other logic applied. Getting x[i] every time in
every expression is very inefficient: store a reference and re-use it.

  x[i].className = 'mb';
 else if (((x[i].type == 'button')||(x[i].type 
 == 'reset') ||(x
 [i].type == 'submit'))  ((word) = 4)  (word != 0)){
   x[i].className = 'b';
 else  {
 if (((x[i].type == 
 'button')||(x[i].type == 'reset') ||(x
 [i].type == 'submit'))  (word != 0)){
  x[i].className = 

Those tests seem out of sequence, and all the brackets make it very
hard to read. The code can be greatly simplified (see below).



function setButtonClass() {

  if (document  document.getElementsByTagName) {

var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
var reType = /button|reset|submit/;
var reSplit = /[a-z]/;
var i = inputs.length;
var el, nolower, s, word;

while(i--) {

  el = inputs[i];

  // Calculate word
  s = el.value;
  nolower = s.split(reSplit);
  word = (nolower.length/2 + s.length);

  // If input is of type button, reset or submit
  if (reType.test(el.type)) {

// If word is 12 or greater, assign mb
if (word  11) {
  el.className = 'mb';

// Else if word is less than 12 but greater than 4
// assign sb
} else if (word  4  word  12) {
  el.className = 'sb';

// Else if word is greater than zero (but less than 5)
// assign b
} else if (word  0) { //
  el.className = 'b';
// If word less than 1, no className is assigned


[jQuery] Re: My new website AllJobsXChange.com developed with Jquery

2009-07-18 Thread RobG

On Jul 18, 9:40 am, son sco0...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Thank you Rob.

 I can't remember what make me use the XHTML doctype, I thought I had
 some problem with running some jquery stuff, but not sure.

 what is the ideal doctype the will work well with JQuery?

jQuery is irrelevant, the best (and only) DOCTYPE to use on the web is
HTML 4.01 strict. You may use others for specific purposes, but they
are not suitable for a general web site.

The vast majority if web sites using an XHTML DOCTYPE are served as
HTML because about 70% of web users are using IE, which does not
understand XHTML.

URL: http://hixie.ch/advocacy/xhtml 


[jQuery] Re: My new website AllJobsXChange.com developed with Jquery

2009-07-17 Thread RobG

On Jul 17, 11:19 am, son sco0...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Hi. My website,www.alljobsxchange.comwas developed with the use of

Yet another site using an XHTML doctype served as text/html, even to
browsers that understand XML.  The W3C validator found 62 errors:


Not good for a site with a few lines of text and a single input
element. Why is javascript and browser sniffing used at all?


[jQuery] Re: How to add an element to an object?

2009-07-14 Thread RobG

On Jul 15, 3:25 am, yasmine yasmina.ez...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks, I didn't know about the javascript associative arrays.

Because javascript doesn't have them, it has objects that are simple
name/value pairs.


[jQuery] Re: Determine content type in $.post callback

2009-07-12 Thread RobG

On Jul 13, 9:29 am, dnagir dna...@gmail.com wrote:
 How can I check the ContentType header in the $.post callback?

Try the W3C XMLHttpRequest Object specification:



[jQuery] Re: function scope

2009-07-07 Thread RobG

On Jul 7, 11:04 am, Josh Nathanson joshnathan...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can't.  

Of course you can.

 You'll have to create a global variable outside document.ready:

 var myFuncs = {};

Or just:

  var foo;

or from within the ready function:

  var global = (function(){return this;})();
  global.foo = function(){...};

 $(document).ready(function() {
         myFuncs.foo = function() {

Then myFuncs.foo won't be available until the ready function is
called.  If foo is declared outside the function, assign the value at
the same time.


[jQuery] Re: how to change 2,5 to 2,50 ?

2009-07-07 Thread RobG

On Jul 7, 8:11 pm, weidc mueller.juli...@googlemail.com wrote:

 thats my code:

 endpreis =Math.round(endpreis*100)/100;

 to round the price of something but i'd like to have 2,00 or 2,50
 instead of 2 and 2,5.

 i'd be happy about any help.

