Libya. News.

2000-12-02 Thread heikki sipilä

Libya News and Views

Friday, 1 December, 2000: Commenting on the United Nations
Secretary-General's report about landmines, Libya's representative to the
U.N. said that it was regrettable that the report did not refer to
countries that had planted mines in the territories of other countries, and
failed to ask those countries to provide compensation. Furthermore, the
report did not distinguish between the use of mines for legitimate defence
and the irresponsible use of mines by combatant States which already
possessed a wide range of weapons. A significant number of mines had been
placed in Libyan territory during the Second World War, he said. Those
countries responsible should acknowledge their part in the killing and
maiming of Libyans and should also provide maps of landmine fields.
Compensation should also be provided for adverse developmental and
humanitarian effects. [M2]

  Friday, 1 December, 2000: Russia holds talks with Libya on the resumption
of military cooperation, Vice-Premier of the Russian government Ilya
Klebanov told journalists on Thursday. According to him, during this year
three sessions of the Russian-Libyan Commission for military cooperation
took place. At the same time, Klebanov noted, "we have expected a more
vigorous growth than it was in reality." "There is no such effectiveness in
the sphere of military cooperation, on which we counted," the vice-premier
added. Klebanov noted that a strong impetus to the development of
cooperation was given to civil projects, in particular, the construction of
a gas pipeline and a thermal power-station with Russia's participation.
"This may be more important than military cooperation," the vice-premier
pointed out. [Itar-Tass]

Friday, 1 December, 2000: Commenting on the United Nations
Secretary-General's report about landmines, Libya's representative to the U.N.
said that it was regrettable that the report did not refer to countries
that had
planted mines in the territories of other countries, and failed to ask those
countries to provide compensation. Furthermore, the report did not distinguish
between the use of mines for legitimate defence and the irresponsible use of
mines by combatant States which already possessed a wide range of weapons. A
significant number of mines had been placed in Libyan territory during the
Second World War, he said. Those countries responsible should acknowledge their
part in the killing and maiming of Libyans and should also provide maps of
landmine fields. Compensation should also be provided for adverse developmental
and humanitarian effects. [M2]

Libya to Build Five Star Hotel in Khartoum

Panafrican News Agency

December 1, 2000

Khartoum, Sudan

Libya is to build a five-star hotel at the confluence of the Blue and White
Nile in Khartoum.

The Libyan Arab Foreign Investment Company said in a statement it has
entrusted the Quality Project Management Ltd, based in Malta, with the
development of the 250-room hotel.

The project will include a conference centre, a health centre, office space
and a shopping centre spread over a total area of 45,000 square meters.

Construction work is expected to start in early 2001. The area already hosts a
number of landmark constructions, including the Khartoum Hilton.

Copyright © 2000 Panafrican News Agency. Distributed by For information about the content or for permission to
redistribute, publish or use for broadcast, contact the publisher.


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2000-12-02 Thread DHKC


The indefinite hunger strike that we started on October 20 was
into a Death Fast in Bayrampasa, Usak, Ulucanlar, Buca and Ceyhan
prisons by
November 25.
On November 25, 2000, the Justice Minister, Hikmet Sami Turk, issued the
statement that our Death Fast will not affect the "restructuring
in the prisons". In the same statement, Minister Turk said the action
reached a dangerous level, and he wanted "support" from all
democratic mass organisations and families to put an end to it.
Especially after 1980, the state tried to establish various programmes
political prisoners. The forms these programmes took were different but
all had the same aim, to make the revolutionary prisoners surrender and
extension to achieve the surrender of the people as well. But the state
could not put its plans into operation, and every time, due to the
determined resistance of the prisoners, they forced the state to take a
back. The most recent example of this was the 1996 Death Fast
This victory, in which we gave 12 martyrs, showed the whole world the
of revolutionary will. At the time of the 1996 Death Fast, the then
Minister Sevket Kazan engaged in demagogy and tried to smear our action,
this was actually the policy of the state. And today Justice Minister
Sami Turk is engaging in the same practices and implementing the same
of the state. He issued a press release on November 25 saying the Death
would have no effect on the 'F' Type prisons policy, and this was again
attempt to show determination. As happened before in 1982, 1984 and
1996, we
will again succeed, and will close down the 'F' Type prisons.
Minister Turk, in his press release, said our demands were not limited
the closure of the 'F' Type cell prisons. We declared our demands before
whole of public opinion. There is nothing secret about them. On the
contrary, our demands are very clear. Our resistance is to stop all the
attacks directed against the people. We stated this from the very first
In his press release, Minister Turk wanted families, institutions,
associations and democratic mass organisations to intervene. This shows
the most concrete manner possible how helpless he is. Our families, by
themselves going on hunger strike, gave the most appropriate response to
Minister of Justice. Since the first day we started our resistance, we
declared that until our demands are accepted, we will carry on and we
ready to pay the price. The promise we made is our honour. We will not
back on our promise. Until we win victory, our resistance will continue.
efforts of the state to break our action will have no result.
By submitting our bodies to hunger alongside our people, We Will Win


