Re: [jug-discussion] OptimalJ

2004-03-07 Thread Thomas Hicks
At 10:12 PM 3/7/2004, Dave wrote:
When I mentioned OptimalJ at a meeting a few months ago, there wasn't a 
whole lot of interest.  The product is mainly aimed at mid-size or large 
IT groups, with the kind of high prices that those groups are used to 
paying, and, presumably, corresponding savings.  When I told Bayham that 
the Tucson JUG folks didn't seem to fit in that category, he said 
something about how they can be flexible.  I didn't probe to find out what 
he meant.

Dave brings up a good point. I always seem to work for/with companies that have
very little (or NO) money to spend on software. Consequently, I've become 
much more
interested in open source or very low cost technologies, since I stand a 
chance of
actually using them someday. This means I, personally, wouldn't have much 
in presentations of software costing more than a few hundred do
others feel about this issue?

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Re: [jug-discussion] OptimalJ & Product Demo Poll

2004-03-07 Thread Dave Bilgray

I'm the guy who mentioned OptimalJ at a meeting a couple of months ago.

I've been in contact with Bill Bayham, the Arizona sales rep for Compuware 
Java products.  He's quite willing to do a presentation on OptimalJ.  He 
told me that most of it would be done by Don Vest, a Compuware systems 
engineer.  He says they've done presentations in Phoenix for the JUG and 
the Websphere user group.

If anyone on this list heard one of their presentations in Phoenix, please 
comment on whether you think it would work for the Tucson JUG.

Re length, I think we'd have to give them the 60-minute slot, if we're 
asking them to drive from Phoenix.  Don't know about freebies.  Might look 
a little strange to ask about that.  If that's what it takes to get people 
to the meeting ..

When I mentioned OptimalJ at a meeting a few months ago, there wasn't a 
whole lot of interest.  The product is mainly aimed at mid-size or large IT 
groups, with the kind of high prices that those groups are used to paying, 
and, presumably, corresponding savings.  When I told Bayham that the Tucson 
JUG folks didn't seem to fit in that category, he said something about how 
they can be flexible.  I didn't probe to find out what he meant.

If enough people are interested, I'd be glad to arrange for a presentation.

For background info, here's a Compuware page with links to several docs re 
MDA and OptimalJ.


At 09:36 AM 3/7/2004 -0700, you wrote:

On Mar 6, 2004, at 10:02 AM, Tim Colson wrote:

Some colleagues are trying out OptimalJ and this MDA thing.
I'm wondering if anybody has used this stuff?
You have any URLs?

On a similar topic...

I think someone in a meeting once said there was a sales person wanting
to give us a demo of some tools (I don't know what tool).
Actually we've had a few offers recently.

Personally, I would not be interested in a 60 min commercial product
demo... but a quick 15 min demo could be worth the time.
I figure it takes about that much time to download/install a demo app,
and longer to get a quick feel if the thing is useful or not. 15 min
professional demo can help me make a quick "explore further or forget
it" decision.
And if the company doing the demo would bring a few freebies
(shirts/pens/licenses) than I'd certainly be on board. :-)
Personally I'm the opposite. I like a longer demo, if warranted, but I say 
this with certain caveats:
1) It should not be a 60 minute marketing drivel demo
2) Someone technical better be there either to assist with questions or 
actually doing the preso
3) If its a tool with a unique service explain why I should spend x number 
of dollars on it, if it competes with Open Source they better know their 
competition and why they are better.

For fun - I put together a one-question poll so we can find out what the
group thinks on this, please try it out! :-)
I voted! But I can't see the "Other" comments. Any way to do this?


P.S. Anybody know of any GOOD open source JAVA based POLL and SURVEY
tools (perhaps ones that use JFreeChart for results) ??
I looked, didn't find much. Just one servlet that looked kinda ehhh.
I plan on making this part of my Community Tools (now named Caelum 
Community Publishing System), I'm not sure which parts will be open and 
which will be closed.