To format a number in javascript with exactly two decimal places it is
a good idea to try a resource dedicated to javascript:

URL: http://www.jibbering.com/faq/#formatNumber 


[jQuery] Re: how to change 2,5 to 2,50 ?

2009-07-07 Thread RobG

On Jul 8, 1:59 am, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 There are also some currency formatting plugins:


That appears to make extensive use of toFixed(), which is known to be
buggy in some browsers for certain values.  Try:

  alert( (0.0625).toFixed(1) );

Firefox shows 0.1 (correct)
IE 6 shows 0.0 (wrong).

URL: http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/js-rndg1.htm 


[jQuery] Re: how to change 2,5 to 2,50 ?

2009-07-07 Thread RobG

On Jul 7, 9:14 pm, Massimo Lombardo unwiredbr...@gmail.com wrote:
 As I see you're dealing with cents, money and stuff, I have to
 remember you that JavaScript use IEEE 754 Floating Points as its own
 internal number type, so 0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3: people tend to be very
 picky when dealing with money, especially if it's *their* money! :)

 So: be careful. And if you're relying on JavaScript logic to handle
 people's money, change programming language, JavaScript is not good at

The language is not the issue as such, any language using IEEE-754
numbers will have exactly the same problem - certain decimal values
can't be represented exactly.  The solution is to understand the issue
and deal with it, not live in fear.

URL: http://www.jibbering.com/faq/#binaryNumbers 


[jQuery] Re: Object as Function argument

2009-06-24 Thread RobG

On Jun 24, 4:07 pm, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have used an object in the past as a function argument, but this was
 for a plugin that I wrote.  Using it in the architecture of a plugin
 it worked.

 BUT, this time, I just want to write a normal function, but still use
 an object to set defaults and pass in changes to those defaults
 through as a param.  Is this possible, or do I have to make this a
 jQuery function like $.myfunction() ?

 I am trying:

 function test(defaults)

Including an identifier name in the formal parameter list is
equivalent to declaring that parameter in the body of the function.

         var defaults = {

Here you declare the variable again - there is no need for that.

                 test: ''

and assign it a value.  Whatever was passed to the function as the
value of defaults has now been replaced by this assignment.



 test({test: 'It works!'});

 The above does not seem to work,

Where work has some special meaning for you.  It does exactly what
it is coded to do: the object you pass to the function is replaced by
the internal assignment before the alert is called, so you see the
internally assigned value, not the one you pass.

 and replace the default with that was
 passed in the function.  What am I doing wrong here?

function test(defaults) {
  if (typeof defaults == 'undefined') {
// no useful parameters were passed to the function,
// assign a default value to defaults
defaults = {test: 'default value'};


[jQuery] Re: return value of nested functions is always undefined

2009-06-23 Thread RobG

On Jun 23, 4:31 pm, anawak82 anawa...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hi Rob,

 thank you for your quick reply!

  Add a return statement to getPrice, maybe something like:

    function getPrice(id) {
      return $.get('db.xml', function(d){

 I am sorry to say that this only return a XMLHttpRequest but not the
 value of the variable price.

Your original function appears to be extremely inefficient, but
anyhow, without knowing the structure of the XML document you are
dealing with, use:

function getPrice(id) {
  var price;
  price = $data.find(preis).text().trim();
  return price;

Note that price is declared in the outer function and not in the inner


[jQuery] Re: return value of nested functions is always undefined

2009-06-22 Thread RobG

On Jun 23, 6:24 am, anawak82 anawa...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I am just trying to learn a little bit about jQuery. Now I have a
 problem with returning a value from a function.

 The following code works fine, when I tested it with alert(price) or
 any other way of echoing the value directly. But if I try something
 like var test = getPrice(324), the variable test would always be

 function getPrice(id)
          $.get('db.xml', function(d){
                         var $data = $(this);
                          if ($data.find(id).text() == id)
                                 var price = $data.find(preis).text().trim();
                                 return price;

A semi-colon after a function declaration is an empty statement.  The
getPrice function doesn't have a return statement, so its return value
will always be undefined (provided it executes without error).

 I assume that the nested functions are part of the problem, but I
 don't know how to solve it.