All the DHKP-C, TKP(ML) and TKIP prisoners in the prisons

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adr;quoted-printable:;;Rue Belliard=0D=0Abte 8=0D=0A1040 Brussels/ Belgium

UK: AFA on ANL/NF + West Brom by-election

2000-12-02 Thread red-rebel

 AFA Online:

 November 30 2000
 The NF picketed the Cock Tavern (near Euston station, north London) 
 on 28th November following a widely publicised Irish Republican 
 meeting a few days previously. In line with their current strategy 
 the ANL called a counter-demonstration. On the night itself 11 NF 
 were opposed by 70 anti-fascists and the whole event was controlled 
 by over 100 police. Predictably the ANL claimed it was 
 a "humiliation" for the nazis, while the NF, somewhat bizarrely, 
 reckoned they "still rule the streets". 
 The one unusual factor was the appearance of a group of anti-fascists 
 (not ANL) who succeeded in attacking the NF. AFA's position on the NF 
 is well known, but if anti-fascists do mobilise against them clearly 
 this type of activity will create the NF more problems than the 
 lollipop brigade. A number of anti-fascists were arrested and AFA 
 will support these people; having said that there are still critical 
 points to be made. The arrests were largely due to tactical 
 inexperience, and the whole episode does seem to appear as an act of 
 desperation - a desire to be seen as more militant than the ANL, but 
 still within the wrong arena. In other words the cutting edge against 
 fascism today is the ability to confront the political progress of 
 the BNP in working class communities, rather than physically oppose 
 the NF.
 The fact that underlines this analysis is that only 11 NF were 
 present. Compare this to the 80,000 votes the BNP received in the GLA 
 election, or the 80% who resent the presence of refugees (in a recent 
 MORI poll), and you start to see the big picture. So while AFA can 
 identify with the actions of the militants at the Cock Tavern there 
 needs to be more, much more.
 One of the main problems for anti-fascists is the lack of opportunity 
 to discuss the different strategies on offer. AFA tried to initiate 
 discussion at this year's October Rally but the Left boycotted the 
 event. In contrast their has been some discussion on one of the left-
 wing discussion sites on the internet (UK Left Network), even 
 involving members of the SWP/ANL. Although there has been 
 some 'silliness', others have suggested the need for unity among anti-
 fascists and have voiced criticisms of the ANL's links with the pro-
 State Searchlight operation. AFA would welcome a development of this 
 discussion because an understanding of the role of anti-fascism at 
 the present time gets to the very heart of the problem - the battle 
 for working class hearts and minds. 
November 27 2000

West Bromwich West by-election
Although BNP leader Nick Griffin's vote (4.21%) in the West Bromwich 
West by-election would be disappointing for the BNP, the ANL's 
comparison with the 1997 General Election vote was misleading. The 
National Democrats got 11.39% because all the major parties 
(traditionally) didn't stand against the speaker of the House of 
Commons (the MP Betty Boothroyd).
It appears that Griffin's recent problems with the Edwards' and other 
activists in the Black Country played a significant part in the low 
vote because the 'locals' were reluctant to canvass for Griffin. 
Despite the setback for the BNP, anti-fascists must not believe any 
simplistic propaganda that the Far Right can be dismissed. The 
political vacuum in working class areas still exists.