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Re: [jug-discussion] OGNL presentation on Tuesday

2004-03-07 Thread Drew Davidson
Thomas Hicks wrote:

Just reading over the list, it seems like you must do everything
in the Language Features section (and especially what this thing is
used for, why, the tradeoffs, and comparisons to competitors, etc.).
In many ways the language section stuff segues into the API stuff 
because each language feature has a corresponding extension API.

I think that an introductory start might work best on this and let the 
presentation flow to the level of discussion.  If people want to know 
the gory details then so be it.

Then, it seems like the API section must be crucial to
actually using it, yes?
Not always.  There are users of OGNL who have no interest in the API - 
Tapestry, WebWork, etc.  They just see it as a language.  So the API 
stuff is for the hardcore developers who want to extends the 
functionality.  The most interest I've seen is with the TypeConverter 
and PropertyAccessor stuff because they usually reap the most benefits.

I'm not sure from this list whether OGNL 3 exists or is just a roadmap.
If it exists, a bit on it would also be interesting, plus
some overview/status/blurb on WebOGNL. (I downloaded the user manual
on that one but it was still mostly blank sections).
OGNL 3 exists, but is not yet available.  I'm at the point where I like 
the API and am ready to publish the first version for public review.  
There are just a couple of issues to be ironed out.

IMHO, you can ditch the web site stuff.
I should have delimitted that section with some smileys or something.  
It was a joke for anyone who has visited my site and had their eyeballs 
burn in their skull.  :-)

- Drew

< Drew Davidson | OGNL Technology >
< Professional Open Source>
|  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
|Web:   /
|Vox: (520) 531-1966   <
|Fax: (520) 531-1965\
| Mobile: (520) 405-2967 \

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RE: [jug-discussion] OptimalJ & Product Demo Poll

2004-03-07 Thread Tim Colson
> I just votedit seemed to allow me to select a time AND an Other,
> which is kinda cool because I wanted to use the "Other" to elaborate
> on my choice. Is that the way it's supposed to work, though?

Yep. I made it so folks can check all the ones that may apply. 

For instance, I personally checked 15 min, but would be open to longer
if the presenter brought food. 


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RE: [jug-discussion] OptimalJ & Product Demo Poll

2004-03-07 Thread Thomas Hicks
I just votedit seemed to allow me to select a time AND an Other,
which is kinda cool because I wanted to use the "Other" to elaborate
on my choice. Is that the way it's supposed to work, though?
ci vidiamo,
At 05:09 PM 3/7/2004, Tim wrote:

So far, only 4 folks have responded, but I'm hoping everyone who wants
to will vote before the meeting so I can announce the results then.
Voice your opinion, be heard! :-)

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Re: [jug-discussion] OGNL presentation on Tuesday

2004-03-07 Thread Thomas Hicks
At 04:45 PM 3/7/2004, you wrote:

As you know I'm going to present on OGNL next Tuesday at the JUG 
meeting.  I was planning on doing this talk in April so I haven't given a 
lot of thought as to what people would be interested in hearing about OGNL.

OGNL is a very rich framework and there are several aspects to it that 
would be of interest, depending on the amount you already know about it.

Here are some possible outlines of interest:
Just reading over the list, it seems like you must do everything
in the Language Features section (and especially what this thing is
used for, why, the tradeoffs, and comparisons to competitors, etc.).
Then, it seems like the API section must be crucial to
actually using it, yes?
I'm not sure from this list whether OGNL 3 exists or is just a roadmap.
If it exists, a bit on it would also be interesting, plus
some overview/status/blurb on WebOGNL. (I downloaded the user manual
on that one but it was still mostly blank sections).
IMHO, you can ditch the web site stuff.
just my $.02,

   * OGNL language features
   - it's a binding language, not a mere expression language.
let's get that straight right off the bat.
   - what OGNL does for you that other expression languages also do
   - what OGNL does for you that other expression languages do not
   - property navigation
 + what's a property?
 + what's a "navigation chain"?
   - index access (including the OGNL "object indexed" properties) 
applied to properties
 + how objects are index accessible
   - numeric types
   - collection manipulation
+ indexed access (plus dynamic subscripts)
+ projection
+ selection
   - lambda expressions
   - who is using OGNL?
 + Tapestry web application framework
 + WebWork web application framework
 + WebOGNL web application framework
 + JSP 2.0 EL replacement
 + Plug-in for BSF allows everyone to use OGNL
 + Many other silent users
 + If anyone knows of a use of OGNL other than these?  I'd 
like to know!