Add a return statement to getPrice, maybe something like:

  function getPrice(id) {
return $.get('db.xml', function(d){


[jQuery] Re: selector, second to last row of table

2009-06-16 Thread RobG

On Jun 17, 3:46 am, theprodigy tigerseyet...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've been trying for a while to alter the second to last row of a
 table. I've tried several ways. The number of rows is dynamic so I
 can't hard code a number into nth-child. I used $rowNeeded =
 $thisRow.parents('table:first').children().children().length - 1 to
 get the second to last row, but it doesn't seem like I can pass this
 variable into nth-child either.

 How can I select the second to last row of a table?

In browsers compliant with the W3C DOM 2 HTML specification, table
elements have a rows collection that contains all the rows in the
table.  That collection has a length attribute, so, where - table - is
a reference to a table element:

  var rows = table.rows;
  var secondLastRow = rows[rows.length - 2];

Since rows is a live collection, you can get a reference once and keep
it, it will dynamically updated regardless of how many rows are added
or removed from the table.  Note that the above will error if there
are less than two rows in the table, use with care.


[jQuery] Re: Loop only handling last item in the array

2009-06-09 Thread RobG

On Jun 10, 7:44 am, psc petercar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am very new to javascript/jquery so bare with me. I am using this
 loop code below with a populated array called listarray:

         for(var i in listarray){

Don't use for..in to iterate over an Array, it can be problematic
unless you have complete control over the environment.  Use a normal
for, while or do loop.

                 var currententry = listarray[i];
                 var finalurl=phpscript.php?entry=+currententry;
                   url: finalurl,

Here, the value of finalurl has a closure to the outer finalurl...

                   success: function(serverreply){

Your AJAX request likely runs asynchronously, so the loop has finished
before the first request is sent.  At that point, finalurl has the
last value it was assigned for all the waiting xmlHTTPRequests.

You can either make the calls synchronous (probably a bad idea) or
break the closure.


 The alerts will always be the exact same: the last item in the array.
 So if there are 10 items in the array, it will alert the last one...
 10 times. I'm trying to work with each entry, but I think my code
 might be mixed up.

Classic symptoms of an unexpected closure.

 The script is a very dumbed down version of what I'm working on, but
 it's where I'm having my problem. I need to be able to see the ajax
 reply, and depending upon what that reply is, do something with the
 current array entry. If I alert() the serverreply instead... that
 works fine and gives different responses each time... but when I alert
 () the currententry it's the last item in the array every time.

Likely the alert pauses the loop long enough for the request to be
sent with the current value of finalurl. Read about closures (the
following article is long and detailed, but stick with it as you'll
learn a lot about ECMAScript in the meantime):

URL: http://www.jibbering.com/faq/faq_notes/closures.html 


[jQuery] Re: How to get option's position

2009-06-08 Thread RobG

On Jun 9, 11:23 am, David .Wu chan1...@gmail.com wrote:
 if I have a menu, how to get the position of the option after I select
 one of it?

 for example, if I choose b, and the position should b 2.

Select elements have a (zero indexed) selectedIndex property that
tells you which option is selected.  If no option is selected, it has
a value of -1.

If b is selected above, the select's selectedIndex property will
return 1.


[jQuery] Re: Even Odd Rows

2009-06-06 Thread RobG

On Jun 6, 11:25 pm, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 You can make that first line a bit more compact:

 $(li).removeClass(even odd)

It's still very inefficient.  All that is required is for the LIs
below the deleted one to have their class swapped from odd to even and
vice versa.


[jQuery] Re: looping through all elements of a form and keeping track of different font size

2009-06-03 Thread RobG

On Jun 3, 6:48 pm, Mr J regis...@pharmeon.nl wrote:
 hi all,
 here is the scenario:
 i have created an option on a website to give the possibity to the
 user to change the font size (smaller, bigger, reset),

A complete waste of time.  Modern browsers allow the user to control
the size of text using one or more of:

  1. User-defined style sheets
  2. Browser preferences for minimum and standard font sizes
  3. Zoom text sizes using ctrl+ or ctrl-
  4. Reset font sizes using ctrl-0

 like the famous
 x3 'A' that we see in most of the websites.