AFA Online:

Vietnam News Dec 2

2000-12-02 Thread heikki sipilä

Greetings on Vietnam-Cuba diplomatic ties anniversary

Vietnamese leaders have exchanged greetings with their Cuban counterparts in
honour of the 40th anniversary of Vietnam-Cuba diplomatic ties on December 2.

In their message, Vietnam Communist Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu,
State President Tran Duc Luong, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and National
Assembly Chairman Nong Duc Manh, said the establishment of the diplomatic
relations between the two countries immediately after the success of the Cuban
revolution has been an important political event, opening the comprehensive
relations between the Parties, States and people of Vietnam and Cuba.

The Vietnamese leaders noted that they were pleased at the fine development
and constant consolidation of bilateral relations over the past 40 years,
saying they had become an important factor to the success of the revolution in
each country.

"The Vietnamese Party, State and people always attach importance to the
Vietnam-Cuba traditional friendship and co-operation and will do our best to
further consolidate and strengthen the bilateral ties for the interest of both
peoples and for peace, stability, co-operation and development in Asia,
Latin-America and the world as a whole," the Vietnamese leaders emphasised.

They affirmed the Vietnamese people's consistent solidarity with and support
for the fraternal Cuban people in their heroic struggle for national
sovereignty and national construction along the socialist path under the
leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba headed by President Fidel Castro.

The Cuban leaders, including Fidel Castro Ruz, first secretary of the
Communist Party of Cuba, president of both the State Council and the
government, Ricardo Alarcon Quesada, National Assembly chairman, said over the
past four decades, the two countries' people had carried out undaunted
struggles against imperialism for national sovereignty and the right to build
a society based on the noble ideals and principles of socialism.

They took the occasion to express their thanks to the Vietnamese people and
their high appreciation of the solidarity of the Vietnamese people with the
Cuban people and pledged to continue doing their utmost to enhance closer
fraternal relations between the two countries. (VNA)

Activities mark Laos's National Day

A meeting was held in Hanoi on December 1 to mark Laos' 25th National Day
(December 2).

Present at the function were Pham The Duyet, Politburo member and President
of the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee; Nguyen
Manh Cam, Politburo member and Deputy Prime Minister; Nguyen Phu Trong,
Politburo member and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee; and Truong My
Hoa, vice chairwoman of the National Assembly.

Acting President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Associations Vu Xuan
Hong and President of the Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association Hoang Duc
Nghi were also on hand.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr Duyet stressed that Vietnam would preserve and
develop the friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive co-operation
with Laos. Vietnam would do its utmost to promote the two countries'
economic co-operation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, Mr Duyet

He also highlighted the Vietnam-Laos traditional friendship, special
solidarity and comprehensive co-operation, that was fostered by Presidents
Ho Chi Minh and Kaysone Phomvihane, have been unceasingly consolidated and
developed in recent years. The two countries have signed a number of
State-level agreements on politics, economics and security.

Also on this occasion, Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Vilayvanh Phomkhe held a
reception in Hanoi tonight.

Speaking at the reception, Ambassador Phomkhe affirmed that the
Vietnam-Laos relationship has strongly developed in recent years,
particularly in culture and economic cooperation.

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam affirmed that the Party, the
government and the people of Vietnam would do its utmost to promote
Vietnam-Laos special solidarity, contributing to peace, stability,
co-operation and development in south-east Asia and the world at large.

A celebration for the same purpose was also held in Ho Chi Minh City by the Part

Greetings to Lao leaders on their national day

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Le Kha Phieu, President
Tran Duc Luong, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and National Assembly Chairman
Nong Duc Manh on December 1, cabled their greetings to Lao leaders on their
country's 25th National Day (December 2).

The Vietnamese leaders addressed their greetings to Khamtay Siphandone,
chairman of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) and State
President; Samane Viyaketh, chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly; and
Sisavath Keobounphanh, prime minister.