  - OgnlContext: the center of attention
  - Set vs. get for expressions
  - OGNL extension API
  + PropertyAccessor (accessing named properties)
  + ElementsAccessor (getting iterations of objects)
  + MethodAccessor (calling instance & static methods)
  + NullHandler (handling null results from property gets and 
method calls)
  + TypeConverter (converting between different types)
  + MemberAccess (for lowering protection on normally 
inaccessible private, protected and package protected methods, fields, etc.)

   * OGNL 3
 - same OGNL language
 - totally rewritten, cleaner API
+ parser gets it's own package
+ implementations of extensions API now has it's own package
+ org.ognl.el package defines only 2 classes, the rest are 
+ clearly delineated lines of responsiblity between 
Expression implementors (parse tree), Environment, ExecutionEnvironment 
and Extensions.
+ type conversion is now integral to all aspects of 
expression evaluation
 - new package names: org.ognl.el, org.ognl.el.parser, 
org.ognl.el.extensions and org.ognl.util
 - environment interface for registering extensions
 - exposed execution context interface (was OgnlContext, but the 
API only showed it as a Map)
+ DefaultExecutionContext implements ExecutionContext to 
provide an all-in-one parser, registry and execution context suitable for 
simple expression executions
+ DelegatedExecutionContext delegates to a shared environment 
so that registry, runtime reflection cache, etc. are shared
 - parse tree now has better structure and clearly defined role
 - exposed Expression class encapsulates parse tree for syntax 
+ defines hierarchy
+ exposes Visitor interface for walking expressions
+ exposes "get" and "set" operations
+ exposes static syntax analysis methods: isConstant, 
isSimpleProperty, isSimpleNavigationChain
 - caching (reflection information, etc.) is more manageable 
through pluggable Reflector class
 - almost everything is pluggable; most of the classe
 - TypeConverter subsumes NullHandler and now has more robust 
ability to handle any conversion
 - all extensions except ClassResolver is now associatable with a 
class to facilitate fine-grained customization
 - I thought you were a web developer so why does 
use frames you moron?  are you still living in 1997?
 - replace frames on the OGNL website: why Drew is so lazy
 - getting rid of that awful late-90s-beveled purple look on
 - at least the lic

Re: [jug-discussion] OGNL presentation on Tuesday

2004-03-07 Thread Drew Davidson
Erik Hatcher wrote:

On Mar 7, 2004, at 6:58 PM, Tim Colson wrote:

Also curious about :
 + TypeConverter (converting between different types)

I really wish I could be there for Drew's presentation... I'm sure 
there are parts of OGNL that I'm clueless on but would come in quite 
handy.  I've toyed with TypeConverter a fair bit... it is like the 
BeanUtils Converter capabilities, except more powerful.  It sits in 
between an expression and the corresponding setter and morphs types if 
If you fly in I'll buy you dinner :-)

And this might be completely off topic... not sure... but how are OGNL
expressions used in a Tapestry template?

It's actually trivial.  Since most folks are familiar with Struts, it 
is like the property path expressions you use on the  tags.  
Except on steroids.  If your page exposes a Customer object named 
customer, you would use this to display the customers name:


You could use that exact same expression on a text field:

And it binds in both directions to pre-populate the text box for 
rendering, and to set the customer name property on form submission.

The "ognl:" prefix is only needed when doing the implicit syntax in 
the HTML templates.  The @Insert and @TextField can be moved to the 
specification file and the expressions done separately also.  I'm just 
showing the lazy (more fun) way - but being more rigorous with the 
separation has great merit too.

Excellent summary.  My explanation pales in comparison.