Not one web site that I frequently visit uses any such script.  Even
if it did, I wouldn't use it.  Hardly famous or used by most web

 the code i have is based
 on a plugin copywrite to (http://cool-javascripts.com).
 now i'm facing a problem with different font size for different

Forget it.  Ditch the script, let users control font sizes using
browser-native tools.

 any suggestions or something that will put me in the right path will
 be very appreciated.

See above.


[jQuery] Re: calling functions between multiple document ready events

2009-05-30 Thread RobG

On May 31, 8:10 am, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 are not necessarily the same. the first one will look up the scope
 chain and use the first ocurrence, it doesn't go directly to the
 window object.

The second looks up the scope chain too and uses the first property
named window that it finds.  It may not be the window you think it is.

 var x = 3;
   var x = 5;


 Again, this is basic javascript

Basic ECMAScript.


[jQuery] Re: Selecting lowest element containing text

2009-05-28 Thread RobG

On May 29, 5:32 am, David david.kar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I need to select the lowest element containing a given string.

What does lowest mean?  The one with the most ancestors, or the one
whose ancestors have the largest index of their siblings?  e.g.

div id=d0
  p id=p0
p id=p1

Given the document tree blow d0, which is lower, p0 or p1?


[jQuery] Re: input field name include . jquery cann't parse

2009-05-27 Thread RobG

On May 28, 4:07 am, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 On May 26, 2009, at 9:05 PM, RobG wrote:

  The choice is clear - the OP can simply stop using jQuery selectors
  for those elements, or stop using jQuery (or any other CSS selector-
  based framework) at all.

 Really? That's the only choice? As others have already noted, you can
 simply escape the .

Which infers simply hard coding all such IDs in the script, not a
sustainable strategy in a non-trivial application where the ID is
likely more efficiently passed as a parameter and therefore not a
viable option IMO.  The solution below doesn't require any hard coding
and conforms to the first choice proposed above.


Yes, we've seen that earlier in the thread.  I commented on it.

  Given that it's an ID, the OP could use:


  Which is likely faster anyway.

 True, but the speed difference is likely negligible.

The comment about speed is primarily to indicate that it won't be
slower, so the option of quoting the period character has nothing to
recommend it.  The OP is, of course, free to chose whatever option

  The jQuery
  documentation does, after all, refer to them as weird and special

 If you think there is more appropriate terminology, feel free to
 change it. The documentation site is a wiki.

I'd rather let it stand.  It reflects the attitude of the author and
seems to have the support of at two posters here.


[jQuery] Re: inline script html vs xhtml

2009-05-27 Thread RobG

On May 27, 10:31 pm, dhoover dh.ferm...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am a bit perplexed at why a simple bit of code I have is firing in
 HTML but not in the equivalent XHTML.

Because it is extremely likely that your XHTML markup is being treated
as HTML, in which case...

 And here is the XHTML file (that does not work as expected):

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN
 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en
 titleText Demo/title
 meta http-equiv=Content-type content=text/html;charset=UTF-8 /
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=stylesheets/default.css /

 script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js /

is invalid markup.  If you are loading the file locally, some browsers
will use the DOCTYPE or file extension to determine if the markup as
XHTML.  However, the vast majority of web servers are configured to
serve text/html as the content type in the response header.  That
overrides the DOCTYPE.


[jQuery] Re: input field name include . jquery cann't parse

2009-05-26 Thread RobG

On May 27, 6:21 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 So if you had:

 input type=text id=user.name /

 how would you apply a style to that?

Using a class or a selector other than the id.

 can't say:

 #user.name {

 because that would look for

 input type=text id=user class=name /

 yeah, poor choice sure is relative, but why make things more
 difficult, when a simple dash or underscore would do the same thing
 (and not cause issues with basic CSS or jQuery)

The choice is clear - the OP can simply stop using jQuery selectors
for those elements, or stop using jQuery (or any other CSS selector-
based framework) at all.  Given that it's an ID, the OP could use:


Which is likely faster anyway.

There is conflict between what is allowed as a value of the ID
attribute and what CSS can use to select elements by ID.  It remains
an issue for anyone wishing to select elements using CSS selectors,
regardless of the context.