They expressed sincere thanks to the Lao Party, government and people for
their valuable assistance given to the Vietnamese people, and affirmed that
the Vietnamese Party, government, 

Radio Havana Cuba-01 December 2000

2000-12-02 Thread heikki sipilä

Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 09:27:08 -0500
Subject:  Radio Havana Cuba-01 December 2000

Radio Havana Cuba-01 December 2000

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 01 December 2000











Mexico, December 1 (RHC)-- Cuban President Fidel Castro, upon his arrival in
Mexico City to attend the inauguration of President Vicente Fox, told
reporters that he was optimistic about future relations between the two
countries. The Cuban leader arrived in Mexico at 9:45 a.m., local time,
heading a delegation which includes Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez
Roque and Jose Miyar Barruecos, the Secretary of the Cuban Council of State.

In other news, it was announced that Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque --
following his stay in Mexico -- will begin an official visit to Brazil on
Monday, the 4th, and then continue on to Honduras, where he will attend a
ministerial meeting of the Association of Caribbean States. The ACS meeting
is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, December 7th and 8th, in Tegucigalpa,
the Honduran capital.


Havana, December 1 (RHC)-- The terrorist careers of Luis Posada Carriles and
three other Cuban-born criminals were examined during a special roundtable
discussion Thursday evening on Cuban radio and television. Experts on
international affairs and leading Cuban journalists participated in the live
program, dissecting the numerous terrorist activities of the four-man
commando that was arrested two weeks ago. Posada Carriles and his
accomplices were taken into custody by Panamanian authorities on November
18th when it was revealed that they were planning an assassination attempt
against Cuban President Fidel Castro while he attended the 10th
Ibero-American Summit.

Several panelists recalled that Luis Posada Carriles has been involved in
various plans to kill the leader of the Cuban Revolution over the past four
decades. Among his other terrorist exploits include running guns and drugs
in Central America, working directly with right-wing contra forces trying to
overthrow the Sandinistas in Nicaragua during the 1980s.

Participants in the roundtable discussion revealed that Posada Carriles had
traveled to Nicaragua on at least two occasions this year and that he was,
and is, close friends with high government officials. It was also noted that
reactionary Nicaraguan President Arnoldo Aleman decided not to attend the
Ibero-American Summit in Panama, without any apparent reason. Recent
investigations point to evidence that the explosives smuggled into Panama to
kill the Cuban president were actually stored in Nicaragua and taken into
Costa Rica before being transferred to Panama City. Speculation has been
raised that Aleman knew about the bombing plans, which would have perhaps
killed hundreds of people within range of the Cuban leader -- and decided to
stay as far away as possible.

Panelists pointed out that Cuba has now formally requested the extradition
of Luis Posada Carriles and the three other terrorists being held in Panama
-- reiterating that Havana does not want revenge, but simply demands


Havana, 01 December (RHC)--International AIDS Day was commemorated here in
Havana today with a multi-cultural event in which a number of people living
with HIV/AIDS gave moving testimonials interspersed with poetry and music.

The Ministry of Public Health held an information meeting in which the most
recent figures on the virus were made available to the public. Of some 3100
Cubans diagnosed with HIV since 1986, 1100 have died. Health officials state
that most of these would have survived with the drugs that are readily
available in western nations but which the US blockade prevents from
importing into Cuba. The island, nevertheless, still has the 5th lowest
infection rate in the world.

In the evening a song and dance event was scheduled in Old Havana in which
numerous well-known classical and contemporary artists will appear. The
funds raised will benefit the National Center for the Prevetion and
Education of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS.


Havana, 01 December (RHC)--Fifty Venezuelan patients accompanied by the same
number of friends and family have arrived in Cuba, where they will be
treated for a number of ailments, in accordance with an agreement recently
signed in Caracas by Havana. The accord provides 

First Reports of December Ist Actions in Russia

2000-12-02 Thread heikki sipilä

Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 11:43:29 EST
Subject: First Reports of December Ist Actions in Russia

from International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ISWoR web-site  -


Sent by ISWoR activist Graham Campbell in Moscow - 2nd December '00.

Once again the resistence of the organised working class of Russia to the
draconian proposals represented by the new KZoT or Labour code has been
demonstrated beyond any doubt.