- Drew

< Drew Davidson | OGNL Technology >
< Professional Open Source>
|  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
|Web:   /
|Vox: (520) 531-1966   <
|Fax: (520) 531-1965\
| Mobile: (520) 405-2967 \

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Re: [jug-discussion] OGNL presentation on Tuesday

2004-03-07 Thread Drew Davidson
Tim Colson wrote:

- I thought you were a web developer so why does 
use frames you moron?  are you still living in 1997?
- replace frames on the OGNL website: why Drew is so lazy

LOL. :-)

John Mitchell has flogged me about this mercilessly (deservedly).  I'm 
just trying to head off further scorn by attacking myself :-)

The first bits sound the juiciest to me...

   * OGNL language features
   - it's a binding language, not a mere expression language.  let's get that straight right off the bat.
   - what OGNL does for you that other expression languages also do
   - what OGNL does for you that other expression languages do not
   - property navigation
 + what's a property?
 + what's a "navigation chain"?
   - index access (including the OGNL "object indexed" properties) 
applied to properties
 + how objects are index accessible
   - numeric types
   - collection manipulation
+ indexed access (plus dynamic subscripts)
+ projection
+ selection
   - lambda expressions

Ok, I'll add that to my internal tally of votes (voting results so far: 
OGNL Language talk: 1 vote, all others: 0)

Also curious about :
+ TypeConverter (converting between different types)

The TypeConverter is very useful in OGNL 2.x, it becomes very much more 
so in OGNL 3.  In OGNL 2.x the TypeConverter is basically contextless - 
you really don't get a whole lot of information about what value is 
being converted for what purpose, just a value and a type to convert 
to.  Useful, but in limited circumstances.  The OGNL 3 TypeConverter 
takes over the role of the NullHandler also and allows you to perform 
conversions and null substitutions when types are not compatible.  The 
function that TypeConverter performs is basically as a dual-purpose 
casting and null-substitution mechanism.  The new TypeConverter also 
gets much more context about the nature of the conversion (method 
argument, method result, property, constuctor, array constructor) so you 
can fine-tune how things are converted and null-substituted to your 
heart's desire.

And this might be completely off topic... not sure... but how are OGNL
expressions used in a Tapestry template?

I'm sure that The Hatchet will respond to this as he is now a Tapestry 
Demigod :-) but I'll give it a shot.

Tapestry uses OGNL expressions the way they were meant to be used: as 
binding expressions.  Values are settable and gettable so that you can 
use a single expression to extract a value from a root object then also 
set the value into that object.

The templates have a specification attached to the HTML that declares 
which variables, paramters, etc. are present for the different elements 
on the page.  These parameters and variables can be read from and 
written to using OGNL.  So if you have an incoming request parameter, 
for example, and you want to bind it to an object through an expression 
you can just state the path to the variable's value and OGNL will take 
care of converting the value from a String (which all parameters are) or 
String[] into the right type, dynamically for the expression.

Parameters between components are likewise coded and converted - 
Tapestry has the idea of a component, which may have parameters (similar 
to a method call).  The parameters are specified as being input only 
(meaning that they are sent to the called component only) or they can be 
synchronized (which means that the value is given to the component, the 
component does its thing, then the value is rewritten back to the caller 
with a (possibly different) value.  Thus the same expression can be used 
in multiple scenarios.

That's the Mr. Magoo version, of course, since I'm not a Tapestry Ghod 
yet.  I am a WebOGNL god, wanna talk about how OGNL is used in that? :-)

- Drew

< Drew Davidson | OGNL Technology >
< Professional Open Source>
|  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
|Web:   /
|Vox: (520) 531-1966   <
|Fax: (520) 531-1965\
| Mobile: (520) 405-2967 \

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Re: [jug-discussion] OGNL presentation on Tuesday

2004-03-07 Thread Erik Hatcher
On Mar 7, 2004, at 6:58 PM, Tim Colson wrote:
Also curious about :
 + TypeConverter (converting between different types)
I really wish I could be there for Drew's presentation... I'm sure 
there are parts of OGNL that I'm clueless on but would come in quite 
handy.  I've toyed with TypeConverter a fair bit... it is like the 
BeanUtils Converter capabilities, except more powerful.  It sits in 
between an expression and the corresponding setter and morphs types if 

And this might be completely off topic... not sure... but how are OGNL
expressions used in a Tapestry template?
It's actually trivial.  Since most folks are familiar with Struts, it 
is like the property path expressions you use on the  tags.  
Except on steroids.  If your page exposes a Customer object named 
customer, you would use this to display the customers name:

You could use that exact same expression on a text field:


And it binds in both directions to pre-populate the text box for 
rendering, and to set the customer name property on form submission.