It is also an issue with the W3C Selectors API, a specification to
which John Resig (and many others) contributed, yet there is nothing
within that specification to address the issue raised in this thread.
Clearly they don't think it's worth addressing.  The jQuery
documentation does, after all, refer to them as weird and special


[jQuery] Re: Read Pro JavaScript Techniques?

2009-05-25 Thread RobG

On May 25, 4:13 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 On May 24, 2:01 am, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:

   Still good /  applicable?

  It is not on the recommended list at the comp.lang.javascript FAQ:


 The guys at comp.lang.javascript have a very strong bias against J.
 Resig, jQuery and other JS frameworks, that's not surprising :)

Opinions on the book have been expressed in various posts, as have
opinions of jQuery and other frameworks.  They are on the public
record for those who care to read them or respond, John Resig has to
some of them.

If specific criticisms or opinions on the book are wanted, ask at clj.


[jQuery] Re: Read Pro JavaScript Techniques?

2009-05-23 Thread RobG

On May 23, 1:12 am, finneycanhelp lovefin...@gmail.com wrote:
 Have you read the book Pro JavaScript Techniques Published December


 Still good /  applicable?

It is not on the recommended list at the comp.lang.javascript FAQ:

URL: http://www.jibbering.com/faq/#books 

 (book image and links athttp://jspro.org/)

 Do you know of an active and better email list (or discussion group)
 for such general JavaScript questions?

URL: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.javascript/topics?gvc=2


[jQuery] Re: Rollover Effects instead of alternate images

2009-05-22 Thread RobG

On May 22, 2:43 pm, dnagir dna...@gmail.com wrote:

 Just wondering if there's some effect in JQ that we can use to
 simulate rollover.

It doesn't require any javascript at all.

 Usually when user hovers a mouse over a link/image it changes its src/
 background to another one (for example arrow.png - arrow_o.png).

Modern rollovers use a single image, not multiple images (you can use
a single image for all rollovers if you want).

 So users feels like it is highlighted or similar.

 But we always must have 2 images (similar ones).

No, you don't.

  Maybe there's some
 effect that can simulate this highligting/hover for user so we don't
 need to have 2 images.

Google CSS rollovers - no script required.

 I understand it will never be as good as alternative image, but still.

Good is subjective, but most believe that CSS rollovers are
significantly better than script-driven rollovers.


[jQuery] Re: What happen with jQuery? Is it slow?

2009-05-22 Thread RobG

On May 23, 6:48 am, Josh Powell seas...@gmail.com wrote:
 Also, many of the jQuery examples are poorly constructed,

Depending on your point of view.

 take the
 'table' instance:

 for (var i = 0; i  40; i++) {
         $(table class='madetable'/table).appendTo(body).html

 return $(tr td).length;

 This should be:
 var theTables = '';
 for (var i = 0; i  40; i++) {
     theTables += 'table class=madetabletrtdbefore/

 return $('tr td').length;

 and there are even quicker methods using array.join can speed it up
 for example

The point of the tests is to test the speed *of the library*, not to
write optimised code for a particular task.  Adding 40 tables one at a
time does that, adding them all in one go doesn't, it's effectively
the same as adding one table.


[jQuery] Re: traverse complete DOM of a webpage

2009-05-20 Thread RobG

On May 20, 8:35 pm, Sourabh sourabhmkulka...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am new to jQuery.I have a problem where I want to traverse through
 DOM.For example a complete webpage.Is there any jQuery way to traverse
 complete DOM of the current page where the jQuery script resides ?

Traversing the DOM is trivial, using recursion it requires perhaps 4
lines of plain javascript.  What do you actually want to do?

script type=text/javascript

 function domWalk(node) {
   node = node || document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];
   // do something with node
   console.log(node.nodeName + ':' + node.nodeType);
   if (node.childNodes) {
 for (var i=0, len=node.childNodes.length; ilen; i++) {

window.onload = function(){domWalk()};



[jQuery] Re: A better way of writing this code?

2009-05-15 Thread RobG

On May 15, 5:22 pm, Karthikraj karthik271...@gmail.com wrote:
 But CSS :hover will not work in IE6. So better use script

Rubbish.  The OP wants to use it on an A element, which
supports :hover in probably every browser since Navigator and IE 4, if
not older.