In St Petersburg 1000 workers demonstrated
outside the regional assembly blocking the main road Voinova Street for
several hours with some minor clashes with police. Workers in
Nizhni-Novgorod factories Elektromash, MUP Wodokanakl and Red Sormovo staged
meetings and marches and were featured prominently on Moscow and local
regional television; as were protestors in Tambov where 100 workers blocked
the street forced local their Duma deputy to conduct a question and answer
session on TV about the KZoT.

Most importantly the Russia dockers union staged a five minute warning
strike at all ports at 10 am Moscow time (GMT + 3Hrs) right across Russia to
protest the anti-union measure. The FITUR-affiliated trade union for October
railway (which runs from Moscow to St Petersburg) also took part, signalling
the broad trade union support for the anti-KZoT beyond the two sponsoring
unions Zashchita (Defence or Protection) or SOTSPROF (Central Council of
Trade Unions) whose regional committees and locals took action in numerous

In Moscow - around 100 workers at the world famous ZIL automotive factory
staged a protest at the humpbacked bridge near the plant at lunchtime as
their contribution to actions across Russia against President Putin's new
Labour code (KZoT). Traffic was blocked for a hour.

Across Russia the most impressive actions were in Astrakhan led by Duma
Deputy Oleg Shein where rallies and strikes were held and are ongoing in
tens of factories for a big day of action and rally on Dec 3rd.

And in Tyumen Region where rallies were held by Sotsprof at factories in
Noyarbsk and an all out strike of educational workers, pre-school and
primary school teachers, and correctional school teachers, took place across
the region supported by the Tyumen Regional Committee fo Soviet Women, in
the Central and Lenin districts of Tyumen city and the following centres:
Baikalovsk (Tobolsk), Golismanovo, Kalinin, Lenin area, Medvedevskaya,
Yurginskaya region, Yumas village.

In the Kuzbass mining region of Siberia, workers at Anzhero-Sudzhensk once
again blocked the Trans-Siberian railway in protest.
in Kirov a meeting of the regional duma took place accomplanied by rallies
and stoppages at two factories Bio-him-zavod and Aviteck as well as school
No 16 which was suppprted by Zaschita, local student unions, teachers and
the local Congress of Women, and left groups including the RKRP, the Kirov
Marxist Group.

In Samara, a reception meeting for the two state duma deputies (one from the
liberal Yabloko party and one from the Union of Rightist Forces) became a
discussion of the KZoT which both deputies went on record in opposing!
Meanwhile in Siberia and the far east of Russia, workers from the Energomash
BOR Ltd led actrion in Primorye terroitory including the factory trade union
organisation at Vladivostok SRZ.

In Irkutsk SOTSPROF regional committee also
took part along with the sewing factory 'Patterns'; and  workers at the
Irkutsk State University scientific library. Workers at the Federal Nuclear
Centre at the formerly secret city of Arzamas-16 once again staged action
assemblies against the KZoT. Workers action also took place in Penza,
Sergiev Posad, Orenburg, Ufa, Voronezh, Bashkortorstan and Kazan

- - - - - - -

There are also other reports of serious events happening in Astrakhan. Info
as soon as possible. Or go to our website for latest.

puts out information and analysis from a wide range of sources.
If you have something you would like to distribute on Russia Info-List, or
want to help in our practical solidarity work, contact:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Box R,  46 Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8RZ, England


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Scores Killed By Colombian Death Squad

2000-12-02 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Staff and agencies
Saturday December 2, 2000
The Guardian
A rightwing death squad in Colombia killed at least 36
people in the worst massacre of civilians in three
years, the authorities said yesterday.
Nine days after the raid on the fishing town of Nueva
Venecia, on the Caribbean coast, the death toll was
still uncertain and one report indicated that as many
as 86 people may have been killed. The bullet-riddled
bodies of the missing are still turning up in swamps
around the town.
Nueva Venecia is in the heart of a fishing and
banana-producing region where communist-led rebels and
ultra-right paramilitary groups have long battled for
The bloodshed began at dawn on November 22 when gunmen
- suspected members of the United Self-Defence Forces
of Colombia (AUC), the leading paramilitary force -
began calling out the names of towns people on a "hit
list" of alleged collaborators of Marxist rebels
operating in the area.
Colombia's national human rights ombudsman, Eduardo
Cifuentes, who is expected to issue an official report
on the massacre before the weekend, said 2,000 people
had fled the town since the attack.
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2000

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2000-12-02 Thread heikki sipilä




-- Tens of thousands of Turks on Friday staged strikes and
protests against unemployment, low wages and social security cuts many
saw as the legacy of a troubled IMF-backed anti-inflation plan.