The "ognl:" prefix is only needed when doing the implicit syntax in the 
HTML templates.  The @Insert and @TextField can be moved to the 
specification file and the expressions done separately also.  I'm just 
showing the lazy (more fun) way - but being more rigorous with the 
separation has great merit too.


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RE: [jug-discussion] OptimalJ & Product Demo Poll

2004-03-07 Thread Tim Colson
> You have any URLs?

I haven't read any of these - but they are from the an MDA wiki page a
colleague setup internally:
OMG MDA site
MDA Productivity Analysis (PDF) from The Middleware Company: case study
of using MDA to rewrite the PetStore app.

Warner wrote:
> Personally I'm the opposite. I like a longer demo, if warranted,
I like to hedge my bets and cut losses quickly. Most demos aren't that
great, so after 15 min, I'd like to be able to cut them loose, or invite
them to keep talking if there is obvious interest. :-)

> I voted! But I can't see the "Other" comments. Any way to do this?
Cool! The 'freebie' version has limited options. I "own" the poll and
can see the 'other comments' w/ a report UI. I will post all results to
the list after the poll is over. 

So far, only 4 folks have responded, but I'm hoping everyone who wants
to will vote before the meeting so I can announce the results then. 

Voice your opinion, be heard! :-)


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RE: [jug-discussion] OGNL presentation on Tuesday

2004-03-07 Thread Tim Colson
> - I thought you were a web developer so why does 
> use frames you moron?  are you still living in 1997?
> - replace frames on the OGNL website: why Drew is so lazy

LOL. :-)

The first bits sound the juiciest to me...

* OGNL language features
- it's a binding language, not a mere expression language.  
let's get that straight right off the bat.
- what OGNL does for you that other expression languages also do
- what OGNL does for you that other expression languages do not
- property navigation
  + what's a property?
  + what's a "navigation chain"?
- index access (including the OGNL "object indexed" properties) 
applied to properties
  + how objects are index accessible
- numeric types
- collection manipulation
 + indexed access (plus dynamic subscripts)
 + projection
 + selection
- lambda expressions

Also curious about :
 + TypeConverter (converting between different types)

And this might be completely off topic... not sure... but how are OGNL
expressions used in a Tapestry template?


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[jug-discussion] OGNL presentation on Tuesday

2004-03-07 Thread Drew Davidson

As you know I'm going to present on OGNL next Tuesday at the JUG 
meeting.  I was planning on doing this talk in April so I haven't given 
a lot of thought as to what people would be interested in hearing about 

OGNL is a very rich framework and there are several aspects to it that 
would be of interest, depending on the amount you already know about it.

Here are some possible outlines of interest:

   * OGNL language features
   - it's a binding language, not a mere expression language.  
let's get that straight right off the bat.
   - what OGNL does for you that other expression languages also do
   - what OGNL does for you that other expression languages do not
   - property navigation
 + what's a property?
 + what's a "navigation chain"?
   - index access (including the OGNL "object indexed" properties) 
applied to properties
 + how objects are index accessible
   - numeric types
   - collection manipulation
+ indexed access (plus dynamic subscripts)
+ projection
+ selection
   - lambda expressions
   - who is using OGNL?
 + Tapestry web application framework
 + WebWork web application framework
 + WebOGNL web application framework
 + JSP 2.0 EL replacement
 + Plug-in for BSF allows everyone to use OGNL
 + Many other silent users
 + If anyone knows of a use of OGNL other than these?  I'd 
like to know!