[jQuery] Re: A better way of writing this code?

2009-05-14 Thread RobG

On May 15, 11:35 am, Calvin cstephe...@gmail.com wrote:

   I was able to get this script to work and was wondering if there was
 a better/proper/more efficient way of writing it. Here is the script:

   $(document).ready(function() {
       $('li.a').hover(function() {
     $('li.a').mouseLeave(function() {

Use the CSS a:hover pseudo-class and set your style rules there, no
script required.

  li a:hover {
/* insert rules */

URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/selector.html#x32 


[jQuery] Re: jQuery too slow on IE!!!

2009-05-12 Thread RobG

On May 12, 10:42 pm, Chandan learningbychan...@gmail.com wrote:

 I recently started using jQuery, thinking that it is FASTER than usual
 javascript, but i found it is too slow when used with IE. I am using
 IE 6/7.

jQuery is written in javascript, therefore it is unlikely that any
jQuery function is faster than an equivalent plain old javascript
(POJS) function.

Some code snippets using jQuery are very much slower than their POJS
equivalent, though the jQuery code itself might require fewer
characters to type.  It trades off saving a few minutes of writing
code for a lifetime of slower performance (where lifetime is the life
of the code).


[jQuery] Re: val ( ) prefers labels over values?

2009-05-07 Thread RobG

On May 8, 10:52 am, Marv mcslay...@gmail.com wrote:
 You may be morally correct

And technically correct.

 but the label attribute of the option tag
 is not widely supported:



[jQuery] Re: val ( ) prefers labels over values?

2009-05-07 Thread RobG

On May 7, 9:42 am, Michael B.  Williams mbw...@gmail.com wrote:
 Consider the following select box:

 select id=test
 option value=/option
 option label=XS value=1XS/option
 option label=S value=2S/option
 option label=M value=3M/option
 option label=L value=4L/option
 option label=XL value=5XL/option
 option label=0 value=60/option
 option label=1 value=71/option
 option label=2 value=82/option
 option label=3 value=93/option
 option label=4 value=104/option
 option label=5 value=115/option
 option label=6 value=126/option
 option label=7 value=137/option
 option label=8 value=148/option
 option label=9 value=159/option
 option label=10 value=1610/option
 option label=11 value=1711/option
 option label=12 value=1812/option

 If I do a $(#test).val(2) on this I would hope it would select S,
 but instead it selects 2. Why is this setting the value of the
 select box based on the label rather than based on the value

It isn't, it is selecting the option with text 2, which just happens
to be the one with a label of 2.

jQuery works backward through the set of options to find the first
with either a text or value property equal to the supplied value and
sets the first that it finds to selected.  That's a pretty crappy
algorithm,  a sensible method would be to first check all options for
a matching value, then for matching text, and check from the first
option onward, not backwards.


[jQuery] Re: val ( ) prefers labels over values?

2009-05-07 Thread RobG

On May 8, 12:20 pm, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:
 On May 7, 9:42 am, Michael B.  Williams mbw...@gmail.com wrote:

  Consider the following select box:

  select id=test
  option value=/option
  option label=XS value=1XS/option
  option label=S value=2S/option
  option label=M value=3M/option
  option label=L value=4L/option
  option label=XL value=5XL/option
  option label=0 value=60/option
  option label=1 value=71/option
  option label=2 value=82/option
  option label=3 value=93/option
  option label=4 value=104/option
  option label=5 value=115/option
  option label=6 value=126/option
  option label=7 value=137/option
  option label=8 value=148/option
  option label=9 value=159/option
  option label=10 value=1610/option
  option label=11 value=1711/option
  option label=12 value=1812/option

  If I do a $(#test).val(2) on this I would hope it would select S,
  but instead it selects 2. Why is this setting the value of the
  select box based on the label rather than based on the value

 It isn't, it is selecting the option with text 2, which just happens
 to be the one with a label of 2.

 jQuery works backward through the set of options to find the first
 with either a text or value property equal to the supplied value and
 sets the first that it finds to selected.

That isn't correct (dumb error reading makeArray), it goes through
them in order, but leaves the last option with a matching value or
text as selected.