Banners and slogans attacked the government, but much of the anger
was directed against the International Monetary Fund. "IMF Get Out.
This country is ours!" ran the slogan on posters pinned to the chests of
many protesters.

The public demonstrations came as the government struggled to cope
with a financial crisis that threatened to scupper the IMF-backed plan
and with it hopes of curbing the rampant inflation, which has blighted the

The IMF on Thursday said it was sending a mission to Ankara at the
weekend to discuss an emergency loan. The stock market has fallen
over 30 percent since the start of last week and bank rates have soared.
Turkish inflation dropped to about 40 percent late this year from 60
percent before the IMF plan was implemented.

Police backed by armoured cars stood by as the demonstration, planned
before the crisis, filed into the central Kizilay district carrying banners
and chanting.

Turkish pop music blared over loudspeakers, some protesters danced
and some beat drums.

NTV private Turkish television estimated the crowd in Ankara at

Trade unions had pledged to bring the country to a halt, but the effect of
the strike call seemed relatively limited in Istanbul, the main commercial
center, and in the capital Ankara.

There were other protests in smaller cities.

One protester criticized the IMF Turkey desk chief Carlo Cottarelli,
now a familiar figure in the country.

"Yes, we're against the government. But Cottarelli's the one who is
running this country," he said.

Most protests and speeches targeted an austerity budget, saying wage
deals for health sector workers and civil servants were based on what
they called unrealistically low inflation expectations. Fears of rising
unemployment if privatizations go ahead also spurred demonstrators.

Parliament approved an expected 10 percent pay raise for civil servants
late on Friday, but the official annual inflation figure was reported at 44
percent in October.

The IMF aims to bring annual inflation down to single digits by the end
of 2002. However, government officials accept this year's targets of 20-
25 percent are not likely to be met until early next year.

Union leaders in Istanbul rallied another 30,000 protestors in the historic
Sultanahmet district.

"There is no training, no healthcare, no investment, no opportunity, no
justice in this budget," said Siyami Erdem, head of the left-leaning KESK
union of civil servants.

Egitim Sen, a schoolteacher's union, said police had arrested 383
teachers in protests throughout the country.

Earlier NTV reported 400 teachers had been arrested. Police were
unavailable for comment.

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey


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DoD Releases Strategy Report for Europe and NATO [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2000-12-02 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message - 
From: Miroslav Antic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 11:45 PM
Subject: DoD Releases Strategy Report for Europe and NATO [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


= N  E  W  S  R  E  L  E  A  S  E
= WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301

No. 718-00
December 1, 2000

Franklin D. Kramer, assistant secretary of Defense for International
Security Affairs, today announced the publication of Strengthening
Transatlantic Security: A U.S. Strategy for the 21st Century.  The report,
commonly referred to as the "European Strategy Report," explains how the
United States, working closely with its allies, can best prepare itself to
meet the challenges of European and global security in the coming years.
The report highlights the key elements of U.S. strategy, which include
enhancing the defense capabilities of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO); adapting the multiple existing international structures (and, where
necessary, creating new ones) to build security and prevent conflict; and
paying special attention to certain key regions adjacent to NATO.
To implement this strategy, the United States is enhancing NATO's
Partnership for Peace; furthering a gradual, deliberate, and transparent
process of NATO enlargement; building cooperative relationships with the
Russian Federation and Ukraine; maintaining close bilateral relationships
with our allies; and working cooperatively with allies and partners to
enhance security beyond NATO's borders.  In addition, the report describes
U.S. strategy to establish a close, cooperative, coherent and transparent
relationship between NATO and the European Union.
In the preface to the report, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen writes,
"This report is intended to offer a clear vision of U.S. policy goals in
building transatlantic cooperation as a continuing force for freedom.
Working with the Congress and our allies, we will vigorously pursue this
comprehensive agenda to strengthen our international security in the years
The report also highlights the critical and multifaceted role of the
approximately 100,000 U.S. troops in Europe in achieving U.S. security
objectives in Europe and neighboring regions.
The report is on line at a