  - OgnlContext: the center of attention
  - Set vs. get for expressions
  - OGNL extension API
  + PropertyAccessor (accessing named properties)
  + ElementsAccessor (getting iterations of objects)
  + MethodAccessor (calling instance & static methods)
  + NullHandler (handling null results from property gets and 
method calls)
  + TypeConverter (converting between different types)
  + MemberAccess (for lowering protection on normally 
inaccessible private, protected and package protected methods, fields, etc.)

   * OGNL 3
 - same OGNL language
 - totally rewritten, cleaner API
+ parser gets it's own package
+ implementations of extensions API now has it's own package
+ org.ognl.el package defines only 2 classes, the rest are 
+ clearly delineated lines of responsiblity between 
Expression implementors (parse tree), Environment, ExecutionEnvironment 
and Extensions.
+ type conversion is now integral to all aspects of 
expression evaluation
 - new package names: org.ognl.el, org.ognl.el.parser, 
org.ognl.el.extensions and org.ognl.util
 - environment interface for registering extensions
 - exposed execution context interface (was OgnlContext, but 
the API only showed it as a Map)
+ DefaultExecutionContext implements ExecutionContext to 
provide an all-in-one parser, registry and execution context suitable 
for simple expression executions
+ DelegatedExecutionContext delegates to a shared 
environment so that registry, runtime reflection cache, etc. are shared
 - parse tree now has better structure and clearly defined role
 - exposed Expression class encapsulates parse tree for syntax 
+ defines hierarchy
+ exposes Visitor interface for walking expressions
+ exposes "get" and "set" operations
+ exposes static syntax analysis methods: isConstant, 
isSimpleProperty, isSimpleNavigationChain
 - caching (reflection information, etc.) is more manageable 
through pluggable Reflector class
 - almost everything is pluggable; most of the classe
 - TypeConverter subsumes NullHandler and now has more robust 
ability to handle any conversion
 - all extensions except ClassResolver is now associatable with 
a class to facilitate fine-grained customization
 - I thought you were a web developer so why does 
use frames you moron?  are you still living in 1997?
 - replace frames on the OGNL website: why Drew is so lazy
 - getting rid of that awful late-90s-beveled purple look on
 - at least the license plates link to the OGNL and WebOGNL license

These are just some suggestions.  Feel free to let me know what you 
think would be interesting for me to talk about.

- Drew

< Drew Davidson | OGNL Technology >
< Professional Open Source>
|  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
|Web:   /
|Vox: (520) 531-1966   <
|Fax: (520) 531-1965\
| Mobile: (520) 405-2967 \

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Re: [jug-discussion] OptimalJ & Product Demo Poll

2004-03-07 Thread Warner Onstine
On Mar 6, 2004, at 10:02 AM, Tim Colson wrote:

Some colleagues are trying out OptimalJ and this MDA thing.
I'm wondering if anybody has used this stuff?
You have any URLs?

On a similar topic...

I think someone in a meeting once said there was a sales person wanting
to give us a demo of some tools (I don't know what tool).
Actually we've had a few offers recently.

Personally, I would not be interested in a 60 min commercial product
demo... but a quick 15 min demo could be worth the time.
I figure it takes about that much time to download/install a demo app,
and longer to get a quick feel if the thing is useful or not. 15 min
professional demo can help me make a quick "explore further or forget
it" decision.
And if the company doing the demo would bring a few freebies
(shirts/pens/licenses) than I'd certainly be on board. :-)
Personally I'm the opposite. I like a longer demo, if warranted, but I 
say this with certain caveats:
1) It should not be a 60 minute marketing drivel demo
2) Someone technical better be there either to assist with questions or 
actually doing the preso
3) If its a tool with a unique service explain why I should spend x 
number of dollars on it, if it competes with Open Source they better 
know their competition and why they are better.

For fun - I put together a one-question poll so we can find out what 
group thinks on this, please try it out! :-)
I voted! But I can't see the "Other" comments. Any way to do this?


P.S. Anybody know of any GOOD open source JAVA based POLL and SURVEY
tools (perhaps ones that use JFreeChart for results) ??
I looked, didn't find much. Just one servlet that looked kinda ehhh.
I plan on making this part of my Community Tools (now named Caelum 
Community Publishing System), I'm not sure which parts will be open and 
which will be closed.


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