[jQuery] Re: Resetting the reset button

2009-05-06 Thread RobG

On May 1, 1:49 am, russellneufeld russellneuf...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

   I've got a set of forms which all act the same way - the form submit
 is handled by the jQuery form plugin which redirects the output to a
 div on the page.  That means that when the user hits submit, the page
 in the browser doesn't change.  The success or failure of the form
 submit is displayed on the existing page.

   The pages all have a submit and a reset button.  The issue is
 that the reset button holds the state of the form when the page was
 originally sent to the browser.

Only if you do that yourself, normally the reset button effectively
does nothing more than call the reset method of the form.

 That means that after someone changes
 the form and submits it successfully, the reset button returns the
 form to the previous state when the page was originally sent to the
 browser.  But that state doesn't really reflect the current state of
 the form variables (as held on the server) since an update has been

Form controls have either a defaultValue, defaultChecked or
defaultSelected property, depending on the type of element, that holds
the default value of the control.  When the form is reset, the
control's value is reset to the relevant default.

   My question is this - is there a way to update the reset button so
 that it resets the form to a new state, one that might have changed
 since the browser originally rendered the page?

Change the default[Value|Checked|Selected] property to whatever you
want, then the reset button will reset to that value.

URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-HTML/html.html#ID-26091157 
URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-HTML/html.html#ID-37770574 


[jQuery] Re: Performance of parent child selector vs .children() method

2009-05-06 Thread RobG

On May 7, 11:54 am, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 On May 6, 10:23 am, Adam flynn...@gmail.com wrote:

  Essentially, I'd like to know if there is any difference between

  $(div.grandparent  div.parent  div.child)



  Does anyone know which of these is more performant or preferred when
  selecting child nodes?


 Best answer is a test:


 The overhead of multiple returns and function calls when using children
 () makes quite a difference.

The overhead of such queries is even more significant if plain old
javascript (POJS) is also considered.  That test page shows the CSS
selector takes half the time of children(), but a POJS vesion takes
between 1/3 and 1/5 the time of the selector.

If performance matters, POJS wins.


[jQuery] Re: Disable input button, using wrong HTML code?

2009-05-06 Thread RobG

On May 7, 12:46 am, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) jonat...@tnt.be
 Stephen Korecky wrote:
  I tried that too, has same results...

  On May 6, 9:35 am, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) jonat...@tnt.be
  stephen wrote:
  I created a test page 
  But basically the problem is that $(#button).attr(disabled,true);
  should disable a input button, and it does, HOWEVER it outputs
  disabled= when it should output disabled=disabled anyone know how
  to fix this?
  Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

 If you're talking about what you see in Firebug:
 this just shows Gecko's internal DOM tree, which isn't necessarily the
 same as how the w3c would like it to be. If you change your html to be
 input  disabled=disabled /, you'll see that firebug will drop
 the value too.

 Most browsers just ignore the value of disabled and just look at the
 existence of the attribute

Probably because that is what the HTML specification tells them to
do. :-)

The OP has an XHTML doctype, but is serving the document as text/
html.  The document is treated as HTML, any attempt to set a value for
the disabled attribute is ignored as junk.  The presence of the
attribute is sufficient to disable the element.

The document isn't valid XHTML anyway:


 (which you'll have to keep in mind when you
 use jquery to reenable the button, you'll need to remove the attribute,
 not just set it to false). the 'correct' way is disabled=disabled, though.

Correct if that is being done in XHMLT markup, but not through DOM.
If setAttribute could be relied upon, and you were in fact dealing
with an XML document, the correct way would be:

  element.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');

However, setAttribute is broken in some browsers and therefore should
be avoided in HTML documents.  The simplest, cross-browser way is to
set the DOM property to true or false.


[jQuery] Re: Simple next/prev controls for select

2009-04-29 Thread RobG

On Apr 29, 6:56 am, René renefourn...@gmail.com wrote:

 select id=selector
 option value=0 selected=selectedBoth/option
 option value=1Red/option
 option value=2Blue/option
 option value=3Green/option

 a id=prevPrev/a
 a id=nextNext/a

 Just wondering if someone has figured a simple jQuery function for
 moving through the a select list (using the above type of controls).
 The idea is that the Prev anchor would disappear if the first option
 is selected, and that the Next ancor would disappear if/when the last
 option is selected.