-- News releases on the web:
-- Department of Defense home page:
-- Today in DoD:

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West Papua. Massacre begins. jc

2000-12-02 Thread heikki sipilä

subject: Znet: West Papua massacre begins. jc

As explained recently, for the month of December the ZNet
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to ZNet Sustainers, are also being sent to all ZNet Free Update
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-- If you have decided that you would like to sign up and join the
Sustainer Program to support ZNet, you can access the form to do so
as well as related information through the above link or you can jump
directly to the sign up form itself with this link:

The Massacre Starts Tomorrow
And Britain will share the blame for what's about to happen in West
Papua By George Monbiot
Also Published in the Guardian 30th November 2000

There's an odd component of globalisation, which I find myself at a
loss to explain. We are, we're assured, living in a global village,
whose people are daily brought closer together. Yet we hear ever less
about what is happening in distant parts of the world. There is less
foreign news in the papers than there has been for sixty years.
Foreign documentaries are almost extinct. Parliamentary debate about
overseas issues has all but dried up. In the midst of the
communications revolution, we are becoming strangers to each other.

So the massacres due to begin tomorrow will take almost everyone
by surprise. Indeed, there is hardly a news editor who has even heard
of the land in which they are scheduled to take place.

West Papua is the western half of the island of New Guinea, which has
been occupied since 1963 by Indonesia. Tomorrow, local people expect
the Indonesian army to launch a one-sided war, bloodier even than the
carnage in East Timor last year. The troops and militias have been
armed and trained and are awaiting orders. Only the international
community can stop them. But, though Western nations such as Britain
are up to their necks in it, they haven't the faintest intention of
seeking to prevent the Indonesian plan from going ahead.

In 1961, the 800,000 Melanesian people of West Papua were
promised independence. Holland, the colonial power, began to transfer
the administration to local people. In 1962, Indonesia invaded. The
attack failed, but John Kennedy, with Britain's backing, coerced the
Dutch into surrendering West Papua to the United Nations, on the
grounds that if the Indonesian government were not appeased it might
succumb to communism. The UN, as planned, promptly gave West Papua to
Indonesia, but on condition that within five years its people would
be granted "the right of self-determination". In the event, 1000
Papuan men were rounded up and forced to vote on pain of death for
Indonesian sovereignty.

Since then, tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of Papuans have
been tortured, mutilated and killed by Indonesian soldiers. The
government launched a eugenics programme whose purpose, according to
the former governor, was to give "birth to a new generation of people
without curly hair, sowing the seeds for greater beauty". The Papuans
have been pushed out of their lands and replaced by people from the
central islands of Indonesia, brought in by the government to pacify
the province. Its forests have been sold to logging companies, its
mountains to western mining firms. When villagers have sought to
defend their lands, they have been bombed and strafed. Now the whole
place is about to explode.

Tomorrow, the indigenous people will make a formal declaration
of independence. The Indonesian army has been waiting for months for
just such a moment. Since August, thousands of commandos and
paratroops have been flown into West Papua. British-made Hawk jets
have been overflying the province's central highlands. Their
deployment there was, according to the Financial Times, sanctioned by
Britain's Foreign Office. Militias are currently being trained by the
army outside the town of Wamena, one of the centres of Papuan
resistance. Some 12,000 firearms have been flown in, presumably for
distribution to Indonesian volunteers. Local people, by contrast, are
armed with spears and bows and arrows.

The Indonesian army has been encouraging the Papuans to rise,
planting agents provocateurs and issuing public statements suggesting
that independence ceremonies will be tolerated (all previous rituals
have been ruthlessly crushed). Here, as in East Timor, the army will
seek to unleash sufficient force to persuade the indigenous people to
abandon their hopes of self-determination.

Papuan leaders have repeatedly sought to reach a peaceful
independence settlement with the Indonesian government. But while
President Wahid seems vaguely sympathetic to their cause, vice-