Why hide the controls?  If the last option is selected and the user
clicks Next, make the first selected and vice versa:

script type=text/javascript
function prevNextOption(e) {
  var b = e? e.target : window.event.srcElement,
  sel = document.getElementById('sel0'),
  len = sel.length,
  n = (b.value == 'Next')? len + 1 : len - 1;
  sel.selectedIndex = (sel.selectedIndex  + n) % len;

window.onload = function() {
  document.getElementById('inp0').onclick = prevNextOption;
  document.getElementById('inp1').onclick = prevNextOption;
select id=sel0
  option selectedone
input type=button value=Previous id=inp0
input type=button value=Next id=inp1


[jQuery] Re: How to get file name

2009-04-28 Thread RobG

On Apr 28, 6:36 pm, David .Wu chan1...@gmail.com wrote:
 img src=images/xxx.gif

 $('img').attr('src') - This will get images/xxx.gif
 How to get xxx.gif by jQuery?

  img.src.replace(/.*\//, ''));


[jQuery] Re: How to select one of the many forms i have

2009-04-27 Thread RobG

On Apr 25, 6:09 am, funkyasl amritas...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm a jquery newbie. I've been searching around the web a lot, but
 could not find an answer.

 My page has multiple forms (forma, formb, formc, etc). I want to
 select one particular form, say formb, without assigning an id to it,
 just by its name itself. How can i achieve this?
 I've tried:
 but it doesnt work.

You may be thinking of:

  var form = document.forms['formb'];

where formb is the form's name.


[jQuery] Re: Get first child within an element

2009-04-24 Thread RobG

On Apr 24, 9:43 pm, dgb dgbur...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've got a reference to a TableCell and I'd like to use jQuery to get
 the first instance of an IMG tag within that TableCell, but can't
 get the syntax right, I understand how it would work if I were to
 reference the TableCell by and ID or class, but not when I have a
 direct reference to the cell, I've got:

 var tdRef = xxx;


 ... could somebody let me know what the jQuery syntax should be to get
 the first img tag within tdRef?

It is likely faster to use:

  var firstImage = tdRef.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];


[jQuery] Re: delaying an action

2009-04-20 Thread RobG

On Apr 21, 8:33 am, geocalleo gcalde...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all, I was wondering if there is a way in jQuery for me to disable
 a hover event for a few seconds and then execute it only if the mouse
 pointer is still hovering over the particular element I have set the
 hover event to.

 So the user would hover over a link and if after 2 seconds was still
 hovering over it, the hover event would then execute. Otherwise,
 nothing would happen.

Put a listener on the mouseover event and use setTimeout to call the
function.  If there's a mouseout or a mouseover on some other related
element before the event fires, cancel the timeout, otherwise let it
run.  You can also do the same for accidental mouseout events so the
cursor can go off the edge for a short time before the mouseout fires.


[jQuery] Re: Creating custom attributes in html

2009-04-17 Thread RobG

On Apr 17, 3:34 pm, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:
 OK, here is a dead basic proof of concept.  Of course it is nowhere
 near production code, but I think you can see where it's going.  I
 would wrap the entire thing in the module pattern, but I've just used
 basic globals at this stage.  My intention is to show that efficient
 DOM manipulation is possible and that access to related data isn't

 It took me about 45 minutes to write the entire thing (more than half
 of that was writing the function to generate the test data set),
 tested in Firefox 3 and IE 6 on a 3.4GHz Pentium 4, Windows XP, the
 insert runs in less than 500ms.  I'll test it on the G4 iBook for
 reference later.

Safari 4 on iBook takes around 132ms, Firefox was around 1900.

 function showData(evt) {
   var evt = evt || window.event;
   var tgt = evt.target || evt.srcElement;
   var data;
   if (tgt  tgt.tagName  tgt.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a') {
     data = dataObj[tgt.id];

// Should guard against error here
if (typeof data != 'undefined') {

     // Have data related to this element, do
     // something with it
         'Name: ' + data.name
       + '\nType: ' + data.type
       + '\nAbout: ' + data.about




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